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3 August 2018
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Alfie positief
LEES BINNE Motorongeluk eis egpaar
— “Junction sal uit die as uit wéér opstaan.” Bladsy 3
LEES BINNE Staan op teen die boelie kultuur
Alfie Viljoen, eienaar van die Letaba Junction, het Vrydagoggend omstreeks 03:00 onverpoos probeer om sy restaurant te red. Inwoners vanuit Letsitele en die omgewing het hom te hulp gesnel toe nuus van die brand oor WhatsApp gebreek het.
3 August 2018
Personeel | Personnel Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com
Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com
Rekenings / Accounts / Admin Ansie Smuts 076 333 0523 ansie@bulletin.us.com
Lizan Botha 076 795 5000 lizan@bulletin.us.com
Joernaliste / Journalists Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset
Ontwerp / Design Tamryn Lancefield 083 637 9551 tamryn@bulletin.us.com Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com
Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani • Phalaborwa
A 37-year old female employee at Letaba Hospital outside Nkowankowa is recuperating after she was stabbed 15 times with a knife by her partner in an apparent domestic violence act. The incident happened on the eve of August, the month dedicated to the celebration of women in the fight against Apartheid, and to highlight their plight through awareness campaigns the whole month and beyond. The incident raised the anger of Limpopo MEC for Health, Phophi Ramathuba, who paid the hospital a visit on Tuesday accompanied by an SABC camera crew to investigate. The woman, who was at work at the time of the incident, was recuperating at the hospital by the time of going to print. Allegedly, she was stabbed by her partner after an argument earlier at home. In what appears to be nothing more than
Kontak besonderhede Contact Details
Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 071 268 2543 (Jacques) 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: jacques@bulletin.us.com | lizan@bulletin.us.com Admin & rekenings/Admin & accounts: ansie@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Kleinadvertensies / Smalls: ansie@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.
Website Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies.
Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
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a blatant publicity stunt ahead of the elections, Ramathuba said the purpose of her visit was to wish the victim well in her recovery. She said she could not understand how the assailant passed through the security gates of the hospital undetected with a knife in his pocket. She said investigations have been launched to determine where things went wrong with the security officers because the hospital is guarded by police round the clock. Ramathuba futher said that it was suprising that with August just around the corner, some partners attack their spouses instead of loving them. This was not the first incident where employees at a hospital were attacked while on duty in the province. Two years ago, at Seshego hospital, a manager was shot by an employee after the employee was suspended. The suspect passed the
security gates with a firearm, indicating the lack of safety and security at the province’s hospitals. *Editor’s comment: this is the same Dr Ramathuba who has still not responded to the problems at Maphutha Malatji hospital outside Phalaborwa, which currently “boasts” an infant mortality rate that can only be described as criminal. It is the same woman who told parliament that her department is owing millions in medico-legal claims to patients because of malpractice. Despite responses by the DA who have indicated that they will take legal action against this blatantly underqualified head of the terminally ill Limpopo Health Department, nothing has happened. It appears as though the opposition in this province sport a much bigger bark than an actual bite. — Jan Mafetsa
It wasn’t my taxi man!
Lucky Nkoana, a taxi owner affiliated to Greater Tzaneen Taxi Association (GTTA), has vehemently denied that one of the mini busses he owns, was pulled off the road by the police last week for overtaking at an undesignated spot on the R36. He also denied that the taxi driver in question was charged at the police station. The incident occurred on the afternoon of Tuesday 24th of July at the Eastern entrance to Tzaneen town near the Telkom offices. Bulletin reported on the matter last week. Lucky Nkoana, who is also the owner of Kgosi Monene Security services contacted Far North Bulletin to deny that any of his drivers reported to him that they were
arrested for speeding. “How does Kgosi Monene come into the picture? The incident might have happened but none in the fleet of my taxis was involved. I first heard of the story when the chairperson of the taxi organisation called me and rebuked me about the incident.” However, this reporter stands by his report that a white 35-seater minibus taxi was pulled off the road and the driver was told to remove his money from the taxi as he was arrested for overtaking on a barrier line. This reporter was in the taxi at the time. Due to the destination being reached, it could not be established what happened to the driver at the police station, as the reporter exited
the vehicle. Also, there are no intentions to cause malice. The incident was news worthy regardless of who it happened to. Nkoana reiterated that none of his drivers reported being arrested on the day in question. He further said that the reporter should have obtained the name of the driver and not published his own. The name of the taxi driver could however not be published at the time as he had not yet been officially charged. Further investigations have revealed that the matter was allegedly settled out of court. The Tzaneen police could not be reached for comment at the time of going to print. — Jan Mafetsa
Patients fear for lives at Lesedi clinic Scores of patients who frequent the Lesedi government clinic at Lephepane settlement in the Thlabine area, said they always fear for their lives when they visit the dilapidated centre as thugs from the area could peep through the cracks in the perimeter walls and watch the patients from the outside. Though the matter was even reported to the Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi, so far nothing has been done. Lephepane Clinic Committee chairperson, Mpapa Rakgoale, told Bulletin that the community is tired of talking about “that debris called the Lesedi clinic” that has even caused the traditional doctors sleepless nights. The problem began as far back as 2013 because the clinic, which also serves as the satellite police station for the Ritavi police, was built about twenty
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years ago. “We took the pictures of the place and also solicited assistance from the department of health in the province, but the situation remains the same. Dr Phophi Ramathuba also visited the clinic to see for herself but since she was not a builder, she could not help. Ramathuba promised the community that she will send a contractor to renovate the clinic and to date residents are still waiting for those renovations,” Rakgoale said. “I attended the briefing to the MEC about these bad conditions the centre found itself in. She could not enter the clinic herself, saying she was afraid of the snakes. We vehemently opposed her proposal to renovate and pleaded with her to build us a new clinic. What the department and their
Stand van Damme Dam Levels
communicators say in the media is not the true reflection of the situation in the area. Even to date we are still waiting.” Matome Mokgoloboto, a resident from the area who currently resides in Gauteng, said that the state the clinic found itself in is not acceptable at all. He said he could not believe his eyes when he visited the centre during the Easter holidays. According to him, when he asked community members why no action was taken he was referred to the clinic committee who could not give him the right answers. Spokesperson for the Health Department, Neil Shikwambana could not be reached for comment. His cellphone is always on voicemail when called. Ramathuba also could not be reached for comment. — Jan Mafetsa
Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 30/7/2018
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Woman stabbed at hospital
Bulletin F A R
To advertise in the Bulletin or AgriBulletin call: Jacques 071 268 2543 or Lizan 076 795 5000 Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com for the latest news
3 August 2018
Junction – soos ‘n feniks uit die as
BO: Die restaurant en kroeg area van die Letaba Junction is heeltemal deur die vuur verorber. REGS: Piet Smit van Komatiland probeer die vlamme bestry. Foto’s: Jacques Smuts
“Jy kan seker nou maar op jou agterent gaan sit en tjank, maar hiérdié gemeenskap het my gewys hulle sal dit, glad nie toelaat nie.” So het Alfie Viljoen, eienaar van die Letaba Junction glimlaggend aan Bulletin gistermiddag verduidelik. Alfie en sy vrou Christel moes verlede Vrydagoggend vroeg, moedeloos toekyk terwyl ‘n genadelose vuur ‘n groot gedeelte van hul besigheid vernietig. Dit ten spyte van die hordes Letsitele inwoners en sakemanne wat hul te hulp gesnel het. Die vuur het omstreeks 03:00 die oggend in die kombuis aan die restaurant gedeelte van
hierdie gewilde eetplek uitgebreek, en binne etlike oomblikke deur die res van die onderneming beweeg. Alles wat in die vlamme se pad gestaan het is in puin gelaat. Boere en sakemanne uit Letsitele het blitsvinnig reageer en brandbestryders gegryp om te help. Trekkers en bakkies is ingeroep en ‘n tenker van die Mopani Distrik Brandweerdienste het oomblikke later op die toneel aangekom. Omstreeks 06:00 daardie oggend is die valmme geblus en kon daar van die
skade rekenskap geneem word. Die brand het die kombuis en kroeggedeelte asook die voorportaal heeltemal vernietig. Die gewilde ‘Orange Matters’ geskenkwinkeltjie wat aan Albi Smit behoort het, is ook tot niet. Die bekroonde buitearea wat op die Letaba rivier uitkyk, is minstens gered en so ook die oornaggeriewe en selsorg eenhede van die lodge. Genadiglik is niemand in die brand beseer nie. “Dit was en is vir ons ‘n ongelooflike trage-
Erika Pieterse geniet die opelug kantoor saam met Christel Viljoen na Vrydagoggend se tragedie.
