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25 January 2019


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Henry Gavin Hepburn (2) comforts his mom with a teddy bear after her five-and-a-half hour facial surgery which ended three years of excruciating pain. Kelly (29) underwent a world-first surgical procedure which saw her receive a mechanical mandible to replace a steel implant which had started festering. She is currently recovering well and is back home in Phalaborwa. Read the full story on page 5 inside this edition.

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25 January 2019






Mabe’s tuk-tuks stored in Phalaborwa

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Personeel | Personnel Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com

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Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani • Phalaborwa FAR NORTH MEDIA

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delivered. The entire debacle was meant to be a three year project initiated by Mabe to empower and employ waste pickers. What was meant to have been a pilot project to kick start a roll out to municipalities across Gauteng, seemingly grinded to a halt. Following a tip-off, the DA Constituency Head for Limpopo, Desireé van der Walt, travelled to Phalaborwa where she photographed about thirty tuk-tuks being stored in a warehouse in Von Wiellich Street. The building is owned by a local businessman and was formerly leased by Two Mountains Funerals. There were also a number of Bramidan B4 vertical waste balers still wrapped in plastic stored in the same warehouse along with a few generators. Bramidan is a Danish company with distributors across the world. The cost of one of these balers is in the region of R50 000 but prices vary depending on which supplier one utilizes. At the time of going to print it could not be established whether these tuk-tuks were to be employed in the waste management system of the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality, but a reliable source has said that Mabe plans on using the three-wheelers to transport waste between Phalaborwa town and Namakgale (his birth place). The DA has composed an inquiry into the matter which will be presented in parliament when the house opens on the 7th of February. Bulletin has issued the BPM spokesperson, Jonas Maheshu with a similar inquiry – which history dictates we should hold our breaths for. Mabe was the spokesperson for the ruling

The former Water and Sanitation minister, and Member of Parliament directly implicated in the Nadoni-Giyani Water Project, Nomvula Mokonyane, has been implicated in another scandal that would see her resigning before the sixth Parliamentary Conference after the 18th of May elections. She has been accused of taking bribes from Bosasa Facility Management Services to save the company from legal action. This emerged during the State capture hearings this week and comes at a time where the ANC is busy vetting the 200 names which were selected at the recent listing conference of the party held in Durban. Mokonyanye, Bathabile Dlamini, Malusi Gigaba and the former president, Jacob Zuma,

made it into the list of people going to Parliament. Former head of Bosasa, Angelo Agrizzi, told the Zondo Commission on state capture that the company had been paying Mokonyane R50 000 a month so she could shield the company from prosecution. This whilst the minister is subject to investigations by the Special Investigative Unit (SIU) aimed at recovering the R3 billion which was spent on Nandoni-Giyani in Limpopo. The Zondo commission which was initiated by the government is aimed at investigating claims that the state was captured by the Gupta family during the presidency of Jacob Zuma. Since its inception last year several cabinet minis-

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ters were implicated in receiving bribes or meeting with the Gupta family. It ended with the resignation of the former finance minister, Nhlahla Nene. Mokonyane has since been removed from the Water and Sanitation portfolio and sent to the Communications Department. The latest revelations are likely to see her removed from the cabinet which would be translated as not making it onto the list of names going to Parliament. Mokonyane also will be investigated by the SIU in relation to the Mopani Water Project. ANC deputy secretary Jessie Duarte said that members of the ANC who are implicated in any wrong doing and managed to make their way to Parliament would not be

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barred as long as there is no criminal case opened against them. It was after several ANC members of Parliament who are implicated in graft had their names make it to the listing conference before they were vetted by the National Executive Committee. Meanwhile, the project to close illegal water connections in Lenyenye commenced. Work began on Monday this week at the Lenyenye township. The project which costs R90 million is implemented by the Mopani District Municipality and is aimed at alleviating the water woes at Lenyenye which are set to be caused by illegal connections to the mainline by the adjacent communities. -Jan Mafetsa

Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 21/01/2019

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party until his resignation in December shortly after a much publicized sexual harassment complaint lodged against him by his personal assistant at the time. He was also at the centre of the public protector’s report into allegations of maladministration at the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (Prasa). — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

Mokonyane succumbs to listing vetting

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Around thirty motorized three-wheelers are being stored at a warehouse in Phalaborwa. The motorcycles, commonly called “tuk-tuks” are believed to be the property of Enviro Mobi, a company linked to the former ANC spokesperson, Pule Mabe. On his Member of Parliament declaration of interests signed in 2016, Mabe declared himself as a director of this company. His cousin, Eulender Rakoma, and a business associate, Tinyiko Mahuntsi, now run the company after Mabe said he resigned as director. In March 2017, Enviro Mobi, entered into a multi-million contract with the Gauteng Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Development to provide informal waste pickers and recyclers with these tuk-tuks as part of an initiative to assist the government’s waste management programme. The Mail and Guardian (M&G) reported last year that the Gauteng government made a R26 million prepayment for the motorcycles which were allegedly never delivered. The provincial treasury found the contract to be unlawful and the department threatened to cancel the contract. Enviro Mobi in return demanded R9 million from the department for storage fees for the motorcycles. Further investigations by M&G revealed that Enviro Mobi was paid R16 million just 10 days after it signed the contract with the Gauteng environmental department despite a clear directive in the service contract that there would be no prepayments. Two more payments of R9.4 million and R1.6 million were made in October 2017 and March 2018 but the tuk-tuks were not

Bulletin FAR NORTH

Joernaliste / Journalists Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com

Ontwerp / Design Tamryn Lancefield 083 637 9551 tamryn@bulletin.us.com

To advertise in the AgriBulletin call: Jacques 071 268 2543 or Lizan 076 795 5000

Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com for the latest news





25 January 2019


Gemeenskap tel gesin uit puin uit op “Hoe sê mens werklik genoeg dankie?” - Den Held Le Roy

Die gesin wat Vrydagoggend al hul besittings in ‘n frats-vuur in hul woonhuis op Modjadjiskloof verloor het, is oorweldig deur die ondersteuning wat daar deur die gemeenskap aan hul verleen is. Binne etlike ure na die brand die huis in puin gelê het, het daar reeds boodskappe oor sosiale media die rondtes begin doen en kort daarna het die eerste vrywilligers by hul huis opgedaag met kospakkies en klere vir die kinders. “Dit is ongelooflik hoe vinnig die mense in hierdie gemeenskap ingespring het en ons te hulp gesnel het,” het Rudy en Angelique Den Held Le Roy aan Bulletin gistermiddag vertel. “Ons is baie privaat mense en voel so ietwat oorweldig deur die ondersteuning en goedhartigheid wat letterlik ingestroom het oor die naweek. En dit sonder dat ons enigesins gevra het daarvoor! Hoe sê ‘n mens ooit genoeg dankie?” Teen druktyd is die oorsaak van die vuur nog nie bekend nie, maar daar word bespiegel dat ‘n elektriese kortsluiting

