Bulletin 180309

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Diagnostic Radiologists

9 March 2018


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Pictured Rocks

The Specialist Paint Centre Tzaneen

No more Marula “22 Stabbings reported...”



Page 3

Maluma steeds koning Daughter of the soil


Bladsy 4

• Page 2


Pink Lady cooks for us • Page 7

Sixes gallore for Nashua Aces



Mediese fondse Korttermynversekering Lewensversekering Aftreebeplanning Beleggings Testamente Boedelbeplanning Pensioen- en voorsorgfonds Dood- en ongeskiktheidsversekering Aandele

Medical aid Short term insurance Life insurance Retirement planning investments Investments Testaments Estate planning Pension funds Disability insurance Stocks


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Water Crisis blamed on Act

SMIT & KIE FSP: 11184



9 March 2018





Personeel | Personnel Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com

Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com

Rekenings / Accounts / Admin Ansie Smuts 076 333 0523 ansie@bulletin.us.com

Estelle von Pannier 079 496 6670 ads@bulletin.us.com

Joernaliste / Journalists Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset

Ontwerp / Design Tamryn Lancefield 083 637 9551 tamryn@bulletin.us.com

Limpopo premier Stanley Mathabatha, has blamed the lack of water experienced in various communities in the province, on the Water Services Act. According to him the Act deprives the government of the land and resources it could utilize to supply people with water. He stopped short of blaming the Democratic Alliance (DA) for the water crisis arguing their members own 60% of the

dams and rivers in the province. He was responding to the questions in the legislature following the State of the Province Address (SOPA) on Thursday. Mathabatha said all the water sources in the province are in private hands. He said the Water Services Act gives farmers water licences to control all the dams and rivers and until it has been changed water crisis’ are here to stay.

Residents of Thabine and Maake in the Lenyenye area demanded that the Mopani District Municipality (MDM) provide them with water from the newly completed Thabine Bulk Water Reticulation project completed two years ago. But the project turned into a white elephant as since it was completed, there has never been any water in the villages. The project was implemented by the MDM in 2014 and completed in 2016 at a tune of R 38 million. Water was sourced from the Thabine dam and was meant to supply Mosorong, Thabine, Mokomotji, Nabane, and Moime


Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani • Phalaborwa FAR NORTH MEDIA

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Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 071 268 2543 (Jacques) 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: jacques@bulletin.us.com Admin & rekenings/Admin & accounts: ansie@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Kleinadvertensies / Smalls: ansie@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

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“The Water Services Act makes it imperative that land be taken from its owners and the water licences would then be the property of the government. This would help bring the problem of water in rural villages to an end. It is because of this that we see trucks loaded with water leaving the province to Cape Town because the municipality affected is controlled by the DA,” he said.

The premier also called departments to manage their finances properly saying the misuse of money by departments during the art festivals should be curbed. He said he had instructed the Director General to launch a probe after the sum of R 2,2 million was paid to an international artist but did not honour the invitation or refund the money.

The R40 million water project flop

Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com

Verspreiding | Distribution




Premier blames water crisis on Water Act

Bulletin F A R


villages. The standpipes however, remain barren. Spokesperson for the community, Johannes Maenetja, said the community is fed up with the empty promises they received from the municipality. He said they often without water for more than a month despite the fact that a lot of money was paid to the contractor. “Always when we approached the municipality we are told that the reason there is no water in the area is due to the fact that some people connected water illegally to their homes. Our people are sometimes attacked by criminals when they leave home at night to

fetch water, or they return home to find they have been burgled.” Spokesperson for the MDM, Neil Shikwambana, said that they are aware of the problem and are in consultation with the community to rectify the situation. He said after the project was completed two years ago some members of the community illegally connected water from the main pipe to their homes thus hampering the smooth supply of water to other villages. He said as an immediate solution to the problem the MDM resolved to drill more boreholes to supplement the available water sources

in the village. The move was rejected by the community upfront saying that they want water from the new reticulation project. However Shikwambana added that technicians were sent to the area to investigate the matter and a decision would be taken thereafter. By the time of going to print, residents were due to meet at the Moime sports ground to deliberate on the water problems in the villages. The water crisis which affected the Lenyenye township for the past two weeks after the mainline burst, was solved last week Thursday after a contractor was hired to fix the problem.

Phalaborwa streetlights cast tender shadows The Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality has finally deemed it necessary to answer an official media enquiry into their awarding of a streetlight tender to a Tzaneen-based contractor. This is despite one of the conditions being that the contractor had to be local. We asked the BPM’s spokesperson, Jonas Mahesu, to clarify. “The contractor is Rivisi Electrical from Tzaneen, his tender was evaluated by the Tender Evaluation Committee as per SCM requirements, and was recommended for appointment, thus meeting all the requirements as per SCM policy and requirements.” According to Rivisi’s website, the company is based in Giyani. One of the requirements for a successful tender award was that the contractor had to own his own cherry picker to complete the project. Bulletin received reliable information that a local fencing company’s truck was hired by Rivisi in order to start the project. Mahesu denied this. “The contractor has his own cherry picker and a site office has been erected as stipulated by the tender conditions.” We are still not able to establish where the site office is situated and with the project apparently already on track and nearing completion, there are still no project information boards erected as expressly stipulated in the tender conditions. We also wanted to know why the BPM was allegedly assisting Rivisi with equipment and vehicles. “The issue (project information boards) is still outstanding, and would be addressed at the site meeting scheduled for 14 March,”

Jaques van Niekerk Optometrist

Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril

Mahesu said. “It is not sure what is referred to as help. The Municipality does the disconnection and re-connection of the streetlight circuits in order for the Service provider to work safely, but is not helping in any other way. The Municipality did not hire any truck to assist him at any time.” According to Mahesu, the money for this project is an EEDMS (Energy Efficient Demand Side Management) grant from the department of energy. There are only three municipalities in Limpopo that received grants for this during the 2017/18 financial year. A further application was made to continue with the project during the 2018/19 financial year in the outlying areas including Namakgale and Lulekani. The Department oversees the project, and Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality has allegedly already received inspections by the ‘Specific Consultant’ and officials of the department. Mahesu alleged that during the past week an audit was done by the department’s auditors. “The progress at the moment is satisfactory,

Stand van Damme Dam Levels

and the Electrical Section of the municipality is committed to ensure smooth completion of the project,” he added. Local electrical contractors who lost out on the tender, are scratching their heads as they watch the project unfold. Why was the tender awarded to an outside company? Why are Rivisi technicians seen working on cherry pickers branded with local companies’ insignia? Why is the project five months behind schedule and why have many of the tender conditions been ignored without fear of penalties levied? All attempts to contact Rivisi for comment have failed and the landline number on their website www.riviselectrical.co.za is missing a digit. We contacted the 083-757-6322 number listed on their page and were asked to contact a man by the name of Charlie on 073447-9251. We left a message on his answering service and hopefully we will have a follow up to clarify the matter in our next edition. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 5/3/2018

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9 March 2018



Residents relieved at Marula’s exit

The annual Marula Festival took its toll again this year with 22 stabbings, six reported cases of rape and five motor vehicle accidents over this past weekend reported at the Maphuta Malatji hospital outside of town. These figures were provided to Bulletin by a reliable source inside the hospital. We have not been able to confirm the exact statistics yet, as we have not been able to reach a spokesperson for the hospital. While the residents’ concerns fell on deaf ears over the past decade, the Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET) and the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality have decided to move the festival away from its current location at Impala rugby club, to the more suitable Ingwe Park. Many defended the festival stating that it provides a much needed annual financial injection into the ailing local economy. Reports of drunken behaviour, sexual assault, littering and excessive drinking and driving have however forced the

organizers to rethink their strategy. “The problem is that in excess of 2 000 festival goers flock to Impala Park which is situated right in the centre of a residential area in Phalaborwa. They get to the gates and refuse to pay the R120 entrance fee, so they setup their camping chairs outside the venue in the street and drink while still enjoying the music coming from the stage inside. These people become intoxicated and end up urinating, fornicating and even sleeping in the gardens of the properties adjacent to the sports grounds.” It is not just the residents who were up in arms about the

festival either. The Limpopo Arts and Culture Youth Forum (LACYF) accused LEDET of failing to empower local artists. The Forum were so unhappy about the exclusion of local talent that they marched to the offices of LEDET in Polokwane on the 16th of February to demand answers. The group was apparently waved away. “The organizers export money to their friends in Gauteng. How can the local economy flourish if local people are left out,” said LACYF deputy Chairperson, Freddy Molope in an interview with African Times recently. For all intent and purposes, the Marula Festival at Impala Park will now be a thing of the past and the venue has been confirmed as Ingwe Park as of next year. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

