Bulletin 171013

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13 October 2017

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Hiker rescued from Wolkberg

Louis Menge from Limpopo Offroad Search and Rescue in Tzaneen, ready to assist with the hiker’s extraction.

A solo-hiker from Gauteng found himself in a life threatening situation in the Wolkberg wilderness area on Monday morning. The experienced hiker was attempting a multi-day hike through the area which included a route around the popular Serala peak which rises to 6726 feet above sea-level. According to Louis Menge of Limpopo Offroad Search and Rescue, the hiker had fallen ill halfway through the trail as a result of a stomach bug. The man became severely dehydrated and called for assistance. A South African Police Services helicopter dispatched to the area. Bottles of water and a paramedic was dropped at his location and the man was treated until an extraction team arrived. A SAAF 19 Squadron Oryx helicopter was dispatched, transporting the extraction team. The team consisted of local rescuer, Louis

Menge, and members of the SAPS Search and Rescue squad, coordinated by the experienced Mountain Club of SA Search and Rescue team. The hiker was extracted and transported to Tzaneen for medical attention. The entire operation took just three and a half hours. It saved this hiker’s life. “Thank you so much for the assistance to all involved. I checked, and from the time I made my first call at 08:00, right up until I was in the Oryx, was exactly three hours and 30 minutes. That is quicker than a call out back home (Gauteng) from the police station just 8 kilometres from my house, with tarred roads, vehicles and a physical address!” he said in a message on the group’s social media platform. Bulletin has tried several times to contact the man, but he could not be reached. In the interest of his privacy, we chose not to reveal his name.

Gered uit die strik van wrede dood ‘n Straatbrakkie is Woensdagoggend uit ‘n strik in die veld gered na die optrede van ‘n barmhartige Tzaneense diereliefhebber. Jacques du Toit was oppad werk toe. Die verkeer deur Florapark het teen ‘n slakkepas beweeg en deur sy oop venster het ‘n vreemde geluid sy oor gevang. “Ek het eers gedink ek verbeel my, maar toe ek meer aandagtig luister hoor ek duidelik ‘n hondjie wat angstig tjank in die bos. Dit het my so onstel, ek het dadelik na my kantoor gery om my swaer, Ettienne du Plessis, op te laai. Hy is baie goed met diere en het saam met my terug gery veld toe om te kyk wat aangaan daar,” het Du Toit vertel. By die veld aangekom was alles stil. “Ons het vir so ruk lank daar rondgeloop en probeer kyk of ons die hondjie kon sien, maar daar was niks.” Die twee mans was op die punt om terug te draai toe hulle weer vanuit die bosse ‘n sagte tjank hoor kom. Hulle het die geluid gevolg tot by ‘n boom, versteek tussen die ryg bosse so paar meter van die pad af. ‘n Bruin Africanis kruising het daar met verskrikte oë na die mans gelê en staar. ‘n

Kabel was besig om al stywer om sy nek te trek. “Die arme hond was in ‘n dekselse strik vasgevang. Ons het toe dadelik die DBV geskakel en hulle het ons gevra om nie self die dier te probeer red nie. Binne ‘n paar minute het hulle by ons gestop en begin werk maak daarvan om die hondjie te red.” Denise Botes van die Letaba DBV het op die toneel aangekom. Sy is deur Robert Mathebula vergesel. Vyf minute later is die hondjie bevry. Hy het geen ernstige wonde opgedoen nie. “Ons is so dankbaar hiervoor. Ons sien hierdie tipe ding gereeld en dit maak my moedeloos. Die strike word gestel deur die mense wat hier in die bosse bly om diertjies te vang wat hulle dan eet. Dit is hartseer dat troeteldiere dan ook soms so wrede dood oor kom,” het Du Toit na die tyd gesê. Vinnige optrede deur die gemeenskap in samewerking met die DBV het gelei tot nog ‘n suksesverhaal in die stryd teen dieremishandeling. Die publiek word gemaan om enige soortgelyke gevalle by die DBV aan te meld by 015-307-2611.

Robert Mathebula en Denise Botes red die brakkie uit die wrede kabel strik in Florapark.

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Bulletin F A R





13 October 2017




LiN Member






BPM’s silence is deafening

Personeel | Personnel

“If the community wants to know what is happening they need to ask their ward Redakteur / Editor Bemarking / Marketing councillors, that is why they are there.” Joe Dreyer Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) More than a month has passed and still no 072 930 1462 071 268 2543 response has been received from the office joe@bulletin.us.com jacques@bulletin.us.com of the spokesperson for the Ba-Phalaborwa Rekenings / Accounts / Admin Estelle von Pannier Ansie Smuts Municipality, Jonas Mahesu. We called him 079 496 6670 076 333 0523 to enquire about the reason for his silence on ads@bulletin.us.com ansie@bulletin.us.com urgent issues such as the proposed increase Ontwerp / Design Joernaliste / Journalists Tamryn Branch in property rates and the illegal hawker Joe Dreyer 083 637 9551 pandemic. 072 930 1462 tamryn@bulletin.us.com We also wanted to know why the resjoe@bulletin.us.com Tessa Thompson idents are forced to do the municipalDrukker/Printer: 079 653 6317 ity’s job through the organizing of tessa@bulletin.us.com PaarlColdset cleaning crews to clean up the town centre. Furthermore, we wanted Verspreiding | Distribution FAR NORTH MEDIA Mahesu to supply us with an actual road maintenance plan as he claims Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele that one exists. Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani • Phalaborwa “You must remember that we have to service not only the Phalaborwa town, but also the roads of the outlying areas such Namakgale and Lule-

kani and so we order premix tar from our supplier, when potholes form. The problem is that we did not order enough premix and we are now waiting for delivery to be made


so that we can continue working.” He became agitated when we asked him why the roads department has to wait for a pothole to form before ordering premix to plug it. We asked him for an explanation regarding the state of Tulbach street, where work was started, but not completed before the road crew moved on to another road. “Please send me pictures of the affected road so that I can bring it under the attention of the department,” he said. In the meantime, a group of community members sacrificed their weekend to clean up parts of the town centre. With the help of a community group from Namakgale, Kasi Junxion, 43 refuse bags full of litter was collected in a space of just two hours. At the time of going to print, Mahesu had still not prioritised responding to an enquiry highlighting the desperation of their community. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

Kontak besonderhede Contact Details Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 071 268 2543 (Jacques) 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 26 Hospital Street, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Advertensies/Adverts: jacques@bulletin.us.com Admin & rekenings/Admin & accounts: admin@bulletin.us.com Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: jacques@bulletin.us.com Agri-nuus/Agri news: jacques@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Redakteur/Editor: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Kleinadvertensies / Smalls: ansie@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp/Design: tessa@bulletin.us.com Sport: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved.

Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word voorbehou.

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951

The cemetery road is undriveable A few months ago Bulletin wrote about the poor state of the road up to the picturesque Haenertsburg cemetery. A communal effort was made to collect funds as the locals decided to try and fix the road themselves. Then word came from the GTM that they would fix the road. The potholes were filled with soil and levelled with the existing road. That’s where the fixing ended. The recent rains have dislodged the soil in the potholes and the situation is now the worst it’s ever been. Some of the potholes are half a meter deep. The parking area just off this potholed road also needs to be levelled as the drop is too steep for ordinary vehicles. The bottom has fallen out of the one and only dustbin at the entrance to the cemetery. As a result, rubbish is scattered all over the grassy cemetery entrance. The cemetery itself is showing signs of neglect and is fast becoming an eyesore. Local municipal employee Bishop Shai said Adrian Jacobs from the GTM Roads and Storms, responsible for the road, said that there is no budget to fix the road. GTM media liaison officer Neville Ndala stated last time that Haenertsburg was re-

ceiving attention. Unfortunately the matter has not been addressed at all and it will be very difficult, if not impossible, for a hearse or mourners to use that road in the foreseeable future.

Vehicles have to drive on the grass verge that actually forms part of the sensitive grasslands.

The worn out one and only rubbish bin.

The shocking state of the cemetery road.

Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 / 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 / 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.

Website Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

Jaques van Niekerk Optometrist

Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril • Tel: 015 307 3703 • 11 Rencole Building, Loop Street, Tzaneen

Stand van Damme Dam Levels

Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated:09/10/2017

*Termes & voorwaardes geld.

Tzaneen 48.6%

Ebenezer 95.4%

Merensky 100.4%

Dap Naude 87%

Middel Letaba 18.6%

Blyde Rivier Poort 83.9%

Klaserie 91.1%

Tours 82%

Vergelegen 99%

Ohrigstad 60.4%





13 October 2017







Informal farming said to curb crime “Since before these houses were here, I have planted my crops in this area.” The 80-year old Anna and her 76-year old friend, Maria, work the land next to the Agatha Road in Flora Park. They plant maize there. Sometimes peanuts too.

Their presence in the middle of a residential area has raised some eyebrows among the locals who have become frustrated with the number of informal traders swarming the pavements and street corners. “In Tzaneen it seems you can do whatever you want. First the municipality allows all these street hawkers to deface the sidewalks of our town, and now anyone can farm on residential land or own a lodge on agricultural land!? What about the municipal bylaws?” Anna started working the land more than two decades ago. Locals never saw her there because she used to work the land on the other side of the road, hidden from view in the Pompagalana area. She was given the right to use a portion of that available land for her crops, by the municipality during the 90’s. Because that piece of land was originally designated for agriculture, Anna and Maria’s toil was never an issue. In fact, one longtime resident told Bulletin that they have been living in that area since 1999, and Anna was already there when they moved in. “The ANC people told me to pick up my

things and leave the area three years ago,” said Anna in her best broken English. “They told me I must stop planting my crops there because they are going to build a carwash. When I asked them what I must do now, because this is my only livelihood, all my children are dead so I have to farm to support myself and some of my surviving grandchildren. They told me that I can use the piece of land here next to the road in Flora Park.” There have been advantages to Anna and Maria’s presence there. Because they ‘skoffel’ the soil and continuously clear the area of shrubbery and other litter, illegal dumping has come to an end. Security companies have also said that the presence of these Goggos has completely stopped house robberies in that neighbourhood, as criminals now no longer have the cover of the bushes to hide in after committing their crimes. Invasive plants species such as Lanatana have been completely eradicated too. At 80 and 76-years of age, Anna and Maria are doing what they have been doing since before most of the people reading this article were born. Their daily toil is contributing towards

the area they operate in. Unlike the street traders who are directly linked to an increase in crimes, piracy and the general downgrading of the formal business sector, Anna and Maria are seen by the majority of residents as positive elements within their area. “I see them every day, working in the harsh sun, tilling the soil for an income. We wave at them in the mornings and they smile back. They are not bothering anyone and their work has actually beautified our neighbourhood. Well done girls.”

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Anna Gavaza and Maria Mabula tilling the soil in Flora Park. — Photos by Joe Dreyer


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13 October 2017

Bulletin FAR NORTH









From one mountain to another Gert Morerwa and Toban McMahon became instant friends when they met each other at Haenertsburg Primary School ten years ago when they were both ten years old. After their schooling Toban dreamt of going on a trip to see South Africa. He included Gert in his dream. Toban worked really hard at handyman jobs around the village and beekeeping. Gert gathered sponsorship from Holland and his local benefactor and godfather, James Turner. Enthusiastically they planned and their dream became reality in September when they cycled the 1 927 kilometre route from Magaliesberg to Cape Town and rode an average of 93 kms a day. They spent 19 days on the road and rested for two days in Augrabies and Kuruman. They visited the Moffat Mission in Kuruman. It’s an old mission station with a beautiful church and also where Livingstone married Mary Moffat. They met many people along the way and found nothing but love and goodwill towards The twosome were lucky them. They stayed at caravan enough to see Table Mountain parks and backpackers along covered with the cloud cloth. the way. They rode with one tent, two sleeping bags, a mattress and tinned foods. They said that the one thing they could have cut down on was the amount of clothes they took. The most breathtaking part of their journey was the trip from Springbok to the coast where the famous flowers had just started coming into bloom. Gert saw the Atlantic Ocean for the first time when they arrived in Strandfontein. They followed the coast cycling past Lamberts Bay and Yzerfontein. There, James’s relative, Ann du Toit, fetched them and took them to Cape Town as they didn’t feel it was prudent to cycle on the N2. In Cape Town they went to a premiere of a documentary about the forced removals from District Six. They walked into a hair salon that also had a pub inside. Fuelled by several free beers and his first taste of a single whiskey on the rocks, Gert