moontlik verantwoordelik kon wees. Angelique was ten tye van die brand by die Laerskool Duiwelskloof se inter-huis atletiekbyeenkoms waar sy die egpaar se dogtertjie ondersteun het. Haar man, Rudy, was by die werk. “Ek was nog besig om vir sussie afteneem op die podium toe my man bel en sê ek moet gou huis toe kom daar is ‘n brand,” het sy vertel. “Oppad huis toe het ek gedink dit is dalk ‘n vuurtjie iewers in die kombuis of iets, en ek sal maar vinnig skoonmaak dan slaap ons nog daai aand weer daar. Eers toe ek in die straat op gery kom het die werklikheid my getref.” Bure en kollegas van Rudy se werk af het in die huis ingestorm en die vuur begin blus terwyl die brandweer uit Tzaneen ontbied is. Ooggetuies vertel daar was soveel rook dat die huis self nie vanuit die straat uit sigbaar was nie. Hulle het ook aan Bulletin vertel dat die Mopani Distrik Brandweerdienste laat op toneel aangekom het, en dat die brand-

weermanne na bewering nie toegerus was met die regte gereedskap om die vuur te beveg nie. Nietemin, die vuur is uiteindelik geblus en die gesin het dadelik deur die puin begin sif om te red wat te redde was. ‘n Onderwyser van die Laerskool het die inisiatief geneem om die gemeenskap om hulp te vra en daar het dadelik hulp opgedaag. Van klere en skooluniforms vir die kinders, tot kos, linne en gordyne. Rudy se werkgewer het ‘n plek beskikbaar gemaak waar die gesin tans woon en die kinders se skool-skedule is glad nie ontwrig nie. Die DBV het aangebied om die familie se liefling hond en kat te huisves tot tyd en wyl hul omstandighede uitgesorteer word. “Weereens wil ons net ons opregte dank aan die hele gemeenskap uitspreek vir alles wat hulle vir ons gedoen het. Ons kom uit die stad uit en hierdie het ons stomgeslaan.” — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

HOOF-FOTO: Angelique staan stomgeslaan in die middel van waar hul sitkamer eens was. BO: Een van die slaapkamers wat heeltemal deur die brand verwoes is. Fotos: Joe Dreyer



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25 January 2019





His childhood passion Power outages reach has become his career an all time high

Andrew Dawson (25) from Haenertsburg, who matriculated at Stanford Lake College, has been passionate about There were 2,437 recent WhatsApp mes- ter for the needs of the course participants. wildlife since the age of seven. sages over a five day period with regard to Staff members, who run these programmes, After completing his schoolelectrical supply issues in the Haenertsburg/ charge Warriors between R400.00 and R1, ing, Andrew spent time in Magoebaskloof area. Fuses were down, 000.00 a day for their knowledge. The annoySwitzerland where he wanted jumpers were down and lines were down. ing buzz of the generators was a constant in to be a snowboard instructor. The added headache is that when the pow- a programme meant to form part of a retreat. However the call of the wild er outages occur, there’s no cell phone reThen there was a power outage when Warwas too strong. He returned to ception because the back- up batteries have riors Academy ran a coaching programme South Africa and enrolled for been stolen. The power was off at Lepelle for an international company consisting of the FGASA (Field Guide AssoNorthern Water. This meant that the treat- lawyers and accountants from all over the ciation of South Africa) course. ment works were standing and no water world. Rowena Viljoen from Warriors AcadeThe course is either 28 days or could be pumped. my said, “This made us look so unprofessiona year. Andrew chose the latWarriors Academy was overjoyed when al. As most of the participants came from ter and studied through Eco they had power for a week. Situated halfway First World countries they simply couldn’t Training. During this time he down the Kloof this estate consists of nine understand why we didn’t have electricity was stationed at four different households, the Academy that runs courses for days on end. We had to build a donkey, game parks including Karongfor outsiders, the Boma and the Magoebask- costing R10, 000.00, so that participants had we, Selati and Mashatu. loof Farmstall. a supply of hot water. Because of the crisis, He was posted as a field Their electricity problems began three the programme ran into the night so that we guide in the Timbavati and years ago. Warriors Academy runs various could cover the course.” then the Waterberg for two courses and camps for students and pro“The Boma, which is open from Wednesyears. Andrew is now working fessionals. Recently, with 120 students, the days to Sundays, also lost so much food. The towards his ultimate dream of power outage lasted four days. They had to recently opened Magoebaskloof Farmstall, conducting backpacking trails, buy four extra generators for the classroom opposite Warriors on the R71, was in the as a freelancer, in the Kruger activities. Warriors Academy lost so much same predicament with food losses totaling National Park. Backpacking food over this period and everything had to R20, 000.00.” trails consist of three nights be relegated to the compost heap. The power outages in the Magoebaskloof/ and four days with two guides Warriors spent some R2, 000.00 a day to Haenertsburg area remain a problem with and each guide has four clikeep the generators going for classes, com- outages now occurring independent of ents. There are about 150 puters and the projectors over this period. A weather conditions. Residents, farmers and freelance backpacking guides. staff member had to drive to Tzaneen daily business owners have reached the end of Andrew is aiming for a remote to buy food for the day. This meant taking a their tether and frustration levels are at an area in the KNP between Oli- impala that are always found staff member out of the programme to ca- all time high. fants and Letaba. Backpack- in abundance. This species ing trails are between April hasn’t evolved forever unlike and October. The rest of the the wildebeest that’s evolved time it’s too hot. Andrew says, 18 times. “Buffalo are terrifying,” says “The advantage of walking is that you experience the bush, Andrew. “When walking we HUMAN RESOURCE PROFESSIONAL INTERVENTIONS GROWS IN STRENGTH whereas in a vehicle you just treat buffalo with utmost respect and care as they are so see it.” HRPI is a professional human resources and labour law specialist company. unpredictable. Buffalo have Andrew We currently service aranks broad elephants spectrum of clients across South Africa, Kenya and leopards as his favourites. the ability to be unseen under and Malawi. He loves elephants because a bush.” HUMAN RESOURCE PROFESSIONAL INTERVENTIONS GROWS IN STRENGTH most terrifying busy animals al- andCiting Our mission is to provide a highthey’re quality all-in-one humanand resource labour his related service to our experience Andrew says, “I’d ways doing something. On clients, will strengthen the employer-employee relationship and enhance productivity in the HRPI is a professional human resources and labour lawwhich specialist company. the other hand lions are, in the just left camp in a vehicle with We currently service a broad spectrum of clientsworkplace. across South Africa, Kenyamain, lazy. They spend most tourists from Holland. We rounded a corner and there and Malawi. of their time of sleeping We would further like to draw the attention readersalthough to the content of the National Minimum was a herd of elephants with they are interesting when not Wage Act which was implemented as from 1 January 2019. HUMAN RESOURCE PROFESSIONAL INTERVENTIONS GROWS IN STRENGTH HUMAN RESOURCE PROFESSIONAL INTERVENTIONS GROWS STRENGTH Our mission is to provide a high quality all-in-one human resource and labourINrelated service to ourasleep. Andrew loves leopards two on our right and a female National Minimum Wage isemployer-employee a professional resources and labour law specialist company. HRPI isHRPI a the professional humanhuman resources and labour law company. clients, which will strengthen relationship andspecialist enhance productivity in(NMW) the as they’re the most beautiful on the left. The female came of all the cats and difficult to towards the vehicle with trunk We currently service a broad spectrum of clients across South Africa, Kenya We currently service a broad spectrum of clients across South Africa, Kenya workplace. All employers are obliged to pay the NMW as from 01 January 2019.up, Theears NMW been signed by outhas and made contact find. He also has a love for HRPI is a professional andhuman Malawi.resources and labour law specialist company. We and Malawi. the President of South Africa and is legislation we must all adhere to. The NMW has been currently broad across South Africa, Kenya and Malawi. We would furtherservice like to adraw thespectrum attentionofofclients readers to the content ofimplemented the National Minimum in the categories: Our mission is to provide high quality all-in-one resource and labour related to following our Our mission is to provide a high aquality all-in-one humanhuman resource and labour related serviceservice to our


