Fear lessl y the tr uth 30 October 2015
015 307 7248
Tax toil Rural ares:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS
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Portfolio Committee to zoom in on Tzaneen
Goodbye! The Grade 12’s of Stanford Lake College in Magoebaskloof attended the annual Valediction service. In true Stanford tradition, the matriculants left their shoes on the Barnyard stage after which the pupils performed the traditional colour bomb, before charging down to the lakeside and jumping, as a group, into the lake to mark the end of five years at Stanford.
and finally managed to The Greater Tzaneen Municipality has bespeak to Mr Kevin Mileham, a DA MP member come the object of inof the committee. vestigation in ParliaHe confirmed that ment after Bulletin’s the GTM is one of 29 report of last week, about the non-complimunicipalities that are being looked at about ance relating to properMileham this matter and added ty tax levies. Our undertaking to obtain that other matters, such as the more information from Cogta problem with the GTM’s Byon the matter failed. We could laws could also be attended to. not communicate with the de• Read further on page 3 partment’s Director-general, his deputy or their spokes- • Meanwhile, serious allegations person. about GTeda and the GTM’s We thus turned to Parlia- failed radio station (GTfm) are ment’s Portfolio Committee being investigated and Bulletin on Cooperative Governance will report on that next week.
A real fighter!
Local heroes
Sue Allen from Tzn visits Pres Obama
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30 October 2015
Fear lessl y the tr uth
Joernaliste / Journalists Louis Roux 072 043 2220 louis@bulletin.us.com Phidelia Rikhotso 073 562 7274 phidelia@bulletin.us.com Sue Ettmayr 072 630 3051 sue@bulletin.us.com Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Bemarking | Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Candice Prinsloo 082 342 7018 candice@bulletin.us.com Ansie Smuts 076 333 0523 ansie@bulletin.us.com
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Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset
Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani
E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Advertensies/Adverts: adsales@bulletin.us.com Admin & rekenings/Admin & accounts: admin@bulletin.us.com Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: agriads@bulletin.us.com Agri-nuus/Agri news: agrinews@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: letters@bulletin.us.com Redakteur/Editor: editor@bulletin.us.com Events: events@bulletin.us.com Kleinadvertensies / Smalls: smalls@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: news@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp/Design: design@bulletin.us.com Sport: sport@bulletin.us.com Laeveld Bulletin BK (Reg 2004/031396/23) is die uitgewer en verspreider van die Bulletin Lowveld Bulletin CC (Reg 2004/031396/23) is the publisher and distributor of Bulletin. Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved. Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word voorbehou.
Bulletin regularly chats on Facebook.
Please note that the fact that the Bulletin prints some comments does not mean that we agree with or support these comments; we actually merely report on the comments!
Our favourite comment and reply...
Brian Kooter I hope the lions had a hunting license otherwise they will probably be prosecuted.
Ricky Baker Please don’t call these peo- Hunter hating was also a recurring ple hunters. Trophy hunters are about theme... egos. There are some sick people on Frederik Jacobus Botha That’s not hunthere saying they deserve what they got. This ers that’s poachers please don’t insult person had a family that’s hurting right now. the hunters by associating them with Grow up. poachers
Patricia Shaiper Loynd Just because we don’t agree with poaching, does not Jean Sim Poor dogs. Lion did good. justify saying that the loss of a life is Hopefully this will be a lesson for future good, or what should happen. How sick are we illegal hunters. as a society to celebrate ANY loss of life. Tragic Steve Bigler Rule one now in every ille- all around.
Fifi LaRue Hunting... poaching.... apples, oranges, killers all.
Chris Carroll Poor man...sad to see what’s said about him...rip. What about his family? Very evil comments.
Barbara Colliver What a win for the lions! All hunting is murder & there is no excuse.
Some people got it...
gal hunter’s handbook: #1. Don’t let lion kill you.
Kym Routledge Hunter/Poacher.....all the same thing. It results in the killing of a beautiful animal for profit. Karma!
Mostly the comments did not care about what happened to the hunter, but only Some comments left us wondering how The term “karma” was also used a lot... cared about the dogs... many people understand the difference Jennifer Wellman That is what we call.... Stephanie Sieben Finally a little justice KARMA for the lions... wish they had gotten all between illegal hunters, legal hunters and poachers (and how the media those rotten hunters! Sorry about the Elizabeth Wade Karma, you reap what dogs, but happy the poor lions survives to live works!): you sow
another day
Emergency numbers Noodnommers Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
Sê jou sê
Feel free to engage, say your say and be involved in our community in this way. Search : www.facebook.com/Bulletin.
Last Friday we broke the news about two lions mauling to death an alleged illegal hunter on a game farm next to Kruger. The story went viral with nearly 90% of readers “Liking” the story on Facebook. At time of writing this Bulletin article had 21 074 views (the 3rd highest ever) and a new record number of 18 739 “Likes” on Facebook. Additionally more than 200 comments were posted on the Bulletin website, with the majority of these originating outside South Africa. You can read the article and all the Comments here: http://goo.gl/S255a7 or by clicking on the QR code provided.
Kathy Ramer They do: a life time one. Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen
Missing in action
Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!
Kantoorassistent / Office assistant Catherine Mahasha Algemene assistant / General assistant William Modiba
Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...
Vlieg is Vrydag uit Tzaneen weg — nogal gevra om vroeër by die werk te loop — om die Curriebeker-eindstryd op Ellispark te gaan kyk. Hy het voorgegee die Leeus is eintlik sy span en hy gaan om hulle te ondersteun. Sedertdien het ons die “selfie” hiernaas van hom ontvang, maar nie ‘n dooie woord verder oor waar hy is en wanneer hy terug sal wees nie. Ons het die agtergrond op die “selfie” uitgevee, maar dit lyk of hy in Hillbrow se omgewing kan wees!
Verspreiding / Distribution Cedric Manyama 0711064291
Verspreiding | Distribution
Breast Cancer Month
Ferdie Botha Can somebody tell me the Mary Cameron Moran Sad for the poor difference between a POACHER and an dogs, but nature should be left alone to “ILLEGAL HUNTER”? Shame about the live their lives, and people should find a two dogs that didn’t make it though... firing range to shoot at, not these beautiful animals that are born to roam where they live. Peru van Staden It’s the media’s way of confusing the greenies. The liberal meA few people forgot that the deceased dia likes to use terms to get more viewer was a fellow human being; however, numbers.
The “Cecil the Lion” saga influenced a number of comments, resulting in the following comments scoring a very high number of Likes Cindy Garnjost Too bad it wasn’t Palmer & his daughter..
Marina Van Kemseke I agree with Cindy Garnjost, too bad it wasn’t Palmer & his Maggie Allured A poacher kills to sell daughter. I also say hooray for the lions Steve Charles Shame about the dogs parts i.e. ivory on the illegal black mar- and I’m sorry the dogs were killed. but hope the guy is in a bad way and ket. A hunter kills to gain trophies to never recovers 100% hang on their walls i.e. heads of the animal. All Scan the QR code on the left Franky Charbel If that was your brother in the name of conservation. If conservation was with your smartphone to join or son or dad would you be saying the working why are the numbers decreasing in the the discussion Facebook. wild at an alarming rate? same thing?
there were others to remind them...
The opinions/statements made herein are that of our readers and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Bulletin. The comments of people are given verbatim. We appeal to all who take part in the debates not to use hate-speech or to be insulting towards others. 015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951
We’ve done the search
you only have to turn the pages...
Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.
Fear lessl y the tr uth
Gratis sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril
Jaques van Niekerk *Termes & voorwaardes geld.
Tel: 015 307 3703 • 11 Rencole Building, Loop Street, Tzaneen
Website | Webwerf Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies ••••••• Besoek ons webwerf by www.bulletin.us.com en lees die jongste nuus sowel as vorige eksemplare
Stand van Damme | Dam Levels
Source: www.dwaf.gov.za Information updated: 26/10/2015
Tzaneen 52.2%
Ebenezer 82.1%
Merensky 88.2%
Dap Naude 84%
Middel Letaba 32.1%
Blyde Rivier Poort 75.3%
Klaserie 93.9%
Tours 51.2%
Vergelegen 87.4%
Ohrigstad 10.9%
Baie Dankie! Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 • lynette@fsabrokers.co.za
Die senior burgers van Macadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin danksy die wellwillende borgskap van Forum Makelaars
30 October 2015
Breast Cancer Month
The floundering municipal council of Tzaneen is gradually approaching a day of reckoning with its heavily burdened ratepayers, as a national investigation into its “missing” by-laws is on the cards. The alleged involvement of the GTM in collecting property rates in non-compliance with the law is still under scrutiny as part of a number of municipalities country wide who do not comply with the requirements of the Municipal Property Tax Act allowing it to levy property tax. An investigation by the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) at fourty municipalities last year revealed that Tzaneen and 28 other municipalities were in the wrong and could face expensive legal claims by ratepayers. Efforts to get confirmation from the depart-
Committee may zoom in ment’s head office in Pretoria failed, as the telephone just kept ringing. Eventually we got hold of a member of Cogta’s portfolio committee on cooperative governance in parliament, Mr Kevin Mileham, DA MP, who confirmed that the investigation is to be broadened. He undertook to establish the reasons for the shortcoming at Tzaneen and the other local governments involved. They were supposed to be clear on the 1 June this year, after a written warning by Cogta. “All municipalities are compelled to publish their regulations and by-laws regarding property tax levies approved by council be-
taxes, which needed to be looked at. He was surprised to learn that the GTM’s promised revision of its outdated by-laws has been outstanding for years and said that the investigation will zoom in on these type of shortcomings.
fore any collections are allowed. I have already spoken to the Deputy Minister of Cogta, Mr Andries Nel, and will pursue the matter further.” Mileham also indicated that a further 152 municipalities will be investigated this year to define their status on tax 15 Foils collections. He said Cut and Blow Dry there were shortcuts applied by local auR350 thorities to collect
Dynamite in a small package... Dynamite comes in small packages! The King’s Court school in Modjadjiskloof is rated as a (very) small school, but their pupils have achieved incredible success in the JSE (Johannesburg Stock The winning team. Unfortunately the school did not give the names of the pupils. Exchange) Business Games competition. The winning team was led by Leboschool’s second team ended third in The competition — a real life trad- the competition! gang Malatjie, a past student who is ing on the stock market by school This competition has run for forty now teaching at the King’s Court as a competitors countrywide — has run years. This is the first time ever that trainee teacher. for the whole year. a school from Limpopo has achieved The school’s headmaster, Mr Fred A team from the King’s Court won such success, this is the first time a Hoffman, was overcome with joy the competition out of 420 teams “black” student group has reached and pride when he was told of his from 1 700 schools nationwide that the top ten (both our teams) and the pupils’ remarkable achievement and took part in the competition. first time a girl has been in the win- said, “This is a great day in Limpopo, Further good news is that the ning team! for our school and in Jesus Christ”.
