Bulletin 160923

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Diagnostic Radiologists October is Breast Cancer Awareness month...


015 307 7248


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Rural ares:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS

Sy pen is nou leeg

Vryheid van spraak in die Suid-Afrikaanse joernalistiek is ‘n kragtige stem kwyt met die dood van Francois Aucamp, eienaar en hoofredakteur van die Bulletin in Tzaneen. Die 74-jarige Aucamp het Saterdagaand in die Mediclinic beswyk, nadat hy vir maande met asemhalingsprobleme geworstel het. ‘n Gedenkdiens is gistermiddag in die Nederduits-Gereformeerde kerk vir hom gehou. Die Bulletin is twaalf jaar gelede onder sy leierskap gestig en vinnig uitgebou tot die volwaardige gemeenskapskoerant wat dit vandag is. Dit is vermag deur ‘n vrag koerantkennis en ervaring in die uitgewersbedryf wat hy oor ‘n tydperk van vyftig jaar versamel het. Hy was beskou as een van die knapste gemeenskapsjoernaliste in die land, waarvoor hy deur die jare verskeie kere bekroon is. Vir sy ondersoekende joernalistiek het hy in 1986 die KWV-trofee gewen as joernalis van die jaar. Toe dit later die Sanlam-trofee geword het, het hy die titel weer in 1991 en 1992 gewen. In sy strewe na die waarheid het Aucamp dikwels hard op die tone getrap van kansvatters (veral op plaaslike re-

Danré’s Dream

Page 3


geringsvlak), maar terselfdertyd ruim erkenning gegee aan die presteerders op alle gebiede. Aucamp was ‘n werkverslaafde. Male sonder tal het hy deurnag agter sy lessenaar geswoeg om die taal en feite reg te skaaf vir die volgende uitgawe. Hy was welbelese en het ‘n uitgebreide kennis van die land se politieke en ekonomiese situasie gehad. Dit het hom in aanraking gebring met ‘n groot klomp mense van uiteenlopende karakters en oor wie hy vreesloos geskryf het. Sy integriteit as koerantman uit die “ou skool” en ‘n ywerige drif na vernuwing het van hom ‘n bakleier gemaak teen die elemente wat die gedrukte media probeer ondergrawe. Hy was ook lid van die LIN-groep van onafhanklike koerante in Limpopo, waarvan hy vir jare die voorsitter was. Sy dood is met skok en teleurstelling in die werkplek ontvang. Die toewyding wat hy uitgestraal het, sal nou dien as krag om die Bulletin sonder vrees vorentoe te dra. Die Redaksie.

The face of Tzaneng 2016

A chat with Jan Braai

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Mediese fondse | Korttermynversekering | Lewensversekering Aftreebeplanning | Beleggings Testamente | Boedelbeplanning Pensioen- en voorsorgfonds Dood- en ongeskiktheidsversekering Aandele

Medical aid | Short term insurance Life insurance Retirement planning investments Investments | Testaments | Estate planning | Pension funds | Disability insurance | Stocks


10 Windsor Street, Tzaneen | Tel: 015 307 5587




23 September 2016


Fear lessl y the tr uth

Book your mammogram today!

2 23 September 2016

Fear lessl y the tr uth


LiN Member

Personeel | Personnel Uitgewer / Redakteur Publisher / Editor Francois Aucamp 083 266 6906 francois@bulletin.us.com Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Angie Woodward 078 663 5556 angie@bulletin.us.com Rekenings / Accounts / Admin Marietjie Barnard (Best/Man) 083 982 4663 marietjie@bulletin.us.com Lihanie Booysen 082 776 4431 lihanie@bulletin.us.com Ansie Smuts 076 333 0523 ansie@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Tamryn Branch 083 647 9551 tamryn@bulletin.us.com

Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Louis Roux 072 043 2220 louis@bulletin.us.com Sue Ettmayr 072 630 3051 sue.ettmayr@gmail.com Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com

Cedric Manyama 0711064291

William Modiba Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset

Laeveld Bulletin BK (Reg 2004/031396/23) is die uitgewer en verspreider van die Bulletin Lowveld Bulletin CC (Reg 2004/031396/23) is the publisher and distributor of Bulletin. Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved. Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word voorbehou.

Noodnommers Emergency numbers

Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom

Who wants to live forever, Who wants to live forever.....? There’s no chance for us, It’s all decided for us, This world has only one sweet moment set aside

But touch my tears with your lips, Touch my world with your fingertips, And we can have forever, And we can love forever, Forever is our today, Who wants to live forever, Who wants to live forever, Forever is our today, Who waits forever anyway?

Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!


Algemene assistant / General assistant

E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Advertensies/Adverts: adsales@bulletin.us.com Admin & rekenings/Admin & accounts: admin@bulletin.us.com Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: agriads@bulletin.us.com Agri-nuus/Agri news: agrinews@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: letters@bulletin.us.com Redakteur/Editor: editor@bulletin.us.com Events: events@bulletin.us.com Kleinadvertensies / Smalls: smalls@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: news@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp/Design: design@bulletin.us.com Sport: sport@bulletin.us.com

Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani

There’s no time for us, There’s no place for us, What is this thing that builds our dreams, yet slips away from us,

Who wants to live forever, Who dares to love forever, When love must die.

Catherine Mahasha

Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen

Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

Who wants to live forever?

Who wants to live forever?

for us.

Kantoorassistent / Office assistant

Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band

Vlieg het vandag nie woorde nie. Hy groet dus sy vriend met die woorde van Brian May en Queen,

Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...

Verspreiding / Distribution

Verspreiding | Distribution



10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

Bulletin was inundated with e-mails, phone calls and even handwritten letters of condolences from the community who knew Mr Francois Aucamp. Below are some of the comments and messages of support we received over social media. Thank you for your support during this time. Sareta Moller Lubbe Totsiens Francois, wat n ongelooflike nalatenskap. Vir my was jy n ikoon in die industrie, gerespekteerd oor jou sienings (nooit hoofstroom nie), altyd nuwe en vars idees! Ek gaan jou mis, rus veilig in Sy Hand. Sterkte aan familie, kollegas en vriende. Nicky Altenroxel He was a good man! Always so kind to Jo & I... Our hearts are broken. We will miss you dearly! Goodbye my Uncle! Sonja Pienaar Aai nou dat ek n gesig by die naam kan sit, herken ek hom. Dis nou regtig baie slegte nuus, hy was altyd vriendelik as ek hom by sugarloaf sien, rus in vrede oom Ronel Koen Sterkte vir julle almal Joe Dreyer, soos ek kon aflei van hoe mooi jy altyd van hom gepraat het, het julle groot skoene om.vol te staan. Sterkte ook aan al sy familie en vriende. Mag hy in vrede rus. Elsabé Maré Vorster We salute you oom Francois! Hans Schouwstra Sterkte aan al die familie. Yvonne Du Toit Roux ‘’ Groot boom in Tzaneen het geval. Rus in vrede Mnr Redakteur. Amanda Strydom Ag nee. Geen groet of vaarwel. Mooi gaan Francois rus in vrede!! Ons geselsies was altyd so openhartig en altyd te kort!! Aan die familie innige simpatie! Eunice van Niekerk Baie jammer om te verneem van sy afsterwe. Soos jy gesê het, hy was ‘n gentleman. Ek is

bly dat ek die voorreg gehad het om hom te ontmoet en ‘n baie lekker aand saam met hom gekuier het. Sterkte vir julle almal. Sue Ettmayr I will miss him beyond eternity. Lizelle Vd Vyver Pienaar Ai...dis so jammer xxx Dink aan julle en ook aan Jean. Sterkte Watchdog Tzaneen Ek gan jou geselsies en oproepe vreeslik mis Oom Francois. Rus sag x Willem Cloete Dit was goed om jou te ken Francois Aucamp. Ons gaan alles mis wat jy ons mee vermaak het. R I P Elma Swanepoel Altyd baie van hom gehou..... Jammer dat so besonderse mens weg is.... Nina Van Heerden A Man in a Million. Rest In Peace. Was proud to have you call me your friend. Tina Hartmann Aai dis vreeslik hartseer. Baie innige simpatie Jean jyt n besonderse pa verloor. Hy was voorwaar n besonderse mens. Gaan sy rubrieke Vlieg Praat baie mis. Rus sag.... Anne Davson A lovely man. He will be sorely missed. Love to family and friends xx Raaikie Lindeque du Plessis Amen innigste meegevoel aan die families wat gisteraand hul geliefdes aan die dood afgestaan het. Mariette Botha Baie sterkte. Riv Francois. Tzaneen sal jou mis!

Met Trane in my oë lees ek hierdie baie spesiale epos weer wat ek in April van Oom Francois Aucamp van Bulletin gekry het! Ons gaan oom so baie mis! Liewe Katryn, Oom Francois raak oud; ek is een van die dae 75. Nou pla iets my. My pa het ons geleer om blomme uit te deel terwyl mense dit kan sien en waardeer en ons gee byvoorbeeld glad nie kranse by begrafnisse nie en ons sit ook nie blomme op grafte nie. Ons plant eerder ‘n mooi struik of gras om die graf, maar blomme vir die dooies is uit in ons familie. Nou kom ek by die punt: voordat my nekkie knak wil ek graag uit my hart vir jou ‘n bossie blomme aanbied. Oor die aantal jare wat ek jou leer ken en dopgehou het, het ek bewondering gekry vir jou geesdrif in die lewe, vir die wyse waarop jy nie tou opgooi nie (ek dink nie jy weet wat dit behels as mens tou opgooi nie), vir jou deursettingsvermoë en dryfkrag en vir jou positiewe insette in ‘n wye gemeenskap. Jy verdien sukses en ek wens jou dit toe. Nou goed, nou is dié sakie afgehandel. Intussen, groete en mooi wense. - Francois Aucamp

The opinions/statements made herein are that of our readers and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Bulletin. The comments of people are given verbatim. We appeal to all who take part in the debates not to use hate-speech or to be insulting towards others.

Dap Naude dam

015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951

Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 / 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 / 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.

