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24 August 2018


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Daar word ‘n beroep gedoen op die publiek en die munisipaliteit om straatsmouse soos hierdie, te dwing om die plek waar hul handeldryf skoon en netjies te hou. Die Waterval Parkie in Tweedelaan is byna onherkenbaar in ‘n see van rommel gedompel. Foto: Joe Dreyer

SMIT & KIE FSP: 11184


24 August 2018





Personeel | Personnel Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com

Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com

Rekenings / Accounts / Admin Ansie Smuts 076 333 0523 ansie@bulletin.us.com

Lizan Botha 076 795 5000 lizan@bulletin.us.com

Joernaliste / Journalists Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset



R1 000 for driving in wrong lane

Bulletin F A R


Ontwerp / Design Tamryn Lancefield 083 637 9551 tamryn@bulletin.us.com Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani • Phalaborwa

The situation at the taxi rank in Claude Wheatley Street is escalating. Last week a business owner sent us a copy of a traffic fine his delivery driver received for driving on the wrong side of the road as he passed through the notorious area. “Operated a light delivery van and failed to comply with the direction conveyed by the road traffic sign…” the fine for R1 000 reads. According to the distraught driver, he had no other way of avoiding the taxis which are parked across the entire North-bound lane leaving only one of the three lanes for passage to motorists and delivery vehicles. He had no choice but to drive into oncoming traffic. And he is not the only one. Many of the readers of this piece will attest that the situation with the taxi drivers is out of control. In fact, Bulletin receives numerous complaints almost on a daily basis from motorists who have had to swerve onto the pavement to avoid collisions as they drive in the oncom-


ing lane to avoid the taxis. Large trucks have been captured on video as they drive on the pavement, narrowly avoiding the illegal street hawkers and barbershops lining the sidewalks adjacent to the concrete palisade which the municipality wasted a million Rand on constructing. “That fine was not issued by our traffic officers,” said Neville Ndlala, spokesperson for the GTM in response to our inquiry on the absurdity of the traffic fine. “That was done by a Mopani district traffic officer.” We tried to determine why Mopani District officers would be issuing fines on behalf of the GTM in Claude Wheatley Street and also why no fines had been issued to the taxi drivers, but we received no clear explanation. We also asked about the alleged meeting that was to have been had between the GTM and the Taxi organizations. Ndlala told us two weeks ago that a new site had been identified for the taxi rank and that the meeting would centre on this topic.

“With regards to the meeting, yes it took place and the team did not agree on the first area identified, but a second place has been identified and the association seems content with it. We will finalise the formalities and we will update you as soon as we finalise all arrangements.” At the time of going to print we received a phone call from Ndlala who said that Councillor Cassius Machimane was willing to meet with Bulletin and escort us on a site visit to the proposed new location of the taxi rank. Why public participation protocols have not been followed in this matter, or why law enforcement is non-existent at the current site remains an unfathomable mystery. The business owner in the meantime has managed to have his fine ‘squashed’ to an amount of just R200. We still cannot find it justified however. Ce la vie? — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

Taxis allowed to park in the street

Kontak besonderhede Contact Details

Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 071 268 2543 (Jacques) 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: jacques@bulletin.us.com | lizan@bulletin.us.com Admin & rekenings/Admin & accounts: ansie@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Kleinadvertensies / Smalls: ansie@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Website Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

The GTM has admitted that there exists an agreement between the municipality and the taxi organizations which gives the taxi drivers permission to park their vehicles across one lane of Claude Wheatley Street. “Through the transport forum we have agreed that the association/s can park their taxis in one lane until we find alternative parking for them,” explained Neville Ndlala, spokesperson for the GTM.

Hundreds of ward committee members who attended the overnight summit at the Karibu lodge outside Tarentaalrand have asked the Mopani District Municipality and their councillors to increase the monthly stipend of R1 000, to R1 300. According to them, the increase is needed as they could not serve the community according to its needs on the current amount. They appealed to authorities to act before it was too late. The matter was referred to the speaker of the forum to be speed up. According to one of the attendees, the matter came to a head during deliberations about service delivery challenges at individual municipalities. The matter allegedly stemmed from the fact that members of ward committees at Greater Giyani Municipality (GGM) had their stipends increased to R 1 300 after they complained to their councillors. It is reported that Dikeledi Mmetle (former Mayor of Tzaneen) of the Speakers Forum promised to look into the matter. “When the matter was put on the table as part of the challenges committee members found themselves in, the Speaker of the GTM respond-


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ed to it by saying that she will convene a meeting with the other municipalities and they would deliberate on the amount of stipends to be paid to members. She said when a resolution had been reached members would be alerted through their councillors,” said the anonymous source. The existence of the ward committees started in 2000 after the promulgation of the Municipal System Act, Act 32 of 2000. The law demanded that in each and every ward of the municipality there be a committee comprising of nine people representing various stakeholders in that ward. The nine member committee should elect its secretary with the local councillors as the chairperson of the ward. The committee should compile reports and meet monthly to submit these reports to the secretary and after three months, should call a community meeting and report to the community about the progress made in their villages. They are paid a stipend of R1 000 which is set to cater for their airtime, transport, and catering during the meetings. When they started, there were no stipends until it was introduced only a

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few years ago. Mopani District Municipality (MDM) spokesperson, Witness Tiva, said sound resolutions were taken during the session which will see improved service delivery to the district. He said the keynote address was delivered by the Executive mayor of the MDM and closed by the speaker of the GTM. In the meantime, the GTM spokesperson Neville Ndlala, reported that the municipality had just completed the upgrading of the Burgersdorp sportsground. The artificial pitch had been relocated and now the facility boasts ablution facilities, netball and basketball courts, new gravel soccer grounds, a grandstand for about 500 spectators, a ticket office, water storage and a guard room. The cost of the upgrade has not been made public and one is left wondering why the Nkowankowa stadium has not made it onto the GTM upgrading priority list given the ghastly state of the stadium. The Nkowankowa stadium is also the site of the annual schools athletics district championships. — Jan Mafetsa Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 20/08/2018

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ers – and the second was a site near Talana Hostel. This area is known as a breeding ground for all sorts of criminal activities which have gone equally unmanaged by the DA ward councillors assigned to this ward. Nevertheless, it is a far more sensible site given its location and the dramatic traffic pileups Flora Park would have been exposed to had they opted for the train station.

