Bulletin 180119

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19 January 2018


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A decade later...

facility nears completion

This photograph of the new correctional facility constructed next to the existing Tzaneen prison, was taken by Bulletin in 2010. At the time it was not certain whether or not the project would ever see the light of day. Read the full exposé on Page 3 inside...


Uncle Sam stays silent Page 10

Another Titan from the Plasie camp Page 16



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10 Windsor Street, Tzaneen | Tel: 015 307 5587


GLM spends money on upgrades Page 3

SMIT & KIE FSP: 11184



19 January 2018



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Personeel | Personnel Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com

Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com

Rekenings / Accounts / Admin Ansie Smuts 076 333 0523 ansie@bulletin.us.com

Estelle von Pannier 079 496 6670 ads@bulletin.us.com




Modjadjiskloof spend R3m on new transformers

Amid the continued power outages within the entire jurisdiction of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality, Modjadjiskloof will soon be receiving the first three, of seven brand new Ontwerp / Design Joernaliste / Journalists transformers. Tamryn Lancefield Joe Dreyer 083 637 9551 At the time of going to print a GLM dele072 930 1462 tamryn@bulletin.us.com gation was in Pinetown attending the Factojoe@bulletin.us.com Tessa Thompson ry Assessment Test (FAT) on the new units Drukker/Printer: 079 653 6317 which set the municipality back R538 500 a tessa@bulletin.us.com PaarlColdset piece (R3 769 500 in total). The acquisition of the new transformers Verspreiding | Distribution forms part of the GLM’s endeavour to upFAR NORTH MEDIA grade their aged electrical infrastructure and Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele ensure that their residents finally receive Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani • Phalaborwa the service delivery they have been fighting for, for almost a decade. The total cost of the transformer project is R13 168 725 (excl. VAT) which includes the installation of the transformers and all associated work. The appointed contractor is Capotex Electrical from Polokwane. According to the GLM the transformers Kontak besonderhede will be installed in the five main substations Contact Details around Modjadjiskloof town with the first three expected to be delivered by the end of this month and the installation and final Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. commissioning is expected to be completed Tel: 015 306 0198 by the end of May this year. 071 268 2543 (Jacques) Bulletin asked the GLM why a delegation had to be flown down to Pinetown and how 072 930 1462 (Joe) much this excursion cost the municipality. Fax: 086 502 1853 The reply from the office of their new Municipal Manager, Donald Mhangwana, was 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen concise and surprisingly transparent. E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: “The following people attended the Factory Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: Assessment Test (FAT) in Pinetown: Head of jacques@bulletin.us.com Electricity Services, the Chief Electrical SuAdmin & rekenings/Admin & accounts: perintendent, the Project Management Unit admin@bulletin.us.com Technician, The Head of Infrastructure PortBriewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com folio Committee, the affected Ward CouncilEvents: tessa@bulletin.us.com Kleinadvertensies / Smalls: ansie@bulletin.us.com lor, the Consulting Engineer and the ConNuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com tractor,” he said. “The trip did not cost us a cent as the contractor fit the bill.” Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin “Furthermore, a FAT is required for the cliAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic ent to attend before delivery of equipment. or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin. It enables the equipment to be tested and checked that it complies with the specificaWebsite tion as required by the client. Such equipFAR NORTH MEDIA

Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

Councillor Rueben Mosila inspects one of the transformers with members of the delegation.



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ment is custom manufactured and if anything is picked up to be non-compliant to specification it is raised there on the factory floor so that it can be attended to accordingly. This amongst others saves time, costs and reduces frequency of possible damage to the equipment during shipment. It would be a senseless and fruitless expenditure for equipment to be shipped only to be returned because of non-compliance. All members of the delegation are necessary. Both Councillors as public representative need to get first had information as advised by technocrats from Electricity and the Project Management Unit.” Apart from the seven transformers that will be replacing the outdated equipment, associated work around these substations is also planned to upgrade the Modjadjiskloof network to an acceptable standard with regard to safety and metering.

“Part of the scope of work includes new protection equipment at all substations and the installation of new pole structures at the Taxi Ranks and Goue Jare substations, including new fuses and surge arrestors. We will be installing new switchgear at all our substations and metering on all the transformers. Repairs will be done on the cable network between the substations and minor work that will take place include, earthing, cleaning and repair work to substation yards, new plinths for transformers, installation of new low voltage circuit breakers to all consumers that are fed from these substations, labelling, etc.” It seems as though the electrical struggles of the GLM and their residents will soon be a thing of the past while bigger brother GTM battles to keep its ship afloat not 15 kilometres down stream. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

Jaques van Niekerk Optometrist

Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril • Tel: 015 307 3703 • 11 Rencole Building, Loop Street, Tzaneen

Stand van Damme Dam Levels

Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 15/01/2018

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From left is Mr Fraser, Masela Mohale (Ward cllr), Bheki Tshawe (Assistant Director Electricity Unit), Rueben Mosila (PR cllr) and Mr Hennie Bremmer (Superintendent Electricity Unit).

*Termes & voorwaardes geld.

Tzaneen 40.5%

Ebenezer 87.9%

Merensky 101.2%

Dap Naude 95.3%

Middel Letaba 14.5%

Blyde Rivier Poort 65.7%

Klaserie 88.4%

Tours 69.5%

Vergelegen 98.4%

Ohrigstad 48.4%





19 January 2018


MTE will finish prison project A new contractor has been appointed to complete the unfinished multimillion Rand correctional services facility at the North West entrance to Tzaneen. On the 14th of December 2014 the construction of Tzaneen’s new correctional facility gave its last breath. The R191 million project which commenced in 2008 was meant to be completed in March of 2014. The main contractor appointed for the project was Keren Kula Construction from Mamelodi in Pretoria. They abandoned the project under the most inauspicious of circumstances taking with them the promise of a state-of-the-art prison system. Four years of silence passed with not so much as a whisper about the project from the Department of Public Works or Correctional Services as to the future of what was believed to have been another white elephant.

On Monday afternoon Bulletin paid a visit to the site to search for leads. Upon our arrival, we were met by two employees of a construction company from Pretoria, Musan Trading Enterprise (MTE) who announced that they would be completing the project in the months to come. According to them we had “just missed” an entire delegation from the Department of Public Works who had spent the entire day at the site discussing the way forward with their newly appointed contractor, MTE. It seems strange that no media house was informed of their visit, and no press releases had been issued with regards to the appointment. On Tuesday, after failing to reach any official from the department of Public Works in Limpopo (none of the 11 cell numbers listed on their website were answered, and the lan-

NOTICE: Bulletin has applied for permission After attempts were made by Bulletin to gain access to the facility in order to photograph the progress of the construction, we were unable to obtain the necessary permission to do so. We have applied for official permission

from the Department of Correctional Services and the Department of Public Works. MTE have images on their website, but they are copyrighted and we can therefore not make use of them in our reportage.

dline rings indefinitely) we finally managed to reach the voicemail service of Reggie Ngcobo, the chief communications officer for the department. We have asked him for official comment but at the time of going to print we had received no word from his office and he has not returned our call. At this stage we have no further information regarding the contract awarded to MTE. We do not know what the estimated date of completion is nor how much this will again set the department back. Jane Mokoena, a shareholder at MTE, told Bulletin that the building as it stands currently is very near

completion and MTE was appointed to complete the finishings of the facility. “The previous contractor did a great job here and the building as it stands is world class. Everything is basically done, we just need to add the finishing touches so that the facility can finally be opened to house the 500 prisoners it is intended for.” MTE was established in 2007 and have successfully completed many large projects for the Department of Public Works in Nelspruit, Pretoria and Polokwane. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

About Keren Kula Construction The company consisted of Keren Hofman (née Kula) and her husband Charles Hofman who were both former employees of Murray & Roberts. Keren Kula Construction had an annual turnover of around R270 million (2011 estimates) and some of the multimillion Rand tenders under their belt included the refurbishing of the Mafikeng military base (R135 million), the R96 million Seshego treatment centre and a R102 million government building in Bloemfontein. One of the company’s biggest construction projects was the R850 million prison in Kimberley which they completed in conjunction with Grinaker-LTA. Most of these

projects were awarded prior to, or during 2011 shortly before it is said they were liquidated. Bulletin contacted the Tshwane Trust Company and established that Keren Kula Construction (PTY) Ltd, was liquidated in 2014. We were given the Master’s Reference Number T22896/14. At the time of going to print we could not ascertain the reasons why this apparent multimillion construction enterprise which employed 340 staff at the time, ran into financial difficulties. Neither of the Hofman’s’ cell numbers were in operation either, and the lead ran dry.


