Bulletin 151002

Page 1


Fear lessl y the tr uth 2 October 2015


015 307 7248


Rural ares:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS

BRICKS en al oorgebou), talle nuwe aanbouings en terreinverbeterings die groot swembad is daar ook ‘n kinderpoel vir die kleintjies, en -verfraaiing — waaronder ‘n pawiljoen wat ook nuut ge- nuwe gras is geplant en die kleedkamers en toilette is splinterbou is en sitplek aan om en by vier honderd mense bied — is nuut oorgedoen, die kiosk is nuut, daar is ‘n noodhulpkamer, teen ’n koste van ongeveer R17 miljoen ontwikkel. Musina: Benewens nuwe kantoor en ingangsportaal, nuwe tuin en dies meer. Main Road, Musina. Saturday’s Face of Tzaneng Mall 2015 was a huge success and the presenters were very happy CLAY PLASTER Tel: 015 534 0462. MAKORO INGWE BRICK SATIN BRICK with the number of beauties, young and older, who entered for the competition. The pageant (Yard) SKU: 301202 (Yard) SKU: 108901 also served as a charity drive for girls in need in rural areasBUILDING around Tzaneen. Seen here is the LOWEST PRICES ON QUALITY MATERIALS, TOOLS, PAINT & HARDWARE TRADING HOURS: Mon - Fri: 7:00 - 18:00 2 380 per 1000 Sat: 7:00 - 15:00 • Sun & Pub Hol: 8:00 - 13:00 3 680 per 1000 winner of Face of Tzaneng Mall ‘15 in the age group 16-24: Tshego Monyepao. She is flanked by two other Limpopo pageant winners, Ronel Homu and Michelle Fox. Minimum order quantities apply to direct bricks and blocks - enquire in store for details. Cement and brick prices may vary from store to store. ROOFING CEMENT TIMBER

Tzaneen se spoggerige nuwe munisipale swembad word nie meer more amptelik geopen en in gebruik geneem nie, maar eers op 16 Oktoer. Daar is nog nie lewensredders wat ten volle opgelei is, beskikbaar nie. Die nuwe swembad (die oue is totaal

Fire alert



38 x 38 • 3,6m SKU: 11136



• MDM’s brigade in a mess

SKU: Various



(per length)

Red • Black Terracotta • Brown

50 x 76 • 3,6m

7 300 per 1000

SKU: 12136


STEEL ROOF TILES Various Colours

SKU: various FROM

69.95 each

38 x 114 • 3,6m SKU: 13136

CORRUGATED IRON SHEETS Z100 ISQ 550 • 0,27mm/0,610 (per sheet)




P5 R17 • 59cm SKU: 302407


Per 2m 2 Pack



POLYSTYRENE CORNICE Per Length Classic • L80 80 x 80 x 2 000 SKU: 301186


Roman • DM602 50 x 75 x 2 000 SKU: 302112


SKU: 2277



Ceramic Floor Tile 43 x 43 • 2.404m2


Ceramic Floor Tile 43 x 43 • 2.404m2

Ceramic Wall Tile 25 x 40 • 1,7m2

The Mopani District Municipality’s fire services (in82.95 84.95 84.95 five towns in the area) are in a mess with only two qualified firemen! Only 42 of the 108 allocated posts in the MDM’s fire fighting section are filled and nobody can tell when the sixty six vacancies will be filled. What can be said is that it will take months to fi ll the vacancies. 1 GRADE 1 GRADE AURORA BEIGE Ceramic Wall Tile ROMANTIC BEIGE CREAM NANO The MDM is at oddsHARDWOOD with the SA Municipal 25 x 40 • 1.7m Porcelain Floor Tile PorcelainWorkers’ Floor Tile 60 x 60 • 1,44m 60 x 60 • 1,44m PINE F&L OB MD CONSUL CRAFT DOOR Union (Samwu) about appointing qualified fire fighting “C” GRADE ENTRANCE ELEPHANT 82.95 DOOR WOOD DOOR ELEGANCE 173.95 173.95 personnel. •Read our full report on page 3 429.95 429.95 1 499.95

Die DA se leier in Limpopo, mnr Jacques Smalle, moet R40 000 plusDOORS ‘n onbekende bedrag vir regskoste (wat waarskynlik heelwat meer as die R40 000 sal POLYURETHANE beloop) opdok, nadat CORNICE Per Length die Hooggreregshof Roman • 11038 68 x 90 x 2 400 bevind het dat hy ‘n ‘n SKU: 301187 eiendomsontwikkelaar 141.95 van Hoedspruit en dié Flower • 11006 PRINT 72 x 72 x 2 400 se direkteur belaster SKU: 301188 HARDBOARD het. HARDBOARD LeesDOOR ons volleWOOD DOOR E/E 143.95 digeSKU:berig 212 SKU:op 211 hieroor bladsy 10. 289.95 199.95


Dependable Quality From Trusted Brands Cashbuild Guarantees Lowest Prices On Cement! Check Your Local Store For Price.

SKU: 303682 Price per m 2

SKU: 303681 Price per m 2











SKU: 303684 Price per m 2





SKU: 303281 Price per m 2

SKU: 210

SKU: 201605


SKU: 302540 Price per m 2

SKU: 303685 Price per m 2

SKU: 217302

PAINT White 5 Litres





SKU: 5002

SKU: Various

SKU: Various


20 Litres

SKU: 300002


2092 WK14 WK10 • Cashbuild@Ogilvy

White 5 Litres

79.95 20 Litres SKU: 5001


Selected products may not be available in all stores

For any queries, please visit www.cashbuild.co.za or contact us on Sharecall number 0860 100 582

Various 5 Litres

124.95 20 Litres

SKU: Various


Various 5 Litres

194.95 20 Litres

SKU: Various


PRICES VALID UNTIL SUNDAY 18 OCTOBER 2015 E & O E. All prices include 14% VAT



Various 5 Litres

SKU: Various



SKU: 304434

20 Litres

20 Litres


SKU: Various






2 October 2015

Fear lessl y the tr uth

LiN Member

Personeel | Personnel Uitgewer / Redakteur Publisher / Editor Francois Aucamp 083 266 6906 francois@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Louis Roux 072 043 2220 louis@bulletin.us.com Phidelia Rikhotso 073 562 7274 phidelia@bulletin.us.com Sue Ettmayr 072 630 3051 sue@bulletin.us.com Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Bemarking | Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Candice Prinsloo 082 342 7018 candice@bulletin.us.com Ansie Smuts 076 333 0523 ansie@bulletin.us.com

IT/Web/Social media Dirk Stoltz 082 730 0305 it@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Tamryn Branch 083 647 9551 tamryn@bulletin.us.com Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com Rekenings / Accounts Marietjie Barnard (Best/Man) 083 982 4663 marietjie@bulletin.us.com Lihanie Booysen 082 776 4431 lihanie@bulletin.us.com Verspreiding / Distribution Cedric Manyama 0711064291 Kantoorassistent / Office assistant Catherine Mahasha Algemene assistant / General assistant William Modiba Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani

Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen

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Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...

Emergency numbers Noodnommers Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951

Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.

speelster spreekster strooimeisie skoonsuster telefoniste tikster heks, towenares tsarina verpleegster versorgster voorsitster vorstin waardin waarsegster werkster weduwee wolvin

+ A



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Ons bied vandag die week se weervoorspelling vir die laaste keer in die Bulletin aan, wqant dit is te onbetroubaar. Die weer word daagliks op ons webwerf bygewerk en is dus baie meer betroubaar is. Ons lesers word dus aangeraai om eerder by www.bulletin.us.com te gaan kyk.



16° • 31°


Laat middag reen en warm

16° | 29° Humidity: 47%


14° • 36°


Tel: 015 307 1530 | Fax: 082 586 7023 watermaat@telkoms.net

14° • 34°

Sonnig en warm • Humidity: 25%

Sonnig en baie warm • Humidity: 20%

Woensdag 20° • 34°

16° • 33°

Sonnig en warm • Humidity: 33%

Oggend wolke en warm • Humidity: 30%

Donderdag 21° • 36°

Sonnig en warm • Humidity: 16%

Hoe wolke en warm• Humidity: 10%

Stand van Damme | Dam Levels

Website | Webwerf Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies ••••••• Besoek ons webwerf by www.bulletin.us.com en lees die jongste nuus sowel as vorige eksemplare


Noudat al die plaaslike matruukpapies van vanjaar afgeskeid is, sommiges vanoggend nog effens babelaas behoort te wees en, Vlieg glo, heelparty van hulle in die speler laaste week hul eerste sekkokkin k ko spreker samen afgelê, of is dit nou kookster r Hier is dit dan: ke ko strooijonker afgestaan het, is dit nou vrou koningin an ng m ni ko swaer afdraande, en sekerlik vir n, leeu aktrise ur annetjie) leeui te -m ak u( lee telefonis party eerder opdraande na bakster .. wyfie er kk ba tikker die eindeksamens toe. ballerina lektrise r ballerino to lek towenaar s Vlieg wens hulle graag alle re balletdanse wyfie tjie ne balletdanser an m sterkte toe vir hul bloedsweet tsaar s re bedela masseuse seur bedelaar as m tot na die volgende menses, verpleër r ste ieg bedr meermin bedrieër eerman en natuurlik die eksamen! m versorger sog meesteres r ste beer As deel van Vlieg se bydrae ee m u voorsitter bibliotekaresse mevrou, mejuffro r tot gemeenskap… skuus, die ee bibliotekaris en m vors suster minnares gemeenskap, bied hy graag ar na broer in m waard bruid non eksamenhulp aan. In dié bynik bruidegom on m waarsêer koei onderwyseres drae fokus Vlieg op Afrikaans. rwyser bul de on werker lf verska tante Vlieg is weliswaar nou nie so bulkalf m oo wewenaar s re ste ee rgem tannie fanaties soos Steve Hofmeyr omie e, pi burgemeester bu m oo wolf burgeres orreliste oor sy taal nie, maar omdat hy lis burger re or en selfs buurvrou oujongnooi opmerk dat die meeste hankêrel ng buurman jo ou Bruce Christin delaars in gebruikte voertuie ouma Christen pa ou danseres onder die indruk is dat ‘n mens oumagrootjie danser oupagrootjie inby ng ni na voertuie as sy en haar verko ) ma, moeder by es tji vader dar (manne , pa es ar wys, help hy graag enige voordien matriarg dienaar patriarg nemende Fortuner-smouse met ktrise re di pianiste r direkteu pianis die korrekte manlike en vroutrise na do presidente donateur president like vorms, wat hulle dalk in die eekster br eg prinses egbreker prins eksamen mag raakloop. note ge eg prinsipale eggenoot prinsipaal Vlieg is deeglik daarvan benares eie ooi eienaar ram wus dat dit eintlik deesdae totrise ku se ek redaktrise kteur eksekuteur da taal en al polities onkorrek is re in al gem regentes gemaal om enigsins ‘n onderskeid te gent re r ste ef ge regisseuse tref tussen manlike en vroulike gewer regisseur godin teef vorms, en papies aangemoedig god reun n he sangeres word om eerder die onsydige haan sanger e m da ekoeikoei se vorm te gebruik, gaan dit hulle ul heer erster seekoeib gi er rb he kretaresse se ongelukkig bokkerol help om hul etaris herbergier kr se n gi herto meisie, dogter eksamen deur te kom. hertog un se rie er m meisieskool Om polities korrek te wees laat hings seunskool l vu rie er m skilderes jou net so min slaag as om die hele hingsvul skilder trise ek sp in dag op jou knieë deur te bring. skoonma inspekteur skoonpa trise uk str in Vlieg se ervaring is dat eksamenskryfster instrukteur skrywer sukses direk eweredig is aan die Jodin vin sla Jood slaaf tyd wat ‘n student op sy sitvlak iserin euse ke uffl so keiser uffleur so ie eis m deurbring. , oi no

Facebook Tzaneen


Breast Cancer Month

Source: www.dwaf.gov.za Information updated: 28/09/2015

Tzaneen 57.1%

Ebenezer 84.7%

Merensky 101.9%

Dap Naude 88.8%

Middel Letaba 33.6%

Blyde Rivier Poort 85.2%

Klaserie 101.9%

Tours 57.2%

Vergelegen 102%

Ohrigstad 22.2%

Baie Dankie! Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 • lynette@fsabrokers.co.za

Die senior burgers van Macadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin danksy die wellwillende borgskap van Forum Makelaars


2 October 2015

Breast Cancer Month


Fire alert — Mopani is in deep trouble The capacity of fire fighting in the cash-strapped (stripped?) Mopani District Municipality (MDM) is far below its required rate, forcing authorities to close down fire stations in at least two major areas. Hoedspruit and Modjadjiskloof are victims of an ongoing feud between the MDM authorities and trade unions which led to a task force shortage of at least 60% in the fire protection service. There is a fear that this could lead to a serious threat to fire fighting in the large MDM area. Keeping the Hoedspruit fire station in operation, took Ms Christine du Preez, DA councillor, many hours of councelling to convince authorities on the importance of the facility. The go ahead was given on Wednesday, after issues about

unpaid overtime were submitted to the MDM. However, the station has no staff and two members of the fire department in Giyani had to be sent to Hoedspruit on a temporary base. On the same day a farm house in the district caught fire, but alert farmers with fire equipment were within minutes on the scene to prevent major damage. Mr Neil Shikwambana of the MDM’s communication unit said an organogram was adopted by the council on Wednesday, allowing the advertising of all vacant posts for fire personnel with immediate effect. This will, however, take some time, as the recruitment policy insists on appointing qualified personnel and at the fire stations there are baselines to be followed. This means that

it could take several months before the personnel shortage will be met. The MDM has five fire stations to maintain (Tzaneen, Phalaborwa, Hoedspruit, Giyani and Modjadjiskloof). Only 42 of the 108 allocated posts are filled and only two employees, Messrs Vincent van der Westhuizen and Kobus du Preez, are fully qualified fire fighters. Whenever new appointments will be made, lots of time will still be needed for training to get MDM’s fire protection unit back to normal. The Fire Protection Association of SA (FPASA) issued an assessment report on the situation a few years ago, wherein several shortcomings were listed. Shikwambana confirmed that the MDM has in the meantime improved on certain areas. The issue of personnel remains a challenge and will now be settled with the finalization of the MDM’s organogram.

