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— Farmers express a united fear for the safety of the economy Page 3 & 4
INSIDE THIS WEEK The big debate Are you affected?
INSIDE THIS WEEK Elite squad visits Tzaneen
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For the second year running, Limpopo’s Independent newspaper journalists held their own against the larger corporate owned publications at the annual Forum for Community Journalism Excellence awards held in Centurion this weekend. Isabel Venter (Zoutpansberger), Hugo Redelinghuys (George Herald), Joe Dreyer (Far North Bulletin), Andries van Zyl (Zoutpansberger), Jacques Smuts (Far North Bulletin) and Anton van Zyl (Zoutpansberger and Limpopo Mirror). Read the full article with a list of the finalists in each category online at www.bulletin.us.com or on our Facebook page.
SMIT & KIE FSP: 11184
6 July 2018
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Personeel | Personnel Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com
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Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani • Phalaborwa FAR NORTH MEDIA
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Misverstand ontaard in ‘n traumatiese ondervinding “Mamma hulle gaan vir pappa toesluit!” So het Annel en Buks Briel se 12-jarige seun huilend uitgeroep terwyl ‘n bakkie-konvooi die gesin se motor omsingel het. Die voorval het omstreeks 11-uur Saterdagnag naby die Tzaneen taxistaanplek agter die Tzaneng winkelsentrum gebeur. “Ons was oppad terug van ‘n kuier by my oudste seun se huis in Hamawasha. Daar was vyf van ons in die kar insluitend my seun (12) en meisiekind (10) en ‘n vriendin se 13-jarige dogter,” verduidelik Anel. “Ons het by die stopstraat voor Tzaneen Hardeware gestop en ‘n groot klomp bakkies en polisievoertuie opgemerk. Ek het nogal vir my man gesê ek wonder wat hier aangaan. Ons het vinnig weggetrek en daar verby gery oor ons nie seker was wat aangaan nie.” Volgens haar het van die bakkies skielik langs hul motor, ‘n groen VW Golf, ingery en vir haar man geskree “f@%off huistoe” terwyl hul die motor omsingel het. Sy beweer dat daar ‘n bakkie agter hulle en een aan weerskante van hul motor net ‘n endjie verder af in die pad, ingejaag het en hulle probeer van die pad af druk het. “My man skree toe nogal vir die ou terug ons is oppad huistoe, maar toe kom die blou ligte aan en ons trek toe naby die sirkel na die taxistaanplek, van die pad af. My man klim toe uit en vra wat aangaan. ‘n Polisieman het homself toe voorgestel as kaptein Sikghoto
en vir my man gesê hy lyk verdag en dit is hoekom ons gestop is.” Volgens die gesin is die motor deursoek sonder dat die kinders gevra is om uit te klim. In die motor se paneelkissie het die polisiekaptein blykbaar ‘n blikkie “lighter fluid” gekry. Die kaptein het toe na bewering gesê die produk is verdag en gevra wat dit is. Na verduideliking het hy die blikkie terug in die paneelkissie gesit en die gesin laat verder ry. “Ek moes suikerwater by die huis drink en my seuntjie was so getraumatiseer hy wou nie uit die kar uitklim nie. Ek verstaan hierdie mense doen net hul bes om die gemeenskap te beskerm, maar daar is sekerlik ‘n beter manier om te werk te gaan as wat hulle aan ons gedoen het?” Volgens Marius Jacobs van K9-Security het hulle Saterdagnag ‘n operasie in die Tzaneen-omgewing uitgevoer en was dit hulle wat die Briels voorgekeer het. Maar volgens hom het hulle glad nie die gesin intimideer of van die pad af gedruk nie. “Alles is volgens die boek gedoen en daar was ten alle tye ‘n polisiekaptein saam met ons tydens die operasie. Daar is vir ons opdrag gegee om enige motor wat laat in die aand deur die omgewing beweeg, te stop en te deursoek. Dit tel vir enige motor. Dit was ‘n baie suksesvolle operasie.” Jacobs beweer dat daar glad nie enige vloekwoorde gewissel is nie en dat die motor ‘n
Helping the feral cats
Tzaneen cash heist suspects in court The six suspects who were arrested following the cash in transit heist outside Tzaneen on the 5th of June, have appeared in the Ritavi magistrate’s court on Monday this week. Sizwe Zwane (43), Prudence Ndala (47), Desmond Siyoko (25), Bosodi Albert Matemani (35) who appeared in absentia due to being hospitalised with a broken neck, and Africa Malatjie (34) will remain behind bars until their formal bail application on the 7th of August. “The police are denying the suspects access to speak to their relatives. Those who were hospitalised have been discharged, and only
