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Fear lessl y the tr uth 10 June 2016
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Gold Medal for Golden Voices
After lots of hard work and practice The King’s Court Choir participated in the SA Championships and won a gold medal. Mentored and conducted by Ms Cathleen van Vuuren, a teacher from The King’s
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Court, this choir is the pride of Modjadjiskloof. Thanks to the big effort of participants from Limpopo participating in various categories in the SA Championships the trophy once again comes home to Limpopo!
Avo-reus ontwaak ‘n Projek van meer as R500 miljoen is by Sapekoe en die Makgobas se teeplantasies aan die gang, om dit te omskep in florerende avokado-eenhede wat groot buitelandse valuta vir Limpopo kan verdien. Die nuwe plan met die mislukkende
teelandgoed is dié week eksklusief deur ZZ2 se voorsitter, mnr Tommie van Zyl (regs)), bevestig — na intense onderhandelings tussen die tamatiereus, die Makgobas en ander rolspelers oor die afgelope maande. ‘n Groot deel van die tee-
plantasies is reeds ontbos om plek te maak vir uitvoer-avo’s onder die handelsnaam Makgoba Afrika en die skepping van werkgeleenthede vir die plaaslike bevolking.
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10 June 2016
Fear lessl y the tr uth
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Personeel | Personnel Uitgewer / Redakteur Publisher / Editor Francois Aucamp 083 266 6906 francois@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Louis Roux 072 043 2220 louis@bulletin.us.com Phidelia Rikhotso 073 562 7274 phidelia@bulletin.us.com Sue Ettmayr 072 630 3051 sue@bulletin.us.com Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Gittel Baloyi 076 821 6000 gittel@bulletin.us.com Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Candice Prinsloo 082 342 7018 candice@bulletin.us.com
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Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...
Vlieg Vlieg jou hier Vlieg jou daar en siedaar Vlieg se varkies is weer bymekaar Vlieg is dankbaar vir die groot gebaar van die redakteurtakhaar hom by Vlieg geskaar
toe sy senuwees onklaar Vlieg was naar in lewensgevaar sy gemoed was swaar aan ‘n lewensaar min hoop was daar soos die tyd verjaar het die pyn bedaar die smart vergaar
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom
het geen vrugte gebaar die gort was gaar die artse baljaar om Vlieg voor die najaar weer gesond te verklaar
Vlieg jou hier Vlieg jou daar en siedaar Vlieg se varkies is weer bymekaar!
lesers bedaar Vlieg is al klaar weer besig as ‘t waar met stories vergaar
Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!
New cigarette law will not necessarily stop smokers In a new study into the SA government’s proposed introduction of plain tobacco packaging, Helvin Manuel, an MBA graduate of the University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB), found that this alone would not be enough to reduce the consumption of tobacco products and it would have a significant impact on law enforcement and taxes. As part of his MBA, Manuel studied the potential impact of non-branded packaging on the purchasing behaviour and product experience of cigarette consumers drawing on additional learning from Australia, the first in the world to implement such a strategy in 2011. With the legal market size of the SA tobacco industry estimated to be more than 20 billion cigarette sticks, valued in excess of R30 billion, the possibility of this new legislation is a concern to the local tobacco industry as it could potentially have a direct impact on profit margins. “Since the amendment to the Tobacco Product Control Act implemented in 1999 banning all advertising, packaging has become an important part of marketing with signifi-
Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen
Die varkies is tuis
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
cant investments to differentiate between brands in different segments, to increase brand equity and perceived quality and to serve as an advertising tool.” Manuel’s simulation study of 22 SA smokers who each had to smoke their brand in plain white packs for a period of five days, found that the longer consumers interacted with the plain tobacco packaging, the more familiar they became with the packs and that seemed to lessen the initial negative perceptions. Some even indicated that they might use cigarette holders as a substitute which could potentially offer some form of branding opportunities for tobacco manufacturers. “Since all brand equity had been removed from the cigarette packaging and without product differentiation tobacco manufacturers cannot charge a premium for their various products. Some consumers indicated that they did not get the same value from their brands and felt that the prices of cigarettes should be standardised across the board. This could potentially increase the demand and usage of cigarettes mirroring what happened in the Australian market where the decline in prices resulted in an increase in consumption.” However Manuel found that the value for money consumer approved more of the plain packs. “The taste of the cigarettes and the price of the packs are more important than the image of the brand.” Manuel says that although governments have good intentions with the implementation of plain tobacco packaging, there are certain unintended consequences that have to be taken into account when such legislation is drafted.
“Plain tobacco packaging will make counterfeiting of original products easier and pose a challenge for law enforcement. This illicit trade could also lead to governments losing money from possible taxes that could have been received from the legal tobacco industry. A study conducted by KPMG in 2013 in Australia found that the increase in illicit products since the implementation of plain tobacco packaging has resulted in a loss of £560 million (R12 billion currently) in taxes.” Manuel does point out that non branded packs are seen as less attractive and ‘un-cool’ posing embarrassment which could potentially deter younger people from taking smoking up in the first place. “Smokers are emotional in their behaviour and brand choices. Many took up smoking due to peer pressure, the perceived social acceptance and the status the brand equity of premium cigarettes portrayed. My study found that the psychological impact of the non-branded packs led to some consumers experiencing a change in the taste and performance of the cigarettes, although the product itself had not changed. This will even have a direct impact on new consumers considering taking up smoking.” The participants in the research study all started smoking between the ages of 12 and 21 years with well over 80% starting whilst at school. They had to complete a daily online journal, expressing their interaction with the plain packs over the five days by way of preset questionnaires prepared by Manuel and a live online forum on completion.
Hans Merensky dam
Ebenezer dam 015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951
Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 / 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 / 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.
Stand van Damme | Dam Levels Tel: 015 307 1530 | Fax: 082 586 7023 watermaat@telkoms.net
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Source: www.dwaf.gov.za Information updated: 06/06/2016
Tzaneen 34.1%
Ebenezer 75.8%
Merensky 99.2%
Dap Naude 92.7%
Middel Letaba 26.3%
Blyde Rivier Poort 69.8%
Klaserie 51.8%
Tours 46.8%
Vergelegen 92.3%
Ohrigstad 6.9%
Die senior burgers van Macadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin. Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 • lynette@fsabrokers.co.za
Baie Dankie!
10 June 2016
Ons maak verskoning vir beloftes oor nuusberigte wat ons nie vandag nakom nie. Ons het ‘n lang lys van sake wat ons met die GTM probeer uitklaar, maar ons misluk keer op keer. Ingevolge ons etiese kode publiseer ons nie sonder om die ander kant/party(e) geleentheid op kommentaar te bied nie. Dit werk egter nie meer met die GTM nie. Die Bulletin word reeds sedert Oktober verlede jaar deur die GTM met advertensies geboikot. Ons het dit reeds aan die burgemeester, die munisipale bestuurder, die finansiële bestuurder en selfs die regsbeampte gestel dat ons nie met advertensie gekoop kan word nie, al is advertensies ‘n koerant se lewensbloed. Die waarnemende (al vir sowat drie jaar) hoof van kommunikasie van die GTM is so besig met politieke speletjies om sy seniors te beïndruk, dat hy in elk geval nie sy werk doen nie. Hy reageer nie eens op navrae nie. Ons het na drie weke se gesukkel ‘n afspraak met die speaker gekry, wat blyk om om te gee vir die sake van die GTM en hulp wil verleen. Maar toe ons Dinsdagog-
gend om 08:00 vir ‘n afspraak met hom opdaag, was hy nie beskikbaar nie — vanweë ‘n krisis, is ons meegedeel. Ons sal dus nou ‘n ander roete volg, ten einde verslag te kan doen aan die gemeenskap oor die sake waarop inwoners antwoorde verdien. Die volgende sake is op ons lys en ons sal volgende week sonder kommentaar van die GTM die sake oopvlek: • Ons het inligting (met dokumente in ons besit) oor “probleme” met die GTM se beleid en toepassing van beheer oor buite-advertensies en plakkate ien die toekenning van kontrakte hiervoor • Die GTM se verordeninge (by-laws) wat vrae laat ontstaan • Nog inligting oor die GTM se elektristeitsprobleme en die donkerte wat op die dorp en distrik wag • Vrae oor GTEDA, Radio GTfm, die parke-afdeling, personeelaanstellings, misbruik van munisipale eiendom, die verkeersgevaar in Claude Wheatley-straat, ensovoorts. Ons sal nou oor die sake berig, sonder verdere pogings om die GTM se kommentaar te vra.
Tzaneen verloor hoof van elektrisiteit Tzaneen se direkteur: elektriese ingenieurswese, mnr Pierre van den Heever, het bedank en hy sal aan die einde van Julie die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit se diens verlaat. Hy het ‘n pos in die WesKaap aanvaar. Van den Heever het op 1 Mei 1991 diens as adjunk-hoof van elektrisiteit van die destydse Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aanvaar. In die 25 jaar sedert hy in Tzaneen begin werk het, het die dorp baie uitgebrei en na 1994 het die distrik se las op elektrisiteitsinfrastruktuur geweldig verhoog. Van den Heever is die enigste persoon in die elektrisiteitsafdeling wat ‘n lisensie van die Regering het, soos wat deur die
Regruk-beraad vir Tzaneen belê Boere en die publiek van Tzaneen word vanoggend tot orde geroep om die skaal van misdaad en die voorkoming daarvan in beheer te kry. Mense van alle sektore van die landbou kom om 09:30 op die skouterrein byeen, om ‘n gesonde grondslag te vorm vir plaasveiligheid, samewerking met die polisie en die handhawing van orde in die groter Letabagebied. Die byeenkoms is deur AgriLetaba gereël, in samewerking met veiligheidstakke van boereverenigings wat steeds sukkel om ‘n werkbare gedragskode oor veiligheid in die gemeenskap ingestel te kry. Dit volg op ‘n opskerpingsplan van Tzaneen se SA Polisiediens wat die herontplooiing van nuwe “ou” lede gelas het, om ‘n verskil aan die bestaande misdaadstatistiek te maak. Lt Gen Maggie Mathebula is uit Polokwane teruggeroep om as sektorhoof te dien, terwyl haar voorganger, brig Thomas Shingange, as bevelvoerder van die Tzaneen-polisiekantoor aangestel is. Albei het wye ervaring van die gebied en sy misdaadpatroon. Volgens AgriLetaba sal dit ‘n einde bring aan onlangse on-
sekerheid in polisiekringe oor ‘n afwatering van magte wat deur die veiligheidsgroepe in die SAPD ervaar is. Mnr Corrie Large, belas met veiligheid by AgriLetaba, het Woensdag by AgriLetaba se maandvergadering gesê vandag se vergadering sal ‘n nuwe dimensie aan veiligheid gee. Duidelike stiplyne sal getrek word om te sien hoe elkeen in die veiligheidsketting inskakel. As dit gedoen is, sal die polisie ingeroep word om hul rol in die orde te verstaan. Vanoggend se byeenkoms is op aandrang van mnr Willem van Vuuren, die uitvoerende hoof van AgriLimpopo, wat ingeskakel is by alle sektore van veiligheid in die provinsie. Hy is hoogs bekommerd oor die swak reaksie op plaasveiligheid in Tzaneen en omstreke. Hy het aan boere gesê noodmaatreels is reeds in werking in die westelike dele van Limpopo en ook in die verre oostelike dele, maar tussenin is daar ‘n leemte wat sy hare laat rys. “Kom ons stel ‘n grondplan saam waarmee ons die SAPD in misdaadbestryding kan help. Dis nie ‘n bakleisessie nie, maar ‘n poging om almal van ons in veiligheid tot orde te roep.”
