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17 August 2018
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Bladsy 7
Royals open for business
Page 8
Task team foils another cash heist
Page 2
LEES BINNE Merensky vaar goed op skou
Daar was vanjaar groot moeilikheid by die Letaba Skou toe ene, Ricci Louw, sy verskyning in die middel van die stoeikryt op die hoofveld gemaak het. Die boerseun het dadelik werk gemaak daarvan om twee van sy “hanswors-geklede” opponente op hulle plek te sit. Dit, het Louw in ware boerseun-styl, te midde van die skare se gejuig, met vellies en ‘n stewige plathand uitgevoer. Hierdie rofstoeiers, en so handjie vol voor hulle, was een van die groot aanloklikhede by vanjaar se Letaba Skou. Foto: Joe Dreyer
Mediese fondse Korttermynversekering Lewensversekering Aftreebeplanning Beleggings Testamente Boedelbeplanning Pensioen- en voorsorgfonds Dood- en ongeskiktheidsversekering Aandele
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10 Windsor Street, Tzaneen | Tel: 015 307 5587
Bladsy 12
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17 August 2018
Personeel | Personnel Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com
Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com
Rekenings / Accounts / Admin Ansie Smuts 076 333 0523 ansie@bulletin.us.com
Lizan Botha 076 795 5000 lizan@bulletin.us.com
Joernaliste / Journalists Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset
Mysterious speedbumps claim truck
Bulletin F A R
Ontwerp / Design Tamryn Lancefield 083 637 9551 tamryn@bulletin.us.com Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com
A truck, carrying a very large citrus shipment capsized along the Bushvalley Road on Wednesday morning after it hit four massive new speedbumps on that section of the road. The speedbumps were suddenly erected near Bushvalley Chickens by an unknown contractor sometime during last week. Though the GTM has denied that the road falls under their jurisdiction, a witness said that the men constructing the humps were wearing orange overalls – indicative of GTM employees. SANRAL has denied that the road falls under their management and at the time of going to print yesterday, we failed to make contact with the ever-absent liaison depart-
ment of the Roads Agency Limpopo (RAL). Our sources at the scene did however quote one of the traffic officials as stating that the road “belongs to the Tzaneen municipality.” Since the construction of the mysterious speedbumps it is reported that close to 50 vehicles have suffered significant damages to their undercarriages. This is as a result of the humps not being erected according to national specifications, not being marked and there being no warning signs anywhere near them to indicate their existence. Following a number of complaints by members of the community in that area, including a number of farmers from the area,
the speedbumps were demolished, only to be rebuilt a day or so later. In fact, earlier this week we received a report that the speedbumps were being marked by a road marking crew in orange overalls. The spokesperson for the GTM, Neville Ndlala has said that he will investigate the matter and give us feedback in time for our next publication. At this stage it remains a mystery as to who is responsible for the destructive humps, or their legality. As far it is understood, speedbumps may not be erected on national roads. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com
Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani • Phalaborwa FAR NORTH MEDIA
Kontak besonderhede Contact Details
Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 071 268 2543 (Jacques) 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: jacques@bulletin.us.com | lizan@bulletin.us.com Admin & rekenings/Admin & accounts: ansie@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Kleinadvertensies / Smalls: ansie@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com
Task team foils another cash heist A specialist task team comprising of members of Crime Intelligence and a Tracking Team prevented another cash-in-transit heist in Tzaneen last week. According to the national police spokesperson, Col Brenda Muridili, the team acted on information through one of their informants in the area that suggested another CIT robbery was being planned at the Sasol fuelling station situated in the Sugarloaf complex in Tzaneen. The team disguised themselves as a working crew in an unmarked panel van laden with plumbing pipes, and parked patiently at the complex. They observed the target vehicle, a BMW, driving suspiciously through the parking area a number of times, scouting the area. The vehicle was accompanied by a white Polo TSi with one occupant, also driving up and down the area. At that time the cash in transit van had pulled into the fuelling station and the task team pounced on their targets. A car chase and subsequent shootout
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Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
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Stand van Damme Dam Levels
Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril Tel: 015 307 3703 11 Rencole Building, Loop Street, Tzaneen
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Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 13/08/2018
Tzaneen 34.9%
Ebenezer 82.9%
Merensky 101.2%
Dap Naude 99.0%
Middel Letaba 11.2%
Blyde Rivier Poort 87.0%
Klaserie 81.5%
Tours 42.2%
Vergelegen 91.7%
Ohrigstad 30.6%
*Termes & voorwaardes geld.
Bulletin FAR NORTH
We are now Nemtek Distributors
occurred. The task team disabled the BMW and chased after the Polo which took a turn into Second Ave in order to evade capture. A fifth suspect ran through the neighbourhood and was arrested by the task team members in Hospital Street. In the end, four suspects were arrested. Three of them sustained gunshot wounds during their failed escape. Police and task team members traced one of the suspects to a house in the vicinity. The BMW and the Polo was also seized. Investigations are still underway to determine whether the suspects could be linked to other CIT and cash-related robberies in the Tzaneen area. At this stage there is no further information available on the matter. National Police Commissioner General Khehla in the meantime released a press statement in which he commended the task team unit for their efficacy in the prevention of yet another serious crime which placed the lives and safety of the community at risk. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com
To advertise in the AgriBulletin call: Jacques 071 268 2543 or Lizan 076 795 5000
17 August 2018
Nuwe Buurtwag vir Tzaneen gestig Tzaneeners kan gerus wees dat hul mense, en hul eiendom veilig onder die waaksaamheid van die nuwe Tzaneen Buurtwag, in samewerking met Afriforum, sal wees. So het die nuut-verkose voorsitter van die Tzaneen Buurtwag, Corrie Large Junior aan Bulletin gister verduidelik. Dié nuwe organisasie wat bestaan uit lede vanuit die verskeie buurtwagte en sekuriteitsfirmas in die dorp, patrolleer saans die strate van die woonbuurte en besigheidsdistrik om orde en veiligheid te handhaaf. Van die begin van die jaar af het hierdie manne reeds bewys dat ‘n goed-georganiseerde span wondere kan verrig deur gereelde sigbare patrollies en goed georkestreerde operasies. “Ons het juis hierdie week een van die dorp se mees gerugte misdadigers in Harry Dilly Straat met ‘n kar vol gesteelde goedere vasgetrek. Ons het in samewerking met die polisie, hierdie man gearresteer end it blyk nou asof hy ‘n tydjie agter tralies sal sit. Een minder misdadiger is vir ons en ons gemeenskap ‘n wen.” Die Tzaneen Buurtwag, in samewerking met Afriforum het reeds 60 aktiewe lede wat toegerus word met radio’s, reflektiewe- sowel as koëvastebaadjies. Large reken dat die buurtwag binne vyf minute ‘n reaksie voertuig op toneel, binne in Tzaneen woongebiede, kan hê. Die buurtwag word gedryf deur die drie groot sekuriteitsfirmas naamlik Northern Security, Letaba Security en Large Security en word deur verskeie privaatondernemings befonds. Hierdie borge wat die wiele
aan die draai hou sluit in Richard Bouwer van Afri Water, Chris van Vuuren van Rhino Construction, Galito’s, Zeus Tyres, Chris en Tiaan Lombard van KK Foods en Angelo Cox van Apollo Tyres. ‘n Spesiale woord van dank gaan aan HP Pretorius van The
Plummer wat ‘n splinternuwe Nissan NP200 bakkie aan die buurtwag geskenk het. Hierdie voertuig gaan gebruik word om patrollies deur die dorp te ry. “Ons is ongelooflik dankbaar vir ons borge en almal wat ons ondersteun. Ons gemeen-
skap het genoeg onder die krimineel gebuk gegaan en deur middel van hierdie bydrae sal ons ‘n daadwerklike verskil aan ons gemeenskap kan maak,” het Large mee afgesluit. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com
Tzaneen Buurtwag in samewerking met Afriforum is Marnitz Steffen, Chris van Vuuren, Shuan Potgieter, Corrie Large Jnr, Jacques Welman en Cornel van Schalkwyk.
