Bulletin 180420

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Diagnostic Radiologists

20 April 2018


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— Body of newborn found at dumpsite Page 3


Mahela Boerdery se werknemers het verlede Vrydag groot fees gevier tydens hul jaarlikse plegtigheid in die Junction Pakhuis op Letsitele. Meer hieroor in die AgriBulletin. Foto:Jacques Smuts

Bladsy 2

Matlala: “I have a plan.”





Mediese fondse Korttermynversekering Lewensversekering Aftreebeplanning Beleggings Testamente Boedelbeplanning Pensioen- en voorsorgfonds Dood- en ongeskiktheidsversekering Aandele

Medical aid Short term insurance Life insurance Retirement planning investments Investments Testaments Estate planning Pension funds Disability insurance Stocks


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Be sure to check out the puzzles and other fun activities in our schools supplement! See pages 9 - 12

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20 April 2018






Twintig jaar diensplig vir 31

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Personeel | Personnel Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com

Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com

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Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani • Phalaborwa FAR NORTH MEDIA

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Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 071 268 2543 (Jacques) 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: jacques@bulletin.us.com Admin & rekenings/Admin & accounts: ansie@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Kleinadvertensies / Smalls: ansie@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Website Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

Mahela Boerdery op Letsitele het vanjaar weer aan hul hardwerkende personeel hulde gebring tydens ‘n glans seremonie by hul Junction Pakhuis in daardie dorp. Altesaam 331 werkers het in verskeie velde kursusse voltooi en daarvolgens hul sertifikate ontvang. Merkbaar was die 39 werk enemers wat vanjaar vir hul betroubaarheid en lojaliteit beloon is vir hul meer as twintig jaar diensplig. Vir ‘n meer volledige berig oor die geleentheid lees gerus volgende week se AgriBulletin.. Besigtig ook on video oor die aangeleentheid op ons webtuiste by www.bulletin. us.com.

Chiefs want land, Cyril says no Tony Mphephu Ramabulana, chairperson of the now defunct Venda Building Society (VBS), and the paramount king of the Vhavenda tribe, has called on President Cyril Ramaphosa, that the land to be appropriated without compensation be handed to him and the other chiefs and not the government. Ramabulana made the call during the Balobedu Queenship celebrations last week. His reasoning is that the land was taken from the chiefs by the government of that time. Ramabulana, who claimed that his subjects and the Balobedu were cousins, said “we celebrate the return of the land through the land appropriation without compensation to the people, we would like to remind the government that the land should be returned to the kings and chiefs and not the Communal Property Associations (CPA) as is the case in most instances.”

He explained that since the land is the property of royalty, it should not be returned to the communities who are likely to underutilize the land which would halter development. Ramabulana added that it would be appropriate if people were educated about the African ways of civilisation in order to alter the way outsiders view Africa as well as the importance of royal leadership in African nations. The area envisaged by the Vhavenda and Balobedu people will include Tzaneen, Politsi, Modjadjiskloof, Mooketsi, Soekmekaar, and the areas all the way to Soutpansberg. VBS (which Ramabulana is the chairperson of) is the bank which borrowed former president Jacob Zuma R 7,8 million to pay for the extra costs at his Nkandla homestead after he was advised by former public pro-

tector, Thuli Madonsela. The bank has since been put under curatorship after the treasury ordered municipalities which had invested with the bank, to withdraw their monies. President Ramaphosa said “in line with the provisions of chapter 12 of the Constitution, restoring the dignity of traditional leaders by returning their land will be in line with the Constitution and it should be respected. The land will be used for agricultural procession, food production, effectively for agriculture like they do in other countries. We will open agricultural colleges and train the youths in agri-processing and produce more food.” Ramaphosa reiterated that the land will not be given to the chiefs but will instead remain in the hands of government. He said through training institutions, people will be introduced to fields such as Agri-chemistry, infrastructure and Agri-engineering.

ANC elective conferences put on hold Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

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The much anticipated Limpopo ANC provincial conference has been postponed until further notice after the NEC notified all the provincial committees that there be no elective conferences until the election in April in 2019. The directive also applies to elective conferences of the regional, sub-regional and the branch executive committees. The conference was expected to take place this weekend but not anymore. The announcement stirred up mixed feelings within ordinary members of the ANC in Tzaneen, saying it was long overdue and was not supposed to have been postponed. Another view is that the postponement will give those implicated in the state capture in local circles, chance to clear their names be-

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fore the conferences. It is believed that electing people who will later be charged for corruption will not be good for the organisation. Limpopo ANC secretary, Knocks Seabi, said that he received correspondence from the national office of the ANC indicating that it has resolved that all the conferences of the party which were due to take place be put on hold. Seabi said that the decision binds all the structures of the party from provincial, regional sub-regional and the branches executive committees. However, the ultimatum was not received by all in the party arguing that the move would make those who had lost in the latest lobbying regroup, gain ground before the conferences. This came in the wake of all the regions in Limpopo throwing their

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weight behind the current chairperson, Stanley Mathabatha. The move is described by Seabi, whose position was to be challenged by Soviet Lekganyane, as aimed at preparing the organisation for the upcoming election set to take place in April next year. Political analyst Elvis Masoga, said Mathabatha is supported by all regions of the province and widely praised for stabilising the ANC and the provincial government. He said many ANC leaders across the country are in great awe of Mathabatha`s technocratic brilliance and political calculus and most significantly he is revered for his lack of opportunistic populism. He added that his superb deeds are much greater than reserved eminence. Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 16/4/2018

