Bulletin 180230

Page 1

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30 March 2018


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— Unanswered questions after SAPS crash Page 4

Plan your next trip to Kruger


Maart 2018

The EFF seeks Republic’s head

Page 3 Verbeter so jou Maluma-opbrengs

Bl 3

Merensky se Agri groei steeds Bl 9 Ons kyk na Grysskilpampoene Bl 11

Dr Kajee joins the ARMI team • Page 9

Wat soek jy uit die lewe uit? • Bladsy 6



Coenie Scheepers • 083 634 1372 • Coenie.scheepers@ scania.co

.za • 43 Lood Street, Polokwan e


30 March 2018





The Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Authorities (Cogta), in Limpopo has commenced with the construction Redakteur / Editor Bemarking / Marketing of the more than 400 houses for the military Joe Dreyer Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) veterans which were halted last year after 072 930 1462 071 268 2543 recipients complained that they were small. joe@bulletin.us.com jacques@bulletin.us.com The construction of the houses were stopped Rekenings / Accounts / Admin Estelle von Pannier after a directive from the national office of Ansie Smuts 079 496 6670 076 333 0523 the department. ads@bulletin.us.com ansie@bulletin.us.com Cogta spokesperson Paena Galane, said Ontwerp / Design Joernaliste / Journalists that the department is in the process of conTamryn Lancefield Joe Dreyer 083 637 9551 structing 411 houses for the military veter072 930 1462 tamryn@bulletin.us.com ans. He said the project which started in 2016 joe@bulletin.us.com Tessa Thompson was discontinued due to complaints by the Drukker/Printer: 079 653 6317 veterans that they were small and they wanttessa@bulletin.us.com PaarlColdset ed 75 square metres not the normal government 50 square metres RDP houses. Verspreiding | Distribution FAR NORTH MEDIA“When the project was in the starting phase, we were instructed to stop building Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele the houses until the disputes that arose were Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani • Phalaborwa dealt with. However another directive from the national office has come, instructing us

Personeel | Personnel


Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 071 268 2543 (Jacques) 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: jacques@bulletin.us.com Admin & rekenings/Admin & accounts: ansie@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Kleinadvertensies / Smalls: ansie@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Website Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

Galane said according to required standards, departments should spend 41 percent of their budget within specific time frames and when the province could not meet required targets, money should be returned to the treasury. He said Cogta Limpopo now stands at 39 percent. Mathabatha, during SOPA admonished Cogta for not using money accordingly until it was recalled and sent to other provinces. He said the practise should be averted. Military veterans are members of the liberation movements which fought for freedom outside the country. Most of the them have links with either the ANC, (Mkhonto we sizwe), PAC, (Pan African Liberation Army), and AZAPO, (Azania People’s Liberation Army). When they were unbanned in 1990, all the armed forces were dissolved and integrated into the South African National Defence Force. The houses are to be built for them. - Jan Mafetsa

that the houses be continued with the size aligned to 50 square metres as is the provision of the government housing scheme for the poor.” Galane said. “The department has appointed the Limpopo Housing Agency (LHA) to construct the houses in two phases which will result with the first 200 houses built during the current financial year and the remaining 200 in the following fiscal year. To date, about 100 houses have been constructed throughout the province and many have reached the roof level.” He said after August they would assess how the project progressed, and thereafter money would be solicited from the treasury. The department came under fire during the State of the Province Address (SOPA) by premier Stanley Mathabatha after money budgeted for building houses was returned to the national treasury and given to other provinces where there was a similar need.

GTM watch their roads deteriorate

Kontak besonderhede Contact Details




Housing project continues for vets

Bulletin F A R


10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

The continuous decay, or rather blatant ignorance of the decay of Tzaneen’s infrastructure, is appalling. For a period of seven months the massive hole in the tarmac in Sterling Street has gone unnoticed by the Greater Tzaneen Municipality. It would appear as though the trend to ignore media enquiries by this newspaper has now spilled over into the policy of adhering to the mandate to serve the public within this municipal jurisdiction. The road in question is nothing new to Tzaneen’s motorists who are tasked with navigating this section of dirt road daily – all the while negotiating the best possible route to avoid the queue of inter-link delivery trucks patiently awaiting their turn at the entrance to the Magic Build yard. These delivery vehicle have destroyed the road completely. There is literally nothing left of it. The situation here is so dire that vehicles approaching this specific section from opposite ends, have to leave the carriageway and traverse the raised pavement. Morning and afternoon peak traffic hours worsen the problem. At one stage around a month ago there was some barrier tape around the massive hole and it almost appeared as though someone was going start resurfacing Sterling Street. We held our breaths, but alas it was all for nought. Not a single bit of construction materialised and pretty soon the barrier tape disappeared. We have once again followed protocol and emailed a series

of questions to the media-bias spokesperson of the GTM, Neville Ndlala and his apparent apprentice, Vutivi Makhubele. We are hoping for a response, despite history pointing to the contrary. Week after week the disgraceful state of a desperately ill Tzaneen town tarnishes the pages of this publication, and still nothing is done to improve on the obvious shortcomings of an ill-managed municipality. Our media enquiries are simply ignored by the GTM’s communications department and our questions labelled as “personal attacks” rather than legitimate concerns. The potholes are almost always

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The GTM has again shown its absolute disregard of the rights of its citizens. Sterling Street is a disaster - and has been for more than seven months.