Gert and Toban at the beginning of their ride to Cape Town

boldly had his hair colour changed to blonde with a funky cut. They went rock climbing up Lion’s Head. Toban is used to rock climbing but it



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was a first for Gert. a career out of his already excellent Ann saw to their accommodation craft of knife making and he will and they stayed a week in Betty’s continue with his beekeeping. James Bay and then also in Simon’s Town. gave Gert money for braces on his From their guest cottage teeth and James is helping him dethey observed a penguin cide which university to attend as he nesting in the garden. wants to study politics and eventualThey both loved the North ly become a politician. West and had great food in It’s thanks to the benefactor in Sannieshof, the town of sun- Holland, Ann du Toit, James Turner flowers and maize. There and Toban’s mother, Julie McMathey got fresh milk, fresh hon, that Gert and Toban were able farm butter and mealie meal to undertake the journey of their that tasted like mealies. dreams. They had good old solid mountain bikes. Gert had no punctures or breakdown on his bike but Toban had many. The lads loaded their bikes onto the train and travelled by rail from Cape Town to Johannesburg. There they were fetched by relatives and brought back to the mountain. Both have had time on this trip to think and dePhillina cide what to do with their Toban and Gert with his coloured Cape lives. Toban wants to make Town hairstyle.




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13 October 2017


13 October 2017

Bulletin FAR NORTH









Social • Sosiaal Tzaneen Red Hot Summer Fest 14 Oktober Vermaak uit die boonste rakke, smullekker kos en hope pret is hierdie Saterdag te kry by die Red Hot Summer Fest wat op Hoërskool Ben Vorster se gronde aangebied word!!! Skop die oggend af met ‘n kuier by die plaasmark. Vrugte, groente en gebak teen die beste pryse beskikbaar en jy kan sommer ‘n lekker ontbyt geniet – pap en kaiings, pap en wors, koffie en beskuit…. Die hindernisbaan kaskenades beloof om te sorg vir groot pret wanneer die avontuurlustiges onder ons hulle spanwerk en fiksheid teen mekaar toets. Vir die wat opsoek is na ‘n bietjie minder adrenalien gedrewe vermaak sal daar optredes deur plaaslike bands en musikante wees met Juanita, Franja en Ruan Rosh du Plessis as die hoofgaskunstenaars vanaf 18:00. ‘n Biertuin sal lafenis vir droë kele bied en heerlike pannekoek, kerrie en rys en vele ander lekker eetgoed sal te koop wees. ‘n Lekker spitbraai is beskikbaar maar bespreek vroeg-vroeg al ‘n bord by Tjokkie (072 440 9804) want die aanbod is beperk. Die aand gaan afgesluit word met ‘n kuier om die vure en ‘n langarm-sokkie vir ma en pa met musiek wat verskaf word deur die Framus orkes.

Kaartjies vir die fees kos R120 vir volwassenes en R80 vir skoolkinders en sluit toegang, vermaak, die Du Plessis se optrede en die langarm sokkie in. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by Hoërskool Ben Vorster of by die hekke. Hekke vir die hooffees open 10:00 met parkering beskikbaar op die B-rugbyveld (ingang op die hoek Geelhout en Essenhoutstraat). Toegang tot die plaasmark (7:00 – 10:00) is gratis. Vir ‘n volledige program besoek Hoërskool Ben Vorster se Facebookbladsy of skakel 015 307 4491.

Magoebaskloof Tribute show 14 October Boma@Warriors presents Clint & Co’s original Creedence Clearwater Revival Tribute Show on 14 October 2017 from 19:00 to 22:00. Tickets available at www.quicket.co.za. For more information contact 083 650 0957 or email info@warriors.co.za

Magoebaskloof Kaleidoskoop 18 Oktober Kaleidoskoop tree 18 Oktober 2017 op by Allesbeste Padstal vanaf 18:30 teen R120.00 per persoon. Vir meer inligting skakel 074 589 8429 of epos padstal@allesbeste.com.

Helpende Hand benodig ook JOU helpende hande! Vandag nog!

The Message Magoebaskloof Birds & Forest Festival 19-22 October Limpopo Birding Routes presents the Birds and Forest Festival on 19 to 22 October 2017 at Magoebaskloof Hotel from R600.00 to R4200.00 per person. For more information contact Marianne McKenzie on 082 835 4185 or email marianne@limpopobirding.com.

Tzaneen Ignite 20 October Ignite Fan The Flame dans spectacular showcase will be held on 20 October 2017 at NG Moedergemeente from 18:00 at R100.00 per person. For more information contact 083 390 4009.

Tzaneen Alleenlopers 20 October Alle alleenlopers tussen 40 en 100 kom geniet ‘n bring en braai saam met ons Saterdag 21 Oktober 2017. Vir verdere besonderhede kontak ons asb by 083 453 3250.

