Bulletin 180209

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Diagnostic Radiologists Ask your Doctor about how imaging can assist in diagnosing and managing illness

9 February 2018


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This week a young man from Phalaborwa spoke to Bulletin about life in Tennessee and his preparation for the upcoming Commonwealth Games in Australia this April. Ryan Coetzee, has been included in the swimming squad who will represent South Africa in the Gold Coast. Read our exclusive interview with him on the backpage of this edition. Photos By John Golliher/Tennessee Athletics

Hear the swan-song Tzaneen’s central business district is fast migrating to the residential areas. This has been attributed to the neglect and rapid decline of the town’s centre as hawkers, prostitutes and electronic stores continue to consume the main roads, pavements and intersections in the town’s centre. Buildings that were destroyed in fires are simply abandoned and occupied by illegal street vendors and the homeless beggars who harass pedestrians on their daily commute. Bulletin counted six of these burnt out husks visible from the FNB building. At this

stage there seems to be no laws which the municipality can employ to force the owners of these buildings to clean up their act. One of the major concerns has been the widely publicised Letaba Boulevard building (see a follow up on page 4) and the more recent addition to the skeletal skyscrapers, the Wolkberg building, which was destroyed by a fire last year. The tourism information centre which also burnt to the ground in 2017 has still not been touched by any department and now stains the entrance to Tzaneen. The first impression

visitors from the Kruger Park have of the country’s breadbasket now consists of a pile of ashes and a faded Coca-Cola bottle atop a building that should have been condemned years ago. A few metres on, that image is framed by the shanty pallet-manufactured stalls of illegal street vendors. “It is because of this and the safety factors that accompany the decline of the town’s centre, that we decided to move our operation out of the CBD and into the safer, cleaner and more accessible residential areas,” explained the owner of a prominent jeweller who start-

ed operating in Tzaneen 60 years ago. It is blatantly clear that much of the security concerns facing the residents of Tzaneen stem directly from the downfall of its business district. Perhaps the town’s mayor, Maripe Mangena, should take a page from the book of his Jo’burg counterpart, Herman Mashaba, and start the process of reclaiming the CBD to plug the financial wound currently bleeding progress into the stalls which line its streets. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com




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Lelope cancels meeting with Bulletin Page 2 • COSATU sends warning to GTM officials Page 8

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9 February 2018



Bulletin F A R




Lelope meeting cancelled indefinitely Follow up

In what appears to be a complete turnaround, the head of Electrical at the GTM, Sam Lelope, now refuses to meet with Bulletin to Redakteur / Editor Bemarking / Marketing Joe Dreyer Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) answer questions regarding the failures of 072 930 1462 071 268 2543 his department. This, only a week after he joe@bulletin.us.com jacques@bulletin.us.com personally called for a “face to face” meeting. Rekenings / Accounts / Admin Estelle von Pannier In a telephonic conversation earlier this Ansie Smuts 079 496 6670 week, GTM spokesperson Neville Ndlala 076 333 0523 ads@bulletin.us.com told Bulletin that Lelope felt insulted by ansie@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design the recent reporting by the editor of this Joernaliste / Journalists Tamryn Lancefield publication. Joe Dreyer 083 637 9551 “Lelope will no longer be available for an 072 930 1462 tamryn@bulletin.us.com interview with you based on what you have joe@bulletin.us.com Tessa Thompson written and the questions you are sending Drukker/Printer: 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com PaarlColdset which are a bit personal,” Ndlala said. “He never requested a meeting, he only said that Verspreiding | Distribution he would prefer a face to face meeting, but FAR NORTH MEDIA he has now decided not to do that. He is not Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele the municipality and we as the municipality

Personeel | Personnel

Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani • Phalaborwa FAR NORTH MEDIA

Kontak besonderhede Contact Details

Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 071 268 2543 (Jacques) 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: jacques@bulletin.us.com Admin & rekenings/Admin & accounts: admin@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Kleinadvertensies / Smalls: ansie@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.




want to speak to you, not him personally.” Ndlala said that the communications department would be attending to Bulletin’s questions regarding the electrical crisis as they have been trained to do so, but stated that some of the questions were nonsensical. “You are asking questions about operational procedures like why are transformers still in Nelspruit and auto-reclosers etc., when you should be focussing on the big issue of electricity. And some of the questions you ask, you say that you already have the answers to. We know that your information is coming from a leak within the municipality and you have a journalist that works here, which is an issue we will deal with.” During this discussion we did however manage to discern that Sam Lelope was no longer the acting municipal manager and

that he was replaced on the 1st of February by a new acting municipal manager, Walter Shibamba. It is not certain for how long Shibamba (the recently appointed director of corporate services) will occupy this post as it has become the norm at the local White House for directors to act in certain positions for indefinite periods. Nevertheless, Ndlala did make a promise that Bulletin and all other media houses would receive an invitation to meet with the entire direction team at the GTM sometime next week (fingers crossed) for a question and answer session. It is in this light that we have not sent our email enquiry to Ndlala this week, as we would prefer to wait for the appointed time to be announced. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

Who is to blame for damage? It has been a back and forth struggle for two businessmen from Tzaneen to have their damaged property in Boundary Street restored to its former glory. Doctor Ben Moshwana and property broker, Alan Kenney, suffered water damage to the paving outside their properties as a direct result, they say, of the GTM’s negligence. On the 20th of July last year, a 400mm main water pipe burst near the Ben Vorster reservoir opposite the high school in Boundary Street. The resulting water flow rushed into the properties situated along that stretch of road, including the businesses on the corner of Minitzani and Boundary Streets where Moshwana and Kenney operate from. The GTM’s Civil Engineering Department confirmed that the damage was as a result of this incident. The damage to the property ran into the thousands and the two businessmen lodged a third party claim against the municipality. On the 12th of December that same year they received notice from the GTM that their claim had been rejected by the council. According to the notice, which was in fact correspondence between the Acting Chief of Financial Services, Andre le Grange and the

Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

Acting Municipal Manager at the time, Sam Lelope, the claim was rejected by the Municipality’s insurer, Lion of Africa Insurance, because no negligence could be attributed to the insured (GTM). According to the insurer, the public liability cover of their client (GTM) is only triggered if or when it can be proven that there was negligence on their part. It was however recommended by both Le Grange and a Mr J Biewenga (whom we assume from the letter is the manager of financial services and reporting at Lion of Africa) that the claimants be compensated for their losses as neither of them could have prevented the damages. Despite the recommendations, the request was not approved by Sam Lelope who sighted legal advice as his reasoning. The twist in the tale is the Civil Engineering Department’s statement in the document. They confirmed that the burst pipe is not listed on the GTM’s asset register and is instead the property of the Mopani District Municipality which is the local water service authority. The water pipes are therefore the property of the MDM, but some are maintained by the GTM. Furthermore, they claim that the burst was immediately attended to after it was reported which rules out negligence on behalf of the municipality. This now leaves Kenney and Moshwana at their wits’ end. “The municipality’s guys dug up the paving in the parking area in order to repair the water pipe. Afterwards they repaved the area, but did a very shoddy job of it and so Dr Moshwana and I employed contractors to come in and redo the paving. I was advised by the GTM to claim the money

back by sending the invoice to their insurance company, which I dually did. Now we receive this back and forth correspondence basically telling us that we won’t see any reimbursement,” explained a frustrated Kenney. According to him, this is both strange and unacceptable as the very same situation has happened to him twice before at his home in Aquapark. In both those instances the GTM reimbursed him fully for damages that he sustained as a result of a burst water pipe. “They replaced all my built in cupboards in my laundry, replaced my paving that was ripped up, replaced my wall and electric gate and even repaired my borehole which filled up with gravel from the burst water main. Why suddenly change your stance on the matter?” Bulletin did send an enquiry on this issue to the spokesperson of the GTM, Neville Ndlala, to gain further clarity on the matter. “The client is welcome to continue engagement with the municipality, we will not comment on the engagement between us and the client as the engagement is privileged and some of the documents are marked “confidential”. There are however remedies available for the aggrieved and management has on Friday discussed the issue and will make a decision after reviewing all available information. A final decision will therefore be communicated to the client/s.” His response was received on the 15th of January and at the time of going to print there had been no further communication between the GTM and Kenney, or Moshwana. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

The paving that was destroyed by a burst water pipe.