Ebenezer dam

Vergelegen dam

Stand van Damme | Dam Levels Tel: 015 307 1530 | Fax: 082 586 7023 watermaat@telkoms.net

Webwerf | Website Besoek ons webwerf by www.bulletin.us.com en lees die jongste nuus sowel as vorige eksemplare ••••••• Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies

Hans Merensky dam

Source: www.dwaf.gov.za Information updated: 19/09/2016

Tzaneen 19.9%

Ebenezer 65.8%

Merensky 41.6%

Dap Naude 79.1%

Middel Letaba 20.3%

Blyde Rivier Poort 47.8%

Klaserie 32%

Tours 33.1%

Vergelegen 88.9%

Ohrigstad 3.6%

Die senior burgers van Macadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin. Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 • lynette@fsabrokers.co.za

Baie Dankie!

Weekend claims five It is still unclear what caused an accident on the Agatha Road which killed three men during the early hours of Sunday morning. Francois (Grassie) Erasmus, his son Danré and a friend, Mike Hawken, were returning home when their vehicle veered off the Agatha road and rolled down an embankment. According to reports the three men were flung from the vehicle during the incident. This tragedy follows a few months after the Erasmus’

jects to assist those living with Down’s experience a fuller life. What made him truly special in the eyes of many of his peers was that Danré matriculated from Merensky High School in 2010 despite what many believed to have been a disability. He was heavily involved with the Down’s Syndrome Foundation in Pretoria and the Ribbons4Roses fund. This year, he raised enough funds to finance the training of 16 young adults with Down’s Syndrome at the Centurion Academy. According to the Foundation the project will be named Danre’s Dream as a tribute to him. A Memorial service for these three men will be held today at 11:00 at Shekinah House, Old Gravelotte Road, opposite Fairview Hotel in Tzaneen. In another unrelated accident on the Mamitwa Road the previous day, two men were killed and The Erasmus family, Werner, Suzette, Danré, Grassie and Francois, a year ago on Spring Day. three others seriously injured when their vehicle also left the road. family lost another of their sons, Francois, to an illness in All five occupants of the vehicle were ejected as it rolled April. Grassie is survived by his wife, Suzette and mid- down an embankment. dle son, Werner. The exact cause of this accident is still being investiDanre, but seems to have 1 6 2 4a9 Down’s T N S O Ssyndrome u m m 2 0 boy, 1 6 was 1a remarkable 2 0 1 6 - 0 9gated, - 1 5 T 0 8the : 2weekend’s 2 : 2 7 + heavy 0 2 : 0weather 0 young man and well-loved within the Tzaneen commu- played a role. nity for his involvement in various fundraisers and pro— Joe Dreyer: joe@bulletin.us.com

23 September 2016 3

From 16:00 on Sat 24 September

COME BRAAI WITH US! for National Braai Day

R50 per person



Cash Bar AVAILABLE. A fire for the braai will be provided, as well as Pap & Sheba, Potato Salad and Greek Salad. Please bring your own meat.

hotel | conference | spa Tel: 015 304 3290/1/2 • Email: reservations@tznlodge.co.za

Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com for the latest news


23 September 2016


Ronnel is Face of Tzaneng 2016 Yet another spectacularly professional show was hosted by Limpopo Beauty and Modelling Academy this past weekend at Tzaneng Mall in Tzaneen. It was the annual Face of Tzaneng Mall pageant which attracts talent from all across the province, and this year saw 30 hopefuls grace the catwalk. The theme for this year’s event was all about Heritage and saw the models all sport their very own “Proudly South African” garments. The girls were divided into different age groups which ranged from 4 to 24 years of age. Each category had a winner and two runner-up positions which was decided by an independent judging panel. Two shopping trolleys full of food and other goods were also collected for

4-6 Years: Winner: Zwivhuya Mudau • 1st Princess: Bonolo Makgoba • 2nd Princess: Bokang Masimene

donation to needy charities in the area. After a day full of excitement it was finally time for the crowning and much to the approval of the host of spectators packed into the mall’s centre court, Ronnel Homu was named as the Face of Tzaneng Mall for 2016. The 2nd Princess title went to the smouldering Sumari Erasmus, while the young Natasha Bischof snatched up 1st Princess. “We would like to thank our sponsors for their continued support. These include our exclusive media partner Bulletin, Tzaneng Mall and their management and the efficient team of Nyeleti Events,” said organizer Katryn Barwise. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

7-9 Years: Winner: Phindu Tshivengwa • 1st Princess: Kgalalelo Mabote • 2nd Princess: Mahlatse Mabotja

16-24 Years: Winner: Ronnel Homu • 1st Princess: Natasha Bischof • 2nd Princess: Sumari Erasmus • Left is Lelo Mkansi - Miss Limpopo’16 one of our Judges

10-12 Years: Winner: Palesa Masimene • 1st Princess: Refilwe Malatji • 2nd Princess: Candice Ngobeni

13-15 Years: Winner: Joe-nan Mokwena • 1st Princess: Sukoluhle Sibanda • 2nd Princess: Reneilwe Mailula

Seven make a difference

The Segwasi Seven came to the area for three months’ community work. Dubbed The Segwasi Seven by Haenertsburg Rotary President, Mr Stuart Miller, the boisterous and energetic young adults spoke about this experience. Tapping away to loved ones on their cell phones in Haenertsburg, as they’d been wi-fi starved in Segwasi, some were reluctant to converse with a real person. Some had done previous community work. Most are studying Early Childhood Development and Alice Adderley (19), from Edinburgh in Scotland, is

expenses. The South Africans were funded by ICS Tearfund. They first met at a training week in Durban before being sent to Segwasi. They spent studying medicine. Two are from the UK, one near Manchester three weeks with 80-120 children a day during the holidays. and the other in London. Two are from Durban KwaZulu-Natal They painted and redecorated two crèches with brilliant artand the other two are from Tsakane and Katlehong in Gauteng. work. They filled in for teachers at Mribi crèche, Makome SecThis outreach programme is made possible through ICS Tear- ondary School and Katane Primary School. They helped out fund, an international aid project. All seven had chosen the with Thusanang’s mobile clinic, held hygienic workshops and community development section. The UK volunteers, as stipu- emphasised the importance of hand washing. They dug holes lated by ICS Tearfund, raised funds for their own air tickets and to burn rubbish and gave talks on how to keep the environment clean. They spoke about sexual health and AIDS. They planted cabbage, spinach and beetroots at several homes. Highlights of life with their host families in Segwasi were learning to cook pap and how to wash their clothes and those of their hosts in the nearby river. This outreach programme, consisting of four groups, is now an ongoing project. The next volunteers arrive In the back row are Becky Bolton, Muzi Mambo, Xoliswa Maneli in three weeks time. and Thembelihle Makhaye. The front row are Sefra Williams, Al— Sue Ettmayr


ice Adderley and Bonga Fakude.



Eight days spent in nature


Seventy-seven boys, 88 girls and 22 staffers a shorter route. The learners were split into from Midstream College in Centurion did ten groups and the day consisted of paddling, canopy tours, off-road biking and an eight-day journey through the Haenertsburg area. Called hiking. On the last day everyone Odyssey, this was a spiritual climbed the Iron Crown Mountain. and emotional journey for the The groups became familiar with Grade 10 learners. map reading and they passed each other every day. They were Life Orientation and Geography teacher , Mr Malcolm housed at several establishments and had to cook their own food. Dunkeld (30), said this was the second year that this trip Technology for the eight days was had been organized. The boys strictly prohibited. The aim of this started every morning at the journey was to think and to experience the outdoors. Arboretum in the village. The — Sue Ettmayr girls started at the Cheerio Mr Malcolm Dunkeld. sue.ettmayr@gmail.com turnoff on the R71 because it’s

The boys preparing to leave the Arbotetum in the village.

SJ 3 2 2 9 2 _ 3 8 0 X2 6 0 _ 2




2 0 1 6 - 0 9 - 1 4 T0 9 : 5 3 : 5 0 + 0 2 : 0 0

23 September 2016 5

6 23 September 2016

Our Opinion


Ons reis deur die afgelope twaalf jaar...

23 September 2016

The Tyger

Committed The media is a fascinating place filled with the most colourful individuals – some become more so depending on the duration of the conversation. The community we serve through the provision of information both love and hate us, depending on which side of the intro they find themselves on and our families think we may love the sound of sirens and gunfire more than their account of how their day was. The media is blamed for most everything, “the media is hiding the truth to help the illuminati take over the world” etc. etc. But the reality is that journalists are just people. Like you, we have families, we have hopes and fears and we have eyes which see the same things you do, albeit from a different angle. This week, a pair of those journalist-eyes closed for the last time. The editor and co-founder of Bulletin, Francois Aucamp, passed away on Saturday evening after two weeks in intensive care. It was a sad day for us at the office and one hell of a week, but it taught us a number of things. His passing reminded us of our own mortality while the number of messages, emails, letters and phone calls received from the community reminded us of the tremendous impact he had made in their lives through Bulletin. Fearlessly the truth was his quest, even at the end. It is this inheritance that we will cherish and bear to grow as he had intended. Bulletin lost a parent, not its voice and therefore will continue bringing you the news, relevant to our community, each and every week deep into the foreseeable future. We thank you for your loyal support during the last decade and look forward to spending the next one in your company.

1368 0 7 The Numbers 2459 36,020 The average distance in

Tyger Tyger, burning bright, In the forests of the night; What immortal hand or eye, Could frame thy fearful symmetry? In what distant deeps or skies. Burnt the fire of thine eyes? On what wings dare he aspire? What the hand, dare seize the fire? And what shoulder, & what art, Could twist the sinews of thy heart? And when thy heart began to beat, What dread hand? & what dread feet? What the hammer? what the chain, In what furnace was thy brain? What the anvil? what dread grasp, Dare its deadly terrors clasp! When the stars threw down their spears And water’d heaven with their tears: Did he smile his work to see? Did he who made the Lamb make thee? Tyger Tyger burning bright, In the forests of the night: What immortal hand or eye, Dare frame thy fearful symmetry? – William Blake

Die uitgawe van 24 September 2004 het nuus gedra oor ‘n babelse verwarring by die Van Velden hospitaal, waar dokters eers moes toestemming vra vir die toelating van hul pasiënte. Die Vossies se sterre by daardie jaar se matriekafskeid pryk ook op die voorblad. Ons gaan vir die res van die jaar elke week ‘n voorblad wys. Dit gaan beslis interessant wees om te sien wat twaalf jaar gelede die hoofnuus in die toonaangewende nuusblad van Limpopo se Laeveld was. Eweneens gaan dit interessant wees om te sien hoe die styl en adverteerders oor die jare verander het. Geniet dit gerus!

