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Diagnostic Radiologists

Fear lessl y the tr uth 24 June 2016

015 307 7248


e y b e y B Dikeledi


Rural ares:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS

•X-Rays • CT Scans • Ultrasound • Digital Mammography • Bone Density • Fluoroscopy • Interventional Radiology Mediclinic Tzaneen • 015 306 0098 www.afrirad.co.za

A double dose of good news: Mmetle out, Mangena in. cording to local observers. This is the feeling amongst senior ANC members, a Mmetle, on the contrary, has become removed from large group of the GTM’s officialdom, even opposition the community at large. Her constituency is to a large party councillors as well as members of the public who extent confined to the ANC Womens’ League (she is the show an interest in local government affairs, about chairlady of the ANCWL in Mopani). She is seen as a mayor who allowed a lack the ruling party’s mayoral candidate, Mr Maripe Godfrey Mangena. of discipline in the GTM to reach unacceptable levels, It is said that the end of the road for Ms Dikeledi Josephine Mmetand who was blinded by le, the outgoing mayor, is good her over ambitious pipedream of Tzaneen benews for Tzaneen and couldn’t have come at a better time. coming a city in the early 2020’s. Mangena, a cousin of previous Mangena will be facing a municipal manager Mabakane Mangena, is the ANC’s chief daunting task in overhalModjadji Rakgoale ling the GTM to be an efwhip and he has been serving as fective and well-managed a councillor of the GTM for the past more or less ten years. He is known to local government. • In Modjadjiskloof the serving Mayor, Mr City Modbe an approachable politician who likes to surround himself with knowledgeable people. He jadji, will not be replaced, while Ms Nkakareng Rakdoes not hesitate to consult, he is a good listener goale has also received the nod from the ANC to conand he is dedicated to serving the community, ac- tinue as the Mayor of the Mopani District Municipality.

e m o c l e W Maripe

New snag in GV road The restoration of the sinkhole in George’s Valley is nearing completion, but progress was halted last week by a cable. Not just any cable, an immoveable one according to the site office personnel. It is alleged that Telkom’s failure to assist the construction team in moving and securing the fibre optic cable which runs parallel to the road, now continues to delay progress.

Read more on the contractor’s frustration on p3

Letaba’s posh new maternity ward MEC for Health Dr Phophi Ramathuba (left) and Premier Stanley Mathabatha opened new facility at Letaba Hospital — Page 10

The contentious Telkom cable in question is seen here on the left of the image.

Toddler hit by LDV Five-year-old Lisa Bredenkamp was run over by a LDV while crossing the street on Wednesday. Read our report on p3


24 June 2016

Fear lessl y the tr uth


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Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani

Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...

Vlieg On her way to work one morning Down the path alongside the lake A tender hearted woman saw a poor half frozen snake His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew “Poor thing,” she cried, “I’ll take you in and I’ll take care of you” “Take me in tender woman Take me in, for heaven’s sake Take me in, tender woman,” sighed the snake She wrapped him all cozy in a comforter of silk And laid him by her fireside with some honey and some milk She hurried home from work that night and soon as she arrived She found that pretty snake she’d taken to had been revived “Take me in, tender woman Take me in, for heaven’s sake Take me in, tender woman,” sighed the snake

‘The Snake’

“Take me in, tender woman Take me in, for heaven’s sake Take me in, tender woman,” sighed the snake “I saved you,” cried the woman “And you’ve bitten me, but why? You know your bite is poisonous and now I’m going to die” “Oh shut up, silly woman,” said the reptile with a grin “You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in “Take me in, tender woman Take me in, for heaven’s sake Take me in, tender woman,” sighed the snake

She clutched him to her bosom, “You’re so beautiful,” she cried “But if I hadn’t brought you in by now you might have died” She stroked his pretty skin again and kissed and held him tight Instead of saying thanks, the snake gave her a vicious bite

Vlieg was nog nooit ‘n groot fan van die Amerikaners nie. Vlieg dink hulle is selfvoldaan, beterweterig, vermakerig, grootbek en oor die algemeen vet, lelik en simpel, amper soos sy skoonfamilie. Maar noudat ons en hulle vanjaar verknies is, wil Vlieg nie net vir onse mense waarsku om te dink oor waar hulle hulle kruisies gaan trek nie, maar sommer vir die Yankies ook. Ons het immers ondervinding van ‘n president wat selfvoldaan, beterweterig, vermakerig, grootbek en oor die algemeen vet, lelik en simpel is! Wil hulle rêrig vir Donald Trump stem? Gaan hulle dieselfde fout as ons maak? “You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in” Vlieg brand, soos Pretoria, om te sien hoe dinge vorder!

Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!

Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen

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Abortion stigma harm young women

Laeveld Bulletin BK (Reg 2004/031396/23) is die uitgewer en verspreider van die Bulletin Lowveld Bulletin CC (Reg 2004/031396/23) is the publisher and distributor of Bulletin. Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved. Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word voorbehou.

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951

Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 / 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 / 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.

Despite termination of pregnancy having been legal in South Africa since 1997, many women still resort to unsafe abortions with illegal providers — which often lead to disastrous implications. Pamphlets offering “quick, same-day, pain-free” abortions are plastered on walls, light poles, garbage bins, left on the windshields of cars parked in the busy streets etcetera around Tzaneen’s CBD, with cell phone numbers for the providers, often using the title “Dr”. A 22-year-old mother of three who aborted her four-month-old foetus said, “I was working part time and the father of my first born neglected us. I didn’t trust the man who made me pregnant to support the child and I was struggling to support three kids.

“I called a number on a leaflet that advertised abortions. I told the man who answered the phone that I was four months pregnant and needed to do an abortion. He said to me “You can do it up to seven-and-a-half months.” When I asked him about the price, he told me it would cost R750. I then enquired about the procedure. He said I would have to swallow three pills. “The pills do everything and after two hours you’ll start bleeding, which will take as long as you do when you have your normal periods.” “The guy told me to meet him in town. I paid him R750 and he

“Many women choose dangerous back street abortions over the free procedure offered by public hospitals. Unsafe abortions come with immediate complications, which include severe bleeding, uterine perforation, tearing of the cervix, severe damage to the genitals and abdomen, internal infection of the abdomen and blood poisoning,” warned the nurse. She concluded by saying medium term complications range from reproductive tract infections and pelvic inflammatory disease to chronic pain. Late complications include increased risk of infertility and ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage or premature delivery in subsequent pregnancies. — Phidelia Rikhotso

Stand van Damme | Dam Levels Tel: 015 307 1530 | Fax: 082 586 7023 watermaat@telkoms.net

Webwerf | Website Besoek ons webwerf by www.bulletin.us.com en lees die jongste nuus sowel as vorige eksemplare ••••••• Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies

gave me the pills. As I was on my way home, I could feel my body feeling weak with excruciating pain and after a few hours the baby came out. I was shocked, because I didn’t expect a full baby. “After that I started bleeding heavily and I didn’t know what to do. When I tried calling him, his phone was off. After a couple of days, I went to the clinic and I lied and told them that I was working in construction and had a miscarriage and they gave me pills to clean myself,” she said. A nurse who works at a public hospital in Tzaneen, who would prefer to remain anonymous, claims that the reason some young women opt to have an illegal abortion is because of the fear of being spotted at a clinic or hospital.


Source: www.dwaf.gov.za Information updated: 20/06/2016

Tzaneen 32.6%

Ebenezer 74.6%

Merensky 99.2%

Dap Naude 92.1%

Middel Letaba 25.5%

Blyde Rivier Poort 68.1%

Klaserie 48.6%

Tours 45.2%

Vergelegen 95.8%

Ohrigstad 6.5%

Die senior burgers van Macadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin. Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 • lynette@fsabrokers.co.za

Baie Dankie!

24 June 2016



Telkom spanner lands in GV road works project Telkom allegedly refused assistance to Batlagae Investments in their efforts to complete the restoration of the R528 through George’s Valley. This came after the project manager, Mr Thapelo Chuene, requested that a fibre optic cable running parallel to the road, be secured by Telkom so that construction of the new road surface can commence. “Batlagae Investments don’t have the knowhow to move cables and wiring and we don’t want to risk damaging this cable by using outside contractors. That is why we requested help from Telkom,” Chuene explained. “When we started excavating this section of the road, the cable became visible to us and so

we elevated it above the excavation site to allow our work to continue. We have now come to the point where concrete will be poured, culverts will be installed and the road surface can be reconstructed. This is why we need an expert team from Telkom to secure their cable into position so that we can continue.” Chuene stated that a Telkom representative arrived on site, but instead of cooperating and devising a plan forward, accused him and his team of improper planning and refused to assist them. An argument ensued and Telkom left the site. “The guy acted all angry and started yelling at me in a derogatory fashion before whipping out his cell-

phone and photographing me. I ignored him and said that I would escalate the issue to management as I don’t have time for petty arguments,” said Chuene. “I have not seen or heard from Telkom since the incident and we have to finish our work.” Bulletin made several attempts to contact Telkom’s technical division, but to no avail. At the time of going to print we have also not made any further progress in identifying the Telkom representative. “The project is now about 95 percent completed and we await the arrival of a surveyor to approve the positioning of the concrete culverts, so that we can start pouring our

