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15 March 2019


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Twee van Tzaneen se jong rugbystêrre het twee weke gelede die Suid-Afrikaanse Sewes rugbyspan gehaal wat oor die naweek in Namibië aan ‘n internasionale toernooi gaan deelneem het. Renzo Du Plessis en Christiaan Smit, beide leerlinge aan die Hoërskool Ben Vorster, is die enigste twee spelers uit Limpopo wat span gehaal het. Christiaan kon egter nie deelneem aan die toer nie na ‘n besering tydens die wedstryde teen Centurion verlede week, hom buite aksie gelaat het. Renzo het wel sy plek in die span vol gestaan en die naweek het Suid-Afrika in die finaal van die toernooi met 28-5 met die span uit Duitsland afgereken.

SMIT & KIE FSP: 11184



15 March 2019 FAR NORTH

Bulletin F A R







Geen ysskaatsbaan of hoofweg nie

Personeel | Personnel Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man)

071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Lizan Botha 076 795 5000 lizan@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Tamryn Lancefield 083 637 9551 tamryn@bulletin.us.com Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani • Phalaborwa

Die aansig vanaf Bert Booysen Straat.

Tzaneeners fluister nou al vier jaar lank oor die ontwikkeling wat langs die R71 hoofweg langs die Sasol vulstasie plaasvind. Daar word bespiegel oor ‘n reeks moontlikhede van yskaatsbane tot ‘n McDonalds restaurant en die nuutste selfs ‘n waterpark kompleks. ‘n Jaar gelede het die storie die rondte gedoen dat daar ‘n nuwe snelweg deur Tzaneen sal sny en die vierrigting kruising in Grensstraat met die “brugpad” verby Sugar Hill sal verbind. “Die laaste stelling is amper reg, maar nie heeltemal nie,” verduidelik die algemene bestuurder by Sasol R71, Cordi Botha. “Die mense wat oplettend is sou gesien het daar is wel ‘n bruggie onder teen Bert Booysen Straat wat ons met die vierrigting kruising by die R71 gaan verbind. Die


Kontak besonderhede Contact Details

Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 071 268 2543 (Jacques) 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: jacques@bulletin.us.com | lizan@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Klein advertensies / Smalls: lizan@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Website Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

Bo-aansig wat aandui hoe Bert Booysen Straat met die R71 verbind gaan word.

grond aan beide kante van die pad word verwerk vir hersonering en ons hoop om daardie proses teen die einde van die jaar af gehandel te kry.” Volgens Botha sal hierdie erwe dan te koop wees en die kopers sal dan hul eie geboue op hierdie erwe oprig. Sy het ook verduidelik dat die vertraging in die ontwikkeling was as gevolg van permitte wat bekom moes word. “Al die nodige permitte is bekom en al die papierwerk is met die relevante departemente en inspekteurs afgehandel. Die ingang tot ons dorpie gaan oor ‘n jaar weer baie mooi wees, en ek wil net noem dat indien daar wel ‘n individu is wat ‘n ysskaatsbaan hier wil oprig, is hul meer as welkom om die grond te koop en so te doen,” sê sy glimlaggend.

Rubbing salt into their wounds Residents in Phalaborwa were taken aback by the announcement last week that their municipality was awarded “The best performing municipality in Public Participation” award during the recent South African Local Government Association (SALGA) Municipal Awards ceremony. Ironically, another local municipality, the Greater Letaba Municipality (GLM), also received this very same award. Ironically still is that Phalaborwa won the award despite a recorded 801 potholes in just 12 streets, daily water shortages, widespread electrical outages, zero parks maintenance, a streetlight tender that has still not been completed after nearly a year behind schedule, irregularities with the house valuations which led to an exorbitant increase in rates and taxes and large scale pollution of the water resources. The latter being at the centre of criminal charges laid against the BPM and their accounting officers by the DA’s Constituency Head for the province, Desiree van der Walt, earlier this week. Residents of Phalaborwa were up in arms about the awards handed to a municipality which they believe have continued to fail them and have, at the very least appeared to do everything in their power to avoid public participation. In retaliation to the announcement of the SALGA award, one resident, constructed his own version of the award which he felt

would be more apt. The award is pictured below. At the time of going to print, we were unable to reach the BPM communication officer for comment. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

Stand van Damme Dam Levels Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 • lynette@fsabrokers.co.za Die senior burgers van Macadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin. Baie dankie!

Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 11/03/2019

Tzaneen 18.5%

Ebenezer 70.5%

Merensky 100.8%

Dap Naude 97.1%

Middel Letaba 8.1%

Blyde Rivier Poort 76.8%

Klaserie 100.2%

Tours 40.4%

Vergelegen 98.0%

Ohrigstad 9.4%




15 March 2019



Sake word teruggetrek Notorious dam claims another Die sake wat vroëer die jaar in Phalaborwa teen Letaba Balju, Tertius Robertson, en sy adjunk, Victor Dilibo, aanhangig gemaak is, is hierdie week deur die klaers teruggetrek. Dit volg na ‘n insident in Januarie vanjaar wat groot opslae oor sosiale media platforms gemaak het. ‘n Video opname is gesirkuleer waarin twee vrouens beweer het dat Robertson en Dilibo ‘n middeljarige vrou aan haar voete uit ‘n voertuig uitgetrek het. Hulle het verder beweer dat die adjunk hardhandig geraak het met ‘n tweede vrou in die teenwoordigheid van polisie-

beamptes by die Phalaborwa polisiestasie. Beide vrouens het op grond van hierdie bewerings, sake van aanranding teen die twee mans aanhangig gemaak. Op hulle beurt het Robertson en Dilibo klagtes van crimen injuria, dwarsboming van die gereg, aanranding en oortreding van Artikel 107 van die Wet op Landdroshowe teen die twee vrouens en ‘n sakeman gelê het omdat hulle die balju in die uitvoering van sy pligte belemmer het. Hierdie sake gaan steeds voort. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

The Khujwana dam is in the news again. This time after an old man who went fishing on Tuesday morning never returned home. It is not the first time that people were found dead at the dam. Last year a woman was found floating near the banks of the dam by a passer-by. Reportedly the victim was killed somewhere else and her body thrown in the dam and eventually following rigorous police investigations, her boyfriend was nabbed in connection with the crime. In the latest incident, the old man was found dead by fellow fishermen after they noticed the body of a person floating on the northern side of

the dam. A witness told Bulletin he was fishing when he saw the body of a person floating on the dam. Upon discovering the corpse members of the public were alerted and the police were notified. The old man who resided in the village is said to have left for the dam that morning to check his nets which were planted the day before. “At first we thought that it was a doll as it seemed to be a small thing when it was floating on the dam. Upon closer inspection however we found that the “floating doll” was indeed the body of a person. He did not drown as no water was drained from his body.”