Francois Aucamp

The father of the Bulletin who passed away this week after a short illness. Many loved him, some hated him, but nobody could ignore him. May angels lead you in.

“There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.” —Louis L’Amour

Helpende Hand benodig ook JOU helpende hande! Vandag nog!

kilometres travelled per car, per year in China. How does this stack up against your daily commute?

Local Hero

The Message

Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com

Briewe • Letters Liewe oom Francois, Vandag klink alles so stil, want oom is nie meer hier nie. Ek draai en draai en kom nie aan die gang nie want ek vermy dit om voor die rekenaar te gaan sit. Want ek weet, oom gaan nie vanoggend my e-posse lees nie. Elke Maandag oggend was dit dieselfde roetine, kry die skoolnuus bymekaar, tik oom se naam in en stuur dit. Dit voel net nie reg om dit nie vandag vir oom te stuur nie... ek mis oom al klaar te veel. Ek kan in geen woorde ordentlik uitdrukking gee aan hoe baie oom vir my beteken het nie. Ek het geen idee gehad wat ek moes doen aan die begin nie, al wat ek geweet het is, kry Laerskool Tzaneen se nuus by die koerante uit. Met ons eerste ontmoeting by die Bulletin kantoor was ek, om die minste te sê, verskrik-

lik op my senuwees. Maar, dit was totaal onnodig. Oom het my op my gemak laat voel en so mooi verduidelik wat ek moet doen. Dit was (en is) net een groot, vet plesier om saam oom en die Bulletin span te werk. In hierdie amper twee jaar wat ons saamgewerk het, het ek só baie geleer by oom; onthou om nie te veel byvoeglike naamwoorde te gebruik in jou berig nie, hou by die feite en probeer dat die kindertjies nie so regop soos tandestokkies op die foto’s staan nie! Ai, dit was lekker tye! Oom was ALTYD ‘n gentleman, ALTYD vriendelik, ALTYD behulpsaam, en ja, as kritiek nodig was, het oom dit ook op ‘n mooi manier gegee. Ek is so hartseer dat ons nie by daardie laaste beloofde kuiertjie kon uitkom nie, maar ons gaan mekaar weer sien. Uit my hart uit, dankie vir die ongelooflike mens wat oom was en dat ek die voor-

reg gehad het om oom te ken. Oom se plek is leeg en oom se stem is stil, maar die herinneringe gaan vir altyd bly. Al my liefde, Ula. My laaste brief aan Francios: Ek is stil en soek woorde. Jy het altyd gestaan vir “Vreesloos die Waarheid”. Ek het aanvanklik geweier om met jou te werk, maar jy het na my uitgereik en jou hulp aangebied om te help om korrupsie bloot te lê. Wat ek leer ken het was ‘n ware heer, ‘n briljante joernalis, opregtheid en lojaliteit wat raar is, asook jou fyn sin vir humor. Ons het goue oomblikke gedeel wat ek altyd in my hartkamer sal koester – wysheid. Maar bowenal het ek so baie geleer. Dankie aan ‘n kosbare vriend. Ek gaan jou mis maar sal jou passie vir die waarheid voortleef. Rene Pohl

23 September 2016 7


Unite around Fire 24 September National

Braai Day The 24th September is National Braai Day and all South Africans are encouraged to unite around a fire and celebrate our country. Add this tasty recipe to your braai day repertoire and grab your friends & family, light a fire and wave your flag as you reflect on our proud heritage.



Bottle Store


It’s been a very long time since I last made a malva pudding that was not made in a potjie. The quantities and properties of this recipe fit a no. 10 flat-bottomed baking potjie so perfectly that I can’t imagine doing it any other way. As with my original malva potjie recipe, this one is still based squarely on the actual original by Michael Olivier and Maggie Pepler. What I found works very well though, is to replace the cream in the sauce with one of South Africa’s true culinary heritage icons, Amarula Cream. The recipe is really quite foolproof and a valuable card to have up your sleeve. WHAT YOU NEED (feeds 6) For the batter 1 cup flour ½ tot bicarbonate of soda 1 cup white sugar 1 egg 1 tot apricot jam 1 tot vinegar 1 tot melted butter 1 cup milk For the sauce ½ cup Amarula Cream ½ cup milk 1 cup sugar ½ cup hot water ½ cup butter WHAT TO DO 1. Light the fire. You need fewer coals than when braaing steak, but you’ll need a steady supply of coals once the pudding is baking. 2. Use butter to grease your no. 10 flat-bottomed baking potjie. 3. Sift the flour and the bicarbonate of soda into a large bowl and stir in the sugar (you don’t need to sift the sugar). 4. In another mixing bowl, whisk the egg very well. Now add the jam, vinegar, butter and milk, whisking well after adding each ingredient. 5. Add the wet ingredients of step 4 to the dry ingredients of step 3 and mix well.

6. Pour the batter into the potjie, put on the lid and bake for 45 minutes by placing some coals underneath the potjie and some coals on top of the lid. Don’t add too much heat, as burning is a big danger. There is no particular risk in having too little heat and taking up to 1 hour to get the baking done, so rather go too slow than too fast. During this time, you can add a few fresh hot coals to the bottom and top of the potjie whenever you feel the pudding is losing steam. 7. When the pudding has been baking for about 40 minutes (about 5 minutes before it’s done), heat all the sauce ingredients in a small potjie over medium coals. Keep stirring to ensure that the butter is melted and the sugar is completely dissolved, but don’t let it boil. You want the sauce as hot as possible without actually boiling. 8. After about 45 minutes of baking, insert a skewer into the middle of the pudding to test whether it’s done. If the skewer comes out clean, it’s ready. 9. Take the pudding off the fire and pour the sauce evenly over it. Believe me, it will absorb all the sauce – you just need to leave it standing for a few minutes. Serve the malva pudding warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, a dollop of fresh cream or a puddle of vanilla custard. A good way to keep it hot is to put it near the fire, but not too close – after doing everything right, we don’t want it to burn now. AND… If for whatever reason you don’t want to use alcohol in the dessert, simply replace the Amarula Cream in the sauce with normal fresh cream. You will still end up with an exceptionally good malva pudding, the original.

Recipe supplied by Jan Braai — The Democratic Republic of Braai, exclusively to Bulletin.

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23 September 2016


Massive meat price increase expected As braai season approaches, red meat prices are expected to trend higher by at least 9 to 15 percent from now until December. This is attributed to tight supply and an increased consumer demand during the festive season. Currently, red meat prices are relatively stable to strong as livestock farmers hold on to stock and avoid slaughtering in the hope that pasture conditions will improve should seasonal rains materialize sooner. Paul Makube, Senior Agricultural Economist at FNB said that red meat slaughtering has been substantially higher this year compared to the past three years as a result of the drought. For example, the cumulative sheep slaughter number is currently 111% and 69% higher than the 2015 and 2014 levels respectively. “However, despite an increase in slaughtering, we did not experience an oversupply of meat which would have resulted in

lower prices due to exports and a strong demand for our meat in the tourism sector,” Makube said. “In terms of the outlook for beef, we are heading into a seasonal price increase of between R3.4 and R5.7 per kilogram (kg) for Class A beef as braai season returns. Consumers that prefer to braai lamb can expect to pay between R5.6 and R9.4 per kg more for Class A lamb over the festive period.” Pork will also benefit from the price gain of red meat. However, there won’t be much of a price movement in poultry due to increasing imports. Despite continued pressure on disposable income, consumers would still be able to absorb a slight increase in meat prices during the festive period. While others will opt to purchase red meat in bulk to outweigh price increases. “Even during tough economic conditions, we have picked up a trend where consum-

ers will usually cut back on luxuries and non-essentials, but generally spend more on food and meat, during the festive season.” However, Makube cautioned that prices would have to return to normal levels in January after the festive season to avoid resistance from consumers. He said that with rain expected in the coming months, the situation should start improving for livestock farmers that have suffered financial losses as a result of the drought. Forecasts are now projecting neutral conditions for the 2016/17 season, meaning that we should expect normal, instead of above normal rainfall as had been previously estimated. According to Makube, this is good news as the sector will not have to worry about possible damage resulting from floods, torrential rains and heavy

winds, often associated with a strong La Nina that was predicted earlier during the past few months. The expected rainfall should be sufficient for herd-rebuilding to begin, further helping livestock farmers to reduce costs in the long-term. “By mid-2017, we should see a moderation in grain prices which will lower animal feed costs, resulting in improved margins and profitability levels for farmers that are currently facing losses from the recent drought,” concluded Makube. — Themba Msimango FNB Corporate Communications

Welman Woodworks



Take 10 newspaper pages and individually dip in water and then wrap around the fish. Tie it up with string to prevent it from unraveling. Make a hollow in medium heat coals and nestle the wrapped fish among the coals for 30-45 minutes depending on the size of the fish. Be sure to turn the fish occasionally. Keep water handy in case the newspaper ignites. If you are using a kettlebraai you can put the parcel on top of the grid and close the lid. Remove the newspaper and serve with freshly squeezed lemon juice.

1 whole FRESH fish. Cob, Yellow tail or Cape Salmon (Gutted and scaled, with the head and tail still on but the backbone removed) +/- 2kg ¼ Cup Butter Lemon Juice 3-4 Cloves Garlic – crushed 3 Ripe big tomatoes – sliced 1 Onion sliced Newspaper String for tying Handful of fresh parsley, thyme and basil – Chopped •

Stuff the fish with the garlic, tomatoes, onions and herbs. Add a few lumps of butter and close the fish.

By Braai4Heritage | Published November 7, 2012 | http://braai.com/recipes/recipes-fish/how-to-braai-fish-in-newspaper/

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The most important thing when braaing fish is to be sure that the fish is fresh. The fish should look fresh with bright eyes and shiny skin. When you press on the flesh it should bounce back, because if a dent stays the fish is probably old. The fish should also not smell fishy (yes, really). You can ensure that your fish is fresh by catching it yourself, buying it from a trustworthy fishmonger or buying it from fishermen, and as you can see from the picture above they are easy to spot in a crowd.