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30 October 2015
Breast Cancer Month
Social • Churches • Cultural • Schools • Sport • Skole • Kultuur • Kerke • Sosiaal Tzaneen Aandmark 30 Oktober Nie tyd vir kosmaak die naweek van die Wêreldbeker-eindstryd nie? Die Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen hou weer hul gesogte aandmark volgende Vrydagaand van 17:00 tot 19:00 op die kerkterrein in Agathastraat. Kom geniet heerlike pannekoek, vetkoek of frikkadelbroodjies vir aandete! Koop jou koeke, terte, beskuit, biltong en braaibrikette vir die naweek se braai en kuier lekker saam! Daar sal ook groente en handwerk te koop wees. Navrae: Marna Pohl by 015 307 4508 of 082 555 7324.
Politsi DinnerDance 31 October Mosaic Restaurant on the picturesque farm Alon will present a dinner/dance on 31 October, as well as on 8 and 21 November and again on 5 December. A five course Mediterranean feast, live band, bookings essential. R330/person. Call 083 625 6515.
Tzaneen Fairview Golf Annual Charity Cup 31 Oktober
Tzaneen SAVF Kuierdag 6 November
beskikbaar by Boulevard Cycles in Tzaneen, by past Malcolm Immelman (071 473 2286) of me Sarie Mostert (072 379 5334). Kaartjies kos slegs R100 vir twee stokke. Lekker pryse kan Die nuwe kleuters vir 2016 wat reeds ingeskryf gewen word. Die afdelings is karp en baber. is by die SAVF Tzaneen se Kleuterskool, word Tzaneen uitgenooi na die Kuierdag. Kom kuier vir jou Alleenlopers nuwe juffrou en maatjies van 08:00 tot 10:00. 7 November Bring asseblief jou eie kospakkie saam. Daar wag vir jou ‘n verrassing by jou nuwe juffrou! Die volgende bring-en-braai vir alleenlopers in Tzaneen en omgewing is op 7 November Tzaneen om 18:00 by Kojeska Pompagalana, Tzaneen. Ope dag Kontak: Magda by 083 453 3250.
6 November
Wolkberg Akademie in Tzaneen hou ‘n opedag Talk op Vrydag 6 November van 07:30 tot 18:00. Gr 13 November 1 tot gr 7. Kom kyk self waarom ons ‘n skool van uitnemendheid is. Kontak: Kantoor by 078 The Tzaneen Eco Club invites you to a fasci599 0226 of Marietjie Naude by 083 460 0309. nating talk on “The Pollination of Orchids”. The talk will be presented by well-known orModjadjiskloof chid expert dr Sarel Spies, who is interested in Hengel nature in general, especially indigenous trees 7 Nov and shrubs, and has many hobbies including AGS Modjadjiskloof se sustersvereniging, gardening. He maintains a magnificent orchid Dames Dinamiek, bied op 7 November hul nursery and travels widely to view orchids in jaarlikse visvangkompetisie aan. Dit sal by die their natural habitat. During the talk he will Manyelaan-dam by Mooketsi gehou word. Die hek open die oggend om 06:00 en die vangste sal van 15:00 tot 16:00 geweeg word (slegs lewendige visse word geweeg). Kaartjies is
The 2015 Round Table Charity Cup will be hosted by Round Table Tzaneen. This is a charity golf day sponsored by the local community, businesses and participants. R500 per player, this includes green fees, “goodie bag”, 3 drinks during play, dinner and great prizes. For Bookings, tickets or donations contact: Stephan Raab: 079 075 5084 or Henco Prinsloo: 082 801 9743
tell about the many varied and sometimes deceptive ways in which different orchid species have themselves fertilised, and the intricate relationships that develop between pollinator and pollinated. The talk will be held at 18.30 at the Macadamia Community Centre. Tea and coffee will be served after the talk. Visitors are most welcome and pay the usual small fee of R20. For further information contact Marianne McKenzie on 082 835 4185.
Haenertsburg Xmas market 27-29 November Christmas market in Haenertsburg will start on Friday 27 November at 16:00 — with sherry and mince pies and a glimpse at early shopping — till 19:30. Then Saturday the 28th from 09:00 – 18:00 and Sunday the 29th from 10:00 – 14:30. This will all happen in the Haenertsburg Hall and the gardens. There will be lots of lovely, stallholders with gorgeous gifts and ideas for Christmas. A perfect opportunity for people to come and do their Christmas shopping. Send your info to editor@bulletin.us.com or send a fax to 015 307 7684 or call on 015 307 7248
Vrydag, 30 Okt
Afsluitingsfunksie: Gholf 14:00 Rugbydinee om 17:00 in die koshuiseetsaal
Saturday, 31 Okt
Archery: ABO National Championships (31/10 - 01/11)Maandag, 26 Okt Eksamen Gr. 10-12 begin
Thursday, 5 Nov
Begrotingsvergadering vir ouers 18:00 Budget meeting for parents Skoolsaal
Vrydag, 6 Nov
Atletiekkursus by Hoërskool Merensky 14:00 - 17:00
Saturday, 7 Nov
Athletics Course at Merensky High School 08:00 - 13:00
AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Tzaneen Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845.
Catholic Church 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Evangelies Geref Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-str,Tzn: 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof: 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534.
Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastraat, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920. Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele: 015 345 1618.
NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Road: 015 307 4807. Ned Herv Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9580. Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. Ned Herv Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14,
Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate, Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240. Tzaneen Family Church Avispark Lodge Conference Hall Tzaneen: 083 598 0004 / 073387 2469. Send your info to / Stuur inligting aan: editor@bulletin.us.com
s j 3 0 1 1 0 _ 3 8 0 x 2 6 0 _ n_ 2
2 0 1 5 - 1 0 - 2 3 T1 6 : 3 8 : 4 2 + 0 2 : 0 0
Breast Cancer Month
30 October 2015
30 October 2015
Ons Mening
Breast Cancer Month
Goodbye school...!
The Message
30 Oktober 2015
Rev Ron Reiners Anglican Church
Ons sê totsiens Die eerste week van matriekeksamens loop vandag ten einde. Mens kan dit byna nie glo nie, want dit beteken noodwendig dat die jaar 2015 by sy einde is. Dit beteken ook dat dit tyd is om totsiens te sê. Van die gr 12-leerlinge wat oor minder as ‘n maand die skoolterrein se stof van hul voete gaan skud, sal sommige hier bly en hul nuwe lewe hier begin uitkerf. Sommige sal ons egter verlaat — tydelik om te gaan studeer, of permanent om elders te vestig. Ons wil veral hulle wat ons gaan verlaat groet en hulle verseker dat ons beste wense hulle vergesel. Hulle het oor die jare ‘n belangrike deel van die gemeenskap gevorm. En hulle het ‘n belangrike bydrae gelewer tot sportbeoefening, kultuurgroei, gesonde sosiale wisselwerking en ‘n rits ander aktiwiteite wat tot die instandhouding van ’n gesonde en gebalanseerde gemeenskap bydra. Mag die nuwe fase van die lewe wat hulle nou betree, stimulerend wees. Dit sal beslis uitdagend wees, baie dae selfs uitputtend. Hou moed, hou koers, hou vas aan goeie waardes, hou aan om sukses na te jaag, is ons wens vir hulle.
Local Hero
Stanford Lake College held its Valediction Service for the matric pupils on Friday. After the service and an awards ceremony tradition kicked in and the pupils jumped as a group into the lake, to mark the end of five good years at the school.
Die mense hoor
Let wel: Hulle sê nie so nie! • Die groepie uitverkorenes wat daar in die lug sit en dik biefstukke braai as die res van die personeel moet swoeg en sweet, moet bid hulle word vergeef, al is dit nie die tipe gebed wat hulle normaalweg prewel nie... • Die zolle raak glo nou so gewild by daai pakhuis naby die dam dat die leweransiers sukkel om voor te bly. Die mense hoor soms gaan dit nogal vir van die oues moeilik om die fiets regop te hou... • Gawerjal het sleg verdwaal na die Beach daar in Georges Valley om na die stories te gaan luister. Hy het glo die sakie tuis reggestel met sy eie storie wat ‘n groot prys werd is...
Mens-misbruik in kerk
Ms Christelle van der Westhuizen of Merensky High School Agri Science department attended a course presented by the SA Fatstock Judging Association. She was awarded the “pienk kierie” for impressing the senior judges the most.
Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com for the latest news
Ds Adriaan van Tonder van Tzaneen skryf: Mens kan nie glo dat besluite wat in die Suide geneem word soveel woelinge hier in ons gemeenskap in die Noorde kan veroorsaak nie. Ek, en verskeie NG Lidmate, is die afgelope paar weke oor die besluite van die NG Kerk (veral oor selfdegeslagverhoudings) op verskeie vlakke aangevat, soms regtig kru. Ek wil nie die NG kerk se besluite kritiseer of goedpraat nie, die tyd sal leer of dit goeie besluite was. Ek wil egter net vir die mense wat altyd so graag gereed staan om klippe te gooi, die volgende drie vrae vra. Ek gaan die begrip “gay” gebruik al verpes ek die begrip, maar dis korter om te skryf. Ek gebruik Kerk met hoofletter om te verwys na die Universele Kerk. As gays onwelkom is in ons Kerke, neem ek aan hulle moet ook onwelkom wees in ons besighede? Is ons nie parasiete as ons hulle geld vat maar nie ruimte bied vir geloofsuiting nie? Wie is nou die oortreders? Dit getuig van Mens-misbruik. As ons gays so maklik met tekste kan “dood” gooi (dis immers maar net ’n manier van beskaafde steniging), hoekom laat ons die teksklippe wat verwys na egskeiding, haat, woede, ens. lê? Behoort ons nie ook sulke oortreders uit ons Kerke te ban
Many years ago, I heard this song and it had a profound effect on me, at first I thought it was called the Atheist song, but as I listened more carefully I realised that it was more a song for a converted person. Recently I asked a Christian musician if they had heard of it, citing a few lines from it and she came back to me with the words and the name she knew it as, “In the stars” Looking this up on you-tube I found it was also known as “He is everything to me” Here are the words: In the stars His handiwork I see In the wind He speaks with majesty Though He reigneth over land and sea What is that to me? I will celebrate nativity As it has a place in history Sure He came to set His people free What is that to me? Till by faith I met Him face to face one day And I felt the wonder of His grace Then I knew He was more than a
10368 7 2459
god W h o does not care, who lives a way out there and Now He walks beside me day by day Ever watching over me lest I stray Helping me to find the narrow way He is everything to me. Have you met Him face to face, felt the wonder of His grace? Or are you still unsure of your faith. Open up yourself to receive His love and grace which He freely gives, yes, you do not have to do anything special just accept Him as your Lord and Saviour. Let Him walk beside you, not in front or behind you, for when He walks beside you He is leading you and guiding you along the right path. Pray continually for others and pray to Him and give Him thanks. Blessings
Interesting Numbers
0,47 The percentage of the world’s exports that South Africa contributes.
