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13 July 2018
Personeel | Personnel Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com
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Rekenings / Accounts / Admin Ansie Smuts 076 333 0523 ansie@bulletin.us.com
Lizan Botha 076 795 5000 lizan@bulletin.us.com
Joernaliste / Journalists Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset
“Death rate exaggerated” - Lim Health
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Ontwerp / Design Tamryn Lancefield 083 637 9551 tamryn@bulletin.us.com Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com
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Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 071 268 2543 (Jacques) 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: jacques@bulletin.us.com | lizan@bulletin.us.com Admin & rekenings/Admin & accounts: ansie@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Kleinadvertensies / Smalls: ansie@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com
The Limpopo Health Department has spoken out against a report by the DA Oversight Committee after their visit to the Mapahutha Malatji Hospital outside Phalaborwa. The DA’s oversight inspection of the Maphutha Malatji Hospital in Namakgale, revealed an alarming infant mortality rate of 28 percent. This meant that of the approximately 230 babies born in this hospital every month, around 64 die. That equates to around 640 children who die in that hospital annually. Bulletin contacted the spokesperson of the hospital, Onnie Rammalo, who denied the statistics and said that the numbers were not accurate. “The DA were here, that is true, and they conducted their inspection of the hospital’s facilities, but we don’t know where they came up with those numbers. We would never give them numbers like that and if you look at our own reports, you will see there is a difference.” It took two weeks of daily reminders to the spokesperson of the Limpopo Health Department, Neil Shikwambana, and a scathing Facebook post, before we finally managed a response to our media inquiry. The laxness with which this situation is being handled by
the department is shocking and a few clicks short from atrocious. Nevertheless, we finally managed a response. In our official media inquiry, emailed to Shikwambana, we asked whether the department was aware of the issues at Mapahutha Malatji Hospital. “We are not sure what exactly you are referring to,” Shikwambana replied. *Editor’s comment: Does this mean that the Health Department are aware of many problems at their facility and not certain which one to address specifically, or are they of the view that there are no real problems there? We don’t know and so we have sent a follow up enquiry. What is the reason behind the infant mortality rate of an average of 64 babies a month at that one particular hospital? “That is misinformation that we need to correct, it is absolutely not true that the average of infant mortality is on 64 per month,” Shikwambana said. “Between January and April 2018 for instance, a total 916 children were delivered at the Maphuta Malatji Hospital. Out of those, 43 babies died. Out of the 43 babies who
died, 15 were still births and 13 were extreme low birth weight.” *Editor’s comment: that still leaves 15 deaths unexplained. He added that in context, one of the key drivers of infant mortality is mothers who do not visit their clinics during pregnancy where potential threats for their unborn children can be discovered and averted where possible. “While we accept that no death can be acceptable, we believe that the amount of mortality cases at the hospital should not be blown out of proportion for whatever reason,” he said. The World Health Organisation’s (WHO) sustainable development goal for neonatal deaths is reported as not more than 12 per 1 000 live births including low birth weight. The figures mentioned by the department indicate around 45 deaths per 1 000 – more than double. “Almost half of all stillbirths, 1.2 million, happen while the woman is in labour. These deaths are directly related to the lack of skilled care at this critical time for mothers and babies”. — Joe Dreyer
Health owes patients R4 billion in claims R4 346 796 768 is still outstanding in the 796 unresolved Medico Legal claims by patients against the Limpopo Health Department. That means that Dr Pophi Ramathuba’s health department is costing tax payers in the Limpopo province in excess of R4 billion over the course of just four years. Again, the amount and time frame of these legal claims point to a system that is as unhealthy as the patients it is failing to adequately provide treatment for. Of the 796 unresolved claims, 203 were lodged in 2014/2015 and 249 during the 2017/2018 period. The rise in the medico legal claims shows that there is a drastic decline in proper health care which is resulting in patients
suing the health department. When broken down into categories according to the nature of the claims it is shocking to note that 347 of the claims are related to orthopaedics, surgical and ‘others’ while 199 relate to gynaecology and obstetrics. Cerebral palsy accounts for 250 claims. Even more shocking still, are the 33 resolved claims which amount to R105 million. That’s right, 33 claims were resolved (27 through court orders) of which 14 cases totalled R74 million. That is an average of R5,3 million per case. We asked the health department why there were so many unresolved claims and what the department plans to do to ensure these claims are resolved.
“These are mostly before the courts and their resolution depends entirely on court processes,” said Neil Shikwambana, spokesperson for the Limpopo Department of Health. He offered no further insight into the reason behind the claims or whether the Department plans to work on minimizing the number of law suits against them annually. As usual, spokespersons answer only a direct question and do not elaborate out of their own accord to offer the reader clarity. We have issued another media enquiry to the Department and it is our hope that this time we will not have to wait two weeks for a response. — Joe Dreyer
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13 July 2018
GTM sewerage pumped into river You could be drinking your neighbour’s waste. Tzaneen boasts a massive signboard at its entrances proudly displaying its ‘Blue Drop’ status. However, the faded sign should be an indication that this was awarded a very long time ago. There are certain criteria that have to be met in order for a Water Services Authority to be awarded a Blue or a Green Drop status. The Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) implemented this programme as a means of facilitating a more transparent method to ensure compliance to drinking water legislation. Despite DWAF’s claim that its ‘Drinking Water Quality Regulation Unit’ would continuously assess Water Services Authorities’ performance in its entire area of jurisdiction,
The river’s water now has a blue glow to it.