Law enforcers warn taxis and hitch-hikers Traffic law enforcers on Monday issued a stern warning to motorists who fail to adhere to the National Road Traffic Regulations. This warning comes after more than hundred motorists complained about their vehicles’ windscreens being smashed by concrete and sand falling from trucks. Limpopo’ traffic police station commander in Tzaneen, Mr Victor Khumalo, also warned that branding taxis and motorists picking up hitch-hikers to sit on the back of LDV’s is prohibited and dangerous to both parties. “The Transport Act and regulations of September 2006 clearly state that the standard colour of

minibus taxis used to transport passengers should be white and no advertising or logo or livery may be painted or displayed on the vehicle. It may however, display a sticker of the national flag and the name and address of the operators,” explained Khumalo. “Taxi operators are required to comply with the requirement of this Act. All operators are therefore warned to comply, or they will be apprehended and face the full force of the law without compromise,’’ Khumalo said. Khumalo said the Traffic Department will confiscate the permits of taxi operators who allow political party branding or any other sort

foundations and install the culverts,” said Mr Jomo Mashiane of Batlagae Investments. The rain and Telkom’s alleged refusal to assist in the project has caused a delay of five days, but Mashiane remained confident that the project will still be completed on time. “In the meantime we have not been standing around waiting. We have managed to repair a number of potholes on this road between the excavation site and Haenertsburg, and have had all the necessary designs for the reconstruction of the road surface approved by Roads Agency Limpopo — so we are still moving forward.” —Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

Toddler run over by LDV LEFT: Mr Victor Khumalo, Tzanen station commander, and RIGHT principal provisional inspector Mr Jeffrey Malatji.

of advertising on their vehicles. Principal provisional inspector Mr Jeffrey Malatji said the department has been in talks with taxi associations about the matter since 2006. “We ask the public to report taxi operators who don not comply with the law to the traffic police. Stern actions will be taken against all offenders”. – Phidelia Rikhotso phidelia@bulletin.us.com

A toddler was hit by a vehicle yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon while crossing Windsor Street in front of the Tzaneen Health and Fitness Gym. Lisa Bredenkamp (5) was crossing the street with her mother, Lisa, and older brother, Magiel, when she let go of her mom’s hand and started running in the street. A white Isuzu LDV was travelling up the street from Peace Street towards Agatha Street when it hit and ran over the little girl. According to eye witnesses the vehicle stopped a few meters further at the stop street. Onlookers quickly rushed to the little girl’s aid and she was immediately taken to Mediclinic Tzaneen where she was admitted to ICU.

According to reports she suffered a broken femur and a perforated lung and was operated on. Bulletin obtained video footage of the accident which can be viewed on our Facebook page and our website at www.bulletin. us.com. At the time of going to print no further information on the condition of the little girl was available, but we will post updates as they become available. Friends and family members have asked for the community’s support and prayer during this difficult time. Tzaneen Primary School have sent their condolences to the family and wish little Lisa a speedy recovery. —Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com


24 June 2016


Where children can play The excited shrieks and giggles of children from the platform. On the other side are four can be heard as one approaches the AFM swings. The seating is made from tyres bought Church (Apostolic Faith Mission) in Tzaneen, where a wooden wonderland has been built for children. It took Messrs Freddie Rabutla, Pierre Koen, Craig Woodward, Stranger Rabutla and Gabriel Masila two weeks to build Noah’s Ark and the additions. The initial brief was just Noah’s The team: Freddie Rabutla, Pierre Koen and Craig Ark. However, the delight at the Ark Woodward. Absent were Freddie’s younger brother sparked the rest of the project. The Stranger and Gabriel Masila team built a bridge from the Ark to a nearby large old tree. Taking care to incorporate the tree, a platform was built from a local roadside hawker. The flagpole and around the tree. On either side of the plat- flag still need to be hoisted and the children form are two small climbing towers. can then play to their heart’s content. Koen (46) is a movie set builder by trade. A light blue plastic slide is also accessed

He’s been chainsaw carving for more than a decade. The art is gaining popularity in South Africa and a competition is being held at Emperors Palace in Johannesburg. Koen explains that there are two categories: speed cutting and speed carving. He finds speed cutting boring as it is limited to three cuts. He says speed carving is much more intricate and contestants are given an hour to produce their sculpture. His latest project is chainsaw carving half-meter high Xmas trees out of one piece of wood. Fairy lights are placed in the grooves and the tree is green with silver to imitate Angel’s hair. Koen admitted that he got the idea from the USA where there’s a

Children play here for hours.

huge demand for chainsaw carvings. Koen is also carving interesting birds’ nests made out of wood. He says the Americans are blessed with an abundance of soft wooded Redwoods. South Africa doesn’t have many soft woods and most of the country’s woods split or crack. He uses Jacaranda and otherwise concentrates on invasives like Syringa, Pine and Bluegum. — Sue Ettmayr sue@bulletin.us.com

Extra lessons help pupils

subject. We also Three teachers from realised that there the Khujwana area between Nkowankois no link or commitment between wa and Lenyenye, Mr Jabulani Elias Manda, Ms Renoldah Mabu- assist where possible in sciences and tech- parents and their children, Drug abuse is anza and Mr Kudakwashe Honamombe, have nology, maths and English, in order to up- other challenge. Pupils in Gr 8 are the biggest smokers and as teachers started an initiative to assist pupils from different public schools we do not have enough power to deal with it. in the Khujwana and BaThabina circuits with extra lessons, using “We are in need of financial support, statheir spare time to assist. These dedicated teachers retionary, equipment like computers and printalised that the importance of ers,” Manda added. education in public schools was not properly acknowledged. Rivoningo Educational Support Scheme staff with pupils from different schools who attend extra classes. Anyone who would like to contribute to the initiRivoningo Educational Support Scheme, a non-profit organisation, was lift the standard of education in rural are- ative can contact Manda on 083 897 0504 or Mabuza on 072 333 2440. thus registered in 2013, with the aim of as- as,” explained Manda. — Phidelia Rikhotso sisting pupils from Gr 8 to Gr 12. “We are here to change the instilled menphidelia@bulletin.us.com “Our goal for this drive is to step in and tality saying that mathematics is a difficult

The Community of George's Valley held a hugely successful 4X4 Day and would like to thank the following Sponsors: PPS Fuel, PPS Transport, Trophy Toyota Duiwelskloof, BB Motors Nissan Tzaneen, Tzaneen Auto Ford, Naude Garrun Brokers, SAB Tzaneen, KM Bolt and Engineering Supplies, ABE Construction Chemicals, BELL Tzaneen, CGI Tyres Tzaneen, Supa Quick Tzaneen, Star Spares Tzaneen, Land Rover Polokwane, Fast Tool Polokwane, Paint Pot Tzaneen, Forbes Brokers, E-Con and Voltex, Agri Box, Victrix Signs Tzaneen, Colada Switzerland, Letaba Wireless, Boulevard Cycles, Maxim's Restaurant, Crawdaddy's, Minki's, Large Security, Radio Centre, Overland Liquors Modjadjiskloof & Selati Roof Trusses Thank you to each and everyone that supported us. Congratulations to all our winners.

Library staff from the different libraries in the GTM’s jurisdiction recently got together in Ledtsitele to bid farewell to Ms Marie van der Westhuizen. She retired after decades with the GTM and as librarian in Letsitele. Seen here are Mss Tintswalo Nyabana, Thembani Vukeya, Gift Thuketana, Van der Westhuijzen, Ouma Kheswa, Sphiwe Ngobeni, Lydia Mbhalati, Cate Nkuna and Alina Nkuna. Ms Kheswa, also a senior in the Letsitele library for many years, will now be wearing the librarian crown.

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24 June 2016



24 June 2016

Ons Mening


We look back at the past twelve years...

24 Junie 2016

Unfortunately we did not recieve a contribution for this week

Die verkiesing

Daagliks hoor mens nou dat 3 Augustus se munisipale verkiesings “die belangrikste sedert ‘94 is”; en dan word ewe nonchalant bygevoeg “vir die ANC”. So asof die president se aanstootlike uitspraak “die ANC sal regeer totdat Jesus weer kom” ‘n geldende en feitelike toedrag van sake uitbeeld. Feit is dat die komende verkiesings duidelik die belangrikste sedert ‘94 is vir die ganse land en al haar inwoners. Die afgelope week het ons grootskaalse anargie aanskou. Mense het hulle blind gestaar teen Tshwane, waar die geweld op sy ergste was. Maar dit het op ander plekke in die land ook begin oorkook. Verkeer op Suid-Afrika se twee grootste en belangrikste hoofpaaie — die N1 en die N2 — was dié week in ‘n stadium vir verkeer gesluit, weens geweld wat dit vir motoriste uiters gevaarlik gemaak het. Afgesien van die ongerief vir motoriste, is handelsvoertuie met noodsaaklike en duur vrag ook tot stilstand gedwing, wat verdere obstruksie in die hygende ekonomie se lugweë verloorsaak het. Die brandskade wat voertuie en infrastruktuur verwoes het, die verlies aan voorraad en toerusting van handelaars in swart woongebiede, die man-ure wat in die arbeidsmark verloor is omdat mense tuis moes bly (busse is uitgebrand en versperde paaie het ander vervoer onmoontlik gemaak) en allerlei ander gevolge wat verduur moes word, voorspel niks goed nie. 3 Augusts 2016 kan inderdaad vir Suid-Afrika by ‘n keerpunt bring.