Tzaneen APK Kerk 21 Oktober KRY ANTWOORDE! Ontbloot evolusie se ernstige gebreke! As God almagtig en ’n God van liefde is, waarom al die dood, pyn en lyding in die wêreld? Het die wetenskap die Bybel verkeerd bewys en is evolusie die hoeksteen van die wetenskap? Het God alles in ses 24 uur dae geskep? Wie was Kain se vrou? Het Adam en Eva werklik bestaan? Waar pas die dinosourusse in? Wat van die ystydperk en verskuiwing van die kontinente? Hoe kan ons lig van sterre sien in ’n relatiewe jong heelal? Wat van koolstof-14 datering? Waarom verwerp so baie mense vandag die evangelie? En waar pas ek in? Hierdie is maar net sommige van die vrae wat vandag gevra word. Het u familie, vriende en kollegas wat daarby sou baat om te verstaan dat God se Woord, die Bybel, met die werklikheid strook en vertrou kan word vanaf die heel eerste vers? Indien wel, nooi hulle gerus uit na ’n multimedia aanbieding op Datum: Saterdag, 21 Oktober 2017 Tyd: 09:00 : Genesis – Grondslag van die Evangelie! 10:15 : Dinosoursse en die Bybel 11:30 : Uit Een Bloed Plek: Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk, aterbessiestraat 1, Tzaneen. Hier sal Pieter le Roux (CMI, Suid-Afrika) o.a. aantoon dat die eerste elf hoofstukke van Genesis op sig as histories-waar aanvaar kan word, dat dit die grondslag is van die Christelike geloof en daarom belangrik is in die verkondiging van die Evangelie van Jesus Christus. ‘n Opwindende reeks van CMI se skeppingsmateriale sal beskikbaar wees. Toegang is gratis en almal is welkom. Vir bykomende inligting besoek gerus CMI se webwerf www.creation.com.

Tzaneen Horse & Beer Festival 28 Oktober Thundering Hooves bied aan “Horse & Beer Festival!” op 28 Oktober 2017 by Dusty Hill Western Venue vanaf 15:00 teen R250.00 per persoon. Vir meer inligting skakel Mariette by 083 497 2702 of Carolien by 083 408 2050.

Rev Ron Reiners Anglican Church We have different names for the places in which we worship. Those of the Jewish faith call it a “Schull,” some refer to it as a “Tabernacle” we refer to it as a church and the Muslims call it a “Mosque.” We consecrate these buildings, which should indicate that they are Holy places of worship. Now, the Muslims take off their shoes before entering the Mosque, as I have not fully studied the Muslim faith I really don’t know the reason, but would like to think that they see the Mosque as “holy ground” therefore the removal of their shoes. In Exodus 3 v 5 God says to Moses “take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground” so rightly because we have consecrated the building is it too not “holy ground”? So why do we too not remove our shoes? Then again God created all the earth so all the earth should be considered holy ground and we should all walk barefoot. It all goes about showing respect to God, however this does not mean we have to be slaves to tradition, for God does not look at our outward appearance, but what is in our hearts. Many people make excuses as to why they do not go to church and one of them is the fact that they have nothing “decent” to wear, hello! Church is not a beauty parade but a place to come together and worship God. Corporate worship is just as important as private worship. After all Jesus said “When two or three are gathered in my name I will be there.” This does not mean that Jesus only comes to us when we are gathered together, no, He is always with us. I want to encourage everyone to turn back to Christ, forgive others for their past mistakes and to try to love as Jesus loves. It is said that it is in giving we receive and in forgiving that we are forgiven. Yet many carry hurt in their hearts for many years, this can lead to all kinds of ailments and even depression, forgiveness is the key to healthy living both spiritually and physically. How many love songs have been written? Do we actually listen to the lyrics or is it just the catchy tune. In these songs we are extolled to love. Why do we not do it, are we to scared that our vulnerability will be exposed? Open up yourselves to love and more especially the love of Christ. Step out in faith and you will be surprised at how many others truly love you. Blessings.

368 1 057 24 9

The Numbers

4 The fourth day of the week, Thursday, is named after the god of thunder, Thor (originally named Donar).

Mind-blowing Fact #48


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AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Tzaneen Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg:

083 964 9859. Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Evangelies Geref Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-str,Tzaneen: 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof: 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534. Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd,

Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastraat, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920. Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastraat, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062.

Thor’s iconic weapon, the magic hammer Mjolnir, was said to be forged in the heart of a dying star. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Drive: 015 307 4807. Ned Herv Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9580. Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. Ned Herv Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate, Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240. Tzaneen Family Church Avispark Lodge Conference Hall Tzaneen: 083 598 0004 / 073387 2469.




Bulletin FAR NORTH





13 October 2017


Blik aspaai! Taste of Tzaneen is om die draai! ‘n Dames-drietal gaan die Taste of Tzaneen plaaslike fest op ‘n hoë noot afskop met ‘n uitvoering wat die toon sal aangee vir die gehalte vermaak, stalletjies, uitstallings, spesiale geleenthede en lekkernye wat by 2017 se Taste of Tzaneen Fest (TOTF) verwag kan word. Gedagtes in my posbus/Inbox van my hart, is ‘n program van poësie, prosa en musiek met briewe as sentrale tema. Veral briewe van hoop, liefde en herinnering, maar ook briewe wat hartseer nuus bring. Die drie kunstenaars betrokke is Lizelle Pienaar (met sang, in haar welluidende stem), Martinette Muller (klawerkunstenaar met begeleidende klavier/klawerbord en stem) en Anriette van Rooyen (voordrag).

Die program is die trio se eerste produksie saam alhoewel hulle geen vreemdelinge vir mekaar is nie! Martinette en Lizelle het al verskeie optredes saam gedoen en Anriette en Lizelle is op hul beurt ou skoolvriende. Lizelle vertel dat sy en Anriette saam in die Hoërskool Ben Vorster en in dramaklasse was, totdat Anriëtte haar laaste twee skooljare in Pietersburg Hoërskool (PHS) voltooi het. Hulle het egter kontak gehou en het vroeër vanjaar vir die eerste keer weer kunste saamgesnoer om by ‘n damestee in Letsitele op te tree. Hulle verkies om nie te veel besonderhede te gee oor die optrede nie – daar moet ‘n mate van verrassing in wees, maar dit beloof om onderhoudende eersteklasvermaak te wees.