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20 April 2018


Suffer all the little children The infant, on opening his eyes, ought to see his country, and to the hour of his death never lose sight of it. But what awful sight it must have been for the infant boy found discarded among the rest of the household waste on Tuesday afternoon? What, pray tell was his impression of his country when his life started at its very ending? The report came in from Phalaborwa around midday. “We found a baby in the rubbish at the dumpsite. It is dead. Police are on their way.” Devoid of emotion the policeman on the other end of the phone call said that he thought the child was probably between 6 and 8 years of age. He said that from the position of the body he could not tell, but the autopsy would reveal definitive clues which would assist in their investigations. A rubbish sorter working at the Phalaborwa landfill site, explained that she was sifting through a mountain of newly discarded rubbish from a dump truck originating from the township of Namakgale, just 10 kilometres out of town. She noticed the blanket first. Upon closer inspection she noticed blood. Unravelling the dirty, bloodstained cloth revealed the head of a baby. She said she knew it was a new-born. It had been dumped intentionally. The local police were summoned by one of the security guards at the site. They arrived on scene after the first reporters. Within the hour, the news

had spread to social media where within lesser time still, the comments ate their way through keyboards across the region. And then it stopped. The provincial forensic pathology units from Maphuta Malatjie hospital arrived and removed the corpse from the dumpsite. The boy was placed in a silver bag and driven to the hospital for the autopsy. “Currently we do not know the age of the child as the report has not yet come back to us from the lab. The only thing we know is that the child was found at the dump. The police are still investigating,” said the media liaison officer for Maphuta Malatjie hospital. “You should check with the provincial spokesperson for more information.” But what of the mother – a term to be used loosely in cases such as this. The hospital said that they knew nothing of the birth or the woman who delivered the boy child. The police were following up leads but they too knew little more than the writer of this piece. Nothing. Nobody knew anything and said even less. It was old news by this morning and by tonight you too would have forgotten. These cruelties occur daily and society has become anaesthetized by it. We feel nothing but the need to blame. And blame we should. Judge we must too. But not the woman who this child in a dustbin threw – the blame rests on our society, squarely upon me and you. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

The gruesome discovery made on Tuesday afternoon at the landfill site in Phalaborwa. More disturbing than this image is the gruesome crime committed. Photo: Supplied

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20 April 2018


areas such as some of the farms, the technicians cannot even the reach the site because they have no vehicles at their disposal,” he said as he through his hand in the air as a gesture of disbelief. “I have no idea how it happened that most of the municipal vehicles are standing in a workshop, but that is going to be rectified immediately.” It would be easy to scoff at the idea considering that it is public knowledge that a R600 million life raft is what this beached municipal ship really needs to lift us out of this power crisis. Another fact he acknowledged. “I know that what we really need is a complete upgrade and overhaul of the entire power grid. That will come, but right now there are things that we can do immediately to make this situation a little more bearable in the interim. I believe that empowering the technicians and keeping our lines clean will be a step in the right direction.” Through the course of the meeting he made mention of a number of topics which would be too lengthy to discuss in a newspaper article, including his meeting with Pieter Vorster and members of AgriLetaba the following day. The meeting would be to exchange ideas and build a working relationship with the community. “So far my list of problem areas I have identified within my first week is a very, very long one. I will prioritize that list and start witling away at it so that we can achieve Thapelo Matlala the vision which I

A major concern It seems that the lack of maintenance is catching up to the GTM as another of its main roads has started deteriorating at a very rapid pace. It is somewhat tiresome highlighting these instances weekly as we find it difficult to understand why the community, through the medium of this publication, has to bring these issues to the attention of the municipality. Especially since there is apparently a maintenance team whose only mandate is the inspection and maintenance of the town’s roadways. Do the municipal officials or office bearers not travel along these very same roads? Does their daily commute not take them through these dangerous sites, or do they perhaps employ the use of exclusive byways



Do you have a plan, Sir?

Exclusive Perhaps expecting an all-encompassing response to such an open-ended question was in retrospect a little naïve of me. But nonetheless I managed to worm it into my conversation with the newly appointed Municipal Manager of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality as we sat casually chatting over a modestly priced cup of coffee one evening last week. It was not an interview, but rather the opportunity to meet the man with arguably the toughest job in town. Thapelo Matlala surprised me. “Yes, actually I do,” he said in a rather authoritative manner. “Tzaneen’s municipality is in trouble, this is a fact we cannot deny, nor will I endeavour to. But I believe that we can fix this if we start by rectifying the basics first. The small things, we will start there.” The Electrical Crisis According to Matlala, it is absurd that people sit without electricity in their homes for up to 53 hours. He attributes this to a number of factors including the lack of basic maintenance along the powerlines. Here is what he proposes as an interim solution to pave the way forward: “We will relook the appointment of a contractor for the ongoing maintenance and clearing of the powerlines. At the moment I would estimate that 70 percent of our problems stem from overgrown vegetation under and next to these powerlines. I believe there was an agreement at one time between the GTM and the Working on Fire programme. I will look into that too.” Furthermore he mentioned the various issues the municipal technicians encounter while responding to power outages late at night or in the early morning hours. “The reason for most of the delays in restoring your power when it does trip, is that in many cases these technicians are unable to reach the customers speedily enough. In some instances, especially in the more rural


have for this beautiful area. I would like for the Greater Tzaneen Municipality to be the best municipality in the province. It should become a benchmark by which other municipalities will measure their performance. And with the help of this community, there exists not a fraction of doubt that it will.” A little background Thapelo Matlala is an educated, well-spoken - and even better read – man who boasts a personal library of close on 3 500 books. He and close friend, Molebatsi Masedi, the spokesperson for Agriculture in the office of the MEC, are long standing members of the Timbuktu Book

Club which they helped found in Polokwane. He has more than 20 years’ experience in local government and served as the Provincial Executive Officer for the South African Local Government Association (Salga) – an organization he joined in 1998 when it was still known as Northern Province Local Government Association. During his time at Salga, his portfolio included advising municipalities on financial management practices, project management and labour relations matters. He was also in charge of a team of managers who oversaw community and economic development programmes. Academically he holds a BTech in Public Management from Unisa, an Advanced Diploma in Labour Law from University of Johannesburg (formerly RAU), and a National Diploma in Municipal Administration from Technikon Mangosuthu. He has been appointed on a five year fixed contract basis marking the end of the “acting” (which Mayor Maripe Mangena termed the ‘Hollywood period’) at Tzaneen’s graffiti-riddled Whitehouse. Matlala will be the first municipal manager in ten years and he started work officially on the 3rd of April. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