geruime tyd al op die veiligheidsnetwerk se radar is. Hy sê ook dat Buks Briel baie tegemoedkomend was en dat die hele situasie in ‘n kalm en ordelike manier afgehandel is. Nico Botha van Afriforum Buurtwag, het aan Bulletin verduidelik dat daar 36 voertuie by die operasie betrokke was op die aand. Dit het plaaslike sekuriteitsmaatskapye, Afriforum Buurtwag en die SAPD ingelsuit. Hulle het vroeër die aand by die Talana kompleks asook by ‘n shebeen in die omgewing ‘n klopjag uitgevoer. Gedurende die operasie is daar belsuit om nie te fokus op dronkbestuur nie, maar om wel enige motor wat laat in die aand roekeloos of verdag voorkom, te stop en te deursoek. “Ons operasie was ‘n reuse sukses in die eindelose geveg teen misdaad in ons samelewing en ons teenwoordigheid het ‘n duidelike boodskap aan die kriminele element uitgestuur. Die feit dat hierdie gesin se voertuig ook deursoek is, wys daarop dat ons nie onpartydig gaan optree tydens ons operasies nie en dat die wet vir almal geld. Op daardie oomblik was ek nie self by die voertuig nie, maar ek verneem van getuies dat daar ‘n rede is waarom hulle voorgekeur is. Blykbaar het die man deur die klomp sekuriteitsvoertuie gejaag en dit is die rede waarom hy verdag voorgekom het. Ek glo dat Marius Jacobs en die sekuriteitsmanne die situasie op die gepaste manier hanteer het.” — Joe Dreyer, joe@bulletin.us.com
one still remains in hospital. I don’t see how a suspect with a broken neck, tied to the bed in leg chains, can be dangerous,” said advocate Thabo Malatji, the lawyer representing the accused. “You have to prepare yourself for this kind of matter in order to assist your client to the best of your ability. My clients are facing serious charges, but I am disappointed that they have been refused visitation by their family members despite the constitution reserving them the right to visitation.” — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com
Feral cats have been a problem in Haenertsburg since the early 1970’s. The village was then run by a peri-urban council consisting of village residents. The issue was discussed and all ferals were shot. He accidentally also shot the domestic cats and the village had no cats for a few years. A colony of ferals began near the village Post Office. They were probably abandoned domestic cats. Recently both Hoedspruit and Tzaneen began major drives to contain feral cat colonies in their areas. The method used is TNR (Trap, Neuter, Release). Funding and willing hands are needed in order to do this. Bev Hartman at Greenwoods has opened a Charity Shop. Items marked with a round sticker denote that payment goes to the Help the Feral Cat project. The public is invited to bring their treasured but no-longer-needed items to Bev for the Help the Feral Cat project. The arrival of three litters of feral kittens in the space of a year has alarmed residents. It’s hard to estimate how many ferals there are and it’s hard to photograph them as they are skittish. A meeting with the Letaba SPCA is in the pipeline as expert advice, support and help will be needed.
Police continue crackdown on crime
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The police in Tzaneen have made another concerted effort to bring the criminals in the area to book and rid the streets of elements that taint an otherwise peaceful community. During another weekend of random raids and operations in conjunction with Afriforum Neighbourhood watch and other security firms, two bakkies were stopped at the Sasol garage intersection in Agatha Street. The vehicles were carrying car-
go believed to be gold nuggets and were taken to the Tzaneen police station for fingerprinting. According to Marius Jacobs of K9 Security, the drivers of the vehicles offered conflicting stories regarding their cargo and their origins which led to an inspection of the cargo. “On one of the vehicles we found around nine bags of rocks, and about four bags on the other, which were suspected to contain
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gold ore. We also found mining implements such as drill bits and headlamps which made the find more suspicious. The police have now confiscated the bags and will test to determine if indeed the rocks contained gold ore.” During the last week the police arrested a total of 18 people for various crimes which included five for shoplifting, one person for assault with intention to cause grievous bodily harm and five other sus-
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pects on charges of assault. One more person was arrested for common robbery, one for driving under the influence of alcohol, four were arrested for general theft and one person for failing to appear in court. These arrests, and the random security convoy patrols, go a long way in showing that law enforcement within the Greater Tzaneen area is making strides in the fight against crime.
Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 2/7/2018
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6 July 2018
Calm Malema defends DA at Indaba The feather ruffling Commander In Chief of the EFF, Julius Tshepo Malema, appeared cool and collected at the Constitutional Review Committee on the Amendment of section 25 of the Constitution, in Lenyenye. In contrast to his usual outbursts and controversial behaviour, he remained silent and spoke thrice when calling people to order during the parliamentary session. Most speakers thanked him for his efforts to return their ancestral land back to its owners. He was also urged to speed up the process soon before the 2019 elections as the ruling party might be using the process to re-invent their electioneering which seems to be dwindling. There are fears that after the elections the project may go wrong. Malema told members that his party is prepared to give the ANC 6 percent of their votes in parliament to change the constitution so that land that was taken from his supporters’ ancestors be expropriated without compensation. He said “many are going to differ with you in their inputs on the process but they should be tolerated as it is their right to think so and say it.” On several occasions during the meeting, Malema had to stand up and defend the members of the Democratic Alliance and their spokesperson on the day, Desireé van der Walt, who were verbally accosted by the residents who believed that white people had stolen their land. Each time the DA made a statement they were met with chants and loud disagreement by members of the EFF and the ANC. Malema had to step in and calm the crowd by reminding them that it is the right of everyone at the meeting to have their say. “This is a parliamentary process where everyone should be heard and if not there could be complaints and people may even go to court and the process could fail. Another meeting at that corner could not be tolerated. Those who feel like they are tired could go out and rest for some minutes and return
back to the hall,” said Malema. “The person was given three minutes to talk and now might end up having five minutes because of your heckling. I said that there may be people who differ with your views and they too should be tolerated. We should allow other views and not create a bad image for Mopani,” added Malema. The speaker in question was a man whom identified himself as Tebogo Segomoso from Makotopong, but currently residing in Bolobedu. He continued with his prepared speech. “I do not support the motion to amend section 25 of the constitution because, black people cannot own land and farm because the shops in rural villages were given to Indians. These Indians talk about 50/50 ownership because they went to school. Black people could not own the farms because when they had the opportunity to go to school, they indulged in drugs. How can they own the farms?” Malema was irked when Glenda Watson-Schepeers, a real estate agent from the Mopani area said “We believe property is a vehicle for wealth, more so if there is a title deed. We say so because most land in Tzaneen is owned through the Permission To
Occupy (PTO`s). We do not support the motion to amend the constitution, because with 18 percent of land in Mopani already claimed, the government should first expropriate that.” There were more than a hundred white people in attendance at the community hall in Lenyenye which showed the residents that the land issue is a matter which affects everyone in the region. These people came from as far as Soekmekaar, Mooketsi, Modjadjiskloof, Eiland, Phalaborwa, Hoedspruit, Haenertsburg, Westfalia, Deerpak, Tzaneen, Agatha, Letsitele and Trichardsdal. The hearings continued in Thohoyandou the following day. — Jan Mafetsa Julius Malema
Desiree vd Walt, Mosioa Lekota, Vincent Smith and members of the ANC
Farmers unite against expropriation Letsoalo said, “I am an emerging black farmer and representing other small scale farmers from the Metz- Hoedspruit area. I do not support the amendment of section 25 of the constitution because the government failed in its land redistribution programmes of the past where people were simply given land without funding.” “The land that was given did not have title deeds or financing to administer the new farms. Having the land with no funds is like giving the poor, expensive vehicles like a Ferrari with no fuel and say make a plan.
Tzaneen is 100 percent agriculture with no mining or fishing, the government must invest maximally in agriculture in this area,” continued Letsoalo. A man of who said he represented the Transvaal Agricultural Union (TAU) and did not name himself said “as TAU we acknowledge a lot of poverty caused by lack of jobs and we call upon all Christians to come with a mechanism that will not affect the free market. We are worried about the economy and the reluctance of investors in land that is to be expropriated and the subsequent in-
vestments that may evaporate. “It is our concern that the process might have good intentions, but it is likely to be jeopardised by the motives from the political elites. TAU therefore also do not support the amendment of section 25 of the constitution to expropriate land without compensation.” Another black farmer, Judas Rikhotso, from Khujwana village, said that the community does not support the amendment of the section because farm owners should be compensated for their effort to develop these farms. — Jan Mafetsa
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Established farmers and up-and-coming black farmers in Mopani have stood up against the expropriation of land without compensation proposal. The established farmers fear the economy could be very negatively affected while black and up-andcoming farmers blamed their reluctance to support the process on the failure of the previous land redistribution programmes which yielded no positive results for the beneficiaries or the government itself. This emerged during the Constitutional Review Committee hearings on the Amendment of section 25 of the constitution held at the Lenyenye community hall last Friday. The public hearings which began in Marble Hall on Monday, and then later in Mokopane before proceeding to Lenyenye and later Thohoyandou on Saturday, were aimed at soliciting inputs from the public. An emerging farmer from Hoedspruit, Solly
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6 July 2018