19 January 2018





Stolen Modjadjiskloof infant returned A young mother from Modjadjiskloof is recovering mentally following a traumatic ordeal which saw her infant daughter snatched from under her own roof. Hlamalani Maphophe (28), had offered a stranger a place to stay for the night after a woman approached her seeking help. Maphophe obliged and offered the stranger her spare bedroom for the night with the condition that she would leave the following day. Her children, a twin boy and girl of only five months old, were asleep in their own bedroom. The next morning Maphophe readied herself to leave and requested that the strange woman accompany her to town. The

woman, however refused and said that she would leave when she had finished her morning chores. After some convincing the two eventually left the house together. It is believed that the strange woman returned a short while later and stole the baby girl from her bed. According to the Limpopo police spokesperson, Lt Col Moatshe Ngoepe, the woman took the baby and headed towards the taxi rank where she boarded a taxi headed towards Louis Trichardt. When the taxi took longer than expected to depart, the woman and baby exited the vehicle and hitch-hiked. Upon arrival at her home in louis Trichardt, the woman’s

mother was shocked to notice that her daughter had a baby with her and enquired about the child. The woman eventually admitted to stealing the baby upon which her mother took the child to the Mokwakwaila police station from where officers contacted the baby’s parents. The child is reported to have been in good health and was reunited with her rightful parents and twin brother amid an emotional celebration. The 24-year old suspect is currently being sought by police in the province and her whereabouts at the time of going to print was still unknown. — Jan Mafetsa and Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

Woman’s body found in dam Gavaza man victim of A group of youngsters fishing on the Khujwana dam, near Khujwana village, on Saturday afternoon netted more than they bargained for when they discovered the body of a 48-year old woman floating past them. The local police were alerted and the body was retrieved from the water where it seemed to have been for some time. An inquest into the drowning has been opened. Police spokeserson, Capt Mamphaswa Seabi confirmed that the woman was a resident of the village and that her next of kin had been informed. He further stated that no foul play is suspected. This is not the first time that a body was found floating in the dam. Last year, the police retrieved a the body of a man after he was found floating on the dam by passers-by. In that instance however, it was determined that the man was first robbed, stabbed and later

dumped in the dam. Khujwana village residents told Bulletin, that the dam and the area surrounding it, scares the villagers and is the source behind many superstitions. Each year, a corpse is retrieved from the river and in most cases the deceased is not from the village, but from a neighbouring area. Community members have now demanded that local government step in and fence off the dam. The Khujwana dam was constructed by government for the Nkuna community in 1973 by the then apartheid government. It sources its water from the Muthumeni wetlands nearby and is used by the community to irrigate mango plantations. More recently, the water used in the construction of a 20 kilometre tar road through the area, was sourced from this dam. — Jan Mafetsa jan@bulletin.us.com

staged marriage

A middle aged man from Gavaza village near Ofcolaco, eager to have a wife and family, was dealt a heavy blow when he found out that a woman he paid money for dowry (lobola) at Segabeng village, was already married. The distraught groom-in-waiting had already built a house for his new bride when he found out a day after paying his dues, that she was off the market. Upon receiving payment for the lobola, the two-timing bride refused to go with the family of the bridegroom. When the man arrived the following day to see his (wife), the woman refused to meet with him. When he wanted to know why he was told by her brother that she was married to another man in the village, he was told their mother took the money thinking the woman had separated with her current husband. According to a reliable source, the bridegroom was working in Gauteng where he was retrenched towards the end of last year. He returned home and dated the woman who used to visit her sister who was married to a relative of his. He built a three roomed house and afterwards sent a contingent to the homestead of his bride to negotiate lobola. He paid R4 000 and was left with R 10 000 to complete the marriage. In African culture, when a man wants a woman’s hand in marriage, he sends his family to negotiate lobola terms and pays over some money as goodwill. Thereafter, the family of the bride would tell the family of the bridegroom how

much they want to be paid. The small amount the bridegroom party brings along initially is considered a deposit and a contract is then signed between the two parties. After exchanging pleasantries the families part ways. When the man realised that he married someone`s wife, he asked to be paid back the money they paid as dowry. The family promised that they would reimburse him over the Christmas weekend, but this did not happen. In the meantime, his former bride had returned home to her rightful husband who is said to have had no clue about the affair, but upon finding out, had taken the money from her. Local headman in the village, Foromo Rasebotse, said the matter was not reported to his office. He said the complainant should report the matter to his own headman who will then refer the matter to him for intervention. He advised the bridegroom to visit the office of the small claims court and demand to be refunded. Further investigation by Bulletin found that the man was bankrupt before he paid his lobola. “He could not even manage to buy a door for the house he built for that woman and he now has no money so he could not return to Gauteng along with the other migrant workers at the start of January. He is now bitter and is considering going to see a traditional healer over the matter,” said a member of his family. - Jan Mafetsa


Hawks clamp down on SASSA fraudsters A 64-year old woman appeared in the Lebowakgomo Magistrate’s court on Tuesday after she was arrested by the Hawks this past weekend. Albertina Ramoletswi Mphahlele, is facing serious charges of fraud following allegations that she has been receiving child support grants from the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) for three non-existent children over a ten year period between 2002 and 2012. The total amount was around R70 000. Initially, she was arrested on these allegations by the Hawks Serious Commer-

cial Crime unit in March 2013, but was released by the court on a warning and on condition she return to the court at a later date. She failed to do so and was rearrested on Saturday. Her case has been postponed to the 23rd of January pending further investigations. In the Burgersfort area a loan shark who was arrested along with seven others during a joint operation in 2017, was sentenced in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday afternoon. The Hawks received a tip-off that the eight

accused were in possession of SASSA beneficiary cards. They followed up the lead and made the arrests in an operation alongside Crime Intelligence, SAPS Burgersfort Crime Prevention and the Department of Social Development at the Burgersfort Shopping Complex in August. The eight loan sharks were arrested for unlawful possession of SASSA beneficiary cards and a total of 328 SASSA beneficiary cards, 432 bank cards, 230 identity documents and R65 000 in cash was seized. The men were convicted by the Praktiseer

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Magistrate’s Court for contravention of Social Services Act 13 of 2004 Sec 20 (1) (3) and National Credit Act 34 of 2005 and sentenced to pay R5 000 or six months imprisonment wholly suspended for five years. Seven of the accused, Sinky Mongwatseleng, Ntsibana Hilda Malepe (35), Dollina Refilwe Mahlako (52), Marobaganye Desmond Matemane (29), Getrude Malepe (43), Tebogo Moloto (35) and Modjadji Mohlala were sentenced in December 2017 while Thomas Phokane (58) was sentenced this week. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

