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12 April 2019


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Road hoggers

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Page 8


There is still no end in sight the scourge of the street hawkers along the R71 main road that connects both entrances to town. It is illegal for these hawkers to be here, but due to a lack of law enforcement from a seemingly toothless municipality, they persist. Their presence here endangers the lives of road users and disfigures the image of our town. The GTM has shifted the blame to SANRAL who returned the blame to the GTM. Read more on the regression of a once beautiful town.


— Page 3

Bladsy 9



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Behind bars

Public Works announced a new completion date for correctional facility.

SMIT & KIE FSP: 11184



12 April 2019





Up to 28 students board in one house

Personeel | Personnel

■ Joe Dreyer


Bulletin F A R


Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com


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Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 071 268 2543 (Jacques) 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: jacques@bulletin.us.com | lizan@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Klein advertensies / Smalls: lizan@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Website Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

the region of R21 000 per month, it suddenly becomes clear why so many of these informal The Mopani South East TVET College in Phalahomes are cropping up all over Phalaborwa. borwa currently hosts approximately 3 One person we spoke to said that be000 students from across the province cause the house market has hit rock attending its classes daily. The institubottom, he cannot sell his house and tion itself is regarded as top class and therefore a low cost student housing offers a number of internationally recventure made sense. ognized qualifications including diploThe concern here is far more than mas in the engineering and managemere sanitation and health issues. ment fields. There is currently no legislation that The facilities, though very well organdetermines maximum occupancy for ized, do not include boarding houses residential structures, but there are for the students. With the high numguidelines. A four bedroomed home ber of students from far off areas in the would obviously be too small for 28 region attending the college, a new, people to live amicably, and the waste highly profitable business avenue has system would not have been designed opened up in the Phalaborwa economy to accommodate so many individuals – student accommodation. in one building. There is also the issue And business is booming. of males and females sharing rooms. Bulletin is aware of six of these acOne nursing sister at a local clinic commodations currently operating in said that when they ask patients for The Mopani South East Tvet College. the vicinity of the college grounds. We their contact details and discover that paid a visit to three of these accommothey live in one particular hostel in dations after receiving complaints from town, they are almost guaranteed that neighbouring residents and spoke to the patient would be HIV+. A source one of the students who lived in one informed us that one of these houses such boarding home. which has an all-girl population, is The boarding homes are residential known around town as a place genproperties which have been either extlemen can frequent to receive certain tended or have had their garages contreatments in exchange for a fee. verted to allow for more rooms on the Complaints by the neighbours inproperty. From the outside it is clear clude loud parties every day of the that the bare minimum in maintenance week that often result in law enforceis being done and that the extensions ment having to be summoned in the or conversions made to the buildings early hours of the morning and even are most likely not according to counempty beer bottles being thrown over cil regulations. We also do not know if the fence into neighbouring swimthese buildings have been rezoned for ming pools. A student accommodation in Appelblaar street. business purposes. We spoke to the college who told us We learnt that in two of these homes, that they do not pay the landlords dithere are four students sharing a room rectly and have nothing to do with the and up between 24 and 28 students in accommodation provided for the stuone house. They are charged between dents. The students on the other hand R750 and R900 for their bed which exhave no other option but take what is cludes any meals. The students share available to them no matter the circumthe kitchen and the toilet facilities and in stances. As it stands currently it would most cases boys and girls live together. appear as though some opportunistic According to one of the students we individuals are preying on the needs managed to interview, those who qualof young students who have no other ify for National Student Financial Aid alternatives. Scheme (NSFAS) funding receive R2 At the time of going to print we have 000 per month. They use a portion of established who owns these informal this money to pay for their accommohostels and the property valuations dation and then buy their own grocerof each of the properties. We were not Another student accommodation in Appelblaar street. ies. She said that she moved out of one able to contact any of the owners for of the residences in Appelblaar Street because it If one takes into account that the average in- an interview but we will have a follow up in was overcrowded and she had no privacy. The come generated from one of these homes is in our next edition.

Ex VBS boss` mansion auctioned off ■ Jan Mafetsa

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

new residence she just recently moved into is R150 more expensive per month, but she is willing to pay more for her privacy.