A Manhole spews sewerage into the river.
that too seems to be an empty promise. On a visit to three sites within the Tzaneen CBD this week, Bulletin discovered a gross violation of DWAF’s legislation and the basic human rights of the citizens of this town. Though water samples were taken by the team from Afriforum on Wednesday afternoon (yesterday), the results of those tests have not yet been made available. Judging only by the stench and the visible human faecal matter floating in the glowing blue and grey water of a branch of the Great Letaba river, it is quite apparent that this water is not suitable for human consumption. In fact, it is an environmental disaster and one that could very well be behind the recent spate of diarrhea cases reported around town.
The Rietbok Street pump station
Campylobacteriosis is the most common diarrheal illness caused by the consumption of contaminated drinking water. Added to this is the risk of contracting Typhoid Fever, Escherichia coli, Encephalitis, Gastroenteritis also known as “stomach flu”, Hepatitis A, Leptospirosis, Salmonella typhimurium and Salmonella enteritis. To name a few. At the pump station in Rietbok Street in the Old Industrial area, every one of the four large manhole covers have been removed, presumably stolen and sold for scrap metal. Pieces of steel and bolts in the brick walls of this station reveal that there may have been a palisade fence enclosing the structure to prevent the public from entering. With the fence and manhole covers gone, the site itself is a serious risk as children, or drunken pedestrians can easily fall through one of the manholes and drown in the tanks below. Pedestrians have constructed a rickety hanging bridge over the river that runs past this substation. It now connects the Rietbok Street area with the Letaba Brickyard on the other side of the riverbank. The water running beneath this structure has a blue glow to it and regular air bubbles are seen rising to the surface as the sewerage on the bottom of
Open manholes at pumpstation.
the river bed, boils to the surface. Solid faecal matter is seen drifting down stream. This is just a description of one of the sites we visited. The other two sites are as terrifying but this writer feels that describing it here would evade the attention of most of the inhabitants in our area and would therefore refer you to the video docuseries posted on our Facebook page entitled “How safe is your water – Part 1” to see the full extent of the problem. We have sent enquiries to the GTM and DWAF and have received notice from Agri Letaba that they have noted and reported the problem to the municipality. According to Naomi Excell of Agri Letaba, the municipality said that they would immediately rectify the situation. She also stated that her organization is currently drafting a letter highlighting the impact of this malpractice on the environment and they will be sending this off to the GTM in due course. Regarding the state of the Limpopo Health Department it would be a safer option for the community members in Tzaneen and Nkowankowa to refrain from drinking the water straight from their taps and rather look at alternative sources such as mineral water in bulk containers. It is not certain what the extent of the contamination is, but we feel that it is better to be safe than sorry until confirmation has been given. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com
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13 July 2018
Experts label Expropriation a failure The direct involvement of President Cyril Ramaphosa, and the expropriation of land without compensation based on race and wealth status of the victims of the programme, was described by land experts and farmers as cheap political point scoring. They did however state that this bluff will open the gates for litigation as the rights of the minority groups are violated. This happened during the week long break in the hearings on the amendment of section 25 of the constitution. This came after Cyril Ramaphosa moved quickly to allay fears that land belonging to the Nganyama trust, which is chaired by King Goodwill Zwelithini, would not be touched but, that of the white people only.