Wat sê Kobus? Lede van die brandweer, bekommerde Letsitele inwoners en personeellede staan voor die ingang van die Junction.
Bulletin FAR NORTH
Your agri advertising solution provider
To advertise call: Jacques 071 268 2543 Lizan 076 795 5000
Volgens die hoof van die Mopani Distrik Brandweerdienste, Kobus Visser, kan die oorsaak van die brand wat ‘n groot gedeelte van die Letaba Junction in puin gelaat het, heel moontlik aan ‘n elektriese kortsluiting toegeskryf word. “Ons het ons voorlopige ondersoeke hierdie week af-
gehandel en dit wil voorkom of die brand in die kombuis begin het en van daar af deur die res van die gebou versprei het. Ek kan met alle sekerheid wel sé dat die brand nie gestig is nie.” Teen druktyd is daar nog nie ‘n kosteberaming van die skade bekend gemaak nie.
die dat ons Junction afgebrand het vandag,” het Christel op die Bulletin Facebook-blad gesê. “Ons harte is rou en seer, maar ons geloof en wil is sterker. Met ‘n gemeenskap soos julle almal loop ons harte oor van liefde en ondersteuning en waardeer almal se oproepe en boodskappe... kyk uit vir die nuwe Junction.” So wat nou? Wat gaan word van die geliefde eet- en kuierplek wat so na aan die hart van die gemeenskap gelê het? Wat van die studiegroepe en die Sondagmiddae langs die Letaba oewer? “Jy kan hierdie sommer baie groot in die koerant publiseer,” sê Alfie, “daar gaan wéér ‘n Junction wees. ‘n Groter, beter Junction sal hier soos ‘n Feniks uit die as gebore word. Die gemeenskap het nie die gebou ondersteun nie, hulle het vir my, Christel en ons personeel ondersteun. Ons wag nou net vir die versekering en al die wettighede en hope papierwerk om afgehandel te word voor ons weer kan begin.” Die kamers aan die lodge gedeelte van die Junction is nog vol bespreek en daar word tans na die behoeftes van hierdie gaste omgesien uit die kombuis van die Junction Manor. Alfie en Christel werk huidiglik uit die “beste kantoor in die kontrei” onder ‘n boom met die Letaba as agtergrond terwyl hul ‘n tipe van ‘boskombuis’ aan die gang hou. Bulletin bly in gesprek met die Viljoens en sal ons lesers deurlopend op hoogte van verwikkelinge hoë. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com
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3 August 2018
Vrats ongeluk eis twee Dit is voorwaar ‘n hartseer week vir die inwoners van Tzaneen wat nog twee geliefdes Sondagoggend aan die dood afgestaan het. Casper en Ronell van Zijl is in ‘n motorongeluk op die R526 naby die Selati brug buite Gravelotte oorlede. Daar word berig dat die motor waarin die Van Zijls gereis het, in ‘n kop-aankop botsing met ‘n Ford Ranger betrokke was. Daar is op die oomblik geen konkrete feite rondom die ongeluk nie, maar ondersoeke is tans geloots. Daar word moreoggend, Vrydag die 3de Augustus, ‘n roudiens vir die egpaar in Vaalwater (waarvan hulle oorspronklik afkomstig is) gehou. Die diens aal uit die NG Kerk Vaalwater om 11:00 gehou word. “Ons Harte en gebede gaan uit aan almal wat weet hoe groot impak en liefde hulle op almal gehad het. Ons almal gaan hulle so vreeslik mis,” het ‘n familielid oor sosiale media gesê.
Totsiens Sophia Tzaneen groet nog een van sy mees geliefde dogters hierdie week. Sophia soos almal haar sal onthou, is hierdie week op die ouderdom van 64 aan ‘n hartaanval in Tzaneen oorlede. Sy was die eienaar van Sophia White House Lodge op Hamawasha en vriendin van baie. Haar begrafnisdiens sal vanoggend om 11:00 uit die Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen in Agatha Straat gehou word.