Ward Committees want increase in stipends

Jaques van Niekerk

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In the article preceding this one, we mentioned that the municipality had identified two possible alternative sites for the taxi rank to be moved to, but we could offer no location. After some tedious back and forth shuffling with the spokesperson, we managed to receive a final answer from him. The two sites identified were the old train station in Flora Park – which subsequently did not find good favour among the taxi own-

Bulletin FAR NORTH


To advertise in the AgriBulletin call: Jacques 071 268 2543 or Lizan 076 795 5000 Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com for the latest news





24 August 2018


Wage increase in the pipeline for Muni-workers Municipal workers across the board will receive a 7 percent increment but at the Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM) will be paid in the month of September. This month, Tzaneen employees will go home with money for the encashment of leave days which workers took to the streets for, two weeks ago. Workers who earn less than R 9 000 will receive a 0,5 percent increase which will be increased after a year, while all workers will receive inflation-based increases until 2021. The annual increment in municipal salaries was reached between the Independent Municipal Workers Union (IMATU), the South African Municipal Workers Union (SAMWU) and the employer, the South African Local Government Association (SALGA) last week Wednesday and the announcement was made that Friday. The GTM’ers were notified in a general meeting on Monday. SAMWU General Secretary, Simon Mathye, explained that the signed agreement states the following - a three year agreement effective from July 2018 to the 30th of June 2021 showing a seven percent increase across the board for all employees. Also included in the agreement is an additional 0,5 percent for employees below R9 000 effective from October 2018 - projected CPI plus 1,5% in the second year of the agreement, projected CPI plus 1,25% in the third year of the agreement. The notice further stated that sectoral minimum wage would increase by 7 percent

effective from July 2018 and a further increase of 0,5 percent in January. Homeowners’ allowance increases by 7 percent in line with the salary increment for the duration of the agreement and this applies to maximum employer contribution towards medical aid schemes. This means municipal employees will receive 7 percent to be back dated for two months “We believe this is the best deal we could achieve especially when one looks at the agreements which had been reached by the other sectors in the country. In fact, municipal workers will be receiving higher increases than other public servants. Parties will therefore be concluding on pension fund restructuring and the wage curve. We are of the view that once the wage curves had been concluded, workers will receive another increment,” said the notice. *Editor’s note – these increases in the salaries of the workers come as an addition to the already exorbitant R3,2 million overtime they shouted about at the entrance to the GTM offices two weeks ago. With all of the increases in wages fronted by us (the ratepayers) and the decrease in services rendered by workers budgeting for a large overtime package at the end of the month, one is left wondering why the Chamber of Business and the opposition parties remain mum on the matter. — Jan Mafetsa

Farewell Hilda (19.10.1964 – 18.8.2018)

There will be a memorial service for Hilda Nola Louw-Marx at St Peter’s Anglican Church in Tzaneen on Thursday 30th August at 10:00. Hilda was well known as a caregiver at Macadamia Retirement Village and God’s Haven.

Hilda suffered with diabetes and its complications for several years. She featured in Bulletin in July last year when she received a much needed wheelchair to assist her after having lost one of her legs.

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24 August 2018





R71 road blockers are finally gagged The spate of road blocks on the R71 road between Tzaneen and Polokwane could be a thing of the past after the Makgoba Community Trust and the new developers at the Makgoba tea plantations obtained a court order to stop members of the Makgoba community who call themselves the “Youth” from interfering with the operations at the farms. These farms were returned to the community several years ago. The matter came to a head after complaints were raised by the people in the area calling themselves The Youth, and the court order was issued against the group. Though the leaders of the trust claim that all matters outstanding were resolved, The Youth claim that things are still not in order. According to them, if the community was satisfied, there would not be any protests. Addressing Parliament representatives during the presentations on the amendment of section 25 of the constitution recently, youth leader and a member of the Makgoba Development Agency, Mike Makgoba said that in the farms which

were returned to the community in the Makgoba area, people had seized the farms and operate them without the consent of the community. He further said that, as the community, they were shocked to discover that outsiders were given jobs while the locals had nowhere to work. He added that when the community opposed the decision, they were arrested. Makgoba however added that the matter will not be left unattended and they have since taken the matter to court and are awaiting the outcome. According to an extract from the court restriction order as delivered by Judge Ishmael Semenya, in the Polokwane High Court between Makgoba Asset Management (PTY) LTD (first respondent) and Makgoba Dieplaagte (PTY) LTD, Makgoba Youth (Frans Mokoena, Frans Makgoba and Frans, Klaas Matome Makgoba and others were interdicted. “Having heard both counsels it is ordered that (1) normal time periods relating to the proceedings and any other noncompliance be condoned

and this application be heard on an urgent basis. (2) An interim order is granted with immediate operation and effect, pending the finalisation of this application, in terms that the six respondents are interdicted not to enter into the irremovable property of the complainant and not to enter the farms without prior consent.” Among the demands of the court interdict include that workers not be stopped from entering the farms in question, not to intimidate, assault, threaten to harm any of the employees, directors, business partners, service providers and their respective families. The employees, representatives and directors of Bertie van Zyl (PTY) LTD, Mr Andries Dreyer and Mr David Manamela should be left untouched. It is further stated that the complainants should not unlawfully and without the applicants’ prior obtained permission, harvest or take any avocados or any crop that may be planted in the farms or harvested and stored in farms. Also it is ordered that the assets of the

applicants not be damaged which include the border fences and equipment. The police were ordered by the court through their commissioners at Haenertsburg, Modjadjiskloof and the provincial commissioner Nneke Ledwaba, to take reasonable steps to ensure that the police under their control act with promptness to any complaints received from the applicants or their representatives. The respondents had until the 19th of October 2018 to show good cause why the interim order could not be made final. Chairperson of the Makgoba Trust, Thupana Makgoba, said the complaints of the youth are baseless as they followed all processes when they started to plant avocados on the farms. He said according to the law a majority of 70 percent of the community are sought when a decision of the trust is taken. He said that people were called in and decided to develop the farms and added that the problems often arise from people not attending meetings. — Jan Mafetsa

Agriculture MEC visit Mopani projects Limpopo Member of the Executive Committee (MEC) for Agriculture and Land reform, Basikopo Makamu returned to Mopani this week as part of a meet and greet with the community, farmers and the traditional leaders. This follows a road show undertaken last Saturday in Vhembe where he paid a visit to see the projects which had been implemented by his predecessors and the progress thereof. Departmental spokesperson, Molebatsi Masedi, said the MEC first met with the regional officials in Vhembe and Mopani on Saturday and the following Monday respectively. He said among the projects which were to be visited included the Mabunda Citrus farm in the Mabunda community in Giyani. The other plac-

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es which were visited included the Masala packing facility, and the Holofelang projects in Phalaborwa. Masedi said since Mopani was a farming area in itself, the MEC was there to meet the farmers, to see the progress of the projects as well as to see what could be done to help the farmers most of whom are emerging. He added some of the projects need an expansion as they had grown, while others are financially in trouble. And the visit by the MEC was to look at such challenges. He added that when they arrived at the home of chief Mabunda, the group were unable to meet with him as he was not around and so they proceeded to the citrus projects where the MEC also met the other

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emerging farmers in the area. From there the entourage proceeded to Selwane village where they were to meet with the local chief before they could proceed to the Holofelang projects to meet with farmers from that area. The trip to Mopani and Vhembe were the first trips to be taken by Makamu since he was appointed the MEC about two weeks ago. Makamu, who hails from the Giyani municipal area, was the former Mopani regional secretary before he was elected the deputy secretary of the ANC in the province. He was subsequently exalted to be the MEC for Agriculture replacing, Joyce Mashamba who died a few weeks ago.