No low-cost houses for Agatha afterall The Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM) has categorically denied the reports regarding the establishment of a low-cost housing settlement on land behind High Grove stretching all the way to the Mopani Disaster Management Centre. In a press statement received form the GTM spokesperson, Neville Ndlala, yesterday minutes before our deadline, he said that the facts contained in Bulletin’s
report last week were incorrect. “The land in question, which was previously known as farm Pusela Lt555 ext 78 (commonly known as Adam’s Farm) has been rezoned into a township. The township is targeted at the middle to to low income earners and houses there will range between R350 000 and R800 000. It must be stated categorically and clearly that the municipality does not have plans to con-
struct low cost houses or RDP houses in the area in question as it was alleged in the previous article,” Ndlala said. The developer for the new township, Mgoma Trading, has appointed Tzaneen Properties as its estate agent. Currently 200 stands have been serviced with all the necessary rudimentary services such as sewer reticulation, water systems, electricity networks and tarred streets as part of phase one. An
additional 700 stands still require services. “The municipality however has plans in conjunction with the Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs for a social housing project where Talana Hostel is currently situated,” Ndlala said. “This project will incorporate low income earners and provide units for rental on a rentto-buy basis.”
Ciao Enrico It was with great fondness and sadness that the Haenertsburg community said farewell to one of its oldest residents. Enrico Usseglio, born 18 May 1933, left Italy for South Africa in his early 20’s and settled in the Haenertsburg area in 1971. A master cabinet maker, his works grace many local hotels and well as countless homes. He constructed the water wheel on the Magoebaskloof Hotel patio. He also crafted the beautiful wooden fireplace at the Hotel pub. His comfortable chairs were legendary and much sought after in the day. In retirement, Enrico was also very sociable, moving from breakfast in the village to be at
Bulletin FAR NORTH
his table at the Pot & Plow by 17:00. He sat, facing the entrance, and was greeted by all as he sipped his glass of red wine. Enrico fell some two months ago, couldn’t get up and had to be helped to his feet by his landlord and family. This spelt the end of his independence as fear of another fall set in. He needed a walker and was admitted to Macadamia Frail Care in Tzaneen. Together with his long time friend and doctor, Dr Richard Gorbaszewicz, as well as other concerned friends, it was decided that Enrico return to his motherland, Italy. He flew back to Italy on Sunday to spend the last leg of life amongst his Italian family and friends.
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Enrico Usseglio raises his glass of grappa to toast his life on The Mountain.
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17 August 2018
GTM workers satisfied for now The employees of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM) affiliated to both labour unions have expressed their satisfaction after the Municipal Manager, Thapelo Matlala, withdrew circulars which were the main source of friction between them and their employer. This follows news that the GTM could not hold the Local Labour Forums (LLF`s) as per agreement last week, because of the government Lekgotla held this week. Workers said that though not all their demands were met - which included the absurd request of rescinding the contract of the municipal manager - they are elated that at last
they would be able to encash their leave day. Because of their antics and blatant display of absolute disregard to authority and any form of leadership structure that benefits the community at large, they will now also receive cell phones and car allowances to perform their duties without interventions. “It is hoped the other matters would be tackled with time as the mayor indicated last week,” said one SAMWU member. The provincial government Lekgotla which was held in Polokwane follows the national leg which was held last week in Pretoria. The Lekgotla is attended by the premier with
his members of the executive committee, the director generals, the mayors and their municipal managers who are joined by senior councillors from the local and district municipalities. Attempts to contact the unions were not successful. Among the issues to be discussed at the LLF`s on Tuesday were the resignation of the accounting officer which now seems to have been put on the shelf by ordinary workers. It is believed the downing of tools last week would serve to scare the manager into taking actions which are detrimental to the needs of the workers. The LLF was set to take
place tommorow. As the drama unfolds at the GTM white house on the doorstep of the ratepayers who will suffer under the militant-like actions of the workers’ unions, the Chamber of Business remains shockingly silent on the matter. It should be mentioned that because of the SAMWU performances last week, the overtime account has again been increased to R3.2 million a month. This account is fronted directly from the pockets of the taxpayers and affects business in Tzaneen to which a chamber of business should stand as bastion.
ANC attempts to save VBS The leadership of the ANC in Limpopo met with the top six of the organization at the Lithuli House with a proposal to save the now defunct Venda Building Society (VBS). It is alleged that they plan on doing so with the opening of the first government bank in the province through, the struggling Limpopo Development Agency. The motion, though not finalised, is likely to pit them against the reserve which applied for the liquidation of the bank. VBS, the Venda-based mutual bank was put under curatorship by the Reserve Bank Governor,
Lesetja Kganyago, after it was accused of flouting banking rules. The bank which was then still unknown, came to the fray after it borrowed the R7,8 million to the former president of the country and the ANC, to pay for extra costs at his Nkandla homestead after ordered by the public protector, Thuli Madonsela. Weekend reports were that the Limpopo leadership of the ANC met with the top six leadership of the ruling party to present a proposal on the possible ways to save the bank from total collapse by converting it into a provincial bank. It is expected to be oper-
Cawood Clinic
ated by the Limpopo Economic Development Agency (LEDA) and this will save it from liquidation and in defiance of the Reserve Bank. A leak from the meeting described the response from President Cyril Ramaphosa as being hostile to the idea and ‘later warmed to I’. David Mabuza was neutral while the Secretary General, Ace Magashule was keen to the idea. During the meeting Thoko Didiza was allegedly tasked with investigating the possibilities that included the incorporation of VBS into LEDA. — Jan Mafetsa
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Haenertsburg set to host The Magoeba More than 200 mountain bikers from around South Africa will converge on Cheerio Gardens next weekend to attend Limpopo’s premier mountain bike 3-day stage race. The Magoeba will run from Friday 24 to Sunday 26 August, with cyclists taking on either the Magoeba Race (+/- 70km/day) or the Magoeba Trail (+/- 40km/ day). The 2018 event, organised by Magoebaskloof Adventures and Haenertsburg Rotary, will be the first ever mountain bike stage race to take place in the majestic Magoebaskloof mountains. “We have spent months building routes that will both test and delight riders,” says Race Director, Marc Noné. “There’s no hiding from the challenges that some of the big climbs in Magoebaskloof pose, but riders will be rewarded with stunning views, exciting single track and of course big downhills to match the climbs.” “Numerous sponsors have come on board to support the race and our aim is to set a new standard for mountain biking in the Limpopo Province by hosting a truly premium event,” adds Marc. Key sponsors include Insect Science, BF Petroleum, Miami Canners, Talisman and Spar, with a host of other businesses and local landowners coming on board to ensure riders get the very best from the experience. The race format will include three stages over 3 days, using a clover leaf layout that starts and ends at Cheerio Gardens each day. Among the contestants will be several pro teams, including local rider, Alan Gordon and his team mate, Timothy Hammond, who are riding for Insect Science. They will pit their skills against other top teams from around the country, including Dormakaba, Galileo Risk, PYGA Eurosteel and Team NAD in what is sure to be a very exciting battle. Although the race will put the spotlight on mountain biking in the area, it also aims to empower the local community. “The mountain bike routes developed for the race will become a Tourism Magoebaskloof Association (TMA) product to support the local tourism industry and create jobs for MTB guides, shops, accommodation establishments and restaurants. Much needed funds will also be given to Haentersburg Rotary to support their many existing community programmes,” says Marc. Spectators are welcome to attend the event and watch the action from some of the spectator-friendly viewing points. For more information, visit the race website at https://www.magoebaskloofmtb.co.za or follow us on social media @magoebaskloofmtb for Facebook or @themagoeba on Instagram. For more information contact Jen Noné on 066 231 6094.