40 Circle Drive (next to Avis) • P.O. Box 1936, Tzaneen, 0850 • Web: www.letaba.net Call Centre: 086 101 7488 • After Hours: 083 442 8111 Fax: 086 606 4606 • Email: info@letaba.net
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3 August 2018
3 August 2018
The Message
Granny’s Grumbles - Pub attractions
Some 50 years ago I seem to remember that all trading stores normally had a dog which would spend its days on the veranda either sleeping or watching the customers coming and going. There was also always at least one resident cat which was kept to kill the rats and in between times would be lolling out on the counter. Nobody ever thought of it as being unhygienic The local watering hole which was run by a red-headed lady with a temper to match owned two bull-terriers and when fights erupted on the bar, she would storm in with her two dogs in attendance and that
would be the end of that. In fact I seem to recollect that in certain instances the animals appeared to be the draw card for certain establishments. I remember when I first moved to Sinoia and discovered what the big attraction was at the Sinoia Caves. As anybody who has been there will tell you, the large Sinoia Caves are a great tourist attraction, but the locals, after looking at the caves a couple of times, veered more towards the other attraction which was a large pub and a large veranda. Since the locals were the ones bringing in the money the manager had also placed tables and chairs under an enormous fig tree and had many varieties of poultry wandering around. This was to encourage families over weekends and it did the trick. I remember the first Saturday that I was ever under the tree – a couple of metres away from me was a man with his bull-terrier which was very well-behaved and laying minding its own business under the table. The next thing I saw was a large cockerel with enormous spurs throwing itself at the bull terrier and clawing at his belly. The dog leapt up, grabbed the cockerel by the neck, shook it vigorously and threw it up in the air. It then went back to its original position under the table. After shaking itself the cockerel once again started a fight with the dog. This scenario was repeated at least five times and I kept wondering if this was a rooster with a death wish. I noticed that the dog’s owner looked amused throughout the en-
tire episode and when the cockerel eventually picked itself up for the fifth time it strutted away as though it had just sorted out the farmyard. Seeing my bemused look the dog owner told me that this was a normal Saturday form of entertainment – the bell terrier and the cockerel had been doing it for months. No wonder the place was packed on Saturdays. When I moved to Karoi I discovered that the local motel also had an animal attraction. Her name was Priscilla and she was a wart-hog. How she came to reside at the motel had been lost in the mists of time, but Priscilla had her favourites who would buy her a beer, pour it into her basin and chat to her. This would take place in the bar with the regulars. If she came into the bar and was ignored she would keep pushing the bar stools until somebody woke up to the fact that it was her drinking time. After half an hour and a couple of pints of Castle, Priscilla would lurch out to the veranda, find herself a sunny patch and collapse into a heap. Many an unwary visitor would want to sit near Priscilla and have their picture taken with her – little did they realise that not only was her snoring, and grunting a bit off-putting, but she passed wind non-stop after imbibing. That was why the pub regulars were only too glad to get rid of her after a couple of drinks. When I left Karoi after four years Priscilla was still in fine form and from all accounts she never suffered from sclerosis of the liver or any untoward problems in spite of her unusual habits and she was still a great attraction with the tourists.
ALCOHOL — because no great story started with somebody eating a salad! Social Tzaneen Tzaneen Dagmark 4 Augustus
Die Aqua Mall Tzaneen Dagmark vind plaas op 4 Augustus vanaf 9:00 - 15:00. Verskeindenheid stalletjies van handgemaakte produkte tot lekker eetgoed vir die hele gesin. Stalletjies beskikbaar. Vir meer inligting skakel 082 458 7777 of 084 703 4638.
Tzaneen Letaba Show 8-11 August
The Letaba Show will be held 8-11 August 2018 at Tzaneen Showgrounds. Visit www.
letabashow.co.za. For more info contact 015 307 2725 / 3509 or email info@letabashow.co.za.
Tzaneen Kaleidoskoop 17 August Kaleidoskoop will perform on 17 August 2018 at Venue D’light from 18:00 at R120.00 per person. For more information contact Elize on 076 276 8626.
Magoebaskloof Magoeba Limpopo Premier MTB 17 August
R4250.00 to R4750.00 per person. Visit www. magoebaskloofmtb.co.za. For more information contact 066 231 6094.
Tzaneen Vula Vula Road Race 7 - 8 September
Kom Vula-Vula saam! Die Vula Vula Road Race vind plaas vanaf 7 tot 8 September by ATKVEiland Spa. Eerste 400 inskrywings ontvang ‘n geskenkpakkie. Navrae en inskrywings: Grizel 083 738 1515.
The Magoeba Limpopo’s Premier MTB Stage Race will be held on 24 to 26 August 2018 at Cheerio Gardens from 08:00 at
Adriaan van Tonder Gekneusde geloof Lees Johannes 11:17-27 Marta se geloof in die gedeelte is ’n sprekende voorbeeld van mense wat se geloof seergekry het. Op ’n manier kan mens haar woorde in 11:21 byna lees as ’n verwyt. Hulle het immers vir Jesus laat weet dat Lasarus siek was en Jesus het nie gekom nie. Sy het vertrou dat Jesus iets aan haar broer se siekte sou kon doen, maar nou’s dit te laat – of so het sy gedink! Haar vertroue was genoeg, maar haar kennis het te kort geskiet! Haar vertroue het nie opgehou nie, nee, sy vertrou steeds haar broer sal met die opstanding opstaan (11:24), maar haar kennis in Jesus se vermoë hier en nou het ’n knou gekry. Sy is nie meer seker wat Jesus alles kan doen nie. Die pragtige van die gedeelte is dat haar kennis uiteindelik nie gaan oor wat Jesus vir haar kan doen nie, maar Wie Jesus werklik is want in vers 27 doen sy haar grootse belydenis: “Ek glo vas dat U die Christus is, die Seun van God wat na die wêreld toe moes kom.” Meteens versmelt haar kennis en vertroue tot ’n geneesde geloof. As jou geloof seergekry het, ontmoet weer eens vir Jesus, want Wie Hy is, is belangriker as wat jy kan weet en vertrou Hy kan doen.
Briewe • Letters Die inwoners van Pionierspark wil weereens hul opregte dank aan sekere lede van die gemeenskap vir hul maandelikse bydrae betoon. Aan Fanie vir die piesangs en swartsakke skenkings, Ansie vir die kool, Bennie vir die hoendervleis en Johan Swart vir die smullekker wildsvleis. Sonder julle sal die inwoners van Pionierspark se bestaan so paar skadu’s donkerder gewees het. Julle is sterre!