Our mission is to provide aas high quality all-in-one Wage Act which was implemented from 1 January 2019.human resource and labour clients, which will strengthen the employer-employee relationship and enhance productivity in the clients, which willservice strengthen the clients, employer-employee relationshipthe andemployer-employee enhance productivity in the related to our which will strengthen Domestic Workers

workplace. workplace. relationship and enhance National Minimum Wage (NMW) productivity in the workplace.

Farmof/ Forestry Workers We would further like to draw the attention of readers to the content the National We would draw the attention of readers the content of the National Minimum We would furtherfurther like to like drawtothe attention of readers to the to content of the National Minimum

R15.00 per hour

Daneel Retief joins HRPI

Minimum Wage Act which implemented from 1 2019. January All employers obliged to pay thewas NMW as1 January from 01asJanuary The2019. NMW has been on signed by Workers employed an expanded public works programme Wage Actare which was implemented Wage Act which was implemented as fromas1from January 2019. 2019. the President of South Africa and is legislation we must all adhere to. The NMW has been All Other Workers National Minimum Wage (NMW) National Minimum Wage (NMW) implemented in the following categories: National Minimum Wage (NMW)

R18.00 per hour R11.00 per hour

R20.00 per hour

Failure to paysigned the minimum wage will expose employers to fines of the greater 2x the valuepleasure of the All employers are obliged the as NMW from 01 January 2019. The has NMW hassigned been by All employers are obliged to pay to thepay NMW fromas01 January 2019. The NMW been by It is of with great

All employers are obliged to pay the NMW as from 01 January 2019. The NMW has Domestic Workers R15.00 per hour underpayment, or 2xto.the employee’s monthly wage (going up to 3x for second further nonthator we announce the thebeen President of Africa South Africa and is of legislation weall must all is adhere Thewe NMW hasall been the President ofsigned South is legislation we must adhere to. Theto. NMW has been by theand President South Africa and legislation must adhere

appointment of Daneel compliances). Should you have any further enquiries, don’t hesitate to call our highly qualified Retief at our Tzaneen team. Domestic Workers perR15.00 hour per hour Domestic Workers R15.00R15.00 per hour branch. Daneel decidDomestic Workers Workers employed on an expanded public works programme R11.00 per hour ed to join forces with Farm / Forestry Workers R18.00 per hour Farm / Forestry Workers R18.00 per hour Farm / Forestry Workers R18.00 per hour the team at HRPI as Workers employed on an expanded public works programme R11.00 per hour All Other Workers R20.00 per hour a practising attorney. All Other Workers Workers employed on an expanded programme perR20.00 hour per hour Workers employed on an expanded public public works works programme R11.00R11.00 per hour Daneel is a huge asset Failure toFailure pay the wage willwage expose to fines to offines the greater of 2x the to minimum pay the minimum will employers expose employers the greater of value of the All Workers Other Workers per of hour to HRPI and his legal All Other R20.00R20.00 per hour underpayment, or 2x the employee’s monthly wage (going up to 3x for second or further non2x the value of the underpayment, or 2x the employee’s monthly wage (going up to mind brings a new dito pay the minimum wage will expose employers tooffines ofhave the greater of the value of the FailureFailure to3x payfor the minimum expose employers toShould fines the greater ofcall 2xfurther the value of the second or wage further non-compliances). you any enquiries, compliances). Should you havewill any further enquiries, don’t hesitate to our2x highly qualified mension into the Comunderpayment, or to 2x the employee’s monthly wage (going upfor to second 3x for second or further nonunderpayment, or 2x the employee’s monthly wage (going up to 3x or further nondon’t hesitate call our highly qualified team. pany. team. compliances). youany have any further enquiries, don’t hesitate our highly qualified compliances). ShouldShould you have further enquiries, don’t hesitate to call to ourcall highly qualified He started his studies at the North West University team. team. Potchefstroom Campus and after completing his LLB-degree in 2013,

in the following categories: implemented in the following categories: Farm /implemented Forestry Workers R18.00 per hour The NMW has been implemented in the following categories:

Calie Lombard 0828024748

Alwyn van der Lith 0720157747

Daneel Retief 0828259599

Henco van Deventer 0827799879

with the vehicle. One tusk went through the guard of the light and the other through the bottom of the bullbar. It was all a bit of a blur but my training kicked in. I spoke firmly to the elephant, tapped on the door with my fingers. She stopped and went to join the other two. Showing signs of all three coming towards us, I reversed slowly, turned around and drove away slowly. It was a case of needing to handle the guests and wildlife simultaneously and the guests said that I’d handled the situation very well.” Andrew hasn’t yet seen a caracal or aardwolf in the wild and looks forward to those sightings one day.

he completed his articles in 2015. Daneel was admitted as an attorney of the High Court of South Africa in March 2016. He further was Chairperson of the Letaba Attorneys Association in 2017. Daneel specializes in Labour Law and he is well equipped to assist your organisation to provide solutions and services to give your organisation the competitive edge. Should you have any labour related enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Daneel on 0828259599 or daneel@ hrpi.co.za





25 January 2019


Donor gives Kelly her new jaw A cracked tooth in 2015 left Phalaborwa resident Kelly Hepburn (29) living in agony after the cracked tooth formed an abscess which rapidly evolved into a very rare cancerous tumour. Three years of excruciating pain and uncertainty may now finally be a thing of the past after a “first of its kind surgery” was performed on the 15th of January this year - courtesy of a very unlikely donor. The Maxillo-Facial Surgeon removed the existing wire support which was attached to Kelly’s top jaw, and implanted a revolutionary new artificial mandible. They also removed some bone from her hip and implanted that into the new artificial jaw. The procedure was a success and Kelly was discharged on Sunday and is recovering well at home. The ordeal started after a visit to the dentist in early 2015. A course of antibiotics and a second opinion later, Kelly and her husband, George, were informed that Ameloblastoma had formed on her bottom right mandible and that she would require surgery to have it removed. The Hepburns were referred to a specialist at the Baragwanath hospital who operated on Kelly. Before the operation, however, husband George felt uneasy. “You know, when you go for an operation or a medical procedure of any kind, the last thing you really want to hear is a doctor saying that he is pretty sure he can do it. Kelly was a guinea pig as they had never performed such a procedure before,” he said. “We had no choice, because we had no medical aid and the doctors told us that we have two options, either we operate or she stands a chance of dying in six weeks as the tumour was only inches away from piercing her skull.” After removing her left-side bottom jawbone, the doctors at Baragwanath fashioned a steel structure (resembling a Meccano piece) which they implanted into her face to act as a jaw. The

implant started festering and pretty soon Kelly had no teeth on the left side of her mouth and her face literally turned to jelly. The couple turned to www.backabuddy.co.za and the local media for help in April 2018. Soon, numerous donations were pouring in from all across the world to help cover the near-half a million cost of the specialist surgical procedure. There was a sense of urgency around the fund raiser as the Hepburns were not guaranteed of how long Kelly would survive. Despite the donations, they still needed a very large amount of money and their hopes started to fade. It was in their darkest hour, after a check-up revealed that the tumour was spreading into the soft tissue, that they received a phone call. The voice on the other side of the line said that they would pay the full amount for the surgery. The donor was none other than Shamira Rinderknecht.