Voortrekker Road is sinking of which the public, and indeed this reporter, bear no knowledge? Even walking down Voortrekker Road the damage and imminent collapse of this dual carriageway is noticeable. If the gaping hole on the side of the pavement is no indication then the noise of vehicles scraping their undercarriages as they pass over the heavy dip in the road certainly is. Bulletin has received numerous complaints from motorists who have to use this road every morning. As with the massive sinkhole on the Hamawasha Road, the one in the new industrial area and the two further on up Agatha Road, this site will in all likelihood be left to completely collapse in on itself before any action is taken. Granted, the Agatha Road sinkholes are the

responsibility of the illusive Roads Agency Limpopo (RAL) who last assured us of their attention in an email back in 2017. But Voortrekker Road is the responsibility of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality. The enormity of the traffic chaos the closure of Voortrekker Road will accompany, is unfathomable. The situation needs to be resolved as a matter of urgency lest someone is seriously injured in the event of the road giving way – or worse. We have not sent enquiries to the spokesperson of the municipality, as we find the exercise to be futile. As you read this, we are still awaiting a response on an email enquiry we sent to Neville Ndlala a month ago re-

garding the state of the intersection at CTM along Claude Wheatley Street. We are also still awaiting his response on the Letaba Airfield which we reported on two weeks ago. Perhaps this article will catch the eye of our newly appointed Municipal Manager, Thapelo Matlala, who could then by all accounts apply the right pressure to the right behinds to get this dangerous situation under control. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

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20 April 2018



20 April 2018





The Message

Granny’s Grumbles - The Great Dumpy Saga

Forty-five years ago (at the height of the Rhodesian war) recycling was a big thing. Sanctions were biting and anything and everything was recycled in some way. However, for some reason dumpy beer bottles had no resale value. Nevertheless many enterprising people cut them into glasses and some florists used them as containers for flowers after they were cut in half and the bottle neck attached to the underside making it look like a champagne glass. We lived in a suburb which was fairly close to a tobacco farm which was obvious-

ly gong through tough times due to sanctions. All farmers were urged to diversify and this farmer came up with a very good idea, which I heard about through our trusty long-time cook who had been with our family for years. Joseph waited until my hubby was back from the bush to ask if he and all his army friends would collect empty dumpy bottles for Joseph as the local farmer was going into beer manufacturing and would pay 10 cents for each empty bottle. Not a problem! Each and every visitor to the house for the next couple of months had heaps of empties for Joseph. I worked mornings only and upon my return one afternoon I was met by a very upset Joseph who informed me that the lady next door had called him to the fence and told him that his employers were alcoholics. I knew that the neighbour was a little strange but couldn’t imagine what on earth would possess her to say such a thing. My husband was hardly ever at home and with four children I certainly wasn’t throwing wild parties. Upon further questioning it transpired that she had been standing at the top end of her large property which adjoined our large property and looking at the back of Joseph’s quarters. I decided to take a look – more than 1000 dumpy bottles all laid out in straight lines. No wonder she thought we had a close relationship with the brewery! They had to be removed, so straight after work the following day I told Joseph that he and his empties must be packed into

our old station-wagon forthwith and we would go directly to the farm. Since there were no plastic bags during sanctions, and cardboard boxes were at a premium as they were used to pack grocery orders in the shops, finding a way to transport them was a problem. Eventually the bottles were packed into old hessian sacks, old paraffin tins and anything else that could hold a bottle. After eventually finding the old grading shed where the latest brewery had just started up, Joseph dragged all his dumpy bottles into the building and I settled down for the long wait. When he eventually reappeared, he was dragging another heavy sack and with a delighted smile told me that he could have got 10 cents a bottle OR a free beer for each 10 bottles, so he had opted for the latter. I had never known that he drank but evidently Uncle Julius who had raised him, was a beer lover and he also wanted to give gifts to the people who had collected the bottles. “Impi Beer” had a large square white label (newsprint – no fancy paper) with a couple of stick men dancing with spears on the front. Very basic, but going from tobacco farming to brewing was probably a costly business. Hubby arrived home a few days later – Joseph met him with a gift – six beers wrapped in newspaper and suggested that he have a couple that evening – Uncle Julius thought it was great beer. The alcohol content of Impi Beer was through the roof and it was an instant success – not quite good enough to dethrone Castle Breweries but to keep the farmer afloat.

“There is no success without hardship” — Sophocles

Social Tzaneen Aandmark 20 April Die Gereformeerde Kerk Laeveld Aandmark word aangebied op 20 April 2018 vanaf 16:00 tot laat. Vir meer inligting skakel 015 307 3205 of epos gklaeveld@mweb.co.za.

Tzaneen Dirt Dash 21 April The Dirt Dash presented by Tzaneen Care Group will be held on 21 April 2018 at Magoebaskloof Adventures from 09:00. Tickets available at www. entryninja.com. For more information contact Melissa Strydom on 078 621 7405 or email admin@tzaneencaregroup.co.za.

Tzaneen Koraalboom 26-29 April


Die Koraalboom word aangebied op 26 tot 29 April 2018 by Tzaneen Country Club. Besoek www.tzaneencountryclub.co.za. Vir meer inligting skakel 015 305 3102 of epos info@ tzaneencountryclub.co.za.

AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Tzaneen Ged. 241

Haenertsburg Food, Wine & Beer Festival 28 & 29 April

The Haenertsburg Food, Wine and Beer Festival will be held on 28 & 29 April 2018. Tickets available at www.quicket.co.za. Visit www. foodandwinefestival.co.za. For more information contact 082 370 8567 oe email mara@ haenertsburg.co.za.