Racism rears its head at Lenyenye debate The Parliamentary Constitutional Review representatives had to state their position Representing the Modjadji dynasty, former Committee hearings for the amendment of sec- and offer motives in support thereof. Greater Letaba Mayor and ANC councillor, tion 25 of the constitution, to expropriate land As usual, the ANC said they support the mo- City Modjadji, said “untold damage was without compensation held at the Lenyenye tion to amend because it was long overdue. The done to black South Africans when their community hall last Friday turned political DA through Desireé van der Walt opposed the land was forcefully taken by the white rewhen a scramble for power ensued between motion as they feel it hinders economic pro- gime. When you were coming to Tzaneen I the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) and the gress as it would scare off future investors, but believe you had seen the picturesque MakDemocratic Alliance (DA). The EFF supported added that the party would be in support of goebaskloof tea estate? That is the reason the motion while the DA was against it. The process which follows after the written submission process to amend section 25 of the constitution ended, began on Monday in Limpopo and the Northern Cape. In Limpopo the process was dominated by the EFF who seemed prepared by attending in large numbers followed by the DA and their large following. This was in contrast with the ANC which had only a few supporters in attendance. This may be attributed to the aftermath of the provincial conference. Mosiuoa Lekota Desiree van der Walt Godrich Gadi The committee comprised of its chairperson, Vincent Smith (ANC), Desireé van der Walt (DA) Mosiuoa Lekota the process were there to be compensation of- king Makgoba was killed as there is no more (COPE), Godrich Gardee (EFF), Julius Male- fered. Mosiuoa Lekota in turn said COPE does beautiful place like it in South Africa. ma (EFF), and two more members from the not support either – his statement visibly upset Further northward when you drive towards ANC and EFF respectively. Also in atten- the EFF supporters present. Tzaneen, there is a place called Politisi and it dance were hundreds of members from the The majority of the speeches from the gal- is where Balobedu king Khesethwane Modjfarming community, Afriforum, Business lery centred around the emotional aspect adji, was killed for his land by whites. Renamcommunity, Transvaal Agricultural union, of black people feeling that they were done ing the places after our kings will not assist various royal councils and the public at large. in by the then Zuid Afrikaanse Republiek with anything. The struggle for freedom was The event was kicked off with a rendition (ZAR) whom they feel took land from them. all about land and nothing more. Land is of the national anthem, followed by an intro- They also pointed out that the ZAR moved priceless. Hell began with the irrigation act of duction of the honourable guests, after which to cement the decision through the Land act 1912 that led to the Land act of 1913.” the purpose of the day was stated with each of 1913 which was implemented to formalise Modjadji continued by stating that following of the political parties offered an opportuni- the dispossession of the African natives of the Land act, his people were removed from ty to state their position on the subject. The the land of their forefathers. prime land and dumped in the mountains
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where there was nothing to eat. “At Ga-Kgapane for example, how can you connect water reticulation pipes on top of a mountain, what about connecting sewer pipes on the mountain. The Modjadji dynasty supports the amendment of section 25 of the constitution which deprived our people of their land!” Sandra McGaffin, a resident from Haenertsburg said “I am here to represent my family who are farmers. I stand to oppose the amendment of section 25 of the constitution because the government failed to handle the land redistribution process correctly in the first place. About 4 300 farms were redistributed in Mopani with a total of 775 000 hectares. Why not start by expropriating that land without compensation?” Cromwell Nhemo, an ANC chief whip in the Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM), said he was representing the ANC and they support the motion on the grounds that the land was obtained wrongfully and it was in 1949 when the land of his ancestors was taken. “The issue of land touches on delivery issues because on some of this land there are streams and dams which could help alleviate water crisis in rural villages.” There was a heated debate in the hall which resulted in both camps having to calm their supporters down. It took the chairperson some courage to calm the crowds. At about 14:00 when the meeting went for a break, around 60 people had already had an opportunity to speak and when they adjourned at 16:00, about 100 inputs were obtained from Mopani. — Jan Mafetsa
The Captain rises to her work challenges Captain Martha Molokwane (54) from the Haenertsburg police station says that her biggest challenge since she took up her position five months ago is reaching places because of the mountains and the bad roads. The SAPS has a huge area with which it deals and it’s often difficult getting to areas of crisis. She has a staff of 35 and this includes the clerks. The captain was born in Seshego and joined the police force at the age of 23. Her biggest challenge, prior to Haenertsburg, was being the commander of the foot patrol in Tzaneen. Focus not to drive but to walk the hot trouble spots like the CBD. The captain says, “We did the foot patrols from 2009-2011 and apprehended a lot of people. The Tzaneen business community appreciated this so much that they held a braai for us.” Referring to the Haenertsburg area the captain says, “Break-ins have decreased for the month of June. We still have a problem with illegal immigrants and farmers need to co-operate with us in rooting out this problem and need to come forward with in-
formation. People can contact either me or Hans van Schalkwyk from HNW (Haenertsburg Neighbourhood Watch).” “As far as the Rina van Langenhoven murder case is concerned the feedback from the High Court is still pending as the public prosecutor wants a review. As far as the Paul Geldenhuys GBH case is concerned, the investigating officer was charged with getting the doctor to conduct another postmortem. The doctor’s new statement is now with the relevant authority in Pretoria awaiting reconsideration.” Geldenhuys (35) was assaulted by four men outside the Iron Crown Pub and Bistro in Haenertsburg on the night of Friday 4th March 2016. He died on Tuesday 22nd March 2016, leaving behind two young sons. “As far as the recent physical altercation involving two Phalaborwa men against two locals at the Pot and Plow is concerned, the pub owner received a summons. It is the duty of the liquor licence holder to escort unruly drunks out of the establishment before a fight ensues.”
Captain Martha Molokwane at her Haenertsburg police station office.
6 July 2018
Vandré Smith sterf Nog ‘n bekende Tzaneener, Vandré Smith (43), is oor die naweek vermoedelik aan hartversaking oorlede. Sy familie het die volgende hartroerende boodskap geplaas: “Dit het die Here, onse God, in Sy Groot Wil, behaag, om van ons weg te neem, op ‘n skielike, onverwagte tyd, ons geliefde Vandrè, in die ouderdom van 43jaar. Ons voel ook soos ‘n Paulus, dat ons slegs in ‘n dowwe spieël kyk en net ‘n raaiselagtige beeld sien, en nie alles verstaan nie, maar ons weet dat ons Geloof ons so sal dra om eendag alles te sien soos dit werklik is. Ons dank die Here vir die tyd wat ons saam gehad het! Ons het jou lief! Sien later! Die begrafnis vind plaas op Vrydag (more), 6 Julie, om 11:00 vanuit die Nederduits Hervormde Kerk in Tzaneen.