Wet vereis word. Sy opvolger sal dus van buite moet kom en daar is ‘n erge tekort aan gelisensieerde elektristeitsingenieurs in die land. Van den Hever sê hy verlaat Tzaneen met ‘n swaar hart, want 25 jaar in ‘n gemeenskap maak mens absoluut deel van die gemeenskap. AgriLetaba se boere het Woensdag met skok by hul maandvergadering van Van den Heever se bedanking kennis geneem en daar is gesê hy het nooit moeite ontsien om boere te help as hulle elektrisiteitsprobleme ondrvind het nie.
10 June 2016
Rugby brawl investigated
Avo-reus ontwaak Makgoba Afrika is die naam wat in die nabye toekoms uit die heuwels van die Sapekoe Teelandgoed buite Tzaneen sal weerklink, as een van die grootste avokadoprodusente ter wêreld. Dit is die blye vooruitsig vir die toekoms van 2 250 ha grond van die Makgoba Trust, waarvan ‘n groot deel in sukkelende teeplantasies verval het en binne die volgende dekade teen ‘n kapitale koste van minstens R500 miljoen ontwikkel sal word. Die Makgobas het ‘n verdere 2 500 ha, wat hoofsaaklik bosbou, subtropiese vrugte en natuurbewaringsveld huisves. Die nuwe projek van waardeskepping word toegeskryf aan ‘n fyn saamgestelde reddingsplan in samewerking met die avo- en tamatiereus ZZ2, wat ‘n notariële verbintenis van veertig jaar met die Makgobas gesluit het om die 591 begunstigdes van die Trust na volhoubaarheid te lei en die grond se produksievermoë optimaal te benut, tot almal se voordeel. Mnr Tommie van Zyl, die besturende direkteur van Bertie van Zyl Boerdery (Edms) Bpk (ZZ2), sê die benadering tot die herontwikkeling van die Makgobas en Sapekoe was uit die staanspoor deursigtig, met twee vereistes wat tot sukses sou lei. Die eerste was geduld om die voorwaardes en regstegniese aspekte in lyn te bring, en tweedens sou niemand in die proses by die regering gaan bakhand staan om gehelp te word nie. ZZ2 se masjinerie het reeds met die ontbossing van die teeplantasies op Geluksfontein naby Politsi begin, waar sowat 110 ha skoonge-
maak is. “Ons is beslis nie agter die grond aan nie, want ZZ2 het self meer as 1 600 ha in voorraad vir avo-verbouing,” sê Van Zyl. Dis volgens hom ‘n bemagtigenBJ van Zyl de ontwikkeling deur vennootskap om die omgewing van Tzaneen te bevoordeel. Avo-boorde net noord van Politsi wat deur ZZ2 ontwikkel is, is as voorbeelde aan die Makgoba Trust gewys van hoe die ontwikkeling by Sapekoe vorentoe sal lyk. Die bemarkingsnaam sal Makgoba Afrika wees en dit word bedryf deur Makgoba Asset Management (MAM), met mnr BJ van Zyl as projekbestuurder. Die aandeelhouding in die ontwikkeling van Makgoba Asset Management, soos die projek bekend staan, is 49% deur die Makgoba Trust en 49% deur ZZ2. Kwessies wat nog uitgestryk moet word, is die invordering van huurgeld op verskeie wonings op die landgoed wat aan private mense verhuur word. ‘n Dagbestuur is glo verantwoordelik hiervoor, maar huurders kla oor water, krag en swak diens. Pekoe Tea Garden, ‘n toeristerestourant wat al baie jare bestaan, moes sy deure sluit weens die gebrek aan water. Met die nuwe vennootskap het ZZ2 reeds gesorg dat ‘n trustrekening vir die doel geskep is, terwyl voorsiening ook vir veiligheid op die hele terrein gemaak is.
The dust has not settled, after last week’s report by the Bulletin about an incident in a primary schools rugby match between Tzaneen Primary and Louis Trichardt Primary. A complaint was lodged with the Blue Bulls Limpopo Primary Schools Rugby Union against a Louis Trichardt Primary rugby player involved in a brawl during his school’s game against Tzaneen Primary. This was confirmed by the union’s chairperson, Mr Gustav Grobler. According to him, the matter is not being taken lightly. In response to the article and our request for him to comment on the incident, Louis Trichardt Primary School headmaster Mr Louis Linde, condemned his pupil’s behaviour in the strongest terms. “We are a value-driven school and our learners respect our values. This was an isolated incident and in the past ten years an incident like this, has never been recorded,” he said. “According to our disciplinary code, the learner was disciplined and
Haenertsburg Rotary Interact Club (based at Stanford Lake College) visited the children’s oncology ward at Polokwane Hospital. Last year, one of SLC’s teachers was receiving treatment for breast cancer at the hospital. She reported back to us that there are large numbers of
Former director back in court The former director of water services of the Mopani District Municipality (MDM), Itumeleng Charmaine Ledwaba, was back in the Tzaneen Magistrate’s Court. She joined the MDM in
November 2009, when she was appointed as a project manager and in July 2012 as the director of water services with an annual salary of more than R2 million. In September that year she
was suspended after it was alleged that the municipal preliminary investigations discovered that she might have produced fraudulent qualifications when applying for the position.
On Wednesday the case was in court again, in order for Ledwaba’s lawyer to confirm their availability for the case to be heard on 28 June. — Gittel Baloyi
consultation sessions took place. A meeting with the parents and coaches was conducted to discuss the way forward. The learner regrets his behaviour and has apologised.” Linde was not available when we tried to contact him last week and the previous week, since he had to attend to official education department matters in Polokwane and elsewhere. However, when we finally managed to connect Linde he dealt with our enquiry in a courteous, very matured, transparent and open way. In the meantime Grobler said about the matter: “A disciplinary hearing will be held in the following week, or just after the long weekend, with the boy in question and his parents, coaches and the relevant parties. I cannot comment on the outcome of the hearing, nor am I at liberty to discuss the incident as all the facts have not yet been discussed by the senior members of the board”. He added: “This was an isolated incident and the first of its kind in the last year
people and children receiving cancer treatment at the oncology unit and that the patients could really do with caring people to visit and help. The Interact Club decided to make up “care packs” for the children in the children’s oncology ward. The club members made play-dough, sourced
since my term as chairperson of this union started. We will issue a media statement on the outcome of the hearing after the sitting.” Bulletin reported on an incident during a rugby match between the two schools, where a 12-year old flanker from Tzaneen Primary was assaulted by a prop from the opposing team. The victim suffered concussion and some bruising as a result of the beating and received medical treatment at Mediclinic Tzaneen the following day. Bulletin’s report, and accompanying photographs of the fight, caused uproar in the local rugby community specifically over social media where parents raised their concerns over the governing of the sport at primary school level to prevent such incidents from occurring. Sadly some people, including a schools rugby trainer, chose rather to target the messenger (Bulletin) about reporting on the incident than to condemn the incident. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com
colouring-in books and crayons and added items such as face cloths, soap, water and a few treats to eat (apples, chocolates and biscuits). Ms Gani donated apples for the packs. The packs were delivered and the interaction gave a better sense of how to help in the future.
Radio Merensky goes live
Radio Merensky is die jongste toevoeging tot die Hoërskool Merensky se arsenaal. Die radiostasie is dié week in gebruik geneem, tydens ‘n geselligheid wat deur ouers en ondersteuners van die skool bygewoon is. Bo is die ateljee met ‘n omroeper besig om ‘n gesprek oor die lug met ‘n “lid van die publiek” te voer. Links bo is gaste by die inwyding: mee Una Schoeman en Halashia Biewenga van die Laerskool Tzaneen en onder is mnr Donovan en me Diana Lewis.
10 June 2016
House Robberies are on the increase Crime in and around Tzaneen’s residential areas has picked up momentum as a number of incidents were reported by local security companies this last week. In the most recent incident a middle-aged woman was robbed at knifepoint in her home in King Edward Street in broad daylight. The incident occurred on Saturday afternoon as the victim was taking her laundry off the line. She lives with her daughter who was reportedly not at home at the time. When the lady took the laundry in she was followed inside by a young male. The suspect wielded a knife and demanded she hand over all cel-
lular phones in the home. Moments later he fled with her handbag and one phone. She did not sustain any injuries during the robbery and armed response units from local security companies responded to an emergency call. A search for the suspect was launched and the SAPS were activated. Forensic investigators combed the scene, but at the time of going to print no arrests had yet been made. This is the second incident of its kind reported in King Edward Street in the last two months. In April an elderly citizen was overpowered in his house in this infamous street,
by two armed men who gained entry to his. The man was assaulted by the suspects and robbed of the money he had on his person. Only after grabbing an antique rifle off his wall, did the two assailants flee. “We urge citizens in Tzaneen to be vigilant when they are at home, no matter what time of day it may be,” warned Northern Security officer Marius Jacobs. “The criminals are no longer afraid to enter your premises during the day, especially when they know you are alone at home. Keep your safety gates locked at all times and never let anyone into your property if you don’t know the person.”
Staatmaker biblotekaresse tree af Sy het haar taak Letsitele se gerespekteerde bibliotemet toewyding, vriendelikheid karesse, me Marie van der Westhuizen, en kunstigheid uitgevoer. Elkeen het na 24 jaar van wat inligting by uitstaande diens aan die lesersgemeendie biblioteek gesoek het, is gehelp skap, leerlinge en studente van Leten die biblioteek sitele en die omgebars uit sy nate met kinders wat wing afgetree. Van der Westhuiinligting soek. Onder haar leidzen het van April Van der Westhuizen en me Christine Nel, die GTM se hoofbibliotekaresse ing het Letsitele 1993 vir die Noordelike Distriksraad as se Biblioteekbibliotekaresse in die Letsitele Bib- komitee ontstaan, wat uitstekende lioteek gewerk. Die biblioteek en werk gedoen het deur geldinsameaangrensende kantore is op 1 Junie ling om nuwe boeke te koop en hulp 2001 deur die Groter Tzaneen Mu- te verleen met puik vakansie- en nisipaliteit oorgeneem en sy het toe kunsvlytprogramme. vir die GTM begin werk. Die biblioteek was die eerste van
die GTM se biblioteke wat die elektroniese uitleenstelsel gebruik het, wat getuig van haar harde werk en waagmoed om nuwe dinge in te stel en aan te wend. Sy is as onderwyser opgelei en het ‘n hele paar bibliotekarisse en biblioteekassistente deeglik opgelei. Juis danksy dit sal die goeie diens by die biblioteek steeds gelewer word. Sy is bemin deur haar kollegas en twee vaarwelpartytjies is vir haar gereël: een deur die biblioteekpersoneel van al vyf die GTM se biblioteke, en nog een deur haar kollegas by die GTM se kantoor in Letsitele. Haar personeel, mee Ouma Kheswa, Siphiwe Ngobeni en Ouma Mamaregane, sal haar baie mis.
According to Jacobs, Park Street, Aquapark and Premier Park are currently hotspots for criminal activity and specifically house robberies. He said that the notorious “Bolt Cutter” has also become a cause for concern. “We now have information that he is not working alone and has an accomplice. Their modus operandi is to gain access to your home through cutting the burglar bars with a bolt cutter. We therefore emphasise the importance of closing all your windows at night when you go to sleep.” — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com
Susie Lancefield Ms Susie Lancefield (86) of Macadamia Retirement Village in Tzaneen, died last Thursday. Lancefield was a third generation Tzaneenite. She was crowned Carnation Queen at the Tzaneen Town Hall Ball in 1947 at
the age of 17. She was well-known and loved in Tzaneen. She leaves three daughters — Elizabeth, Joan and Jennifer — as well as grandchildren. Her funeral was on Wednesday.