1368 059 2 7
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3 August 2018
Larries sê nee vir boelies! Nasionale Kinderbeskermingsweek se tema hierdie leerders optel. jaar was “Let Us All Protect Children to Move South Die aanbieder, Erich Posthumus, het meer as 20 jaar Africa Forward.” ervaring in motiveringspraatjies lewer by laerskole, leierLaerskool Tzaneen ondersteun hierdie veldtog deur skapsontwikkeling en die skryf van jeugliteratuur en te fokus om hul skool ‘n boelievry-zone te maak, waar familie-gerigte waardesisteme. Die GNF groep maak leerders veilig voel. Gedurende die week van 23 – 27 van kindervriendelike metodes gebruik om lewensverJulie is verskeie aktiwiteite aangebied om leerders meer anderende ervarings te fasiliteer. Videosnitte, aksieliedbewus te maak van boelies en aan hul strukture daar te jies, kreatiewe aanbiedings en “hip-hop” danse word stel om die probleem effektief te hanteer. Leerders is alles ingespan om die boodskap effektief oor te dra. onder andere ook bewus gemaak van die gevolge van Die veldtog het die afgelope jaar baie boeliegedrag. goeie media blootstelling gekry in Bewusmakingsaktiwiteite is behandel met Gr1-3 die Rekord Koerant , Polokwane leerders, waar hul geleer het hoe om ‘n “buddy” te News en verskeie skoolkoerante wees eerder as ‘n boelie. Gr 4-7 se bewusmakings-akti- sowel as ‘n spitstyd onderhoud op witeite het meer gefokus op kuberboelies. Hul het ook Radio Kansel. die geleentheid gekry om ‘n kontrak te teken om hul Die hoogtepunt waarmee die Kintoegewydheid te toon. derbeskermingsweek by Laerskool Erich Posthumus en lede van die Goeie Nuus Fabriek Tzaneen egter afgesluit het, was het Laerskool Tzaneen besoek op Donderdag, 26 Julie. beslis die Goeie Nuus Fabriek Hulle is tans besig met ‘n landswye boeliebestand veld- se “GLOW”-aand. tog om kinders weerbaar te maak teen die woorde en Erich Posthumus van die aanslae van boelies. Die veldtog is reeds in ses provinGoeie Nuus Fabriek. sies aangebied en het tot dusver meer as 20 000 leerders landswyd bemagtig om boeliebestand te wees. Provinsies wat in 2017 bereik is sluit in Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Vrystaat, Kwa-Zulu Natal, Limpopo en die Wes-Kaap. Laerskole soos Lynnwood Laerskool, Curro Hazeldean, Laeveld Laerskool, Laerskool Pietersburg-Oos en Knysna Laerskool het tot ‘n groot mate baat gevind by hul aanbieding en kon ‘n merkbare verskil Christo de Beer in die gedrag van hul
Marco Matthysen
STANDARD BANK LETABA SKOU 8 - 11 Augustus 2018 Woensdag 8 Aug
Vrydag 10 Aug
09h00 - 09h30 09h30 10h00 - 10h45 10h45 - 11h00 10h00 – 12h00 11h00 - 12h00 12h00 - 13h00 12h00 - 21h00 13h00 - 14h00 14h00 - 15h00 15h00 - 16h00 16h00 - 17h00 17h00 - 18h00 18h30 - 19h30 20h00 - 21h00
09h30 10h00 - 13h00 12h00 - 21h00
Skou Opening Wow Mini Sirkus Buskin - Sirkus Oppiplasie Trompoppies B-BBEE Workshop – Agriculture – Unlockd Hall B Youth Against Crime Polisie en Weermag Demos Wine Tasting & Pairing - Unlockd Hall B Sound Check Reptile Show with Kinyonga Reptile Park Buskin - Sirkus Armand & Perd Tanya V Delaney & Beukes Jo Black
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SPECIALS: R140 2 Days R200 3 Days
09h30 09h30 - 15h00 10h00 - 12h00 10h00 - 11h00 11h00 - 12h00 12h00 - 14h00 12h00 - 21h00 14h00 - 16h00 15h00 - 18h00 17h00 - 17h45 17h30 - 18h15 18h30 - 19h30 19h30 - 20h30 20h30 - 21h30
Skou Opening Chainsaw Racing aangebied deur Rudamans Letsitele - Dryfbaan Senior Burger Tee - Saal B met Tanya V Buskin - Circus Polisie & Lugmag Demos Sound Check Wine Tasting & Pairing in Hall B hosted by Unlockd Dance Extravaganza Potjiekos Kompetisie aangebied deur Tzaneen Sakekamer Reptile Show with Kinyonga Reptile Park Armand & Perd Tanya V Appel Robbie Wessels
13h00 - 14h30 14h30 - 15h30 15h30 - 17h00 17h00 - 18h30 19h00 - 20h00 20h30 - 21h30
Skou Opening Mej. Skou Wine Tasting & Pairing in Hall B - hosted by Unlockd Sound Check Reptile Show with Kinyonga Reptile Park WWE Wrestling Show Mej.Skou Finaliste Josh Kempen Roan Ash
Saterdag 11 Aug 09h30 10h00 - 11h00 11h00 - 12h00 12h00 - 13h00 13h30 - 14h30 14h30 - 15h30 15h45 - 16h00 16h00 - 16h15 16h15 - 16h30 16h30 - 16h45 16h45 - 17h00 17h00 - 18h00 18h00 - 19h00
Show Opening Buskin - Circus Police & Air Force Demos Reptile Show with Kinyonga Reptile Park Drummies WWE Wrestling Show Local Artist: Rea Leboga Gospel Local Artist: T.U.S Local Artist: Foks SA Local Artist: Snaka Local Artist: Hlulani Belvin Omee Otis Benny Mayengani
3 August 2018
A trail worth walking It was a chilly, crisp winter morning when Haenertsburg hiker Sandi Moore set off on the Louis Changuion trail with a less than fit 60-something-year-old. With a borrowed hiking stick, a dark blue Discovery peak-hat and sturdy Nike takkies, the pair set off with trusty and stick-to-your-human canine companion TinTin. The Louis Changuion trail is named after Professor Louis Changuion, the local historian and book publisher, who is also an avid hiker. Louis actually fashioned the trail that starts in the village and meanders through incredible beauty for some 12 kms. Various spots along the way are named after prominent locals like Patrick McGaffin, Sally Nienaber and others. Not much other than a lone aloe was in flower. Spring time, after a little rain, is probably the best time to view indigenous flora. Controlled burning of the grasslands had just happened, so the earth was blackened and scorched in many areas. There are several options on the walk making it shorter or longer depending on the time available to the hiker. There are some steep steps to negotiate without railings. Should potential hikers have an issue with steps please bring along a hiking stick. The trail meanders through some stun-
ning patches of indigenous forest. There’s a wooden table and benches deep in the forest. Unpack your backpack, sip on a bottle of water and eat nourishing snacks to see you through the rest of the hike. Please bring a plastic bag for your litter as there are no refuse bins along the way. Also, if you are walking with your dogs please consider a poop scoop to pick up the landmines. There are views of the surrounding mountains and the grasslands are one of the unique features of the area. The trail, an easy four hour walk, loops back to the village. Once in the village there are several restaurants where one can pop in for a substantial and reasonable lunch. Should you wish to go on this trail or any of the other trails in the area, Sandi is your go to person. She can be contacted by email at mistymountainvillage@gmail.com
LEFT: A lone aloe blooms in the winter sun. ABOVE: The indigenous forest.
Sandi Moore and TinTin with a panoramic view of the area.