-Jan Mafetsa




24 August 2018



Dieselfde ou storie net wéér herhaal Dit was die mooiste parkie ‘n dekade-en-‘nhalf gelede, maar vandag is daar niks wat by Watervalpark groei nie. Rommel lê die wêreld vol gestrooi, die reuk van dagga en urine trek deur die lug en die enigste tekens dat daar wel ‘n waterval en fonteine op die perseel was, is die gekraakte oorblyfsels van die fondasies en ‘n bouval wat eens die pomphuisie was. Groepe boemelaars lê luilekker onder die paar bome wat nog daar groei en die straatsmouse smous hulle pap en vleis in polystyrene houers aan die hordes LTVET College-studente wat elke middag die parkie instroom. Die asblikke wat wel daar neergesit is word nie gebruik nie. Veiligeheidsmaatskappye vertel van hulle eindelose stryd met dwelmhandelaars en sakkerollers wat die parkie as sentrale besigheidsplatform misbruik. Die probleem is egter nie die GTM se Parke afdeling se probleem nie. “Sowat 15 jaar gelede is daar die besluit geneem om die instandhouding van alle parke in die Tzaneen omgewing uit te kontrakteur. Die rede agter hierdie besluit was as gevolg van die munisipaliteit se tekort aan permanente personeel wat hulle kon afstaan om daaglikse instandhouding te doen. Daardie tender het onlangs uitgeloop en daar is nog nie weer sprake van ‘n nuwe aanstelling nie,” het ‘n betroubare bron vanuit die munisipaliteit verduidelik. Bulletin het tevergeefs probeer om die kontrakteur wat volgens die GTM se webtuiste aangestel is om die parke en begrafplase te onderhou, te kontak. Volgens ‘n tenderlys op die munisipale webtuiste (nommer SCMU 05/2015) is die tender om die instandhouding van die sypaaidjies, paaie, oop vlaktes, parkies, bergrafplase en reservate te handhaaf, toegeken aan ‘Shidila Trading’. Die tender is deur die GTM se Departement Parke se hoof, Xoliswa Gada goedgekeur. Op die tender-register is daar egter nie ‘n bedrag bekend gemaak nie. Verder aan op die register is daar

nog ‘n tender toegeken aan ‘n maatskappy by name ‘Tshandukos Consulting’ vir die instandhouding van “ontwikkelde parke en tuine” ter waarde van R1 386 000. Dié tender is ook deur Gala toegeken. Wééreens was dit ‘n intensiewe soektog om enige inligting oor hierdie maatskappye te bekom. Ons soektog het ons deur ‘n magdom webtuiste-skakels, sakegids2018 1993 blaaie en advertensie gidse geneem, maar ons kon geen kontakbesonderhede vir Die twee foto’s hierbo wys die verval van een van die mooiste ontwikkelde parkies in Tzaneen oor ‘n tydperk van 25 jaar. Waar daar eens troufotos geneem is, word daar nou aborsies bemark en dwelms gesmous. Die onderste foto wys wat oor enige van hierdie instansies is van die fonteine en die groen grasperke wat soos ‘n setperk die area bedek het. Water is vir rommel verruil. opspoor nie. Daar is wel ‘n geneem en begin om plaas geregistreer onder ‘Shihulle dorp self skoon dila Trading’ in die Modjadte maak. Tot die skole jiskloof omgewing. in daardie dorp is beOns het wel op die GTM trokke met die projek. se Jaarlikse Prestasie EvalDaar is nie gewag uerings verslag vir 2018 vir sakekamers om raak gelees dat Tshandukos besluite te maak nie, Consulting volpunte vir hul daar is ingespring harde werk gegee is deur en saamgewerk. Het die evalueeringskommittee. Tzaneen nie dalk ‘n Daar is ook aanbeveel dat hibelastingbetalersvererdie kontrakteur wéér aangeeniging nodig nie? estel moet word. Die verslag Teen druktyd het ons lees “tuin instandhouding nog geen terugvoering word weekliks gehandhaaf” van die munisipale en “werk is weekliks afgesegsman, Neville Ndhandel”. Die tender het verlala ontvang nie. Xolilede maand uitgeloop. sa Gala se selfoon het As daar na die toestand van bly lui en geen van die met dieselfde naam. Waar is die wyksraadslede die parkies in die dorp gekyk word kan hierdie werklikwaar betwis word. Soos en die Sakekamer in hierdie belangrike kwessies bestuurders in die ander departemente mag met met meeste van die gevalle waar tenders toegek- wat die hele gemeenskap asook beleggings van ons gepraat het oor die dorp se parkies nie. Ons sal aanhou soek vir uitklaring en aan ons lesers en word aan kleiner kontrakteurs, is dit amper buite af negatief beinvlooed? Phalaborwa, Tzaneen se buurman net 100 terugvoering in ons volgende uitgawe lewer. onmoontlik om die maatskappye op te spoor — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com en kom mens af op meer as een maatskappy kilometer weg, het die situasie in eie hande



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Main sponsors Uniwisp • Unlockd • Quality Plant Hire • SAB • Pro Shock Fencing • Agricolleges International • Greater Tzaneen Municipality • Gig Corporation

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Lewende Hawe Borge Ascendis • Voermol • Mieliekloof • Letaba Milling Nutrochem • H.C. Klinker • Bayer • Letaba Timbers NTK • R10 Brahmane • Gravelotte Charcoal • Top Cash & Carry • Sano • Molatek


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Aida Tzaneen • Miami Canners • HK Houers • African Jacana • Visagie Saagmeule • Paint Pot • Santa’s Fabric Magic • Vixtrix Signs • Coca Cola • Letaba Fire Protection Association • Locksmith Tzaneen • Mr Cool/Janco Services • Allesbeste Padstal & Kwekery • Casa Mia • Kallie Mamba • Kruger Berries • Peppadew • Lowveld Liquour • Tzamac • Ooba

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24 August 2018





Granny’s Grumbles - The Brainwave

As I have mentioned previously, during the sixties in small dorps one usually had to look for accommodation on some outlying farm and it was usually a bit of a shabby affair. When we moved to Sinoia I contacted a farmer who evidently had a house which I could come and see the following day. I duly arrived and was quite overwhelmed – a large house with four bedrooms, wooden floors and an enormous veranda which surrounded the entire living area and perched on top of a hill with a spectacular view. What a bargain – the farmer had two labourers who were laboriously cleaning the place as it had evidently been empty for two years but we decided on the spot that this was the place for us! We needed a huge place – three children under four and my twin brothers who were teenagers usually spent the holidays with us. We moved in three days later. At the end of the moving day and after having put the children to bed I went into the kitchen to do

something – two large rats were in the vegetable rack gnawing away on potatoes. They appeared fairly unmoved by my appearance so I yelled for my husband. When he moved towards the veg rack they eventually moved. Since there are always rats on farms I was not surprised, but I was a little upset by the fact that they seemed fairly unperturbed when I’d walked in on them. Later that night I was woken up by some strange sounds and lit the candle. There were at least four rats in the bedroom which disappeared down into the floor via a small hole. That was it – the next morning when my husband left for work I asked him to buy three rat-traps – we already had two – five should sort out the problem. That same night – the first trap went off before we had even baited the last two - by the morning we had seven bodies. However, my euphoria was short-lived. Due probably to the fact that the house had been empty for so long it seemed that the rat population had reached epidemic proportions. For the next few nights the traps went off regularly and the body count rose, but alas rats are too smart to carry on being caught in traps. They were living under the floor and each night one could hear the squeaks and general noise that emanates from large populations of rodents. One morning I woke up and discovered rat droppings in the cot where my baby daughter was sleeping – I was distraught. I went to the local trading store to enquire about rat poison, but the lady was wary about rat poison – apart from the fact that dogs and cats appeared to like the taste it seemed that often rats didn’t die immediately – instead they lurched around with no apparent fear of humans. I decided against rat poison for the time being. School holidays arrived and with it my brothers who were convinced that they would