“We were able to identify him through the cap he wore the last time we saw him,” said a woman who identified him. When Bulletin arrived at the scene after lunch on Tuesday there were a few police vans with hundreds of residents who were waiting for a pathology services vehicle to collect the corpse which was covered in a traditional garment donated by one of the onlookers. Residents again expressed concern that the dam should be fenced off and be controlled by the government as that would serve to minimise the dangers caused by the dam. — Jan Mafetsa

Success against gangs Mashatile visit too short The high rise in gangsterism in the province has prompted the police to up the ante in preventing gang related crimes continuing unabated. This follows several gang related incidents involving children of school going age. Limpopo Police spokesperson Moatshe Ngoepe, said that though incidences of this kind seem to be on the rise, the police are working to eradicate gangsterism. This follows the arrests of several youths in connection with gang related violence. The example of this sort of criminal activity is the emergence of a group in the Maake area calling themselves “Ma100”. “Though this sort of crime seems to be on the rise the police are working hard to stem the tide. In the past we had a problem with a group of gangsters in Tzaneen calling themselves “Boko Haram”. We, together with the provincial commissioner Nneke Ledwaba visited the area. As a result all the gang members are serving jail sentences for their criminal activities,”

said Ngoepe. Earlier this year Bulletin reported that the police in Maake arrested a group of youths who were terrorising residents of Lenyenye and the adjacent areas. The police in Maake also went to schools to collect pupils who were involved in gansterism. Tzaneen cluster police earlier said that after they had arrested pupils they could not lock them up due to them being underage, and instead were lectured on the dangers of joining gangs. In another incident, a police officer was arrested in connection with the stabbing of a patron during a scuffle in a tavern in Lephepane. The police officer who was not on duty at the time is reported to have intervened in the fight. It is alleged that during the fight the officer was hit with a brick and retaliated by stabbing the stone thrower with a knife. Police could not confirm the incident. — Jan Mafetsa

The community of Lenyenye and the adjacent areas complained that the visit by Paul Mashatile on Saturday was “very short”. He could not attend to some of the problems affecting the community such as water and unemployment among the youth. Party members said that Mashatile left at the time the community was warming up to him and they expressed the wish that he return to the community. Mashatile was in Tzaneen as a guest of the Markshoppe sub-region of the ANC where he held a lunch at the community hall before proceeding to the Malabosane sports ground to address the community of Mhangweni. This forms part of the ANC electioneering in view of the May 8 elections. During the function, Pule Shai the Mayor of Phalaborwa, was the programme director while Maripe Mangena the Mayor of Tzaneen, welcomed the guests and followed with the TG address. According to a reliable source, Mashatile upon arrival, visited the Velly Hlokwe branch at ward 30 where a door-to-door campaign was held. From

there the entourage moved to the community hall where there was a lunch with the sub-regional leadership. He left for Mhanghweni where he found the sports grounds filled with supporters of the party. “Contrary to the expectation of the membership of the Bornfire branch of the party, he rushed to Mhanghweni. The community wanted the TG at the ground where he should have addressed the community on issues affecting them. We also, as a community, agreed that we should ask the party to bring someone else if Mashatile could not return to address the community on the problems they are experiencing.” The visit comes on the heels of a recent visit by Julius Malema to the community hall. This comes at the time many political parties are gearing up for the 8 May elections. Parliament is expected to close doors next Friday as parliamentarians will be recessing for the elections until the new cabinet is selected. — Jan Mafetsa

Democratic Alliance cry foul after Mashatile visit The Democratic Alliance (DA) in the Lesedi cluster of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM) is crying foul after the posters which they put up recently as part of preparation for the national election on 8 May, were tampered with - allegedly by members of the ruling ANC. This apparently occurred in the Mark Shoppe sub-region while preparing for the arrival of Treasurer General, Paul Mashatile. DA activist and proportional councillor in the GTM, Jonas Maake, told Bulletin in an interview that they felt victimised by the ANC

after party members concealed the picture of the DA leader Mmusi Maimane. Mashatile was this past weekend in Lenyenye and the adjacent areas as part of his campaigning for the ruling party. “The ANC held a rally at the community hall and the organisers of that rally put their posters on top of our federal leader Mmusi Maimane’s picture. The message on the poster had been obscured by ANC posters which defeats its purpose. The DA is being victimised by the ANC by concealing our message to our voters. We just ask if this is permissible

and by whom,” said Maake. “We are going to check with the IEC if they permit this kind of undemocratic behaviour. If not we want an investigation and the subsequent prosecution of the culprits. We are not ready to permit anyone to obscure or conceal our posters. We had put the poster of the federal leader Maimane for change at the entrance of the community hall. We never thought that anyone would temper with them,” he added. Attempts to contact the ANC for comment reached a dead end as the phones were not

answered. Mhangwheni and the other communities were in the news towards the end of last year after residents closed the Lydenburg road with tyres demanding the main road leading to the village be tarred and water provision be stepped up. The residents were joined by fellow residents at Rita, Tickeyline, Chukumetani and Burghersdorp. The visit to the area by the ANC was aimed at doing damage control in view of the upcoming elections. — Jan Mafetsa

Your Weekly Weather Forecast

• Classic: Our classics are local favourites, BIG, BRIGHT and BRIMMING with FLAVOUR.

Feels Like


More sun than clouds



More sun than clouds

Sat 16 Mar


Sun 17 Mar



Thurs 14 Mar


Fri 15 Mar







12 km/h



0 mm




13 km/h



0 mm





11 km/h



0 mm




Morning clouds


9 km/h



0 mm



Mon 18 Mar


Light showers. Afternoon clouds


10 km/h



6.0 mm



Tues 19 Mar


Rain showers. Cloudy


9 km/h



7.4 mm



Wed 20 Mar


Few showers. Overcast


10 km/h



3.4 mm



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15 March 2019





Dit is weereens Malumatyd Die negende jaarlikse Maluma Simposium het gisteroggend soos oudergewoonte op die gronde van Hoërskool Merensky afgeskop. Meer as 170 rolspelers in die Suid-Afrikaanse avokadobedryf het skouers geskuur met

Hoërskool Merensky se landbouleerlinge. Laasgenoemde het ywerig notas gemaak, tydens die onderskeie aanbiedings wat gefokus het op die aanplant en bemarking van dié besondere avokado. Bulletin het die oggendsessies bygewoon, en sal in ons maandelikse AgriBulletin hierdie maand ‘n volledige berig oor die simposium publiseer.



LAERSKOOL DR. ANNECKE PRIMARY Laerskool Dr Annecke Primary het op Vrydag 1 Maart hulle jaarlikse gholfdag gehou by Tzaneen Country Club. Hierdie jaar se fondse gaan help om van die ou asbes klaskamers by die skool met stene te kan oorbou. Die gholf was vir almal lekker, maar die kompetisie was gewen deur Gerhard Smit en Werner van den Ende, in die tweede plek Riaan du Plessis en Des Stephenson en in die derde plek Gideon Venter en Pierre Joint.