Ramaphosa went as far as saying that the 13 percent left out when the 1913 act was promulgated will not be touched. His conduct is seen by legal experts as an Achilles heel in the land saga. Limpopo and Mopani-based land expert and the director of the Nkuzi Development Trust, Xirhami Xirhindzi, said the speech by the president is not in line with the constitution, and the president might have been bluffing to say only white land will be taken for expropriation. He might have been stoking the fires after King Zwelithini called for war if the land is taken, fearing his party might lose the support from the Zulu kingdom. “All land in the hands of the chiefs are the property of the state and the kings are just the
trustees on behalf of the communities they control. So the difference with Ngonyama trust is that it is under the trust while the other land belonging to traditional leaders is not under this trust. I attended the hearings at Lenyenye and more than three chiefs asked that their land be left untouched. If that is the case the courts will take centre stage this time,” said Xirhindzi. “The Land Review Panel Committee was commissioned by parliament and therefore it would be the decision of parliament as to which land should be expropriated without compensation. The decision by the president will not be approved and instead will give opposition parties in the matter, the chance to complain based on the fact that parliamen-
tary processes were deviated from and that the rights of the minority groups were trampled,” he added. The rights of the minority groups and their preservation is enshrined in the constitution. The land issue will be decided in the constitutional court. Xirhindzi said the problem with the politicians in South Africa is that they like to toy with words. It would be better if the president told the chiefs that the matter will be looked into without getting into too much details. Xirhindzi is a lawyer who through his organisation, Nkuzi Development Trust assisted people who had problems of tenure in various farms in the province. — Jan Mafetsa
Free from white monopoly capital and now closed has left the province at war with itself. The upcoming reshuffle of the various municipal heads and the provincial executive committee, will highlight the tensions given that none of the departments or municipalities could escape disclaimers from the auditor general. Tzaneen’s Whitehouse was no exception. The bank curator, Anoosh Rooplal, said the bank had to recover R1, 5 billion looted by its managers and he does not have any hope that the bank could be saved. He added that given the dire state the bank found itself in,
jobs will be lost through the retrenchment process underway. He said investigations had discovered the sheer scale of the fraud and makes him less confident in the restoration of the bank. Governor, Lesetja Kganyago said about 97% of the retail depositors who invested more than R100 000 with the bank will get their money this Friday through Nedbank, but not the municipalities. He said following preliminary investigations into the matter, they decided to lodge applications to recover the money owed to the bank. Investigations will be concluded in September. They will centre on the illegal investment of municipal monies. Kganyago said about 22 700 investors who are owed more than R100 000, will be paid the amount. He said the investors will have a choice whether to keep the money with Nedbank or take the money to other banks. According to him, the decision was reached after a meeting was held with the Treasury where it was resolved that the municipalities
will get nothing as their investments were illegal. During the weekend, Limpopo South African Local Government Association (SALGA) chairperson Thembi Nkadimeng, was defeated by John Mpe for the position of the chairperson of the Capricorn region of the ANC. This was one of the consequences of investing public funds in VBS. The Democratic Alliance had expressed dismay that municipalities will not get their monies back while the culprits are getting promotions. VBS was described by members of the ANC as one of the independent and free from white monopoly capital banks and urged people to invest in it. But now that things are no longer smooth sailing, there is silence about the white monopoly banks. The bank which was once chaired by the chairperson of the Vhavenda tribe, paramount king Tony Ramabulana, loaned former ANC president Jacob Zuma R7,8 million to pay for his house improvements at Nkandla. — Jan Mafetsa
“Fight among yourselves until you perish” Dozens of water-machine operators from the four municipalities in Mopani have abandoned their blind loyalty to the leaders of the ANC, and decided to take their bosses to court. The operators are demanding to be paid after they served their communities on behalf of Mopani for free, hoping that they will one day receive the jobs they were promised. “We wish that these politicians continue fighting among themselves until they perish,” said one operator. Sabina Mocheki, secretary for the group said all attempts to find an amicable solution for the problem have hit a huge obstacle and as a result they have resolved to take the legal route. She said the case was to be heard at the Giyani High Court this week. Mocheki said they want the municipality to pay them for the duration of more than a decade that they were serving the community without payment, and the promise of employment. The matter was first raised with former Mayor of the municipality Joshua Matlou, who said their matter would be attended to, but to date nothing has materialised out of
it. According to Mocheki, in December they received money paid to employees of the Expanded Public Works Programme but it was discontinued in January this year, and since then, they are sent from pillar to post when they enquire about payment. She said when they were not attended to as they were initially promised, the group solicited the services of a lawyer to look into their crisis. She added that though they are still struggling with payments from the municipality, they had not stopped operating the machines to supply residents with water and that they want their payments to be back dated to 2013 when Matlou was still the Mayor. Mocheki concluded by adding that though they are representing all four local municipalities in the district, it is surprising that some were paid after they took legal action, but not all. The municipalities that these 130 water-machine operators hail from, are Greater Letaba, Maruleng, Giyani, and the Greater Tzaneen. The GTM is the only Water Service Authority among all the municipalities in crisis. — Jan Mafetsa
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All 24 municipalities in Limpopo will forfeit the R15 billion in funds which they invested with the now defunct Venda Building Society (VBS) Mutual Bank after the curator decided to fold the wings of the bank because of fraudulent activities diagnosed by investigators. Meanwhile the reserve bank has announced that the money to be paid to investors had been increased and the suspects will be charged soon. The investments by all municipalities in Limpopo after a call by political heavyweights against the advice of the treasury,
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Jacques 071 268 2543 • Lizan Botha 076 795 5000
13 July 2018
Attorney addresses Glenshiel Hotel Mr Pieter-Willie Becker from Becker Attorneys in Polokwane has answered questions on behalf of the owners of the once jewel of the Limpopo - Glenshiel Hotel. The statement says Julius Malema from the EFF is not at all involved in the Hotel. Rumours about this can now be put to rest. The Hotel will also retain its name. The razor wire at the entrance to the Hotel is necessary as the client has had several thefts on the property. The SAPS was again at the site to investigate another theft recently. The attorney stated that residents should be patient with
the development. It will not only exceed expectations and once again become a landmark in the area, but it will also be run and managed by a reputable management company. It will reopen as a boutique hotel and the existing structure will be renovated. Additional structures will be additional rooms, a wedding venue and a chapel. Renovations and construction will begin as soon as the building plans are approved and a contractor has been appointed by the funders. The attorney confirmed that the Environmental Authorisation was received from the relevant pro-
vincial department. He also noted that they were aware of the reputational damage to Glenshiel when it was acquired. Therefore the renovations will be conducted on the property to restore Glenshiel to its former glory. The rumour that stand-alone dwellings are to be build and then sold to individuals is not true. Given the magnitude of the development, the construction period is envisaged to be approximately 14 months. It was confirmed that temporary staff was laid off in April 2017, but permanent staff is still on the payroll, utilised elsewhere.