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Jacob has a new home

9 February 2018


Follow up

Main Image: Jacob all smiles in his front yard with his home in the background. Top:The room where the fire started is now slowly taking on a new form. Photos by Joe Dreyer

It has been three months since a fire raized their home to the ground. Today Jacob Ngobesa smiled as he took me through a tour of their home which now sports a new roof and is very close to being completely rebuilt. We walked through the passageway, careful not to disturb the building crew hard at work plastering the walls, and Jacob points out that the renovations were all made possible through the support of anonymous donors from the community. They have still not received a cent from their insurance company. “God is great man,” he said loudly, “He has given us a new home from the ashes and has

The home of the Ngobesa’s in Middelweg now sports a brand new roof and plaster work has already started on the walls.

shown us that we are surrounded by caring people in this community. I saw no colour through this entire journey as donors came here and dropped off furniture, food, water, building material and even clothes.” When the fire broke out on Saturday morning back in November last year, the Ngobesa’s literally stood on their lawn with the clothes they had on their backs. Everything else was billowing skywards in plumes of black and white smoke. The fire department had struggled to respond to their call on time as they were occupied at another fire at a house in Dan Village and a very bad accident on the Magoebaskloof pass. Neighbours rushed over to the site and attempted in vain to extinguish the blaze with hosepipes and buckets. All was lost and the family stood helpless a month before Christmas. Their two daughters were still in school and Jacob and his wife were at their wits’ end. “But then you ran the article and not even a day later we started receiving donations. It was incredible. People came and replaced our crockery, cutlery, curtains and bedding and one company, Geyer Faurie Computer Services even donated a brand new computer so that I could continue my ministerial

work and generate an income.” In the meantime as they waited for the material and builders to start the arduous affair of rebuilding a home from heaps of ash and rubble, the Ngobesa’s converted their garage into a two-roomed flatlet in their backyard. “We have been living here comfortably now for the last few months and our eldest daughter even finished her matric exams from this very room,” he said proudly as he pointed to one of the bedrooms. “We are safe here and it has the added bonus that when we move back into our home we will be able to generate a rental income from the flat. The Lord works in ways we cannot understand, my friend.” The trouble with the insurance company is not entirely clear but Jacob said that they have an attorney looking into the matter which will hopefully reach its conclusion soon. “We will continue to pray for resolution of the matter. In the meantime we would like to thank every member of this community who had a hand in helping our family. May God richly bless every one of you and may you know how grateful we are for the love you showed us.” — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

Jacob in his kitchen a day after the fire in November.

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9 February 2018





Crime continues to escalate locally Much has been speculated (unfairly) around the events that led to the robbery at the Bonjour convenience store situated at Total Lifestyle over the weekend. It has been reported that a group of armed men entered the fuelling station at around 03:10 on Saturday morning and held the night-staff at gunpoint while they blew up a dropsafe. The dropsafe was situated at the front sales desk and the men used explosives to open it before they made off with an as-yet undisclosed amount of money. One of the employees was allegedly knocked over the head by a pistol as he tried to flee the scene. No other employees were hurt during the incident

and there were no patrons at the fuelling station when the robbery took place. The incident followed a cash heist outside of town a day before where a gang made off with a large amount of SASSA grants money destined for a pay point in Lephapane village. Witnesses explained that the gang were very well organized and even directed traffic at the scene while they were busy robbing the security company’s cash truck. Speculations arose that the gang who robbed the Total Lifestyle convenience store could have been the same group involved in a similar heist at a fuelling station in Phal-

aborwa a month earlier, but there is no evidence to support the claims. Similarly at this stage investigations are still continuing into the robbery at Total and no official evidence has yet been released to suggest that the robbers were fed information from one of the shop’s employees. “Assumptions are dangerous and making public the wrong details could seriously hinder the investigation and the subsequent apprehension of the criminals involved. It is far better to stick to the facts and let the detectives and forensics experts do their jobs.” Questions that have been raised however, include the validity, or rather the viability of

employing unarmed security guards at business premises. In light of the recent spate of business robberies in the Tzaneen and surrounding areas, the guards have proven to be of little deterrent to the heavily armed gangs that often overpower the guard before entering the premises. In next week’s edition, Bulletin will be investigating the pros and cons of security guards and hear from the leaders in the industry on what the correct procedures are to follow, in order to prevent becoming the target of organized crimes. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

Rinderknecht in financial turmoil

Bulletin has come into possession of documents pertaining to Southern Sky Hotel and Leisure (Pty) Ltd and their application for business rescue proceedings. The company of which the controversial local businesswoman, Shamira Rinderknecht, is a director and shareholder commenced business rescue proceedings on the 8th of June 2016. The matter seems to have turned into a hefty legal battle with attorneys representing the creditors and investors, facing off against the attorneys for Rinderknecht. A reliable source has informed Bulletin that Southern Sky Hotel and Leisure (Pty) Ltd who owns and manages the Hans Merensky Country Club and Estate in Phalaborwa, owes a very large amount of money to the Palabora Mining Company (PMC) in outstanding electrical bills. We have not yet received official word on this from PMC, but have sent them an official enquiry. In the documents we received, an undisclosed amount is mentioned which is owed to SARS, but we have not been able to establish the exact amount or the details of the claim. This information has revealed a whole new outlook on the drama that is busy unfolding at the Letaba Boulevard building in the centre of town. Bulletin reported on the statements

made by Shamira Rinderknecht through the development contractors, LevelHeads Property Fulfilment Consultants, back in 2016 regarding a planned R50 million revamp of the dilapidated site which was supposed to have commenced in September last year. When the project failed to launch we contacted LevelHeads and were told that the project is still on target but that they had run into a few unexpected hiccups along the way. What those hiccups were, were never detailed. We were also told that Rinderknecht was offended at this publication labelling her controversial. In all of this time, Rinderknecht was never reachable for comment. A few months later we once again attempted to make contact with Rinderknecht, but were met with silence. We also failed to contact the contractor and the Letaba Boulevard picture sold to the Tzaneen community dwindled into distant memory. The DA has in the meantime started to investigate the issue and will be applying pressure on local authorities to have the building condemned as it poses a very serious safety risk for the entire central business district. We will have more clarity

From Hero to Heaven Adrian Jacobus Botha, Pastor Attie Botha, as most knew him, crossed the finish line of his inspirational life race at noon on Saturday 3 February in Tzaneen. His final steps towards his heavenly graduation took place with his loving wife, Liz Botha, and two of his sistersin-law at his bedside. Attie was a well-respected and much-loved man who lived every moment of his life in accordance with his strong Christian Faith from an early age. Attie was a successful entrepreneur before God called him to take up the books as a student of the ministry. It wasn’t long after his ordination in May 2000, that Pastor Attie Botha left South Africa to do missionary work in Mozambique. It was during this time that he started the New Life Church in Maputo. Today New Life has grown into a vibrant church that has various outreach programs

Follow up

on that from the DA’s Shadow Minister of Social Development, Lindy Wilson upon her return from parliament. The problems at the Hans Merensky Country Club and Estate have been widely reported and range from lack of service, mismanagement of the facility, exorbitant club fees and even raw sewerage spilling from the site directly into the Kruger National Park. The latter having resulted in a visit by the Department of Environmental Affairs and a stern warning to the owner that should the sewerage spills not be rectified immediately, the entire site would be closed down. “We as a community want this woman out of our town. Since she took over the operations of the Hans Merensky Country Club, everything has gone backwards. There used to be an Olympic standard swimming pool (the only one in the province besides Polokwane) which she covered up and replaced with a cocktail bar. The golf course was ranked 8th in the world and now resembles a desert. Everything she touches turns to dust and we have had enough of it,” said one community leader from that town.