23 September 2016 9


Gourmet Stuffed Braai Loaf Ingredients Bread: • 500g cake flour • 2 tsp salt • 1 tsp sugar • 2 tsp instant yeast • 3 tbsp olive oil • 300ml tepid water • Olive oil, sea salt and rose-

mary for topping Filling: • 150g mature cheddar, grated • 200g mozzarella cheese, sliced into about 10 slices • 8 Char grilled sweet pepper slices Roasted Tomatoes: • 250g baby tomatoes

• Few cloves of garlic • Sea salt • Olive oil for roasting Caramelised Onions: • 1 large onion, thinly sliced • ½ tsp salt • Olive oil for frying • 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar • 1 tbsp brown sugar

All the banters and paleos and gluten frees and carb fiends should look away because this Gourmet Stuff Braai Loaf is fantastic! Freshly baked home made bread stuffed with caramelised onions, roasted tomatoes, some grilled peppers and two chees-

es. A winner in my book and perfect for these summer days filled with barbecues and outdoor eating next to the pool that is lying ahead. And if you have a cast iron pot I would most certainly bake this bread over the coals. Enjoy!

d e ff u t S n e k ic h C d le Gril o t a m o T d n a il s a B h wit rd Servings: 4 otography: Lisa Hubba rt Living, July 2004, Ph wa Ste a rth Ma e: urc So

Instructions Make the dough by mixing the flour, salt, sugar and yeast into a bowl. Add the olive oil and water and mix well to bring all the ingredients into a ball of dough. Turn the dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead it by pulling, stretching and folding the dough for about 10 minutes until it is a soft dough that bounces back to the touch and feels elastic. If the dough is too sticky during kneading, add a bit more flour. Roll the dough into a ball and place in a lightly oiled bowl. Turn the ball of dough in the bowl so it gets the oiled as well and cover with clingfilm. Place in a warm spot for about an hour to hour and a half until it has doubled in size. While the dough rises, prepare the tomatoes and onions: Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C. Place the tomatoes in an oven proof dish with the garlic, drizzle with some oil and a sprinkle of salt. Roast for 30 minutes until blistered, pour off any liquid and set aside. Place the onions, salt and olive oil in small pan and fry over a gentle heat for 15 minutes until soft and golden. Add the vinegar and sugar and

cook for another 5 minutes until caramelised and thickened and set aside. Grease a 22cm loose bottomed cake tin. Once the dough has risen, punch it down and divide into two. Roll out the one piece of dough slightly larger than the tin and place in the tin with the edges slightly up the side of the tin. Place the filling on top of the dough, starting with the cheddar then peppers, tomatoes, onions and ending with the mozzarella, leaving 1cm of the edges without filling. Roll out the remaining piece of the dough, dab the edges with some water and place over the filling. Press the edges of the two pieces of dough together to seal it. Press your fingers over the dough and drizzle with some oil and sprinkle with rosemary leaves and salt. Let is rise for another 10 minutes and preheat the oven to 220 degrees C. Bake for 20 – 30 minutes until well risen and golden brown. Knock the top of the bread and if it sounds hollow it is done. Let the bread rest for 10 minutes, remove from the tin and let it cool a bit on a wire rack. Cut into wedges and eat while still warm.


Ingredients s ss chicken breast halve • 4 boneless, skinle e salt • 1/2 teaspoon coars pper pe d un gro • Freshly ed nc mi s, ve clo rlic ga • 2 rgin olive oil -vi tra ex • 1 tablespoon For the Stuffing rnish ves, plus more for ga • 12 fresh basil lea slices ick -th ch -in cut into 1/4 • 2 large tomatoes, ard, smooth sides Directions halves on a cutting bo t Pu s: ast cut bre en ick 1. Butterfly ch ng on one long side, ds facing you. Starti en ed ing ch int po rea e the for th be down, wi t 1/2 inch rizontally (stop abou er ho ov lf all ha ce in pie ost h alm eac s breast like a book. Sprinkle s ast bre t th cu bo en at Op co plate, and the opposite side). pepper. Transfer to a th wi son sea t; sal n with 1/8 teaspoo tes. oil. Let stand 30 minu breast; top sides with garlic and each opened chicken of lf on the bottom ha d secure s ve an , lea ast sil bre ba 3 en ce ick 2. Pla other half of ch er ov ld Fo . ato tom each with 2 slices and no or short skewers. n brown on both sides with two toothpicks ning once, until golde tter; tur pla s, g ast vin bre ser en an ick cle ch a 3. Grill minutes. Place on 15 t ou ab g. , vin ter ser cen e wers befor longer pink in the ove toothpicks or ske rem , ed sir de If . sil ba garnish with in water for 30 toothpicks or skewers the ak so , ng lli gri e Cook’s Note: Befor m from burning. minutes to prevent the

10 23 September 2016


Jan talks chicken salad with Bulletin Possibly one of the most anticipated events on every South African’s social calendar is September 24, National Braai Day. Officially, this public holiday is called Heritage day, which is nice - but we prefer Braai Day. Why? Because that’s what we as South Africans do. As we head down the aisle to the glorious union of meat and smouldering coals next week, Bulletin caught up to a legend of the flame. Jan Braai – real name Jan Scannell - is the man behind the National Braai Day initiative. Jan joined Bulletin’s Joe Dreyer around the virtual fire and they had themselves a bit of a discussion.

Get your

What was the drive behind starting “National Braai Day” – what made you come up with a braai as a form of uniting people from across the South African demographic? The idea for National Braai Day came from a desire to unite South Africans from all types of backgrounds. We are a wonderful country with great diversity, but I wanted a way to bring us all together around something where we had a shared heritage. The braai was the obvious answer because it is the one thing that all South Africans have in common. Right now we are at the Wilderness National Park on the third annual National Braai Tour and South Africans from all over the country are uniting around the fire. How did you manage to get so many dignitaries and national media involved in the launch of this annual event and did you ever expect it to grow this big? The media and the celebrities want to be involved because hanging out around a fire is a cool thing to do; it’s fun, social and a great way to unwind after a hard day or week. I think those that have embraced National Braai Day see the day for what it is, a unique chance to be part of a special nation-building initiative. National Braai Day is big, but the aim is to make it bigger. The goal is to get 50 million people to unite around a fire.

Braai fires burning!


What are the five salads that make the best accompaniment to a braai? People often think that salads are a waste of time, but I believe a good side dish can make or break a braai. My top five salads would be, in no particular order: chicken wings, chicken drumsticks, chicken kebabs, chicken breast and chicken livers.

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Where do you source most of your recipes from and have you ever had a recipe that didn’t work out as planned, but then brought about an entirely new recipe all together? I source my recipes by travelling all over South Africa and sampling different braais made by the widest variety of people possible. Lots of travelling and tasting go into perfecting the recipes, so it is rare that one has to be scrapped entirely; perhaps adjusted slightly, but never written off. Which meat is the easiest to undercook on an open flame, but which everyone seems to think they are an expert at? Chicken. People often think they know what they’re doing with chicken, but its very easy to get it wrong. What is the greatest sin we as South Africans commit when we put our meat on the braai? Not having enough heat. The aim is to cook your meat, not steam it. If you think the fire is too small, add more wood. If you think the fire is not hot enough, add more wood. The trick is to always add more wood.

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What is the best way to prepare the fire (or the coals) for a braai and how do you gauge the size of the fire according to the amount of people attending the braai? First, get the best wood. At this year’s National Braai Tour we used Try Me, sustainably farmed wood from the Northern Cape. It is proudly South African swaarthaak sourced near Cambell, 80km west of Kimberley. Every night the fires on the Braai Tour were perfect. The wood also has an excellent fragrance, that adds to the flavour of the meat. As for size, refer to the earlier answer. If you think you need more fire, add more wood. More is always better.

Where is the most beautiful place that you have ever braaied at and what is the biggest braai you have ever attended? Maiden’s Cove in Cape Town is very picturesque, as is Victoria Bay near George. Both venues also have public braai areas. As for most beautiful, well, I wouldn’t be able to say, because South Africa is a beautiful country with beautiful people, and anywhere I braai is a favourite place because we are having a braai! How do you see the braai evolving over the next 20 years if you take into consideration the already scaled down version we have today due to the increase in meat prices and the onset of the drought? Well, the braai was probably perfected 162 000 years ago at Nelson’s Bay Cave at Robberg Nature Reserve near Plettenberg Bay. Not much has changed since then, so I don’t imagine much will change in the next 20 years. Do you find, in your experience, that it seems to be an accepted cultural “thing” to have the men braai the meat and the women make the salads, or is that just a misperception? I think women are better braaiers, and the more they braai they better it is for everyone. On the National Braai Tour this year we had more female teams than ever before, so that shows the old misconceptions are falling by the wayside. When is your next tour in the Limpopo province and will you be stopping in Tzaneen next time round? It is almost time for a trip to the Limpopo; and I will definitely be coming to Tzaneen. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

23 September 2016 11


Oud-Vossies blom by Sêr

Ryno Scheepers (Onderhoofseun), Henro de Bruin (Hoofseun), Fanie Viljoen, Elsjé Kriel (Hoofdogter) en Helandré Venter (Onder hoofdogter). Tweede van links , Heinrich Steenkamp en vierde van links, P.C Engelbrecht. Foto: Marike Lamprecht.

Die Caput-manskoshuis, van die universiteit van Potchefstroom het Saterdagaand die 3de September 2016, tydens die ATKV se sêrkompetisie geskitter. Caput, wat ‘n veg-

vlieënier-tema gevolg het, is as die algehele wenner bekroon. Baie geluk aan P.C Engelbrecht en Heinrich Steenkamp wat deel was van dié groep.

Laerskool Tzaneen kry Vlak 2 netbalafrigters

Skrywer besoek Larries Fanie Viljoen, bekende skrywer het die Larries besoek op 31 Augustus. Hy is in 1970 in Welkom gebore en het ook daar skoolgegaan. Tans bly hy in Bloemfontein. Behalwe vir skryf, teken en skilder hy ook graag. Hy het al ‘n paar

van sy eie boeke geïllustreer. Sy boeke het al verskeie pryse gewen. Hy luister in sy vrye tyd graag musiek en hy hou van soetgoed. Die Larries het hierdie besoek baie waardeer en is weereens bewus gemaak van die wonderwêreld

www.bulletin.us.com facebook.com/LowveldBulletin Instagram: Bulletintzn

het in Augustus plaasgevind in Polokwane. Dit sluit drie lesplanne in wat hul vooraf moes ingee. Die afrigters is na aanleiding van een van dié planne geassesseer. Hierdie assessering is deur die Direkteur van Afrigting by Netbal Suid-Afrika, Anneline Lewies van Gauteng, gedoen. Beide onderwysers het goed geslaag en gekwalifiseer vir vlak 2.