Tzaneen XCO MTB Race 28 April

Rev Ron Reiners Anglican Church Shalom. As you see I greet you with the word “Shalom” which is actually a Jewish greeting but it has quite an interesting interpretation or meaning and that is why I use it. Shalom is one of the most beautiful blessings to say to another! It means: May Peace embrace you, Favour enfold you, God’s Goodness in Loving Kindness be with you, Enclosed and Protect you! May the Peace of God be within you! May you have Peace, be Content. Perfect in Completeness, be in Fullness with Harmony and Well-Being! May you have Health, Safety and Protection, Fullness in Heart in the plentitude of His Powers. As you can see a powerful greeting, it is actually more of a prayer than a greeting. The love of God is so encompassing that often we fail to understand it. It is Agape love, love without bounds, a forgiving love. We are all sinners and repentance is paramount in our lives because time and time again we do things that are not pleasing to God, yet He forgives us even before we ask for His forgiveness. What type of love do we have for others, or are we selective? Do we love God in the same way He loves us, Agape, what about our spouses and children, grandchildren? Our family also come into consideration, our brothers and sisters, mother and father. Do we extend this love to our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ? Now comes the most complex question: What about those who have done us wrong, those who are “different” to us? Christ was very clear about this both in the Lord’s Prayer, “as we forgive those who sin against us” and in His new commandment: “That you love one another just as I have loved you”. We need to be more loving in our attitude towards others and then we will see the change in them, we will also be able to see them as brothers and sisters. So a paradigm shift is needed and this is the challenge that we have as Christians, if we are true Christians and not just only in name. It is a difficult challenge but well worth it.

The XCO MTB Race will be held on 28 April 2018 at Stanford Lake College from 06:30. Various confectionary stands on the day. Enter Online at www.webscorer.com. For more information contact 015 276 6103 or email info@ stanfordlakecollege.co.za.

Mind-blowing Fact #71 A woman will more easily trust somebody who hugs her for at least 15 seconds!

Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Evangelies Geref Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-str,Tzaneen: 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran

1368 057 24 9

The Numbers

5 According to research, an average woman spends about five days looking at herself in the mirror!

Church Zwariri Road, 015 309 8594. Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof: Modjadjiskloof: 082 653 5498. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, 015 309 9580. St Paul’s United Church Mark Street, Modjadjiskloof: Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Haenertsburg: 015 309 9323. Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. 015 307 3534. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Ned Herv Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Bothastraat, 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Gravelotte Rd, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, May & Pearlmanstrate, Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Joubert & Jopie Bothastraat, Tzaneen: NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk 015 309 9920. Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: Methodist Church 10 Peace St, New Apostolic Church Tzaneen 015 307 3240. Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Drive: Tzaneen Family Church Avispark Hope Methodist Church Boltman St, 015 307 4807. Lodge Conference Hall Tzaneen: 083 598 Modjadjiskloof: Ned Herv Kerk Laeveld 0004 / 073387 2469.




20 April 2018



They put the Double B in amazing

There is always a better way to go about the business of living comfortably. Style, it is said, is simple and modest with a personal touch. Be-ryl Booysen personifies that through her cleverly designed, higher end flatpack furniture. Her showroom, Double Barrel, is located at 30 Peace Street, yet her biggest market lies within the cyber realm. At www.doublebarrel. co.za you will find her entire range of modern designed, Birch plywood furniture and accessories which can easily be ordered by a few simple clicks. Once ordered, your products will be delivered straight to your door. “We’re based all the way up here in Tzaneen which means that transport costs of delivering a lounge or dining set would make shopping outside of town just impractical and downright expensive. This is part of the reason flat-pack makes sense and why we have found that to be our niche and has become a product we ship throughout South Africa,” explained Booy-

sen. “Rental properties like apartments have shrunk as the demand for housing increased too, and this ads the problem of lugging great big sofas and wall units up flights of stairs to the struggle of making it fit into the room even starts. Flat-pack makes sense and is the reason why Europe started the trend a couple of

decades ago.” Assembling their furniture doesn’t require an engineering degree either. However, Booysen advises that a friend with a white rubber mallet and a bottle of wine is essential to the process. Everything from designer tables and chairs to impressive lamps and side tables is available to order from Double Barrel. Pop into the quaint showroom off Peace Street and have a sit down with Beryl, or browse through the store and marvel at the ingenuity of the designs. You will be amazed. For any enquiries please feel free to contact Beryl Booysen (see what they did there with the Double ‘B’? – clever right?) on 015307-1391 or 082-422-8293. Do yourself a favour and after reading this go check out the online shop at www. doublebarrel.co.za and have squiz at some decorative eye candy. You owe it to yourself. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

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20 April 2018





Books go to deserving school

Linah Manyama, a Grade 12 learner, says her favourite subject is Life Sciences.

The school entrance.

Nkoshilo High School in Mentz outside Polokwane was the lucky recipient of 79 Maths, Physics and Biology books. The books came from Texas in the USA and formed one of several containers now at the Letaba SPCA in Tzaneen. The DA fetched the books and Richard Blandy from the DA Haenertsburg and Gert Morerwa, DA Youth Leader of Haenertsburg Ward 16, distributed the books after putting DA stickers on

each book. Another batch will be delivered to Nkoshilo High in the next few weeks. Nkoshilo High is one of the few schools that still offers Science as a subject. However the overriding reason why this school was chosen was because of its 100% matric pass rate last year. Domestic worker Doris Molepo suggested this school to the DA as she knows about the excellent education the children get there.

Many hands make light work as the books are unloaded outside the school library.

Doris Molepo stacks the books outside the library.

Isaac Magagane with learners and Doris molepo in the background.

Small mammals are necessary At a joint function, under the auspices of Haenertsburg Rotary and FROHG (Friends of the Haenertsburg Grasslands), small mammals came under the microscope. The talk at the Red Plate in Haenertsburg was well supported by locals. Ingrid Malan a zoologist from the University of Pretoria introduced the topic and then Christia Newbery who lives in Machadadorp and has a Diploma in Nature Conservation from Pretoria Technikon discussed the untapped small mammal pop-

ulation in the Haenertsburg area. Christia was at North West Parks Board and is now a private consultant. There are some 160 small mammals and most are necessary as their holes aerate and enrich the soil. Most eat grass and all carry parasites so it is a case of survival of the fittest. Rodents’ teeth grow so they need to gnaw. The porcupine is the largest rodent at 24 kgs. The dormouse is the only mouse with a bushy tail and all four species of dormice

Christia Newbery is conducting small mammal findings in the Haenertsburg grasslands.