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19 January 2018



19 January 2018





The Message

Granny’s Grumbles – The Porcelain Fairy

On my sixtieth birthday I was given a porcelain fairy by a very good friend. To say that I was shattered was an understatement. I am a down-to-earth, dyed-in-the-wool, basic female who enjoys gardening. I managed to look overwhelmed (which I was) and hopefully my friend was happy with her choice. That evening I showed my husband the gift. When in doubt about what to say, he just grunts. I was annoyed … did he think that I looked like a porcelain fairy sort of person? According to him, Fiona was a dainty little home-maker who obviously enjoyed those sorts of things and that was why she gave them as gifts. Three days later the porce-

lain fairy was still sitting on the coffee table and my spouse was muttering about finding a home for it. I was trying to figure out where it could be put out of the way of the dust - we live almost directly in front of a mine dump. I hate dust collectors and a sweet little fairy with wings and sparkles was going to collect a lot. A few days later a customer at the nursery where I was employed asked to see some bonsai as she was keen to give one as a gift to a good friend. I was a little apprehensive about selling an expensive bonsai to somebody who was about to give it to a lady who I knew was totally uninterested in gardening. However she seemed sure that her friend would enjoy something unusual and selling the bonsai was a big plus – it was expensive and had been sitting at the nursery for at least a year. Some months later the recipient of the bonsai arrived at the nursery and I asked her how it was doing. She looked around guiltily – my immediate thought was that she had killed it – but not at all. “I set it free” she said happily “I think it’s so cruel to keep a baobab confined in a tiny container”. I asked if the lady who had

given her the bonsai was aware that it had been “set free”. Not at all – the friend thought she had neglected it and the baobab had gone on to heavenly pastures. Molly had planted it at the very bottom of the garden and it was looking amazing according to her. It had doubled in size and “was happy”. I mentioned it to my husband and said that it just goes to show that people should be careful when choosing presents for friends. As was the case with the porcelain fairy, the bonsai was something that the donor had enjoyed so assumed that her friend would also be interested. My husband mumbled something like “Well -you should know – you’re always giving your friends plants. What makes you think that all your friends like them?’ I thought about it – admittedly I do give my friends plants but I’m usually quite specific about what plants I give them. If they live in a flat they get a good-looking plant in a pot and if they own their own home they get a fast growing tree or maybe some ground covers or a shrub. The plants always have chocolates spread around the bottom or a bar of soap or something small. I’ve always thought they were thoughtful presents, but I started thinking about the fact that we all assume that our friends like the same things we do or may-

be we can encourage them to change their minds. The more I thought about it the more I realised that I was exactly the same as my porcelain fairy friend and most people are like that. I started thinking about the presents that I still have (and use) and realised that they were all USEFUL things. An elderly friend had given me a large coffee mug with a vacuum lid – she knew I liked hot coffee. Perfect for early morning coffee on the veranda – bugs can’t fall in and it’s always hot. My daughter also gave me a coffee mug which said “My Fab Mom” in large letters – it was also filled with chocolates and gives me a nice warm glow every time I use it. Other useful gifts I still admire and love are a really nice pen (with refills) attached to a memo pad with a magnet on the back – it all sticks up on the fridge – can’t be mislaid. Of course hand-made presents from grandchildren also give grannies a nice warm glow. A bucketful of biscuits is also nice! And if you have unlimited funds please buy the chocs that are advertised on TV at Christmas – the ones that are made by a Swiss Chocolatier. It doesn’t matter who you give them to – they will be over the moon. And now that I’ve spread the word you can all think carefully before giving an elderly person a “dust collector”.

“The average woman would rather have beauty than brains since she knows that the average man can see a lot better than he can think” (The Woman’s Journal – 1947)

Social • Sosiaal

Tzaneen International Scrapbook Day 27 January

Join the South African National Scrapbook Day on 27 January 2017 at Paint Pot Arts & Crafts from 08:30 to 16:30 at R250.00 per person. For more information contact 015 307 3517 or email crafts@paintpotgroup.co.za

Tannie Annetjie Ludick sterf skielik ‘n Ou inwoner van Tzaneen, Tannie Annetjie Ludick, is skielik Donderdag aand 11 Januarie 2018, omstreeks 19h30 by haar huis aan ‘n hart aanval oorlede. Sy laat haar 2 Seuns, Dogter, Skoondogters en 4 klein seuns agter.


Die roudiens sal komende vrydag, 19 Januarie 2018 om 10h00 van uit die AGS Kerk Tzaneen gehou word.

Past. Richard van der Westhuizen ‘n Nuwe jaar beteken baie dinge. Dit beteken nuwe geleenthede en uitdagings. Nuwe vreugde en seker ook teleurstellings. Een ding is seker. Elkeen van ons het weer die geleentheid om nuut te begin. Een van die boustene van die goeie nuus aangaande Jesus Christus is juis dat God met ons as mense nuut begin. Dat hy ons herskep wanneer sy Seun Jesus Christus gekruisig word en opstaan uit die dood. Nou is ons nuut. Nuwe waardes, nuwe doelwitte en ‘n nuwe gerigtheid word nou deel van my lewe. So sterk word dit gestel is God se Woord dat daar gesê word dat die ou mens is saam met Christus gekruisig en die nuwe mens het reeds saam met Hom opgestaan. Nou dink ek anders oor God, myself en my medemens. Ek weet nou hoe afhanklik ek van God is. Ek treur oor my eie sonde en gebrokenheid. Ek is sagmoedig soos wat God sagmoedig is met my. Ek honger en dors na wat reg is sodat ek versadig sal word. Ek is barmhartig want daar is aan my barmhartigheid bewys. Ek is rein van hart, ek is ‘n vredemaker. Ek doen wat reg is, al beteken dit ongemak, vervolging en ongewildheid. Ek is die sout vir die aarde. Ek is die lig vir die wêreld. Ek versoen eerder as om konflik te soek en dit lewend te hou. Ek respekteer my eie en ander se intieme verhoudings met hulle man of vrou. My ja is my ja, en my nee is my nee. Ek loop die ekstra myl vir my medemens. Ek bid vir die wat my wil leed aandoen en as ek armes help basuin ek dit nie uit nie. Ek maak vir my skatte bymekaar. Ja, die wat motte en roes nie kan verniel nie. Ek dien nie God en Mammon gelyk nie want dit kan nie. Ek oordeel nie oor ander nie maar laat dit aan God oor. Ek maak my nie koorsagtig besorg oor groot dinge, dinge bo my vermoë nie maar vertrou op God en beywer my in die eerste plek vir sy koninkryk! Mag jy ‘n nuwe jaar hê waarin jy groei in vreugde, vrede en gehoorsamheid aan God.

368 1 057 24 9

The Numbers

70 Interestingly, 70% of all characters in a man’s dream are other men, but women’s dreams contain an equal amount of women and men.

Mind-blowing Fact #59 Tzaneen Olive Tree Kids 26 January

The Olive Tree Coffee & Gifts presents Olive Tree Kids on 26 January 2018 from 14:30 at R90.00 per child. For more information contact Carlien on 082 928 3423.

AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Tzaneen Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg:

Haenertsburg Berry Festival 3 & 4 February

The Haenertsburg & Magoebaskloof Berry Festival will be held on 3 & 4 February 2018 from 09:00. Visit www.berryfestival.co.za. For more information contact 082 575 5738 or 083 880 8787 or email applegrange@mweb.co.za

083 964 9859. Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Evangelies Geref Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-str,Tzaneen: 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof: 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534. Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729.

Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastraat, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920. Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall,

The well known portraits of Jan and Maria van Riebeeck are in fact not the Van Riebeecks at all, but the Vermuyden-kettinghs. The face on the previous South African note, too, was not Van Riebeeck’s but Vermuyden’s

Like us on facebook! King Edward Road: 015 307 4807. Ned Herv Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9580. Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. Ned Herv Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate, Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240. Tzaneen Family Church Avispark Lodge Conference Hall Tzaneen: 083 598 0004 / 073387 2469.