1368 057 The Numbers 24 9 13,1 The amount in millions of dollars spent on

the recovery of the Challenger shuttle. Also the street value of a duffel bag of cocaine found during the search.

Report unsolved crime cases to 0800 54 67 67

Local Hero

Briewe • Letters Open Letter to Maruleng Municipality

On 24 June 2004 the Bulletin reported on the front page that farmers warned that minimum wages would in the long run kill the farming industry. Other main news announced that (the late) Mr Jan de Lang was elected as a councillor of the DA for the Greater Tzaneen Municipality. There was also gruesome news of a domestic worker on a small holding at Lushof who was mauled by a vicious dog (of the people where she was employed). Lastly: the air show for the following day (Saturday 24 June) was advertised for the last time before the big event that used to draw thousands of spectators to Tzaneen.

From the Horse’s Mouth Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich, by promising to protect each from the other. — Oscar Am ringer, “the Mark Twain of American Socialism.” I offered my opponents a deal: “if they stop telling lies about me, I will stop telling the truth about them”. — Adlai Stevenson, campaign speech, 1952. A politician is a fellow who will lay down your life for his country. — Texas Guinan. 19th century American businessman I have come to the conclusion that politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians. — Charles de Gaulle, French general & politician Instead of giving a politician the keys to the city, it might be better to change the locks. — Doug Larson (English middle-distance runner who won gold medals at the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris, 1902-1981) We hang petty thieves and appoint the bigger thieves to public office. — Aesop, Greek slave & fable author Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. — Plato, ancient Greek Philosopher Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even where there is no river. — Nikita Khrushchev, Russian Soviet politician When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become PM; I’m beginning to believe it. — Quoted in ‘Clarence Darrow for the Defense’ by Irving Stone. Politicians are people who, when they see light at the end of the tunnel, go out and buy some more tunnel. — John Quinton, American actor/writer

Maynard Kleynhans van die Laerskool Tzaneen het eer na ons omgewing gebring... hy is aangewys as kaptein van Limpopo se o.12A-rugbyspan, wat hul kant op die rugbyveld bring en teenstanders laat bontstaan. Lees verder op bl 16.

The Message

Marie Helm, PO Box 420, Hoedspruit, writes: As a resident of Hoedspruit I am very concerned that the highly paid Municipal Manager of the Maruleng municipality is still on suspension. He was suspended at a special council meeting held on 5 August 2015. At a council meeting which was held on 23 July 2015 the notice of suspension of the Municipal Manager was tabled and on 5 August 2015 the suspension of the Municipal Manager was again discussed during the council meeting. During the IDP meeting which was held on 16 May 2016 at the Hoedspruit Hall, the Mayor, ClAlr Pule Mafologele, refused to answer any questions on the suspension of the Municipal Manager. I am really worried that notwithstanding regulations in this regard it is now almost a year that the Municipal Manager was suspended; the case is not resolved yet. Maybe somebody or more than just one person, is really milking the system? A Municipal Manager who is getting more than R1 million a year should not be on suspension for this long. More than that, the acting Municipal Manager is getting an acting allowance — all on taxpayers’ expense. According to Statssa the Maruleng municipal area has 94 857 people living in the jurisdiction area with 24 470 households. Unemployment rate is 39,9%, youth unemployment rate is 51,2%, no schooling aged 20+ is 20%, matric aged 20+ is only 18,5%. The growth rate in 2001-2011 was 0,05% — practically non-existent. And we all know that the economy is going down, not up. Notwithstanding these horrific figures of unemployment, desperate poverty, tragic lack of growth and the Maruleng municipal total inability to do anything about these nightmare figures, it seems as if the honorable councillors seems to find it normal business to pay the Municipal Manager more than a million a year and keep a suspended Municipal Manager for almost a year on full pay. He is for sure the highest paid person in the whole of the Maruleng municipal area? I hope that the Maruleng Local Council will take notice of the media statement of the National Minister of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Gogta) Minister, Des van Rooyen (published online on the Times Live web page, 10 June 2016). He allegedly said “No more golden handshakes”. The acting Director-General of Cogta, Muthotho Sigidi — according to The Times — said that the suspension of municipal officials should last no more than three months, after which their disciplinary hearings should be concluded. I will forward a written concern to the provincial office of Cogta, the National office of Cogta the Provincial office of the Provincial Treasury, National Treasury and the Minister of Finance.

24 June 2016



Local Government & the news that matters Local elections are around the corner. Bulletin will henceforth address various issues affecting the residents of the local municipalities in our area: Mopani District Municipality, Greater Tzaneen Municipality, Greater Letaba Municipality, Maruleng Municipality and Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality.

Today we start on a new journey to expose alleged irregularities, inexplicable conduct, questionable and wasteful expenditure, the unacceptable waste of money on (lost) court cases and legal fees, abuse of municipal equipment and/or time and/or assets, favouritism, lack of discipline, proper supervision etcetera. We we will henceforth tackle matters one by one — and report on what we found. As stated last week, we will not be able to obtain comment from the GTM, since the institution and its rulers are exercising a boycot of the Bulletin.

The only ray of light is the GTM’s Speaker who contacted our editor on Friday last week, when we published details of the deadlock and the boycot. The Speaker and our editor agreed then that we would give a meeting to discuss the deadlock another try (which unfortunately could not be arranged before the deadline for today’s edition). Whilst we respect and uphold the “audi alteram partem” rule (hear the other side) as part of our ethical code, we are not able to do so with the GTM at present and until the deadlock has been solved.

Is Tzaneen sonder reëls? In Tzaneen doen smouse, kontrakteurs, bouers, motoriste (veral taxis), inwoners, besoekers en sommer almal net mooi wat hulle wil — want daar is geen duidelikheid oor die dorp se verordeninge (by-laws) nie. ‘n Nuwe stel verordeninge wat ten duurste deur ‘n kontrakteur — Umnotho Development — opgestel is, is in 2004 “bekend gestel”. Toe ons so agtien maane gelede die GTM se woordvoerder, mnr Neville Ndlala, hieroor gevra het, het hy gesê dit sou “binnekort aan die raad voorgelê en aanvaar word”. Ons inligting is dat dit nog nie gebeur het nie (elf jaar na 2004!). Een van die grys gebiede is buite-advertensies en plakkate wat die dorp vol na willekeur opgeplak word. Daar is duidelik geen wil by die GTM om te help om die dorp netjies te hou nie en die middedorp is ‘n seer oog wat uitstaan met allerhande plakkate wat geboue, mure, die

middelmannetjiemuur in die hoofstraat en selfs verkeerstekens ontsier. Die Bulletin het van verskeie mense gehoor dat daar by ‘n amptenaar van die GTM kontant vir advertensieplakkate betaal word, maar dat kwitansies nie uitgereik word. Die naam van die amptenaar is aan ons bekend. Intussen het daar ‘n ligte storm ontstaan om die elektroniese advertensie-flikkerborde in Danie Joubert-straat en Sapekoe-rylaan. Volgens dokumente in ons besit is dit onduidelik of die huurkontrak vir die grond waarop die groot borde is, nog geldig is. Daar is ook vals inligting op ‘n amendement tot die oorspronklike huurkontrak wat in Oktober 2010 opgestel is. Navrae hieroor aan die munisipale bestuurder word nie beantwoord nie, ten spyte van sy “belofte” om te reageer, sê ‘n inwoner wat skriftelik navraag gedoen het. Die persoon

is een van baie wat kla dat skrywes aan die munisipale bestuurder nie beantwoord word nie en Bulletin getuig dat dit ook ons ervaring is.

BO: deel van die voorblad en ONDER van die laaste bladsy van die omstrede huurooreenkoms met die GTM

Besoekers aan die Mopani Distriksmunisipaliteit se Rampbeheersentrum in Tzaneen staan verwonderd oor die waterskade in die (nuwe) gebou. Dit lek soos ‘n sif, sê ‘n kontrakteur wat onlangs daar besoek afgelê en die foto in die raadsaal geneem het.


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24 June 2016


Pupils visit oncology patients Members of the Haenertsburg Rotary Interact Club (based at Stanford Lake College) paid a visit to the children’s oncology ward at the Polokwane Provincial Hospital and surprised a number of young children with gift packs. Last year, one of SLC’s teachers had to undergo treatment for breast cancer at the Hospital. She reported back to the pupils at SLC that there were large numbers of people and children receiving cancer treatment at the oncology

unit, and that the patients could really do with caring people to visit them. The Interact Club decided to make up “care packs” for the children in the oncology children’s ward. The club members made play-dough, sourced colouring-in books and crayons, picture books and added items such as face cloths, soap, water and a few treats to eat (apples, chocolate and biscuits). The packs were delivered by members of the club and the interaction gave a better sense of how to help the young patients in the future. “We hope that this visit brought a ray of sunshine into some children’s lives” said the leader of the group.

