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‘n Nuwe Era begin
11 August 2017
015 306 0198 • 072 930 1462 • 071 268 2543
Rural ares:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS
Van links is Elrisa Oosthuizen, Ben Vorster hokkie organiseerder, Bossie Haneczeck-Kruger, Eerstehokkiespan onder-kaptein, Pierre Roos, Eerstehokkiespan kaptein, Mnr Chris DeNysschen, Ben Vorster skoolhoof, Johan Louw, Fintrex, Piet Smit, Bestuursraad voorsitter, Miemie Vorster, Ouerkommittee voorsitter, Hannes Roos, Ouerkommittee finansies, Miha De Jager, waarnemende Eerstehokkiespan kapteine en Jonelle Oberholzer, Eerstehokkiespan onder-kapteine tydens die offisiële bekendstelling van die astrobaan. Foto: Joe Dreyer
visie - naamlik om elke leerder optimaal te ontwikkel gestand wou doen, kon ons die bou van die baan eenvoudig nie langer uitstel nie.” Grondwerke sal later dié maand op die huidige A-veld begin en sou die weer en ander elemente saam werk, behoort die splinternuwe astrobaan voor die begin van die 2018 hokkieseisoen voltooi te wees. “Daar is baie mense wat van mening is dat ‘n astrobaan onsettend duur is, maar die voordele en langtermyn besparings maak dit absoluut die moeite werd,” het Johan Louw, ‘n direkteur van Fintrex Specialised Sports Solutions, aan Bulletin verduidelik. “Sintetiese gras hou nie net langer nie, maar is ook
Hamawasha Road another danger Page 3
Tzaneen Dam word wéér opgeruim Bladsy 4
makliker onderhoubaar. Die oppervlakte van so astrobaan bly “speelbaar” dwarsdeur die jaar.” Fintrex was betrokke by die installeering van die velde op Peter Mokaba stadion in Polokwane en is ook verantwoordelik vir die bane op Tukkies, Greenpoint Atletiekstadion, Wits en die Randburg hokkiestadion. Die maatskappy spesialiseer in atletiek-, hokkie-, rugby-, sokker- en netbalbane. Daar is twee tipes astrobane beskikbaar in die mark naamlik die hidro- en sandbasis bane. Die een wat by Ben Vorster installeer word is ‘n sandbasis baan. “Gedurende oefentye word die baan droog gebruik. Wanneer daar ‘n toernooi gespeel word, word die
Wolkberg Akademie vier 20 jaar Bladsy 9
baan nat gegooi en sodoende kry die spelers dieselfde gevoel as die van ‘n hidro-oppervlakte.” Saam met die konstruksie van die astrobaan word daar ook beplan om vir die toeskouers gemakliker sit-areas onderdak te bou aan beide kante van die baan. Daar sal ook nuwe span-areas opgerig word vir die spelers. Met hierdie nuwe astrobaan sal Ben Vorster daarin toe in staat wees om hokkie-klinieke en selfs inter-provinsiale hokkie wedstryde in Tzaneen aan te bied. “Ons is baie opgewonde oor hierdie projek en kan nie wag om te begin speel op die baan nie, al is dit ook net vir so paar maande,” het Eerstespan kaptein, Pierre Roos, gesê.
Merensky vat wéér Kaskar Goud Bladsy 20
Mediese fondse | Korttermynversekering | Lewensversekering Aftreebeplanning | Beleggings Testamente | Boedelbeplanning Pensioen- en voorsorgfonds Dood- en ongeskiktheidsversekering Aandele
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10 Windsor Street, Tzaneen | Tel: 015 307 5587
Dieselfde graaf waarmee die grond in 1962 deur Ben Vorster gebreek is, het Dinsdagoggend die toekoms vir plaaslike hokkie ingehuldig. Danksy Hoërskool Ben Vorster en plaaslike besighede, sal die Vossies voor die einde van die jaar kan spog met hulle eie astro-hokkiebaan. Volgens die skoolhoof, mnr Chris Denysschen, sal die skool die nuwe baan tot voordeel van die hele gemeenskap aanwend. “Dit is hoogtyd dat Tzaneen se hokkiespelers toegang tot ‘n astrobaan kry,” het hy gesê. “Ons het lank gewik en weeg of ons ‘n astrobaan moet bou, maar aan die einde was die behoeftes van ons hokkiespelers die deurslaggewende faktor. Indien die skool sy
SMIT & KIE FSP: 11184
Bulletin FAR NORTH
2 11 August 2017
LiN Member
Personeel | Personnel Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com
Rekenings / Accounts / Admin Ansie Smuts 076 333 0523 ansie@bulletin.us.com
Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com
Ontwerp / Design Tamryn Branch 083 637 9551 tamryn@bulletin.us.com
Joernaliste / Journalists Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com
Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset
Verspreiding | Distribution
Armed robbery at Pot ‘n Plow Shortly after the rural safety meeting held between the SAPS and the Haenertsburg community on Thursday evening, three separate fires were started on a farm on the N road towards Polokwane. A short while later Gary Barnes, owner of the Pot & Plow, was attacked whilst closing up for the night. He’d just made himself a late supper of mashed potatoes with some vegetables and was on his way to his home, behind the restaurant, when he was surprised by four men under the age of 40. One held a knife to his throat; another held a gun to his head as
Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • MooketsiFAR • Letsitele NORTH MEDIA Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani FAR NORTH MEDIA
the plate and contents smashed onto the tiled floor. In perfect English, he was ordered to keep quiet. Unmasked and wearing gloves, they aggressively requested the keys for the safe and removed a substantial amount of cash. They bound Gary’s hands and feet with wire. They proceeded to trash both the restaurant and his home. Every drawer was ripped open and contents scattered, beds were overturned, they broke the juke box and got a pick from the storeroom to break open the newly installed cigarette machine. They dragged Gary’s many suitcases into the restaurant intent on filling them with his clothing, cigarettes and Zwakala craft beers. A still traumatised staffer, liv-
Left: Lizzie Modiba’s quick reaction foiled the criminals. Right: Gary Barnes from the Pot & Plow
ing next door, heard the sound of breaking and phoned head honcho Lizzie Modiba who was fast asleep in her home a few kilometers away. Lizzie quickly phoned the Chairman of the relevant sector of the Haenertsburg Neighbourhood Watch.
Kontak besonderhede Contact Details Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 071 268 2543 (Jacques) 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 26 Hospital Street, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Advertensies/Adverts: jacques@bulletin.us.com Admin & rekenings/Admin & accounts: admin@bulletin.us.com Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: jacques@bulletin.us.com Agri-nuus/Agri news: jacques@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Redakteur/Editor: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Kleinadvertensies / Smalls: ansie@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp/Design: tessa@bulletin.us.com Sport: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved.
Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word voorbehou.
Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
Gary’s shoes about to leave and Gary’s suitcases brought in ready to be filled with cigarettes and Zwakala craft beers.
The cigarette machine trashed and broken and the jukebox that could fortunately be restored.
HNW reacted immediately and ten men arrived with headlights on and torches flashing. One criminal was seen fleeing out the back. HNW gave chase and the criminal ran clean out of his one shoe. The four are believed to have had a vehicle parked nearby. They made off with two cellphones, the cash and a laptop. Gary’s ordeal lasted about 1½ hours. The quick reaction of the staffer, Lizzie, and HNW meant that Gary’s life was spared and most of the material possessions were recovered. Staff and customers helped sort out the mess and took control of business while Gary was advised to go away The emptied safe. and rest for a few days.
“Not enough resources,” - SAPS A massive operation in Haenertsburg involving SAPS, seven departments, members of the community and other units was held on Tuesday, 1 August. This was followed by a rural safety meeting at the Village Hall on Thursday evening. Speakers at the meeting were Cluster Commander Brigadier Enslin stationed at Mankweng, Deputy Provincial Commissioner Major General Scheepers (Policing), Station Commander of Haenertsburg Captain Shiviti and Community Policing Forum Chairperson James Turner. James’s one eye was covered, as
a result of the numerous blows to his head, when he was attacked at his village home last month. He was operated on for a detached retina. Haenertsburg is now regarded by SAPS as a hot spot. Major General Scheepers said, “We’re living in challenging times. SAPS can’t protect the community alone. The criminal elements are out there and no one is safe. Crime is increasing in Limpopo Province.” On Tuesday 115 vehicles were searched. One stolen vehicle was recovered. Ten illegal immigrants were identified and a quantity of
dagga was seized. These illegal immigrants don’t come through the legal routes. There is no border at Musina as the Levubu River is dry and illegals walk through the riverbed into South Africa. More than 100 vehicles were recovered in the area. The fine for harbouring illegal immigrants is R50, 000.00 and the illegals are arrested and deported. The SAPS doesn’t have enough resources countrywide. If there is poor service delivery, the community must stand up. Things are going wrong because good people are keeping quiet. The
015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951
Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 / 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 / 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.
Webwerf | Website Besoek ons webwerf by www.bulletin.us.com en lees die jongste nuus sowel as vorige eksemplare ••••••• Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies
SAPS says that there are always early warning signs before a crime is committed. A red coke tin signifies danger, a green Amstel can indicates go, stones being stacked, that weren’t there before, are regarded as a warning sign. Criminals are clever, intelligent and trained. When arrests are possible, criminals move elsewhere. However, strategies only work for a short time. These have to be changed constantly. During question time a community member stated that contractors, who do felling in Georges Valley and the Haenertsburg area, are employing illegals. Anyone transporting timber legitimately must be able to produce a receipt or delivery note when stopped by the SAPS. This is currently not being addressed. Gum poles are cut between eight and ten years. The thieves, however, are cutting the gum poles at two years. This results in massive growth losses for the farmers. Ninety percent of the fruit sold on the R71 outside Tzaneen is stolen from farmers. One avocado farmer reported a R150, 000.00 avocado loss in one month recently. Partnership policing is no longer working and the shift has to move towards friendship policing.
