Fear lessl y the tr uth 9 Oktober 2015
015 307 7248
Rural ares:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS
Quite spectacular... The wa- troduction to a town where the council chambers, mayor’s office,
ter fountain in the garden at the Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s head quarters in Agatha Street has been refurbished and offers a new spectacle. When darkness falls the fountain is lit up in blue, offering a spectacle that could be the in-
esthetical assets are respected and treasured. Residents are hopeful that better care will henceforth be taken of the garden surrounding the fountain as well. The building is also being attended to: a new roof over the cental part (above the
enttainment hall etc ) is being fitted and a fresh coat of paint, inside and on the outside, is said to be on the cards as well. Could this be the beginning of a new approach to the restoration of the town’s appearance?
Wilmari fearless to the end page 16
The mangled wreck of a Limpopo Department of Labour vehicle has been “parked” on the rooftop parking area of the Letaba Mall (old Shoprite) in Tzaneen since August. The Limpopo Department of Labour’s spokesperson, Lerato Makomene, stated “the department is aware about the condition of the car in question which was involved in an accident and it is beyond repair. Procedurally, when a car is damaged beyond repair, the department contacts the service provider to inspect the extent of the damage before selling it. Moreover internal processes have resumed to dispose the vehicle that is at the labour centre. She was not willing to disclose the name of the service provider but added that “the accident occurred in Georges Valley and it was indeed in August”.
Local Hero page 6 Matrieks; pragfoto’s bladsy 11
Mediese fondse | Korttermynversekering | Lewensversekering Aftreebeplanning | Beleggings Testamente | Boedelbeplanning Pensioen- en voorsorgfonds Dood- en ongeskiktheidsversekering Aandele
Medical aid | Short term insurance Life insurance Retirement planning investments Investments | Testaments | Estate planning | Pension funds | Disability insurance | Stocks
10 Windsor Street, Tzaneen | Tel: 015 307 5587
Photo: Joe Dreyer
9 Oktober 2015
Fear lessl y the tr uth
Breast Cancer Month
LiN Member
Personeel | Personnel Uitgewer / Redakteur Publisher / Editor Francois Aucamp 083 266 6906 francois@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Louis Roux 072 043 2220 louis@bulletin.us.com Phidelia Rikhotso 073 562 7274 phidelia@bulletin.us.com Sue Ettmayr 072 630 3051 sue@bulletin.us.com Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Bemarking | Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Candice Prinsloo 082 342 7018 candice@bulletin.us.com Ansie Smuts 076 333 0523 ansie@bulletin.us.com
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Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani
Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...
Vlieg wil nou nie op Oubal se bejaarde tone trap nie, maar gun Vlieg die geleentheid om na afloop van die Biltongbokke se groepwedstryde ‘n enkele eiertjie te lê. Omdat dit sover maar sukkel-sukkel gegaan het, soos Vlieg vermoed het dit sou gaan, en die volgende wedstryd waarskynlik einste Bokke se swanesang in vanjaar se kompetisie gaan wees, wil Vlieg graag vandeesweek vir oulaas ‘n nommertjie opdra aan Heyneke, met die hoop dat hy dit ter harte sal neem. Miskien is dit tyd om terug te keer koshuisrugby toe! Daarvoor sal selfs ‘n suinige ou bliksem soos Vlieg ‘n munt in die put gooi! “Wishing Well” Take off your hat Kick off your shoes, I know you ain’t going anywhere. Run ‘round the town Singing your blues
Vlieg wens!
I know you ain’t going anywhere. You have always been A good friend of mine But you’re always saying farewell And the only time that you are satisfied Is with your feet in the wishing well. Throw down your gun You might shoot yourself, Or is that what you are tryin’ to do, Put up a fight You believe to be right And someday the sun will shine through. You have always got Something to hide Something you just can’t tell And the only time that you are satisfied Is with your feet in the wishing well.
Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!
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Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom
Oorlogverhaal belaai met liefde ‘n Greep uit die verre verlede wat steeds saak maak was die inspirasie vir Estelle Botha se roman Rose van Schweizer-Reneke, wat onlangs in Tzaneen vrygestel is. Dis ‘n werk van toewyding aan ‘n matriarg wat uiteindelik sin kon sien uit onsinnighede in haar leeftyd, toe ‘n vreemde en byna ondenkbare orde aan die dag was. Botha het uit vertellings van nasate en navorsing ‘n verhaal saamgestel wat ‘n vrymoedige blik op die aansien van mense in oorlogtyd gee. Die verhaal
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951
Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.
speel hom af tussen 1901 en 1916, toe duisende vroue en kinders in konsentrasiekampe vasgevang was. Die roman is gegrond op ‘n ware verhaal oor haar voormoeder wie se stryd teen onreg uiteindelik met vergifnis en geloof vervang is. Die skrywer woon in Tzaneen en kom uit ‘n huis waar die skryfkuns lank reeds gevestig is. Haar pa, Abel Botha, het ‘n reeks boeke oor die jagtersbedryf die lig laat sien. Rose van Schweizer-Reneke is by alle groot boekhandelaars beskikbaar; of skakel Estelle by 078 717 5007 om ‘n eksemplaar regstreeks te bestel.
Stand van Damme | Dam Levels Tel: 015 307 1530 | Fax: 082 586 7023 watermaat@telkoms.net
Website | Webwerf Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies ••••••• Besoek ons webwerf by www.bulletin.us.com en lees die jongste nuus sowel as vorige eksemplare
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The opinions/statements made herein are that of our readers and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Bulletin. The comments of people are given verbatim. We appeal to all who take part in the debates not to use hate-speech or to be insulting towards others.
Emergency numbers Noodnommers Tzaneen
Missed a copy of the Bulletin? Are you aware that you can actually read the printed Bulletin, as well as older versions of the Bulletin and our inserts online (like a book)? Scan the QR code or visit http://issuu.com/laeveldbulletin/ stacks or follow the links provided on the website to take you there!
Source: www.dwaf.gov.za Information updated: 05/10/2015
Tzaneen 55.9%
Ebenezer 84.0%
Merensky 101.2%
Dap Naude 87.4%
Middel Letaba 33.3%
Blyde Rivier Poort 83.3%
Klaserie 99.6%
Tours 55.7%
Vergelegen 92.3%
Ohrigstad 18.7%
Baie Dankie! Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 • lynette@fsabrokers.co.za
Die senior burgers van Macadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin danksy die wellwillende borgskap van Forum Makelaars
9 Oktober 2015
Breast Cancer Month
Baljubedrieër nog soek Die man wat nou weer in die Mopani-distrik rondgaan en homself as balju voordoen en mense se geld steel, is nog op vrye voet. Die publiek word gewaarsku om baie versigtig te wees en in alle omstandighede eers seker te maak dat die man homself behoorlik kan identifiseer (met ‘n plastiekkaart, soos ‘n kredietkaart, met die balju se foto en besonder-
hede, asook die volle besonderhede van die Raad van balju’s). Intussen het die Bulletin verlede week ‘n liederlike fout begaan, toe ons weens ‘n kommunikasie-misverstand ‘n naam, adres, kontaknommer en selfs die identiteitsnommer van ‘n gerespekteerde sakeman as dié van die bedrieër in ons berig aangedui het.
Dié man het uitgebreide sakebelange in die Laeveld. Hy is deur die bedrieër genader oor ‘n moontlike eiendomstransaksie — kompleet soos die vorige bedrieër, ene mnr Ngwako Kgatla; wat steeds soek is, omdat hy vals adresse gebruik het. • Ons stel graag die fout reg en as dit enige ongerief vir iemand veroorsaak het, bied Colourful celebration... Tolerance for one another’s heritage can only make South Africa a stronger and richer nation. That ons verskoning aan. — Redakteur
was the notion made at Heritage Day Celebrations at Maake Plaza. “The main aim is to remind the younger generation about our heritage, celebrating the imparted knowledge, the skills, the belief systems, rituals, stories, music, dance, arts, crafts, food and drinks from our different cultures,” said Orie Mbedzi the centre supervisor. Performances by different local cultural groups, representing the diversity around the area were enjoyed by the people. Photo: Phidelia Rikhotso
Ellen Maria Erasmus (geb Grobler) 14 November 1939 – 29 Septembe 2015
The Mercy Air team once again embarked on an outreach into Mozambique. This time they visited the rural area of Chimoio just a few kilometres east of the Zimbabwean border. The purpose of their week-long visit was to offer free hearing tests to more than 250 school-aged children in this deep rural community. Audiometrists from Kind2Hearing in Tzaneen screened these children for possible hearing
loss or damage to their ears which can greatly affect their abilities for studying and learning at school. The group departed on Tuesday morning in a Quest Kodiak 12-seater plane from Nelspruit (after a day’s delay due to clearance issues and permit challenges from the Mozambican side). Bulletin will carry a report on the outcome of their trip next week.
Ellen is gebore in Pretoria as die oudste van die eerstelingtweeling van ds Gerhard en me Grobler, toe van Potgietersrus/Koedoesrand. Sy het grootgeword en skool gegaan in Ermelo, Boksburg en Pretoria. Sy het na skool onderwys gestudeer en in junior onderrig gespesialiseer. Sy het onder meer ook by die Transoranje Skool vir Dowes onderrig gegee. Toe haar kinders haar aandag geverg het, het sy dikwels tyde-
lik by skole gehelp en was uiteindelik tot met haar aftrede heeltyds verbonde aan die
Bankuna Hoërskool in Nkowankowa. Na haar aftrede het sy in Haenertsburg gaan woon. Sy laat haar kinders Lourens, Gerhard (Chatz), Jannas en Tienie (Sussa), skoonkinders Tersia, Corlia en Dirk agter, asook die kleinkinders Jean-Marie, Theo, Petro, Jabes, Christiaan, Gerhardus, Isanelle en Luka. ‘n Roudiens vir haar word more (Saterdag) om 15:00 in die Ned Herv Kerk Tzaneen gehou.
