Bulletin 180323

Page 1

Diagnostic Radiologists

23 March 2018


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Paradise lost — Tzaneen CBD continues to crumble

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Page 4

All the action from EB Mile


SA’s Miss Universe visits Tzaneen Page 3


Remember, He stayed humble Die hele week se hoogtepunte • Page 6



Mediese fondse Korttermynversekering Lewensversekering Aftreebeplanning Beleggings Testamente Boedelbeplanning Pensioen- en voorsorgfonds Dood- en ongeskiktheidsversekering Aandele

Medical aid Short term insurance Life insurance Retirement planning investments Investments Testaments Estate planning Pension funds Disability insurance Stocks


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Stan under fire from Mabunda • Page 2

SMIT & KIE FSP: 11184



23 March 2018


Bulletin N O R T H



Premier accused of corruption





Personeel | Personnel

The Forum for Limpopo Entrepreneurs (FOLE) has accused Lim- lost money.” Mabunda alleged. popo premier, Stanley Mathabatha of corruption and blamed his However, during the State of the Province Address (SOPA) Pregovernment for the suffering of the people of Limpopo. This comes mier Stanley Mathabatha said he had instructed the MEC for Arts of in the wake of the ANC finalising preparations for the provincial Culture, Onica Moloi to recover the money that was paid to a proRekenings / Accounts / Admin Estelle von Pannier conference set to take place in the next few weeks at a venue moter to bring an international artist to the province, but did Ansie Smuts 079 496 6670 not yet finalised. not turn up to perform during the Mapungubwe festival 076 333 0523 ads@bulletin.us.com FOLE chairperson, Xiviko Mabunda, said the proin December. He was responding to a question from an ansie@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design vince is in disarray more than it was during the tenEFF member of the provincial legislature. Joernaliste / Journalists Tamryn Lancefield ure of the previous premier, Cassel Mathale. The orSpokesperson for the Limpopo provincial govJoe Dreyer 083 637 9551 ganisation cited the admission of school children at ernment, Phuti Seloba, refuted the claims. He said 072 930 1462 tamryn@bulletin.us.com joe@bulletin.us.com hospitals for either eating poisoned food or expired all the departments which were put under admiTessa Thompson feeds as part of the School Nutrition Programme, nistration in the past have improved their financDrukker/Printer: 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com PaarlColdset hungry patients at hospitals, corruption by senes. He said the health department recently hired new staff and as a result they are not outsourcing ior government officials and government departVerspreiding | Distribution ments failing to pass audits. their services which according to him has hurt FAR NORTH MEDIA “Children at local schools are sometimes many local businesses which used to do business Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele forced to go for more than two weeks without with government. Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye eating while the service provider has been paid his Seloba appealed to whoever might have experiNkowankowa • Giyani • Phalaborwa enced corruption in any way to report to either the money for the service that was not rendered. We alprovincial government or contact the police. He said ways hear of cases where school children were admitted to hospitals for eating poisoned or contaminated that where corruption is detected action would be food but the government is doing nothing about taken against those found involved. He said the reports.” said Mabunda. the arrest of traffic officers in the pro“In the Department of Agriculture vince is a clear example of how cona senior official used state money to cerned with fraud and corruption the Kontak besonderhede buy land at R18 million and later sold government is. the land at R180 million and pocketed He described the success of the governContact Details the money. When we reported him to ment after Mathabatha was installed as the Hawks, he was then moved to the premier as the construction of the 38 000 Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. department of Transport. In the Departhousing units, 400 kilometres of tarred ment of Arts and Culture an official was roads, and most of the complaints raised Tel: 015 306 0198 paid R2,2 million for an international with government were looked at and 071 268 2543 (Jacques) artist to perform but when he did not others are on the cards. Stanley Mathabatha 072 930 1462 (Joe) turn up nothing was done to recover the -Jan Mafetsa Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com

Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com


Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen

E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: jacques@bulletin.us.com Admin & rekenings/Admin & accounts: ansie@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Kleinadvertensies / Smalls: ansie@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Website Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

Zuma bailout bank in trouble

Limpopo South African Local Government Association (SALGA) Executive Committee (EXCO) member on finance, Julia Mathebe, also the mayor of the struggling Elias Motsoaledi got under fire from opposition parties for investing R50 million in the Venda Building Society (VBS). The VBS was placed under curatorship by the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) despite the treasury advising the municipalities not to invest with the bank. VBS which is partially owned by Venda paramount chief Tony Rabulana, became famous when it borrowed the former president Jacob Zuma R 7,8 million to pay extra costs to his Nkandla multimillion homestead upon the recommendations of the then public protector Adv Thuli Madonsela. Recently the bank was placed under curatorship for facing financial difficulties and transgressing banking regulations. The SALGA top official will face a grilling by the treasury for investing public funds against the advice of the treasury. This came at the time premier Stanley Mathabatha called on municipalities to use money responsibly. Mathabatha went as far as saying that municipalities whose finances remained in the red, would be taken to a workshop for guidance in good financial practices. Recently, Mathebe defended some of the municipalities whose finances are not in order arguing the reason they are not able to

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raise more revenue lies with the fact that they investments with the bank. According to the are rural in nature. She visited Tzaneen and opposition parties within the municipalities, addressed SALGA members at the show- mayor Mathebe, with her ANC councillors, grounds where she defended struggling pushed for the move to invest the money in municipalities saying that poor debt the bank despite the instruction from the collection methods are the reason treasury. rural municipalities sometimes find When the directive from the themselves in fiscal deep waters. treasury was effected the municShe further added that the EXCO ipality had already invested R14 of SALGA was to meet and delimillion which later grew with an berate on the state of poor municiextra 40 million against the wishes palities. Before she could report of opposition parties in the muback on the meeting to nicipality. It is alleged that discuss how to bail out after the bank helped struggling municiJacob Zuma with palities, she herself money to pay for exmade headlines by tra expenses at his investigations into Nkandla compound, her council for municipalities were lending money urged to invest with to a bank that the bank. bailed the forAttempts to somer president licit comment from from the Nkandthe office of the prela saga despite mier were unsuccessbeen advised not ful. The mayor was to so. reported to have been The VBS was advised by the muput under curatornicipal manager not ship after the treato comment about the sury instructed all matter. The treasury has the municipalities launched investigations Julia Mathebe to withdraw their into the matter.