How a tragedy changed this woman’s life Ms Henni van Wyk looks surprisingly young for 81. She says she always has and always will get up, get dressed, put on make-up and go out with a smile on her face. She doesn’t go to doctors and relies on homeopathic medicine. Her only health scare was ovarian cancer in

1979. Prof Snyman from Pretoria did a laparoscopy and she eschewed chemotherapy and radiation. Van Wyk was born in Bethel in the Transvaal. Her parents moved to Johannesburg during the big drought and she went to school in the city. She wanted to be involved

with the media when she completed school. She managed The Star’s Brixton satellite office and handled advertising for more than a decade. Van Wyk was proudly there at the beginning of the Star Tonight. She says advertising reps are the heart of any newspaper. Supple-

Wedding Expo Exhibitions R500 for 2 days

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ments were her best. In order to 31st March 2009 was a day like be a good rep, van Wyk says, you most days. Van Wyk phoned his must know the person you’re going wife at the usual time in the mornto meet, know about his/her busi- ing. However at 09:30 his neighness, do your research bour phoned her to and make them feel say her husband had good. been murdered. The She did advertorials case was covered exfor the Sunday tensively by the meExpress, and then dia at the time as it moved on to Perswas established that it kor, Vaderland had been a muti-murand Transvaler der with mutilation until they closed. most gruesome. During her time Van Wyk’s life with the press she changed after her met all the leghusband’s murder. ends of the day She relocated to a Ms Henni van Wyk like Mr Harold small cottage on her Parkendorff, the daughter’s property singer Koos du Plessis and the in Tzaneen. Her son lives in Johanauthor PG du Plessis. nesburg. She has six grandchildren She was in her sixties but not and they keep her spirits up. Her ready to retire when the last daughter works long hours as of these papers closed; so she manager of the Lifestyle Centre in joined the world of research in Tzaneen. financial services and stayed Van Wyk runs her daughter’s on in the big Johannesburg household and looks after the family home. Husband Jan, grandchildren. Reverting back to retired from the police, man- her husband’s tragic death she says aged the family farm in Vil- that it took her more than six years joenskroon. The couple saw to get over the pain of losing him in each other on weekends and such a vile manner. van Wyk phoned his wife — Sue Ettmayr sue@bulletin.us.com every morning at 06:30. The

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24 June 2016


Lion poachers are to remain in custody

The body parts (head, claws and a tail) of a white lion found in possession of the alleged poachers.

Three suspected lion poachers appeared in the Namakgale Magistrate’s court on charges of illegal possession of endangered animals species. They were arrested on Sunday when the LDV they were travelling in was stopped and searched by members of the Rhino Project, who were patrolling along the R71. A bag containing four claws, a head and a tail of a white lion was found in their possession. The three sus-

pects will appear in court again on Monday. There is no confirmation that the body parts found with them are muti-related, although evidence strongly suggests that. In the mean time police in Bolobedu arrested 36 people during the past week in connection with various criminal offences, while police in Maake locked up 28 suspects. The offences ranged from theft to rape and murder.

Yolandi Strydom Mianel Du Plooy

Skou bied verligting vir behoeftiges Die mode- en matriekafskeidskou wat in Tzaneen aangebied is, het goeie belangstelling geniet, sê die organiseerder, me Lizelle Cronjé. Buiten die inkomste uit kaartjieverkope het anonieme skenkers kontant bygedra en kon die skitterende bedrag van R10 700 vir liefdadigheid ingevorder word. ‘n Anonieme skenker het ‘n klompie kniekombersies geskenk, wat aan die inwoners van Goue Jare Bejaardesorg in Modjadjiskloof geskenk is. Cronjé sê die borge het grootliks bygedra tot die sukses van die dag en sy het alle borge en donateurs bedank.

Yolande Strydom en Mianell du Plooy, twee modelle van Amone Modelling Academy se Tzaneen-tak, het in Pretoria aan die Little Model Earth 2017-kompetisie deelgeneem.

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24 June 2016


Letaba’s new maternity ward and victim empowerment centre opened

There was great excitement amongst staff and patients when Limpopo premier Stanley Mathabatha and MEC of Health, Dr Phophi Ramathuba, officially opened the Letaba Hospital’s brand new state-of-theart maternity ward and Victim Empowerment Centre earlier this month. According to Mathabatha, Limpopo’s health facilities are deteriorating minute by minute and the Government is committed to providing quality healthcare service by improving facilities — and also to create a user-friendly and efficient service to communities.

“No mother should die when giving birth. Women should be able to nature and witness the upbringing of their children after birth and this facility will help in assisting to identify and reduce infant mortality. The Victim Empowerment Centre will be providing the psychological needs to the victims of abuse,” he said. The new maternity unit, which was completed only recently, forms part of the total upgrading of the hospital. The unit, comprising of an ante-natal ward, a delivery ward, a neo-natal ward and a post-natal ward, was equipped with new equipment and also boasts a companion room, new beds, toilet facilities as well as a general face-lift. Other improvements to the hospital Construction is still in progress at the hospital’s psychiatric ward, as can be seen on the photo at the top. Above left is the entrance to the brand new ante-natal ward. Far left: The hospital’s new state-of-the-art maternity ward comprises of spanking new equipment, new beds and toilet facilities. Left: Incubators (also brand new) in the new maternity ward will ensure peace of mind for mothers.

included the official launch of the in-sourcing of kitchen service. “I will sleep peacefully tonight, I think I have served my fellow women,” said Ramathuba in her speech. Ms K E Kubayi, the maternity ward matron, said: “Since 2008 we were stuck in an orthopaedic ward and its capacity was small. We couldn’t accommodate all our patients. “We are excited to work in our new modernised ward which is said to be the biggest in the province. The ward has already received many compliments from the community and colleagues. We plead with the department to provide us with more maternity staff as we are not enough,” she said. • Sadly, the restoration of the unit for psychiatric patients that was gutted by a fire is still not completed, despite many promises that it would be ready in the shortest time possible. The spokesperson for Limpopo’s Health Department became impatient when we recently asked him about the psychiatric ward, and wanted to know why we were so interested in the project. He failed to give reliable information about the progress with the project. — Phidelia Rikhotso phidelia@bulletin.us.com

Social • Churches • Cultural • Schools • Sport • Skole • Kultuur • Kerke • Sosiaal Letsitele Markdag 9 Julie

Die Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen wil op 9 Julie ‘n markdag by die Eiland hou. Enigiets wat nie in hul winkel of restaurant of kroeg verkoop word nie, mag aangebied word. Mense wat bereid is om te help met die reëlings en om op die dag diens te doen, moet met die kerkkantoor skakel.

Haenertsburg Trail Run 9 July

Haenertsburg iron crown trail run: Entries are open for the fifth annual trail run on 9 July. The day’s event features a 21,1 km strenuous run over rough single track mountain paths, which goes to the summit of the highest mountain in Limpopo — the Iron Crown. There is also a shorter 10 km distance and a 5 km fun run/walk for families and dogs! The scenery on the trail is pristine and spectacular. Details can be found on http:// rotaryhaenertsburg.co.za and the link to enter online is: https://ironcrowntrailrun2016.myactiveonline. co.za/CaptureDetails/Registration.aspx. The start and finish are on the central market square in the villag. This is a fundraiser organized by the Rotary Club of Haenertsburg in conjunction with the Ofcolaco Harriers. It is a festive day out for everyone, from the hard core trail runners to the not so adventurous racers, to leisurely strollers and families. Food will be on sale and there will a beer tent. Cash prizes for winners in the different age and gender categories! Funds raised will go to “Preserve Planet Earth” projects which aim to

protect and promote a sustainable environment, and other community projects.

Tzaneen Hair-A-Thon 14 July

The fourth annual Hair-A-Thon will be hosted in Tzaneen by Hairfusion and The Letaba Tzaneen Lions Club on 14 July. The event is used to raise funds for those that are less fortunate, and this year the money collected will be donated to help Imke Geldenhuys in her battle against cancer. Eight hairstylists and a nail technician from salons in Tzaneen will dedicate their time and skill to this cause. Those interested in participating this year can head to Hairfusion opposite Mediclinic Tzaneen and enjoy some “hairtastic” pampering that will benefit a worthy cause. Bring the little ones along and have their faces painted while you enjoy either a cut or cut and blow with a free treatment to the value of R120, courtesy of Matrix hair products.

Modjadjiskloof Bybelse Tee 6 Augustus

Die AGS gemeente se sustersvereniging, ook bekend as Dames Dinamiek, bied op 6 Augustus om 10:00 hul jaarlikse Damestee aan. Die geselligheid sal in die Laerskool Duiwelskloof se saal gehou word, en die gasspreker is past Anèl Oliver. Die byeenkoms gaan in die vorm van ‘n Bybelse ete wees. Alle ma’s en hoërskoolmeisies is welkom om dit by te woon. Kaartjies kos R120/ persoon en is beskikbaar by Sarie Mostert by 072 379 5334.

Magoebaskloof Trail run 6-7 August

The Wolkberg Trail Run will be held at Stanford Lake College on 6-7 August. There will be a 4 km, 10 km and 25 km to tackle. Visit wolkbergtrailrun. co.za for details.

Send your info to editor@bulletin.us.com

Have a cut to help Imke It is time for the Annual hair-A-Thon in Tzaneen (read the announcement in the Events column on this page). This year’s stylists for the day are Clive Jones (Clive’s Hair studio), Christa Koekemoer (Hair Fusion), Hannetjie Marais (Hair by Hannetjie), (Carla Luyt (Hair with Attitude), Nicole Jones (Nikki J’s) and Marina van Wyk (Nails by Marina).