Kelly braves a smile despite the pain shortly after her successful surgery.

INSERT: The old steel frame that was removed from Kelly’s jaw. ABOVE: Husband, George Hepburn, stands proudly at the bedside of his wife after her fiveand-a-half hour long procedure.

The five and a half hour long procedure was performed at Kloof Mediclinic in Erasmuskloof, Pretoria East. Dr Hermann Kluge, a Maxillo-Facial surgeon implanted a state of the art artificial mandible and condyle in what was termed a ground-breaking procedure. All of Kelly’s damaged teeth and soft tissue were removed and bone from her right hip was implanted into the new mandible. This bone will now be given six months to grow enough to allow for new dentures to be implanted. “We went for a check-up five days after the surgery and the doctor who saw us was not the doctor who performed the procedure. He was astounded when he removed the bandages and noted that she had healed in much the same way other patients had done in six months. It

is nothing short of a miracle and we are forever grateful to all our donors and to the exceptional work done by Dr Kluge and the team at Kloof Mediclinic. My wife will soon be back to her old self – albeit that she had a bit of an upgrade and I now refer to her as my Iron Lady,” said George with a smile. Bulletin is in constant communication with the Hepburns and will publish an update over the course of the next few months of her healing process. The community of Phalaborwa, who have been through this journey with this popular couple, has flooded social media with messages of prayer and support. To read the full story from the start of Kelly’s journey, please visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com with the search word “Hepburn”. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com


25 January 2019





Granny’s Grumbles - Name Badges

Many years ago – mid 1980s – when I was promoted to receptionist at the local mine, one of my most important instructions was “Never, ever allow anybody in to see Manager Mining without a prior appointment.” It was understood that the General Manager of the company was the one and only exception to this rule. One morning a very pleasant man arrived and asked if he could see the Mining Manager and I asked the obvious question. No – he didn’t have an appointment but he was sure the person concerned would see him. I told him the Manager was having a meeting with his superintendents which would probably take at least an hour. No problem – he would wait. I offered him coffee and actually gave him a couple of my private biscuits since I was pretty sure he would never get to see the boss and I was trying to soften the blow. Eventually – more than an hour later, all the

superintendents walked out of the manager’s office and I went in tell him somebody wanted to see him and gave him the name. In a matter of seconds he was through to the reception area and virtually grovelling at the feet of the visitor whilst telling him that I was new and obviously did not know the protocol, blah-de-blah I realised at that moment that the Inspector of Mines was possibly only a fraction below the rank of Officer Commanding the Allied Forces and it appeared that I was to blame Thank goodness for the coffee and biscuits I’d given him – he assured the boss that I had fed and watered him and he had no complaints. Now – I will give you a similar story of what happened to my nursing friend Cheryl (she of the “Hospital Food” saga). In her own words – As student nurses – all aged 17 or 18 years of age we were in preliminary training school having an introduction to the medical profession. The lecturer was touching on empathy and how best to handle patients in a stressful situation and in an unknown environment. She explained that elderly patients were particularly vulnerable. How old is old when you are 18? I mean 30 is completely aged and I was sure my grandfather was at least 109 - he was in fact 68 She emphasised that we should “always be kind and never shout or try to suggest actions . Never boss them around - they don’t like that!!”. She told us to be particularly vigilant of confused patients in the men’s urology ward. These old men always get confused and can often be seen in the car park looking for cars or tractors or other such transport!! Being new and enthusiastic we all soaked up the information like sponges.

Believe it or not, a few days later, whilst hurrying up the main passage of the hospital, I saw a nice old man wandering down the staircase to my left, pyjamas not a good fit but what can you do? Obviously this was an exact example of what our tutor had been talking about when she mentioned confused elderly patients. I sprang into action….gentle action naturally. I approached him slowly. “Hellooo” I said in a sweet sing, song voice. “Good afternoon” was the reply. Well, he knew the time of day. That was a good start. “Where are you going?” I asked in what I assumed was a calm voice. Cute wrinkled nose and little head tilt – all designed to put him at ease. I’m going to my car” “Really! Why don’t we just go back up to the ward and tell the Sister where you’re going?” I patted him gently on the arm. He appeared to think that the sister wouldn’t have any objection to him going home, but I stuck to my guns “I’m sure she won’t but we must still tell her“. Gentle cooing voice. This was going so well. I was obviously a natural born care giver. The poor old bloke let me lead him virtually by the nose right into Sister’s office. Once inside, I stood behind him. I used my index finger and brought it up to my temple and made circles. “Hello sister. Look who I found wandering around looking for his car in the parking area. “ I added for good measure “Bless him”. “Nurse Gallacher “she said barely containing herself. “This is the Professor of Urology. He has spent the whole day operating in theatre and I think we should let him find his car and go home! Don’t you?” I can still feel the red hot flush of mortification as I write this!

“People of importance should be required to wear name badges denoting rank”

Social Tzaneen Chamber of Commerce Lunch 25 January

The Tzaneen Chamber of Commerce Networking Lunch will be held on 25 January 2019 at Hotel @ Tzaneen from 12h00 at R120.00 per person. For more information contact 083 280 9723 or email admin@tzaneenchamber.org.za.

Haenertsburg Blueberry Festival 2 February

available at www.orionhotels.co.za. For more information contact 015 306 8000 or email reservations@coachhousehotel.co.za

Tzaneen Visvang kompetisie 23 Januarie

Die Visvang Kompetisie word aangebied op 23 Februarie by die Piesangdam by Letaba Landgoed vanaf 06h00 - 16h00 teen R100.00 per persoon.

OPTOG bring die Kunste Tzaneen toe. Romanz tree Saterdagaand 9 Maart 2019 om 20:00 by Hoërskool Merensky op. Toegang beloop R200.00 per persoon. Kaartjies beskikbaar by itickets.co.za.