and satellite congregations throughout Mozambique. His sermons were fresh and lively – never without a touch of his infectious sense of humour. Locally, Pastor Attie Botha was the minister at Hope Methodist Church in Modjadjiskloof, and lead weekly prayer meetings for the Modjadjiskloof Police Station. He was also often invited to minister to the children at Duiwelskloof Primary School assemblies on special occasions. He was a kind and generous man who would give the last of what he had, knowing that his God would supply all his needs. As an active member of the Zimbabwe Pensioners Fund, he found a great sense of fulfilment in hand delivering food parcels to those in need throughout Zimbabwe. Attie loved working with his hands. His creativity came to life in his gardening, cooking, woodwork and clockmaking. As an avid member of The Yesteryear Car Club, he was a classic car fanatic and collector, who restored many four-wheeled gems to their former beauty. Attie was also a passionate supporter of the

— Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com Sharks Rugby, Protea Cricket and Ferrari F1 teams. But, silently sitting on the banks of a river with the line rested gently on his forefinger, patiently waiting for a nibble before the bite, was the one thing he would love to do any day or night. Ripples are felt when giants fall. At the time of his passing, Attie was a devoted husband, a loving father, a dependable brother, an entertaining uncle, and a sincere friend to all that were blessed to know him. Pastor Attie Botha is survived by his wife, Liz, his daughter, Cornelia, and his two sons, James and Adrian. The Botha family are truly grateful for all the love and support we have received from friends and family at this challenging time. We would also like to extend a huge thank you to all the doctors and ICU staff at Tzaneen Mediclinic who fought alongside him in his valiant battle with cancer. A Memorial Service will be held at 11h00 on Saturday 10 February at Tzaneen Methodist Church. Contact James Botha on 072 0433659 for further information.

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9 February 2018



9 February 2018



Granny’s Grumbles – Secrets

What are secrets? Well, secrets are things that can get you into a lot of trouble if you don’t keep them to yourself. Contrary to popular belief, women are not the worst when it comes to keeping important secrets. Yes, women have a habit of blabbing about things that can cause rifts between families and friends but when it comes to BIG secrets, men are the worst. Anybody who watches the True Crime and Investigation television programmes will tell you that many male murderers get caught by blabbing off about their “perfect murder”. As soon as the recipient of this amazing confession has a problem with the law he attempts to make a deal with the authorities and in some instances cases that have been cold for twenty years are suddenly opened again and the culprit is brought to book. Females who commit murder are a lot more close-mouthed about it. Consider Daisy de Melker – our very own serial killer. She almost definitely killed two husbands and her eldest son. It is also considered possible that she did away with her other four children who all died having convulsions or exhibiting unusual symptoms. If it had not been for the doctor who attended to her eldest son, she would in all probability have lived to a ripe old age, although one wonders if she would have ever given up poisoning the men in her life. Blanche Taylor Moore was an American lady who had a habit of knocking off people who irritated her or if she had essentially become bored with them. A live-in boyfriend was murdered after a few years – she inherited his money and his insurance. A few years later her first husband died in rather suspicious circumstances but nobody suspected the grieving widow and she inherited another heap of money. For some reason she then married a preacher who had no insurances and no money worth speaking of but she decided to poison him anyway. The preacher however, was obviously made of sterner stuff than her previous victims. After three visits to the local hospital, on each occasion exhibiting agonising pain, a sharp-eyed nurse noticed that his hair was falling out in clumps on the hospital pillow. A test for lead poisoning was performed immediately and it transpired that the Reverend had ingested

more arsenic than any other person who had lived to tell the tale. There are numerous other females who have committed horrendous murders but not one of them has been caught by confiding in a friend or acquaintance. Also they are less likely to start sending letters to the press or TV stations bragging about how clever they are. How many serial killers have been caught after starting up correspondence bragging about their exploits? Anyway, I digress. Some secrets should be kept and never divulged! I will tell you about a secret that wrecked a marriage some fifty years ago. A very good friend – I’ll call her Lucy - had been married for eight years to a man called Les. Les was a very nice guy but he had what people are wont to call a “drinking problem”. Les was in fact an alcoholic but in these days of political correctness one is loath to call anybody a drug addict, an alcoholic or in fact anything that sounds unsavoury. We all lived in a small farming community and Les was a regular at the local watering hole. Since he was a farm assistant who lived on a small monthly income and had to wait until the tobacco was sold before receiving his annual bonus, they were on the skids most of the time. I would see Lucy occasionally on a Friday morning at the local coffee shop when we were both in the village doing our weekly shop. She let me into a secret one morning. Some weeks previously a nursing friend of hers had given her some tablets which I now assume must have been the first Antabuse tablets on the market. In those days there were no restrictions on these tablets – one didn’t need a prescription. Lucy ground them up and added them to whatever food she gave Les in the morning – he would shoot off to the local, arrive home and become violently ill. She tentatively suggested it might have been the booze but he was having none of that so she kept on grinding the powder and giving it to him on a daily basis. A couple of weeks went by – after the fifth violent attack, Les realised that it must have something to do with the drink. Fortunately, he blamed the breweries and decided to stay home in the evenings. For the first time in years, Lucy had her husband at home for dinner and they actually had people around for dinner and Les was totally sober. Life was good until Lucy decided to share her secret with a friend. The friend shared the secret with her husband who was friendly with Les and in no time at all the news got back to Les. There was an unbelievable row – the entire family was involved and within a year the marriage was on the rocks. Les of course went back to his relationship with the brewery and Lucy had plenty of time to regret sharing her secret. And the moral of this story is – certain important secrets should never be shared with anyone! In conclusion I would say that I have a sneaky suspicion that there are loads more female killers who have never been caught because they never share those type of secrets with ANYBODY!

“Three can keep a secret as long as two of them are dead” “Life is fraught with opportunities to keep your mouth shut” Winston Churchill

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Social • Sosiaal

Tzaneen Pancake Party 13 February Take the night off cooking & buy a pancake for supper. Celebrate Shrove Tuesday at St Peter’s Pancake Party, at St Peter’s Church, Corner of Agatha and Hermanus St. . Pancakes with various savoury and sweet fillings will be on sale from 5pm on the lawn. Bring your own drinks. For more information contact 0153073534.

Tzaneen Valentine’s Day Dinner 14 February Treat your loved one to a Valentine’s Day Dinner on 14 February 2018 at Coach House Hotel & Spa at R289.00 per person. For more information contact 015 306 8000 or email reservations@ coachhousehotel.co.za.

Tzaneen Valentine’s Day Dinner 14 February Surround yourself with candles as you relax and enjoy the company of your love. Join Boma @ Warriors for their Valentine’s Dinner at R285.00 per person. For more information contact Lynne on 083 650 0957 or 081 018 3097.

Tzaneen SAAGA Research Symposium 15 February The SAAGA Research Symposium will be held on 15 February 2018 at Fairview Hotel from 08:00 at R350.00 per member and R650.00 for non member. For more information contact Lizette de Wet on 015 306 6240 or email lizette@subtrop.co.za

Tzaneen Liefiedans 16 February Die Liefiedans word aangebied op 16 Februarie 2018 by Oppiplasie vanaf 18:30 teen R300.00 per paar.Vir meer inligting skakel 084 261 3875 of epos charlenerossouw03@gmail.com.

Message Rev Ron Reiners Anglican Church In Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, in the ninth chapter, he speaks of why he preaches the gospel. In v 16 he says: “For when I preach the gospel I cannot boast, since I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel.” In today’s modern world, preachers often preach what they think people want to hear, often this is not what is actually in the gospel, but a version that they have translated so as to please their congregation. Paul also asks in v 18 “What is then my reward? Just this: that in preaching the gospel I may offer it free of charge…” So I question why do modern day preachers ask huge sums of money to hear them preach? Are they preaching the gospel according to Christ or the gospel according to “Jim” (themselves)? People are often fickle and love to hear only what they want to hear, but the true gospel has been written as a way to live a goodly and godly life. Often there are chapters in which we are reprimanded, or warned as to what we are doing is not right. Many do not want to hear this, they do not want to be reminded that we are all sinners and fall far short of God’s grace. There are many “spin doctors” out there and people are gullible and only ready to accept what they think to be true, even in the time of Hitler people believed in his ideas. So then we as preachers can also sway people into believing what we are preaching, however, there is one way to prove what we are preaching is correct is by reading the scriptures for yourself. We have been taught how to correctly interpret what we have read. Some of the steps are: looking up (to God), looking back (seeing what proceeded the reading/text), looking forward (seeing what follows) and looking up again. Although we can get it wrong sometimes, we believe that we are led by the Holy Spirit, thus we prepare for each sermon/talk, and reread what we have written. The Bible is very informative if used correctly. Therefore I urge you all to test what is being preached each and every time. Do not just follow like sheep just because we said so. Ask God to reveal the truth to you. Christ has restored the relationship between us and God and we have direct access to Him. Blessings

368 1 057 24 9

The Numbers

86 billion No one knows for sure, but the latest estimate is that our brains contain roughly 86 billion brain cells Tzaneen Ouerskap Slaggate Praaitjie 17 February Die Ouerskap Slaggate Praaitjie word aangebied op 17 Februarie 2018 by Venue D’light vanaf 10:00. Vir meer inligting skakel Tessa Bekker by 084 976 9704.