Briewe nie? Of is ons dalk die een wat die gay-klip moet laat val omdat ’n ander klip ons naam op het? Die getuig van Skrif-misbruik. As ons bely dat die kerk die liggaam van die Here Jesus is, hoe is dit moontlik vir ’n hand/ voet/ vinger om dit af te skei van die kerk sonder om die hele liggaam in pyn te plaas asook te vermink? Daar bestaan natuurlik die moontlikheid dat mens die Kerk kan los omdat jy nooit deel was daarvan nie! Dit getuig van Kerk-misbruik. Ek peins oor hierdie vrae die afgelope tyd, maar meer nog peins ek ook na oor hoe Jesus wat beskuldig is as vraat en wynsuiper, vriend van tollenaars en sondaars, oor hoe Hy hierdie vrae sou antwoord. Ek dag ek ken Hom goed na 40 jaar en steeds moet ek erken, Hy is ’n misterie oor Wie ek my verwonder. Miskien kan ek met Kersfees om die draai Hom weer nuut ontmoet. Groetnis
Shocked by comments
David Janssens, david.jdv@gmail.com, writes: I was reading the following article: http://www.bulletin.us.com/articles/
news/33910/2015-10-23/breaking-news-illegal-hunter-mauled-by-lion And I was wondering if you would follow up on this statement: “Bulletin will have more on the situation as it unfolds.” I am shocked to be reading the amount of comments that assume these hunters were actually going after lions... and applauding the death of the men in question. The “no firearms were found” statement leaves room for interpretation. I have seen other accounts that affirm that the men were unarmed as they were using their dogs for the hunt. It is apparent that poaching of small game goes on a daily basis. It would certainly be interesting to find out why this is (given the risk). I am curious to know if there is a shortage of options for locals to get their hands on meat. In any case, I appeal to your journalistic integrity to shed more light on this story. To me this was the case of men going into a dangerous area to get food for their families. How much a choice they have in the matter is not clear and one I would be glad to find out more about. • We respect the sub judice rule in law and therefore we will now wait for legal proceedings to continue and withold further comments, until the inquest has been finalised. — Editor
30 October 2015
Breast Cancer Month
“An alien of exceptional ability” meets President Obama Octogenarian Ms Helen Allen from Tzaneen Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) activiwas very excited when her daughter Ms Sue ties. Private sector innovators from the space Allen, was invited to the White House As- industry as well as administration officials tronomy Night in Washington DC, USA. Ms were present. Allen (56) is a Senior Research Scientist at STEM, with support from the Noyce FounMaine Mathematics and Science dation, provides professional deAlliance (MMSA) in Augusta. velopment to afterschool educaAllen was born in Stellenbosch tors in rural settings throughout and attended both Rhodes Unithe USA. Although separated by versity and the University of large distances, they will use moCape Town. She studied theoretbile devices and online streaming ical physics and then moved into to watch each other’s interactions education. Allen won the Rhodes with the youth and support the University fellowship for being development of research-based the most outstanding graduate of STEM skills. 1980. She was awarded a FlannaAs part of the evening, they gan scholarship to do her Ph D in learned about cutting-edge asMathematics and Science Educatronomy education efforts. Altion in the USA. len tried out the Oculus virtual Ms Sue Allen. She obtained her green card reality system. This goggle-type from being invited to stay as an “alien of apparatus surrounded her with actual imexceptional ability.” While working at the ages taken from the Curiosity Rover as it sat National Science Foundation in Washington on Mars and looked around. Ms Allen says DC she met her soul that the experience mate and moved to was incredible as it Astronomy Night his home state of was just like being Maine four years there and able to see highlighted the ago. Allen has an imeverything — from pressive list of hon- importance of inspiring more the stones at her feet ours and awards. to the mountains and students with the wonder The Astronomy sweep of stars overof science and space. Night brought tohead. gether students and Astronomy Night educators, as well as amateur and profession- highlighted the importance of inspiring al astronomers to observe the night sky and more students with the wonder of science take part in hands on Science, Technology, and space. President Obama announced new
private sector commitments to further his “educate to innovate” campaign to inspire students to pursue STEM education. This will increase opportunities for all Americans to develop careers in science, technology and innovation-driven disciplines. Allen shook President Obama’s hand and thanked him for everything he’s doing to inspire the youth to learn science. — Sue Ettmayr
RIGHT: The White House invitation. BELOW RIGHT: Ms Sue Allen with the Oculus at the White House. BELOW LEFT: Ms Sue Allen with the White House in the background.
30 October 2015
Breast Cancer Month
Christelike Opvoeding Naskoolsentrum beskikbaar Sport: Bulletjierugby, netbal, atletiek, swem en meer Kultuur : Koor, Eisteddfod en meer
6 NOVEMBER Vrydag 08:00 tot 09:30 in die Skoolsaal Bring ‘n afskrif van u kind se geboortesertifikaat saam.
Plaas u kind met vertroue in DIE SKOOL VIR KINDERS VAN OUERS WAT OMGEE
30 October 2015
Breast Cancer Month
Guesthouse opens in Hamawasha An impressive sign at the entrance announces Palmwag, a new guesthouse at 125 Hamawasha, Tzaneen. Mr Ken le Grange (62) from Namibia bought the 2,6 hectare barren land four years ago. The neighbouring horses had grazed the land into desolation. The only feature was a dam. Le Grange initially wanted to turn the property into separate homes for family members. He set about building the houses and planting trees. He planted 400 guava, litchi, mango, avocado, macadamia, pomegranate, wild fruit, indigenous and 25 palm trees. The dam is fed by two fountains and canal water and overflows from the neighbour to under the road to the neighbours on the other side. Two fish eagles visit every day at about midday. It’s also home to wild ducks and Le Grange has introduced Mozambique kurper. Palmwag has been named after a place in the Kaokoveld desert in Namibia. It is an oasis with only a hotel and camping site,
surrounded by palm trees in the another runs a restaurant in Cape gracefully meander through the middle of nowhere. Le Grange Town and his son, Henk, recently shrubs and trees. fought on the Angolan/Namibi- joined him at Palmwag. The impressive vegetable garan border for ten years. This reHenk (30) moved to Palmwag den is surrounded by a hedge of granadillas. The granadillas serve as protection against the visiting vervet monkey troop. The primates eat their fill on the granadillas and leave the vegetables alone. The family is also involved in giving to the poor and support several organizations with fruit and vegetables. The three units can accommodate nine people. They have modern furnishings, concrete floors, high definition TV’s and bathrooms en suite. There’s a small pool in which guests can cool off, a bar and a pizza oven is in the making. Palmwag most certainly offers a tranquil retreat in the-country-in-town”. The sign at the Palmwag entrance. — Sue Ettmayr sue@bulletin.us.com sulted in publishing his book on from Cape Town when his father Koevoet and special units. The needed several debilitating hip family of five left Namibia and operations. Handsome Henk had Le Grange became a bank bro- done modeling in the Cape but ker at FNB in Port Elizabeth. One his passion is in the hospitality, daughter now lives in Tzaneen, food and beverage field and his main thrust is organic and sustainable living as well as vegan food. His father, however, loves nothing more than a juicy steak on the braai. The Le Grange family tried cattle and sheep but found that they were too destructive with the grass and vegetation. Now two ostriches, one born with a leg injury,
Mr Ken Le Grange with his son Henk.
One of the Palmwag ostriches.
Mr S M Shiluvane is a local patient (Tzaneen area) with renal kidney failure. He is being treated at BBraun dialysis unit in Tzaneen. He was diagnosed with renal kidney failure eleven years ago on his birthday. Since then he has experienced tough times in and out of hospitals. He also has diabetes and lost his right leg last year. He had to change his diet and lifestyle drastically in order to survive. Going to dialysis three times a week for four hours at a time is not easy. But after accepting his condition he managed to work out his lifestyle and with the help of his wife, family, friends and the dialysis personnel he is now standing stronger. With him in this photo are the unit manager, Ms Marinda Dupper, and at the back Mss Jeanette Coetzer and Beauty Lebepe. Carien Grobler, dogter van Marius en Tessa Grobler van Mooketsi, en Johan de Beer, seun van Johan en Mariaan de Beer ook van Mooketsi, Is onlangs in die huwelik bevestig. Hulle sal by Mooketsi woon, waar Johan by hul familieboerdery betrokke is.
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30 October 2015
Breast Cancer Month
Lap desk creates much needed opportunities An initiative by Futuregrowth Asset Management’s Community Property Fund (CPF) provided thousands of learners across the country with customised lap desks. The project was executed in conjunction with Capital Land, the investment property specialists managing the CPF portfolio of shopping malls. More than 3 800 lap desks have been distributed to four schools across South Africa so far. An estimated 95 million pupils in Africa do not have access to a writing surface at school, which means they inevitably end up using the floor. Bending over for long periods of time is uncomfortable and does not stimulate learning. This inevitably results in reduced concentration and consequent poor academic performance. CPF Product Manager Smital Rambhai said, “The lap desks are a cost effective and innovation solution to address this challenge and provide children with a sense of pride and dignity and reassurance that they do matter.” The lap desks have been imprinted with educational material including South African provinces, time tables, days of the week, seasons, and important numbers to aid in lit-
Elf “visse” van die Laerskool Tzaneen het aan Limpopo se Skoleswemkampioenskappe in Tzaneen se munisipale swembad deelgeneem. Die volgende Larrie-swemmers het mooi gepresteer en medaljes verower: agter is Doné Aucamp, Lané Prinsloo, Anika Schmidt, Daniel Smit, Ruan Hanaczeck-Kruger en Maynard Kleynhans, en voor is Donia Smit, Tashné Opperman, Markus Theron en Wernich Schmidt.
Unity celebrates career dress-up day
For the eighth time, Unity Primary School in Tzaneen celebrated Career dress-up day. Career Dress-up day is held in October every year and is set as an annual event on the primary school calendar. Career Dress-up day is a fun event designed to encourage career awareness amongst eracy development and improved academic Grade 7 pupils, as part of performance. the Life Orientation curricCapital Land facilitates the lap desk dona- ulum. Pupils came to school tions to schools in communities surrounding the respective shopping centres in Futuregrowth’s portfolio. The lap desks are distributed to the schools with the greatest need — which generally are located in rural areas. Each child is issued with a lap desk, which they use at school and at home, and when they graduate they get to keep it.
dressed in outfits of the careers they want to follow and bringing tools or implements commonly used in their chosen career (i.e. a plumber’s wrench, a baker’s tray or an accountant’s ledger book) . Unity Primary’s Grade 7 pupils became pilots, scientists, doctors, journalists etcetera for the day, when they dressed up. —Phidelia Rikhotso phidelia@bulletin.us.com
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30 October 2015
Breast Cancer Month
Sewing Machines
30 October 2015
Breast Cancer Month
Watergenot vir koshuisbrakke Die “Sannas”, inwoners van die Hoërskool Merensky se Santjie Swanepoel-meisieskoshuis, en die “Ossies”, hul manlike eweknieë in Plasieland, het hul jaarafsluiting by die skool se swembad gevier. In pure eiland-styl het die weer saamgespeel
Elf atlete van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het aan die Marius Lengton Gedenkbyeenkoms in Polokwane deelgeneem en gewys dat hulle sommer vroeg in die seisoen reeds goed geslyp is vir die nuwe atletiekseisoen. Die atlete het goed gepresteer en die Vossies het vyftien goue medaljes, tien silwer en twaalf brons verwerf. Christiaan Smit het ook op ‘n hoë noot begin en ‘n rekord in verspring
vir seuns o.14 met ‘n afstand van 5,89 m verbeter. Dit was die laaste byeenkoms in 2015. Die atletiekseisoen word eers weer in Janaurie 2016 na die somervakansie hervat. Hier is die elf atlete. Voor sit Duval Strydom, Lara Schutte, Taylia Koch, Deidré Viljoen, Nielia Blignaut en Frans Pohl, en agter is James Vorster, Christiaan Smith, Xolani Mazibuko, Andzani Sithole en Thabang Mathole.