How a sanctuary functions The Vervet Monkey Foundation (VMF), outside Letsitele, has been around for some three decades. There is a misconception amongst many Limpopo residents as to the workings of this sanctuary and rehabilitation centre. It is a sanctuary, not a zoo. Therefore there is no enDave Du Toit is the Director of the Vervet trance fee and Monkey Foundation in Letsitele.
hordes of tourists are not desired. However, provided interested people phone or email the VMF, Director Dave du Toit, one of the specialised staff members or one of the volunteers will show people around. The rumour that the VMF is making huge profits is completely false. It takes a fair amount of monthly finances to run the sanctuary. Volunteers pay for the privilege of looking after vervet monkeys. Volunteers pay to look after sanctuary animals throughout the world. The VMF is no different in this regard. If anyone wishes to refute this Dave has all the necessary documentation for sanctuary approval. There are some 600 vervet monkeys including two blind vervets, three minus tails, and one three-legged vervet. There are also three samango monkeys. All are in good sized enclosures with high fences, open to the sky with trees and grasses. The VMF would like to pur-
chase a huge track of land for a release site but that takes funding. Filmmaker Kyle Salazar from California in the USA won an award for his documentary ‘The Vervet Forest’. Proceeds from this documentary are going towards finding that permanent home for the sanctuary monkeys. The VMF is run on vegan lines in keeping with compassion towards all living creatures. A vegan chef is employed on a contract basis and vegan chefs from around the world vie for a job at the VMF. The current chef is French. This chef feeds the volunteers and staff. Most of the year there are between eight and 15 volunteers. This number increases to 35 in November and December in order to handle the roundthe-clock care that babies need. This increase in volunteers is indeed because of the influx of babies during the baby season. Mothers move slower with babies holding on to their mums’ bellies with their tails wrapped around each other. They are then not as agile and are vulnerable to being hit by fast moving cars when crossing roads and not so adept at avoiding other human atroc-
ities. Often the mothers are killed and the babies are then brought to the VMF. The VMF had a record of 39 babies this past season. November and December is the peak period as that’s when the babies are born. More trickle in from January to April as those are the ones that people keep as pets and then either school starts for their children or the vervets start biting. Vervets have long canines and in the illegal pet trade these are ripped out so that they can’t bite. The vet bill for the month of June alone was R8, 000.00. The annual food bill for the monkeys is R350, 000.00. Food for the volunteers is running at R250, 000.00 per annum. Petrol is R220, 000.00 per annum. The high petrol cost is mainly because of driving around to fetch supplies from the various food sources. The car gets serviced every 2.5 months as that’s how long it takes to drive 10, 000 kms. The vehicle service is between R2, 500.00 and R3, 000.00 every time. Dave says, “I lead a very simple lifestyle,” and laughingly adds, “and no I don’t have a Mercedes or a boat hidden in a garage that I take out every now and then.”
The VMF is often at fairs to promote the VMF and veganism. Here they are at the Ebenezer Mile held earlier this year.
3 August 2018
SAVF Tzaneen
Meridian College
Rainbow Combined School
Jack & Jill
Rainbow Combined School
Meridian College
Frans du Toit
Laerskool Tzaneen
Laerskool Tzaneen
Rainbow Combined School
Merensky 1
3 August 2018
All scales and potjies at Tzaneen Dam
It was a decidedly busy weekend in Tzaneen, and more especially so for the 37 anglers who took on the mighty Letaba at the Fanie Botha dam on Saturday. This was part of the Fishing League Worldwide (FLW) South African tournament bass fishing competition. The event was hosted by BB Motors Tzaneen on the 28th and 29th of July and provided the local angling enthusiasts with some great entertainment and world class fishing action. Guest artist, Neil Somers provided live entertainment and the little ones enjoyed face painting and a flea market while the adults battled it out for top spot in the potjiekos competition. FLW is the world’s largest tournament-fishing organization, providing anglers of all skill levels the opportunity to compete for millions in prize money in 2018 across five tournament circuits. Headquartered in Benton, Kentucky, with offices in Minneapolis, FLW and their partners conduct 286 bass-fishing tournaments annually around the world, including the Unit-
ed States, Canada, China, Italy, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, South Korea and South Africa. FLW tournament fishing can be seen on the Emmy-nominated “FLW” television show, broadcast to more than 564 million households worldwide. The anglers all braved the chilly bushveld winter mornings and evenings and recorded some fantastic catches during the two days including a massive 4.445 kilogramme haul on Day 2 by the Beli VC team which earned them the top prize of R10 000 for the day. Day 1 was where most of the action started at a snail’s pace as the anglers familiarized themselves with their environment. The first day’s glory was awarded to the Beli VC team with their 3.5 kilogramme haul while Crazy Bass followed in their wake with a haul of 3.475 kilogrammes. Third spot was awarded to S+J who netted 3.0 kilogrammes. The teams each walked away with a cash prize and readied themselves for the second day’s battles.
As mentioned, Day 2 saw Beli VC again take the top spot on 4.445 kilogrammes, but this time the second spot would go to Bronzeback on 3.005 kilogrammes followed by SA Bass Limpopo in third place with 2.815 kilogrammes. Back on terra-firma the competition heated up next to the potjie pots as local corporates took each other on to claim the title of Tzaneen’s potjie masters. However, after rigorous judging by the master pallets of the elite judging panel, it was found that PPS Petroleum sported the most tantalizing pot and they were handed the culinary victory. For their gastro dexterity the team walked away with R1500 in cash and a bakkie load of generously sponsored prizes. Motormaster settled for second place while Lannie Motors snuck into third spot with their equally delightful offering. Though the fishing and the cooking was done by sunset, the festivities continued boisterously throughout the better part of the evening.
3 August 2018
Ramme deur na Kwarteind Rugbyliefhebbers, noord van die Vaalrivier, het op Saterdag, 28 Julie, regop gesit toe die kwalifiserende skolespanne uitdraf in uitspeelwedstryde van die Virsekerbeker-toernooi. Hoërskool Merensky se O/14A-, O/15A- en O/16A-spanne het in drie verskillende provinsies deelgeneem. Die Merensky O/14’s het in Pretoria teen Hoërskool Overkruin gespeel. Die gasheerspan moes kous-oor-die-kop huiswaarts keer nadat die Plasies hul ‘n rugbyles geleer het. Carl Dohse, Neil van Vuuren en Henro Delport het hul opponente se doelgebied opgesoek. Van Vuuren het een van die drieë verdoel. Die manne van Tzaneen het breed geglimlag toe die eindfluitjie blaas met ‘n 17-5 telling op die telbord. Merensky se O/15span het in Potchefstroom teen die
span van Hoër Volkskool te staan gekom. Die Plasies moes na ‘n verbete stryd die knie buig met 15 punte teenoor die Volkies se 18. Neo Mauwane het Merensky se eerste punte aangeteken met ‘n suksesvolle strafskop, waarna Ruan van Rooyen ‘n drie gedruk het wat deur Mauwane verdoel is. Nog ‘n drie volg daarna deur Dewald van Graan. Die O/16’s het tuis op Plasiepark vir die span van Piet Retief die stryd aangesê. Alhoewel hul deeglik van die tuisvoordeel gebruik gemaak het en alles in die stryd gewerp het, moes hul tevrede wees met ‘n finale uitslag van 27-34. Merensky het goed gespeel, maar in die doodsnikke van die spel was dit die Pieties wat die druk beter kon hanteer en het die besoekers op die Plasie foute gekapitaliseer om die oorwinning in te palm. Die Plasie O/14-rammetjies speel weer hierdie Saterdag, op Plasiepark teen Piet Retief in die kwarteindronde. Die span van Piet Retief is bekend vir hul taai spel en moet geensins onderskat word nie.