Stretch the pain away Oom Attie groet Oud inwoner van Tzaneen, Attie Krog is op die hoë ouderdom van 92 jaar oorlede. Hy was n formidabele klipkenner en n fasetklipsluiper van formaat. Hy laat sy drie seuns Riaan, Alex en Theuns Krog agter asook 10 kleinkinders en 6 agterkleinkinders. Sy roudiens was reeds 29 Junie 2018.
You have no idea why your back is aching or where that headache keeps coming from. Off you go to Dr Johmari Logtenberg in Park Street (where Large Security used to be) to have it checked out. In the hands of this professional chiropractor you soon feel the strain and discomfort melt away to disappear into the void of tension release. Two weeks later - you’re back again. “You know, the problem is that people don’t understand that they need to invest in their own health and follow the good practices that we as health professionals try to instil in each one of our patients,” explains Dr Logtenberg. “I can make you feel great here at my practice and perhaps even for a day
after that, but if you do not follow through and execute the changes to your lifestyle that cause the discomfort, nothing is going to change. The pain will keep returning.” Make an appointment to see Dr Logtenberg as soon as you can, and discover the subtle changes that you can make to your everyday routine, that will lead to a healthier you. The strain you place on your body throughout your youth and your day-to-day activities will be the hay that eventually breaks the camel’s back as you reach your midlife stage. “Help me to help you help yourself by working with me during our sessions and following through afterwards. Come and see me, let’s work through the discomfort together.”
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6 July 2018
Granny’s Grumbles - Remittance Men (continuation)
Well – the remittance man story obviously went down well, because two dedicated readers begged me to finish the story via a Part 2. Unfortunately I am unable to do that due to the fact that a continuation would very likely not be published – the Bulletin is intended for family reading and I don’t think the editor would allow anything politically incorrect to creep into his pages!! Therefore you will just have to be content with another remittance man story. As I said previously remittance men always arrived in the country with a certain amount of money – sometimes (as with
Jock) they bought a farm. Others (many of them) decided to try prospecting, in between frequenting the local watering holes. One Saturday morning – it was not quite 5 a.m. but I had a baby who needed to be fed so I was on my way to the kitchen. I never bothered with the lights as I knew my way to the kitchen; however I tripped over what was obviously a body so leapt to the nearest light switch and was amazed to discover a complete stranger sitting bolt upright on the carpet. “Ah – the lady of the house I presume” Judging by the posh accent and the tatty safari suit I presumed that my husband had invited a remittance man to spend the night at the house, albeit that it was on the carpet. Anyway Cecil Westward-Smith assured me that notwithstanding the fact that he owned a gold claim that was worth thousands he was at the moment in need of a job and had to be in Kariba on the Monday for an interview. I was relieved to know that he was not going to be around for long but he managed to convince my husband that the two of them should spend most of Saturday back at the pub as it appeared that some of the regulars wanted to buy shares in his claim. You know how it is with men – a couple of beers and they believe anything!! Anyway on Monday morning Mr Westward-Smith left for his “interview” in Kariba which was 150 miles from us and since he was hitch-hiking I certainly didn’t imagine that I would see him again in the near future. Prior to his departure he kissed my hand and assured me that I
was going to be one of the first recipients of what was sure to be one of the biggest gold finds in the country. At 5.15 my husband arrived home from work followed shortly afterwards by our weekend guest. According to him he had arrived in Kariba early only to discover that somebody else had beaten him to the job. I really couldn’t believe that anybody could have hiked all that way, had an interview and hiked back. My husband thought I had a nasty mind and my mind became a lot nastier when 4 days later I still had our “guest” with us. Each morning he disappeared just before eight and reappeared just after five and had been interviewed by every mine manager within 200 miles (according to him). During all the time he was with us he never went near the bath and the enormous holes in his shoes showed newspaper poking through when he sat down in the evening and extolled the virtues of a prospecting life. In desperation I made an arrangement that my young brother should follow him one morning, check where he got picked up and report back to me. Young brother arrived back at about ten in the morning with the news that Mr Westward- Smith had gone to the local trading store, bought a newspaper and then walked to the local park, plonked himself on a bench and had been reading the paper ever since. He checked again twice that day and our friend never moved. This had obviously been happening daily. To cut a long story short and without going into specifics I laid it on the line to my hubby – let one of the other regulars take over Mr Westward-Smith as a house guest.
“Who is going to believe a con artist? Men …. if money is involved”
Social information contact 083 880 8787 or email jon@blueberryheights.co.za.
Tzaneen Christmas in July 21 July
The Christmas In July Night Market will be held on 21 July 2018 at Plaashuisie. For more information contact 0723199153 or email plaashuisiedecor@gmail.com.
Haenertsburg Park Run 7 July
The 5km Park Run will be held on 7 July 2018 at Blue Berry Heights Farm from 08:00. For more
Tzaneen BB Group FLW Bass Festival 28 & 29 July
The BB Group FLW Bass Festival will be held on 28 & 29 July 2018 at Tzaneen Dam from 07:00 at R1200.00 per boat. For more information contact 082 806 1268 / 082 907 5671 / 082 555 8795.
Tzaneen Letaba Show 8-11 August
The Letaba Show will be held 8-11 August 2018 at Tzaneen Showgrounds. Visit www. letabashow.co.za. For more info contact 015 307 2725 / 3509 or email info@letabashow.co.za.
