Bulletin 160226

Page 1

Diagnostic Radiologists

Fear lessl y the tr uth 26 February 2016


015 307 7248


•X-Rays • CT Scans • Ultrasound • Digital Mammography • Bone Density • Fluoroscopy • Interventional Radiology


Rural ares:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS

Mediclinic Tzaneen • 015 306 0098 www.afrirad.co.za

Water binne twee maande op

Die groot dors lê en wink vir Tzaneen en omgewing, met die water in die Tzaneendam wat teen die huidige verbruik hoogstens nog twee maande sal hou. As dit nie in die eersvolgende sowat ses weke goed reën nie, sal geen water vir menslike gebruik uit die dam beskikbaar wees nie. Boere wat reeds verlede jaar self besluit het om net 50% van hul kwotas uit die dam te onttrek, pleks van die staat se voorgeskrewe 35%, gaan nou ingeperk word tot slegs 20% — terwyl huishou- delike waterbesparing van die huidige 10% tot 30% vergroot. Drinkwater uit die Tzaneendam word gestaak wanneer die inhoud tot 20% daal. Weens die hoë konsentrasie van stowwe soos mangaan en yster is die water dan nie meer vir huishoudelike gebruik geskik nie. Die Groot Letaba Stakeholder Operating Forum het verlede week by ‘n vergadering in Tzaneen aanbeveel dat die beperking op landbouwater uit die dam tot 80% opgestoot word, as dit nie intussen goed reën nie. Die forum is aangebied deur die waterkonsultant WR Nyabezi & Associates in samewerking met die departement van water en sanitasie. Die aanbeveling sal in April in die Staatskoerant aangekondig word.

Mnr Pieter Vorster, die voorsitter van AgriLetaba, het Woensdag ontsteld gereageer toe hy deur die Bulletin vir kommentaar hieroor gevra is, omdat hy nog nie oor dié aanbeveling ingelig is nie. Op AgriLetaba se vergadering is ooreenstemmend besluit dat die beperking van 50% gehandhaaf sou word. “Ons is reeds in die moeilikheid met water en dié aanbeveling beteken net groter moeilikheid vir die landbou.” Tydens die vergadering het verskeie lede gesê dat die bestaande beperking van 10% wat op huishoudelike water van toepassing is, nog nêrens in Tzaneen bewys kon word nie. Die huishoudelike beperking gaan nou na 30% opgestoot word, maar AgriLetaba se lede het bedenking of dit ooit toegepas gaan word. Dit pla ook dat die GTM soos die graf swyg oor die beperkings en noodsaaklike besparings. Die inwoners weet nie wat die GTM doen of beplan om die dreigende krisis te help voorkom nie.

New Premises Gearing up for the future

Lannie Motors 46 Agatha Street, Tzaneen. Tel: 015 307 5016


26 February 2016


Thank you for your patience! The year-long wait is over and it is with great excitement that Paul du Toit and his team welcome you to the newly renovated Lannie Motors in Agatha Street, Tzaneen. Not only will you be treated to a sensory experience akin to that of a visit to an artist’s gallery, but you will feel at home. The face of Lannie Motors Tzaneen may have changed, but the warmth with which you are greeted, treated and seated has remained the same. Friendly, helpful and insightful customer service is presented on a platter of expertise that has made Lannie Motors Tzaneen the trusted dealership in the local automotive world. On show at the new premises are the latest Volkswagen models just waiting to entice you into a world of exceptional performance and unrivalled peace of mind. Come and experience a new world of unmatched satisfaction. We at Lannie Motors thank every member of our dedicated staff, their families and especially you, our loyal friends, for your patience during the extensive upgrades and renovations of our premises. Pay us a visit, let’s share a moment and help you create memories, not dreams. Lannie Motors Tzaneen — luxury awaits. — Paul du Toit: Managing Director

The Lannie Motors Team

Paul du Toit Managing Director

Sales parts: Frikkie Smith and Lawrence Mathebula.

Reception: Daniel Bredenkamp. Cashier: Petro Bester. Finance & Insurance: Henk Kruger and Mari Kenney.

Commercial sales: Kobie van Deventer, Joe De Beer, Piet Maake and Franna Lamprecht.

Admin: Marisha du Toit, Karel Kruger and Diana Vermeulen.

New Car sales: Laurent Changuion (Sales Manager), Frans Ramathoka, Dawie van Niekerk, Ernest Mampeule and Van van Niekerk.

Service Department: Front: Gezia de Bruin, Hettie Meyer, Julia Malatji and Linda Streaton. Second row: Rudi Liebenberg, Louis Cerva, Paul du Toit jr, Oeloff de Meyer and Sammy Odendaal. Third row: Vision Mabunda, Gideon Broodryk, Hannes Moore and Tiaan Krog. Back row: Wayne Dames and Dumisani Sithole.

Pre-owned sales: Front: Bruce Allen and Iwan van der Merwe. Back: Joseph Moloisim Andre Bezuidenhout, Stephen Maponya and Phillip Mahasha.

Lannie Motors 46 Agatha Street, Tzaneen. Tel: 015 307 5016

Diagnostic Radiologists

Fear lessl y the tr uth 26 February 2016


015 307 7248


•X-Rays • CT Scans • Ultrasound • Digital Mammography • Bone Density • Fluoroscopy • Interventional Radiology


Rural ares:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS

Mediclinic Tzaneen • 015 306 0098 www.afrirad.co.za

Water binne twee maande op

Die groot dors lê en wink vir Tzaneen en omgewing, met die water in die Tzaneendam wat teen die huidige verbruik hoogstens nog twee maande sal hou. As dit nie in die eersvolgende sowat ses weke Spooktonele soos dié begroet besoekers aan die Tzaneentuig van seekoeie en krokodille wat hulle in die middel van goed reën nie, sal geen water dam nou orals om die dam. Vroeër dié week het mense ge- die dam sien, waar eilande nou sigbaar is. Foto: Joe Dreyer vir menslike gebruik uit die dam beskikbaar wees nie. Boere wat reeds verlede jaar self besluit het om net 50% van hul kwotas uit die dam te onttrek, pleks van die staat se voorgeskrewe 35%, gaan nou ingeperk word tot slegs 20% — terwyl huishoudelike waterbesparing van die huidige 10% tot 30% vergroot. Drinkwater uit die Tzaneendam word gestaak wanneer die inhoud tot 20% daal. Weens die hoë konsentrasie van stowwe INDEX | soos mangaan en yster is die 2016 water dan nie meer vir huishoudelike gebruik geskik nie. Die Groot Letaba Stakeholder Groot pret, groot inspanning en groot prestasies was aan die orde van die dag by die Laerskool Tzaneen se Operating Forum het verlede pret-sportbyeenkoms vir die Larrieland-afdeling (gr R’e). Binne is meer hieroor en ‘n wavrag ander skolenuus. week by ‘n vergadering in TzaBELOW: Another private estate — small, quiet and very personal — is now ready to offer erven for sale. See neen aanbeveel dat die bepermore about the new Pusela Estate, next to Aqua Park, inside today’s paper. king op landbouwater uit die dam tot 80% opgestoot word, as • LAUNCHING • dit nie intussen goed reën nie. Die forum is aangebied deur die waterkonsultant WR Nyabezi & Associates in samewerking met die departement van water en

Inside this week | Binne die week


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sanitasie. Die aanbeveling sal in April in die Staatskoerant aangekondig word. Mnr Pieter Vorster, die voorsitter van AgriLetaba, het Woensdag ontsteld gereageer toe hy deur die Bulletin vir kommentaar hieroor gevra is, omdat hy nog nie oor dié aanbeveling ingelig is nie. Op AgriLetaba se vergadering is ooreenstemmend besluit dat die beperking van 50% gehandhaaf sou word. “Ons is reeds in die moeilikheid met water en dié aanbeveling beteken net groter moeilikheid vir die landbou.” Tydens die vergadering het verskeie lede gesê dat die bestaande beperking van 10% wat op huishoudelike water van toepassing is, nog nêrens in Tzaneen bewys kon word nie. Die huishoudelike beperking gaan nou na 30% opgestoot word, maar AgriLetaba se lede het bedenking of dit ooit toegepas gaan word. Dit pla ook dat die GTM soos die graf swyg oor die beperkings en noodsaaklike besparings. Die inwoners weet nie wat die GTM doen of beplan om die dreigende krisis te help voorkom nie.

‘Groter probleme vir die landbou’



26 February 2016

Fear lessl y the tr uth


LiN Member

Personeel | Personnel Uitgewer / Redakteur Publisher / Editor Francois Aucamp 083 266 6906 francois@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Louis Roux 072 043 2220 louis@bulletin.us.com Phidelia Rikhotso 073 562 7274 phidelia@bulletin.us.com Sue Ettmayr 072 630 3051 sue@bulletin.us.com Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Candice Prinsloo 082 342 7018 candice@bulletin.us.com

Ontwerp / Design Tamryn Branch 083 647 9551 tamryn@bulletin.us.com Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com Rekenings / Accounts Marietjie Barnard (Best/Man) 083 982 4663 marietjie@bulletin.us.com Lihanie Booysen 082 776 4431 lihanie@bulletin.us.com Verspreiding / Distribution Cedric Manyama 0711064291 Kantoorassistent / Office assistant Catherine Mahasha

Ansie Smuts

Algemene assistant / General assistant William Modiba

076 333 0523




Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani

Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen

E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Advertensies/Adverts: adsales@bulletin.us.com Admin & rekenings/Admin & accounts: admin@bulletin.us.com Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: agriads@bulletin.us.com Agri-nuus/Agri news: agrinews@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: letters@bulletin.us.com Redakteur/Editor: editor@bulletin.us.com Events: events@bulletin.us.com Kleinadvertensies / Smalls: smalls@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: news@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp/Design: design@bulletin.us.com Sport: sport@bulletin.us.com Laeveld Bulletin BK (Reg 2004/031396/23) is die uitgewer en verspreider van die Bulletin Lowveld Bulletin CC (Reg 2004/031396/23) is the publisher and distributor of Bulletin. Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved. Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word voorbehou.


Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...

“My pastors and bishops, you have a serious task. More than all of us, as the servants of God. Something has gone wrong to our society. I remember when I was a young man there were few churches, which means there were fewer people who went to church. But the sinners were fewer as well. Today there is a church almost in every corner and the sinners are in millions. Something has gone wrong. How as a society we value our life, you need to do more. We couldn’t be lesser as sinners when the pastors were few, when we are so many there are more. There is something wrong. I actually fear because we don’t know when Jesus is coming to fetch us. When he came the sinners were not as many as there are now. Is it possible as you talk to God all the time to ask God to change the plan, so that Jesus comes not for the last time. Come again to deal with us and cleanse the sins that are so many before he comes for the final time. Otherwise there are many people who will remain here and you might be in trouble, because you are the ones who must ensure that when the time

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom

comes, we all go. So you have more jobs to do.” Nee, Vlieg is nie weer besig om skoor te soek met die skrifgeleerdes nie. Hierdie is ‘n verbatim aanhaling uit die Evangelie volgens Jacob. Vlieg is nie seker watter verse nie, maar dit maak nie saak nie, Jacob kan in elk geval nie tel nie en sou dus onwaarskynlik die verse genommer het. Dit is ‘n transkripsie van ‘n toespraak wat die Apostel Jacob die een of ander tyd by ‘n baie kerklike byeenkoms van skrifgeleerdes gelewer het. Dit het Vlieg gehelp om onse president nog ‘n bietjie beter te leer ken. Dit is gemene saak dat hy nie ver gevorder het in enige formele skolastiese omgewing nie. Dit blyk duidelik uit sy onvermoë om enige getal groter as 1 te kan verstaan en lees. Hy het duidelik nooit wiskunde gehad nie. Verder het hy ook reeds bewys dat hy ook nooit in ‘n Aardrykskundeklas was toe hy beweer het dat Afrika die grootste kontinent is nie. Nou blyk dit dat hy ook nog nooit die bin-

nekant van ‘n Bybelklas gesien het nie. As Vlieg nou ‘n enkelversteoloog of ‘n skrifgeleerde was en ‘n teksvers uit voormelde voorlesing moes kies vir sy prediking, sou dit egter baie maklik gewees het: “Something has gone wrong” “There is something wrong” En sou dit nie lekker gewees het om ‘n hele preek te kon skryf oor wat waar fout gegaan het in hierdie geval nie! Miskien doen Vlieg dit tog eendag, net vir die lekker!

Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!