Plasies by Spelathon Talah Woodward of Unicorn Preparatory School in Tzaneen qualified for the SA u.11 ringball team earlier this month in Margate, and not bowls as was submitted by the school and reported in the Bulletin last week. Talah said at her age it is much more fun to compete in ringball than rolling bowls on a hot Saturday afternoon!
en man en muis het die swembadwater laat skuim. Daar is lekker gebraai en om op die waterglybaan te baljaar was ononderhandelbaar. Dit was die laaste sosiale hoogtepunt op die koshuiskalender vir vanjaar.
Lize Crafford en Letilda Pohl.
Twee slimkoppe van die Hoërskool Merensky, Lize Crafford (gr 10) en Letilda Pohl (gr 9), het Saterdag in Johannesburg aan die eindronde van die ATKV se na-
sionale spelathon deelgeneem. Vyftien leerlinge van oor die land het in die eindronde vir gr 9 en gr 10 sake uitgespook. Die bekende TV-man Riaan Cruywagen was die seremoniemeester en die bekende RSG-taalfundi Dr Anton Prinsloo was die vraesteller. Dit was ‘n naelbytstryd met die gehoor wat ywerig saamgespel het. Die leerlinge was so goed dat uiteindelik na woordlyste oorgegaan is om te bepaal wie die topspeller in die land is. Deelnemers van die Hoërskool Sentraal in Bloemfontein het uiteindelik koning gekraai. Elke deelnemer is met ‘n propvol ATKV-geskenksak bederf.
Die SA Vrouefederasie se kleuterskool in Tzaneen is vir gereelde hoogtepunte bekend: hul trompoppies wat by byeenkomste optree, hul vierings van tema-dae, hul jaareindkonserte, ensovoorts. Onlangs was dit weer tyd vir hul jaareindkonsert en soos altyd was die kostuums baie oorspronklik, om verskillende gebeure uit te beeld.
Liza-Ri Snyman, Liza Maquire, Cara Flattery, Welmi de Jager en Nina Grové was van die Sannas wat die koshuisafskeid bygewoon het.
Luca Audoire-Chandler, Dian Fivaz, Nicholas Dancer, Ariel Oosthuizen en Janco Blignaut het sake ook fyn dopgehou by die koshuisafsluiting langs en in die swembad.
Renaldo van Rensburg en Thinus Vermaak van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster was lede van Limpopo se skyfskietspan en hulle het puik gepresteer by die SA skyfskietkampioenskappe. Hul span het ‘n goue medalje ontvang, as wenners in die o.21-ouderdomsgroep. Thinus het 345 vir 10 m, 553 in 3P1 en 549 vir 3P2 geskiet en het ook in die eindstryd-uitskiet deelgeneem. Sy wit wapen is in status na sil-wer verhoog, wat ‘n buitengewone prestasie is. Thinus het ‘n vierde
Die jaarlikse Finesse Ma-en-dogterdag van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het weer getuig van swier en goeie smaak. Brendan Peyper was die gaskunstenaar en me Marga van Rooy die gasspreker. Marrie Theron het ook met
haar saag musiek gemaak en die 386 dames wat die onthaal bygewoon het, het die program terdeë geniet. Die gr 12-leerlinge het ook hul matriekafskeiduitrustings vertoon. Die gasvroue van die skool het baie moeite
plek algeheel behaal. Renaldo het dertiende geëindig in die o.16-ouderdomsgroep, met ‘n telling van 528. Thinus het ook ‘n plek in die posligaspan losgeskiet wat later teen die VSA gaan deelneem. Hy het in een jaar twee keer die SA span gehaal. Renaldo is die huidige Limpopo-kampioen. Renaldo (naaslinks) en Thinus (naasregs) staan hier by die ander twee lede van die Limpopospan, Janco Meiring (links) en Gustav Kamfer (regs).
gedoen om die tafels uitsonderlik te versier. Op meegaande foto’s is een van die tafels en in die groepfoto is Me Lidwinia Nieuwoudt, Brendan Peyper en mee Marga van Rooy, Marrie Theron en Elsana Denysschen.
30 October 2015
Breast Cancer Month
He potters around in the sky Retired Mr Rob Munro (71) from Tzaneen has had a passion for model aircraft since the age of eight. He says he probably inherited his love for planes from his late uncle Len who was a full size pilot. Munro is the oldest member of the Tzaneen Model Aircraft Club which consists of a dozen enthusiasts. The club members fly their planes just beyond the Tzaneen airfield on Sunday afternoons. Munro says it’s getting more and more difficult worldwide to continue this hobby. With the expansion of the world human population, land is at a premium and neighbours nearby don’t like the noise on a Sunday afternoon. In his workshop at home, Munro has all the tools he needs and is surrounded by his planes.
He proudly shows his over forty-year-old Vagabond model aircraft that he’s fixing. Most of his planes are scratch built. Traditionally balsa wood is used as it’s the lightest wood available but is getting very expensive. He also builds planes made from Depron foam. This is an insulation material used mainly in homes overseas. The disadvantage is that it’s very soft and can break quite easy, but it can be repaired. He’s lost count of how many planes he’s built. The USA and the UK were the largest manufacturers but China has now captured the market. He keeps up to date with modeling magazines. They contain free plans but he usually draws up his own plans. The bigger models use petrol but Munro has tired of cleaning and now
only gets involved in electric models. When asked what makes The Tzaneen Model grown men Aircraft Club logo. play with toys he replies, “All men play with toys. They just get more expensive the older one Mr Ron Munro is seen here fixing his Vagabond model aircraft. gets.” Building is his forte and flying is the cherry ever, he still just likes to potter around in the on top. Munro doesn’t get involved in compe- sky. titions. He’s noticed that his reflexes, so neces— Sue Ettmayr sue@bulletin.us.com sary with this hobby, are slowing down. How-
Alleged pool fraudster speaks up run to the police over minor inciily arrived in Tzaneen during October last year to attempt a fresh dents when they can just discuss it with me in an amicable manstart. He soon began promoting ner.” He feels that he has been his business, Pool Coatings and Renovations, and according to unable to shake the sins of his him, was doing great until the repast and that no matter where he cent charges laid against him by moves to, they will always follow. two of his clients. “I understand “At the age of 15, I was arrested on charges of aggravated assault and if someone is not entirely happy housebreaking, and since then I with a job, but there is no need to blow things out of proportion have tried to change but people won’t give you that chance. and affect my livelihood. I am not a crook and I have evidence “I am ashamed of my past, but Alleged fraudster it was something that happened 24 to prove it too.” Robert O’Neil years ago. I was young and reckless Robert claims that it is human and I admit that, but I feel that now those who nature to accept that someone is guilty just because they have a criminal record and that is know my past are holding it against me.” Originally from Gauteng, O’Neil and his fam- why there have been so many, allegedly false,
Robert O’Neil, the man who stands accused of defrauding members of the Tzaneen community, says he is innocent. “I am being victimized because society refuses to believe that a man can change.” Bulletin reported two weeks ago that O’Neil was arrested on charges of theft under false pretences and crimen injuria after he allegedly took money for pool renovation jobs he did not complete. There is also a pending fraud case against him regarding a LDV he allegedly bought using a falsified cheque. He is well known to local law enforcement and, in the past year alone has seen the inside of the Tzaneen holding cells a staggering 85 times — including being transferred to Polokwane Correctional Services Centre. “Yes, I have been in and out of jail a few times, I don’t deny that, but most of the time the charges against me were completely exaggerated. “I really don’t understand why people have to
VAKANTE POSTE HOëRSKOOL BEN VORSTER Die Beheerliggaam wag aansoeke in vir die volgende poste beskikbaar:
POS 1: SENIOR TIKSTER Die geskikte kandidaat moet oor die volgende kwalifikasies beskik: • Relevante kwalifikasies tot die betrokke pos. • Algemene tik- en taalvaardigheid. • Taalversorging. • Kommunikasievaardigheid. • Minimum van vyf jaar sekretariële ondervinding sal in u guns tel. • Rekenaarvaardig (MS-Word, Excell, Powerpoint en Corel Wordperfect, Microsoft Outlook). WERKSURE: Voltyds
POS 2: BEMARKINGSBESTUURDER Die geskikte kandidaat moet oor die volgende kwalifikasies beskik: • Relevante kwalifikasies tot die betrokke pos. • Bemarkingsondervinding sal voordelig wees. • Sal beheer neem van alle bemarkingsaangeleenthede, o.a. reünies en bond van Oud-Vossies, ens. binne die skool, sowel as borge. • Kommunikasievaardigheid. • Taalvaardigheid. WERKSURE: Voltyds
AANSOEKPROSEDURES: Stuur Curriculum Vitae per e-pos aan: ontvangs@benvorster.co.za en dui duidelik aan vir watter pos u aansoek doen. SALARIS: Onderhandelbaar NAVRAE: Die Hoof: Mnr. C Denysschen, hoof@benvorster.co.za SLUITINGSDATUM: Vrydag, 6 November 2015 AANVAARDINGSDATUM: 1 Januarie 2016 Die Beheerliggaam behou die reg voor om die pos nie te vul nie. Indien u binne twee weke niks verneem het nie, kan u aanneem dat u onsuksesvol was met u aansoek.
charges against him. “What angers me the most is that people have started spreading rumours that my son is stealing from my clients’ homes while I’m on a job. That is absolute rubbish and downright offensive. He is a young boy helping his father renovate and restore swimming pools, he doesn’t steal and he doesn’t deserve that brand either.” O’Neil denies the allegations made against him in the pending fraud case too, saying that there should be more investigations conducted into that matter for the truth to come to light. He has, however, vowed to lay a defamaion of character charge against those whom he feels have tarnished his reputation and effectively caused irreparable damage to his business. “I will not leave this matter here, the wheel turns... that is one truth I have come to know all too well.” — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com
30 October 2015
Breast Cancer Month
Mopani Crime Scene
Arrested in Bolobedu
leged to be part of a land-selling syndicate. They appeared in the Ritavi Magistrate’s Court on Monday. All the suspects reside at Mbambamencisi and they were identified as Maimise Raymond Nomvela (42), Madume Michael Mbhalati (47), Tinyiko Jane Mpenyani (46), Louisa Plantina Sekhwari (46), Raymond Makelani (52) and Thandi Mpenyani (41). “The suspects have been selling sites illegally at Mbambamencisi (Nkowankowa section D) since 2012 to members of the communiwith prices ranging from R3 000 to R40 Six arrested for illegal sale of land ty 000. So far six people who bought sites have Three men and three women were arrested been found” said SAPS spokesperson Lt Col by the SAPS (Tzaneen Cluster Tekkie Squad Moatshe Ngoepe. The Police appealed to all Task Team) on charges of fraud. They are almembers of the community who bought sites Police have arrested 87 suspects in connection with various criminal activities over the past week: two for rape, thirteen for assault GBH, one for assault, five for house breaking and theft, three for theft, four for robbery, two for drunken driving, one for stock theft, seven for possession of stolen property, one for possession of a dangerous weapon, four for malicious damage to property, one for violation of a protection order and 44 for drinking in public.