24 June 2016



Commercial News

Now Open: Collectables plus coffee shop As the sun set over Tzaneen last Friday, Ms Chantelle de Carvalho held a sundowners preview at her newly opened Past 2 Present Creations venture next to the gym and Curves in Windsor Street. Past 2 Present Creations is a treasure trove of old, vintage, modern and local collectables. De Carvalho’s mother, Ms Hannelie van Niekerk, who is manager of the hot food side at Sugarhill, prepared the colourful, interesting and unusual snacks plus an incredibly varied cheese platter. The shop is the exclusive stockist of Anne Sloan Chalk Paint. Chalk paint is quick drying. An undercoat, then chalk paint, then sanding, then topping it with a

coat of wax and the furniture gets that old effect. De Carvalho wants to give prominence to local talent. The Afrikaans signage is by a local artist who wishes to remain anonymous. The popular ginger beer by local Ms Rachel Kirstein is on sale. Ma Griets Fine Foods in Haenertsburg is the main supplier to the little coffee shop that forms part of Past 2 Present Creations. Husband Lino de Carvalho, owner of both Sugarhill and Sugarloaf, stayed very much in the background and poured the OBS’s outside to take off the chill off the fading day. Past 2 Present Creations is open during working hours Monday to Fridays and on Saturday mornings. — Sue Ettmayr sue@bulletin.us.com

LEFT: Ms Chantelle de Carvalho poses amongst her collectables.

Alleged racist assault caught on camera Video footage of what appears to be a racially-fuelled attack on a petrol attendant by two men at the Sasol R71 in Tzaneen went viral this week. Police are investigating a case of assault. The incident occurred on Saturday at around 23:00. The attendant, Mr Johannes Monyela, said the altercation started outside at the pumps when three men pulled up at the filling station in a vehicle and asked for unleaded 93 petrol. “I told the men that we only had unleaded 95 petrol, and at this point the one man got angry and started swearing at me. “Two of the men got out of the vehicle and started throwing fists at me. I then ran into a room

where the assault continued. The driver of the vehicle tried to stop them, but his attempts failed. Other employees at the filling station then pressed the security panic button and armed response was sent for assistance,” Monyela said. The suspects were stopped by security guards and arrested. According to Tzaneen police spokesperson srgt Glenda Mayimele, Martinus Van Dyk (18) and Danny le Roux (18) were arrested. They appeared in the Tzaneen Magistrate’s Court on a charge of assault GBH and they were each granted bail of R500. The case was remanded to 27 June 2016 for further police investigations.

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24 June 2016


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Letaba Junction

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SMIT GARRUN Mediese fondse Korttermyn versekering Lewensversekering Aftree beplanning Testamente / Beleggings 10 Windsor Street 015 307 5587 Jun310___________________________

Oogkundige Gratis Sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril. Jacques van Niekerk 015 307 3703 Loop Str, Tzaneen

Optometrists Gail Altona 015 307 1243


Gravelotte Engineering General engineering, machining, sheet metal works, processing and packaging machine maintenance. Manufacturing of steel structures and supports profile / plasma cutting. Contact Hanno Meintjies at 015 318 4344 / hannomeintjies@yahoo.com Jun320___________________________

Mashutti Country Lodge Conference venues Overnight accommodation Wedding venues Baby showers Matric dance Business Meetings Restaurant and Bar 015 307 4315 / 4808 Jun321___________________________

LETABA FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION Rouan Snyman 071 602 5982 076 844 1646 manager@letabafire.co.za www.letabafire.co.za



Groblers Auto Tow-in Panelbeaters Conversions Velddienste Scrapyard 015 395 2112 / 2175 Jun319___________________________

Contact Rikus for the best deals on UD Trucks 015 307 4950 Jun303___________________

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Paving and light to medium steel and general construction.

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Jun301 ______________________

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Services Dienste

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We also service and repair all makes of electric gates and garage motors. Contact Mike at 071 302 8090 / 082 298 5352 dedamsteelworks@ gmail.com Jun328____________________

Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Faks: 086 262 3152 083 252 8928

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40 Danie Joubert Street

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DASS Refrigeration, air conditioning. Repairs, spares and services to all makes of domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Whirlpool, Defy, Bosch, etc. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, Tzaneen. 015 307 1798 082 8980 468

Services Dienste

Need a good cleanup now that the holiday visitors has left? For all your upholstery cleaning and carpets. Ask us about Master guard. You know us and our work Eugene or Yvonne 071 783 7112 081 301 6018

Contact: Andre Bezuidenhout 0725975977

Beskerm jou gesin se gesondheid met ons wye reeks filters, watersuiweraars, dispensers en ander produkte. Ons los jou water problem gou op. Bekostigbare kwaliteit produkte en diens. Elsie: 083 458 4746 Danna: 083 560 8636 Jun326___________________________

Wenkem SA


Forum Makelaars/ Brokers Vir al u korttermyn versekeringsbehoeftes Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 / 6157

Absolutely Water

Bruce Allan 0834174026 Jun323___________________

Vir ‘n volledige reeks: Mikro-element blaarvoeding Na-oesbederfmiddels Plaagdoders Swamdoders Citrosol Wakse Kontak: Cor Greyling 082 856 5445 Kantoor: 015 306 0090


For Hire Te Huur TLB for Hire 3CX 4X4 JCB Contact 083 580 2078 Jun330_____________________


Services Dienste

24 June 2016



Property l Eiendomme To Let Te Huur Flat available immediately R2 300 pm (incl water and electricity ) Tiled granite tops cupboards, stove, separate loo + shower. No pets. Phone to view 083 345 99 99 Apr501___________________________

Plaashuise 10 km buite Tzaneen 3 Slaapkamers R4 000 p/m 2 Slaapkamers R3 600 p/m 1 Slaapkamer R3 000 p /m Elektrisiteit ingesluit, swembad, tennisbaan, braai areas Skakel 083 298 0399 of 082 33 22 110 / 015 307 7585


Spacious, secure two bedroom flat available on the R 71 close to Letaba Airfield, situated in tranquil bushveld surrounds.Please call 082 849 2603 to arrange to view.


Meenthuis 2 slp kamer meenthuis

in Letsitele beskikbaar vanaf 1 Julie vir R4200 pm, koopkrag. Veilige kompleks, naby winkelsentrum. 0835616062

Huise, Meenthuise, Woonstelle, Kantore & Besighede


Woonstel te huur in Aqua Park. 2 slaapkamer, groot leefarea, groot stoep, kombuis met gasstoof, parkering met afdak, stoor. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Julie 2016. R4000- per maand R4000 deposito Kontak Barry: 083 526 5138 Jun201___________________________

For Sale Te Koop Huis te Koop: GEEN AGENTE! Huis te koop in Auquapark. Groot erf met eie boorgat 4 slpk, 3 badkamer, kantoor, sitkamer,tv kamer, eetkamer, groot kombuis, 3 motor afdakke, onder dak braai/ onthaal area. R1 250 000. Kontak: Thys 076 410 9503

KANTOOR TE HUUR Unieke geleentheid Ongeveer 50 vk meter. Sentraal, goeie adres, maklik toeganklik (ook vir liggaamlik gestremdes). Lugversorging, sekuriteit, kan ontvangslokaal en ontvangsdame van bestaande besigheid in die gebou gebruik. Telefoonstelsel met jongste tegnologie bestuurstelsel kan ook gebruik word,

Plaashuis 3 Slaapkamer, omhein, groot toesluit tralie stoep, enkel motorhuis. R4 700

aangesien alle oproepe geregistreer en op band opgeneem en koste outomaties bereken word. Klein kombuis met yskas, vrieskas en mikrogolfoond beskikbaar. Billike huur kan onderhandel word. Skakel 076 316 4350 gedurende kantoorure vir navrae.

Aquapark 3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, dubbel motorhuis, swembad en lapa, tuindienste ingesluit. R9 500 Kantoor: 015 307 5151 Isabel: 083 448 5171 | Annette: 083 443 0328

Huise, Meenthuise, Woonstelle, Kantore & Besighede


Legals | Geregtelik ESTATE LATE MOAGI MALEULEU JOHANNES Notice in terms of Section 35 (5) of Administration of Estate Act 66 of 1965. Estate late: Moagi Maleuleu Johannes Estate number: 2567/2015 Notice is hereby given that the first and final liquidation and distribution account in the above estate will lie for inspection at the office of the Magistrate, Lenyenye Magistrate Court, for a period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof. Kindly take notice that should no objection thereto be lodged with the master of the High Court, Polokwane during the period allowed for inspection, the executor will proceed to distribute the estate in accordance with the said Liquidation and Distribution

Account. Name of Advertiser: Modiba Attorneys 1015 CNR Pretorius & Festival Streets Hatfield Pretoria, 0002 Tel: 012 430 2066 Fax: 012 430 2065 Jun401___________________________


TZANEEN dated 1st FEBRUARY 2013, the under mentioned goods will be sold by public auction, on 15 JULY 2016 at 10:00. Venue of the sale: 1 HANS MERENSKY STREET, MODJADJISKLOOF, SHERIFF, GA-KGAPANE’S OFFICE By the Sheriff for the Magistrate’s Court of BOLOBEDU to the highest cash bidder. 1 x 1 NISSAN HARDBODY WITH REG NO: BZJ399L 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honourable Court. 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff. 3. Registration as a buyer is

a pre-requisite subject to a specific condition, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation in respect of proof of identify and address particulars, payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. (SGD) J H JACOBSZ ATTORNEY FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR JOUBERT & MAY 50 BOUNDARY STREET