Contact an agent in your area: Messina: 015 534 0044 • 071 659 1695 Louis Trichardt: Amanda 082 339 4455 Tzaneen: Christa 082 556 7499 Polokwane: Zelda 065 305 1511 Gauteng Clinic: Horisane 0823654827
17 August 2018
17 August 2018
The Message
Granny’s Grumbles - SEPTIC TANKS
In the sixties small dorps in Rhodesia most certainly did not have estate agents. You went to the local farmer’s co-op and asked if anybody was renting out accommodation. Many of the local farmers had a spare cottage, especially if they had started their farming careers on a shoestring, built a small place and then as the tobacco prices went up so did their aspirations. After they had built the home of their dreams they obviously had the small place to let out.
We moved into one of these places and I became very friendly with the farmer’s wife who was a quiet lady and very shy. Her husband was often away on business and I think she enjoyed having some company close by. The family had only recently bought the farm which had belonged to an elderly couple who had lived there for more than fifty years. One day I received a message via her gardener to please come to her house as soon as possible as she needed help. Stephanie (for that was her name) appeared very embarrassed about something and kept looking around as though she thought somebody was listening in. Evidently her husband was away on a trip and the previous day the toilet had started throwing up – no cell-phones in those days but he did phone her each night so she told him the problem. When they bought the farm they had inherited most of the labour force including one man called John who had been there for at least forty years and knew the whole lay-out and could fix virtually anything. Stephanie was told to get John to sort out the problem – probably there was a blockage and nothing was flowing into the soak-away, but John would know what to do. That morning John had been instructed to sort out the problem but after a short while he asked Stephanie to come and look at the problem as he was not sure what to do. When she got to this part of the story, tears
came into her eyes and she told me that she had never been more embarrassed in her life. Now – we all know that septic tanks are not everybody’s cup of tea, but I hardly thought one would get so embarrassed that they would cry. So – what was the problem? “You have to come and see” said my friend. Off we went to the septic tank – John had obligingly left the cast iron manhole cover off so we could get a birds-eye view. I was amazed – couldn’t see any sludge or sewerage – it looked like a thick blanket of discoloured what we call bubble-wrap these days. I couldn’t work out what on earth it could be. Obviously it was something that didn’t get broken down by bacteria. The reason for Stephanie’s embarrassment soon became clear when she told me that John had pointed out this covering – she didn’t have the faintest idea what it was, so John obligingly hooked some of it out. Thousands and thousands of condoms which had obviously over the years just turned into an insoluble mattress. Stephanie was adamant that none of the farm workers were going to get a look at this lot but obviously something must be done as the one and only toilet was not functional. To cut a long story short we found a lot of old 5 gallon paraffin tins and used a spade to haul out as many of the offending condoms as possible. Since men are usually responsible for this sort of thing I suggested we just cover the paraffin tins with sacking and when her husband returned, he could figure out some way of disposing of them.
“Every time you find some humour in a difficult situation – you win” Charlie Brown
Social Tzaneen Kaleidoskoop 17 August
Kaleidoskoop will perform on 17 August 2018 at Venue D’light from 18:00 at R120.00 per person. For more information contact Elize on 076 276 8626.
Magoebaskloof Magoeba Limpopo Premier MTB 17 August
The Magoeba Limpopo’s Premier MTB Stage Race will be held on 24 to 26 August 2018 at Cheerio Gardens from 08:00 at R4250.00 to R4750.00 per person. Visit www.magoebaskloofmtb.co.za.
For more information contact 066 231 6094.
Tzaneen Martin Bester vir Liefde Toer 24 Augustus The Martin Bester Vir Liefde Toer will be at Stanford Lake College Barnyard on 24 August 2018 from 20:00. Ticket Price: A new blanket for the underprivileged. For more information contact 083 709 9030 or email alta@arconafrica. co.za.
Tzaneen Vula Vula Road Race 7 - 8 September
Kom Vula-Vula saam! Die Vula Vula Road Race vind plaas vanaf 7 tot 8 September by ATKVEiland Spa. Eerste 400 inskrywings ontvang ‘n geskenkpakkie. Navrae en inskrywings: Grizel 083 738 1515.
Edmund de Beer Ek en my vriende Ons is sosiale wesens. Ons het vriende nodig. Vriende kan jou maak, of breek. Positief motiveer, of in die afgrond aftrek. Die lewe laat geniet, of jou lewe versuur. Hoe weet jy ‘n vriend is ‘n goeie vriend? In Spreuke 13:20 hoor ons: “Wie met wyse mense omgaan, kry self wysheid; wie hom met dwase ophou, word self sleg”. ‘n Wyse mens is iemand met lewensvaardighede. As jy gaan vlieg, vlieg jy mos net iemand wat die vaardigheid het om op te styg, die vliegtuig in die lug te hou en – baie belangrik – wat ook die vaardigheid het om te kan land. Sien jy hoe belangrik is dit om met mense saam te loop wat die regte lewensvaardighede het? Wyse mense is mense wat jou manier van dink en doen positief beïnvloed. Dit is mense wie se voorbeeld jy kan volg. Dit is daardie mense wat weet hoe om swaarkry en ook voorspoed te hanteer. Hulle weet hoe om ‘n partytjie te geniet en ook hoe om die Here te volg en Hom te dien. Dit is hulle wat weet wanneer om stil te bly en wanneer om te praat, en hoe om te praat. Hoe meer jy in so ‘n persoon se geselskap is, hoe meer jy hoor en sien wat hy sê en doen, hoe wyser word jy self. Jy raak al hoe vaardiger om as ‘n Christen te leef. Die teenoorgestelde is natuurlik ook waar. As jy dwase vriende het, gaan jy ook dwase dinge begin doen en wrang vrugte pluk. Sulke vriende se vriendskap hou ook net so lank as wat jy tot hulle voordeel is. Wanneer jy hulle regtig nodig het, staan jy alleen. Hoe lyk jou vriende?
Tzaneen SAVF Ligloop 2018 16 September
Dis weer tyd vir die SAVF Tzaneen Ligloop wat aangebied word op 16 September 2018. Kry so gou as moontlik jou inskrywingsvorm en betaal jou R1100.00 om jou plek te bespreek. Daar is net 100 plekke beskikbaar. Kontak ons SAVF kantoor by 015 307 2645 of Ilza by 082 773 0471.
St Peter’s fun run due 24th August has been postponed. Please watch this space for notification of a later date.
1368 0 9 The Numbers 2 57 8 The number of perfection, it has
been associated with infinity and the ancient Egyptians believed that it is the number of balance and of the cosmic order. For the Japanese it means multiplicity while the Pythagoreans believed that it is a symbol of love and friendship, so they called it the Great ‘Tetrachtys.’
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Mind-blowing Fact #85 The same skin cells that make up a human vagina are the same type of cells that are in a human mouth.