Waar die gat van vol is… Bulletin het vroeër hierdie week oor sosiale media die situasie in Claude Wheatley Straat uitgelig. Ons is aangeval deur ‘n vurige stadsraad verdediger oor ons kwansuis onself ‘verlekker’ om die vuur te stook. Dit ten spyte van die fotos, wat weekliks die munisipaliteit se onvermoë om hul plig aan die belastingbetaler na te kom, uitlig. Ons stook nie vure nie meneer, ons vra vrae en eis antwoorde. Antwoorde wat ons, ten spyte van ons grondwetlike reg, nooit kry nie. Ons wil graag ons lesers se opinie oor die saak hoor. Stuur jul kommentaar aan joe@bulletin.us.com

Paintings in the Park takes place in the open grassed area in Haenertsburg on the last Sunday of every month, weather permitting. This time there was only one sale as the sun refused to come out and be nice. Two young girls pondered for ages over the artworks. Eventually they decided to buy one of the R450 miniatures displayed on the table. They wanted to thrill their

mother with what they deemed the best art that day. Shortly after the sale the girls returned with crest fallen faces. Their mother was angry that they’d spent so much money and ordered them to return the painting and get a refund. Pieter de Beer and Renier Oosthuizen, who run the monthly exhibition, smiled graciously and refunded the two young ladies.

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9 March 2018





Maluma steeds koningsvrug

Die Merensky lanboustudente tydens die 2018 Maluma Dag vieringe.

Die 2018 Maluma Dag vieringe het Woensdag op die terrein van Hoërskool Merensky afgeskop. Hierdie jaarlikse bymekaarkoms, is ‘n saamtrek van avo-produsente en rolspelers uit die kommersiële landbousektor. Hierdie is die agste jaar wat dié populêre dag aangebied is deur Dr Andre Ernst en sy seuns Edrean en Zander van Allesbeste boerdery. Woensdagoggend het ie ar S l en Juanita Bah ntia

met toesprake deur internasionale gasprekers afgeskop, waarna Dr Ernst self ook oor die suksesse van die Maluma gepraat het. Dit het gepaard gegaan met referate en boordbesoeke in die omgewing wat klem gelê het op die betekenisvolle bydrae wat dié kultivar op die wêreldmark het. Daar sal ‘n meer indiepte verslag oor vanjaar se Maluma Dag, in die Maart uitgawe van AgriBulletin wees.

Danna Ve nter van Absolute ly Water.

Amore Espach van

Dr. Andre Ernst, Liezel Ernst, Edrean Ernst en Zander Ernst van Allesbeste.

Francois Engelbrecht, Nandus van Gass en Renier Reyneke Jnr van Premium Trucking.

Mauritz Rohrbeck, Ulrich Vosloo, Dawie Smuts, Pieter-Daan Cilliers, Herman Theron en Eloni Ludwick van die Timac Agro South Africa-span.

Peanuts, Anna’s saving grace

In October last year Bulletin ran a story about Anna Sono, the 80-year old informal farmer tilling the soil in Flora Park. This week we revisited her where she was busy harvesting peanuts in her fields. “The mielies this year failed,” she said with a broken smile. “The goggas came and ate the storks, and the rain was not sufficient. But the peanuts are good. We will survive at least.” Anna and her long-time friend Maria (76) will harvest their peanut crop and sell it to the vendors back home in the townships for a pittance. From the money they make they will plant new crops. “We will pray for rain and protection this season. It has been bad, but we are used to it and so we carry on.”

Tannie Joey vier 80 jaar Die SAVF Tzaneen Kleuterskool het vroeër hierdie week ‘n baie spesiale verjaarsdag gevier. Tannie Joey Prinsloo, die tweede skoolhoof van hierdie Kleuterskool, het op die 4de Maart 80-jaar oud geword. Tannie Joey het in 1976 die pos van skoolhoof bekleë. Sy was 21 jaar lank die hoof voordat Annette Eastes by haar die leisels oorgeneem het. Die kleuters en onderwysers by die SAVF Tzaneen Kleuterskool, het tannie Joey se verjaarsdag saam met haar Dinsdagoggend gevier.





9 March 2018


Come have a lekker kuier man It all started when one of OK Sugarhill Minimarket’s suppliers approached store manager, Hannelie van Niekerk, and asked to exhibit some of their products over a weekend to introduce their range to the Tzaneen public. Hannelie felt that it was a fantastic idea and decided to turn the day into a genuine market day with face painting for the kids and a few stalls for the visitors to browse through. Compliments of Freddy Hirsch spices, there was a boerewors tasting tent for the avid red meat lovers and local brewer, Zwakala completing the perfect combination with their variety of local brews.

Nicky Altenroxel displayed some of her jewellery and crafts and the very popular resident “beadman”, Willard had some of his latest pieces on exhibition. Sugarhill offered facepainting for the kids and two adorable jesters welcomed visitors to the store. This inaugural day became the springboard which will see more of these days hosted in the Sugarhill parking lot as the months roll by. One exciting date has already been set in the World Class retailer’s dairy. “On the 5th of May there will be a

Nathan Fourie

Willard the Beadman

Emerentia De Souza, Lebbeus Mahlatswa, Lydia De Sousa and Gert Morerwa

potjiekos competition held right here on our premises. It will be a business challenge and each team will enter their best recipe,” explained an excited Hannelie. “And we will not be judging the pot on the garnish, the mixtures or the technique. We just want to taste what the pot tastes like and the one that tastes the best will win.” Business are invited to enter the competition at only R200 per team irrelevant of the number of team mates. The money will go into the pot as grand prize for the winner. Teams are invited to bring their own cooler boxes and have a good old fashioned ‘kuier’. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

Nicky Altenroxel


9 March 2018



Granny’s Grumbles – hospital food

Many years ago, during the Rhodesian war, I had a very good friend who was a nursing sister in the orthopaedic section of the largest hospital in Harare. Obviously this was where all the young men wounded in action, either shot or blown up, would be brought. Cheryl saw it all, including her fiancée being flown in and dying in the very ward where she worked. In spite of all the horror she saw, there were moments that stayed with her for years and they were in fact quite humorous, especially if you were not emotionally involved. Cheryl was on day shift when Jimmy was wheeled into her ward. Since he had been unconscious when he was air-lifted to the hospital he was obviously unaware that his leg had been amputated and it was going to be Cheryl’s job to break the news to him. After he had been delivered to the ward, the cage placed over his non-existent leg and he was comfortable Cheryl went about waking him up. When he was totally conscious, he looked at the cage and said “Have they cut it off” Cheryl replied in the affirmative (in a sympathetic tone obviously) whereupon Jimmy let out a screech that could be heard at the other end of the hospital. He kept screeching and saying he had no reason to live. You have to be cruel to be kind so Cheryl told him somewhat sharply that the guy in the bed opposite had lost a leg and an arm and had never carried on like this. Jimmy stopped abruptly. “Is it my leg they’ve cut off?” Cheryl told him that yes it was indeed his leg that had been amputated. “Only my leg?” Cheryl suddenly realised what was going on in his mind. She got hold of his hand, raised the blanket and told him to check. A minute later Jimmy was beaming. There was never another squawk out of him and he was a model patient from then on. And now on to the young man who had lost an arm and a leg. He had been in hospital for some six weeks and had been issued with a wheelchair to get around the hospital. He visited patients in other wards and had become a great favourite with everybody. Men being men, the other patients in the ward called him “Stumpie”. One evening Cheryl had just arrived