Werke van Suid-Afrikaanse kunstenaars soos Koos du Plessis, Antjie Krog en Laurika Rauch maak deel uit van die program. Die optrede is Vrydag, 3 November, om 19:00 in die Limpopo (boonste) saal. Kaartjies vir die vertoning kan bespreek word by Fairview en is R100 per persoon. ‘n Kontantkroeg is beskikbaar en eetgoed kan by stalletjies gekoop word. Die vertoning begin om 19:00, maar kom vroeg genoeg vir ‘n tongtippietoets van plaaslike gedistilleerde gin voor die vertoning! Dieselfde gin-proe sal Saterdagaand voor Framus se optrede. Dié plaaslike pop en rock-groep se musiek maak ruimte vir diegene wat wil, om skoene uit te skop en voetlos te raak. Sondagoggend 11:00 in die restaurant ‘n meer klassieke geur waarna

middagete bestel kan word. Ander interessanthede by die TOTF is ‘n wynproe, ‘n uitstalling van klassieke (vintage) voertuie, die uitstal en opveil van uitsonderlike oudhede asook ‘n uitstalling, veiling en verkoop van broodbome en ander rare Afrika-spesies. Trouens, alles by die TOTF is trots plaaslik. Die datum om te onthou is 3-5 November; die plek - Fairview Hotel. Stalletjies met lekkernye, plaasprodukte, ‘n damestee, ‘n ope mikrofoon wat enige voornemende en opkomende kunstenaars ‘n platform gee om hul verborge talente ten toon te stel, vermaak vir kinders – en veel meer kan van dié naweek ‘n heerlike gesins-uitstappie maak. — Bobbi Gerber

Die drie kleurvolle karakters wat mekaar in drama en musiek op die verhoog aanvul en komplementeer: die Anriette, Lizelle en Martinette-driekuns.

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13 October 2017

Bulletin FAR NORTH









Security the Northern way

The biggest privately owned response company in the province has just upped their game another notch. Not only is Northern Security celebrating a decade in existence this month, but also the arrival of a new member to their patrol and response team. A fully rigged Toyota Etios will now be seen patrolling the streets around your neighbourhood 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The Etios is kitted out with the very latest in camera technology and constantly sends 360 degree video footage to the control room as it moves through town. The vehicle is manned by a response crew and will focus on the things that matter – the little things. “We realised that there exists the need for a special unit focussed on daily emergencies,” explained Louis Naude, co-owner of Northern Security. “You know, the lady that has a flat tyre next to the road and needs assistance, the cyclist knocked off his bike and the petty crimes like handbag snatching and pick pocketing in the CBD and residential areas.” With this specialised vehicle conducting constant patrols around town, residents can now feel safer knowing that someone is watching. “We don’t ask whether you are a client of Northern Security or not, if you need help, we will respond to that emergency.” The last ten years have taught Northern Security a lot of things. Most importantly, they have learnt to function as a complete unit right through the organization. From the operator in the control room right through to the technicians and response officers, every individual functions as part of a bigger movement towards a safer society. All personnel are qualified, registered PSIRA members complete-

ly certified for the position they occupy. Northern Security offers armed response to the Tzaneen and surrounding areas with alarm installation and monitoring services stretching all the way from Lemondokop to Ofcolaco and everything in between. They have two vehicles dedicated to patrolling and responding to emergencies in the Letsitele and Constantia area. Northern Security now also offers a new service to link CCTV Cameras to the Alarm System and have it off-site monitored in event of an alarm or intrusion in their 24hr Manned Control Room. Northern Security will also start using the latest technology in alarm radio communications that will allow 2-way communication with the alarm in the future. Dealing with the best in the business has its advantages. Give Northern Security a call to discuss the best, tailor-made packages available to your specific needs and get the assurance you deserve. Give them a call on 015-3076911 and have one of their security consultants assist you with your security requirements. — Joe Dreyer


Protecting your




Bulletin FAR NORTH



family, home




13 October 2017


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13 October 2017

Bulletin FAR NORTH









Yesteryear cars at Taste of Tzaneen Fest A fleet of classic cars from yesteryear will be on exhibition at the Taste of Tzaneen Fest (TOTF), first weekend in November. Come and view these meticulously cared-

for vehicles which are the pride and joy of the owners. The Yesteryear Car Club, now the Yesteryear Lowveld Car Club, was

founded in the beginning of 1983 – 34 years ago. The founding members were Messieurs Hannes Herbst, John de Klerk, Tobie Joubert, Jens de Bruyn and Robbie laParte –

amongst others. They were in contact with the Alberta Post-war Car Society in Canada in the early stages. The 28 current club members get together once a month on a Sunday to have a meeting and pleasant social together. Obviously, they come to the meeting with their shiny, pampered and well-kept cars. At the end of the year, at a Christmas

Call Centre: 086 101 7488 • After Hours: 083 442 8111 Fax: 086 606 4606 • Email: info@letaba.net

Available in Tzaneen, Hoedspruit, Phalaborwa, Louis Trichardt and Musina.

party and prize giving ceremony, owners are rewarded for different bests: the cleanest car, the best attendance etc. Mr Eddie Simpson, well-known car salesman in Tzaneen, avid rally-racer and owner of several classic cars himself, will have a few of his own classics at the TOTF. He joined the club five years ago, in order to quench THAT side of his passion for bodies with engines inside. He participates in classic car rallies every year, which offer exciting routes from Witbank, through to Sabie and the Kruger National Park, through Malelane to Piggs Peak in Swaziland, from there across the border to Mozambique and ending the adventure in Maputo, where roads are cleared of traffic and pedestrians to create a guard of honour for the roaring row of classic beauties. This happens every year, round about June. Mr Simpson had his joyride in an 81 Chev Chevette V8. In June this year, 39 cars participated. Behind him was a Rolls Royce. Fortunately, they use only tarred roads which drastically reduces the dust factor!! Once in Maputo, drivers are free to take part in a race at a specific venue. Mr Simpson glided into third place last year. The club members take joy in exhibiting their valuable and distinguished vehicles at festivals, bazaars and other significant events in and around Tzaneen. Don’t miss their exhibition at Taste of Tzaneen, held at Fairview Hotel from 3-5 November. For any further enquiries regarding the Classic Car exhibition, or any other details surrounding the Taste of Tzaneen Fest, please do not hesitate to call either Ms La Rochelle Moolman (071 342 1497), Ms Bobbi Gerber (082 331 5476) or Ms Marinda Thomas (083 488 3885). Check your calendar and zoom in on the first weekend in November. Mark two days with red crosses and bring the whole family along to have a Taste of Tzaneen! — Bobbi Gerber