Ingrid Malan gave an introductory talk.

climb walls. She explained that in order The shrew, hedgehog for humans to become conand golden mole eat servation minded the insects. Nocturnal following steps need mice get eaten by to occur. First there’s owls. The jackal education, then eats rodents, inawareness, interest, sects and avos. insight, knowledge, Fruit bats germiunderstanding, apnate by dropping preciation and then the fruit. The forconservation. ests survive beVince Egan, a hercause of it. 70% of petologist with LEbats are insect eating DET, was distributing and 30% are fruit eatawareness decals. A ing. Bats are important lizard called Eastwood’s pollinators. Baobab long-tailed seps trees are pollinated was thus named afby fruit bats. ter a local, the late The decal Vinc Egan is promoting to create Christia gave adAudrey Eastwood, awareness about Eastwood’s long-tailed seps. vice when finding collected the holotortoises trying to type in the grasscross country roads. lands in 1911. Since She said, “Pick up the tortoise and take it in then there’s been intensive farming with Euthe direction it was going. Pop them over calyptus and Pinus for commercial use and the fence so that they can continue walking. therefore most of the grasslands have disapShe also lamented the fact that she believes peared. There have been no sightings of Eastthe pangolin is heading for extinction. The wood’s long-tailed seps in the remaining few biggest issues facing the extinction of small grassland patches. Since no specimens have mammals are human overpopulation and been found since 1911, it’s now considered poison. Small mammals are also negatively extinct. However Vince would like to create affected by fire, habitat destruction, erosion, awareness about this lizard just in case it’s air pollution and water pollution. spotted still living in the grasslands.





20 April 2018

SCHOOLS | SKOLE truly t e r a n reas vernme a g o in und , both g will be a o r r u s t the s t school plemen n when d n en a xcellen his sup childre which e n a Tz th e ools. T nts and out r. i b w a ea re sch sed ing bles private e for pa on mak lowing y and ble guid t decisi r the fol n a o valu importa hoose f c g doin ool(s) to sch

Tzane werkl en en sy om ik beide geseĂŤnd m liggende d o p ouers rivaat en s et uitsteken rpe is t kan d ie byla aatskole. L de skole, hulle eerli ag g keuse te ma ebruik as ‘ nge en ak vir n gids volge nde ja om ar.


Graad R CAPS/KABV kurrikulum soos deur onderwysdepartement voorgeskryf

Kleuters vanaf 20 maande tot Gr R welkom. Inskrywings oop vir 2019. Gekwalifiseerde personeel.

Die Kleuterskool waar u kind leer deur spel.



Maths | Wiskunde 15 + 23 = 10 + 20 = 5+3= = 24 + 13 = 20 + 10 = 4+3= =

? 30 8 38 ?





20 April 2018

Intensiewe vorme

15 + 12 = ? 10 + 10 = 5+2= = 34 + 11 = ? 30 + 10 = 4+1= =





Arm Hoog

Ys Blits












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20 April 2018


20 April 2018







Q: What do you call cheese that isn’t yours? Nacho cheese!

Q: Why can’t you give Elsa a balloon? Because she will let it go!

Q: What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef!

Q: What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? Frostbite!

Q: What do you call a pig that knows karate? A pork chop!

Teen Trivia Questions

Q: What has four wheels and flies? A garbage truck! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Which male artist kicked off 2017 with Shape of You and Castle on the Hill? Three of the world’s countries begin with the letter R, how many can you name? Can you unscramble the following words to reveal the 5 main types of vertebrates: MSALMAM - RIDSB - SIANPMAIBH - PETLISER - SFHI? How many athletic events form an Olympic Decathlon? True or false: Amphibians can only survive in water? Can you place these shapes in order of how many sides they have, beginning with the least number of sides first: nonagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon, triangle, pentagon, square? Which ocean separates the United States from the United Kingdom? Which Canadian singer had a 2017 hit song with Starboy? Which four planets are the gas giants of our solar system? Which layer of planet Earth can be described as soft, hot rock? The Bergens are large creatures that feature in which famous movie for kids? How many degrees are there in a circle? What type of people built wooden vessels known as longships? Which continent has the most countries in the world? Can you unscramble the following letters to reveal a word related to a tornado: TTRESIW? What type of gas forms most of the Earth’s atmosphere?


Teen Trivia Answers

1. 2. 3.

Ed Sheeran Romania, Russia, Rwanda Mammals, birds, am-

4. 5.

phibians, reptiles, fish Ten False: Amphibians can live on land as well as


in water Triangle, square, hexagon, pentagon, heptagon, octagon,

7. 8. 9.

nonagon The Atlantic Ocean The Weeknd Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus

10. 11. 12.

and Neptune Mantle Trolls 360 degrees

13. 14. 15. 16.

Vikings Africa Twister Nitrogen





20 April 2018



20 April 2018





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20 April 2018




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20 April 2018

“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.� -Albert Einstein



20 April 2018





Larries speel op Tuks

O/13 Dogters netbalspan

Die groepwedstryde vir die Laerskole Super 12 Rugby- en netbalkompetisie het op Saterdag, 14 April by Laerskool Tzaneen plaasgevind. Laerskool Pietersburg-Suid en Laerskool Goedehoop van Secunda het die lang trektog aangepak om hier teen die plaaslike Larrie-spanne te kom kragte meet. Goeie spel is gelewer op beide die rugbyvelde en netbalbane ten spyte van die hitte. Op die rugbyveld het die Tzaneeners ‘n opdraende stryd teen Goedehoop geveg en het die Eerste span gelykop met 10-elk van die veld af gedraf. Hulle het wel die Suid-skool se Eerstes met ‘n telling van 34-26 pakslae gegee en het Woensdagmiddag vir uitgespeel vir vyfde plek in die reeks. Teen druktyd was die uitslae van hierdie wedstryde nog nie bekend nie, maar ons sal in volgende week se uitgawe daaroor berig lewer. Die O/11 seuns het ook teen Goedehoop verloor met ‘n eindtelling van 5-29 voordat hul vir SuidSkool met 17-0 geklop het. Hierdie spannetjie het ook Woensdag uitgespeel vir posisie 5 tot 8. In die O/10 wedstryde op die dag het die Larries met Goedehoop in ‘n taai wedstryd met 2219 afgereken voordat hul segetog later die middag voort gesit is met ‘n 15-5 wen teen Suid-Skool. Hulle het Woensdag uitgespeel vir ‘n