Fabulosity reigns supreme It was all glitz, glamour and style when the class of 2015 attended Merensky High School’s matric farewell on Wednesday night. Fairview Hotel was the ideal venue to enhance the exciting Rio Carnival theme. Spectators were wowed by the stunning outfits, when the matrics paraded on the red carpet. The ballroom was transformed into a spectacular carnival scene, where the festivities carried on into the small hours. Ben Vorster High School’s farewell was held last night (too late for us to report on it in this edition). Princess Muhlari, Magdi Kasselman, Izél Pieterse, Kayla Crouse, Tlangi Nyambi, Zunike dos Ramos, Christelize Elbrecht, Mpho Mohlala, Sandra Lebepe, Merisca Steenkamp, Rivoningo Sono and Charmaine Sekgota clearly confirm why the spectors got carried away by the girls’ appearance.

See page 9 for the Mopani area’s crime statistics BRICKS

Musina: Main Road, Musina. Tel: 015 534 0462.

LOWEST PRICES ON QUALITY BUILDING MATERIALS, TOOLS, PAINT & HARDWARE TRADING HOURS: Mon - Fri: 7:00 - 18:00 Sat: 7:00 - 15:00 • Sun & Pub Hol: 8:00 - 13:00 ROOFING



2 380

per 1000

per 1000

38 x 38 • 3,6m SKU: 11136



SKU: Various


3 680

(Yard) SKU: 108901


(per length)

Red • Black Terracotta • Brown

(Yard) SKU: 301202

Minimum order quantities apply to direct bricks and blocks - enquire in store for details. Cement and brick prices may vary from store to store.





50 x 76 • 3,6m

7 300 per 1000

SKU: 12136


STEEL ROOF TILES Various Colours

SKU: various FROM

69.95 each

38 x 114 • 3,6m SKU: 13136

P3 R13 • 42cm SKU: 302406


P5 R17 • 59cm SKU: 302407


Per 2m Pack 2



Z100 ISQ 550 • 0,27mm/0,610 (per sheet)


SKU: 2277

Dependable Quality From Trusted Brands Cashbuild Guarantees Lowest Prices On Cement! Check Your Local Store For Price.





DOORS POLYSTYRENE CORNICE Per Length Classic • L80 80 x 80 x 2 000 SKU: 301186


Roman • DM602 50 x 75 x 2 000 SKU: 302112


Ceramic Floor Tile 43 x 43 • 2.404m2


Flower • 11006 72 x 72 x 2 400 SKU: 301188











1 499.95

SKU: 212

SKU: 211

SKU: 210

SKU: 201605

SKU: 217302

SKU: 303682 Price per m 2

SKU: 303684 Price per m 2

Ceramic Wall Tile 25 x 40 • 1,7m2




SKU: 301187


Ceramic Floor Tile 43 x 43 • 2.404m2

SKU: 303681 Price per m 2

POLYURETHANE CORNICE Per Length Roman • 11038 68 x 90 x 2 400










SKU: 303281 Price per m 2

SKU: 302540 Price per m 2

Porcelain Floor Tile 60 x 60 • 1,44m 2





Porcelain Floor Tile 60 x 60 • 1,44m 2



Ceramic Wall Tile 25 x 40 • 1.7m 2 SKU: 303685 Price per m 2


PAINT White 5 Litres





SKU: 5002

SKU: Various

SKU: Various


20 Litres

SKU: 300002


2092 WK14 WK10 • Cashbuild@Ogilvy

White 5 Litres

79.95 20 Litres SKU: 5001


Selected products may not be available in all stores

For any queries, please visit www.cashbuild.co.za or contact us on Sharecall number 0860 100 582

Various 5 Litres

124.95 20 Litres

SKU: Various


Various 5 Litres

194.95 20 Litres

SKU: Various


PRICES VALID UNTIL SUNDAY 18 OCTOBER 2015 E & O E. All prices include 14% VAT



Various 5 Litres

SKU: Various



SKU: 304434

20 Litres

20 Litres


SKU: Various






2 October 2015

Breast Cancer Month


Social • Churches • Cultural • Schools • Sport • Skole • Kultuur • Kerke • Sosiaal gin op 15 Oktober en sal op 12 November afTzaneen Country Lodge gesluit word. Elke Donderdagaand van 17:30 Engelfonds vir 18:00. Braaipakke beskikbaar en kontant23 Oktober kroeg oop. Vier lede per span. Bespreek nou Die Bosveld Jagtersvereniging se Tzaneentak jou plek by Hennie Botha by 076 224 8804. ‘n Groepie vroue van Letsitele het‘n“Engel Fonds” nooi alle belangstellendes na hul jaarlikse gestig, om geld vir min-der bevoorregte mense groot skietdag op die naweek. Soos gewoonin die omgewing in te samel. Vir die afgelope vyf Modjadjiskloof lik beloof dit om weer die hoogtepunt van die jaar het hulle die Letsitele KersKuierMark gereël, Sprankeltee jaar te wees, met groot pryse en baie lekker akten bate van dié fonds, maar vanjaar is besluit 17 Oktober tiwiteite. Daar is ‘n veilige speelplek vir kinders, om ‘n spoggerige byeenkoms aan te bied... ’n met toesig. Na die dag se program afgehandel Die kerklike sustersvereniging bekend as vyfgang-aandete met ‘n gaskunstenaar en ‘n is, sal daar heerlike potjiekos beskikbaar wees. Dames Dinamiek van Modjadjiskloof bied ontspanne atmosfeer. Hulle beloof ‘n heerlike op 17 Oktober om 10:00 hul jaarlikse Spran- aand op die oewer van die Letaba-rivier, om “ons keltee aan. Dit word in die Laerskool Duiwel- en ons geliefdes se lewens te vier” en “om te Tzaneen skloof se saal aangebied en die gasspreker sal erken dat ons bevoorreg is” en “om terug te gee Promosietoer mnr Rudy van Brouershaven wees. Hy gaan “ tot voordeel van mense wat terminaal siek en 2 Oktober met die dames gesels oor “Die Christelike rol sterwend is. Al die wins van die ete in gaan aan Die TV-glanspersoonlikheid Hannon besoek van die vrou in die huwelik”. Alle ma’s en hoër- die Engelfonds en aan die Tzaneen Care Group. Tzaneen vandag. Hy sal die aand om 18:00 skoolmeisies is welkom om dit by te woon. Die vrywilligers van die Tzaneen Care Group is by Hotel@Tzaneen optree. Kaartjies word ver- Daar gaan ‘n piekniek na die tyd gehou word, besig om ‘n Sorgsentrum in Tzaneen te vestig, koop teen R150/persoon, by Grandeur Place. wat die organiseerders glo tot verryking van waar kanker- en ander terminaal siek pasiënte elke vrou in die gesin sal wees. Die kaartjies versorg kan word. Tans doen ‘n paar vrywilligers Tzaneen kos R100/persoon en is beskikbaar by Sarie reeds tot 65 tuisbesoeke per week, aan pasiënte in die Letaba-gebied... op hul eie reiskoste en Mostert by 072 379 5334. Uitstalling met hul private motors — en die mediese voor16 Oktober rade wat benodig word, is afhanklik van skenkingTzaneen Ina van Schalkwyk, bekende skilderkunstegeld. Die tema vir die ete is “Celebrate life for Bewusmaking naar van Tzaneen, hou op 16 Oktober ‘n uitcharity”. Tafels word verkoop teen R5 000/tafel of 23 Oktober stalling aan huis van me Christa van der Laan R500/persoon. op Doornhoekplaas 535. Dit is verby die wal ‘n Bewusmaking in belang van kinders se van die Tzaneendam en oor die laagwater- veiligheid. Amone Modelling Academy se Tzaneen brug, links by die T-aansluiting links en dan die Tzaneen-tak bied in samewerking met AdriFairview Golf Annual tweede of derde huis op die regterkant (huis an Kruger en Leon Coomans ‘n “VeiligheidbeCharity Cup met die swart motorhek). Die uitstalling gaan wusmaking vir kinders” aan. Die doel is om 31 Oktober gepaard met’n wynproe en wyne sal ook te kinders paraat te maak en hulself voor te berei koop aangebied word. Navrae: Marna by 079 op gevaarsituasies. Basiese selfverdedingteg- The 2015 Round Table Charity Cup will be hosted 873 8010. nieke gaan ook gedemonstreer word. Kinders by Round Table Tzaneen. This is a charity golf day van alle ouderdomme en hul ouers word uit- sponsored by the local community, businesses Tzaneen genooi om dit by te woon. Bywoning is gra- and participants. R500 per player, this includes tis en dit word van 14:30 tot 15:30 in die saal green fees, “goodie bag”, 3 drinks during play, Sosiale rolbal van die NG Kerk Tzaneen (Moedergemeente) dinner and great prizes. For Bookings, tickets or 15 Oktober aangebied. Navrae en om bywoning te beves- donations contact: Stephan Raab: 079 075 5084 Die volgende gewilde Sakeliga-rolbaltoernooi or Henco Prinsloo: 082 801 9743 tig: Leandri Schreiber by 078 387 6838. wat deur die Tzaneen Rolbalklub in samewerking met die Bulletin aangebied word, be-


Tzaneen Skietdag (BJV) 2 Oktober

AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Tzaneen Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845.

Catholic Church 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Evangelies Geref Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-str,Tzn: 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof: 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534.

Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastraat, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920. Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele: 015 345 1618.

Send your info to editor@bulletin.us.com or send a fax to 015 307 7684 or call on 015 307 7248

Vrydag, 02 Oct

SA Landloopkampioenskappe SKOOL SLUIT / SCHOOL CLOSES 11:00 BOOGSKIET: Musina (jag) 04:00 (Musina)

Vrydag - Sondag, 02-04 Oct

BOYS CRICKET: Limpopo final cricket trials in Polokwane (ALL) (Polokwane) u.15, u.17 & u.19

Saterdag - Sondag, 03-04 Oct (10:30) BERGFIETS - Nasionale toernooi (Hoërskool Bekker)

Maandag, 05 Oct

Wêreld Onderwysersdag / World Teachers’ Day

NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Road: 015 307 4807. Ned Herv Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9580. Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. Ned Herv Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14,

Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate, Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240. Tzaneen Family Church Avispark Lodge Conference Hall Tzaneen: 083 598 0004 / 073387 2469. Send your info to / Stuur inligting aan: editor@bulletin.us.com

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Breast Cancer Month

2 October 2015



2 October 2015

Breast Cancer Month

Ons Mening

Haasbek heining

Die Boodskap

02 Oktober 2015

Rev Ron Reiners Anglican Church


Die Mopani Distriksmunisipaliteit se brandweerdiens is in ‘n gemors. Ongelukkig kan ‘n mens nie ’n sagter woord gebruik nie. Dit behoort natuurlik niemand te skok nie, want daar is ander sake, soos die lewering van water aan inwoners, wat eweneens in ‘n gemors is. Water is lewensnoodsaaklik vir die mens (en diere en plante) en dit is niks minder nie as ‘n skande dat soveel mense se reg op skoon water geminag word, terwyl daar grootskaalse verryking van mense deur onbehoorlike tenderprosesse en begunstiging is. Nou word mense se reg op lewe verder in gevaar gestel, deur ‘n distrik se brandweerdiens wat geen behoorlike diens kan lewer nie. Een van die verskonings is dat die vakbond(e) nie die aanstelling van gekwalifiseerde personeel aanvaar nie, maar eerder ongekwalifiseerde plaaslike werkloses aangestel wil hê. Twee sake: van wanneer af regeer die vakbond(e) die land? Tweedens, hoe word toegelaat dat wat die wet voorskryf, deur ‘n vakbond ontwrig word? Maar nou ja, van wetsgehoorsaamheid is mos maar min oor in die land!