Job Seeker l Werkgeleenthede Driver My name is M S Morwasehla i am looking for driver worki have code 10 with PDP and i have IQF level 2 full time or part time is speak English contact me on 072 525 3281 (23) _____________________________

Domestic My name is Jane Sebopetswa i am looking for any general work or domestic work i can speak English i have 4 years experience 3 days or 5 days a week, i can also look after children i have grade 10 and diploma in computer leteracy. Contact me on 072 343 9861

work full time or 3 days can work on Saturdays speak English and Afrikaans contact me on 079 447 0543 (413)_____________________________

My name is Sarah Makgoba ek is opsoek na huishoudelike werk voltyds of 2 of 3 dae a week slaap in of uit of kantoorskoonmaker, praat Afrikaans. Skakel my op 083 497 1987 (414)_____________________________

My naam is Ngaletsane Grace Nkgapela ek is opsoek na huishoudelike werk voltyds of 3 dae praat Afrikaans of kantoorskoonmaker slaap in of uit skakel my op 073 450 7969 (415)_____________________________


My name is Matsatsi Anna Chambuka i am looking for domestic work full time, i speak Afrikaans & English, can look after children, can cook, sleep in or out contact me on 071 358 5259 (412)_____________________________

My name is Rejoice Twalo i am looking for domestic


My name is Thayopo Ivy Ramalepe i am looking for Security work i have Grade C or domestic work full time or 3 days i speak English sleep out or office cleaner contact me on 079 532 1752 (132)____________________________

My name is Maropene Beauty Maunatlala i am looking for marketing work i have qualification level 2 i speak English full time or part time i have drivers licence code 10 contact me on 079 190 0135 (133)_____________________________



My name is Mankwana Augustine Kgatle i am looking for houshold work or in a crech can look after babies. Speak Afrikaans & English, full time + Saturdays. Sleep out. Contact me on 060 835 8058

Level 1,2,3 from Limpopo Economic Develop. Agency i speak English full time or part time have computer literacy contact me on 079 559 1535

My name is Chritina Makgoba I am looking for a receptionis or administration position. I speak english and is computer literate. I also have advance IT. I can work part time or full time. Contact me on 082 627 0064. (42)_____________________________

General My name is Tebogo Maamoko Masete i am looking for plumbing work i have

My name is Mangena Johannes Malatji i am looking for any general work and i can also look after old people full time or 3 days (Ref: Ilse Engelbrecht 015 304 3334) contact me on 083 504 2427 (134)_____________________________

My name is Tebogo Austine Malogadithlane i am looking for any general work i have experience with grinders i speak English i have grade 11 have a Certificate of Service were is was working full time or part time (construciton) contact me on 078 330 3950 (135)_____________________________

My name is Nsovo Mofumo i worked in construction lying

cables or any other general work i speak English full time or part time i have exeprience contact me on 071 014 6730 (136)_____________________________

My name is Nathi Modika i am looking for general work or office cleaning work i speak English full time or 3 days contact me on 073 519 9907 (137)_____________________________

My name is Simon Ramatadi i am looking for building, tiling, paving work i speak English full time or part time have 14 years experience and have a code 10 licence contact me on 073 629 0754 (138)_____________________________

My name is Mmakobo Grace Moloto i am looking for Security work, firearm licence or domestic cleaner, full time contact me on 072 470 0368 (139)_____________________________

My name is Liza Hutamo i am looking for Chef / Assistant Chef work or cleaner work i speak English and Afrikaans contact me on 073 084 33 47 (140)_____________________________

My name is Victoria Ralepelle i am looking for Security work have a firearm licence, computer literacy contact me on 073 518 1940 (141)_____________________________

My name is Goodness Rakgoale i am looking for cashier work full time or 3 days, speak English contact me on 078 486 5038 (142)_____________________________

PO BOX 35 TZANEEN, 0850 TEL: 015 307 3660 REF: MR JACOBSZ/JK/B6776 Jun402___________________________

IN TERMS OF SECTION 35(5) OF 66 OF 1965 Notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (First

and final unless otherwise stated) in the estate specified below will be open for inspection of all person’s with an interest therein for a period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof and at offices of the Master (Polokwane) and Magistrate (Tzaneen) as stated. Should no objection there to be

lodged with the Master’s concerned during the specified period. The executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Registered number of the estate 1592/2008. Christian names: Molatelo Cecilia, surname: Matloha, ID number: 691207 0378 08 8

period of inspection: 21 days, Magistrate’s office: Tzaneen, Master’s office Polokwane, last address: 15 Petunia Street, Flora Park, Limpopo Province; Attorneys: Mahowa Incorporated Attorneys, 36 Boundary Street, Sentra Park, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel number: 015 307 4574 Jun403___________________________


24 June 2016


‘n Spannetjie moedige fietsryers van die Laerskool Tzaneen het aan die Magoebaskloof Mountain Bike Challenge deelgeneem en die wedren gate uit geniet. Hier is Xander Koster, Shané van den Heever, Marnu Lamprecht, Tashné Opperman en Nantus du Preez. Shané en Tashné het elkeen in hul onderskeie ouderdomsgroepe ‘n derde plek losgetrap.

Mouni Rolls, JJ Anker, Frans Pohl, Ruben Jordaan, Heini Ferreira, Ferrol Harmse en Jonathan Viljoen (afwesig) van Ben Vorster is in

LINKS: Drie Vossies is gekies om in die vakansie vir Limpopo se Pukkeweekspan vir o.19-rugbyspelers aan die jaarlikse toernooi wat saam met die Cravenweek val, uit te draf. Die driestuks is Pule Molokomme, Johan Buitendag en Shima Mphahlele.

Limpopo se Akademieweekspan vir o.18’s opgeneem en sal die vakansie aan die toernooi deelneem.

BO: Die agt o.16-rugbyspelers van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster sal in die Grant Khomo- of die Noordvaal-span gedurende die skoolvakansie vir Limpopo deelneem: Lehlohlondo Molepo, Morné Horn, Tumisho Montjane, Zander Esterhuisen, Oefentse Maubane, Thapelo Ramoshaba, Melvin Maake, Jason Mulder. Erik Meintjies, Nkateko Tiba en Shaun Mulders was afwesig toe die foto geneem is.

Meer as twee hande vol hokkiespelers van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster is in die Winterspele-spanne van Limpopo vir seuns en meisies o.14 opgeneem. Hulle gaan in die vakansie in Kwazulu-Natal aan die spele deelneem. Voor is Makhanana Mnisi, Vanessa

Stefan in Limpopo tennis team: Stefan Pretorius from Meren-

sky High School recently joined the u.18 Limpopo tennis team. He performed well in the Limpopo championships in May, ending in the third place overall. Stefan will represent Limpopo in the SA championships in April 2017.

Nkanyani, Cindy Greyvenstein, Nandy Mathebula, Nkosazana Mabunda, Grizél Lepart en Rivoningo Mangalana; en agter staan Ruan Hanaczeck-Krüger, JeanLuke le Roux, Rynhardt Coetzer, Heinrich Denysschen en Estiaan van Zyl.

Hockey girls to play in finals Three girls hockey teams of Merensky High School played in the Limpopo semi-finals. The u.14 girls played against the team from Piet Potgieter High School. They won the game 1-0, the goal being scored by Zonica van Niekerk. Player of the match was Danielle Kasselman. This team will now play in the Limpopo finals tomorrow in Polokwane, against Ben Vorster High School.

The u.15 team also played against Piet Potgieter, but lost their game 5-1. Kesia Pohl scored the goal. This team will meet with Stanford Lake College tomorrow, in the finals to establish third or fourth place in the Limpopo league. The Plasie second team had a thrilling game against Ben Viljoen High School. The score was even until the eight second shootout awarded a victory to their opponents.

RIGHT: Merensky’s u.14 team: Front: Joha du Toit, Monica van Schalkwyk, Bercha Venter, Danielle Kasselman and Zonica van Niekerk. Back: Renate Botha,

Jamie Robertson, Ms Elzette Hay (coach), Michelle Brummer, Jessica Botha, Leone Slabbert, Zane Booysen, Charlize Meyer and Bianca Prinsloo.

Eindstryde vir meisies se hokkie maak klaar

Die o.14A’s wat hul kant gebring het, is voor Rivoningo Mangalana en Makhanana Mnisi. Agter staan Nandy Mathebula, Vanessa Nkanyani, Jana Oberholzer, Lumé Vorster, Loné Herman, Christine Kruger, Cindy Greyvenstein, Zana Mabunda, Grizél Lepart, Lorinda Esterhuizen, Lihanie Vorster, Lané Prinsloo en me Elrisa Oosthuizen (afrigter).

Hier is die Vossies se tweede span. Voor lê Vanessa van Rooyen en agter haar sit Nadia Paulse, Mercia Vorster, Zande Lee de Bruyn en Lara Schutte. Agter: Angelique

Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het teen Heuwelkruin en PHS gespeel op in die halfeind- en eindstryde in die hokkieliga vir meisies van medium skole. Die o.14A’s het Ben Viljoen gewen met 2-1 en die o.16A-span het 2-0 teen Hans Strijdom verloor.