Jaques van Niekerk Optometrist
Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril • Tel: 015 307 3703 • 11 Rencole Building, Loop Street, Tzaneen
Stand van Damme Dam Levels
Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 07/08/2017
*Termes & voorwaardes geld.
Tzaneen 57%
Ebenezer 100.2%
Merensky 101.2%
Dap Naude 94%
Middel Letaba 21.1%
Blyde Rivier Poort 100.1%
Klaserie 99.8%
Tours 91%
Vergelegen 93.9%
Ohrigstad 80%
Bulletin FAR NORTH
11 August 2017 3
Is the Gravy train about to derail? The GTM is in a financial crisis. Bulletin has received information which alleges that the municipality is literally hanging by a thread over the abyss of financial bankruptcy. Our confidential source is said to be in possession of a damning document to this effect. This information came to light earlier this week while investigating the ongoing legal battle between the GTM and one of their security providers, MBS, over alleged non-payments for services rendered amounting to more than R4 million. MBS provided security and access control services to the municipality on a three year contract basis. The municipality has allegedly not paid this service provider for more than four months, leaving 148 security personnel destitute. Those security guards downed tools in June. In July, Tzaneen’s Sheriff of the court Tertius Robertson, executed a warrant (another
in a string of attachments) at the municipal buildings and removed electronics including computer systems and televisions to cover the legal costs amounting to R196 000. The GTM’s spokesperson, Neville Ndlala, later told Bulletin that the municipality had made payment and their property was subsequently returned. This was not true as Bulletin saw security footage which showed GTM representatives loading said property themselves from the storage yard. MBS owner, Peter Sedutla, also confirmed that he received no payments from the GTM despite promises made by Tzaneen Mayor, Maripe Mangena, personally, that the money would be paid at the end of May. Bulletin asked the GTM why the Mayor’s promise to MBS was not fulfilled and which of their officials would be held accountable this time, for the fruitless and wasteful expenditure in this instance as it has placed
the GTM into disrepute. Their actions in this matter furthers the municipality’s tainted track record of mismanagement, fruitless and wasteful expenditure and legal actions against them by service providers. We also wanted to know why no urgent forensic investigation has been launched despite it being advised by the KPMG report last year. We spoke to Sedutla on Tuesday. According to him, he was forced from his home by his own angry employees and taken to the GTM buildings on Monday afternoon. According to him, this was because his employees did not believe the municipality still had not paid. “It took the acting municipal manager to address the group and admit to them that they had in fact not paid MBS, for my employees to calm down and go home,” said Sedutla. Our source also alleged that the GTM’s director of community services, Obby Mkhombo,
instructed Sedutla to deploy armed security guards at the ANC’s (still incomplete) offices in Second Avenue. This has not yet been confirmed as Ndlala has not yet responded to our media inquiry. This is the same Mkhombo who was appointed as acting municipal manager in 2014, but then removed from that position after SAMWU obtained a labour court interdict against the appointment. We will report on these burning questions in our next edition, once we have received (hopefully) any feedback from the spokesperson for the GTM (who seem to have once again started their unofficial boycott of this paper). To read through our archives and trace the history of the extreme corruption at the GTM, visit www.bulletin.us.com and search the keyword “corruption”. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com
Follow up: Still no word from GLM It would appear as though the municipal manager of the Greater Letaba Municipality (GLM) would rather avoid the media than face up to the failures of her office in Modjadjiskloof. Bulletin is still waiting for Tsakani Mashaba, the MM, to respond to four media enquiries sent to her office through their media liaison officer, Lovers Maenetje, more than a month ago. These enquiries concerned the irregularities and omissions in the GLM’s Annual Report (sent on 10th of April), the GLM’s absolute disregard of the plight of the SPCA (sent on 27th of June), the Solid Waste Transfer station which is not operating within the environmental waste management act legislation (sent on 4th of July), and the Modjadjiskloof cemetery debacle (sent on the 7th of July). Despite continuous pressure from Bulletin, the Modjadjiskloof community, the opposition party in that municipality and even correspondence from the Human Rights Commis-
sion, Mashaba blatantly ignores her duties as information officer. She is never available for comment with the excuse being that she is away attending a course. Her refusal to engage the media or the community she is supposed to serve, has left residents wondering whether she is qualified for the high-paying position she has occupied for the last few years. Rumour has it that she won’t be leaving anytime soon either, as her contract is said to have been extended. Coupled with the inefficiencies of the municipal manager, the community in Modjadjiskloof also have to deal with the Environmental Affairs manager, Lerato Shoroma, who has just recently unveiled plans to use Modjadjiskloof cemetery as a stand-in for the full-to-capacity Kgapane cemetery without a proper public participation hearing and despite objections from the residents. Bulletin and a number of residents in the Kloof have requested that proof of the environmental impact study which would support the move, be made pub-
lic. She has also not been able to give an indication of how many burials would be expected in the tiny cemetery either, nor what would happen should Modjadjiskloof reach capacity too. No response and the burials are said to go ahead regardless. Shoroma has also failed to provide the community with a valid explanation as to why she decided to earmark land in Kgapane for the new Modjadjiskloof landfill site which is an estimated 40 kilometres from town. No reason has yet been given for the decision to halt daily refuse removal from the temporary solid waste station to Tzaneen either. It is reported that Shoroma said the amount of waste accumulated daily does not warrant the 15 kilometre trip to Tzaneen. When Bulletin enquired about her qualifications, we were told that she has “some degree or diploma from the University of Venda and she knows what she is doing.” — Joe Dreyer
Agatha not the only death trap
Not more than a kilometre from the Agatha Road sinkhole lies a far more dangerous trap. Another sinkhole. This one, the size of a small sedan, is slowly swallowing up the Hamawasha road. This road, also referred to by locals as the “old station road”, connects the new industrial area with Hamawasha. The popular nightclub, Platform 9, is situated along this road too. There are no streetlights here and at night, the sinkhole which has crept its way into the centre of the road already, poses an even bigger threat. Combine this with the number of patrons returning home to Tzaneen from a night out at Platform 9 and you have a major accident begging to happen. The GTM has chosen bright yellow paint tins and barrier tape as their solution to this dilemma. Similar to the Agatha Road sinkhole, complaints about this road fall on deaf ears.
Despite the recent video clip, and accompanying photographs, Bulletin uploaded to social media showing the erosion beneath the Agatha Road, not one word has come from the GTM office. Last week our front page article sparked an outcry by residents. But, the GTM have clearly other, more serious matters to attend to than ensuring the safety of their road-users. Three people died at this spot and still it is being ignored. Will the same happen on the Hamawasha Road? The rainy season is around the corner and it is the qualified opinion of road engineers in the area, that both these sites could give way at any moment. Then, there is the issue of a third site along the Agatha Road near Kingswalden which is said to be even more of a danger to road users. “On misty mornings you cannot see a metre in front of you while driving down Agatha towards Tzaneen,”
said a motorist who travels that route every day. “It is only because I have lived here for so long, that I know where the dangers are. Can you imagine if a family from Gauteng come up to the mountain for a weekend and their vehicle drives into that massive hole? The municipality obviously don’t think anyone will lodge a civil claim against them…” Bulletin has sent another enquiry to the
municipal spokesperson, Neville Ndlala, and we await his response on the matter. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com
Bulletin FAR NORTH
4 11 August 2017
Tzaneen dam word wéér skoon gemaak “Mens het sommer skaam gekry oor al die gemors wat ons in die bootjie gelaai het,” het Jacques Smuts aan Bulletin gesé nada thy en sy familie verlede naweek help dam skoon maak het. Die burgerregte organisasie, AfriForum, is deurgaans besig met verskeie skoonmaakprojekte in Tzaneen dorp en omgewing en het hierdie week vir die tweede keer vanjaar die Tzaneen dam gaan opruim. Leë drankbottels, sigaretpakkies en verskeie ander rommel items is uit die water van die dam verwyder deur lede van die gemeenskap en AfriForum Tzaneen lidmate. “Ons hét al die jaar die Tzaneen Dam
saam met ander rolspelers en organisasies skoongemaak maar voel dat die projek gereeld opgevolg moet word,” het Lizandra Viviers, skakelbeampte vir AfriForum Tzaneen veduidelik. “Die Tzaneen Dam is ‘n groot bate vir Tzaneen en moet dus instand gehou word. Afriforum se selfdoen-beleid het al bewys dat ons burgers self sekere aksies moet neem om ‘n verskil te kan maak.” Tydnes dié operasie is daar ook in samewerking met Natuurbewaring en Bassmasters, na onwettige visnette gesoek met die doel om te verwyder. Daar is geen nette hierdie keer gevind nie. Wolkberg Akademie en die Tzaneen Voortrkekkers het hand bygesit om die terrein om die dam op te ruim. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com
Louis Naude van Northern Security saam met ‘n groep skoonmakers op die water.
Vir die tweede keer vanjaar word die deur ‘n area om die dam skoongemaak ge jongmense.
plaaslike groep yweri
Die Wolkberg Akademie-skoonmaakspan was vroegoggend reeds op hul pos langs die dam.
Elize Miller van Wolkberg Akademie saam met ‘n Tzaneen Voortrekker, besig met die opruiming van die Tzaneendam.