‘Liquorkrieg’ yields promising results Liquor punters came under fire this weekend when local SAPS members in conjunction with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Limpopo Liquor Board and various Community Police Forums conducted unscheduled raids of their premises around the Tzaneen Municipality. The Chief Director of the National Liquor Authority at the DTI, Ms Prea Ramdhuny, said the operation was meant to enforce compliance with the National Liquor Act, and to address the increasing number of under-age drinking, non-adherence to the licence conditions and trading hours. It also served as a way of enforcing compliance by liquor traders and distributors. The joint inspection operation, dubbed “Op-

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

rong X wrong √

eration Blits” saw more than 60 outlets raging from taverns to restaurants, distributors and manufacturers raided in Tzaneen, Maake, Bolobedu, Letsitele, Lenyenye, Letabe, Ntsako village, Modjadjiskloof and surrounding areas. The operation was headed by the Operational Commander of the Tzaneen SAPS Cluster, Lt Col Moatshe Ngoepe. According to him, operations such as this one, is of great value to local law enforcement as it helps them to focus and deal with issues in specific areas which very often are the source of most complaints received from the public. “Alcohol is still one of the crime generators in the country. In most cases it leads to other crimes such as murder, rape, assault, robberies and anarchy,” he said. Despite being delayed by more than an hour past its planned kick-off time on Friday afternoon, Operation Blits is reported to have been an all round success. More than 60 non-compliance notices were issued, one liquor outlet was closed down, six people were arrested for possession of dagga, four

charged and arrested for drinking and driving and more than 500 patrons were searched for various contraband. Fines to the value of R16 500 were issued to non-compliant liquor licence holders. Common contraventions were hotels and restaurants operating as taverns, patrons drinking outside the liquor premises, failure to display an original licence, effecting structural alterations without prior approval of the board, trading beyond stipulated trading hours, selling take-away liquor while in possession of an on-consumption licence and selling liquor to minors. “We welcome the raids in different parts of the province as they will make it easy for us to identify the problematic areas and outlets as pointed out by the police. The board wants liquor traders to comply, trade responsibly and avoid a situation where their licences are revoked,” said Mr Dion Palser, Director for Compliance at the Limpopo Liquor Board. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951

Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 / 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 / 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.

A tavern raided during the inspection blitz in Ntsako village, Tzaneen.

Stand van Damme | Dam Levels Tel: 015 307 1530 | Fax: 082 586 7023 watermaat@telkoms.net

Webwerf | Website Besoek ons webwerf by www.bulletin.us.com en lees die jongste nuus sowel as vorige eksemplare ••••••• Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies

SAPS Members prepare for the start of the raids on Friday evening in Tzaneen. Source: www.dwaf.gov.za Information updated: 22/02/2016

Tzaneen 31,5%

Ebenezer 70,5%

Merensky 81,3%

Dap Naude 80,7%

Middel Letaba 26%

Blyde Rivier Poort 52%

Klaserie 52,1%

Tours 33,3%

Vergelegen 101,3%

Ohrigstad 8,3%

Die senior burgers van Macadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin danksy die wellwillende borgskap van Forum Makelaars Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 • lynette@fsabrokers.co.za

Baie Dankie!

26 February 2016



Letaba Hospital gets a new psychiatric ward

— says spokesperson

Minibus-taxis en ander voertuie wat in die rybaan stop om rylopers op te laai, is ‘n groot probleem op die R71 voor die Sasol-brandstofstasie. Benewens dié probleem verstaan baie motoriste ook nie die glybaan wat gebruik kan word om vanuit die diensstasie se perseel toegang tot die R71 te kry nie; en talle aankomende motoriste verontagsaam die padmerke wat die

glybaantoegang beskerm. Dié foto is onlangs geneem, juis na ‘n ongeluk by die in-/uitgang. Wat belangrik is, is om te sien hoe ‘n voertuig enkele meters van polisiebeamptes en verkeerspolisie die verkeersreëls verontagsaam en stop om rylopers op te laai. Dit bewys dat die gebrek aan streng optrede teen oortreders die gevaarlike toedrag van sake daagliks toelaat.

Mayor launches LEDF A newly formed Local Economic Development Forum (LEDF) was launched by the Greater Tzaneen Muinicipality’s mayor, Ms Dikeledi Mmetle, on Wednesday morning. “The purpose of this forum is to address challenges faced by residents, increase the impact of local economic development and co-ordination of local economic development activities.” Mmetle emphasised that the forum should realise the needs of communities in different areas, “top priorities such as service delivery, creation of decent jobs and unemployment should be addressed. It is our hope to see this initiative prosper and contribute to the local

economic development. We have a responsibility to account and deliver the mandate of this forum. I believe this forum will facilitate development and give financial relief programs”. The mayor has urged the representatives of different institutions as the Nkowankowa and Tzaneen taxi association, Greater Tzaneen Tourism Association, traditional authorities, hawkers’ associations and the National Development Agency (NDA) to submit the names of their representatives at the GTM’s offices for consideration. She also emphasised that participation in this forum is voluntary.

A new psychiatric ward at Letaba Hospital will be fully operational by May, acoording to the department of health’s spokesperson, Mr Derrick Kganyago. We asked him to clear up the situation after last week’s exclusive report in Bulletin, about the fact that the ward is still in ruins after the devastating fire more than a year ago. This despite public announcements by the department of a new ward for the psychiatric patients which are now herded into the already overcrowded general wards at the hospital. Kganyago confirmed that the psychiatric patients were placed in the general wards, but added that some had been transferred to other hospitals due to space constraints. It is unclear whether the new building will in fact be erected by the stipulated May deadline, as since the ward’s destruction in October 2014, the department had terminated the services of at least three contractors hired to build a new ward(s). According to Kganyago, this was because of their poor performance. A building contractor

has since been appointed to start the project, but the department remains mum over the name of the appointee. “We can still confirm that a new ward will be handed over in two months from now. The new contractor was employed in December 2015 and we are confident of meeting our deadline. The contractor wanted to finish the psychiatric ward in August 2016, but we as the department of health along with the hospital’s CEO have pleaded for its May completion,” said Kganyago. At the time of going to print, Letaba Hospital’s CEO, Mr Thebogo Ramodibe, could not be reached for comment despite several attempts to reach him at his office and on his mobile phone. Ramodibe’s personal assistant, Ms Fikile Mnisi, offered no reason as to their failure to return calls other than saying, “you will have to call him and ask why he did not call back”. We tried to call him, but he switched off his mobile phone when we called. — Phidelia Rikhotso phidelia@bulletin.us.com

Letaba kry eie fonds vir droogtehulp ‘n Onverwagte verrassing het AgriLetaba dié week te beurt geval, toe mnr Nick Dorfling van BB Motors in Tzaneen laat weet het dat die maatskappy R10 000 vir droogtehulp onder plaaslike boere beskikbaar gestel het. BB Motors daag nou ander maatskappye uit om soortgelyke bydraes tot dié hulpfonds

by te dra of daarop te verbeter. Mnr Pieter Vorster, die voorsitter van AgriLetaba, sê die geld word deur ‘n komitee in die organisasie bestuur. Dit is vir sukkelende lede bedoel, maar kan ook op aanbeveling van ‘n lid aan swaartrekkende nie-lede uitbetaal word.

SJ 3 0 9 5 9 _ 3 8 0 x 2 6 0 _ 2


26 February 2016



2 0 1 6 - 0 2 - 1 9 T1 6 : 3 7 : 5 9 + 0 2 : 0 0


SJ 3 1 0 0 0 _ 3 8 0 X2 6 0 _ 2




2 0 1 6 - 0 2 - 1 9 T1 6 : 4 8 : 2 7 + 0 2 : 0 0

26 February 2016



26 February 2016


Social • Churches • Cultural • Schools • Sport • Skole • Kultuur • Kerke • Sosiaal Tzaneen Melktertdag Vandag (26 Februarie)

motiveringspreker Nicolette Steel as spesiale gas. Die wynproe en vingerete sal in die Hoërskool Merensky se hoofsaal gehou word. Koste: R150/persoon of R1 500/tafel met sitplek vir Die Ned Herv Kerk Tzaneen verkoop vandag tien mense. Inligting: Hanlie Erasmus by 082 (Vrydag) van 12:00 tot 18:00 tuisgebakte melk- 575 5848 of Melissa Strydom by 078 621 7405. tert. More (Saterdag) is natuurlik nasionale Letsitele melktertdag en hier is ‘n ideale geleentheid om ‘n lekker melktert of drie (ouma se resep) Landboufees vir more te koop. 8 & 9 April

Tzaneen Orreluitvoering 4 Maart

Daar word vanjaar weer ‘n Langs die Oever Landboufees op die plaas van mnr Callie Erasmus by Letsitele gehou. Navrae: Mirka van der Merwe by 083 4177 356.

Modjadjiskloof Gholfdag 9 April

Politsi LFPA 11 March

Source: www.school-communicator.com updated: 17/02/2016

25 - 26 Februarie

Hokkie / Hockey: Vossie proewe / trials Hoërskool Ben Vorster

Vrydag 26 Feb

Netbal proewe / Netball trials Ben Vorster

Saturday 27 Feb

25 - 27 Februarie

10:00 – Europa toer 2017 voorlegging in saal President’s Award brons staptog (26-28 Feb)

26 Februarie

Winter Sports @ Lydenburg (Rugby, hockey & netball) Mountain Biking challenge @ MHS

Kultuur: Hanco - Sing Saam Aand Skoolsaal / School Hall Hoërskool Ben Vorster

26 - 27 Februarie

Swem / Swimming: Interprovinsiaal / Inter provincial TBV

Die Laerskool Duiwelskloof bied op 9 April ‘n gholfdag aan. Interessante spelkombinasies, groot pryse om te wen en lekker sosiale verkeer. Kontak Kowani J van Rensburg by 083 299 7381 of adriaanjvr@mweb.co.za vir inligting of om in te skryf. Die Nederlandse wêreldbekende orrelis Martin Mans lewer op 4 Maart om 18:30 ‘n orreluitvoering in die AP Kerk Tzaneen. Carina Bossenbroek, wat ook wyd bekend is as panfluitspeler, sal saam met Mans optree. Die program wat geestelike sowel as ligte musiek insluit, duur twee uur lank. Verversings sal tydens die pouse verkoop word. Kaartjies kos R100/persoon en R50 vir hoërskoolkinders. Laerskoolkinders mag die uitvoering gratis bywoon. Navrae/kaartjies: Ds Aubrey Hough by 082 504 2244.

Hoërskool Ben Vorster High School

Tzaneen Wildtuintoer 15 Mei

27 Februarie

Krieket / Cricket: Finsbury Super 18 Uitspele / Play offs

27 Februarie

Rugby: Vossie Proewe / Trials Hoërskool Ben Vorster, A-veld 27 Februarie 07:30 AM Rugby: Jaarvergadering / Yearly Meeting Kafeteria

Die Ned Herv Kerk Tzaneen se jaarlikse Wildtuintoer vir senior lidmate word vanjaar van 15 tot 17 Mei aangebied. Spring gou om plek te bespreek, want die belangstelling is, soos altyd, groot en daar is nie onbeperkte plekke beskikbaar nie. Inligting: Mariaan de Beer by 083 630 3232 of die kerkkantoor by 015 307 4508.