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blamed on the rain and the fact that the public do not report the potholes to the municipality on time. This equates to them therefore not able to repair said pothole. This despite the obviousness by which the GTM’s road crew attempts to hide the severity of their ineptitude under the “instant mix” Band-Aid. Tzaneen’s roads are a terrible patchwork of lumps and bumps comparable to the surface area of a bicycle wheel’s inner tube with around twenty too many patches marking years of patch kit puncture repairs. Instant fix is never going to solve the problem this town faces with regards to a crumbling infrastructure. The GTM must,

Stand van Damme Dam Levels

whether through pressure by the EFF and the DA, or through their quest for votes, start employing contractors who are qualified and able to adequately repair and resurface our roads. At the time of going to print we had not received any feedback from Ndlala or his colleague despite having been granted enough time to respond. We will forward the email on to them again and hopefully in our next edition we might finally have some positive news. In the meantime please be careful when traversing Sterling Street next to magic Build. — Joe Dreyer

Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 26/3/2018


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30 March 2018


Eff take on Mopani District

Isaac “Bazooka” Hlungwana

The EFF have made it known that they “fear fokol” when they marched on the Mopani Disaster Management Centre last week.

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The Mopani arm of the EFF gathered in a against the Municipal Manager Republic Mo- ply Chain Management Regulations.” prominent local politician which seemed to group of around 100 on Friday morning. nakedi. The EFF does not indicate what really The EFF handed over the memorandum to have found himself between the crosshairs of Their aim was to hand over a memorandum makes the awarding of these tenders as either the Speaker outside the gates of the Mopani the EFF is Phalaborwa Mayor, Phule Shayi, to the Speaker of the Mopani District Munic- irregular or corrupt,” the statement reads. Disaster Management Centre just outside although it is not known what the allegations ipality, Cllr Wireless Sedibeng. “We wish to indicate that the awarding of Tzaneen. They also used the opportunity to are against Shayi at this stage. According to the EFF the corruption and tenders to the companies mentioned by the issue a stern warning to Dikiledi Mmetle, the “Down Dikeledi, down! Down Shayi, down! the squandering of millions of Rands from EFF is above board, through normal compet- current Speaker (and former Mayor) of the Down Monakedi, down!” the crowd chanted. the district’s coffers rests on the shoulders of itive bidding and Regulation 32 of the Sup- GTM, saying that she too will fall. Another The Speaker of the Mopani District received the Municipal Manathe memorandum and said that the Municger, Republic Moipality will offer feedback to the EFF within nakedi. That morning the prescribed 7 days as they demanded. they demanded that The EFF has warned that they will he be axed with immetake serious action against the diate effect and that Mopani District Municipality, he be prosecuted for should the seven days corruption. The EFF deadline not be met. has widely circulated “You must remema statement claiming ber that we are the that the Municipal only militant orManager has awarded ganization, and we tenders of R700 Milwill put a full stop to lion irregularly and corruption as of today,” corruptly. said the EFF Regional SeThis statement was cretary in the Mopani region, countered on ThursIsaac “Bazooka” Hlungwana as day the day before by he stood facing the police continthe Mopani District gent guarding Cllr Sedibeng. spokesperson, Neil It was a peaceful event, Shikwambana, who overseen by a strong police issued a media release contingent, which ended saying “The Mopani just before 13:00 that District Municipality same afternoon. dismiss the allegations — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com made by the EconomEFF Mopani branch members in true militant style march down Agatha Road. Photos: Joe Dreyer Wireless Sedibeng ic Freedom Fighters


30 March 2018





What’s going on here SAPS? A marked SAPS vehicle crashed through the Manorvlei Liquors signpost next to the Deerpark road on Saturday evening just before midnight. Witnesses said the vehicle left the road as it rounded the bend a few hundred metres from the R71 intersection. It hit an embankment off the side of the tarmac and lifted into the air crashing through the steel signpost. It reeled onwards through the shrubbery next to the road before finally ploughing into a large tree at the entrance to The Manor Restaurant. “We heard the crash and we rushed outside to see if anyone was injured as we heard a woman screaming from the wreck of the van,” said a witness who was at The Manor at the time of the accident. “When we arrived at the vehicle we noticed that it was the driver of the van that was screaming with pain. He was a police officer, a rather big man, and he was stuck behind the steering wheel.” The police officer allegedly told the bystanders that he was from Phalaborwa and that he was visiting a lady friend in Tzaneen. He alleged that he was driving home and because he did not know the roads in the area well, his vehicle left the road. “He said that he got a fright when the vehicle went off-road and accidentally stepped on the accelerator which caused the vehicle to crash into the signpost. I asked him for his name, surname and a badge number, but he refused.” Bulletin spoke to three separate witnesses who all stated that they saw the driver of the vehicle switch places with another man shortly after the accident. All three of them also said that the original driver was taken away from the scene. They also said that they saw a lowbed truck from Bona Towing Services in Nkowankowa arrive to take the wrecked vehicle away. Another witness told us that they were driving to Tzaneen on the evening of the accident and they saw papers being thrown

out of the vehicle. They stopped and collected the paperwork which turned out to be case dockets and a vehicle logbook. These were not returned to the police but inexplicably taken to the offices of a newspaper in town, who then handed it over to the Tzaneen SAPS. Bulletin spent time at the scene earlier this week and found that it had been immaculately cleaned. There was not a single trace of evidence that could point to a police ve-

hicle being involved in an accident, barring a blue line across the bark of the tree against which the vehicle finally came to rest. Locals told us that the scene was cleaned early the following morning. We have spoken to SAPS General Maggie Mathebula, Tzaneen Cluster Commander, Brigadier Motlafela Mojapelo and Lt Col Moatshe Ngoepe and requested information pertaining to these questions. Their official response to the matter reads as “police in Tzaneen are investigating reckless and or negligent driving after a police vehicle was involved in an accident. It is alleged that on 2018-03-25 at about 00:05 along Deerpark and Bolobedu road the police vehicle got involved in an accident. The in-