11 August 2017 5
Have a good night on a Good Knight A knight in shining armour is said to be a man who has never had his mettle truly tested. With a Good Knight Bedding product supporting you while you sleep however, that statement is rendered moot. Good Knight Bedding products are manufactured with comfort, support and rest in mind and offer you the relaxing rest your body craves after a rough day at the office in that uncomfortable chair. So, if its rejuvenation you’re after, why not pay Good Knight Bedding a visit in Danie Joubert street, Tzaneen, and have an expert appoint the right Knight for your perfect night.
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Bulletin FAR NORTH
6 11 August 2017
Tzaneendam konstruksie nou in volle gang Konstruksie by die Tzaneen damwal gaan voort. Jacques Smuts was die naweek op die dam en het vir ons hierdie indrukwekkende foto van die nuutste verwikkelinge geneem. Die beplanning om die damwal te lig is in 2012 bekend gemaak. Na vier jaar se sloer het die konstruksie uiteindelik aan die begin van hierdie jaar begin. Die wal word hoër en breër gebou om water tekort te beveg en die opvangsgebied te vergroot. Daar is in Augustus in ‘n koerant hier in die dorp gesê dat geen plofstof gedurende
die sloop fase van die projek gebruik sou word nie, maar dat eerder van kraggereedskap gebruik sou word. Daar is in tussen al ‘n paar ontploffings afgeneem en daar word nog verder verwag. Nie te min, die projek gaan voort te midde van omgewings-belanghebbendes wat gereeld kommer uit spreek oor die seekoei-populasie wat nou uit hul natuurlike wyvelde gejaag word en sodoende ‘n gevaar word vir motoriste in die area. — Jeff Jackson jeff@bulletin.us.com
Ben Vorster groet ‘n groot bul! Met groot hartseer moes die Vossie die week ‘n legende van Vossieland groet. Piet Modipane, wat van 8 Julie 1976 deel van die skool se span geword het, het die stryd na ‘n lang siekbed verloor.
Piet sal veral onthou word vir sy onbaatsugtige werk, fyn sin vir humor en vas geloof in God. Hy los ‘n leemte , wat nie maklik gevul sal word nie. Rus sag, liewe Piet! Die Vossies groet jou!
Social • Sosiaal Tzaneen Letaba Show 9-12 August
Cattle shows, horse parades and other livestock activities alongside a fun-filled entertainment lineup, including a mini-circus for the kids. Contact the show office for more details 015 307 2725.
Tzaneen Wolkberg Trail Run 12 & 13 August
The Wolkberg Trail Run 2017 will be held on 12 & 13 August 2017 at Stanford Lake College.Entries available at www.entryninja.com. For more information contact 015 276 6103.
Tzaneen Candle fun run/walk 18 August
The St Peter’s candle night fun run/walk of 4 or 9km will be on 18 August. Registration from 17:00 at R50 (adults) and R30 (under 16). Boerewors rolls and cold drinks on sale. . For more information contact 015 307 3534.
Tzaneen High Tea 26 August
Lioness in Heels presents the High Tea in honour of women’s month on 26 August 2017 at Fairview Hotel & Village from 10:00 at R450.00 per person. For more information contact 078 788 4693 or email tlhompho@kganyatlhompo.com
Tzaneen Piesangfees 1 September
Die NG Moedergemeente hou Piesangfees op 1 & 2 September 2017 by 28 Agatha Straat, Tzaneen op die Kerkterrein. Vir meer inligting skakel 015 307 6865 of epos ngtzan@mweb.co.za.
Tzaneen Wolkberg Damesoggend 16 September
Heerlike damesoggend by Wolkberg CVO. Kom geniet die oggend saam met spreker Belinda Camper van Dameskring. Tema: Waardes vir Woelwaters. Vir meer inligting kontak 083 338 7868.
Mind-blowing Fact #39 Oscar Wilde’s last words were, “my wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. One or other of us has got to go.”
368 1 057 24 9
The Numbers
1 Oscar Wilde only published one novel throughout his life - The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Message Rev Ron Reiners Anglican Church Greetings in the Name of Christ! If we open a newspaper now-a-days or watch the news all we see or hear is how the world seems to be in upheaval. Everywhere we see wanton disregard for the laws of the land. Hardly ever do we read about something good. Now the laws of the land are human made and can often, be seen by some as “not applicable” especially if we believe that the government is acting illegally or is corrupt. In the Old Testament, we read how the Israelites turned against God and how God dealt with them. Moses, received the Ten Commandments as a guide to right living. When he saw how the Israelites were behaving, he became angry and broke the stones that God had given him. Anger can be very destructive and we often witness what happens when people get angry with all types of situations and act irrationally. As the people were spiralling out of control, God, in His mercy sent His Son to us to reopen the lines of communication between Him and us. Yet they did not believe and they crucified Jesus, yet Jesus rose from the dead, showing us His love for us once again. Many use the scripture reading Romans 6:14 “For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace” as an excuse for not obeying the law. They confess to be Christians but use the scriptures as they interpret them to justify any action. When reading the scriptures one needs to look at the context in which it was written. In the Romans reading I mentioned the emphasis is on “under grace” this grace comes from God and God only, thus we need to be obedient to both God and the law. Laws are often there for our protection and not always for punishment. If we obey God’s laws we will find it easier to follow the laws of the land. I therefore urge all to interpret both the scriptures and the law by reading them carefully and where necessary requesting clarification from the more learned amongst us. Blessings.
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Bulletin FAR NORTH
11 August 2017 7
Badgers stood up to Curro The mighty First team Honey Badgers played the first match of the day, undoubtedly coming in as underdogs, having lost their first encounter against Heuwelkruin by 20 odd points. At the start of the game, one could see and sense the nervousness within the boys, but they fought through all of that and at the end it was pure guts and determination. From trailing by 10 points to a final deficit of a single point (which could have clinched it if the final kick had been converted), says a lot about the camaraderie displayed in the team. The final score was 20-19, with Mfumo Mongwe earning ‘man of the match’.
Stanford’s u/15’s came to the game as favourites as they had won their first match convincingly. The final was always going to be a thriller of a match. Curro Heuwelkruin seemed stronger than at the beginning of the encounter, posting the first points of the day in the first 15 minutes. The Stanfordians grew in courage and went all out to challenge Curro. In the second half, SLC came out guns blazing, bringing the game to the opposition and scoring two unanswered tries to end victorious on 21-14. ‘Man of the match’ was awarded to Ethan Chidavaenzi for his great performance.
LEFT: Maanda Radzilani makes a big tackle with Mafumo Mongwe right behind him for support
Vossie-girls skud Noordvaal Hoërskool Ben Vorster se O/15en 1ste meisieshokkiespanne het, by die Noordvaal Toernooi, hokkie uit die boonste rakke gespeel om onderskeidelik tot die kwarteindrondte en finaal deur te dring. Die toernooi is van 3-5 Augustus in Krugersdorp gespeel. Die O/15-span het in hulle poelwedstryde met Oosterland 4-0 en Hoërskool Driehoek 6-0 afgereken, maar 2-3 teen Bergsig verloor. Hulle het eerste in hulle poel geëindig en na die kwartfinaal deurgedring waar hulle 0-1 teen Maragon verloor het. Die 1ste span het aan ‘n baie sterk poel deelgeneem. Hulle het gelykop 1 elk teen Stofberg gespeel en Vereeniging Gimnasium 3-2 gewen. Daarna wen hulle die laaste poelwedstryd teen
Klerksdorp 2-1 om eerste in die poel te eindig. Die Vossies het in die kwartfinaal teen Frikkie Meyer te staan gekom. Met die blaas van die eindfluitjie was die telling gelykop 3 elk en die wedstryd het oorgegaan na ‘n agt-sekonde-uitklop (ook bekend as 8 Seconds). Die Vossies het die spanningsvolle 8 sekonde uitklop 2-1 gewen. Die semifinale was teen Curro Klerksdorp en die wedstryd het wéér gelykop met ‘n telling van 4-elk geëindig. Die Vossies wen weereens die agt-sekonde-uitklop 2-1 om deur te dring na die finaal waar hulle ongelukkig 6-0 teen Hoërskool Ben Viljoen verloor het. Ben Vorster het uit die stryd as Noordvaal mediumskole naaswenners getree.
Voor: Marizelle van Zyl. Middel: Jonelle Oberholzer, Stephanie Nagel, Deané Toerien, Zani Vorster, Estelle Oberholzer (afrigter) en Elrisa Oosthizen (organiseerder). Agter: Telanie van Renen, Michaela Cheney, Bontlé Sibuyi, Dudu Mokwena, Melissa Naudé, Miha de Jager, Marna Booyens en Angelique Ellis.
Merensky maak Gimmies bang
Hoërskool Merensky se rugbykorps is duidelik en seker op koers. Dit volg nadat hulle kookwater O/15 rugbyspan weer hierdie naweek bewys het dat hulle ‘n krag is om van rekenskap te vat. Hierdie rugbyseisoen het die wipplank-stryd tussen Ben Vorster en Merenksy se twee O/15-spanne almal in die dorp op die punte van hul sitplekke gehou. Dit was eindelik in die Limpopo-finaal wat Ben Vorster naelskraap die Plasies ore aangesit het. Na hierdie naweek se vertonings is dit die mening onder kenners in die plaaslike
kringe dat daar wéér ‘n wedstryd tussen die twee reuse binnekort verwag word. Die Plasie O/15-seuns het die naweek in die Verseker Beeld Trofee kampioenskappe op Potchefstroom, teen Potchefstroom Gimnasium (Die Gimmies) kragte gemeet. Dit was in die uitspeelbeen van hiérdie gewilde kompetisie. Die plaaslike vyftiental het aan verwagtinge voldoen en met ‘n 31-21 oorwinning, van die veld afgestap. Danie Potgieter spog met 3 drieë, terwyl WB Grobler en Kabelo Mabotje ook elkeen vyf punte bygedra het.