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17 August 2018
Daar was meer voete vanjaar Die jaarlikse Letaba Skou is oor die langnaweek hier in Tzaneen by die skougronde gehou. Soos die jaar tevore, het vanjaar se fees etlike duisende mense van regoor die streek getrek. Woensdagaand het afgeskop met die immer gewilde Jo Black en sy toergroep. Black se vertoning het soveel mense getrek daar was skaars plek op die terrein om almal voor die verhoog te akkomodeer. “Daar was vanjaar om en by 460 meer besoekers aan ons skou as verlede jaar,” vertel Naomi Excell van die organiseeringskommittee. “Oor die tydperk van die skou was daar 132 uitstallers, 21 000
d l u o h you s
h g u o ing t
s e m i t c i m o n o
besoekers en 220 bejaarde besoekers aan die terrein. By die Jeugskou het ons 70 bywoners gehad.” Ten spyte van die reën en mislukke weer wat Donderdag die dorp onder ‘n kombers van misnoë gedek het, blyk die getalle asof Tzaneeners se dors vir vermaaklikheid nie vinnig geblus sal word nie. Een van die groot aantreklikhede vir die jongspan was die mannewallis in die stoeikryt toe ‘Mister Wrestling’ se manne mekaar goed te lyf gegaan het. Tzaneen sien uit na die 2019 paaiement van hierdie ontwikkelende fees wat beloof om volgende jaar net nog groter as tevore te wees.
The South African economy is facing more challenges than we have seen in a long time. To many people, it would seem silly to keep on advertising during a recession. The general thinking is that consumers don’t have money to spend, so why should you waste money on advertising?
The reality is that consumers don’t stop spending during a recession – they just look for better deals. Study after study show that companies that continue to advertise during a downturn not only survive, but thrive. A recession can actually provide growth opportunities for markets, partly because of reduced activity by competitors. While a brand can increase its market share by simply maintaining its current marketing spend, the most successful strategy is to increase, not decrease, marketing during a downturn. The success of your business in 2018 will be decided by your ability to deliver the right marketing to the right target market.
To advertise with us, Contact 071 268 2543 or 076 795 5000
17 August 2018
A royal flair for business Four villagers started the Morning Market in Rissik Street in November 1999. One of its founder traders still runs the market every Friday and Saturday morning as well as extended times during the festivals. The keeper is the youthful looking Peggy Murray. Peggy is incredible in that she always has a smile on her pretty face and not only does she look much younger than her 83 years, she’s also royalty and bears the official title of Dowager Duchess of Atholl. In those early days, the foursome were offered a lean-too at the now Iron Crown Pub and Bistro. Local Errol Nienaber’s grandmother, the late Joan Nienaber, made the first fresh market breads. Joan was a chronic asthmatic and Peggy, a reflexologist by profession, looked after her feet. The ladies started off with breads and cakes. Over the years their suppliers increased from five to more than 15 suppliers today. It was a grand day when they made their first R100 profit. As there were no lockup facilities at the first Morning Market, the business moved to the area formerly occupied by the Barclays Bank agency higher up on Rissik Street. The eventual move landed the Morning Market into its own wellknown spot next to the Red Plate Restaurant and the smattering of small businesses in
Rissik Street. The Morning Market sells everything local. There are essential oils, hand-made crocheted and knitting items such as beanies, gloves, scarves, blankets and baby knit, books for charity that support cancer and AIDS, toys and hand painted gift cards. Horst Dombrock’s Bittersweet catering business also supplies the Morning Market when he’s not catering for tourists at game lodges and on safaris. Peggy and her husband John retired to Haenertsburg from Johannesburg where he’d been a land surveyor. At the age of 67, John Murray succeeded his second cousin once removed, the 10th Duke of Atholl and became the 11th Duke of Atholl. For the next 17 years, until his death in May 2012, John and Peggy travelled to Scotland every year for the traditional display put on by his Army. As Duke of Atholl, John commanded the only legal private army in Europe, the Atholl Highlanders. The army is based at Blair Castle, the ancestral home of the Dukes of Atholl. John did not inherit Blair Castle which passed to a charitable trust. The Dowager Duchess of Atholl has not returned to Scotland since her husband’s
death. Peggy and John’s eldest son, Bruce Murray, who lives in Louis Trichardt, is now the 12th Duke of Atholl. This year Bruce’s eldest son Michael, who lives in London in the United Kingdom, represented the family and took part in the traditional annual display in June. Michael is officially known as the Marquess of Tullibardine. This year Prince Albert of Monaco and his wife Princess Charlene were in the royal box and Michael had the opportunity to speak to Princess Charlene in Afrikaans. Peggy says that they would often invite South African friends to attend the parade. Speaking to locals Tiny and Jan Barnetson at the Morning Market, they said it was so spine chilling as one heard the skirl of pipes coming out of the Highlands. Peggy says it’s the most moving ceremony with a most disciplined army. The highlight for her every time was as the huge castle doors crashed open and there, in his uniform, stood her husband, the 11th Duke of Atholl. ABOVE: The Dowager Duchess of Atholl with her son Bruce, the 12th Duke of Atholl. BADGE: The official coat of arms.
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Rubbish is a nuisance. Driving it to the rubbish dump yourself is an even bigger one and something that most of us really don’t list on the top of the weekend priority list. There is the paperwork and the money and the hard labour and all the rest of it that keeps you from starting that braai fire and watching the finals in peace. Wouldn’t it be nice if there were someone who could go through all that schlep for you? Couldn’t you just pay someone to make that rubbish problem disappear? Well there is and you can. Enter Quick Skip. As a registered transporter of waste in command of a fleet of 27 skips and two trailers, Ruan Oosthuizen and his team can most certainly make weekends what they used to be in ‘the good old days’. Not only can they collect and remove your household waste for you, but because of their specially designed and highly mobile skips, Quick Skip can also deliver building materials and gardening compost directly to your site. The skips are not the massive stinky kind either. They are smart looking bright green 2 cube skips available on a
daily, weekly or monthly lease. This means that unlike the unsightly bigger skips which stand outside on the pavement and inevitably run over with waste before they are collected, Quick Skip is available when you need it, for how long you need it and for whatever purpose you need. The Quick Skip team take care of the paperwork at the landfill site and transport to and from site so that you don’t have to. This comes at a minimal price too and is available within a 50 kilometre radius around Tzaneen. For pricing and service related queries contact these guys right now on 060 974 9383 and find out how you can take back your weekends.
Die Klofie-Larrie wipplank Laerskool Tzaneen Primary het op die 6de Augustus teen Laerskool Duiwelskloof in die tweede hokkie ligawedstryd van die seisoen kragte gemeet. Dit was ‘n reeks harde wedstryde wat beide skole behoorlik op die proef gestel het. Laerskool Duiwelskloof se A-span het met twee doele teenoor nul met die Larries se Oop B-span afgereken. Daarna, het die Klofies se o/11A-span die Tzaneeners met 2-1 geklop. Tzaneen se O/11
C-span het gelykop teen die Klofies A-span geïndig. Die Larrie dogterspanne het baie beter uitslae gelewer en het twee van hul vyf wedstryde op die dag gewen. Tzaneen Oop B-span het 4-0 teen die Klofies Oop A-span gewen terwyl die Larries se Oop C-span later met ‘n allemuntige 10-0 teen dieselfde A-span later verloor het. Die Larries o/11A-span het hulle kragmeting met 5-0 gewen terwyl die o/11B en C-spanne beide hul wedstryde gelykop geïndig het.