ABOVE and BELOW: The skid marks in the road and the point of impact with the Manorvlei signboard (Point A) on the Deerpark Road. Point B in the photograph shows the tree which finally brought the vehicle to a halt. The distance between the two points is calculated at roughly 150 metres.

volved member was rushed to the hospital where his condition is explained as stable and satisfactory. No arrest yet, police investigations are continuing.” Why was a Tzaneen police officer driving a Phalaborwa SAPS vehicle? Why were the dockets and logbook (apparently not signed by the driver in question) thrown out of the vehicle along the R71, when the accident happened on the Deerpark Road? Why was the scene immaculately cleaned the very next morning and why, at the time of going to print, no witnesses had been interviewed by the police? We will continue our investigation into this matter as well, and keep our readers updated. Have your say by emailing us at joe@bulletin.us.com — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

The frame of the Manorvlei Liquor roadsign after the SAPS vehicle crashed through it on Saturday evening. The sign was a metre off the ground and the vehicle hit the top part of it, completely destroying the frame.

Cellphone image from a witness showing what appears to be dockets scattered across the R71 towards Tzaneen. The accident occurred on the Deerpark Road.


Follow up



30 March 2018



Els family attackers still loose No arrests have yet been made in the case wherein Michelle Els, the former owner of the Zabana restaurant and pub outside Tzaneen, was kidnapped and assaulted. “We are still investigating,” said Lt Col Moatse Ngoepe in response to our enquiry on their progress. On the 23rd of February Michelle (52) and her son Michael (32) were attacked in their home by a group of six armed men. Michael was tied up and handcuffed and Michelle was taken to the restaurant by the group. There they robbed the establishment and then abducted Michelle and fled the property. At a clearing

in the bushes along the road near the Tzaneen Country Lodge, Michele was assaulted and left in the dirt. She manage to find her way to a nearby township where she eventually found help and was taken to the Mamitwa satellite police station where she alerted General Maggie Mathebula, the Tzaneen Cluster Commander. Michelle was later collected by a group of Letaba Brandwag Farm Watch members and private security personnel. Letaba Brandwag Farm Watch is offering an R80 000 reward for information that could lead to the capture, prosecution and sentencing of the suspects involved in the attack and robbery at

Zabana along the R71 road on Friday evening, 23rd of February 2018. The attack occurred between 22:00 and 23:00. Any information can be relayed to Detective Col Ngobeni on 082-451-7169, or Detective Sergeant Mhlongo on 083-527-0838 or by contacting the Tzaneen Detective branch on 015-306-2000. Carel van der Grijp of Letaba Buurtwag Farm Watch can be contacted on 079-640-1906 or Dirk Joubert on 081-323-9938. Letaba Buurtwag Farm Watch would like to thank all the role players within neighbourhood watches and the SAPS for their swift reaction which resulted in the safe return of the victim. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com



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30 March 2018





Die Boodskap

Granny’s Grumbles – Best friend?

More than sixty years ago, I had two best friends. Due to the fact that I had started school younger than most of the others in my class, it meant that they turned 15 a year ahead of me. As soon as you turned 15 you were whipped out of school, so my two friends started work whilst I stayed for an extra year at school. Sara joined the bank – since banks didn’t have digital anythings, they obviously needed a large staff that could add and subtract without the aid of any type of adding machine. In those days you were put on three months’ probation and if you didn’t cut it, you were you on the street looking for another job. No strikes, protests, or CCMA – you shaped up or shipped out. Queenie, however, was made of sterner

stuff. She wanted to be a hairdresser. No such thing as a crash course to become a hairdresser. You joined a salon and took a three year apprenticeship. Some salons paid you a pittance – others paid you nothing because they would be teaching you the art of making a woman look amazing. The first year of your apprenticeship involved shampooing hair and passing the curlers to the qualified staff. Since Queenie was working at a very good salon she earned nothing except the tips that occasionally came her way if she gave a particularly good shampoo and/or ran errands for the customers. Apprentices were actually gofers – they were slaves to everybody. I only saw my friends at weekends and was wildly jealous of the fact that they were in the real world making money and meeting people. I was also jealous of the fact that both of my friends, especially Queenie, had extremely thick and curly hair. I had been born looking like a bald-headed eagle and nothing much changed as I grew. After six weeks of working at the salon Queenie felt qualified to change my hair style. She had watched the seniors and third year apprentices doing perms and according to her it was a breeze. All I had to do was buy a Toni Home Perm and she would do the rest the following weekend. I duly arrived at her house with my home perm lotion – she had borrowed some perm curlers and set to work. As any pensioner will tell you a Toni Home Perm lotion was advertised widely – the newspapers and magazines of

the day had huge ads headed “Which Twin had the Toni?” – No hair-dryer available so the two of us lolled around in the sun waiting for the perm lotion to dry – after which she did the necessary and then started trying to use normal curlers. A few more hours in the sun and then in front of the mirror for the final comb. I was horrified – I looked fifty times worse than the twin who hadn’t had the Toni. Queenie decided that since she didn’t have hairdressing scissors she would use her mom’s sewing scissors to try to cut off some of the straight spikes but nothing helped and I had to be getting home. My mother obviously wanted to know why I was wearing a school hat with my shorts and tee shirt and couldn’t believe her eyes when I eventually pulled it off. All she said was “You must be mad allowing Queenie to give you a perm – you look like a lavatory brush with eyes”. I was told to get to the salon on Tuesday afternoon and the owner would perform some miracle. I duly arrived – all the apprentices were rounded up and given a lesson in what NOT to do in the event of ever being allowed to do a perm. It transpired that Quenie had used three times the normal amount of perm lotion, hadn’t twirled the hair properly and in fact had made a total mess-up. And did my hair improve? No – if anything it got worse, but as you get older you learn to live with your shortcomings and at the age of 76 I do not have one grey hair.