Dr Annecke bedank graag die volgende borge wat saam met die spelers ‘n groot sukses van hierdie dag gemaak het:


R50 per Kg




per Kg



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15 March 2019


ZZ2 addresses local farmers “Farming has a bright future in South Africa,” says Tommie van Zyl, CEO of ZZ2. Speaking at the invitation of Haenertsburg Rotary at the Village Hall Tommie says, “We are however threatened by an economy that’s not growing properly. Hence we’ve moved into super fruits to counter this.” Tommie’s father Bertie van Zyl began ZZ2 and it has remained a family run business. Known as the tomato giants in the farming industry ZZ2 has expanded its produce to include onions, avocados, cherries, medjool dates, almonds and deciduous fruits. ZZ2 employs 25,000 peo-

ple with a turnover of R24-billion per annum. Tomatoes are still the main produce being farmed in the Limpopo Province. ZZ2 had little success with onions in this province, so moved that operation to farms in the Western Cape. ZZ2 also has farms in Gauteng, the Eastern Cape and Namibia. The Namibian farms are producing medjool dates and the Rustenburg area is producing cherries. These cherries ripen from 15 September to 15 October when no other cherries are available worldwide. The Western Cape is producing almonds, apples and pears and ZZ2 is starting to

farm areas in Swaziland and is indirectly involved in macadamia nuts. ZZ2 started growing avocados in 1981. This has expanded in the last 10 years due to global demand. ZZ2’s connection to the Haenertsburg area is because of avocados. It takes 14 days to transport produce from South Africa to Shenzhen in China. The Asian market for South African produce is huge and neither Australia nor New Zealand can compete with this time frame. Tommie says, “The Mountain has a strong climate and is ideal for avocados. Our operations in the Kloof are small. We work together with our farmers who need to be production and pro-active. You don’t need big farms to survive. There is an oversupply of timber in the area. The original sin was to replace the grasslands and indigenous forests with eucalyptus and pines. If I look at the Broederstroom, I see that avocados will be more diversely maintained than pines. Pines and bluegums are making way for avocados.” “Our soil disturbance is minimal. We use excavators. This keeps the topsoil on top, so grass can grow in time to cover the surface. We contour everywhere and make sure that the drainage is right. The net effect is going to be positive. If we want to survive here, we have to be economically viable. Houtboschdorp was terribly poor and now ZZ2 employs 150 people in that area. Blueberries are still in experiment stages at ZZ2.” “The ZZ2 philosophy is to create an eco-system and to bring this know-

how together. Therefore systematic thinking is necessary. We were industrial farmers but, due to the sudden repercussions of pests, we went organic and developed the concept of nature farming. We found that the mealie bug pest was almost impossible to get rid of with chemicals. ZZ2 began an insectary in 1997 to raise insects to combat predators and parasites. We’ve also created bio-reservoirs on all our farms.” “In 1987 we tackled the Kudu River Valley and cleared out all the aliens to replace them with indigenous trees and plants. Thirty two years later this dry area has been restored and the water has come back into the river.” In conclusion Tommie said that survival is as important as is the dream to prosper. Customers are most important as without customers all these dreams are irrelevant. Besides this production, packaging, marketing, security and transport also need to be in place in order to succeed.

Tommie van Zyl addressing Haenertsburg farmers.


15 March 2019





Granny’s Grumbles - BERNADETTE

Put two little boys (of a similar age) together and they will find numerous revolting things to do. I say this with some feeling as I have plenty of first-hand knowledge. When I was nine, my mother gave birth to twin boys. Since she came from a family of girls and already had two daughters I think she was fairly shattered to discover the differences between the sexes but it affected me as well. Obviously my mother needed help when it came to feeding and winding the little blighters and I was roped in – my days of freedom were effectively over. Twelve years later I was married and had two boys within twelve months. Little boys

react with aversion to any form of potty-training and appear more than happy to sit in poop and piddle. I am not saying that ALL boys are like that – some of my friends have assured me that their sons were amazing little guys. Possibly it has something to do with having two together. Anyway, when these two little darlings were 3 and 4 years of age I gave birth to a little girl. My daughter was delightful – before she was two years of age she knew exactly where the toilet was and in the event that she couldn’t make it in time, she merely removed any wet clothes and presented them to me. She was not exactly perfect – she had a habit of pushing any small items up into her nostrils which presented quite a problem because she would sit twitching her face and rubbing her nose. It took a long time for me to realise that a little pepper close to her nose would bring about a sneeze that would eventually loosen small beads, paper clips, Rice Crispies and any other item that she had attempted to hide. Came the day when she was busy wrinkling up her face and the pepper remedy did not work. How many days the object had been in this position I didn’t know but during mealtime (when the three of them ate together) her older brother said loudly “Bernadette stinks”. Surely my little darling had not had an accident? Not at all – according to her older brother the smell was coming from her nose. Visions of small bug carcases swam before my eyes. Surely my little darling hadn’t pushed a live something-or-the-other up into her nose. Two days later the smell had got worse and it didn’t matter what we

did, nothing moved. Since we were living in Chirundu (at the time of the Rhodesian war) getting a doctor entailed contacting the Customs/Immigration officials at the border who in turn contacted their counterparts on the other side of the Zambezi who sent a messenger or carrier pigeon to the Catholic Hospital which was a couple of miles away. The doctor (who was also a sister in the order) would then come across the border to see the patient. The doctor who knew of Bernadette’s propensity for jamming all things small into her nostrils decided to try the pepper trick first. When it became obvious that it was not going to work, she then pulled a tiny torch and what can only be described as a miniature pair of long-nosed pliers from her bag and set about trying to extricate the object. I didn’t recognise it when it was eventually removed but the doctor said “Goodness me – a seed has actually germinated in her nose – perfect conditions I assume”. It was a canna seed with little green tendrils already trying to get to the light! I was relieved – her brothers were happy – and the doctor said this was going into her little black book of “Unusual happenings in the Zambezi Valley”. Fortunately for everybody concerned, it was also the last time our little darling tried to stuff anything up into her nostrils. Older Brother: “Mom – Kelly’s been picking his nose with a fork.” Me: “Disgusting – why didn’t you stop him?” Older Brother (piously) – “Well – I told him to stop because the fork was dirty.”

“Nature makes little boys and girls lovely to look upon so they can be tolerated until they have some sense” William Lyon Phelps

Social Tzaneen Letaba SPCA Gholf Day 15 March

or email info@stanfordlakecollege.co.za.

The Letaba SPCA Gholf Day Fundraiser will be held on 15 March 2019 at Tzaneen Gholf Club from 12:00 at R1500.00 per 4 ball. For more information contact Tracey on 083 968 0902 or email tracey. leppan@gmail.com.

Haenertsburg Ebenezer Mile 16 March

Tzaneen Dirt Dash 13 April

Tzaneen Care Group is presenting the Dirt Dash on 13 April 2019 at Magoebaskloof Adventures from 09:00. For more information contact Melissa Strydom on 083 635 4132 or email admin@ tzaneencaregroup.co.za.