Meresnky se spelmaker, Jan Naudé breek deur die hele Pietie agterlyn.
Merensky se regterflank, Dawie van Heerden vat die Piet Retief buitesenter vas. Foto’s deur Joe Dreyer.
Carlo Agenbach word laaggevat met Alex Nel in ondersteuning
Tour de Plaas is bobaas
DIE VENTUS MINION-TROLLIE Nina Grové, Lisa Maguire, Luann Botha, Tharine Lombard, Ariel Oosthuizen en Kieran Albertus.
Plasieland was bevoorreg om op Saterdag, 28 Julie, hordes fietsryers te verwelkom by die jaarlikse Tour de Plaas, wat deel uitmaak van Spur Skole XCO-reeks. 17 Fietsryers van Hoërskool Merensky het deelgeneem. Die speke het behoorlik gesing oor hierdie unieke baan, tussen plantasies, boorde, damme en strome.
Gelukwense aan Sheldon Muller, Armand Cronjé en Janke Joubert wat podiumposisies losgery het. Muller het sy reputasie gestand gedoen en eerste geeindig in die Junior Seuns-afdeling. Cronjé het in dieselfde afdeling ‘n tweedeplek losgetrap, terwyl Joubert tweede geeindig het in die Sub Junior Meisies-afdeling. Annalene Rood en Jodi Spaumer het as “Youth Girls” ‘n vyfde- en negendeplek beklee. Nicolene Ras was sesde van die Junior Meisies, terwyl Stephan Janse van Rensburg (Sub Junior Seuns) negende oor die eindstreep getrap het. Die Plasie-fietsryers bedank graag vir Zander Ernst van Allesbeste vir die nuwe spandrag wat Saterdag die Sheldon Muller en Armand Cronjé maak ‘n Plasie-draai. eerste keer gedra is.
DIE PLASIESPAN PRONK IN HUL NUWE SPANDRAG Voor: Jurgens Spaumer, Salmo Helberg, Nicolene Ras, Jodi Spaumer, Janke Joubert, Annelene Rood en Stephan Janse van Rensburg. Middel: Zander Ernst (Allesbeste), Armand Cronjé, Gunther Katzek en Matthew Taylor. Agter: Ronan Theron, Kyle Janse van Rensburg, Sheldon Muller, Christof Joubert, Trevor de Beer en John-Robert Honiball.
Huise maak hart oop Gedurende die week van 23-27 Julie het Hoërskool Merensky se splinternuwe inisiatief, ‘n Trollie-dash, hom afgespeel in Die Byekorf. Hierdie gemeenskapsprojek is aangevoor deur die 2018/2019 Uitvoerende Komitee, in samewerking met Food Lover’s Tzaneen en die Lifestyle winkelsentrum. Die Plasies het in hul verskeie huise: Aqua, Ignis, Terra en Ventus deelgeneem. Vier dae lank is daar tydens pouse aan trollies (vlotte) gebou en versier met herwinbare
DIE TERRA-TROLLIE Agter: Ulrich Koster, Armand Cronjé, Arne Verster en Garreth Spaumer. Voor: Ariel Oosthuizen, Tharine Lombard en Ruette Schoeman.
materiaal. Nie-bederfbare produkte is deur die week versamel wat in die trollies geplaas is. Die hoogtepunt was Vrydag, toe al die huise opgewonde op Die Byekorf vergader het om die Trollie-dash te ondersteun. Die 4 spanne het hulle trollies parkeer met vyf spanlede elk wat onder luide toejuiging hul trollies volgelaai om Die Byekorf moes jaag. Huis Ventus se matrieks het hakskene gewys en eerste geeïndig met Wynand Scholtz, Masedi Manamela, Micke Venter, Christelle Brummer en Dirk Albertyn aan die stuur. Vrygewige Huis Ignis het die meeste kos ingesamel, terwyl Huis Terra se Tower of Terra as mooiste trollie ‘n skaduwee oor al die ander trollies gegooi het. Huis Aqua se geesdrif het behoorlik golwe gemaak en die kroon gespan op ‘n suksesvolle barmhartigheidsprojek, Aldus me. Ada Venter, een van die UKvoogde. Nadat die trollies vir nog ‘n week by Food Lover’s Market gestaan het, sal die inhoud ‘n beduidende verskil aan Tzaneen SAVF se spens maak.
3 August 2018
Westerns sluit jaar af
Voor: David-Nel Grobbelaar, Ane Pretorius, Annabelle Kotzee, Dene Bierman. 2de ry: De La Rey Kotzee, Stefaans van Jaarsveld, Anya Beukes, Minette Wolmarans, Ni-Marie Bierman, Sujana Olivier, Delienke Grobbelaar. 3de ry: Dominque Bond, Hannes van der Merwe. Laaste ry: AJ van der Westhuizen, Tharishca van der Walt, Dylan Bond, Dawie van Jaarsveld, Adriaan van Brakel, Genevieve van der Merwe, Salome Lombard, Savannah Sparrow.