Local Hero

Die R1 miljoen se heining lê op die grond... en in Tzaneen is die kanse skraal dat dit herstel sal word, want die onderhoud van die dorp se infrastruktuur en bates is mos nie op die GTM se doenlys nie. Intussen trek die informele sektor van vooraf in op die rivierwal waar die heining ten duurste opgerig is om juis dié probleem die hoof te bied.

Die mense hoor

Let wel: Hulle sê nie so nie! • Dit is moontlik om R27 miljoen se waarde uit ‘n teelbok te kry, mits die bul lank genoeg gesond bly of geen ander teenspoed tref nie. Maar hoe kry mens R5 000 se waarde uit ‘n spoggerige motor wat jy huur om jou kind oor ‘n kort afstand na ‘n matriekafskeid aan te ry... • Om mooi en geduldig te luister, is ‘n kuns. Moet dus nie ‘n man onderskat wat mooi en geduldig luister nie. Vra maar vir die manne en vroue van die liggaam, veral dié wat so lief is vir hul eie stemme en dan gereeld ore aangesit word deur die man wat so geduldig en mooi luister. Pa se kind...

Uiteindelik, Fibre Internet in Tzaneen! Met ons nuwe fibre infrastruktuur word ons beste nou nog beter! Ons bied nou internet wat vinniger en meer betroubaar is as ooit. 015 590 1200 • Peacestraat 21B, Tzaneen • info@uniwisp.co.za • www.uniwisp.co.za

From the Horse’s Mouth “I think when you’re young, you should be a lot with yourself and your sufferings. Then, one day, you get out where the sun shines, and the rain rains, and the snow snows, and it all comes together.” — Diana Vreeland Kuhlula Shilubane from Nkowankowa has a remarkable life story to tell. At birth she was given a maximum of one year to live. At the age of 8 she underwent a kidney transplant and now, at the age of 19, she is a world-class athlete. Turn to p 16 for the full story.

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Dié vleis is die pot nie beskore Die Gravelotte-bok met die mooi horings wat teen R27 miljoen van eienaar verhandel het, wei vandag ligjare ver van sy soort wat in die vorige eeu gereeld vir die pot geskiet is. ‘n Slagter van die omgewing, mnr Hansie Lusse, sê dit is aan hom oorvertel dat swartwitpense toentertyd by


die dosyne deur boere afgemaai is om hul plaasarbeiders van vleis te voorsien. Teen bestaande vleispryse haal swartwitpens so R38/ kg. Die vleis is growwerig soos koedoe en val nie in almal se smaak nie Sou die wenbok van mnr Piet Warren vir sy vleis op die slaghuisrakke verskyn, raak die buitensporigheid heeltemal buite orde. ‘n Groot swartwitpens van dié kaliber slag so 100 kg

eetbare vleis uit. Dié bok se vleis sal dus R270 000/kg kos. Teen kosprys en sonder BTW! Volgens inligting op die Internet is die duurste vleis ter wêreld onlangs in Australië verkoop. Dit was biefstuk van die Kobe Wagyu-bees wat 450 dollar/kg gehaal het. Dis sowat R5 500, byna vyftig keer goedkoper as dié van die Warren-bok. Die Kobe-beeste word in Japan selfs vir masserings in ‘n koei-spa behandel sodat hul vleis supersag moet wees.

A question is often asked: “Why do the youth not attend church?” This seems more predominate in urban areas rather than in rural areas, yet it also differs in race composition. It seems to me that in black churches attendance by the youth seems to be more constant, so what are these churches doing right? I think that in these areas the parents are more involved in their children’s lives. Perhaps, there is less distraction for the youth in these areas? Or is it that the pastors are more enthusiastic and more involved in the guidance of the youth? So what are the mainline churches in urban areas doing wrong? Perhaps, this question will never be answered. I know that the pastors in these churches are always trying to create an environment that is more acceptable to the youth. In Mark’s gospel (Mark 9:42) Jesus says: “If anyone should cause one of these little ones to lose his faith in Me, it would be better for that person to have a large millstone tied around his neck and be thrown into the sea.” Here we are warned to see to the spiritual needs of our children as well as their physical

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needs. How often do we as parents think that it is right to allow our children to make up their own minds about going to church? What guidance or information do we give them and do we lead by example? Children are very perceptive and know when we are only paying lip service to our beliefs. We need to be so sure of our faith that it rubs off on our children. However, we must not forget the power of Satan, he can manipulate the minds of the young and peer-pressure also plays a large role: “It is not cool to go to church” So how do we overcome these seemingly overpowering factors? By the power of prayer, we need to pray for our youth daily and our youth need to pray for us. In James 5:13 we are urged to pray for all our needs. However, we need also to thank God for His many blessings. Let it be our quest to pray for our youth and God’s guidance for them, after all they are our most precious gift from Him. Blessings.

Interesting Numbers


The number of births per thousand teenage North Koreans. The lowest in the world by a large margin.

Helpende Hand benodig helpende hande


2 October 2015

Breast Cancer Month


New facility a big asset Plans



Handicap facilities


Tzaneen’s new public swimming bath is a huge asset for the town and its residents. Unfortunately the official opening had to be postponed, since the life savers who will be doing duty at the new facility were not ready to commence with their duties this weekend. The official opening will now be held on 16 October and it is hoped that it will not have to be postponed again. It is also hoped that the Greater Tzaneen Municipality will make sure that the swimming bath and the facility as amentity will be maintained properly. The details regarding entrance fees, times that the swimming bath will be open etcetera will be announced soon.


2 October 2015

Breast Cancer Month


Encore! hou toneelaand in Vossieland

ABOVE: Boys and girls with true grit: These young athletes from Unicorn Preparatory School have all made the cut for the LLSV cross country team, proving that they have what it takes to keep going, no matter how bad the pain gets. In the front are Layah Mahomed, Samantha Carolan, Max Drewett, Keira Booth, Rebecca McLaren, Dylan Purdon, Mika Jones and Elia Jones. Back: Kian None, Murray Lougher-Clark, Ethan Jones, Amelia Booth, Emma Dalrymple-Hay, Yvonne Botha and Jack Stewart. ABOVE RIGHT: The first boys hockey team from Unicorn enjoyed a tough but rewarding hockey season, unfortunately falling out against Louis Trichardt during the

Francois Briers, Thys Nortjé, Lara Scheepers, Juané Croukamp, Malaika Coetzer en Jandré Smit van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se Encore! Spel- en vertolkingsakademie het die gehoor weggevoer na Wonderland in die toneelstuk: Die kleurlose Wonderland.

league quarter-finals. Seen here are in the front, Ethan Jones, Liam Robinson and Bevan Muller. In the middle row are Byron Andrew, Frank Dyason, Kyle Bain

and Nicholas Adendorff, and in the back are Reuben Middleton, Andreas Hacker, Daniel Scholtemeyer, Stefan Joubert and Benjamin Freitas.

Twee toneelstukke, Nag van die poppe en Die kleurlose Wonderland het saam met die skets, Trippel H, vir ‘n kleurryke aand by die Hoërskool Ben Vorster gesorg. Die gehoor het eers in Wonderland gaan kuier en toe beleef hoe ‘n mal wetenskaplike mense in poppe verander. Die feëverhaal Die kleurlose Wonderland is deur een van die Vossie-onderwysers, me Marna Jacobsz, geskryf en die kleuters en volwassenes het hulle vergaap aan wat alles in Wonderland gebeur.

Die nag van die poppe is die stuk waarmee die Hoërskool Ben Vorster aan die ATKV- tienertoneelkompetisie deelgeneem het. Trippel H is deur Anzeret Scheepers, ‘n gr 9-Vossie, geskryf as bewusmaking vir die DBV en het ook ‘n diamant toekenning tydens die Tzaneen Eisteddfod verower. Die Encore! Spel- en vertolkingsakademie was die afgelope jaar weer baie bedrywig en is volgens me Louise van der Zee reeds besig met beplanning vir ‘n vol program volgende jaar.

Die Laerskool Tzaneen se akademiese presteerders vir die vorige kwartaal is bekend gemaak en vereer vir hul harde werk.

Graad 4: Agter is Vashukmar Patel, Gerard van Nikkelen Kuyper, Ruben Vosloo, Duané Nortjé en Vihan Allen, en voor is Nsuku Mageza, Wihan Jacobsz, Waldo de Kock, Nic de Beer en Markus Theron.

Graad 5: Agter: Ockert Schoeman, Janke Joubert, Ilanie de Bruyn, HJ van der Nest en Benno Kotzé. Voor: Johan van den Heever, Rochelle Volschenk, Maynard Kleynhans, Elzet Toerien en Elmarie van Wyk.

Graad 6: Agter is Rachel de Jager, Mia Nkuna, Sherize Liebenberg, Esmi Nortjé en Hannah Viljoen, en voor is Eben Fourie, Suné Hermann, Sharlize Krause, Elsje Kriel en John-Robert Honniball.

Graad 7: Agter: Lia Revelas, Isabella le Roux, Grizél Lepart, Rinus Jacobs en Crystal Kirstein. Voor: Zené Kruger, Heinrich Schultz, Jana Oberholzer, Bianca Prinsloo en Zana Mabunda.

Ms Erika Visser, who matriculated from Ben Vorster High School in 2000, recently inspired and motivated current Vossies with her motivational talk on working hard to reach dreams and ambitions. “You can do what you set your mind to,” she said, “by looking for opportunities and by hard work”. She is a trainer and results based culture coach stationed in Vietnam. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Human Psycology, an Honours in Pharmacology and is busy with her MBA in International Business. The world is her oyster.

Plasies presteer by ekspo

Merensky-leerlinge het linge is deel van die Afrikaanse jeug wat wil vir die negende jaar met welslae aan die wys dat Afrikaans nog Afrikaans Skole-Ekvir ‘n verdere negentig jaar en langer ‘n spo, aangebied deur die FAK, deelgeneem. voorkeurtaal sal wees. Die ander leerlinge In die kategorie Opstel het Bianca Spies (gr 11) wat hulle ook goed van met haar opstel, Bou hul taak in verskeie kategorieë gekwyt het is jou Legkaart, goud beMarlu McLean. Sy het haal met 82%. Sy is ook in die kategorieë Adas wenner in daardie afdeling benoem. vertensie en Jip-rubriek Die oorhoofse tema drie silwer toekennings Laryn Prins, Eljana Fleischmann, Bianca Spies, Marlu vir 2015 by die FAK ontvang. Laryn Prins McLean en Klarissa Nel. Afwesig: Monique de Lange Afrikaans Skole-Ekspo het ook silwer in die 2015 was Afrikaans 90. Vanjaar is Afrikaans reeds Jip-rubriek, Poësie- en Tekenkuns-kategorieë ontnegentig jaar lank al ’n amptelike taal. Wat bete- vang. Monique de Lange het in die kategorie Poësie ken dit vir vandag se jongmense en hoe help hulle ook drie silwer toekennings ontvang. Eljana Fleischverseker dat Afrikaans oor ’n verdere negentig jaar mann, Klarissa Nel en Laryn Prins het ook in die nog sal bestaan en gebruik word? Merensky-leer- kategorie Opstel elk ‘n brons toekenning ontvang.

Ten scientists in the making: these ten pupils from Unicorn Preparatory school took part in the national round of the annual Tritech Science Fair. In front are Aleena Mathew, Michaela Stanley, Kyle Bain and Courtney Penrose, and in the back are Tshedza Moila, Joha du Toit, Zinnia du Plessis, Tayla Coad, Andreas Hacker and Chloe Scates. All of these bright young minds achieved silver certificates — with Zinnia and Andreas each receiving gold certificates as well as being named runner-ups in their particular categories.