be able to sort out the rat problem. They opened the trap door and dropped in to the crawl space underneath with a torch. Presumably the sight of hundreds of pairs of rat eyes glaring at you was a bit nerve-racking because they were up again in a very short space of time, but had what they thought was a brilliant idea – open the trap-door and throw in loads of lighted squibs. This resulted in the rats erupting from every small hole in the floor and since there were holes in every room in the house this didn’t really help. Eventually a brainwave – my two young sons had each been given an “All Day Lollipop”. Any oldie will remember them – so big that it was impossible for any child to finish and they usually got bored long before they were finished. Evidently one of the lollipops (or remains of same) had been lying around on the veranda floor and my brothers had come upon two rats fighting over it. Aha! Every household used DDT in those days and it was extremely toxic – the largest remaining piece of lollipop was dipped into water, then dipped into DDT powder and finally tied to a brother’s bed with a piece of string and hung through the nearest hole. Evidently much noise during the night as the rodents scrapped over the lollipop and nothing was left when the string was pulled up. We purchased another three lollipops and they were hung down into the crawl space every night. All of them were finished and the noise from under the floor got less and less. I was exuberant – for a short while! None of us had considered what would happen when the rodent population expired – they were obviously in no condition to start heaving themselves through small holes, so for the next couple of weeks the smell of rotting corpses filled the entire house.

Fact 289: Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months two rats can have a million descendants.

Social Tzaneen Martin Bester vir Liefde Toer 24 Augustus

plaas vanaf 7 tot 8 September by ATKV-Eiland Spa. Eerste 400 inskrywings ontvang ‘n geskenkpakkie. Navrae en inskrywings: Grizel 083 738 1515.

Tzaneen Vula Vula Road Race 7 - 8 September

Dis weer tyd vir die SAVF Tzaneen Ligloop wat aangebied word op 16 September 2018. Kry so gou as moontlik jou inskrywingsvorm en betaal jou R1100.00 om jou plek te bespreek. Daar is net 100 plekke beskikbaar. Kontak ons SAVF kantoor by 015 307 2645 of Ilza by 082 773 0471.

The Martin Bester Vir Liefde Toer will be at Stanford Lake College Barnyard on 24 August 2018 from 20:00. Ticket Price: A new blanket for the underprivileged. For more information contact 083 709 9030 or email alta@arconafrica.co.za.

Kom Vula-Vula saam! Die Vula Vula Road Race vind

Tzaneen SAVF Ligloop 2018 16 September

The Message Rev Ron Reiners Anglican Church When Godly men and woman get together to discuss matters of importance it is imperative that one of them is a good leader, a leader of integrity one that can see both sides of an argument and be unbiased. However, it is not that simple, especially, if that person has been elected to that position by popular vote rather than his ability to lead and to make decisions that may not be popular. One wonders how many considered praying into the decision and requesting God’s guidance? God is often left out of the equation in many important decisions, not only when it concerns the country or the Church, but also in family matters. We like to think we live in a predominately Christian country, but do we actually act like true Christians? With modern technology we are quick to send negative messages out, we read through the message and make a quick judgement call and repost. Do we ever first pray about the message, let alone re-read it and consider all the implications of re-posting it? We are living in a very volatile society and one than can be easily influenced. Racial hatred can easily be ignited and we often forget God’s commandment to “LOVE OUR ENEMIES” Now I can go into a diatribe of this commandment, but I believe that you are all intelligent enough to understand its meaning. Yes there are many things wrong in our beloved country, but where do we see God in the picture? Is He just standing on one side or is He, as He promised guiding us by the Holy Spirit, living in us? I have attended many a meeting where people of all race groups, creeds and beliefs have attended and somehow these groups have come to a collective decision without much dissention no matter how distasteful it might be to one personally. However, I believe that in the Christian community one should always rely on guidance from above and not on our own selfish convictions. Prayer is the most important discernment tool one can use in any decision. Are you willing to change you perceptions of others or will you still rely on misinformation fed to you by those intent in disrupting God’s perfect plan? Blessings

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St Peter’s fun run due 24th August has been postponed. Please watch this space for notification of a later date.

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24 August 2018

Serves 4

For the chakalaka:

For the sweet corn dumplings:

8 Classic Round Tomatoes, finely chopped 3 tablespoons oil 1 onion, finely chopped 2 green chillies seeded and chopped 2 cloves garlic, crushed 50 grams ginger, finely grated 1 tablespoons mild curry powder 3 bell peppers, one red, green and yellow finely chopped 4 large carrots, topped, tailed and grated 2 tablespoons tomato paste 1 tin canned baked beans 2 sprigs fresh thyme, finely chopped Salt and freshly ground black pepper

1 tin creamed sweet corn 4 cups water 2 tsp salt and pepper, 2 tbsp. sunflower oil, 1 handful spring onions, finely chopped 2 cups maize meal 2 eggs 8 eggs, for cooking in the chakalaka

For the chakakala. Heat the oil in a pan and fry the onions until soft and translucent. Add the chillies, garlic and half of the ginger (reserve the other half to add right at the end). Add the curry powder and stir to combine. Add the bell peppers and cook for another 2 minutes. Add the carrots and stir to make sure they are well combined with the other ingredients and coated in the curry powder. Add in the tomatoes and tomato paste and stir. Cook until the mixture is well combined and slightly thickened, 5 to 10 minutes. Remove from the heat and add the baked beans, thyme and remaining ginger and stir to combine; season with salt and pepper.

ZZ2 tomatoes are in season and available from National Fresh Produce Markets. info@zz2.co.za | www.zz2.co.za | 015 395 2040 |

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For the dumplings, pour water into a large pot, add salt and oil and bring to the boil. Add spring onion, slowly pour maize meal into pot and stir. Cover with lid, reduce heat to low and allow pap to simmer for 30 minutes. Add creamed sweet corn and eggs and mix till combined. Rub hands with a little bit of oil and form the mixture into balls. Place the chakalaka in an ovenproof dish and place the dumplings evenly throughout the dish. Break the eggs evenly into the ovenproof dish and place in a preheated oven at 180°C or cook on a hot fire until the egg whites are completely set and cooked. Dish two eggs and a dumpling with some chakalaka for each person.