Tydens die sesde en ook die laaste kwalifiseerende Western Mounted Games skole kompetisie wat verlede Saterdag op Dusty Hill aangebied is, is twee provinsiale rekords verbeter. Salome Lombaard met haar perd, Belmonty, het die Poles 2 voltooi in 23.948 sekondes en Adriaan van Brakel het met Sidarmi Saartjie die Figure 8 Flags in 12.637 sekondes kaf gedraf. Dit was ‘n feestelike dag en elke ruiter was opgewonde om tydens die laaste kompetisie van die jaar hul beste te wys. Die nasionale kampioenskappe is om die draai en hierdie was die laaste geleentheid om vir die beoordelaars te wys dat hulle die span werd is. Op vlak 0 is Sujanna Olivier algeheel Eerste met Minette Wolmarans en Anya Beukes wat die Derde plek deel. Dalienke Grobbelaar is Vyfde en broer David-Nel
Sewende. In die hoërskole afdeling is Dominique algeheel Eerste. In Vlak 1 neem Annabel Kotzee die Eerste plek en AJ van der Westhuizen die Tweede plek . In die hoërskole afdeling is Hannes van der Merwe as algeheel Eerste bekroon. Op Vlak 4 neem De La Rey Kotzee die Tweede plek en Stefaans van Jaarsveld die Derde plek. Tharishca van der Walt neem in die hoërskole die Eerste plek en Salome Lombard die Tweede en Vierde plekke met Spook en Belmonty onderskeidelik. Savannah Sparrow eindig in die Derde plek en Dylon Bond vat die Vyfde posisie. Dawie van Jaarsveld is die algehele wenner op Vlak 5, met Adriaan van Brakel in die Tweede en Genevieve van der Merwe in die Derde plek.
Oud Vossie presteer Oud-Vossie, Noula Bouwer, het haar Baccalaureus Tegnologiese Graad behaal en spesialiseer in nierfunksies. Sy werk vir die Duitse maatskappy, B-Braun, en beklee tans, op ‘n baie jong ouderdom, ‘n bestuurspos in dié maatskappy. “Dit maak ons harte sommer warm om te hoor dat ons oud-Vossies so buiten gewoon presteer,” het Chris Denysschen, skoolhoof, gesê. “Baie geluk Noula.”
Monster op Janetsi gevang
‘n Swartbaar wat die naweek die skaal op 4.480 kilogram platgetrek het, is deur plaaslike hengelaar Zelda Durrheim uit die plaasdam op Janetsi in Letsitele uit die water getrek. Hierdie besonderse vangs is die nuwe Letsitele Varswater Hengelklub rekord en daar word op hierdie stadium bespiegel dat dit wel ‘n nuwe Limpopo rekord mag wees. Dit sal nog bevestig word. Verder het Tinus Nel self ook ‘n pragtige Karp uitgehaal op die dag, maar dit was net nie genoeg om hom die mans wenner titel te verseker nie en is daardie eer aan Andre Marais betoon. Die dames wenner op die dag was Zelda Durrheim met Ryno Scheepers en Carilize Benedetti wat
Please report corruption and service delivery challenges on the following numbers: National anti-corruption hotline: 0800 701 701
die seuns en dogters kategorië afsonderlik gewen het. “Ons wil graag vir Pieter Gouws van Barak bedank vir hul ondersteuning en borgskap op die dag en wil ons ondersteuners en lede herhinner aan ons oop kompitisie wat op die 1ste Sptember gehou sal word. Inskrywings vorms kan by Letaba Boulevard Tactical and Outfitters en alle klub lede verkry word. Kontak Chrizel du Plessis op 083 985 8220, Pieter Gouws op 082 901 9492 of Carl Benedetti op 079 561 9737 vir enige verdere navrae of inligting.
Presidential hotline: 17737
GTM Fraud and corruption hotline: 0800 44 66 44
Premier hotline: 0800 864 729 Zelda Durrheim
Tinus Nel
3 August 2018
Locals ace Midas rally
The third round of the World of Motorsport ZA (WOMZA) National Rally Championship was held in Tzaneen this weekend and as promised, the event delivered close-up action with two spectator friendly tarred road stages. As was the case with last year’s inaugural Tzaneen round, Midas Tzaneen once again joined hands with the Africa Regional Rally Organization (ARRO) to sponsor this event - which by all accounts went off without a hitch. A number of local rally drivers and their navigators were seen ripping up the tarmac and careening through the plantations again this year. Enjoying a stroke of good fortune this
time round was Eddie Simpson in his Opel with the delightfully pleasant Isabel Raaths in the navigator seat. During the Tzaneen stage of the rally last year, Simpson failed to cross the finish line after battling with mechanical issues through the stages. This year the duo took top spot in category D in a time of 2:03:28. Another local driver who vindicated his 2017 retirement was Theuns Joubert in his Toyota Auris S2000, who took first place in the Open category this year with Henry Kohne as navigator. Their time was a decent 1:35:57 which was not only the fastest time across all categories, but
also nine seconds quicker than nearest rivals Ismail Shermohamed and Pierre Jordaan in their Toyota Yaris S2000. Louis Menge, seasoned navigator and wellknown local search and rescuer, had to settle for a bit of a disappointing retirement with his driver Anton Raaths in their Mazda RX-2 after a very good finish in last year’s rally. During the 2017 he navigated Natie Booysen to a top 10 finish in their Ford Escourt MK1. This year Booysen’s Escourt gave up the ghost ten metres from the finish line of the penultimate stage in Politsi due to gearbox issues which forced him to retire as well. As with last year’s event, this year saw a few members of the fairer sex take on their
male counterparts across the course. In third place was the De Bruin couple, Johan and Susan in their Nissan 350Z. With Johan at the wheel and Karen giving directions, their top three finish managed to debunk the ‘women-and-directions’ myth in 1:50:27. As the rally drivers made their final drift around Claude Wheatley to the delightful cheers of the local motoring enthusiasts, Tzaneen bid farewell to another successful leg of this fast-paced sport and look forward to hosting the event during the 2019 season. For a gallery of images and some video footage of the rally, visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com
2 weke om te gaan! Slegs twee weke om te gaan vir die Virseker Beker. Ben Vorster bied op 11 Augustus 2018 een van die twee Skild Afdeling semi-finale aan. Hierdie semi-finale word bepaal deur watter 1ste span eerste le op hulle punte leer. Die Vossies se 1ste span is steeds onoorwonne na hulle ses kragmetings, hulle is dus die enigste onoorwonne 1ste span in die hele afdeling een, wat hulle hierdie voorreg gee.
Hiermee nooi ons graag die gemeenskap om die seuns te kom ondersteun! 11 augustus
hou die datum oop!
015 307 4490/1/2
BV 1ste span - Tuis - Onoorwonne tot dusver! BV 0/16 span - Tuis BV 0/15 span - Moet nog bepaal word BV 0/14 span - Weg
3 August 2018
Local swimmers fast tracked
Legals In the estate of the late ASSISTANT MONGWE Identity number 6410150774086, divorced, Master’s reference number 4867/2018, who was ordinarily resident at 730B Nkowankowa, Limpopo Provice and, who died on the 9th of June 2018. All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the undersigned within 30 days from the date of the publication hereof. Joubert & May Attorneys P O Box 35 Tzaneen Ref.: A E Rech/avs/R14876 Aug101__________________________
Immerè Botha, Marjonè de Beer, Christine Mbite, Megan Wolfvaart, Marizelle Schoeman, Bernice Laboff, Heinrich Strydom, Pieter de Beer, Ernest Botha and Franco Botha.