9 Oktober 2015
Breast Cancer Month
Social • Churches • Cultural • Schools • Sport • Skole • Kultuur • Kerke • Sosiaal Tzaneen Sosiale rolbal 15 Oktober Die volgende gewilde Sakeliga-rolbaltoernooi wat deur die Tzaneen Rolbalklub in samewerking met die Bulletin aangebied word, begin op 15 Oktober en sal op 12 November afgesluit word. Elke Donderdagaand van 17:30 vir 18:00. Braaipakke beskikbaar en kontantkroeg oop. Vier lede per span. Bespreek nou jou plek by Hennie Botha by 076 224 8804.
Tzaneen Uitstalling 16 Oktober
Ina van Schalkwyk, bekende skilderkunstenaar van Tzaneen, hou op 16 Oktober ‘n uitstalling aan huis van me Christa van der Laan op Doornhoekplaas 535. Dit is verby die wal van die Tzaneendam en oor die laagwaterbrug, links by die T-aansluiting links en dan die tweede of derde huis op die regterkant (huis met die swart motorhek). Die uitstalling gaan gepaard met’n wynproe en wyne sal ook te koop aangebied word. Navrae: Marna by 079 873 8010.
Drakensig Gholftoernooi 17 Oktober Die Ned Herv Kerk se Ringsdiakenskommissie vir die Ring Laeveld (RDV) bied op 17 Oktober by Drakensig (Hoedspruit) ‘n gholfdag ten bate van barmhartigheid aan. Die geld wat hierdeur ingesamel sal word, sal in die plaaslike gemeenskappe vir hulp aan mense en bepaalde instansies aangewend word. Die RDV het verder ook as doelwit om in 2015 te fokus op kinders in nood in ons gemeenskap en daarom het ons ingeskakel by Drive for a Child. Inskrywings begin om 07:30 en die afslaantyd is 08:00. Die formaat is “4-ball alliance, 2 scores to count”. Koste om te speel is R800 per vierbal. Borge word benodig en borgskappe begin by so min as R1 500 per gaatjie, wat ‘n gratis 4-bal insluit. Ander uitstalruimtes sluit die inskryfarea (R500) en die area voor die klubhuis (R5 000) in, wat ook eksklusief bespreek kan word. Borge kan hul eie baniere vertoon. Navrae: 082 633 7335/082 730 0305.
op 17 Oktober om 10:00 hul jaarlikse Sprankeltee aan. Dit word in die Laerskool Duiwelskloof se saal aangebied en die gasspreker sal mnr Rudy van Brouershaven wees. Hy gaan met die dames gesels oor “Die Christelike rol van die vrou in die huwelik”. Alle ma’s en hoërskoolmeisies is welkom om dit by te woon. Daar gaan ‘n piekniek na die tyd gehou word, wat die organiseerders glo tot verryking van elke vrou in die gesin sal wees. Die kaartjies kos R100/persoon en is beskikbaar by Sarie Mostert by 072 379 5334.
ontspanne atmosfeer. Hulle beloof ‘n heerlike aand op die oewer van die Letaba-rivier, om “ons en ons geliefdes se lewens te vier” en “om te erken dat ons bevoorreg is” en “om terug te gee“ tot voordeel van mense wat terminaal siek en sterwend is. Al die wins van die ete in gaan aan die Engelfonds en aan die Tzaneen Care Group. Die vrywilligers van die Tzaneen Care Group is besig om ‘n Sorgsentrum in Tzaneen te vestig, waar kanker- en ander terminaal siek pasiënte versorg kan word. Tans doen ‘n paar vrywilligers reeds tot 65 tuisbesoeke per week, aan pasiënte in die Letaba-gebied... op hul eie reiskoste en met hul private motors — en die mediese voorTzaneen rade wat benodig word, is afhanklik van skenkingBewusmaking geld. Die tema vir die ete is “Celebrate life for 23 Oktober charity”. Tafels word verkoop teen R5 000/tafel of ‘n Bewusmaking in belang van kinders se R500/persoon. veiligheid. Amone Modelling Academy se Tzaneen-tak bied in samewerking met AdriPolitsi an Kruger en Leon Coomans ‘n “VeiligheidbeDinnerDance wusmaking vir kinders” aan. Die doel is om 31 October kinders paraat te maak en hulself voor te berei op gevaarsituasies. Basiese selfverdedingteg- Mosaic Restaurant on the picturesque farm nieke gaan ook gedemonstreer word. Kinders Alon will present a dinner/dance on 31 Ocvan alle ouderdomme en hul ouers word uit- tober, as well as on 8 and 21 November and genooi om dit by te woon. Bywoning is gra- again on 5 December. A five course Meditertis en dit word van 14:30 tot 15:30 in die saal ranean feast, live band, bookings essential. van die NG Kerk Tzaneen (Moedergemeente) R330/person. Call 083 625 6515. aangebied. Navrae en om bywoning te bevestig: Leandri Schreiber by 078 387 6838. Tzaneen
Tzaneen Country Lodge Engelfonds 23 Oktober
‘n Groepie vroue van Letsitele het ‘n “Engel Fonds” gestig, om geld vir minder bevoorregte mense Modjadjiskloof in die omgewing in te samel. Vir die afgelope vyf Sprankeltee jaar het hulle die Letsitele KersKuierMark gereël, 17 Oktober ten bate van dié fonds, maar vanjaar is besluit Die kerklike sustersvereniging bekend as om ‘n spoggerige byeenkoms aan te bied... ’n Dames Dinamiek van Modjadjiskloof bied vyfgang-aandete met ‘n gaskunstenaar en ‘n
Fairview Golf Annual Charity Cup 31 Oktober
The 2015 Round Table Charity Cup will be hosted by Round Table Tzaneen. This is a charity golf day sponsored by the local community, businesses and participants. R500 per player, this includes green fees, “goodie bag”, 3 drinks during play, dinner and great prizes. For Bookings, tickets or donations contact: Stephan Raab: 079 075 5084 or Henco Prinsloo: 082 801 9743
Modjadjiskloof Hengel 7 November Die AGS se Modjadjiskloof-gemeente se sustersvereniging, Dames Dinamiek, bied op 7 November hul jaarlikse visvangkompetisie aan. Dit sal by die Manyelaan-dam by Mooketsi gehou word. Die hek open die oggend om 06:00 en die vangste sal van 15:00 tot 16:00 geweeg word (slegs lewendige vise word geweeg). Kaartjies is beskikbaar by Boulevard Cycles in Tzaneen, by past Malcolm Immelman (071 473 2286) of me Sarie Mostert (072 379 5334). Kaartjies kos slegs R100 vir twee stokke. Lekker pryse kan gewen word. Die afdelings is karp en baber.
Send your info to editor@bulletin.us.com or send a fax to 015 307 7684 or call on 015 307 7248
AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Tzaneen Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845.
Catholic Church 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Evangelies Geref Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-str,Tzn: 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof: 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534.
Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastraat, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920. Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele: 015 345 1618.
NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Road: 015 307 4807. Ned Herv Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9580. Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. Ned Herv Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14,
Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate, Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240. Tzaneen Family Church Avispark Lodge Conference Hall Tzaneen: 083 598 0004 / 073387 2469. Send your info to / Stuur inligting aan: editor@bulletin.us.com
s j 3 0 1 0 7 _ 3 8 0 x 2 6 0 _ 2
2 0 1 5 - 1 0 - 0 2 T1 2 : 0 2 : 0 0 + 0 2 : 0 0
Breast Cancer Month
9 Oktober 2015
9 Oktober 2015
Ons Mening
Breast Cancer Month
Another entrepreneur...
09 Oktober 2015
Local Hero
Mr Moyana Mokatisei (50) has been a familiar sight in Tzaneen for the past nine years. He walks on the outskirts of the town daily selling his small to large feather dusters and brooms. He makes them himself and travels at least twice a year to Oudtshoorn in the Cape to buy the ostrich feathers. He travels there by bus and taxi and then returns by taxi with a 25 kg load of feathers. The only time he doesn’t work is when it rains as the rainwater damages the feathers. Mokatisei delivers his wares to the homes of his customers if they so desire. He goes home to Zimbabwe once a year to visit his wife and children. Mokatisei says that he couldn’t earn enough money in Zimbabwe to support his family, so he had to come down to South Africa. — Copy & photo: Sue Ettmayr
Die mense hoor
Let wel: Hulle sê nie so nie! • Hennie, John, Fransie, Henri en ‘n paar ander WP-ondersteuners se koppe hang nadat Ackers se junior span hulle onder die stof geloop het. Nou wil een van dokter verander, een soek ‘n nuwe apteker, een sê hy distansieer hom van dié koerant, nog een sê hy is die hoenders in, die “biker” sê sy foto’s bly voortaan syne en...
Uiteindelik, Fibre Internet in Tzaneen! Met ons nuwe fibre infrastruktuur word ons beste nou nog beter! Ons bied nou internet wat vinniger en meer betroubaar is as ooit. 015 590 1200 • Peacestraat 21B, Tzaneen • info@uniwisp.co.za • www.uniwisp.co.za
M.O.T.H Revival Me Charmaine Beetge, die netbalorganiseerder by die Hoërskool Ben Vorster en wyd erkende netbalafrigter, is aangewys as die ontwikkelingsbeampte vir Netbal Suid-Afrika. Dit is ‘n baie groot eer vir haar en inderdaad ook vir Tzaneen, die Laeveld en Limpopo!