Yet another new political party for Mopani The state of politics in Limpopo will take a new twist after the emergence of a new political party, with the speeding up of compensation of land as one of its objectives. The party, called Gazankulu Liberation Congress, was formed in Giyani, at the Oasis Hotel on Saturday, with attendance reported to be at least 500. It is expected to encompass the concerns by a community who feel that the ANC in their area stand for only the rights of one particular tribe. Party secretary, Thembani Chavani, said the people of Giyani have accepted the news with vigour and they see the new “baby” as the solution to the service challenges they are facing currently. He said the challenges
faced by the residents in the area include unemployment, the inaccessible roads, corruption and decisions made on behalf of the community by the politicians without consultation. “It is encouraging that we start at the time people are complaining about the manner the authorities are handing the land issue. The feeling in our organisation is that the government had not done enough to consult the people about the matter. In deep rural villages people are still waiting to receive compensation for the land taken from their ancestors but now the government wants to expropriate land without compensation,” said Chavani.
“During the weekend we were consulting the community of Giyani as well as launching our website which will be operational as of this Friday. With it, people will apply for membership, which will be issued the same time. We decided to launch at the hotel because it seemed like a good place to start from, but in future we will call people to the stadium to officially launch the manifesto for the party set to contest the 2019 elections nationally. Chavani further said that they are planning to launch another branch in Gauteng soon before they visit the other areas. He added that they are going to register for the upcoming elections and they are going to give the
other players in the political arena a hard time. He added that they are going to have branches at university campuses and squatter camps before the end of September. This is not the first political party to open shop in Mopani as there were others that could not make it. While most closed doors, others are just the shadow of their own names. There is the Ximoko Progressive Party (XPP) formed by the former Gazankulu homeland leader Hudson Ntsanwisi, and the Alliance for Democracy and Prosperity (ADP) formed by Nelson Ramodike which has since disappeared into obscurity. — Jan Mafetsa
13 July 2018
The Message
Granny’s Grumbles - Merry Monday
One Monday morning I woke up feeling decidedly “down.” I’m sure you all know what I’m talking about. Sometimes we feel that way. Many people feel that way every Monday morning but I actually enjoyed my job so I figured it had something to do with biorhythms or something similar. Off to work I went. By 8 o’clock the receptionist had still not arrived so that meant I would be running from my office to hers
throughout the day seeing to visitors and answering her phone. After doing just that three times I was feeling decidedly peeved with running backwards and forwards. Eventually the fourth caller after hearing my normal good morning greeting said “How are you this morning my angel” Assuming it was one of the engineers being friendly I told him how I felt and was a bit shattered when He started telling me exactly how he could make me feel VERY MUCH BETTER!! I could tell by the switchboard that this was an internal call so asked him his name. To cut a long story short he obviously thought I was the receptionist (we were both from Rhodesia so presumably sounded similar). I got the feeling that hot and heavy conversations were obviously the order of the day between this man and the receptionist and as soon as he realised who I was he plonked the phone down. I had a quiet giggle to myself… An hour later, whilst at my own desk, the phone rang and a rather frantic domestic asked if she could speak to Mr Henshaw – my boss. I said that it was not possible since he was in a meeting but I could pass on a message when the meeting was over. She told me that his wife was stuck up a tree and needed somebody to come and get her down. Now Mr Henshaw was a rather serious man and I had a feeling he would not be
amused if I broke into his meeting with this message, so I phoned a friend who had a teenage son at home and asked if they could go to the house and rescue the wife. A short time later I received a call from Mrs Henshaw who greeted me with “Please tell me that you didn’t give my husband the message about me being up a tree.” I assured her I hadn’t and she thanked me profusely and made me promise that this would be a secret between us. I promised her that it would be but I was dying to know what on earth had possessed her to climb a tree and how was it that she couldn’t get down. It transpired that a new kitten had got itself stuck at the top of a tree and since there was nobody there to help she had climbed up to rescue it. I was impressed - not too shabby for a management wife!! However once she had the kitten in her hands it refused to unlatch itself and she realised that she couldn’t get herself and the kitten down. Eventually after everybody was rescued, the domestic told her that she had left a message for the hubby. Knowing that her husband did not have a great sense of humour she was relieved to discover that I had not passed the message on. My Monday turned out to be not so bad after all and for the remainder of my working life, Mrs Henshaw never forgot my birthday and a certain male employee spent his working days avoiding me.