Mind-blowing Fact #62 In general, men’s brains are 10% bigger than women’s, even after taking into account larger body size. However, the hippocampus, the part of the brain most strongly linked with memory, is typically larger in women.

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9 February 2018


Tourists visit local Champions The International Dendrology Society (IDS) is a very exclusive group of horticulturalists from around the globe who aim to promote the study and enjoyment of trees and other woody plants in order to better protect and conserve rare and endangered species. It is a mouthful, but in short, the society travels the world collecting seeds which they add to their personal arboretums back in their homelands with the intent to keep these tree species from disappearing altogether. It is a very real threat with the increase in industrial development threatening these rare plant species, and one that the organisation places high on its priority list. Bottom: Ebraime Hull, sponsored IDS student taking care to plant the Khaya into the ground at the entrance to Magoebaskloof Hotel. Above: FRONT: Anke Mattern, Vice Pres IDS Germany, Dr Ernst van Jaarsveld, Leading Botanist in South Africa and Ebraime Hull, sponsored IDS student. At the back are Fergus Kinmonth, Tree Surgeon, Prof Eugene Moll, Neels Esterhuizen, Author Remarkable Trees, Izak van der Merwe and Trevor Ankiewicz, Retired Forester from George and national tour guide.

The IDS was formed in 1952 after the Belgian pair, Robert and Georges de Belder, discussed the idea with three other eminent horticulturists, Dr Gerd Krüssmann from Germany, and Jacques Lombarts from the Netherlands. Presently, the IDS head office is based in London and the group boasts a council, a scientific committee and a tour

Read and guide our future Why is fifteen minutes so important that it deserves a national, nay international, campaign? Because if every parent read only fifteen minutes aloud to their infant and toddler each day, it would quite literally (pun intended) change face of education in the country in the future. In light of this initiative, the Letsitele library participated in this year’s initiative. The “Read Aloud Day” was on the 1st of February this year and was championed by the Nal’ibali organisation. The organisation

aims to ignite curiosity and spark children’s potential through storytelling and frequent reading. Their mission statement is in the their name as Nal’ibali is the traditional isiXhosa word for “here’s the story”. This year all participants were requested to read a story titled “The final minute” by Zukiswa Wanner to the children. Mrs Ouma Kheswa and Ms Johanna Zitha from Letsitele library visited Arise Pre-school English Medium to read the story to the learners.

council which arranges eight international tours to various countries annually. This year the group trekked through South Africa and visited many of the country’s botanical gardens, monuments and “champion trees” during their two week long stay. Last week the group stopped over at the Magoebaskloof Hotel where Bulletin had the opportunity to interview some of their members. “Magoebaskloof has an absolute wealth of amazing plant life. A treasure trove for horticulturalists and botanists alike,” explained an excited Anke Mattern, Vice President of the IDS in Germany. “Upon deciding to visit your beautiful country, we thought it would be a good idea to name the tour the “Big Five Trees” tour. Everyone across the world knows that South Africa has the big five wildlife, but how many people know about the big five trees?” According to the society the “Big Five Trees” are identified as the Boabab, Yellowwood, White Almond, Milkwood and Welwitschia (Headless Tree). During their visit at Magoebaskloof, the group planted a Khaya (Khaya anthotheca) before the start of their evening’s seminar with guest speakers Izak van der Merwe and Neels Esterhuizen, co-authors of the fascinating book entitled “Remarkable Trees of South Africa.” The group will leave local shores this weekend. It is a little known fact that Magoebaskloof is home to the world’s tallest planted trees in the world’s highest plantation with some of the Bluegums growing to a staggering 81m tall. South Africa also has a number of socalled Champion Trees. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com


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9 February 2018





COSATU sends warning to GTM councillors At the recent gathering of the Congress of South Africa Trade Union (COSATU), secretary Gerald Thwala, warned the political leadership of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM) that the term ‘State capture’ is not a national phenomenon but applies locally too. Thwala said that corrupt local officials right here in Tzaneen will be arrested together with their national counterparts implicated in the state capture fiasco. He was speaking on behalf of South African Municipal Workers Union (SAMWU) during the memorial service of Marothi Nelson Letsoalo, the former driver of the mayor of the

GTM, Maripe Mangena. He chastised leaders of the ANC for wanting an alliance when they campaign for the elections but thereafter are forgotten. He urged members of the ANC to work hard to fight poverty within the poor. “State capture is not an invisible animal, no, it is alive even here in Mopani we should not be surprised to hear that the Hawks were doing rounds in the corridors of the GTM. All workers should work together to alleviate thieving in government because corruption is a big problem in many of the municipalities in the province. Here in Tzaneen we have the Guptas who captured the commu-

nity treasury,” said Thwala. “The ANC belongs to the people including the workers. People have the right to talk about the ANC. The ANC is the leaders of the alliance when workers are to be used to vote for the ANC but, when things have normalised, alliance partners are forgotten. When we go door to door telling the people how good it is to vote for the ANC we are seen as allies and it is good, but when we say leaders are corrupt we are insulted.” he added. Thwala, who was former Integrated Development Plan (IDP) Manager for the GTM, looked the mayor of the GTM in the eyes and

said “there are Guptas in Tzaneen and the Hawks are coming here and to the other municipalities soon.” Reports are that the mayor had recently visited Free State premier Ace Magashule prior to the Nasrec conference. COSATU Chairperson confirmed that the Hawks will visit the municipality as part of the state capture investigations. He said that not only the offices in Johannesburg and Pretoria will be visited but even the White house in the lowveld. The speech by Thwala was nearly interupted but he soldiered on saying they have the right as workers to talk about the ANC and leaders should be held accountable.

Mmetle - “Drivers of mayors don’t live long…” The former mayor, current speaker of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM), and the chairperson of the Mopani region of the ANCWL, Dikeledi Mmetle, appealed to the community of Tzaneen to work hard to achieve unity in order to speed up service delivery. She also called on community volunteers to soldier on and emulate those who were before them. She spoke during the memorial service of Marothi Letsoalo- the driver of the mayor who passed away earlier this month. Mmetle said she was concerned that drivers of mayors do not live long as a few years ago they con-

pick up the spear and move on to build unity in the organisation and the communities around us.” She urged the current mayor, Maripe Mangena, to at least build something in his community of Nabane and name the structure after Marothi Letsoalo. On the other hand, African National Youth League (ANCYL), deputy chairperson, Odas Ngobeni, appealed to members of the ANC who are still having T-Shirts used for the national conference to burn them as they do not bring

verged at Nkowankowa to bury another driver of the mayor. This, she found concerning despite the fact that it occurred before she was appointed as the GTM mayor (which puts the time frame roughly six years ago). She further urged mourners to pray for stability in that office and described the death of Marothi Letsoalo like the fall of the big tree in which birds relying on it are left stranded. “God does give the load and does not carry it. It is our responsibility to carry it. Let us

unity in the organisation. Ngobeni said people should not lose touch with the communities they come from, and they should volunteer their time to help the needy. Marothi Nelson Letsoalo, from Nabane village in Bokgaga was the chairperson of Tzaneen Cluster Community Policing Forum (CPF), and the chairperson of the Maake CPF. He served as the member of the Maake traditional court at Nabane, was member of the Mark Shoppe sub region of the ANC and a board member of a crèche he helped found at Nabane village. He won many awards for fighting crime.