Die Boodskap Dr Jan Truter Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele
Is daar diepte? Die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit is besig om gebreke wat die belastingbetalende inwoners van die dorp erg irriteer, reg te stel of daaraan te verbeter. Slaggate in strate word herstel, die kenmerkende waterfontein voor die munisipale hoofgebou is herstel en lyk beter as toe dit splinternuut was, die nuwe swembad sal eersdaags in gebruik geneem word en dies meer. Eweneens is daar ander en groter frustrasies wat egter sloer. Die informele sektor (smouse) wat nie beheer word nie, die taxis wat doen wat hulle wil en ander motoriste se veiligheid en reg op die gebruik van die strate/paaie minag, gesondheidsregulasies wat selektief en diskriminerend toegepas word, infrastruktuur wat toegelaat word om tot niet te gaan en die verfraaiing van die dorp wat afgeskeep word, ensovoorts. Is dit wat wel gedoen word en waarvoor die inwoners dankbaar behoort te wees, ‘n oppervlakkige aksie met die oog op volgende jaar se munisipale verkiesings? Dit lyk so en die stadsraadslede sal naief wees as hulle dink hulle kan die dorp se inwoners bluf met oppervlakkige vensterversierings.
Alan Odendaal (Old Bill Turbi Hills Shellhole) from Louis Trichardt, writes: Motion
to revive the defunct Moth Mosquito Shellhole or a new Shellhole in Tzaneen. Calling all Moths, ex Moths, Ex servicemen and serving members in Tzaneen, Letsitele and surrounding areas that will be interested in being
‘n Man in ‘n klein dorpie het ‘n verskriklike skinderstorie oor ‘n ander man versprei. Die storie was nie net onwaar nie, maar het die ander man en sy familie geweldige skade berokken. Soos die gebruik in so ‘n klein dorpie gewoonlik is, is die man na die hoof van die dorpie gebring, wat ook as die regter gedien het om die saak aan te hoor en straf uit te deel, as hy skuldig sou wees. Nadat die hoof van die dorpie die saak aangehoor het, het hy die man wat die skinderstorie versprei het, skuldig bevind. Hy moes gestraf word. Die straf, wat die ou regter vir die man uitgedink het, was om hom ‘n sak vere te gee en hom aangesê om voor die deur van elke persoon aan wie hy die skinderstorie vertel het, ‘n veer te gaan neersit. Die man was baie verlig oor die ligte straf. Hy het dadelik begin om die vere te plaas en vier ure later het hy teruggekeer na die regter en gesê: “My taak is voltooi, is daar nog iets anders, wat u van my verlang?” “Ja”, het die ou regter gesê. “Kom môreoggend baie vroeg terug na my, vir die tweede deel van jou straf”. Die man was die volgende oggend weer vroeg by die regter om die tweede deel van sy straf te ontvang. Toe gee die regter vir hom dieselfde sak en sê: “Gaan haal nou weer al die ve-
10368 7 2459
re, wat jy gister uitgeplaas het en sit hulle in die sak terug en bring dit vir my!” Die man was moedeloos. “U edele, het die man gesê, het u dan nie die verskriklike storm gisteraand gehoor, wat deur ons dorpie getrek het nie? Die wind het ontsettend sterk gewaai. Dit sal vir my onmoontlik wees om weer al daardie vere bymekaar te maak!” Die ou regter het lank na die man gestaar en toe vir hom gesê: “Sien jy nou wat jy aangevang het? Alhoewel jy net ‘n paar stories, wat onwaar was, hier en daar vertel het, is ‘n storm van skindery begin. Jy sal nooit weer almal in die hande kan kry om die saak reg te maak nie, want jy weet nie hoe ver die storie al gewaai het nie. Jy kan spyt wees oor wat jy gesê het, maar jy sal nooit weer regtig kan regmaak, wàt jy gesê het nie!” Jakobus 3: 5 skryf hieroor. Hy sê dat die tong ‘n baie magtige ding is. “’n Klein vuurtjie kan ‘n groot bos aan die brand steek.” Kom ons dink mooi, voordat ons stories oor ander versprei. Slaan ag op Jakobus se woorde: “My geliefdes, so moet dit nie wees nie. ‘n Fontein laat tog nie uit dieselfde oog vars en brak water opborrel nie” (Jakobus 3: 10-11). Ons kan nie die Here loof en ander mense beswadder, met een en dieselfde tong nie! Die Zoeloes het ‘n baie mooi spreuk wat sê: “As jou tong in ‘n mes verander, sny jy jou eie lippe af!”
Interesting Numbers
1,361,000 The amount of coffee, in tons, consumed by Americans per year (almost 1,5 million tons!).
Briewe part of a MOTH Shellhole in Tzaneen. (Membership will be subject to the information and conditions for membership as laid down by the MOTH General Headquarters) All persons interested, please phone Alan
Odendaal (Old Bill Turbi Hills Northern Outpost Shellhole Louis Trichardt ) on 083 660 2472 or e-mail him at alan@xpress.co.za. Alan already has a preliminary data base and will be contacting those concerned shortly. A venue and time to hold an open meeting in Tzaneen will be announced in due course. Yours under the Tin Hat
“Each one reach one”
9 Oktober 2015
Breast Cancer Month
Put your phones down! Although there are fines in place for distracted driving, the habit of drivers’ texting and talking on hand held cell phones continues unabated in Limpopo Province. Look in your rear view mirror and watch the drivers behind you. Watch the drivers in front of you. Any odd movement is often due to their attention being on something else and that something else is more often than not a cell phone communication. Many drivers will say that they can multi-task but this is a fallacy. The Automobile Association of South Africa says that distracted driving accounts for between 25 and 50 percent of all accidents. Meanwhile in Canada, the Ontario Transportation Minister, Mr
Steven Del Duca, said at a recent press conference, “Fatalities from distracted driving are expected to
exceed those from drinking and driving by 2016.” It is not only cell phones that are responsible for distracted driving. A local mother was taking her twoyear-old son to Forest Hill nursery school in Haenertsburg one morn-
ing. The son, always strapped in his chair on the back seat, wanted his bottle of juice. The mother grabbed the bottle, passed it to him and then turned around to see whether her son was content. That split second turn caused her to lose control and the car veered off the road into the gulley on the left. The mother swung the car hard to the right but lost control. The car spun at a 45 degree angle across the road, fortunately with no oncoming traffic, overturned and came to a halt when it hit a tree in the pine forest. The toddler was unharmed and still strapped in his chair on the back seat. The young mother was taken to MediClinic Tzaneen where she was admitted with a
broken wrist and fractured ribs. The car was a write off and the mother is fully aware that she had a very lucky escape. She says this has taught her the valuable lesson to keep her eyes on the road at all times. Her adherence to keep her child safe in the back seat is commendable as there are so many irresponsible parents who give their children carte blanche in cars. Back in Canada, where Toronto has a population of just over two million, Chief Mark Saunders said the Toronto Police Service has issued over 91,000 distracted driving offence notices since 2010. The state of Ontario in Canada has introduced stiff new penalties for distracted driving and the new fine is $490 which translates into about R4 900. Sue Ettmayr
Celebrating Heritage Day Unity Primary School in Tzaneen celebrated Heritage Day recently with pupils clad in dresses of different cultures to commemorate the importance of their heritage in unified fashion. It was also a festive moment for the teaching staff, who celebrated the day with a braai. They are: (front) Mss A Hosana, G Mongwe, RE Legodi and RN Marechera. Middle row: Mss KT Theron, EM Shipalana, JLN Fichardt, N Ngobeni, S Knoetze, P Raphaswana, N Nolte and DT Selomo. At the back are Ms L Pohl, Mr BJ Bekker, WW Wolvaardt, N Khoza, E O’Brien, E Espach, O Jacobs and C Swanepoel.
NTK Tzaneen het ‘n JoJo-watertenk aan die plaaslike DBV geskenk as ‘n noodmaatreël teen onverwagte watertekorte. Dit is met groot vreugde ontvang deur mee Annerie Potgieter (links) en Ellie Potgieter (regs), hoof van die DBV. In die middel is mnr. Torence Mnisis van die NTK wat die tenk oorhandig het.
9 Oktober 2015
Breast Cancer Month
Rory Du Plessis Modehuis opens its doors Being fashionable is a skill when you live in the Bushveld. The harsh weather conditions makes dressing fashionably a little tricky on the best of days. Wardrobe selection can be an impossible task with the weather lately being as temperamental as a toddler in a toy store. There is the old adage of judging a book by its cover and even though many see past this fact, the practice still exists and with the current economic trend, dressing up in many instances has become costly. But, it doesn’t have to be this way. As of the 1st of October Tzaneen has a solution to combat the desperation of dressing decently within the limits of a tight budget. With the official opening of Rory Du Plessis Modehuis in Circle Drive, every woman can now look and feel as good as a crisp summer breeze all year round. “I have always had a love for fashion and so the boutique is essentially the manifestation of a lifelong love rather than a side project.”
Now Open! Imported brands from Europe and USA. 1 Circle Drive, Tzaneen Tel: 087 121 0797
Rory’s BA in Fashion Management and MA in Fashion Marketing provide proof of her insatiable love for all things bright and beautiful. The splendorous new boutique welcomes you in style with its trendy look and high fashion feel. Inside, you will be treated to only the newest ranges of imported designer clothing and accessories from top international designers including Frank Walder and Eugen Klein. Match the perfect blouse with the perfect beads and compliment your outfit with a designer handbag which is sure to draw some attention. Whatever your mood, whatever your preference, a visit to Rory Du Plessis Modehuis is sure to saturate your appetite and leave you feeling on top of your game. The boutique will be open weekdays from 08:00 to 17:00 and Saturdays until 13:00. Contact Rory du Plessis on 087 121 0797 or pay her a visit to join a world of style. Rory du Plessis Modehuis — colour yourself pretty.
Vier geslagte byeen op die Tzaneendam se wal is nie jou alledaagse gesig nie. Me Retha Kruger, haar dogter Margie van Tonder, dié se dogter, Margareet Engelbrecht, en klein Aldrè van Tonder is onlangs saam op die damwal betrap. Van Tonder is getroud met ds Adriaan van Tonder van die NG Kerk Wolkberg. Hulle het nog ‘n dogter wat nou swanger is en oor min of meer ‘n week haar baba se geboorte sal vier — en die vierde geslag se getalle dus verder sal opstoot.