Follow up The taxi drivers are a law onto their own in Tzaneen. This is a fact that local motorists have learnt to accept after many years of failed attempts to force local traffic law enforcement, or the Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM) to reprimand those who blatantly disobey the rules of the road. The biggest bone of contention has always been the situation in Claude Wheatley street at the taxi and bus rank behind the Tzaneng Mall. Bulletin reported on this issue again last week and asked the GTM for a solution. We also spoke to the mall management who confirmed that the situation has had them at their wits end. Excuses offered in the past to validate the lack of proper law enforcement of intervention on behalf of the municipality or their traffic enforcement arm, has included fear of retribution by the taxi drivers against the traffic officers who issue the fines. We find this absurd. The GTM admitted in their response to our media enquiry, that they are fully aware of the problem. As is customary however, their response offered little in the form of peace of mind. “We are well aware of the situation at Claude Wheatley and various options to resolve the challenge are under consideration, the issue was under discussion by management on Friday and municipal representatives met with Taxi association leaders to discuss the matter yesterday (Monday),” explained Neville Ndlala, spokesperson for the GTM. “Options include remarking of the road leaving only two lanes, or acquiring parking space for taxis away from the taxi rank. These




19 January 2018


GTM offer vague response to taxi issue discussions are ongoing and the outcome will be duly communicated to residents through various platforms.” His response evokes a feeling of apathy as locals have, over the course of a few years, been complaining about the taxi rank without any visible action by the municipality. This problem seems to be a challenge too big for any Municipal Manager as it has escalated under the rule of many MM’s (or acting Municipal Managers as has become the tendency at the GTM). In the last year alone Tzaneen has had three men occupy the MM’s office. Tzaneng Mall management (owned by the Resilient group) share the community’s concern and argued that the same laws enforced by the municipality on private land owners, should be enforced with equal vigour on municipal land. “The taxi rank is however not on our property. The land belongs to the Tzaneen municipality (GTM). Cleaning, security and law enforcement is done by the municipality. Private land owners must comply with all National building and fire regulations and this is rigorously enforced by the municipality. Ideally, we would like to see the same standards apply to municipal owned property,” said Alida Fraser, General Manager Tzaneng Mall. According to her, the mall management has the safety of their commuters and shoppers

The section of Claude Wheatley Street at the centre of the taxi debate.

at heart and to this effect, have installed escalators to and from the bus and taxi rank. They have also constructed well-lit lobbies for their patrons and have employed 24 hour security to ensure the safety of the commuters as they move between the mall and the rank. “We are happy to form part of any group that wants to assist the Municipality in resolving these issues in these challenging times,” she concluded. Has the GTM engaged in talks with the

Tzaneng Mall to find a possible solution to the problem? Why has the municipality remained silent on this issue for so long, only scheduling meetings and informing the public on their efforts after the matter is highlighted by the press? Bulletin has sent follow up questions to Ndlala to gain further clarity on the matter and we will report on the progress and his comments in a next edition. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com


19 January 2018





BPM tackles hawkers head-on

The dilapidated state of the Phalaborwa CBD where illegal street vendors have taken to the pavements to sell their wares.

Members of the Phalaborwa CPF, the BPM and Phalaborwa Traffic Department started removing the street hawker stalls which have been illegally erected on the sidewalks throughout the CBD. The move was initiated on command of Phalaborwa municipality’s director of community ser-

vices, Herold Zungu. The arrival of the hawkers in the CBD has been a massive bone of contention for more than a decade as the influx of these illegal vendors has brought with it an increase in petty crimes. The Phalaborwa municipality has in the past attempted to combat the scourge of illegal trading by erecting a formal trading centre at the entrance to the town’s taxi

Rickety wood and canvas structures cover every inch of the pavement as down the road, illegal street mechanics service vehicles in an open public parking lot.

rank to allow for a safe environment for these informal street vendors to trade. The project was a success at its inception but soon turned into another unmanaged failure through the improper policing of the movements of these hawkers. In no time, hundreds of rickety stalls constructed from old wooden pallets mushroomed up on every street corner, walkway and pavement in between shops and parking areas. It became a huge safety risk to road users and pedestrians and served as a refuge for pick pockets and petty thieves who disappeared in between the stalls. On Tuesday evening two members of the Phalaborwa CPF, Gert Coetzee and Anton Kellerman accompanied members of the BPM Traffic Department and Community Services on a clean up expedition in the centre of town. The team started by removing the wooden structures erected in front of the Traffic and Licencing Department. The wooden pallets were loaded onto a municipal truck and transported to the Phalaborwa dump site. “It was a good exercise and we are certain that through this move we will send a message to the traders who are operating illegally, to abide by the laws of the municipality and obtain the necessary permits to trade in a safe environment,” said Coetzee. “What they do not realize is that they are placing themselves and the broader public directly in harm’s way by covering the pavements and obscuring motorists’ vision at intersections. The law is the law and nobody is exempt from it.” Herold Zungu shares this view. According to the spokesperson for the BPM, Jonas Mahesu, the move by the director was a result of the community’s continued raising of the issues surrounding the hawkers. “Director Zungu took notice of the complaints from the residents, particularly those in the memorandum handed to the mayor last year. After considering all the legal aspects and the safety of the residents who move through the CBD, he decided that enough was enough,” he said. “We as a municipality have tried to make it as easy as possible for the traders to sell their goods in a controlled, safe environment by erecting brick and mortar stalls for them by the taxi rank. Anyone who wants to sell their wares can apply for a permit to do so. It is not a difficult concept nor an expensive exercise, but there are those who decided to ignore the bylaws and will now be removed.” Unfortunately, but rather as expected, the hawkers returned the very next morning and started re-erecting their stalls. The operation was to continue again on Wednesday evening, but due to unforeseen circumstances was cancelled and will now be relooked at and rescheduled. We have sent an enquiry to the office of Director Zungu, but at the time of going to print we had not managed to receive feedback. We will publish a more detailed report on the clean up project in next week’s Bulletin. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com





19 January 2018


Women emerge as brewers in the States American Barbara Veres, former co-chair of an organisation called Buffalo Beer Goddesses, facilitated the introduction to one of the female micro-brewers in Buffalo NY. At a meeting held at the New York Beer Project, one of the many micro (craft) beer halls in Buffalo, Vandra Ruppel (29) relates how she became one of the first female micro-brewers in the area. The tall, slight woman says she has hidden strength due to her years of rock climbing. She’s thus able to move the heavy kegs easily. Vandra tips them on their edge, rolls them forward, and pushes with her legs. Born in Florida, Vandra has spent most of her life in Buffalo in Western New York. Vandra’s path to brewing was as a result of a

family tragedy. She says, “I was living in Wilson but spent most of my time in the small town of Gasport to help my mother look after my father. My father, in his early 50s, became deathly ill due to a genetic malformation in his brain. This led to aneurysms, coma and his death after a year-long battle. After he died I moved in to help my shocked mom until she could function again. “I’d been an administrative assistant in electronic installations. Desk work really didn’t suit me. I waitressed while at home and this led to the job that I’m passionate about at a newly opened brewery in Wilson, the first micro-brewery in county Niagara. I helped paint the outside of the building and then the owner, Tim Woodcock, offered me a job at his Woodcock Brothers Brewing. That was five years ago. “There was only one other female brewer in the area. then. Now there are more than a dozen female brewers. It’s a tough job as it’s dirty, manual work. I wake up early as brewing begins at 6 am downstairs. ABOVE: Another micro-brewery in Buffalo, The Flying Bison. Tim felt I had an aptitude The brewery at the New York Beer Project. for brewing and, as I want-