to start night shift – she was in the ward staff room looking at the paperwork when Stumpie wheeled himself in. He told her that he was sick of hospital food. Cheryl commiserated with him – she had been having her share of hospital food for a few years and knew the feeling. Stumpie reminisced about his favourite restaurant – the Mokodor – and said he thought he would go there and have a decent meal. Cheryl was busy – loads of paperwork – she wasn’t really taking too much notice of what he said and merely mumbled agreement. When she eventually went into the ward to check on all the patients she noticed that he was missing but since he spent a lot of time scooting around the hospital, she didn’t really worry too much However, when she went to turn the lights off at 9 o’clock and he still wasn’t in his bed she asked the guy in the next bed if he had any idea where Stumpie was. “At the Mokodor” was the reply. Cheryl’s heart sank. Losing a patient was the ultimate sin for the nursing staff. The patient who had broken the news appeared quite upset as he had told Stumpie that Cheryl must be told. Well, Stumpie had told her, but Cheryl had never thought that he would actually disappear and since the Mokodor was about three km from the hospital she could not figure out how he would have got there. Anyway, she had to phone the Hospital Superintendent and break the news and also confess that he had told her but she hadn’t believed that he would actually disappear. Within a short space of time, the police were despatched to Mokodor to search for the errant Stumpie who was returned albeit ten sheets to the wind. The entire story was relayed to the ward the following morning. Stumpie, it transpired, after clearing it with Cheryl (or so he thought) had wheeled himself out into the car park where numerous taxis were always lined up waiting for passengers. He explained that he wanted to go to the Mokodor and the taxi driver helped him into the taxi and folded up his wheelchair and off they went. The driver also got him into the elevator when they reached the building where the Mokodor was situated. When Stumpie arrived at the reception desk (in his hospital pyjamas nogal), he apologised for his dress and explained that another night of hospital food would have been the end of him. He just wanted a quiet corner where he could have a decent meal. The receptionist was having none of that - she walked over to a large table where a party was in progress, told them that one of the war-wounded had just escaped from hospital and she asked if he could join their table. As Stumpie explained it – all the women were fighting to cut up his food for him and all the men were fighting to ply him with drinks. “The best night of his whole life” And you are wondering about the happy ending……..Well Jimmy married his fiancée who had absolutely no problem with a one-legged man and Stumpie had made so many friends, not only soldiers, but also his friends from the Mokodor that he had more friends than he had ever had, And everybody lived happily ever after!!

“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all” - Dale Carnegie

Die oor hoor

Let wel: Hulle sê nie so nie! • • •

Gee vir hom die pinkie dan Gryp hy die hele arm! High en mighty kom hulle voor, min mense weet hulle pappas is nog in beheer! Die oor hoor die manne is net so roeke-



loos met die tendergeld! Koop eers hulle eie voertuie en speelgoed, dan die toerusting vir die proses fabriek. Sies, ruk en pluk jou vrou en maak of jy groot hoog, heilig is by die kerk?

Social • Sosiaal

Message Rev Ron Reiners Anglican Church

Tzaneen Sonja en Tjokker 10 Maart Kom kuier saam Sonja en Tjokker 10 Maart 2018 by die Gereformeerde Kerk Laeveld vanaf 10:00 teen R80.00 per persoon. Vir meer inligting skakel Lientjie by 082 650 8418 of Riette by 078 691 6459.

Magoebaskloof Farm Run 10 March The Magoebaskloof March Farm Run will be held on 10 March 2018 at Blueberry Heights Farm from 08:00. For more information contact 083 880 8787 or email jon@blueberryheights.co.za

Tzaneen Tzaneen Tuffy 10 March The Tzaneen Tuffy 4 in 1 Marathon will be held on 10 March 2018 at The Coach House Hotel & Spa from 06:00 at R30.00 to R150.00 per entry. For more information contact Paul on 083 460 4204 or Wicus on 083 391 0172.

Tzaneen Ebenezer Mile 17 March The Ebenezer Mile & 3000m Swim will be held on 17 March 2018 at the Lepelle Recreation Club from 08:00 at R90.00 to R170.00 per entry. Visit www. rotaryhaenertsburg.co.za. For more information contact 083 456 9798 or 082 442 2995.

SHALOM. We are always looking for a quick fix for most things and especially for our health. However, it takes time to investigate the cause of the illness, or what is plaguing us. Doctors have to train for many years and continue to train in order to diagnose our symptoms. But when it comes to our brain many variables are seen. Our faith needs to be strong when we are given the news that something is wrong with us. There are unfortunately many charlatans out there, those professing that they have the knowledge to cure almost anything. This also applies to those who are in the church leadership, but have not had any formal training. My question to them is “why do I have to pay to have you pray for me?” Some church give their congregants concoctions to cure them declaring these to be blessed and if they do not work then it is the congregant’s fault that their faith is too weak to be cured. Unfortunately, they often have paid a vast some of money for this cure. God empowers all of us with gifts, I believe that He has given medical doctors the gift of healing although this gift can be present in others as well. But it is by His power and His power only that we are able to use these gifts. A lady came to the church the last week and asked if I could assist her as she had been told that she was demon possessed. To all intents and purposes she seemed completely normal and lucid. She asked me for some special cure to remove the snake that was living inside her body. She was looking for some sort of exorcism. I told her I do not have any special powers and that I felt that only God could cure her, however, I said I would intercede for her and ask God to bless her. I know that it is God’s almighty power that can heal and we are mere vessels which He can choose to use or not. Yet unfortunately there are those of us who want to believe we can cure all sorts of ills without God’s intervention. Prayer is a powerful tool and if use correctly can aide in the improvement of life. Sin is and will always be with us, but forgiveness is in the power of the Risen Christ. Have you accepted Christ as your Saviour or are you like the lady I mentioned putting your hope on earthly things? Do not be afraid to confess the Risen Christ and peace will come to you. Blessings

Tzaneen Paassangdiens 18 Maart Die jaarlikse Paassangdiens van die Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk vind DV plaas op 18 Maart om 18:30. Ons nooi u hartlik uit om ’n besondere aand met Woord en musiek en verskeie kunselemente te kom beleef. Ons bedink vanuit die lyding van Jesus die besondere opwinding van die vreugde in sy opstanding. Tydens hierdie geleentheid tree Pieter van der Bergh as orrelis op en Braam van Tonder as trompetter. Albei hierdie musici is besondere begaafde persone wat onlangs hulle eerste CD vrygestel het. Vir enige navrae, skakel gerus vir Aubrey Hough (082 504 2244).

368 1 057 24 9

The Numbers

40 cThere are roughly 40 potholes along the Tzaneen Besigheids Liga 10 Mei Die Tzaneen Rolbal Klub Besigheids Liga word aangebied elke Donderdag vanaf 12 April 2018 tot 10 Mei 2018 vanaf 17:30 teen R600.00 per span. Vir meer inligting skakel Carine Chadwick by 083 444 8313.

entire Claude Wheately street.

Mind-blowing Fact #65 A municipal spokesperson has no right to refuse comment to a journalist unless a valid reason is supplied.





9 March 2018


Marloe displays her culinary talents Marloe Scott Wilson (68), once known as the Pink Lady during her years as a performer, is now living her dream. She hung it up at the age of 50 and bought a piece of land outside Haenertsburg about a decade ago. It’s now her permanent home with an organic vegetable and herb garden. She lives with two horses, two cats, six dogs and her husband, Fredl, comes home from Phalaborwa every weekend. Laughingly Marloe says, “Fredl’s surname is van der Merwe! He has two adult children from a previous marriage. Lana (33) lives in CT and Fredl (31) is in Brisbane, Australia. I had to sing at a ball hosted by the Phalaborwa Mining Company years ago. Fredl, a civil engineer, was the only single senior level

manager and thus my companion for the evening. We fell in love and married eight months later.” Bev Hartman from Something Different and Marloe are friends from Phalaborwa days. Bev needed help in the restaurant and Marloe wanted an outlet for her culinary creativity, other than Instagram and her blog. She’d owned a restaurant called Marloe’s in Phalaborwa for four years. Prior to that, she had a tea garden and nursery. Marloe attributes her love for cooking to her mother, Honey. “My mum let me cook for the family on a Thursday night from the age of 15. For years I was food obsessed, resulting in all sorts of diets which played havoc with my system over the years. I finally decided to really nurture me and I took up low carb cooking as a permanent lifestyle change.” Marloe has already introduced staples on the Something Different menu. There’s Vegan friendly Thai Vegetable Curry, Mexican Spiced Beans, Thai Chicken Curry and Steak Strips in a creamy Mustard sauce. The menu will change regularly. She has separate pots and pans for vegans. Her learning ground was London where she was a vegetarian for seven years. Her career as a performer spanned more than two decades. Born in Germiston, her family moved to Zimbabwe and