Following on the Senior and Elite Squad training clinic, Johan Grobbelaar and Awie Hattingh presented a high performance clinic for the FastTrack squad. Swimmers strokes were analysed and suggestions put forward to improve their overall performance followed by each participant giving feedback on the diet they currently follow. Selection criteria is as follows - Boys 16 years and older that are within 3 percent of Junior Nationals qualifying times,
Erno Botha
and girls 14 years and older with level 3 times. The Junior Fast Track Group consists of Immerè Botha, Marjonè de Beer, Christine Mbite, Megan Wolfvaart, Marizelle Schoeman, Bernice Laboff, Heinrich Strydom, Pieter de Beer, Ernest Botha and Franco Botha. These swimmers are from Waterberg, Capricorn, Mopani and the Greater Sekhukhune districts and represent TUKS, Eagar and Shamu swimming clubs respectively.
In the estate of the late GERHARDUS JOHANNES VAN ZYL identity number 5509105015080, divorced, Master’s reference number 2997/2018, who was ordinarily resident at Oppikoppie, Pompagalana, Tzaneen, Limpopo Provice and, who died on the 19th of FEBRUARY 2018. All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file
their claims with the undersigned within 30 days from the date of the publication hereof. Joubert & May Attorneys P O Box 35, Tzaneen Ref.: A E Rech/avs/R14752 Aug102__________________________
LEGAL NOTICE In the Estate of the late, JANINE ENGELBRECHT RADUE, IDENTITY Number 7508190080080 who resided at 16 PEARL STREET, MODJADJISKLOOF and died on the 25th of JULY 2015, Estate Number 7827/2015. Notice is hereby given that the Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the offices of the Master of the High Court in Polokwane and the Magistrate Tzaneen for a period of 21 (twenty one) days from date of publication of this notice. STEWART MARITZ BASSON INC Attorneys for the Executor Lex Numeri 32 Peace Street P O Box 242 TZANEEN, 0850.
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Specializing in Wendy Houses, site offices, tool sheds, guard rooms. Can also move Wendys. Price includes wooden floor, window, corrugated zinc for roof @ special waksol for waterproofing. 3 x 3 m R5 500. Big and small size as per order. Contact me on 078 485 2342
Skakel vir Kwotasie: 076 410 9503 / 082 851 7139 / 015 345 1192 084 627 0956 DASS Domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Bosch, Whirlpool, Defy etc. Repairs, spares and service. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, Tzaneen. 015 307 1798 082 898 0468
Jobseeker My name is Amea Rachel Khalonga, I am looking for a domestic job. I can cook and bake. I can look after children. I can do all the basic domestic work, iron, cleaning, housekeeping. I can stay in or out. References on request. Please contact me on 082 796 7035. __________________________
Property To Let Te Huur 3 Bedroom house situated in a security complex in Medi Park. This home offers a spacious open plan living- and dining area, full bathroom with shower and separate toilet. Lockable tandem garage for 2 vehicles, private courtyard with braai and outside buildings. No pets allowed. Available 31 Augustus 2018. R6 500-00 per month. Deposit required. Phone Kobus 071 401 0950.
FLAT TO RENT 1 Bedroom flat, carport, security gate, R2800-00 p/m + power box. Arbor Park. No pets, no smokers. Contact: 0845808177
3 Bedroom Units with 2 bathrooms in Aquapark. In secure complex. R6000 excl W & E. No Pets allowed. Contact Anita on 083 659 3655. Available 1 August 2018. __________________________________
A cottage to rent 9km outside Tzaneen on Deerpark Road. One room, open plan kitchen lounge and closed in stoep. Water & Lights included R3000.00. Contact Henta Bruce at 076 811 2190. __________________________________
For Sale Te Koop Meenthuis te koop 3 slaapkamer Groot badkamer Baie veilige kompleks Groot stoep met canvas ASSEBLIEF GEEN AGENTE TEL 0834563466 _______________________ STANDS FOR SALE River Side Estates. New on the market. Priced from R280 000- costs
To advertise call: Jacques 071 268 2543 | Lizan 076 795 5000
included. Be Quick. Contact Peter 082 890 8845 at Seeff Properties. _______________________ River Side Estates Builders and Buyers. Take your pick now. Priced from R280 000- costs included. Contact Peter 082 890 8845 at Seeff Properties. _______________________
3 August 2018
Badgers face Unicorns in final
Bernard Pretorius
Estian Botha
Tzaneen is gearing up for an all-local final as the hockey clubs league nears its climatic finale. The Stanford Lake College Badgers will face off against the Unicorn Hockey Club based in Tzaneen. This follows the Badgers’ 2-1 victory over the Limpopo Development Hockey Club this past weekend up on the astro in the mountains. It was an explosive match which saw the Badgers take the lead early in the first half with a magnificent goal by Adin Bennet off a shorty which caught the Limpopo keeper off guard. The rest of the half was a back and forth struggle for both teams as they struggled to execute
set pieces and find their rhythm. The second half started with another bang this time off the stick of Limpopo Development’s Innocent Chiwanika who sent a zinger past the Badger goalie to even the score. Soon afterwards though it was Bennet who put his team back in the lead with a beaut off another shorty. The final whistle told a tale of two evenly matched sides with one managing to capitalize off the errors of the other with greater efficacy. This victory will see the Badgers face the Unicorns this Sunday at Stanford Lake College in what promises to be yet another top class
Sean-Michael Ceronio
Lance Trueman
display of hockey finesse. With the Unicorns captained by Richard Atherstone and driven in the front line by Zander Ernst, the Badgers will have to rely on the experience of headmaster and former Olympic player, Craig Carolan at the back, and the aggressive attacks down the flanks by Estian Botha and Shane Frederichs to meet them head on. Whatever outcome awaits, the 2018 final promises to be a nail biter of an encounter and all true hockey fans are invited to experience a true pièce de résistance. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com
Adin Bennett
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Tree Felling, Plantations, Slashing & Grass Cutting, Fire Breaks and more...
Sport 3 August 2018
Tel: 015 590 7780 | tzaleba@gmail.com Plot 39, Hamawasha, Lydenburg Rd, R36 - 1km outside of town.
4 Augustus
Merensky vs Piet Retief
Rally fever hits www.hsmerensky.co.za
— The Midas Tzaneen ARRO rally caused a stir
Page 13
LEES BINNE 2018 Kaskar aksie
Nico du Randt and JG Claassen in their Can Am Maverick round the figure eight section of the first leg of the Midas Tzaneen ARRO Rally at the testing station on Friday afternoon. This year’s presentation of the rally was as successful as the 2017 innaugural installment. Bulletin was there - and we have the photos to prove it. Photos and videos: Joe Dreyer and Jacques Smuts.
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