JP Botha

plek in die top vier spanne. Die jongspan het in die O/9 wedstryde vir Goedehoop met 34-14 geklop en hul Suid-Skool kragmeting met vyf punte op 1712 gewen. Hierdie spannetjie het Woensdag op die Tuks velde in Pretoria in die semi-finaal gespeel. Hul uitslae was teen druktyd nog nie bekend aan ons nie. Op die netbalbane het dit nie so goed verloop vir die Larries nie. Die plaaslike dogters het elkeen van hul wedstryde teen Goedehoop verloor op die dag. Die O/10 dogters het met 7-17 teen Goedehoop in die slag geval. Later die oggend het hul ook verloor teen SuidSkool met net twee doele op 6-8. Die O/11 span het uitstekende netbal gelewer om met slegs 10-15 teen Goedehoop die knie te buig. Hul het wel hul sokkies opgetrek en later met Suid-Skool met ‘n telling van 10-9 afgereken. Laerskool Tzaneen se O/12 dogters het gesukkel om hul ritme

Dean Moller

te vind teen Goedehoop en ‘n 1-23 nederlaag gelei. Suid-Skool het ook die Larries geklop met ‘n telling van 9-16. In die Eerstespan wedstryde het Laerskool Tzaneen met 13 punte teen Goedehoop vasgeval in ‘n wedstryd wat 7-20 geëindig het. Later het hulle teen Suid-Skool Geseëvier met 28 doele teenoor 9.

Hanro Marais (links) en Wilhelm Brummer

Danielle Naudé

O/13 Dogters netbalspan





20 April 2018


Ronan takes gold

Hannes vd Merwe

Van Jaarsveld wéér top Die vierde kwalifiserende Western Mounted Games kompetisie het plaasgevind op die 14de April by die Berbon Stables op Warmbad. Genevieve van der Merwe van Hoërskool Merensky het deelgeneem op vlak 1 en behaal algeheel tweedeplek met vyf tweedeplek-rosette. Hannes van der Merwe het deelgeneem op vlak 2 en het ook algeheel tweedeplek ingepalm in beide die skole- en ope-afdelings. Hy neem twee eersteplekke, twee tweedeplekke en twee derdeplekke. Op vlak 3 het Plasie, Dawie van Jaarsveld weer sy merk gemaak deur algeheel eerste in die skole-afdeling te eindig, met drie eersteplekke, twee tweedeplekke en drie derdeplekke.

Genevieve vd Merwe

Two of Merensky’s top swimmers, Ronan Theron and Amelia Booth, participated in the SA Regional Level 2 swimming championships at the municipal swimming pool in Polokwane from the 7th to the 9th of April. Booth landed herself a fifth spot in the 200m Individual Medley and a well-deserved fourth place in the both the 200m Freestyle and the 100m Freestyle events. Theron made a noteworthy splash. In the 100m Butterfly race he touched the wall in second place while the shorter sprints saw him take home gold in both the 50m Backstroke and 50m Freestyle events. In other related news, another swimmer from this high school, Daniel Smith, took part in the SA Regional Level 3 championships in Hillcrest. At only 15 years of age, Smith competed against 16-year olds to finish 8th in the 50m Backstroke, 7th in the 100m Backstroke and 4th in the 200m Backstroke events.

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Dawie van Jaarsveld



20 April 2018





Dillon by SA’s Hoërskool Merensky se Dillon de Lange (graad 11) het van 5-7 April in spiesgooi aan die SA Skole atletiekkampioenskap (ASA) deelgeneem by die Dal Josafat Stadion (Paarl). Dillon het uitstekend gevaar en 6de in die land geeïndig. Hy het sy persoonlike beste afstand met 3 meter verbeter deur ‘n amptelike 63 meter te gooi.

Aqua Lad performs well The Frans du Toit swimmer affectionately referred to as “Aqua Lad” recently participated in the South African national swimming championships in Durban. James Joubert competed against some of the country’s top swimmers in his U/16 age group and

managed some good results. The Aqua Lad competed in the 100m and 50m Backstroke, 50m Butterfly and 50m Freestyle events. His achievement in the Freestyle has now earned him the prestige of being the 6th fastest swimmer in his age group in the country.

Fransies make it four This past weekend Phalaborwa’s only high school, Frans du Toit, not only hosted, but beat the teams from Eric Louw in all their hockey and rugby matches, losing only in a single soccer game on the day. Eric Louw is based in Musina and have a decades long history with Frans du Toit on the sporting fields. Saturday however, the Fransies stamped down their authority by beating the visitors in five of the six schools league matches. The U/16 hockey girls won their encounter by two beautiful goals to nil while the Fransie’s First Boys Team managed a one goal victory later that afternoon. On the rugby field the U/15 boys’ team

won their game convincingly with a score of 41-5 followed by an almost unheard of 75-0 victory for their U/16 counterparts. The First team matchup went in favour of Frans du Toit who scored a 41-10 victory after 90 minutes solid play. The weekend’s triumphs make four, the number of consecutive victories for the Fransies so far this season. In the week’s prior to the school break, Frans du Toit stood up to Lowveld High and Bergvlam from Nelspruit, and successfully defended their honour against the teams from Tom Naude. The rest of the season looks promising for the Tuskers. With Tzaneen in their sights, time can only tell. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com





20 April 2018


Team Stanford conquer The Epic

Melanie Melville and Steve Willson.