Size of editorial & pix???
9 Oktober 2015
Breast Cancer Month
The DR Church Wolkberg in Tzaneen felt it necessary to treat the senior citizens of their congregation to a little bit of tasty heaven last week. Members of the church along with their reverend, ds Adriaan van Tonder, presented a wonderful buffet of the finest homemade cuisine themed “Kokkedoor” which included roasts, quiches, pastries and some of the
finest desserts this side of the Bushveld. Each of the guests were handed a surprise note detailing a specific style in which they had to arrange and present their meal on their plates. The presentations were then judged by a distinguished panel of palatable professionals and the winners announced. Each of the lucky winners was presented with a gift. During the luncheon, various talks were held to educate the attendees on the value of healthy eating, how to supplement their diet and live healthier, happier lives. Mss Wilma Steyn, Ilza Roelofse, Noelene van Wyk, Margie van Tonder, ds Adriaan van Tonder, Mss Elsa van der Westhuizen, Sulette Jordaan, Petro Engelbrecht, Elna Wandrag and Adel Skãr were the “kitchen staff ” who prepared the exquisite food for the seniors.
10 Windsor Street, Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 5587
Mediese fondse | Korttermynversekering Lewensversekering | Aftree Beplanning Beleggings | Testamente Boedelbeplanning Pensioen- en voorsorgfonds Dood- en ongeskiktheidsversekering Aandele
Equities – not for everybody We are well aware that an adviser’s job is never done. No matter how thoroughly you explained to your clients what to expect from the equity market, when markets suddenly fall and alarmed investors start to call, the toughest part of your client journey starts: assuring investors that choppy waters too can lead to the right destination. Colin Shaw, author of ‘Building great customer experiences’ was one of the first client experience designers to draw attention to the fact that the client experience starts with an expectation and ends with an emotion. The better businesses prepare clients for the potential negative experiences that may lie ahead, the better are the chances of a positive emotional outcome. This is the approach used by Smit Advisors when advising clients on equities. We’ve therefore decided to share an informative article about equities by the Head of Retail Business of Sanlam Investments, Mr Carl Rootman, with our existing and prospective clients. Rootman says:
ALSI had recovered from its lows. Investors in the equity market for the year from September 2008 to September 2009 would therefore not even have regained their capital, let alone keeping up with inflation. Equities are therefore absolutely not for clients wanting to invest for periods shorter than three years. The risk of losing money in real terms is simply too high.
It’s, however, extremely difficult to predict when, and by how much, markets will rise and fall. If your clients sell in a panic after the first signs of a market correction, they may miss out on good performance days, resulting in an overall drop in their return. Where you don’t want to be on the good market days is out of the market. And there’s no way you can predict when those days will be. Besides, historical ALSI data indicates that it is highly likely long-term equity investors will reap positive real returns when they invest for 10 years or longer and highly unlikely that they will lose any capital when they invest for five years or longer.
mance with that of their peers, often leading to buyers’ remorse and switching to the funds that outperformed recently. According to a study by Dalbar, over the past 30 years the average investor in an equity unit trust in the US earned an average of 3,8% a year — a third of the Standard & Poor’s 500’s average 11,1%! This is mainly due to switching in and out of funds at the wrong time, chasing outperformance — an exercise which is more often than not counterproductive.
• Try and time the market
Seasoned investor Peter Lynch said, “Far more money has been lost by investors preparing for corrections, or trying to anticipate corrections, than has been lost in corrections themselves.” Because of the asset class’s proven long-term inflation-beating characteristic, investors with very long-term horizons (10 years or more) should remain as fully invested in equities as possible at all times. Those who want to try and time the market, switching out when they think the market is close to its peak and switch back in again when it’s close to the Equities are not for those who… bottom, can try the casino instead. They may have better luck there. • Invest for the short term Timing the market is just not worth the risk. Investors driven by greed or sometimes • Panic easily desperation, needing to make up a shortfall Short-term volatility of the equity market is in terms of a future liability, such as their children’s university education, often turn to shares perfectly normal. Every time the market corto boost their wealth fast. But equities are not rects (fall by more than 10%) your clients may want to get out of the market ASAP. But, if they there for those wanting to make a quick buck. In September 2008, world financial markets look at the two graphs below, they’ll see that came under severe pressure and the ALSI re- the ALSI has risen far more than it has fallen, acted by losing around a third of its value up and the long-term trend of the market has alto year-end. Only by mid-November 2009, the ways been upward.
• ‘Watch the pot’
With the advent of real-time investment reporting, your clients can now view their portfolio values online on a daily basis. While the rise in transparency is positive, the flipside is that investors who tend to ‘watch the pot boil’ are now more likely to compare their funds’ perfor-
Advice for everybody
To summarise, when investing for growth, equities are instrumental. As financial ‘insiders’ we need to get the following three things right, though: • Make sure our clients have the right equity allocation % for the right timeframe • Manage our clients’ expectations before they commit to the investment • Help our clients to stay the course — let the market do the rest.
9 Oktober 2015
Breast Cancer Month
Links: Die junior wenners in die geweer-afdeling is hier saam met mnr Francois Malan van die BJV.
Plaaslike skuts presteer mooi Phillip Hattingh (Inyati Sporting Supplies) saam met Eduan Engelbrecht, die naaswenner, en Bosman Kruger (hoofborg).
Mnr Hugo Bekker van Hoedspruit en sy gesin het die dag saam deurgebring: Machiel, Leandra en (voor) Danel.
Meer as 200 skuts het die naweek deelgeneem aan die BJV se skietdag in Tzaneen, wat met ‘n totale borgskap van meer as R200 000 ‘n groot sukses was. Die algehele wenner was Clayton Wiggell, met Eduan Engelbrecht in die tweede plek en Pieter Grimbeek derde. Dit was die tweede keer dat dieselfde skut die 100 meter-kompetisie wen en die eerste keer dat dit twee keer agtereenvolgend gebeur. Die opkoms was volgens die voorsitter van die BJV, mnr Fran-
Onder: J van Zyl was eerste in die .22LR Ope. Hier is hy saam met James Edwards van EXP Couriers.
cois Malan, bo verwagting. Die meeste skuts nóg het opgedaag en die wedywering was intens tussen topskuts wat van verskeie plekke in die land gekom het. Die beste vyftien skuts het almal in ‘n groepering kleiner as 9 mm geskiet. Malan sê dit was hul belangrikste byeenkoms en hy sal graag vorentoe sien dat meer jongmense by dié byeenkoms betrek word.
Die windbuks-koning was Jahden Fleischman, met Alvine Fleischman tweede en Bradley Steynberg derde.
Herio Engelbrecht was die kleiduif ope kampioen.
Clayton Wiggell, algehele wenner met ‘n groepering van 2,51 mm
J van Zyl was eerste in die .22LR Ope.
Die BJV se jaarlikse groot skietdag is deur etlike jongmense bygewoon. Hier is Damian Smith, Kim Maritz, Zunnike dos Ramos, Kristie Badenhorst, Miguel dos Ramos, Christelize en Bianca Elbrecht, almal van Tzaneen.
BOSVELD JAGTERS & WILDBEWARINGSVERENIGING Marksmen Taxidermis, Letaba Arms & Ammunition, Safari Taxidermis, Pam Golding Tzaneen, Sasol Claude Wheatly, CB Basson, Jacques Lampbrecht, Tactical and Outfitter, Laeveld Liquer, Epx Couries, PPS, The Plumber, Protect Communications cc, NTT Toyota, Paint PotvTzaneen, Tzaneen Midas, Stoom en Elektries Dienste, Tzaneng Trusses, NTK Landmark, BF Distributors, Tzaneen Brake & Clutch, JD Fastners, BRBF, Northern Security, Simpson Motors, Mahela Boerdery, Heindoc Wildvang Dienste, BB Groep, CTM Tzaneen, Camdix Wapens, Impala Bullets, Insect Sciences, Zimbi Books, MultiRama Polokwane, DU Paints, McCarthy Motor Group, JP WapenSmit, VLT Wapens, Inkonka Safaris, Autozone, Lannie Motors, Geyer Faurie, Bricks for Africa, KM Bolt, JV Hidrolies, Sniper, Trappers Trading, Vortex, Bushnell, Motor Master, Fred Drake, SAB, Miami Canners, Roossenekal Foods ( KFC), Savuki Drilling, Smit Garrun, Tzaneen Koelkamers, Project Services, Letaba Wireless Internet, Houers Ko-operatief, Plastiek Pype Tzaneen, TZN Kunsraamwerke, Ronwill Staalwerke, Mogodu Meats, Tzaneen Treated Timbers, Jack’s Paint, AGD Aluminium Services, Limbou Construction
BJV half page
Bosveld Jagters Vereniging Letaba Tak bedank graag hul getroue en gewaardeerde borge van die 2015 Groepering Skietdag.
9 Oktober 2015
Breast Cancer Month
Matrics say farewell in style
It was all glitz, glamour and style when the Class of 2015 of both Ben Vorster High School and Merensky High School said farewell during their official farewell functions. The theme for the Vossies’ function was The Oscars, while the Plasies enjoyed their own Rio Carnival. By albei die aanbiedings was daar
oorgenoeg om die matrieks, die skole se personeellede, ouers van die leerlinge en ander gaste en toeskouers gereeld na hul asems te laat snak. Die uitrustings, die dekor, die detail... alles het ‘n toonbeeld gevorm van baie moeite wat gedoen is (en baie beursies wat diep omgedop is).
9 Oktober 2015
Maake: Police arrested 34 people for various criminal offences over the past week: ten for assault GBH, two for business robbery, one for rape, one for arson, two for assault, one for murder, six for contravening the Liquor Act, one for possession of dagga, one for cultivating dagga, six for contravention of the Road Traffic Act, one for picking up wild ani-
Breast Cancer Month
Mopani Crime Scene Co-ordinated by: Vabekile Phidelia Rikhotso • phidelia@bulletin.us.com
mals, one for possession of suspected stolen property and one for theft.