The multi-million Rand mansion belonging to the former chairperson of Vhele Investments, Victor Matodzi, went under the hammer last week as part of recovering nearly R2 billion which allegedly was looted from the bank by its executives. Along with the executives, certain municipal councillors were also implicated in the scandal which has since made national headlines. The double storey residential dwelling which was previously bought at R5,9 million was sold for R5,4 million in Johannesburg last week. This follows a hard hitting report by advocate Terry Motau which detailed that R2 billion disappeared from VBS bank. The report detailed the money was shared among the executives of the bank and efforts should be made to recover the money. They allegedly bought mansions and a helicopter. The sale of the house is another blow for Ma-

todzi after the Institute for Chartered Accountants announced a few months ago that he was stripped of his registration after disciplinary findings. This followed after his name was among the names mentioned in the damning report by Advocate Motau titled the “The Great Bank Heist” commissioned by the South African Reserve Bank (SARB). The report further stated that several municipalities in the Limpopo province had lost about R1,5 billion after illegally investing with VBS against the advice of the Treasury. The report implicated several senior politicians and the mayors, and senior municipal officials to whom it was alleged that money was paid to invest with the bank. Former Vhembe District Municipality (VDM), Mayor and former deputy chairperson in Limpopo, Florence Radzilana was said to have received R300 000 before her municipality invested R300 million with the now defunct bank. Former ANC treasurer, Danny Msiza, was said

Stand van Damme Dam Levels Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 • lynette@fsabrokers.co.za Die senior burgers van Macadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin. Baie dankie!

to be the fixer by bribing municipal officials into investing. The two were since barred from attending the listing conference. Following the furore which included the paramount chief of the Venda tribe, Tony Ramabulana who promised to repay the money he received from the bank and the Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) were subjected to the ANC integrity committee which found them guilty, and recommended that they be removed from their positions. Seven mayors have since been removed while senior officials were suspended at Giyani and Makhado municipalities. Attempts by the Limpopo ANC to lobby the national office of the party to absorb the bank and turn it into the first state owned bank in the province, was discarded by President Cyril Ramaphosa who ordered further investigations. During one of his addresses Ramaphosa said “those who stole money belonging to the pensioners in Limpopo, should be arrested and face the music.” Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 08/04/2019

Tzaneen 18.4%

Ebenezer 67.7%

Merensky 101.2%

Dap Naude 104.1%

Middel Letaba 7.2%

Blyde Rivier Poort 100.8%

Klaserie 10.8%

Tours 43.4%

Vergelegen 98.4%

Ohrigstad 16.4%




12 April 2019



“New” Prison to be completed in June 2019 ■ Joe Dreyer Construction work on the (not so new anymore) prison facility on the brim of the R71 as you exit Tzaneen, is finally on track again. This, a decade after the project was awarded. The new facility has been at the centre of controversy locally with many believing that it would never be completed. Some regard the site as another of the government’s great white elephants. Construction on the facility was initially kicked off on the 13th of January 2012 after Keren Kula Construction (Pty) Ltd was awarded the contract in December 2009. Initially, the completion date was set for the 12th of August 2012. This date was later revised to 17 November 2014. Keren Kula was placed under liquidation in December 2014 however, and the project came to a grinding halt. In February 2016, a security contract was awarded to a security company “No Name Trading” who was tasked with guarding the site for a period of twelve months at a total cost of R424 600 (R38 600 per month). They were only paid for

eleven months however. On the 10th of January 2017 a new contractor, Musan Trading Enterprises (MTE) was appointed to the project. The new contractor also took over the security duties from “No Name Trading” and are currently busy at the site. The project progress currently stands at 67% completion on the overall construction, 55% completion on the building works, 94% on the external works, 81% of the electrical installations are complete, 55% of the mechanical works and 83% of the security installations. The initial date of practical completion was 10th of September when the site was handed over to MTE but due to factors that were outside the contractor or the Department of Public Works’ control, that date has been adjusted to the 24th of June 2019. In the meantime, the old prison facility which is situated right next door to this proposed new one, is still being used, is still overcrowded and is still making headlines every so often with inmates managing to escape through the roof of the exercise yard.

ABOVE and BELOW: The perimeter fence of the ‘new’ prison and sections of the outside buildings at the entrance are now finally starting to takie shape. Photos: Jeff Jackson

Wie gee in elk geval ‘n hél om oor ons wetgewing?