Team Stanford Lake College completed the Absa Cape Epic cycle tour last month. From the 18th to the 25th of March, Steve Willson, a staff member at Stanford Lake College, and Melanie Melville, a Stanford Lake parent, competed in the Absa Cape Epic as Team Stanford Lake College. The race comprised of eight gruelling days of riding over a total distance of 653km with 13 530m of climbing and included four consecutive days of over 100 kilometres. As expected the event was a real physical and mental challenge, but was thoroughly enjoyed by both riders. Team Stanford Lake College finished 38th in the mixed category with an overall time of just over 44 hours.

Badgers school Tzaneen 3-0 at clubs league The first official hockey games were played on the newly unveiled astro pitch at Ben Vorster this past weekend. The games signalled the start of the hockey clubs league and saw teams from Polokwane, Stanford Lake, Tzaneen and Phalaborwa travel to Tzaneen to participate. There were men’s and women’s teams on the day and in some cases (like in the game between Stanford Lake and Tzaneen), women’s players were used as subs in the men’s games. One of the highlights of the day’s games was the clash between the Tzaneen Club Men’s team and the Badgers which saw player-coach Craig Carolan, Stanford Lake Headmaster, occupy the position of right back. Carolan is no stranger to the game. In 2014 he was selected into the South African master’s hockey team which competed at the

Nsuku Muyimane and Ryan Hyde.

Hockey World Cup in Holland. It would appear as though his presence on the pitch was inspiring to the majority-young team fielded on Sunday. The Badgers seemed little perturbed by the older Tzaneen squad and gave the local boys a run for their money – literally. The first half of the match seemed slow at first as both sides struggled to negotiate the slow pace of the not-yet settled pitch. When Shane Fredericks netted the first goal for the Badgers however, the pace changed and the youngsters took control of the midfield. Tzaneen struggled to break the tight midfield defence and seemed only to catch on to the weakness down the left and right channels, too late in the game. Barr a few well played breaks down

the outside lines, and one or two well timed crosses, Tzaneen seemed a little outweighed in the D. Junior Netshutini netted another in the second half which was seconded by a superb goal by Ben Vorster coach, Louis van Dyk a few minutes later. The Badgers won the match 3 goals to nil. There were a number of complaints by the less informed on the day regarding the look and

Estian Botha and Zander Ernst.


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feel of the pitch. Most concerning to the players were the visible patches of sand on the surface which severely impacted on their play. It is however common practice for sand based pitches. Currently the sand on the surface was put there intentionally by the contractor. The idea is that the players who will be playing on the pitch during the coming weeks, will acts as irons. They will essentially iron out the “mat” of the pitch after which more sand will be poured on the surface next week. The process will then be repeated until the surface is sufficiently compacted and levelled. The “mat” will then be stretched and fastened into place and the astro pitch will then be the expected high-paced, medium-to-hard playing surface the seasoned players are accustomed to. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

GC Botha and Nsuku Muyimane.


20 April 2018





Tawwe netbal vir Vossies op Waterkloof Die Waterkloof se netbalfees het vanaf 31 Maart tot 4 April op Hoërskool Waterkloof se bane plaasgevind. Die Vossies het al hulle spanne vanaf 0/14 tot die Eerste span gestuur en baie goed presteer. Die uitslae was as volg: Die O/14-span het in totaal 13 wedstryde gespeel en net teen Bloemhof Hoër Meisieskool (11-17) en Noordheuwel (12 -17) verloor. Spanne wat die knie teen die span moes buig, was: Hoër Meisieskool Paarl, Hoërskool EG Jansen, Hoërskool Randburg, Hoërskool Noord-Kaap, Oranje Meisieskool, Hoërskool Bloemfontein, Hoërskool Lydenburg, Hoërskool Voortrekker, Hoërskool Durbanville, Prestige College, Hoërskool Centurion 0/15, Hoërskool Oos Moot en Hoërskool Waterkloof 2. Die O/15-span het 12 wedstryde gespeel waarvan hulle teen die volgende skole verloor het: Hoërskool Dinamika


9-22, Hoërskool EG Jansen 12-17, Hoërskool Secunda 12-21, Hoër Meisieskool Paarl 11-21, Sentraal 16-18 en Hoërskool Potch Volkies 16-18. Hulle het egter die volgende skole gewen: Hoërskool Overkruin, Hoërskool Centurion, Hoërskool Randburg, Hoërskool Voortrekker en Pretoria High School O/15 en O/16meisies. Die O/16-span het 12 wedstryde gespeel waarvan hulle sewe gewen, een gelykop en vier verloor het. Hulle het teen Hoërskool Waterkloof 9-25, Durbanville 4-13, Bloemhof Hoër meisieskool 15-20 en Hoërskool Framesby 12-13 verloor. Hulle het gelykop teen Hoërskool Marais Viljoen geeïndig en teen die volgende skole gewen: Pretoria School for Girls, Hoërskool Overkruin, Hoërskool Voortrekker, Hoërskool Dinamika, Hoërskool Hugenote, Noordheuwel en Hoërskool Lydenburg. Die O/17-span het 12 wedstryde ge-

Mediese fondse | Korttermynversekering | Lewensversekering Aftreebeplanning | Beleggings Testamente | Boedelbeplanning Pensioen- en voorsorgfonds Dood- en ongeskiktheidsversekering Aandele

speel en 8 daarvan gewen. Hulle het teen Hoërskool Noordheuwel 15-21, Hoërskool Potch Volkies 18-22, Hoërskool Paarl Gim 12-24 en Hoërskool Noord-Kaap se 1ste span 21-35 verloor. Hulle het teen Hoërskool Centurion, Hoërskool Marais Viljoen, Hoërskool Helpmekaar, Hoërskool DF Malan, Hoërskool Lichtenburg, Hoërskool Hugenote, Oranje Meisieskool en Hoërskool Randburg gewen. Die NTT-Toyota se Eerste span het 11 wedstryde gespeel waarvan hulle ses gewen en vyf verloor het. Hulle het teen Hoërskool Diamantveld 23-30, Hoërskool Bloemhof 19-33, Hoërskool Noordheuwel 9-32, Hoërskool Secunda 21-24 en Hoërskool Brackenfell 26-35 verloor. Hulle het afgereken met die volgende skole: Hoërskool Duineveld, Hoërskool Randburg, Hoërskool Dinamika, Krugersdorp High, Hoërskool Overkruin en Hoërskool Framesby.