Tzaneen Gholfdag 27 Mei


06:00 – Sick exam at hostel study centre Dance Eisteddfod @ Ben Vorster (1-3 March) 17:00 – Church activities

Woensdag 2 Maart

Merenskydag 11:00 – Gr 12 loopbaanuitstalling in saal

Thursday 3 March

Test Series (3-18 March)

3 Maart

Rugby: 1ste span / 1st team Pretoria Pretoria

3 Maart

Laerskool Tzaneen Primary Source: www.school-communicator.com updated: 17/02/2016

Nasionale Bioscience Olimpiade / National Bio Science Olympiad 12:00 PM - 03:00 PM Hoërskool Ben Vorster

26 Februarie

Fondsinsameling / Fund raising Laerskool Tzaneen Primary Pieter Joubert Skoolsaal / School hall Fliek / Movie

27 Februarie

Swem / Swimming Tzaneen Municipal Pool 08:00 AM - 03:00 PM LP Schools Interprovincial / Limpopo Skole Interprovinsiaal

1-2 Maart Eisteddfod Dans

3 Maart

Toets Afrikaans Test Sepedi / Xitsonga (Gr 4 - 7) Laerskool Tzaneen Primary

Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastraat, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920. Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele: 015 345 1618.

found that the man came from Roodepoort. He lefte his home on 31 December 2015 without telling anyone where he was going and he was never seen again. Co-ordinated by: Maake SAPS would like to thank everyVabekile Phidelia Rikhotso • phidelia@bulletin.us.com one who took part in the processes of locating Sello’s family and thank the community for Maake: The police in Maake arrested 69 their continuous support to the Police. people for various criminal acts over the past week, such as assault GBH, assault, murder, Heavy sentence (45 years) attempted murder, rape, malicious damage A 36-year-old male was sentenced to 45 to property, burglary, contravening the Liq- years in prison on charges of vehicle hiuor Act, possession of dagga, possession of a jacking, armed robbery and possession of dangerous weapon, possession of suspected suspected stolen property in the Sekgosese stolen property, contravening the Stock Theft Magistrate’s Court. Patrick Mothipa Monyela from Botlokwa Act, shoplifting and contravening the Road was involved in several incidents in 2014, Traffic Act. when he targetted employees of a cigarette Missing man found in Lenyenye company delivering cigarettes to spaza Police in Maake acknowledged the great help shops. that the media contribute towards assisting Unknown man killed them in solving certain kinds of cases. Maake SAPS spokesperso, Const Rufus Ma- Help the police in Maake to trace the family goro, said a 19-year-old mentally disturbed of an unknown man who was brutally killed male, Sello Rakgomo, was reunited with his by a group of residents at Pharare village on family last week. The man arrived in Lenyenye Friday evening. in January and frequently visited the Police According to the spokesperson of the Tzastation without talking to anyone. He told the neen Police Cluster, Lt Col Moatshe Ngoepe, police that he didn’t remember his address. the deceased was cornered by a group of comThe Police started and investigation an finally munity members after they accused him of

Mopani Crime Scene

Tuesday 1 March

Graad 12 Beroepsuitstalling / GRADE 12 Career Exhibition

Wolkberg Akademie, ‘n privaat skool gedryf deur die ouers wat steun op skoolgeld en verskeie geldinsamelingsprojekte, organiseer ‘n gholfdag vir 27 Mei. Die skool se leerlingtal het die afgelope jaar met 23 gestyg en dit gaan binnekort nodig wees om nog klaskamers te bou. Borge word tans ook genooi om aan die gholfTzaneen dag deel te neem. Die formaat vir die dag gaan Care Group “Betterball – Scramble drive” wees. Die maksi11 Maart mum voorgee is 18 , behalwe as jou amptelike Die Tzaneen Care Group beplan ‘n geldin- voorgee hoër is. Inskrywings en navrae: Fanus sameling op Vrydag 11 Maart, met die bekende Jacobs by 072 100 5501. Catholic Church 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Evangelies Geref Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-str,Tzn: 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof: 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534.

14:15 – Landbou prakties

3 Maart

Letaba Fire Protection Association’s annual general meeting will be held on Friday 11 March at 11:00 at Faerie Glenn, Westfalia. All members are welcome to attend. Enquiries: Maritza Swanepoel on 076 550 2260.

AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Tzaneen Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845.

Maandag 29 Feb

NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Road: 015 307 4807. Ned Herv Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9580. Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. Ned Herv Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14,

being involved in a series of house breaking incidents in that area. “They assaulted him with various objects until he died and then dumped the body in the bushes next to the village.” At this stage the identity of the deceased is still unknown and Police investigations are ongoing. Anyone who can assist in the identification of the deceased should contact the Maake Police.

Driver critical after accident

The driver of a light delivery vehicle was left critically injured after he lost control of the vehicle at Politsi in the early hours of Saturday. According to ER24 paramedics the driver was trapped in the badly damaged vehicle. Fire and rescue services personnel had to use the

Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate, Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240. Tzaneen Family Church Avispark Lodge Conference Hall Tzaneen: 083 598 0004 / 073387 2469. Send your info to / Stuur inligting aan: editor@bulletin.us.com

jaws of life and other rescue equipment. The man was stabilised and then taken to a hospital. The passenger who was also in the vehicle sustained minor injuries. He was also treated and transported to hospital,” said ER24.

Police need help Police in Limpopo are looking for a 29- yearold man who can assist them in investigating several cases of rape of women and children in the Maake and Tubatse areas. According to the SAPS’ provincial spokesperson, Col Ronel Otto, at least seventeen cases are being investigated. The man is believed to be moving around in Brits, Letlabile, and Middelburg in Mpumalanga. Anybody who might know of his whereabouts is requested to contact their nearest police station or Col DJ Tlemo on 082 451 7170 or 076 882 8488. Otto said members of the public are cautioned not to approach him directly, as he might be armed and dangerous.

Today we publish the second article in a special and exclusive series about important court findings regarding local government affairs. This is presented to our readers in view of the municipal elections later this year. Nel v Hessequa and Swellendam Municipality Nel et al approached the High Court to have the Hessequa and Swellendam Municipality’s By-law relating to the Management and use of Rivers declared unconstitutional and ultra vires national legislation; the grounds • the bylaws conflicts with the National Water Act, Marine Living Resources Act and Criminal Procedure Act. • the by-laws accorded draconian powers on authorised officers • the municipalities lacked authority to legislate on the matter. The municipalities by agreement authorised the Lower Breede River Conservancy Trust to implement the by-law. The by-laws regulate various boating activities, e.g. licensing of boats and prohibited behaviour relating to the use of boats, policing of bylaws. Nel argued that the regulation of rivers fell outside the competency of municipalities. The municipality rejected this view — see paragraph 10 – 11. The court agreed that ‘rivers’ are

public amenities’, ‘public places’ and places of ‘recreation’ within the meaning of Schedule 5B of the Constitution, and the regulation thereof is aimed at achieving the s152 objects of local government, i.e. ‘promoting a safe and healthy environment’ the court acknowledge the municipalities competence to legislate on this matter and rejected Nel’s contentions. See par 11-16. The court also rejected the claim that the by-laws were draconian and an invasion of the right to privacy. The court emphasised “The powers of such (authorised officers) are part of an effective regime of regulation of boats on the rivers, and as such the expectations of privacy of boat users, fall to be attenuated by their obligation to comply with reasonable regulations” — see par 17- 23. The court also made a very important observation, namely that a by-law has the same status as laws made by other legislatures for purposes of the general limitation clause found in s 36 of the Constitution – see par 23 The court rejected Nel’s claim that the by-laws conflicted with national legislation — see par 24 – 35. The application was dismissed with costs.

Voorvatvrou sterf onverwags ‘n Bekende in regskringe in Limpopo, me Clarissa Coetzee (58), is Maandag na ‘n kort siekbed in Tzaneen dood. Sy word moreoggend om 11:00 vanuit die Gereformeerde kerk Laeveld in Tzaneen begrawe. Sy is in 1957 in Westonaria gebore en het later haar regskwalifikasie aan die PU vir CHO (deesdae Noordwes Universiteit) behaal. Nadat sy haar klerkskap in Heidelberg voltooi het, is sy as staatsaanklaer na Johannesburg. Daar is sy met ‘n landdros, mnr Mike Coetzee, getroud en hulle het in Vereeniging gewoon. Hulle was 31 jaar getroud. Mnr Coetzee is ‘n streeklanddros in Thohoyandou. In 1985 is die egpaar na Giyani, waar sy haar eie praktyk, CH Coetzee Prokureurs, gevestig

het. Die praktyk het vir 28 jaar ‘n wye diens aan die gemeenskap gelewer (ook met ‘n kantoor in Modjadjiskloof). Coetzee was in die Mopani-distrik by verskeie organisasies betrokke. Sy was hoof van die Limpopo Law Council en het gereeld moeilike sake oor grondhervorming en mediese kwessies met sukses afgehandel. Sy was voorsitter van (en ‘n groot dryfveer agter) die ATKV se Letaba-tak en het in die beheerraad van die Hoërskool Merensky gedien. Volgens haar dogter Helené het sy haar ook daarop toegespits om agtergeblewenes te help, terwyl sy ‘n baie toegewyde moeder vir haar kinders was. Sy laat haar man en vier kinders agter — Walt, die tweeling Clarissa en Helené, en Mikhe.

Major renovations of R7,5 million at the Ritavi Magistrate’s Court should be completed in June. According to the project’ community liaison officer, Mr Hector Phambhani, the project created work opportunities for eighteen general workers. Court C is the only court operating normally. Regional court matters are transferred to the Lenyenye Magistrate’s Court.

‘Nuts prevent cancer’ Adding nuts to your diet is associated to a reduction in the risk of cancer, says the International Nut and Dried Fruit Council. This is the main conclusion of multiple studies that have shown that eating two or three servings per week of fresh nuts is associated with a reduction in the risk of some types of breast, colon, pancreatic and lung cancer.


Council’s powers and status of by-laws By Jurisconsult


26 February 2016


10 26 February 2016

26 February 2016

Good news, but... The Greater Tzaneen Municipality announced the formation of a new structure to stimulate economic growth on Wednesday. It is not clear why it was kept quiet until the announcement. It is also not clear exactly who the GTM would like to be part of the new structure. In fact, the detail about the new forum is skimpy. Such a structure could achieve a lot in growing the local economy, if managed properly. That is the good news. However, the GTM’s track record is not good in this respect. They introduced GTEDA (Greater Tzaneen Economic Development Agency) a couple of years ago, to grow the economy. Despite a few smaller successes not a single major project can be shown. So far GTEDA has swallowed a large amount of ratepayers money — in the main to pay (fancy) salaries. Then followed the GTfm radio station disaster. From the first day people in the communications industry warned that the expertise to run the radio station successfully, was nowhere near adequate. The project failed and a lot of money was lost. The GTM has been using the excuse that it was a GTEDA project. But who does GTEDA report to in die final analysis? We wish the GTM good luck with their new plan and hope they have learned from past mistakes.

1368 0 7 The Numbers 2459

113,342 The number of million tonnes South African freight moved by rail in a year

Helpende Hand benodig helpende hande

Local Heroes

Ons reis deur die afgelope twaalf jaar...

Die Boodskap

Comm unity P olicing F or um boss c hased - P age 3 Community Policing For orum chased Pa



Our Opinion


To serve our community Om ons mense te dien

13 February 2004




Solo Deo Gloria



Tel: 015 - 307 7504 Cel: 082 390 8817

See our smalls on Page 10



Do you want to sell your property? We have the buyers, and urgently require farms and houses. •Rentals •Houses •Plots •Farms •Businesses

Dolf Coertzen 082 390 8817

ë 4072, Aqua Park, Tzaneen 0850 - 2 Windsor Street/Straat 2 - æ 015 307 7248 - ä to follow/om te volg. Tzaneen, Duiwelskloof, Gyani, Haenertsburg, Hoedspruit, Julesburg, Lenyenye, Letsitele, Maake, Mooketsi, Nkowakowa, Ofcolaco, Sekororo,Trichardtsdal

• Boere wil minister aantree


It’s tea time

Deur Jan Lodewyk Onkantspel….. dit is waarvan die minister van landbou, me Thoko Didiza, beskuldig word, nadat sy ‘n Staatskoerant-kennisgewing oor vloedskadehulp aan boere op ‘n omstrede wyse gewysig het. Inmiddels is ontnugterde boere in die Letaba-distrik besig om regsmenings hieroor in te win en word voorberei op regstappe teen minstens die Landbank en die Departement van Landbou. ‘n Hersiening van die onbevredigende toestand kan sorg dat die saak in die reine gebring word en die Landbank is inderdaad tans besig om te kyk na maniere waarop kommersiële boere wat vloedhulp ontvang het, met terugbetalings op hul lenings tegemoet gekom kan word. Na 2000 se vloede in Limpopo en Mpumalanga het die Landbank sedert Januarie 2001 sogenaamde sagte lenings teen tien persent rente aan boere beskikbaar gestel, om skade te herstel. Amptenare van die Landbank in Tzaneen het by boereverenigings kopieë van ‘n Staatskoerant versprei, waarin vloedhulp in die vorm van subsidies van 75% aangekondig is. Boere is aangeraai om die lenings op te neem, om te verseker dat hulle vir die subsidies in aanmerking sou kom. Teen die einde van April 2001 het die aansoeke vir die lenings gesluit en boere oor die ganse Letaba-distrik het aansoek gedoen

vir lenings om damme, pompe, besproeiingsinfrastruktuur en brûe te herstel. Didiza, het egter vroeg in Mei 2001 die Staatskoerant-kennisgewing op ‘n omstrede wyse gewysig, sodat slegs sogenaamde nuwelingboere in aanmerking kon kom vir die subsidies om infrastruktuur te herstel. Kommersiële boere sou net kwalifiseer vir hulp om landerye en vrugteboorde onder die vloedlyn van ‘n rivier, spruit of watergang te herstel.