“May your coffee be strong, And your Mondays be short.”
Social information contact 0723199153 or email plaashuisiedecor@gmail.com.
Tzaneen BB Group FLW Bass Festival 28 & 29 July
The BB Group FLW Bass Festival will be held on 28 & 29 July 2018 at Tzaneen Dam from 07:00 at R1200.00 per boat. For more information contact 082 806 1268 / 082 907 5671 / 082 555 8795.
Tzaneen Christmas in July 21 July
The Christmas In July Night Market will be held on 21 July 2018 at Plaashuisie. For more
Tzaneen Letaba Show 8-11 August
The Letaba Show will be held 8-11 August 2018 at Tzaneen Showgrounds. Visit www. letabashow.co.za. For more info contact 015 307 2725 / 3509 or email info@letabashow.co.za.
Tzaneen Kaleidoskoop 17 August Kaleidoskoop will perform on 17 August 2018 at Venue D’light from 18:00 at R120.00 per person. For more information contact Elize on 076 276 8626.
Magoebaskloof Magoeba Limpopo Premier MTB 17 August The Magoeba Limpopo’s Premier MTB Stage Race will be held on 24 to 26 August 2018 at Cheerio Gardens from 08:00 at R4250.00 to R4750.00 per person. Visit www.magoebaskloofmtb.co.za. For more information contact 066 231 6094 or email info@magoebaskloofmtb.co.za.
Rev Ron Reiners Anglican Church Shalom! In today’s life we are in constant fear of something or the other, be it our health, security or financial position. We do not trust those in authority to see that we are safe from danger. So we try to see to our own safety and those we love, we seem to trust in our own abilities. We arm ourselves to the teeth, put up barriers to ward off the enemy. Our health is another problem! So we try our best to remain healthy following diets, eating the correct foods, joining gyms, running/walking. We try to be frugal, spending only what we deem necessary, yet we also tend to be careless when we consider things as necessary which actually are not actually essential. In our religious life, we tend to follow the same trends, doing the things we consider essential to lead a good life. We state we are Christians, yet often we do not act like Christians. We are often quick to judge others, because they do not measure up to our standards, but who set those standards? We ourselves, our intentions may be good, but unfortunately we tend to hurt those we love. What about those we do not know, those who are “different” to us? The beggar in the street, the car guard, the street sellers, the prostitutes. Are we doing enough to try to change their conditions? How many of us are actively involved in the community in some way or the other? Is it not God’s command that we love our neighbour? Here God is actually saying that we need to be active in our Christian life. Jesus commanded us to GO and make disciples of all nations. In a small way we can all do this, if we believe that God will give us the power. Many of us creep into our shells and use any excuse not to do this. How will we be able to answer to God when He asks us “What did you do for Me?” We can readily say “Lord, I went to church, prayed for others, paid my tithes” and then He might say “But what about spreading the Gospel to others?” Will you say: “That I left to those who knew how to do this” God expects us all to DO not to Think. How many of us even smile at a stranger, let alone greet them? It is about time we put our personal likes and dislikes aside and do God’s will.
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13 July 2018
Serves 4
Ingredients: 3kg oxtail olive oil 2 medium leeks 2 sticks of celery 4 medium carrots 2 small red onions, diced 2 sprigs of fresh rosemary 4 fresh bay leaves 500g Classic Round Tomatoes, cut into blocks 300ml muscadel 1 litre beef stock Worcestershire sauce Polenta Wedges: 400g polenta, cooked according to the package instructions
Preheat oven to 170 °C. Heat an ovenproof pot (big enough to hold the oxtail with some room at the top) on a medium heat. Add the olive oil, leeks, celery, carrots and onions. Fry until golden brown. Add the oxtail and continue browning until all sides of the oxtail are nicely caramelized. Add the tomatoes, muscadel, beef stock and Worcestershire and 1 litre of cold water and stir well. Bring to a boil and then place in the preheated oven for 5 hours or until the meat comes
away from the bones. While the oxtail is cooking, make the polenta according to the package instructions. Pour the polenta out onto a lined baking sheet spreading to approximately 3 cm thick. Wait to cool completely. Heat a griddle pan to smoking point. Cut the polenta into triangles or wedges and place on the heated grill for 1 minute a side or until griddle marks form. Reheat in the oven with the oxtail for 10 minutes before serving with the oxtail.