O/17-span se doel Zonika Stapelberg in aksie.

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Includes Grey XL full face helmet and NEW Pink small helmet. Contact Dean 082 595 6579. Apr301___________________________

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Property To Let Te Huur ATTENTION ALL SENIORS We have a modern chalet for rent in Georges Valley area. 2 Bedrooms, 1,5 bathrooms, huge open plan loft, separate washing area and carport. You can enjoy the Letaba river front, play some Juksei, go for walks up the river or use our bicycles to relax. Available immediately at a rental of R7900 per month. Water is for free. No small children or dogs unfortunately. To view by appointment only. Contact: Pieter 082 855 2794 Naomi 081 048 4856 Mar402__________________________

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motorhuis vir 1 voertuig. Geen katte en honde. Beskikbaar 1 Junie 2018. R 4 750-00 per maand. Deposito betaalbaar. Skakel Kobus by 083 442 3696.


To advertise your property, contact Lizan: 076 795 5000

For Sale Te Koop 24 ROOM GUEST HOUSE FOR SALE in PHALABORWA All rooms en-suite, most with kitchenettes. B&B and self catering. Business rights, zoning in place. SARS, Compensation Commissioner compliant. Very close to Mopani FET college. (Also ideal student accommodation, various options) All furniture & equipment included. Very successful running business. Staff happy. Owners retiring. Contact number 0829200071 to view. No bank loans, serious cash/EFT buyers only. Asking 3.7 Mil. Mar101__________________________




20 April 2018



Ben Vorster swem Levels Kayla Olivier

Doran Kleynhans

Agt swemmers van Hoërskool Ben Vorster het gedurende die April-vakansie deelgeneem aan die Vlak 2- en Vlak 3-swemkampioenskappe. Die Vossies wil graag die afrigters van hierdie swemmers, Johan Grobbelaar (SHAMU) en Hein en Liezl Toerin (TASC) geluk wens met hul swemmers se prestasies. In Polokwane het Kayla Olivier aan die Vlak 2 kompetisie in die ouderdomsgroep 14-jaar deelgeneem. Sy het daar ‘n Brons medalje in die 50m Borslag los geswem sowel as ‘n vierde en vyfde plek in die 200m en 100m Borslag onderskeidlik. By die Hillcrest swembad in Pretoria, het Lané Prinsloo en Deané Toerien aan die Vlak 3 kompitisie deelgeneem

vir dogters 16 tot 18-jaar. Prinsloo het 13de in die 50m vlinderslag, 15de in die 50 Vryslag en 22ste in die 100m rugslag geëindig. Op haar beurt het Toerien vierde in haar spesialis-item, 50m Borslag, geëindig. Sy het ook 9de in die finaal van die 100m borslag, en 10de in die finaal van die 50m rugslag items die muur geraak. Vyf senior seuns-swemmers het ook aan hierdie gala deelgeneem en goeie uitslae aangeteken. Marnus Kruger het in die ouderdomsgroep 13-jaar deelgeneem en ‘n 6de plek in die 50m Borslag finaal, 7de in die 100m Borslag finaal en 18de in die 50 Vlinderslag ingepalm. Pieter du Toit het in die ouderdomsgroep 14-jaar, ‘n silwer medalje

in die 100m Vlinderslag finaal losgeswem. Hy het ook 5de in die 50m Vlinderslag finaal en 9de in die 50m Vryslag finaal geëindig. Erno Botha het 4de in die 50m Rugslag finaal asook die 100m Rugslag finaal geëindig. In die 200m Rugslag finaal het hy in vyfde plek die muur geraak. Doran Kleynhans en Rhuno du Plessis het in die ouderdomsgroep 16-18 jaar deelgeneem en albei redelik goeie tye aangeteken. Kleynhans het 4de plek behaal in die 100m Rugslag finaal, vyfde plek in die 50m rugslag finaal en sesde plek in 50m Vlinderslag finaal behaal. Du Plessis het 15de in die 200m-IM, 16de in die 50m-Rugslag en 19de in die 200m-Vryslag geëindig.

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Sport 7 October 2016

20 April 2018

Badgers make it three

Frank Dyason

Hockey has exploded onto the local scene with the advent of the Club season and the schools’ league now in full swing. On Wednesday this week, Stanford Lake played host to the teams from Ben Viljoen who travelled up the mountain from Groblersdal. In the first match of the day, the U/14 boys squared off at the “D”. It would be the first league match of the season for the ‘Baby Badgers’ and they were visibly nervous as the first half got underway. But, after a few successful runs which culminated in their scoring the first, and only, goal of the game, the team grew in confidence. In the second half the visitors fought back hard and there were moments where it seemed as though the Baby Badgers were up against the wall. They countered brilliantly however and held onto their one goal lead to chalk up a victory at the start of their 2018 campaign. The U/16 A-team took to the pitch with

a vigour which highlighted their hunger for the win. The team was well-balanced and executed their game plan with surgical precision from the get-go. Playing on a grass pitch instead of the astro they have become accustomed to, provided for some frustrating near-misses and a number of wayward passes, but they kept their cool to finish the first half all-squared. A second breath and a recoup-session at the break saw the Stanfordians return to the pitch with determination and they scored two quick goals to take the lead and ultimately the win. Crowning the day’s play was the senior team who came running onto

the field with the new Stanford Lake College mascot leading the pack. The Badgers were amped for the win and it showed. Frustrations ran high and the game was at times a little physical as can be expected when two rather evenly matched first teams clash. Cards were dished out to the Badgers which saw them being two men short just before half time. The Badger forwards soldiered on and in the dying minutes of the half, sent one into the back of the net to score a one-nil victory. — Joe Dreyer Lance Trueman


Christian Schmidt Photos by: GKT SportPics

we will beat any written quotation

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