2 October 2015

Breast Cancer Month


Police claim firm control on crime in Mopani

Firm control on crime in the greater Tzaneen area is still managed by the SAPS, unlike public belief that the security of people and property is captured in a danger zone. The crime statistics for Limpopo released this week showed that a total of 16 468 crimes in various categories were reported in ten policing areas that are seen to be the Mopani district — an increase of just nine on last year’s figure. Drug related crimes showed the only significant increase of more than 12%, with Maake, Modjadjiskloof, Ritavi and Bolobedu topping the list of prosecutions. This might

point a finger to a previous commissioner of police, the late Genl Jackie Selebi, who disbanded the narcotics bureau during his reign. The busiest police sector was that of Tzaneen, which handled 4 157 crimes. These included sixteen murders (ten last year), 275 serious assault cases, 326 residential burglaries and 343 cases of shoplifting. Sexually related crimes showed a surprising drop from 765 cases in 2014 to 84 this year. Bolobedu police reacted to 2 514 cases, which included eighteen murders, 476 serious assaults, 155 robberies with aggravating circumstances and 368 residential burglaries. Drug related crimes increased from 69

in 2014 to 104 this year, while fourteen cases of arson and 27 of stock theft were reported. Maake police reported 2 577 cases (2 488 last year), which included 28 murders, 27 attempted murders and 297 serious assaults. Robberies with aggravating circumstances increased to 187, while residential burglaries were also higher on 311 cases. Drug related cases increased from 189 last year to 324 in 2015, with 25 cases of stock theft and 92 of shoplifting were reported. Ritavi police (2 370 cases) attended to 25 murders, 358 serious assaults, 179 robberies with aggravating circumstances, 400 residential burglaries and 114 drug related cases. Letsitele police handled 1 660 cases of crime (1 901 last year), with eleven murders and 247 cases of serious assault. They also re-

ported 147 residential burglaries, 110 drug related cases, 63 of stock theft and eight car hijackings. Gravelotte experienced a drop in crime activities, with 167 cases reported (203 in 2014). This included four robberies, nine of stock theft and 31 drug related crimes. Modjadjiskloof showed an increase to 152 in drug related cases, five murders, 26 aggressive robberies and 97 residential robberies in its total of 876 crime reports. Hoedspruit with 802 crimes had six murders, 99 serious assaults, 36 aggressive robberies and 86 drug related cases, while burglaries at residential properties (105), theft from motor vehicles (109) and 69 cases of shoplifting were the prominent burdens of the police in Phalaborwa.

New pub also offers a nice view

Local customer Ms Holly van Wyk in the Purple Turtle gardens.

As the Magoebaskloof Spring Fair drew to a close tourists and locals in Haenertsburg flocked to the eateries, the stalls and Cheerio Gardens. Newest eatery on the village block is Purple Turtle, right next door to the well-known Iron Crown. Owners are a father and son team. Mr Heine Fernandes (72) was born in Letsitele and his son, also Heine (46) was born in Tzaneen. Both went to Merensky High School. They moved recently to the village of Haenertsburg and seized the opportunity to turn the residential home into a pub and eatery. Purple Turtle now commands a 160 degree view through its large windows, of the forests, grasslands and mountains. It’s a sunny indoor spot to while away the day. The large outdoor space, under the crab apple blossoms, affords space for some forty custom-

ers and there’s a play area for the children. On board, in the cooking division, is Ms Kim Adendorff from Tzaneen. Her Spring Fair tapas were outstanding and she’s now prepared a set menu. It was while applying Serving customers are Heine Fernandes Jnr (left) and his father. for the liquor license that the name Purple Turtle popped into Heine chain saw and are looking for more memorabilia. Jnr’s head. Everyone laughed and so the name For those on a nostalgic trip, everything forestry stuck. Initially Purple Turtle was decorated was once the décor of the Iron Crown. with antique-like memorabilia. There were telePurple Turtle is open seven days a week from phones, coffee grinders and cameras. Heine Jnr 10:00 onwards. says that the more fitting theme of forestry will — Sue Ettmayr sue@bulletin.is.com replace many of the items. They’ve already got a

Die Kaap is weer Hollands

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Mee Charmaine Buys, Linda Badenhorst, Liezel Hermann, Eileen Elbrecht en Marlene Olivier het hulle op ‘n ou kanon wat die Kaapse kus ‘n eeu of drie gelede moes help beskerm, tusgemaak en die vars Kaapse lug geniet..

Soos tradisie bepaal, het die Hoërskool Merensky se administratiewe personeel weer ‘n spanbou-geleentheid gehou — dié keer in Kaapstad. Die span dames het reeds in Februarie vir die besondere wegbreek begin spaar. Die fraaie Kaap is omtrent verken, met toere na Stellenbosch, Kaappunt, Bloubergstrand en Houtbaai. Wynplase en ‘n aarbeiplaas is ook besoek. Die Weskus was ook op die toerprogram en nadat hulle ‘n happie verjaardagkoek van Tannie Evita in Darling geproe het, het hulle hul harte in Paternoster verloor. Aangesien die administratiewe kantoor die enjinkamer van die skool is, was dit belangrik dat die dames uitgerus en vol moed kan aanmeld vir die laaste skof van die 2015-skooljaar. Hulle het mekaar nog beter leer ken en begin reeds beplan vir ‘n groter en beter 2016. Twee jong dames van Tzaneen (en ja, dit is ‘n tweeling) en ook oud-Vosssies, mejj Lynette en Yvette Coetzer (hopelik in dié volgorde), het pas hul B Comm-grade met twee onderskeidings by Unisa verwerf. Hulle pak volgende jaar saam ‘n ouditeurskursus aan. Hulle was in 2010 in matriek.

Ensuring your insurance doesn’t give you sleepless nights

Insurance should give you peace of mind that you’re covered if the worst happens, but it can also cause nagging doubts that you may be underinsured or paying too much. So how do you navigate the numerous options when it comes to protecting your home, belongings, health and even income? By applying some basic principles you can ensure that you’ve got the right cover for your circumstances. The first thing to consider is the extent of your risk, as this significantly influences your monthly premiums. Insurers consider different risk factors depending on the kind of cover being offered. For example when quoting on cover for residential property — your house, not the contents — an insurer might consider the following: • The year it was constructed; • The type of construction. Is it brick or wood? Does it have a thatched or tiled roof? • The size of the property; • Whether any upgrades or extensions have been done; • If any protective equipment such as fire-extinguishing systems are installed; • Where it is situated. Is there a possibility of fires or floods or is it in a high-crime area? If you have a bond, your bank will insist that your house is insured. Often banks will offer their

By Gavin Moir own insurance products as part of the bond agreement, but you do have the right to look into other options. Also remember that the bank is only looking to insure its liability — the money it has lent you to buy the property. If you have also invested your own money in the property or have enhanced or extended it, you may be under-insured. Car insurers apply a similar set of criteria when calculating premiums. These include: • The vehicle model; • Year of manufacture; • Your gender – women tend to be more careful drivers than men; • Your age – younger drivers attract higher premiums as they tend to have more accidents; • The radius of operation – are you using the car for short shopping trips or driving long distances; • Your claims history; • Security – is the vehicle fitted with a good alarm/ immobiliser? Is it kept in a locked garage or parked on the street? One way of reducing your premiums is to set aside some money for supplementing your insurance in case of minor losses or damage. If you’re only claiming a small amount for a bumper bashing, it may be better to pay yourself and not make a claim. This will help keep your premiums in check. Emergency savings can also be


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used to pay top up insurance claims. If the insurer is only liable for a certain amount, or you are required to pay an excess, there may be a shortfall. Another savings tip is to make sure you don’t have duplicate cover. This happens when you have two insurance policies which cover the same risk, meaning you’re effectively paying twice. It happens more often you’d think. People can forget to cancel policies, sign up for financial products without realising these include an insurance component or an employer may start providing medical cover when you have an existing individual medical aid. Having all your policies with one broker or insurer who covers your home, car and health care can be more cost effective and also means they have a bird’s-eye view of all your requirements, which should eliminate any duplication. Finally choosing an insurance provider can have serious implications for your financial well-being. As with all such decisions it will require research, planning and legwork. Compare different companies and what they offer and assess which cover will work best for your circumstances and budget. Nowadays you can do much of this research and even get quotes online, so it’s relatively easy to compare offers and pricing before you decide on an insurer.


2 October 2015

Breast Cancer Month


Pasop! Ons het weer ‘n “balju” wat verneuk Sowat ‘n jaar gelede het die Bulletin eksklusief ‘n groot bedrieër ontmasker, nadat hy hom oor ‘n tydperk van sowat twee jaar as die balju van Ritavi voorgedoen en dosyne mense uit derduisende Rand verneuk het. Wat van dié skelm, ene mnr Ngwako Kgatla, geword het, is nie bekend nie. Nadat die Bulletin sy bedrogoptredes aan die kaak gestel het, het hy “verdwyn”. Maar nou het ‘n nuwe “balju” wat ook nie ‘n balju is nie, op die toneel verskyn. Volgens dokumente in ons besit werk hy onder die naam Mabelane Simon Mputane en hy gebruik die ID-nommer 5111115208084. Hy gebruik ook die selfoonnommer 082 493 5836 en gee sy adres aan as House 1691,

Manningburg, Ga-Kgapane. Soos met dat daar slegs een balju in Groter Tzasy “voorganger” (of is dit dalk weer neen se gebied werk. Dit is mnr Tertius dieselfde man) gebruik hy ook ‘n Robertson. Sy kantoor is in Pieter Joubert-straat 33 in Aquapark, Tzaneen. Hy “amptelike” rubberstempel op dokumente. Dit lyk op ‘n haar na soos die het twee adjunkte, naamlik mnre Christi vorige bedrieër se stempel, behalwe Bouwer en Nols Horn. dat ‘n nuwe straatadres gebruik word. Onthou: enige lid van die publiek het By die straatadres wat nou gebruik die reg om ‘n balju of sy adjunkte om behoorlike identifikasie te vra. Hulle word word (46 Peace Street) is geen teken van ‘n kantoor van enige aard nie, nog uitgegereik met ‘n spesiale ID (soos ‘n minder van ‘n balju. Wat ook interesbankkaart) deur die Raad van Balju’s en sant is, is dat Kgatla destyds ‘n bank- Hier is mnr Tertius Robertson (balju) en sy twee assistente: dit is slegs vir een jaar geldig. Daarop is rekening by FNB gebruik het en Mpu- links is mnr Christi Bouwer en reg is mnr Nols Horn. die telefoonnommer van die Raad en as tane gebruik nou ook n FNB-rekening. ‘n mens twyfel oor ‘n person se kaart se geld uit mense te melk. Ons sal verder hiergeldigheid kan die nommer geskakel word Volgens dokumente in ons besit is Mputane oor berig. ook besig om groot “sake” te doen en baie Intussen word mense weer daarop gewys en direk by die Raad navraag gedoen word.

DA-leier moet R40 000 vir laster, koste opdok Die DA se leier in Limpopo, mnr Jacques Smalle, se persverklaring wat hy oor ‘n eiendomsontwikkelaar van Hoedspruit en dié se direkteur uitgereik het en hulle belaster het, kom hom nou duur te staan. Benewens die skade aan sy bankrekening, kan die saak glo ook sy politieke toekoms in die provinsie nadelig raak. Mense in die party se senior korps sê daar word lankal gewaarsku dat politici te dikwels losbrand en goed kwytraak sonder dat dit behoorlik nagegaan is. Niemand wil in dié stadium aangehaal word nie, want hulle sê dit is ‘n delikate stadium en die provinsie se leierkorps sal daaroor beraadslaag; as dit nodig is om die saak te bespreek. Daar is Ms Katryn Barwise, Miss Humanity International and an ambassador for the Tzaneen Community Forum, donated blankets to the 38 children at Hanyane Drop In Centre in Nkowankowa. She collected blankets with one of her events as the founder of the Walk the Talk Foundation! Anyone who would like to contribute towards her charity initiatives are welcome to contact her at katrynbarwise@ gmail.com.

egter ongemaklikheid hieroor, word gesê, want die leiers moet altyd sorg dat hulle goeie leiding gee en sorg dat hulle “die pad reg loop”. Die Hooggeregshof-saak waarin Smalle en die redakteur van ‘n gemeenskapskoerant in Hoedspruit albei skuldig bevind is weens laster, is aanhangig gemaak deur Southern Palace Investments 44 (Pty) Ltd en die maatskappy se direkteur, mnr Soren Burkal Nielsen. Smalle het in Mei 2013 ‘n persverklaring uitgereik, waarin hy die maatskappy en Nielsen daarvan beskuldig het dat hulle gekonkel het met die “smous van water teen erg opgeblase pryse aan Hoedspruit-boere”. Verder word ook verwys na ‘n sogenaamde grootmaat waterverskaf-

fing-ooreenkoms tussen die maatskappy en Lepelle-Noord se waterraad, plus verwysings na ‘n ondersoek hierna en die Blou Skerpioene. In die verklaring verwys Smalle dan ook verder na “korrupte kontrakteurs en owerhede wat nie die waarde van water respekteer nie”. Benewens die R40 000 wat hy moet betaal, is Smalle ook gelas om die helfte van Southern Palace se regskoste te betaal. Die regskoste sal volgens kenners beslis ‘n sessyferbedrag wees. Die eienaar van die koerant moet R80 000 vir laster betaal (R40 000 aan die maatskappy en R40 000 aan Nielsen), plus die helfte van die maatskappy se koste en Nielsen se koste ten volle. Dit sal vir seker ‘n sessyferbedrag beloop.