ed to brew full-time, I enrolled at Niagara College in Ontario, Canada for the oneand-a half-year course in Brew Master and Brewery Operations Management. I commuted to Canada from Buffalo daily and kept my job at Woodcock Brothers Brewing while doing the practical and studying course. “I love the science and Vandra Ruppel, one the maths behind the Barbara Veres at the New York of the first women mibrewing as well as the Beer Project. cro-brewers in Buffalo. hands-on work. The practical is critical with CIP being absolutely vital. The CIP (Clean playing her tattoo on her right arm. The malt In Place) programme involves the extensive and hops are etched as well as a lion because piping being cleaned on the spot. I learnt that of the noble and strong profession that is not every brewery is the same. Woodcock brewing. Micro-brewing began in the USA in the late started with four craft beers and now has six flagships and three rotational craft beers. 80s on the West Coast. It became popular When Woodcock began, law stated that one in the 90s, then took a dip, and is now on a could not serve a pint without a warm menu, major upswing. There are some 5,000 craft so Woodstock had to serve food. That law breweries serving the American population. “My all-time favourite craft beer is Edchanged two and a half years ago and now one is allowed to just serve a pint. However mund Fitzgerald. I call it Eddie Fitz. It’s named after a famous boat and is brewed at different states have different laws. “I love the creativity of brewing and build- Great Lakes Brewing in Cleveland, Ohio. It ing the recipes which involves maths. There’s has a roasty character with a malt forward. “Eye-catching label design on micro beers a collaborative spirit amongst the brewers and Buffalo Beer Goddesses meet regularly to is trending as is the canning of craft beer. discuss product. Local ingredients are always Sour craft beers continue to be popular. IPA tried and the Buffalo area has an abundance (India Pale Ale), a hoppy beer, has taken over of fruit that can be incorporated such as ap- for the past few years and is not going away soon. My personal wish is to create a crisp ples, maple syrup, cherry, peach and grapes. Vandra shows her love for craft beer by dis- clear Pilsner as one can’t hide behind it.

Become living proof Then there are the over enthusiastic. You know, those soldiers of healthy living armed with loads of books and research papers, products galore and every supplement imaginable. They tend to become overwhelmed and pretty soon their enthusiasm turns to frustration and they give up. “With your head filled with facts and figures, there is very little space for creativity and fun. No one had all these tools even just 30 years ago and they managed just fine. Over thinking and over doing can lead to being overwhelmed. Seeking help and support is a good idea if you feel you are getting confused or overwhelmed, but don’t ever give up.” This is where Ilze and the Living Proof health store (see adjacent ad for directions and contact information) come into play. Not only do they stock a wide variety of banting and alternative health goodies, but they are qualified to offer professional advice on every dietary issue you may encounter. So make a plan and come speak to her on your next lunch break or after dropping the kids at school and start your journey to a better, slimmer, healthier you.


Living Proof was created to help and serve the health conscious community.

TRE group session with any one-on-one weight loss program purchased. Valid until the end of Februray 2018.

We offer health & wellness, weight loss and lifestyle change programs to help you get started and stay on track. We also have a wide range of supplements and food products to help you on your journey.


The body you find yourself in is the product of your own creation. By default that implies that you don’t have to settle for being overweight, unhealthy and depressed as you have the power of choice. It boils down to what you eat, more than how many hours you clock up at the local gym. And no, we’re not talking about another diet fad. Because eating healthy is as much a diet as what speed walking is jogging. It’s a lifestyle. “Most people hear the word diet and start running for the hills,” explained Ilze Czubora of the Living Proof Health Store in Tzaneen. “The word diet has been twisted and turned into something you have to do to lose weight and it is going to be torture. This is just not true!” She explains it through a clever analogy. “A diet is just the routine you follow in eating habits. Changing your eating habits (diet) is like driving a new car. Different fuel, buttons are in a different place with different functions. You don’t give up learning where everything is, you keep going and get used to it. The same with the new diet, you give it time and you learn.”

Living Proof is your source for a healthy way of living. We welcome you to contact us at any time! 30 Agatha Street, Tzaneen (Entrance in Hermanus Street) Tel: 063 368 1033 • info@livingproof.co.za We are open: Mon – Frid: 9am – 6pm & Sat: 10am – 2pm



19 January 2018





Unpaid municipal accounts

Follow up According to the GTM, the Bulletin obtained the information regarding unpaid rates and services accounts illegally and they can therefore not comment on the matter. This was the reply from Neville Ndlala, spokesperson for the GTM, on the articles referring to a number of property owners’ accounts statements which indicate that they have not been paying their bills for municipal services (including electricity) for a number of years. “I cannot discuss individual accounts as the statements were obtained illegally, but generally some people are on prepaid, others have illegally reconnected meters hence there is no consumption,” Ndlala said. “There is a huge number of these cases and each one is being attended to. Legal steps are being taken against offenders. We are strictly applying our credit control bylaws or policy.” That being said, does this mean that the property owners of some upmarket properties within the Tzaneen area, have not been paying their bills knowingly? And furthermore, is the spokesperson’s statement an admission by the municipality that they have not been able to get their administration in order? “They are being attended. Others made arrangements. Others might have been overlooked and that is now being corrected,” Ndlala added. No indication was given as to what exactly these correctional steps entail, nor was any clarity offered as to how accounts of more than R100 000 were “overlooked” by a municipality which clearly cannot afford such errors. We have again issued a media enquiry and we hope to have some further feedback (more transparent comment at the very least) on the matter. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

Power crisis: Still no explanation from GTM Tzaneen residents are left guessing in the dark as the power disruptions in the Greater Tzaneen area increase in their frequency and duration. On Monday afternoon without warning the lights once again went out. This time it was not just the outlying areas affected, but the entire region right through from Letsitele to Tzaneen. Nkowankowa was left powerless as well. “It was like watching an approaching tsunami,” said one resident. “On the various WhatsApp groups you could see it come closer as one by one the reports came in from the areas. It started with California, then Letsitele, Lushof, Tzaneen and so it went all the way through to Georges Valley until every-

one was left stranded.” Again technicians from the GTM rushed around responding to the various calls on the groups, trying to restore power. Reports and video footage flooded social media of transformers at Tarentaalrand substation engulfed in thick smoke and powerlines in Georges Valley spewing out sparks as they burnt to the ground. Bulletin has reported countless times on the problems facing the GTM’s infrastructure in the past. We have warned Tzaneen of the impending collapse of the aged grid and have requested explanations from the GTM each time. Again this week, we have been met with distain.

It is very obvious that the electricity will not be rectified any time soon, or perhaps even in the very near future as the ‘patch jobs’ done by the technicians will not hold and are meant as temporary solutions. One social commentator observed that Tzaneen’s municipality seems to approach their problems in the typical ‘if it doesn’t rain, the roof doesn’t leak’ manner. This could very well be chalked down to improper planning, a lack of skills in the electrical department and the lack of funding to employ adequate and constant maintenance of their assets. Though the power outage on Monday lasted for little more than an hour, it should

have served as a stark indication of what is to come. Will the GTM’s electrical chief / acting municipal manager, Sam Lelope schedule a monologue to devise a way forward and save the economy of the town before the damage done becomes irreparable? More to the point, will Lelope engage the residents of this town and issue a very clear statement on the problem (not challenge) and the solution his department will implement as a matter of extreme urgency? Thus far the only constant besides daily blackouts, has been his office’s silence on the matter. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

Accommodation scam at University uncovered Two university of Limpopo students have allegedly been arrested by the Hawks’ Serious Corruption Crime unit on Wednesday. The 21-year old suspects allegedly constructed an accommodation scam which targeted first year students. According to the Hawks spokesperson, Matimba Maluleke, the pair solicited payments of R2 000 from the first year students with promises to secure them accommodation while they completed their studies. This never came to fruition which resulted in complaints lodged at the offices of the Hawks.