Maake: Shop no. 1, Maake Plaza, Eilandsdoom, Lydenburg Road, Lenyenye Maake. Tel: 015 - 355 4474/8. Tzaneen: ERF 323 Pusela 555-LT R36 Lydenburg Road, Tzaneen. Tel: 015 307 2300/1501.



then the UK. She played the sixth Mary Magdalene in Jesus Christ Superstar at the Palace Theatre in London from 1978 to 1979. Then she joined the Fringe Theatre Company and performed at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. She was delighted with one critic who said, “She sang ‘Night and Day’ with fire in her voice.” Thereafter she took a two month break to South Africa and never left. She continued to entertain South African audiences. She won a Gallo Award in 1980 for a musical play by Paul Simon called ‘They’re Playing Our Song.’ She became the narrator in ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat’ in Durban in 1982. Then tragedy struck. She was on her motorbike. A Free State farmer pulled out illegally and she was man down for almost a year. Arms, left foot, right foot, fingers and toes were broken and her lower back before the coccyx was fractured. The first person on the scene was a doctor who mercifully had morphine with him. The Phalaborwa heat drove her into the cool mountains around Haenertsburg and ten years ago she entered her first and last Ebenezer Mile. Marloe chuckles and says, “I breast-stroked all the way and came second…. last! The late Gub Turner came last and she turned 81 the next day. I missed the finishing deadline by 15 seconds.”


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9 March 2018





Benno besoek kleuters

Kleuterskole in Tzaneen het die voorreg gehad om Benno, die Vossies se eie Buffel, te ontmoet. Op Woensdag, 28 Februarie, het Benno die kleuters van verskeie skole verras met ‘n uitno-

dinging om deel te neem in die inkleurwedstryd wat Ben Vorster geloots het. Benno en die Vossies het by die kleuterskole lekkergoed en koeldranke uit gedeel om te wys hul gee om.

Atlete sweef hoog Wolkberg se atlete het behoorlik geskitter tydens die Noord-Transvaal atletiekbyeenkoms verlede naweek. Die byeenkoms is in Potgietersrus gehou en hierdie groep uitblinkers het almal hul provinsiale klere verwerf en deurgedring na die Suid-Afrikaanse kampioenskappe wat oor die



Little Eden

12 April - 10 Mei aangebied deur • presented by

naweek van 23 Maart gehou sal word. Heel voor is Amorey de la Gey, Snyman du Plessis en David-Zané Nel. Tweede ry: David-Nel Grobbelaar, Clarize Olivier, Clarissa Combrink, Maranté van Rooyen, Mia Mocke en Amy Nel. Derde ry: Josh Willson, Dalienke Grobbelaar, Valerie de Bruyn, An-

Tzaneen Bowls Club

Sakeliga | Business League

Oppi Plasie

Inaugural bowls tournament ends The recent Duiwelskloof Bowls Club Summer Business League tournament was a resounding success. It was the inaugural event of what the club plans to become an annual tournament and attracted a 16-team turnout to the greens. After a highly contested tournament which saw the business teams battle it out ferociously between the 25th of January and the 3rd of

March, it was the Hondassies which took top spot. The Rolling Stones came in a close second with the Convenient Coffee rollers nipping at their ankles in third position overall. The Duiwelskloof Bowls Club Committee and members of Duiwelskloof Bowls Club wish to extend their thanks and appreciation to all businesses and players that supported this much needed fund raising event.

1st Place: Hondassies


Bulletin F A R



Elke Donderdagaand om 17:30 vir 18:00. Kom geniet die rolbal met ‘n braai daarna. Vier lede in ‘n span. Every Thursday night, 17:30 for 18:00. Come and enjoy the bowls and braai there after. Four members per team. Kontak/ Contact: Carine Chadwick 083 444 8313 • carine@mweb.co.za

2nd Place: Rolling Stones

Inskrywing: R600 per span. Entry: R600 per team.

This board is sponsored by | Hierdie naambord is geborg deur

Fear lessl y the tr uth


Sakeliga | Business League

dreas Honiball, Chloé du Plessis en Ziaan Pelser. Agter: Marko de Wit en Jchaan-Dean de Beer. Chloé du Plessis het die rekord gebreek vir Turbospies in die dogters o/10 afdeling met haar afstand van 21.60m. Sy was aangewys as die Victrix Laudorum vir ouderdomsgroep.

3rd Place: Convenient Coffee




9 March 2018



Klofies kuier by King Fisher

Josua Retief het drie wedstryde gewen die dag.

Snyman Smit spog met sy sertifikaat.

Willen Smit geniet die dag en wen drie uit sy vyf wedstryde.

Larries deur na SA’s

Laerskool Duiwelskloof het die naweek van 2 Maart aan hulle eerste Skaaktoernooi deelgeneem by King Fisher Primary in Phalaborwa. 19 Klofie spelers het deelgeneem en elke speeler het vyf wedstryde gespeel. Snyman Smit het ’n sertifikaat ontvang vir sy vier uit vyf wedstryde wat hy gewen het. Josua Retief en Willem Smit het albei drie van hul wedstryde gewen. Dit toernoor het baie konentrasie en uithouvermoë geverg, maar al die Klofies het dit baie geniet.

Die Limpopo Kampioenskappe het 3 Maart by die Universiteit van die Noorde plaasgevind en met ses eerste plekke, een tweede en twee derde plekke, het die Larrie atlete almal baie goed gepresteer. Die volgende goue medaljes is verower, Elandri Janse van Rensburg vir spiesgooi, Megan-Lee Mans vir altwee diskus en gewigstoot, Leon de Lange en Leandre altwee vir 70m hekkies en Ignus Ferreira vir verspring. Dié vyf atlete wat eerste plekke verower het, gaan almal deur na S.A. Kampio-

Agter: Ndvihuwo Maluleke, Andrew Dauth, Du Toit Badenhosrt,Theo Dauth, Lethabo Moilakgomo en Morgan Manoko. Middel: Modjadji Modjadji, DJ Wasserman, Chinedu Udeji, Josua Botes, Buhlebenkosi Ncube, Mandle Modjadji, Anibre Botes, Rowan Potgieter, Jayden Venter en Mokibelo Mathlabaseletsi. Voor: Ethan Botha, Josua Retief, Snyman Smit en Willem smit.

enskappe, wat 16 en 17 Maart in Paarl in die Wes-Kaap sal plaasvind. Christopher Janse van Vuuren het silwer verower in diskus, Marno Jacobs het brons in 100m en Megan-Lee Mans brons in spiesgooi. Larries het ook een vierde plek, vyf vyfde plekke, vier sesde plekke, drie sewende plekke, een negende plek, twee tiende plekke en een dertiende plek behaal. Laerskool Tzaneen bedank graag elke atleet en afrigter wat hul kant gebring het vir ’n baie suksesvolle seisoen.

A large group of Laerskool Tzaneen Primary’s chess players travelled to Phalaborwa to take part in a chess tournament hosted at King Fisher Primary School on Saturday, 3 March. The players had the opportunity to play five games against various opponents during the day and each one played with tenacity and contagious enthusiasm. Ryno Schultz, Kirsty Shayawabaya, Xander Koster, JP Wheeler and Francois Thiart achieved the best overall mark in their age group. WJ Botha, Willem Brits, Eduardo Venancio also received certificates. Photo: Xander Koster and Kirsty Shayawabaya

Colourful day encourages reading “The more you read, the more you know. The more you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – A famous quote by Dr Seuss and Unicorn Preparatory was the place to go last week Wednesday, 28 February, when the Intersen Phase pupils and teachers celebrated Dr Seuss and the adventure of reading. This fun and colourful day coincided with the hosting of the Travelling Bookshop, which visits the school twice a year. The children invited their grandparents to listen to their reading with a cup of tea, followed by a visit to the bookshop. The older children took time out to read to the younger children and great fun was had by all – even the teachers dressed up for the occasion.

‘The Grinch’ visits the Foundation phase.

Intersen phase teachers show the pupils “a thing or two” about Dr, Seuss.

A ‘Thing’ reads to some of the younger children.