Bulletin FAR NORTH




13 October 2017



STOP discusses human trafficking Stop Trafficking of People (STOP) held a four-day Human Trafficking Awareness Week in Giyani recently. The STOP team was led by three students from Eagle’s Nest Christian School in Polokwane.They raised awareness amongst parents, teachers and medical staff as to the dangers of human trafficking and sexual abuse amongst the youth. The STOP team went to Pfhufna and Vurhonga Primary Schools on the first day and spoke to some 400 children. The presentation, focusing on Christian principals, taught children about their worth and value; that they are loved by God and not for sale; how to raise their voices against sexual abuse and exploitation. Through interactive hand movements and colourful posters, the children were equipped to fight back against serious issues like rape, child pornography and sexual abuse. After the presentations, STOP played “social impact” games which helped to combine the lessons taught with fun outdoor activities. Later that day and the next morning Corinne Sandenbergh, the founder of STOP, spoke to nurses and doctors at Khensani Hospital. Her presentation equips them to identify a potential victim of human trafficking via signs and symptoms. Some examples are: the patient will not speak on their own behalf, the victim may have bruises and trauma to body parts or scarring and signs of aggression on private body parts. By empowering the hospital staff, they can play a massive role in the local and global fight against human trafficking. The second day the STOP team went to Rirhandzu Primary School and Khanyisa High School and spoke to close on a thousand children. The primary school children learnt the Christian Valuable to Jesus programme that was taught at the other two primary schools. The high school students were taught the Traffic Proof programme. Traffic Proof focuses more on human trafficking, job scams, the dangers of social media/internet and real life scenarios. Older students have a greater chance of being tricked by a fake job advert online, than they do by a stranger asking them to jump into a car. STOP gave them the proper tools to stay safe. One tool is Prevention Versus Cure, a website that “vets” and scans potential job scams and email offers. Another tool is Panic Hero, which is a free phone app that turns a cellular device into a mobile panic button that can dispatch police and detect one’s location via GPS services. At the end of every presentation, STOP issued the National Resource Helpline Number for South Africa: 0800 222 777. This number operates 24/7 and can be called to report a crime, report a tip, or to receive additional information on human trafficking. The third day of the outreach involved a “shock” display at the Giyani Mall. Eagles Nest Christian School students dressed up in make-up and clothing to portray abused trafficking victims. They tied their hands and sat bound on the floor as shoppers walked past. During the silent demonstration, the team had a few members speaking to those who were alarmed by the scene, educating them on the dangers of human trafficking and how to fight back and stay safe. On the last day, the STOP team spoke at Praise Mountain Church in Giyani. The senior pastor of the church, Bishop William, allowed STOP to present their earlier presentations to the congregation. Corinne Sandenbergh and Samantha Stokesberry, also from STOP, shared their personal stories of how they were sexually

Corinne Sandenbergh addressed the hospital staffers.

The Giyani Mall enactment of human trafficking.

abused in their youth and how they found healing through turning to a Christian based philosophy. The Giyani out-

reach was successful in that human trafficking was brought sharply into the conscious minds of the children as well as the adults protecting them.

g a d r e t a S e Hierdi

7 1 0 2 R E B O T K 14 O DoenDinge ied ons By die plaasmark b van vars ‘n verskeidenheid e produkte en heerlik pas tuisgebak teen sak pryse!

ike Kom smul aan heerl wors, pap en pannekoek, pap en r koppie kaiings of ’n lekke koffie en beskuit. rterrein, Ben Vorster parkee toegang gratis. 0. Vanaf 07:00 - 10:0

uum, rseleinpoppe, parf Skoene, Juwele, po kenke, pêrels, tuisgemaakte geds v e, skilder ye (K aren Houtkrale, handsakk rkykers, ligte – Rooyens) Messe, ve rs, , bb guns, wynhoue solars, flitse,tazers speelgoed, geweergoed, kinder sgoed, aerosoft muurhorlosies, man , te, konfyt, popklere skoene, klere, plan ES EN JOU KERSINKOPI speelgoed – KOM DO VROEGTYDIG!

Lekker in


te stallet



Plaasmar Hinderni k sbaan K askenad es Vermaak vir kinde rs Bier tuin Kosstalle tjies Plaaslike kunstena ars Langarm dans

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Vir ‘n volledige program besoek Hoëërskool Ben Vorster se FaceBookbladsy Ho Hoërskool

13 October 2017

Bulletin FAR NORTH









Titanic – Vossies hou matriekafskeid Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se matriekafskeid was op Donderdag, 29 September 2017 gehou. Dit was ‘n pragaand en die tema die jaar was Titanic. Dankie aan elke graad 11-leerder en -ouer en ook aan me. Ané Simpson en al die personeel wat hard gewerk het om die matriekafskeid ‘n onvergeetlike skouspel aand te maak vir almal.

Cheny Lourens

Mmakwena Mokoena en David Moremi

Charlize Engelbrecht en Pierre Roos

Renaldo van Rensburg en Jonelle Oberholzer

Farewell, Plasie Matrics Merensky High School’s last class of the 90’s said their final goodbyes on Wednesday, 27 September 2018 at Fairview Hotel in Tzaneen. The rain did not stop air balloons lifting off. The theme Up, up and away – 12 Years a journey, said it all. The venue

was decorated in yellow and gold air balloons and filled with love and laughter as old friends celebrated 12 years of hard work and big play. The grade 12’s showed true Plasie-spirit at this prestigious event. Merensky wishes all matriculants the best of luck for every exam of life. May you taste success on every step.

Noko Malatji takes Naledi Mailula for a few steps on the dance floor.

Alicia Grobler, Margra Wevell, Willeen Theron, Courtney Bridger, Chantelle Mashwanganyi, Perside Musuamba and Karabo Sedutla.

Shoki Matlala, Lize Crafford and Musa Hlungwani.