Both suspects were swiftly apprehended by the Hawks and appeared in the Mankweng Magistrate’s Court yesterday. At the time of going to print the outcome of their court appearance was not known. “The Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation in Limpopo would like to warn the university students, particularly the first year students, about swindlers who promise students accommodation on campus in return for payment.” More on this story as it unfolds in our future editions.




19 January 2018



20th Adventure Challenge for Schools™ From the 2nd to the 7th of December 2017, Stanford Lake College once again hosted the annual Adventure Challenge for Schools™. This year was their 20th anniversary event and they invited some of the old boys and girls from 20 years ago, to race against the competitors of this year’s event. This special fun challenge consisted of a sprint race of about 40km which included mountain biking, swimming and a stint on the climbing wall. The ‘oldies’ then left it to the fantastically keen teams of 2017 to begin their Adventure Race event. This included many disciplines - rafting, mountain biking, trail running, swimming, obstacles, first aid, high water jumps, rock climbing, rope traverse and structure building to name a few. Teams from Zambia and South Africa went head to head over the five days. The sprint race on Sunday against the racers of 1998 set the tone for the rest of the week. The morning of day 2 was spent in Georges Valley for the kloofing and climbing rotations. The teams were tested on their climbing, communication and problem solving skills during these activities. Day 3 was spent on Ebenezer Dam with water activities as well as land navigation and problem solving.

This was made a little bit more difficult with low visibility because of the mist and predictable mountain weather! In the early afternoon the teams were briefed on the next stage - the Vasbyt challenge of 90km. This challenge started at Stanford Lake College at 04h00 on Day 4. The teams took off on a 40km mountain bike stage via the Annie’s Fortune road then up the back of the Iron Crown on the Wolkberg road to their first supported transition just before the Wolkberg campsite. Temperatures of 10°C, misty weather and low visibility pushed the compet-


Alte Danica

Most adventurous boy and girl.

Stanfordians make their mark Congratulations to Alumnus Ulrike von Maltitz (Class of 2012) who has qualified with a BPhysT Degree at the University of Pretoria this year. Ulrike received the following awards during the Oath Taking Ceremony on Thursday evening 23rd of November: 1. Top achiever in ICU 2017 2. Top achiever in Sport 2017 3. Top achiever in Professional development and Leadership 2017 4. Best final year student 2017 5. Best final year student in clinical practise 2017 6. Degree with distinction BPhysT 2017. One of her classmates, Cassie McGaffin, received an award with her group for the best Physiotherapy Research Presentation Project in her final year. Stanford lake College wishes to express their elation at these two former Badgers’ achievements.



itors to the limits. From there, the teams hiked into the Mohlapitse, past the Wolkberg Nature Reserve and back towards the Georges Valley road. Here they had two activities to complete before they could carry on to the next transition - one being a 25m abseil. Their mountain bikes were waiting for them at their next transition close to Magoebaskloof Canopy Tours. From there they had to cycle to Ebenezer and then to Consolata via the contour road around the dam. From this next transition the teams had a 10km paddle back to SLC with a Synergy and one kayak per team. At SLC they had to build their own raft with

two drums, a tube and eight poles. On this craft they had to paddle to the floating structure, jump eight metres into the water and continue to the finish. Team Ubuntu from SLC was the first team to cross the line just after 15h00. The last teams came in just after 18h00. The last morning saw the teams finish the event the in the same format as in the first event in 1998 – building one big raft where all the teams had to fit onto. They then paddled around the beacon and back to the finish. And of course - it was still raining. The Badgers from Stanford Lake College finished in 2nd place overall and Team Ubuntu – also from SLC – won the event after five days and 250km of racing! “Well done to all the teams who travelled so far to come and compete in this event, particularly the Zambian team who were on the road for 3 days to get here. Congratulations to each and every team and their awesome seconds and a huge thank you to all staff, parents and sponsors who helped to make the event possible and so memorable,” said Rona McGaffin of Stanford Lake College. “Also a big thank you to all the officials who helped out during the event and contributed to the success of the event. Huge thanks go to our main sponsor, Trappers Mall of the North for all the great prizes for the different challenges and for their continued support of the event. Further appreciation of support goes to Trophy Toyota as our vehicle sponsor, Outdoor Medical for the medical standby, Tzaneen Pharmacy and Falconwood Beverages. Next year’s event will be in Zambia!”

Winning team - Ubuntu.

Gelukwense! Mariette Marais en Johan Strydom is Saterdag by Letaba River Lodge in die eg verbind. Hulle vestig hulle in Tzaneen.


19 January 2018





Nuwe Jaar, Nuwe maats, nuwe uitdagings Die nuwe skooljaar het afgeskop in Tzaneen met die SAVF Tzaneen Kleuterskool en Wolkberg Akademie wat klomp nuwe maats in hulle klasse verwelkom het. Juffrouens en maats het Woensdag mekaar vir die eerste keer ontmoet en sommer vinnig te werk gespring om die nuwe advontuur vir die kleingoed so spoedig moontlik af te skop. Dit was

wel Woensdagoggend bitter moeilik om agter of dit mamma en pappa was wat moontlik meer verlig as boetie en sussie was oor die begin van die jaar. Sommige ouers het gemeen dat die eerste skooldag van die jaar eerder as “Ouersdag” hernoem moet word. “Onderwysers is spesiale mense en as ouers is ons net te

dankbaar vir hul geduld en toewyding tot die onderig van ons kinders.” Teen druktyd was daar nog duidelikheid oor die getall van nuwe leerders by een van die skole in die omtrek nie, maar daar sal teen volgende week volledige verslag gelewer word soos wat die syfers bekend gemaak word.


Wolkberg Akademie

Laerskool Duiwelskloof wens die volgende leerlinge wat verkies as prefekte vir 2018, hartlik geluk. Agter: Zahraa Khan, Drikus du Toit, Anika du Toit, Willem Smit, Diketso Mabulana, Lethabo Ramango, Luan Pohl, Mckayla Lauterbach en Lilly-Louise Pieterse. Voor: Lerato Sebatane, Keitumetse Malema, Werner Kruger, Isabella van Loggerenberg, Andonia Botha, Josua Retief en Tetelo Moketla.




19 January 2018



Krieketkoors loop hoog in vakansie

Megan-Lee Mans

Sewe Larries het gedurende die afgelope Desember vakansie aan provinsiale krieket toernooie dwarsoor Suid-Afrika deelgeneem. Elandri Janse van Rensburg en Megan-Lee Mans het die o/12 Limpopo dogterspan verteenwoordig in Queens, Johannesburg vanaf 1 tot 4 Desember. Hulle het 6 wedstryde gespeel teen ander provinsies, o.a. Vrystaat, Gauteng en Noord-Wes. Elandri was kaptein van die span en het ook goeie boulwerk gelewer. In 7 boulbeurte het sy twee paaltjies geneem en net 6 lopies afgestaan. Haar kolfwerk het ook nie in die steek gelaat nie, sy het 36 lopies

geslaan van 45 balle teen die Vrystaat. Megan-Lee het ook goed geboul en het in 4 boulbeurte 13 lopies afgestaan en 2 paaltjies geneem. Hou gerus die dogters in die toekoms dop! Maan Mistry het die o/12 Limpopo seunspan verteenwoordig in Durban vanaf 7 tot 13 Desember. Maynard Kleynhans, Ockert Schoeman, Ruben Vosloo en Tebogo M’khomazi het die o/13A span verteenwoordig in die Momentum Krieketweek in Oudtshoorn vanaf 11 tot 15 Desember. Wel gedaan aan al hierdie Larrie krieketspelers.