Tyd raak min om te bespreek om Amanda Strydom in ‘n eksklusiewe sanguitvoering in Merensky se skoolsaal op 21 Junie te hoor en te sien. Dié ikoon besoek Tzaneen vir die eerste keer en die program sluit al haar tydlose gunstelinge in. Sy het vanjaar die Fiësta Toekenning gewen, vir beste prestasie in ‘n musiekgedrewe produksie
(“Die hele boksemdaais”). Die bekende oud-Plasiekunstenaar, Philip-Jan van Zyl, tree in die kort voorprogram op en beloof om, soos in die verlede, te beïndruk. Pak ‘n piekniekmandjie en ondersteun die Merensky-wynkroeg. Gly na quicket.com op die internet en soek vir Amanda Strydom (of gaan direk na qkt.io/amandastrydom) vir moeitevrye besprekings. Navrae: Mari Weber by 082 440 1555.
10 June 2016
Ons Mening
We look back at the past twelve years...
The Message
10 Junie 2016 Rev Ron Reiners Anglican Church
Goeie nuus
Goeie nuus is tans maar bitter skaars in ons land. Die regerende party spog graag met die goeie boodskap wat hulle het, maar dit is ‘n boodskap wat ongelukkig mank gaan aan die nodige geloofwaardigheid. Tzaneen is gelukkig dat ons vandag (eksklusief op die voorblad) goeie nuus vir die omgewing kan aankondig. Ons is al maande lank bewus van die projek, maar op versoek van die betrokke partye het ons dit met die nodige vertroulikheid gehanteer; totdat ons gister die groen lig gekry het om te publiseer. Die presiese omvang van die projek in monetêre terme is nie vir algemene kennis bedoel nie, maar ons kan bevestig dat baie miljoene rand in die ontbossing van die teeplantasies en die aanplant van avokadoboorde belê word. Dat een van die land se grootste en suksesvolste boerdery-ondernemings die projek bestuur en in vennootskap met die Makgobas sal bedryf en bestuur, bied daaraan geloofwaardigheid en die versekering dat dinge reg gedoen sal word. Baie nuwe werkgeleenthede wat geskep word, is van die beste nuus vir ons omgewing en dit kom baie tydig. Dat Makgoba Afrika oor ‘n paar jaar valuta vir die land sal verdien, is verdere goeie nuus. Eweneens is die goeie inspuiting wat dit noodwendig vir sakevertroue in die plaaslike ekonomie sal gee, uiters welkom. Ons verwelkom die koms van Makgoba Afrika en wens die Makgobas en die ZZ2-groep groot sukses toe. Mag Makgoba Afrika gedy.
1368 057 The Numbers 24 9 17 000 The length in kilometers of the world’s longest rail route, spanning Europe and Asia
Report unsolved crime cases to 0800 54 67 67
Local Heroes
June tional and Zuma tional the pieces m in in wane, .
nal is ly on round onour
Stephen Madiye van Tzaneen se Marathonklub het ‘n silwer medalje in die Comrades Marathon verower. Hy is vandag ons plaaslike held vir sy baie goeie prestasie. Op bladsy 16 is die uitslae van die klub se lede wat aan die Comrades deelgeneem en ons gemeenskap trots gemaak het.
Corruption! We read about it daily, it seems to have become the norm of life. We then try to find the guilty party and often put the blame on someone before even knowing the facts.
Op 11 Junie 2004 het die Bulletin op die voorblad eksklusief berig dat ‘n prokureur van Tzaneen, mnr Conrad Krüger, aankondig dat hy R100 miljoen gaan belê in die ontwikkeling van ‘n sekuriteitsoord langs die Tzaneendam (nou bekend as Golden Acres). Daar is verder berig oor die lugskou later daardie maand; en van drie kandidate vir ‘n tussenverkiesing in die GTM se wyk 19.
Who is to blame? Are we too judgemental? What about our own lives, are we too not guilty of corruption in some form or other? The Bible is supposed to be our source of inspiration, our guide to the right way to live, yet often we use it for our own benefit. We quote from the scriptures, yet how often do we understand the true meaning behind them? Using the scriptures for our own gain is a form of corruption, we should use them as an enhancement for all. Tithing to your church is important and you need to know what the money so gained is used for. There must be checks and balances, yet how often do we see “pastors” riding in the top of the range vehicles, which have been given to them from church funds? There is an old saying “he has the gift of the gab” now this can be related to many a preacher and often they can get the people so worked up that they will donate almost anything. Back in history we can also see this same trend; Hitler was able to work the people up that they would be willing to do anything for him, even murder. Now I am not saying that all preachers are corrupt but there are many that are out there for their own gain. Now I have sketched a scenario let me get to the point; I said that we too maybe guilty of corruption, looking at it from a different point of view. We corrupt God’s promises to us by often not believing that they will come true and thus our faith becomes weak. We become spiritually corrupt, turning to other means for gratification to achieve our goals. It takes a really strong person to believe in today’s world, where many are breaking down the institution of the Church as a whole by referring to it as just another means of entertainment. If we look at the pomp and ceremony of some churches, mainline as well, on can easily come to this conclusion. The Church is supposed to be the body of Christ are we not perhaps corrupting it ourselves? Doing our part in spreading the word of God will bring us much joy and we will know that we had no part in the corruption of the church. God Bless
Do you know your councillor?
In less than three month’s time you will enter the polling booth to cast your vote in the municipal elections. Do you know your current councillor? Do you see him regularly? Do you know how and when he attends to the real problems in the community? Markdata conducted a nationwide Omnibus study amongst 2 300 respondents towards the end of last year. Personal, faceto-face interviews were conducted in both urban and rural areas. Fieldwork took place during August 2015 using a structured questionnaire. People were asked whether they had access to, or knew how to get access to their councillors if needed and whether they knew if these councillors had done anything in the past year to improve conditions in their municipal wards. Two thirds (66%) indicated that they do not have access to their councillors. Only around one third (34%) indicated that they do have access. When asked whether they knew if their councillor had done anything in the past year to improve conditions in their ward, a resounding 72% said no and only 28% said yes. For the rating of the councillors the overall Living Standards Measurment Index (LSM) mean score was 3,4 — which is very low indeed. This was cross tabulated by LSM. The lower the LSM the less satisfied respondents were with their councillors. For the lowest LSM (LSM 1) the mean score was 0,3 out of 10 and for the highest (LSM 10) the score was 3,9 out of 10. The responses to the final open-ended question illustrated that negative categories mainly translate into a lack of contact with, and low or non-existent service delivery
and performance by councillors. To conclude, the results do not indicate that local councillors do not perform their functions, rather, that what they do is not visible or that they are not known to the constituents. A little goes a long way in this regard! And ironically, those in lower LSM’s are still not seeing any progress through the actions of their councillors. There is a perception that voters are only acknowledged when their vote is needed, as mentioned by one respondent: “We will see them when it is election time.” Research company Markdata was then asked to include a number of questions as part of the national survey. The researchers were left feeling so unsettled by the findings that they had KPMG check the numbers in the report against those in the survey by Markdata. They all tally up. The results are revealing, to say the least. They confirm an urgent need for South Africa’s government to significantly improve the quality of its administration, as well as economic and social development and service delivery to communities at the local level. The report isolates some of the factors at play in determining the positioning of the various municipalities and makes certain key recommendations to enhance governance. Finally, the report shared Markdata’s analysis on local ward councillors. In the main, it demonstrates that the vast majority of people neither know their ward councillor, nor how to access them, and that they have not experienced any gains from the work of their councillors in the last year. The overall ranking of councillors is poor, averaging less than 4/10 across the sample. The general feeling is
summed up by one indicative comment that “we will see them when it is election time.” This leaves us with a conundrum: if governance in a democratic sense is, as we would like to believe, “of the people, by the people, for the people”, then how can we reconcile this with a situation in which the people largely do not feel represented, are frustrated, dissatisfied and in some instances radically disillusioned — independent of age, colour, gender, language, province or socio-economic group? How can we speak of people governing when they don’t even know — or know how to access — their local councillors at the grassroots level? A legislative defect protects constituency-based town councillors from real accountability to their electorates. The electoral system at the local government level is hybrid, and includes an element of constituency-related activities as well as proportional representation. In the former, citizens in a specific ward directly elect the individual they want to be a ward councillor; in the latter, citizens cast a vote for a political party and it is a party that decides who occupies (in proportion to its gains) the council seat(s) reserved for proportional representation lists. However, once elected, councillors are beholden to the whims of the party that nominated them. It is a dangerous situation in any society where a majority does not believe that the rule of law will be honestly maintained, and where it feels that the taxes it pays will be wasted by corrupt and incompetent officials. * Data was sourced from Statistics South Africa, the Gaffney Local Government Yearbook (2013-2015), the Auditor General’s Reports, the Extended Public Works Programme and the National Treasury.
10 June 2016
Fear lessl y the tr uth
Mazda Motor Corporation unveiled the rotary-powered Mazda RX-VISION sports car concept at the Tokyo Motor Show at the end of last year — and the latest news is that Mazda is working on the concept to build a front-engine, rear-wheel drive sports car with exquisite proportions and powered by the next-generation SkyActiv-R rotary engine. Rotary engines feature a unique construction, generating power through the rotational motion of a triangular rotor. Overcoming numerous technical diffi-
culties, Mazda succeeded in commercializing the rotary engine, fitting it in the Mazda 110S in 1967. As the only automaker to mass-produce the rotary engine, Mazda continued efforts to improve power output, fuel economy and durability, and in 1991 took overall victory at 24 hours of Le Mans with a rotary engine-powered race car. While mass production is currently on hold, Mazda has never stopped research and development efforts towards the rotary engine.
Mazda MX-5 takes top honours Mazda has taken triple honours in the 2016 UK Car of the Year Awards. The all-new Mazda MX-5 was crowned both the Open Top Car of the Year and the overall winner of Car of the Year Awards, whilst the Mazda2 won the Best Supermini category. An independent set of awards specifically aimed at naming the best new cars on the market in the United Kingdom, the UK Car of the Year awards are judged by 27 of Britain’s leading automotive journalists. Taking the overall Car of the Year title, the all-new Mazda MX-5 has added to its impressive awards tally, which includes ten new honours in 2016 alone. It won the Imported Convertible category of German maga-
zine Auto, Motor & Sport’s ‘Best Cars 2016’ reader’s choice awards, and was voted ‘Best Cabrio of the Year’ by Portuguese magazine Turbo. In Australia, the MX-5 was named 2016 Wheels Car of the Year for the third time in the model’s history. It was also voted US News & World Report’s ‘Best Sports Car for the Money 2016’, and, in Canada, TSN Motoring TV’s ‘Sports car of the Year’. Also named 2015-16 Japan Car of the Year and the Japan Automotive Hall of Fame’s 2015-16 Car of the Year, the latest incarnation of the iconic roadster has reaffirmed Mazda’s dominance of the affordable sports car sector. The lightest MX-5 since the iconic original, the all-new Mazda MX-5 is shorter, lower and wider than the outgoing car.