Andru Miller het drie van die doelskoppe deur die pale gejaag. Die volgende naelbytstryd vind more (op Saterdag, 12 Augustus) in Witrivier plaas wanneer dié wenspan teen Hoërskool Rob Ferreira in die kwartfinaal uitdraf. Hierdie oplewing kan onder andere toegeskryf word aan die onvermoeide ywer en voortdurende vaardigheidsontwikkeling van Merensky se rugby afrigters. Afrigters Clinton Gerber, Johannes Seerane, Pieter van der Merwe, Frik Dohse en Jece Swart het reeds in Januarie met die Wêreld Rugby Vlak 2 kursus begin. Na die inisiële afrigtingskursus moes
elkeen ‘n seisoen se wedstryde analiseer en oefeninge beplan om sodoende foute en tekortkominge in die spel om te keer. ‘n Portfolio van ses wedstryde en oefeninge is in ‘n finale assessering voorgehou, waarna ‘n praktiese oefensessie aangebied moes word wat ook beoordeel is. Al vyf hierdie manne het hul opleiding suksesvol voltooi. Nog drie afrigters het ook hul Wêreld Rugby Vlak 1 afrigterkwalifikasie se teorie- en praktiese afdelings suksesvol voltooi, hulle is mnre. Arno Last, Richard Coleman en Corrie Large. Op die sewesfront is dit eweneens woelig met drie afrigters wat hul 7’s Wêreld Rugby Vlak 1-kwalifikasie ontvang het op 28 Julie by Loftus. Mnre. Clinton Gerber, Johannes Seerane en Frik Dohse het ook hier hul merk gemaak.
VOORMAN / Projekbestuur Voldag posisie Suksesvolle applikant moet ten volle toesig hou en verslaggewing doen aan Direkteur
• • • • • •
Konstruksie / boubedryf Afrikaans en Engels kan lees, skryf en verstaan Goed georganiseerd wees Goeie kommunikasie vaardighede Moet werksdruk kan hanteer Moet bereid wees om oortyd te werk en naweke
Pos onmiddelik beskikbaar - werk Maandag tot Vrydag - by tye op Saterdae Stuur verkorte CV met addisionele twee paragraaf motivering oor u kennis en agtergrond aan: dbhrc9138@gmail.com Voor: Neil Delport, Duan Gubitz, Chandler Demos, Danie Potgieter, Wicus Swart en Andru Miller. Middel: De Marco Meyer, Dawie van Heerden, Pieter Engelbrecht, Jerome Stander, Jabus Erasmus, Khabelo Mabotja en JeCe Swart (afrigter). Agter: Jason Janse van Rensburg, Jan Naudé, Tiaan Tönsing, Duan Rossouw, Ebertes Schnettler, Vian Diedericks, Gerhardus Fourie, Ruan van der Schyff, Thato Phalane, Zander Steyn en Thomas Joubert (afrigter).
Sluitingsdatum: 19 Augustus 2017 om 15:00 Indien u geen korrespondensie terug ontvang voor 15 Augustus 2017, moet u asseblief aanvaar dat u aansoek nie suksesvol was nie.
Bulletin FAR NORTH
8 11 August 2017
Larries go west!
Baie dankie aan die volgende bor ge: Venbeck Afri Supreme Car Wash ATKV Eiland Gravelotte Charcoal BB Tzaneen Ford Tzaneen Country Lodge Houers Koöperatief Forms Media Tina Cowley Leessentrum Koos Malan FVLN Waterboys Hair by Linda Carien Cremore Photography Think Ink Cook 4 Life Tzaneen Tombstones BEC KM Bolt Build-It Tzaneen Koelkamers Zen Spa Walt & Heidi Katzke Noordchem Autoquest Mahela Boerdery Robs Spice CTM Tzaneng Treated Timbers Limbou Betonwerke Rhino Digital Solutions Savuki Drilling Trappers Trading Rhino Chemicals Lombards AGD Sugarloaf Pam Golding Properties Tzaneen Du Paint Thomas & Swanepoel Hoërskool Ben Vorster
s r e n n e w e i d an Baie geluk a
Tweede: Jaco de la Rey en Imeul Kruger
Wenners: Mnr. Vic Rijnen (Hoof ), Gideon Vorster, Festus Coetzee en Me. Lizette Bieldt
Derde: Solly Nortjé en Gerhard Janse van Vuuren
Hole in one
Russel Gutsche
Tzaneen Sporthuis NTK Best Drive NTT Rhino Firelighters Spur Hoërskool Merensky Aida Colaborare Falconwood Farmtrace Chris Smit Elektries Tzalili Fruit & Cattle (Zoerdoef ) Letaba River Lodge Capespan Bosveld Smeermiddels H&W Printers Westfalia Fruit Limpopo Lumber Fairview Lodge Highgrove FNB Hair by Corne Roma Fuels JD Fasteners Voltex Miami Canners Tzaneen Driving Range Crawdaddy’s Northern Security SAB Peppadew Pienaar Broers Bridgeway Butchery Letaba Alarms Ansinique Van Heerden Apteek Dr Shani vd Heever Van Niekerk Saagmeule OBBA
Bulletin F A R
11 August 2017 9
Wolkberg Akademie vir CVO
Vandag 11 Augutus
is OPEDAG! 07:00 - 17:00
Unieke Christelike Afrikaanse Privaatskool in Tzaneen
Alle leermateriaal is Bybels-gefundeerd
Graad. 0-7. Slegs 20 kinders per klas
2 1/2 jaar - 6 jaar
3 Maande - 2 1/2 jaar
p mie eë o Gel Akade . g r rrein lkbe Wo koolte s
Aansoeke en navrae - Marietjie Naudè 083 460 0309 / Kantoor 078 599 0266 Lushof hoewes, Tzaneen (Langs Venbeck) • Tel: 078 599 0266 • Hoof: 083 460 0309 • E-pos: wolkbergakademie@gmail.com Journalist: Joe Dreyer Marketing: Estelle von Pannier & Jacques Smuts Design Layout: Tessa Thompson & Tamryn Lancefield
A Far North Bulletin Publication
10 11 August 2017
Wolkberg Akademie • 20 Jaar
Wolkberg Akademie – ‘n unieke skool hier in Tzaneen!
Marietjie Naude (Hoof)
Hier is ons almal trots Christelik, Afrikaans en ons leef ons eie kultuur uit. Vanjaar het ons pragtige skool ‘n mylpaal bereik – ons vier 20 jaar van GENADE! Van die dag wat hierdie skool gestig is, tot op hede wéét ons elke dag dat ons Hemelse Vader by ons, om ons, met ons, in ons is. Op Wollkberg Akademie se terrein is plek vir baie ouderdomme: WonderWerkies (babas vanaf drie maande tot ongeveer
Wat beteken ons skool se naam?
CVO Beteken Christelike Volkseie Onderwys. Elke woord van ons skool se naam word vir jou mooi verduidelik:
Die berg wat ons van die skoolterrein af kan sien se naam is Wolkberg. In die Bybel is geskryf: Psalm 121:1 “Ek slaan my oë op na die berge, waar sal my hulp vandaan kom? My hulp is van die Here wat hemel en die aarde gemaak het.”
Die woord Akademie beteken skool, inrigting, leerplek – die plek waar ons leer.
Ons ALMAL by Wolkberg Akademie glo aan God die Vader, Jesus Christus die Seun en die Heilige Gees. Dit is die heel belangrikste hoeksteen van ons skool, want ons glo die Here is elke dag saam met ons.
Ons glo God het ons volk tot stand laat kom in Suid-Afrika en daarom leer ons van ons eie geskiedenis: waar ons Afrikanervolk vandaan kom, wat ons eie kultuur en waardes is en ook hoe ons dit moet bewaar.
We specialise in: • New Buildings • Renovations & Alterations • Roofing & Waterproofing • Air conditioners • Stainless Steel Balustrade • Airless Roof Spraypainting
2 jaar oud) word privaat bestuur op ons terrein. Ons is baie trots op WoekerWolkies, ons eie kleuterskool, wat kleuters tot graad 0 gereedmaak vir die groot skool. By Wolkberg Akademie onderrig ons van graad 1 tot graad 7. Ons akademiese standaard moet volgens wet gelyk aan of hoër wees as openbare skole s’n en met goed opgeleide en toegewyde personeel asook klasse met min leerlinge, slaag ons daarin. Ons is trots op ons kinders
wat presteer in akademie, sport en kultuur – ons weet soos baie van ons oud-Wolkies gaan ons jong Wolkies ook die vaandel van prestasie dra! Hier op ons pragtige boomryke terrein heers ‘n rustigheid en kalmte wat net deur liefde en trots bereik kan word. Baie dankie aan elke ouer wat hul kosbare kinders aan ons toevertrou – ons personeel belowe om na elke kind om te sien na die beste van ons vermoë, soos wat ons HERE van ons verwag.
Skoollied Ons is leerlinge van Wolkberg CVO op ons eie voel ons trots. Ons bou hier aan ons toekoms, om nooit te kan vergeet: Dat God ons Vader is … Hier leer ons om Hom te dien. Maak ons dan trots op ons eie om dit te kan bewaar!
•Tiling • Electrical • Ceilings • Plumbing • Steelworks • Painting • Carpentry
Tobie: 076 312 8806 | chukudutzn@gmail.com
Geluk met die prestasie!
Wolkberg Akademie • 20 Jaar
Bulletin F A R
Skoolwapen & Leuse Vergeet nooit
Ons moet die volgende altyd onthou:
Regs bo:
Dat Jesus Christus die Seun van God is en dat Sy kruisdood die enigste weg tot verlossing is.