Ellis, me Lelicia Fourie (afr), Lizaan Geldenhuys, Sumari du Plessis, Juzette Oosthuizen, Annemarie Venter, Deidré Viljoen, Melissa Delport en Mariza Rautenbach.

Die opgewonde lede van die Vossies se eerste meisiehokkiespan is, voor in die lêposisie: Marizelle van Zyl. Agter haar sit Gretchen Bekker, Kagiso Malatje, Dudu Mokwena, Miha de Jager, Bontle Sibuyi en Bernice

Die tweede span het hul halfeindstryd teen Frikkie Meyer met 3-1 gewen en deurgedring na die eindronde teen Ben Viljoen. Die wedstryd het gelykop geëindig toe die eindfluitjie geblaas het, en die Vossies het toe in die agtste sekonde van ekstra tyd die wedstryd 2-1. Die span is dus die Limpopo-wenners vir 2016. Die eerste span het aanskoulike hokkie gespeel, in hul eindstryd teen Piet Potgieter. Delmé Barkhuizen, Beauty Maake en Marli Burger het elkeen vir ‘n doel gesorg en die span het uiteindelik met 3-1 gewen. Die o.14A’s het 2-1 teen Ben Viljoen gewen en dus soos die eerste span na more se eindstryde deurgedring. Die twee spanne dring ook Claasen; en agter staan Marli Burger, Marna Booyens, deur na die Noordvaal-uitChene Lourens, Melissa Naudé, Jenna Auret, Jonelle Oberholzer, Beauty Maake, Delmé Barkhuizen, Paula speelwedstryde op 28, 29 en 30 Julie. Ntuli en me Estelle Oberholzer (afrigter).

24 June 2016



Graham is going to Rio

Mr Patrick McGaffin embraces his grandson

Oppie Kassie | On the Telly

Kykers sien uit na nóg Bokspronge in die Baai Die Iere se veggees, wat soms aan veglustigheid grens, maak dit vir die Springbokke moeilik om dié naweek se groot rugby in Port Elizabeth met ʼn oormaat selfvertroue te benader. Ná verlede week se skouspel verwag Suid-Afrikaanse ondersteuners nietemin nóg ʼn dinamiese vertoning en ʼn reekssege van hul span. Ook die derde toets in die reeks tussen Nieu-Seeland en Wallis en dié tussen Australië en Engeland word regstreeks op televisie uitgesaai, net soos die laaste twee wedstryde in die onder20-wêreldtoernooi in Engeland. Daarby sal fynproewers in die Suid-Kaap en die Noorde ook nie die TV-dekking van die Curriebeker-kragmeting tussen die SWD se Arende en die Blou Bulle misloop nie. Suid-Afrika se eendaagse krieketwedstryd Vrydag teen die Windies en Sondag se eindstryd in dié driehoekige reeks sal nóg stapels opwinding oplewer. Die wenner van die Quicken Loans-gholftoernooi in Maryland moet ná Sondag se laaste ronde besluit waar hy sy prysgeld van sowat R18.8 miljoen gaan belê. Die algehele prysgeld is omtrent R104,5 miljoen — 6,9 miljoen Amerikaanse dollar. SuperSport-hoogtepunte (Alles regstreeks) Vrydag 24 Junie Boks: SA junior weltergewigtitel: Lungisani Gikani t Warren Joubert — 19:00 tot 22:00 op Kanaal 210 Gholf: BMW-ope, Pulheim, Duitsland, dag 2 — 11:30 tot 13:30 en 15:30 tot 18:30 op SS 1 Quicken Loans-toernooi, dag 2, Bethesda, Maryland — 21:30 tot 00:30 op SS 1 Krieket: Eendagreeks: Windies t Suid-Afrika, Barbados — 18:30 tot 03:30 op SS 2 en GDN Eendagreeks: Engeland t Sri Lanka, tweede wedstryd — 14:30 tot 23:30 op SS 5 Motorfietsrenne: X-fighters — 21:30 tot 23:30 op SS 6 Rugby: Curriebeker: SWDArende t Blou Bulle — 18:45 tot 21:00 op SS 1 Franse Top 14, eindstryd — 20:35 tot 22:45 op SS 7 Sokker: Cosafabeker, plaateindstryd — 17:45 tot 20:15 op SS 9 Tennis: Vroue: Aegontoernooi, halfeind, Eastbourne — 13:50 tot 18:00 op SS 6

Saterdag 25 Junie Atletiek: Afrikakampioenskappe, dag 4 — 16:30 tot 20:30 op SS 5 Gholf: BMW-ope, dag 3 — 13:30 tot 17:30 op SS 6 Quicken Loans-toernooi, dag 3 — 19:00 tot 00:00 op SS 6 Vroue: Arkansaskampioenskap, dag 1 — 00:30 tot 02:30 op SS 1 en dag 2 — 22:30 tot 02:00 op SS 5 Hokkie: Kampioenetrofee, vroue: Londen: Argentinië t Nederland, Nieu-Seeland t VSA en Brittanje t Australië — 13:00 tot 18:45 op SS 7 Motorfietsrenne: MotoGP, Assen: kwalifisering — 13:55 tot 15:15 op SS 2 Rugby: Nieu-Seeland t Wallis, derde toets — 09:00 tot 11:50 op SS 1 en GDN Australië t Engeland, derde toets — 11:50 tot 14:05 op SS 1 en GDN Suid-Afrika t Ierland, derde toets — 16:00 tot 19:30 op SS 1 en M-Net Argentinië t Frankryk, tweede toets — 20:00 tot 22:15

op SS 1 Onder20wêreldkampioenskap: uitspeel om vyfde plek — 15:15 tot 17:30 op SS 2 Uitspeel om derde plek — 17:30 tot 19:45 op SS 2 en GDN Eindwedstryd — 19:45 tot 22:00 op SS 2 en GDN Curriebeker: Griffons t Vrystaat — 14:05 tot 16:00 op SS 1 en GDN Sokker: Europese kampioenskap, 3 uitspeelwedstryde — 14:00 tot 00:00 op SS 3 Cosafa-uitspeelwedstryd om derde plek — 15:45 tot 18:15 op SS 9 Cosafa-eindstryd — 18:15 tot 20:45 op SS 9 Tennis: Vroue: Aegoneindstryd, Eastbourne — 14:20 tot 16:30 op SS 5

Sondag 26 Junie Atletiek: Afrikakampioenskap, dag 5 — 16:45 tot 19:30 op SS 7 en SS 9 Boks: Keith Thurman t Shawn Porter, weltergewigtitel — 03:00 tot 07:00 op SS 7 Gholf: BMW-ope, dag 4 — 12:30 tot 17:00 op SS 1 en GDN Quicken Loans-toernooi, dag 4 — 19:00 tot 00:30 op SS 1 Vroue: Arkansaskampioenskap, dag 3 — 23:30 tot 02:00 op SS 5 Hokkie: Vroue: Kampioenetrofee, eindstryd — 19:30 tot 21:30 op SS 7 Uitspeel om vyfde en derde plekke — 15:00 tot 19:25 op SS 8 Krieket: Drienasiereeks, eindstryd — 18:30 tot 03:30 op SS 2 en GDN Eendagreeks: Engeland t Sri Lanka — 10:30 tot 20:00 op SS 5 Motorfietsrenne: MotoGP, Assen: Moto 3 en 2 en hoofwedren — 10:45 tot 15:30 op SS 6 Motorrenne: Indycarreeks — 19:00 tot 21:30 op SS 6 Nascarreeks — 21:30 tot 00:30 op SS 6 Seiljagvaart: Extremebyeenkoms, Cardiff — 16:30 tot 18:00 op SS 6 Sokker: Europese kampioenskap: drie uitspeelwedstryde — 14:00 tot 00:00 op SS 3