10 June 2016
Celebrating the Legend Solihull, UK, 29 January 2016 — Land Rover celebrated 68 years of history today as the last of the current Defenders was produced at its famous Solihull production facility. At this occasion Dr Ralf Speth, CEO of Jaguar Land Rover, said: “Today we celebrate what generations of men and women have done since the outline for the Land Rover was originally drawn in the sand. The Series Land Rover, now Defender, is the origin of our legendary capability, a vehicle that makes the world a better place, often in some of the most extreme circumstances. There will always be a special place in our hearts for Defender, among all our employees, but this is not the end. We have a glorious past to champion, and a wonderful future to look forward to.” Nick Rogers, Group Engineering Director at Jaguar Land Rover, added: “The world has changed dramatically in the last 68 years, but this vehicle has remained a constant — something no other vehicle can claim. The last of the current Defender models embraces the vehicle’s simplicity, honesty and charm — it represents its Series Land Rover heritage. Creating the Defender of tomorrow, a dream for any engineer or designer, is the next exciting chapter and we are looking forward to taking on that challenge.”
In 1948, the Series I went into full production at Solihull. Postwar Britain was struggling with a shortage of steel, though aluminium was in plentiful supply for the bodyshells and the country had vast manufacturing capacity. Inspiration came from Spencer and Maurice Wilks, two brothers who had devised the Land Rover as a vehicle primarily for farming and agricultural use. They could not have predicted the global impact their vehicle would have. Changes followed and in 1958 the Series II brought about a new design and engine updates, including an advanced diesel engine which remained in service until the mid-1980s. Sales had reached half a million by 1966, while annual production peaked in 1971 with 56 000 units. During the 1970s, the Series III continued to sell as well as its predecessor, a testament to its enduring appeal. The vehicle earned a new name in 1990 — Defender. By this time, the Land Rover portfolio included the Range Rover and the newly-launched Discovery. The original Series I Land Rover cost £450 in 1948. It was powered by a four cylinder 1.6 litre engine with just 50 hp. Since 1948, 2,016,933 Series Land Rovers and Defenders have been built on the production line at Solihull.
Amarok gets a bigger heart Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles is taking things up a notch: the Amarok is getting a bigger ‘heart’ and highlighting its performance potential, thanks to the latest generation of Volkswagen V6 engines. Drivers of the Amarok can look forward in future to the one litre of additional displacement offered by the 3.0-litre engine. The Amarok boasts good on- and off-road capabilities. Its top-of-theline engine delivers 550 Nm of torque and has an output of 165 kW. The powerful top-of-the-line six-cylinder engine produces its maximum torque at only 1 500 rpm. At 550 Nm, this maximum torque is also 130 Nm higher than in the previous model. The highest gears’ long gear ratio in the manual or 8-speed automatic gearbox reduces revs and fuel consumption during consistently fast driving, and in this manner helps ensure low noise levels and low CO² emissions. The combined NEDC fuel consumption of the new Amarok with 165 kW output and a 8-speed automatic gearbox will likely reach a combined diesel consumption of 7,6 litres/100. The model’s engine is designed to be robust and long-lasting. The 3.0 l TDI engine in the new Amarok will be available in three output levels: 120 kW, 150 kW or a top-performing 165 kW. Three different drive-system versions will be offered in line with the respective engine variants: a traditional rear-wheel drive, and a 4MOTION version with either rear-wheel drive and an engageable front axle in combination with a manual gearbox, or with a permanent all-wheel drive system and a Torsen differential with the 8-speed automatic gearbox.
New Servotronic Steering
The Servotronic steering system is new in the Amarok and will be available as standard equipment in Europe. This system is one of the reasons why the Amarok can be driven very precisely. The Amarok will also have new 17-inch brake discs on the front axle of the 165-kW Amarok and 16-inch discs at the rear. The Automatic Post-Collision Braking System, which has won multiple awards, is also included as standard. The powerful impression the Amarok makes is underscored by a more athleticlooking front end and an all-new dashboard. Together with new ergonomic seats, they lend the vehicle a more sophisticated and valuable appearance. With a length of 5,25 metres and a width of 2.23 metres (mirrors included), the Amarok delivers what one would expect from a classic pickup. The the load platform in the four-door Amarok can accommodate a Euro-pallet loaded sideways. A payload capacity of more than one tonne is possible, depending on the equipment features selected. In future, some variants of the new Amarok will also boast a towing capacity of up to 3,5 tonnes.
Larger wheels
The wheels in the various equipment levels offered with the Amarok are now larger, which makes for an even more powerful and sporty appearance. The top model features 20-inch alloy wheels and the Park Distance Control parking assistant, which utilises a rear-view camera. Bi-xenon headlights, LED daytime running lights, LED licence plate lighting and LED-illuminated side sills under the doors add to the new Amarok’s overall appearance. BELOW: The new V6 turbo diesel engine for the new Amarok (top of the range)
10 June 2016
10 June 2016
The new Astra
– Europe’s Car of the Year 2016 You won’t like the new Astra; if you are satisfied with the mundane. The new Opel Astra was recently announced as the 2016 European Car of the Year in the C-class hatchback division. One look at this sexy new offering from the GM stable should be enough to change the mind of even the most cynical of sceptics. German precision meets artistic design as the Opel philosophy manifests itself perfectly in this slender new athlete. The Astra not only makes a striking first impression, but pioneering technology compliments its aesthetically pleasing appearance. The new Astra features intelligent safety and warning systems which include the
The new Opel Astra was recently announced 2016 European Car of the Year and is also available from Simpson Motors.
Opel Eye Camera system with Traffic Sign Assistant, Lane Departure Warning, Lane Keep Assist, Following Distance Assist and Forward Collision Alert. Possibly the sharpest new addition to the vehicle’s tech, is the
introduction of the IntelliLux LED Matrix. These new headlights not only increase visibility, but give the vehicle a very sporty, sleek appearance. The IntelliLux LED headlamp is the first in its class and offers the driver high-
R254 000*
Impress the Luxury Class. Remote power door locks, Speed-sensitive power steering, Electronic Stability Program Plus (ESP®Plus) with Anti-lock Braking System and Hill Start Assist, Tyre Pressure Monitoring System, Front and side airbags, driver and front passenger, Curtain airbags, Airbag deactivation switch, front passenger airbags. And that’s just the Base model.
The all-new Astra Hatch. Now available at Simpson Motors.
TEL: 015 307 5010 FAX: 086 564 8885 ADDRESS: 2 DANIE JOUBERT STREET, TZANEEN
*On-the-Road & Registration Fees Excluded. T’s & C’s Apply. Model/s shown may differ. Errors & Omissions Excepted.
beam visibility without interfering with oncoming traffic. Combined with innovative driver-assistance systems, this new Astra delivers a safer, stress-free driving experience. The Astra further offers keyless entry with Start/Stop, park assist and optional rear view camera. With its premium interior design and new ergonomic seats, the Opel Astra is unique in its class, being more practical and healthier than ever. Drive in comfort with 4-way lumbar support seat cushion extensions, improved recline functionality and higher quality materials for density and durability. The low tailgate sill makes loading and unloading easy while the standard 60/40 split provides flexible seat configuration. The new generation Opel engines deliver ample power to its lightweight frame. This means a more sporty, responsive drive that carries the benefit of being more economical. A 110kW 1.4 litre engine has a top speed that will get your heart racing. It is also available in a 77kW 1.0 litre Turbo ecoFLEX engine which emits just 102 g/km CO2. A choice between manual or automatic transmissions adds to buyer satisfaction. While the compact 6-speed manual is perfectly balanced for suburban and highway roads, the 6-speed automatic option offers a more comfortable, reflexive and fuel-efficient ride. For more information on this exciting new addition to the GM family, or to take the new Astra for a spin, feel free to contact Simpson Motors at 4 Danie Joubert Street or contact Marco on 015 307 5010.
10 June 2016
Social • Churches • Cultural • Schools • Sport • Skole • Kultuur • Kerke • Sosiaal Hanertsburg Silvermist Fair 17 – 19 June
The list of interesting and exciting traders and therapists for this year’s Silvermist Holistic and Health Fair has grown considerably. Along with the traders and therapists there will also be workshops and talks that visitors can attend. For updates and more detail go to our Facebook page Silver Mist Holistic and Health Fair and or the website www.holisticfair.co.za. For information: Megan on 082 479 7285 or email at gardinermegan2@gmail.com.
Bela Bela Bosveld Jagters 18 Junie
Die Bosveld Jagters en Wildbewaring vereniging se lede gaan op 18 Junie in Bela Bela aan ‘n skietdag deelneem. Om daar te kom: Ry tot in Bela Bela en neem Voortrekkerstraat. Ry tot by For Ever Resorts Warmbadâ, draai regs uit op die Elandsfontein, Alma, Rankens Pass-pad (kyk vir aanwysingsbord). Dit is Groblerstraat en volg die roete vir 550 m en draai slap links in Robertsonstraat. Volg die pad vir 9,2 km tot by die skietbaan op die linkerkant van die pad. Daar is ‘n BJV bord by die hek. Inskrywings: voor of op Woendag 15 Junie. Koste: R200 per volwasene en R100 per kind. Inskrywings ook op Saterdag 18 Junie. Koste dan R250/volw en R150/ kind wat in kontant betaal moet word. Navrae: Anel Heinlein by admin@sheldonrpinsloo.co.za of faks na e-pos by 086 532 4795 of telefoon 015 516 1431. Geen 300 Magnum en 338 Magnum
kalibers toegelaat nie. Inskiet van 06:30 tot 08:25. Enige senterslag-kaliber kleiner as 300 Mag en 338 Mag mag gebruik word. Dertig patrone is nodig. Verversings: Skietinskrywings sluit ‘n ete in (wors en pap en sous). Bring eie eetgoed, koeldrank en water vir die dag saam. Gratis koffie en pannekoek die oggend voor skiet. Navrae: Rudi by 076 869 7111.
Wedding Expo Exhibitions R500 for 2 days
& Matric Farewell 25&26 June’16
Big stands R1000
Georges Valley 4x4 Day 18 June
The Georges Valley 4x4 Day will be held on Saturday 18 June at The Hub. All entries and tickets must be done online. This year the organisers are also hosting an Obstacle Course for the more serious and experienced drivers, or three Trails starting at 07:00, 09:00 and 11:00. The trails are more family focused and can be driven by novice drivers. As always, no GVA function will be without excellent entertainment in the tent. This year’s entertainer will be Michael Ferguson, a name that is synonymous with music and has been rocking audiences across the country for seven years. Entry: R150 p/p. Visit www. georgesvalley.co.za for more information.
Letsitele Markdag 9 Julie
Die Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen wil op 9 Julie ‘n markdag by die Eiland hou. Enigiets wat nie in hul winkel of restaurant of kroeg verkoop word nie, mag aangebied word. Mense wat bereid is om te help met die reëlings en om op die dag diens te doen, moet met die kerkkantoor skakel.
Fashion Show Times 25 Jun 10:00-11:00 & 14:00-15:00
Contact Katryn 078 371 0909 Free for Spectators 015 307 2100 | sdippenaar@broll.com GPS Co-ordinates
Send your info to editor@bulletin.us.com or send a fax to 015 307 7684 or call on 015 307 7248 For more info about this event scan the QR code with your smartphone
Business directory | Sakegids
Ultimate Security
NGRAJE GUEST HOUSE Accommodation / Marabalo
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Eugene: 078 460 4667 • Office: 015 307 1768 32 Hospital Street, Tzaneen
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Day Rest: R150 Over Night: R250
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Address: 23 Maritz, Aqua Park, Tzaneen WEEKLY & MONTHLY ACCOMMODATION
Contact: 071 510 9220 • 060 408 2696
Jacques de Beer 072 731 4084
jacquesdb@crusadertechnologies.co.za www.crusadertechnologies.co.za
CCTV, Clocking Systems, Electric Fencing, Alarm Systems & Access Control Systems
Tzaneen 015 307 2493 / 015 307 1768 32 Hospital Street, Tzaneen www.trellidor.co.za
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OVERNIGHT Courier Service
015 297 8964 • 083 417 6126 22 Industria Street, Industria, Polokwane, 0699 www.lekkerfireplaces.co.za
10 June 2016
Smouskous l Classifieds
We will beat any written quote!!