BO: So lyk die R71 hoofpad in die oggende by die duidelik afgemerkte “geen stop” teken. INLASSE: Slaggate in Grensstraat, onwettige strukture wat langs Sasol by Sugarloaf opgerig is en waaruit ‘n kombuis bedryf word en straatsmouse op elke hoek van elke straat. Fotos: Joe Dreyer

■ Joe Dreyer Tzaneen lyk soos ‘n varkhok en niemand gee meer om nie. Weekliks rapporteer hierdie koerant oor die tekortkominge in munisipale dienslewering wat klaarblyklik net soos die wetstoepassing van hierdie dorp, heeltemal tot stilstand gekom het. Die strate is vol onmisbare slaggate, al wat ‘n asblik of lamppaal is, is deur onwettige abor-

sie- of penisvergrotings plakkate verniel, die taxi drywers het die dorp al lankal oorgeneem en die onwettige smouse staan nou al die sypaadjies en middedorp so toe dat geen mens meer veilig voel om by ‘n stopstraat of verkeerslig stil te hou nie. Tussen deur al hierdie chaos word die inwoners van hierdie dorp met politieke stel-lings en beloftes uit alle oorde gepeper, maar geen sigbare verskil word gemaak om die stembusse

aanloklik genoeg te kry dat genoeg kruisies getrek kan word om ‘n moontlike verskil te bewerkstellig nie. Waar is die beloofde verskil wat daar aangebring sou word, Meneer die Munisipale Bestuurder? Wat het geword van die voorgestelde skuif van die taxistaanplek of die beveiliging van die dorp se transformators? Hoe maak dit sin dat die taxis stop waar hulle wil, parkeer waar hulle wil en ‘n hele straat

oorneem, maar nie een arrestasie word gemaak deur die verkeersafdeling nie? Daardie selfde verkeersbeamptes wat toelaat dat die smouse die sypaadjies as latrine gebruik en wat motoriste dagvaar vir spoedoortredings van minder as 10 kilometer per uur. Oor die stelselmatige anneksering van die middedorp word daar nie ‘n woord geuiter nie. Kyk na die dorp en probeer om die gemeenskap gerus te stel dat alles onder beheer is.

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Showers late. Mostly cloudy



Rain showers. Partly sunny.

Sat 13 April


Sun 14 April



Thurs 11 April


Fri 12 April







10 km/h



1 mm




8 km/h



6.9 mm



Showers late. Cloudy.


7 km/h



8.2 mm




Showers late. Morning clouds


8 km/h



2.6 mm



Mon 15 April


Light showers. Cloudy


10 km/h



4.7 mm



Tues 16 April


Few showers. Overcast.


3 km/h



5.2 mm



Wed 17 April


Few showers. Overcast.


10 km/h



2.8 mm




12 April 2019


Five more arrested ■

Jeff Jackson

The Hawks’ Serious Corruption Investigation Unit, Road Traffic Management Corporation and Special Investigating Unit collaborative efforts to address fraud and corruption at vehicle testing stations in Limpopo has resulted in five additional arrests on Tuesday. Five officials aged between 23 and 62, amongst them, three examiners and two cashiers were arrested at the Lephalale local vehicle testing station on the morning in question. The arrests come hot on the heels of the capture of seven officials on Monday for allegedly using the identity particulars of unsuspecting victims to authorise roadworthy certificates for vehicles that were never physically subjected to mandatory tests. The suspects were expected to make their first appearance at Lephalale Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday to face fraud and corruption charges along with the group that was arrested on Monday. At the time of going to print we had no further feedback.

No lights, no water ■

Jeff Jackson

Kilns at one private sawmill have been at a standstill for eight days. This is affecting 60 families. These sawmills are running at a R56, 000 loss per day. The electricity issues in the Haenertsburg area are going from worse to worst. The slightest wind, the slightest spit of rain and the power goes off. Sometimes the power goes off for no provisional reason whatsoever. “All very well screaming for the need for generators. They are costly to purchase, costly to run and costly to service,” said one resident. Adding to the woes of the area, Vodacom cellular service has been out of action for more than eight days too. Without power, without cell phone reception, without water on the farms, frustration levels have reached an all time high. “It was suggested that the community invade the GTM offices to enforce solutions. Will this help resolve the electricity issues? Doubtful. What is the solution? GTM officials are never available and when meetings are scheduled, they seldom honour them,” said another frustrated resident. To add insult to injury some consumers are presented with exorbitant monthly bills of R25, 000. It’s now been suggested that home owners take photographs of their meter readings on the 24th of every month to prove the household consumption. The official announcement that the electricity problems in the country will worsen over the winter period was not met with anything but anger and frustration.