24 August 2018





Eat your weight Fairview Restaurant has started a new pay-bythe-gram buffet lunch with some tantalizing dishes you can mix and match to your heart’s desire. There is something for every food connoisseur, from healthy salads to dishes that will suit any meat lover’s every desire. You can choose from traditional dishes, such as pump-

kin pie (that is so delicious you might want to dish that up for dessert), a selection of meat dishes, healthy vegetable and salad side dishes, stews, an assortment of breads, biscuits and cheese. The staff was extremely friendly. The chefs were on hand to assist with questions about the dishes, and teamed with the house specialty wine “Goats do Roam” that was a perfect companion to the meal we highly recommend this luncheon experience.

Nog ‘n suksesvolle Sitrustoernooi op ATKV Eiland Eiland Spa Rolbalklub het die 17de en 18de Augustus hulle vyfde Sitrustoernooi aangebied, ter afsluiting van die 2018 rolbalseisoen. Die veertien spanne wat ingeskryf het vir hierdie jaarlikse instelling, het verskeie klubs verteenwoordig naamlik Eiland Spa, Tzaneen Rolbalklub, Duiwelskloof Rolbalklub en Pietersburg Rolandbalklub. Die toernooi is gespeel oor twee dae – ses rondtes (wedstryde) van twaalf skofte elk, tydens uiterste weerstoestande. Die Vrydag was ‘n snikhete dag, met temperature van 36 grade-plus en in

kontras is die spelers se uithouvermoë getoets met die bibber-en-beef koue van Saterdag. Terugvoering van die toernooi se deelnemers, het aangedui dat Eiland Spa Rolbalklub, wééreens uitgehaal en gewys het, dat hulle organisasie, gasvryheid en heerlike etes en versnapperings van hoë gehalte was en dat almal uitsien na ‘n soortgelyke toernooi in 2019. Ses-en-vyftig spelers het meegeding om die gesogte spanpryse te wen. Niemand is met leë hande huistoe nie - elke speler het ‘n sak le-

moene en ‘n houer nartjies ontvang. Eiland Spa Rolbalklub Bestuur wil graag die verskeie borge vir die toernooi bedank : Protea Hotelle, Adams Café, ZZ2, Houers Kooperasie en Granor Passi, Mabete Sitrus en Meriete Pakhuis. Die Klub se President Pieter Botha, Sekretaresse/Tesourier Marie Gouws, Kompetisiesekretaris Naas Gouws en twee van die borge, Rosa Phillips van Protea Hotelle en Beatè Altenroxel van Adams Café, het die pryse oorhandig, na die finale spel Saterdagmiddag.

Die uitslae was as volg; in die Eerste plek was die span van Dawid Wiid, Zane Fanie, Trish Baragwanath en Damien Stefaans. In die Tweede plek was Harry Malan, Elsa van Tonder, Vince van Tonder en Elize Malan met die span van Pieta Visser, Sandra Visser, Wilma van der Westhuizen en Barend van der Westhuizen wat die derde plek gevat het. Die toernooi Plaatwenners was Ronnie Rossouw, Naas Gouws, Marie Gouws en Linda Rossouw. — Erik de Jager

MOTORING 24 August 2018


“Until I can no longer climb into a vehicle” Sarel van der Merwe requires little to no introduction. The man is a living legend who at age 72, still manages to give the younger generation of rally drivers a run for their money behind the wheel. He spent the better half of this last week in Tzaneen as part of the Spirit of Africa 2018 national finals which were held in the plantations around Westfalia. We spoke to Supervan on the sales floor at Lannie Motors on Friday. It was an honour. Turn the page and read all about the Spirit of Africa race, and you’ll understand. Photo: Joe Dreyer


24 August 2018







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24 August 2018

Amarok 1 breaks thirteen year itch

There is a lot about the Spirit of Africa race that makes it unique. Possibly the most noteworthy – other than the face of its Ward, seasoned veteran Sarel van der Merwe – is the fact that the vehicles used during the event are normally aspirated, VW Amarok trucks. The vehicles are sponsored by Volkswagen South Africa. The rules for the competition are essentially as basic as the vehicles that participate in the race. Each of the stages feature obstacles to test the drivers’ technical dexterity, followed by speed stages through a series of tracks designated by red and yellow flags known as gates. The speed stages are off-road, often windy paths through plantations with natural humps, ditches and turns which test the communication between driver and navigator and are regarded as the ultimate trial of reflexes, skill and split-second decision making by both members of the team. Each competitor starts a stage with a score of one hundred marks. With every flag (gate) clipped by the vehicle during the process of completing the stage, ten points are deducted. The final score is tallied as the driver crosses the finish line. The scores are added to the overall time and a total is derived. The competitors are placed on the starting grid of the next stage, according to the position they finished in after the previous stage. This year the Spirit of Africa started its 13th year with 500 competitors who battled it out for a place amongst the Top 20 competitors who travelled to Tzaneen for the final round.

Out of these Top 20 drivers, the Top 2 teams will compete in the international finals to be held in Nelspruit on the 29th of September. During the finals, teams from Europe and America will take on the African teams for the honour of Spirit of Africa 2018 champions. To add spice to the mix, the initial 500 competitors in the elimination rounds, had to compete and try to beat the times setup for the various stages by non-other than the 11 times national rally driving champion, Sarel van der Merwe. The maestro himself completed the technical and speed stages to setup the qualifying times and ensure a level playing field. After four hard days in the plantations around Westfalia this week, the competition finally came to a head yesterday with Jaacie and Natasha Visagie in Amarok number 1 winning the finals with a total of 1 645 points. In second place was the daredevil team of the competition, Theuns Otto and Michael Collet on 1 586 points. The Amarok 1 victory signalled a break in the thirteen year Voodoo around vehicle number 1 as it was the very time in the history of this competition that a number 1 vehicle won a final round. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com


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24 August 2018





Protea kuier by die Larries Laerskool Tzaneen is bekend vir hul krieketprestasies, maar veral op die gebied van dogterskrieket. Elandri Janse van Rensburg en Megan-Lee Mans het al op verskeie geleenthede hul provinsie verteenwoordig by provinsiale toernooie. Wat ‘n verassing het nie op hulle gewag Vrydagoggend, toe Suné Luus, bekende Protea krieketspeler,

vir die jongspan kom groet op eie bodem nie? Luus het met die aspirante krieketers gepraat en hul motiveering gebied vir die seisoen wat voorlê. Sy het in die onlangse T20-kragmeting teen Bangladesh in Bloemfontein, gehelp om haar span tot oorwinning te lei met die 71 lopies wat sy van 57 balle geslaan het.

Premier hokkieliga aan die rol vir 2018 St George schools Larries Laerskool Tzaneen Primary sent three of their soccer teams to St George’s college last week Wednesday for the season-openers. The St Georgians showed their skill around the pitch and had the visitors completely outplayed resulting in three out of three wins for the hosts. Tzaneen Primary’s U/11-boys lost

their match by four goals to nil while the U/12’s suffered a 0-7 defeat. The senior Larries managed to put two past the Georgian keeper, but it was not enough to secure a win and they lost the match by two goals to four. Despite their defeat, the Larries are amped for the season ahead and have vowed redemption in the games to come.