Rev Ron Reiners Anglican Church SHALOM. Disease affects us all and comes in various sources: physical- when our body is overcome by it, we become distressed and wonder what we could have done to prevent it. However, some diseases are hereditary and we suffer enormously. I think that many of us do not fully understand the suffering that people go through and are sometimes not as sympathetic as we should be. Having lived with someone who has had acute back pain and numerous operation I fully understand the discomfort they live with, especially when they are trying to live a normal life and are independent, they often try to hide it from others, saying “I am OK!” but they are not. Often diseases can lead to depression, but depression can also come from the pressures of life. Once again, if we are not enlightened about it we think that these people are just putting it on. Sin is also a disease and many times we often think it cannot be cured. However, if we are a true believer, we can overcome it. Jesus died a horrible death to break the hold that sin has on us and we need to believe that in doing so we can be free from sin and yes, even death. However, not earthly death but spiritual death. If we confess our sins and truly attempt not to sin again we can be healed. If we take just one sin a day, and pray about it and try not to commit that same sin that day we are on our way to recovery. We need to continue in this way, daily. It is not going to be easy, but if we try our best and with God’s help we will be able to improve our lives. I believe also that if we are unforgiving, we suffer the most. It may not seem so, but it is true, unforgiveness becomes a cancer that causes all problems in our lives. Just look around you and see what is happening in this world. I become concerned that we are all falling in to a trap set by the evil one, because our minds become corrupted and often our loving nature is changed. We need to forgive those who have wronged us and build a better future for this world. Blessings

Newspaper Sponsor MotorMecca MOOKETSI

The Numbers

35,000 You’ll eat more than 35,000 cookies in your lifetime (probably).

Tzaneen Valentines Dinner 23 Januarie

Bespreek jou diens Dienste • Meganiese opknap • Insleep diens • Paneelkloppers KWALITEIT DIENS, KWALITEIT GEHALTE, ONS WAARBORG!

Mind-blowing Fact #102

Spoil the one you love this Valentine’s Day on 14 February 2019 at Coach House Hotel & Spa from 19h00 - 23h00 at R349.00 per person. Tickets


Tzaneen Optog 9 Maart

1368 09 2 57

The Blueberry Festival will be held on 2 & 3 February 2019 at the Haenertsburg Village Market from 09h00. Tickets available at www.quicket. co.za. For more information contact 082 771 2655 or email info@berryfestival.co.za.

AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Tzaneen Ged. 241

Vir meer inligting skakel Pieta by 082 370 8242 of Jacques by 079 485 2857.

The Message

There really was a Captain Morgan. He was a Welsh pirate who later became the lieutenant governor of Jamaica.

Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Evangelies Geref Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-str,Tzaneen: 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran

015 395 2112 / 2335 Email: mwgroble@mweb.co.za Tessa: 015 395 2175 | Marius: 082 493 0449

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Church Zwariri Road, 015 309 8594. Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof: Modjadjiskloof: 082 653 5498. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, 015 309 9580. St Paul’s United Church Mark Street, Modjadjiskloof: Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Haenertsburg: 015 309 9323. Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. 015 307 3534. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Ned Herv Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Bothastraat, 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Gravelotte Rd, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, May & Pearlmanstrate, Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Joubert & Jopie Bothastraat, Tzaneen: NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk 015 309 9920. Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: Methodist Church 10 Peace St, New Apostolic Church Tzaneen 015 307 3240. Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Drive: Tzaneen Family Church Avispark Hope Methodist Church Boltman St, 015 307 4807. Lodge Conference Hall Tzaneen: 083 598 Modjadjiskloof: Ned Herv Kerk Laeveld 0004 / 073387 2469.

SJ 3 7 7 8 6 _ 3 8 0 x 2 6 0




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25 January 2019



25 January 2019





M.O.T.H. launches Long Tom Shellhole Tzaneen’s military veterans might soon have a new M.O.T.H. Shellhole where they will be able to meet and greet and pay homage to the fallen on a regular basis with like-minded individuals. On Saturday, the 19th of this month, Alan Odendaal and a few existing M.O.T.H. member from the Turbi Hills Shellhole in Louis Trichardt hosted an informative meeting at the Round Table Clubhouse in Tzaneen for all veterans interested in participating. “This has been a vision of mine for the past four years, but I just could never get round to it due to the fact that I was (until recently) the Old Bill of Turbi Hills Shellhole.” Odendaal explained. “For the past eight years I served in this capacity and resigned in October 2018 to enable me to pursue my vision in the MOTH Order, of which a Shellhole in Tzaneen was a part.” The informal meeting was well attended, twenty seven Moths, Moths in no man’s land and potential new Moths were present. He started off Alan Odendaal by welcoming everyone

present and gave them a short history of how and why the M.O.T.H was formed. The order was the vision of a man called Charles Alfred Evenden, or more commonly known as “EVO” who was a First World War veteran wounded in Gallipoli during the war. Witnessing the annual Anzac parades, Charles Evenden turned his thoughts to the formation of an association of frontline soldiers to perpetuate comradeship gained from frontline service. At this stage he worked as a cartoonist at the Natal Mercury newspaper in Durban. In 1927 after watching a war film that included impressive scenes of marching troops all wearing tin hats and muddy uniforms and all carrying trench equipment, he started wondering what had become of his comrades in the army, where were they and what were they doing? This line of thought inspired a cartoon on forgetfulness of a comradeship that had ceased to exist. One idea led to the next, and after a discussion with friends and colleagues eventually The Memorable Order of Tin Hats (M.O.T.H.) was founded on the 7th of May 1927. The three ideals of the Order are True Comradeship by practising frontline friendship in civilian life, Mutual Help by acknowledging the personal and collective obligation to help each other as in frontline service and

Sound Memory, by remembering the fallen as a living companionship to serve their memory in practical actions which rise above divisions of social status, race or politics. After a lengthy discussion about the M.O.T.H. who’s qualifying criteria has changed drastically over the years to include different wars, campaigns and different arms of service, a positive and enthusiastic vibe arose. Names for the proposed Shellhole were put forward and after a vote, it was decided on “Long Tom Shellhole” which is befitting for the area. It was also decided that the meetings would take place on the first Sunday of every calendar month at 11:30 for 12:00, the venue being at this stage the Round Table Clubhouse in Tzaneen. The M.O.T.H. being a charitable organization will be planning all sorts of fund raisers in and around Tzaneen. Annual Delville Wood and Remembrance Day parades will also be held to honour those who paid the ultimate sacrifice. Any veteran in the Tzaneen and surrounding area who wishes to become involved in the Long Tom Shellhole, should please contact Alan on 083 660 2472 or via email at alan@xpress.co.za. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

The group of Tzaneen veterans who attended the innuagural meeting of the Long Tom Shellhole on Saturday.

Water, jobs then votes Hundreds of villagers from various communities in the Khujwana area had during a mass meeting at the Khujwana Pension Pay Point resolved not vote until the water crisis and the high unemployment rate in the village had been addressed. The meeting, attended mostly by the unemployed, was called to address affairs in the village. This comes at the time people were urged to register to vote this weekend. Among the issues raised was the appointment of Community Working Programme (CWP) and the Empowered Public Works (EPWP) Programme. Addressing the community, convener of the meeting Senky Makaringe said that the state of affairs in the village is at a point where action is needed. “Leaders of the municipality had convinced themselves that people of Khujwana have no problems because there is no one telling them that people are suffering of thirst and poverty due to lack of Jobs” Makaringe said he had a letter in which authorities resolved to build a community hall in the village but nothing is forthcoming. He said the project was approved a few years ago but to date nothing had come of it. Resident after resident complained that

though there are farms around them, there is a concern that community members from the Khujwana area are not hired and instead only people from the Thabine communities are hired. People complained that all projects and work opportunities are only afforded to members of the church of which the councillor is a member. Other grievances included the high rate of crime precipitated by the lack of a satellite police station in the area. Residents were concerned that a new dam which had been constructed near the Letsitele River in the area is blocking river water to some areas and as result residents are left without water. They also appealed to authorities to speed up the water project in the area which had since came to a halt. As reported in this newspaper earlier this month, the project to supply the people of Khujwana with water had stopped shortly before completion. Community leaders said the reason the project could not be finished was because the contractor complained that the money that was allocated for the project was depleted. It is expected that the Mopani District Municipality should allocate more funds to finish the project. — Jan Mafetsa

SAVE WATER in Tzaneen area

This year, you have the power to bring change!