Stand van Damme Dam Levels

Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 19/3/2018

Tzaneen 44.7%

Ebenezer 92.1%

Merensky 101.6%

Dap Naude 104.4%

Middel Letaba 16.8%

Blyde Rivier Poort 75.3%

Klaserie 100.4%

Tours 63.8%

Vergelegen 101.3%

Ohrigstad 26.8%

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23 March 2018


One water well at a time Self-made billionaire, Quinton van der Burgh, made the long trek to Tzaneen this week accompanied by South Africa’s Miss Universe, Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters and other celebrities to open a brand new water well in the Leokwe village. The Kobjane region on the outskirts of Tzaneen has not seen running water in many years due to the lack of service delivery by the district municipal authorities. Their reliance on rain is not enough and the river they counted on for so long has now run dry. Through his foundation and in conjunction with Generosity Water, Van der Burgh is piloting a sustainable programme providing clean, safe drinking water to fellow South Africans in thousands of communities beginning with the second largest town in Limpopo, Tzaneen. The foundation and fellow patriots gathered to open up a brand new well to the community; a community that has not had a consistent flow of water. Water has become somewhat of a rare commodity when it should be a basic supply to all. Van der Burgh believes that the supply of clean drinking water can lead to a drastic decline in illnesses which further intrenches his foundation’s “people mat-

ter” philosophy. The goal of this campaign is to supply water to South African and African communities, one water well at a time. With a strong focus on South African communities, Van der Burgh and people who share his ideology will attempt to rid South Africa of drought and restore dignity and health to every citizen. Generosity Water produces the highest quality alkaline water with a perfect pH balance of 10.0. To further simplify the impact one person can have on helping another, for every bottle purchased, Generosity gives clean water to two people for an entire month. They have also been involved in similar projects in the Dominican Republic’s capital, Haiti. The group, including notable South Africans who share the values of Generosity Water; Pearl Thusi, Alex Caige and Maps Maponyane arrived at Mmatjatji Primary School on Tuesday morning to unveil the well to a group boisterous youths. Demi-Leigh had her fair share of ‘selfies’ with groups of smiling learners from the extremely impoverished community and Pearl Thusi provided entertainment in the form of some traditional dancing. For more information on Chris van der Burgh and his foundation, as well as the amazing work done by Generosity Water, visit www.generositywater. co.za and www.Quintonvanderbergfoundation.co.za

Alex Caige giving water.

Pearl Thusi Selfie with Kids.

Pearl Thusi dancing.


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23 March 2018

Follow up





Power restored at Letaba hospital

Following Bulletin’s visit along with the DA Deputy Shadow Minister of Health, Lindy Wilson, to the Letaba Hospital last week, power has allegedly been restored to the facility’s pump station. We accompanied Wilson to the site last week after we received information that the hospital was pumping waste and raw sewerage directly into the Letaba River. This was allegedly due to the Mopani District Municipality’s (MDM) failure to pay their Eskom account timeously. The power to the pump station was cut which resulted in the medical waste and raw sewerage being pumped directly into the Letaba River. We received word that a day after our visit, Paradise Sheloa, the MDM’s Water Chief, allegedly settled

the account and the pump station is now running again. Wilson has in the meantime approached the Human Rights Commission who immediately dispatched a team to the site to investigate the matter. The MDM has denied responsibility and shifted the blame onto the Limpopo Department of Health. That department claimed that they never knew about the situation which started in October last year and said that the hospital only informed them of the problem after our visit. Letaba Hospital blatantly refused comment. According to Wilson, the matter has been escalated in parliament to the highest levels and the DA will now look at pursuing legal action against the hospital management. “It is

criminal what has been done here. We will now push to prosecute those responsible and start looking at ways in which the affected section of the river can be rehabilitated. We don’t know how many people have been negatively affected yet, but we are investigating.” The spokesperson for the MDM, Neil Shikwambana has not yet responded to an email we sent regarding the matter. We find it difficult to understand why the MDM denied responsibility for the hospital’s electricity account, but then made payment a day after our exposé. We will keep you informed as the matter unfolds. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

Look at what has become of Tzaneen

Municipal bylaws seem to carry no weight under the rule of the current Greater Tzaneen Municipal administration. The centre of Tzaneen’s business district is a disgrace. The decomposing husks of once prominent office and retail buildings desecrate Danie Joubert Street. Street hawkers have moved into the blackened shells, some punting cooked food prepared over open flame without any adherence to the Occupational Health and Safety Act, devoid of fear of prosecution, daily.

By night these condemned structures offer shelter to prostitutes, pimps and drug dealers. Used condoms lay strewn among the weeds and shrubbery which have made their way through what is left of the concrete flooring. Makeshift cardboard beds and shredded blankets tell of homeless residents. Taxi drivers and motorists use

Tzaneen’s main road, Danie Joubert is in absolute shambles and deteriorating by the day as the municipality seems to have lost all control over the CBD. Street hawkers have infested the pavements, condemned buildings are left untouched and traffic lights are hardly ever functioning.

WOLKBERG AKADEMIE Unieke Christelike Afrikaanse Privaatskool in Tzaneen Graad. 0-7. Slegs 20 kinders per klas

the emergency lane as parking bays and passengers are dropped at random wherever a driver can find a space to squeeze into. The traffic lights at the intersection just above First National Bank have not been operational in three years and motorists face intimidation by reflective vest-wearing “municipal car guards” who demand payment for your privilege to park in a loading zone. What is Serapelo Matlala (Municipal Manager), Maripe Mangena, (Mayor) and Aleck Nkuna (Head of community services) going to do about the disgraceful state of their town which was once the crown jewel of Limpopo? Surely the neglect and rapid decline has not gone unnoticed by the EXCO members? We will endeavour to gain any clarity on these questions from the spokesperson of the GTM, Neville Ndlala. Since Bulletin started posting the direct contact details of the managers of the municipality in our paper, we noticed that the cellphone numbers of the newly appointed directors have been removed from the www.greatertzaneen.org.za website. This also flies in the face of transparency and the Public Access to Information Act (PAIA). Speak to us: we would like to know whether you as a rate-payer feel that your money is being invested in the services you are paying for. Send us an email to joe@bulletin.us.com — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

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23 March 2018



23 March 2018






Granny’s Grumbles – Hospital Food

Many years ago, during the Rhodesian war, I had a very good friend who was a nursing sister in the largest hospital in Harare. Obviously this was where all the young men wounded in action, either shot or blown up, would be brought. Cheryl saw it all, including her fiancée being flown in and dying in the very ward where she worked. In spite of all the horror she saw, there were moments that stayed with her for years and they were in fact quite humorous, especially if you were not emotionally involved. Cheryl was on day shift when Jimmy was wheeled into her ward. Since he had been unconscious when he was air-lifted to the hospital he was obviously unaware that

his leg had been amputated and it was going to be Cheryl’s job to break the news to him. After he had been delivered to the ward, the cage placed over his non-existent leg and he was comfortable Cheryl went about waking him up. When he was totally conscious, he looked at the cage and said “Have they cut it off?”, Cheryl replied in the affirmative (in a sympathetic tone obviously) whereupon Jimmy let out a screech that could be heard at the other end of the hospital. He kept screeching and saying he had no reason to live. You have to be cruel to be kind so Cheryl told him somewhat sharply that the guy in the bed opposite had lost a leg and an arm and had never carried on like this. Jimmy stopped abruptly. “Is it my leg they’ve cut off?” Cheryl told him that yes it was indeed his leg that had been amputated. “Only my leg?” Cheryl suddenly realised what was going on in his mind. She got hold of his hand, raised the blanket and told him to check. A minute later Jimmy was beaming. There was never another squawk out of him and he was a model patient from then on. And now on to the young man who had lost an arm and a leg. Men being men, the other patients in the ward called him “Stumpie”. One evening Cheryl had just arrived to start night shift – she was in the ward staff room looking at the paperwork when Stumpie wheeled himself in. He told her that he was sick of hospital food and