Larries take on Rooiskool ever, it was a slightly different story as the Tzaneen Open C-team beat the Rooiskool Open A-team by one goal to nil. The u/11B-team beat the Phalaborwians 2-0 while the Open B-team beat Phalaborwa Open A by a single goal. Tzaneen fielded their u/11C team against a much stronger Phalaborwa B-side and paid the penalty for it. They lost that match by two goals to nil.
Laerskool Tzaneen Primary spent the start of their long weekend in the company of the Rooiskool hockey team when they faced off on the astro at Ben Vorster. The match was played on Thursday and was part of their league games. Phalaborwa has a reputation for their top class hockey and this showed when the Tzaneen boys’ teams failed so chalk up a single victory in either of their two matches. The Open B teams slugged it out to end in a goalless draw while the u/11A boys’ had a nail biter of a game which also ended in a 2-all draw. On the fairer side of the goalbox how-
17 August 2018
Five out of seven(s)
Dean Moller
A handful of Laerskool Tzaneen Primary rugby boys caught the eyes of the selectors this past week and were included in the Limpopo 7’s team. Hlulani Mbhalati, Marno Jacobs, Dean Moller, Lethabo Kekana and Juan Meintjes proved that they had what it takes to make the team and will now move on to represent their province in the upcoming 7’s tournaments.
Hlulani Mbhalati
Marno Jacobs
Lethabo Kekana
Juan Meintjes
Laerskool Tzaneen Primary
Vrydag 24 Augustus 2018 10:00 in die Pieter Joubert Saal
Vrydag 24 Augustus 2018 10:00 in die Pieter Joubert Saal Kontak Larrieland: 074 124 2035 larrielandtzn@gmail.com
015 307 3601/2 • www.lstzaneen.co.za • Let’s get social Designed by Bulletin
17 August 2018
Larries moker grense plat Lopies is gehardloop dat die stof so staan tydens die tweede ligawedstryd van die seisoen. Die o/11 en Eerste spanne het op Donderdag, 2 Augustus kragte gemeet met die spanne van Phalaborwa Ontwikkeling. Die o/11’s het die besoekers ingestuur om te kolf en die spinboulers van die Larries het Phalaborwa beperk tot net 22 lopies. Tzaneen het net vyf beurte nodig gehad om 23 lopies aan te teken. Die Larries wen dus met 9 paaltjies. Tydens die Eerste-span
Jacques Vermeulen, Xander Perry, Maan Mistry, WJ Botha, Elandri Janse van Rensburg, Meyer Jacobs, Alfred Nel, Nic de Beer, Ruan Huysamen, Adriaan du Plessis en Christopher Janse van Vuuren
Wet Mill Manager Required at a well-known sawmill in Mpumalanga:
se wedstryd het Ruan Huysamen 44 lopies, en Maan Mistry 51 lopies bygedra tot die span se totaal van 185. Phalaborwa het 62 lopies gemoker met hul 10 paaltjies om vir die Tzaneeners ‘n 123 lopie oorwinning te oorhandig. Die Larries se Tweedespan het ‘n vriendskaplike wedstryd teen Unicorn Preparatory School gespeel. Unicorn teken 91/10 aan en die Larries gaan die telling verby met net ses paaltjies plat. Larries wen dus met vier paaltjies.
Julle is slim nê!
Minimum Qualifications and Experience required: NMMU(Saasveld) Wood technology or BSc (Wood Science) qualification; ±10 years’ proven experience (sawmill & wet mill).
Job Description and Requirements: Management of 2 log yards, 2 wet mill lines, green chain, stacking, as well as kilns & boilers; Good knowledge/Experience of sawmilling equipment (especially frame saws, kilns & boilers); Production and Processing knowledge of raw materials, production processes, quality control, costs, and other techniques to maximize the manufacturing process; Determining when and what kind of maintenance is needed; Systems Evaluation through identifying measures or indicators of system performance and the actions needed to improve or correct performance, relative to the goals of the system; Strong Managerial skills are essential; Required to work overtime from time to time; Good communicator/Organiser/Team player – management of a relatively large team; Proven experience in high pressure, production environment/s; References essential.
• • •
Market-related Salary with potential Profit Share; Pension and Medical Aid Benefits; Company Accommodation.
Please take note: if you have not been contacted within 14 days, please consider your application unsuccessful. Strong preference will be given to AA/EE applicants as per EE plan, but all applications will be considered (Suitably qualified African male candidates and African female candidates are encouraged to apply) Interested candidates to send applications to: hrm@wrsm.co.za Closing date: 24/08/2018 (should you not receive any communication within 14 days after closing date, please accept your application as unsuccessful).
Additional Information:
Laerskool Duiwelskloof se slimkoppe het onlangs groot somme by jaarlikse Wiskunde Olimpiade gemaak. Agter van Links: Josua Retief, Anke Roodt, Willem Smit (Hy het ook aan die Weten-
skap Olimpiade deelgeneem), John - Henry Schwab en Zahraa Khan. Voor van Links: Moyahabo Malatji, Duncan James, Ndali Matlakala, Snyman Smit en Paulinah Mola.
Room styg boontoe CLOSING DATE FOR 2019 APPLICATION IS FRIDAY 24 AUGUST 2018. Please contact the school on 015 307 2840 to give your child the education that will be an investment for life. “Children are not things to be moulded but are people to be unfolded.” — Jess Lair, Author
For peace of mind about your child and access to a bright future, Unicorn Preparatory offers and overall experience for both parents and children that is key to a great start in life. Our “Blessings” are nurtured and grown here with holistic education to launch them from an exceptional platform.
Strong foundations leading towards grounded futures!
Twee tennisspelers van Laerskool Tzaneen Primary, JP Botha en Megan-Lee Mans, het aan die Limpopo tennisproewe in Polokwane gaan deelneem. Die twee stêrspelers het hulself goed van hul taak gekwyt om eindelik in die top helfte van die toernooi se ranglys te eindig. Megan-Lee eindig eerste in die o/12-ouderdomsgroep en JP eindig Tweede in die o/10-ouderdomsgroep.
17 August 2018
17 August 2018
Heel mooiste karkas in die kontrei
Die Letaba Skou het hierdie jaar weer vir baie opwinding gesorg - en Hoërskool Merensky was deel daarvan. Behalwe vir die jaarlikse Potjiekoskompetisie waar die Plasies “Beste aanbieding” met hul twee stalletjies gewen het, het Agri-Merensky ook op groot skaal, in drie kompetisies, hul stem dik gemaak. In die Nasionale Beeskarkaskompetisie het Agri-Merensky agt karkaste, in twee groepe, ingeskryf. Hierdie deelname behels dat die beeste, op die hoef, beoordeel word op die afgelope 120 dae voertydperk. Daarna word die beeste geslag en beoordeling vind op die haak plaas. Die SA Fatstock Judging Association, met mnre. Douw Steyn en Tommie Geyser, en mnr. James Jeffries van SAMIC, het op 8 Augustus geoordeel dat die kampioen karkas, asook die reserwe kampioen karkas, aan Agri-Merensky behoort. Die Plasies se lof is besing toe hul ook die pryse vir die kampioen groep (4 diere) en die reserwe kampioen groep inpalm.