Modjadjiskloof: Police arrested fourteen suspects in connection with criminal activities in the past week: three for assault GBH,
one for malicious damage to property, nine for contravening the Liquor Act and one for possession of dagga.
Police arrested fourteen suspects in connection with murder, theft, rape, shoplifting, house breaking and theft, malicious damage to property, drunken driving, crimen injuria, violation of a protection order, intimidation and drinking in public.
Free computer lessons! A Sita IT Intern was appointed by the DSAC to assist with the public Internet at the Tzaneen Library. Ms Refilwe Mafiri (B Sc. Computer Science) is stationed at the Tzaneen Library and will show those interested how to use a computer, Google, e-mail, FaceBook etc. The informal
training is available from Mondays to Fridays, from 09:00 – 16:30, is free of charge and will be done on a one-on-one basis in English, Sepedi or Tsonga. All are welcome and no previous computer knowledge is necessary. Please book at the Tzaneen Library on 015 307 8050.
Business directory | Sakegids
32 Hospital Street, Tzaneen
Weekly from Tzaneen to Pretoria via Polokwane on Wednesday, Friday and Sundays. Natalie Moss
With us nothing goes down the drain!
Solar power installation, inverters & solar panels, solar geysers, small alterations, bathroom make-overs, drain unblocking, tiling, aircon installations, services and repairs For all your Solar, Plumming and Aircon needs contact: HP Pretorius 082 925 2955
Contact Mike at 071 302 8090 / 082 298 5352 dedamsteelworks@gmail.com
We specialise in: • Burglar proofing, security and access gates • Palisade fencing, electric gates and garage motors • Paving and light to medium steel and general construction We also service and repair all makes of electric gates and garage motors.
Tel: 015 296 4304 | Fax: 086 689 9007 Email: limpopo@voidcon.co.za | www.voidcon.co.za P.O. Box 12250, Bendor, Polokwane, 0699 Registration nr: 2010/05884/23 | VAT nr: 4760256968
015 297 8964 • 083 417 6126 22 Industria Street, Industria, Polokwane, 0699 www.lekkerfireplaces.co.za
Directions: Down Agatha Street, turn left down into Skirving Street, see Ranie’s Call Centre and Keyshop on your left. Scaria’s is at the back... or at the big parking area behind Joubert & May, stop and look at the black gate.
063 043 0648 063 088 1158
@ Corner House, Saligna street
084 369 6293 073 110 4180
9 Oktober 2015
Breast Cancer Month
Property l Eiendomme To Let Te Huur
month, + deposit required. Available 01/09/2015. Contact: 083 250 5393
Huise, Meenthuise, Woonstelle, Kantore & Besighede
Meenthuis/Cluster Homes Moderne 2slp meenthuis in Letsitele te huur, 2.5 badkamers, garage, veilige kompleks. R4000 pm met koopkrag. bel Elzaan by 0835616062 aug202______________________
Netjiese, ruim twee slaapkamer houthuis te huur in Hamawasha. R4200.00 per maand. Skakel 0823855979. A very neat and spacious two bedroom wooden house to let at Hamawasha. R4200 per month. Contact 0823855979
Georges Valley Aquapark 1 Groot bachelor woonstel 3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer met afdak vir 1 voertuig, erf meenthuis met omheinde omhein, middelslag honde erf, 1 toesluit motorhuis welkom. Koopkrag R1 700 met afdak, honde welkom. Beskikbaar 01/11/2015. R6 000
2 slaapkamer in Arborpark. Water en ligte ingesluit. Geen Kinders. R3 500 pm Skakel 082 414 4476
Aquapark 2 Slaapkamer, 1 badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, afdak vir voertuig, geen kleuters of troeteldiere, koopkrag. R3 800
1 Slaapkamer tuinwoonstel te huur, sentraal, omhein beskikbaar vanaf 1 November water en ligte ingesluit R2 700 pm Skakel 073 3619556 Oct201____________________________
1 Bedroom flat under roof parking. Central in Town. W&L excluded. R3390.00 per
Kantoor: 015 307 5151 Isabel 083 448 5171 Annette 083 443 0328
Huise/Homes Attractive 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom family home in good area. Rent: R6 500 pm. Water and lights excluded. Please call 082 849 2603/ 079 881 8548 Jul701_______________
Huise, Meenthuise, Woonstelle, Kantore & Besighede
Legals | Geregtelik IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF LETABA HELD AT TZANEEN CASE NUMBER: 3622/2012 In the matter between: RIVERSIDE ESTATES HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION Execution Creditor And LANDZANI PETER MABUNDA 1st Execution Debtor EVELINA MUKOSI MABUNDA 2nd Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN PURSUANCE of a Judgment of the Magistrate, TZANEEN dated 6 FEBRUARY 2014, the under mentioned goods will be sold by public auction, on 30th OCTOBER 2015 at 10:00. Venue of the sale: SHERIFF
RITAVI OFFICE, 1 BANKUNA STREET, LIMDEV BUILDING, NKOWANKOWA By the Sheriff for the Magistrate’s Court RITAVI to the highest cash bidder. 1 X 3 PIECE ROOM DIVIDER 1 X TV 1 X 5 PIECE LOUNGE SUITE 1 X GLASS TABLE 1 X LG MUSIC SYSTEM 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honourable Court. 2. The rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 1 Bankuna Road, Nkowankowa 3. Registration as a buyer is
a pre-requisite subject to a specific condition, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation in respect of proof of identify and address particulars, payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being William Mkhonto. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor.
28th day of September 2015.
Dated at TZANEEn on this
All persons having claims
against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the under signed within 30 days from the date of the publication hereof.
Joubert & May Attorneys PO Box 35 Tzaneen, 0850 Ref: A E Rech/avs/R13923
BOEDEL WYLE JC TROSKIE In the estate of the late JOHAN CHRISTIAAN TROSKIE, identity number 5609305100086, divorced, Master’s reference number 6870/2015, who was ordinarily resident at Macadamia Village, Tzaneen and, who died on the 23rd of July 2015
EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION PURSUANT to a Judgment by the magistrate PHALABORWA given on 22 April 2013 the under mentioned goods will be sold at 10:00 on 30 October 2015 by public auction to be held at SHERIFF RITAVI’S OFFICE, 1 BANKUNA ROAD, LIMDEV BUILDING, NKOWANKOWA by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, SHERIFF RITAVI to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X TELEFUNKEN PLASMA 1 X 4 P LOUNGE SUITE 1 X LG FRIDGE 1 X DEFY STOVE 1 X MICRO WAVE 1 X SONY MUSIC
My name is Pulane Edwina Mokgata I am looking for domestic work I can look after children, speak English full time or part time sleep out, contact 073 255 0322
My name is Bruce Monyela I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 with P.D.P I speak English contact me on 072 146 4975
My name is Maria Makwela I am looking for job as domestic worker/ office cleaner I can also look after children 3 days of full time I have 10 years experience as domestic, sleep in or out(Ref: Van Rensburg 083 456 3138) contact me on 076 945 0598
My name is Edna Mapula Modika I am looking for a domestic work 3 days or full time sleep out I can speak Afrikaans and English contact me on 072 542 2425 (208) _____________________________
My naam is Masoku Maria Rammola ek is opsoek na huishoudelike werk ek kan na kinders kyk, ek praat Afrikaans slaap in of uit, voltyds of 3 dae a week skakel my op 072 814 5611 (209) _____________________________
(25) ______________________________
My naam is Anisjka Basson ek is dringend opsoek na werk. Gee asseblief hierdie oulike go getter ‘n kans. Ek is dadelik beskikbaar. Jy sal nie spyt wees om my aan te stel nie. Ek is ywerig om te werk en loop die ekstra myl. Ek het ‘n sterk uithou vermoë en sal my alles gee. Enige werk soos admin, data entry, cashier, pod’s en fakture verwerk, maar sal ander werk ook doen, kan nie wag om van ‘n werk te hoor nie. Skakel my 079 706 3283
My name is Margareth Sekhula I am looking for a job as domestic worker/ office cleaner or security. I have grade E. C Security Training and PSIRA, I can speak English. I can also look after old people contact me on 079 764 9403 (199)______________________________
My name is Mosibudi Melita Mokati I am looking for domestic work/ office cleaner full time or part time or any general work I speak English sleep out contact me on 082 695 1163 (204)______________________________
My name is Shirhandziwa Mavis Sono I am looking for domestic work I can look after children / office cleaner, sleep out, Speak English full time or part time contact me on 076 570 9858 (205)______________________________
My name is Gladys Sekodiane I am looking for a cashier work or any other general work, admin work or any office work; I have a computer literacy full time
(83) ______________________________
My name is Given Malebate I am looking for any general work in a shop packing racks ect. I speak English full time or part time contact me on 073 3448 192 (84)______________________________
My name is Sibongile Khosa I am looking for any general work I can speak English or domestic work full time or part time contact me on 071 387 1883
My name is Collen I am looking for any general work gardening or driving I have code 10 with PDP full time 3 days contact me on 081 874 6405
Walking distance to the University of Pretoria Pretoria/Hatfield
(206) _____________________________
My name is Iaac Malesa I am looking for painting work or gardening full time or part time I speak English have a learners code 10 contact me
Fax CVs 086 230 3797 or e-mail to: joberholzer@pentatoro.co.za Phone Jaco: 082 564 9988
Hou jy van stilte en die natuur? Dié kothuis aan die voet van die berg bied alles: bosse, stroompies en watervalle, ryk voëllewe, bokke wat tot in jou tuin wei... Een slaapkamer, badkamer, kombuis en ‘n groot eet-/leefvertrek. Swembad ‘n klipgooi van jou voordeur. R2 700 per maand, elektrisiteit en water ingesluit. Bel 082 332 2110 of 015 307 7585 (kantoorure)
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requires a qualified
My name is Manto Maria Makwela I am looking for domestic work/office cleaner, I can look after children. I speak Afrikaans, English
Georges Valley: drie slaapkamers, kombuis, sitkamer R3500 Water en elektrisiteit ingesluit. Bel 082 332 2110 of 015 307 7585 (kantoorure)
Student Accommodation 2016!