11 August 2017 11
Voorsitter se boodskap 1999
Links bo:
Dat die Bybel die Woord van God is en dat dit die enigste onfeilbare bron van kennis van God is.
Regs onder:
Dat die Gelofte van Bloedrivier ons volk saam bind en dat dit vir die duur van ons volk se bestaan nagekom moet word.
Links onder:
Dat die kennis wat ons onderwysers en ouers aan ons oordra, ons toerus om ons plek in die gemeenskap verantwoordelik vol te staan en ons in staat stel om ons volk sinvol te dien.
2017 Leiers
Visie en Missie Visie
Om in die Letaba-distrik die behoefte aan Christelike Protestante opvoeding in ‘n Afrikaner kultuur milieu te bedien deur uitnemende privaat onderwys.
By Wolkberg Akademie vir CVO is dit ons erns: • Om Christelike norme en waardes te bevorder; • Om deur effektiewe onderrig en leer die leerlinge te lei om hul Godgegewe talente te ontdek en in totaliteit te ontwikkel; • Om onderrig in Afrikaans te ontvang; • Om met ons akademiese, kulturele en buitemuurse program voortdurend na uitnemendheid te strewe; • Om leer by elke leerling teen sy/haar tempo te laat plaasvind;
• Om leerlinge met toepaslike lewensvaardighede toe te rus; • Om leerlinge te leer om gesag en dissipline tuis, by die skool en in die gemeenskap te aanvaar en sodoende selfdissipline te kweek; • Om leerlinge geborge te laat voel om ‘n gesonde selfbeeld, selfrespek en respek vir ander te kweek; • Om gesonde verhoudinge te kweek; • Om maksimum ouerondersteuning en – betrokkenheid aan te moedig; • Om ‘n dinamiese, professionele en gelukkige personeelspan te bou; • Om toe te sien dat alle rolspelers medeverantwoordelikheid vir ons visie aanvaar. Hier wil ons op ‘n Christelike manier saamleef, - werk en –speel en sodoende die beste in mekaar na vore bring, alles tot eer van God.
Personeel en leerlinge 2017
Wolkberg Akademie • 20 Jaar
12 11 August 2017
Historiese agtergrond Gehoorsaamheid aan die belofte wat ons as ouers by die doopvont afgelê het, het die hoofrede geword vir die bestaan van Wolkberg Akademie vir CVO. Ons skool is amptelik op 15 April 1997 deur Ds. Louis Pienaar geopen met slegs agt leerlinge en staan bekend as Tzaneen skool vir CVO. Die naam van die skool verander in 2008 na Wolkberg Akademie vir CVO. Ons skool staan hoog aangeskryf by die BCVO as ‘n skool wat aktief deelgeneem aan BCVO-aktiwiteite op alle gebiede en ‘n waardevolle, positiewe bydrae lewer tot die beeld en die uitbou van die CVO-skole se ideale. Hierdie skool bewys hom steeds as ‘n skool van geleenthede en uitnemendheid op alle lewensterreine en leef ons leuse: Ter wille van ons kinders, voluit.
Skooldrag Somersdrag
(Januarie, February, Maart, April, September, Oktober, November & Desember) Seuns: Kakie kortmouhemp en kortbroek Grys kouse Swart skoolskoene “Pullover” vir kouer dae Dogters: Wit kortmouhemp Bottelgroen broekrompie/rompie Wit enkelsokkies Swart skoolskoene “Pullover” vir kouer dae.
(Mei, Junie, Julie,
Kultuur • •
• •
Kulturele bedrywighede geskied deurlopend. Leerlinge, vanaf voorskool, kry die geleentheid om op ‘n kulturele gebied deel te neem op skole-, provisionale- en landswye vlak. Bybelkennis-vasvra Deelname aan
Augustus) Seuns: Kakie kortmouhemp Kakie kortbroek / langbroek Grys kouse Swart skoolskoene Bottelgroen trui Bottelgroen “pullover” Bottelgroen windbreker (opsioneel indien baie koud of reënerig) Dogters: Wit kortmouhemp Bottelgroen broekrompie/rompie Wit enkelsokkies Swart skoolskoene Bottelgroen trui Bottelgroen “pullover” Bottelgroen wind-
Onderrig in die volgende vakke: • • • • • • •
kultuuritems tot op landswye vlak Deelname aan Kultuurfees (soos Eisteddfod) Huldiging van volkseie heldedae Konserte Leierskapontwikkeling Kultuurdae Redenaars Veldskool
Afrikaans Eerste taal Engels Tweede Taal Wiskunde Bybelonderrig Christelike Lewensoriëntering Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe: Bedryfsekonomie Ekonomie Rekeningkunde
Kuns en Kultuur Menslike en Sosiale Wetenskappe: Geskiedenis Geografie Natuurwetenskap: Lewenswetenskap (Biologie) Fisiese Wetenskap (Natuur & skeikunde) Rekenaartik
breker (opsioneel indien baie koud of reënerig) Groen en wit haar-
benodighede Somer: Opsioneel vir seuns en dogters: Gr1 – 7 kaalvoet.
Buitemuurse aktiwiteite Sport
• Verskeie geleenthede word aan die leerlinge gebied om deel te neem aan sportbedrywighede. • Deelname geskied op skole-, provisionale- en landswye vlak. • Massa-deelname word aangemoedig sodat elke leerling ‘n geleentheid kry. Somer: Atletiek Winter: Netbal, Rugby, Landloop
Wolkberg Akademie • 20 Jaar
Bulletin F A R
11 August 2017 13
Personeel 2017 Marietjie Naude (Hoof)
Edna Krige
Ria de Clerck
ZanĂŠl de Lange
Estelle Botha
Minette Smit
Rolandi Blank
Ronel Steyn
Carla Fourie
Elizabeth Badenhorst
Elize Miller
Elsabe van Rensburg
Nita-Mari Nel
Tiaan Fourie
Rina van Staden
Wolkberg Akademie • 20 Jaar
14 11 August 2017
Woeker Wolkies Kleuterskool Bestuur deur Wolkberg Akademie
Navrae: Juf Edna Krige 083 343 1843
Kleuters vir Jesus • • • •
Die kleuterskool is ongeveer 150 m van die laerskool geleë. Die plaasatmosfeer dra daartoe by dat die kleuters elke dag baljaar. Die groot ruimte sorg vir ‘n fietsie-avontuurbaan, verskeie klimrame, sandputte, ‘n moddergat en buiteaktiwiteite. Die kleuterskool word vanaf 2017 deur Wolkberg Akademie self bestuur.
Wat bied die kleuterskool? • • • • • • •
Formele perseptuele program. Groot-en kleinmotoriese vaardighede. Musiek Monkeynastix deur Louise van Blommestein. Temagerigte uitstappies. Twee onderwyseresse sorg vir uitstekende onderrig aan die kleuters. Witjassies
Oom Jakkie In April vanjaar het die Tzaneen-gemeenskap vaarwel gesê aan ‘n reus in die onderwys, Jakkie Jacobs, nadat hy op die ouderdom van 71-jaar aan kolonkanker oorlede is. Oom Jakkie was welbekend in plaaslike kringe vir sy vlymskerp humor en bereidwilligheid om te help, maar vir die kinders by Wolkberg, was Oom Jakkie die man wat die wêreld van Wiskunde aan hulle openbaar het. Oom Jakkie het wel net vir twee jaar by Wolkberg onderrig gegee, maar sy voetspore wat hy daar getrap het was diep. Sy gees lewe steeds in die harte van elke Wolkie.
Jou familie is ons familie
Baie Geluk! Ons is trots om geassosieer te word met Wolkberg Akademie 7 Loop Street Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 6911 015 307 5911 fax: 015 307 2712
Wolkberg Akademie • 20 Jaar
Bulletin F A R
Klein begin, groot toekoms Op 21 Februarie 1997, is ‘n loodskomitee bestaande uit vyf lede die opdrag gegee om die wenslikheid van die stigting van óf ‘n CVO (Christelik Volkseie Onderwys) Satelietskool óf ‘n onafhanklike CVO Skool te ondersoek. Die lede van daardie loodskomitee was Mnre Johan Brummer, Allan Campbell, Herman Roodt, Willie van der Grijp en Johan van Eck. Die skool is amptelik op 15 April 1997, as CVO Skool, deur Ds Louis Pienaar geopen met ‘n leerlingtal van agt kinders, vyf ouerpare en slegs twee onderwyseresse. Vir drie jaar en nege maande word die gebruik van die lokale by die AP Kerk benut en aan die begin van 2001 verhuis die skooltjie na die Hervormde Kerk om die groter getalle te huisves.
Intussen was die opvoedingsraad, ooreenkomstig ‘n samewerkingsbesluit met die Geloftefeeskomitee van Tzaneen, besig om na ‘n geskikte skoolperseel te soek en is die kleinhoewe, Lushof 61, met al sy geboue en wonderlike potensiaal, in Mei 2002 aangekoop. In net ses jaar, vanaf sy beskeie begin, het die skool gegroei tot ongeveer 50 kinders wie onder groot opgewondenheid, die nuwe skoolterrein betrek. In 2008, is die naam van die skool verander na Wolkberg Akademie vir CVO. Vandag, 20 jaar later, spog dié skool met meer as 100 leerlinge, wonderlike personeel, ‘n kleuterskool en ‘n verskeidenheid sportsoorte wat nie by ander skole aangebied word nie.
Wonderwerkies Babasorg — ‘n plek waar jou klein wonderwerkie vir ons net soveel beteken soos vir jou en waar ons met tonne liefde, opregtheid en geduld na hul omsien totdat hul weer veilig terug in julle arms is. Ons verkies ‘n groepie van maksimum 15 kleintjies tussen die ouderdom van 3 maande en 3 jaar! Die rede hiervoor is dat individuele aandag vir ons van die grootste belang is! Daar is 2 ervare, gekwalifiseerde dames met Noodhulp sertifikate en elk met 2 kinders van hulle eie.