ZZ2 tomatoes are in season and available from National fresh produce markets. info@zz2.co.za | www.zz2.co.za | 015 395 2040 |
ZZ2Farming |
13 July 2018
Neptune’s widow turns 100 She never said much when she celebrated her birthday on the 1st of July this year. But then nobody blamed her. Lydia Jannetta Govett had most likely said all she wanted to during the course of her lifetime, and so she opted to spend most of her 100th birthday reminiscing about how much the world she lived in, has changed. Born in 1918 in the small town of Vredenburg, Lydia was welcomed into a world at war with itself. As she breathed in her first breath of air, the allied forces breathed out theirs as the First World War came to an end. It had only been a decade after Wilbur and
Orville took flight and for many people motorcars were a sign of the end times. It was a very different world back then and Lydia could not have dreamt that she would be watching documentaries about the second Great War on a screen in the palm of her hand. It was World War II that stole Frank from her. Frank Green, a Royal Marine onboard the HMS Neptune, was Lydia’s first love and the father to her firstborn son, Sydney (now a 77-year old retiree in Phalaborwa). In December 1941 Frank was onboard the Neptune in the Mediterranean sea heading the Force K operation to intercept a convoy bound for Tripoli. On the night of 19–20 December, Neptune, leading the line, struck two mines, part of an Italian minefield laid by an Italian cruiser force in June 1941. The first struck the anti-mine screen, causing no damage. The second struck the bow hull. Neptune hit a third and fourth mine and quickly capsized, killing 737 crew members. The other 30 initially survived the sinking but they too died. As a result, only one was still alive when their Carley float was picked up five days later by the Italian torpedo boat Achille Papa. The sole survivor, Norman Walton, spent 15 months in an Italian prisoner of war camp. In 1991 Walton travelled to the small city of Nelson, New Zealand, to unveil a memorial to Neptune. Of the 736 that perished, 150 were New Zealand sailors, including four
Faslane personnel remember HMS Neptune tragedy.
from Nelson. A memorial service to Neptune and her crew is held each year in Nelson. Widowed and now a single mother, Lydia lived on in the Cape for a while before meeting and subsequently marrying her second husband, Paddy Govett. The pair had a daughter together, and spent many years happily together until they moved to Phalaborwa in 2012 to join Jimmy and the rest of the family. Sadly, Paddy passed
Lydia Jannetta Govett
away that following year aged 84. Lydia was fortunate enough to have spent her centenary in the company of her son, her grandchildren Marcia, Tracy and Steven, great grandchildren Sydney and Isabel and her great great grandchild, Leon. “As a family we wish mum a fantastic year ahead and we want to express our gratitude for having her in our lives for as a long a period as we do. You are a blessing to us and we love you so very much. Happy 100th mother,” said her family. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com
The HMS Neptune.
Physio welcomed in the village The village is to get its own physiotherapist, a profession that’s been lacking since Ingrid Cronje retired. Haenertsburg born and bred Michelle Kroger (32), known to all as Michi, is establishing her physiotherapy business at one of Dr Richard Gorbaszewicz’s rooms behind the village library. Kroger (32) studied for her four year physiotherapy course at the University of the Western Cape. She specialised in neurophysiotherapy and orthopaedic physiotherapy. She’d met her husband through the UCT Mountain Club and at the Catholic Church. Ray is a civil/structural engineer involved in water retaining structures and by all accounts a genius inventor. Shortly after completing her studies in 2008 Michi married Ray and they have two children Beth (5) and Ruben (3). Michi worked at the Rob Ferreira Hospital in Nelspruit from 2009 – 2010. While there she and Ray went on rock climbing expeditions. Michi loves running and has completed one marathon and a few trail runs. Her dream is to do a 100 km race on a French island. The couple then moved to Cape Town. Ray studied further and needed to gain more experience. Michi worked in private practice in Hermanus, at the Red Cross Children’s Hospital in Cape Town and in several private practices including with a German
physiotherapist called Trixie Blumschein. Michi wanted to return to the Mountain and laughingly says, “I wanted to come home and wanted to refresh my Sepedi.” Her parents are Nipper and Sylvia Thompson of cheese fame at Wegraakbosch on the Cheerio Road. Ray is able to work remotely from the farm and travels to Cape Town occasionally as he’s involved in a waste water treatment that he helped design. One of Michi’s areas of success is in treating stroke patients. Strokes, she says, can be avoided by following a healthy diet. She says that the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle is under the spotlight and one of the biggest researches being undertaken is on the harmful effects of sitting for lengthy periods of time. Michi has also had success in treating spinal cord injuries. One patient was afraid to do anything. He can now sit up by himself with the constant physiotherapy Michi gave him. Home visits, rehabilitation and balance classes are all part of this physiotherapist’s day. She says that back pain is one of the most common complaints. Posture is vital in preventing back pain. Michi is available at her new rooms Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 08:0012:30. Prospective patients can also contact her on 072 370 1886 or email her at michi.kroger@gmail.com
13 July 2018
Business directory | Sakegids