REGISTER TO VOTE FOR ONE SOUTH AFRICA FOR ALL For more information contact Desiree 082 452 0444

Registreer om die ANC & EFF koalisie van korrupsie te stop Verbeel jou dat die regering jou ontneem van die huis waarvoor jy so hard werk om af te betaal… Die ANC & EFF probeer om hul plan vir die onteiening sonder vergoeding van grond, huise, en besighede deur te druk in die Parlement – en nou het die ANC ook planne om jou pensioen te steel! Beide is bevoordeel deur die rooftog wat die bestuur van die VBS op hul eie bank uitgevoer het, terwyl arm mense en bejaardes hul geld verloor het! Verder gebruik die ANC steeds belastingbetalers se geld om Zuma se regskostes te betaal. Die ANC & EFF koalisie van korrupsie sal ons land vernietig! Net die DA is groot genoeg om hulle te stop, so moenie jou stem op ’n kleiner party mors nie. Vir tien jaar het die DA by die Grondwethof geveg om te sorg dat Jacob Zuma nou uiteindelik in die beskuldigdebank staan op klagtes van korrupsie. Ons sal aanhou veg om ons Grondwet te beskerm teen die wat ons huise, besighede en pensioen wil vat!

Registreer om DA te stem sodat jy jou reg tot eienaarskap kan beskerm!


26 & 27 Januarie | 08h00 – 17h00 | Skakel 0861 22 55 32 | Besoek check.da.org.za Hierdie advertensie is deur die Demokratiese Alliansie betaal.


25 January 2019





Redfern - the new Badger in town He’s a balanced man with the kind of calm around him that entraps any preconceptions you may have had about the new headmaster at one of the country’s most prestigious private schools. Alan Redfern joined this reporter for a stroll through the Stanford Lake College grounds and explained that education, is everything. “To have a balanced, well-adjusted student, you must understand that everything, every experience, every human interaction, every challenge you present to them, will ultimately assist in their growth. That is why we don’t focus on one specific area but rather balance our extramural with our academic studies to mould one complete individual.” Redfern joins Stanford from Grahamstown where he was the Deputy Head of St Andrews College for a period of six years. Boasting a career within the South African education system spanning more than two decades, his arrival at the Lake brings with it a pool of experience which is certain to maintain the upward momentum of this prestigious College. He takes over the reins from outgoing headmaster, Craig Carolan. “Craig and I actually started our teaching careers simultaneously and we have known each other for many years. In that respect it makes my job a lot easier, as I am walking into a well-run, well established school, and there really is very little that needs to be changed. What we now need to do is consolidate the facilities and programmes that we have to make sure that we capitalize on each of these fully, before looking at further expansion.” In partnership with the board, parents and past pupils, he relishes the opportunity to play

a pivotal role in shaping the Stanford Lake College of the future. “Together, and with a mutual understanding of the pressures that pupils are under, it is possible to foster an even stronger educational environment. An environment in which boys and girls can feel equally safe whilst thriving, with pupils leaving Stanford Lake College as ethical, influential, significant young adults aware of the dynamic needs of our country and the world.” Redfern is a keen follower of sports and has participated in a number of multi-day sports events, including the Duzi Canoe Marathon and numerous Mountain Bike stage-races. He played representative hockey and recently resigned as the Convener of the South African U/18 Boys Hockey Selection Committee. This bodes well for the promotion of the world-class astro pitch launched late last year. Redfern is supported by his wife, Dionne, and his two children, Megan and David. The “big” question popped up near the end of our leisurely stroll. “How does the power situation affect the school up here in the mountains?” His answer was simple and direct, “not at all.” Stanford Lake College have a generator system that would make you question whether there even exists a power crisis outside of its walls. Pretty soon, the school will be semi-self-sustainable as they have started work on the upgrading of their water reticulation system. “Whilst we are not fully off-grid

yet, it is one of the goals we are aiming for in the future.” An impression which lingers still 48 hours after my outing up the mountain was perhaps not the qualifications or the very obvious capability of the man to steer the Badgers ever upward,

but rather his sense of community. Alan Redfern shook the hand of every student he passed and greeted them by name. You can tell a lot about a man by his handshake. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

Nie alles is net modder nie

Pieter Gouws (o.19), Senior Victor Ludorum, Kesia Pohl (o.19), Senior Victrix Ludorum, Valley Ngobeni (o.15), Junior Victor Ludorum & Elandri Jansen van Rensburg (o.14), Junior Victrix Ludorum.

DIE WENSPAN (IGNIS) SE DIRIGENTE: Nicolene Ras, Danzi Ivy, Gerhard Rautenbach, Anize Bassson & Janco Blignaut.

Hoërskool Merensky se vier huise het op Maandag, 14 Januarie, mekaar die stryd op die atletiekveld aangesê. ‘n Netjies versorgde Plasiepark was gasheer vir die veelkleurige massa deelnemers, wat elkeen alles gegee het vir huise Aqua (blou), Ignis (oranje), Terra (groen) en Ventus (geel). Atlete en sangers het in groot getalle opgedaag om 2019 se atletiekseisoen behoorlik af te skop. Heelparty rekords het gespat, maar groter was die opwind-

Bulletin FAR NORTH


ing toe huis Ignis, vir die tweede jaar, skoonskip gemaak het met 599 punte op baan en veld. Ignis het ook gespog met die beste seunspan (320 punte), terwyl Aqua se dogters geseëvier het (311 punte). Plasieland is trots op Valley Ngobeni (o.15), Junior Victor Ludorum, Elandri Jansen van Rensburg (o.14), Junior Victrix Ludorum, Pieter Gouws (o.19), Senior Victor Ludorum en Kesia Pohl (o.19), Senior Victrix Ludorum.

To advertise in the AgriBulletin call: Jacques 071 268 2543 or Lizan 076 795 5000 Your agri advertising solution provider. Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com for the latest news.