Complete Curriculum Vitae, including references Copy of Identity Document Full contact details Detailed Menu of meals (arranged per day) that you plan to sell, including the selling price per item and portion sizes (healthier options to be included as well). 5. Other items, in addition to meals that you plan to sell. SLUITINGSDATUM VIR INHANDIGING VAN TENDERS: 4 NOVEMBER 2015 GEEN LAAT AANSOEKE SAL AANVAAR WORD NIE. SHORTLISTED APPLICANTS MAY BE REQUIRED TO SUBMIT SAMPLES OF THE FOOD. THE COMMENCEMENT DATE FOR OCCUPATION WILL BE JANUARY 2016. THE SUCCESSFUL TENDER WILL BE ANNOUNCED NO LATER THAN 13 NOVEMBER 2015
Crime hotspots are dealt with successfully
The dedicated Police Tekkie Squad Task Team is said to be winning the fight against crime by hitting hard on the identified crime hotspots in seven Cluster Police Stations (Tzaneen, Bolobedu, Maake, Letsitele, Ritavi, Mokwakwaila and Modjadjiskloof). A sting operation was conducted until Monday morning and 37 suspects aged between 21 and 48 years old were arrested on various offences (even murder, hi-jacking, armed robbery and illegal possession of fire arms and ammunition). The suspects will appear in courts soon. The action by the team will continue until the crime hotspots are closed, but the Police request more information from members of the community about any criminal activities. Contact Brig Thomas Shingange on 082 565 8155 (24 hours).
Elderly man found dead in his home with blood scattered
Residents of Dan Village, Nkowankowa, are sad about the mysterious incident during which a 97-year-old man was found dead, with blood scattered all over the place. Strangely enough he did not have visible injuries, but his feet were swollen. His body was found at his home on Sunday, said Capt Shilubana of the Ritavi SAPS. An autopsy will be done, to reveal the cause of death. The deceased was identified as Khazamula Robert Khumalo.
Operation Fiela starts
Limpopo’s statistics for Operation Fiela for the month of October have been released. Fiela was initially launched to combat attacks on foreigners and has been criticized for targeting foreigners and rushing their deportations. However, it has become an all-encompassing fight against crime. Limpopo’s Operation Fiela resulted in the arrests of 500 people in the province in October in connection with a wide range of criminal activities. The police in Limpopo intensified their efforts in the operation this past month, especially with the approaching festive season and the challenges it brings in terms of certain crime trends. The abuse of liquor continued to be a challenge and a serious problem, with 110 people having been arrested this month for either drinking in public or being drunk in public. Other arrests made during October included those for illegally dealing in
Field Service Managers
BioBee Integrated Crop Solutions (Pty) Ltd. is a leading South African company specializing in the production and marketing of beneficial insects and mites and naturally derived products for integrated pest and disease control. BioBee Integrated Crop Solutions (Pty) Ltd. is a South African based joint venture company with the partners being Bertie van Zyl (Pty) Ltd. t/a as ZZ2, Hishtil South Africa (Pty) Ltd., and BioBee Sde Eliyahu Ltd an Israeli based international company. BioBee is situated in the Letsitele geographical area. The expansion and market development of the company necessitates the extension of its marketing and field service support team in Limpopo and other parts of South Africa. Vacancies are available for the position of Field Service Manager to lead the companies market development programme. The positions will report to the CEO and be part of the management team. Successful applicants will be responsible for the following functions: • Sales of the company products - Natural enemies and naturally derived products for integrated pest and disease control (traps, pheromones etc.) throughout South Africa. • To develop a marketing and sales system across the region. • To provide field services and technical support to the company’s clients. The following prerequisites are required: • Preferably MSc in plant protection (pest management/ entomology) specializing in IPM or a BSc in plant protection specializing in IPM. • an M.B.A. will serve as an added advantage • Proven experience in: management and development of IPM business activities in the commercial horticulture sector with preference to the citrus, grapes
and greenhouse sector (vegetables and flower.); sales and marketing, including managing a field sales team and negotiations with end users and distributors; ability to identify, communicate and deal with the decision makers including high level management/owners of corporate business. Additional requirements: Ambitious, self-motivated, result driven and independent. • Capable of handling several tasks simultaneously. • Willingness to travel extensively throughout South Africa. • Willingness to relocate according to the Company’s operational requirements. • Fluent in English and Afrikaans (writing and speaking). • Experience with utilizing internet as sales and marketing promotion tool. • Proficiency in office software (Excel, Word, PowerPoint)
If you meet the above requirements for the position please forward you CV to werwing@zz2online.com or ramif@biobee.com. Enquiries can be directed to Johan du Plessis at 083 676 0390 or Rami Friedman at 076 077 6280 Date of closure: 6 November 2015
Co-ordinated by: Vabekile Phidelia Rikhotso • phidelia@bulletin.us.com
from these people to call the investigating officer, D/WO Mbekeni Elia Shingange on 073 079 1724.
www.zz2.co.za bulletin©10616zz2151030tb
liquor, driving under the influence of liquor, contact crimes such as assault and murder, illegal gambling, illicit dealing in precious metals or precious stones, possession of drugs, mostly marijuana, possession of a dangerous weapon, possession of illegal fire arms and ammunition and undocumented persons were apprehended as well as people for the employment of undocumented migrants.
Man hunt for house robbery and rape suspects continues
The Tzaneen Police are still tracing two suspects who attacked and raped a domestic worker on a farm outside Tzaneen. The incident occurred on 19 August at about 09:00 on AB 6A along Agatha Road where the suspects entered the house and attacked the domestic worker. They held her up with a fire arm and threatened her with a knife until one of them took her to one of the bedrooms and raped her, while the other one was busy loading valuable items in a suitcase (such as clothing, shoes, jewellery, cosmetics and appliances). They later tied her hands and legs before they disappeared on foot into the bushes. The descriptions of the suspects on the facial identification kits are as follows: • The first suspect is around 1,6 metres tall, around 27 years old, dark in complexion, slender, speaking Shona. • The second suspect is around 1,55 metres tall, around 25 years old, slender, dark in complexion and speaking Tsonga. Anyone with information about these suspects may contact the nearest Police Station or crime stop number 08600 10111 or the investigating officer, D/WO Pikani Curven Shikwambana on 083 297 9590 or 015 306 2000 (24 hours).
Counterfeit DVD’s destroyed
Counterfeit DVD’s with an estimated street value of R20 000 were seized by Tzaneen Police during October. SAPS spokesperson Const Glenda Maimele said that the counterfeit goods were confiscated from street sellers spotted by officers on patrol in and around the Tzaneen CBD. The discs include albums by international and local musicians, top Hollywood blockbuster movies and even pornography. “We are facing a serious challenge regarding counterfeit goods in our town and we urge the public not to support these merchants. Counterfeit goods have a negative effect on the local arts and entertainment scene and we as SAPS will deal with anyone caught buying or selling these goods very harshly.” The market for these Niche BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY in your region! goods is driven by Be part of the consumers who buy them. According to the SA Institute of success story! Intellectual Property Law counterfeit goods worth in excess “I was a member to a provident fund for many years... when I needed of R600 million have to claim my money, I was sent from pillar to post between the fund and my employer... until I came across ProvidentWise who helped been seized in SA me from start to finish. Was it not for them, I would probably still be since 1997 — a figure waiting for my money” – Jonathan Morapo higher than that of the entire United KingAgencies are selling from R20 000 – R35 000 dom during the same - start earning income from the first month period. - have exclusive territory protection “Any member of the - recover your agency fee within 12 months community with in- own the goodwill in your region formation that could Criteria for a prospective Agency Owner: lead to the arrest of - Self-motivated individual suspects selling fake - Email, fax & print capabilities DVD’s are invited to - Drivers licence & vehicle come forward. Your - No previous experience required tip-off will be treated anonymously,” said Interested parties can send a request for Maimela. The confisapplication to: info@providentwise.co.za cated DVD’s were deContact – Stephan 084 767 7661 stroyed by the SAPS.
Do you want to own a SMALL BUSINESS?
Makgethe Financial Solutions (Pty) Ltd, t/a ProvidentWise (terms & conditions do apply) 250 Pretorius Street, Pretoria, 0001
— Joe Dreyer
30 October 2015
Breast Cancer Month
Mahela se Ruston doef-doef Nostalgie oor geluide van vroeg uit die vorige eeu is dié week met die klink van ‘n glasie vonkelwyn gedeel, toe sowat veertig genooide gaste die onthulling van Mahela Boerdery, Letsitele, se gerestoureerde Ruston-enjin bygewoon het.
Frans Meintjes van Gravelotte heropgebou en beklee nou ‘n ereplek langs Mahela se pakhuis net buite die dorp. “Ons jaag produksie en winsgewendheid na, maar vergeet so maklik van die steunpilare wat ons tot hier gebring het,” het mnr Edward Vorster gesê en verwys na die enjin wat destyds deur ruolie aangedryf is. Die enjins op die plaas is destyds in stand gehou deur wyle Vorster se swaer, mnr Jack
Die Ruston van ses ton is stewig geanker op ‘n betonblad van drie kubieke meter, maar ‘n mens kon steeds die trilling onder jou voete voel. Op die silinderblok is ‘n plaatjie Ruston & Hornsby No 6, met vervaardigingsnommer 211851. Dit het nie ‘n datum nie, maar elders Mnre Frans Meintjes en Edward Vorster knip die lint vir toegang tot staan die jaardatum 1934. die vertoonkamer.
Spoorvrag kan sitrus miljoene bespaar BO: Mnr Piet Vorster (REGS) saam met sy vrou Liesbet en broer Edward. Dié twee het saam met hul pa, Ben, die Rustons langs die Letabarivier vir besproeiing ingespan. LINKS: Mnre Theo Dicke en Piet Warren was twee van die talle “swaargewigte” by die Ruston-onthulling.
Die groot en kragtige eensilinder-enjin (horisontale silinder) het ‘n waterpomp aangedryf en was een van twee wat etlike dekades gelede gesorg het dat die eerste sitrusboorde van die pionier Ben Vorster in Letsitele water gekry het. Dit is na baie geswoeg deur mnr
Aldrid, wat alewig pikswart besmeer was van die ruolie. Daar word vertel dat hy beesvel ingespan het as tydelike oplossing wanneer die enjins se suierringe gebreek het. Breë glimlagte uit erkenning was veral onder die ouer garde te sien, toe Meintjes die Ruston aan die loop gesit en sy harde doef-doef-doef oor die werf weergalm het.