Tzaneen Kaleidoskoop 17 August
Kaleidoskoop will perform on 17 August 2018 at Venue D’light from 18:00 at R120.00 per person. For more information contact Elize on 076 276 8626.
Magoebaskloof Magoeba Limpopo Premier MTB 17 August
The Magoeba Limpopo’s Premier MTB Stage Race will be held on 24 to 26 August 2018 at Cheerio Gardens from 08:00 at R4250.00 to R4750.00 per person. Visit www.magoebaskloofmtb.co.za. For more information contact 066 231 6094 or email info@magoebaskloofmtb.co.za.
1368 059 2 7
The Message Rev Ron Reiners Anglican Church In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit I greet you. Is it not amazing how often we fail to recognise the true potential in someone, especially the youth of today. We often judge them too harshly before gaining a true insight into where they come from, their hopes and dreams are often pushed aside. We use the phrases like “they are too young and they do not have the knowledge” My question is “Have they been given the chance?” In many of the main-line churches the pastors/priests fail to give the youth the opportunity to assist in planning and running the service, let alone the preaching. There are certain duties, however, that only an ordained priest can preform, but what about those duties that are done by the priest, that in fact can be done by a lay person and why does it always have to be an adult? I know for a fact that there is a church in Polokwane that is run solely by young people (the youth) even their council consists of a majority of youth. Our Rector has allowed our youth to run most of the communion service in our church and what success it has been. The youth have stepped forward and excelled. Even youth as young as 14/15 have been given the opportunity to preach, of course this is all done under guidance of the youth leader and we as priests. At first our youth were dropping out like flies and our service congregation were mainly senior members of the community. Suddenly, there seems to be an upswing in the youth attending the services and getting involved in all activities in the church’s life. I believe this is what Jesus was talking about when He talked about making disciples. Giving the youth the right to try and make mistakes, guiding and supporting them in their want to serve God. We know that there is a lack of trained priest/ pastors in all churches, thus by encouraging full participation in the running of the church by the youth we will be encouraging new or future leaders. Once we have accepted Christ we all enter the priesthood, “The Priesthood of all Believers.” I therefore encourage all “senior” citizens to embrace the youth and support them. It is God who is calling them and we need to abide by His commands. Are you willing to accept a dying church or will you open your hearts and minds to new ideas?
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6 July 2018
Ben Vorster wens Bulletin geluk
Bulletin ryg toekennings vir nuusfotografie en joernalistiek by die jaarlikse “FCJ-Awards”- aand in Gauteng in. Verlede jaar het Bulletin met die eerste prys vir die Gemeenskapskoerant van die jaar 2016 asook voorblad van die jaar 2016 weggestap. Vanjaar is Bulletin met drie nominasies bekroon by die Toekenningsfunksie wat by Leriba Lodge in Centurion gehou is.
• Finalis – Joernalis van die Jaar 2017 • Finalis – Sportfoto van die Jaar 2017 • Finalis – Sportskrywer vir 2017 Die FCJ Excellence Toekennings is die enigste kompetisie van sy soort waar plaaslike= en Gemeenskapskoerante vanoor die land, groot of klein, Korporatiewe of onafhanklike eienaars, kan kompeteer teen mekaar om as die Beste in die land vereer te word. Hierdie Jaar se kompetisie vereer die werk wat in 2017 gelewer is. Ben Vorster bedank en wens Bulletin geluk vir hul professionele en persoonlike bydrae wat altyd gelewer word om net die beste sport verslaggewing vir ons as Vossies te bied. Vossies ondersteun intelligente en sinvolle bydraes ter opbouing van ons skool en waardeer Bulletin se positiewe gesindheid. Dit is belangrik ter bevordering en stimulering van ons beeld as “skool met ‘n verskil”!
South Africa
015 307 4490/1/2 www.hsbenvorster.co.za www.facebook.com/rooimasjien
Knap Gedaan Joe Dreyer, Jacques Smuts En Jul Span
6 July 2018
Phala Pensioners treated to lunch On Tuesday 26 June Chas Everitt hosted a luncheon for the pensioners of the Bougainvilla Park in Phalaborwa. The event was attended by at least 50 senior citizens who had a most enjoyable two course luncheon and more than a few giggles together. Glenda Watson (owner of the franchise) and her trusty employees were all decked out in aprons serving up the meals, and - never one to pass up an opportunity to get the best -
Glenda had managed to get the services of a retired chef to make sure that the food was scrumptious. “I strongly suspect that Nigel (the chef) enjoyed himself more than a little since he was surrounded by a bevy of beautiful ladies!” Chas Everitt have a “Chas Cares” programme that supports worthy causes on a regular basis. Their last care function was at Gingirikani Pre Primary School when they
donated food and lucky packets to the children and then painted an entire wall with blackboard paint. It is occasions like these that make our little town so special and if there is anybody reading this article who would like to make a difference in the life of a person or persons please contact Councillor Jayne Williamson at telephone number 015 781 3257. Remember – many aged folk would just
Chas Everitt staff enjoying a laugh
like somebody to do their shopping for them – they are not expecting money. In many instances giving of your time is more important than a monetary donation. And men – remember that a lady of seventy cannot get up on a ladder to change a light bulb – make a point of checking with your elderly acquaintances to see if you cannot fix a dripping tap or climb a ladder and do the necessary with the lights.