Hierdie jaar se Jeugskou (waar leerders beoordeel word op ‘n kennisvraestel, die was en voorbereiding van diere, asook skoumanskap in die ring) het ook Plasietrots opgelewer. Nicky Smith (graad 11) en Dylon Hallat (graad 8) het breëbors weggestap met eersteplekke in hul onderskeie afdelings: Nicky by die senior vleisbeeste en Dylan by die junior vleisbokke. ‘n Tweedeplek is toegeken aan Gerhardus Cheney (graad 10) in die senior vleisbokke-afdeling. Derdeplekke is behaal deur Dominique Blandin de Chalain (graad 10, senior beeste), Mia Sounes (graad 8, junior beeste), Johan Coetzee (graad 10, senior bokke) en Ruben Erasmus (graad 8, junior bokke). Nicky Smith is aan die einde van die dag aangewys as die algehele wenner. Die derde kompetisie waaraan Agri-Merensky deelgeneem het is die Interras vir beeste. In hierdie kompetisie het al die
MERENSKY POTJIEKOSSPANNE: Elzette Steyn, Erendia Gerber, Mari Hay, Yolandi Potgieter, Magnus Steyn Jnr, Clinton Gerber, André Hay en Jan Potgieter.
rasse, in verskillende klasse, teen mekaar meegeding. Agri-Merensky spog met die junior bulkalf kampioen, Itai, van die PinZyl-ras. Schuster, ‘n PinzGauer, is as senior b u l reserwe kampioen aangewys.
Volgende op die Plasie-kalender is die ALFA Expo wat weer van 18-20 September by die Afridome in Parys aangebied word.
Dominique Blandin de Chalain - graad 10, senior vleisbeeste, met mnr. Arno Last van Agri-Merensky.
ALGEHELE EERSTEPLEK Nicky Smith - graad 11, senior vleisbeeste
Algehele wenner, Nicky Smith, saam met mnre. Willie O’Brien (beoordeelaar), Arno Last (Agri-Merensky), Petrus van Coller (Agricolleges) en Willy Stevens (beoordelaar).
Groot Grammy-opwinding op Plasieland Die Grammy-Awards was nog nooit so opwindend soos by die 2018 Mnr. en Mej. Merensky-kompetisie nie. Op Maandag, 6 Augustus, het gaskunstenaars, Jo Foster en die groep Tussen Sterre, die gehoor aan hul voete gehad en die Merensky-skoolsaal se dak het behoorlik gelig met hul musiek, danspassies en oorspronklike lirieke. Die finaliste het hul debuutbuiging gemaak met ‘n groepdans op die liedjie Fame. Onder
luide aanmoediging en toejuiging het die paartjies hul informele klere vertoon. Na die ys gebreek is het hulle laat waai met danspassies wat die gehoor stomgeslaan het. ‘n Paar manne en meisies se versteekte danstalente is ontbloot. Die finaliste het asemrowend gelyk in hul formele kleredrag en het die beoordelaars behoorlik laat kopkrap. In ware Plasiegees het Ryan Jackson, met ‘n gebreekte bekkenbeen, steeds die loopplank braaf trotseer en toeskouers aan sy “krukke” gehad. Die waardige draer van titel, Mnr. Merensky 2018, is die aantreklike Jan-Carel van Niekerk met die pragtige Kesia Pohl
wat as Mej. Merensky 2018 en Mej. Fotogenies gekroon is. Eerste Prins en Prinses is Pieter Gouws en Steph-Marie de Lange. Tweede Prins en Prinses is Kieran Albertus en Liza-Ri Snyman. Kieran se sjarmane het hom ook die titel, Mnr. Persoonlikheid, besorg en Luann Botha is aangewys as die mees, fotogeniese man in Merensky. Mia Naude se waaghalsige danspassies en sprankelende persoonlikheid het haar die Mej. Persoonlikheid kroon besorg. Mnr. en Mej. Merensky 2018 was ‘n aand van glorie, glans en “Grammy-glamour” beslis ‘n aand om te onthou! — Suandrie Corbett (graad 10)
Kesia Pohl (Mej. Merensky), Joe Foster (sanger) en Jan-Carel van Niekerk (Mnr. Merensky).
EERSTE PRINS EN PRINSES: Pieter Gouws en Steph-Marie de Lange.
DIE WENNERS: Mia Naudé (Mej. Persoonlikheid), Liza-Ri Snyman (Tweede Prinses), Pieter Gouws (Eerste Prins), Kesia Pohl (Mej. Merensky), Jan-Carel van Niekerk (Mnr. Merensky), Steph-Marie de Lange (Eerste Prinses), Luann Botha (Mnr. Fotogenies) en Kieran Albertus (Tweede Prins).
17 August 2018
Die Virseker Skild wink vir die Vossies “Dit was ‘n harde game en Middelburg het ons op ons tone gehou van begin tot einde. Maar met die span wat ek nóú het, is daar geen twyfel in my dat ons die finaal teen Oos-Moot gaan vat nie.” So het Vossie-stuurman, CJ Erasmus, oomblikke na Saterdag se wedstryd teen Middelburg aan Bulletin gesê. Die Rooimasjien het op hul A-veld voor hul tuisskare, die magtige Middelburgers vir ‘n plek in die Virseker Beker Skild finaal met nege punte geklop. Die eindtelling was 34-25 en is beklink deur ‘n pragtige drie net sentimeters vanaf die hoekvlag, deur Shima Molepo in die laaste vyf sekondes van die wedstryd. Dit was die blitsvinnige vleuel se 23ste besoek agter die doellyn sover dié seisoen. Ben Vorster se oorwinning beteken dat hierdie span nog tot dusver onoorwonne in die toernooi, en heelbo aan hul afdeling-ranglys met 126 punte staan – ‘n feit wat vir die Vossies die sielkundige oorhand behoort te gee in die aanloop tot hul kragmeting op Tuks se velde die komende naweek. Verlede Saterdag se wedstryd het begin met ‘n verdoelde strafskop deur Middelburg se Sithembiso Makhua in die tweede minuut van die eerste helfte. Ben Vorster was dadelik op die agtervoet en moes vinnig plan maak om terug te stry. Vyf minute later dwing Ben Vorster ‘n strafskop van hul eie af en ewenaar DJ du Preez die telbord. Middelburg stuur tien minute later vir Nathan Lombard oor die Vossie doellyn om nog vyf punte aan die telbord te hang. Ben Vorster antwoord oomblikke later met nog ‘n verdoelde strafskop. Etlike oomblikke na die rustyd sein druk Middelburg se Unathi Poyo nóg ‘n drie om die tuisspan kleedkamers toe te stuur met ‘n 9-15 agterstand. Die Vossie-breier, Peter Schutte, het hard met sy span gepraat. Sy kleedkamer praatjie het duidelik die nodige indruk gemaak want direk na die tweede helfte afskop het staatmaker heelagter, Jason Mulder, sy pad deur die Middelburg verdedigers gesny om sy span se eerste drie aan te teken. Du Preez verdoel
So lyk die puntemakers Die angel van die Vossie-skerpioen lê in sy agterlyn versteek. DJ du Preez (Senter), Shima Molepo (Vleuel), Christiaan Smit (Senter), Jason Mulder (Heelagter) en Melvin Maake (Vleuel) het gesamentlik 564 punte vir die Rooimasjien, tydens 2018 alleen, aangeteken. Dit is gelykstaande aan 70% van die span se totale puntetelling wat tot dusver op 810 staan. Heelbo aan die ranglys pronk die skool se bobaas skopper, Du Preez, met 207 punte waarvan 4 drieë, 21 strafskoppe en 62 doelskoppe is. Du Preez se skop gemiddeld staan op ‘n stewige 70,3% na sy 118 pogings vir die seisoen. Molepo en Smit spog elkeen met 23 drieë terwyl die “game changer” heelagter, Jason Mulder al 13 keer agter die opposisie doellyn gaan kuier het. Die blitsige vleuel, Melvin Maake spog met 10 drieë en een doelskop. Verlede Saterdag se wedstryd het wééreens bewys dat die Vossie agterlyn nie ‘n halwe kans gegun moet word om spoed op te tel nie. Mulder se vermoë om die spel van agter te lees is ‘n onmisbare element in die Vossie arsenaal. Dit, gepaard met die spoed en brute krag van die res van die agterlyn maak Ben Vorster amper onstuitbaar in volle vaart.
en skielik neem die Vossies die voortou met een punt op 1615. Nie een van die spanne wou die an-
Christiaan Smit (13) ontduik ‘n lak deur Chris Steyn en Quryn van Wyk.