2 October 2015

Breast Cancer Month

Merensky krieket gee bes teen PHS Limpopo Impalas clinch Men’s Open Mini Inter-Districts The annual Mini Inter-Districts bowls competition involving the Limpopo Impalas, Limpopo Waterberg, Mpumalanga Lowveld and Central and Highveld Districts was played in Middelburg and Witbank lst weekend. The Impala Team from Limpopo clinched

the championship once again and retained the Men’s Open trophy for 2015. At the back are Etienne Pretorius, Hannes Lindsay, Zane Fanie and Christo van der Merwe, and in the front are Neels Theron, Damien Stefaans, Fanie Otto and Peet Jordaan.

mans van Tzaneen het ook deelgeneem, maar in verskillende ouderdomsgroepe. Hulle het ook heel goed gevaar. Die mans is Kobus Minnaar, Johan Du Toit, Alex Gordon, Vincent Goodey, Andre Espach, Dries Kotze en Graham Lunt. De toernooi is deur die Wes-Kaapstreek aangebied.

Vossies presteer in Beeld Sewes Waterkloof en Helpmekaar. Ben Vorster se o.17’s het sewende geëindig (wen HTS Witbank 28-7; verloor teen Garsfontein 24-42; wen teen Heidelberg 52-7; verloor teen Monnas 47-7 en verloor teen HTS Middelburg 19-12). Die o.15-spanne wat gekwalifiseer het om deel te neem, was van die hoërskole Montana, Brandwag,

Middelburg, Frikkie Meyer, Monument, Eldoraigne, EG Jansen, Anker, Hoogenhout, Menlopark, Oos-Moot, Linden, Kemptonpark, Ben Vorster, Centurion en Helpmekaar. Die Vossies se o.15’s het derde geëindig (wen Kemptonpark 19-7; wen Centurion 29-7; wen Helpmekaar 21-19, wen Linden 15-13, verloor teen Middelburg 25-15 en wen Montana 22-14).

Die o.15’s se span het bestaan uit, voor: Hendrik Massyn, mnr André Hay (afrigter), Ofentse Maubane, mnr R Kleingeld en John Naudé. Agter is Tendai Kgopa, Maphanga Kutlano, Eric Meintjies, Franco Coetzee, Thapelo Ramoshaba, Nkateko Tiba, Melvin Maake, Jason Mulder en Lolo Molepo.

Die o.17’s se spanlede is, voor: Hardu Pretorius, Stefan Engelbrecht, mnr Hein Wagner (afrigter), Rueben Ragolane en Danny Mokhobane. Agter staan Muzi Nyakane, JJ Anker, Jonathan Viljoen, Johan Buitendag, Shama Manzini, Heini Ferreira, Duval Strydom en Eduan Smit.

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Die Hoërskool Merensky se eerste- en o.15-seunskrieketspanne het Saterdag in ligawedstryde kragte gemeet teen PHS, maar dit was nie ‘n goeie dag vir die Plasies nie. Die eerste span het in Polokwane gespeel. PHS het 270 lopies aangeteken, maar Merensky se kolwers kon net nie by dié telling kom nie en moes uiteindelik die knie buig met slegs 180 lopies op die telbord. Goeie kolfwerk is gelewer deur Viraj Devdhara wat 45 lopies op die telbord kon kry. Asad Patel en Timothy Elphinstone het elkeen drie paaltjies laat kantel. Die o.15’s van Merensky het tuis gespeel en kon ook nie die mas teen PHS opkom nie.

Drie vroue muurbalspelers van Tzaneen, Karen Claasen, Yvonne Kotze en Anne-marie Espach, een van Louis Trichart (Ronel Welman) en Emmie Van Zyl van Polokwane het Limpopo in die SA Meesters-interprovinsiale muurbalkampioenskappe verteenwoordig. Die dames het in die D-afdeling gespeel en die afdeling gewen. Sewe

Die jaarlikse o.15- en o.17-Noordvaal 7’s Beeldtoernooi is vir die tweede keer deur die Blou Bulle by die Hoërskool Menlopark aangebied. Die volgende skole se o.17’s het deelgeneem: Garsfontein, Heidelberg, HTS Witbank, Ben Vorster, Monument, Zwartkop, Vereeniging Gimnasium, Kemptonpark, HTS Middelburg, Menlopark, Sutherland, Linden, EG Jansen, PHS,


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2 October 2015

Breast Cancer Month


assault GBH and common assault, stock theft, possession of a dangerous weapon, violation of a protection order, drunken driving, fraud, malicious damage to property and drinking in public.

Mopani Crime Scene Co-ordinated by: Vabekile Phidelia Rikhotso • phidelia@bulletin.us.com


Police have arrested 52 suspects for various criminal acts over the past week, including assault GBH, business robbery, rape, burglary, common assault, theft, shoplifting, intimidation, possession of dagga, contravening the Liquor Act, contravening the Road Traffic Act, cultivation of dagga, crimen injuria, drunken driving, reckless and or negligent driving and for being in possession of suspected stolen property.

Modjadjieskloof: Police arrested nineteen suspects on various criminal activities during the past week, including possession of dagga, house breaking and theft, various traffic offences, contravention of the Liquor Act and assault GBH.

Bolobedu: Police arrested sixty suspects on various offences over the past week, including rape, business robbery, shoplifting,

Masete (25) was sentenced to four life terms ty Strategy at the Maake Police Station in and thirty years imprisonment for rape, rob- Lenyenye. The strategy is aimed at enhancbery, kidnapping and assault. Mbhazima ing service delivery through accessibility and Mawele (41) was sentenced to life for raping rapid police response, an two minors at Muhlaba Cross while Kenny integrated approach in the fight against crime, comTwo escape in Tzaneen: Two sen- Malatji (20) was given fifteen years for raping a mentally handicapped person. munity safety awareness tenced offenders escaped from the Tzaneen and rural development. Correctional Centre on Wednesday at around Three more killed near Modjadji: Speaking during the 21:00. This was confirmed by the area com- Three people were killed and five injured in launch, Van Schalkwyk said missioner of the Polokwane management a freak accident near the Modjadji head kraal the operational strategy of area, Mr Kenneth Mthombeni. Oscar Taula this past weekend. Police report that the drithe SAPS is to embrace the Senyolo was serving three years for a parole ver of a double cab LDV allegedly lost control rural security as part of the integrated and hoviolation, while Cassius Solly Mambo Nkuna of his vehicle and it overturned. Three occulistic day to day crime prevention approach, was serving three years and three months for pants died at the scene and the five injured rape. “The two offenders escaped through the were taken to the Kgapane Hospital where based on the principle of sector policing and addressing the needs of the rural community roof of the rather old zinc structure. On Sunday they are still recovering. (including the farming community). Nkuna was re-arrested in Bolobedu.” Little more than a month ago, four people “While the Police are embarking on these Four rapists get life behind bars: were killed at the same intersection. All seven initiatives, we are encouraging residents to Three rapists have been handed life sentences of the deceased were identified as residents protect their property at all times by considand the fourth a lengthy jail term by the High of Bolobedu and all of them were between the ering safety measures such as erecting fences Court sitting in Ritavi. David Makwela (25) ages of 28 and 36. and lockable gates, burglar proofing, guard was sentenced to forty years imprisonment Strategy launched at Maake: dogs, alarms and neighborhood watch strucfor raping four women at Maake, four years Maake Police Station Commander Col S J tures where “Sebatakgomo” practices will be for assault GBH, another four years for kid- van Schalkwyk and members of community properly practiced without taking the law napping and fifteen years for murder. Patrick based structures launched the Rural Safe- into own hands,” said Van Schalkwyk.

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2 October 2015

Breast Cancer Month


Property l Eiendomme To Let Te Huur

month, + deposit required. Available 01/09/2015. Contact: 083 250 5393

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Meenthuis/Cluster Homes Moderne 2slp meenthuis in Letsitele te huur, 2.5 badkamers, garage, veilige kompleks. R4000 pm met koopkrag. bel Elzaan by 0835616062 aug202______________________


Netjiese, ruim twee slaapkamer houthuis te huur in Hamawasha. R4200.00 per maand. Skakel 0823855979. A very neat and spacious two bedroom wooden house to let at Hamawasha. R4200 per month. Contact 0823855979

Georges Valley Medipark Aquapark 1 Groot bachelor woonstel 1 Slaapkamer, 1 badkamer, 2 Slaapkamer, 1 badkamer, met afdak vir 1 voertuig, erf aparte sitkamer, kombuis oopplan sitkamer, omhein, middelslag honde met braaigeriewe en eetkamer, kombuis, afdak welkom. Koopkrag R1 700 afdak, geen troeteldiere of vir voertuig, geen kleuters kleuters. of troeteldiere, geleë op R2 500 2de vloer. R3 800


2 slaapkamer in Arborpark. Water en ligte ingesluit. Geen Kinders. R3 500 pm Skakel 082 414 4476 Sep101_____________________________

Netjiese 2 slaapkamer woonstel te huur.


Grondvloer, elektries omhein Huur R4 200 pm Water en ligte uitgesluit Deposito betaalbaar Geen troeteldiere Kontak Corne 072 225 3960 Aug301____________________________

1 Bedroom flat under roof parking. Central in Town. W&L excluded. R3390.00 per

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Attractive 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom family home in good area. Rent: R6 500 pm. Water and lights excluded. Please call 082 849 2603/ 079 881 8548 Jul701_______________

Job Seeker l Werkgeleenthede Driver My name is Matome Harry Morerwa I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 with PDP I speak English contact me on 073 241 4534 (4) _______________________________

My name is Godwill Hlungwani I am looking for a driver job I have code 14 licences I speak English and have grade 11 or any other general work contact me on 078 767 1392 (5) _______________________________

My name is Marley Kubayi I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 with PDP I speak English and have grade 10 or any other general work contact me on 076 365 9908 (6) _______________________________

My name is Phetole Moses Masenamela I am looking for a driver job I have a driver licence code 10 with PDP – from 2005. I was working at BRFB Construction from 2013 (ref: Gillion 072 195 9140) contact me on 078 555 6780 (7)_______________________________

My name is Masilo Ronnie Bopape I am looking for a driver work I have code 10 I was a driver assistant checking invoicing as well or any general work contact me on 073 586 8558 (8)_______________________________

My name is Prince Sekgobela I am looking for a scooter driver work I speak English I have experience and grade 12 contact me on 083 403 0118 (9)_______________________________

My name is Phetole Moses Masenamela I am looking for a job as driver I have a code 14 can PRDP. And I can speak English I have 4 years experience (ref: Mr Maabuza 072 233 9713) contact me on 078 555 6780

general work, domestic or office cleaner, I speak English – Mon – Fri or 3 days, sleep out contact me on 063 194 5834 (175)______________________________

Tsakane Johannah Ralepelle is my name I am looking for domestic work, I speak English sleep out Mon- Fri or 3 days or office cleaner contact me on 078 529 5708 (176)______________________________

My naam is Shimamatilani G. Nkuna ek is opsoek na huishoudelike werk ek kan kook kyk na kinder, ek praat Afrikaans. Slaap uit. Maandag tot Vrydag of net drie dae skakel my op 072 310 6890 (177)______________________________