Kesia Pohl





25 January 2019

Serves 6-8

Ingredients: Candied tomatoes: • 600g (2 packs) Romanita tomatoes, halved • 45ml (3 tbls) olive oil • several stems of thyme and oregano • 1/4 tsp dried red chilli flakes • 5ml (1tsp) brown sugar • salt and pepper Hummus: • 400g tin cannellini beans, rinsed and drained • 400g tin chickpeas, rinsed and drained

Method: • • • • • • •

45ml (3 tbls) tahini 1 clove garlic 5ml (1 tsp) ground coriander zest of half a lemon plus 40ml juice 30ml (2 tbls) olive oil 30-45ml cold water salt and pepper, to taste

Pita breads: • 3 white pita breads, split • 30ml (2 tbls) olive oil • 5ml (1 tsp) oregano

Preheat the oven to 200 C. Line a roasting tin with foil and spray with non-stick cooking spray. Spread the tomatoes onto the tin, drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Scatter over the chilli and tuck the herbs in between. Roast for 45 minutes. Sprinkle the tomatoes with sugar and roast for another 5 minutes. For the hummus, place all the ingredients in a blender and

ZZ2 tomatoes are available at National Fresh Produce Markets, independent fresh produce retailers, most supermarkets and Food Lover’s Market stores. info@zz2.co.za | www.zz2.co.za | 015 395 2040 |

ZZ2Farming |


blitz until smooth and creamy. Arrange the pita breads on a baking sheet and brush with olive oil. Season with salt and oregano and bake for 15 -18 minutes until crisp and golden. Snap into shards. Spread the hummus onto a serving plate. Pile the tomatoes on top and drizzle with a little extra olive oil, if you like. Serve with warm pita shards.



25 January 2019




Een Moooo-se suksesvolle aand

Nog ‘n modder Poo Seker die bekendste en mees suksesvolle tradisie by Hoërskool Merensky, het hom Woensdagmiddag, 16 Januarie, weer by Agri-Merensky op Plasieland afgespeel. Plaas. Drukgang. Modderwater met ‘n klank. ‘n Massa toeskouers. Dit is wat gewag het op 2019 se nuwe onderwysers, leerders, skiewies en beheerliggaam tydens die MooPoo-seremonie. Baie jare gelede het hierdie tradisie begin met ‘n gat wat elke jaar naby die hoofingang van die skool gegrou is. Vandag het dit gegroei tot ‘n amptelike, aanskoulike affêre waaraan elke nuwe Plasie met trots deelneem. Daar word gereeld genoem dat niemand verplig is om deur hierdie “diep waters” te gaan nie, maar die massadeelname getuig van die begeerte om op hiérdie wyse ‘n

bloubloed Plasie te word. Eie aan Plasieland, sal MooPoo nog baie jare sorg vir opwinding, ouertrots, samehorigheid en ‘n goeie gees wat die toon vir die res van die jaar sal aangee.


Merensky Hoërskool se jaarlikse groentjiekonsert het die afgelope Donderdag vir die publiek geopen, en was ‘n Mooooo-se sukses. Die skiewiekonsert het gehandel oor ‘n voornemende graad 8, Berta Bosman van Brahmanskop (gespeel deur Lelanie Pieterse) wat haar pad Plasieland toe moet vind om die “Prophecy” te vervul. Na sy per ongeluk in die Haas ( gespeel deur Elai Joubert) se gat inval begin haar avontuur. In Wonderland ontmoet sy vir Sus en Ta (Simone en Tyler Nel) , ‘n ietwat karismatiese tweeling, wat haar help met die reis. Sy word deur hulle geneem na Mad Hatter, Dora en haar Map, wie haar help om die volgende land te bereik. In Neverland vind sy haar liefde, Frikkie, maar vir hom moet sy agter los, want hy is vasgevang op Neverland. Hy kan nie ouer word nie, hoewel hy wil ouer word saam haar. In Far Far Away land sy met ‘n seer hart. Boonop ontmoet sy vir Jack en Jill sowel as Far Cry, wat haar plek in Plasieland onder haar voete wil uitruk. In ‘n kompetisie opgestel deur Mirror (Jackie van Heerden) is dit tog Berta wat die 5 jaar in Plasieland wen. Uiteindelik in Plasieland, die land van haar drome, aangekom wag vele gelukkige verrassings vir haar. ‘n Storie vol lag, en huil (maar beslis meer lag), danspassies wat jou mond sal laat oophang en karakters wat oorloop van persoonlikheid. Dit was beslis ‘n konsert om te sien. — Anize Basson Graad 12 Leerder




25 January 2019



Vossies vat Nelspruit vas

Voor: Nachandré de Lange, Aldo Blignaut, Paballo Legodi en Jolandi vd Merwe. Agter: Meyer Vorster, Sean Roulston, Renzo du Plessis en Christiaan Smit. Afwesig: Mixo Nxamalo en Tshego Ramaloka.

Die atlete van Hoërskool Ben Vorster het op Saterdag, 19 Januarie 2019, aan die Nelspruit Atletiekbyeenkoms gaan deelneem. Skole wat aan die byeenkoms deelgeneem het, het name soos Afrikaans Hoër Meisies, Afrikaans Hoër Seuns, Hoërskool Rob Ferreira, Prestige College en Lowveld High asook Hoërskool Nelspruit ingesluit. Die kompetisie was baie sterk en elke Vossie-atleet moes behoorlik uithaal en wys. Nachandré de Lange het ‘n brons in die dogters o/15 90m Hekkies item verower terwyl Mixo Nxamalo ‘n brons vir haar afstand van 4.61m in die dogters o/15 Verspring gewen het. Jolandi van der Merwe het in die dogters o/17 Spiesgooi item die goud ingepalm vir haar pragtige 37.13m afstand. Aldo Blignaut het ‘n derde plek in die seuns o/14 400m wedloop verower in ‘n tyd van 61.50 sekondes. Paballo Legodi het sy neus tweede oor die lyn gesteek in die 100m naellope vir seuns o/15 met ‘n tyd van 11.47 sekondes voordat hy later die 200m in 23.41 sekondes gewen het. Tshego Ramaloka se 6.53m sprong was genoeg

om aan hom die goue medalje in die seuns o/15 Verspring te besorg en later het sy tyd van 14.34 sekondes die silwer medalje in die 100m hekkies item ingepalm. Op sy beurt het Renzo du Plessis tweede in die seuns o/17 400m Hekkies wedloop geeindig in ‘n tyd van 57.50 sekondes terwyl spanmaat Sean Roulston tweede in die 110m Hekkies in ‘n tyd van 14,97 die lyn oorgetrap het. Hoofseun Christiaan Smit het ‘n silwer medalje in die seuns o/19 Gewigstoot verower met ‘n afstand van 13.08m en Meyer Vorster het met sy hoogte van 1.75m die brons medalje in die seuns o/19 Hoogspring ingepalm. Die Vossies sal more (Vrydag) op Middelburg by die Tegniese skool aan nog ‘n byeenkoms gaan deelneem.

Christiaan Smit in aksie.

Twee stywe snare

Die allombekende plaaslike gholfstêr, James Vorster, is as die nuwe Zoutpansberg Ope kampioen aangewys nadat hy die setperke op Louis Trichardt aangevat het. James het ‘n prag-rondte van 1 onder baansyfer aangeteken om sodoende sy stempel vroeg in die nuwe jaar op die sport af te druk. Christine Kruger, me. A. Botha (afrigter) en Louise Snyman.

Ambrose besoek Vossies Die merkwaardige bekwaamheid en stokvaardighede van die Nederlander, Ambrose op het Veld, is verlede week op die baan by Astro@ BenVorster tydens ‘n hokkiekliniek teentoongestel. Hy het te same met een van die Sportways afrigters, Mike Geldenhuys, so paar afrigtingstegnieke met plaaslike skole afrigters bespreek. Die Princess Dutch

Hokkiekliniek is gemik daarop om die Ben Vorster hokkiespelers slaggereed te kry vir die tawwe nuwe seisoen wat voorlê. Twee van die Vossies het na afloop van die kliniek pryse vir hul harde werk ontvang. Zoë Bergmann is as die Beste Senior Dogter aangewys en Jana Oberholzer is vir die Beste Vordering vir Senior Dogters vereer.