reminisced about his favourite restaurant – the Mokodor. He said he thought he would go there and have a decent meal. Cheryl was busy and wasn’t taking too much notice of what he said and merely mumbled agreement. When she eventually went into the ward to check on all the patients she noticed that he was missing. When she went to turn the lights off at 9 o’clock and he still wasn’t in his bed she asked the guy in the next bed if he had any idea where Stumpie was. “At the Mokodor” was the reply. Well, Stumpie had told her, but Cheryl had never thought that he would actually disappear and since the Mokodor was about three km from the hospital she could not figure out how he would have got there. Within a short space of time, the police were despatched to Mokodor to search for the errant Stumpie who was returned albeit ten sheets to the wind. The entire story was relayed to the ward the following morning. Stumpie, it transpired, after clearing it with Cheryl (or so he thought) had wheeled himself out into the car park where numerous taxis were always lined up waiting for passengers. He explained that he wanted to go to the Mokodor and the taxi driver helped him into the taxi and folded up his wheelchair and off they went. As Stumpie explained it – all the women were fighting to cut up his food for him and all the men were fighting to ply him with drinks. “The best night of his whole life”.

“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all”


Tzaneen Alleenlopers 24 Maart

Alle alleenlopers tussen 40 en 100 kom geniet n bring en braai, Saterdag24 Maart 2018. Vir verdere

Rev Ron Reiners Anglican Church “He/she paid the ultimate price for his service to our country” these are the words often used for those who have died fighting in some war or the other, and a medal or some citation is given to those he/she have left behind. Honouring those who have died in the line of duty is an honourable thing. But what was the cause of their deaths? I believe it was that they were fighting for something they believed in. Jesus paid the ultimate price for us all, for our sins, not His. How often do we forget that He suffered at the hands of others, a horrible death? He journey to His last moments here on earth are clearly recorded in the scriptures. As we prepare to celebrate His triumphal ride in to Jerusalem this Palm Sunday, do we actually realize that He already knew the purpose for this? He could have rode into Jerusalem on a fine chariot, but He chose a humble best of burden, a donkey. It just proves how humble He was. He was greeted with much aplomb and ceremony, people were overjoyed to see Him. Yet these same people would turn against Him in a few days later. Do we also often turn against our heroes of the past and condemn them too? Are we also so fickle that we chop and change as the mood changes? One may argue that we can change our minds as we have the right and God gave us this right. Jesus did not deserve to die, He was not fighting against the authority of the time, He was just fighting against all the sin in the world. He was here to reconnect us to His and our Father in heaven. Be humble as He was turn away from sin and repent. Share your love with others as He commanded us to do. In praying for and forgiving others we will find peace of mind and gain the ultimate goal, our redemption and eternal life. Be His disciples in this mixed up world. Spread the Gospel of the Good News. Be of good faith and bless others. This is what our Saviour wants from all of us.

Mind-blowing Fact #67

besonderhede kontak : 0834533250.

Studies show that money spent on travel makes you happier than money spent on material goods.

Tzaneen Besigheids Liga 12 April

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Die Tzaneen Rolbal Klub Besigheids Liga word aangebied elke Donderdag vanaf 12 April 2018 tot 10 Mei 2018 vanaf 17:30 teen R600.00 per span. Vir meer inligting skakel Carine Chadwick by 083 444 8313.

AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Tzaneen Ged. 241

The Numbers

1 The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.

Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Evangelies Geref Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-str,Tzaneen: 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran

Church Zwariri Road, 015 309 8594. Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof: Modjadjiskloof: 082 653 5498. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, 015 309 9580. St Paul’s United Church Mark Street, Modjadjiskloof: Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Haenertsburg: 015 309 9323. Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. 015 307 3534. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Ned Herv Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Bothastraat, 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Gravelotte Rd, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, May & Pearlmanstrate, Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Joubert & Jopie Bothastraat, Tzaneen: NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk 015 309 9920. Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: Methodist Church 10 Peace St, New Apostolic Church Tzaneen 015 307 3240. Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Drive: Tzaneen Family Church Avispark Hope Methodist Church Boltman St, 015 307 4807. Lodge Conference Hall Tzaneen: 083 598 Modjadjiskloof: Ned Herv Kerk Laeveld 0004 / 073387 2469.





23 March 2018


254 punte vir Rugbybulle nooi Bulletjie Plasie-rugby Al die wintersportspanne van Hoërskool Merensky het verlede Saterdag na Gauteng gereis om by Southdowns College in Centurion aan rugby-, hokkie- en netbalwedstryde deel te neem. Eendeweer het die Plasies ingewag, maar nie gestuit nie. Op die rugbyveld het die vyf blou spanne ‘n totaal van 254 punte aangeteken, teenoor die 5 van hul opponente. Die Eerste-span wen oortuigend, 36-0. Delux Jooste (heelagter) sorg vir 16 punte met 2 drieë en 3 doelskoppe. Ryno van Burick (agtsteman en kaptein) het ook 2 maal onder die pale gaan kuier, terwyl Martin Theunissen (binnesenter) ook een drie druk. Die Tweedes se telling was 31-5, terwyl die O/16-, O/15- en O/14spanne onderskeidelik 58, 66 en 63 punte op die telbord gesit het. Op die hokkieveld het die seuns ook goed gevaar. Die Eerste-span wen gemaklik 3-0 met briljante spel deur Luann Botha, wat twee doele aangeteken het, en Talon Griffiths met 1 doel. Die O/16’s se Hardus van Staden en Ben Freitas teken elkeen ‘n doel aan en sorg vir ‘n 2-1 wen. Die O/14-span verloor 0-2. Dogtershokkie het ook ko-

ning(in) gekraai. Na die Eerstespan se gelykoptelling van 1-1 (Tharine Lombard het die doel aangeteken), het die Tweedes 3-0 gewen met twee doele aangeteken deur Shea Adendorff en een deur Joné du Toit. Die O/16’s verdubbel dié telling deur met 6-0 van die baan te stap, met doele aangeteken deur Leoné Slabbert, Dominique Blandin de Chalain, Zonica van Niekerk, Michelle Brummer en Bianca Prinsloo. Die O/15-dogters maak seker dat hulle die dag nog lank sal onthou met ‘n prag 7-0 oorwinning. Vyf van die doele is deur Karlien Lombard aangeteken, een deur Nikita Pohl en een deur Zuleika Ferns. Die O/14’s maak ook skoonskip met ‘n 4-0 wen; Chantelle Meyer, Nicole van der Walt, Amerie Kotze en Nikita Fouche teken doele aan. Op die netbalbaan wen die Plasie-meisies ook die dag met 6 oorwinnings en ‘n totaal van 132 doele teenoor 56: O/14B (18-3), O/14C (27-1), O/15B (15-4), O/16A (18-3), O/16B (12-2) en O/18A (159). Die O/15C-span moet tevrede wees met ‘n 4-4 gelykopuitslag.