Die Boodskap Rev Ron Reiners Anglican Church SHALOM. The Lost: In the world today, spiritually, there are two types of “lost” people. Firstly, the secular lost and secondly the religious lost. In addressing this we need to define who falls into each category. The secular lost are those who are worldly and often not spiritually inclined. The Atheist, this is the person that states that God does not exist and uses all kind of excuses to prove this fact. The Agnostic, someone who states there might be a God but that there is no actual proof that He exists. They try to prove this scientifically. Then there are those who have not been told about God, possibly those who are influenced by tribal beliefs. Jesus instructed believers “to go out and make disciples” He did not only say this meaning those we know but that we should try to reach all men and women and more especially those who did not know of His existence and His promises. We often sit back and expect our religious leaders to do this work. Relying on Missionaries to do this work, after all it is “their thing”. As a believer how much support do we give to them? Not only just in praying for them but also assisting them where we can. We often believe that we are unable to support them, but there are many ways in which we can play our part, we just have to find out how. Reaching out to those who are secularly lost will not be an easy task, we need to take every opportunity to try to convince them to have a paradigm shift, for one of unbelief to one of belief. If the opportunity presents its self, tell them of your experiences and why you believe. Often just by telling them they will start to question why, why you seem to be content. Often you will be rejected by them, keep on don’t give up, by planting a small seed a giant tree can grow. Ask for guidance from the Holy Spirit in what to say and to show you the opportunity. I will keep you all in my prayers as you step out in faith. Blessings

Newspaper Sponsor MotorMecca MOOKETSI

The Rotary Club of Haenertsburg is hosting The Ebenezer Mile on 16 March 2019 from 06:00. Entries can be done at www.rotaryhaenertsburg.co.za. For more information visit www.ebenezermile.co.za or email paulharrishaenertsburg@gmail.com.

Haenertsburg The Wik 17 March

Bespreek jou diens

The Wik will be held on 17 March 2019 at Stanford Lake College from 08:00. Enter at www.entryninja. com. For more information contact 015 276 6103


Bulletin FAR NORTH


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To advertise your company in the next AgriBulletin, call: Jacques 071 268 2543 or Lizan 076 795 5000

AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Tzaneen Ged. 241

Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Evangelies Geref Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-str,Tzaneen: 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran

Church Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof: 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534. Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastraat, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920. Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof:

015 309 8594. Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9580. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke 015 309 9323. Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Ned Herv Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat Bothastraat, 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Letsitele: 015 345 1618. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, May & Pearlmanstrate, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: New Apostolic Church Tzaneen 015 307 3240. Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Drive: Tzaneen Family Church Avispark 015 307 4807. Lodge Conference Hall Tzaneen: 083 598 Ned Herv Kerk Laeveld 0004 / 073387 2469.




15 March 2019





Family returns to the ancestral Manor Seated at a century-old glass topped in- tree will probably keel over with the next herited table, on the verandah at Kings heavy storm and wind. However, when Walden Garden Manor in Agatha, the my mother Tana died, I planted a yellowendless view of the Wolkberg mountain wood tree to the right of the dead bluerange is a feast for the eyes. The lunch is a simple but delicious chicken and rice meal with the freshest of salads and a glass of good dry white wine. The gardens, once the family’s pride and joy, stand neglected but in full bloom, in bright pinks and purples, are the tibouchinas. Seated at the table is none other than accomplished travel writer and author of nine books, Bridget Hilton-Barber (54). The history of Kings Walden Manor began 115 years ago with Billo Tooley, Bridget’s grandfather. He called it Kings Walden after the name of the estate where he grew A photo of the eucalyptus tree, on the right, when it was still alive. up in the UK. He married his first wife, Muriel Frances, a mail order bride from Australia, twice. She brought a syringa and eucalyptus tree from Australia. When Muriel died, Billo married Elsie Dickson. She had one child, a daughter named Tana, who is Bridget’s mother. The syringa tree, classified as alien vegetation, was removed long ago. The eucalyptus tree was struck by lightning the night Elsie died. The tree died that night too. It still stands starkly in front of the Wolkberg view. Bridget chuckles and says, “If you look carefully you can see the branches are falling off bit by bit. The Bridget wiith one of the many lion statues.

The beautiful gardens.

THANK YOU Bouganvilla Frail Care Centre would like to thank Roadmaster, Phalaborwa (Pty) Ltd Tyre Service. Mr. Roelof J van Rensburg, for the generator that was donated to the Centre. It has been installed and is working perfectly. The interest and involvement of Roadmaster Phalaborwa (Pty) Ltd is highly appreciated. May we take the opportunity to thank the community and business sector for their involvement and donations received since the Centre was established in 2005. Should you wish to visit the Centre please Contact 072 715 6560.

The iconic dead eucalyptus.

Fountains are another favourite in this garden.

gum. It’ll take the place of the bluegum.” The property, consisting of some three hectares, has always belonged to the family but has had various managers. The Hilton-Barber family bought back the hotel side of the business in January this year. Brett Hilton-Barber, Bridget’s brother, is the overall director and Bridget is manager of the Manor. Bridget says, “I felt the success of a small place is when it’s owner run. I live on site and it’s my home. I’ve known it since I was born as my parents, Tana and David Hilton-Barber, ran it for many years. As a travel journalist I’ve been on the other side for 30 years. I’ve stayed in more than 2, 000 different hotels and establishments in my life and I believe I know what guests want.” The first task being tackled is to restore the gardens section by section. Nothing has been pruned for a decade. The many ponds and fountains will also be restored. Each garden feature has a history and Bridget told all in her delightful book “Garden of my Ancestors”. Her mother loved cats and lions in particular. Around every corner is a lion statue and it starts with a lion statue at the entrance to the Manor. Tana always dreamt of dying at the paws of a lion. She was known to be an eccentric individual. The friendly eleven staffers have worked in the hospitality industry for years. An interior wall displays black and white historic family photos. These are being taken down and rearranged and much maintenance is being addressed elsewhere. There are five spacious rooms for ten guests with French doors leading out onto the gardens. Kings Walden Garden Manor serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. Booking is essential and visitors can phone Bridget at 083 309 1837. There’s also a swimming pool, children are welcome and tea will be served throughout the day with high tea and bubbles also on the cards.

Benefit Dinner held for Mona The local community got together to organise a benefit dinner for one of its senior citizens, Mona Runkel, who has been diagnosed with cancer. The function, held at the Haenertsburg Village Hall last Wednesday, was attended by some 120 people. Various locally produced products were also auctioned. Mona’s ability to work at local shops and look after animals in peoples’ homes in the area has stopped. The funds raised will go towards her medical costs. As she doesn’t have a medical aid she has been going to the Van Velden in Tzaneen. She has to return to the Van Velden on 22 March for a referral to the Mankweng Hospital where a CT scan will be performed. Treatment will depend on the outcome of this scan. Right: Mona Runkel (right) with her sister Esther Humphries at the Benefit Dinner.