My name is Isaac Malesa I am looking for work in gardening or painting I can speak English I have grade 8 I have 3 years experience at Bassarie Farm (Kaven 082 576 5713) contact me on 073 558 4316 (178)______________________________

My name is Mamma Winnie Ramaila I am looking for domestic work, office cleaner or any general work I speak English, sleep out Mon – Fri (Ref: Mev Pretorius 060 808 6299) contact me on 081 894 8529 (179) _____________________________

My name is Lepulana Rosley I am looking for domestic work, office cleaner or any general work, I can also look after children, I can speak English sleep in or out contact me on 071 995 1795 (180)______________________________

My name is Rachel Semosa I am looking for work domestic or general work I can look after children, sleep out, full time or 3 days a week, I have worked with flowers as well I have licence code 10 (ref: Tanya 083 880 5233 / Ref: Maritz 079 531 7094) contact me on 072 789 2538

experience contact me on 078 037 3075 (185)______________________________

My name is Mokgadi Johanna Morwala I am looking for a domestic work or office cleaning; I speak English, sleep out, full time or part time. I have many years experience (Ref: Mavis Mokhabela 073 226 4203) contact 083 4040 314 (186)______________________________

My name is Wendy Malatji I am looking for a domestic work/general work I can also look after children I can speak English I have 6 years experience as domestic work (Peggy Nkgapele 082 331 3972) contact me on 083 999 1371 (187)______________________________

My name is Sibongile Khosa I am looking for domestic or general work I can look after children, sleep out, 3 days of full time I speak English contact me on 071 387 1883 (188)______________________________

My name is Isaac Malesa I am looking for gardening work or painting I have experience I speak English full time or part time contact me on 073 558 4316 (189)______________________________

My name is Malte Dorah Lebea I am looking for domestic work 2 days a week I speak English and Afrikaans contact me on 082 092 7546 (190)______________________________

My name is Tsakane Johannah Ralepelle I am looking for domestic work or office cleaner, sleep out full time or part, Speak English contact me on 078 529 5708 (191)______________________________

My naam is Mapula Stally Rapatsa ek is opsoek na huishoudelikewerk ek praat Afrikaans slaap uit vol tyds of half of kantoor skoonmaker skakel my op 073 544 7550



My name is Mohlaloganyi Errens Kgatle I am looking for a driver job I have a code EC1 I speak English I have experience or any other general work. Contact me on 083 464 3998

My name is Carren M. Twampe I am looking for any general work I have matric I speak English also domestic or office cleaning full time or part time contact me on 078 024 4406




My name is Bruce Monyela I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 with P.D.P I speak English contact me on 072 146 4975

My name is Deborah Mashale I am looking for a job as general or domestic worker I can speak English, I have grade 12, sleep out contact me on 076 630 9812

My name is Jane Malatji I am looking for domestic work I speak Afrikaans a little bit English contact me on 072 344 7776



Domestic My name is M Suzen Monyela I am looking for any

My name is Annah Maphosa I am looking for domestic work I can speak Afrikaans sleep out I can also look after children and old people I can cook I have 10 years


My name is Thapelo Mayagabo Malobadihlare I am looking for domestic work can look after children, speak English full time or part time contact me on 079 852 2517


My name is Lydia M Mankwana I am looking for domestic work I can cook and clean or any other general work I speak English Cashier as well (Ref: Maggy 083 731 3448) contact me on 079 763 5787


My name is Jane Malatji I am looking for domestic work I can cook and bake I have experience I can speak Afrikaans, sleep out, I can also look after children full time or 3 days ( Ref: Bellinda Granny 074 5248 935) contact me on 072 552 9581 (196)______________________________

My name is Shima Johannes Malesa I am looking for gardening work full time or part time I speak English or any other general work contact me on 073 619 9188 (197)______________________________

My name is Shirhandziwa Mavis Sono I am looking for domestic work sleep out, speak English full time or part time or office cleaner contact me on 076 570 9858 (198)______________________________

My name is Margareth Sekhula I am looking for a job as domestic worker/ office cleaner or security. I have grade E. C Security Training and PSIRA, I can speak English. I can also look after old people contact me on 079 764 9403 (199)______________________________

My name is Malata Emily Modipa I am looking for domestic work/ office cleaner is speak English full time or part time contact me on 079 378 9264 (200)______________________________

My name is Sylvester Mohale I am looking for admin work I have Bridging course certificate in Business Management and Diploma in Advanced Computer I speak English contact me on 072 732 4388 (14)_______________________________

My name is Thabo Chauke I am looking for any administrative work or receptionist I have computer and matrix I am a bench supervisor at KFC contact me on 078 260 8577 (15)_______________________________

My name is Sandra D Letsoalo I am looking for any receptionist work or cashier I can speak English I have matrix and computer contact me on 078 260 8577 (16)_______________________________

Admin My name is Nkhensani Mabunda I am looking for a job I have N6 in Business Management I can work as cashier, receptionist, and

bookkeeper. I can speak English I have 4 years experience as bank teller at FNB (ref: Maake Rhulani 083 434 4095) contact me on 078 380 5154 (17)_______________________________

My name is Kgomotso Pilusa I am looking for clerk work I speak English I have computer course and a code 10 licence contact me on 082 424 8318 (18)_______________________________

My name is Manto Maria Makwela I am looking for domestic work/office cleaner, I can look after children. I speak Afrikaans, English sleep in or out full time or part time, contact me on 076 985 0598

work, admin work or any office work; I have a computer literacy full time or part time contact me on 079 178 3002 (25)______________________________

My naam is Anisjka Basson ek is dringend opsoek na werk. Gee asseblief hierdie oulike go getter ‘n kans. Ek is dadelik beskikbaar. Jy sal nie spyt wees om my aan te stel nie. Ek is ywerig om te werk en loop die ekstra myl. Ek het ‘n sterk uithou vermoë en sal my alles gee. Enige werk soos admin, data entry, cashier, pod’s en fakture verwerk, maar sal ander werk ook doen, kan nie wag om van ‘n werk te hoor nie. Skakel my 079 706 3283 (26)_______________________________


My name is Nyiko Eugene Mathonsi I am looking for administration work I have N4 Marketing Communication, Diploma or a office assistant drivers licence code 10 contact me on 083 370 5474 (20)_______________________________

My name is Tshepo Lucy Malesa I am looking for a receptionist work, or cashier I have computer literacy and grade 12 (NQF1 qualification Plant Production) contact me on 078 583 6383 (21)______________________________

My name is Hellen Malatjie I am looking for a cashier, admin, receptionist work; I can work on pastel, cashbook, filing, customer serv. Is my first priority as ell four years experience working in admin. Code 10 driver’s licence I am 36 years old. Contact me on 079 3109754 / 083 481 7180 (22)_______________________________

My name is Eullender H Chauke I am looking for administration or general work I have computer diploma and code 10 licence have grade 12 I speak English. Contact me on 078 266 9812 (23)_______________________________

My name is Anna H. Kgatle I am looking for a administration job or PA or any office work, I have a diploma in computer I have a drivers licence code 10 4 years experience working in a office contact me on 076 026 9631 (24)_____________________________

My name is Gladys Sekodiane I am looking for a cashier work or any other general


My name is Masilo Jeffery Malapane I am looking for work as a painter or gardener I have experience I speak Afrikaans full time or part time contact me on 078 986 2639 (77)_______________________________

My name is Linda Jansen I am a middle aged lady seeking a job as children/elderly care giver (private) contact me on 073 872 7082 (78)_______________________________


My name is Tiny Shikwambana I a looking for a receptionist work or office assistant I speak English I have matirc and computer literate full time or part time contact me on 072 661 7527

My name is William Modiba I am looking for any General work or Gardening work 3 day a week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday) I speak English (Ref: 015 307 7248) contact me on 076 686 9941

General My name is Sibongile M. Khosa I am looking for any general work office cleaner or domestic worker I speak English full time or part time contact me on 071 387 1883

My name is Lahlane Tiny Pudikabekwa I am looking for any general work, domestic or office cleaner I speak English, sleep out full time or part time contact me on 076 551 9516 (79)______________________________

My name is Mohlatlego Elliot Manyama I am looking for a mechanic work I also have a code 10 drivers licence I speak English contact me on 079 373 5946

My name is Kgaogelo Fortunate Rakobela I am looking for a teaching post at preschool I have qualification level 4 diploma and level 5 diplomas. Early childhood development contact me on 060 436 3998



My name is Thapelo Moyagabo Malobadihlare I am looking for any general work or office cleaner or domestic sleep in or out I speak English Mon. – Fri. Contact me on 079 852 2517

My name is Elizah Pemba I am looking for job as petrol attendant, cashier, driver I have a code 10, receptionist, and waitress. I can speak English, I have



My name is Nkomi Reginah Mawasha I am looking for a cashier work, I have experience I packing (worked at Westfalia), and I worked with machine making boxes. Contact me on 072 999 6267 (72)_______________________________

My name is Antonia Shai I am looking for any general work, cashier, I am computer literate, admin work as well. a Part time work in the afternoons.( have paramedic diploma) contact me on 076 280 4645 (73)_______________________________

My name is Linda Jansen ek is opsoek na werk as ‘n oppasser vir berjaardes (privaat) of gestremde volwassenis ook het ondervinding CV beskikbaar Maandag – Vrydag skakel my by 073 872 7082

grade 12, I have two years experience as a petrol attendant and cashier at Caltex garage. (ref: Norah Mhagho 071 984 7266) contact me on 071 999 4771 (81)_____________________________

My name is Jahan Rasealoka I am looking for any general work messenger, I have a code 10 driver’s licence and P.D.P 8 years experience I can speak English and Afrikaans and I can also work on sprinkle irrigation systems, lawn mower as well (ref: Andries van der Walt 083 441 9360) contact me on 073 922 2588 (82)_________________________

My name is Modupi Daniel Monareng I am looking for any general work in a garden or on a farm I speak English full time or part time contact me on 073 758 4713 (83)_______________________________

My name is Given Malebate I am looking for any general work in a shop packing racks ect. I speak English full time or part time contact me on 073 3448 192 (84)_______________________________

My name is Sibongile Khosa I am looking for any general work I can speak English or domestic work full time or part time contact me on 071 387 1883 (85)_______________________________

VACANCY: ADMINISTRATIVE Candidate must reside within the immediate Tzaneen geographical area. Minimum requirements: A valid National Matric certificate Speak and write English well Good communication skills 2 year administrative experience Candidates who have not met the minimum requirements will not be considered. Start date: Immediately (ASAP) Applicants must produce CV’s via Fax: 0866708511


My naam is Rassie Erasmus ek is opsoek na enige opsigter werk ek het ondervinding. Skakel my by 072 811 9860 (75)_______________________________

Closing date: 9 October No applications will be accepted after the closing date.


2 October 2015

Breast Cancer Month


Smouskous l Classifieds Services Dienste

Services Dienste

King Trellis

We will beat any written quote!!