Martin Theunissen

New Tuffy record The Tzaneen Marathon Club hosted its 5th annual Tzaneen Tuffy Marathon on the weekend of the 10th of March. The event was once again a success with a record breaking 714 participants. In the spirit of this success, the Tzaneen Marathon Club would like to thank the following people for their assistance and support: Aida Properties and ClemenGold as main sponsors. Your sponsorship, assistance with preparations, and assistance on the day of the event contributed to the success. Coach House for their great food, warm hospitality and for the use of their fantastic facilities. Zandvliet Wine Estate, who sponsored wine which was handed out to the participants who pre-entered at Aida Properties. The following companies which did an excellent job in manning water stations along the route: NTT Isuzu, Letaba Herald, BRBF

Construction, Compendium Accountants, Herbalife, Mahela Boerdery, Gubitz Boerdery, Round Table, Northern Security, SPCA, Lannie Motors and NTT Toyota. “We would like to thank our local community for their loyal support and we hope to see all of you next year for another Tuffy marathon. Lastly we would like to thank every club member who helped us to make this event such a huge success,” said Paul Zaayman, chairman of Tzaneen Marathon Club. This year’s race was won by Lutendo Mapoto who chased through the 42,2 kilometres in a time of 2:36:30 while the 21,1 kilometre saw Phuti Sethowa cross the line for the Men in just 1:15:31. The first lady to cross the 42,2 kilometre finish line was Geneva Raphatha in a time of 3:40:44. The first lady to finish the half-Tuff was Gift Ramabelo in 1:42:50.

Wolkie-rugbymanne geniet Bulletjie, Stefan Corbett en Ryno van Burick (1ste-spankaptein) se kuiertjie.

Wolkberg Akademie se rugbybulle het Hoërskool Merensky se Bulletjie en twee eerstespanspelers genooi om op Vrydag, 16 Maart, met hulle skouer te skuur en bietjie te gesels oor rugby in die “grootskool”. Rugbykoors het hoog geloop met

‘n blitsvasvra, waarmee Merensky-sonpette uitgedeel is. Merensky nooi elke Wolkie en die gemeenskap uit om die eerste wintersport tuiswedstryde teen Hoërskool Hans Strijdom van Mookgopong op Saterdag, 21 April, by te woon.


23 March 2018





Badger brains win at SciFest

Yazdaan Tayob, Fatima Essa, Cailin Desmet, Danica Altenroxel, Johan Botha, Muaaz Bhyat, Ms Chantelle Rossouw

Six brilliant young scientists from Stanford Lake College took on the Rhodes SciFest in Grahamstown on the 11th of March and faired exceptionally well. Two teams consisting of three member a piece, competed in the science festival against teams from schools across the country. This was the 22nd anniversary of the South African National Science festival (SciFest) which was established by the Grahamstown Foundation

in 1996 to promote the public awareness, understanding and appreciation of science, technology and innovation in South Africa. The theme this year was “Innovation 4.0” with reference to the Fourth Industrial Revolution which includes modern advancements such as Artificial Intelligence, 3D printing and robotics. In 2017, Scifest Africa attracted more than 62,000 visitors and offered a festival programme that consisted of 58 exhibitions and 726 events, presented by 291 contributors from 75 organisations in South Africa and the international STI sector. The Junior team consisting of three Gr 10 students namely Danica Altenroxel, Muaaz Bhyat and Juan Botha were awarded top honours in their category and were named as the best junior science team in the country. The senior team of Cailin Desmet, Yazdaan Tayob and Fatima Essa also held their own to be awarded the third place for their efforts. Senior Team Fatima Essa, Cailin Desmet, Yazdaan Tayob.

Plasie-gees leef voort Tydens die naweek van 16 Maart het dertig oud-leerders van Hoërskool Merensky se klas van 1968 hul 50-jaar reunie gevier. Die “VAT 50”-groep het by die ATKV Eiland Spa tuisgegaan en onder andere ‘n spesiale dinee en kerkdiens met nagmaal saam meegemaak. ‘n Kerngroep het Saterdag, 17 Maart, ‘n besoek aan Plasieland gebring om op gister se spore te loop.

Dié spesiale groep is by die Merensky Museum ontvang, waarna hulle die saal en hele skoolterrein gefynkam het. Hulle is ook deur die bemarkingspan bederf met Plasie-memorabilia. Een en almal was dit eens: Plasieland gaan van krag tot krag en die terrein en spesiale atmosfeer maak enige oud-Plasie steeds trots.

Math sets donated

Tanweer showing the Maths Sets

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23 March 2018



Plasiespanne wen WIK

Gunther Katzke van Merensky.

DIE DLB-SPAN: Daniel Smit, Bevan Muller en Luca Wasley.

Die jaarlikse WIK driekamp gedenkbyeenkoms het weer op 18 Maart by Stanford Lake College plaasgevind. Hierdie jaar het spanne van Hoërskool Merensky septer geswaai deur algeheel eerste- en tweedeplekke in te neem. Drie atlete per span moet afsonderlik swem, fietsry en hardloop om hierdie wedloop te voltooi. Die DLB-span, met Daniel Smit (Merensky), Bevan Muller (Merensky) en Luca Wasley (Stanford Lake College) het met ‘n tyd van 01:07:39 geseëvier. Kort op hul hakke was die Merensky-span met Jenelle de Jonge, Sheldon Muller en Armand Cronjé met ‘n tyd van 01:07:54. Span 202, bestaande uit graad 8-leerders, Ockert Schoeman, Johan van den Heever en Adriaan Nel, het ten spyte van die feit dat Adriaan dubbel die afstand afgelê het, steeds met ‘n tyd van 01:25:42 in die elfdeplek geëndig. Ronan Theron en Gunther Katzke van Ronan Theron – swemmer Merensky het ook in gemengde spanne vir die Tritanium-span. deelgeneem.

Goud vir Plasie by SA’s

DIE PLASIESPAN: Martin Mostert, Dewald Haagner, Ashley en Sean Hunt, Ryan Jackson, Dawie en Lin-Mari Theron, Canelle en Benéche Jackson.