15 March 2019


Basic medical training course offered Combat paramedic Johan Stander from Hae- lease the tongue, if necessary. and keeps the patient warm. nertsburg ran basic medical training courses Some basics are inexpensive like gloves and Direct pressure is most effective for bleedin the Village Hall. With an extensive medi- thermal blankets. Johan demonstrated how to ing. Put on those gloves. Use a tourniquet for cal background he’s been involved in many war zones including Bosnia, Kosovo and Iraq. He said, “It’s hard to conduct what should be a half day course into two hours.” However he held his audience’s attention with much information peppered with his zany and often irreverent sense of humour. Youngest there were SLC recent graduates Amy Burman and Hloni Senoamadi. Both young ladies are taking a GAP year. Amy is going to Amsterdam as an au pair and Hloni is going to Switzerland. As there are so many accidents in the Haenertsburg area, Johan concentrated on what to do if you happen upon an accident scene. Unless you have some basic medical kit or basic medical knowledge, your presence merely hinders the professionals. Johan refers to the three “S’es” - Safety, Scene and Situation. Safety – protect yourself. Unless you’re carrying rubber gloves do not handle a bleeding victim. This is to prevent contracting transmittable diseases. You always use a one way valve facemask when giving mouth to mouth. Scene – Assess the scene and make a medical call. Have an emergency numJohan Stander demonstrates applying an Israeli bandage on Hloni Senoamadi. ber on your cell phone on speed dial. Situation – Screamers aren’t the first problem. It’s the quiet ones that are of concern. Johan explained how to keep an air- wrap someone in a thermal blanket. Get under- a severe injuries. Place way open at basic level. If there’s no response, neath the clothing so it’s skin to blanket, form a the tourniquet above the look, listen and feel for ten seconds. Thereafter hoodie and cover the head as heat escapes from wound and screw it to the apply CPR. Also tilt the head backwards to re- the head. This helps with internal coagulation maximum. Then there’s Quick

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Clot. It’s a normal bandage but impregnated with white powder. This bandage needs fresh blood and then direct pressure on the bleeding site. Johan’s bandage of choice is the Israeli or Emergency bandage. Expensive, running at over R600 imported from the U.S, Johan demonstrated how it works. He discussed the three degrees of burn wounds. Should someone burn to the point of pain and blisters cool the site by carefully placing a damp and cool cloth on the site. Then rush patient to hospital. Third degree burns are the worst as these often go deep to destroy nerve endings and affect vital organs. It destroys skin layers and the patient will need skin grafts. Genitalia are highly infection prone with third degree burns. If clothing sticks to the body leave it as the doctors will sort that out. Keep the patient cool and transport gently. Johan moved on to poisonous snake bites. Do not use a tourniquet for snake bites but let the venom dilute through the body and keep the patient calm. Wear loose clothing when hiking through areas where there might be snakes. Should anyone be interested in a course please contact Alida Smit from the Haenertsburg Neighbourhood Watch on 084 258 7824. Combat paramedic Johan Stander shows how to apply an Israeli bandage on Hloni Senoamadi.


15 March 2019





Sevens Stick League Hockey excitement has had Tzaneen up late the last few evenings as 18 teams from various businesses and schools took to the astro for the Bulletin Sevens Stick League. The game was played over the last five weeks, and initially only on Thursday evenings. However, due to a sudden spark of interest more teams decided to enter into the league and soon there were so many teams that games had to be played on Tuesdays as well in order to ensure that everyone played an equal number of matches. This week Tuesday saw the last games played in the knockout stages of the tournament. The final will be held tonight at Astro@BenVorster and everyone is invited to come and enjoy some good, fast-paced action. Bring your braai and your cooler box and take advantage of the crisp evening air before the arrival of winter. Tuesday’s games saw Bulletin Snipers win their two games against Jaguars and Thomas and Swannepoel rather haphazardly which manages to place them into the semi-finals tonight and could possibly secure them a spot in the finals against the Jackson 7’s. The Jackson 7’s have not conceded a single game, while

enters finals

Snipers have lost only once, and that was in their opening match against the Jacksons. The final should see them seeking retribution. In the ladies league it would seem extremely likely to ready yourself for an epic final face-off between the mighty Pitches and the unpredictable Lunachicks who currently occupy the top of the log. The Junior League will most likely see the Snickerdoodles face the Peacemakers for the trophy as these are the two teams with highest goal differential and points following their five games played. The main sponsor for this tournament is Far North Bulletin who will be facilitating the prizegiving ceremony tonight after the finals. The winners in each

7 Sticks League Log (13 March) Mens League: Jackson 7 Snipers Letaba Wireless Dark Knights

Points: 18 15 12 9

Womens League: Pitches Lunachicks Maidens of Mayhem Black Panthers

Points: 15 15 9 6

Junior League: Points: Carbon Fibres 10 Snickerdoodles 9 The Pace Makers 7 Honey Badgers 7

league will receive medals and a floating trophy for their efforts. There will be four of these seven-a-side tournaments throughout the year and it is planned that there will be a shield awarded to the team chalking up the most victories, at the end of the year. Bulletin thanks the organizers of the event at Astro@BenVorster, Tarek and Elmarie Jansen, Louis van Dyk,

Jayden Mobahay and their assistance for the fantastic initiative which is sure to keep growing every year and ensure the development of the sport. Any business or group wanting to enter a team into the second tournament should contact Tarek Jansen on 079 352 14129, Louis van Dyk on 071 880 0927 or Jayden Mobahay on 074 365 2691 for information.

Semi’s and Finals Schedule TIMES: 18:00 - 18:30 18:30 - 19:00 19:00 - 19:30 19:30 - 20:00 FINAL 20:00 - 20:30 FINAL 20:30 - 21:00

ASTRO A Snickerdoodles vs Pace Makers Snipers vs Letaba Wireless Loser round 1 vs Honey Badgers Loser round 2 vs Dark Knights Carbon Fibres vs winner round 1 Jackson 7 vs winner round 2

ASTRO B Lunachicks vs Maidens Loser round 1 vs Black Panthers Pitches vs winner round 1