My hairstyle is called “I TRIED”. 1368 057 24 9

Mind-blowing Fact #68 Babies only have about 250 ml or one cup of blood circulating through their bodies. An adult human has about four litres.

The Numbers

600 000 The amount of skin particles we shed every hour.

Ds. Fanie Beukes As ek jou vandag sou vra: Wat wil jy uit die lewe hê? Sou ons baie maklik sê, ek wil gesond wees, geen hartseer beleef nie en natuurklik nie te veel “stress” nie. Hoekom? Want dit is voorwaar sleg, ons kan selfs sê dit is lyding om deur moeilike tye te gaan. Maar daar is nut vir lyding, dink aan wat ons hierdie naweek vier, die lyding, dood en opstanding van Jesus Christus, Paasnaweek. Johannes 19:30 “Nadat Jesus die suur wyn gekry het, het Hy gesê: “Dit is volbring!” Toe het Hy sy kop vooroor laat sak en die laaste asem uitgeblaas.” Ek onthou toe die film uitgekom het “The passion of the Christ” het baie mense vir my kom sê dit is darem net te erg. Maar ons het lyding ‘n onnodige beslommernis begin maak in ons lewens en lyding half begin afmaak asof dit geen waarde het nie. Ons kan maklik lyding romantiseer, soos bv die kruis van Jesus Christus en nie werklik die volle omvang verstaan van wat God vir ons daar op Golgota gedoen het nie. Maar as ons gewillig is om te begryp watter lyding Jesus vir ons deurgegaan het aan die kruis en dat deur daardie lyding daar versoening gekom het met God. Ewige versoening met God. Dan hoef ons nie die lyding van Christus te romantiseer nie, selfs nie eers die lyding wat ons somtyds beleef in hierdie wêreld nie maar dan kan ons besef ons kan na die kruis kyk en bely dit was vir my! Ons kan na ons lyding kyk en onsself vra maar hoe gaan ek groei deur my lyding nader aan my Here. Ons het gelukkig die wonderlike wete dat ons kan na die kruis kyk en onthou dat daar is ‘n opstanding, ‘n oorwinning oor lyding en oor dood. Die ewige lewe. Groete in Christus

Social Tzaneen Besigheids Liga 12 April

Tzaneen Koraalboom 26-29 April

Die oor hoor

Die Tzaneen Rolbal Klub Besigheids Liga word aangebied elke Donderdag vanaf 12 April 2018 tot 10 Mei 2018 vanaf 17:30 teen R600.00 per span. Vir meer inligting skakel Carine Chadwick by 083 444 8313.

Die Koraalboom word aangebied op 26 tot 29 April 2018 by Tzaneen Country Club. Besoek www.tzaneencountryclub.co.za. Vir meer inligting skakel 015 305 3102 of epos info@ tzaneencountryclub.co.za.

Tzaneen Dirt Dash 21 April

Haenertsburg Food, Wine & Beer Festival 28 & 29 April


The Dirt Dash presented by Tzaneen Care Group will be held on 21 April 2018 at Magoebaskloof Adventures from 09:00. Tickets available at www. entryninja.com. For more information contact Melissa Strydom on 078 621 7405 or email admin@tzaneencaregroup.co.za

AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Tzaneen Ged. 241

• • •

The Haenertsburg Food, Wine and Beer Festival will be held on 28 & 29 April 2018. Tickets available at www.quicket.co.za. Visit www. foodandwinefestival.co.za. For more information contact 082 370 8567 oe email mara@ haenertsburg.co.za.

Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Evangelies Geref Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-str,Tzaneen: 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran

Let wel: Hulle sê nie so nie!

• • •

Hulle was grootbek gewees om die Leeus by die fees te wees. Die groen plante langs die kloof se pad is nou goed in rat. Die tannie wat op haar stoep lê en “tan” moet onthou van die bure in die grys huis. Die leeu se brul kan jou soms kul. O’ Gertjie, twee manne het baklei en ‘n ander een het die meisie gevry! Onder die stasie, langs die stasie, agter die stasie draai die duiwel rond, baie ongesond. Like us on facebook!

Church Zwariri Road, 015 309 8594. Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof: Modjadjiskloof: 082 653 5498. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, 015 309 9580. St Paul’s United Church Mark Street, Modjadjiskloof: Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Haenertsburg: 015 309 9323. Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. 015 307 3534. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Ned Herv Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Bothastraat, 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Gravelotte Rd, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, May & Pearlmanstrate, Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Joubert & Jopie Bothastraat, Tzaneen: NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk 015 309 9920. Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: Methodist Church 10 Peace St, New Apostolic Church Tzaneen 015 307 3240. Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Drive: Tzaneen Family Church Avispark Hope Methodist Church Boltman St, 015 307 4807. Lodge Conference Hall Tzaneen: 083 598 Modjadjiskloof: Ned Herv Kerk Laeveld 0004 / 073387 2469.

s j 3 5 7 0 6 _ PRESS_ AD_ 3 8




2 0 1 8 - 0 3 - 2 2 T1 5 : 0 7 : 5 5 + 0 2 : 0 0 F A R



30 March 2018



30 March 2018





Day tripping to the Kruger Park

The graceful giraffe.