“So word kommersiële boere benadeel. Intussen word tevergeefs onderhandel om die saak reg te stel” Aangesien die meeste rampgeteisterde boere toe reeds lenings opgeneem het vir die herstel van infrastruktuur, was hulle in die knyp om die skuld terug te betaal. Tydens omvattende onderhandelings tussen Agri-SA en die Departement van Landbou, asook amptenare van die Landbank se hoofkantoor in Pretoria, het die Landbank volgehou dat hulle in goedertrou op grond van die Staatskoerant opgetree het. Maar die Departement van Landbou hou vol dat die Landbank bewus was van die “ware bedoeling”van die minister, en ook hoe dit van die gepubliseerde weergawe verskil. Boere wat die verskil in kennis-

gewings nie aanvaar nie, het begin dreig met regstappe teen die Landbank én die Departement van Landbou. Sedert Oktober 2003 poog Agri-Letaba tevergeefs om die saak met die plaaslike tak van die Landbank op te los. In Augustus 2003 is die saak ook weer met die Landbank se hoofkantoor opgeneem en daar is toe ‘n onderneming gegee dat die aangeleentheid deeglik vir alternatiewe ondersoek sou word. ‘n Klein persentasie van die meer as R200 miljoen wat die staat vir vloedhulp bewillig het, is aan boere uitbetaal. Die res is nog beskikbaar en sou in ‘n stadium vir ramphulp in die Oos-Kaap aangewend word. Die Landbank oorweeg nou: · dat boere se terugbetalings van die lenings uitgestel word, met ‘n kapitalisering van die rente; · dat die tien persent-koers, wat lank nie meer so “sag” is nie weens die versterking van die Rand en die gevolglike verlagings in rentekoerse deur die Reserwebank, afwaarts aangepas word; · dat die subsidie vir skade aan infrastruktuur ook aan kommersiële boere uitbetaal word, soos oorspronklik in Januarie 2001 in die Staatskoerant aangekondig is. Agri-Letaba het die aangeleentheid by Agri-SA aanhangig gemaak en plaaslike boere neem tans die voorpunt in die debat oor die benadeling van kommersiële boere by die uitbetaling van vloedskade.

The picturesque Magoebaskloof area boasts South Africa’s largest tea plantation. It is one of the main tourist attractions in our area and also one of the most pleasing sights for the human eye. Photo: FrontPageima

Here we are! The Letaba Bulletin is a free community newspaper and is distributed in Tzaneen and the areas mentioned above (and a number of other smaller

villages as well). We distribute 8 000 copies, making the Bulletin the biggest local newspaper by far. See page 2 for details to contact us.


%% %% %




Contact us at: (015) 307 6271 MAROELA CENTRE c/o Claude Wheatly & Skirving Street Tzaneen


Op Valentynsdag het Bulletin dubbeld gevier. Dit was ook die koerant se twaalfde verjaarsdag (tot die ergernis van die omgewing se groot doemprofeet wat selfvoldaan vir sy drie vriende gesê het: “Hoogstens twaalf maande, dan’s dit verby”). Hierbo is die voorblad van die eerste uitgawe van die koerant. Ons gaan vir die res van die jaar elke week ‘n voorblad wys. Dit gaan beslis interessant wees om te sien wat twaalf jaar gelede die hoofnuus in die toonaangewende nuusblad van Limpopo se Laeveld was. Eweneens gaan dit interessant wees om te sien hoe die styl en adverteerders oor die jare verander het. Geniet dit gerus!

Dr Jan Truter Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele


In 1958 het dr Thomas Starzl die eerste keer begin eksperimenteer om lewers oor te plant. Hy het dit op honde gedoen maar almal is twee dae na die operasie dood. ‘n Jaar later het hy ‘n manier gevind om hul bloedsirkulasie te stabiliseer en die honde het ‘n week langer na die operasie gelewe. In Maart 1963 het dr Starzl die eerste leweroorplanting op ‘n mens gedoen maar sy pasiënt het doodgebloei. Daardie mislukking en ‘n hepatitis-epidemie wat in die vroeë sestigerjare uitgebreek het, het hom gedwing om die oorplantingsprogram te laat vaar. In 1968 het dr.Starzl weer probeer en al sewe kinders wat toe by die oorplanting van lewers betrokke was, het die oorplanting oorleef, alhoewel vier binne ses maande oorlede is. Die resultate was bemoedigend maar nie skitterend nie. Teen 1975 was daar net twee leweroorplantingsprogramme in die wêreld oor. In Mei 1981 het dr Starzl en sy span sukses behaal! Negentien van die 22 pasiënte het ‘n lang tyd na hul oorplan tings bly leef. Dr Starzl is deur ander medici gekritiseer en selfs belaster omdat hy leweroorplantings gedoen het, maar hy het net nooit moed opgegee nie en dit bly doen waarin hy geglo het. Vandag word daar leweroorplantings daagliks reg oor die wêreld in hospitale gedoen, danksy die baanbrekerwerk wat dr Starzl gedoen het en omdat hy geglo het hy doen die regte ding, ten spyte van kritiek. Baie mense kan vandag leef en ‘n kwaliteit lewe leef omdat hy net nooit moed opgegee het nie. Die Bybel spoor ons ook aan tot dieselfde gedagte en lewensfilosofie. Galasiërs 6:9 sê: “Laat ons dan nie moeg word om goed te doen nie, want as ons nie verslap nie, sal ons op die bestemde tyd ook die oes insamel.” Laat mislukkings in jou lewe jou leer, nie keer nie!

Bulletin We say no to gender-based violence

To nurture Arboretum As part of Rotary Haenertsburg’s commitment to Preserve Planet Earth projects in the area, the Haenertsburg Village International Arboretum was identified as a worthy project to adopt and nurture. At a small ceremony on Saturday 13 February to launch Rotary’s involvement with the Arboretum, which was the brainchild of local resident Mike Gardner, a plaque was erected in his honour: “The Mike Gardner Arboretum”. The first trees were planted in 1993 in a layout that loosely represented the five rings of the Olympic symbol with trees from the five continents. In his address at the ceremony Mike thanked Rotary and current President Maria da Silva, for recognizing the importance of trees and the special area that is a part of the Village to be enjoyed and be of educational value to all residents and visitors alike. The trees have identification tags and special trees have been singled out for more comprehensive information boards.

Afrika-gifbos is malariamuskiet se kos

Mr Henk Mienie and his wife Linda are spending a lot of time and energy managing the proper functioning of the God’s Haven old age home in Tzaneen.The story of their relentless work can be read on our web page.

Die giftige Demoina-onkruid wat reeds groot skade aan oeste en plantegroei in KwaZulu/Natal veroorsaak het en na Limpopo op pad is, het nog ‘n klag teen hom bygekry: dis ‘n lekkerny vir malariadraende muskiete. Die Bulletin het in November verlede jaar berig dat dié onkruid hierheen in aantog is en in alle erns gekeer moet word. Dit is giftig vir mens en dier, terwyl dit met chemiese afskeidings ander plantegroei verdring. ICIPE, die grootste internasionale navorsingsentrum vir insekfisiologie en –ekologie in Afrika, het bevind dat die malariamuskiet versot is op die Demoina-onkruid (Parthenium hysterophorus) en daarop voed wanneer bloed as voedsel nie beskikbaar is nie. Die plant se gifstof het geen nadelige

uitwerking op muskiete nie. Volgens dr Baldwyn Torto, ‘n navorser by ICIPE se hoofsentrum in Kenia, kan die muskiet se weerstand daaraan toegeskryf word dat muskiete aan soveel chemiese insekdoders blootgestel word, dat hulle teen verskeie gifstowwe immuun geraak het om te oorleef. Dit is bekend dat muskiete op die nektar van verskeie plante voed in hul soektog na bloed. Die indringerplant kan derhalwe die bestrydingsplanne teen malariamuskiete belemmer. Dr Arne Witt, die hoof van indringerspesies by die sentrum vir landbou-biowetenskappe in Nairobi, sê die Demoina-onkruid het reeds twee miljoen hektaar net in Ethiopië besmet. Dit is ‘n taai onkruid wat net deur ‘n verskei-

denheid gasheergemikte teenmiddels beveg kan word. Torto het gesê dis sover die eerste onkruid wat met die welvaart van die malariamuskiet verbind word. Meer navorsing is nodig om vas te stel of ander indringerplante in Afrika ook daarmee en met die verspreiding van ander siektes onder mense en diere verbind kan word. Intussen het navorsers van die Universiteit van Canterbury in Nieu-Seeland vasgestel dat ‘n vampier-spinnekop wat in Oos-Afrika voorkom, graag gulsig aan malariamuskiete smul. Hulle jag die muskiete waarvan die pense vol bloed is. Die spinnekop val nie mense aan nie, maar sal bo-oor ander prooi klouter om by die bloeddraende muskiete uit te kom.

26 February 2016


Dis nou


• Very important warning

Vaccinate animals against rabies


jaar later vir hierdie egpaar! ‘n Bekende egpaar van Modjadjiskloof, mnr Pieter van Niekerk en sy vrou Willa, vier vandag (Vrydag) hul goue bruilof. Mnr Van Niekerk was vir baie jare ‘n stadsraadslid in Modjadjiskloof en het ook as burgemeester die dorp gelei. Hy het steeds ‘n lewendige belangstelling in munisipale bestuur, maar hou dit net van die kantlyn af dop. Hy is ook bekend as ‘n suksesvolle sakeman. Die egpaar het ‘n mooi span kinders en kleinkinders; sewen-

tien altesame. Robbie, Ursula, Johan, Erica, Dewald, Willa, Pieter, Anele, Chantel, Simone, Kyla, Ruëtte, Liezel, Martin, Rikus, Roland en Anine het die volgende boodskap by die viering van die groot dag aangebied: Liefste Pa & Ma/Oupa & Ouma, Baie geluk met jul vyftigste huweliksherdenking. Wat ‘n voorreg om dit met julle te kan deel. Dankie vir die voorbeeld wat julle deurlopend vir ons as kinders en kleinkinders stel. Ons is baie lief vir julle!

Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com

Tragedy struck earlier this year when Ms René Basson The first rabies case in Tzaneen was reported ten years from Politsi as well as her son Corné, who lives nearby, ago, when Kruger had to euthanase three rabid dogs. had to have their dogs euthanased. Rabies is spread in rural areas by stray dogs but KruDr Gert Kruger, a Tzaneen veterinary surgeon, advised ger warned that there are plenty stray dogs roaming the that the dog owners could not take a chance — as the streets of Tzaneen at night. Rabies is carried in the salidogs had contact with a wild jackal that had acted out va and a rabid animal will bite anything and everything of character. in sight. It manifests itself six weeks to three Ms Basson had her three dogs, a miniature months after being bitten. Doberman pincher, a Dachshund and a fox Rabies can infect all mammals including huterrier put down. Her son’s dog, a Rottweiler mans. The current host species are domestic that had not received the annual rabies injecdogs, black-backed jackal, bat-eared fox and tion, had an encounter with a jackal about a yellow mongoose. Start vaccinating dogs at week later and was also put down. three months with a booster at nine months. Basson said that her three dogs never went Thereafter every three years with annual reout of the house. Therefore she did not see vaccinations in high risk areas. the need to give them the rabies injection. The first record of canine rabies in South However, the jackal came boldly into the Africa was of a dog that was shipped to the house and bit her animals. Cape from England in 1892. The outbreak This fact made Kruger highly suspicious. that ensued was controlled by August 1894. He says that jackal normally shy away from No further rabies was reported until 1950 human and animal contact. The fact that in Limpopo from where it spread to Kwathe jackal behaved aggressively towards the Zulu-Natal. Rabies is of serious concern dogs was a serious indication of a rabid inin South Africa and all dog and cat owners fected jackal. The jackal was never found, but should have their animals injected against Ms René Basson the vet said it was better to be safe. this fatal disease. Kruger said that a jackal is out of character if it behaves The State Vet for Limpopo, dr Veronica Letsoalo, could either in a friendly or aggressive manner. The normal not be reached for comment, despite numerous attempts behavior of a jackal is to run away from humans or do- to reach her at both the landline number and her cell mestic animals. Kruger recalls shooting a rabid jackal in phone number. Modimolle in 1992. The jackal raised his suspicion when — Sue Ettmayr it was seen uncharacteristically playing with a pumpkin. sue@bulletin.us.com

Warriors skud Sondag blikkies vir die DBV Die Warriors-studente van Magoebaskloof gaan Sondag Tzaneen se strate met skuddende blikkies invaar,

om geld vir die plaaslike DBV in te samel. Me Ellie Potgieter van die DBV sê die geld is dringend nodig vir die


versorging van verwaarloosde en mishandelde diere. Sy vra die publiek om die studente se poging te ondersteun.