DJ du Preez (12) systap Middelburg se Anrich van Wyk.
der die spasie gun om enige taktiese bewegings uit te voer nie en vir ‘n goeie tien minute wissel die spel tussen die helftes. Uiteindelik breek een van die Middelburgers, Rowane Skosana, deur om die telling 16-20 in die besoekers se guns te swaai. Ben Vorster antwoord met ‘n drie deur John Naudé en neem wéér die voortou met 21-20. ‘n Strafskop maak die telling 24-20 in die Vossies se guns.
Met slegs 15 minute oor op die klok, stuur Middelburg vir Unathi Poyo oor die lyn vir sy tweede drie om die telling 24-25 te maak. Die doel-
skop tref die dwarslat en Ben Vorster bly in die stryd. Twaalf minute verval voordat hoofseun, Christiaan Smit, ‘n gaping vind en ‘n pragtige duik-drie onder die pale plant. 29-25 met slegs vier minute oor voor die eindfluitjie en Middelburg lyk desperaat. Die skare op die
pawiljoen gaan mal. Middelburg lyk of hul gaan deurbreek, maar word gestuit en die bal is weer in Vossie-hande. Hul is op die aanval in Middelburg se gebied toe die sirene afgaan, maar dit is te laat. Shima is in volle vaart met losskakel, Sithembiso Makhua wat verpoos hom agterna sit. Die pawiljoen se dak lig. Die Rooimasjien het dit gedoen. Hulle is deur na die eindstryd. Ben Vorster staan nou heel bo aan die ranglys in die Virseker Beker Skild afdeling. Dit beteken dat ongeag die eindstryd uitslag, die Vossies sal volgende jaar opskuif na die hoër afdeling en vir die Virseker Beker Plaat stry. PHS, wat heel onder aan die rangorde staan, sal gerelegeer word na Afdeling B toe waar hulle dan teen ondemeer, Merensky en Piet Retief, te staan sal kom. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com
Bo: Christiaan Smit (13) duik oor die doellyn vir sy 23ste drie onder die pale.
Shima Molepo (11) bars oor die Middelburg doellyn met Sithembiso Makhua op sy rug. Foto’s: Joe Dreyer
17 August 2018
Legals In the estate of the late BENETT MAAKE MAAKE, identity number 50007305527087, who resided in Ga Kgapane, Limpopo Province and, who died on the 6th day of November 2017. All persons having claims against the above estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from the publication hereof. Maloka Attorneys PO Box 868, Central Park Tzaneen Aug301__________________________
IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT FOT THE DISTRICT OF MSUKALIGWA HELD AT ERMELO Case Number: 593/2016 In the case between: LAERSKOOL JJ VAN DER MERWE EXECUTION CREDITOR and SWART R J EXECUTION DEBTOR AUCTION NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION This is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment by the Magistrate ERMELO given on 19/07/2016 the under mentioned goods will be sold at 10:00 on 30 AUGUST
2018 by public auction to be held at, THE SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, MAIN STORE NO 2, INDUSTRIA ROAD 20, TZANEEN by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, TZANEEN to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 x SAMSUNG L C D TV 1 x SONY DVD & SPEAKERS 1 x 3 PIECE LOUNGE SUITE 1 x 2 PIECE CORNER COUCH 1 x HISENSE D/D FRIDGE 1 x PLATIUNUM MICRO OVEN 1 x DEFY WASHING MACHINE 1 x KIC CHEST FREEZER SIGNED at ERMELO on the 13TH day of August 2018. (sgd) MR J P STRAUSS ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR STRAUSS ATTORNEYS INC. 10 TAUTESTREET ERMELO 2351 Tel: 017 811 5353 Faks: 017 811 5355 Ref: Q06894/COLLECTIONS/ HJ Aug302__________________________
and ISAAC RAPHELA Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN PURSUANCE of a Judgment of the Magistrate, TZANEEN dated 10 APRIL 2018, the under mentioned goods will be sold by public auction, 30 AUGUST 2018 at 10:00. Venue of the sale: SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM MAIN STORE NO. 2 INDUSTRIAL ROAD 20 TZANEEN By the Sheriff for the Magistrate’s Court of TZANEEN to the highest cash bidder. 1 x 4 PCE Lounge Suit 1 x Coffee Table 1 x Defy D/D Fridge 1 x Logik Microwave 1 x Essentials Microwave 1 x Toshiba Printer 1 x Canon Printer 1 x Samsung Laptop 1 x Acer Complete Computer 1 x Office Desk 1 x Wooden Cabinet 2 x Office Chairs 115 x Plastic Chairs AUCTION: 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgement obtained in the above honourable court. 2. The rules of the auction
are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 33A Pieter Joubert Street, Tzaneen. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008: (Url: http://www.info.gov. za/viewdownloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation i.r.o. proof of identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Tertius Robertson or any representative of his office. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. Dated at TZANEEN on this 8TH of AUGUST 2018. (SGD) J H JACOBSZ ATTORNEY FOR THE EXECUTION CREDITOR JOUBERT & MAY 50 BOUNDARY STREET P O BOX 35, TZANEEN TEL: 015 307 3660 REF: MR JACOBSZ/jk/J7183 Aug303__________________________
TO ESTABLISH A GUEST HOUSE IN TERMS OF SECTION 68 OF THE SPLUMA BY-LAWS OF GREATER TZANEEN MUNICIPALITY 2016, READ TOGETHER WITH CLAUSE 15 OF THE TZANEEN TOWN PLANNING SCHEME 2000 I, Willem Johannes Jacobsz of Omniplan CC Town Planners, being the authorised agent of the registered owner of Re/Portion 9 Escatre 907-LS hereby give notice in terms of Section 68 of the SPLUMA By-Law of Greater Tzaneen Municipality 2016, read together with Clause 15 of the Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme 2000, that I have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for Special Consent to utilise the property for Guest House purposes. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen, for a period of 30 days from 17 August 2018 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or
be delivered to room 257, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen before 17 September 2018, by quoting the above-mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the objector’s property description, phone numbers and address. A person who cannot write may during office hours visit the abovementioned Municipality requesting assistance to transcribe his/her objections, comments or representations. Contact person: Mr. M J Mathye (015-307-8031) Address of Agent: Omniplan Town Planners, P.O. Box 2071, TZANEEN, 0850. Tel. 015 307 1041. Ref. J182 KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK SPESIALE TOESTEMMING VIR ‘N GASTEHUIS INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 68 VAN DIE SPLUMA BY-WET 2016 VAN DIE GROTER TZANEEN MUNISIPALITEIT, SAAMGELEES MET KLOUSULE 15 VAN DIE TZANEEN DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA 2000 Ek, Willem Johannes Jacobsz van Omniplan CC Stadsbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die geregistreerde eienaar van Re/Gedeelte 9 Escatre 907LS gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 68 van die SPLUMA