Ulrich Greeff, Rudolph Beetge, Herman Grové, Helgard Muller, Stefan Prinsloo, John-Hendrik Muller, Stefan Pretorius and Erich Mostert.




Bulletin FAR NORTH




13 October 2017



Base stations robbed Vodacom has hundreds of base stations in Limpopo, many of which are in isolated rural areas. These base stations are increasingly being targeted for theft and vandalism, which can leave entire communities without communication and causes millions of Rands worth of damage. Vodacom has implemented new measures to make sure that thieves are caught and prosecuted. Cellular base stations are the only form of connectivity available to many communities, and when criminals target these base stations to steal diesel, batteries and copper, they can cut off thousands of people. “We’re seeing millions of rands worth

of damage to our base stations annually which ultimately impacts the cost of mobile services. But more important than the monetary impact, criminals are cutting off entire communities. We repeatedly see situations where people can’t make emergency calls and are put in danger by these criminals. Sooner or later these criminals will cost someone’s life,” said Ishmael Mathinya, Executive for Operation for Vodacom’s Limpopo Region.“ “We have implemented a programme that uses hidden tracking chips and other security technology to trace batteries and other equipment. Our security team is using helicopters and specialist mobile units to track the stolen items so that we can catch and prosecute the thieves, as well as anyone knowingly buying stolen equipment.” Each theft incident can result in the network in that area being down for days, and can severely impact businesses as well as anyone relying on the internet to study. It can also cause ecological damage with vandalism resulting in diesel spillage. “Having said that, the number one line of defense is the local community. We’ve dyed the diesel in our base stations blue to help people identify and report stolen diesel. We urge anyone who sees this diesel for sale or sees suspicious activity around our base stations to report it to the police. It’s in everyone’s best interest to act before their signal is cut off.”


KORRUPSIE Fairview Hotel Tzaneen




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Tzaneen Trailer Hire Service & repair on trailers and caravans. Trailer hire: Double/Single Axle, Car, Piggyback, Cattle & Luggage trailers. Hennie: 083 651 0936 Oct301____________________________

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terations, Singer Sewing machines - household and industrial and servicing of machines. 015 307 2468

Jun301 ___________________________

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IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE SUB DISTRICT OF TZANEEN HELD AT TZANEEN CASE NUMBER: 3085/2014 TZANEEN PRIMARY SCHOOL BODY CORPORATE Execution Creditor and AMUKELANI EUGINIA MAGEZA (ID: 820921 0964 085) 1st Execution Debtor SIZANI SHIKWAMBANE (MAGEZA) (ID: 610906 0705 087) 2nd Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN PURSUANCE of a Judgment of the Magistrate, TZANEEN dated 18TH MARCH 2015, the under mentioned goods will be sold by public auction, on 27TH OCTOBER 2017 at 10:00. Venue of the sale: SHERIFF’S OFFICE 1 BANKUNA ROAD LIMDEV BUILDING NKOWANKOWA By the Sheriff of the Magistrate’s Court of RITAVI to the highest cash bidder. 1 X SONY PLASMA 1 X 3 PC TV STAND 1 X 3 PC LOUNGE SUITE 1 X LG EXPRESSCOOL FRIDGE 1 X SAMSUNG WASHING MACHINE 1 X DEFY MICROWAVE 1 X DEFY DEEP FRIDGE

AUCTION: 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgement obtained in the above honourable court. 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/viewdownloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation i.r.o. proof of identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. Dated at TZANEEN on this 27TH day of SEPTEMBER 2017. (SGD) J H JACOBSZ ATTORNEY FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR JOUBERT & MAY 50 BOUNDARY STREET P O BOX 35, TZANEEN TEL: 015 307 3660 REF: MR JACOBSZ/JK/ AY0021 Oct201___________________________

Property l Eiendomme To Let | Te Huur Volledig gemeubeleerde woonstel met kombuisie, groot sitkamer, aparte slaapkamer met dubbel bed, aparte stort & toilet en voertuig afdak. GESKIK VIR ENKEL PERSOON in ‘n stil omgewing. GEEN KINDERS EN DIERE NIE.

Maandeliks: R3 500. Deposito: R3 000. Beskikbaar: 1 Januarie 2018. Water en elektrisiteit ingelsuit. Gas vir geyser eie verantwoordelikheid. E TV dekodeerder met beskikbare kanale ingelsuit maar moet eie TV voorsien. Kontak Christa: 078 686 8331 of 015 307 3370. Oct102__________________________

To advertise your property, email Ansie: ansie@bulletin.us.com

13 October 2017

Bulletin FAR NORTH









Perfekte tien by Sa’s

Voor: Larike Joubert, Elné Haynes, Carel Volschenk en Anrich van Wyngaardt. Agter: Wernich Schmidt, Jason Bosman en Nicole Aucamp.

Soos visse in die water Woensdagmiddag, 27 September het die Larries hul jaarlikse Vissegala gehou. Marlyne en Dolfyne het sake uitgespook in die water om die titel huistoe te vat. Hierdie jaar het die Dolfyne gewen met 379 punte. Baie geluk aan die volgende swemmers wat trofeë huistoe gevat het : Wernich Schmidt en Jason Bosman

deel die Senior Victor Ludorum, Larike Joubert Senior Victrix Ludorum, Elné Haynes Junior Victrix Ludorum, Carel Volschenk en Anrich van Wyngaardt, Junior Victor Ludorum en Nicole Aucamp spankapteine van die Dolfyne.

Wihan van Eeden, ‘n Graad 4 leerder van Laerskool Tzaneen Primary en ‘n aktiewe lid van die Zani’s Gimnastiekklub in Tzaneen het op Saterdag, 7 Oktober ‘n baie besonderse prestasie behaal. Hy het deelgeneem aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Gimnastiek Kampioenskappe in

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Pretoria. Wihan behaal ‘n volmaakte punt van 10.00 vir sy spronge in sy artistiese reeks en verower daarmee sy eerste goue medalje. Sy tweede goue medalje het hy verdien met sy trampolien reeks. Wihan is ‘n Vlak 4 gimnas en neem deel in die ouderdomsgroep 9-10 jaar.