Three die in domestic violence stabbings The police in Mopani are investigating several murder cases linked to family violence. The police have issued a warning about such activities as they are on the rise. Police spokesperson Lt Col Moatshe Ngoepe said such incidents are on the rise and people should refrain from violence and instead seek professional help. This followed after a man from Mokwakwaila village in the Greater Tzaneen

Municipality (GTM), upon finding his wife with another man in his house, stabbed the woman to death. He later locked the four children in the house before setting it alight and then locked himself in his vehicle which he also set alight. The four children were saved by neighbours who noticed the house on fire. A man from Elim was arrested after he allegedly stabbed his wife, after he caught her with another man in his house. Police

spokesperson Moatshe Ngoepe added that in another incident also on Sunday, a woman was arrested by the police in Maake after she allegedly stabbed her boyfriend with a knife after the man was found with another woman. In another stabbing related incident, lessons were affected on Wednesday last week at Phusela high school when it is alleged that a pupil stabbed a classmate with a knife. It is reported that a teacher was busy working

when she was interrupted, and war ensued in the classroom. A pupil was stabbed and reported dead the following day. The suspects appeared at the Naphuno magistrate court on Monday. Ngoepe said the police are appealing to community members to stop engaging in family violence activities and, should seek the help of social workers, pastors and traditional leaders in their communities. — Jan Mafetsa

Maruleng Municipal Manager suspended The Maruleng Local Municipality (MLM) in Hoedspruit has suspended its Municipal Manager, Peter Lethole, during a special sitting last week on Thursday. This was for allegedly issuing a cleaning tender worth R18 million without following appropriate procedures and to increase his salary without the approval of the council. The matter has since been reported to the Hawks and investigations are ongoing. Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) chief whip at Maruleng, Marvin Lewele, accused the municipality of using the municipal resources to reward members of the ANC who took part in the preparations for the national conference in December at Nasrec. He cited

the recent appointment of traffic officers and appointments at the office of the mayor and corporate department as some examples of graft in action. Lewele added that the other matter that gives his party sleepless nights in the municipality, is the cleaning tender worth R18 million which was awarded without being advertised, and that the municipal manager increased his salary without the approval of the council. He said that they opened the case with the police for corruption against the municipal manager. “We requested a special sitting of the council where the issue was discussed, but we could not agree. We then proposed for

another special sitting of the council to have the matter discussed after which Lethole was suspended.” Head of Communication for the municipality, John Seokoma, said though acknowledging the problems at Maruleng, it would be appropriate if politicians were called to respond on political matters. He said since the matter was investigated by the police he could not comment on the matter. The municipal manager has been suspended for 14 days since last Thursday. Municipal mayor, Dipuo Thobejane, said the meeting was not forced as the EFF is claiming and, it was held accordingly. She dismissed claims that the letter to ask for the

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special sitting of the council to discuss corruption charges was ignored by her office. Thobejane further said that the municipal manager had been relieved of his duties for only 14 days while internal processes are on. She said an acting MM would be appointed, but however refused to comment on charges the municipal boss is facing because the case is sub-judice. This happens at the time municipalities throughout the country are due to hold council sittings to adjust budgets in line with Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA). Municipal budgets are adopted towards the end of June and reviewed in February. — Jan Mafetsa

To advertise in upcoming AgriBulletin’s call: Jacques 071 268 2543






9 February 2018

Limpopo to import traffic officers Limpopo’s Department of Transport said it will import traffic officers from other provinces to ease the workload the province is facing and in anticipation of the Easter holidays in March. Both the Department of Transport, the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) and the government expressed concern about the escalating number of traffic officials arrested for corruption. Limpopo leads in arrested officials with 93 so far. The MEC for transport, Makoma Makhurupetsi, said the arrest of traffic officials in her department resulted in staff shortages and the morale of other employees has been affected, but they are working around the clock to remedy the situation. She said the department has suspended 40 traffic officers so far and they have sent about 250 new recruits to train as traffic officers. “Due to the shortage of staff that we are experiencing,

workshops are held to encourage our workers to work harder. Those who are not found guilty by the courts will be accepted again and those who will be found guilty will be subjected to disciplinary measures. We initially spoke to employees about the reputation of bribes the department has made for itself and that they were to be dealt with,” said Makhurupetsi. Furthermore, Makhurupetsi stated that because the traffic officers who were sent for training will not come back soon, they are engaging with the Treasury so they may acquire more funds to hire more traffic officers. “We are working with the national department so traffic officers from the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) will be deployed on major roads during the upcoming Easter holidays where traffic volumes are expected to rise.” She said that those members of staff who were not arrested

or suspended, are given time “to heal” as some were affected emotionally upon hearing that their colleagues were arrested. She added the arrests are not going to stop yet, as complaints are still mounting. “The department will ensure that there are sufficient traffic officers during the Easter holidays and thereafter.” On Tuesday RTMC officials were working on the Lydenburg road. Spokesperson for the Hawks, Brigadier Hangwani Mulaudzi, said the NPA is meeting with government in Limpopo to address the issue of the escalating arrests of government officials on corruption charges. Mulaudzi said nationally Limpopo is the number one province where public servants are arrested and service delivery is affected when they had to go to court. Limpopo government spokesperson, Phuti Seloba, could not be reached for comment.

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9 February 2018





Groen verskyn in Lim Die volgende leerders van Laerskool Dr. Annecke is gekies vir die o/13 Limpopo Hokkie A-Span. Seuns onder 13 is

Mahlatse Baloyi seuns, Gideon Goosen en Nkateko Phakula en Khanyi Nkhwashu vir die dogters span.

Solidariteit skenk tassies Voor: Mahlatse Baloyi BU/13. Middel links na regs: Gideon Goosen SO/13 en Khanyi Nkhwashu GU/13. Agter: Nkateko Phakula BU/13.

Laerskool Duiwelskloof wil graag baie dankie sê aan Solidariteit Helpende Hand wat skooltassies aan ons skool se Graad 1 behoeftige leerders

geskenk het. “Ons waardeer dit ontsettend baie. So help hulle om die leerders se Graad 1 skool jaar op die regte manier af te skop.”

Larrie boekwurms bereid om te help

On Tuesday, 26 January, the Greater Tzaneen Municipality awarded Mrs. Nicky Barbeiro from Merensky High School a certificate for being the best educator in accounting for the 2017 matric exam. Barbeiro also aced 10 distinctions. This prestigious function was hosted by the mayor of Tzaneen.

Laerskool Tzaneen se mediasentrum is elke Maandag en Woensdag oop tussen 13:45 en 15:00 vir alle Laerskool Tzaneen leerders. Die skool wil graag die mediasentrumleiers geluk wens met hul aanstellings vir 2018. Photo: VOOR: Dané van Wyk, Marble Malai, Eugene du Plessis, Willané van Niekerk en Aluska Zaayman. AGTER: Risima Khosa, Juné Denysschen, Mieke van Wyngaardt, Claire Collins en Mohau Makgoba.

Capturing time

Tydkapsule Klas van 2020: Dirk Crafford en Suandrie Corbett

Two year’s ago, Merensky High School started a meaningful Time Capsule tradition that adds great value to the school memories for scholars. At the end of every year, the grade 8’s write down their experience of the school and a message to themselves which will be read at their own Balloon Ceremony five years later. This Balloon ceremony for the grade 12’s is a part of the invitation action Merensky takes to entice and excite the grade 12’s for the annual matric farewell. Once the letters have been read they are saved in the museum. The two grade 8 pupils that are chosen to plant the letters into the Time Capsule are the two “skiewies” of the year. The capsules are “planted” in the museum garden and locked away for safe keeping until the day for their reveal dawns.

Tydkapsule Klas van 2021: Ruben Potgieter en Mariesa Schutte





9 February 2018


Pad na Suid-Afrikaanse atletiek kampioenskappe Larrie atlete het op Dinsdag, 30 Januarie deelgeneem aan die “Circuit” atletiek byeenkoms wat plaasgevind het op Laerskool Tzaneen se velde. Twee en vyftig

atlete het gekwalifiseer om deel te neem aan die “Cluster” Kampioenskape wat Woensdag, 7 Februarie, by Laerskool Tzaneen plaasvind gevind het.

Nog ‘n eerste vir Elandri

Hockey hatrick for the Larries Three of the Larrie hockey players made the Limpopo u/13 boys and girls’ hockey team. PHOTO: Lané Kasselman, Luan Lategan and Dirk de Nysschen.