071 063 4983 24 Hour

Emergency Plumber Forum Makelaars/ Brokers Vir al u korttermyn versekeringsbehoeftes Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 / 6157

TZANENG SHUTTLE SERVICE ‘n Shuttle Diens beskikbaar van Tzaneen na Pretoria via Polokwane retoer elke Vrydag, Woensdag en Sondag. Kobus: 073 110 4180 Natalie: 084 369 6293 Facebook: Tzaneng ShuttleService



DEBT STRESS Contact us for professional, confidential Advice on 015 307 2772. Branches in Tzaneen, Phalaborwa and Giyani. Registered Debt Counsellor with the NCR. Feb202___________________ Hobby Print For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382. Aug110___________________________

Email: tzanengshuttle@yahoo. com Jun111_____________________

Sleebok 015 307 6005 Granite, marble, monuments, Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops

Mar109 ___________________________

DBV/SPCA Blankets & Food Bowls needed 083 628 9257

Kham A Valante Travel & Tours Shuttle Coaches Matsebane Nomvela (managing director) 072 795 1770 087 150 1775 Fax: 086 583 5379 www.kgomozadrivingschool. co.za info@kgomozadrivingschool. co.za Tzaneen, Polokwane, Phalaborwa, Hoedspruit, Hazyview, Nelspruit, Witbank, Pretoria, Naboomspruit, Johannesburg, OR Tambo International Airport. Jan406____________________ Kham A Valante Travel & Tours Shuttle Coaches Matsebane Nomvela (managing director) 072 795 1770 087 150 1775 Services Offered Scholar Transport Shuttle (Tzaneen – Johannesburg) Pack & Drive Touring (Tour Operators) Airport Transfers Picnic, workshop/ group travelling Tour Guides (on Board) Free Wi-Fi on board, DVD, Radio & CD. Air conditioned Jan407____________________ Wisani Burial Society 24 hour emergency no 015 307 6240 / 083 513 4988 015 307 6719 e-pos: helene@wisani.co.za

Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248

to advertise in the classified


Wenkem SA Micro Element Blaarvoeding Na oes bederfmiddels Plaagdoders Citrosol wakes Cor Greyling 082 856 5445 Steve Smuts 071 819 3269


Project Services For : Steel fabrication + construction Palisade Fencing Water and Sewerage treatment, Mechanical, Erectors, Ventilation, Carports, General welding Alf Wandrag: 082 490 9719 Email: awandrag@mweb.co.za


The Invisible Chef We will surprise your mouth! Birthday parties Office lunches Weddings Year end functions Elna 083 371 9190 Cindy 079 692 1180 Feb305___________________________

Blinds DIY hardware Waterproofing You pick we paint 17 Skirving Street 015 307 5562/3


Sleebok 015 307 6005 Granite, marble, monuments, Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops

Food Lovers Market Vir al jou alledaagse huishoudelike benodighede Vars groente en vrugte. Beste pryse. Kwaliteit produkte. Kwaliteit vleis. Verskeidenheid voorbereide wegneem kos Life Style Centre


Instant Lawn Kitsgras van hoogstaande gehalte. Prys R25.00 per Vierkante meter. Aflewering ekstra Skakel: Hennie Maartens 015 307 4562 of 073 872 8031 all ure

HET JY AL ALLES PROBEER VIR GEWIGSVERLIES EN NIKS WERK NIE?!?!? Ons het ‘n reeks wat jou lewe kan verander. Die produkte WERK!!! 100% veilig vir diabetes en hoë bloeddruk. KONTAK: chantelvr@gmail.com


DASS Refrigeration, air conditioning. Repairs, spares and services to all makes of domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Whirlpool, Defy, Bosch, etc. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, Tzaneen. 015 307 1798 082 8980 468

Feel like hitting your head against a brick wall? Tired of communication




Your partner in home building!

015 307 7168

Branches in Letaba Crossing and Letsitele Open!!

Oceana Tool & Plant Hire Bull dozer, TLB’s, Excavators Contact: Renier Kruger 083 245 1031 or Calla Kruger at 084 812 6062


On site Repairs Air conditioner sales Service Fridges, Freezers, washing machines, tumble dryers, Dishwashers, stoves 087 751 2333 / 015 386 8735 Mar110______________________


Agri Box Kontak ons vir enige pakmateriaal. 5c Rietbokstraat 015 307 1863

Danie Vaughan 083 307 2076



blom – R300.00 of (R1, kom haal self per blom) (BTW en posgeld uitgesluit) 082 466 9884

For Hire Te Huur

VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/ 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb. co.za Web: www.steynbergmeubelvervoer.com

WOW!!!! DIT IS AMAZING!!! MOENIE MISLOOP NIE!!!!!!! “Whitening” tandepasta verkoop soos soetkoek, met fantastiese resultate! Bevat GEEN peroksied of ander skadelike bleikmiddels nie. Weeklikse bestellings. KONTAK: chantelvr@gmail.com Beehives For Sale Professionally made and hot dipped waxsol treated. Complete brood boxes, super, all frames and queen excluder included. R850 (in Tzaneen) Contact Jason: 082 604 5828 Aug301____________________________

1 x Bakkie Vuurvegter R6 500 1 x Opel Corsa 1.8 2002 model R35 000 Waterkarre x 2 1 x Olie Welder R1 500 1 x Elektriese sementmenger R3 500 1 x Hamermeul R6 000 Skakel 082 476 3939


Wisani Burial Society 24 hour emergency no 015 307 6240 / 083 513 4988 015 307 6719 e-pos: helene@wisani.co.za


Instant Lawn Kitsgras van hoogstaande gehalte. Prys R25.00 per Vierkante meter. Aflewering ekstra Skakel: Hennie Maartens 015 307 4562 of 073 872 8031 all ure


Your go-to-guys on fireplaces and braais Contact us on 015 297 8964 083 417 6126

2nd HAND SHOP Bargains Galore We buy, sell and pawn. Ons koop, verkoop en pand enige iets van waarde. Meubels, toebehore, juwele, kombuisware, gereedskap en vele meer. Visit us at 11 Plantation Rd and get the best value for your money or call 015 307 1171 082 472 8483 Apr112____________________

JY WIL OPHOU ROOK? VERSEKER!! Daarom bespreek jou plek NOU by die gevorderde “Holistiese Stop Rook Program”. Kontak jou plaaslike Hipnoterapeut NOU by 082 683 2835 MARIE HELM Gekwalifiseerdede Hipnoterapeut (Nie - medies)

Trailer for Hire Reliable trailers to carry cars, cattle, furniture, and garden refuse etc. 083 651 0936 015 306 0036


PROFESSIONAL SOLAR INSTALLATIONS (COC issued) Contact JOHN …Qualified and registered Electrician. Special offer DIY LOAD SHEDDING SOLUTION Your solution will operate the following: FOUR standing or table Lights with Led lamps TV (Led /LCD) and decoder A music system WI FI Alarm system ONE Standing fan

Steynberg Trok & trekker 8 Ton trokke te huur. R21.00/km + btw, 12 ton trok R23/km + btw & 20 ton @ R30/km + btw eenrigting. Skakel vir Kwotasie: 076 410 9503/ 082 851 7139 Of 015 345 1192 084 627 0956 Jan402_______________

TLB FOR HIRE Contact: 082 427 7647 or 083 508 9741

Self storages with security to let. 9.18 and 32 sqm. From R250, R500, R1 000 pm plus vat. Contact 083 265 3129 or 083 451 9557

TLB for Hire 3CX 4X4 JCB Contact 083 580 2078 Jan202______________________

The solution kit comprises of: 1 x Battery 1 x Inverter CABLING FOR BOTH Price R4775.00 Bruce Electrical John Bruce 082 809 0429 info@jbruce.co.za Aug201_______________________

For Sale Te Koop Koriek beleggings: Revoluta palms: Revoluta saailinge – R4.00, Groot moederplante – R500.00 Mandela’s gold geel Strelitzia’s: Saad – R0.50, Saailinge – R4.00 plante in blom – R30.00, Moeder plante in

Underwater video camera system to observe the general condition of your borehole i.e. blockages, aquifers, water levels, condition of casings. etc. Contact Rynier de Jager @ 079 883 5655


Vacancy Vakante Pos Electronic Security Technician post available Salary negotiable Experience required Contact 015 307 7323 info@global-clocking.co.za Sep401____________________________


Integrifin Finansiële Adviseurs Onafhanklike finansiële dienste met integriteit. Vir voortreflike diens sonder onderbreking besoek ons by ons nuwe Kantore in Windsor Str 4 Jaco Nel 082 335 6801 Jacques Lamprecht 082 469 7558 Fanie Oberholzer 082 460 4173

Borehole Investigation

Contact Erika 073 024 8749


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Trok met arbeiders te huur Meubels/Rommel/Algemene vervoer. Tzaneen en omliggende area. Kontak: 082 838 8630.

Mille Flora Vir tuininstandhouding en tuinuitleg. skakel ons. Jy sal verbaas wees oor die verskil wat ons aan jou tuin kan maak. Skakel Riesl op 083 407 8061



Services Dienste

Concrete slabs Phone Hans for a quotation 082 804 5282

Mar109 ___________________________

WE Steel Random steel lengths Flat and round bar Square tubing Sheeting Channels Angle iron Welding accessories Bolts, nuts 015 307 7705

The Clean Team Put a spring in your step. Call us for all your upholstery cleaning and more. You know us and our work Eugene or Yvonne 071 783 7112 081 301 6018

Services Dienste

Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Faks: 086 262 3152 083 252 8928

Retractable security barriers Slam lock Free Quotations Contact: 071 342 9241 The Bargain Shop Ons koop en verkoop goedere van waarde vir kontant. We buy and sell goods of value for cash. Electrical equipment, crockery. Furniture. Old and new tools. Books and much more. Marinda: 083 576 7618 Hennie: 083 651 0936

Services Dienste


Services Dienste

Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248

to advertise in the classified

Urgently required Receptionist/ Girl Friday Salary negotiable. To start immediately Please send CV to 015 307 7326 / 086 632 8558 Sep102____________________________


2 October 2015

Breast Cancer Month

Pfunanane Academy in Modjadjiskloof came out on top in cross country again for 2015, winning between fifteen and nineteen medals at every LLSV cross country meeting, and as many as eleven

Oppie Kassie On the Telly

team competitions — more than a third of the total medals. In the overall competition, they had eighteen LLSV medalists, with gold medals in nine of the age categories, and 35 athletes named to the LLSV team, as overall top ten finishers in their age groups. Six of their run-

Sulke sport op TV kan stérk senuwees knou Hoekom mense, selfs dié wat aan hoë bloeddruk ly, hul senuwees aan sulke ontberings blootstel, weet nugter. Maar kyk sal hulle kyk wanneer Suid-Afrika se rugbyspan dié naweek teen Skotland, Suid-Afrika se krieketspan teen Indië en die Westelike Provinsie in ʼn Curriebeker-rugbywedstryd teen die Goue Leeus speel. Die Wêreldbekerrugby in Engeland, die Proteas se eerste wedstryd op hul lang kriekettoer in Indië en die kragmeting op Ellispark maak stérk senuwees en ʼn goeie sitplek voor ʼn TV-stel dié naweek waardevolle bates. Vir die meeste SA kykers sal die wedstryd tussen Engeland en Australië nie té senutergend wees nie, maar dit kan die hoogtepunt van die volgende paar dae se uitsendings wees.

ners qualified for the SA Cross Country Championships in Mpumalanga, where Lendra Mashale-Terwey won a bronze medal with the u.11 girls team from Limpopo. Pictured are the 35 athletes named to the LLSV team as top ten finishers, along with Pfunanane’s eighteen overall medalists.

Vrydag 2 Oktober

tot 23:00 op SS 1 en GDN Seiljagvaart: Extreme-reeks, Istanbul, dag 3 – 15:00 tot 16:30 op SS 2 Sokker: Telkom-uitklop: Golden Arrows t Ajax Cape Town – 14:30 tot 17:30 op SS 4 Mamelodi Sundowns t Chippa United – 19:30 tot 22:45 op SS 4 en Kanaal 210 Swem: Wêreldbeker, Singapoer, dag 1 – 12:00 en 14:30 op SS 7 Tennis: Maleisiese Ope, halfeind – 08:00 tot 13:00 op SS 2 Vroue: Wuhan-kampioenskap, eindstryd – 08:50 tot 11:00 op SS 7 Vegkuns: EFC: Van Zyl t Asker – 20:30 tot 23:30 op SS 7 Sondag 4 Oktober Fietsry: Lombardye-wedren, Italië, 245 km – 14:30 tot 17:30 op SS 8 Gholf: Amateurs: Asië-Pasifiese kampioenskap, dag 4 – 06:00 tot 09:00 op SS 6 Alfred Dunhill-kampioenskap, dag 4 – 13:00 tot 18:30 op SS 6 Krieket: T20: Afrikabeker, eindstryd – 09:30 tot 14:00 op Kanaal 210 Motorfietsrenne: Superfietsreeks: Franse wedren 1, Franse supersport, wedren 2 en superstock – 10:00 tot 15:30 op SS 2 Motorrenne: Nascarreeks – 20:00 tot 00:25 op SS 2 Rugby: Nieu-Seeland: Bay of Plenty t Wellington – 05:30 tot 07:25 op SS 1 en GDN Wêreldbeker: Argentinië t Tonga – 14:30 tot 17:30 op 17:30 op SS 1 en GDN Ierland t Italië – 17:30 tot 20:30 op SS 1 en GDN Sokker: Telkom-uitklopreeks: Platinum Stars t Kaizer Chiefs – 14:30 tot 17:30 op SS 4 Afrika-konfederasiebeker: Al Ahly t Orlando Pirates – 20:15 tot 22:45 op SS 4 Swem: Wêreldbeker, Singapoer, dag 2 – 12:00 tot 14:30 op SS 7 Tennis: Maleisiese Ope, eindstryd – 10:25 tot 13:30 op SS 6

Dié gr R-leerlinge van die Laerskool Tzaneen se Larrieland het vir LLSV-landloopkleure gekwalifiseer. Voor is Dikeledi Maloko, Shan Shahzad en Jelene Katzke, en agter is Jonathan Nzita, Bilal Badar, Wian van Dyk, Phuti Matjatje, Nhluvuko Shiviri en Shayan Shahzad. Op die inlas is Jeffrey Mokgwadi.