Groter benutting van spoorvrag lê en wag vir sitrusboere en ander produsente wat miljoene rande kan bespaar en terselfdertyd verligting op SA se hoofpaaie sal beteken.. Fruit SA beplan om in die jare wat voorlê minstens tien persent van alle uitvoere per trein na hawens soos Durban, Port Elizabeth en Kaapstad te vervoer. Dit sal ook die koolstofbesoedeling verminder. Op die oomblik word 99% van veral sitrus, avokado’s en tafeldruiwe per pad vervoer, en dié ritte is soms ‘n duisend kilometer of verder. In ‘n opname is bevind dat swaarvoertuie vir dié doel tot 480 miljoen kilometers per jaar aflê — teen ‘n koste van R969 miljoen. Voorheen is tot 90% van dié produkte per spoor na Durban en Port Elizabeth, maar
met die koms van groter vraghouers vir verskeping kon bestaande treintrokke dit nie meer vervoer nie. Danksy ‘n nuwe benadering deur owerhede in samewerking met Fruit SA kon 900 vraghouers vanjaar per spoor uit Tzaneen na Durban en Kaapstad gestuur word. In 2011 was dit net 300. Die mikpunt is om dit op te stoot na 1 500 houers binne die volgende paar jaar. Treine kon tot dusver ‘n maksimum van 38 houers per rit vervoer, maar dit sal tot 48 vergroot word. Die vooruitsig vir groot produsente is dat dit ‘n aansienlike besparing in vervoerkoste sal beteken, terwyl kleiner produsente van ander landbouprodukte geleidelik hierby sal inskakel.
30 October 2015
Breast Cancer Month
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30 October 2015
Breast Cancer Month
Property l Eiendomme To Let Te Huur
Huise, Meenthuise, Woonstelle, Kantore & Besighede
Georges Valley Bachelor woonstel, ruim vertrekke, 7 km uit dorp, erf omhein, troeldiere welkom, koopkrag. R1 700
Woonstelle/Flats 1 Slaapkamer tuinwoonstel te huur, sentraal, omhein beskikbaar vanaf 1 November water en ligte ingesluit R2 700 pm Skakel 073 3619556 Oct201____________________________
Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248 to advertise in the property
Aquapark 2 Slaapkamer, 1 badkamer, sitkamer,kombuis met 3 lugverkoelers, stoep, afdak, koopkrag, geen kinders of troeteldiere. R3 800
Premierpark (Meenthuis) 3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, 1 toesluit motorhuis, afdak, eie erf omhein. Beskikbaar 01/11/2015. R6 300
Kantoor: 015 307 5151 Isabel 083 448 5171 Annette 083 443 0328 Huise, Meenthuise, Woonstelle, Kantore & Besighede
Job Seeker l Werkgeleenthede Driver My name is Khotso Seoka I am looking for a driver work I have code 10 with PDP or any other general work I speak English full time or part time have experience driving 8 ton truck. Contact me on 076 716 5501 (13)_______________________________
My name is P M Masinamele I am looking for a driver work I have code 10/14 with PDP I speak English or any other general work contact me on 076 693 3611 (14)_______________________________
after children / office cleaner, sleep out, Speak English full time or part time contact me on 076 570 9858 (205)______________________________
My name is Libeth Maimele I am looking for domestic work / office cleaner I can also look after children 3 days of full time sleep out or in I can speak English contact me on 073 130 5870 (206) _____________________________
My name is Iaac Malesa I am looking for painting work or gardening full time or part time I speak English have a learners code 10 contact me on 073 558 4316 (207) ____________________________
Domestic My name is Shirhandziwa Mavis Sono I am looking for domestic work I can look
My name is Edna Mapula Modika I am looking for a domestic work 3 days or full time sleep out I can speak Afrikaans and English contact me on 072 542 2425 (208) _____________________________
My naam is Masoku Maria Rammola ek is opsoek na huishoudelike werk ek kan na kinders kyk, ek praat Afrikaans slaap in of uit, voltyds of 3 dae a week skakel my op 072 814 5611 (209) _____________________________
My name is Matlala W. Malemele I am looking for domestic or office cleaning work or any general work I speak English full time or part time contact me on 060 60 18396 (210)_____________________________
My name Mapula J. Hutamo I am looking for domestic work or office cleaning I speak English full time or part time sleep out contact me on 060 466 1670 (211)_____________________________
My naam is Anisjka Basson ek is dringend opsoek na werk. Gee asseblief hierdie oulike go getter ‘n kans. Ek is dadelik beskikbaar. Jy sal nie
Admin spyt wees om my aan te stel nie. Ek is ywerig om te werk en loop die ekstra myl. Ek het ‘n sterk uithou vermoë en sal my alles gee. Enige werk soos admin, data entry, cashier, pod’s en fakture verwerk, maar sal ander werk ook doen, kan nie wag om van ‘n werk te hoor nie. Skakel my 079 706 3283 (26)______________________________
General My name is Stephen Malepe I am looking for a job as Barman, driver I have grade 12 I can speak English I have drivers licence code 14 with PDP I have 7 years experience as driver contact me on 081 809 0262
My name is J. Shai I am looking for work as a paver, builder or painter and I know how to do waterproofing, I speak English full time or part time. Grasroof for sale as well. Contact me on 060 953 9706 (88)______________________________
My name is Tsepo Lebepe I am looking for gardening work or building work ( no how to mix concrete for building) I can speak English full time or part time contact me on 079 595 1456 (89)______________________________
My name is Valoyi Douglas I am looking for work as Shop Assistant, gardening, painting or any other general work I can spekak English and Afrikaans I have grade 12 contact me on 082 217 0243 (90)______________________________
My name is Nkhensani Evah Mukhavele I am looking for domestic work, office
cleaner, tea lady or shop assistant I speak English, full time or part time I have code 10 Licence (I have a cleaning certificate) contact me on 078 526 7046 (91)______________________________
My name is Johannes Machitela I am looking for nay general work I can speak English contact me on 071 254 0524 (92)______________________________
My name is Cedric Sedutla I am looking for any general work or gardening I have code 10 licence Grade 11 I speak English contact me on 063 2128 198 (93)______________________________
My name is Ngwako Ally Ramakgwakgwa I am looking for any general work I speak English Full time or part time contact me on 078 103 9045 (94)______________________________
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Commitment to Excellence since 1991
Legals | Geregtelik MARULENG MUNICIPALITY NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF TOWNSHIP SCHEDULE 11 The Maruleng Municipality hereby gives notice in terms of Section 96 (1) and (3) read together with Section 69 (6) (a) of the Town - planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986), and SPLUMA 2013, that an application to establish the township referred to in the annexure hereto, has been received. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, 65 Springbok Steet, Hoedspruit, for a period of 28 days from 23 October 2015. Objections to, or representations in respect of, the application must be lodged with, or made in writing at the above address or at P O Box 627, Hoedspruit, 1380 within a period of 28 days from 23 October 2015. ANNEXURE Name of Township: HOEDSPRUIT EXTENSION 13. Full name of the applicant: Floris Jacques du Toit on behalf of Carl Daniel du Toit. Number of erven in proposed township: “Residential 3”:25 erven “Public Street”: 140m Total area of proposed township: 1,0003ha Description of the land: Ptn
32 of the farm Berlin 209KT. Locality of the proposed township:: The township is situated on the north-western periphery of Hoedspruit on the northern extremity of Jakkals Street. Remarks : The application has as purpose the establishment of a residential township comprising 25 erven and public street. MUNICIPAL MANAGER, MARULENG MUNICIPALITY Okt501____________________________
MARULENG MUNISIPALITEIT KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM STIGTING VAN DORP SKEDULE 11 Die Maruleng Munisipaliteit gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 96 (1) en (3) saamgelees met Artikel 69 (6) (a) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986, (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986), en SPLUMA 2013, kennis dat ‘n aansoek on die dorp in die bylae hierby genoem, te stig, ontvang is. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, -Burgersentrum, 65 Srpingbokstraat, Hoedspruit, vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 23 Oktober 2015. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 23 Oktober 2015, skriftelik
en in tweevoud by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 627, Hoedspruit, 1380, ingedien of gerig word. BYLAE Naam van dorp: HOEDSPRUIT UITBREIDING 13 Volle name van aansoeker: Floris Jacques du Toit namens Carl Daniel du Toit. Aantal erwe in voorgestelde dorp: “Residensieel 3”: 25 erwe “Publieke Straat”: 140m Totale oppervlakte van voorgestelde dorp : 1,0003. ha Beskrywing van Grond waarop dorp gestig staan te word: Gedeelte 32 van die Plaas Berlin 209KT. Ligging van voorgestelde dorp: Die dorp is geleë aan die noordwestekant van Hoedspruit aan die noordelike eindpunt van Jakkalsstraat. Opmerkings : Die aansoek het ten doel die vestiging van ‘n residensiële dorp bestaande uit 25 erwe en openbare straat. MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER MARULENG MUNISIPALITEIT Okt502____________________________
AUCTION 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honourable Court. 2. The rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 33A Pieter Joubert Street, Tzaneen. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific condition, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation in respect of proof of identify and address particulars, payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Tertius Robertson or Christie Bouwer. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. Dated at TZANEEN on this 23rd day of OCTOBER 2015 (SGD) JH JACOBSZ JOUBERT & MAY 50 BOUNDARY STREET PO BOX 35 TZANEEN, 0850 Tel: 015 307 3660 REF: JH JACOBSZ/bm/AZ0072
KENNISWING IN TERME VAN ARTIKEL 34 (1) VAN DIE INSOLVENSIE WET NR 24 VAN 1936 Kennis word hiermee gegee dat SCHUT 4 NOW (EDMS) BPK, Registrasie nr 2011/129292/07, van voornemens is om die besigheid bekend as Debonairs Pizza wat handel dryf te Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre, Tzaneen te verkoop en te vervreem aan ANYASET (EDMS) BPK, Registrasie nr 2013/127253/07 op 8 Desember 2015. ALDO ELISIO RECH Joubert & May Prokureur Grenstraat 50 Tzaneen Prokureur vir Anyaset (Edms) Bpk
IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF LETABA HELD AT TZANEEN CASE NUMBER: 32/13 In the matter between: RIVERSIDE ESTATES HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION Execution Creditor And NAKAMPE MACK MAKETE (ID: 580717 5412 08 2) Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION – AUCTION ON THE INSTRUCTIONS of the Execution Creditor, the under mentioned movable property of the Execution Debtor will be sold by public auction, on THURSDAY 19