Hoërskool Merensky se boogskietklub het rede om fees te vier. Na ‘n 3-dag lange SA-veldkampioenskap te Klippan in Mpumalanga, het die klub op 18 Maart ‘n handvol medaljes huistoe gebring. Ten spyte van koue, nat en winderige omstandighede het die blou en geel ‘n moeilike baan vasberade kafgedraf. Dewald Haagner (graad 11) verdien sterstatus met sy gouemedalje in die YAMBU-afdeling. Sean Hunt (YAMFU), Canell Jackson (JFBU)

en Lin-Mari Theron (YAFBU) spog met silwermedaljes en Ryan Jackson (YAMFU) skiet ‘n brons los. Benéche Jackson (AFFU) en Ashley Hunt (JFFU) het albei vyfdeplekke behaal, met Dawie Theron (AMBU) ‘n agtste- en Janco Theron (AMBU) ‘n tiendeplek. Canell en Lin-Mari is nou trotse draers van nasionale kleure, terwyl Canell en Benéche, Lin-Mari en Martin Mostert ook hul provinsiale kleure tydens die kompetisie verwerf.

MEDALJEWENNERS: Ryan Jackson, Lin-Mari Theron, Canell Jackson, Sean Hunt en Dewald Haagner.

Third overall. Daniel Smit on the far right.

Damian de Wet, proud of his medal.

Plasies take to the water

A handful Plasie swimmers braced cold weather on Saturday, 17 March, when they met the notorious Ebenezer Mile head-on. Amongst the Merensky athletes, Ms Alex Schoeman (English teacher) also finished

Amelia Booth and Zayna Mahomed.

this challenging event. Daniel Smit (grade 9) had an excellent race, coming in third overall. Other Plasies who participated were Damian de Wet (grade 10), Amelia Booth (grade 8) and Zayna Mahomed (grade 8).

Amelia Booth in third place.

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23 March 2018





WIK opens season This past Sunday saw Stanford Lake College host the sixth annual WIK Triathlon Challenge in honour of Wik van der Walt. Following the death of Van der Walt in 2012 during a mountain bike race, the staff of Stanford Lake College wanted to celebrate the life of their colleague and friend by hosting an off-road triathlon the first ever in Limpopo. The race is now the only Triathlon South Africa sanctioned race in the province.

Markus Theron

Jané Toerien

Shané van den Heever

Shané van den Heever, Jané Toerien, Larike Joubert

Wihan Jacobsz

Juf. Andri Prinsloo

Nuwe Beheerliggaam T ONS



Wim Jacobsz

Baie geluk aan die nuut verkose lede van Laerskool Tzaneen se beheerliggaam. Wim Jacobsz (Geboue en terrein, voertuie en ouer-onderwysersvereninging) , Conrad Vosloo (Voorsitter, kommunikasie en menslike hulp-

Conrad Vosloo

Dawie Venter

After the huge success of the inaugural race in 2013, The Wik Off-road Triathlon expanded in 2014, with the addition of a longer race for the more serious athletes and Ironman hopefuls. The event is now a ‘must do’ for beginners and fast becoming so for seasoned athletes. The friendly family orientated vibe makes everyone feel welcome. This year, as in the years before, a few Laerskool Tzaneen Primary teams (learners, parents and teachers) joined in the fun and tackled the 500m swim, 15km bike ride and 5km run. The teams performed exceptionally well under the grueling conditions of the race and view this as their season-opener in preparation for the races to come. - Photos by GKT SportPics

Nkuna takes fourth

bronne), Dawie Venter (Onder voorsitter, sport en bemarking) , Inge-Mari Kotzé (finansies) , Natasha van Wyngaardt (Regsaspekte en kultuur) en Mantsho Mpiti (sport en bemarking).

Inge Marié Kotzé

Natasha Van Wyngaardt

Mantsho Mpiti

The past weekend Miyelani Nkuna participated in the SA championship athletics in Cape Town. The 150m Unicorn Preparatory sprinter finished the hotly contested race in an overall 4th position making him one of the fastest U/12 runners in the country.




23 March 2018



Sewe vir Vossie-rugby O/15-span in aksie.

Die Vossies het die afgelope naweek kragte gemeet teen Hoërskool Centurion en sewe van die agt spanne het hul wedstryde gewen. Die O/14 A-span het hul wedstryd 33 – 12 gewen terwyl die O/14 B-span 34 – 0 gewen

het. Die O/15 A-span het net-net in n spannende wedstryd met 7 – 15 verloor. Die O/16-groep het amok gemaak en puik hardloop-rugby gespeel. Die A-span het 79 – 5 gewen terwyl die B-span 63 – 5 voor was

toe die wedstryd net na halftyd stop gesit is. Die derde span het 33 – 15 gewen en die tweede span het 25 – 8 gewen. Die eerste span het gemaklik met 39 – 7 gewen en veral in die tweede helfte presteer

nadat die span as een masjien saamgespeel het. Drië: Jason Mulder (2), Shima Molepo, Nathan van der Heever, Christiaan Smit en Thapelo Ramoshaba. Doelskoppe: DJ du Preez (3), Strafskop: DJ du Preez

Vossie-netbal wen 8 uit 9

Voor: Nachandré de Lange,Tsakelani Shingwenyama en Palesa Montle. Agter: Devon Fourie, James Vorster en Jolandi vd Merwe. Afwesig: Lourencia van Dyk.

Atlete vaar goed

Sewe Ben Vorster atlete het aan die Limpopo-kampioenskappe verlede Saterdag deelgeneem. Die dag is op die bane van die Universiteit van Limpopo in Polokwane gehou en die Vossies het goed gevaar. Die O/15 naelloper, Tsakelani Shingwenyama, het vir die sy 11.34

sekondes oor die 100m, gekwalifiseer om aan die SA kampioenskappe later hierdie maand te gaan deelneem. Die spiesgooier, Jolandi van der Merwe het ook vir die ouderdomsgroep Dogters O/17 met haar afstand van 40.49m gekwalifiseer.

Op Saterdag, 17 Maart, het die Hoërskool Ben Vorster kragte teen Hoërskool Centurion gemeet. Die dogters het almal hulself goed van hul taak gekwyt en die meeste van hul wedstryde gewen. Die 0/14A’s het van meet af goeie ritme gehad en met goeie bewegings die span van Centurion uitoorlê, Mikyla Coetser het met akkurate doelwerk die Vossies voor gehou en hul het met 24-6 gewen. Die 0/14B-span het baie goeie netbal opgedis en met alle silinders gehardloop. Hulle het 16-5 gewen terwyl die O/15A-spannetjie baie goeie netbal gespeel het om hul wesdstryd 29-19 te wen.

Shammar Ngobeni, die Vossies se verdediger, was uitstekend en het vele balle onderskep om dit vir die doel, Amukelani Baloyi, maklik te maak om die Vossies se oorwinning te verseker. Die O/15B-span het met die hulpdoel Oddy Mahowa, aan die voorspits die doele ingeryg en hulle opponent oorrompel met 23-11. Die O/16A en B-spanne het beide goeie vertonings gelewer. Die B-span het hul wedstryd teen Centurion met 10 doele op ‘n telling van 10-19 verloor terwyl die A-span hul wedstryd met ‘n telling van 18-13 gewen het. Die senior dogters het net so goed gevaar met die O/17A-span

oortuigend met 25-7 gewen het en die Tweede Span wat met ‘n telling van 16-8 as oorwinnaars uit hul wipplank wedstryd gestap het. Die NTT-Toyota Eerste span het baie groot geskrik en in die eerste vier minute van die wedstryd 0-5 agtergeloop en moes baie hard werk om in te haal. Hierdie wedstryd was ‘n naelbyter, wat tot die laaste 30 sekondes in enige rigting kon geswaai het. Die kalmte van die Vossies se verdedigers, Nielia Blignaut en Dora Maloba, het dit vir hulle moontlik gemaak om met ‘n skrale punt as oorwinaars van die baan te stap 19-18.