071 063 4983 24 Hour
Emergency Plumber Forum Makelaars/ Brokers Vir al u korttermyn versekeringsbehoeftes Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 / 6157 Sleebok 015 307 6005 Granite, monuments, Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops, marble
Mar109 ______________________
Services Dienste The Bargain Shop Ons koop en verkoop goedere van waarde vir kontant. We buy and sell goods of value for cash. Electrical equipment, crockery. Furniture. Old and new tools. Books and much more. Marinda: 083 576 7618 Hennie: 083 651 0936 Sep405___________________________
DEBT STRESS Contact us for professional, confidential advice on 015 307 2772. Branches in Tzaneen, Phalaborwa and Giyani. Registered Debt Counsellor with the NCR. Feb202___________________ Hobby Print For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382. Aug110___________________________
Gintec Auto Electrical Electronic ignition system Electronic fuel injection Electronic diagnostics & scan General wiring & re-wiring Accessories installation & fitment Alarms, anti-hi-jack & immobilisers Starter motor & alternator repairs, services and sales Contact: 072 033 5534 / 015 306 0369 Visit: 6 Antimony Street, New industrial area
Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248 to advertise Wenkem SA Micro Element Blaarvoeding Na oes bederfmiddels Plaagdoders Citrosol wakes Cor Greyling 082 856 5445 Steve Smuts 071 819 3269
Bed City South Africa’s most affordable base & mattress set 40 Danie Joubert Street next to Dulux Centre Contact us 015 307 4855 Okt504___________________________
Dulux Paint Centre Need paint or other supplies? Get in touch right away 40 Danie Joubert Street 015 307 7756 Okt505___________________________
Aandag alle skoolverlatendes Wat verder gaan studeer of gaan werk soek, jy gaan verseker ‘n lisensie nodig kry. Moet nie wag tot dit te laat is nie, besoek N.D.S vir die regte raad en rybewys. 015 307 7430 Gideon 083 262 0363
The Invisible Chef We will surprise your mouth! Birthday parties Office lunches Weddings Year end functions Elna 083 371 9190 Cindy 079 692 1180 Feb305___________________________
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Need a good cleanup now that the holiday visitors has left? For all your upholstery cleaning and carpets. Ask us about Master guard. You know us and our work Eugene or Yvonne 071 783 7112 081 301 6018 Des101______________________
Steynberg Trok & trekker 8 Ton trokke te huur. R21.00/km + btw, 12 ton trok R23/km + btw & 20 ton @ R30/km + btw eenrigting. Skakel vir Kwotasie: 076 410 9503/ 082 851 7139 Of 015 345 1192 084 627 0956 Jan402_______________
Services Dienste
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Beyleveld Industries Kham A Valante Travel & Tours Shuttle Coaches Matsebane Nomvela (managing director) 072 795 1770 087 150 1775 Fax: 086 583 5379 www.kgomozadrivingschool. co.za info@kgomozadrivingschool. co.za Tzaneen, Polokwane, Phalaborwa, Hoedspruit, Hazyview, Nelspruit, Witbank, Pretoria, Naboomspruit, Johannesburg, OR Tambo International Airport. Jan406____________________ Kham A Valante Travel & Tours Shuttle Coaches Matsebane Nomvela (managing director) 072 795 1770 087 150 1775 Services Offered Scholar Transport Shuttle (Tzaneen – Johannesburg) Pack & Drive Touring (Tour Operators) Airport Transfers Picnic, workshop/ group travelling Tour Guides (on Board) Free Wi-Fi on board, DVD, Radio & CD. Air conditioned Jan407____________________
Project Services For : Steel fabrication + construction Palisade Fencing Water and Sewerage treatment, Mechanical, Erectors, Ventilation, Carports, General welding Alf Wandrag: 082 490 9719 Email: awandrag@mweb.co.za
Services Dienste
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Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Faks: 086 262 3152 083 252 8928
Mille Flora Vir tuininstandhouding en tuinuitleg. skakel ons. Jy sal verbaas wees oor die verskil wat ons aan jou tuin kan maak. Skakel Riesl op 083 407 8061
Agri Box Kontak ons vir enige pakmateriaal. 5c Rietbokstraat 015 307 1863
Danie Vaughan 083 307 2076
Zama-Zama Building Services We are the best in construction services. Scotcth roofs, roof leaks and painting, ceiling all types, painting, paving and renovations, Tiling floors/ roofs, built in cupboards and wardrobes etc. Building and Plastering Contact Dumisani 073 968 8718 Feb104___________________________
Instant Lawn Kitsgras van hoogstaande gehalte. Prys R25.00 per Vierkante meter. Aflewering ekstra Skakel: Hennie Maartens 015 307 4562 of 073 872 8031 all ure Jan512____________________________
Borehole Investigation
Underwater video camera system to observe the general condition of your borehole i.e. blockages, aquifers, water levels, condition of casings. etc. Contact Rynier de Jager @ 079 883 5655
DASS Refrigeration, air conditioning. Repairs, spares and services to all makes of domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Whirlpool, Defy, Bosch, etc. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, Tzaneen. 015 307 1798 082 8980 468 Tzaneen Concrete Manufacturing For all your concrete fencing repairs and installations, plus concrete floor instruction works. FOR A FREE QUOTE Phone Gabriella. OFFICE HOURS Cell: 078 183 4639 or 073 909 9200 Jan102_____________________________
Oceana Tool & Plant Hire Bull dozer, TLB’s, Excavators Contact: Renier Kruger 083 245 1031 or Calla Kruger at 084 812 6062
On site Repairs Air conditioner sales Service Fridges, Freezers, washing machines, tumble dryers, Dishwashers, stoves 087 751 2333 / 015 386 8735 Mar110______________________
015 307 7168
Branches in Letaba Crossing and Letsitele Open!!
Self storages with security to let. 9.18 and 32 sqm. From R250, R500, R1 000 pm plus vat. Contact 083 265 3129 or 083 451 9557
Gerrie: 074 389 3648 Ben: 0747140809 E-mail: beyleveldind@gmail.com
Services Dienste
Concrete slabs Phone Hans for a quotation 082 804 5282
Your go-to-guys on fireplaces and braais Contact us on 015 297 8964 083 417 6126
Feel like hitting your head against a brick wall? Tired of communication downtime? Unified Network Services Wireless – Broadband – Mobile – Certified Cabling – Fiber Unified Internet Services Business Internet – Home Internet – Hosting (E-mail & Domain) DSL – Lease Lines – Managed VPN Unified IP Telco Provider IP Telephony – IP PBX – Hosted PBX – VOIP – FOIP Unified ICT Services Support – Sales – Software – Hardware – CCTV – Alarms Contact us for a variety of internet packages! Contact Details: Office: 015 590 1200 Fax: 015 590 1199
Wisani Burial Society 24 hour emergency no 015 307 6240 / 083 513 4988 015 307 6719 e-pos: helene@wisani.co.za Jan207___________________________
Integrifin Finansiële Adviseurs Onafhanklike finansiële dienste met integriteit. Vir voortreflike diens sonder onderbreking besoek ons by ons nuwe Kantore in Windsor Str 4 Jaco Nel 082 335 6801 Jacques Lamprecht 082 469 7558 Fanie Oberholzer 082 460 4173
Tzaneen Log homes/ Wendy
For dog kennels, tool shed, servant quarters, storerooms, dollhouses, classrooms, Double stories at affordable prices, 2 m x 2 m R5 000, 3 m x 3 m R5 5 00 all sizes available out of Biligon wood and S.A Pine. Contact Jack 076 551 9846 Feb103___________________________
Pekingese 100% opreg. 1 wit reuntjie, 1 bruin tefie Veearts sert. Ingesluit. R1 500 elk. Kontak: 082 557 2326 076 331 7685 Feb101_____________________________
2nd HAND SHOP Bargains Galore We buy, sell and pawn. Ons koop, verkoop en pand enige iets van waarde. Meubels, toebehore, juwele, kombuisware, gereedskap en vele meer. Visit us at 11 Plantation Rd and get the best value for your money or call 015 307 1171 082 472 8483 Apr112____________________
Like us on facebook! For Sale Te Koop
Email: info@uniwisp.co.za helpdesk@uniwisp.co.za Visit www.uniwisp.co.za For more information
www.bulletin.us.com Boekhou & Pastel Opleiding In Tzaneen: 20 - 24 Junie 2016 Complete Accounting Pastel Geakkrediteerde Opleidings Sentrum Bied aan: Combo Special R8500 vir 5 Opleidings. Waarde: R22 400 Kontak: Martie 0716847197 Email: comaccounting@ yahoo.com
Multi Bend System C/W 50mm Round Tube Die set, Bending table with Leveling roller & Stopper New price R1 300 Our price R 1000 STD Scroll Bender Large Scroll Bender Scroller Base New price R2 300 Our price R1 800 Contact me on 015 386 8735 Jan303____________________________
Koriek beleggings: Revoluta palms: Revoluta saailinge – R4.00, Groot moederplante – R500.00 Mandela’s gold geel Strelitzia’s: Saad – R0.50, Saailinge – R4.00 plante in blom – R30.00, Moeder plante in blom – R300.00 of (R1, kom haal self per blom) (BTW en posgeld uitgesluit) 082 466 9884
Vacancy Vakante Pos Vacancy
General Assistant for Cycle Shop Mechanically inclined & neat Young person required Email or Fax CV to tzncycle@gmail.com 086 2117537 Apr401______________________
Receptionist/ Secretary
Must have experience with Quick books accounting; be computer literate and have a valid drivers license. Speak;Read and write English and Afrikaans. send CV to: podiatrist@telkomsa.net 0828220657 0153080515
Trailer for Hire Reliable trailers to carry cars, cattle, furniture, and garden refuse etc. 083 651 0936 015 306 0036
TLB FOR HIRE Contact: 082 427 7647 or 083 508 9741
Contact Erika 073 024 8749
VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/ 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb.co.za Web: www. eynbergmeubelvervoer.com
Vacancy Vakante Pos Gravelotte Engineering het die volgende pos beskikbaar om so gou as moontlik diens te aanvaar: BOILER MAKER/ WELDER Die suksesvolle kandidaat moet oor die volgende beskik: Minimum van 8 jaar vakkundige agtergrond Bou van trokbakke sal ‘n aanbeveling wees. Matriek, eie vervoer & akkommodasie. Werksure: Maandae tot Vrydae 07:00 tot 16:00. Stuur ’n volledige CV & Id afskrif na ilzegoosen@yahoo.com of fax2mail: 086 542 0392. Vir meer inligting, kontak Frans Meintjes op: 083 656 9283. Sluitingdatum: 19/04/2016
DBV/SPCA Blankets & Food Bowls needed 083 628 9257
Op soek na Looking for Skroot, Swart Pyp Ou trekkers, Implemente Skakel 082 476 3939
10 June 2016
Property l Eiendomme To Let Te Huur Bachelor flat to rent Available R2 600 incl elec + water No pets or children Deposit required Contact: 082 578 0442
Flat available immediately R2 300 pm (incl water and electricity ) Tiled granite tops cupboards, stove, separate loo + shower. No pets. Phone to view 083 345 99 99 Apr501___________________________
Plaashuise 10 km buite Tzaneen 3 Slaapkamers R4 000 p/m 2 Slaapkamers R3 600 p/m 1 Slaapkamer R3 000 p /m Elektrisiteit ingesluit, swembad, tennisbaan, braai areas Skakel 083 298 0399 of 082 33 22 110 / 015 307 7585
Meenthuis 2 slp kamer meenthuis
in Letsitele beskikbaar vanaf 1 Julie vir R4200 pm, koopkrag. Veilige kompleks, naby winkelsentrum. 0835616062
Faunapark Kantoor ruimte 50vk meter met lugverkoeler, Telkom lyne en as nodig ontvangsdame beskikbaar, asook badkamer, kombuis. R2 500
Woonstel te huur in Aqua Park. 2 slaapkamer, groot leefarea, groot stoep, kombuis met gasstoof, parkering met afdak, stoor. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Julie 2016. R4000- per maand R4000 deposito Kontak Barry: 083 526 5138 Jun201___________________________
Spacious, secure two bedroom flat available on the R 71 close to Letaba Airfield, situated in tranquil bushveld surrounds.Please call 082 849 2603 to arrange to view.