NOVEMBER 2015 at 10:00 by the Sheriff for the Magistrate’s Court of TZANEEN district LETABA to the highest cash bidder: Venue of the sale: SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, MAIN STORE NO 2, INDUSTRIA ROAD 20, TZANEEN 1 x DELL SCREEN & MECER PC 1 X HP PRINTER 1 X HP VECTRA 1 X SAMSUNG LASER PRINTER 1 X BIG BOX FREEZER 1 X 4 RACK STEEL SHELVE 1 X MECER PC SCREEN 1 X WHITE PLASTIC CHAIR 1 X BAR WOODEN STOOL 1 X COUNTER 1 X SMALL BOX FREEZER 1 X T ITEC BALANCING MACHINE 1 X COMPUTER STAND 1 X MAHINDRA SCORPIO PICK-UP WITH REG NO: BTM528 L 1 X JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 4 X4 V8 WITH REG NO: BJS679 L 1 X INYATHI MINI BUS 2.2I WITH REG NO: BPJ543 L 1 X MAHINDRA BOLERO SC TURBO WITH REG NO: BMF973 L AUCTION 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honourable Court. 2. The rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office
of the Sheriff, 33A Pieter Joubert Street, Tzaneen. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific condition, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation in respect of proof of identify and address particulars, payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Tertius Robertson or Christie Bouwer. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. Dated at TZANEEN on this 26th day of OCTOBER 2015. (SGD) JH JACOBSZ JOUBERT & MAY 50 BOUNDARY STREET PO BOX 35 TZANEEN, 0850 TEL: 015 307 3660 Ref: JH JACOBSZ/bm/B6698 (AR1098) Oct505____________________________
30 October 2015
Breast Cancer Month
Smouskous l Classifieds
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HET JY AL ALLES PROBEER VIR GEWIGSVERLIES EN NIKS WERK NIE?!?!? Ons het ‘n reeks wat jou lewe kan verander. Die produkte WERK!!! 100% veilig vir diabetes en hoë bloeddruk. KONTAK: chantelvr@gmail.com
Kham A Valante Travel & Tours Shuttle Coaches Matsebane Nomvela (managing director) 072 795 1770 087 150 1775 Fax: 086 583 5379 www.kgomozadrivingschool. co.za info@kgomozadrivingschool. co.za Tzaneen, Polokwane, Phalaborwa, Hoedspruit, Hazyview, Nelspruit, Witbank, Pretoria, Naboomspruit, Johannesburg, OR Tambo International Airport. Jan406____________________ Kham A Valante Travel & Tours Shuttle Coaches Matsebane Nomvela (managing director) 072 795 1770 087 150 1775 Services Offered Scholar Transport Shuttle (Tzaneen – Johannesburg) Pack & Drive Touring (Tour Operators) Airport Transfers Picnic, workshop/ group travelling Tour Guides (on Board) Free Wi-Fi on board, DVD, Radio & CD. Air conditioned Jan407____________________ Food Lovers Market Vir al jou alledaagse huishoudelike benodighede Vars groente en vrugte. Beste pryse. Kwaliteit produkte. Kwaliteit vleis. Verskeidenheid voorbereide wegneem kos Life Style Centre
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PROFESSIONAL SOLAR INSTALLATIONS (COC issued) Contact JOHN …Qualified and registered Electrician. Special offer DIY LOAD SHEDDING SOLUTION
Vervoer/Transport Steynberg Trok & trekker 8 Ton trokke te huur. R21.00/km + btw, 12 ton trok R23/km + btw & 20 ton @ R30/km + btw eenrigting. Skakel vir Kwotasie: 076 410 9503/ 082 851 7139 Of 015 345 1192 084 627 0956 Jan402_______________
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For all your Solar, Plumming and Aircon needs contact: HP Pretorius 082 925 2955
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The solution kit comprises of: 1 x Battery 1 x Inverter CABLING FOR BOTH Price R4775.00 Bruce Electrical John Bruce 082 809 0429 info@jbruce.co.za Aug201_______________________
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Trailer for Hire Reliable trailers to carry cars, cattle, furniture, and garden refuse etc. 083 651 0936 015 306 0036
TLB FOR HIRE Contact: 082 427 7647 or 083 508 9741
Self storages with security to let. 9.18 and 32 sqm. From R250, R500, R1 000 pm plus vat. Contact 083 265 3129 or 083 451 9557
Beehives For Sale Professionally made and hot dipped waxsol treated. Complete brood boxes, super, all frames and queen excluder included. R850 (in Tzaneen) Contact Jason: 082 604 5828 Aug301____________________________
PEKINGESE HONDJIES TE KOOP teen R1000 elk, 3 Tefies en 2 Reuntjies. Kontak Laudine 0796575535 Okt503____________________________
TLB for Hire 3CX 4X4 JCB Contact 083 580 2078 Jan202______________________
October 30 is the 303rd day of the year . There are 62 days remaining until the end of the year.
30 October 2015
Breast Cancer Month
Larries bult spiere in hokkie
Die Laerskool Tzaneen se eerste seunsen eerste meisieshokkiespanne het aan ‘n toernooi by Heuwelkruin in Polokwane deelgeneem en gewys dat die standaard van hokkie by die skool op ‘n goeie vlak is. Die seuns het 2-0 gewen teen Groblersdal A, met 1-0 gewen teen Sunrise, teen Oos-skool het hulle 1-0 verloor en met 1-1 gelylop teen Heuwelkruin gespeel, maar later in ‘n herontmoeting met 3-2 gewen. In die eindstryd het hulle 1-1 gelyk teen Oos-skool gespeel, na ‘n “shoot out” was hulle steeds gelyk en toe volg die “sudden death” en die Larries wen met 1-0. Die meisies se uitslae was soos volg: Wen Sunrise 7-0, wen Heuwelkruin
5-0, wen Oos-skool 1-0, wen uitspeelwedstryd teen Sunrise 4-1, maar verloor toe teen die verwagting in die eindstryd teen Oos-skool 1-0. Op die foto van die spanne lê Dirk Crafford voor op sy sy. In die ry agter hom is Nandy Mathebula, Zané Booysen, Christine Kruger, WB Grobler, Jana Oberholzer, Zonica van Niekerk, Jolandi van der Merwe, Elsje Kriel, Righardt Denysschen, Franco Venter, Johnde Grobler en Pieter Engelbrecht. Agter is Zana Mabunda, Lorinda Esterhuizen, Liam Meintjes, Danielle Kasselman, Johan Harms, mnr Stefan de Beer, Heinrich Denysschen, Johan Roux, Henro de Bruin, Kyle Hamilton.
Ons jong ruiters is baas Tzaneen se kinder-perderuiters is besig om word nie. So was dit nou oor die land heen naam te maak as kampioene weer by die onlangse nawat nie sonder handskoene aangepak moet sionale kampioenskappe van Western Mounted Games wat by die Misty Oppie Kassie Meadows Equestrian EsOn the Telly tate by Cullinan gehou is. Vanjaar het 282 perde in Wandri Theo elf verskillende afdelings Bok-wedstryd ʼn kans om deelgeneem. Dit was die vyfde algeheel. sy een eerste plek (Speed Ball), twee tweede hulde aan helde te bring grootste kampioenskapsWandri Janse van Rensburg plekke, een derde plek, twee vierde plekke en beenkoms nog in Afrika. Op heelparty plekke sal daar seker dié naweek weemoedig gehet deelgeneem in Vlak 1 en het een vyfde plek en sy kom algeheel derde. Sy Daar kon deelgeneem sing word ... Sal ons ou kennisse ooit vergeet? gepresteer met vier eerste plek- was ook deel van Limpopo se hoërskolespan word in twee afdelings, Die emosie-beker gaan oorloop wanneer die Springbokke hul ke (“Keyhole, Big T, Quadran- wat gekroon is met ‘n algeheel vierde plek. Die Genevieve naamlik skole en ope. Die Wêreldbeker-veldtog met ʼn wedstryd teen Argentinië afsluit. ʼn gle & Poles 1”), vier tweede pl- tye wat sy aangeteken het, het ook gesorg dat ruiters moes deur die jaar Paar staatmakers van die afgelope jare sal allig die laaste keer in ekke en een derde plek. Sy was sy outomaties opgekuif het na Vlak 2 in die gekwalifiseer het om in die Groen en Goud gesien word. algeheel tweede in die skole-afdeling. In die ope afdeling en sy het hier twee plekke behaal. enige van vier vlakke geplaas te word (geDit is een van die redes dat rugbyliefhebbers vanaand/Vryope afdeling is sy vanweë haar tye outomaties Theo van der Merwe het deelgeneem in Vlak meet volgens vaartkategorieë). dagaand op televisie na die uitspeelwedstryd om die derde plek opgeskuif na Vlak 2 en daar het sy twee plekke, 2 en ‘n vierde plek behaal (“Poles 1”). sal kyk; om nog een keer hulde aan helde te bring. Laerskoolruiters waaronder ‘n derde plek behaal. Anri Janse van Rensburg het deelgeneem in En die eindstryd tussen Nieu-Seeland en Australië behoort ʼn Hannes van der Merwe het deelgeneem Vlak 3, waar die mededinging baie straf was. Hoërskole-afdeling gedenkwaardige kragmeting te wees; iets waarna alle vurige in Vlak 0 en hy het met een eerste plek, een Genevieve van der Merwe het deelgeneem Sy het een vierde en een vyfde plek in die geesdriftiges sal kyk sodat hulle eendag kan saampraat wanneer derde plek, twee vierde plekke, twee vyfde in Vlak 1 en het die pryse die een na die an- skole-afdeling en een plek in die ope afdeling daaroor gesels en gestry word. plekke en algeheel sewende in die skole-afder opgeraap. In die skole afdeling verwerf behaal. deling weggestap. In die ope afdeling het hy SuperSport-hoogtepunte (Alles regstreeks) elf plekke geneem, waaronder die nasionale reserwe kampioen (“Barrel Racing”) en nasionale kampioen (“Speed Ball”). Hy was 22:45 op SS 4 Vrydag 30 Oktober
Gholf: Maleisiese Classic, dag 2, Kuala Lumpur - 04:30 tot 08:30 op SS 7 Turkse Ope, dag 2 - 11:00 tot 16:00 op SS 7 Motorfietsrenne: X-fighters, Verenigde Arabiese Republieke - 17:30 tot 19:35 op SS 7 Motorrenne: F1: Mexikaanse Grand Prix, oefening 1 - 17:50 tot 19:40 op SS 6 Oefening 2 - 21:50 tot 23:45 op SS 7 Rugby: Wêreldbeker, uitspeel om derde plek: Suid-Afrika t Argentinië 21:00 tot 01:00 op SS 1 en GDN Sokker: SA Premierliga: Chippa United t Black Aces - 19:30 tot 22:30 op SS 4 Tennis: Vroue: WTA-toernooi - 07:50 tot 11:55 op SS 2 Switserse binnenshuise toernooi, Basel - 14:55 tot 23:00 op SS 2 Saterdag 31 Oktober Gholf: Maleisiese Classic, dag 3 - 05:00 tot 09:00 op SS 7 Turkse Ope, dag 3 - 11:00 tot 16:00 op SS 7 Motorrenne: F1: Mexikaanse Grand Prix, oefening 3 - 17:50 tot 19:20 op SS 2 Mexikaanse kwalifisering 20:50 tot 22:10 op SS 2 Perdewedren: Liefdadigheidsmyl, Germiston - 16:20 tot 16:50 op SS 6 Rugby: Wêreldbeker-eindstryd: Nieu-Seeland t Australië - 16:00 tot 21:00 op SS 1 en M-Net Sokker: Multichoice-reeks: Maritzburg Utd t SuperSport Utd - 11:45 tot 14:00 op SS 4 SA Premierliga: Kaizer Chiefs t Orlando Pirates 14:00 tot 18:00 op SS 4 Mamelodi Sundowns t Maritzburg Utd - 19:30 tot
Tennis: Vroue: WTA-toernooi, halfeind - 08:50 tot 11:00 en 12:20 tot 14:20 op SS 2 Switserse binnenshuise toernooi, halfeind - 15:25 tot 20:30 op SS 8 Sondag 1 November Gholf: Maleisiese Classic, dag 4 - 05:00 tot 09:00 op SS 7 en GDN Turkse Ope, dag 4 - 10:30 tot 15:30 op SS 6 Vroue: Blue Bay-kampioenskap, dag 4 - 06:00 tot 10:00 op SS 6 Krieket: Pakistan t Engeland, derde toets, dag 1 07:45 tot 15:15 op SS 2 SA T20-reeks: Warriors t Knights - 11:45 tot 15:45 op SS 8 Cape Cobras t Highveld Lions - 15:45 tot 20:00 op SS 8 Titans t Dolphins - 15:15 tot 19:30 op SS 2 Motorrenne: Formule 1: Mexikaanse Grand Prix 20:30 tot 23:15 op SS 6 Nascarreeks - 20:00 tot 23:30 op SS 8 Padwedloop: New York-marathon - 16:00 tot 19:00 op SS 6 Rugby: Engelse Premierliga: Newcastle t Exeter - 14:55 tot 17:00 op SS 1 Leicester t Wasps - 17:10 tot 19:15 op SS 1 Sokker: Multichoice-reeks: Golden Arrows t Kaizer Chiefs - 11:45 tot 14:15 op SS 4 SA Premierliga: Free State Stars t SuperSport United 15:00 tot 18:00 op SS 4 Tennis: Vroue: Eindstryd van WTA-toernooi - 12:20 tot 14:30 op SS 7 Switserse binnenhuise kampioenskap, eindstryd 15:25 tot 18:30 op SS 7
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30 October 2015
Vossies oorrompel Monnas in kwarteind
Alexandra Dreyer, die Plasies se tennisafrigter, het die afgelope skoolvakansie self die raket opgeneem en in die interprovinsiale tennisuitdaagtoernooi in Benoni deelgeneem. Sy het Gauteng-Noord, wat algeheel derde geeïndig het, verteenwoordig.