Kea Sekhula

Katlego Hoaeane

Die jong belowende krieketspeler van Laerskool Tzaneen, Elandri Janse van Rensburg (12), was die afeglope Saterdag, 27 Januarie, deel van die senior dames Limpopo krieketspan wat kragte gemeet het teen Mpumalanga op Sekunda. Dit was ‘n T20 wedstryd en Elandri het 19 lopies aangeteken. Die volgende wedstryd sal op 17 en 18 Februarie plaasvind in Durban, waar hulle teen Kwa-Zulu Natal sal meeding.

Interhuis atletiek by Laerskool Tzaneen

Megan-Lee Mans

Elandri Janse van Rensburg

Op Vrydag, 26 Januarie, het die Larries hul jaarlikse Interhuis atletiek gehou. Soos per tradisie het die atlete hul drie bokspanne verteenwoordig, die Rooibokke, Koedoes en Springbokke, en die gees was groot. Ten spyte van die hitte was daar sewe nuwe rekords verbeter tydens die byeenkoms. Megan-Lee Mans, dogters o/12, verbeter die werpskyf rekord met ’n skitterend 8.6m na 25,35m en die gewigstoot vanaf 8,51m na 9,81m. Leandré de Lange, dogters o/9, verbeter die 60m rekord met 0.40s na 9,0s en

Koedoes wen atletiekbeker

Theto Maake

Christopher Janse van Vuuren

die 70m Hekkies, dogters o/10, vanaf 15,80s na 14,60s. Adliyah Dhalech, dogters o/6, verbeter die 80m rekord met 3s na 15,50s. Elandri Janse van Rensburg, dogters o/13, verbeter die werpskyf rekord met 4.18m na 30,88m. Christopher Janse van Vuuren, seuns o/12, verbeter die werpskyf rekord na van 26,29m na 27,03m. Twee rekords word geëwenaar, Jamie de Carvalho, seuns o/9, hardloop die 60m in 9,10s en Byatso Makhubela, seuns o/11, hardloop die 80m in 11,20s.

Kebotile Maake

Byatso Makhubele

Die Senior Victrix Ludorum trofeë gaan aan Elandri Janse van Rensburg en die senior Victor Ludorum gaan aan Theto Maake. Die Junior Victrix Ludorum trofeë gaan aan Leandré de Lange en die Junior Victor Ludorum gaan aan Jamie de Carvalho. Die hoogste ASA punt vir die dag deur ‘n senior dogter aangeteken was Megan-Lee Mans met haar gewigstoot item. Sy verwerf 876 punte. Die hoogste ASA punt deur ‘n senior seun aangeteken was Kebotile Maake, op 670 punte met sy 75m Hekkies. Die hoog-

Leandré de Lange

Jamie de Carvalho

ste ASA punt deur ‘n junior dogter aangeteken was, Leandré de Lange in die 60m, sy verdien 799 punte. Die hoogste ASA punt deur ‘n junior seun aangeteken was Jamie de Carvalho in die 60m naellope, hy verdien 695 punte. Die span wat die atletiekbeker vir die dag gewen het was die Koedoes met 558 punte, die Rooibokke in die tweede plek met 410 punte en die Springbokkie in die derde plek met 320. Die Springbokke neem egter die geesbeker huistoe.

Springbokke wen geesbeker


9 February 2018





Vossies is top 10 wenners Verlede Vrydag, het Hoërskool Ben Vorster se atlete aan die Janus Robberts atletiek-uitnodigingsbyeenkoms in Polokwane deelgeneem. Die sewe skole teenwoordig op die dag was Ben Vorster, Frans du Toit, Hans Strijdom, Merensky, Hoërskool Pietersburg, Piet Potgieter en Tom Naudé. Die kompetisie was straf met die beste atlete uit al die skole wat mekaar behoorlik die stryd aangesê het, maar op die ou-einde was dit tog die Rooimasjien wat met die loure weggestap het. Die Vossies het die Top 10-trofee vir die dag verower. Ben Vorster se atlete het vyf rekords ook verbeter, en spog met altesaam 27 goud-, 23 silwer- en 24 brons medaljes.

Die Junior Victor Lodorum-trofeë is deur O/14 reus,Tebogo Mkhomazi verower terwyl die Top Junior seuns atleet van die dag toekenning aan Tshego Ramaloka oorhandig is. Ramaloka het op die dag die O/14 90m-hekkies rekord verbeter na 12,87 toe asook die rekord vir sy ouderdomsgroep se verspring met ’n sprong van 5.79m. Die O/14 hekkiesatleet,Tabogo Mkhomaza, het die 300m-hekkie rekord verbeter met ‘n tyd van 43,10s. Die seuns O/14-aflosspan het eerste oor die wenstreep genaal om nog ’n goue medalje huis toe te bring. Dié span het ook die bestaande rekord gebreek. Jolandi van der Merwe het ook ’n nuwe re-

Janus Robberts atletiek-uitnodigingbyeenskoms Vossie-atlete uitslae: Seuns Paballo Legodi Tebogo Mkhomazi


Tshego Ramaloka


Kagiso Ramoloto Arno Roets Erich Ackermann Shane Mushwana Nhlamulo shilubane Renzo du Plessis Kabelo Kgohloane Sean Roulston Thabang Sejake Meyer Vorster Rickus Nel Christiaan Smit James Vorster Jaco de la Rey DJ du Preez Melvin Maake Thabang Mathole Duncan Mohale Shima Molepo Jason Mulder Thapelo Ramoshaba Andzani Sithole

O/14 O/14 O/15 O/15 O/15 O/16 O/16 O/16 O/16 O/17 O/17 O/17 O/17 O/19 O/19 O/19 O/19 O/19 O/19 O/19 O/19 O/19

1ste plek 100m O/14 1ste plek 300m-hekkies (rekord 43,10s) ; 400m en 3de plek verspring 1ste plek 90m-hekkis (rekord 12,87s) ; verspring (rekord 5,79m) 2de plek hoogspring 1ste plek spiesgooi ; gewigstoot 1ste plek hoogspring 3de plek 300m-hekkies 2de plek hoogspring 2de plek 400m en 400m-hekkies 2de plek 1 500m 1ste plek 110m-hekkies en 3de plek verspring 2de plek 100m en 3de plek 200m 1ste plek hoogspring en 3de plek 110m-hekkies 1ste plek diskus en 2de plek gewigstoot 2de plek 100m 2de plek spiesgooi 2de plek spiesgooi 3de plek diskus 1ste plek 110m-hekkies ; 400m-hekkies 1ste plek verspring 3de plek 3 000m 1ste plek 200m 1ste plek en 2de plek 100m 1ste plek hoogspring 1ste plek gewigstoot en 2de plek hoogspring 3de plek 800m

Meisies Nachandré de Lange Heiletje Le Roux Vunene Mabaza Risima Ngobeni Khanyisa Rikhotso

O/14 O/14 O/14 O/14 O/14

2de plek 90m-hekkies en 3de plek 300m-hekkies 2de plek gewigstoot 1ste plek gewigstoot 1ste plek hoogspring en 2de plek verspring 1ste plek verspring

If you meet the requirements for the position please forward you CV to werwing@zz2.co.za and ramif@biobee.com. Enquiries can be directed to Johan du Plessis @ 083 676 0390 or Rami Friedman @ 0760776280 Date of closure: 23 February 2018.

O/14 O/15 O/15 O/15 O/15 O/15 O/15 O/15

Nicole Bergsma Somisa Nkwashu Rene Thete Nxalati Mashimbye Nthabiseng Ramathwala Lourencia dan Dyk

O/16 O/16 O/16 O/17 O/17 O/17

Nielia Bliganut


Dudu Mokwena Makgomo Nkoano Anzelle Pearson

O/19 O/19 O/19

3de plek 100m en 200m 3de plek 200m en 400m 3de plek spiesgooi 2de plek 100m 3de plek diskus 2de plek 1 500m ; 800m 1ste plek hoogspring 1ste plek spiesgooi (rekord 38,88m) en 3de plek gewigstoot 2de plek diskus 2de plek 400m-hekkies 3de plek 800m 3de plek 100m- en 400m-hekkies 1ste plek hoogspring en 2de plek driesprong 1ste plek spiesgooi, 2de plek gewigstoot en 3de plek diskus 1ste plek 100m- en 400m-hekkies en 3de plek hoogspring 3de plek 400m 1ste plek spiesgooi 2de plek 1 500m en 3de plek 800m


BioBee specializes in the production of Natural Enemies for the control of plant pests. A vacancy is available for the appointment of a Production & Logistics Manager to oversee the production and logistics in order to ensure efficient and timely supply of the company’s products. The company is situated in the Letsitele geographical area.