Social Calendar • Sosiale Kalender Tzaneen Trail Run 24 September The Falcon Wood Tunnel Trail Run will be held on 24 September 2016 from 07:00 at R40.00 to R100.00 per person. For more information contact Tzaneen Marathon Club at 083 270 2416 or email tznmc1@gmail.com.

tival Orchestra under the baton of Richard Cock will take place on Sunday night the 25th September 2016 in the Barnyard Theatre at Stanford Lake College. Cost will be R180.00 per person. Bring your own picnic, drinks and friends and enjoy a magical evening of musical entertainment. For more information contact Stuart Miller on 082 771 2655 or email applerange@mweb.co.za.

Haenertsburg Musical events L GLOOP 25 SEPTEMBER 2016 21, 25, 26 September

Tzaneen Ligloop 25 September


Ligloop is ‘n 9 km staptog. Die roete volg die pad van Dr Hans Merensky se bekende “morning walk” wat hy, altyd saam met sy honde, geloop het. Ons stap deur aangeplante plantasies, deur inheemse woude tot by ‘n waterval.

Wednesday 21 September: Richard and

Wees deel. Wees ‘n Ligdraer. Raak betrokke!

Sue Cock will perform with some of the members of the Johannesburg Festival Orchestra (JFO) in the Haenertsburg church. A new musician, Pietro Roffi, will be playing the button accordion, accompanied by violin and cello.

Daar is uitstekende belangstelling vir die SA Vrouefederasie in Tzaneen se Ligloop op 25 September. Die tak se bestuur het laat weet dat daar reeds 35 vrouens is wat hulle as Ligdraers verbind het tot die Ligloop Stap. Daar is dus nog net 15 plekke beskikbaar om saam te stap. Die SAVF benodig nog borge vir onder meer hoedjies, stapstokke, ‘goodie bags’ en piekniek-eetgoed. Enige bydrae sal waardeer word. Vir inligting: Ilza Roelofse by 015 307 2645 of 082 773 0471 of savf@ telkomsa.net; en Lidell Botha by 083 389 3915 of lidellbotha@gmail.com.

‘n Besondere ervaring, slegs vir dames!

WAT MOET DIE LIGDRAERS DOEN? Die LIGDRAERS moet vir hierdie projek elkeen ‘n minimum van ‘n R1 000 insamel. ‘n Bedrag van R100 dien as inskryfgeld, betaalbaar wanneer jy onderneem om ‘n LIGDRAER te wees, en dan ‘n verdere R900 wat voor of op 16 September 2016 betaalbaar is. Hierdie geldinsameling moet egter op ‘n wyse geskied dat dit vir jou ‘n vreugdevolle en opbouende ondervinding is. Ons verwelkom enige borge en donasies maar ons wil voorstel dat elke LIGDRAER mini-geldsinsamelings hou om die bedrag te in. Deur jou naam as LIGDRAER te verbind sal jy deel word van die span dames wat hul tyd en

energie aanwend om ewigheidswaarde toe te voeg vir hul medemens in nood, maar ook vir hulself. Vir verdere inligting kontak: ILZA ROELOFSE • savf@telkomsa.net 015 307 2645 • 082 773 0471 LIDELL BOTHA • lidellbotha@gmail.com 083 389 3915 BANKBESONDERHEDE VIR INBETALINGS ABSA BANK SAVF Tzaneen Diensbestuur Tjek Rekening nommer: 1260810142 Takkode: 334349 Verwysing: Ligloop met jou naam

Sunday 25 September: A full concert with

the JFO under the baton of Richard Cock. R180/person in the Barnyard Theatre at Stanford Lake College. Bring your own picnic eats, drinks and friends and enjoy a magical evening of musical entertainment.

Monday 26 September: Children’s concert at Thusanang. All children welcome for a lesson on musical instruments and the orchestra — kids will love this one and it is free. Booking essential: Linda Miller on 082 575573 or Stuart on 082 7712655.

Tzaneen Orchestra concert 25 September A Full concert with the Johannesburg Fes-

Tzaneen Auditions 8 October The SA Association of Talent, Modeling and Entertainment is scouting for talent to represent this region at the SA Championships of Performing Arts 2017. Information: lizellecronje0809@gmail or call Lizelle on 082 806 2759 or Bonita on 083 390 4009. The semi-final audition round will be held on 8 October in the DR Church Hall in Tzaneen.

Use this QR Code to take you to the SuperSport weekly schedule. Alternatively, go to www.bulletin.us.com, as we will henceforth be publishing it on Bulletin’s website every Friday.

Larries in eindronde

Gerda Steenkamp, Anneline Lewies en Lizette de Bruin.

Twee Larrie netbal afrigters, Lizette de Bruin en Gerda Steenkamp, het hul die afgelope tyd beywer om te kwalifiseer vir die Vlak 2 NSA afrigtingskursus. Deeglike voorbereiding en beplanning is nodig om te kwalifiseer. Verlede jaar Oktober het hul die teoretiese deel van die assessering afgehandel wat Afrigting, Kinderveiligheid en Anti-dwelmmisbruik insluit. Die praktiese deel van die assessering

wat in boeke opgesluit lê. Op 14 en 15 September was daar ook ‘n volledige uitstalling van sy boeke plaasvind by die skool. Pryse begin van R25. Hou gerus Laerskool Tzaneen se facebookblad dop vir verdere besonderhede.

Baie geluk aan Tebatso Phetole Mahasha, ‘n graad 12 leerling van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster wat 3de in Limpopo geëindig het tydens die nasionale rekeningkunde olimpiade. Die Vossies is trots op jou. Jy hou die skool se naam hoog.

Zoë Malherbe, Waldo de Kock en Kristi de Jager

Die Laerskool Tzaneen redenaars, Waldo de Kock (Gr 5), Zoë Malherbe (Gr 5) en Kristi de Jager (Gr 3), het deelgeneem aan die eindronde van die ATKV redenaars by Buffelspoort op Don-

derdag 11 Augustus. Ongelukkig het nie een van hul onder die eerste drie geeindig nie, maar dit is op sigself ‘n groot prestasie om deur te dring tot die eindronde. Die Larries is baie trots op julle!

12 23 September 2016


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23 September 2016 13


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Legals | Geregtelik NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL CONSENT IN TERMS OF CLAUSE 20(c) OF THE BA-PHALABORWA LAND USE SCHEME, 2008, READ TOGETHER WITH SPLUMA 2013 I, Willem Johannes Jacobsz of Omniplan Town Planners, being the authorised agent of the registered owner of Portion 52 of the farm Schalk 3-KU hereby give notice in terms of Clause 20(c) of the Ba-Phalaborwa Land Use Scheme, 2008, read together with the provisions of SPLUMA 2013, that I have applied to the Ba-Phalaborwa Local Municipality for Special Consent to allow a Filling Station on a part of the property described above, situated directly adjacent and west of Road R40 between Phalaborwa and Mica, situated ±7.5km south-west of Phalaborwa town. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Municipal Offices, Phalaborwa for a period of 28 days from 16 September 2016 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the applications must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at P/Bag X01020, Phalaborwa, 1390 within a period of 28 days from 16 September 2016. Address of authorised agent: Omniplan Town Plan-

ners, PO Box 2071, TZANEEN, 0850, Tel No (015) 307 1041. Ref No: J116 Sep401___________________________

KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK VIR SPESIALE TOESTEMMING INGEVOLGE KLOUSULE 20(c) VAN DIE BA-PHALABORWA GRONDGEBRUIK SKEMA, 2008, SAAMGELEES MET SPLUMA 2013 Ek, Willem Johannes Jacobsz van Omniplan Stadsbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die geregistreerde eienaar van Gedeelte 52 van die plaas Schalk 3-KU gee hiermee ingevolge Klousule 20(c) van die Ba-Phalaborwa Grongebruik Skema, 2008, saamgelees met SPLUMA 2013, kennis dat ek by die Ba-Phalaborwa Plaaslike Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het vir Spesiale Toestemming om ‘n Vulstasie te vestig op ‘n deel van die eiendom hierbo beskryf, geleë direk aangrensend en wes van die R40 pad tussen Phalaborwa en Mica, ±7.5km suid-wes van Phalaborwa Dorp. Besonderhede van elk van die aansoeke lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoor ure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Tzaneen vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 16 September 2016 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoeke moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 16 September

2016 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by P/ Sak X01020, Phalaborwa, 1390 ingedien of gerig word. Adres van gemagtigde agent: Omniplan Stads- en Streekbeplanners, Posbus 2071, Tzaneen, 0850, Tel. No. (015) 307 1041. Verw. No. J116 Sep402___________________________

GENERAL NOTICE OF 2016 TZANEEN AMENDMENT SCHEME 353 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF A TOWN-PLANNING SCHEME IN TERMS OF SECTION 56(1) (b)(i) OF THE TOWN-PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE 15 OF 1986), READ IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE SPLUMA 2013 ACT I, Willem Johannes Jacobsz of Omniplan CC Town Planners, being the authorised agent of the registered owner of Portion 44 of the farm Deer Park 459-LT hereby give notice in terms of section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Town-Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986), read together with the provisions of the SPLUMA 2013 Act, that I have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for the amendment of the town-planning scheme known as the Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2000 by the rezoning of a part (±1ha) of the property described above, situated adjacent to Road D978, ±33km north-

east of Tzaneen, from “Agriculture1” to “Business 1”. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Tzaneen for a period of 28 days from 16 September 2016 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the applications must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850 within a period of 28 days from 16 September 2016. Address of authorised agent: Omniplan Town Planners, PO Box 2071, TZANEEN, 0850, Tel No (015) 307 1041. Ref No: J123 Sep403__________________________