Ben Vorster personeel vereer

BB-Groep borg die Rooies

Mnr. Jurie du Plessis, eienaar van die BBgroep Tzaneen by die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se hokkie-organiseerder, me. Elrisa

Oosthuizen en mnr. Louis van Dyk, die astro-bestuurder, met hul nuwe afrigtershempies wat deur die BB-groep geborg is.

Die Vossies bedank BB-groep Tzaneen vir hul borgskap tydens Saterdag, 17 Maart 2018, se sportdag teen Centurion.

Voor: Mee. A. Griesel, D. Atkins, L. Fourie, G. Smit, A. Botha, K. Venter, E. Swart en J. Vorster. 1ste ry: Mee. M. Rijnen, M. Rossouw, E. Denysschen, I. Fasondini, C. Maritz, A. du Plessis, L. Kriel, M. Pohl, S. Vermeulen. 2de ry: Mee. A. Jv Rensburg, N. Barnard, M. Straus, H. vd Merwe. Agter: Mnre. S. Vermeulen, A. Norval, R. Kleingeld, T. v Deventer, U. Sauer, P. Prinsloo, mee. M. Duvenage en N. Pohl. Inlas: Me. Y. Streicher

Mnr. Felix Nomvela,kringbestuurder van die Dept. van Onderwys, het op Maandag, 12 Maart, besoek kom af-

gelê by die Hoërskool Ben Vorster en die onderwysers vereer vir hul puik 2017-vak uitslae.


23 March 2018





Vyf Larries by SA’s Tzaneen speel in Polokwane Mnr. Steven Cremore en Elandri Janse Van Rensburg.

Mnr. Steven Cremore, Ignis Ferreira en Juf. Trudy Engelbrecht.

Vyf Larrie atlete het deelgeneem aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Atletiek Kampioenskappe wat gehou is in die Paarl van 15 – 17 Maart. Elandri Janse van Rensburg wen ‘n silwer medalje in die Dogters o/13 item met ‘n gooi van 37,08. Dit was net 31 cm kort van die wen afstand. Wat haar prestasie so besonders maak, is dat hierdie die derde agtereenvolgende jaar is wat sy deelneem aan die Kampioenskappe. Verlede jaar het sy met die goue medalje weggestap. Megan-Lee Mans was sestiende met die Spiesgooi vir Dogters o/12 met ‘n afstand

van 21,92m en twaalfde die Diskus met ‘n afstand van 26,63m. Sy behaal ook ‘n sestiende plek in die gewigstoot met ‘n afstand van 9,57m. Leon de Lange, seuns o/11, het gesukkel met ‘n besering en behaal agtiende plek in die 70m Hekkies met ‘n tyd van 14,35s. Ignis Ferreira, seuns o/10, behaal veertiende plek in die verspring met ‘n afstand van 3,81m. Leandré de Lange is ongelukkig geskrap van die span omdat sy ‘n jaar te jonk was, maar sy sien baie uit daarna om volgende jaar weer te probeer kwalifiseer.

Mnr. Steven Cremore, Megan-Lee Mans en Juf. Trudy Engelbrecht.

Leon En Leandré De Lange.

Daar is verlede Saterdag ‘n vriendskaplike rugbydag op die velde van Pietersburg Noord in Polokwane gehou en Laerskool Tzaneen Primary het gaan deelneem. Tzaneen het vier van hul 12 wedstryde gewen. Hulle het teen Noord, Suid- en Oosskool kragte gemeet. Die 0/9’s het hul wedstryd teen

Noordskool gewen en gelykop met ‘n telling van 7-elk teen Oosskool geindig. Die O/10 en O/11 spannetjies het beide hul wedstryde verloor terwyl die Derdes gelykop teen Suidskool gespeel het en met ‘n telling van 12-0 teen Noordskool gewen het. Die Tweedes goed vertoon teen Noordskool en met 17-5 die wedstryd gewen. Ooskool was egter te sterk en Tzaneen het met net een drie verloor. Tzaneen se Eerste span het 5-0 teen Tzaneen gewen en later in die dag gelykop teen Oosskool gespeel.

Larries will play Mopani

Theron wen goud

Markus Theron

Laerskool Tzaneen is wel-bekend vir hul hoë standaard swemmers wat jaarliks deur die plaaslike skool opgelewer word. Vanjaar het twee van hierdie swemmers, Markus en Armand Theron, aan die Vlak 1 Suid-Afrikaanse

Swemkampioenskappe in Nelspruit gaan deelneem. Daar het Markus aan vyf items deelgeneem en drie goud en twee silwer medaljes terug gebring. Broer, Armand het ook goed geswem, maar geen medaljes verower nie.

New Headmaster

André Engelbrecht

Frans du Toit High School in Phalaborwa is abuzz with excitement this week after the announcement of the appointment of André Engelbrecht as their new headmaster. Engelbrecht’s appointment came along with the announcement of the new governing body this week.

Back: Vutivi Manzini, Tashné Opperman, Danielle Naudé, Lané Kasselman, Marandi Rossouw and Tshepo Mathebula. Front: Dineo Letsoalo and Moné Venter.

This week, on Monday afternoon, the annual cluster trials for Primary School netball teams were held at Laerskool Tzaneen Primary. A few of this school’s top U/12 and U/13 players competed in these tri-

als and were selected to play in the Mopani Trials on the 16th of April at Unicorn Preparatory School. The U/12 girls selected were Rendani Mamorobela, Makoma Malatji, Jané Toerien, Zilmarie van

Rooyen and Dimpho Mametja. The U/13 girls included Vutivi Manzini, Tashné Opperman, Danielle Naudé, Lané Kasselman, Marandi Rossouw, Tshepo Mathebula, Dineo Letsoalo and Moné Venter.

Rendani Mamorobela, Makoma Malatji, Jané Toerien, Zilmarie van Rooyen and Dimpho Mametja.