• • • •
Tonne liefde, toesig en individuele aandag in ‘n rustige, ontspanne plaas atmosfeer. Foto’s via Whatsapp van verskillende aktiwiteite (waar en wanneer moontlik). Taal, intellektuele, emosionele asook klein-en groot-motoriese stimulasie op verskillende ouderdomsvlakke. Kunswerkies en sensoriese stimulasie
in ‘n kalm “speel en leer” omgewing. Babagim massering en stimulering by babas onder 1 jaar. • “Potty Training” op ongeveer 24 maande (afhangend van individuele gereedheid) • Gesonde, gebalanseerde middag kossies (13:00) asook sappie en vruggie teen 15:00 • Streng higiene, veral by areas waar bottels en doeke van toepassing is. • (Ekstra) Monkeynastix oefeninge beskikbaar deur Louise van Blommestein (afsonderlik) • Gereelde, oop kommunikasie via Huiswerkboekie asook Whatsapp. Vir verdere navrae kontak Jo-Anne Smit by 083 412 5340 •
11 August 2017 15
Wolkberg Akademie • 20 Jaar
Bulletin FAR NORTH
16 11 August 2017
Sport en Kultuur
designed by
CVO skool langs Venbeck
3 Junie 2017 Gaskunstenaars Swaarvoertuie Boeresport Implemente Kosstalletjies Biertuin / Teetuin
Baie geluk met
vermaak van vroeg tot laat!
Volwassenes R50 Mari Minnaar
20 jaar!
Kinders 6-12 R20
Gaskunstenaars: Joe F
32 Harry Dilley Street, P.O. Box 250, Tzaneen, 0850 | Tel: (015) 307 6797
CALTEX NORTHERN MOTORS Baie geluk Wolkberg met julle 20 jaar! 36 0226 Danie Joubert Street, Stalletjies: 078 599 Navrae: 083 338 7868/071 268 2543 015 307 2424
Vermaak vir die hele gesin!
Tzaneen ©bulletin0346c170811tl
NEW: • 8 Hose dispensers • Foam carwash • Newly renovated site
Bulletin FAR NORTH
11 August 2017 17
Legals | Geregtelik IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE SUB DISTRICT OF GA-KGAPANE HED AT GA-KGAPANE CASE NUMBER: 429/2016 THE KING’S COURT CHRISTIAN SCHOOL GOVERNING BODY Execution Creditor And MADIDA THOMAS NGOBENI Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN PURSUANCE of a Judgment of the Magistrate, TZANEEN dated 9th MARCH 2017. The under mentioned goods will be sold by public auction, on 25TH AUGUST 2017 at 10:00. Venue of the sale: SHERIFF’S OFFICE 1 BANKUNA ROAD LIMDEV BUILDING NKOWANKOWA By the Sheriff for the Magistrate’s Court of RITAVI to the highest cash bidder. 1x CHEVROLET BX 70 YD GP 1 x HISENSE FRIDGE 1 x SAMSUNG PLASMA AUCTION: 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgement obtained in the above honourable court. 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation i.r.o proof of identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. Dated at TZANEEN on this 19TH day of JULY 2017. (SGD) JH JACOBSZ ATTORNEY FOR THE EXECUTION CREDITOR
JOUBERT & MAY 50 BOUNDARY STREET P O BOX 35, TZANEEN TEL: 015 307 3660 REF: MR JACOBSZ/JK/J6739 Aug201__________________________
AUCTION NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF BLOEMFONTEIN HELD AT BLOEMFONTEIN Case number: 3487/2017 In the matter between: BOSS & DATCOM TECHNOLOGIES Execution Creditor And JACQUES GIANI Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In pursuance of a judgment granted on 4 April 2017, by the Magistrates Court, Bloemfontein and under a writ of execution issued thereafter the moveable property listed hereunder will be sold in execution by way of an auction on Thursday 24th August 2017 at 10:00 at the Sheriff Letaba’s store room, Main Store no 2 Industria Road 20 Tzaneen, to the highest bidder, namely: 1 x LG TV 1 x 3 piece lounge suite 1 x Total gas stove 1 x KIC double door fridge 1 x Samsung washing machine 1 x Samsung microwave oven 2 x bed-cabinet 1 x Roc-King DVD player 1 x Phillips VHR 1 x 5 piece dining room suite 1 x 2 piece wooden wardrobe Take further notice that: 1. This is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above Court; 2. Rules of the auction is available 24 hours foregoing the sale at the office of the Sheriff 33A Pieter Joubert Street, Tzaneen; 3. Registration as a buyer, subject to certain conditions, is required i.e; 3.1 Directions of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 (Url http://www.info. gov.za/view/downloadfile-
action?id=99961) 3.2 FICA-legislation i.r.o proof of identity and address particulars. 3.3 Payment of registration monies. 3.4 Registration conditions. 3.5 Registration amount is R500-00 in cash. 3.6 The Office of the Sheriff of Tzaneen will conduct the sale with auctioneer Tertius Robertson or any representative of his office. 3.7 Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. Signed at Bloemfontein on this 31st day of JULY 2017. SPANGENBERG ZIETSMAN & BLOEM (Sgd) WAS Spangenberg Attorney for the Execution Creditor W.A.S. Spangenberg FAL Manor 6 Seventh Street Arboretum Bloemfontein Email: spannies@iafrica.com Tel: 051-409 5001 Fax: 051-409 5050 Ref: WAS/DEB558 Aug202__________________________
NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF THE TZANEEN TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 2000 IN TERMS OF SECTION 57 OF THE SPLUMA BYLAW, 2016 OF GREATER TZANEEN MUNICIPALITY TZANEEN AMENDMENT SCHEME 366 I, Floris Jacques du Toit of Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, being the authorized agent of the registered owner of Erf R/242 Tzaneen Extension 4, hereby give notice in terms of Section 57 of the Greater Tzaneen Spluma Bylaws, 2016, that we have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for the amendment of the Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2000, by the rezoning of Erf R/242 Tzaneen Extension 4, situated at 4 Boundary Street, from “Business 4” to
“Business 2”. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Acting Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen, for the period of 30 days from 11 August 2017 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Acting Municipal Manager at the above address or be delivered to Room 257, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen before 11 September 2017, by quoting the above mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the objector’s property description, phone numbers and address. A person who cannot write may during office hours and within the objection period, visit the abovementioned Municipality requesting assistance to transcribe his/her objections, comments or representations. Contact person: Mr M J Mathye (015-307 8031). Address of Agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015307 3710 Aug203__________________________
KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM WYSIGING VAN DIE TZANEEN DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA, 2000 INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 57 VAN DIE SPLUMA VERORDENING VAN 2016 VAN DIE GROTER TZANEEN MUNISIPALITEIT TZANEEN WYSIGINGSKEMA 366 Ek, Floris Jacques du Toit van Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Stads- en Streeksbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van Erf R/242 Tzaneen Uitbreiding 4, gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 57 van die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit Spluma Verordening, 2016, kennis dat ons by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van
die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000, deur die hersonering van Erf R/242 Tzaneen Uitbreiding 4, geleë te Grensstraat 4, van “Besigheid 4” na “Besigheid 2”. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Waarnemende Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 11 Augustus 2017 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet skriftelik voor 11 September 2017 gerig word aan die Waarnemende Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of afgelewer word by Kamer 257, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, deur verwysing na bostaande opskrif, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die gronde/redes vir die beswaar, die beswaarmaker se eiendomsbeskrywing, telefoonnommer en adres. Enige persoon wat nie kan skryf nie mag gedurende kantoorure en binne die beswaretyd die bovermelde Munisipaliteit besoek en hulp versoek om sy/haar besware, kommentare of voorstelle op skrif te stel. Kontakpersoon: Mnr M J Mathye (015-3078031). Adres van agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015307 3710 Aug204__________________________
NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF THE TZANEEN TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 2000 IN TERMS OF SECTION 57 OF THE SPLUMA BYLAW, 2016 OF GREATER TZANEEN MUNICIPALITY TZANEEN AMENDMENT SCHEME 368 I, Floris Jacques du Toit of Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, being the authorized agent of the registered owner of Erf 663 Tzaneen Extension 8, hereby give notice in terms of Section 57 of the Greater Tzaneen Spluma Bylaws,
2016, that we have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for the amendment of the Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2000, by the rezoning of Erf 663 Tzaneen Extension 8, situated at 17 Harry Dilley Street, from “Residential 1” to “Residential 4”. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Acting Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen, for the period of 30 days from 11 August 2017 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Acting Municipal Manager at the above address or be delivered to Room 257, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen on or before 11 September 2017, quoting the above mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the objector’s property description, phone numbers and address. A person who cannot write may during office hours and within the objection period, visit the abovementioned Municipality requesting assistance to transcribe his/her objections, comments or representations. Contact person: Mr M J Mathye (015-307 8031). Address of Agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015307 3710 Aug205__________________________