Gr. R’s enjoy Dr. Seuss characters visiting their playground.

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9 March 2018





Vossie-netbal begin met agt uit die nege! Verlede Saterdag het Ben Vorster kragte teen Hoërskool Frikkie Meyer in die PUK-reeks netbal toernooi gemeet. Die Rooies het agt uit die nege wedstryde gewen. Die O/14A-span het baie mooi gespeel en hulle teenstanders met 29-18 getroef terwyl die O/14B-span ook gewys het hoeveel diepte in hierdie groep is deur met 28-12 te seëvier. Die O15A-span het gesukkel om die oorhand te kry, maar tog die knoop deurgehaak en met 19-12 gewen. Die O/15B-span het koning gekraai met 16-13 terwyl die O/16A’s goeie netbal opgedis en soos ‘n geoliede masjien gespeel het. Hul wentelling was 21-10. Die O/16B-span het geen teenkanting gehad nie en het met ‘n telling van 27-3 van die baan gestap. Die senior dogters (O/17A-

span) het van meet af die krane oopgedraai en die doele een na die ander ingeryg om met ‘n sege van 31-8 klaar te maak. Die Tweedespan het egter die knie net-net gebuig teen die span van Frikkie Meyer en 16-18 verloor. Die Vossies se NTT-Toyota Eerste span het tydens die eerste kwart bietjie gesukkel, maar vanaf die tweede kwart mekaar gevind en akkurate bewegings uitgevoer. Die Vossie-doel, Lati Mokoro, het met haar akkurate doelwerk die Vossies gou laat asem skep. Die verdedigers, Nielia Blignaut en Dora Maloba, het dit vir die doele van Frikkie Meyer baie moeilik gemaak om enigsins in die sirkel te kan beweeg en verseker dat hul span met ‘n telling van 37-19 seevier. Die naweek se kragmeting teen Klerksdorp behoort veel sterker teenkanting te wees.

NTT Toyota Eerste netbal span: Chanele Machimane en Dora Maloba. Nicole Bergsma, Lourencia van Dyk, Nielia Blignaut (kaptein), Nthabiseng Ramothwala, Kagiso Mapiti en Molatelo Makoro.

NTT-Toyota vir Netbal Ben Vorster se Eerste netbal span is weer bevoorreg om NTT-Toyota as hul borg vir hulle klere vir 2018 te hê. NTT borg die Vossies sedert 2015 en die skool bedank Mnr. Pieter van Heerden vir sy voortgesette betrokkenheid by hierdie span. LINKS: Mnr. Pieter van Heerden van NTT-Toyota oorhandig die uitrusting aan Nielia Blignaut die kaptein vir 2018 en afrigter me. Jorina Vorster.

Vossie hokkie op dreef Die 2018 hokkie seisoen het verlede naweek afskop met hokkie wedstryde tussen Hoërskool Ben Vorster en Hoërskool Frikkie Meyer van Thabazimbi. Die wedstryde het plaaslik geskiet. Die kompetisie was straf en het deel uit gemaak van die PUK-reeks, maar die Vossies het baie goed gevaar en vier van hul sewe wedstryde gewen en drie gelykop gespeel. Die O/14A-span het geskitter met ‘n telling van 6-0. Die doele is deur Elzet Toerien, Joalize Smit en Nachandre de Lange aangeteken, twee doele elk. Die O/16A-span het die eerste helfde van hul wedstryd baie aanvallend begin en het met rustyd 5-1 voorgeloop om uiteindelik die kragmeting met ses doele teenoor een te wen. Die doele is deur Lorinda Esterhuizen, Vanessa

Nkanyani, René Thete, Lihani Vorster, Marli Lombard en Jana Oberholzer aangeteken. Die Eerste span het met rustyd 1-0 voorgeloop. In die tweede helfde het die Vossies nog ‘n doel aan geteken. Frikkie Meyer het terug geveg en binne vier minute met twee doele van hul eie geantwoord. Maar, Ben Vorster se bokkies het koelkop gebly en die wendoel van die wedstryd in die 58ste minuut aangeteken. Hul drie doele is deur Zanel Steenkamp, Deané Toerien en Stephanie Nagel beklink. Die spanne wat gelykop gespeel het was die Tweede span, die O/15A en die O/14B spanne. Die O/16B span het ook hul wedstryd gewen met ‘n telling van 4-0. Die volgende hokkie wedstryde is die naweek by Ben Vorster teen Hoërskool Klerksdorp.

Nielia Blignaut die Eerste span kaptein in aksie.

Nachandre de Lange en Mienke Pretorius van die O/14A-span in aksie.

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Aansoeke: Aansoekvorm (LPDE1) tesame met ‘n CV moet gerig word aan: Die Hoof Laerskool Duiwelskloof Primary Privaat sak x715, Duiwelskloof E-pos: klofies3@mweb.co.za

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(Aansoekvorms is by die skool beskikbaar. Gewaarmerkte afskrifte van kwalifikasie en SACE-registrasie moet aansoek vergesel.) Sluitingsdatum van aansoek: Vrydag 16 Maart 2018 (12:00)






9 March 2018


Wintersport skop af


Voor: Kgabo Mamorobela, Megan MacGreggor en Kgopotso Malogadihlare. Agter: Kyla Armstrong, Steph-Marie de Lange, Ciné Venter, Donné Oosthuizen, Chanel Dohse en Micke Venter.

Die seniorgroep sluit ‘n suksesvolle dag af.

Ciné Venter werk aan ‘n plan.

Die wintersport seisone skop af met voorbereiding, groot gees en verwagting na goeie rugby, netbal en hokkie vir hierdie jaar. Plasieland het die seisoen by die horings gepak deur die naweek van 3 en 4 Maart. Merensky rugby het Vrydag afgeskop met ‘n oefenkamp saam Blou Bulle hoë-prestasie afrigter, Sias Wagner en Dewey Swartbooi die Blou Bulle se O/19 en O/21 agterlynafrigter, asook Tuks se Young

Guns-afrigter. Die oefenkamp het was gemik op agter- en voorspelfassette en die seuns het die geleentheid gehad om als wat geleer is dadelik te oefen tydens voorseisoenproewe die Saterdag. Die spelers en hul ouers het hierna ’n heerlike beginjaarfunksie saam met die afrigters geniet. Netbal het hul naweek met hul uitdunne begin, waarna 11 spanne gekies is en die spanne is op Saterdag aangekondig voor vriendskaplike oefen-

wedstryde teen Pietersburg Hoërskool. Volgens Merensky netbal organiseereder, me. Irma de Lange, het dié wedstryde in ‘n besonder goeie gees plaasgevind en elke Plasie en Pietie het hard gewerk, maar ook elke oomblik geniet. Merensky se senior seunshokkiespan het ook die bal aan die rol gesit deur Saterdag ‘n oefenwedstryd teen die Tzaneen-dorpspan te speel en was tevrede met ‘n gelykop telling van 2-2 teen die einde van ’n goeie wedstryd.

DIE AFRIGTERSPAN: Voor: Dewey Swartbooi, Bryan Mashigo, Frik Dohse, Johannes Seerane, Clinton Gerber, Juaan Slabbert, Willem Hermann en Sias Wagner. Agter: Artwell Makhubele, Ian van Heerden, Magnus Steyn (skoolhoof), Mark Louwies en Pieter van der Merwe.

Plasie-legende groet

bare herinneringe”. Me. Le Roux het diep spore hier getrap en in 2009 waargeneem as skoolhoof, en daarna vir 12 jaar as adjunkhoof diens gelewer. Sy het ook ‘n lansie gebreek vir die taalonderwysers. Die skool het aan haar hulde gebring met ‘n pragtige skyfievertoning wat haar loopbaan gedenk. Die hoofleiers het ook ‘n antieke skoolbank aan haar geskenk, waarna sy vir oulaas saam met die skool Merensky in Union gesing het. Hoërskool Merensky wens me. Le Roux ‘n voorspoedige lewensreis (en oorsese reise) toe. C




Me. Fransie le Roux sny die Merenskydagkoek.

Steph-Marie de Lange spring om ‘n doel te keer.