ALGEMENE KENNISGEWING VAN 2016 TZANEEN WYSIGINGSKEMA 353 KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM WYSIGING VAN ‘N DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 56(1)(b)(i) VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE, 1986 (ORDONNANSIE 15 VAN 1986), SAAMGELEES MET DIE BEPALINGS VAN DIE SPLUMA 2013 WET Ek, Willem Johannes Jacobsz van Omniplan CC Stadsbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die geregistreerde eienaar van Gedeelte 44 van die plaas Deer Park 459-LT gee hier-

mee ingevolge artikel 56(1) (b)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986), saamgelees met die bepalings van die SPLUMA 2013 Wet, kennis dat ek by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000 deur die hersonering van ‘n deel (±1ha) van die eiendom hierbo beskryf, geleë aangrensend tot Pad D978, ±33km noord-oos van Tzaneen, vanaf “Landbou” na “Besigheid 1”. Besonderhede van elk van die aansoeke lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoor ure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Tzaneen vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 16 September 2016 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoeke moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 16 September 2016 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 24, Tzaneen, 0850 ingedien of gerig word. Adres van gemagtigde agent: Omniplan Stads- en Streekbeplanners, Posbus 2071, Tzaneen, 0850, Tel. No. (015) 307 1041. Verw. No. J123 Sep404__________________________


Huise, Meenthuise, Woonstelle, Kantore & Besighede

AMENDMENT SCHEME 46 We, Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, being the authorized agent of the owner of the property mentioned below, hereby give notice in terms of Section 56(1) (b)(i) of the Townplanning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986), that we have applied to the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality for the amendment of the Phalaborwa Land Use Scheme, 2008, by the rezoning of Erf 956 Namakgale-A, known as 956 Calvin Ngobeni Drive, Namakgale-A, from “Residential 1” to “Business 4”. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, corner of President Nelson Mandela and Selati Streets, Phalaborwa, for the period of 28 days from 16 September 2016. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at PO Box 67, Phalaborwa, 1390, within a period of 28 days from 16 September 2016. Address of Agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850

Streeksbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaars van die eiendomme hieronder genoem, gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 56(1)(b) (i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986), kennis dat ons by die Ba-Phalaborwa Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Phalaborwa Grondgebruikskema, 2008, deur die hersonering van Erf 956 Namakgale-A geleë te Calvin Ngobeni Rylaan 956, Namakgale-A, van “Residensieël 1” na “Besigheid 4”. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, h/v President Nelson Mandela en Selati Strate, Phalaborwa, vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 16 September 2016. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 16 September 2016 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 67, Phalaborwa, 1390, ingedien of gerig word. Adres van agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850



PHALABORWA GRONDGEBRUIKSKEMA, 2008 WYSIGINGSKEMA 46 Ons, Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Stads- en

LEGAL NOTICE In the Estate of the late, THOMAS HEAP HUTCHINSON, Identity Number: 271129 5071 187 who re-

sided at PORTION 16, KANTOOR STREET, HAENERTSBURG and died on the 26th of DECEMBER 2015, Estate Number 1089/2016. Notice is hereby given that the Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the offices of the Master of the High Court in Polokwane and the Magistrate Tzaneen for a period of 21 (twenty one) days from date of publication of this notice. STEWART MARITZ BASSON INC Attorneys for the Executor Lex Numeri 32 Peace Street PO Box 242 TZANEEN, 0850 Re: WFB/EM/H354 Sep407___________________________

BOEDEL WYLE CSMS HUMBOLDT In the estate of the late CHRISTA-MARIA SUSANNA MARGARETE HUMBOLDT, identity number 3005120016189, widow, Master’s reference number 005835/2016, who was ordinarily resident at Portion 4, Bergendal, Agatha, Tzaneen, Limpopo Province and, who died on the 7th of April 2016. All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the under signed within 30 days from the date of the publication hereof. Joubert & May Attorneys Po Box 35 Tzaneen, 0850 Ref: A E Rech/avs/R14162 Sep408___________________________

Job Seeker l Werkgeleenthede My name is Chashiers Ramahlabana I am looking for a job as driver I have grade 11 and code 10 drivers licence with PDP and have welding experience for 10 years I can speak English and Afrikaans. Contact me on 078 713 0531 (26) _____________________________

Domestic My name is Winny Motseo I am looking for domestic work full time or 3 days a week, sleep out I speak English, or firefighting job contact me on 076 064 5459 (451)____________________________

My name is Gladys Mmatjatji Malabela I am looking for domestic work I speak

English Mon – Fri or 3 days sleep in or out I have computerlitercay pre-nursing course (educare) contact me on 072 796 9413 (452)____________________________

My name is Herminah Sebela I am looking for domestic work 3 days or full time I can speak English and Afrikaans sleep out, I have five years experience contact me on 081 854 1122 (453)____________________________

My name is Modjadji Josphina Nkhanyamame ek is opsoek na huishoudelike werk, ek praat Afrikaans, slaap uit, voltyds Man – Vry of 3 dae of kantoorskoonmaker/ winkelskoonmaker. Skakel my op 072 435 9654 (454)____________________________

My name is Mpho Boime I am looking for domestic work I speak English Mon – Fri sleep out or office cleaner/shop cleaner contact me on 063 780 7133 (455)____________________________

My name is Nomsa Mashai I am looking for domestic work or general work I can also look after children sleep in or out 3 days a week or full time, I speak English and Afrikaans I have 5 years experience as domestic contact me on 071 745 7988/ 076 341 3144 (456)____________________________

English and write contact me on 083 979 9296 (41)____________________________

My name is Chritina Makgoba I am looking for a receptionis or administration position. I speak english and is computer literate. I also have advance IT. I can work part time or full time. Contact me on 082 627 0064. (42)_____________________________

Admin General My name is Dikeledi Tears Malatji i am looking for sales assistant, receptionist work, i speak English or Afrikaans, computer literacy Grade 12, Bussiness Management N4 contact me on 063 048 5180 (40)____________________________

My name is Gracious Setabola i have Business Management N5 i have grade 12 and i can work as receptionist i can speak

My name is Thembi Mobe i am looking for any general work, shop assistant or domestic work have computer literacy , did a course FET College Electrical Infrastructure level 4, i speak English have a code 10 licence contact me on 082 089 5687 (147) ____________________________

My name is Daniel Rachuene I am looking

for work as a TLB driver or Excavotor driver, I have 6 years experience I can speak Afrikaans and English contact me on 073 961 8828

I speak English full time or part time. (ref: Rowan Deacon 084 5808177) contact me on 084 011 5112

(148) ____________________________

My name is Pertunia Molewa I am looking for any general work I speak English, full time or 3 days, office cleaning, or Security Grade E, D, C with SERA,

My name is Fatah Dzamwaraka I am looking for work as painter and I can varnish all kinds of wood products doors, frames, ect.

(149) ____________________________

VACANCY Penta Toro Plant Hire requires a qualified

FINAL LEVEL GRADER OPERATOR with relevant experience

For more information, phone Jaco: 082 564 9988

Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers


computer literacy. Contact me on 072 625 8481 (150) ____________________________

My name is Flippie Mabunda I am looking for painting work I have exeperience, I speak English and Afrikaans, full time or part time I can do house painting, office painting, ect. (Ref: Pieter 071 8275275 ) contact me on

072 756 1652 (151) ____________________________

My name is Yvonne Baloyi I am looking for sucurity work I have E.D.C + P.SIRA and compitency, or office cleaner or general work. I can speak English full time or 3 days contact me on 060 447 3770 / 060 687 6614 (152)____________________________

14 23 September 2016


Smouskous l Classifieds Services Dienste

Services Dienste

Services Dienste

Services Dienste

Services Dienste

Services Dienste

Services Dienste

Services Dienste

Dulux Paint Centre Need paint or other supplies? Get in touch right away 40 Danie Joubert Street 015 307 7756 Okt505___________________________

Borehole Investigation Underwater video camera system to observe the general condition of your borehole i.e. blockages, aquifers, water levels, condition of casings. etc. Contact Rynier de Jager @ 079 883 5655

071 063 4983 24 Hour

Emergency Plumber Gintec Auto Electrical Electronic ignition system Electronic fuel injection Electronic diagnostics & scan General wiring & re-wiring Accessories installation & fitment Alarms, anti-hi-jack & immobilisers Starter motor & alternator repairs, services and sales Contact: 072 033 5534 / 015 306 0369 Visit: 6 Antimony Street, New industrial area



Wisani Burial Society

Wenkem SA Vir ‘n volledige reeks: Mikro-element blaarvoeding Na-oesbederfmiddels Plaagdoders Swamdoders Citrosol Wakse Kontak: Cor Greyling 082 856 5445 Kantoor: 015 306 0090


Project Services

Services include: Gatemotors (authorized Centurion dealer) Rubberising All keys — home, office, shop front, motor vehicles & safes Security accessories Car audio sales and installation Vehicle headlight renewals All vehicle makes and models welcome

BRUCE 063 164 1021 015 306 0031 28 Koedoe Street, Shop GS12, Gratia Building, Tzaneen

24 H


Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Faks: 086 262 3152 083 252 8928

For : Steel fabrication + construction Palisade Fencing Water and Sewerage treatment, Mechanical, Erectors, Ventilation, Carports, General welding Alf Wandrag: 082 490 9719 Email: awandrag@mweb.co.za


The Invisible Chef We will surprise your mouth! Birthday parties Office lunches Weddings Year end functions Elna 083 371 9190 Cindy 079 692 1180 Feb305___________________________

DEBT STRESS Contact us for professional, confidential advice on 015 307 2772. Branches in Tzaneen, Phalaborwa and Giyani. Registered Debt Counsellor with the NCR. Feb202___________________ Hobby Print For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382. Aug110___________________________

Bed City Emergencies 015 306 8500 Jun331___________________

South Africa’s most affordable base & mattress set 40 Danie Joubert Street next to Dulux Centre Contact us 015 307 4855

24 hour emergency no 015 307 6240 / 083 513 4988 015 307 6719 e-pos: helene@wisani.co.za Jan207___________________________

Koriek beleggings: Revoluta palms: Revoluta saailinge – R4.00, Groot moederplante – R500.00 Mandela’s gold geel Strelitzia’s: Saad – R0.50, Saailinge – R4.00 plante in blom – R30.00, Moeder plante in blom – R300.00 of (R1, kom haal self per blom) (BTW en posgeld uitgesluit) 082 466 9884


Fiat 640 trekker 1 x Rotavator 1 x Skraper 1 x 2 Skaar ploeg 1 x 10 Skottel Dis Skakel 082 476 3939


Le Vant Home & Décor Curtains, towels, Haberdashery, ovelockers, fabrics, furniture 8 Jorrison Street, Polokwane


Provento Crop Protection Verskaffer van kwaliteit pakhuis chemikalieë. Conrad Lubbe 082 927 4070 015 307 7042 Jun305___________________________