Penta Toro Plant Hire
(87) _____________________________
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VACANCY with relevant experience on trucks and yellow plant. Fault finding using a laptop will be an advantage. Salary negotiable.
5. FICA legislation in respect of proof of identify and address particulars, payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being William Mkhonto. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor.
Karaktervolle Kothuis in Georges Valley
My name is Modupi Daniel Monareng I am looking for any general work in a
My name is Libeth Maimele I am looking for domestic work / office cleaner I can also look after children 3 days of full time sleep out or in I can speak English contact me on 073 130 5870
1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honourable Court. 2. The rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 1 Bankuna Road, Nkowankowa
(Url http://www.info.gov.za/view/ downloadfileaction?id-99961)
My name is Stephen Malepe I am looking for a job as Barman, driver I have grade 12 I can speak English I have drivers licence code 14 with PDP I have 7 years experience as driver contact me on 081 809 0262
My name is Malata Emily Modipa I am looking for domestic work/ office cleaner is speak English full time or part time contact me on 079 378 9264
(86) _____________________________
My name is Shirhandziwa Mavis Sono I am looking for domestic work sleep out, speak English full time or part time or office cleaner contact me on 076 570 9858
garden or on a farm I speak English full time or part time contact me on 073 758 4713
Contact us: E-mail: arlon@icon.co.za www.arlon.co.za Phone: 012 362 5499 • SMS: 073 314 1388 or visit our offices at: 7 Arlon Place, 1229 South Street, Hatfield Commitment to Excellence since 1991
My name is Mohlaloganyi Errens Kgatle I am looking for a driver job I have a code EC1 I speak English I have experience or any other general work. Contact me on 083 464 3998
(207) ____________________________
or part time contact me on 079 178 3002
Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers
on 073 558 4316
3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific condition, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008;
Job Seeker l Werkgeleenthede sleep in or out full time or part time, contact me on 076 985 0598
SIGNED AT TZANEEN on the 17th day of September 2015.
9 Oktober 2015
Breast Cancer Month
Smouskous l Classifieds Services Dienste
Services Dienste
King Trellis
We will beat any written quote!!
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Emergency Plumber Forum Makelaars/ Brokers Vir al u korttermyn versekeringsbehoeftes Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 / 6157
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DEBT STRESS Contact us for professional, confidential Advice on 015 307 2772. Branches in Tzaneen, Phalaborwa and Giyani. Registered Debt Counsellor with the NCR. Feb202___________________ Hobby Print For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382. Aug110___________________________
Email: tzanengshuttle@yahoo. com Jun111_____________________
Sleebok 015 307 6005 Granite, marble, monuments, Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops
Mar109 ___________________________
DBV/SPCA Blankets & Food Bowls needed 083 628 9257
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Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248
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Wenkem SA Micro Element Blaarvoeding Na oes bederfmiddels Plaagdoders Citrosol wakes Cor Greyling 082 856 5445 Steve Smuts 071 819 3269
Project Services For : Steel fabrication + construction Palisade Fencing Water and Sewerage treatment, Mechanical, Erectors, Ventilation, Carports, General welding Alf Wandrag: 082 490 9719 Email: awandrag@mweb.co.za
The Invisible Chef We will surprise your mouth! Birthday parties Office lunches Weddings Year end functions Elna 083 371 9190 Cindy 079 692 1180 Feb305___________________________
Blinds DIY hardware Waterproofing You pick we paint 17 Skirving Street 015 307 5562/3
Sleebok 015 307 6005 Granite, marble, monuments, Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops
Food Lovers Market Vir al jou alledaagse huishoudelike benodighede Vars groente en vrugte. Beste pryse. Kwaliteit produkte. Kwaliteit vleis. Verskeidenheid voorbereide wegneem kos Life Style Centre
Instant Lawn Kitsgras van hoogstaande gehalte. Prys R25.00 per Vierkante meter. Aflewering ekstra Skakel: Hennie Maartens 015 307 4562 of 073 872 8031 all ure
HET JY AL ALLES PROBEER VIR GEWIGSVERLIES EN NIKS WERK NIE?!?!? Ons het ‘n reeks wat jou lewe kan verander. Die produkte WERK!!! 100% veilig vir diabetes en hoë bloeddruk. KONTAK: chantelvr@gmail.com
DASS Refrigeration, air conditioning. Repairs, spares and services to all makes of domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Whirlpool, Defy, Bosch, etc. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, Tzaneen. 015 307 1798 082 8980 468
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Danie Vaughan 083 307 2076
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For Hire Te Huur
VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/ 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb. co.za Web: www.steynbergmeubelvervoer.com
WOW!!!! DIT IS AMAZING!!! MOENIE MISLOOP NIE!!!!!!! “Whitening” tandepasta verkoop soos soetkoek, met fantastiese resultate! Bevat GEEN peroksied of ander skadelike bleikmiddels nie. Weeklikse bestellings. KONTAK: chantelvr@gmail.com Beehives For Sale Professionally made and hot dipped waxsol treated. Complete brood boxes, super, all frames and queen excluder included. R850 (in Tzaneen) Contact Jason: 082 604 5828 Aug301____________________________
1 x Bakkie Vuurvegter R6 500 1 x Opel Corsa 1.8 2002 model R35 000 Waterkarre x 2 1 x Olie Welder R1 500 1 x Elektriese sementmenger R3 500 1 x Hamermeul R6 000 Skakel 082 476 3939
Wisani Burial Society 24 hour emergency no 015 307 6240 / 083 513 4988 015 307 6719 e-pos: helene@wisani.co.za
Instant Lawn Kitsgras van hoogstaande gehalte. Prys R25.00 per Vierkante meter. Aflewering ekstra Skakel: Hennie Maartens 015 307 4562 of 073 872 8031 all ure
Your go-to-guys on fireplaces and braais Contact us on 015 297 8964 083 417 6126
2nd HAND SHOP Bargains Galore We buy, sell and pawn. Ons koop, verkoop en pand enige iets van waarde. Meubels, toebehore, juwele, kombuisware, gereedskap en vele meer. Visit us at 11 Plantation Rd and get the best value for your money or call 015 307 1171 082 472 8483 Apr112____________________
JY WIL OPHOU ROOK? VERSEKER!! Daarom bespreek jou plek NOU by die gevorderde “Holistiese Stop Rook Program”. Kontak jou plaaslike Hipnoterapeut NOU by 082 683 2835 MARIE HELM Gekwalifiseerdede Hipnoterapeut (Nie - medies)
Trailer for Hire Reliable trailers to carry cars, cattle, furniture, and garden refuse etc. 083 651 0936 015 306 0036
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PROFESSIONAL SOLAR INSTALLATIONS (COC issued) Contact JOHN …Qualified and registered Electrician. Special offer DIY LOAD SHEDDING SOLUTION Your solution will operate the following: FOUR standing or table Lights with Led lamps TV (Led /LCD) and decoder A music system WI FI Alarm system ONE Standing fan
Steynberg Trok & trekker 8 Ton trokke te huur. R21.00/km + btw, 12 ton trok R23/km + btw & 20 ton @ R30/km + btw eenrigting. Skakel vir Kwotasie: 076 410 9503/ 082 851 7139 Of 015 345 1192 084 627 0956 Jan402_______________
TLB FOR HIRE Contact: 082 427 7647 or 083 508 9741
Self storages with security to let. 9.18 and 32 sqm. From R250, R500, R1 000 pm plus vat. Contact 083 265 3129 or 083 451 9557
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The solution kit comprises of: 1 x Battery 1 x Inverter CABLING FOR BOTH Price R4775.00 Bruce Electrical John Bruce 082 809 0429 info@jbruce.co.za Aug201_______________________
For Sale Te Koop Koriek beleggings: Revoluta palms: Revoluta saailinge – R4.00, Groot moederplante – R500.00 Mandela’s gold geel Strelitzia’s: Saad – R0.50, Saailinge – R4.00 plante in blom – R30.00, Moeder plante in
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Services Dienste
Concrete slabs Phone Hans for a quotation 082 804 5282
Mar109 ___________________________
WE Steel Random steel lengths Flat and round bar Square tubing Sheeting Channels Angle iron Welding accessories Bolts, nuts 015 307 7705
The Clean Team Put a spring in your step. Call us for all your upholstery cleaning and more. You know us and our work Eugene or Yvonne 071 783 7112 081 301 6018
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Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Faks: 086 262 3152 083 252 8928
Retractable security barriers Slam lock Free Quotations Contact: 071 342 9241 The Bargain Shop Ons koop en verkoop goedere van waarde vir kontant. We buy and sell goods of value for cash. Electrical equipment, crockery. Furniture. Old and new tools. Books and much more. Marinda: 083 576 7618 Hennie: 083 651 0936
Services Dienste
Services Dienste
Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248
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Vacancy Vakante Pos Electronic Security Technician post available Salary negotiable Experience required Contact 015 307 7323 info@global-clocking.co.za Sep401____________________________
Urgently required Receptionist required with office experience Salary negotiable. To start immediately Please send CV to 015 307 7326/ 086 632 8558 Sep102____________________________
9 Oktober 2015
Breast Cancer Month
Plasies knor by SA kompetisie
Gereed vir die aksie: Amelia Middleton, Christelle Coetzer, Michelle Stevens, Robert Retief, Alex Strydom en Armand Cronjé.