How Semi’s and Finals will be played: 12 min / Break 2 min / 12 min




15 March 2019



The biggest fish in the pond Fourty-eight year old bass angler, Justin Varkevisser, is a living legend among the South African fishing community. Affectionately known as Justy, he started fishing at age four, while growing up in Zimbabwe and has never stopped. Justy has been ranked number one in South Africa nine times and has participated in, and won almost every major bass fishing tournament on the local circuit. Added to that is his international experience which includes captaining the Protea team to a World Games win four weeks ago. During these games they made history by winning the games, winning the boat score with his partner Craig Frazer and Justy winning the biggest fish of the tournament with his 3.200kg monster he pulled out on the last day. “It was a major win for South African angling beating the best in the world including the mighty Americans who are known for their bass angling prowess,” he explained proudly. “South Africa has many very skilled anglers, but we are snookered by finances and the lack of local sponsorships.” He loves bass. Of all the species, it is the cunning bass that has stolen his affection. “There is just something about bass. It’s in the way they react to you as the angler, the way they move and change their behavioural patterns. They are extremely intelligent and to catch a bass, is the same as being a trophy hunter.” It all boils down to preparations, research and practice. Varkevisser, like many other bass anglers of his calibre, have archives on dams and lakes where they have fished which go back many years. These include maps with markers which indicate fluctuations in dam levels, bass migrations and feeding habits and physical changes in the geographic layout. Using these statistics, the anglers are able to plan their strategies and prepare their boats and gear to adapt to every environment. It’s like a game of chess between the angler and his prey, where both are constantly trying to outsmart the other. A true battle of wits. Justy’s gear includes a Renegade boat produced by Roughneck Boats with a single outboard Yamaha motor. The boat is fitted with marine electronics by Humminbird and Minn Kota (of which he is the South African agent) and he uses Kistker rods with JDM Shimano reels. According to Varkevisser, youngsters wanting to make a career of bass fishing have a lot of hurdles to overcome which includes things like a bass boat that can set you back anywhere between R700 000 and R1,6 million upwards. Hurdles which has had the effect of less and less young anglers entering the sport. “Added to that are the various specialist rods and reels and a vehi-

cle large enough to haul your trek off to wherever you find yourself fishing three weekends a month. Because that’s another factor you must take into account – time. In order to qualify for the Protea team, you need to have depth of at least three years’ worth of tournaments competed in, from which an average is calculated. After that you still need to pay for your travelling and accommodation.” As we finish our chat on the porch of his home overlooking Tzaneen dam, Justy tells me about his dream to go pro and fish in the Pro Tour circuit in the United States. There, the guys compete in tournaments which carry prize money of US$100 000 and endorsements superseding even that. “You can make a living out of your living over there. So that, that would be my ultimate dream.” I walk out the door to the gate when it dawns on me that perhaps the most pertinent question to the reader of this piece has not yet been answered. “Hey Justy, what’s biggest bass you ever caught?” Without hesitation, “it was at a tournament in Letsibogo Dam in Botswana. I pulled out a 6.86 kilogram monster. He was beautiful.” — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com


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Pfunanane Academy is a registered English medium, Christian Independent School situated just outside Modjadjiskloof. We are looking for committed English speaking Christians for the following positions:

Book Keeper/ Bursar The candidate must be proficient in the following: • Have possession of a valid Diploma/Degree • Debtors/Creditors Reconcilations • computer literate • At least 3 years experience in Pastel and Payroll • Full bookkeeping responsibility, including monthly recons, pay slips etc • Take books to trial balance • Communicate with auditors • SARS e-filing proficient • Reports to the Board

Senior Phase English • • • • • • • • •

Recognized Professional Teaching Qualification SACE Registration Police Clearance Certificate Computer Literate Ability to work with different nationalities Animal lover Computer Literate Ability to adapt to different situations Fluent in English

Supervisor for Grounds Keeping Vibrant, Christian male with good leadership qualities and should be a “Mr Fix-it” / handyman type of guy who is able to roll up his sleeves and work alongside the grounds keeping staff. Must have good communication/relationship skills and willing to lead his team of workers on a spiritual level as well as guide and teach them with regards to general grounds keeping and maintenance projects.

Mercurius Motors Tzaneen have acquired the skills of Chris Jones, the new Branch Manager for the New and Used Cars from their Polokwane dealership. Jones joins the team in Tzaneen amid much excitement as he views the challenges that await him in the local market as an exciting new venture. Jones has been with the company for more than a year and is sure to add even more value to an already valuable member of the local motoring fraternity.

Closing date for applications: Friday 22 March 2019. Your CV with certified copies of ID, professional qualifications and references can be hand delivered to the school office or sent via e-mail to marise@pfun.co.za. (ONLY short listed applicants will be invited to an interview for a possible selection).


15 March 2019





Super 12 redenaars Laerskool Tzaneen se redenaars het deelgeneem aan die Laerskole Super 12 redenaarskompetisie op Vrydag en Saterdag, 8 en 9 Maart by Laerskool Wierdapark in Centurion. Maya Vosloo, Tihana Venter, Miné du Plessis, Anrich van Wyngaardt, Lourens Kriel en Megan-Lee Mans het aan die individuele kompetisie deelgeneem. Ryno Schultz, Mieke van Wyngaardt, Sumari Vorster en Megan-Lee Mans het aan die spankompetisie deelgeneem. Lourens en Anrich het deurgedring na die semi-finaal.

Legals FOR AMENDMENT OF THE BA-PHALABORWA LAND USE SCHEME, 2008 IN TERMS OF SECTION 57 OF THE BA-PHALABORWA MUNICIPAL SPLUMA BYLAW, 2016 AMENDMENT SCHEME 63 I, Floris Jacques du Toit of Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, being the authorized agent of the registered owner of Remainder Portion 37 of the farm Schalk 3KU, hereby give notice in terms of Section 57 of the Spluma Bylaws, 2016, hereby give notice in terms of Section 57 of the Spluma Bylaws, 2016, that we have applied to the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality for a departure from the Ba-Phalaborwa Land Use Scheme, 2008, for Remainder Portion 37 of the farm Schalk 3KU by the addition of “Commercial Use” to the primary right of “Agriculture”. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Nelson Mandela Drive, Phalaborwa, for the period of 30 days from 15 March 2019 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writ-

LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT IN DECEASED ESTATE LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of Section 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution account (first and final) in the estate specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with interest therein for a period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof, and at the offices of the Master in Polokwane and the Magistrate’s office in Tzaneen. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account. Registration Number of Estate: 6840/2018 Surname: IUEL Name: KARIN ADELE PHILIPPA Identity Number: 3205010001081 Last address: Macadamia Retirement Village, Aqua Park, Tzaneen Joubert & May Attorneys 50 Boundary Street P.O Box 35 0850, Tzaneen Tel: (015) 307 3660 Ref.: Mr Rech/avs/R14902

ing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or posted to Private Bag X01020, Phalaborwa, 1390 before 15 April 2019 quoting the above mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the objector’s property description, phone numbers and address. A person who cannot write may during office hours and within the objection period, visit the abovementioned Municipality requesting assistance to transcribe his/ her objections, comments or representations. Contact persons: Paul Maluleke (076 954 0448) or Johan Behrens (0795221281). Address of Agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015307 3710






agent van die eienaar van die Restant van Gedeelte 37 plaas Schalk 3KU, gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 57 van die Spluma Verordeninge, 2016, kennis dat ons by die Ba-Phalaborwa Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om ‘n afwyking van die Ba-Phalaborwa Grondgebruikskema, 2008, deur die toevoeging van “Kommersiële Doeleindes” by die bestaande “Landbou” regte. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Nelson Mandela Rylaan, Phalaborwa vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 15 Maart 2019 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet skriftelik voor of op 15 April 2019 gerig word aan die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of gepos word aan Privaatsak X01020, Phalaborwa 1390, met verwysing na bostaande opskrif, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die gronde/redes vir die beswaar, die beswaarmaker se eiendomsbeskrywing, telefoonnommer en adres. Enige persoon wat nie kan skryf nie mag gedurende kantoorure en

binne die beswaretyd die bovermelde Munisipaliteit besoek en hulp versoek om sy/haar besware, kommentare of voorstelle op skrif te stel. Kontakpersone: Mnre Paul Maluleke (076 954 0448) of Johan Behrens (0795221281). Adres van agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015307 3710 Mar302__________________________

IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF SEKHUKHUNE HELD AT SEKHUKHUNE CASE NO: 352/2017 In the matter between: MABALE, JOB NCHABELENG PLAINTIFF And TSHABALALA MAVAISA JUSTICE DEFENDANT NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN PURSUANCE of the judgment of the Magistrate Nebo and by virtue of the Warrant of Execution dated 11 July 2018 the following goods will be sold in execution on the 29 March 2019 at 11:00 at No 1 Hans Merensky Street Modjadjiskloof to the highest bidder. 1. 1x1 660 FORD TRACTOR DATED AT GROBLERSDAL ON THIS THE 28TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 2019.

MPHELA & ASSOCIATES 2 ELDOLAND BUILDING 6 VOORTREKKER ROAD P.O. BOX 935 GROBLERSDAL, 0470 Ref: Mr. Mr Matlala /01/ C4157/gm TO: THE CLERK OF THE ABOVE HONOURABLE COURT No. 32 – Warrant of Execution Against property In the Magistrate’s Court for the District of SEKHUKHUNE Held at SEKHUKHUNE Case no. 352/2017 In the matter between MABALE JOB NCHABELENG Execution Creditor And TSHABALALA MAVAISA JUSTICE Execution Debtor To the sheriff. Whereas in this action the said Execution Creditor of Stand No 135, Apel Cross, Ga-Masemola, Limpopo Province on the 24th day of May 2018 obtained judgment in the abovementioned court against the said Execution Debtor of 97 Ramodumo Village, Tzaneen, Limpopo Province for the several sums set out in the margin hereof amounting in all the sum R24 352-50 together with interest at 10.25% of which R NIL has since been paid; This is therefore to authorize

and required you to raise on the property of the said Execution Debtor the aforesaid sum of R24352-50 and returns to this Court what you have done by virtue hereof. Amounts to be levied (with costs execution) Judgment debt R22 000-00 Interest @ 10.25% R2 255-00 Costs of issuing warrant R97-50 Sub Total R24 352-50 Less amount paid since judgment NIL Total Due R24 352-50 DATED AT GROBLERSDAL THIS THE 21ST DAY OF JUNE 2018. By order of the Court MPHELA & ASSOCIATES ELDOLAND BUILDING 6 VOORTREKKER ROAD P.O. BOX 935 GROBLERSDAL 0470 TEL: 013 262 1780 / 2741 Email: tshepho@mphela. co.za REF: Mr. Matlala /01/C4157/ zm Note: (1) If the execution debtor pays the amount specified in the margin hereof the sheriff’s charges of R………….. within half an hour of the

entry of the sheriff he or she will not be required to pay any further costs of execution. The amount of any payment made by the execution debtor and the thereof shall be endorsed on the original and copy hereof, which endorsement shall be signed by the sheriff and countersigned by the execution debtor or execution’s representative. (2) This execution may be paid out before sale, subject to the payment of the sheriff’s fees and charges of execution, which may be required to be taxed. (3) The only immovable property upon which this warrant may be execute is __________ (set out its situation and nature sufficiently to enable it to be identified). (4) In case of reissue the fact and date of reissue and any increase or reduction in the amounts to be levied shown on the face hereof shall be set out in note endorsed hereon and signed by the execution creditor or execution creditor’s attorney and by the registrar or clerk of the court. (5) Any alterations made herein shall be initialled by the registrar or clerk of the court before the warrant is issued or reissued by him or her. Mar303__________________________

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15 March 2019



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15 March 2019



Amber to gold One of the two local gymnasts from the famed Zani’s Gymnastics stable who achieved a gold medal at the South African Gymnastics Games (SAGG) last year, Amber-Leigh Mills (14), has managed two gold medals in her events at Tukkies campus in Pretoria. The eighth grader from Merensky High School, started her trampoline season on a high note on Saturday, the 9th of March when her first competition of the season took place in preparation for the Limpopo Trials and the South African National Championships after that. Amber-Leigh received gold medals in the “Euro” and “Mini Tramp” sections. In October 2018, Mills had made history when she took gold and fellow Zani’s Club team mate, Wiehan van Eeden took bronze at the SAGG mini-trampoline events. Both of these gymnasts were the first in the history of the local gymnastics club, to have achieved their national colours in this sport.

Two more bronze Merensky High School congratulates Matthew van der Merwe and Hlulani Ngobeni (grade 9) on completing their bronze Presidential Awards. To achieve this, they had to deliver 24-hour community service over 3 months, participate in a sport and new skill for 3 or 6 months, and complete a 24km hike stretching over 2 days. These two also had to compile a journal according to

which all activities were evaluated. Learners must be 14 years of age to register and spend a minimum of 6 months on the bronze level. Matthew and Hlulani are now aiming to complete the silver award requirements within the next year. Another 51 Plasie learners are currently working on this prestigious award: 7 gold, 17 silver and 27 bronze.



Janke wen Munnik Meerkat Hoërskool Merensky se bergfietsryers het die speke laat sing tydens die gedugte 35km Munnik Meerkat Bergfietsren. In die Meisies “Youth”-afdeling het Janke Basson ‘n welverdiende eersteplek behaal, met Annelene Rood tweede en Marize Smit sesde.

Sub Junior Meisies, Jessica Taylor en Taylor Stanley, neem onderskeidelik die sesde- en sewende plekke in. Junior Meisies, Jodi Spaumer en Nicolene Ras, het in die agtste- en negende plekke geeïndig. In die Seuns “Youth”-afdeling het Dewald Kampman (5de), Henri Benadie

(11de), Salmo Helberg (12de), Trevor de Beer (13de), Hannes van der Merwe (16de) en Marnus Van Helsdingen (18de) deelgeneem. Armand Cronjé het in die Junior Seuns-afdeling ‘n vyfdeplek losgetrap, met Matthew Taylor in die 12de en Rainier van Rooyen in die 16de plek.

VAN DIE FIETSRYERS WAT DEELGENEEM HET Voor: Janke Basson, Annalene Rood, Nicolene Ras, Jodi Spaumer & Marize Smit. Agter: Rainier van Rooyen, Armand Cronjé, Dewald Kampman, Salmo Helberg & Henri Benadie.

Tyd vir speel is verby

Voor: Amelia Booth, Markus Theron & Donia Smit. Agter: Ruan Hanaczeck-Kruger, Ronan Theron & Daniel Smit.