Merensky-skuts nader wêreldkampioenskap

Die boogskietklub van Hoërskool Merensky, verteenwoordig deur 6 vasberade skuts, het aan die Mpumalanga veldkampioenskap by Klippan boogskietbaan in Carolina deelgeneem die naweek van 3 en 4 Maart. Die kompetisie is in voorbereiding vir die wêreldkampioenskap en is bygewoon deur skuts van ver en wyd. Die twee dae was uitdagend vir die deelnemers en deursettingsvermoë was getoets maar die Plasie het die moeilike baan Sean Hunt, Benéche Jackson, Ryan Jackson, Canell Bulletin - Landbouprodukbestuurder 1 05/03/2018 11:30:20 AMgeniet. Sean Hunt (YAMJackson, Ashley Hunt enTamaties.pdf Rohan Wewege.

UK staan erewag. Tradisioneel is Merenskydag die eerste Woensdag elke Maart. Op die dag word Hoërskool Merensky se ontstaan herdenk en die jaar het Mnr. Felix Nomvela (Tzaneen kringbestuurder vir die departement van onderwys) en me. Hannelie Schoonraad (vakadviseur, Afrikaans) die plegtigheid bygewoon. Vanjaar was dié dag die perfekte geleentheid om vir me. Fransie le Roux om, na 39 jaar op Plasieland, haar afskeidsboodskap te lewer. “Sy het die gehoor in die holte van haar hand gehou met staaltjies en kos-

Sias Wagner doen ‘n spanpraatjie vir die juniorspelers.



ZZ2 se Tamatie-afdeling het vakatures beskikbaar vir Landbouprodukbestuurders in die Limpopo-provinsie. Die suksesvolle aansoekers moet ʼn tamatieproduksieprojek effektief kan bestuur deur die lewensiklus van die projek wat begin by grondvoorbereiding tot die lewering van die vrugte aan die pakhuis.

Kandidate moet oor die volgende kwalifiserende vereistes beskik:

Verantwoordelikhede sluit die volgende in:

Die selfstandige bestuur van ʼn produksie-afdeling en die


effektiewe aanwending van die beskikbare hulpbronne,



FU), Canell Jackson (JFBU) en Rohan Wewege (JMBU) is gekroon met goue medaljes in hulle verskeie kategorieë. Ryan Jackson (YAMFU) en Benéche Jackson (AFFU) verower albei ‘n silwer medalje, met Ashley Hunt (JFBU) wat ‘n brons medalje losskiet. Canell Jackson het twee nasionale tellings geskiet - ‘n skut moet drie kwalifiserende tellings skiet in een seisoen om kleure te verwerf. Die wêreldkampioenskap sal in die jaar, in Oktober plaasvind.

Grondvoorbereiding, plantvestiging, –versorging, -beskerming,

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Stuur asseblief u CV per faks na 086 608 4824, of per e-pos na talent@zz2.co.za. Rig navrae aan Johan du Plessis by 083 676 0390 (tydens kantoorure). 2018

ʼn Tersiêre kwalifikasie in landbou of bewese praktiese ervaring in die produksie van groente is noodsaaklik. Beskik oor gebalanseerde menseverhoudings met toepaslike ervaring in die hantering van arbeidspanne. Die vermoë om in ‘n Afrika-taal te kommunikeer sal as aanbeveling dien. Aansoekers moet planmatig en prakties in die uitvoering van take wees.

Sluitingsdatum: 16 Maart 2018

ZZ2Farming www.zz2.co.za


9 March 2018





SLC Academic Achievers for 2017 Stanford Lake College acknowledged and awarded the academic achievers of 2017 during their Awards Assembly on Friday, 16 February. These pupils are acknowledged for their excellent academic work in the previous grade during the year of 2017.

Brains bars for Grade 9 students for excellent academic achievement in Grade 8 during 2017: From left to right: Aine Eagan, Tsakani Mkansi, Danish Saleem, Priyanka Gohil, Anke Spies, Heema Kalan, Reuben Middleton, Hloni Mangena, Josh Fairhead, Megan Joynt. Absent: Mudathir Cassim

The 2017 Grade 11 learns presented with academic Half Colours: From left to rught:Mohammed Rhemtula, Hloni Senoamadi, Anya Robinson, Fatima Essa and Matthew Lunt

The following Grade 10 students were awarded for their hardwork throughout Grade 9: From left to right: Akila Ramdharie, Ayesha Ayob, Lia Revelas, Faaria Rhemtula, Tayla Coad, Dimpho Mohuba, Marthinus Maritz, Nooreen Ghood, Danica Altenroxel. Absent: Husnaa Dada and Malaika Mohlaba

Congratulations to the following Matric students who wrote the Grade 11 IeBT Maths Benchmark exam in November 2017 at Stanford Lake College and were placed in the top 1% nationally: Faisal Saleem, Mathabo Malesa and Muzzammil Cassim.

These students received Academic Full Colours of Half Colours for their Grade 10 year in 2017: From left to right: Lebo Rachidi (half-colours), Melike Naude (full), Sinead Linder (full), David Pullinger (full), Emma Melville(half colours), Helene Werhahn (full), Shaakira Hassim (full), Lara Dando (full)

Academic Full Colours achievers for their Grade 11 year in 2017: Nsuku Muyimane, Ntokoto Mashimbye, Lesedi Motumi and Yazdaan Tayob

The top Grade 11 students during 2017, receiving their Academic honors are all re-awards except for Tanweer Ghood. From left to right: Elané Maritz; Mathabo Malesa, Faisal Saleem, Christian Schmidt, Muzzammil Cassim and Tanweer Ghood

Stanford’s sport stars During Stanford Lake College’s Awards Ceremony held on 16 February 2017, the following students where awarded for their achievements, hardwork and commitment.

Seasoned adventure racers get reawarded and Middleton acknowledged, all four receiving Adventure Racing Full Colours. Casper Venter (reaward), Ani Gutierrez-Hernandez(reaward), David Pullinger (reaward) and Reuben Middleton

dventure Racing Juniors receive achiever awards. Danica Altenroxel (left) and Lia Revelas (right)

Danica Altenroxel, Lia Revelas and Megan Joynt all received MTB Junior Achievers awards

Junior Netshituni received Cricket Full Colours Limpopo U/17

Emma Melville received the Cross Country Junior Achiever award

Three bikers received Mountain Biking Full Colours From left to right: Lara Dando, Matthew Wilkinson(reaward) and Ani Gutierrez-Hernandez




9 March 2018



Eagles’ wings clipped

Armand Pansegrouw and Eric Viljoen

Glen Groenewaldt Master of spin

Armand Pansegrouw celebrating his century

Justyn Trueman 1st Change Bowler

Three SLC swimmers qualify for selection Isabella Drewett, Devon Coad and Luca Wasley have all obtained the required points to qualify for selection to represent the Limpopo team at the SA Swimming Champs. Only five swimmers are chosen, per age group,

In what was arguably one of the most anticipated clashes in the local cricket league, the Nashua Aces squared off against long-time rivals, The Eagles. The grudge match took place this weekend in Polokwane in front of a good supporter-contingent. Earlier in the season the Nashua Aces were stumped by defeat against The Eagles, which translated into them seeking retribution. After winning the toss, the Aces elected to field first and sent the Eagles to the stumps. What followed during the next 44 overs was a devastating bowling attack which saw the birds returning to their coop with 236 runs and not a single wicket in hand. With their feathers sufficiently ruffled, the birds took to the field and threw their best bowlers at the Nashua batsmen who returned the favour with a number

of impressive boundaries. Aces stalwart, Armand Pansegrouw held his own under fire and raked in 122 runs off just 107 balls which later earned him the Man of the Match. Nashua Aces made good on their promise to restore balance to the Ovalverse and won the match in the 37th over with an impressive six wickets in hand. The Nashua Aces are proudly sponsored by Nashua Polokwane which has significantly improved the team’s support structure and overall performance. With the new season waiting, this team is sure to make an impact on the local circuit. — Joe Dreyer

joe@bulletin.us.com Photos: GKT SportPics

Michael Botha No.2 Bowler

Fierce finishes first

and Stanford Lake College wait with great anticipation as to whether their swimmers will be selected to join the team. The South African Swimming Championships will be taking place in Pretoria over the Easter weekend.

Lia Revelas (Grade 10) outshines at the Fedhealth XTERRA in Grabouw.