van die eienaar van Erf 663 Tzaneen Uitbreiding 8, gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 57 van die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit Spluma Verordening, 2016, kennis dat ons by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000, deur die hersonering van Erf 663 Tzaneen Uitbreiding 8, geleë te Harry Dilleystraat 17, van “Residensieël 1” na “Residensieël 4”. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Waarnemende Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 11 Augustus 2017 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet skriftelik voor of op 11 September 2017 gerig word aan die Waarnemende Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of afgelewer word by Kamer 257, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, met verwysing na bostaande opskrif, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die gronde/redes vir die beswaar, die beswaarmaker se eiendomsbeskrywing, telefoonnommer en adres. Enige persoon wat nie kan skryf nie mag gedurende kantoorure en binne die beswaretyd die bovermelde Munisipaliteit besoek en hulp versoek om sy/haar besware, kommentare of voorstelle op skrif te stel. Kontakpersoon: Mnr M J Mathye (015-3078031). Adres van agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015307 3710 Aug206__________________________
MR MATITHUNI BALOYI (ID: 651019 5429 081) EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION – AUCTION PURSUANRT to a judgment by the magistrate TZANEEN given on 31ST day of MARCH 2016 the under mentioned goods will be sold at 08:00 am on 25TH DAY OF AUGUST 2017 by public auction to be held at 1 BANKUNA ROAD NKOWANKOWA by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, RITAVI to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X LG PLASMA 1 X PC ROOM DIVIDER 1 X SONY MUSIC SYSTEM 1 X 5 CHAIRS & TABLE 1 X DEFY DEEP FRIDGE 1 X DEFY D/D FRIDGE SIGNED at TZANEEN on the 24TH day of JULY 2017. (sgd) RUAN VORSTER ATTORNEY FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR RUAN VORSTER ATTORNEYS 32 HARRY DILLEY STREET TZANEEN 0850 Email: rva4@rvorster.co.za Tel: 015 307 6797 Ref: E NDLOVU File No: BB0664 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgement obtained in the above honourable court. 2. The rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 1 BANKUNA ROAD NKOWANKOWA. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific conditions, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation i.r.o proof of identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being AWO MKHONTO. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. Aug207__________________________
Smouskous l Classifieds Services Dienste Koriek beleggings: Revoluta palms: Revoluta saailinge – R4.00, Groot moederplante – R500.00 Mandela’s gold geel Strelitzia’s: Saad – R0.50, Saailinge – R4.00 plante in blom – R30.00, Moeder plante in blom – R300.00 of (R1, kom haal self per blom) (BTW en posgeld uitgesluit) 082 466 9884 Nov312___________________________
Makarios Makelaars Lewensversekering, Korttermyn versekering, Pensioen fondse, boedelbeplanning 015 307 3316
Namic Pools & Thatching Pool repairs & lapa repairs combo special. • 5x3 pool + 4x4 lapa: R38 000. • 6x4 pool + 5x3 lapa: R45 000. • 8x4 pool + 6x3 lapa: R52 000 Contact Elvis: 082 743 4801 072 979 6515
Tzaneen Trailer Hire Service & repair on trailers and caravans. Trailer hire: Double/Single Axle, Car, Piggyback, Cattle & Luggage trailers. Hennie: 083 651 0936 Oct301____________________________
Gravelotte Engineering General engineering, machining, sheet metal works, processing and packaging machine maintenance. Manufacturing of steel structures and supports profile / plasma cutting. Contact Hanno Meintjies at 015 318 4344 / hannomeintjies@yahoo.com
Emergencies 015 306 8500
015 307 2468
Jun301 ___________________________
Oogkundige Gratis Sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril. Jacques van Niekerk 015 307 3703 Loop Str, Tzaneen
Jun301 ___________________________
Bed City
South Africa’s most affordable base & mattress set 40 Danie Joubert Street next to Dulux Centre Contact us 015 307 4855 Okt504___________________________
Specializing in Wendy Houses, site offices, tool sheds, guard rooms. Can also move Wendys. Price includes wooden floor, window, corrugated zinc for roof @ special waksol for waterproofing. 3 x 3 m R5 500. Big and small size as per order.
Nasionale Bestuurskool
Bearings, Seals, Power Transmission, Drives & Motors, Belting, Fateners, Filtration Contact 015 307 7334 or visit us at 8C Kew Street, Tzaneen.
2nd HAND SHOP Bargains Galore We buy, sell and pawn. Ons koop, verkoop en pand enige iets van waarde. Meubels, toebehore, juwele, kombuisware, gereedskap en vele meer. Visit us at 11 Plantation Rd and get the best value for your money or call 015 307 1171 082 472 8483 Apr112____________________
Contact me on 078 485 2342
Jun301 ___________________________
SMIT GARRUN Mediese fondse Korttermyn versekering Lewensversekering Aftree beplanning Testamente / Beleggings 10 Windsor Street 015 307 5587
Santas Fabric Magic Opposite Lannie Motors Curtains - ready made and custom made, Upholstery Custom made and existing, Blinds,Carpets, Wood laminates, Embroidery corporate wear, Lots of wool with All types of Fabrics,Quilted Comforters, Bedlinen, Alterations, Singer Sewing machines - household and industrial and servicing of machines.
kom kry gewaarborgde en profesionele opleiding vir leerling en lisensie sien ons op facebook (National driving school) Skakel Gideon 083 262 0363 Giane 083 279 2343 March501______________
Steynberg Trok & Trekker 8 Ton Trokke te huur R22.50/km + btw, 8 Ton Koeler Trok R25/ km + btw, 12 Ton Trok R24.50/km + btw & 20 Ton @ R31/km + btw, Lowbed trailer @ R30/ km + btw eenrigting Skakel vir Kwotasie: 076 410 9503/ 082 851 7139 Of 015 345 1192 084 627 0956 Jan402_______________
VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/ 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb.co.za Web: www.steynbergmeubelvervoer.com
Reyno Loodgieters Flinke diens. Afslag aan alle pensioenarisse. Skakel Reyno by 015 307 4063 082 550 1357
DASS Refrigeration, air conditioning. Repairs, spares and services to all makes of domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Whirlpool, Defy, Bosch, etc. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, Tzaneen. 015 307 1798 082 8980 468
Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317
Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Faks: 086 262 3152 083 252 8928
My name is Linah Moseamedi, I am looking for full time domestic work. I can stay in or out. I have a Diploma in Computer and Business administration as well as a certificate in cooking. Please contact me on 071 209 2240. Aug201____________________________
071 063 4983
Position Wanted Qualified Diesel Mechanic / Workshop Manager References on Request Can travel / own transport Contact: Carel du Preez 072 303 7832
24 Hour
Emergency Plumber
We specialise in:
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• New Buildings •Tiling • Renovations & Alterations • Electrical • Roofing & Waterproofing • Ceilings • Air conditioners • Plumbing • Carpentry • Steelworks • Stainless Steel Balustrade • Painting Tobie: 076 312 8806 chukudutzn@gmail.com Sleebok Granite, monuments, Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops, marble, Bathrooms Quality Workmanship. 015 307 6005 / 1205 www.sleebok.co.za
Jun301 _____________________
071 268 2543
For Hire Te Huur TLB for Hire 3CX 4X4 JCB Competitive rates. Excellent operator. Contact 083 580 2078 Oct101_____________________
Visit our website www. bulletin.us.com for the latest news. Also find us on facebook
Bulletin F A R
Greenhouse equipment maintenance Maintain electrical equipment on machinery Mechanical maintenance of machinery Project Management Skills Implementing safety Procedures in the work place Manage technical team under his supervision 24 Hour breakdown & assistance Execute preventative maintenance plan Diagnostics and interpretation of multi-disciplinary problems (fault finding) Fleet maintenance management
Requirements: • • • • • • • • •
Minimum of 1 year practical experience Grade 12 with relevant skills Computer literacy (MS office package: Excel, Word & Outlook E-mail) Good communication skills A meticulous and well-structured person The ability to integrate with a team Fluent in English Drivers licence Willing to work hard
Please submit your CV to Ilze Goosen by: Fax: 086 641 5132 or by E-mail: hr@hishtilsa.com For more information contact: Ilze Goosen on 015 395 4034 Alternatively visit our website: www.hishtilsa.com Closing date: 15/08/2017 Only suitable CV’s will be considered
The successful candidate will be responsible for the following duties:
Position Wanted
Macadamia Village requires the services of a Contracts Manager to supervise and administer the various parties contracted to the Village.
HISHTIL South Africa, a leading vegetable seedling producer, requires the services of a MAINTENANCE MILLWRIGHT. At our Mooketsi Nursery • • • • • • • • •
Qualified Diesel Mechanic / Workshop Manager References on Request Can travel / own transport Contact: Carel du Preez 072 303 7832
CONTRACTS These comprise inter alia, Security, Garden Refuse Removal contractor and various contracts for Electrical and Electronic Installations. The successful contractor must be able to interface with and liaise with these various contractors as well as be able to call such tenders as may be required from time to time to ensure efficient management and proper maintenance of the village.
REQUIREMENTS Estate or Complex supervisory experience required. The successful applicant will be required to furnish his own vehicle and cell phone. The applicant must be computer literate as he will be receiving and issuing instructions by email.
SERVICES The successful applicant will be required to enter into a contract for his services and remuneration will be based on experience and knowledge of the work to be carried out.
DETAILS • Details of the contract are available from Jenilee at Macadamia Village in Aqua Avenue, Aquapark. • Further details are available from Jenilee at telephone number 015 307 2622 or email at mac09@telkomsa.net. • Closing date of above: 18 August 2017.
• • • • • •
We are their voice
083 628 9257
Must have a passion for IT. Must have a valid drivers licence. Very good communication skills. Sober habits. Computer Literate. Must have 3 + years work experience. Must have contactable references.