Driving to the KNP Phalaborwa gate from Tzaneen is less than an hour and a half away. The prestigeous Kruger National Park is on our doorstep, so unwind and take that day’s drive. You never know which animals you’re going to meet. The gate opened just before 06:00 and a day pass for South Africans costs R82 and tourists pay R328. The KNP had rain in February so the vegetation is lush and green at this time. It does, however, make it harder to see wildlife, especially smaller animals. There is always something that stands out in one’s memory after a sojourn in the KNP. The most impressive was an elephant in musth. The black liquid pouring from its temples signified the elephant’s musth. Elephants are destructive and aggressive when in musth, so the driver was well aware not to drive any closer and was ready to put foot and drive away. This elephant was about four meters away from the car. He trumpeted fit to burst any human’s eardrum. He swayed and looked straight at the camera with wild eyes. He walked away in an agitated manner and then suddenly turned back towards the vehicle. The danger that the elephant might well topple the vehicle became apparent. The driver in his haste to pull away reversed. Quickly he corrected his mistake and we drove away slowly and noiselessly leaving the elephant to its own devices. A lone elephant was grazing peacefully in another spot. He pulled out tufts of lush green grass with his trunk, shook off the sand, ate the tips and discarded the roots.

There was also the sighting of a herd of elephants walking quickly across the road as though some danger lurked behind. The Olifants River is flowing well and it took time on the restaurant deck to differentiate between the rocks and the hippos. The American tourist, visiting this country for the first time, sighed and remarked, “This is how I envisaged South Africa.” The vervet monkeys and baboons, usually so plentiful in the winter, were mostly hidden by the lush vegetation. The other biggie, towering over the trees, was the graceful giraffe. Each giraffe seen was munching the tree tops and peacefully browsing. Zebra, kudu, water buck, birds

and a lone fox were also spotted. The driver, who has taken countless tourists to the KNP in the past, said that they are often disappointed. They expect to see lions, leopards, cheetah, white rhino, black rhino, wild dogs, pangolins and everything else all in one day. We didn’t but seeing an impressive African elephant in musth was good enough for an indelible experience. The free autumn/March issue of SANParks Times announced that this would be its last issue. The tabloid-sized full-colour informative publication stated that its five year agreement with Caxton’s had come to an end.

Elephant in musth.

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30 March 2018


Avo theft escalation Four avo thieves were disturbed on a farm in the Magoebaskloof at 05:30 on Tuesday. They’d cut several fences and were in the process of bagging and transporting one-and-a-half tons of Fuerte avos worth R50, 000.00. The avos were immature, needed another four months to ripen, and are believed to have been destined for

hawking at the massive Easter ZCC meeting in Moria outside Polokwane. The avos have now been given to local pig farmers. Last week, at the bottom of the Kloof, a huge orchard was stripped off of all its avos in one night. Some of the trees were very high but the thieves chopped them down.

Dr Kajee joins ARMI The radiology practice of Dr Hanief Moosa, ARMI, housed inside Mediclinic Tzaneen, proudly introduces a new face to their practice. As of this month, Dr Shuaib Kajee joins the ARMI family in Tzaneen after moving to the Lowveld from Johannesburg. Dr Kajee spent the better part of the last decade in charge of the radiology department at the 570 bed Boksburg Memorial hospital. He and Dr Moosa share a history as they met each other during their university years.

His decision to join the ARMI family was driven mostly by his need to experience the beauty and tranquillity of the Lowveld and its people. He will be acting in an assistance capacity at ARMI where his knowledge and experience within the radiology field will serve to alleviate some of the work pressure off the shoulders of Dr Moosa. With the addition of Dr Kajee, patients can now be assure of even greater support when next they consult at the ARMI practice.

The avos thieves who were disturbed in the early hours of Tuesday morning.


30 March 2018





700 million to renovate schools The Limpopo provincial government has set aside the sum of R 700 million to refurbish dilapidated schools which were de-roofed as a result of tornados or damaged by community members during protests action over service delivery. The announcement was made by Premier Stanley Mathabatha during the State of the Province Adress (SOPA) at the legislature last month. Mathabatha said his government, through the Department of Education, will rebuild 134 schools and build new 400 classroom blocks. “Our target is to fight the three provincial demons which are unemployment, poverty, and inequality. The matter is fuelled by the fact that when children of the province qualify, they flock to other provinces looking for greener pastures, thus leaving us with skill shortages” he said. He added that the high rate of unemployment in

the province, which seemed to have declined recently is precipitated by the fact that the province in its nature is rural, and this pre-

vents it from attracting skilled professionals who either migrate to other provinces or look for green pastures abroad. He urged profes-

sionals to seek employment in the province and help grow the economy. Mathabatha put blame for lack of jobs in the province on the collapse of commodity prices, saying that if you plant fruits to just eat, is called products but, when they had to have a price on the market it is called a commodity. He attributed the rise of the employment levels in Limpopo to the mining and construction growth during the whole of last year until the last quarter of 2017. He also called on municipalities to make sure that ward committees are functional as they should be the ones alleviating the service delivery issues in many municipalities. He urged the mayors to use the Executive Committees (EXCO) outreach programmes to address the problems which force the communities to take to the streets when they want service delivery. — Jan Mafetsa

Two fugitives still at large

Follow up

The police in Lulekani outside Phalaborwa are still no further in their search for the two awaiting trail prisoners who escaped from a SAPS vehicle on the 14th of March. Chris Matlou (27) - charged with rape and murder - and Ngoako Jonathan Ngaoto (28) - charged with rape - were being transported in a police van from a prison in Venda to

Phalaborwa to be sentenced that morning. They are facing charges of murder and rape. Two constables from Phalaborwa were tasked with the transport of the prisoners. “During their transport they managed to saw through the wire mesh of the police van and waited until the vehicle approached an intersection near Ga-Selwane where they

jumped out and ran away,” a source explained. The constables allegedly noticed a man running in their rear-view mirror and turned the vehicle around. By then, the suspects had already made it to the bushes. The constables allegedly returned to Phalaborwa after they called for assistance, and later went home.