The following prerequisites are required: • The candidate should preferably be a B.Sc. or applicable qualification with relevant experience and exposure. • Applicant should preferably be experienced in the production of natural enemies or experience in the production and ongoing supply of perishable products. • Proven experience and ability to manage and motivate employees. • Open and willing to explore and implement new ideas and technologies. • Proficiency in office software (Excel, Word, PowerPoint ). • Fluent in English and Afrikaans and preferably spoken knowledge of local languages. • It will be required of the incumbent to respond to production system alarms outside of regular working hours.

Joalize smit Jolene Cordier Anika Bezuidenhout Elsje Kriel Reretilwe Letsoalo Palesa Montle Shammer Ngobeni Jolandi van der Merwe

Voor: Nxalati Mashimbye en Somisa Nkwashu. Middel: René Thete, Neo Nkwinika, Elsje Kriel, Jolandi van der Merwe, Dudu Mokwena, Nielia Blignaut, anzelle Pearson, Nicole Fourie, Jolene Cordier, Anika Bezuidenhout en Makgomo Nkoano. Agter: Vunene Mabaza, Khanyisa Rikhotso, Joalize Smit, Nachandré de Lange, Shammar Ngobeni, Nthabisen Ramathwala, Palesa Montle, Heiletje le Roux, Lourencia van Dyk en Risima Ngobeni.

Production & Logistics Manager

The applicant will be responsible for the following functions: • Supervising aspects relating to the production and logistical function of the company to ensure that the production targets are met. • Staff supervision. • Responsibility for the security, maintenance and workplace safety of the facility.

kord opgestel met haar eerste plek vir O/15 dogters spiesgooi. Die nuwe rekord staan nou op 38,88m. Nas afleiding van die skool se prestasie in Polokwane wild it blyk asof die nuwe groep atlete wat deur die poorte van Vossieland ingestroom het, ‘n aanwins vir die Vossies gaan wees. Die mederheid van die top atlete kom uit die Laerskool Tzaneen Primary stal, waar hul baie duidelik aan top gehalte afrigting blootgestel is.

Voor: Tshego Ramaloka, Nhlamulo Shilubane, Tsakelani Shingwenyana, Kagiso Ramoloto en Shane Mushwane. Middel:Christiaan Smit, DJ du Preez, Shaun Roulston, Melvin Maake, Andzani Sithole, Shima Molepo, Rickus Nel, Jason Mulder, Arno Roets, Duncan Mohale en Kabelo Kgohloane. Agter: Paballo Legodi, James Vorster, Erich Ackermann, Jaco de la Rey, Shaun Matthysen, Thabang Sejake, Renzo du Plessis, Meyer Vorster en Tebogo Mkhomazi.





Plasies speel kookwater krieket Hoërskool Merensky se o/15 krieketspan het verlede Saterdag, wenkbroue laat lig deur Jeugland, ‘n makroskool van Kempton Park, bloedneus te gee. Merensky het eerste gekolf en 118 lopies, in 44 beurte, aangeteken. Hendrik Botes het koning gekraai met die kolf en 24 lopies agter sy naam geskryf. Plasieboulers het gekook en Jeugland in slegs 19 beurte uitgeboul vir 60 lopies. Phillip Ludick neem vier paaltjies en staan slegs ses lopies af, terwyl Ka-

din Albertus drie paaltjies oes vir 14 lopies. Die Plasies stap van die veld af met ‘n 58-lopie oorwinning. Op Woensdag, 31 Januarie, in ‘n T20-wedstryd teen Frans du Toit van Phalaborwa, het die Merensky 1ste-span met agt paaltjies geseëvier. Beste kolwers was Shaahil Shaikh (33) en Mubin Patel (19). Kieran Albertus was topbouler, neem vier paaltjies in sy vier beurte en staan slegs 14 lopies af. Merensky wen die wedstryd met agt paaltjies.

Ruiters pronk wyd en suid Hoërskool Merensky se Danielle Breed (graad 9) het op Saterdag, 3 Februarie, haar sit in die saal geken tydens die 120km Capricorn Uithourit in Polokwane. Sy en haar perd, Hanif, het in die jong ruiter kategorie geseëvier met ‘n tyd van 9 ure, 36 minute. Mariesa Schutte (graad 9) het op haar beurt met haar perd, Shakira, aan die SANESA-skou te Blouberg Stalle in Vivo deelgeneem. In die 90cm skouspringklas het sy ‘n eerste-plek uit 13 ruiters behaal. Ook op 3 Februarie is Plasie-ruiters vereer by die SAWMG-prysuitdeling in Hoedspruit. Ruiters wat aan die nasionale kampioenskap deelgeneem het ontvang elkeen ‘n lapelknopie: Dylan Bond, Hannes en Genevieve van der Merwe, Andri en Wandri Janse van Rensburg, Salomé Lombard

en Dawie van Jaarsveld. Hoogste spantellings by nasionaal, vlak 4: Genevieve, Wandri en Dawie (vierde-plek). Sertifikate is ontvang vir die hoogste puntetelling by nasionaal, per vlak en dissipline: Dominique Bond (vlak 0), Hannes van der Merwe en Dawie van Jaarsveld (vlak 4) en Anri Janse van Rensburg (vlak 7). Topruiter van die jaar, per dissipline, in die hoërskoolafdeling, is Dawie van Jaarsveld. Regs: Salomé Lombard

Voor: Dominique Bond en Salomé Lombard. Agter: Dylan Bond, Wandri Janse van Rensburg en Dawie van Jaarsveld.

Dominique Bond

Spog rekord vir Smit Daniel Smit, veelsydige atleet van Hoërskool Merensky, het op 12 Januarie in Nelspruit, Limpopo verteenwoordig by ‘n interprovinsiale tweekampbyeenkoms. Smit het 100m geswem en daarna 1500m gehardloop. Met ‘n spogtotaal van 2375 punte, breek hy die rekord met meer as 300 punte en kwalifiseer sodoende vir die Suid-Afrikaanse kampioenskap, wat oor Paasnaweek plaasvind.

9 February 2018



9 February 2018





Rooimiere rys met Ted

Vossies vier 56ste verjaardag Op 1 Februarie, het die Hoërskool Ben Vorster sy 56ste verjaardag gevier! Dié skool het die leerlinge met suiglekkers bederf terwyl die skool hul uitbundig toegejuig het.

Die graad 8’s van Hoërskool Ben Vorster, alias rooimiere, het op 24 en 25 Januarie hulle groentjiekonsert aangebied en die konsert was van uitmuntende gehalte en het oud en jonk laat skater. Die konsert se tema was: Ted op ‘n trein vanaf Fransenburg na Vossieland! Ted het ‘n seuntjie, Jaap, gehelp om die regte skool vir homself te kies. Vossieland was sy keuse en dit is waar hy sy skoolloopbaan wil begin en eindig. Die vertooning het ware talent ten toon gestel en al die rooimiere het hulle goed van hul taak gekwyt.

Swemmer Ruan Hanaczedk-Krüger, ‘n leerling van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster, het vir die altwee die SA Junior en Youth Nationals gekwalifiseer. Die SA-Juniors plaasvind gedurende Maart 2018 te Durban en die Youth Nationals gedurende April te Port Elizabeth. Hy het gekwalifiseer vir 100m-vlinderslag, 100m-vryslag, 100m-borsslag, 100m-rugslag en 200m IM. Hoërskool Ben Vorster wens vir Ruan baie geluk.