Die laaste tenniskampioenskappe vir die jaar het op die 2de en 3de Desember in Polokwane afgespeel. Tydens hierdie toernooi het twee van Ben Vorster se voorste spelers uitgestaan en

is verkies tot die Limpopo-span wat aan die SA Skole-kampioenskappe in April vanjaar gaan deelneem. Christine Kruger en Louise Snyman is in die o/17span opgeneem.

Laerskool Duiwelskloof Primary VAKANTE ONDERWYSPOS: DEPARTEMENTEEL (Ad Hoc) Aansoeke word ingewag vir ‘n vakante departementele onderwyspos POSBESKRYWING: Afrikaans/Wiskunde Intermediêre – en Senior Fase (Gr 4-7) Medium van onderrig (LOLT) Afrikaans en Engels AANSTELLINGSDATUM: 2 April 2019 VEREISTES: 1. Voldoende kommunikasievaardighede in beide Afrikaans en Engels is ’n vereiste. 2. Sportafrigting en Buitemuurse Aktiwiteite (meld bevoegdhede). AANSOEKE: 1. Toepaslike gewaarmerkte Onderwyskwalifikasie. 2. SARO registrasie. 3. Aansoekvorm (LPDE1) tesame met ’n CV moet gerig word aan: Die Hoof Laerskool Duiwelskloof Primary Privaat sak x715 Duiwelskloof E-pos: kofies3@mweb.co.za (Aansoekvorms is by die skool beskikbaar. Gewaarmerkte afskrifte van kwalifikasies en SACE-registrasie moet aansoek vergesel). SLUITINGSDATUM VAN AANSOEKE: Vrydag 8 Februarie 2019


25 January 2019





Tien Rekords Verbeter by Interhuis afstand van 27.48m gewerp om hierdie item se ou rekord te verbeter terwyl Theto Maake die 80m Seuns o/13 Hekkies wedloop rekord verbeter het met sy tyd van 13.00 sekondes. Zianté Steyn is aangewys as die Junior Victrix Ludorum, sy het ook die hoogste ASA punt (596) vir ‘n junior dogter angeteken in haar 60m item vir dogters o/9. Willem Mostert is aangewys as die Junior Victor Ludorum, hy en Ndzala Twala het albei die hoogste ASA punte (655) vir junior seuns aangeteken in hul 60m item vir seuns o/8. Die senior Victrix Ludorum was Leandré de Lange en die Senior Victor Ludorum was Theto Maake. Die senior dogter wat die hoogste ASA punt (868) aangeteken het was Amoré Duvenage in haar gewigstoot item vir dogters o/11 en die senior seun met die hoogste ASA punt (743) was Kebotile Maake in sy 80m Hekkies item vir seuns o/13. Maar, op die ou einde het die dag aan die Springbokke behoort wat weggeloop het met die Geesbeker asook die Atletiektrofeë van die dag.

Laerskool Tzaneen se Interhuis atletiekbyeenkoms was vir baie atlete en toeskouers verseker die hoogtepunt op die Larrie kalender. Atlete van die Rooibok, Springbok en Koedoespanne het geesdriftig met mekaar gewedywer op die baan en die veld. Tien nuwe rekords is opgestel en behoort ‘n duidelike boodskap vir die Larrie kompetisie deur te gee vir wat op hul wag tydens die jaar wat voorlê. Megan-Lee Mans het in die dogters o/13 Werpskyf item ‘n nuwe rekord met haar afstand van 30,34m aangeteken. Sy het ook die gewigstoot rekord verbeter met haar afstand van 9,91m. Leandré de Lange het ‘n tyd van 13.7 sekondes vir die 100m naellope vir dogters o/10 aangeteken om haar naam in die rekordboeke te skryf. Later het De Lange ook die 70m Hekkies rekord gebreek met haar tyd van 14.40 sekondes asook die hoogspring rekord verbeter met ‘n hoogte van 1.04m. Ndzalo Makhubele se 13.60 sekondes het verseker dat hy die nuwe Seuns o/10 70m Hekkies rekordhouer word voordat hy ook die Hoogpsring item se rekord verbeter het met sy 1.23m sprong. Kebotile Maake het die 80m Hekkies vir seuns O/13 gewen en ‘n 12.90 sekondes rekord in die proses opgestel. Christopher Janse van Vuuren het die werpskyf ‘n

Leandré de Lange (Links) en Megan-Lee Mans (Regs).

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General Steelwork, Plumbing & Waterproofing. Tzaneen & Letsitele Area Contact Marius 064 918 4161


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Hobby Print

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25 January 2019


McLaren takes gold Nine aspiring young Unicorn hockey players were selected to take part in the provincial tournament for the Limpopo u/13 Hockey squads this year.

Two girls; Zara Kader and Shriya Patel and seven boys namely, Tristan Brett, Mokgedi Manthata, Miyelani Nkuna, Finn Straughan, Matome Manthata, Murray Loughor-Clarke

and Matthew Allison successfully made the cut. These youngsters will now face off against other players in the province for a spot in their designated teams.

Rebecca McLaren, an u/14 athlete, participated at the Merensky Inter-house athletics meeting this past Monday. She achieved a third place for the 1 500m girls u/14 event and broke the record by 10 seconds. At this meeting, she also received a first place for the 3 000m girls u/17.

Business directory | Sakegids Visit our showrooms: Tzaneen, Giyani, Phalaborwa, Mankweng, Polokwane & NOW also in Acornhoek


The kitchen is the heart of the home — love yours! For 20 years, Sleebok have been suppliers of quality granite, engineered quartz and Caesar Stone. Private home owners and building contractors are welcome to contact us for a free quotation.



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We specialise in: • Burglar proofing, security and access gates • Palisade fencing, electric gates and garage motors • Light to medium steel and general construction We also service and repair all makes of electric gates and garage motors.

Bespreek jou diens Dienste • Meganiese opknap • Insleep diens • Paneelkloppers KWALITEIT DIENS, KWALITEIT GEHALTE, ONS WAARBORG!

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Don’t wish for it - WORK FOR IT! See you at Health & Fitness gym

Tickets for the Tzaneen Public Swimming Pool are now available from Health & Fitness Gym

Health & Fitness Gym - Cnr Windsor & Agatha St, Tzaneen - 073 265 2650 • 076 413 9257



Sport 25 January 2019

Lara Dando (Left) and Rofhiwa Nevhutalu (Right) during Stanford Lake College’s annual Interhouse athletics meet held on Monday. Though the heat was blistering, some new records were set including a new 100m Hurdles for the Girls u/19 by local favourite, Lia Revelas. She recorded a fantastic 16.57 seconds and is sure to repeat last year’s performance. All the schools in the area kicked off their athletics season this week and paved the way for the inter-schools, provincial and national meetings to follow. Photos: GKT SportPics.

BL 10





BL 10

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