Members of the Phalaborwa CPF, Phalaborwa SAPS, Ofcolaco Farm Watch, Canine Security, Hoedspruit Farmwatch and Makutsi Anti-Poaching all assisted in the search which was eventually called off at 00:30 this morning. The circumstances of the escape still leaves many questions unanswered.

Limpopo to offer ECD programmes The Limpopo Department of Education has teamed up with the University of the Northwest to train young people in Early Childhood Development (ECD) programmes in order to improve the state of early childhood learning in the province. The trainees will have their studies paid for by the government. The programme will result in lecturers from UNW being sent to Limpopo to do the training.

Premier Chupu Mathabatha, said the move will go a long way in improving the standards of learning and early childhood development in the province. The province is busy training about 200 youth in ECD through the University of Northwest. He said the province has approached the university after realising that programmes offered by the institution are very scarce in the country. “We are training them for free and when

they had completed their studies they will be armed with a National Qualification Framework (NQF) level 6. The programme is aimed at teaching our toddlers in the few years before they start schooling at age five. We are even in the process of deporting the lecturers from the UNW to be located at the University of Limpopo,” said Mathabatha. He added when they had finished the training, they will be absorbed in various insti-

tutions of Early Childhood Development throughout the province. Mathabatha said the government has deemed it important that the children know something before they are sent to school. He added the initiative will help improve the overall matric results because pupils would been in school a long time before they were expected to matriculate. — Jan Mafetsa

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30 March 2018


BPM workers accused of stealing from council Opposition parties in Ba-Phalaborwa ba Malatji Municipality (BPM), have accused the ANC of letting municipal employees who rent municipal houses in town go for months without paying for them. This allegedly cost the municipality R2 million in debt and revenue collection. However the municipality has denied the claims. The Democratic Alliance (DA) in the municipality has said that when officials who rent the houses and do not pay for them, the municipality is not doing enough to collect the money. The councillor in the municipality has alleged that defaulting on the payments by hundreds of officials in town and those in the townships, contribute to lack of service delivery in the town known for tourism and the Kruger National Park. The municipality has denied leniency to one of their own, and said that they have mechanisms in place to recover the

money. They however did not deny that the municipality is owed by its workers. According to Act 32 of 2000 called the Municipal Systems Act, municipal employees and their councillors should not owe the municipality rates for the services rendered. It forms part of conduct for municipal workers. Spokesperson for the municipality Jonas Mahesu, said councillors of the opposition parties are economical with the truth before they form part of the council and they take part in most of the deliberation in the council. He said there might be some who might be owing the council, but denied that they are not acted upon when they default. Mahesu said that according to the Debt and Revenue collection of the municipality, a deal has been struck with the low paid workers that the debt be deducted from their salaries when they are paid. He could not confirm the amounts, the money is deducted from their salaries because it is against

the law for workers to default on paying rates, and had since agreed that low paid workers have their salaries docked. Mahesu added that according to the act even councillors are not allowed to be in arrears in terms of municipal rates and when they had defaulted, money is deducted from their salaries. He said that there are councillors of the municipality residing at Lulekane, and Namakgale and that in these townships there are no officials who owe money for electricity because the council provides water, and sewerage. Eskom supplies electricity in townships. The act does not stipulate on the penalties expected to be meted to transgressors. Municipalities are governed to legislative frame works namely the Structures act about the composition of councils, the Systems Act about the operational matters and the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) which regulate how municipal purses are to be controlled.

Modjadjiskloof residents are ‘gatvol’

Residents of the once beautiful town of Modjadjiskloof took the streets on Wednesday morning demanding the ear of their Mayor. At 06:30 that morning the residents gathered themselves in the main road in front of the municipal offices of the Greater Letaba Municipality (GLM) and used their private vehicles to block off the entire roadway. Traffic stood backed up for three hours in either direction as no vehicles could pass through the town. Holiday makers were also caught up in the turmoil. “Perhaps if everyone feels our pain we will finally get some answers. We really did not want this to get this point, but we have been ignored for two years now and enough is enough. Our service crumble while the

GLM budget R2.45 million this year for the purchase of vehicles for the Mayor and the Speaker. They were supposed to spend R800 000 on the refurbishing of the Rotaba Retirement cottages, but that has been scrapped from the budget,” one resident told Bulletin. At the time of going to print, the protest action was still under way and a group of residents were in a meeting with councillors from the GLM. We have covered the protest extensively with regular video and photographic updates on our Facebook page, so head over to Far North Bulletin to stay updated. We will have a follow up as usual in our next edition. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com


30 March 2018





Meet the Drakie-force

Gooooooal!!! Drakensig Primary’s young hockey star, Enock Sekgobelo, was selected into the Limpopo U/12 Boys hockey team and will be touring with them during the school holidays.

Thapelo Malatji, Shally Moyo and Ankia Wallace.

Thapelo Malatji of Drakensig Primary qualified to participate at the South African national athletics championships with Anika Wallace and Shally Moyo. Thapelo was awarded the Victrix Ludorum at the recent Inter-house

Thapelo Malatji a force to be reckoned with!

meet, at the Mariepskop, at Drakensig’s Prestige meeting and at the Inter Primary School’s athletics in Duiwelskloof. She is an all-round well-balanced athlete who gave fantastic performances in the 100m and 200m sprints, the

75m Hurdles, 200m Hurdles, Long jump and High jump. Her biggest conundrum this year was to choose which four items to compete in at each meeting. This multi-talented athlete is definitely a force to be reckoned with.