Pusela Estate bulletin©pb160226tb

12 26 February 2016

Kultuurpersoonlikheid en veelsydigste leerder: Rinus Jacobs


Hoflikheids toekenning: Heinrich Schultz

Dux Leerder: Iszabella le Roux

Provinsiale Kleure: 3 sportsoorte Johan Harms

Provinsiale Kleure: 3 sportsoorte Lia Revelas


Pr 3 sports M

Ons leiergroep se leuse vir die L tree op op ‘n slag”. Daarmee be geleentheid gaan aangryp en d maak. Tree vir tree gaan ons die akademiese- en kultuurgebied t sport uitkom. In her song one step at a time Jo step at a time, there’s no need to r fly or falling in love. It’s gonna hap to happen. That we find the reas time. Don’t try to overhaul your life o on making one small change at a small changes will add up to a bi give up!!! My wish is that we as school an into a strong force that resembles vision. A Journey of a thousand single step. May we only look b have come…!! -Ho

By Laerskool Tzaneen sien ons positiwiteit opwinding, harde werk beperkte geleenthede. A year to l ing one step at a time! Paul Bran tell me that the sky is the limit wh on the moon. Dis hier in Tzaneen waar opg kwame personeel en ‘n onderst hande vat om nuwe onbegrensde te oorkom en doelwitte te berei saam groot, maar waardige voets laat om in te trap!

26 February 2016


ale Kleure in n Sportster Seun: Kleynhans

Provinsiale Kleure in 3 sportsoorte: Sean Roulston

Sportster Dogter: Elsjé Kriel

Larries Laerskool Tzaneen

Een tree op ‘n slag

vir 2016 is “een ons dat ons elke te daarvan gaan klim, op sport- , s by die hoogste

parks sings: One t’s like learning to and it’s supposed hy, one step at a

ht. Instead focus Over time, those sformation. Don’t

munity may unite dship, loyalty and begins with one o see how far we

n: Henro de Bruin

a ‘n jaar propvol okkenheid en onthe fullest by takce said that don’t ere are footprints

de leerlinge, bende gemeenskap gings aan te pak, wens is dat ons in 2016 sal agter-

dogter: Elsjé Kriel





14 26 February 2016

www.bulletin.us.com Gr. 11 Brons Agt leerlinge (twee was afwesig) het brons erepennings ontvang. Voor is Gloria Pilusa, Talenta Mabunda, Leandrie Botha en Lané Roos. Agter is Ruben Jordaan en Willem Botha. Afwesig: Johannes Jacobs, Shandukani Mudau

Gr. 11 Goud Tydens die jaarlikse prysuitdeling van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster (op 9 Februarie) het die akademiese presteerders van verlede jaar (2015) erepennings ontvang (goud, silwer en brons). Hier is die gr 11’s wat goue pennings ontvang het. (voor) Shiluva Mushwana, Gretchen Bekker, Modjadji Maake en Camilla Phakula. Agter is Tabatso Mahasha, Marli Burger, Nsovo Nkuna en Abel Nortje.

Gr. 11 Silwer Die sewe leerlinge het silwer erepennings ontvang. Voor: Juliana Croukamp, Bernice Claasen, Mariska de la Rey, Nadia-Ann Paulse. Agter: Jacques van Wyk, Duan Schoeman, Tumi Mosegane. Afwesig: Carmen Botha Gr. 10 Goud De Wet Vorster, Adriaan Roets en Bernard Vermaak was die wenners van goue erepennings..

Gr. 10 Silwer Die wenners van silwer erepennings is, voor: Mpho Maloba, Melissa Naudé en Karla Greyling. Agter staan Lizaan Geldenhuys en Jozette Oosthuizen. Afwesig: Miha de Jager

Teachers take to the stage Directly after the big brag on Tuesday High School rushed to the school 16 February, all teachers at Merensky hall to participate in a fun filled concert — to further boost the Merensky morale for interhigh on 19 February. The hall was jam packed with an approving audi-

Black & white: Messrs Danie Olivier, Seph Oosthuizen, Frik Dohse, Johannes Seerane and Louis Fourie.

Gr. 10 Brons Brons erepennings is aan die volgende leerlinge toegeken: Voor: Ndavazi Nokeri, Margaretha de

Nysschen en Phuti Sako. Agter is Gerhard Bezuidenhout en Shalom Ngobeni, en Wian Jacobs en Jonelle Oberholzer was afwesig.

Cupcake heaven… The headmaster of Merensky High School was impressed with the Plasie performance during the recent inter-high

athletics meeting in Phalaborwa. He thus decided to reward every participant with a cupcake and cold drink after assembly on Monday.

ence of Plasie parents and scholars. A large variety of items were delivered with gusto, from dancing blobs to army girls and water ballet. The headmaster, Mr Magnus Steyn, and his wife Ronel also took to the stage and stunned everyone with their moves. Afterwards the Plasies sang Merensky in Union whilst watching the symbolic M being set alight, proving that the Plasie spirit is still alive and well after eighty years.

Tiny ladies: Mss Sunette Stander, Izelle du Preez and Stephanie Perold.

Grade 8’s plant trees

Die Laerskool Dr Annecke in Letsitele het hul Valentynspaartjies vir die afgelope Valentynsdagviering gekies. Voor is die junior Mnr en Mej Valentyn en agter is die seniors. Voor is JJ Bosman en Dintle Makelana, en agter is die seniors Franco Pretorius en Marlie le Roux.

ABOVE: Eager tree-planters gathered to learn more about spades, holes and fertiliser. RIGHT: Lehan Labuschagne, Ruan Lerm, Malcolm Jansen, Neil Delport and Sippe Klaver were keen tree planters.

CUPCAKES vir IMKE Soos u almal bewus is, is daar n pragtige klein dogtertjie van ons gemeenskap tans in die hospitaal in Pretoria.

Sugarloaf en Sugarhill sal cupcakes skenk om fondse in te samel om die familie to help met hul kostes. Bestel asseblief cupcakes by savf kleuterskool @ R50 vir pakkie van 6 cupcakes.

Bestel vir u kantoor Bestel vir u familie Cupcakes sal Vrydag 26 Februarie afgelewer word teen 7:30.

U is ook meer as welkom om n skenking te maak asseblief! Tzaneen kom ons maak n verskil in die lewe van hierdie klein engel. Chantelle: 0834639012

Vossies vat hande

Vossies vat hande in geloof vir die skool, gemeenskap en land… Die Vossies het onlangs hande gevat en gebid vir die leerlinge en personeellede van die skool. Daar is ook gebid vir die gemeenskap en Suid-Afrika. Die leerlinge het ‘n ketting rondom die rugbyveld gevorm, as simbool van eenheid en in stilte gebid. Mnr Chris Denysschen, die hoof, het die seremonie met die Onse Vader afgesluit. Die Vossies het die geleentheid gebruik om hul gunsteling Bybelversies op hul wange te verf en so die Woord te versprei.

As tradition dictates, the new Plasies had the opportunity to contribute to the number of indigenous trees on the farm. A total of 37 Tree Wisterias, Bolusanthus speciosus (Van Wykshout) was planted at the entrance to the school. The Fever Trees planted by the Gr 8’s of 2015 are growing abundantly, despite the drought, due to the good care they receive.

26 February 2016



Die liefde blom rooi tydens die “valentynsdisco” by die Vossies Soos in vorige jare is die liefdesdag weer prentjiemooi met dansende figure en Deur die dag is lekkernye verkoop en vanjaar volgens tradisie deur die Voss- polsende ligte. Dit het menige ouer met die leerlinge het, soos net die Vos-sies ies gevier. Alhoewel Valentynsdag va- nostalgie gevul. kan, gees gevang. Tydens pouse is die naar op ‘n Sondag geval het, personeel bederf met ‘n heerlike ete wat die gr 11-ouers is dit nie oorgeslaan nie. Vanjaar was geen uitsonvoorberei het. dering nie, behalwe dat somNou sien almal in Vossiemiges so tuis gevoel het met land natuurlik met verwagdie jaar se tema – “Valentines ting uit na die matriekafskeid dance on way back Wednesop 29 September. Dieselfday”! Die “disco”-era het de komitee (bestaande uit nog lank nie gaan lê nie en gr 11-ouers) wat die dans die leerlinge het tot die einde Die saal van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster was tydens die valentynsdans prentjiemooi met die “Val- gereël het, reël ook vanjaar geruk en gerol! Die saal was entines dance on way back Wednesday”-tema. Die leerlinge het behoorlik geruk en gerol. se matriekafskeid.

Angie Nel, Vanessa van der Merwe and Jessica Goodey.

Plasies prove talent

Three talented Merensky pupils participated in the first round of the national championships of the performing arts on Saturday 20 February. Angie Nel (piano), Jessica

Goodey (ballet) and Venessa van der Merwe (vocals) were selected to participate in the final round of the national championships during the April school holidays.

Juan Cloete en Vanessa van Rooyen, van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster, het die Valentynsdans baie geniet en pragtig gelyk.

Die gr 11-leerlinge van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het die skool se Valentynsdans die voorafgaande Vrydag 12 Februarie op ‘n vrolike, byna uitbundige, wyse gevier en die res van die leerlinge gemotiveer om die dans by te woon.

Tydens die viering van Valentynsdag, wat by die Vossies op Woensdag 17 Februarie gehou is het Tydens die Valentynsdans van die Vossies het Wian Jacobs en Anin Myburg te spoggerig gelyk. hierdie doring tussen die rose behoorlik gees gevang.


Socks? Knocked off. There will be jaws dropping. There will be disbelief. “What? The new Astra has that too?”, will be whispered in the finer establishments around town. The Luxury Class is about to be very impressed. With an array of first-in-class features, you’d normally only find in a luxury car, you’re definitely going to be causing a stir.

The all-new Astra Hatch. Coming soon to Simpson Motors.



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16 26 February 2016


Boere moet Forum- vergaderings bywoon ‘n Pleidooi is dié week op boereverenigings in die Letabagebied gedoen om verteenwoordigers na die vergaderings van polisiëringsforums te stuur, as hulle vordering in misdaadbekamping wil sien. Mnr Corrie Large, AgriLetaba se lid belas met veiligheid, het gesê hegter samewerking tussen boere en die SAPD is nodig om misdaadsake vas te vat. Hy het bygevoeg “in die Letsitele-streek was dit ‘n paar maande ‘redelik stil’, maar die afgelope maand is nog drie transformators gesteel en verskeie gevalle van

diefstal is aangemeld”. Hy het die Letsitele-polisiekantoor se dienslewering as die “swakste in Limpopo” beskryf. Dit is deur ander lede by Woensdag se vergadering beaam. In Tzaneen lyk dinge nie veel beter nie, het mnr Uwe Kroh gesê. Hy is onlangs weer as voorsitter van die Tzaneen GPF aangestel en sal vir die volgende vyf jaar in dié amp sy plek volstaan. Kroh het gesê ‘n regrukprogram is nodig en hiervoor is die provinsiale kommissaris van

polisie genooi om Tzaneen eersdaags te besoek. Ander sake wat op die vergadering aandag geniet het, is die jongste minimumloon vir plaaswerkers. Die verhoging van 6,6% beteken dat die minimumloon per werker nou opskuif na R2 778,83 per maand, gebaseer op ‘n 9-uurdag se werk. Dit is R641,32 per week of R128,26 daagliks en R14,25 per uur. Wat grondeise betref, lyk dit nie of daar veel beweging voor 2019 gaan wees nie, het mnr Pieter Henning gesê. Van die lede het egter genoem dat hulle besoeke op plase kry van mense

wat skielik grafstene op ou grafte wil oprig. Mnr Leo Kruger van Westfalia het gesê ‘n hele paar versoeke hiervoor is die afgelope weke ervaar. Die voorsitter, mnr Pieter Vorster, het hom aangeraai om by die bepalings van plaasprotokol te hou en ook te probeer vasstel of die stene op werklike grafte geplaas word. Vorster het verwys na opgrawings in die Letsitele-omgewing waar na ‘n beweerde graf gesoek is. Forensiese en mensbeendeskundiges was teenwoordig, maar geen bewyse van enige beendere kon gevind word nie.

Hier kom die kinders eerste

Die Letaba Voortrekkers het onlangs ‘n kommandokamp vir ongeveer sestig kinders van Tzaneen en Modjadjiskloof by Westfalia se Faerie Glen-kampeerterrein gehou. Die kinders is besig gehou met ‘n nag-skattejag en aktiwiteite soos “wat om te doen in noodsituasies” (gr 1 & 2), plantekennis (gr 3), die aan-

leer van bekende Afrikaanse liedjies (gr 4 & 5), en ‘n staptog (gr 6 & 7) Saterdag deur die dag. Die gr 6’e en gr 7’s het Saterdagaand in die berg by Westfalia geslaap. Die res van die kinders het Saterdagaand ‘n kampvuurkonsert gehou, lantern bekruip en malvalekkers oor kole gebraai.

Vir navrae oor die Voortrekkers, kontak die Kommando-leier, Udette Kruger, by 083 338 7868 (udettek@ gmail.com) of AKL Admin, Richenda Wright, by 072 376 6838 (richendawright@gmail. com). Of besoek www.houkoers.co.za of soek Die Voortrekkers: Letaba Voortrekkers op Facebook.