afgelewer word by kamer 257, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, deur die verwysing na bostaande opskrif, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die gronde/redes vir die beswaar, die beswaarmaker se eiendomsbeskrywing, telefoonnommer en adres. Enige persoon wat nie kan skryf nie mag gedurende kantoorure die bovermelde Munisipaliteit besoek en hulp versoek om sy/haar besware, kommentare of voorstelle op skrif te stel. Kontak persoon: Mnr. M J Mathye (015-307- 8031) Adres van Agent: Omniplan CC, Posbus 2071, Tzaneen, 0850, Tel. 015 307 1041. Verw. J182
By-Wet 2016 van die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit, saamgelees met Klousule 15 van die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema 2000 kennis dat ek by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het vir Spesiale Toestemming om die eiendom te gebruik vir ‘n Gastehuis. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 17 Augustus 2018 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoeke moet skriftelik voor 17 September 2018 gerig word aan die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of
Smouskous l Classifieds Services Dienste SMIT & KIE Mediese fondse Korttermyn versekering Lewensversekering Aftree beplanning Testamente / Beleggings 10 Windsor Street 015 307 5587 Jun310___________________________
Tzaneen Trailer Hire Service & repair on trailers and caravans. Trailer hire: Double/Single Axle, Car, Piggyback, Cattle & Luggage trailers. Hennie: 083 651 0936
Ultimate Security
Garage doors & motors, Roller shutters, Awnings and much more .Contact: 015 307 1768
Koriek beleggings: Revoluta palms: Revoluta saailinge – R4.00, Groot moederplante – R500.00. Mandela’s gold geel Strelitzia’s: Saad – R0.50, Saailinge – R4.00 plante in blom – R30.00, Moeder plante in blom – R300.00 of (R1, kom haal self per blom) (BTW en posgeld uitgesluit) 082 466 9884
2nd HAND SHOP Bargains Galore We buy, sell and pawn. Furniture, appliances, kitchen ware, jewelry ect. Best value for your money. Visit us at 11 Plantation Rd and get the best value for your money or call 015 307 1171 082 472 8483
Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Faks: 086 262 3152 083 252 8928
VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/ 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb.co.za www. steynbergmeubelvervoer. com
Aan al die ouers van Tzaneen en in die omgewing, Die einde van die jaar is vinnig oppad, moet nie op die laaste oomblik vir julle kinders se opleiding vir bestuurs lisensie wag nie. Vat die stres van julle as ouers se skouers af en plaas dit op ons sin. Ons doen volledige opleiding, en is behulpsaam deur die hele proses. Sien ons op Facebook onder National Driving School vir verwysings. Kontak/Whatsapp Giane 083 279 2343 Mar301____________________________
For all your woodwork needs. Repairs to wooden furniture. Making of furniture. Contact Rob on 071 727 2377 Mar401___________________________
Caretaker available for farm or flat maintenance. Fully qualified plumber, electrical, building, tiling ect. Can farm and do all mechanical work. Contact 079 882 7518.
Die Wasbalie Laundry Service at No 3 Pieter Joubert Str, Aquapark. Catering for all occasions Big or small contact Stefanie on 083 264 9281 or email stefanievd1362@gmail.com
Handyman General Steelwork, Plumbing & Waterproofing. Tzaneen & Letsitele Area Contact Marius 064 918 4161
082 672 8131
Steynberg Trok & Trekker. 8 Ton Trokke te huur R24.50/km + btw, 8 Ton Koeler Trok R27/km + btw, 12 Ton Trok R26.50/km + btw & 20 Ton @ R33.50/km + btw, Lowbed trailer @ R33.50/ km + btw. 6 cube tipper @ R26/km + btw eenrigting. Vragmotor met kraan R2600/dag. Terme & voorwaardes geld.
Sleebok Granite, monuments, Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops, marble, Bathrooms Quality Workmanship. 015 307 6005 / 1205 www.sleebok.co.za
Skakel vir Kwotasie: 076 410 9503 / 082 851 7139 / 015 345 1192 084 627 0956
My name is Uziel Sammy Hlengani, I am a qualified dump truck operator looking for a full time position. I have a code 14 drivers licence and references are available on request. Please contact me on 063 415 3844. __________________________________
My name is Dennis Rhulani, I am looking for a full time driver position. I have a code 10 licence. References available. Please contact me on 073 619 9434 / 067 147 3885. __________________________________
African Pygmy
To advertise contact Lizan 076 795 5000
Blankets & Food. Bowls
We specialise in: • New Buildings •Tiling • Renovations & Alterations • Electrical • Roofing & Waterproofing • Ceilings • Air conditioners • Plumbing • Carpentry • Steelworks • Painting • Stainless Steel Balustrade Tobie: 076 312 8806 chukudutzn@gmail.com
needed. 083 628 9257
We will beat any written quote!!
071 063 4983 24 Hour
Emergency Plumber
Specializing in Wendy Houses, site offices, tool sheds, guard rooms. Can also move Wendys. Price includes wooden floor, window, corrugated zinc for roof @ special waksol for waterproofing. 3 x 3 m R5 500. Big and small size as per order. Contact me on 078 485 2342
Bulletin FAR NORTH
TRELLIDOR The ultimate crime barrier Widest range, custom made for any opening. Visit us at 32 Hospital Street, Tzaneen 015 307 2493
Nasionale Bestuur Skool
Your agri advertising solution provider
To advertise call: Jacques 071 268 2543 | Lizan 076 795 5000
Hedgehog male for sale. Cinnicot in colour. 3
DASS Domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Bosch, Whirlpool, Defy etc. Repairs, spares and service. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, Tzaneen. 015 307 1798 082 898 0468
months old. Very small size. R600 including food sample. 076 795 5000 To advertise in our Classified section Contact Lizan: 079 795 5000
For Sale Te Koop Meenthuis te koop 3 slaapkamer Groot badkamer Baie veilige kompleks Groot stoep met canvas ASSEBLIEF GEEN AGENTE TEL 0834563466 _______________________
To Let Te Huur 3 Bedroom house situated in a security complex in Medi Park. This home offers a spacious open plan living- and dining area, full bathroom with shower and separate toilet. Lockable tandem garage for 2 vehicles, private courtyard with braai and outside buildings. No pets allowed. Available 31 Augustus 2018. R6 500-00 per month. Deposit required. Phone Kobus 071 401 0950.
17 August 2018
Klofies wéét van fietsry Die volgende Klofies het plekke behaal by Saterdag 4 Augustus se Miami MTB fiets resies.
Agter: Luandie Marx (kry ‘n 7de plek), Willem Smit (ry 35 km en kry ‘n algehele 23ste plek uit 140 deelnemers), Anke Roodt (eindig algeheel 1ste in Sprog Afdeling) en Snyman Smit (eindig algeheel 5de in Sprog Seuns). Voor: Diné Booyse (eindig 6de in die Nipper afdeling), Adriaan J.v Rensburg (eindig algeheel 3rde in die afdeling Sprog seuns) en Sumike Malherbe (eindig 7de in die Nipper afdeling).
Brigitte Combrink , ‘n Graad 6 leerder van Laerskool Tzaneen het die afgelope naweek die Akkedis Fietswedren voltooi. Sy het die 10 km voltooi en in die “Sprog” afdeling deelgeneem.
Business directory | Sakegids
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Multi-function vehicle jump starter
17 August 2018
Skare juig vir Vossies — Titaniese stryd vir Virseker
Beker finaal verwag
Page 13
Limpopo 7’s team Bl9
LEES BINNE Skole nuus bl 9 - 15
Kyle Hambidge (Middelburg Kaptein), Kevin Hlupeko en Unanthi Poyo probeer die Vossies se DJ du Preez in sy spore stuit. Foto: Joe Dreyer