To advertise in the Bulletin please call: Jacques 071 268 2543 or Lizan 076 795 5000
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Tobie: 076 312 8806
Anything else? Talk to Us, we might have a solution for your needs! www.kingslandfarming.co.za • 082 219 6423 14 Park Str, Tzaneen, 0850 • office@kingslandfarming.co.za
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Shaun 079 056 0896
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We have moved to: 20 Kudu Street, Tzn (Next to DS Brake & Clutch)
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Tel: 015 309 9382 • 078 1919 111 info@hobbyprint.co.za
We specialise in: • Burglar proofing, security and access gates • Palisade fencing, electric gates and garage motors • Light to medium steel and general construction We also service and repair all makes of electric gates and garage motors. Contact Mike at 071 302 8909 / 082 298 5352 dedamsteelworks@gmail.com
015 307 2501 • 081 763 0413 • 081 522 0977 robala.kakgotsotombstones@gmail.com • 10 Morgan Street, Tzaneen
Tombstones Wreaths Fresh Flowers Grave-Markers Granite Photos Build & Errect Accessories Unveilings Kitchen Tops
13 July 2018
Winter games to fight crime Scores of youths in Lenyenye township area spending their winter holidays at the local stadium indulging themselves in various sporting activities as part of the Lenyenye Winter games held to keep the youths out of streets. The event, which is the first of its kind in the community, has been described by community leaders as a step in the right direction towards moulding the youths into a brighter future. According to one of the organisers of the event, Boitumelo Makwela, it was an initiative of several youths in the township after realising that the youths who are not at school and those still attending, during the winter school recess, found themselves with nothing to do as others would have gone either to the initiation schools or the winter schools for matriculants. Makwela who resides in the township, said they formed themselves into a committee and the ball then began rolling. She said experience had taught them that if the children are left with nothing to do, they may either watch television or get to the streets where they may be
tempted to even be involved in criminal activities. So they decided to organise the event so they could entertain them while achieving their goal. “We accept youths from the ages of 13 to 30. We are covering various sporting codes which we will bonus with a community marathon tomorrow (Friday) starting at the stadium and run through some of the streets in the township. Since we do not have enough funds for the event we rallied some business people in the community, so at the end participants could be given something as prizes for participation,” added Makwela. Some of the meetings of the committee of the Lenyenye Winter Games were held at the auditorium of the satellite offices of the GTM, which is mostly used for the mini meetings of the community. The activities took place at the stadium. The stadium is known for poor water service and hardly a week passes without operators complaining about water at the facility. This after it was just renovated at a cost of millions. — Jan Mafetsa
Danielle Naudé, Me. Estelle Human, Me. Gerda Steenkamp, Vutivi Manzini, Zilmari van Rooyen en Dineo Letsoalo. Afwesig : Rendani Mamorobela.
Larries speel netbal vir Limpopo Die “All Ages” Suid-Afrikaanse Netbalkampioenskappe het plaasgevind by Hoërskool E.G. Jansen in Boksburg van 23 – 27 Junie. Ses van Laerskool Tzaneen se netbalspelers het Limpopo verteenwoordig. Rendani Mamorobe-
la, Zilmari van Rooyen en Dimpho Mametja het die o/12 span gespeel en Danielle Naudé, Dineo Letsoalo en Vutivi Manzini was in die o/13 span vergesel deur Juffroue Estelle Human en Gerda Steenkamp.
VACANCY Administrative Assistant The successful candidate must be well experienced, motivated and self driven A background in Human Resources beneficial.
Send CV to: cv@qph.co.za Please add the following reference in your subject line: QPH/ADMIN
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT IN DECEASED ESTATE LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of Section 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution account (first and final) in the estate specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with interest therein for a period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof, and at the offices of the Master in Polokwane and the Magistrate’s office in Ritavi. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payment in
accordance with the account. Registration Number of Estate: 7470/2017 Surname: MHLARI Name: ABIGAIL MIHLOTI Identity Number: 7006180431082 Last address: 2957B NKOWANKOWA Married in Community of Property to: MACEKANA RODGERS MHLARI Identity Number: 6705095508089 Joubert & May Attorneys 50 Boundary Street P O Box 35 0850 Tzaneen Tel (015) 307 3660 Ref: Mr Rech/avs/R14628 Jul201___________________________
Smouskous l Classifieds Services Dienste SMIT & KIE Mediese fondse Korttermyn versekering Lewensversekering Aftree beplanning Testamente / Beleggings 10 Windsor Street 015 307 5587 Jun310___________________________
Tzaneen Trailer Hire Service & repair on trailers and caravans. Trailer hire: Double/Single Axle, Car, Piggyback, Cattle & Luggage trailers. Hennie: 083 651 0936
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Koriek beleggings: Revoluta palms: Revoluta saailinge – R4.00, Groot moederplante – R500.00. Mandela’s gold geel Strelitzia’s: Saad – R0.50, Saailinge – R4.00 plante in blom – R30.00, Moeder plante in blom – R300.00 of (R1, kom haal self per blom) (BTW en posgeld uitgesluit) 082 466 9884