Die tweede wedstryde van die laerskole hokkie premier liga het plaasgevind in Polokwane verlede Saterdag. Laerskool Tzaneen het teen Laerskool Dr Annecke, uit Letsitele kragte gemeet in die ysige koue. Dit was gemengde uitslae vir

hierdie twee buurskole met die Larries wat die Oop-A dogters wedstryd met twee doele teenoor nul gewen het en die Oop-A seuns wat weer die oorwinning aan die Letsitele inwoners oorhandig het met dieselfde telling.

Phalaborwa is een van die skoonste dorpe in die provinsie. En nee, nie te danke aan die harde werk van hul munisipaliteit nie, maar as gevolg van ‘n skoonmaak projek geloots deur die inwoners onder leiding van Marietjie Maré. Hoërskool Frans du Toit se leerlinge het hierdie week ‘n handjie bygelas.

Pfuna-runners conquer The Pfunanane Academy cross country team continued their success at the meeting held by Laerskool Tzaneen at Merensky on 18 July, winning 23 medals. They once again won medals in every category, and won nearly every team competition. Pictured

are their medal winners: (back) Tumelo Ramalepe, Lehlogonolo Makgolaotse, Trevor Mohale, Neo Mogale, Thabane Ramalepe, Katleho Motseo, Tumiso Ratsatsi, Jane Madambi, Khomo Mabunda, Rachel Serakwana. (Middle) Katlego Letsoalo, Motsatsi

Motseo, Tinashe Chimbodza, Khutso Mokgalaotse. (Back) Kgaogelo Kgomokaboya, Precious Ramoshaba, Annah Malatji, Teisetso Malekutu, Paul Machethe, Reneilwe Letsoalo, Tsemisa Ndhobe, Kamogelo Mohale, Keah Marutha.




24 August 2018



Tonge klap by redenaars Verlede Saterdag het die Limpopo Finaal van die Radikale Redenaars kompetisie by Hoërskool Pietersburg plaasgevind. Hoërskool Merensky het agt individuele sprekers en vyf spanne gehad wat deelgeneem het. Die Plasies het hul sê gesê en drie van die individuele

sprekers en een span het die gehoor en beoordeelaars ten volle oortuig. Uit die ses afdelings waaraan die Plasies deelgeneem het, het hul vier gewen. Al drie die individuele sprekers en span het in die Afrikaans Moedertaal-afdeling gekwalifiseer. Die drie individuele sprekers is Keynon Fox (graad 8), Mariesa Schutte (graad 9) en Jamie Robertson (graad 10). Merensky se graad 10-span wat gekwalifiseer het bestaan uit Suandrie Corbett, Amelda Pretorius, Ikne Stüki en Jamie Robertson. Hierdie redenaars het gekwalifiseer vir die nasionale ronde wat op 13 Oktober 2018 by Hoërskool Garsfontein aangebied word.

— Jamie Robertson, Graad 10

Die dodelike drie tige vyf eersteplekke huiswaarts gekeer. Dié dodelike drie het verlede naweek aan die Limpopo Provinsiale Kegelskietkampioenskap in Polokwane deelgeneem. Juanet Venter, met haar vyf 2de plekke in die damesafdeling, is gekies vir die Limpopo damespan. Sy het ook die vinnigste tyd (11,46 sekondes) in die ‘Shotgun Manual Action’ dissipline behaal. Sy was algeheel vierde. Alwiné Fleischmann is ook opgeneem in die Limpopo damespan. Sy het drie 2de plekke en twee 3de plekke behaal en is algeheel tweede. Jahdin Fleishmann is vir die Limpopo B-span, Ope Afdeling (alle ouderdomme) gekies. Hy het ‘n indrukwekkende nege 1ste plekke, drie 2de plekke en twee 3de plekke losgeskiet en eindig algeheel eerste.

Merensky se jong krieketers het wéér vandeesweek gewys dat hul vir geen span die knieg sal buig sonder ‘n harde stryd nie. Die o/15-span het inteendeel twee pragoorwinnings ingepalm teen twee van die sterker opponente wat hul in hierdie seisoen teen sal kragte meet, naamlik Ben Vorster en Nkowankowa. Dié span het op Woensdag, 15 Augustus, teen die Vossies te staan gekom. Die Plasies het eerste gekolf en 97 lopies aan geteken voordat hul laaste paaltjie gekantel is. Abri Wheelan en Hendrik Botes maak hul merk deur onderskeidelik 18 en 13 lopies op die telbord te hang. Die Vossies kry ‘n kans om te kolf, maar word almal


MHS archers near World Champs Merensky’s archers took part in the North-West provincial field championship, held outside Potchefstroom, over the weekend. More than 100 shooters had to fight stormy winds of up to 50 kilometres

per hour on Saturday, to the extent that almost half of the participants had withdrawn. The Plasies did an excellent job: LinMari Theron (YAFBU), Sean Hunt (YAMFU) and Armand Wiers (JMBU)

won gold medals, while Morney Kleinhans (JMBU) earned silver. Armand Wiers and Ashley Hunt each shot a provincial qualifying score, with Canell Jackson earning a national qualifying score. Armand, Ashley and Canell also boasted personal best scores on Sunday. These archers’ final competition, in preparation for the World Cup in October, will be on the 15th and 16th of September at the Gauteng Provincial Field Championship. Front: Rikus Warmenhoven en Janco Theron. Middle: Ashley Hunt, Canell Jackson en Lin-Marie Theron. Back: Dawie Theron, Sean Hunt, Rohan Wewege, Armand Wiers en Morney Kleynhans.

uitgeboul vir 59 lopies. Christian Barnard neem vier paaltjies en veelsydige speler, Hendrik Botes, neem drie paaltjies. Merensky wen Ben Vorster met 38 lopies. Op Saterdag, 18 Augustus, sit Merensky hul segetog voort dewur gemaklik met die Nkowankowa-span op Plasiepark af te reken. Die besoekers het die loot gewen en besluit om eerste te kolf. In die 21ste beurt word hul uitgehaal vir slegs 75 lopies. Plasie-bouler, Christian Barnard, neem drie paaltjies en word aangewys as die beste bouler van die wedstryd. In die 13de beurt haal Merensky reeds die lopietelling in, met Ockert Schoeman wat 12 lopies maak en as beste kolwer aangewys word. Merensky wen Nkowankowa met 5 paaltjies. Met hierdie span se vertonings verlede week kan daar met sekerheid voorspel word dat Merensky se krieketers vir die voorsienbare toekoms nog vele slapelose nagte sal verskaf.