Garden Service in Tzaneen for sale Contact 071 031 1776
Premier Park 2 Slaapkamer, 1 vol badkamer, oopplan, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, kuierplek, onderdak parkering, erf omhein, braai area. R4 400
KANTOOR TE HUUR Unieke geleentheid Ongeveer 50 vk meter. Sentraal, goeie adres, maklik toeganklik (ook vir liggaamlik gestremdes). Lugversorging, sekuriteit, kan ontvangslokaal en ontvangsdame van bestaande besigheid in die gebou gebruik. Telefoonstelsel met jongste tegnologie bestuurstelsel kan ook gebruik word,
aangesien alle oproepe geregistreer en op band opgeneem en koste outomaties bereken word. Klein kombuis met yskas, vrieskas en mikrogolfoond beskikbaar. Billike huur kan onderhandel word. Skakel 076 316 4350 gedurende kantoorure vir navrae.
Pusela Plaas 2 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, erf omhein, Kantoor: 015 307 5151
Isabel: 083 448 5171 | Annette: 083 443 0328
Huise, Meenthuise, Woonstelle, Kantore & Besighede
TZANEEN WYSIGINGSKEMA 345 Ons, Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Stads- en Streeksbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van die eiendom hieronder genoem, gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 56(1)(b)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986), gelees saam met SPLUMA 2013, kennis dat ons by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000, deur die hersonering van Erf 982 Haenertsburg, geleë te Rissikstraat, van “Residensieël 1” na “Besigheid 1”. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 10 Junie 2016. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk
IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF LETABA HELD AT TZANEEN CASE NO: 2916/15 In the matter between: SUNGLIDE 171 CC T/A TZANEEN BRAKE & CLUTCH Execution Creditor And MR MARK LUDEKE ID. 7808225008084 Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION PURSUANT to a judgment by the Magistrate, TZANEEN, given on 10 MARCH 2016
the under mentioned goods will be sold at SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, MAIN STORE NO 2, INDUSTRIA ROAD 20, TZANEEN at 10:00 on 23 JUNE 2016 to the highest bidder for cash: 1. 1 x Boxing punch bag 2. 2 x KIC box freezers 3. 1 x Whirlpool washing machine 4. 1 x Red compressor 5. 1 x White compressor 6. 1 x KIC small chest freezer 7. 1 x Yamaha Motorcycle reg nr. BVL708L 8. 3 x Bicycle 9. 1 x Red tool box 10. 1 x Hoist (Mobijack) 11. 1 x VW Golf CTI reg nr. FDV871N 12. 1 x Mazda 363 reg nr. BFB 080L 13. 1 x Roadster 210 trailor 14. 1 x Ford bakkie BWK656L 15. 1 x Wood Mizer (2 pieces) 16. 1 x Penzolato Saw Machine Wit 12m bed
AUCTION This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honourable Court. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff , 33A Pieter Joubert Street, Tzaneen. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific condition, inter alia. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) FICA legislation in respect of proof of identify and address particulars, payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Tertius Robertson or Christie Bouwer.
Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. SIGNED AT TZANEEN ON THIS 06TH DAY OF JUNE 2016 (sgd) P. COETZER COETZER ATTORNEYS 24 AGATHA STREET TZANEEN, 0850 TEL: 015 307 7524/7585 REF: P.COETZER/es/D00429 Jun203___________________________
IN TERMS OF SECTION 35(5) OF 66 OF 1965 Notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (First and final unless otherwise stated) in the estate specified below will be open for inspection of all person’s with an interest therein for
Ketelmaker / Plaatmetaalwerker ZZ2 se Tegniese afdeling het vakatures beskikbaar vir Ketelmakers of Plaatmetaalwerkers in die Limpopo Provinsie. Die suksesvolle kandidate sal verantwoordelik wees vir die herstel en installering van pompe, betrokke wees by die uitvoering van waterontwikkelingsprojekte, pypverbindings doen, afhandeling van algemene konstruksiewerk, instandhouding en herstelwerk in pakhuise doen. Kandidate moet aan die volgende kwalifiserende vereistes voldoen: • ʼn Gekwalifiseerde ambag in een van die toepaslike dissiplines voltooi het, met bewys van registrasie (Rooi Seël). • Kandidate moet selfstandig en onafhanklik kan werk, maar ook in spanverband en beskik oor goeie kommunikasie- en leierskapsvaardighede met verkieslik ʼn kode EC (14) swaarvoertuiglisensie. • Oor praktiese ondervinding en wye ervaring beskik in meganiese herstelwerk, algemene sweiswerk, die trek van boorgate en die instandhouding van boorgat toerusting. • Aansoekers moet planmatig en prakties in die uitvoering van take wees. Verantwoordelikhede sluit die volgende in: • Herstel, instandhouding, belyning en installering van pompe en algemene pypwerk doen (las, verbindings, buig ). • Algemene konstruksiewerk, instandhouding en herstelwerk in pakhuise kan uitvoer. • Betrokke wees met voltooiing van ontwikkelingsprojekte by die nethuise, pakhuise en waterontwilkkelingsprojekte. • Voldoening aan die ZZ2 waardestelsel en optrede binne die maatskappy se etiese kode.
Die maatskappy bied ʼn onderhandelbare, markverwante vergoedingspakket aan. Stuur asseblief u CV per faks na 086 608 4824, of epos na werwing@zz2online.com. Rig navrae Johan du Plessis by 083 676 0390 of James Erasmus by 015 395 8304.
Sluitingsdatum: 24 Junie 2016.
a period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof and at offices of the Master (Polokwane) and Magistrate (Tzaneen) as stated. Should no objection there to be lodged with the Master’s concerned during the specified period. The executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Registered number of the estate 1592/2008. Christian names: Molatelo Cecilia, surname: Matloha, ID number: 691207 0378 08 8 period of inspection: 21 days, Magistrate’s office: Tzaneen, Master’s office Polokwane, last address: 15 Petunia Street, Flora Park, Limpopo Province; Attorneys: Mahowa Incorporated Attorneys, 36 Boundary Street, Sentra Park, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel number: 015 307 4574
All candidates must reside within the immediate Tzaneen geographical area. Minimum requirements: 1. Computer literate (Excel) 2. 3 year stock experience 3. National matric certificate Responsibilities: 1. Ordering/receiving and reconciliation of stock 2. Stock takes 3. Liaising with managers in a professional manner, in order to expedite deliveries and resolve related problems 4. Maintain and update goods issued/inter exchanges 5. General administrative duties Candidates who do not meet the minimum requirements will not be considered. Start date: Immediately (ASAP) Closing date: 24 June 2016 Remuneration: market related Fax CV to 0866708511 (NO APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER CLOSING DATED!)
Administrative Assistant: Stock Controller Hishtil South Sfrica, a leading vegetable seedling producer, requires the services of an administrative assistant at Mooketsi Nursery The successful candidate will be responsible for the following: • Strict stock control of all items & recording of new intake • Processing of stock according to orders and varieties of products • Accounting functions within the specific position • Secretarial & general administration work • Filling and archive of documents Requirements: • An appropriate academic qualification of at least grade 12 • Computer literacy (MS office suite and inventory control software) • Purchasing & procurement experience will be an advantage • A meticulous and well-structured person • The ability to work in a cold-room environment • A minimum of 3 years relevant experience • A background in accounting • Integrate with a team • Driver’s license & own transport • The ability to function under pressure and to make independent decisions • The successful applicant must have the ability to work (when circumstances require) outside normal working hours
Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen, for the period of 28 days from 10 June 2016. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850, within a period of 28 days from 10 June 2016. Address of Agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850
van 28 dae vanaf 10 Junie 2016 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 24, Tzaneen, 0850, ingedien of gerig word. Adres van agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850
Fauna Park 2 Slaapkamers, 1 vol badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, afdak vir 2 voertuie, middelslag troeteldiere welkom, loop afstand vanaf skole. R4 400 Aquapark 2 Slaapkamer, 1 badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, afdak vir 2 motorvoertuie, troeteldiere welkom, geskik vir beginners. R3 700
Legals | Geregtelik TZANEEN AMENDMENT SCHEME 345 We, Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, being the authorized agent of the owner of the property mentioned below, hereby give notice in terms of Section 56(1) (b)(i) of the Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986), read together with SPLUMA 2013, that we have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for the amendment of the Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2000, by the rezoning of Erf 982 Haenertsburg, situated in Rissik Street, from “Residential 1” to “Business 1”.
troeteldiere welkom. R3 300
Please submit your CV to Ilze Goosen by: Fax: 086 641 5132 or by E-mail: hr@hishtilsa.com • For more information contact: Ilze Goosen, Alternatively visit our website: www.hishtilsa.com Closing date: 14/06/2016 Only suitable CV’s will be considered
10 June 2016
Merensky Archery painted Eiland Blue Merensky Archery Club hosted the prestigious annual Bushveld & Limpopo Indoor Archery Championships at the popular Eiland AKTV Resort. Fifty seven participants competed in four shooting sessions. Me-rensky was well represented with 33 members. Once again they bagged enough medals to prove their status as top of the charts. The archers attained 17 Gold, 17 Silver and 6 bronze medals. Bushveld indoor medal winners were: Gold: André van der Merwe, Izelri Theron, Janco Theron, Annebelle Schwab, Carissa Ivy, Beneche Jackson, Ryan Jackson, Ockert le Roux and Owen Otto. Silver: Hugo Badenhorst, Kay-Lee Jansen, Magdalena
Kleinhans, Matthew Lunt, Lize Mostert, Vanessa van der Merwe and Schalk Warmenhoven. Bronze: Canell Jackson, Benno Kotze, Zara Otto and Heinrich Pieterse. Limpopo Indoor Medal winners were: Gold: Andre van der Merwe, Izelri Theron, Janco Theron, Carissa Ivy, Beneche Jackson, Ryan Jackson, Ockert le Roux and Owen Otto. Silver: Annebelle Schwab, Hugo Badenhorst, Benno Kotze, Kay-Lee Jansen, Magdalena Kleinhans, Matthew Lunt, Lize Mostert, Vanessa van der Merwe, Yolandi Potgieter and Schalk Warmenhoven. Bronze: Canell Jackson and Sean Hunt. Three archers shot national qualifying scores for national colours in both competitions: Ben-
no Kotze, Owen Otto, Annebelle Schwab and Morney Kleinhans Jnr shot one national qualifier. Three archers shot two qualifying scores for provincial colours: Kay-Lee Jansen, John-Henry Schwab and Andre van der Merwe. Five archers shot one qualifying score for Limpopo colours: Carissa Ivy, Ryan Jackson, Morney Kleinhans, Matthew Lunt and Schalk Warmenhoven. Provincial colours for 2016 were awarded to Canell Jackson, Carissa Ivy, Owen Otto, Lin-Marie Theron, Janco Theron and Schalk Warmenhoven. Provincial colours for the 2017 season has already been attained by Ryan Jackson, Benno Kotze and Owen Otto.