Forward CV to: marinda.durand@uniwisp.co.za
Business directory | Sakegids bulletin©027ow2017tl
Pastel Accounting • Pastel Payroll E-filling • E@syfile • Roe • Cipc Elize de Kock • 060 898 3242 kingdomacctzn1@gmail.com
015 307 2504 • 079 523 5253 Shop 1, 11 Plantation Road REFRESH, REVIVE, REFILL
32 Hospital Street, Tzaneen 015 307 1768 • usdoors@tzaneen.co.za
We specialise in: • Burglar proofing, security and access gates • Palisade fencing, electric gates and garage motors • Paving and light to medium steel and general construction We also service and repair all makes of electric gates and garage motors. Contact Mike at 071 302 8090 / 082 298 5352 dedamsteelworks@gmail.com
Garage Door & Motors Sliding Gate & Motors Security Camera Systems Roller Shutters Electric Fencing Safety Beams Awnings, Carports Blinds and much more...
Ultimate Security Doors
South Africa
Shop 9, Oasis Mall, Aquapark, Tzaneen Christelle: 076 875 4417 christelle@dukesliquor.co.za
To advertise in the Bulletin please call: Jacques 071 268 2543 Estelle 079 496 6670
18 11 August 2017
Bulletin FAR NORTH
11 August 2017 19
Pfunannane dominate Lim Champs
Mini-hockey success
The Pfunanane under-7 and under-8 hockey teams made their school proud with an awesome start to the mini-hockey season, either winning or drawing almost all of their matches at Duiwelskloof Laerskool during the Innie-Kloof Fees on the 5th of August. It
was the very first time these youngsters had played a full-fledged hockey match against another school. Pfunanane just recently introduced mini-hockey to their school and look sure to make a mark in this sport in the future.
The Pfunanane cross country team cemented their status as the top primary school cross country team in Limpopo by winning an incredible 11 medals at the Limpopo Cross Country Championships in Mookgopong on the 5th of August. The medallists, along with the school’s several other top-10 finishers, now look forward to traveling to the South African Championships in Potchefstroom in September. Pictured here are the province’s greatest cross country athletes: Trevor Mohale, Paul Machethe, Tshegofatso Mashau, Annah Malatji, Tumelo Ramalepe, Thabane Ramalepe, Katleho Motseo, Neo Mohale, Ratile Lerutla, Motsatsi Motseo, and Lendra Mashale-Terwey.
LIMA-Goud ook vir MHS Nege van Hoërskool Merensky se landloopatlete het verlede naweek aan die LIMA kampioenskappe op Mookgopong gaan deelneem. Die geleentheid is op die gronde van Hoërskool Hans Strijdom gehou en landlopers van regoor die provinsie het daar deelgeneem. Die o/15 dogtersatleet, René Wiese en haar o/17
eweknie, Anri McLean, het in hul onderskeie afdelings vir hul teenstaanders haakskene gewys en goue medaljes terug huistoe gebring. Micaela Dale het ‘n vierde plek ingepalm terwyl Janco Coetzee en Armand Cronje vyfde en sesde posisies onderskeidelik losgehardloop het. Wiese en McLean maak nou gereed vir die SA Kampioenskappe wat later vanjaar gaan plaasvind.
Voor: Jamie Coppen en Tayla Vos. Agter: Anri McLean, Johan Haynes, René Wiese, Janco Coetzee, Francois Nothnagel, Ikne Stucki en Armand Cronjé. Afwesig: Jodi Spaumer en Micaela Dale.
Plasies vierde op Noordvaal Op 2 Augustus het ‘n opgewonde o/14 Plasie-hokkiespan na Nelspruit vertrek om aan die Noordvaal-toernooi deel te neem. Tussen 2 en 5 Augustus het hulle ses wedstryde teen Oosterlig gespeel, Vaaldriehoek, Schoonspruit, Brits, Maragon en Volksrus, waarvan hul drie gewen het. Merensky se speler van die toernooi was Janke Basson (doelwagter). Hoërskool Merensky eindig vierde uit sestien skole – die enigste Limpopo-span om dit tot daar te maak. Hierdie prestige geleentheid is aangebied deur Curro Nelspruit.
Luné Fritz.
Emma Dalrymple-Hay.
Voor: Janke Basson. Middel: Suné Hermann, Luné Fritz, Dezi Dreyer, Reabetswe Makgoba, Kita Coppen en Annalene Rood. Agter: Megan Jardine, Emma Dalrymple-Hay, Nikita Pohl, Nadia Claasen en Anri Burger (afrigters), Kyla van Zyl, Mariesa Schutte, Palesa Shilovane en Victory Mathebula.
Want to recycle? We recycle boxes, magazines, newspapers, glass, all plastics, households, all scrap metals, crates & irrigation pipes.
11 August 2017 7 October 2016
Hannes 083 288 1466 • Mike 072 197 2277 protonka.recycling@yahoo.com
Merensky vat Kaskar-goud Die jaarlikse NG Kerk Letsitele Kaskar wedren is die afgelope naweek op die bane van Dr Annecke gehou. Die aangeleentheid was soos gewoonlik ‘n reuse sukses en het gesorg vir groot vermaak vir beide die toeskouers en die aspirante renjaers. ‘n Toevoeging tot die populêre wedren, ‘n vroegoggend bergfiets pretrit, het goeie ondersteuning geniet. Die groot opwinding was egter die 2017 Kaskar en die aantal toeskouers en deelnemers het vanjaar weereens nie teleurgestel nie. Daar was so paar noue ontkomings op die baan met party spanne wat die kronkellende baan se skerp draaie misgis het en hul opponente eerder as buffers moes aanwend. Onder die hoërskole was die kompetisie die strafste met die “wildcard” inskrywing, Frans du Toit uit Phalaborwa, wat gesorg het dat die plaaslike skole op hulle tone gehou word.
Dit was ‘n harde stryd tussen die drie voorbokke, Frans du Toit 1, Merensky en Ben Vorster wat wipplank gery het vir die podium. Aan die einde van die stryd was dit egter die Hoërskool Merensky wat eerste die geruite vlaggie verby gesteek het. Dit was die tiende keer in die 18-jaar lank geskiedenis van die wedren dat Merensky as kampioene uit die stryd getreë het. Frans du Toit het in die tweede plek geïndig met Ben Vorster in die derde plek. Die organiseerders van die Kaskar bedank graag al hul borge wat weereens deur hul ondersteuning hierdie wonderlike dag moontlik gemaak het. Vir diegene wat daaraan dink om volgende jaar hul eie span te borg, of self wil in skryf, kontak gerus vir Danelle Osmers op 083 463 9071 of stuur haar ‘n epos na danelledn@mweb.co.za. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com
VACANCY SENIOR BOOKKEEPER / ACCOUNTANT The Lona Group has a vacancy for a Senior Bookkeeper / Accountant for various farms/projects. Tzaneen-Office, Limpopo.
NG Kerk Letsitele
The role
Report to Senior Financial Accountant, who will assist & train with bookkeeping & capturing, SOUTH AFRICA’S NUMBER ONE fruit processor and manufacturer of quality products for the Fruit Juice and Dairy Industries • Manage all general accounting to TB, • Will serve as contact person between SARS and projects, • Assist with Salary/Wage preparations and payments, www.granorpassi.co.za Letsitele • Compile audit file and assist with annual audit of various entities/ projects/farms, • Responsible for reconciliation of Creditors, Cash purchases, Loan accounts, Fruit deliveries etc on all Limpopo projects (currently 3 but likely to increase), • Assist with monthly management reports, budgeting and financial modelling. SALES AND DISTRIBUTION
HEAD OFFICE 4 Kalsiet Street, Magna Via Polokwane, 0699 Tel: 015 298 6000
KEMPTON PARK DEPOT Plot 31A, North Road, Glen Marais Ext 1, Kempton park, 1619 Tel: 011 396 2199
DURBAN DEPOT Unit 6 Constantia Park, 1415 North Coast Road, Durban North, 4051 Tel: 031 569 3774
BLOEMFONTEIN DEPOT 15C Walter Raath Street, Oos-Einde, Bloemfontein, 932 Tel: 051 432 6104
CAPE TOWN DEPOT 6 Nebula Crescent, Blackheath Industrial, Cape Town, 7581 Tel: 021 905 7404
SHOPS: POLOKWANE - TEL: 015 298 6000 | LETSITELE - TEL: 015 345 151 | MARBLE HALL - TEL: 013 261 1660
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Accountants x2
Requirements: • • • • • •
Experience in and working knowledge of Pastel Evolution accounting software and export systems Further related studies in finance. A relevant degree/diploma will be an advantage Must be computer literate and have commercial experience Strong numeracy skills and attention to detail is paramount At least 3 years experience in an accounting environment Prepared to work extended hours Good people management skills
Duties include but are not limited to: • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Responsible for debtors and authorization of creditors Preparation of monthly and annual management reports Liaison with auditors Cash flow management Preparation and submission of monthly statutory returns Intercompany accounts and related journals Budgeting and long term planning Asset management Management of the insurance portfolio Costing General Ledger Reconciliations Yearend related activities Ad hoc duties as delegated by the financial manager
We offer an attractive package commensurate with the level of the post. The Bosveld Group is an equal opportunity employer. Please fax your application to 015-345 8506 or e-mail it to anne-marie@bosveldsitrus.co.za Please mark your application clearly as “Accountant”.
Closing date: 5 September 2016 stephan@premiumtrucking.co.za
Should you not hear from us within 14 days of the closing date of this advertisement, please accept your application as unsuccessful.
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Appropriate qualification, accompanied by at least 5 years working experience, Knowledge of Statutory accounting principles, Good computer skills in MS Word, MS Excel, MS Outlook and Pastel, Must be able to effectively handle multiple projects simultaneously, Excellent verbal, written communication and interpersonal skills and ability to adhere to strict deadlines, Superior level of attention to detail, Willingness to work long hours from time to time.
Please forward you application by email to adeled@lona.co.za. Closing date for applications: Friday, 2 December 2016 at 5 pm. Commencement: As soon as possible.
23 Navel Street, Letsitele
Bedank hul borge