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Die plaaslik bekende kegelskiet-trio wat bestaan uit Alwiné Fleischmann, Jahdin Fleishmann en Juanet Venter, het vanjaar reeds vroeg begin om hul merke aan die kegels te los. Verlede jaar het hierdie drie merkwaardige skuts gekwalifiseer vir die nasionale kampioenskappe wat in September op die Cecil Payne-skietbaan in Johannesburg plaas gevind het. Tydens daardie kampioenskappe het Venter (in haar eerste jaar van deelname) drie derde plekke en drie tweede plekke in die O/18-kategorie losgeskiet. Alwiné Fleischman het as lid van die Limpopo damespan deelgeneem (alhoewel sy ‘n junior was) en het weggestap met ‘n algehele derdeplek in die dameskategorie asook drie derdeplekke, twee tweedeplekke en twee eersteplekke in dieselfde afdeling. Bobaas skut, Jahdin Fleischman, het algeheel derde geeïndig in die junior kategorie en het met nie minder nie as drie derdeplekke, drie tweedeplekke en ‘n allemin-

Geen keer aan die Plasie-kriekters


24 August 2018





Ook ‘n ‘Supervan’ - maar net mooier Nog ‘n Van der Merwe het onlangs die wêreld laat opsit en luister toe sy op internasionale vlak ‘n goue medlaje vir spiesgooi verwerf het. Jolandi van der Merwe, Tzaneen se eie ‘Supervan’ het gedurende die Julie vakansie in Frankryk aan die jaarlikse Split Seconds Elite atletiek toer deelgeneem. Die toer is georganiseer deur Vision Sport South Africa en is gemik daarop om plaaslike atletiek talent die kans te gun om internasionale blootstelling te kry, asook om die ondervinding van ‘n hoër vlak deelname op te bou. Die toergroep is uit 2 800 top atlete in die land geidentifiseer en het saam met hul afrigters by die bekende sportsentrum, Découvrir Citésports in Parys, oorgebly en daagliks aan verskeie afrigtingsklinieke deelgeneem. Vandaar af het hulle aan toernooie in Les-Baines en Oyonnax deelgeneem. Jolandi het uitstekend gevaar en tydens haar eerste byeenkoms ‘n silwermedalje vir spiesgooi in die O/18-dogters kategorie verwerf. By haar tweede byeenkoms, wat in Oyonnax gehou is, het sy ‘n goue medalje in vir dieselfde item in dieselfde ouderdomsgroep verwerf. Die laaste toernooi het sy teen atlete van Switserland, Frankryk en Suid-Afrika deelgeneem.

Jamela Maswanganyi of Stanford lake College was awarded the prestigious White Blazer for her achievement in being selected as part of the Limpopo U/18A hockey team during the 2018 season.










CONTACT: ADMIN@APPLELEAFPROPERTIES.CO.ZA To advertise in the classifieds, contact Lizan: 076 795 5000

IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOT THE SUB DISTRICT OF TZANEEN HELD AT TZANEEN CASE NUMBER: 177/2013 In the matter between: RIVERSIDE ESTATE HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION Execution Creditor And MASILO MORRIS SEMOSA Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN PURSUANCE of a Judgment of the Magistrate, TZANEEN dated 1ST FEBRUARY 2013, the under mentioned goods will be sold by public auction, 14 SEPTEMBER 2018 at 11:00. Venue of the sale: 1 HANS MERENSKY STREET PANORAMA MODJADJISKLOOF By the Sheriff for the Magistrate’s Court of BOLOBEDU to the highest cash bidder. 1 X 1 NISSAN HARD BODY WITH REGISTRATION NUMBER: BZJ 399 L 1 X ALL STOCK IN TRADE FOR PILLARS

AUCTION 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgement obtained in the above honourable court. 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 33A Pieter Joubert Street, Tzaneen. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url: http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation i.r.o. proof of identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. Dated at TZANEEN on this 10TH of AUGUST 2018.


LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT IN DECEASED ESTATE LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of Section 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution account (first and final) in the estate specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with interest therein for a period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof, and at the offices of the Master in Polokwane and the Magistrate’s office in Tzaneen. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payment in accor-

dance with the account. Registration Number of Estate: 5956/2017 Surname: COCK Name: DESRAE FRANCES Identity Number: 6006010002088 Last address: 2 MOEPEL STEEG, TZANEEN Joubert & May Attorneys 50 Boundary Street P O Box 35, 0850 Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 3660 Ref: Mr Rech/avs/R14533 Aug402__________________________



NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION - AUCTION PURSUANT to a judgement by the magistrate TZANEEN given on 22 June 2018 the under mentioned goods will be sold at the SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, MAIN STORE NO. 2, 20 INDUSTRIA ROAD, TZANEEN, on 13 SEPTEMBER 2018 by public auction to be held at 10:00, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X 5 PCE LOUNGE SUITE 1 X COFFEE TABLE 1 X SAMSUNG D/D FRIDGE 1 X 10 PCE DINING ROOM SUITE 1 X SAMSUNG DISHWASHER 1 X DEFY MICRO OVEN 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honorable court. 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 33 A Pieter Joubert Street, Tzaneen. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to

specific conditions, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961). 5. Fica legislation i.r.o. proof of identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Tertius Robertson or any representative of his office. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instruction from the execution creditor. DATED at TZANEEN on 21 AUGUST 2018 (sgnd) JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS ELITA NO 1 AGATHASTREET TZANEEN Tel: 015 307-5792 Ref: JS/sdj/BB3290 Aug403__________________________

Smouskous l Classifieds Services Dienste SMIT & KIE Mediese fondse Korttermyn versekering Lewensversekering Aftree beplanning Testamente / Beleggings 10 Windsor Street 015 307 5587 Jun310___________________________

Tzaneen Trailer Hire Service & repair on trailers and caravans. Trailer hire: Double/Single Axle, Car, Piggyback, Cattle & Luggage trailers. Hennie: 083 651 0936

Ultimate Security

Garage doors & motors, Roller shutters, Awnings and much more .Contact: 015 307 1768


Koriek beleggings: Revoluta palms: Revoluta saailinge – R4.00, Groot moederplante – R500.00. Mandela’s gold geel Strelitzia’s: Saad – R0.50, Saailinge – R4.00 plante in blom – R30.00, Moeder plante in blom – R300.00 of (R1, kom haal self per blom) (BTW en posgeld uitgesluit) 082 466 9884



TRELLIDOR The ultimate crime barrier Widest range, custom made for any opening. Visit us at 32 Hospital Street, Tzaneen 015 307 2493


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VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/ 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb.co.za www. steynbergmeubelvervoer. com

Nasionale Bestuur Skool

Aan al die ouers van Tzaneen en in die omgewing, die einde van die jaar is vinnig oppad, moet nie op die tippie vir julle kinders se opleiding vir bestuurs lisensie wag nie. Vat die stress van julle as ouers se skouers af en plaas dit op ons sin. Ons doen volledige opleiding, en is behulpsaam deur die hele proses. Sien ons op facebook onder National Driving School vir verwysings. Kontak / Whatsapp Giane 083 279 2343 Mar301____________________________

For all your woodwork needs. Repairs to wooden furniture. Making of furniture. Contact Rob on 071 727 2377 Mar401___________________________

Caretaker available for farm

or flat maintenance. Fully qualified plumber, electrical, building, tiling ect. Can farm and do all mechanical work. Contact 079 882 7518.



Die Wasbalie Laundry Service at No 3 Pieter Joubert Str, Aquapark. Catering for all occasions Big or small contact Stefanie on 083 264 9281 or email stefanievd1362@gmail.com


Handyman General Steelwork, Plumbing & Waterproofing. Tzaneen & Letsitele Area Contact Marius 064 918 4161

082 672 8131

Steynberg Trok & Trekker. 8 Ton Trokke te huur R24.50/km + btw, 8 Ton Koeler Trok R27/km + btw, 12 Ton Trok R26.50/km + btw & 20 Ton @ R33.50/km + btw, Lowbed trailer @ R33.50/ km + btw. 6 cube tipper @ R26/km + btw eenrigting. Vragmotor met kraan R2600/dag. Terme & voorwaardes geld.