Tzaneen Country Lodge Accommodation, Weddings, Spa, Conference, Restaurant, Sunday Buffet. R71 Phalaborwa Road Tarentaalrand 015 304 3290 Jun306___________________________

Letaba Junction Accommodation, Restaurant, Bar, Curio Shops, Spa. Letaba Junction Letsitele 082 827 0026 www.letabajunction.co.za Jun309___________________________

DBV/SPCA Blankets & Food

Agri Box Kontak ons vir enige pakmateriaal. 5c Rietbokstraat 015 307 1863

Danie Vaughan 083 307 2076

Your go-to-guys on fireplaces and braais Contact us on 015 297 8964 083 417 6126 Wendy Houses For the best prices, quality and guaranteed work we are the best, all sizes all types available 3 m x 3 m R4 000, 3 m x 6 m R7 500, 3 m x 9 m R10 000 don’t miss this winter special. We also do building and all types of renovation. Life 073 719 4145 Makhaya 082 745 6270 Jack 072 665 4381 Jul301___________________________

SMIT GARRUN Mediese fondse Korttermyn versekering Lewensversekering Aftree beplanning Testamente / Beleggings 10 Windsor Street 015 307 5587 Jun310___________________________

Oogkundige Gratis Sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril. Jacques van Niekerk 015 307 3703 Loop Str, Tzaneen Jun311___________________________

Makarios Makelaars Lewensversekering, Korttermyn versekering, Pensioen fondse, boedelbeplanning 015 307 3316 Jun312___________________________

TRELLIDOR The Ultimate Crime Barrier Widest range, Custom made for any opening. Visit us at 32 Hospital Street, Tzaneen 015 307 2493 Jun313___________________________

Ultimate Security Electric Fencing Carports Security Cameras Alarms And much more Contact Eugene at 078 460 4667 / 015 307 1768

Bearings, Seals, Power Transmission, Drives & Motors, Belting, Fateners, Filtration Contact 015 307 7334 or visit us at 8C Kew Street, Tzaneen.

Gravelotte Engineering General engineering, machining, sheet metal works, processing and packaging machine maintenance. Manufacturing of steel structures and supports profile / plasma cutting. Contact Hanno Meintjies at 015 318 4344 / hannomeintjies@yahoo.com LETABA FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION Rouan Snyman 071 602 5982 076 844 1646 manager@letabafire.co.za www.letabafire.co.za

You pick we paint 17 Skirving Street 015 307 5562/3


Bowls needed 083 628 9257

Optometrists Gail Altona 015 307 1243

Your partner in home building!

015 307 7168

Branches in Letaba Crossing and Letsitele Open!!


Lisensie no.: 17660

Lannie motors Tzaneen 0850

DASS Refrigeration, air conditioning. Repairs, spares and services to all makes of domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Whirlpool, Defy, Bosch, etc. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, Tzaneen. 015 307 1798 082 8980 468



Celebrating 15 years of excellence.


BB Truck Tzaneen 8 Danie Joubert Street

Contact Rikus for the best deals on UD Trucks 015 307 4950 Jun303___________________

Waterproofing of roofs, concrete dams, earth dams, interior/exterior painting, damp proofing, refurbishing of roofs and epoxy floors.

Steynberg Trok & trekker 8 Ton trokke te huur. R22.50/km + btw, 12 ton trok R24.50/km + btw & 20 ton @ R31.50/km + btw eenrigting. Skakel vir Kwotasie: 076 410 9503/ 082 851 7139 Of 015 345 1192 084 627 0956 Jan402_______________

Andre Pretorius 060 995 0359

andre.pwp@gmail.com www.protecta.co.za

Free Quotations Reyno Loodgieters Flinke diens. Afslag aan alle pensioenarisse. Skakel Reyno by 015 307 4063 082 550 1357

Awesome Deals on new Ford vehicles

Contact Ivon 072 615 1905


VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/ 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb.co.za Web: www. steynbergmeubelvervoer. com

Oasis Water

Quality used Volkswagen Vehicles

Mille Flora Vir tuininstandhouding en tuinuitleg. skakel ons. Jy sal verbaas wees oor die verskil wat ons aan jou tuin kan maak. Skakel Riesl op 083 407 8061

Lannie Motors


Refresh, Revive, Refill 015 3072504 079 523 5253 Tzaneen@oasiswater.co.za Shop 1, 17 Plantation Road Tzaneen Jun325___________________________

We specialise in: • Burglar proofing, security access gates We specialise inandBurglar • Palisade fencing, electric gates and garage motors proofi ng, security and • Paving and light to medium steel and general construction access gates We also service and repair all makes of electric gates and garage motors.

Palisade fencing, electric Contact Mike at 071 302 8090 / 082 298 5352 gates and garage motors dedamsteelworks@gmail.com Light to medium steel and general construction. We also service and repair all makes of electric gates and garage motors. Contact Mike at 071 302 8909 / 082 298 5352 dedamsteelworks@ gmail.com Jun328____________________


For Sale Te Koop Firefighter with Honda engine and Davey pump plus high pressure hose and nozzle. For sale: R6 000 o.n.c.o Phone 083 265 3129


Vacancy Vakante Pos Dame gesoek vir ontvangs en kassiere posisie. Moet bestellings hanteer, basiese administrasie, goeie telefoon etiket en sober gewoontes. Vorige ondervinding en verwysings noodsaaklik +/R5 000 per maand Stuur CV : hbarn@telkomsa. net of faks 015 307 4741 Sep202____________________________

Absolutely Water

Contact: Andre Bezuidenhout 0725975977

Forum Makelaars/ Brokers Vir al u korttermyn versekeringsbehoeftes Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 / 6157

Sales Executive: Franna Lamprecht Cell: 082 739 1297 Tel: 015 307 5016 Fax: 015 307 2753 franna@lanniemotors.co.za www.lanniemotors.co.za

Nationwide Shuttle Travel from Hoedspruit to Phalaborwa to Tzaneen via Polokwane to Johannesburg with our daily shuttle conveniently from your door step direct to your destination. Call us today to take you to your preferred destination on 073 003 6044



Franna Lamprecht




Jun301 ______________________


Komkor Kombuise

Blinds DIY hardware Waterproofing

Qualified electrician can also do general maintenance work around house and garden. Gert Maartens, 082 580 1473 or 082 858 8727. Available 24/7. Call me for excellent work at a reasonable tariff.




Concrete slabs Phone Hans for a quotation 082 804 5282

Sleebok Granite, monuments, Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops, marble, Bathrooms Quality Workmanship. 015 307 6005 / 1205 www.sleebok.co.za

Groblers Auto Tow-in Panelbeaters Conversions Velddienste Scrapyard 015 395 2112 / 2175

Upholstery, Curtains, Blinds, Furniture and more. 45 Agatha Street, Tzaneen 015 307 2468

Manufacturing and install wooden kitchens & build in cupboards & sliding mirror doors to your specification. For a free Quotation, contact our factory at Tel: 015 303 0266

For all your paving and brickwork needs. Paul Holtzhausen 072 303 5260





Self storages with security to let. 9.18 and 32 sqm. From R250, R500, R1 000 pm plus vat. Contact 083 265 3129 or 083 451 9557


We will beat any written quote!!

2nd HAND SHOP Bargains Galore We buy, sell and pawn. Ons koop, verkoop en pand enige iets van waarde. Meubels, toebehore, juwele, kombuisware, gereedskap en vele meer. Visit us at 11 Plantation Rd and get the best value for your money or call 015 307 1171 082 472 8483

Beskerm jou gesin se gesondheid met ons wye reeks filters, watersuiweraars, dispensers en ander produkte. Ons los jou water problem gou op. Bekostigbare kwaliteit produkte en diens. Elsie: 083 458 4746 Danna: 083 560 8636 Jun326___________________________

Bruce Allan 0834174026 Jun323___________________

Duvenhage Meubelvervoer Ons verpak en verseker landwyd. Puik diens en lae pryse. Marlien 083 252 8928


Vacancy for certified hairdresser In busy, up market centre. Please submit CV to lindahairstudio1@gmail. com or contact 078 213 9322 (after hours) Hours negotiable

23 September 2016 15


Heldedag op Plasieland BESTE PAARTJIE: Tayla Jansen van Vuuren en Jordan Viviers.

Elke Plasie het op Dinsdag, 6 September die geleentheid gehad om sy geheime “Super Hero / Villain” karakter op die skoolterrein bekend te stel. Jurie Wilders en Hayley Stephenson was die individuele wenners, terwyl Tayla Jansen van Vuuren en Jordan Viviers die prys vir die beste paartjie losgeslaan het. Te oordeel aan die sukses en mas-

sadeelname, mag hierdie inisiatief dalk by die tradisie-pakket van Hoërskool Merensky gevoeg word. Op dieselfde dag is geskiedenis gemaak toe die skool vir Koeitjie, wie jare lank die gees op Plasieland aangewakker het, gegroet het. Koeitjie tree nou af en kan in die museum besigtig word. Gelukkig is Bulletjie steeds op sy pos om Plasieland blou te verf.

Dineo Shokane, mnr. Jacques du Toit en Shadmaan Shaik. Simoné Venter (oud-Plasie en vlieënier) sit in die helikopter. Mnr. en Mej. Merensky, Shadmaan Shaik en Dineo Shokane, is op Vrydag, 2 September bederf met ‘n helikopterrit. Dit was een van die aantreklike pryse wat dié kroondraers gewen het. Merensky bedank Bosveld Smeermiddels vir hierdie wonderlike geleentheid.

Voor: Mev. Liesl van Kasterop (Astrid van “How To Train Your Dragon”). Agter: Nehemie Munduku, Britney Chu, Noko Malatji en Sammy Maponya.

VILLAINS EN HERO: The Grim Reaper, Darth Vader, The Joker en Superman.

Dr Annecke ontvang boekie-skenkings Die wel bekende skrywer en lees inspirasie, mnr. Fanie Viljoen, het tesame met Lapa Uitgewers die Afrikaanssprekende Antjies (Gr. 1 tot 7) kom besoek en verras met ‘n skenking van R6 000 se Afrikaanse leesboekies vir die Media Sentrum “The Reading Owl” op 31 Augustus. Hy het die leerders omtrent laat skaterlag met sy kort verhale en beslis ‘n “liefdes-saadjie” vir lees geplant.