Landboukollege vir Tzaneen Die vestiging van ‘n private landboukollege op Tzaneen se skouterrein word in die vooruitsig gestel en kan reeds volgende jaar ‘n werklikheid word. Dit is een van drie kolleges wat deur Agriculture Southern Africa (ASA) vir SA beplan word. Die ander twee is in die WesKaap en Kwa-

Die kampvuurkonsert het vir groot pret gesorg.

Zulu/Natal. Die Bulletin sal volgende week volledig hieroor berig. Ons pogings om Woensdag en gister met die promotors van die projek te praat, plaaslike sowel as elders in die land, het misluk — almal was druk besig in vergaderings en nie beskikbaar vir medianavrae nie.

“From our farm to your plate” Tzaneen se straathandelaars/smouse/informele handelaars doen toenemend hul eie ding en rig hul struklture op waar hulle wil. Die GTM tree nie op nie en laat die handelaars toe om onwettig handel te dryf waar hulle wil. Die jongste besetting is enkele meter van die kruising wat as die hoofingang na die dorp bekend is. Hier word lankal onwettig handel gedryf op ‘n gevaarlike plek vir voetgangers en motoriste, maar die afgelope sowat twee weke het daar ‘n nuwe groep handelaars toegetree. Soos met die res word daar nie teen die mense opgetree nie, ongeag die gevaar wat hulle daar skep. Die omgewing word ook toenemend as ‘n openbare toilet gebruik en die reuk van urine hang reeds swaar in die lug.

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26 February 2016


Impact of Local Government Elections on the budget of municipalities for 2016/17

Part 3: Priorities

By Marie Helm Priorities according to the MFMA circular No 78 issued by the National Treasury called the “Municipal Budget Circular for the 2016/17 MTREF.” National Treasury gave extensive attention to priorities within local government in this election year. 1. Credit control and debt collection National Treasury admits that Municipal finances are presently volatile and there is severe pressure to maintain healthy cash flow

and effective cost containment measures. Municipalities are urged to continue with credit control and debt collection efforts. 2. Infrastructure is key priority It is important to note that infrastructure provisioning for water, sanitation, roads and electricity remain key priorities. Further National Treasury advise councils to prioritize expenditure appropriations aligned to the policy content as described in the integrated development plans (IDP). The outgoing

political leadership and communities must therefore ensure that the proposed IDP and budget stay within this framework. 3. Long-term contracts The outgoing councils are advised to critically consider the financial implication before entering into new long-term contracts that are not of priority to the municipality. Councils are further advised to refrain from purchasing cars and from incurring any expenditure that will financially burden taxpayers.


‘n Reusevrag op ‘n reuse-padtrein is verlede week deur Tzaneen. Die vrag en die groot vragmotors en sleepwaens behoort aan Eskom. Die trekvragmotors het altesame 36 wiele waarvan die bande ongeveer R2 500 elk kos. Dit beteken om ‘n nuwe stel bande vir die vragmotors te koop sal ongeveer R90 000 kos. Dan het die sleepwaens (low beds) altesame 208 wiele en om vir daardie wiele nuwe tekkies te koop, sal ongeveer R2,2 miljoen benodig word. In totaal sal die bande dus meer as R3 miljoen kos. Daar kan aanvaar word dat Eskom die beste pryse moontlik sal kry en dit kan wees dat die koste afgebring kan word na ongeveer R2,5 miljoen. Dit is steeds nie vir enige Jan Rap en sy maat se beursie om dit uit te haal vir ‘n stel bande nie!

Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com for the latest news

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18 26 February 2016


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40 Danie Joubert Street next to Dulux Centre

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Wisani Burial Society 24 hour emergency no 015 307 6240 / 083 513 4988 015 307 6719 e-pos: helene@wisani.co.za

Beyleveld Industries Kham A Valante Travel & Tours Shuttle Coaches Matsebane Nomvela (managing director) 072 795 1770 087 150 1775 Fax: 086 583 5379 www.kgomozadrivingschool. co.za info@kgomozadrivingschool. co.za Tzaneen, Polokwane, Phalaborwa, Hoedspruit, Hazyview, Nelspruit, Witbank, Pretoria, Naboomspruit, Johannesburg, OR Tambo International Airport. Jan406____________________

Services Dienste

Concrete slabs Phone Hans for a quotation 082 804 5282




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Solar power installation, inverters & solar panels, solar geysers, small alterations, bathroom make-overs, drain unblocking, tiling, aircon installations, services and repairs Feb101_____________________________

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26 February 2016



Property l Eiendomme To Let Te Huur

Studio flat to rent Available 1 March 2016. R2 950 incl elec + water. No pets or children,

Woonstelle / Flats

Deposit required. Contact: 082 578 0442

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Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248 to advertise in the property

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Huis te huur Magoebaskloof R 5200.00 pm (water & ligte ingesluit). 20 km buite die dorp. Drie slaapkamer, twee badkamer. Omhein. Garage. Groot tuin. Buite huis vir gaste. Contact: 083 514 5767 of 0736531228


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for the latest news

Huise, Meenthuise, Woonstelle, Kantore & Besighede


Legals | Geregtelik GENERAL NOTICE OF 2016 TZANEEN AMENDMENT SCHEME 338 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF A TOWN-PLANNING SCHEME IN TERMS OF SECTION 56(1) (b)(i) OF THE TOWN-PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE 15 OF 1986), READ TOGETHER WITH SPLUMA 2013 I, Willem Johannes Jacobsz of Omniplan Town Planners, being the authorised agent of the registered owner of Erf 652 Tzaneen X 4 hereby give notice in terms of section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Town-Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986), read together with SPLUMA 2013, that I have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for the amendment of the town-planning scheme known as the Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2000 by the rezoning of the property described above, situated at 21 Third Avenue Tzaneen, from “Residential 1” to “Business 4”. Particulars of the application

will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Tzaneen for a period of 28 days from 19 February 2016 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the applications must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850 within a period of 28 days from 19 February 2016. Address of authorised agent: Omniplan Town Planners, PO Box 2071, TZANEEN, 0850, Tel No (015) 307 1041. Ref No: J104



LEES MET SPLUMA 2013 Ek, Willem Johannes Jacobsz van Omniplan Stadsbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die geregistreerde eienaar van Erf 652 Tzaneen X 4 gee hiermee ingevolge artikel 56(1)(b)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986), saamgelees met SPLUMA 2013, kennis dat ek by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000 deur die hersonering van die eiendom hierbo beskryf, geleë te 21 Derde Laan, Tzaneen, vanaf “Residensieel 1” na “Besigheid 4”. Besonderhede van elk van die aansoeke lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoor ure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Tzaneen vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 19 Februarie 2016 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten

opsigte van die aansoeke moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 19 Februarie 2016 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 24, Tzaneen, 0850 ingedien of gerig word. Adres van gemagtigde agent: Omniplan Stads- en Streekbeplanners, Posbus 2071, Tzaneen, 0850, Tel. No. (015) 307 1041. Verw. No. J104 Feb402____________________________

IN THE MAGISTATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF BOLOBEDU HELD AT GA-KGAPANE Case No: 320/2014 In the matter between: RECKSON TSHIMANKE EXECUTION CREDITOR And NGWAKO SEKGOTA EXECUTOR DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In pursuance of judgment of the above Honourable Court and Warrant of Execution, the property listed below will be sold at the Magistrates Office at Ga-Kgapane on

the 11th MARCH 2016 at 11 am without reverse to the highest bidder: 1. 1 X TOYOTA COROLLA, registration BTR153L SIGNED AT TZANEEN THIS THE 11TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 2016. MALOKA ATTORNEYS PLAINTIFF’S ATTORNEYS 13 HARRY DILLEY STREET CENTRAL PARK TZANEEN, 0850 REF: BALOYI/CIV/113/13 TO: THE CLERK OF THE COURT, GA KGAPANE AND TO: SHERIFF BOLOBEDU, PO BOX 669, MODJADJISKLOOF REF: 2013/00/03653.02 Feb403____________________________


(REG: 2005/008392/07) EXECUTION CREDITOR And MR M LUDEKE T/AS MARK’S SERVICE & RE-SPRAY CENTRE EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION PURSUANT to a judgment by the magistrate TZANEEN given on 28 February 2014 the under mentioned goods will be sold at 10:00 on 10 March 2016 by public auction to be held at SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, MAIN STORE NO. 2, INDUSTRIA ROAD NO. 20, TZANEEN, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, LETABA to the highest bidder for cash, namely:





1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment

obtained in the above honourable Court. 2. The rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 33A Pieter Joubert Street, Tzaneen. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific condition, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation in respect of proof of identify and address particulars, payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Tertius Robertson or Christie Bouwer. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. Feb404____________________________

Job Seeker l Werkgeleenthede Driver My name is Matome James Hutama i am looking for work as a driver i have code 11 (EC1)with PDP i speak English/ Afrikaans or any other general driver work contact me on 079 276 3836 (18) ______________________________

My name is M.R. Bopape i am looking for driver work i have code 10 with PDP i speak English or any other general work i have a matric certificate contact me on 082 662 0738 (19)______________________________

tic work i speak English, sleep out, Mon – Fri or 3 days office cleaner or tea lady i can cook and look after children as well contact me on 0606018396 (300) ______________________________

My name is Motsatsi Julia Maake i am looking for domestic work / office cleaner i speak English, sleep out full time or 3 days (work at Wesbank till they closed) contact me on 079 287 2094 (301) ______________________________

My name is Matome Abel Mashale i am looking for gardening work i speak English full time Mon – Fri or 3 days or any other general work contact me on 078 297 0446 (302) ______________________________

Domestic My name is Francinah P. Nesani i am looking for domestic work, Mon – Fri or 3 days i speak English i have 18 years experience contact me on 060 772 8175 (298) ______________________________

My name is Mmatjepe Rachael Shokane i am looking for domestic work sleep in or out, speak English Mon – Sat or 3 days or office cleaner contact me on 078 630 5640 (299) ______________________________

My name is Matlala W. Malemela i am looking for domes-

My name is Thomas Nephthal Senyob i am looking for gardening work Mon – Fri or 3 days i can speak English contact me on 083 883 2631 (303) ______________________________

My name is Melita Mokati i am looking for domestic work or general work and i can also look after children, sleep out. I can speak Afrikaans and English. I have 6 years experience. Contact me on 082 695 1163 (304) ______________________________

My name is Mighty Rababalela i am looking for gardening or domestic work or at a carwash, i speak English sleep out. Mon – Fri or 3 days. Contact me on

079 635 5797 (305) ______________________________

My name is Maria Mangena i am looking for domestic work, i speak English sleep out, MonFri or 3 days or office cleaner / tea lady contact me on 073 308 3535 (306) ______________________________

My name is Maria Rikhotso i am looking for domestic work i can cook and i can also look after children i can speak Afrikaans. 3 days a week or full time, sleep out, i have 9 year experience contact me on 071 917 0514 (307) ______________________________

My name is Emeidah Ndhlovu i am looking for work as domestic or waitress and i can speak English sleep in or out and can also look after children. I have 7 years experience at Mopaya Lodge as a waitress contact me on 083 942 4973 (308) ______________________________

My name is Johannes Malesa i am looking for any gardening work i speak English full time or 3 days a week contact me on 073 619 9188 (309) ______________________________

My name is Nephtally Nkhwashu i am looking for gardening work one day Monday only i have 7 years experience i can speak English contact me on 072 2323 033 (310) ______________________________

My name is Rejoice Twalo i am looking for domestic work, office cleaner or tea lady i have a matric certificate, i speak English, sleep out full time or part time contact me 079 447 0543 (311) ______________________________

My naam is Lebeko Daniel Makgopa ek is opsoek na tuinwerk het vir die GTM gewerk het ook ‘slashing” lang pad gedoen voltyds of 3 dae skakel my op 073 586 7598 (312) _____________________________

My name is Makobo Sarah Mashatola i am looking for work as domestic/office cleaner or tea lady or any other general work i speak English, full time or part time Mon – Fri sleep in. Contact me on 073 988 0841 (313) ______________________________

My name is Elton Rachuene i am looking for gardening service work i have a “green” thum full time or part time i speak English/Afrikaans also can do paint work or working in nursery. Contact me on 071 119 1600 (314) ______________________________

My name is Jane Sebopetswa i am looking for work as domestic worker i have experience i speak English, Tsonga, Sepedi contact me on 072 343 9861 (315) ______________________________

My name is Nkhease Sarah

Vuma i am looking for work as domestic / office cleaner, i speak English, full time or part time sleep in or out contact me on 073 512 0140

(109) _____________________________


My name is Mapula Jeniffer Mogale i am looking for work as domestic / office cleaner i speak English full time or 3 days sleep in or out contact me on 078 810 7743