Oppie Kassie On the Telly TV sal wys hoe huil fris manne in Engeland Die Traanrivier sal dié naweek ál sterker vloei namate verskeie lande se drome van welslae in die Wêreldbeker-rugbytoernooi tot ʼn einde kom. Baie spelers gaan — soos dikwels op televisie gewys word — op die gras sit en huil. En hul ondersteuners in die paviljoene en voor die TV-skerms gaan meedoen, al het hul spanne darem die kwarteindronde gehaal. Australië se wedstryd teen Wallis is allig dié naweek se hoogtepunt, want die Springbokke speel nie en Nieu-Seeland behoort Tonga se deelname aan die toernooi te beëindig. Mense wat hulle nie aan rugby steur nie — en daar ís nogal heelparty — kan hulle aan die eendaagse krieket tussen Suid-Afrika en Indië verlustig. Dan is daar ook nog die Presidentebeker-gholf in Korea, die Russiese Grand Prix vir renmotors en die Japanse motorfiets-Grand Prix.
Ses bergfietsryers van die Hoërskool Merensky het die afgelope naweek aan die Spur SA Skolebergfietskompetisie deelgeneem — waar bergfietrsryers van skole uit al nege die land se provinsies asook van Botswana, Namibië en Zimbabwe deelgeneem het. Dit was die eerste keer dat Merensky aan die kompetisie deelgeneem het en Christelle Coetzer, Michelle Stevens, Arman Cronjé, Robert Retief, Amelia Middleton en Alex Strydom het hulle baie goed van hul taak gekwyt. ‘n Skolekompetisie is Saterdag gehou, toe die in uitmergelende hitte twee tot vyf rondes van vyf kilometer elk moes aflê, om punte vir
Ben Vorster wen swem Die jaarlikse interhoër swemgala is by die Hoërskool Frans du Toit gehou, waar swemmers van Frans du Toit, Ben Vorster en Merensky mekaar in die water aangedurf het. Die Vossie-span het as algehele wenners uit die stryd getree en al vyf top-
bekers verower. Hul puntetotaal was 433, Merensky was tweede met 248 en die Fransies het 222 punte ingesamel. Die Vossies het ook vyftien van die sestien aflosse gewen, 62 medaljes huis toe gebring (29 goud ; 19 silwer; 14 brons) en die
hul skool in te samel. Christelle het hier vyfde geëindig, met Michelle in die twaalfde plek en Armand 27ste. Sondag moes die ryers in ‘n individuele kompetisie twee tot drie rondes in hul onderskeie ouderdomsgroepe aflê. Christelle (o.14) het die derde plek ingepalm, Michelle (o.18) het veertiende oor die wenstreep gejaag en Armand (o.14) was 21ste. Die ongeluk het Amelia getref en na ‘n slegte val kon sy nie die wedren voltooi nie. Christelle en Armand het Sondag Limpopo verteenwoordig, wat algeheel in die vyfde plek geeïndig het.
volgende ander prestasies behaal: Zanél Steenkamp is as junior victrix ludorum aangewys, Rhyno du Plessis as junior victor ludorum, Vanessa van Rooyen as senior victrix ludorum en Heinrich Steenkamp as senior victor ludorum. LINKS BO: Heinrich Steenkamp en Rhyno du Plessis van Ben Vorster is as onderskeidelik as die senior victor ludorum en Rhyno as die junior victor ludorum aangewys. BO: Vanessa van Rooyen en Zanél Steenkamp het onderskeidelik as senior victrix ludorum en junior victrix ludorum uit die stryd getree. LINKS: Die interhoër swemspan van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster wat die jaarlikse interhoër by die Hoërskool Frans du Toit gewen het.
SuperSport-hoogtepunte (Alles regstreeks) Vrydag 9 Oktober Fietsry: Abu Dhabi-toer, skof 2 (129 km) - 12:00 tot 15:00 op SS 8 Gholf: Presidentebeker, dag 2, Incheon, Suid-Korea - 02:30 tot 09:00 op SS 5 Britse Meesters, dag 2, Woburn, Engeland - 10:30 tot 18:30 op SS 5 Krieket: SA eendagreeks: Titans t Warriors - 13:45 tot 22:30 op SS 7 Motorrenne: F1: Russiese Grand Prix, oefening 2 - 12:50 tot 14:40 op SS 6 Rugby: Nieu-Seeland: Hawke’s Bay t Waikato 08:30 tot 10:30 op SS 1 en GDN Curriebeker: Pumas t Blou Bulle - 17:45 tot 20:00 op SS 1 en GDN WP t OP-Kings - 17:45 tot 20:00 op SS 2 Wêreldbeker: Nieu-Seeland t Tonga - 20:00 tot 23:30 op SS 1 en GDN Tennis: Japanse Ope, kwarteind - 03:55 tot 08:00 op SS 6 en 10:00 tot 12:00 op SS 2 Chinese Ope, kwarteind 06:25 tot 12:30 op SS 7 en 13:25 tot 15:30 op SS 2 Waagsport: Kimberley-Diamantbeker - 19:00 tot 20:30 op SS 6 Saterdag 10 Oktober Fietsry: Abu Dhabi-toer, skof 3 (142 km) - 11:30 tot 15:00 op SS 4 Gholf: Presidentebeker, dag 3 - 00:00 tot 10:00 op SS 5 Britse Meesters, dag 3 13:00 tot 18:00 op SS 5 Krieket: SA eendagreeks: Highveld Lions t Cape Cobras - 13:45 tot 22:25 op SS 7 Motorfietsrenne: MotoGP: Japanse kwalifisering - 06:55 tot 08:10 op SS 7 Motorrenne: F1: Russiese Grand Prix, oefening 3 - 10:50 tot 12:10 op SS 6 Russiese GP, kwalifisering 13:50 tot 15:10 op SS 6 Nascarreeks - 01:30 tot 05:00 en 20:00 tot 23:00 op SS 2 Rugby: Nieu-Seeland: Wellington t Manawatu 06:30 tot 08:30 op SS 1 en GDN Curriebeker: Vrystaat t Haaie - 13:45 tot 16:00 op SS 2
Goue Leeus t Griekwas 16:00 tot 18:15 op SS 2 Wêreldbeker: Samoa t Skotland - 14:30 tot 17:30 op SS 1 en GDN Australië t Wallis - 17:30 tot 20:30 op SS 1 en GDN Engeland t Uruguay - 20:30 tot 23:00 op SS 1 en GDN Tennis: Chinese Ope, halfeind - 06:25 tot 09:00 op SS 2 en 13:30 tot 16:00 op SS 8 Chinese Ope, vroue–halfeind - 08:20 tot 12:30 op SS 7 Japanse Ope, halfeind 07:30 tot 10:00 op SS 6 Waagsport: Kimberley-Diamantbeker, dag 2 19:00 tot 21:00 op SS 6 Sondag 11 Oktober Fietsry: Abu Dhabi-toer, skof 4 - 14:40 tot 17:30 op SS 2 Parys na Tours (237.5 km) 15:25 tot 17:30 op SS 6 Gholf: Presidentebeker, dag 4 - 03:30 tot 10:00 op SS 5 Britse Meesters, dag 4 13:00 tot 18:00 op SS 5 Vroue: Maleisiese Ope, dag 4 - 05:00 tot 09:00 op Kanaal 210 Krieket: Eendagreeks: Indië t SA, eerste wedstryd, Kanpoer - 05:00 tot 14:40 op SS 2 SA eendagreeks: Dolphins t Knights - 09:15 tot 17:45 op SS 8 Motorfietsrenne: Japanse moto 3, moto 2 en Grand Prix - 03:45 tot 08:30 op SS 6 Motorrenne: F1: Russiese Grand Prix - 12:30 tot 15:15 op SS 6 Rugby: Nieu-Seeland: Otago t Bay of Plenty - 05:30 tot 07:25 op SS 1 en GDN Wêreldbeker: Argentinië t Namibië - 12:00 tot 15:00 op SS 1 Italië t Roemenië - 15:00 tot 17:30 op SS 1 en GDN Frankryk t Ierland - 17:30 tot 20:30 op SS 1 en GDN VSA t Japan - 20:30 tot 23:30 op SS 1 en GDN Sokker: Kampioen van Kampioene, eindstryd - 14:50 tot 16:30 op SS 4 en Kanaal 210 Tennis: Japanse Ope, mans-eindstryd - 05:55 tot 09:00 op SS 7 Chinese Ope, vroueeindstryd - 10:00 tot 11:30 op SS 6 Chinese Ope, manseindstryd - 13:35 tot 16:30 op SS 7
Mountain bikers from Merensky High School battled it out in Louis Trichardt during the Tour de Lip challenge. This was the fourth and final leg of the schools XCO MTB series. Five Plasie bikers proved their worth, and were included in the Limpopo team for the Spur National Championship. In the Tour de Lip, Christelle Coetzer came first in the girls u.14 event. Third positions were claimed by Armand C r o n j e , (boys u.14), Robert Retief
(boys u.17) and Michelle Stevens (girls u.18). Janco Fritz, Sheldon Muller, Jordan Stevens, Amelia Middleton, Chelsea Schlebusch, Jenna Devenish, Natasha Janse van Rensburg, Bernice Cronjé and Simoné Pretorius also clocked good times. Seen here before the race were Natasha Janse van Rensburg, Simoné Pretorius, Bernice Cronjé and Michelle Stevens.