Legals | Geregtelik In the estate of the late DOUGLAS WILLIAM VAN HEERDEN, Identity number: 5608065116084, Master’s reference number 9269/2017, who was ordinarily resident at Farm Platland, Mooketsi, Limpopo Province and, who died on the 17th of November 2017. All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the undersigned within 30 days from the date of the publication hereof. Joubert & May Attorneys P O Box 35, Tzaneen

Ref.: A E Rech/avs/R14606 Feb201___________________________

In the HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA Case No. 50957/2013 In the matter between: Z S NGHODZWENI Judgment Creditor And G J NKWASHU Judgment Debtor AUCTION IN PURSUANCE of a Judgment and Warrant of Execution issued in the above Court for district of TZANEEN the under mentioned goods have been attached, and will be sold in

execution for cash or Bank Guaranteed cheque to the highest bidder at 10:00 ON 22 FEBRUARY 2018 AT THE SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, MAIN STORE NO.2 INDUSTRIAL ROAD 20, TZANEEN. 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honourable court. 2. The rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 33A Pieter Joubert Street, Tzaneen. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific condition, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008;

(Url http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation i.r.o. proof of identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Tertius Robertson or any representative of his office. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. GOODS 1 X ACER LAP TOP (DAMAGE)



INC. LEX NUMERI 32 Peace Street, Tzaneen Ref: NVW/MK/N294 Feb202___________________________

In the estate of the late BENETT MAAKE MAAKE, identity number 50007305527087, who resided in Ga Kgapane, Limpopo Province and, who died on the 6th day of November 2017. All persons having claims against the above estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from the publication hereof. Maloka Attorneys P O Box 868, Central Park Tzaneen, 0850 Feb203___________________________

My name is Susan Maenetja, I am looking for a full time domestic job. Stay out. Can start immediately. Please contact me on 066 026 6829. __________________________ My name is Sharlotte Shibiri, I am looking for a job as a full time domestic worker. I can look after children and I can cook. I do have references. Please contact me on 073 352 9331. __________________________ My name is Catrine Sibongile Mbatsane, I am looking for a job as a domestic worker or cook. Please contact me on 079 844 1764. __________________________ My name is Mavis Mushwana, I am looking for a job in hospitality, administration clerk or clean-

ing. Please contact me on 078 623 7656. __________________________ My name is Jane Maenetja, I am looking for a full time domestic job. Can start immediately. Please contact me on 078 642 1661. __________________________ My name is Mihloti Vashney Khosa, I am looking for a job as a security guard / administration clerk or domestic worker. Please contact me on 076 684 0648. __________________________ My name is Madume Johannes Pilusa, I am looking for a job as a gardener / cleaner / painter. Please contact me on 073 880 9434. __________________________

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@ Diepgelegen Farm Magoebaskloof. 4x Bedrooms, 4x Bathrooms, Dining Rm, Sitting Rm, Study, Kitchen, Laundry, 2x Garages with lockup store. Fully Secure with Electric Fence and Gate . Sensor Alarm system . Optional uncapped Wi-Fi. Available 1st March 2018. R7 500 p/m excl. Electricity Call - (082) 749 7790 Or (082) 781 8594






9 February 2018


Badgers maul Giyanian bowlers Stanford Lake’s mighty badgers took on the team from Giyani in a thrilling T20 match earlier this week at the Lake. With the likes of Lance Trueman and Christian Schmidt heading up the Stanfordian batting attack it was almost clear cut that the match would be a rather one-sided affair. The visitors won the toss and elected to bat first which

suited the bowling strategy of the Badgers who forced the Giyanian batting order to topple early and manage only 68 runs for the loss of eight wickets in their allotted 20 overs. Stanford Lake’s opening batsmen, Trueman and Schmidt, took to the crease and put pedal to the metal to chase down their 68 run target in just under 8 overs and win the match hands-down by 10 wickets. Schmidt scored an impressive 19 runs off 20 balls while his partner,

Trueman, demolished the boundary ropes chalking up 40 off just 22 deliveries. This victory sends a strong message to the rest of the local schools teams who should do well to be wary of the Badgers.

LEFT: Luca Wasley RIGHT: Lance Trueman

Faisal Saleem and Luca Wasley PHOTO’S BY: GKT SPORTPICS

Christian Schmidt

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Spor t 9 February 7 October 2016 2018

Gold Coast beckons

Top: Ryan Coetzee of the Tennessee Volunteers during the Day 2 finals session of the Tennessee Invitational at the Allan Jones Intercollegiate Aquatic Center in Knoxville, TN. Left: Ryan Coetzee and Braga Verhage of the Tennessee Volunteers during the Tennessee Invitational at the Allan Jones Intercollegiate Aquatic Center in Knoxville, TN. Photos By John Golliher/Tennessee Athletics

Ryan Coetzee, the 22-year old swimmer originally from Phalaborwa, will join Olympic veterans Chad Le Clos and Cameron van der Burgh at the 2018 Commonwealth Games in Australia this April. Coetzee, a butterfly specialist now based at the University of Tennessee in the United States, was selected into the South African squad to travel to the Gold Coast where he will square off against Le Clos in the 50m and 100m butterfly event. During the Commonwealth Games trials held in Durban in December last year, Coetzee recorded a decent 52.92 for the 100 Fly which was just splits away from the two-time world champion Le Clos’ 52.43 and within range of the qualifying times for the event. In the hotly contested 50m Fly he pushed Le Clos and touched the wall in a time of 24.19, a hair’s breadth behind the champ who won the race in 24.06. “Fly is my speciality really and having the opportunity to compete at the Commonwealth Games is something I am really looking forward to,” Coetzee told Bulletin in a telephonic interview on Tuesday evening. “Good, strong competition is the only way that you can push yourself to newer levels.” The Phalaborwa export is no stranger to international swimming competitions though. At the tender age of just 15 he competed at the Junior African Championships in Nigeria and later at age 18, he swam in the Junior World Champs in Dubai. Arguably one of the highlights of his career came a year


after that during the Pan Pacific championships and the BHP Billiton Series in Australia where he faced off against the American, Michael Phelps. Would he take Phelps in the 50 Fly? “I would race him, but for now he would still kick my backside a little,” he said in jest. Should all go well in Australia, Coetzee may very well have the opportunity again during the FINA World Short Course Championships in China later this year. But what does it take to be a world-class athlete and why is South Africa losing sporting talent to universities in the United States? “If, in South Africa we had the support and the facilities, or even just the support funding wise, which would give the athlete the opportunity to be the best he can be by not having self-funded trips for example, and the opportunity to race against the top competitors in the world and other colleges in duel-meets, I would not think twice about staying in my home country. I love the country, the people and the food, but the States have supplied all the opportunities to ensure that I can be the best I can possibly be. I hope in the future we would be able to have all these opportunities so that no kid has to leave his home to follow his dream.” While the support offered to Coetzee through the University of Tennessee plays a big part in his success story, the onus still lies with him to make it work. And that, takes some serious discipline.

“We train anywhere from three, to six hours a day depending on whether we have single or double practices. Usually Mondays we have a double – morning and afternoon – Tuesday we lift (gym) in the morning and the afternoon we have a sprint, or power set. Wednesday morning we have a two and a half hour practice and that afternoon and Thursday morning we get a break for recovery before a three hour practice that afternoon. Friday is double training and Saturdays we do a two hour schedule in the morning which is combined with a lift session.” Coetzee adds an hour of yoga every day to keep his muscles supple and increase flexibility. They also have range of motion exercises six days a week and some Chinese Cupping and Gaston Scraping treatments between practices which helps speed up recovery and prevent any injuries between meets. Back home in Phalaborwa, the Coetzee’s are readying themselves for the trip down

under to watch their son stand up to the giants of the Gold Coast. Dad, Koos (an optometrist and metallurgist), mom Karen (a local veterinarian) and his sister Sumari (currently studying law) are bursting at the seams with pride at Ryan’s accomplishments. “We are super proud of Ryan. We will attempt to travel to Australia to watch him in action, but all the tickets for the meet have already been sold out. Nevertheless, we know that he will give it his all, as he has always done.” The Commonwealth Games will start on the 5th of April and be broadcast live on local television channels so be sure to put your support behind this local boytjie. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

Ryan Coetzee during the meet between the Virginia Cavaliers and the Tennessee Volunteers.

083 707 8640 • 074 119 6462 • 083 500 4385


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