Isabella Drewett (Gr. 8), Devon Coad (Gr. 8) and Luca Wasley (Gr. 9)

The XTERRA triathlon is known to be one of the fiercest triathlon events and one of Stanford Lake’s very own Grade 10 pupils, Lia Revelas, seized the first

place titled in her age group category, which took place in Grabouw. The Fedhealth XTERRA Grabouw, which took place the weekend of February, is the big-

gest XTERRA event in the world, and if Revelas is already claiming first prize in her category, one can assume a very promising future for this triathlon star.


9 March 2018





Legals | Geregtelik IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT FOR THE SUB-DISTRICT OF TZANEEN HELD AT TZANEEN Case Number: 448/2015 In the matter between: GAIL ALTONA OPTOMETRIST EXECUTION CREDITOR And MR RODGER HATLANI NDLOVU (ID: 680727 5702 084) JUDGMENT DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION PURSUANT to a judgment by the magistrate TZANEEN given on 28 MAY 2015 the under mentioned goods will be sold at 10:00 on 23 MARCH 2018 by public auction to be held at SHERIFF RITAVI’S OFFICE 1 BANKUNA ROAD, LIMDEV BUILDING, NKOWANKOWA by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, RITAVI to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X KIC FRIDGE 1 X SINOTEC TV 1 X 3 PC LOUNGE SUITE 1 X DEFY MICROWAVE 1 X HYUNDAI MATRIC BJT 049 L 1 X VOLVO NMR 8108 (NOT MOVING) SIGNED at TZANEEN on the 13th day of FEBRUARY 2018 (sgd) RUAN VORSTER ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR RUAN VORSTER ATTORNEYS 32 HARRY DILLEY STREET TZANEEN 0850 Email: enica@rvorster.co.za Tel: 015 307 6797 Ref: E MAKHUTHUDISE File No: BB1147 SALE NOTICE 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgement obtained in the above honourable court. 2. The rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, NO. 1 BANKUNA ROAD, LIMDEV BUILDING, NKOWANKOWA. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific conditions, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer

Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/viewdownloadfileaction?id-99961 5. FICA legislation i.r.o. proof of identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being WILLIAM MKHONTO. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instruction from the execution creditor. Mar201_____________________

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF THE BA-PHALABORWA LAND USE SCHEME, 2008 AND SIMULTANEOUS REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIVE TITLE CONDITIONS IN TERMS OF SECTIONS 57 AND 58 OF THE BA-PHALABORWA MUNICIPAL SPLUMA BYLAW, 2016 AMENDMENT SCHEME 53 I, Floris Jacques du Toit of Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, being the authorized agent of the registered owners of Erf 719 Phalaborwa Extension 1, hereby give notice in terms of Section 57 and 58 of the Spluma Bylaws, 2016, that we have applied to the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality for the amendment of the Ba-Phalaborwa Land Use Scheme, 2008, by the rezoning and simultaneous removal of restrictive title conditions 2(a), 2(c) and 2(d) contained in Title Deed T32448/2015, of Erf 719 Phalaborwa Extension 1, situated at 5 Park Street, from “Residential 1” to “Residential 2”. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre,

Nelson Mandela Drive, Phalaborwa, for the period of 30 days from 9 March 2018 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or posted to Private Bag X01020, Phalaborwa, 1390 before 9 April 2018 quoting the above mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the objector’s property description, phone numbers and address. A person who cannot write may during office hours and within the objection period, visit the abovementioned Municipality requesting assistance to transcribe his/her objections, comments or representations. Contact persons: Paul Maluleke or Johan Behrens (0795221281). Address of Agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015307 3710 Mar202_____________________

KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM WYSIGING VAN DIE BA-PHALABORWA GRONDGEBRUIKSKEMA, 2008 EN GELYKTYDIGE OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKENDE TITELVOORWAARDES INGEVOLGE ARTIKELS 57 EN 58 VAN DIE BA-PHALABORWA MUNISIPALE SPLUMA VERORDENING, 2016 WYSIGINGSKEMA 53 Ek, Floris Jacques du Toit van Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Stads- en Streeksbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van Erf 719 Phalaborwa Uitbreiding 1, gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 57 en 58 van die Spluma Verordeninge, 2016, kennis dat ons by die Ba-Phalaborwa Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen

het om die wysiging van die Ba-Phalaborwa Grondgebruikskema, 2008, deur die hersonering en die gelyktydige opheffing van titelvoorwaardes 2(a), 2(c) en 2(d) uit Titelakte T32448/2015 van Erf 719 Phalaborwa Uitbreiding 1, geleë te Parkstraat 5, van “Residensieël 1” na “Residensieël 2” Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Nelson Mandela Rylaan, Phalaborwa vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 9 Maart 2018 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet skriftelik voor of op 9 April 2018 gerig word aan die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of gepos word aan Privaatsak X01020, Phalaborwa 1390, met verwysing na bostaande opskrif, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die gronde/redes vir die beswaar, die beswaarmaker se eiendomsbeskrywing, telefoonnommer en adres. Enige persoon wat nie kan skryf nie mag gedurende kantoorure en binne die beswaretyd die bovermelde Munisipaliteit besoek en hulp versoek om sy/haar besware, kommentare of voorstelle op skrif te stel. Kontakpersone: Mnre Paul Maluleke of Johan Behrens (0795221281). Adres van agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015307 3710 Mar203_____________________


DANIEL SHINGANGE Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN PURSUANCE of a Judgment of the Magistrate, TZANEEN dated 17TH JANUARY 2017, the under mentioned goods will be sold by public auction, on 23rd MARCH 2018 at 10:00. Venue of the sale: SHERIFF’S OFFICE 1 BANKUNA ROAD LIMDEV BUILDING NKOWANKOWA By the Sheriff for the Magistrate’s Court of RITAVI to the highest cash bidder. 1 X 4 PC LOUNGE SUITE 1 X DEFY WASHING MACHINE 1 X DEFY 4 PLATE STOVE 1 X PANASONIC TV 1 X HISENSE FRIDGE 1 X 3 PC TV STAND 1 X RUN X CWL 177 L AUCTION: 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgement obtained in the above honourable court. 2. The rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific conditions, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/viewdownloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation i.r.o. proof of identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being WILLIAM MKHONTO. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instruction from the execution creditor. Dated at TZANEEN on this 6TH day of MARCH 2018. SGD J H JACOBSZ

Smouskous l Classifieds TRELLIDOR The ultimate crime barrier Widest range, custom made for any opening. Visit us at 32 Hospital Street, Tzaneen 015 307 2493

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www.bulletin.us.com Specializing in Wendy Houses, site offices, tool sheds, guard rooms. Can also move Wendys. Price includes wooden floor, window, corrugated zinc for roof @ special waksol for waterproofing. 3 x 3 m R5 500. Big and small size as per order. Contact me on 078 485 2342


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Steynberg Trok & Trekker. 8 Ton Trokke te huur R23.50/km + btw, 8 Ton Koeler Trok R26/km + btw, 12 Ton Trok R25.50/km + btw & 20 Ton @ R32.50/km + btw, Lowbed trailer @ R32.50/ km + btw. 6 cube tipper @ R25/km + btw eenrigting. Skakel vir Kwotasie: 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Of 015 345 1192 084 627 0956

We specialise in: • New Buildings •Tiling • Renovations & Alterations • Electrical • Roofing & Waterproofing • Ceilings • Air conditioners • Plumbing • Carpentry • Steelworks • Stainless Steel Balustrade • Painting Tobie: 076 312 8806 chukudutzn@gmail.com

DASS Refrigeration, air conditioning. Repairs, spares and services to all makes of domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Whirlpool, Defy, Bosch, etc. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, Tzaneen. 015 307 1798 082 8980 468


IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA LIMPOPO DIVISION, POLOKWANE CASE NO: 5681/2017 In the matter between: ALMANAC TRADING 300 CC T/A SUKUMA CIVILS & PLANT HIRE REGISTRATION NUMBER: 2009/001515/23 Applicant / Judgment Creditor And MASHRIK SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANCY CC REGISTRATION NUMBER: 2001/002603/23 Respondent / Judgment Debtor NOTICE OF AUCTION Pursuant to a judgment of the above Court on 7 November 2017 and Writ of Attachment issued thereafter, the undermentioned movable property will be sold in execution on: THURSDAY, 22ND MARCH 2018 AT 10:00 AT THE SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, MAIN STORE NO. 2, INDUSTRIA ROAD 20, TZANEEN. to the highest bidder: Goods consisting of: 1 X SANSUI COMPLETE COMPUTER 1 X GBC C110 1 X KYOCERA M2535 DN & STAND 1 X HP PRINTER 1 X WESTPOINT MICRO-OVEN 1 X SAMSUNG BAR FRIDGE 2 X WING BACK CHAIRS 2 X SAMSUNG COMPLETE COMPUTER 1 X 3PCE LOUNGE SUITE 1 X COFFEE TABLE


IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT FOR THE SUB-DISTRICT OF TZANEEN HELD AT NKOWANKOWA NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In terms of Section 71(A)(1) under mentioned goods will be sold to cover storage fees and the sheriff`s costs at the STORE ROOM, 20 INDUSTRIA ROAD, MAIN STORE NO.2,


Ontvangsdame / admin pos beskikbaar. Verkieslik dames tussen 19 – 25 jaar. E-pos asb. CV’s na ionv@kempston.co.za __________________________

Domestic worker looking for employment. Fabulous hardworking lady looking for employment in Tzaneen. Live in is an option. Sarah is an older woman who speaks English and a little Afrikaans and has basic cooking skills. Call for reference or to set up an interview – 0823975385 __________________________

Debtors/creditors clerk

I am Kgaugelo Moseamedi I am looking for a job as a Driver, cashier, general financial assistant or in maintenance. Additional skills: Repairing couches. Code 10 (PDP) licence. Matric with course completed at Jeppe College in financial administration. References: 082 424 8734/064 663 5737 / 071 555 0115. Please contact me on 079 334 5160. _________________________ My name is Virginia Ramonyathi, I am looking for a job as a domestic worker. 5 Days per week. Sleep out. Can look after children and can cook. I can speak Afrikaans and English. Please contact me on 0073 869 1527. __________________________ My name is Thapelo Malobadihlare, I am looking for a job as a domestic worker / general work / cleaning / officer or tea lady. Sleep out. Please contact me on 063 722 4964. __________________________

Urgently required:

with experience. To start immediately. Please do not apply if you do not have experience. Salary negotiable. Please send CV to 015 307 7326 / 086 632 8558. __________________________

Property For Sale Te Koop Davinci 1.25 million, Sole Mandate. Seldom ever on the market. 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, small lounge, open plan dining room and kitchen. Double garage, small swimming pool, corner stand and enclosed garden. Situated in a security complex. Contact Peter at Seeff Properties 082 890 8845.To view by appointment only.

bicycles to relax. Available immediately at a rental of R7900 per month. Water is for free. No small children or dogs unfortunately. To view by appointment only. Contact: Pieter 082 855 2794 Naomi 081 048 4856


1 Bedroom flat in Arbor Park to let R2800.00 p/m + prepaid meter. Singles only, no smokers, no pets. Deposit R2800.00 Contact : 084 5808177



Casa de Laan 2slaapkamer, 2badkamer, Oop sit en eetkamer, Balkon/Stoep Kontak Prop X 015 307 7504

1 Bedroom flat in care centre at Macadamia Tzaneen. Rent R5000 deposit required. Phone Iris 082 922 9127.


To Let Te Huur Bachelor Flat for rental Available immediately. Price R2750 pm incl. water and electricity. No pets. Kitchenette, stove, tiled. Separate toilet. Cupboards. Undercover parking. Tim 083 345 9999. Mar101__________________________


Call Ansie on 015 306 0198 to advertise in the property section.



My name is Flora Mhakamuni Nkwambane, I am looking for domestic work and can cook. Willing to work full or part time. Please contact me on 083 712 0551. __________________________

My name is Rose Lebepe, I am looking for a job as a domestic worker. Ek kan Afrikaans praat en het voorheen na kinders omgesien. Maandag – Vrydag. Kontak my op 073 064 2226. __________________________

INDUSTRIAL AREA, TZANEEN, on 22 MARCH 2018 by public auction to be held at 10:00, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: CASE NUMBER: 421/17 In the case between: MR. GEOFREY MASHELE EXECUTION CREDITOR And MRS. RHANDZU SHIKWAMBANA EXECUTION DEBTOR 1 X LG TV 1 X 7 PCE LOUNGE SUITE 1 X 8 CHAIRS OF 9PCE DINING ROOM SUITE 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgement obtained in the above honourable court. 2. The rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 33A,Pieter Joubert Street, Aquapark, Tzaneen. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific conditions, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation i.r.o. proof of identify and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Tertius Robertson. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. DATED AT TZANEEN ON 1 MARCH 2018 TERTIUS ROBERTSON SHERIFF LETABA (TZANEEN) 33A PIETER JOUBERT STREET, TZANEEN

We have a modern chalet for rent in Georges Valley area. 2 Bedrooms, 1,5 bathrooms, huge open plan loft, separate washing area and carport. You can enjoy the Letaba river front, play some Juksei, go for walks up the river or use our


Bachelor Flat for rental Available immediately. Price R2750 pm incl. water and electricity. No pets. Kitchenette, stove, tiled. Separate toilet. Cupboards. Undercover parking. Tim 083 345 9999.


House to Rent @ Diepgelegen Farm Magoebaskloof. 4x Bedrooms, 4x Bathrooms, Dining Rm, Sitting Rm, Study, Kitchen, Laundry, 2x Garages with lockup store. Fully Secure with Electric Fence and Gate . Sensor Alarm system . Optional uncapped Wi-Fi. Available 1st March 2018. R7 500 p/m excl. Electricity Call - (082) 749 7790 Or (082) 781 8594






9 March 2018


Not for the faint of heart Tzaneen and surrounding areas can once again look forward to the unique and challenging Tzaneen Tuffy 4-in1 marathon. The event takes place on 10 March 2018 at 06h00 at Coach House Hotel & Spa. The event comprises of a 42.2km, 21.2km, 12km and 5km fun run. The amazing atmosphere at the event and the highly scenic route will indeed

leave you “breathless”. The event is presented by the Tzaneen Marathon Club and Aida Tzaneen and ClemenGold are the main sponsors. Be sure to arrive early as there is limited parking available. All participants completing the event will receive a uniquely designed Tuffy medal. Pre-entries can be done at Aida Tzaneen, 38 Boundary street on Friday, 9 March 2017 from 15h00 to 18h00. A free promotional gift awaits all participants who pre-enter at Aida Tzaneen. Entries can also be done at Coach House on the morning of the event from 05h00 to 05h45. Paul Zaayman 083 460 4204 and Wicus van Vuuren, 083 391 0172 can be contacted for any further information. Respect your training, honour your commitment and celebrate your victory.

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Spor t 9 March 2018 7 October 2016

Lowveld sent packing Frans du Toit High school in Phalaborwa played host to the rugby and netball teams from Nelspruit when they faced off against Lowveld High over the weekend. This was part of the Lebombo League series. The visitors had an uphill battle from the start against the much better prepared Fransies who put pedal to the medal from the word go. On the netball courts the Fransies won seven of their eight games convincingly, with only the Second team suffering a 3-9 defeat. The u/14A and B-teams won their games 19-11 and 16-4 respectively to set the bar for the u/14C girls who managed a 12-9 victory. The u/15A and B-teams demolished their opponents with scores of 17-1 and 29-1 respectively followed by a 23-3 win for the u/16A-team. It rained goals in the Fransie camp when the First team girls clashed later that afternoon and the Girls in Blue walked away with a 44-20 win over the visitors. Only one match was played on the hockey field. It was a tough game between the two u/16 Girls’ teams which ended in a goalless draw. The rugby fields were ablaze with action when the hosts beat their Mpumalanga visitors in all but one encounter on the day. The u/14 and u/15-teams each chalked up great wins with 20-12 and 36-7 respectively. The flagship u/16-squad continued the onslaught and sent Lowveld back to the locker rooms

with a 48-0 defeat. The main event of the day was the First team clash between arguably two of the most equally matched teams this year. It was a nail biting game with both teams taking the lead and then giving it away through both halves. In the end however, it was the Fransie captain who hoisted his hands in victory with a 24-23 win. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

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