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Nasionale bestuur skool Die begin van die vakansie, moet nie uitstel nie, bring jou kind vir behoorlike opleiding vir n lisensie en haal al die stres van jou af en plaas dit op ons skouers. Sien ons op facebook onder national driving school en hoor by ons vorige kliente van ons diens. Kontak Gideon 083 262 0363 Giane 083 279 2343 Mar301____________________________
For all your woodwork needs. Repairs to wooden furniture. Making of furniture. Contact Rob on 071 727 2377
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Caretaker available for farm or flat maintenance. Fully qualified plumber, electrical, building, tiling ect. Can farm and do all mechanical work. Contact 079 882 7518. Apr302___________________________
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To advertise in our Classified section Contact Lizan: 079 795 5000
DBV/SPCA Blankets & Food Bowls needed 083 628 9257
Specializing in Wendy Houses, site offices, tool sheds, guard rooms. Can also move Wendys. Price includes wooden floor, window, corrugated zinc for roof @ special waksol for waterproofing. 3 x 3 m R5 500. Big and small size as per order. Contact me on 078 485 2342
Property Cinnicot in colour. 3 months old. Very small size. R600 including food sample. 076 795 5000
Jobseeker My name is Barbara Mahimana, I am looking for a domestic or office cleaning job. Full time or part time. Tzaneen or Letsitele area. I am well presented and have a certificate for cleaning. I worked at Tzogang NGO for 12 years and has a good CV. Please contact me on 072 030 7575. __________________________ My name is Grace Lebepe, I am looking for a full time domestic job. I can look after children and have a CV with references. Please contact me on 072 669 0065 __________________________ My naam is Patricia Chauke, ek is opsoek na voltydse of deeltydse domestiese werk. Ek praat goed Afrikaans en Engels, is baie netjies en kan na kinders kyk. Kontak my gerus by 078 779 5154. __________________________
To Let Te Huur 3 Bedroom house situated in a security complex in Medi Park. This home offers a spacious open plan living- and dining area, full bathroom with shower and separate toilet. Lockable tandem garage for 2 vehicles, private courtyard with braai and outside buildings. No pets allowed. Available 28 September 2018. R7 000-00 per month. Deposit required. Phone Kobus 083 442 3696.
To Let Te Huur PHALABORWA - Netjiese eenslaapkamer tuinwoonstel te huur. R3 500. Water ingesluit. Eie krag- boks, met genoeg krag vir +- 2 maande. Geen diere. Deposito verlang. Onderdak parkering. Kontak 079-679-6967 of 015 781 7475.
13 July 2018
Pleasant day’s jumping Tzaneen Equestrian Centre held their annual show jumping event this past weekend in Tzaneen. The event was hailed as a huge success which was enjoyed by all the riders from the various local stables. The centre wishes to thank all their sponsors for their continued support of the event and for their assistance in the upliftment of the equine culture in the area. At the time of going to print the results of the weekend’s meet had not been made available.
A very big Thank-you to all our sponsors for their support and generosity.
NG Kerk Letsitele
28 Julie 2018 • 07:00 - 13:30 • Laerskool Dr. Annecke
Baie vermaak vir die kleingoed!
Verskeidenheid van stalletjies. Vars gebak, Vars groente en vrugte, pannekoek, biltong, kaaiings met pap en nog vele meer.
Alles grondpad op naby geleë sitrus plase. Wegspring 07:00 @ Laerskool Dr. Annecke.
2X Roetes: 35km - (R100) en 12km - (R50) Inskrywings: Danelle Osmers 083 463 9071 / danelledn@mweb.co.za • Navrae: Henk van Rooyen 083 550 2210
Sport 13 July 2018
Tel: 015 590 7780 | tzaleba@gmail.com Plot 39, Hamawasha, Lydenburg Rd, R36 - 1km outside of town.
SA converges at Tzn The South African Hockey Association in conjunction with South African Schools Hockey hosted the 2018 Northern U/13 Regional Tournament right here in Tzaneen this week. The tournament is one of the biggest hockey gatherings in the country and dwarfs the Inter-Provincial Tournament and the SA Country Districts tournaments currently being played in Gauteng and KZN. Ben Vorster astro and the grass fields at Unicorn Preparatory school hosts around 13 field hockey games daily as the teams vie for their place in the play-offs and ultimately the finals to be played today at the astro pitch at Ben Vorster.
The regions who are participating in this tournament include teams from Kwa-Zulu Natal, Eastern Free State, Limpopo, North West, Southern Gauteng, Eastern Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Northern Free State and the KZN Coastal teams. On Monday morning the tournament flicked off with a showdown between the Falcons from Gauteng and the eastern Free State Girls. Limpopo got their first taste of the competition when the Mopani Girls took on the Panthers in a match that ended in a one-all draw. The Mopani Boys team did not fair as well as their feminine counterparts when they faced off against the much better prepared KZN Inlands team who thrashed the local boys by four goals to nil. It was evident that the KZN boys had become accustomed to playing on an astro surface and they used this to their advantage as they simply out-manoeuvred their local opponents. Bulletin will be attending the rest of the playoff games and the finals this afternoon and will keep our readers informed on the progress. By all accounts it would appear as though the local team with the most promise to reach the finals is the Mopani U/13 Girls team. The tournament has attracted much needed publicity for the region and is set to grow in stature when the local hockey fraternity hosts it again in the years to come. — Joe Dreyer
Aurelie Schoepfliun and Yvonne Botha.
KZN Inland’s Khethelo Mthethwa dashes past Mopani’s defenders.
Elandri Janse van Rensburg and Aurelie Schoepfliun.
Kai Broom - KZN Inland Boys
we will beat any written quotation
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