The achievers are, back row: Ulrich Koster, Heinrich Pieterse, Matthew Lunt, André van der Merwe, Beneche Jackson, Ockert le Roux (coach) and Lin-Mari Theron. In the row second from the back are Xander Koster, Yolandé Potgieter (coach), Canell Jackson, Martin Mostert, Carla van Coller, Lize Mostert and Morney Kleinhans. In the second row are Owen Otto, SP du Preez, Hugo Badenhorst, Ryan Jackson and Carissa Ivy, and in front are Sean Hunt, Janco Theron and Kay-Lee Jansen.
REGS: Die Laerskool Duiwelskloof se eerste rugbyspan het sover vanjaar puik gevaar in die liga vir klein skole. Die span is deur as die naaswenners en hulle gaan hul harte uitspeel in Bela-Bela vir die Limpopo-eindstryd op 15 Junie.
Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com to view the new gallery section and much more!
Anya Beukes van die Laerskool Duiwelskloof het weer gespog op haar perd Lekker-kry Van Dyk, by die Western Mounted Games in Bela-Bela se Kwalifiseerder 4. In Sanesa (skole) se afdeling het sy op Vlak 1 vier 1’e plekke behaal en sy is as die reserwe kampioen aangewys. In die Ope Vlak 1 het se ‘n 3’e plek behaal.
Francois O’Connell van die Laerskool Duiwelskoof het weer sy talent as hokkiespeler gewys, as lid van Limpopo se o.13Ahokkiespan. Die span het verlede naweek vier hokkiewedstryde gewen en hulle het in nog twee wedstryde gelykop gespeel.
Tiyani Mushwana, a Gr 7 pupil of Tzaneen Primary School, achieved a second place overall at a recent chess tournament held at Rooiskool in Phalaborwa.
Die Vossies is baie trots op hul C-gholfspan, wat die eindstryd van Limpopo se C-liga gewen het. Die A-span het ook vir die eindstryd gekwalifiseer en vierde geëindig. Hier is die C-span se lede: Gustav Prinsloo, Niel Myburgh (kapt) en Emile Kruger. Die vierde lid van die span, Joshua Varrie, was afwesig toe die foto geneem is.
• Matrieksertifikaat & Toepaslike kwalifikasie. • Tweetaligheid (ten volle Afrikaans en Engels magtig) • Goeie kommunikasievaardighede SALARIS: Mededingende salaris met 13de tjek.
Aansoekvorm tesame met ‘n CV moet gerig word aan: (of faks na 015 345 1117) Die Hoof Laerskool Dr. Annecke Primary Posbus 16 LETSITELE, 0885
E-pos: drannecke@mweb.co.za NAVRAE: Die Skoolhoof (015 345 1821/2) SLUITINGSDATUM VAN AANSOEKE: 23 Junie 2016 (13:00)
Enrolment for
2017 now open
Grade R to 7.
Please contact the office for an appointment Tel: 076 995 8920 • Email: educare1@mweb.co.za PO Box 1195, Tzaneen, 0850 • Fax: 086 625 9526 Website: http:/educare123.wix.com/educare-primary-sch
• Algemene administratiewe pligte • Finansies - Debiteure • Sekretariële take • Skakelwerk • Salarisse • Aankoop van voorraad • Klerewinkel (Bestuur, Voorraad & Verkope)
10 June 2016
Oppie Kassie On the Telly Bok-rugby teen 7 ander lande sʼn gemeet Die gehalte van Suid-Afrikaanse rugby word dié naweek nie net teen dié van Ierland gemeet nie. Behalwe die kragmeting op Nuweland word drie ander toetswedstryde Saterdag gespeel en regstreeks op televisie uitgesaai. Kenners en ondersteuners kan dus ook die Springbokke se spel met Nieu-Seeland, Australië, Wallis, Engeland, Argentinië en Italië sʼn te vergelyk. Boonop word die internasionale onder20toernooi in Engeland, waar die Junior Springbokke Saterdag teen Argentinië speel, ook regstreeks op TV gewys. Die Proteas se eendaagse krieketwedstryd teen Australië en die kranige SA swemmers se vertonings in Barcelona is van die ander uitsoeksport waarin Suid-Afrika se aansien op internasionale vlak gemeet word.
Visit our website @ www.bulletin.us.com SuperSport-hoogtepunte (Alles regstreeks) Vrydag 10 Junie Fietsry: Criterium du Dauphine, skof 5 (140 km) – 15:55 tot 18:00 op SS 5 Gholf: St Jude Classic, dag 2, Memphis – 21:30 tot 00:30 op SS 1 Lyoness-ope, dag 2, Oostenryk – 11:00 tot 13:00 en 15:00 tot 18:00 op SS 7 Vroue: KPMGkampioenskap, dag 1, Sammamish, Washington – 01:00 tot 04:00 op SS 1 Hokkie: Kampioenetrofee: België t Korea en Brittanje t Australië – 19:00 tot 22:45 op SS 7 Duitsland t Indië – 17:00 tot 18:45 op SS 8 Krieket: Engeland t Sri Lanka, derde toets, dag 2, Lord’s – 11:30 tot 20:00 op SS 2 Motorsport: Formule 1: Kanadese Grand Prix, oefening 1 – 15:50 tot 17:40 op SS 6 Kanadese GP, oefening 2 – 19:50 tot 21:40 op SS 6 Rugby: Curriebeker: Blou Bulle t Haaie – 16:45 tot 19:00 op SS 1, GDN en Kanaal 210 SA A teen Saxons (Engeland) – 19:00 tot 21:15 op SS 1 en GDN Sokker: Europese kampioenskap: Frankryk t Roemenië – 20:00 tot 00:00 op SS 3 Saterdag 11 Junie Boks: Golden Glovestoernooi – 19:30 tot 23:30 op SS 4 Fietsry: Criterium du Dauphine, skof 6 (141 km) – 16:20 tot 18:00 op SS 2 Gholf: Lyoness-ope, dag 3 – 12:00 tot 16:00 op SS 2 St Jude Classic, dag 3 – 20:00 tot 00:00 op SS 7 Vroue: KPMGkampioenskap, dag 2 – 01:00 tot 04:00 op SS 1 en dag 3 – 20:10 tot 00:00 op SS 5 Hokkie: Kampioenetrofee, Londen: Australië t Korea – 19:00 tot 20:45 op SS 8 Krieket: SuidAfrika t Australië, eendagwedstryd, St Kitts – 18:30 tot 03:30 op SS 2 en GDN Engeland t Sri Lanka, derde toets, dag 3 –11:00 tot 20:00 op SS 7 Motorrenne: F1: Kanadese Grand Prix, oefening 3 – 15:50 tot 17:10 op Kanaal 5 Kanadese GP, kwalifisering – 18:50 tot 20:10 op Kanaal 5 Rugby: Nieu-Seeland t Wallis, eerste toets, Auckland – 09:00 tot 11:50 op SS 1 en GDN Australië t Engeland, eerste toets, Brisbane – 11:50 tot 14:05 op SS 1 en GDN Suid-Afrika t Ierland, eerste toets, Kaapstad – 16:00 tot 19:30 op SS 1 en M-Net Argentinië t Italië, Santa
Fe – 20:35 tot 22:45 op SS 1 Curriebeker: Valke t Welwitschias – 14:05 tot 16:00 op SS 1 en GDN Onder20-wêreldtoernooi: Australië t Italië – 14:15 tot 16:30 op SS 6 Frankryk t Japan – 16:30 tot 18:45 op SS 6 Suid-Afrika t Argentinië – 18:45 tot 21:00 op SS 6 Skole: Rondebosch t Bishops – 13:55 tot 15:30 op SS 5 en Kanaal 210 Sokker: Europese kampioenskap: Albanië t Switserland – 14:00 tot 17:30 op SS 3 Wallis t Slowakye – 17:30 tot 20:30 op SS 3 Engeland t Rusland – 20:30 tot 00:00 op SS 3 Cosafabeker: Zimbabwe t Swaziland – 15:45 tot 18:15 op SS 9 Seycelle t Madagaskar – 18:15 tot 20:30 op SS 9 SA eersteliga-uitspeel: Highlands Park t Univ v Pretoria – 14:30 tot 17:15 op SS 4 Swem: Mare Nostrum, Barcelona, dag 1 – 16:00 tot 18:00 op SS 8 Sondag 12 Junie Bergfietsry: Wêreldbeker, Oostenryk: Mans en vroue – 14:30 tot 16:30 op SS 5 Boks: Ruslan Provodnikov t John Molina, jr weltergewig – 03:00 tot 07:00 op SS 7 Fietsry: Criterium du Dauphine, skof 7 (151 km) – 13:35 tot 15:30 op SS 6 Gholf: Lyoness-ope, dag 4 – 11:30 tot 16:00 op SS 1 en GDN St Jude Classic, dag 4 – 19:00 tot 00:00 op SS 1 en GDN Vroue: KPMGkampioenskap, dag 4 – 22:30 tot 02:30 op SS 5 Krieket: Engeland t Sri Lanka, derde toets, dag 4 – 11:00 tot 20:00 op SS 2 Motorrenne: F1: Kanadese Grand Prix – 19:30 tot 22:30 op SS 6 Indycarreeks: Firestone 600 – 02:30 tot 05:00 op SS 6 Nascarreeks – 19:00 tot 22:30 op SS 7 Rugby: Franse Top 14, uitspeel – 16:00 tot 18:15 op SS 1 en GDN Seiljagvaart: Wêreldbeker, Weymouthbyeenkoms – 12:00 tot 16:50 op SS 7 Sokker: Europese kampioenskap: Turkye t Kroasië – 14:00 tot 17:30 op SS 3 Pole t Noord-Ierland – 17:30 tot 20:20 op SS 3 Duitsland t OekraÏne – 20:30 tot 00:99 op SS 3 Cosafabeker: Malawi t Angola – 15:45 tot 18:15 op SS 9 Lesotho t Mauritius –18:15 tot 20:30 op SS 9 Swem: Mare Nostrum, Barcelona, dag 2 – 16:00 tot 18:00 op SS 6
BMC Adventure Club tackles the great outdoors
Blue Mountain College outside Modjadjiskloof has an established adventure club that includes exciting activities like sailing, mountain biking, abseiling and hiking. To balance academic learning with physical and mental development, pupils are taken on these excursions to participate in something unique and exhilarating. Mountain biking could be done anywhere — from a back yard to a gravel road. But not
so at BMC. With endless mountain roads in the most stunning surroundings, aweinspiring vistas and breathtaking views, mountain biking is taken to a different level. On weekends you may find kids whizzing through forests paths, getting lots of fresh air, improving their fitness and health. In the process the pupils can give vent to the inner explorer as they travel up and down scenic mountain passes and woodland trails. Or you may see the intrepid abseiler gliding
down a rock face, glee mixed with fear etched on their face. The courageous sailor getting drenched may be spotted or some pupils simply hiking along the majestic mountains passes, being taught the wonders and intricacies of nature by their supervisors. All this is done in one of South Africa’s most breathtaking and picturesque settings, to instill in pupils the value of enjoying the journey to the finish line and not merely focus on the drive to win at all costs.