My name is Grace Milazi i am looking for a job as office assistant, cashier, receptionist, i can speak English i have 7 years experience as office assistant (ref: Wessel manager 083 263 4724) contact me on 073 742 5831

(317) ______________________________

(31) _______________________________

My naam is Anna Seamela ek is opsoek na huishoudelike werk ek praat Afrikaans (dinsdag, woensdag, vrydag) Skakel my op 078 396 5723

My name is Mmatshuba Thandy Mangena i am looking for work as shop assistant i speak English i have a code 10 licence, full time or part time have experience i clerk work contact me on 078 325 2311

(316) ______________________________

(318) ______________________________

My name is Matsatsi Josephine Mashatole i am looking for for as dometice i speak Afriaans sleep out full time or part time or office cleaner contact me on 072 915 9783 (319) ______________________________


(107) ______________________________

My name is Pamela Manyenga i am looking for any general work , shop assistan, office cleaning or domestic, i speak English , full time or 3 days. Have experience in retail and domestic work. Contact me on 073 443 8411 (108) ______________________________

My name is Sphiwe Manzini i am looking for work in Admin or HR i have computer user certificate i speak English i have matric went to FET College Business Management N5, have code 10 licence or receptions contact me on 082 058 2801 (30) _____________________________

My name is Mmatjatji Gladys Malobela i am looking for cashier work, domestic work i speak English full time or 3 days a week. Sleep in or out, office cleaner or tea lady as well. Computer skill course in health care can look after old people at home. Did N6 certificate in educare. Contact me on 072 796 9413

My name is Isaac Monakhisi i am lookin for work as welder i know plumbing work i have a certificate in cleaning in house/office shop ect. I speak English / Afrikaans Mon- Sat or 3 days contact me on 072 095 0489 (110) _____________________________

My name is Emelinah Maakana i am looking for work in a hotel or lodge i have a certificate for cooking/baking. Computer literacy – Ms work/ Ms Excell / Ms Explorer / Ms Powerpoint. I speak English/

Afrikaans did domestic work for 9 years full time or part time contact me on 079 841 9133 (111) _____________________________

My name is Stanley Ntsanwisi Mangothlo i am looking for work as Electric Engineer i have qualifications N1-N3 at college. I also have 1st year and 2nd year at Tshwane Univ. Of Technology in IT i speak 4 language full time or part time contact me on 073 706 4093 (112)______________________________

20 26 February 2016


Vossies slyp vir Limpo-kampioenskappe

Dié seuns van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster gaan volgende week aan die kampioenskappe deelneem. Voor is James Vorster, Johan Harms, Jaco de la Rey en Shima Mphahlele. Agter is JJ Hlongwane, Ogielvy Ngobeni, Emile Kruger en Tristin du Preez en die inlasfoto is van Renzo du Plessis. Vier atlete was afwesig toe die foto geneem is: Melvin Maake, Lazarus Khoza, Thapelo Ramoshaba en Frans Pohl.

Negentin atlete van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het gekwalifiseer om Mopani Distrikte se span by die Limpopo-atletiekkampioenskappe volgende Donderdag te verteenwoordig. Die kampioenskappe word in die Peter Mokaba-stadion in Polokwane aangebied. Die volgende Vossie-atlete is vir die span gekies: Meisies: Jolandi van der Merwe, o.15 spiesgooi; Lara Schutte, o.17 200 m,400 m; Diketso Manyama, o.17 verspring, driesprong en hoogspring; Ndavi Nokeri o.17, hoogspring, Carmen Botha, o.19 110 m- en 400 m-hekkies en

Warrior race was explosive

hoogspring; Shaun Mkhawana, o.17 110m- en 400 m-hekkies. Seuns: Renzo du Plessis, o.15 100 m- en 300 m-hekkies; Johan Harms, o.15 spiesgooi; James Vorster, o.15 spiesgooi; Ogielvy Ngobeni, o.17 400 m; Melvin Maake, o.17 110 m- en 400 m hekkies; Lazarus Khoza, o.17 400 m-hekkies; Emile Kruger, o.17 spiesgooi; Jaco de la Rey, o.17 spiesgooi; Tristin du Preez, o.17 spiesgooi; Thapelo Ramoshaba, o.17 verspring, driesprong en hoogspring; JJ Hlongwane, o.19 100 m; Shima Mphahlele, o.19 100 m, 200 m en 400 m; Frans Pohl, o.19 gewigstoot.

Hier is vyf van die ses Vossie-meisies wat aan die kampioenskappe gaan deelneem. Voor is Ndavi Nokeri, Carmen Botha en Diketso Manyama. Agter staan Jolandi van der Merwe en Lara Schutte en Shaun Mkhawana was afwesig toe die foto geneem is.

Die meisies van die Laerskool Tzaneen wat volgende Vrydag in Polokwane aan die Limpopo-kampioenskappe gaan deelneem, is (agter) Salomé Lombard, Nachandré de Lange, Anja Maree, Elsjé

Stanford Lake Colthird overall in the lege pupils took up Commando race. David Ruthvin and Casper the challenge of the Jeep Warrior Race Venter competed as a team and won the u.15 which took place at Hakahana Trails in category for the ComHartbeespoort. mando race. The student three-perMore than 3 000 participants, either son team consisted of Megan du Preez, Lara competing solo or in teams of two to Dando and Tanweer eight, left at ten Ghood whilst a staff minute intervals team of Marmari Pietthroughout the day. Owen Venter in action erse, JJ Gallagher and Die Laerskool Tzaneen spog met 27 atThe atmosphere was explosive! Tiaan Fullard also took part. It lete wat volgende Vrydag aan die LimThe Stanford flock consisted of was a fun day out and the pupils popo-kampioenskappe in Polokwane gaan Owen Venter and Aidan du Preez can’t wait for the next one. The course was tough, but it also deelneem. Die seuns is (agter) Paballo Lecompeting solo. Aidan finished — Tiaan Fullard offered some great fun. godi, Shane Mushwana, Jappie Makhube-

Kriel, Elzet Toerien en Polle Mashashane. Voor is Dedeya Shipalana, Lané Kasselman, Mohau Makgoba, Shongile Makhubele, Elandri J van Rensburg, Megan-Lee Mans en Anika Strydom.

le, Rea Modiba en Fanie van Hansen. Voor is Ndzalama Twala, Ernst van der Schyff, Maynard Kleynhans, Christopher J van Vuuren, Carlo Moller, Theto Maake, Fidel Nkuna en Matimba Mathebule.

Sakeliga | Business League aangebied deur • presented by

Tzaneen Bowls Club & Bulletin Dié groep atlete van Dr Annecke het vir die Limpopo-atletiekkampioenskappe gekwalifiseer. Voor is Ripfumelo Phakula, Lulamile Mashele en Jack Baloyi. In die middelry is Tyra du Plessis en Tiaan Viljoen-Krugel, en agter is Nkateko Phakula, Chantelle Meyer, Elzaan Espach, Xiluva Mongwe en Luan Verster.

7 April - 13 Mei 2016 Elke Donderdagaand om 17:30 vir 18:00. Kom geniet die rolbal met ‘n braai daarna. Vier lede in ‘n span.

Every Thursday night @ 17:30 for 18:00. Come and enjoy the bowls and braai thereafter. Four members in a team.

Louise Snyman van die Laerskool Dr Annecke in Letsitele het eerste gekom in die Limpopo-tennistoernooi vir meisies o.13, wat in Polokwane beslis is.

Kontak/ Contact: Erika Swart on 082 301 5029 or Wessel Pretorius on 081 270 4268. Die o.13-meisiesaflosspan van die Laerskool Dr Annecke het by die atletiekbyeenkoms by die Laerskool Tzaneen vir al hul mededingers weggehol. Voor is Palesa Montle en Dezi Dreyer, en agter is Elzaan Espach en Marnika Nienaber.

Inskrywing: R1 00 0 per span. Entry: R1 000 pe r team. Klublede kan ge koop word teen R250.

Prysgeld: 1ste R4 000; 2de R2 000 en 3de R1 000.

Palesa Shiluvane, Elzaan Espach, Dezi Dreyer en Chantelle Meyer (voor) en Nhlamulo Shilubane, Zach Duvenhage en Wilco Botha (agter) van Dr Annecke het Limpopo-kleure vir hokkie verwerf.

Challenge the Meerkat

Bulletin Fear lessl y the tr uth


Sakeliga | Business League


This board is sponsored by | Hierdie naambord is geborg deur

It’s time again for the annual Munnik Meerkat Mountain Bike Challenge. The race will be held on 12 March and offers three categories: a 70 km, a 35 km and a 10 km. Starting times will be: 70 km at 07:00, 35 km at 07:30 and 10 km at 08:00. The entry fees are

R220, R140 and R60 respectively. Pre-registration will be on 8 March in Tzaneen — or on-line at www.munnikmeerkat.co.za. On-line entries close on Sunday 6 March. The Meerkat is a qualifying race for Limpopo colours. Pietersburg Rotary Club 100 will be serving food from

06:00. There will; be a small beer garden. Two mountain bikes are up for grabs in a raffle. Johan van Dijkhorst is again the race organiser. For info: Felicity Oldreive on 083 450 2003, Charlotte Knott on 082 456 3097, Lisa Ivy on 015 397 4450 or Johan on 082 740 8740.

26 February 2016



Merensky athletes claim first place Merensky High School competed against Hoogenhout, Ben Viljoen and Hans Strijdom High Schools in Groblersdal in an athletics meeting. Merensky won the competition with 763 points. Hoogenhout, from Bethal in Mpumalanga, came second with 702 points and the previous victor, Ben Vil-

joen, could only manage a third place. The top7 girls athletes all excelled in shot-put and discuss, proving the point that Merensky’s field item skills equal those of previous track performances. Laurentia van Dyk, Lilly Pohl, Kesia Pohl, Elzanne Engenbrecht, Zenacia Nukeri, Danielle Kasselman and

Gwendy Botha really excelled. The top7 boys showed their mettle on the track: Noko Malatji (110 m hurdles), Delux Jooste (3 000 m), Piet Maake (110 m hurdles), Jason Sanderson (110 m hurdles), Sipho Ntsanwisi (110 m hurdles) and Seth Gwendy Botha Lathane (100 m hurdles).

Deluxe Jooste, with Stefan Pretorius on his heels.

Oppie Kassie On the Telly

Stormers en Bulls sluit rugby-marathon af Die Stormers se wedstryd teen die Bulls rond Saterdagaand ʼn marathonskof van oor die dertien uur se regstreekse uitsending van Superrugby af. Tussen die afskop van Vrydagoggend se eerste wedstryd in Nieu-Seeland en die eindfluitjie op Nuweland sal TVkykers in die eerste nege wedstryde van die lang seisoen ʼn voorsmaak van dosyne skouspelagtige drieë en witwarm mededinging kry. Die Lions speel in Japan teen die Sunwolves, die Cheetahs kry in Bloemfontein met die Argentynse Jaguares te doen en die Sharks gaan toets die Kings in Port Elizabeth in wedstryde wat belangrike vrae moet beantwoord. Vir ʼn verandering van spyse kan TV-kykers op Sesnasierugby, verskeie groot tennis- en gholftoernooie, motorfietswedrenne in Australië en die Tokio-marathon inskakel. In Palm Beach, Florida, speel Ernie Els en Rory Sabbatini in die Honda Classic, ʼn toernooi wat hulle in 2008 en 2011 onderskeidelik gewen het. Branden Grace, Retief Goosen, Dawie van der Walt en Tyrone van Aswegen ding ook om vanjaar se eerste prys van omtrent R17 miljoen mee.

Rekords spat by interhuis… Agtien nuwe rekords is by die Laerskool Tzaneen se interhuis-atletiekbyeenkoms verbeter. Die volgende atlete het in die volgende items rekords verbeter: Mathabo Mokgwadi: 60 m en 80 m vir meisies o.6; Ndzala Makhubela: 60 m seuns o.7; Megan-Lee Mans: gewigstoot meisies o.10; Christopher Jansen van Vuuren: gewigstoot seuns o.10; Shongile Makhubele: verspring meisies o.10; Elandri J van Rensburg: gewigstoot meisies o.10; Maynard Kleynhans: 150 m hekkies seuns o.12; Wessel de Kock: skyfwerp seuns o.12; Paballo Legodi: 100 m en

150 m seuns o.12; Fanie van Hansen: skyfwerp seuns o.13; Shane Mushwana: hoogspring seuns o.13; Anja Maree: skyfwerp en gewigstoot meisies o.13; Reatlegile Modiba: 80 m hekkies seuns o.13; Jappie Makhubele: 1 500 m en kampioen van kampioene-wedloop seuns o.13 (die vinnigste seun in die skool). Op die foto is (voor) Christopher Jansen van Vuuren, Mathabo Mokgwadi, Elandri Janse van Rensburg, Ndzala Makhubela, Megan-Lee Mans en Shongile Makhubele. Agter is Shane Mushwana, Reatlegile Modiba, Fanie van Hansen, Maynard Kleynhans, Anja Maree, Wessel de Kock, Paballo Legodi en Jappie Makhubele.