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Skakel vir Kwotasie: 076 410 9503 / 082 851 7139 / 015 345 1192 084 627 0956

African Pygmy

For Sale Te Koop

Hedgehog male for sale. Cinnicot in colour. 3 months old. Very small size. R600 including food sample. 076 795 5000

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We specialise in: • New Buildings •Tiling • Renovations & Alterations • Electrical • Roofing & Waterproofing • Ceilings • Air conditioners • Plumbing • Carpentry • Steelworks • Painting • Stainless Steel Balustrade Tobie: 076 312 8806 chukudutzn@gmail.com

needed. 083 628 9257

We will beat any written quote!!

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Emergency Plumber

Specializing in Wendy Houses, site offices, tool sheds, guard rooms. Can also move Wendys. Price includes wooden floor, window, corrugated zinc for roof @ special waksol for waterproofing. 3 x 3 m R5 500. Big and small size as per order. Contact me on 078 485 2342

DASS Domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Bosch, Whirlpool, Defy etc. Repairs, spares and service. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, Tzaneen. 015 307 1798 082 898 0468

Meenthuis te koop 3 slaapkamer Groot badkamer Baie veilige kompleks Groot stoep met canvas ASSEBLIEF GEEN AGENTE TEL 0834563466 _______________________

To Let Te Huur 3 Bedroom house situated in a security complex in Medi Park. This home offers a spacious open plan living- and dining area, full bathroom with shower and separate toilet. Lockable tandem garage for 2 vehicles, private courtyard with braai and outside buildings. No pets allowed. Available 31 Augustus 2018. R6 500-00 per month. Deposit required. Phone Kobus 071 401 0950.


To advertise contact Lizan 076 795 5000


To advertise in our Classified section Contact Lizan: 079 795 5000


ATKV Spelathon: Ramona van Heerden gaan op 12 Oktober aan die Nasionale ATKV Spelathon op Stellenbosch deelneem.


Drikus du Toit het deelgeneem aan die Radikale Redenaars se finale rondte, en is deur na die Nasionale finaal wat volgende maand gehou sal word.


24 August 2018


Joubert Fleischmann het die naweek ‘n algeheel Eerste plek verwerf tydens die Limpopo Kegelskiet Kampioenskappe.


Ndali Matlakala is verkies om deel te maak van die hokkiespan wat aan die ‘Vision Elite” kompetisie wat in Nederland gaan deelneem in Desember.

Business directory | Sakegids

Kitchens Bathrooms Built-in Cupboards

079 056 0896

Po Box 4041, Tzaneen, 0850

Follow us on

Leaf Spring Specialist • Trailer Parts Suspension Overalls

EUGENE 071 535 0991


Specialists in:


shaun@xpn.co.za • mwvnk@mweb.co.za


015 307 2504 • 079 523 5253 Shop 1, 11 Plantation Road

We have moved to: 20 Kudu Street, Tzn (Next to DS Brake & Clutch)


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Anything else? Talk to Us, we might have a solution for your needs! www.kingslandfarming.co.za • 082 219 6423 14 Park Str, Tzaneen, 0850 • office@kingslandfarming.co.za

Corner of Windsor & Agatha Street, Tzaneen 073 265 2650


Tel: 015 309 9382 • 078 1919 111 info@hobbyprint.co.za

We specialise in: • Burglar proofing, security and access gates • Palisade fencing, electric gates and garage motors • Light to medium steel and general construction We also service and repair all makes of electric gates and garage motors. Contact Mike at 071 302 8909 / 082 298 5352 dedamsteelworks@gmail.com

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No trip can be complete without Oasis Water

Sport 24 August 2018

Tel: 015 590 7780 | tzaleba@gmail.com Plot 39, Hamawasha, Lydenburg Rd, R36 - 1km outside of town.

Net-net vir Vossies Shima Molepo, die seepgladde vleuel hardloop sy Tony Watson-lopie langs die kantlyn af oppad doellyn toe.

REGS: Die reusagtige DJ du Preez word deur ‘n Oos-Moot flank-paar vasgevat.

Oos-Moot het vir die eerste keer in meer as drie dekades hul rugbystilte op Tukkies se velde gebreek toe hulle met ‘n telling 29-20 teen Ben Vorster gewen het. Dit was tydens die naweek se Virsekerbeker finaal in Pretoria. Die oorwinning het aan die Oos-Mooters die eer om die gesogte Virsekerbeker Skild te lig, gegee. Ben Vorster het, ten spyte van hul terugslag in die finaal van hierdie kompitisie, steeds bo aan die punteleer van hul afdeling afgesluit en sal dus volgende jaar in die Afdeling A Plaat toernooi meeding. Die Vossies was tot Saterdag toe nog onoorwonne deur die loop van hul 2018 Virsekerbeker segetog en het voorheen met Oos-Moot afgereken. Hulle het in April tydens ‘n wegwedstryd met ‘n telling van 52-50 die Oosies laat les opsê. Inteendeel, Ben Vorster het in die hele seisoen nét twee keer verloor en dit was altwee kere teen van die sport se penkoppe, insluitend Helpmekaar waar hulle met slegs 15 punte (21-36) verloor het. Die ander wedstryd was teen Jeppe tydens die KES Fees waar die Vossies met drie punte (26-29) die knie gebuig het. Ben Vorster het baie goed begin met ‘n skitterende drie deur die buitesenter Christiaan Smit in die negende minuut van die wedstryd. Die Oosies het egter vinnig teruggeslaan met ‘n drie van hul

eie twee minute later om die voortou te neem. Dit sou 20 minute en twee Oos-Moot drieë later wees voordat Ben Vorster hulself regruk en vir Lenard Joubert oor die lyn stuur om die telling 10-19 te maak. ‘n Strafskop elk het die telling 13-22 met die rustydfluitjie gelos en Ben Vorster het in die moeilikheid gelyk. Die tweede helfte van die spel was ‘n klipharde stryd wat geen toeskouer teleurgesteld gelos het nie en een wat die Vossies gesien terugbaklei het. Met minder as 19 minute oor in die wedstryd het Ben Vorster se blitsvinnige linkervleuel, Shima Molepo oor die lyn geseil. Sy drie is deur plaasvervanger Zian van den Heever vervyf en die telling staan op 20-22. In die laaste minuut van die spel onderskep OosMoot se stut, JP van der Meulen ‘n aangee om sy skrumskakel, Marco Vorster, oor die lyn te stuur en sy span se trofeeglorie te verseker. Ben Vorster sal volgende jaar teen skole soos Hoërskool Nelspruit, Eldoraigne en Kemptonpark te staan kom na hul promosie tot die Plaat. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

Ben Vorster se dodelike heelagter, Jason Mulder is aangewys as die beste speler vir die Tzaneen-kant na afloop van sy vertoning tydens die finaal.

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