The Pfunanane Academy cross country team had another successful LLSV cross country meeting at Merensky, winning sixteen medals, nine of them gold, and eleven team competitions. Pictured are front: Ratile Lerutla, Lehlohonolo Mokgalaotse, Thabane Ramalepe, Tumisang As part of the Presidents’ Award presented by Merensky High School, eighteen spirited candidates attempted the special Magoebaskloof hike. Their enthusiasm quickly showed when they formed two teams, namely the Samango’s and the Cape Parrots. Each team had a war cry and even organized bandannas to match. They were also quizzed on these highly endangered species. For most of them it was their first experience in the beautiful indigenous forest, with picture perfect vistas. The second day an 18 km hike led to the Dokolewa Pools hut. This route is not only long, but rates eight out of a maximum ten on the difficulty level. Numerous streams had to be crossed, and chains had to be used to gain access over severe cliffs. Twelve junior hikers went home, proud that they overcame this 29 km challenge in their quest to achieve the bronze award this year. The remaining six hikers then completed their prescribed challenge of 49 kilometers, in order to achieve their silver award. They girls were accompanied by Mss Willemien van Niekerk (organiser), Magriet van der Merwe, Yolande Rautenbach and Sunette van Gass. Seen here are the silver award candidates: Riëtte Warmenhoven, Valeriia Avdysh, JJ de Wet, Chelsea Schlebusch, Jenna Devenish and Amelia Middleton.
Join our gym to...
Kekana, Trevor Mohale and Matsatsi Ramalepe. Back: Bridget Modika, Nthabiseng Malatji, Gracious Ramokgola, Modjadji Masondo-Terwey, Thabo Mohale, Louis Letsoalo, Lendra Mashale-Terwey, Rachel Serakwana. Absent: Tinashe Mazodze and Angel Serakwana.
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9 Oktober 2015
Vossies wen krieketstryd
In die jaarlikse krieket-ligawedstryd tussen die hoërskole Ben Vorster en Merensky het die Vossies se eerste span sowel as die o.15’s met hul bure afgereken. Die Vosies se eerste span het die loot gewen en besluit om eerste te kolf, op ‘n snikhete dag. Met hul rug teen die muur op 88 vir die verlies van 5 paaltjies in die 18de boulbeurt, het die Vossies se kaptein, Don Radebe (54 lopies), en middelorde-kolwer Aubrey van Renen (46 lopies) hul span weer op koers gekry met ‘n vennootskap van ‘n 103 lopies om die 6de paaltjie. Caelen Retief, met 33 lopies op nommer 9, en Jean-Pierre Prinsloo met 21 nun het Ben Vorster gehelp tot ‘n mededingende 260 in hul toegelate 50 boulbeurte. Deon van Zyl, Ben Vorster se knap wegbreekbouler, het die eerste slag in die eerste boulbeurt geslaan, deur Merensky se topopeningskolwer op middebaan te laat uitvang. Hy het Ben Vorster se eerste krieketspan was te sterk vir hul bure en het Merensky met 198 lopies gewen. Hier is die eerste span se daarna nog drie paaltjies laat spelers saam met hul afrigter na die wedstryd teen Merensky. kantel, vir ‘n indrukwekkende
boulontleding van 10 beurte, 3 leeg, slegs 8 lopies afgestaan en 4 paaltjies omgeklits. Hy is ook goed bygestaan deur Radebe, wat drie paaltjies vir slegs 7 lopies geneem het in 4 boulbeurte, en Philip Bester wat 3 paaltjies vir 19 lopies gekry het. Merensky is vir 62 lopies in 25,5 boulbeurte uitgeboul en die Vossies het die wedstryd dus met 198 lopies gewen. Die Vossies se o.15A’s het op hul beurt Merensky se o.15A’s met 56 lopies getroef. Merensky het die loot gewen en die Vossies ingestuur om eerste te kolf. Hulle het die Vossies tot 157 lopies, almal uit, in 32,1 boulbeurte beperk. Johan Harms met 31 lopies, Gideon Vorster met 19 en Wilco J v Rensburg met 14 het gehelp om dié telling te haal. Fumani Maluleke met 4 paaltjies, bybreekbouler J v Rensburg met 3 paaltjies en wegbreekbouler Roehan Steenkamp met 2 paaltjies het gehelp om Merensky tot 101 lopies, almal uit, in 29,5 boulbeurte te beperk.
Quad biker Wilmari fearless to the end Merensky High School’s Wilmari Moller (Extreme ATV Tzaneen Honda) has become a true champion as SA’s No 1! She raced in the two final rounds of the TOTPAK National Off-road Motorcycle and Quad Championships in Worcester. This event will be remembered as being tough and demanding on riders and their equipment. Blistered hands, sore bodies and hammered racing
machines were proof that these two races will go down as the bulldogs of the 2015 season. The fact that they had to complete two events over three days, and the dusty, rocky and sandy route, added to the pressure. Each day started with a time-trial of between 50 and 55 kilometres that determined the starting order for the 300 km race. Unfortunately Wilmari (Gr 10) had an accident on the first day and couldn’t complete the race.
On Day 2 she again had a setback, but managed to finish the race. The judges took all the season’s scores into account, resulting in Wilmari finishing in the overall number one off-road quad category position of all the lady competitors in South Africa. She also achieved a second place in the combined category (quads and two-wheelers) and is the youngest female in the championships to win a title. Wilmari Moller in action on her quad. Copyright - Heinrich Sauer Photography
Glory for Merensky’s Kevin van den Bergh Tzaneen het nog ‘n paar netbalafrigters wat Netbal SA se Vlak 2-kursus geslaag het, bygekry. Hier is mee Ansie Combrinck (Hoërskool Merensky), Monique Lombard (Hoërskool Ben
Sink laag, Stryd(lose)wa! Oubal het voorheen die mening uitgespreek dat die “beste” ‘n saak van opinie is, maar dit smaak hom dieselfde geld vir “goed”. ‘Tja, in die GASK* verlede Sondag sê deurwinterde rakbieskrywer Bokkie Gerber die Bokke het dom en siellose rakbie teen Skotland gespeel. Skaars ‘n paragraaf verder spreek gesoute afrigter Brendan Venter die mening uit dat dit die beste Bokwedstryd in ‘n lang tyd was. Wie’s reg en wie’s verkeerd, of is dit ’n kwessie van die glas wat halfleeg is vir een en halfvol vir die ander? Oubal dink neef Bokkie tipeer die gemoed wat na Japan gaande is onder knorpotte en brombere, en anti-Heyneke sentimental-
Vorster), Charmaine Beetge (die aangewese ontwikkelingsbeampte vir Netbal Suid-Afrika), mnr Joseph Nkuna (Nkowankowa) en me Niene Barnard (Hoërskool Ben Vorster).
iste in die algemeen. Diesulkes, wat onophoudelik kerm dat die Bokke meer soos die AB’s moet speel, moet dalk kennis neem van wat Graham Henry te sê gehad het na Engeland se onseremoniële uitboendering uit hul eie WB. Neef Graham reken die fout wat die Engelse afrigter Stuart Lancaster gemaak het, was om soos die AB’s te wil speel terwyl hulle nie die mannekrag daarvoor, of ‘n kultuur daarvan het nie. Die gevolg was dat hulle op hul tradisionele sterkpunt, hul skrums en voorspelerspel, deur Australië (van alle spanne!) ore aangesit is. Die Engelse strydwa se wiele het skouspelagtig afgeval! Oubal dink baie van wat neef Graham sê, is ook op die Bokke van toepassing. En laat ons nou maar eerlik wees en erken dit was nie net die Bokke wat Japan onderskat het nie — na wat die Japanners Saterdag met Samoa gedoen het, dink Oubal dit is duidelik dat álmal hulle onderskat het; Oubal inkluis. Die konteks van Japan se oorwinning oor Samoa het
Kevin van den Bergh, promising young rugby player of Merensky High School, is on his way to Georgia in the USA. Together with six other Plasies, Kevin played for the u.16 Far North team. He and Jason Rodriques were then chosen to play
for the invitational team, to determine who has the guts to obtain the glory of being chosen for the SA Bokkie team. All of Merensky wishes Kevin well in America, where the Bokkies will play three matches against teams from all over the world.
direkte implikasies vir die Bokke teen Skotland daarna gehad — wen, maak nie saak hoe nie, want verloor sou beteken die Bokke hinkepink ook huis toe soos die Engelse. Oubal hoop neef Bokkie het ook verlede Vrydag gekyk hoe die AB’s teen Georgië gespeel het. Toegegee, die eindtelling van 4310 skep die indruk dat NZ totaal in beheer was, maar hulle hou-die-bal-in-die-handten-alle-koste benadering het die onaanskoulikste AB-wedstryd in Oubal-heugenis tot gevolg gehad. As dít besielend rakbie is, kan neef Bokkie dit gerus maar vir homself hou. Net, neef Bokkie, daar is meer as een manier van rakbie speel en wanneer die situasie dit vereis, is loopgraafoorlogvoering meer effektief as blitzkrieg. Vra vir Hitler en vra vir Skotland. Die Bokke was klinies en meedoënloos, en behalwe vir een blaps (speel wyd ten alle koste!) wat tot ‘n onderskepdrie gelei het, was hulle totaal in beheer. Oubal het ‘n spesmaas dit gaan die resep wees vir die uitspeelrondes wat voorlê — met Suid-Afrika en sonder Engeland. Eerder
nou daarop voorberei as om jou siel te verkoop met tierlantyntjies! Oubal het besonderse genot geput uit twee vlietende oomblikke tydens die Bokke se wedstryd. Die eerste was skeidsregter Nigel Owens se opmerking teenoor die Skotse heelagter Stuart Hogg na ‘n teatrale duikslag wat op ‘n effense stampie gevolg het: “Probeer dit weer, en jy kom oor twee weke terug om te speel!” Welgedaan, Nigel, hierdie is nie sokker nie, die eindstryd wink vir jou. Die tweede was om te sien hoe Heyneke na ‘n suksesvolle Bok-strafskop op sy vingers tel om van 26 by 29 uit te kom. Dít was nie slim nie, Heyneke, jou sakrekenaar is in die pos! *GASK = Grootste Afrikaanse Sondagkoerant “Whose starward eye saw chariot “swing low”? And who was he that breathed that comforting, melodic sigh, “Nobody knows the trouble I see”? — James Weldon Johnson Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Oubal is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!