Esme Steindhal the oldest resident at Bougainvillea
Shimuwini sirkels vergroot
ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER HISHTIL South Africa, a leading vegetable seedling producer in the Limpopo Province, has the following vacant position available at our Mooketsi Nursery (Tzaneen area)
• • • • • •
Purchase process management Office Administration Debtors Control Month End Reports Stock Management Filing and Archive of documents
Requirements: • • • • • • •
3 Year’s administrative related Tertiary Training Experience is essential Computer Literacy: Excel, Word, MS Office, VIP Fluent in Afrikaans and English Good communication, planning and organizing skills Valid Driver’s license with own transport Must be prepared to work in a smoke free environment
Please submit your CV to Ilze Goosen by: Fax: 086 641 5132 or by E-mail: hr@hishtilsa.com For more information contact: Ilze Goosen on 015 395 4034 Alternatively visit our website: www.hishtilsa.com Closing date: 10/07/2018 Only suitable CV’s will be considered
The successful candidate will be responsible for the following duties:
In April vanjaar het Bulletin berig oor die klipsirkels wat deur die SANParke EreVeldwagters in samewerking met Kallie en Herman Süllwald van Süllwald Vervoer gepak is om ‘n 1 000 jaar-oue Kremetartboom van die olifante op Shimuwini te beskerm. Daar was oor die naweek weer ‘n opvolg sessie by dieselfde boom op Shimuwini om die klipsirkels om die boom verder te vergroot. Die doel van hierdie sessie is om te verseker dat die boom ten volle beskerm sal bly teen die olifante van daardie streek wat hulself teen die bas van hierdie bome skuur end an sodoende skade aan te rig. “Ons wil net weereens ons hartlike dank uitspreek aan Süllwald Vervoer (Kallie en Herman Süllwald) vir hul onbaatsugtige skenking van die die broodnodige klippe om die projek ‘n sukses te kon maak, en hopenlik die boom vir nog ‘n 1 000 jaar te kan spaar,” het Gert Coetzee van die SANParke EreVeldwagters gesê. “Süllwald Vervoer was ook so goedhartig om die aflewering van die klip gratis te doen. Ons herken hulle as vriende van die SANParke Ere-Veldwagters. Sonder hulle ondersteuning, sou dit nie moontlik gewees het nie - en die boom sou uiteraard gesneuwel het onder die olifante.” Die gemeenskap het ook die Ere-Veldwagters hartlik bedank wat hulself bereid gestel het om die projek ‘n moontlikheid te maak.
VACANCY Administrative Assistant The successful candidate must be well experienced, motivated and self driven A background in Human Resources beneficial.
Send CV to: cv@qph.co.za Please add the following reference in your subject line: QPH/ADMIN
6 July 2018
Piano marathon for conservation An event that came and went – that was the all-night piano recital as vigil commemorating conservation legend, Louise Joubert, and in aid of SanWild, the wildlife sanctuary she served unwaveringly during her lifetime. The event followed her untimely death about two months ago. A total of R9000-00 was handed over to Mr Andre Joubert, her husband and fellow-fighter for the rights and safety of the vulnerable, endangered, injured and traumatized in the wild. This was a culminated amount including donations from diners in Fairview Hotel’s Le Thaba Restaurant on Thursday night, 21 June, funds raised by SPCA’s Ms Tracey van den Dool, plus donations received by Bobbi Gerber, and her volunteer right hand, Ms Brylene Pretorius, who broadcasts on GTFM, local radio station
of the Greater Tzaneen area. What unfortunately hasn’t come and gone is the poaching of our natural inheritance. Tragically, the very weekend after the fund-raising event, on a game drive during our visit to SanWild, we came upon the carcasses of two of their rhinos – one the mother of the calf born on the day Louise passed away, who was subsequently named after her. The other poached rhino was little Louise’s older brother, a calf recently weaned. Everyone was happy and hopeful as little Louise’s tracks were found around the carcasses, which proved her survival. With the rescue effort, where a helicopter, a forensic team, the local vet and other interested and significant parties were involved, Louise was found and darted. Sadly, she didn’t survive, due to dehydration and the severe stress surrounding the poaching of her family. SanWild lost an entire family of rhinos in one foul swoop. It is not going to help to ask rhetorical questions such as Where will this end? What will help is to double the efforts that are made to protect and conserve our precious wildlife heritage. There are those to whom it means nothing – seeing only selfish and greedy use and abuse of the animals to fill their pockets. There need to be harsher and more impactful steps taken against them and appre-
hended perpetrators need to be made examples of; conveying a clear message to any prospective poachers: don’t, or face dire consequences… “It was interesting – and very revealing – to go out into the community and business world and seek love-gifts to help SanWild in their plight – which is not a personal, but rather a universal one, because the loss of one species, such as the iconic rhino, is a loss of immeasurable dimensions”, said Gerber. Those who couldn’t see it fit to donate only the requested R200 must be seriously, and dangerously, uninformed and/or disinterested. “On this note: a deep and heartfelt thanks to all those who put their hands into their pockets, some deeper than others, to assist the cause. The businesses in town, the visitors to the restaurant on the night – all trusting and henceforth trusted care-givers in their own right: to all, THANK YOU, from us, who want to add our humble efforts to the seemingly impossible task of protecting our endangered wildlife. No matter how small a gift or an effort, I firmly believe every single one makes a difference towards a positive outcome. May we all feel the weight of that first command of the Creator, not only to Adam but all his descendants: rule over and care for creation, not in a self-serving way. May we rise to every occasion calling for assistance.”