23 March 2018



Fransies look unstoppable Phalaborwa’s Tuskers continued their schools league rampage toward top honour when they beat the mighty Bergvlam teams this weekend in a series of home games. Bergvlam has long been regarded as a school to be reckoned with on the sporting field and their visit to Phalaborwa had many faithful Frans Du Toit supporters rethinking their teams’ chances of another win in their 2018 campaign. Nonetheless, the Fransies dug deep and scored a hat trick victory as they rose victorious for the third consecutive weekend. This means that Frans Du Toit have remained unconquered in their league thus far, and have beaten schools including Lowveld High, Tom Naude and now Bergvlam. On the rugby field the only match Frans du Toit conceded was the hotly contested U/16 game which ended with a single point difference (7-8) in favour of the Nelspruit visitors. The U/14 team won their encounter by 24 points to 5 while the U/15 boys sent their opponents to the change rooms with a 31-10 defeat. Both the Second and First teams played

exceptionally well, winning their games 2418 and 24-22 respectively. On the netball courts the fairer Fransies won every one of their six matches amid some of the toughest competition they have faced all season. The U/14 girls won their game by 10 goals to four while the U/15B and C-teams each emerged victorious with scores of 20-4 and 6-4 respectively. The U/16B team won by two goals with a score of 7-5 and the Second team won with a score of 15-6. The First team really outshone their opponents to take the match in a nail biting 28-20. On the hockey fields there were only two matches on the day and both of which were won by the hosts. Frans Du Toit’s U/16 girls won their game 1-0 while the First Boys put three goals in the box to win by 3-1.

This coming weekend will offer the Tuskers some well-deserved rest before they travel to Eric Louw for their next encounter the week after that. If Frans Du Toit continue along their current path, they could very well regain their former glory as a sporting outfit not

to be taken lightly. Many parents attribute this school’s success on the sports field as the reason why another local High School continues to scout on their playground. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

Erens Roets stops a Bergvlam centre in his tracks. Janita Sonnekus

Dylan van Loggerenberg is chased down by Ricardo Plasido.

Terrence “The Tank” Masela juggernaut’s his way through the entire Bergvlam back line.

Ford drives Fransies

Bergvlam’s Shanro van Rensburg was arguably the most photogenic player on the field.

Fransies se nuwe stuurspan

Frans du Toit se nuwe Beheerliggaam vir 2018 is vroeër die maand verkies. Hulle is Ghoerts Marais (Geboue en Terreine), Vickus Gericke (Fondse en Bemarking), Chantelle van Rooyen (onder-voorsitter en Tesourier), Jacques

Naude (Fondse en Bemarking), Brandon Du Plooy (Voorsitter), Annet Janse van Rensburg (Sekretaresse), Harry Maré (Sport), Francois Ludick (Dissipline) en JP van der Merwe (Akademie).

The “Ford Drive 4 UR School” began in 2007 as a way for Ford to give back to communities across the country. The idea was simple: Test-drive a Ford vehicle from a local dealership, get money for your school. Morné Simpson, the owner of Phalaborwa

Ford, sponsors Frans Du Toit every year through this drive and this year handed over a cheque to the value of R11 400 to the local High School. “Thank you Phalaborwa Ford, we greatly appreciate your contribution to the growth of our school.”


23 March 2018



Legals NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF THE TZANEEN TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 2000 IN TERMS OF SECTION 57 OF THE SPLUMA BYLAW, 2016 OF GREATER TZANEEN MUNICIPALITY TZANEEN AMENDMENT SCHEME 386 I, Floris Jacques du Toit of Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, being the authorized agent of the registered owner of Erf 535 Tzaneen Extension 6, hereby give notice in terms of Section 57 of the Greater Tzaneen Spluma Bylaws, 2016, that we have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for the amendment of the Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2000, by the rezoning of Erf 535 Tzaneen Extension 6, situated at 14 Adshade Street, from “Residential 1” to “Residential 3” with a relaxation of density to 50 units/ha for the purpose of developing townhouses. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Acting Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen, for the period of 30 days from 23 March 2018 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Acting Municipal Manager at the above address or be delivered to Room 257, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen on or before 24 April 2018, quoting the above mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the

objection/representation, the objector’s property description, phone numbers and address. A person who cannot write may during office hours and within the objection period, visit the abovementioned Municipality requesting assistance to transcribe his/her objections, comments or representations. Contact person: Mr M J Mathye (015-307 8031). Address of Agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015307 3710 Mar401__________________________

KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM WYSIGING VAN DIE TZANEEN DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA, 2000 INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 57 VAN DIE SPLUMA VERORDENING, 2016 VAN DIE GROTER TZANEEN MUNISIPALITEIT TZANEEN WYSIGINGSKEMA 386 Ek, Floris Jacques du Toit van Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Stads- en Streeksbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van Erf 535 Tzaneen Uitbreiding 6, gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 57 van die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit Spluma Verordening, 2016, kennis dat ons by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000, deur die hersonering van Erf 535 Tzaneen Uitbreiding 6, geleë te Adshade Straat 14, van “Residensieël 1” na “Residensieël 3” met ‘n digtheidsverslapping tot 50 eenhede/ha met die doel om meenthuise te ontwikkel. Besonderhede van die aan-

soek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Waarnemende Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 23 Maart 2018 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet skriftelik voor of op 24 April 2018 gerig word aan die Waarnemende Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of afgelewer word by Kamer 257, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, met verwysing na bostaande opskrif, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die gronde/redes vir die beswaar, die beswaarmaker se eiendomsbeskrywing, telefoonnommer en adres. Enige persoon wat nie kan skryf nie mag gedurende kantoorure en binne die beswaretyd die bovermelde Munisipaliteit besoek en hulp versoek om sy/haar besware, kommentare of voorstelle op skrif te stel. Kontakpersoon: Mnr M J Mathye (015-3078031). Adres van agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015-307 3710



Plasiepraters is paraat

JUNIOR VOORBEREID: Ruben Potgieter, Keynan Fox en Wessel de Kock. Afwesig; Mariesa Schutte.

JUNIOR ONVOORBEREID: Michelle Robertson, Johan van den Heever, Desiré de Jager en Andrea van Jaarsveld.


SENIORS: Stefan en Suandrie Corbett, Liné Fourie, Lisa Maguire, Liza-Ri Snyman en Amelda Pretorius. Afwesig: Crystal Kirstein en Manika van Schalkwyk.

Ter voorbereiding van die landwye ATKV-redenaarskompetisie het Hoërskool Merensky se gladdebekke op 12 en 14 Maart aan die interne uitdunne deelgeneem. Lank voor hierdie datums het die Plasiepraters die geleentheid benut om onvoorbereide slypskole, onder leiding van me. Mari Weber (kultuurbestuurder), by te woon en só hul vaardighede op te skerp. ‘n Bekwame span het by die twee geleenthede beoordeel: mee. Hannelie Schoonraad (Afrikaans vakadviseur), Marietjie Naudé (skoolhoof, Wolkberg Akademie), Christelle le Roux (Unicorn), Annarien Jacobs (Laerskool Tzaneen), Chantel Schoeman (entrepreneur) en Claudia Olivier (Merensky). In die juniorafdeling dring Keynan Fox, Wessel de Kock, Ruben Potgieter en Mariesa Schutte deur met hul voorbereide toesprake. Michelle Robertson, Desiré de Jager, Johan van den Heever en Andrea van Jaarsveld gaan in die onvoorbereide afdeling deelneem. Seniors, Liza-Ri Snyman, Lisa Maguire, Amelda Pretorius en Manica van Schalkwyk het met hul voorbereide toesprake beïndruk en dring ook deur na die volgende ronde. Suandrie en Stefan Corbett, Liné Fourie en Crystal Kirstein het bewys dat hul die kuns van onvoorbereide redevoering reeds bemeester het. Plasieland sien uit na deelname aan die eerste ronde van die ATKV-kompetisie by Pietersburg Hoërskool op 23 en 24 April.