Tydens die geesvang vir die Vossies se interhoër in Germiston (verlede week) het mnr Chris Denysschen (die Vossies se hoof) die atlete sterkte toegewens. Elke atleet wat gaan deelneem het, het ‘n handdoek van die skool ontvang — ter erkenning vir hul harde en getroue oefenprogram.

Larrieland held their annual Fun Day Athletics last week. The little ones enjoyed a day of laughter and friendly comraderie. Photos: Joe Dreyer

SuperSport-hoogtepunte (Alles regstreeks) Vrydag 26 Februarie Gholf: Perth International, dag 2 – 07:00 tot 11:00 op SS 7 Honda Classic, dag 1, Palm Beach, Fl – 21:00 tot 01:00 op SS 6 en GDN Vroue: Thailandkampioenskap, dag 2 – 08:00 tot 12:00 op SS 6 Rugby: Superreeks: Blues t Highlanders – 08:00 tot 10:35 op SS 1 en GDN Brumbies t Hurricanes – 10:35 tot 13:00 op SS 1 en GDN Cheetahs t Jaguares – 18:30 tot 21:15 op SS 1 en M-Net Sesnasiereeks: Wallis t Frankryk – 21:50 tot 00:00 op SS 1 Tennis: Mexikaanse Ope, kwarteind, Acapulco – 00:00 tot 08:00 op SS 6 Doebai-kampioenskap, halfeind – 14:55 tot 20:00 op SS 6 Katar-ope, halfeind – 16:50 tot 21:00 op SS 7 Saterdag 27 Februarie Gholf: Perth International, dag 3 – 07:00 tot 11:00 op SS 7 Honda Classic, dag 3 – 20:00 tot 01:00 op SS 1 en GDN Eye of Africakampioenskap, dag 3, Glenvista – 12:00 tot 16:00 op SS 7 Vroue: Thailandkampioenskap, dag 3 – 08:00 tot 12:00 op SS 6 Motorfietsrenne: Superfietse: Australiese superpole – 03:15 tot 05:30 op SS 6 Australiese wedren 1 – 05:30 tot 07:20 op SS 6 Motorrenne: Nascarreeks – 20:30 tot 23:00 op SS 8 Rugby: Superreeks: Sunwolves t Lions – 05:45 tot 08:25 op SS 1 en M-Net Crusaders t Chiefs – 08:25 tot 10:35 op SS 1 en GDN Waratahs t Reds – 10:35 tot 12:45 op SS 1 en GDN Force t Rebels – 12:45 tot 14:55 op SS 1 en GDN Kings t Sharks – 14:55 tot 17:05 op SS 1 en M-Net

Stormers t Bulls – 17:05 tot 19:30 op SS 1 en M-Net Sesnasiereeks: Italië t Skotland – 16:10 tot 18:25 op SS 6 Engeland t Ierland – 18:35 tot 20:50 op SS 6 Franse Top 14: Racing t Castres – 21:35 tot 23:45 op SS 6 Sokker: SA Premierliga: Orlando Pirates t Bloemfontein Celtic – 19:30 tot 22:45 op SS 4 Tennis: Doebaikampioenskap, eindstryd – 16:55 tot 19:00 op SS 8 Mexikaanse Ope, halfeind 1 – 01:55 tot 04:30 op SS 8 Mexikaanse Ope, halfeind 2 – 06:00 tot 08:30 op SS 5 Sondag 28 Februarie Gholf: Perth International, dag 4 – 07:00 tot 11:00 op SS 7 Honda Classic, dag 4 – 20:00 tot 01:00 op SS 1 en GDN Eye of Africakampioenskap, dag 4 – 12:00 tot 16:00 op SS 7 Vroue: Thailandkampioenskap, dag 4 – 08:00 tot 12:00 op SS 6 Krieket: SA eendagreeks, eindstryd: Cobras t Lions of Warriors – 09:45 tot 19:00 op SS 2 Motorrenne: Nascarreeks – 20:00 tot 23:30 op SS 5 Motorfietsrenne: Superfietse: Australiese supersport – 04:15 tot 05:30 op SS 6 Australiese wedren 2 – 05:30 tot 07:10 op SS 6 Padwedloop: Tokiomarathon – 02:00 tot 05:00 op SS 7 Rugby: Engelse Premierliga: Exeter t Bath – 14:55 tot 17:00 op SS 1 Wasps t Harlequins – 17:10 tot 19:15 op SS 1 Franse Top 14: Toulouse t Montpellier – 17:05 tot 19:15 op SS 6 Sokker: SA Premierliga: Golden Arrows t Platinum Stars – 15:00 tot 18:00 op SS 4 Tennis: Mexikaanse Ope, eindstryd – 04:55 tot 08:00 op SS 5.

Mpho Monyela and Oreneile Mashaba Noah Cremore

Amé van Schalkwyk

Shekinah Ramabulana

Asatta Dlamini

Elrene Knoetze and Oreneile Mashaba

Zoë-Leigh Thompson

Ilhaam Latib and Jandrie Britz

Plasie T20-krieket beïndruk Die T20-krieketreeks is voortgesit met Hoërskool Merensky en Stanford Lake College se eerste spanne wat op Stanford se tuisveld kragte gemeet het. Merensky het eerste gekolf en 183 lopies aangeteken. AJ Fourie en Timothy Elphinstone het uitstekend gekolf met onderskeidelik 53 en 47 lopies. Stanford kon in hul beurt net 87 lopies aanteken, nadat Viraj Devdhara en Timothy Elphinstone onderskeidelik 3 en 2 paaltjies laat kantel het. Merensky het die wedstryd met 66 lopies gewen. Tydens die Superliga-reeks het die Plasies se eerste- en o.15-spanne teen Pietersburg

Hoërskool te staan gekom. Die eerste spanne het op PHS se veld gespeel. PHS klop Merensky met 30 lopies. Merensky se Richard Coleman het ‘n noemenswaardige 3 paaltjies laat val en Viraj Devdhara 2. Salmaan Ishani het sy merk gemaak deur te sorg vir 67 lopies op die telbord. Merensky se o.15-span het op hul tuisveld teen PHS vasgeval. Hulle het 150 lopies vir 10 paaltjies aangeteken, terwyl PHS dit kon regkry om 151 lopies vir 2 paaltjies aan te teken. Doran Kleynhans en Rinus Jacobs het onder groot druk 30 lopies aangeteken, en Gerhardus Fourie het 2 paaltjies laat kantel.

New year

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26 February 2016

Vossie-skuts korrel fyn

Lara Dando

Paul Dando

Numerous Stanford pupils took part in the Makulu Mountain Bike Challenge. This is an early season event and a chance for the riders to get an idea of their race readiness ahead of a busy season later in the year. The riders were too strong for their opposition and exceeded all expectations with some exceptional results. Paul Dando was the overall winner of the 35 km,

‘n Groep Vossie-skuts het die afgelope naweek uitstekend gevaar by die Rhino kompetisie in Mokopane, waar 43 skuts teen mekaar gekorrel het. Die Vossies is verteenwoordig deur Rugert Schnell, Hano Sliep, Zack Verster, Sean Fourie, Johandré le Roux, Grizel Lepart en Dirk Grobler. Die volgende prestasies is behaal: Dirk Grobler het ‘n 2de plek in die 10 m-staanposisie behaal en het algeheel ‘n silwer medalje ontvang. Grizel Lepart het ‘n 3de plek in die 3p-lêposisie

Robert Retief with Robert Retief finishing 2nd overall. Lara Dando finished 1st in her age category, with Robin Lacey 2nd. Anke Vaughn also finished 2nd in her age category with Sarah Pogrund coming in 1st in the same age category. Aidan du Preez and Austin Johnson finished 4th and 5th respectively in their age categories. Seen in the photos are Lara Dando and Paul Dando with Robert Retief.

Victor Ludorum... Noko Malatji van die Hoërskool Merensky was Saterdag een van die groot uitblinkers by die interhoër wat deur die Hoërskool Frans du Toit in Phalaborwa aangebied is. Noko is na die byeenkoms as victor ludorum van die byeenkoms tussen die ses skole aangewys.

behaal. Dirk en Grizel was onderskeidelik 4de en 5de in die o.14-ouderdomsgroep. In die ouderdomsgroep o.16 het Zack Verster ‘n 1ste plek behaal in die lê-posisie. Hano Sliep het ‘n 3de plek in lêen 2de plek in die knielposisie behaal en Rugert Schnell het ‘n 2de plek in 3p-staan- en 3de plek in die knielposisie behaal. Rugert was 2de in die 3p-totaal en in die 10 m-staanposisie 3de. Hano Sliep het algeheel ‘n 3de plek behaal.

We’ve added an extra sport page... see page 20 for more.

Athletes of Pfunanane Academy in Modjadjiskloof ran well despite the heat at the inter-schools athletics competition at Fauna Park Primary school in Phalaborwa on Saturday, with especially strong races in the 1 200 meter event. Pictured are Wanga Ramatshila, Rachel Serakwana, Modjadji Motseo, Tumisang Kekana, Lendra Mashale-Terwey, Nthabiseng Malatji and Lucy Malatja — who achieved excellent results.

Die Vossie-skuts. Voor is Dirk Grobler en Zack Verster, in die middel is Johandré le Roux, me Anel Griesel (afrigter) en Sean Fourie en agter staan Hano Sliep, Rugert Schnell en Grizel Lepart.

Superverwarring! In ander omstandighede sou Oubal erg opgewonde gewees het oor die Super18-rakbie wat vandag afskop, maar Oubal het net te veel bedenkings. Soos die meeste kenners, asook Bobby Skinstad, dink Oubal Superrakbie was op sy beste toe daar net twaalf spanne was, ongeag die feit dat die reisreëlings SA spanne meestal tweede laat kom het — en heel dikwels ook elfde en twaalfde. Op aandrang van SA is die aantal spanne egter vermeerder, om ons ‘n vyfde span in die kompetisie te gee en mettertyd het daar ook nog twee Aussie-spanne bygekom. Niemand het blykbaar opgelet dat die gehalte met vyftien spanne so verwater het dat die bykomstige spanne eintlik maar net die getalle volgemaak het nie. ‘Tja, en toe die dilemma van ‘n politieke belofte aan die Kings ten alle koste opgelos moes word, vind die organiseerders dit goed om die kompetisie verder te vergroot na

agtien spanne in AD 2016. Nie alleen sit ons nou plaaslik met verdere verwatering nie, maar die kompetisie moes opgebreek word in vier groepe om dit werkbaar te maak en spanne gaan nie meer teen al die ander speel nie. So gaan net die helfte van ons spanne teen NZ-spanne speelkans kry en die ander helfte net teen Aussie-spanne. Oubal sien groot ontnugterings vir die drie van ons spanne wat uiteindelik die uitspeelrondes gaan haal, nie net vanweë die formaat van die groepfase nie, maar ook die gebrek aan plaaslike diepte. Oubal lees in verlede Sondag se GASK* dat daar nou meer SA spelers in Europa speel as wat daar in totaal deur ons ses S18 spanne gekontrakteer is. Was dit maar ‘n geval dat die oorsese spelers net uit jou Victor Matfields en Jean de Villierse bestaan het, sou dit nie ‘n probleem gewees het nie, maar dit sluit Bokke soos Duane Vermeulen en jong spelers soos Johan Goosen en Paul Willemse in — spelers wat waarde kon

toevoeg tot ons plaaslike spanne. Hoe dit ook al sy, Oubal het baie moeite gedoen om agter die kap van die nuwe S18 se formaat te kom, en soos die meeste dagblaaie het hy beplan om vir sy paar lesers ‘n verduideliking te gee van hoe die opset gaan werk. Helaas, Oubal het tot die besef gekom dat hy nie intelligent genoeg is om sin te maak van hierdie modderwaterspul nie. Oubal bedoel, waddehel is ‘n Sonwolf, en hoe reis jy minder as jy in Tokio, Singapoer en Buenos Aires moet gaan speel? Einde ten laaste het Oubal ou ArthurIngelsman gevra om ‘n skematiese voorstelling te gee van hoe die kompetisie gaan werk, en dit is waarmee hy vorendag gekom het: Sterkte met die ontsyfering. Oubal dink, soos hy, sal die meeste lesers dit ook onder die knie hê teen die tyd dat die eindfluitjie in die eindstryd blaas! *GASK = Grootste Afrikaanse Sondagkoerant

“Truth is ever to be found in simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things.” — Isaac Newton

Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Oubal is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!

26 February 2016



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