Bobbi Gerber
VACANCY: Fresh Produce Procurement and Farm Manager
Requirements: • • • • • • •
• • •
Matric and relevant Tertiary Qualification. Minimum 5 years business negotiations experience. Extensive exposure to supply chain, buying, demand planning, etc. 5 Years’ experience in FMCG and in Fresh Food sector. Ability to work under pressure and overtime when required. Experience running a large portfolio. Farm management: Managing daily operations, re Crop planning, spraying programs, fertilizer application, water management, utilisation of farming implements, vehicles and equipment. Labour management – including productivity. An African language will be an advantage. Good understanding of financial management i.e. cost management, profits and losses – income statement.
Salary: Negotiable depending on experience. Closing Date: 20 July 2018. E-Mail CV`s to: miami@miamicanners.co.za Please note that if you are not contacted on or before 31 July 2018 you can accept the fact that your application was unsuccessful.
28 Julie 2018
NG Kerk Letsitele
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Inskrywings: Danelle Osmers 083 463 9071 / danelledn@mweb.co.za Navrae: Henk van Rooyen 083 550 2210
6 July 2018
Stand a chance to WIN Hair, makeup and nails to the value of
R6 500
How to enter
Send your name, contact details and wedding date to wedding@bulletin.us.com Terms & Conditions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Entries close 6 July 2018 @ 12:00. Only one entry per person. Only correct entries (Name, contact details & wedding date) sent to wedding@bulletin.us.com will qualify for the lucky draw. Winner will be contacted by telephone. Lucky draw will be done by a person selected by Far North Bulletin and the decision is final. Prizes not transferable . Prize only valid on the selected vendors venue. Hair and make-up prize for Bride only. Nail prize for Bride and Mother of the Bride only. All photographs to be used for marketing material by vendors and Far North Bulletin. Only valid for weddings in 2018.
Kgapane residents are land-locked
Residents of Kgapane, north of Modjadjiskloof, have accused the municipality of insensitivity after the cemetery became full last year but so far not enough had been done to remedy the situation. Residents told Bulletin that though they raised the matter with authorities, so far no response was received from the authorities despite the matter been raised several times during community meetings. Community leader and resident in the township, Marry Khumalo, said “the community are worried that with the cemetery full and no action been taken, there is fear in the community that one day a corpse could be unearthed from the grave during digging. People dig the same area again and again and when there is many funerals in the township people panic as they are not certain where would be suitable to dig their graves. Khumalo went on to say that other than the cemetery, the township itself is land locked in that there is no space even for housing. People are still staying in the four rooms which were built by the Apartheid regime.
This came in the wake of the local authorities, the provincial government and the local businessmen involved in tussles with one another over land where a clinic and school were built after the businessman obtained a court order. According to community members the land was initially bought by the local business person from the municipality at R18 million. The land was later sold in Gauteng during a public auction at R180 million. Following the sale of the land by the developer, the school and the clinic nearby would have to be removed to make space for a mall which is in the pipeline. A court order was granted to remove the school and clinic. Attempts to contact the municipality were not successful at the time of going to the press. Former mayor of the Greater Letaba Municipality (GLM) said the Ga-Kgapane land problem needs to be given priority because the people in the area had long been complaining about lack of space in the township despite the availability of much land around it. — Jan Mafetsa
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6 July 2018
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Sport 6 July 2018
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Two join the Elites
Limpopo has long been known for its top class swimmers which have in the past included Olympians Lyndon Ferns from Polokwane, Karin Prinsloo from Marble Hall and Ryan Coetzee from Phalaborwa. Currently there is a host of new, young talent from Tzaneen who are set to make big waves in national and international pools in the not so distant future. Limpopo coaches Dougie Eagar, Awie Hattingh and Johan Grobbelaar hosted the first of a monthly High Performance Squad training clinic two weekends ago at the indoor swimming facility at Ben Vorster High School. Their sole purpose behind these clinics is the improvement of the quality of swimmers within Limpopo going forward. The squads are divided into three groups namely, the Senior Elite group (swimmers who qualified and swam at Senior Nationals
Level), the Junior Elite squad (swimmers who qualified and swam at Junior Nationals) and the Upcoming Elite squad (swimmers who qualified and participated at Level 3 Championships). The clinic in Tzaneen was for the Senior and Junior Elite squads and two local swimmers were selected to participate, namely Ruan Hanneczeck-Kruger (Senior) and James Joubert (Junior) both from Shamu Swimming Club. The format of this clinic was coaches (tandem) analysis of each swimmer and each stroke providing the swimmer with feedback they are then to discuss with their specific coach. There was a talk on nutrition to further assist swimmers who attended. Each swimmer was sponsored with a cap indicating which group they were swimming for and a training snorkel.
Senior and Junior Elite group.
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