Maan Mistry

Elandri Janse van Rensburg

Onredwysres onmoed Disgrafie en famielei Die opskrif van hierdie artikel is deur ‘n disleksieleier getik om die belangrikheid van opleiding en inligting oor leergestremdhede uit te lig. Onderwysers word dikwels getaak met die behandeling van spesifieke leerprobleme by kinders op veral Laerskool vlak. Leergestremdhede, waarvan leesgestremdhede die algemeenste is, word oor die algemeen nie deur die kind se ouers raakgesien totdat die onderwysers dit uitwys, of die kind ‘n graad moet oordoen nie. Die leesgestremdhede wat die meeste voorkom sluit disleksie, diskalkulie en disgrafie in en moet vroegtydig geidentifiseer word sodat daar ‘n oplossing gevind kan word. Disleksielyers verwar byvoorbeeld letters wat eenders lyk terwyl disgrafie die vermoë om te kan skryf beinvloed. Diskalkulie het te doen

met wiskundevaardighede. Nogtans het die meerderheid van diegene met leergestremdhede gemiddelde of bogemiddelde intelligensie. Leerkragte van Laerskool Tzaneen het op die 2de Desember laas jaar ‘n kursus oor Disgrafie by Unicorn Preparatory School bygewoon. Die kursus is aangebied deur Lina Noel, Pia Stewart en Elaine Clarke. Die volgende aspekte is behandel: Wat is disgrafie, hoe word dit gediagnoseer en wat is die behandeling? “Dit was baie leersaam en die leerders van Laerskool Tzaneen sal beslis daarby baat,” het die skool aan Bulletin gesê. Tussen deur die chaos van die nuwe skooljaar se begin, is dit bemoedigend vir ouers om te weet hul klein leermeesters is in goeie, bekwame hande. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

Op die foto: Voor vlnr: Me. Elmarie Jansen en Louise Vosloo. Middel: Me. Magriet van der Merwe, Monique van der Merwe, Margie Snyman en Helene van Niekerk. Agter: Me. Mariaan Nieuwenhuis.

Are you brave enough to conquer the EB? Each year there is an event that separates the guppies from the gold fish. It’s been going for more than two decades and is a true test of resolve for the avid swimmers from across the country. The Ebenezer Mile is back this year and on the 17th of March will see the hills around Haenertsburg echo with the sounds of a thousand splashes as swimmers attempt to conquer the cleanest open water swim this side of the Equator. Bookmark the date and use the event as motivation to make 2018 the year you turn your lifestyle around. Train to meet the fitness standard required to conquer yourself and join hundreds in the joy of a fit and healthy lifestyle. It is the second biggest open water swim in

the country and is organized by the Rotary Club of Haenertsburg. All proceeds go to charity, and you can register on the day or online at https://ebenezermile2018.myactive. co.za/CaptureDetails/Registration.aspx or on www.rotaryhaenertsburg.co.za/ebenezer-mile-swim/ “For more information on what to expect on the day or how to prepare for the Mile, feel free to contact the Rotarians or come and enjoy a cup of coffee with me, Joe Dreyer, at the Bulletin’s upgraded offices on the corner of Hospital and Tweede Laan. I was fortunate enough to have been a part of the group of swimmers during the early 90’s who competed in the very first Ebenezer Mile.” — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com


19 January 2018





To advertise in the upcoming Bulletin or AgriBulletin call: Estelle 079 496 6670

Legals | Geregtelik LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT IN DECEASED ESTATE LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of Section 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution account (first and final) in the estate specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with interest therein for a period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof, and at the offices of the

Master in Polokwane and the Magistrate’s office in Ritavi. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account. Registration Number of Estate: 492/2016 Surname: RIKHOTSO Name: MUKHOMI FICKSON Identity Number: 5903035836089

Last address: NKOWANKOWA – B Marrried in community of Property to GLORIA NKHENSANI RIKHOTSO Joubert & May Attorneys 50 Boundary Street P O Box 35 Tzaneen 0850 Tel: 015 307 3660 Ref: Mr Rech/avs/ R14037 Jan301___________________________



NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION -AUCTION PURSUANT to a judgment by the magistrate TZANEEN given on 17 October 2017 the under mentioned goods will be sold IN FRONT OF MAGISTRATE’S COURT NAPHUNO AT: CNR POLICE & POST OFFICE STREET, LENYENYE, on 5 FEBRUARY 2018 by public auction to be held at 13:00, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, to the highest bidder for cash,

namely: 1 X STOCK IN TRADE (PAVING BRICKS) 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honorable court. 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia.. 4. Directive of the Consumer

Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961). 5. Fica legislation i.r.o. proof of identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation

as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instruction from the execution creditor. DATED at TZANEEN on 9 JANUARY 2018 (sgnd) JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS ELITA NO 1 AGATHASTREET TZANEEN Tel: 015 307-5792 Ref: JS/sdj/BB2121 Jan302___________________________

Smouskous l Classifieds Services Dienste SMIT & KIE Mediese fondse Korttermyn versekering Lewensversekering Aftree beplanning Testamente / Beleggings 10 Windsor Street 015 307 5587 Jun310___________________________

Tzaneen Trailer Hire Service & repair on trailers and caravans. Trailer hire: Double/Single Axle, Car, Piggyback, Cattle & Luggage trailers. Hennie: 083 651 0936 Oct301____________________________

Namic Pools & Thatching Pool repairs & lapa repairs combo special. • 5x3 pool + 4x4 lapa: R38 000. • 6x4 pool + 5x3 lapa: R45 000. • 8x4 pool + 6x3 lapa: R52 000 Contact Elvis: 082 743 4801 072 979 6515

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Jun301 ___________________________

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Koriek beleggings: Revoluta palms: Revoluta saailinge – R4.00, Groot moederplante – R500.00 Mandela’s gold geel Strelitzia’s: Saad – R0.50, Saailinge – R4.00 plante in blom – R30.00, Moeder plante in blom – R300.00 of (R1, kom haal self per blom) (BTW en posgeld uitgesluit) 082 466 9884


DASS Refrigeration, air conditioning. Repairs, spares and services to all makes of domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Whirlpool, Defy, Bosch, etc. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, Tzaneen. 015 307 1798 082 8980 468

2nd HAND SHOP Bargains Galore We buy, sell and pawn. Ons koop, verkoop en pand enige iets van waarde. Meubels, toebehore, juwele, kombuisware, gereedskap en vele meer. Visit us at 11 Plantation Rd and get the best value for your money or call 015 307 1171 082 472 8483

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Bulletin FAR NORTH


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Ultimate Security Electric Fencing Carports Security Cameras Alarms And much more Contact Eugene at 078 460 4667 / 015 307 1768


To advertise your business online email jacques@bulletin.us.com


Steynberg Trok & Trekker 8 Ton Trokke te huur R23.50/km + btw, 8 Ton Koeler Trok R26/km + btw, 12 Ton Trok R25.50/km + btw & 20 Ton @ R31.50/km + btw, 6 cube tipper @ R25/km + btw, Lowbed trailer @ R31/ km + btw eenrigting Skakel vir Kwotasie: 076 410 9503/ 082 851 7139 Of 015 345 1192 084 627 0956




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We specialise in: • New Buildings •Tiling • Renovations & Alterations • Electrical • Roofing & Waterproofing • Ceilings • Air conditioners • Plumbing • Carpentry • Steelworks • Stainless Steel Balustrade • Painting Tobie: 076 312 8806 chukudutzn@gmail.com

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TLB for Hire 3CX 4X4 JCB Competitive rates. Excellent operator. Contact 083 580 2078

SAMUEL MATLADI MONYELA Of Mogapeng Village passed away on Thursday 11/01/2018 and will be buried on Saturday 20-01-2018. The service will start 06H00 at Mogapeng Village and later he will be laid to rest in the Mogapeng Cemetary.