Vanjaar se tennisaktiwiteite by die Hoërskool Merensky is met ‘n lekker toernooi afgesluit, waar die spelers — junior en seniors — meegeding het en hul ranglysposisies kon verbeter. In die seuns ope se eindstryd het Stefan Pretorius en John D Ball kragte gemeet, met Stefan wat uiteindelik as oorwinnaar uit die stryd getree het. Altacia Gubitz en Carissa Ivy het mekaar die stryd aangesê in die dogters ope se eindstryd en Altacia het gewen.
Sedert Saterdagaand is dit al weer dermsuitryg- en kopperoleistyd. Dit verbaas Oubal nogal, want sedert die aankondiging van Heyneke se WB-groep het Oubal bitter min mense raakgeloop wat die Bokke enigsins ‘n kans gegun het om die trofee te wen. ‘Tja, die meeste kenners, asook Bobby Skinstad, was baie uitgesproke daaroor dat die Bokke nie verder as die kwarteindstryd sou vorder nie, en beslis nie verder as die halfeindstryd nie. Na Japan was daar selfs ‘n beduidende groep wat gesê het die Bokke sal nie hulle groepfase oorleef nie. Oubal wil nou nie meer beterweterig klink as die res van die kenners nie, maar hy het na die aankondiging van die span in hierdie rubriek gesê dat sekere tekortkomings die
(51 lopies) en Caelon Retief (34 lopies) het almal met die kolf vir die Black Caps van Ben Vorster uitgeblink. Openingsbouler en kaptein Don Radebe het met ‘n ongelooflike boulskof vorendag gekom en die hart uit die Monnas se kolfvolgorde geruk, toe hy 7 paaltjies vir slegs 9 lopies platgetrek het! Monnas se kolwers was almal binne 16 boulbeurte terug in die pawiljoen, vir slegs 58 lopies. Vier van Don se 8 boulbeurte was leeg. Philip Bester het hom ook goed bygestaan deur 3 paaltjies te neem.
Hier is die Vossies se eerstespanspelers wat sonder seremonie behoorlik oor die stadsjapies geloop het. Voor is Louis du Plessis en in die ry agter hom is Don Radebe (kapt), Caelan Retief, Kobus J van Rensburg, Emile Kruger
en Christian Mkansi. Agter is Regardt Heiberg, mnr George Engelbrecht (afrigter), Ruvan Kruger, Deon van Zyl, JP Prinsloo, Philip Bester, Franco Oberholzer, Aubrey van Renen en die skoolhoof, mnr Chris Denysschen.
Merensky te sterk by JJJ-atletiek Die Hoërskool Merensky se atletiekspan het Saterdag saam met 22 ander hoërskole se atlete aan die JJJ-atletiekbyeenkoms by die Hoërskool Rob Ferreira in Witrivier deelgeneem, en hul stempel behoorlik op die byeenkoms afgedruk. Die Plasies is deur 54 atlete verteenwoordig en die topvyf in die groep het vroeg in die seisoen reeds hul staal getoon. Di vyfstuks is Christelle Coetzer (meisies o.14: 1 500 m, 916 punte), Kesia Pohl (meisies o.14: gewigstoot, 807 punte), Precious Setwaba (meisies o.16: skyfwerp, 793 punte), Noko Malatji (seuns
Drie jong tennisspelers van Tzaneen het die naweek aan die Cell C-tenniskampioenskappe in Polokwane deelgeneem en baie goed gevaar in hul onderskeie ouderdomsgroepe. Die drie is Christene Kruger (2de plek), Byron Andrew (1e plek) en Marais Botha (2de plek). Bokke se doodsteek sou wees. Oubal is ook op rekord dat hy privaat vir sy redakteur gesê het dat Heyneke die WB sal wen, maar nie in 2015 nie. So, vanwaar dan nou die skielike verontwaardiging oor ‘n mislukte veldtog? Oubal dink die verwagtings het bo realisme gestyg nadat die Bokke post-Japan die stang vasgebyt en deurgedruk het, en in SA brand die vlam van hoop mos aldeur maar tot in ewigheid. Oubal dink dit sal ons almal baat om Oubaas Jannie Smuts se woorde te gedenk, toe hy toentertyd gesê het in SA gebeur die beste nooit, maar ook nooit die slegste nie. ‘Tja, Saterdag was nie daai beste waarop ons teen ons beterwete gehoop het nie, maar ook nie so sleg soos wat baie verwag het nie. Verre synde dit van Oubal om tevrede te wees met ‘n naelskraapse verloor, maar Heyneke se Bokspan was een straf-
Die beste, die slegste
Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se eerste krieketspan het Saterdag die Hoërskool Monument van Krugersdorp in die kwarteindstryd van die GM-Noordvaalkampioenskap oorrompel. Die Vossies het in ‘n briljante vertoning van kragkrieket met 181 lopies gewen! Ben Vorster het die loot gewen en besluit om eerste te kolf. Ten spyte van paaltjies wat met reëlmaat gekantel het, het dit nie die Vossiekolwers verhoed om ‘n mededingende 239 lopies (almal uit) op te stapel nie. Ruvan Kruger (68 lopies), Louis du Plessis
Christelle Coetzer
Seth Latahane
o.16: 110 m hekkies, 783 punte) en Kgabo Mamorebela (meisies o.15: 300 m hekkies, 782 punte). Christelle Coetzer (meisies o.14) is as die beste junior langafstandatleet bekroon. Sy het drie nuwe byeenkomsrekords opgestel, in die 400 m, 800 m en 1 500 m en vyf goue medaljes verower. Seth Lathane pronk met twee goue medaljes en is aangewys as die beste junior hekkiesatleet. Nie slegs het Merensky die byeenkoms gewen nie, maar ook die meeste medaljes verower: 20 goud, 14 silwer en 17 brons.
Vier van die Wolkberg Akademie in Tzaneen se seuns het die afgelope naweek aan die Rugga Kids Rugbydag by die Laerskool Nylstroom in Modimolle deelgeneem. Die doel van die rugbydag was om vaardighede wat deur die loop van die jaar aangeleer is, in die spel toe te pas. Hier is die vier bulletijies: Snyman Smit, Willem Smit, John-Henry Schwab en Henri Benadi.
skop se punteverskil weg van ‘n plek in die eindstryd. Dit kon heel anders verloop het. Oubal se gevoel was dat Heyneke oor sy termyn van vier jaar te veel klem op vorige ervaring geplaas en te min gedoen het om nuwe ervaring te kweek. Boonop was daar te veel onsekerheid met beseerde spelers wat saam is WB toe. Groot wedstryde word egter gewen en verloor deur die klein dingetjies wat ‘n verskil maak, en dit is hier waar ons volgens Oubal misluk het. ‘n Ervare speler soos Bryan Habana wat gegeelkaart word weens twee stommiteite kort na mekaar, ‘n ervare speler soos lynstaankoning Matfield wat die bal op sy ingooi verloor, dieselfde ervare Matfield wat ‘n strafskop binne trefafstand laat omdraai weens ongeoorloofde spel, die ervare Schalk Burger wat die bal uit sy hande laat pluk in sy eie kwartgebied en die ervare JP Pietersen wat inkom op die verdediging en daarmee veroorsaak dat ‘n drie aan sy buitekant gedruk word. ‘Tja, dit smaak Oubal in druksituasies
word ervaring heeltemal oorgetakseer, maar onervarendheid kan ook ‘n doodsteek wees. Lood de Jager weet hopelik na dese dat jy nie regop in ‘n laagvat moet ingaan nie, veral nie naby jou doellyn nie. En Oubal hoop van harte dat iemand vorentoe vir Pollard iets sal leer van taktiese skopwerk om die druk op jou span effektief te verlig. Gelukkig kan ‘n mens in SA op ‘n Saterdagaand bedroefd gaan slaap en Sondag opstaan en op die TV aanskou hoe AB en sy Proteas die arrogante Indiërs op hul tuisveld een van die grootste pakke slae nóg toedien en ‘n eerste reeksoorwinning daar behaal. Of, jy kan ‘n Leeu-ondersteuner wees en jou verbeel die enigste rakbie is daai dag op Ellispark gespeel... Nooit die slegste nie, soms die beste. “The best revenge is massive succes.” — Frank Sinatra Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Oubal is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!