Graham Paull from Haenertsburg is the only para-canoeist in Africa who has been chosen to compete in this year’s Paralympics. He will represent South Africa at the Rio Paralympics in September. Seven years ago Graham (then 22) met his sweetheart — local Nicky Morgan (20), a Pilates instructor — at the Pot ‘n Plow outside Haenertsburg. It was only fitting that this young man’s subsequent fundraising party was held at the Pot ‘n Plow this past weekend. The community collected over R45 000 of the R100 000 needed to send Graham to Rio. His grandfather, Patrick McGaffin, made a heartfelt speech before his grandson was handed his cheque. Accolades go to the organizers, Mss Megan Baragwanath and Louise Claassen. While more than hundred Harley-Davidsons from Johannesburg purred to the Iron

nated all his birthday proceeds to Graham. The rest came from other businesses and anonymous donations. Graham was selected to play for the Limpopo Blue Bulls in the 2013 Vodacom Rugby Cup. He celebrated this at the Iron Crown but his life changed dramatically the next day (20 January 2013). He awoke to a bladder that wouldn’t work with stiffness down the back of his legs. He was diagnosed with a spinal infection called transverse myelitis.. He is paralysed and confined to a wheelchair. During this trying time shy

over. I was working in Mozambique and came to visit my mom (Ms Liz McGaffin), who lives on the family farm outside Haenertsburg. I had to return to Mozambique but we kept in touch.” Nicky speaking about their subsequent four month break up says, “At the end of the day all couples argue. We didn’t break up because of the medical circumstances but because of matters in our relationship. We discussed the break up like civilized adults. I had to work out my emotions. Besides the arguing there was sulking and the uncommon evils of jealousy and demand had crept into our relationship. This wasn’t how we started. I also realized that Graham couldn’t worry about me and my problems. I had to be strong for both of us. You don’t just turn your back on someone you love.” Graham says, “The four months apart taught me to be independent and face the world in my wheelchair. However, even apart we spoke every day. Now Nicky is so supportive. She watches me practice with our little dog called Monster by her side. She’s the quiet force behind me. Graham Paull with the love of his Some of the Harley-Davidsons parked at the Iron Crown Restaurant She’s the one who life Nicky Morgan wants me to achieve. Crown, there was meditation, therapy and Nicky stayed firmly by his side, albeit in the She’s there for me. Without her I wouldn’t peace in the village hall. Local children and wings. Graham started canoeing, took part have got to where I am.” Graham’s young cousins were selling raffle in major events and today stands on the While in Haenertsburg Graham did a 45 tickets outside, to get Paul to Rio. They col- brink of international recognition. He has minute recovery session at Stanford Lake. lected more than R3 000. relocated to Johannesburg where they both He’s working hard on his technique. He says The wine auction at Caffe Villa realized R18 work. it’s very challenging as it’s the first time he’s 000. Mr Gary Barnes from the Pot ‘n Plow, Graham recalls the beginnings of their ro- working with Mr Fouche van Tonder from who also had his birthday on Saturday, do- mance. “I had to do a lot of work to win her Pretoria, one of the top technical coaches in the country. The rest of the time Graham trains 1½ hours a day, twice a day, six days a week, at Roodeplaat Dam. If it’s too cold he and the coach do a gym session. Graham adds, “There are only five para-canoeists in South Africa and my dream and ambition is to develop the sport in South Africa. To this end Nicky has applied for the position as Chairman of Para-Canoeing SA.” Graham says sponsors wanted to drop able-bodied canoeing as there were not enough sponsors. However para-canoeing saved the sport as para-canoeing is growing so fast. Para-canoeing had over 200 para-canoeists at the recent competition in Pfunanane Academy in Modjadjiskloof took part in a and gaining valuable experience. Pfunanane’s team has Duisburg, Germany. cross country meeting held by Nazarene Christian Aca- been participating with great success in the LIMA cross demy. They proved that their hard work has paid off and country meetings this year, and all 120 team members — Sue Ettmayr showed their talent yet again, bringing home 31 medals

are working hard to be ready for the LLSV meetings.


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24 June 2016

Dr Annecke-span is kampioene

Maynard Kleynhans van die Laerskool Tzaneen is aangewys as kaptein van Limpopo se o.12A-rugbyspan. Die span het al ‘n hele paar wedstryde gespeel en baie goed gevaar. Hulle het die Pumas met 29-0 ore aangesit, die Valke met 24-0 afgestof en toe die Luiperds met 19-3 oorrompel.

Foto verskaf Die kampioene is, voor: Mahlatse Baloyi en Pedri Minnaar. In die tweede ry is Andiza Maroleni, Wynand Kruger, Luan Verster (kapt), Ben Mashele en Bob Mnisi, en in die derde ry is Hlulani Baloyi, Ben de Wet, Gideon Goosen

(o/kapt), Zander Heydenrych, Tian Viljoen-Krugel, Vukosi Mhlango en Chris Snyman. Agter staan Richard Dyer, Nkateko Phakula, DA Swart, Elai Joubert, Marno du Toit en Keanu Parsons. Die afrigter is mnr Fred Jordaan.

Die o.11-rugbyspan van die Laerskool Dr Annecke in Letsitele is vir die tweede jaar agtereenvolgend die Limpopo-kampioene vir medium skole en die trotse houers van die Big Five-wisseltrofee. Dié kookwaterspan het vanjaar in die halfeindronde met Ellisras afgereken (31-14) en in die eindstryd Groenskool van Phalaborwa met 43-7 oorrompel. Hulle het binne die eerste minuut ‘n drie gedruk en daarna was daar geen keer aan die spannetjie se planne om die beker weer huis toe te bring nie. Die span was vanjaar onoorwonne in al hul ligawedstryde met ‘n gemiddelde telling van 43-5. Wat die prestasie merkwaardiger maak, is dat al die ander medium skole nader aan 800 leerlinge het. Dr Annecke raak-raak aan net 450 leerlinge. Elkeen van die seuns het 100% in elke oefening en wedstryd gegee, om hul groot droom te bewaarheid.

Viermanskap skiet in die kol

Benno Kotze

Vier skuts van die Merensky Boogskietklub het aan twee verskillende kampioenskappe deelgeneem en heel goed gepresteer. Benno Kotze (CMBU) het aan die Vaaldriehoek Binnenshuise Kampioenskappe in Kemptonpark deelgeneem en ‘n telling van 296/300 met 35 x’e behaal. Danksy die uitstekende telling het hy ‘n silwer medalje verower, asook sy tweede nasionale kwalifisering. Benno benodig

In sy omswerwinge as ‘n professionele soldaat het hy dikwels in die bos op die karkasse van diere wat al ‘n paar dae dood was afgekom, sê GertGrensvegter verlede Saterdagaand. Noem hom maar ‘n heiden, maar die klank van so ‘n karkas het hom nog altyd ernstig laat twyfel aan die geloofwaardigheid van die storie van oorlede Lazarus. Na die Bokke se oorwinning oor Ierland is hy egter bereid om sy posisie te heroorweeg, vervolg GG. Daai was nou ‘n Goudini-ontsnappingstruuk van die voorste waters, borduur KoosKakie voort. So ver hy weet was Goudini (KK en name) van Hongaarse herkoms en sy naam beteken glo “leeu” in sy moedertaal, wat hom nie verbaas dat die Bokke se agterente gered is deur die inspuiting wat ‘n gros Leeu-spelers in die tweede helfte verskaf het nie. Hy hoop die lig het nou vir Allister opgegaan, dat die Leeus almal Bokke gemaak moet word, sê KK. ‘Tja, Oubal volg nou dié narratief al die hele week en na aanleiding van Thabo Mbeki se “colonialists of a special kind” kan hy maar net sê dit smaak hom ons het nou te doen met ‘n spesiale soort provinsialisme. Die soort wat dikteer dat Kitch Christie en sy Transvaalspan in 1995 die Wêreldbeker gewen het, en Jake White met die Blou Bulle in 2007.

nog een so ‘n goeie kwalifisering om sy nasionale kleure te verwerf. Benéche Jackson (FY), André van der Merwe (YMR1314) en Canell Jackson (FY) het aan die 3Di Mpumalanga Kampioenskappe deelgeneem en ook baie goed gevaar. André het goud gekry vir ‘n Protea-kwalifiserende telling, Benéche het ook goud met ‘n provinsiaal-kwalifiserende telling behaal en Canell het silwer verower.

Uit die Dood

Vergeet maar van Joel Stransky en Chester Wiiliams in ’95 en Percy Montgommery en Juan Smith se bydraes in ’07. En Pieter-Steph du Toit s’n verlede Saterdag. Hoe dit ook al sy, Oubal kan met alle eerlikheid verklaar dat verlede Saterdag se eerste helfte die swakste en mees patetiese vertoning deur ‘n Springbokspan is wat hy nog aanskou het. Dat mense wie se werk dit is nie ‘n bal kan vang nie, nie ‘n bal behoorlik kan uitgee nie en bowenal nie ‘n bal in die kontaksituasie in hul hande kan hou nie, sou in enige ander beroep tot summiere afdanking gelei het. Dit verbaas Oubal dus ook glad nie dat die Bokke teen rustyd van die veld af gejou is nie, hoe onaanvaarbaar hy sulke toeskouersgedrag ook al in die verlede beskou het. Maar miskien was dit die Damaskus-ervaring wat ons prima donnas nodig gehad het, om hulle uit hul slaap wakker

Canell Jackson, André van der Merwe en Benéche Jackson

te laat skrik, want met ‘n paar veranderings was dit na rustyd ‘n Bokspan soos Oubal se geslag hulle leer ken het, wat op die veld verskyn het. Aan die spits, volgens Oubal, was Piet Spiere se kleinseun, Pieter-Steph, wat hom glo bloediglik vererg het vir die boeëry, baie bekwaam bygestaan deur ‘n honger Combrinck en Whiteley, wat die vuur gestook het. Oubal hoop van harte dat Allister hierdie les ter harte geneem het en voortaan reputasies opsy sal skuif as dit by spankeuses kom. Met die skrywe hiervan is die span vir more nog nie bekend nie, maar Oubal hoop Allister begin met die vyftien wat verlede Saterdag klaargemaak het, hoewel hy verneem het Trevor Nyakane is beseer en sal nie kan speel nie. Geen rede tot ernstige kommer nie, want Oubal glo Vlam Kitshoff brand om ‘n bydrae te lewer. ‘Tja, kom ons hoop die doodsreuk van verlede Saterdag word ons gespaar en ‘n nuwe geslag spelers wys vir ons die pad vorentoe, Leeus of te not. “Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once.” — William Shakespear

Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Oubal is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!

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