Drakensig se karatikas skop vas Saterdag, 17 Maart, het leerders van Laerskool Drakensig deelgeneem aan die JKA Karate Limpopo Kampioenskappe. Hulle het hul talent uitgebeeld in Kata en Kumite. Die volgende leerders het medaljes

verwerf: Phillip Ferreira o/13 oranje belt 2 goue medaljes, William Vos o/13 groen belt 2 goue medaljes, Sky Keyser o/11 wit belt 2 goue medaljes, Aurette Ferreira 0/10 oranje belt 2 goue medaljes, Amelia Breek 0/8

geel belt 2 goue medaljes. Al die leerders het hul Limpopo klere in karate verwerf en sal die provinsie later die jaar verteenwoordig by die Suid-Afrikaanse kampioenskappe.

Amelia Breek 0/8 geel belt 2 goue medaljes.

William Vos o/13 groen belt 2 goue medaljes.

Sky Keyser o/11 wit belt 2 goue medaljes.

Phillip Ferreira o/13 oranje belt 2 goue medaljes.

Aurette Ferreira 0/10 oranje belt 2 goue medaljes.

Drakies find art inspiration

Andile got the art piece of the day.

On Friday, 16th of March, Mr. Fanie Langenhoven, a local artist visited Laerskool Drakensig Primary. He shared his knowledge with the Grade 6 and 7 learners and showed them different ways and methods of painting and drawing. Langenhoven surprised one of the Grade 6 learners by giving him his spray paint art piece he created in front of the

Mr. Langenhoven showing them different way to be creative.

class. “A huge thanks to Mr. Langenhoven for spending his time with our learners, they learned a lot and were inspired to be creative and enjoy making art.”

Learners got a chance to show their own creativity.





30 March 2018


Lions and Meerkats The 10th annual Munnik Meerkat Mountain Bike Challenge took place on Saturday, 24 March just outside Polokwane. Two Larries competed and did really well. Ilne Kotzé was second in her age group and fourth overall. She also won a brand new bicycle in the raffle. Mark van der Merwe was fourth in his age group and 11th overall. Munnik Farmers (Pty) Limited is one of the oldest Farmers’ Association in South Africa, founded on the 23rd of February 1917. Munnik once supported a busy local farming community, including a railway station, community hall,

post office, garage, general dealer, clinic, butchery, sports fields and schools. However, times and technology have changed, most of the cattle farms are now conservation areas, filled with plains game - some even have buffalo. The tiny village of Munnik needs urgent attention to return to her former glory as the most beautiful railway station in South Africa - an honour bestowed on her in the past. Through the fund-raising of this race and other events hosted by the Munnik community, it is hoped that this little town will be able to achieve this again, and help Munnik to become sustainable once more.

Mark van der Merwe

Ilne Kotzé won bicycle in the raffle.

Hokkie-skeidsregkursus Op Vrydag, 6 Maart 2018, is daar ‘n skeidsregkursus by die Hoërskool Ben Vorster aangebied deur Peter Caulder (Umpired the semi-final at the PHL, Umpired at the indoor African continental Cup, Umpired the Greenfields elite club challenge, Umpired a semi-final at the University Tournament, Umpired the u/21 IPT final en Umpired the

indoor IPT final). Die afrigters, skeidsregters en opkomende skeidsregters het hul bemagtig met die nuutste reëls sodat hul slaggereed is vir die 2018-hokkieseisoen. Baie dankie aan Mnr. André De Lange van Letaba River Lodge wat die akkommodasie aan Peter Caulder voorsien het.

Elrisa Oosthuizen( Hokkie-organiseerder), Peter Caulder en Louis van Dyk( Astro-bestuurder, LHA-Kliniek Fasiliteerder).

Zinnia gaan op Discovery kursus Zinnia du Plessis, ‘n graad 10-leerling van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster, is een van 60 leerders (regoor Suid-Afrika en die buurlande se graad 10-12 leerlinge) wat gekies is vir die “apprentice doctor program”. Die kursus, wat vier dae duur, sal by die Sci-Bono Discovery Centre te Johanensburg tydens die April-vakansie plaasvind. Baie geluk Zinnia!

Ilne Kotzé


30 March 2018





Ruan on the rise The sixteen-year old speedster Ruan Hanaczeck-Krüger, has once again made his presence known on national level when he managed to qualify for the SA Senior National Swimming Championships to be held in Port Elizabeth next month. This followed his immaculate performance in Durban last weekend during the Junior SA Champs where he exceeded even his own expectations and managed a qualifying time for the senior champs by securing a fourth place in the 50m Breaststroke. Ruan touched the wall

in a time of 30.53 seconds. He finalled in three events at Kings Park namely the 50m Freestyle which he finished in sixth spot, the 50m Breaststroke where he placed fourth and the 100m Breaststroke where also secured a sixth spot. Remarkably Ruan’s times improved in the 100m Backstroke and the 50m Breaststroke by 1.76 seconds. Unbelievably he managed to knock a remarkable 3 seconds off his the 100m Freestyle, 100m Breaststroke and the 50m Freestyle events which

shows what effect regular competition against tough opponents can achieve. Here are Ruan’s current times following this last performance: 50m Breast – 30,53 (previously 32,29) 100m Breast – 1:08:37 (previously 1:10:15) 50m Free – 25,26 (previously 25,48) 100m Free – 55,50 (previously 56,92) 100 Back – 1:02:62 (previously 1:03:00) — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