Smouskous l Classifieds

SMIT & KIE Mediese fondse Korttermyn versekering Lewensversekering Aftree beplanning Testamente / Beleggings 10 Windsor Street 015 307 5587 Jun310___________________________

Tzaneen Trailer Hire Service & repair on trailers and caravans. Trailer hire: Double/Single Axle, Car, Piggyback, Cattle & Luggage trailers. Hennie: 083 651 0936 Oct301____________________________

VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/ 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb.co.za www. steynbergmeubelvervoer. com

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For all your woodwork needs. Repairs to wooden furniture. Making of furniture. Contact Rob on 071 727 2377

Steynberg Trok & Trekker. 8 Ton Trokke te huur R23.50/km + btw, 8 Ton Koeler Trok R26/km + btw, 12 Ton Trok R25.50/km + btw & 20 Ton @ R32.50/km + btw, Lowbed trailer @ R32.50/ km + btw. 6 cube tipper @ R25/km + btw eenrigting. Skakel vir Kwotasie: 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Of 015 345 1192 084 627 0956



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Repairs of steel products & general steelwork. Herstel van staal produkte en algemene staalwerk. Ian: 066 089 1880


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Jobseeker Domestic worker looking for employment. Fabulous hardworking lady looking for employment in Tzaneen. Live in is an option. Sarah is an older woman who speaks English and a little Afrikaans and has basic cooking skills. Call for reference or to set up an interview – 0823975385 __________________________ My name is Sewela Stephina Lebepe, I am looking for a job as a Domestic worker / cleaner. Sleep out. Can start immediately. Has a certificate. Please contact me on 072 989 0139. __________________________ Caretaker available for farm or flat maintenance. Fully qualified plumber, electrical, building, tiling ect. Can farm and do all mechanical work. Contact 079 882 7518. __________________________

Property For Sale Te Koop 24 ROOM GUEST HOUSE FOR SALE in PHALABORWA All rooms en-suite, most with kitchenettes. B&B and self catering. Business rights, zoning in place. SARS, Compensation Commissioner compliant. Very close to Mopani FET college. (Also ideal student accommodation, various options) All furniture & equipment included. Very successful running business. Staff happy. Owners retiring. Contact number 0829200071 to view. No bank loans, serious cash/EFT buyers only. Asking 3.7 Mil. Mar101__________________________


To Let Te Huur ATTENTION ALL SENIORS We have a modern chalet for rent in Georges Valley area. 2 Bedrooms, 1,5 bathrooms, huge open plan loft, separate washing area and carport. You can enjoy the Letaba river front, play some Juksei, go for walks up the river or use our bicycles to relax. Available immediately at a rental of R7900 per month. Water is for free. No small children or dogs unfortunately. To view by appointment only. Contact: Pieter 082 855 2794 Naomi 081 048 4856


3 bedroom house available 1 May 2018 in Aquapark Tzaneen Double garage, Large garden with swimming pool R11 000.00 Please contact 0833893915





23 March 2018



Bosman derde by Ebenezer Myl Verlede Saterdag was weer tyd vir die jaarlikse Ebenezer Myl net buite Haenerstburg. Soos gewoonlik was daar ‘n paar Larries wat weer deelegeneem het. Jason Bosman het die 1 600m afstand afgelê in ‘n tyd van 26 minute en 15 sekondes om ‘n algehele derde plek los te swem. Donia Smit het die afstand geswem in 29 minute en 08 sekondes terwyl Joszua Joubert klaar gemaak het in 3 minute en 23 sekondes.

Jason Bosman, Donia Smit en Joszua Joubert.

Joszua Joubert en Jason Bosman.

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Spor t

A very misty Mile 23 March 2018 7 October 2016

Hundreds of swimmers, some pro and some amateur, braved the chilly waters of the Ebenezer dam to take on the 1 600m circuit from shore to shore. For the more adventurous at heart, there waited the intimidating 3000m race. Left: Sean Cresswell from Cape Town is at Warriors for his gap year.

The Haenertsburg High Performance Academy gets ready to swim. They are from left Yolandi van Rooyen (who came fourth), JJ Roestoff, Schalk van der Merwe, Rob Parnell, Ian Coad, Patrick Bremner and James Halkon.

The Georges Valley Road to Ebenezer Dam was misty, a samango stood unusually and leisurely at the side of the road – that was odd as samangos are historically shy primates. The oddness, as far as the weather was concerned, continued. The mist rose and fell over Ebenezer Dam like a slow moving thick, white stage curtain. The first race was thus delayed by an hour and 15 minutes. Without sight of the buoy, there can be no swim. The Ebenezer Mile venue, historically at the Yacht Club, has moved to a disused site further along the road owned by Lepelle. There’s now a separate start and finish line. The view is spectacular. There’s an existing building called Old Smoky that Haenertsburg Rotary will restore. There’s a separate area for stalls and seating with tables. The coffee vendors also arrived late and coffee lovers braved an hour in the queue to get warm coffee. But it was worth it

with a choice of almost a dozen coffees. The Vervet Monkey Foundation, with plant-based French chef William Laurent, arrived late. Josie du Toit from VMF had an accident on the Georges Valley road on her way to the Mile. She’s battered and bruised but ok and the vehicle is a write-off. The pancakes sold well in the chilly weather. Letaba SPCA sold dragon fruit and hamburgers. Gone are the days when Haenertsburg Rotary did the timing. That chore has been contracted out to the company TIMEME for the past four years. Stationed in Old Smoky Barend Gous from TIMEME says that they travel all over the country. They time running and mountain biking as well. EB Mile was timed manually but TIMEME does offer electronic timing. TIMEME also captures late

entries and gets them into the system before the events starts. The winners of the Ebenezer Mile were Ockert Vermeulen with a time of 20:45 and Anel de Vos with a time of 21:56. The annual Warriors performers, together with the recently-formed pinkcapped Haenertsburg High Performance Academy, provided light relief. American Karen Sternberg (56), from California USA, swam her very first EB Mile. Karen runs, goes to gym, does weights and swam Midmar four years ago. Cycads brought Karen and her husband Paul to SA a decade ago. She’s writing a novel about cycad collecting over the past 60 years and collaborating with the SA botanical artist Douglas Goode. At her home, an hour from San Diego, Karen has a cycad nursery and drought resistant plants such as aloes and succulents. She has a doctorate of science in Computer Science and was a software engineer for government contracts. Karen met her husband at California Riverside University. Paul is now retired but was a researcher in soil science at the university.

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