13 October 2017



Eat, Sleep, Dance, Repeat Six dancers from Merensky High School’s MDDA (Music, Dance, Drama & Art School) spent the holidays on their toes.

Marné Barnard, Nicole Muller, Crystal Kirstein, Jeandré Joubert, John Slabber and Ulrich Greeff competed in two Solo Danca Latina championships in Polokwane. Solo Dance Latina by Mark Dooley is part of DanceSport SA, affiliated to SASCOC (SA Olympic Committee) which means that the provincial and national colours are recognised by the Department of Sports & Recreation. The dancers gave their all in the Front: Crystal Kirstein, Ulrich Greeff and luzaan Spies. Back: Marné Limpopo champiBarnard, John Slabber, Bonita Lourens-Jacobs (coach), Jeandré onships on 1 and 2 October. Nicole Joubert and Nicole Muller.

Muller and John Slabber took third place in the NRG section. Nicole also ranked sixth in Classics. Ulrich Greeff achieved a third place in the Latin section as well as a sixth place in the Open Hip-Hop section. This endeavour was followed by a dance bootcamp as well as provincial team battles. Nicole, John, Ulrich and Jeandré were part of the Limpopo team which ranked third. The highlight of the week was the SA championships, 5-7 October. It was fortunate that this prestigeous event was hosted by the Limpopo province this year. Jeandré Joubert took fourth place in the Latin and NRG sections. Jeandré and partner, Luzaan Spies, hold seventh position in the Couples Lift section, while Nicole Muller and Crystal Kirstein and partners placed fifth. The dancers appreciate the input and support of Ms Bonita Jacobs (coach: Latin, NRG and Classics).

Marné Barnard.

Nicole Muller (front) and Crystal Kirstein (back).

“SATCH” a good job

Merensky archers at SA Championships Four archers of the Merensky Archery Club travelled to Thabazimbi on 7 October to participate in the South African National 3D Archery Championships. The Plasies used this opportunity to prepare for the world

championships which will be hosted by South Africa in 2018. Canell Jackson (JFBU) and Ryan Jackson (YAMFU) were rewarded with gold medals. Sean Hunt (YAMFU) and Ashley Hunt (JFBU) obtained silver medals.

Ryan Jackson, Canell Jackson, Ashley and Sean Hunt.

Karen Basson, Kyle Hamilton, Suné Hermann, Megan Jardine, Abri Whelan en Kayla Olivier.

Plasie graad 8’s gaan groot Soos gebruiklik het Hoërskool Merensky se 2017 graad 8-groep deelgeneem aan die jaarlikse Internasionale Afrikaans Ekspo, aangebied deur die FAK. Karen Basson, Kyle Hamilton, Suné Hermann, Megan Jardine, Abri Whelan en Kayla Olivier het in die opstel- en poësie afdelings bewys die pen is magtiger as die swaard. Toppresteerder, Karen Basson, behaal 90%

Luzaan Spies.

vir haar opstel, My groot uitdaging. Die opstel, Jan se protes, maak Abri Whelan ‘n kategoriewenner met 88%. Vanjaar se oorhoofse tema was “protes”, maar leerders het ook ‘n oop onderwerp gehad in sommige van die kategorieë. Die wenners is in die September-uitgawe van die FAK se aanlyntydskrif, Ink, bekendgemaak.

Use this QR Code to take you to the SuperSport weekly schedule. Alternatively, go to www.bulletin.us.com for your weekend programme.

Two talented Plasie vocalists competed in the yearly SATCH (South African Talent Championships) during the past holiday. Kesia Pohl and Danzi Ivy (grade 10) thrilled the judges with their duets, earning them two gold and one silver medal. With their solo performances Kesia was awarded one gold and three silver medals, while Danzi received four silver medals.

Kesia Pohl

Danzi Ivy

October 2017 7 October13 2016




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Vossies Fast 5 kampioene

O/17-Netbalspan: Dora Maloba, Kagiso Mapiti, Nielia Blignaut, Beverley Mackaukau, Tshepang Pilusa, Nthabiseng Ramothwala, Chanele Machimane en me. Jorina Vorster (afrigter)

Chanele Machimane in aksie.

Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het hulle netbalseisoen op ‘n hoë noot afgesluit deur die Fast 5-Top Skole Toernooi, wat 1 tot 3 Oktober in Vanderbiljpark gehou is, te wen. Die Vossies se O/17-netbalspan, wat hulle 2016-titel teen die land se sterkste netbalskole verdedig het, was onstuitbaar en het netbal uit die boonste rakke gespeel. In hulle poel-

wedstryde het hulle met die volgende skole afgereken: Hoërskool Kempton 2 (33-15), Hoërskool Garsfontein (19-18), Hoërskool Riebeeckrand (33-27), Hoërskool Lydenbrg (29-14), Hoërskool Diamantveld (19-14), Hoërskool Voortrekker (34-29), Hoërskool Merensky (27-15). Hulle het net een poelwedstryd, (18-25) teen Meisies Oranje van Bloemfontein verloor.

Die Vossies het in die semi-finaal teen HTS-Middelburg gespeel en (25-16) gewen om deur te dring na die finaal waar hulle teen Hoërskool Sentraal gespeel het. Teen voltyd was die telling gelykop en ekstra tyd moes gespeel word. Die Vossies het met hernude energie gespeel en die span van Sentraal met (30-27) geklop. Baie geluk aan die spelers en hulle afrigter met ‘n suksevolle toernooi.

50/50 for Plasies

Kayla Armstrong

During the recent national Fast 5 netball championships held in Vanderbijlpark, two Merensky teams competed. The senior team (u.18) won 50% of their games: Kempton Park (33-2), Oranje Hoër Meisieskool (31-26), Voortrekker (31-27), Lydenburg (23-21) and Upington (3324), but bowed the knee to Diamantveld, Riebeeckrand, Garsfontein, Ben Vorster and Heuwelkruin. The girls ended 11th from 20 teams. Unfortunately the juniors (u.15) will have to go back to the drawing board to improve their ranking in 2018.

Ciné Venter

Kgabo Mamorobela

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