Legals IN THE LABOUR COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA HELD AT JOHANNESBURG CASE NUMBER: LP851-17 In the case between: JOSEPH SHIKWENI & 7 OTHERS EXECUTION CREDITOR And VUKUZENZELE TRADING EXECUTION DEBTOR AUCTION IN PURSUANCE OF A JUDGMENT of the Labour Court of South Africa granted on 1 MARCH 2017 and a Enforcement Award in pursuance thereof, the under mentioned property will be sold

in execution on 19 APRIL 2018 at 10:00, at the SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, MAIN STORE NO. 2, INDUSTRIA ROAD 20, TZANEEN to the highest bidder, namely; 1 X ISUZU BAKKIE (REG NO: FS 45 HM GP) 1 X TRAILER (REG NO: FN 91 MT GP) 1 X BOBCAT CB-2-24E 1 X TRAILER (REG NO: DS 03 GX GP) 1 X ISUZU BAKKIE (REG NO: FX 58 XJ GP) In terms of Regulation 32 of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 potential bidders must register in the bidder’s

record with the sheriff, prior to the sale, which registration must meet the requirements of the regulations in terms of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act 38 of 2001. SIGNED AT TZANEEN ON 23 MARCH 2018. (sgd) JUDGMENT CREDITOR STAND C 0576 MKAMBAKO MAWENI VILLAGE (sgd) JUDGMENT CREDITOR STAND C 0576 MKAMBAKO, MAWENI VILLAGE

Ruan Hanaczeck-Krüger


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30 March 2018



Die volgende Laerskool Dr Annecke dogters het deelgeneem aan die Cluster Netbalproewe en gekwalifiseer om deel te neem aan die Mopani Netbalproewe op Maandag 16 April 2018. Links:O/12 Dogters. Voor: Goodness Mushwana. Agter: Tyra du Plessis, Marlé Steenekamp, Tsundzu Nkuna Regs: O/13 Dogters. Voor: Ntshuxeko Mnisi, Olovani Hlungwane. Agter: Zané Hedin.

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Vossies vat Rassies vas

1ste span spelers CJ Erasmus en Morné Horn in aksie.

Die Vossies het die afgelope naweek ‘n reeks vriendskaplike wedstryde teen die spanne van Ellis Ras gespeel. Ben Vorster het van die geleentheid gebruik gemaak om die stof van hul stewels af te skud teen ‘n opponent wat duidelik nie op die selfde vlak as hulself is nie. Die O/14A-span het hulle wedstryd 71 – 5 gewen. Die senter, Paballo Legodi, het drie van sy span se 11 drieë gedruk, verder het die ander senter, Tebogo Mkhomazi, die vleuel, Amukelani Siwele, en die loskakel Tshego Ramaloko, ook elkeen twee drieë gedruk. Die ander twee drieë is deur vleuel Kagiso, en agsteman, Liam O’Reilly, gedruk. Die O/15A-span, wat ‘n bietjie uitgedun is deur beserings, het goed gedoen om hulle wedstryd 29 – 12 te wen. Die vleuel, Josh Dippenaar, die senters Ndzalama Twala en Du Toit Hartzenberg, en die stut, Christiaan du Preez het elk ‘n drie vir die Vossies gedruk. Die O/16A-span het aanvanklik harde teen-

stand gekry, maar het toe weggetrek om hulle agt minute vroeg gestop is, was dit wedstryd 50 – 5 te wen. Die loskakel, Kabelo Ben Vorster wat 84 – 7 voor was. Kgholoane, vleuel, Thabang Sejake, en sent- Die Vossies se puntemakers: er, Sean Roulston, het elkeen twee drieë ged- Drieë: Stut, Ferrol Harmse (3), ruk, terwyl stut Jan-Hendrik Bessinger, en vleuel, Shima Molepo (3), heelagter, Kamogelo Kgholoane, elkeen een senter, Jason Mulder (2), drie gedruk het. agsteman, Thapelo Die derdespan het hul wedstryd 51 – 0 ge- Ramoshaba, vleuel, wen, met die flank, Louis Koen, wat met goe- Christiaan Smit, ie spel gereeld die oog gevang het. heelagter, Melvin Die tweede span was 57 – 7 voor toe die Maake, plaasvervanger vleuel wedstryd stop gesit is met sowat 15 min- Nathan van der Heever, ute se spel oor. Heelagter, Meyer Vorster, plaasvervanger stut, Matome het drie drieë gedruk. Die senter, Zean van Manyama en plaasvervanger der Heever het twee en loskakel, WC Kriel, senter, Franco Broodryk en vleuel Nkatetko Tiba, het een elkeen 1 drie gedruk. Die eerste span was vroeg in die wedstryd 5 – 7 agter, maar toe die masjien eers aan die gang gekom het, het Ellisras geen hoop gehad om hulle te keer nie. Toe die wedstryd sowat Kabelo Kagholane in aksie vir die O/16-span

haker, Tumisho Montjane. Die senter, DJ du Preez het met ses doelskoppe en plaasvervanger skrumskakel, Tiaan Meintjies, met een doelskop nog punte aangeteken. Die spanne gaan die vakansie op hulle verskillende toere: O/14- en O/15-spanne gaan na die Kwagga week by Hoërskool Outeniqua in George. Dit is dan ook een van die grootste junior rugbyweke in die land met skole soos Affies, Monnas, Grey College, PE, Menlopark ens. wat daar deelneem. Die O/16-span gaan na die Jeppe-week, waar hulle kragte meet met Hoërskool Zwartkop, Parktown en Pretoria Boys High. Die eerste span speel weereens by die KES se Easter Festival in Johannesburg. Hulle kom te staan teen Jeppe, Northwood en Marlow.

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