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The u.15 netball team of Stanford Lake College played their final league match against Southern Cross of Hoedspruit. All their hopes laid in a victory as this would mean the girls would go through to the Limpopo Championships in August. The girls played a phenomenal game and won 34-4. This win gave them the points needed to finish third in the league. This is the school’s first ever netball team to go through in the A league. In the photo are, back row : Thandi Ngobeni, Fefe Baloyi, Ms Sam Venter (coach), Ledile Kgopong, Rirhandzu Vermeulen, Lebo Rachidi and Mokgadi Mangena, and in front are Carvell Mathebula and Emma Melville.
Fear lessl y the tr uth
Sakeliga | Business League Bulletin Sakeliga | Business Punteleer | Log: 9 June League 2016 Telling / Score
Log | Punteleer
Shot Team Points Ronde 2 - Round 2 Aggregate Bowls of Telling Fury 28 21 / Score
Pos 1 2 3
Ahead Plumbing Vir
Lannie Motors 13
Bissett Real Estate
5 Tennisklub Buffel Cafeteria16 Tzaneen 6 Motors Fit Freaks Lannie
7 Lowveld Labels221 Megapaints
ZZ2 Groen 8 Span Klofies Willem 15
27W=2 Totaal 22 van L=0 D=1
26 25
25 25 24
4 4 4 2
rondtes 7 gespeel
1312 711 1911
24 23 22
Kings11Walden BV Yskas Wolwe8
Reward 12 Properties Hi-Q Stoffel
Ben Vorster
Tzn Tennis Club161
Keyshop 10 TznRed Devils
2 2
156 45 02
Simpson Motors
14 15
ZZ2 8 Tzn Rolbal Klub
Bissett Real Estate
Bulletin 16 Rondte 3 - Round 3 Tzn Golf Club 13
Tzn Tennis Club 2
Lowveld Labels 2
Bulletin Postnet
ZZ2 Rooi Span
19 19 19
2 0 0 0
-3 -10 -5 -12
-20 -35
Wie speel teen wie - Who plays against who Bissett Real Estate
15 vs Tzaneen Tennisklub
Lannie Motors
11 vs Megapaints
ZZ2 Groen Span
2Bulletin 6 vs BRBF
Keyshop Tzn
Reward Properties
-2 vs Ben Vorster
-6 vs Postnet
ZZ2 Rooi Span
-12 vs Rionet
vs Kings Walden
‘n Span Vossie-skuts bestaande uit Zack Verster, Johandré le Roux, Sean Fourie, Maryke Basson en Dirk Grobler het in ‘n stryd in Mokopane heel goed gepresteer. Zack Verster het drie derde plekke in die o.16-ouderdomsgroep vir 3P ontvang en drie brons medaljes vir 3P Totaal, asook in die 10 m olimpies- en algehele afdelings. Maryke Basson het in die o.14-ouderdomsgroep twee derde plekke vir lê en kniel en ‘n eerste plek vir staan in die 3P gewen. Sy het drie silwer medaljes vir 3P Totaal, 10 m olimpies en algeheel ontvang. Al vyf skuts het op hul vorige tellings verbeter. Hier is, agter: Maryke Basson, Sean Fourie, Johandré le Roux en Zack Verster, en Dirk Grobler staan voor.
Die Laerskool Tzaneen en Unicorn Primary School het onlangs op die netbalbaan kragte gemeet en daar was oorgenoeg goeie aksie, soos uit die foto hierbo blyk.
Starts: 4 July 2016 • Entry fee: R350
Get ready for SUMMMER Unlimited 8 week personal trainer sessions INCLUDES: Eating plan, body composition, endurance assessment, 2x sketched stretch programs, 2x sketched training programs, age & injury specific training program
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10 June 2016
Tzaneen se langasems vir Comrades geskrik! rik! Die 25 marathon-atlete van Tzaneen se klub het voortreflik in vanjaar se Comrades-wedloop gevaar en een silwer medalje (6:57:09), drie Bill Rowan-medaljes (onder 9 uur), vyftien brons medaljes (minder as elf uur) en vyf Vic Clapham-medaljes (onder twaalf uur) huis toe gebring. Ongelukkig het een atleet die afsnytyd vir medaljes met ‘n skamele een minuut en sewentien sekondes gemis — maar klaar het hy die moordende wedloop wel klaar gemaak. Ons silwer medaljewenner, Stephen Madiye, was die 224’e atleet wat oor die wenstreep genael het, wat ‘n verdere puik prestasie is; in ag genome die derduisende atlete wat die mara-
thon aangedurf het! Lawarence Mahlatsi het wel die wedloop klaar gemaak, maar ongelukkig nie ‘n medalje gekry nie. Eerste Comrades en klaar gemaak: Daleen Venter; Corne Fritz en Daniel Mabulana. Thomas van der Meulen het saam met sy drie broers en pa klaar gemaak. Daar was selfs ‘n artikel oor hulle in die Comradestydskrif. Bernard van den Dool, wat lid is van Ofcolaco Club, het vanjaar sy eerste Comrades voltooi. Dit was die 4de keer wat hy probeer het. ‘n Man wat nie maklik “nee” vir ‘n antwoord vat nie en nie tou
het g’n niks Puik prestasies opgooi nie! Daar is ook ‘n “back to back”medalje, vir atlete wat hul eerste twee Comrades in twee agtereenvolgende jare met die eerste probeerslag voltooi. Walt Katzke en Martie Rudder het dié prestasie behaal! • Geluk aan al ons atlete!
Medalje Silwer Stephen Madiye 6:57:09 Bill Rowan Walt Katzke 8:20:57 Derek Donkin 8:42:21 Charles Nonyana 8:54:45 Brons Leon Roode 9:08:34 Matome Rakhwale 9:24:58 Shirley Stewart 9:33:17 Monica Roode 9:53:50 Thomas Van Der Meulen 9:55:41 Nico Le Roux 10:08:40 Anél Swart 10:27:19 Paul Zaayman 10:27:20 Erika Mac Connel 10:31:08 Timothy Shingwenyana 10:40:30 Molimisi Malatji 10:46:22 Samuel Ralepelle 10:50:00 Daniel Mabulana 10:56:39 Corne Fritz 10:57:46 Zelda Katzke 10:58:22
The members of Stanford Lake College’s first netball team have shown mental toughness and surprised many an opponent with the run-up to the mid-year winter break. Seen here are, in the front
row: Katherine Gardiner (capt), Reese Bain and Lesedi Motumi. At the back are Normane Mnisi, Anke Vaughan, Kirsten Eastes, Jamela Maswanganyi, Shikara Janke and Funi Thovhakale.
Met geen noemenswaardige rakbie en geen belangstelling in wat op Roland Garros se kleitrappery aangaan nie, sit en kontempleer Oubal verlede Saterdag oor die groot sportnuus van die dag, en Oubal wonder hoeveel mans van sy geslag gebruik nog Brut-reukweerder. Want skielik sit Oubal weer in die Capitol-teater daar neffens oom Paul se standbeeld op die plein om Kelly’s Heroes, of so-iets te kyk, en die enigste beeldmateriaal van advertensies wat ons daai tot kon sien kom op die skerm. En hier verskyn hierdie Amerikaanse neger (soos ons destyds gepraat het) en sê, “Hi there, I’m Mumammad Ali, I’m the greatest, and so is Brut. Pshtttt.” ‘Tja, en Oubal sit hier in sy beskeie huisie in Tzaneen half weemoedig oor een van die grootste sportmanne van sy era wat ons enkele ure vantevore gegroet het. Oubal onthou die debatte — of hy dit sou kon maak teen Sonny Liston, of Floyd Patterson en Cleveland Williams; oor hoe lojaal dit van hom was om te weier om Viëtnam toe te gaan; en hoekom hy ‘n moslem geword en die naam Cassius Clay prysgegee het. En natuurlik ook oor hoekom hy so grootbekkig en arrogant was oor sy rymelary en voorspellings oor hoe lank ‘n boksgeveg sal duur. Maar Ali was nie net ‘n enigma nie, hy was ‘n kolos van die sportwêreld, nie net van boks nie. Die
LINKS BO: Derek Donkin en Walt Katzke wat albei Bill Rowan-medaljes gekry het. REGS BO: Zelda Katzke, Corne Fritz en Daleen Venter. HEELBO: Stephen Madiye, ons silwer medalje-wenner. BO: Molimisi Malatji en Daniel Mabulana. ONDER: Paul Zaayman rus na die tyd.
Float like a Butterfly...
“Rumble in the Jungle”, die “Manilla Thrilla”, Olimpiese ligswaar-kampioen, 61 gevegte as professionele swaargewig, waarvan die eerste 31 onoorwonne, en in totaal net 5 verloor. Met só ‘n rekord en die bykomstige plesiere wat hy verskaf het — sy grootpratery is meestal met dade opgevolg — kan Oubal vandag net sê, stil broers, daar het ‘n man verbygegaan. ‘The Greatest’ inderdaad, wat onder andere ook ‘n hele geslag jong mans geïnspireer het om Brut te gebruik! Maar so van boks gepraat, was Oubal nou nie verlede week ontsteld om in hierdie koerant van ‘n geveg op die rakbieveld te lees nie. Een waarin ‘n 12-jarige deur ‘n ander 12-jarige katswink geslaan is. Oubal kan ook maar net vra, waar gaan die wêreld heen? Laat ons egter nie onnodig vingers wys nie, maar ons self tot introspeksie roep — almal van ons. Hoekom sal ‘n 12-jarige in ‘n vuisgeveg op die rakbieveld betrokke raak? Oubal hang genoeg ongemerk langs ons sportvelde rond,
Vic Clapham Cecil Baloyi 11:05:34 Edward Mathebula 11:33:05 Daleen Venter 11:41:06 Caprice Beggs 11:50:56 Martie Rudder 11:50:56 Geen medalje Lawrence Mahlatsi 12:01:17
van bulletjierakbie tot by die plaaslike klub, om te hoor wat daar gesê en geskree word. “Móé(k)er hom, boetie!” — deur mammies van 6-jariges wat van baie beter behoort te weet. “Ref, maak oop jou f*kken oë!” “Skiet hom, moenie lat hy ly nie!” Om van skeldname vir spelers wat nie soos ons lyk nie, nie te praat nie. In sulke omstandighede is dit nie eintlik vir Oubal vreemd dat ‘n 12-jarige die kluts kwyt gaan raak nie. Oubal verstaan volkome die ontsteltenis van die slagoffer se ouers, en hy stem saam dat die oortreder ‘n les geleer moet word. Waarmee Oubal egter nie kan saamstem nie, is die oproep dat die oortreder permanent uit alle sport verban moet word. Watter soort samelewing het ons geword, as ons geen hoop het dat jeugdige oortreders nie met berading en behoorlike ouerleiding verantwoordelike volwassenes kan word nie? ‘Tja, Muhammad Ali was ook twaalf jaar oud toe hy vir ‘n polisieman gesê het hy wil die persoon wat sy fiets gesteel het gaan “whup”. “Gaan leer eers hoe om te boks,” was die raad... “I ain’t got no quarrel with them VietCong; no VietCong ever called me nigger.” – Muhammad Ali
Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Oubal is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!