Die tyd van rekenskap gee vir harde werk in die swembad, is naby. Ses Plasie-swemmers het deur die afgelope seisoen gekwalifiseer om gedurende die komende skoolvakansie aan galas op verskeie vlakke deel te neem. Vlak 2 vind hierdie jaar van die 3de tot die 5de April in Polokwane plaas. Amelia Booth (o/15) en Markus Theron (o/14) het gekwalifiseer om aan hierdie kompetisie deel

te neem. Daniel Smit en Ronan Theron (o/16), asook Donia Smit (o/14) gaan aan die vlak 3-gala van die 28ste tot die 31ste Maart in Germiston deelneem. Ruan Hanaczeck-Kruger presteer uitsonderlik goed en neem van die 20ste tot die 26ste Maart aan die Senior Nasionale Kampioenskap deel. Hy het ook gekwalifiseer om in die FINA wêreldkampioenskappe later die jaar te kompeteer.

More distinctions for Merensky High School’s class of 2018 Merensky High School’s class of 2018 recently, after a re-mark, received the good news that another 5 distinctions were added to their already impressive results. The number of Plasie distinctions has grown from 249 to 254. Chanel Dohse now boasts 6 distinctions, after she also achieved above 80% for Afrikaans Home Language. Bianca Elbecht adds Life Sciences to her 3 distinctions, to make it 4.

Bianca Elbrecht

Chanel Dohse

Liné Fourie now has 4 distinctions, with the addition of Afrikaans Home Language. Antje-Marise Lombard received a distinction for English First Additional Language, which gives her 3. Afrikaans Home Language gives Ciné Venter her second distinction. The Plasies now boast with 143 learners with University Exemption.

Antje Lombard

Ciné Venter

Liné Fourie




15 March 2019



Lydenburg kom sê les op Die meisies van Hoërskool Lydenburg het die afgelope naweek in Tzaneen kom kuier om in ‘n reeks vriendskaplike hokkie- en netbalwedstryde te kom deelneem. Die gasheer vir hierdie aangeleentheid was Hoërskool Ben Vorster.

vriendskaplike wedstryde teen ons buurskole te speel, en natuurlik is wen ook altyd lekker, was hierdie vir die meisies van Lydenburg ‘n gulde geleentheid om die voel van ‘n

regte astrobaan te kry,” het Mobahay gesê. “Dit was dan ook vir ons span die perfekte geleentheid om bietjie ons spelpatrone en stelstukke te werk voor die seisoen na die vakansie offisieël afskop. Ons wens hierdie spanne almal net voorspoed vir hul seisoen wat voorlê en bedank elkeen van hulle vir die geleentheid om die seisoen af te skop.” Die tellings vir die dag was na verwagting re-

delik hoog, veral vir die spesifieke sportsoort met die o/14A dogters wat hul wedstryd 16-0 gewen het. Die o/15A-span het die Lydenburgers met 2-0 geklop terwyl die o/16A’s met 10-1 van die baan afgestap het. Die Tweedespan het 4-0 en die Eerstespan 8-0 oorwinnings aangeteken. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

Elsie Kriel

Die hokkie wedstryde is op die Astro@BenVorster baan gespeel en vir die Lydenburgers was hierdie duidelik ‘n aanpassing wat hul nie voorbereid was nie. Lydenburg kon slegs daarin slag om ‘n enkele doel in al vyf hul wedstryde teen die Vossies aan te teken. Alhoewel die tellings in al die wedstryde ongehoord was, het Ben Vorster geweier om breëbors van die veld af te stap en het hulle steeds goeie sportsmanskap vorendag gelê. Jayden Mobahay, een van die Vossie afrigters het sy span gewaarsku om nederig te bly aangesien hul oorwinning van 10-1 oor die Lydenburgers ‘n vriendskaplike wedstryd was, en dat hul na die vakansie teen sterker opponente te staan gaan kom waar die tuisbaan astro voordeel, nie alleenlik oorwinning gaan beteken nie. “Hoewel dit vir ons altyd lekker is om

Anika Bezuidenhout (Vossies), Anke van Deventer (Lydenburg), Helandre Venter(Vossie) en Juante Paulse.

Anke Alberts(Lydenburg) en Dezi Dreyer (Vossie)

Vossie Skuts Mik Sekuur!

Dezi Dreyer

Juante Paulse

Vossies is streekswenners Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se tennisspelers het op die 6de Maart aan die Limpopo Noordstreek tennisliga deelgeneem. Dié skool se Eerste meisies-tennisspan is as die wenners bekroon.

Hul speel weer op die 17de Julie teen Limpopo Suid-streek se wenners om te bepaal wie die Limpopo kampioene sal wees. Algeheel het die Vossies tweede geïndig.

Die Vossie skyfskietspan in aksie. Esté Neuhoff, Liam Meredith, Pieter Basson, Cleo Kotze, Zander Engelbrecht, Mareli Delport, Maryke Basson en Johandré le Roux.

Ben Vorster se 1ste meisie tennisspan: Christine Kruger, Amberley Bermann, Zoë Bergmann en Louise Snyman.

Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se skyfskietspan het weer gewys waar die teikens se kolskote lê. Volgens die skool is hierdie groep skuts hardwerkend en doelgerig – die vrugte daarvan het hulle die naweek gepluk. Die afgelope naweek is die Interprovinsiale proewe in Florida, Johannesburg, gehou waar agt Vossieskuts deelgeneem het. Hul kompetisie was oor ‘n totaal van 1600 punte geskiet. Maryke Basson, Johandré le Roux, Mareli Delport, Cleo Kotze, Zander Engelbrecht, Pieter Basson, Liam Meredith en Esté Neuhoff was onder die deelnemers. Maryke het geseëvier met die die beste telling oor twee 3P-kompetisies en een 10m-staan kompetisie. Sy het ‘n briljante telling van 550/600

(92%), op 3P en 351/400 op 10m-staan geskiet. Zander Engelbrecht en Johandré le Roux het albei 522/600 (87%) met Esté 507 (84%) en Mareli met 503 (84%), in die 3P geskiet. Pieter Basson het ‘n persoonlike beste geskiet met 82% en Cleo met 83%. Liam het met 77% geëindig. Veels geluk aan Maryke Basson en Zack Verster wat na die SA-skole proewe genooi is. Die land se beste skuts word genooi om hul plek los te skiet in dié gesogte span wat Bisley later in die jaar besoek. Nog ‘n eerste vir Limpopo en spesifiek vir Ben Vorster is dat die SA-Skole Skietproewe by Hoërskool Ben Vorster aangebied sal word. Dit sal plaasvind op die 12de en 13de April met ‘n spogdinee waar die span aangekondig sal word.

15 March 2019

Full Colour Work Invoice Books, Statements, Receipt Books, Delivery Books, Order Books, Credit Books, etc. Programmes, Wedding Cards, Invitations, School Reports, Certificates, Mark Schedules, Advertising, Pamphlets, Calendars, Business Cards, etc.

Tel: 015 309 9382 • 078 1919 111 info@hobbyprint.co.za

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Photo: Joe Dreyer



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