Rhino Sewes laat die wildtuin gons Die jaarlikse Merensky Rhino 7’s-toernooi by Skukuza in die Kruger Nasionale Park is vir die derde jaar aangebied en was, soos in die vorige jare baie gewild

en ‘n groot sukses. Die volgende hoërskole het aan die toenooi deelgeneem en sake in versengende hitte uitgespook: Ben Viljoen, DZJ, Die Anker,

SuperSport-hoogtepunte (Alles regstreeks)

Gholf: Amateurs: Asië-Pasifiese kampioenskap, Hongkong, dag 2 – 08:00 tot 11:00 op SS 6 Alfred Dunhill-kampioenskap, Skotland dag 2 – 14:00 tot 18:00 op SS 6 Krieket: T20: Indië t SA, eerste wedstryd, Dhramshala – 15:00 tot 19:30 op SS 2 Rugby: Nieu-Seeland: Waikato t Counties-Manukau – 08:30 tot 10:30 op SS 1 en GDN Curriebeker: Goue Leeus t WP – 17:45 tot 20:00 op SS 1 Wêreldbeker: Nieu-Seeland t Georgië – 20:00 tot 23:30 op SS 1 en GDN Sokker: Telkom-uitklopreeks: Maritzburg United t Jomo Cosmos – 19:30 tot 22:30 op SS 4 Tennis: Vroue: Wuhan-ope, China, halfeind – 08:50 tot 11:00 en 12:20 tot 14:30 op SS 2 Vertoonwedstryd: Nadal t Djokovic, Bangkok – 13:30 tot 16:30 op SS 7 Maleisiese Ope, Kuala Lumpur – 12:25 tot 16:30 op SS 8 Saterdag 3 Oktober Gholf: Amateurs: Asië-Pasifiese kampioenskap, dag 3 – 06:00 tot 09:00 op SS 6 Alfred Dunhill-kampioenskap, dag 3 – 14:00 tot 18:00 op SS 6 Krieket: Afrikabeker, halfeind 1 en 2 – 09:45 tot 17:30 op Kanaal 210 Motorfietsrenne: Superfietsreeks: Franse superpole en Franse kwalifisering – 14:30 tot 17:00 op SS 7 Motorrenne: Nascarreeks – 21:00 tot 00:00 op SS 6 Rugby: Nieu-Seeland: Manawatu t Taranaki – 06:30 tot 08:30 op SS 1 en GDN Curriebeker: Pumas t Cheetahs – 13:00 tot 15:15 op SS 1 en GDN Wêreldbeker: Samoa t Japan – 15:15 tot 17:30 op SS 1 en GDN Suid-Afrika t Skotland – 17:30 tot 20:30 op SS 1 en M-Net Engeland t Australië – 20:30


HTS Tom Naudé, Hoogenhout, LYNX, Merensky, Middelburg, Montana, Nelspruit, PHS, Potch Volkskool, Rustenburg en Wonderboom. Merensky en Montana het die eerste dag geopen, met Merensky wat met 32-7 gewen het. Daarna het die Plasies ook met Lynx en HTS Tom Naudé afgereken. Op dag twee het

HTS Tom Naudé vir DZJ met ‘n telling van 61-7 gewen en die skild ingepalm. PHS het Lynx met 40-14 uitoorlê om die “bowl” te wen, Montana het die plaat bespreek, deur Wonderboom met 12-10 te wen en Nelspruit het vir die tweede jaar as wenners van die toernooi uit die stryd getree en die beker opgeraap, deur Potch Volkskool met 33-12 te verslaan. Middelburg en Merensky het die derde en vierde plekke aan die einde van die toernooi ingeneem.

Merensky se Sewes-span wat aan die Rhino’s-toernooi deelgeneem het, is verteenwoordig deur, agter: MJ Bench, Mikyle le Roux, MJ Mulder, Pieter van Rooyen, Almo Julies en Casper Jordaan, en voor is Ettienn Slabbert, Rsaenge Kubayi, Freddie Lubbe, Noko Malatji, Wynand Scholtz en Joe Raspel.

Tennis vat vlam by Plasies Die Technifibre Junior Ope Tennistoernooi is by die Hoërskool Merensky aangebied en spelers van Tzaneen, Polokwane, Phalaborwa en Mokopane het as individue en nie in skoolvberband nie aan die toernooi deelgeneem.

Annecke) en Stefan Pretorius met ‘n oorwinning. In die gemengde dubbelspelstryd het Angie Nel en Erich Mostert in die tweede plek geëindig, Nina Grové en Blake Linder in die derde plek en Valeriia Avdysh en Franco Pretorius vierde.



S! Crizel du Plessis lost 14 kg

Valeriia Avdysh, Angie Nel en Nina Grové

Die volgende Plasies het goed gepresteer: Stefan Pretorius, Blake Linder, Erich Mostert, Angie Nel, Nina Grové en Valeriia Avdysh. In die seuns o.16- en -o.18-gekombineerde trekking het Stefan Pretorius as wenner uit die stryd getree, met Blake Linder in die tweede plek en Erich Mostert wat sewende geëindig het. In die meisies o.16- en -o.18-gekombineerde trekking het Angie Nel ‘n tweede plek behaal, terwyl Valeriia Avdysh en Nina Grové onderskeidelik derde en vierde gekom het. In die seuns se ope dubbelspel-kategorie spog die broers Franco (van die Laerskool Dr

Dié leerlinge van die Laerskool Dr Annecke in Letsitele wat in landloop gepresteer het, verteenwoordig die verskillende ouderdomsgroepe waarin hulle LLSV-kleure verwerf het: Voor is Jani Minnaar, Marthinus van Vreden, Chris Snyman en Riko Gubitz, en agter staan Nkateko Phakula, Louise Snyman en Palesa Shiluvane.

Andre van Jaarsveld Maggie du Toit, Lizette Slabbert, Surika Knoetze lost 8 kg Best Preformance Team Overall

Thank you to our sponsors:

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2 October 2015

Kuhlula makes SA proud in world games Nkowankowa’s nineteen-year-old Kuhlula Shilubane was one of the athletes who raised the South African flag high during the World Transplant Games in Argentina recently. The nineteen-year-old achieved a bronze medal for shot-put. She shared her experience with Joy Mojela, who also spoke to her about her life story. The World Transplant Games are a range of athletic games for survivors of organ transplant surgeries. According to the Games Federation’s website, the games were designed to show the success of transplant surgeries and to encourage organ donation. The games occur every two years, during which countries compete against each other. In the recent games, 46 countries competed. South Africa sent 43 participants. Shilubane was the only participant from our province. The nineteen-year-old was not participating for the first time in the recent summer games. She had raised the SA flag high before in 2013, when she won a gold medal for shot-put. The games were then held in Durban. Shilubane underwent a kidney transplant at the age

Kuhlula receiving her medal

of eight. She was born with conditional nephrotic syndrome — a kidney related disease. “When I was born, my parents were told I wouldn’t make it to the age of one.” In 2000, a then four-yearold Shilubane was put on immunosuppressors — a dialysis treatment to clean her kidneys. “My mother and I went to live with my grandparents in Diepkloof so I could be closer to the hospital in Johannesburg,”

she said. Her name was subsequently submitted to the list of patients needing organs for transplant surgeries. Shilubane received her miracle in 2004. “I was told an eighteen-year-old woman by the name of Mila Mojela had donated all her organs before she passed on.” Today, Shilubane is a first-year-student at the Letaba FET College. She passed matric at DZJ Mtebule High School last year. “I dedicate all my achievements to my mother, who, although passed away last year, was always there for me through my health condition. She would have moved heaven and earth to make sure I live a normal life,” she said. Overall, South Africa came in third in the recent games, with a total of 89 medals. The next Summer World Transplant Games will occur in 2017 in Spain. Shilubane says she is already preparing for them. She trains during the week at the Nkowankowa Stadium. “I wish that people would not take their organs to heaven when they die. There are many people living who would make use of the organs,” is her message to society.


Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se o.14-netbalspan is vanjaar se Limpopo-kampioene. Hulle het in die eindrondes met Frikkie Meyer (12-5), PHS (13-10) en Millenium (14-5) afgereken. Die span sal nou in Desember aan die nasionale kompetisie by die Universiteit van Pretoria deelneem. Die Vossies se netbalspanne het vanjaar drie uit vyf Limpopo-wenners opgelewer, wat aan hulle ook die trofee vir die beste netbalskool besorg, vir die sewende jaar agtereenvolgend. Hier is die o.14-kampioene, voor: Nyeleti Hlaniki, Zonuika en Kayla Armstrong, en agter staan Shiluva Shluba, Emma Gaffane, Nthabiseng Ramothwala, me Monique Lombard (afrigter), Bianca Thete en Nxalati Mashimbye.

Dis met hartseer en verligting dat Oubal hierdie skrywe rig. Waar begin ‘n mens, en hoekom eindig dit so, my maat? Miskien is die begin en die einde maar so half en half dieselfde nè? Oubal onthou daai Novemberdag in Marseilles in 2002 toe jy jou debuut gemaak het — dit was vinniger oor as wat dit begin het. Slegs vyf minute, en Oubal het só daarna uitgesien om jou te sien speel. Toe mis jy die 2003 Wêreldbeker weens ‘n besering (ook maar goed, synde Kamp Staaldraad en alles) en in 2007 moes jy huis toe kom na die eerste wedstryd. Ook nogal teen Samoa. Maar toe jy verlede jaar daar teen Wallis in pyn bly lê, het Oubal al gedink dis die einde.

Oubal sien Heyneke het jou voorverlede week ‘n vegter genoem, wat Oubal as ‘n ongelukkige woordkeuse beskou. Jy was ‘n kryger, Jean, maar Oubal dink jy weet wat hulle van ou krygers sê – hulle sterf nie, hulle vervaag net gaandeweg. En dis die deel wat Oubal bekommer het! Want toe kom Japan en dit kon nie vir jou lekker gewees het nie, want dit was nie vir Oubal lekker nie en ook nie vir SA nie. Oubal weet nie of jy agterna na opnames van die Japan-wedstryd gekyk het nie, maar hy glo so. Oubal hoop jy het na jouself as persoon gekyk. Dit was nie ‘n mooi prentjie nie, Jean. Ongelukkig het jy oud en kranklik gelyk en Oubal wou jou nie só sien nie, en hy glo jyself ook nie. ‘Tja, Jean, dis hoekom Oubal hierbo sê hy is verlig dit is oor en

verby, want die vet weet, Oubal kon die gehoon en gespot van ‘n eerbare man deur ‘n gepeupel van nimcompoops nie verdra nie. Maar daar is nog iets. Oubal is bly jy het die geleentheid gehad om ons met ‘n laaste hoera te groet (net jammer Willie le Roux was net-net uit voor jy daai “drie” gedruk het!). Maar dit het nie Oubal se aandag ontglip dat die man wat die leisels by jou sal moet oorneem vroeg in die wedstryd vir die skeidsregter beduie het julle gaan pale toe skop nie. Jy’t nie nog ‘n dolk in jou rug nodig nie! Hou jou kop hoog, my maat, jy’t alles gegee vir jou land — nou wel nie jou lewe nie, maar beslis jou liggaam en siel. In Oubal se oë is jy een van die grotes. Mooi loop! “Generally speaking, the way of the warrior is resolute acceptance of death.”— Miyamoto Musashi Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Oubal is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!


Beste Jean...

‘Tja, Jean, jy was so ongelukkig met beserings dat Oubal amper nie kan glo jy het 109 toetse vir jou land gespeel nie — waarvan 94 op senter die meeste nog vir SA was. Jou aanstelling as Bokkaptein was allerweë ‘n gewilde keuse en dat jy met 37 toetse die tweede meeste keer kaptein van die Bokke was, is ook ‘n veer in jou hoed. Oubal sal bieg, hy het jou nie gekies gehad vir sy 2015 WB-span nie. Niks persoonliks nie, Jean, maar Oubal kon sien teen die Wêreld Vyftiental en teen Argentinië dat jy nie die Jean is wat ons leer ken het nie. En toe gaan staan en breek jy nog jou kakebeen ook teen die Pumas. WB 2015 was toe al ‘n voldonge hersenskim, na Oubal se onbeskeie mening.

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