Mnr. Viljoen se leesboekies is baie gewild onder laerskool- en hoërskool-leerlinge en sal tot die ouer geslag se leeslus prikkel. Van sy gewildste reekse is “Slym” en “Plons” en hy is vereer deur die ATKV met ‘n toekenning op 2 September. Sy inspirasie vir lees en skryf het gekom van die gewilde reeks “Pippie Lang-kous” toe hy nog skoolgaande was in Welkom. Nié net kan hy skryf nie, maar

skilder en teken graag. Hy het selfs van sy eie karakters geillustreer. Hy reis regoor Suid-Afrika en besoek talle skole al vir 10 jaar. Sy boeke is ook beskikbaar in Tablet formaat. En as jy dié sjarmante vriendelike gesig vra hoekom juis kinderboeke, sê hy met ‘n breë glimlag “ Dit is die beste werk in die wêreld, want dit voel nie soos werk nie.”

Mnr. Fanie Viljoen lees vir Antjies ‘n stuk uit een van sy gewilde boekies. ONDER: Mev. B. Vermeulen vind bietjie meer uit oor Fanie Viljoen en sy interesante karakters.

Mnr Gerhard Venter (Hoof) aanvaar die ongelooflike leesmateriaal vanaf Mev. Karen Janse van Rensburg van LAPA uitgewers en Mnr Fanie Viljoen.

Sakeliga | Business League aangebied deur • presented by

Tzaneen Bowls Club & Bulletin

6 Okt - 10 Nov 2016 Sleep O’ Paedic Classic

* Laminated Foam Mattress * Durable


Elke Donderdagaand om 17:30 vir 18:00. Kom geniet die rolbal met ‘n braai daarna. Vier lede in ‘n span.

Every Thursday night @ 17:30 for 18:00. Come and enjoy the bowls and braai thereafter. Four members in a team. 10% OFF




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Kontak/ Contact: Allan Brett on 083 6289213 or Wessel Pretorius on 081 270 4268.

Inskrywing: R600 per span. Entry: R600 per team.

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This board is sponsored by | Hierdie naambord is geborg deur

Bulletin Fear lessl y the tr uth

BED CITY POLOKWANE BED CITY TZANEEN BED CITY MOKOPANE BED CITY MANKWENG BED CITY THOHOYANDOU 015 291 1218 015 307 4855 015 491 5512 015 267 0016 015 962 5071

TRADING HOURS - Weekdays: 08:00 - 17:00 Saturday: 08:00 - 13:00 - Public Holidays: 08:00-13:00


Sakeliga | Business League

23 September 2016

Vossie-krieket buig ‘n knie Hoërskool Ben Vorster se Eerste-krieketspan het die afgelope naweek teen Hoërskool Merensky te staan gekom in die Limpopo Krieket skoleliga. Die Vossies het die loot gewen en besluit om eerste te kolf. ‘n Goeie vennootskap om die eerste paaltjie het Ben Vorster in ‘n gunstige posisie geplaas, maar Merensky se boulers het toegeslaan en drie vinnige paaltjies ingepalm. ‘n Vennootskap van 65 lopies om die vyfde paaltjie het die situasie vir die Vossies so effe herstel en hulle in staat gestel om 156/5 in hul toegelate 50 boulbeurte aan te teken. Merensky het gaan kolf en het teen middagete ‘n gemak-

like telling van 52/0 na 12 boulbeurte aangeteken. Ben Vorster se boulers moes spook om hul span terug in die stryd te sit en neem twee vinnige paaltjies kort na ete. Goeie en gedissiplineerde boulwerk van die Vossies het gemaak dat Merensky sukkel om lopies aan te teken en verloor nog 4 paaltjies in dié proses. Dit was ‘n naelbyt wedstryd en Merensky het net 12 lopies van die laaste drie boulbeurte nodig gehad. Ongelukkig ‘n Fondsinsameling vir tannie vir die Vossies het Antoinette Moller is verlede VryMerensky die wendagaand by die Tzaneen Rolteiken bereik in die balklub gehou. Die aand was ‘n reuse sukses met 22 spanne 49ste boulbeurt. Phillip Bester in aksie tydens die naweek se stryd. wat ingeskryf en meegeding Ben Vorster het die het. Onder die spanne teenwedstryd met vier woordig was spelers van Duivan Kruger wat 35 lopies op die telbord gesit het. Die beste paaltjies verloor. welskloof-, Tzaneen-, EilandDie beste Vossie-kolwers op die dag was Vossie-boulers was Philip Bester (2 vir 32 in 10 beurte) en klub en besigheidsliga lede. Artwell Mokgolobotso (60 nie uit) en Ru- Fumani Maluleke (2 vir 20 in 8 beurte).

Plasies se kampioenskuts doen dit weer Die Merensky Boogskietspan het die naweek van 10 en 11 September by Monateng Safari Lodge in Wallmansthal naby Pretoria aan die derde been van die ABO Triple Crown deelgeneem. Die byeenkoms was die laaste voor die nasionale kampioenskappe in November. Die Plasiespanne het weereens hul vasberadenheid getoon deur

2de en 3de plekke op te raap. Individueel het Ryan Jackson en mnr. Ockert le Roux (afrigter) goud verdien, terwyl André van der Merwe en Benéche Jackson brons ontvang het. Plasie, Lin-Marie Theron, het op eie stoom terselfdertyd aan die Ngaka Modiri 3D-kampioenskappe te Broederstroom deelgeneem en goud verower.

LINKS: EERSTE SPAN VERDIEN SILWER: Ryan Jackson, Benéche Jackson en André van der Merwe. REGS: TWEEDE SPAN BEHAAL BRONS: Canell Jackson, Sean Hunt en Carla van Coller.

“Soek skoor, kritiseer, maar moenie laster pleeg nie,” was die woorde van Francois Aucamp drie en ‘n half jaar gelede met Oubal se aanstelling as skrywer van hierdie rubriek. “En moenie te hard wees op die skole nie, hulle is belangrike instansies in ons gemeenskap.” ‘Tja, Oubal moet bieg dat hy nie altyd by die voorskrifte gehou het nie, veral in so verre dit die skole aangaan, maar dan het hulle darem gevra daarvoor, en daarin het ou Francois vir Oubal onvoorwaardelik ondersteun. Maar, soos nou bekend, het die Hoofskoorsoeker en –kritikus ons die afgelope week verlaat, vir altyd. Dit sal onvanpas wees van Oubal om nie hulde te bring aan ‘n man wat die durf gehad het om ‘n spieël op te hou vir ‘n gemeenskap om sy eie vratte te kan aanskou nie. Rus sag, ou maat, maar weet dat Oubal ons private gesprekke oor die wel en wee van ons sport sal mis, maar terselfdertyd sal aanhou om die onbesonnenhede uit te wys. ‘Tja, Oubal is so half dankbaar dat jy nie verlede Saterdag in ‘n posisie was om daai loesing teen NZ te kon aanskou nie. Wie weet, dalk het jy tog daarvan gehoor, maar besluit om finaal op te gee, soos wat soveel ander op hierdie oomblik reeds gedoen het. As jy nou dalk tog hoor, wil Oubal jou herinner aan ons gesprek na verlede jaar se Wêreldbeker, toe jy ten alle koste van Heyneke ontslae wou raak. Oubal hoop jy onthou wat hy toe gesê het – dat die pro-

R.I.P bleme in SA Rakbie veel dieper lê as een man wat almal bereid is om op die altaar te plaas ter wille van die kollektiewe sondes van al die ander rolspelers. Dit kom ‘n lang pad, my maat, maar soos toe word daar nou nuwe sondebokke gesoek. Aan die spits vir die luies van denke is kwotas, waaroor Oubal hom nie eers gaan verwerdig nie. Ons skakelpaar, wat sover in die Kampioenskap gesamentlik tussen hulle 26 hanteringsfoute begaan het, is ook hoog op die agenda. Daar is ander ook, maar soos met Heyneke, is Allister nou die hoofskaap wat ter slagting gelei moet word. Almal is gretig om te wys op dié twee se “eerstes”, ou Swys. Ons eerste verloor teen Argentinië en daai verloor teen Japan onder Heyneke, Allister se eerste tuistoets verloor teen Ierland en ons eerste wegverloor teen Argentinië. Maar ons geheues is maar kort, ou maat, want in 1996 onder André Markgraaff het ons ons eerste tuistoetsreeks teen die AB’s verloor, en drie jaar later onder Mallett ons eerste ver-

loor teen Wallis. ‘Tja, Oubal besef hy gaan haal dit ver, maar dink ‘n bietjie oor wat gebeur het. Toe rakbie na 1995 se WB professioneel geword het, kon beroepspelers elders net so groot en sterk word soos wat die Bokke altyd was. In ‘n oogwink is ons tradisionele sterkpunt geneutraliseer, en jy het meer nodig gehad as “maak voor sag en slaan agter”. Individuele spelersvaardighede en innoverende spelpatrone moes by grootte en krag toegevoeg word, maar daarin het ons jammerlik gefaal. Ons het gedink wat altyd gewerk het, sal altyd werk, want ons was naïef en het nie professionalisme aangegryp soos ons moes nie. Dink so daaraan, my maat, toe Dick Fosbury in die 60’s die Olimpiese goue medalje gewen het met sy “Fosbury flop”, het hy die aangesig van hoogspring vir altyd verander. Jy kon die beste eksponent van die skêr- of Westerse rolmetode gewees het, maar jy sou nooit weer die hoogspring kon wen nie. Ons staan by die oop graf van Springbokrakbie, maar ploeter voort met skêre en rolle, vanaf die hoogste gestoeltes van SARU tot by bulletjierakbie. Nag ou Grote! “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” – George Berkeley

Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Oubal is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!

Sakeliga | Business League aangebied deur • presented by This board is sponsored by | Hierdie naambord is geborg deur

Bulletin Fear lessl y the tr uth


Sakeliga | Business League

6 Okt - 10 Nov 2016 Elke Donderdagaand om 17:30 vir 18:00. Kom geniet die rolbal met ‘n braai daarna. Vier lede in ‘n span. Every Thursday night @ 17:30 for 18:00. Come and enjoy the bowls and braai thereafter. Four members in a team.

Kontak/ Contact: Allan Brett on 083 6289213 or Wessel Pretorius on 081 270 4268. Inskrywing: R600 per span • Entry: R600 per team.

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