Tzaneen 015 307 3116 Member Of The NFDA BB: DIBB00224/3395

Jobseeker My naam is Florah Rhukanani Baloyi, ek soek werk as ‘n domestic werker. Ek kan na kinders kyk. Ek is opsoek na ‘n voltydse of deeltydse werk. Ek kan in-slaap of uit-slaap. Skakel my asseblief op 076 651 7166. Jan301___________________________

My name is Selinah Lebea, I am looking for a full time job as a domestic worker or cleaner. I can sleep in or out and have experience with children. I can also speak Afrikaans and English and can assist with cooking. Please contact me on 079 069 7359.


My name is Josphina Wkhanyamame, I am looking for a full time or part time domestic job and can start immediately. Please contact me on 073 380 1776. Jan303___________________________




19 January 2018



Final climb to Presidential Gold Nine Plasies, who are currently busy with the gold level of the President’s Award at Merensky High School, completed their residential project from the 27th of November to 1st December last year at Tshega Christian Missions. The group focused mainly on the Lighthouse Academy, a school in Fobeni Village in the Bolubedo South area. The gold diggers painted an old container which will be used for the school’s sports equipment. Jason Mellet and Anri McLean, deputy head boy and girl at Merensky for 2017/18, also presented a short leadership course to the school’s new prefects for 2018. The other Plasies talked to learners about bullying, and how the transformation from primary to high school will affect them. Old tyres were put to good use when they were transformed into chairs for the playground. The group also assisted at the local feeding scheme. Some of the Plasies became a bit emotional when they realised that this is sometimes the only available meal in 24 hours. A Christmas party was also hosted for the chil-

dren. While spending time at Mathole Day Care, the group performed many fun-filled physical activities with the toddlers. A great opportunity arose when the group assisted adults in the literacy class. The nine Plasies enjoyed their time tremendously and are planning to return in 2018, as the Gold level for this programme requires 72 hours of community service for completion. The group shared accommodation at Riverside Backpackers with volunteers from Germany. These two groups shared a common goal in supporting and uplifting the Fobeni community. After a tough day’s work they socialised and used the opportunity to gain knowledge about cultural differences. Merensky’s President’s Award team extends a big thank you to all the parents for their donations, which contributed to the success of this project, as well as Tshega Missions co-ordinator, Kobie van Jaarsveld, Phumi Zondo (Plasie mentor) and Jackie van Tonder (house master, Riverside Backpackers).

Voor: Trudie Botha, Elizma Roux en Zanel de Lange. Agter: Marc Viljoen, Mark Louwies, Willem Hermann en Alichia Coetzee.

“Welkom in ons wêreld”

Hoërskool Merensky is opgewonde oor die sewetal spogonderwysers wat hulle in 2018 by dié wenspan aansluit. Die nuwe adjunkhoof, mnr. Mark Louwies, is geen onbekende in die Laeveld nie. Hy was voorheen die skoolhoof by Laerskool Mariepskop. Hy sal ook sosiale wetenskappe en wiskunde doseer. Me. Trudie Botha het reeds etlike jare gelede al haar buiging as Afrikaans onderwyser op Plasieland gemaak. Sy is weer vanaf 2018 verantwoordelik vir Afrikaans huistaal en addisionele taal. Die Engelse departement word versterk met me. Zanel de Lange wat Engels huistaal gaan doseer. Mnr. Marc Viljoen voeg hom by Back: Lisa MaGuire, Jenelle de Jonge, Anri McLean, Steph-Marie de Lange, Liza-Ri Snyman and Jason Mellet. Front: Jan-Carel van Niekerk, Luánn Botha and Kieran Albertus.

die ekonomie- en wiskunde departemente. Die wetenskap departement verwelkom vir me. Elizma Roux, terwyl me. Alichia Coetzee haar kennis gaan aanwend by die ekonomie- en Afrikaans departemente. Mnr. Willem Hermann sluit aan by die tegniese departement waar hy ingenieursgrafika en ontwerp en tekene sal aanbied. Alhoewel Plasieland die afgelope vier jaar spog met ‘n 100% matriekslaagsyfer, besef elke leerkrag dat mens nooit ‘n punt na enige sukses kan plaas nie. Hoërskool Merensky se onderwysers onderneem om in 2018 toegewyd voort te bou op vorige hoogtepunte.

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Business directory | Sakegids


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We specialise in: • Burglar proofing, security and access gates • Palisade fencing, electric gates and garage motors • Light to medium steel and general construction We also service and repair all makes of electric gates and garage motors. Contact Mike at 071 302 8909 / 082 298 5352 dedamsteelworks@gmail.com


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Full Colour Work Invoice Books, Statements, Receipt Books, Delivery Books, Order Books, Credit Books, etc. Programmes, Wedding Cards, Invitations, School Reports, Certificates, Mark Schedules, Advertising, Pamphlets, Calendars, Business Cards, etc.

Spor t 19 2016 January 2018 7 October

Another Plasie Titan The Titans Cubs cricket squad now sport a brand new speedster in their ranks courtesy of Tzaneen’s Merensky High. During the December holidays the all-rounder Viraj Devdhara (18) was invited to play for the Limpopo u/18 Coke team in Gauteng where he made a lasting impression on the national scouts after bowling an impressive nine maiden overs and scalping 12 top wickets during his innings. His performance ranked him in the

top 10 bowlers of the week which landed him a personal invite for the Titans. During the first week of January this year, Devdhara took to the field in magnificent form claiming three wickets in 22 overs with a tournament best of 1/29. As with many of the top cricket talent bred at Merensky in the past (including the likes of Dale Steyn), Devdhara is another rising star worthy of the Lowveld’s undivided attention.

Viraj Devdhara

Die Vossies is gerat vir 2018 ‘n Suksesvolle Malilk Hokkiekliniek, ‘n tweedae lange Camp Discovery Super Rugby afrigtingskliniek en ‘n goeie 2017 matriekuitslag agter die blad, verseker dat die Vossies behoorlik gerat is vir die nuwe skooljaar. Op sportgebied het mnr. Peter Schutte, rugby-organiseerder by Hoërskool Ben Vorster, en al die

rugbyafrigters die afgelope naweek die Camp Discovery Super Rugbyafrigterskamp op Rust De Winter


bygewoon. Dit het twee dae geduur en top super-rugbyafrigters, vanoor die hele land, was ook deel van die oefening. Dan het die nuwe jaar in styl afgeskop met die teenwoordigheid van Springbok hokkiespeler, Lindsey Wright wat verlede week ‘n Malik hokkiekliniek op Ben Vorster aangebied het. Wright het gedurende haar internasionale loopbaan aan die stuur van die Suid-Afrikaanse vrouespan gestaan en het 209 wedstryde, insluitend twee Wêreldbekers en twee Olimpiese spele, op haar kerfstok. Na afloop van die kliniek is hokkiestokke en – toebehore aan die Vossies deur Malik geborg wat sal verseker dat die Rooi Masjien

goed voorberei sal wees vir die komende seisoen wanneer hul hierdie nuwe toerusting op die nuwe astrobaan in Februarie sal teentoonstel. Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster is baie trots op hul matriekuitslae ,wat dié skool 11de op die ranglys van Top 20-skole in Limpopo plaas. ‘n Totaal van 95,5% van hul matrieks het toegang tot verdere studies behaal. Daar word ook met verwagting uitgesien na die uitslae na die hermerk van sekere vakke. ‘n Groot getal matrikulante was al Maandag vroegoggend reeds by die skool om hul vraestelle oor te merk. Die leerkragte is opgewonde en daar heers n groot gees vir 2018. Die Rooimasjien is gerat vir groot hoogtepunte. Hooffoto en regs: Springbok hokkiespeler, Lindsey Wriht.

083 707 8640 • 074 119 6462 • 083 500 4385


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