Two homes torched

School gangs worry

■ Jan Mafetsa

Joe Dreyer

The culprit believed to be behind the violence that erupted at a sanctioned protest in Phalaborwa last week, has seemingly disappeared. It is reported that the man, who owns and manages a security company in the area is wellknown to local CPF and SAPS members and has a reputation as a ruffian. Following last week’s violent clashes during which said individual was severely beaten, three homes of prominent members of the Makhushani community were attacked by a group believed to be affiliated to this man’s security company. Two of the homes were torched. One of the homes belonged to the CLO of Foskor mine and the other belonged to the chairman of the BCF (the peaceful group of marchers who initially rallied to Palabora Copper after receiving permission to stage the march). One of the home owners was hospitalized. We spoke to a member of the community who confirmed the incidents. “Yes, the homes of the leaders of our group were torched by this group of thugs who all work for that man. He supplies them with vehicles too.” The resident, himself a prominent voice in the township areas around Phalaborwa, warned that retribution will be exacted upon the culprit because the community has had it with his antics. The suspect has not been seen since. We have asked SAPS spokesperson, Lt Col Moatshe Ngoepe for information on the arson cases, but at the time of going to print we had not had any responses from his office on the matter. PMC has not yet released any media statements on the march or the conflict in front of their gates either. It is alleged that the reason this man and his group arrived and subsequently took control of the march, was because of contracts with the mine that he unsuccessfully applied for. Last year, during the #Gatvol March by ratepayers to the municipal buildings, this same man arrived in the parking lot and threatened to get violent with some of the marchers. He also refused to allow the group access to electricity for their sound system which they obtained prior permission for. He even aggressively confronted a member of the DA and screamed at the marchers “you will do nothing to me because I am connected to everyone in that building [BPM municipal building].”

Rain kills roads ■

Jan Mafetsa


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The recent rains which hit the Tzaneen area during the past week have reversed efforts by authorities to close the dongas in most of the streets in rural villages around Tzaneen. Khujwana Village was hit hardest as dozens of loads of soil set to regrade the streets were swept into Khujwana Dam. Work on the regravelling of streets at Khujwana village began two weeks ago at Ntwanano section. Stephen Tsongayingwe, a resident from Muthumeni section, told Bulletin that streets in the village were not damaged by the recent rains but by neglect. “The problem in rural villages is that streets are attended to only when there are funerals.” When you enter the village of Dan, one is confronted 2 person month pack 3 person month pack with potholes right from the entrance Pre-Orders only R1 450 R1 600 straight through to the exit at the road at Pre-arranged Tzaneen deliveries on Wednesdays. Nkowankowa Teba 2 kg mince 3 kg mince precinct. The whole from Nwaxidzele 2 kg boerewors 3 kg boerewors road Primary School to 1kg lamb 2.5 kg t-bones Rhulani is pot-holed. “When motorists 2 kg pork chops 2.5 kg rump turn onto the Mo2 kg t-bones 2 kg pork chops ime-Muhlava Cross 2 kg rump 2 kg lamb loin chops access road, they 1 x chicken flatty 1 x chicken flatty should take care as the road is filled with potholes all the way until they reach Moime Village. In fact one would be hard tasked to notice the patches Plaas Gladstone, Nkowankowa Road of tar in between the craters.” 083 469 7668 or 083 535 0140




Prison for Pangolin ■

Jeff Jackson

The absurd belief in the mystical powers of Pangolin scales has led to yet another “protected” species of animal savagely killed. The price of Pangolin scales on the black market and especially as an export to Asia has led to this tiny animal landing on the endangered list along with the rhino. The SAPS in Polokwane this week made a stunning arrest after they received a tip off from members of the community that two men were in possession of one of these animals and were planning a trip North possibly to meet with a buyer. The detectives followed the suspects in their vehicles until they reached the fuelling station between Phalaborwa and Mica on the R40 road, where they cornered their vehicle and made the arrest. The animal was already dead when they found it in the suspects’ vehicle. The two men both aged 40, were immediately arrested for the illegal possession of Pangolin and will appear in the Phalaborwa Magistrate’s court soon.

Rewards for info ■

Jeff Jackson

Two members of the South African Municipal Workers Union (SAMWU) were murdered in the Vhembe district in January this year. The men were killed in two separate incidents by two different assailants and Limpopo police have now issued large rewards for information that could lead to the apprehension of the suspects. Ronald Mani (50) was gunned down at a tavern in Itsani Village outside Thohoyandou on the 30th of January. Timson Musetsho Tshimangadzo (Tshililo) whose age was not made known at the time of going to print, was shot outside his home in Makwarela, north of Thohoyandou on the 4th of January. He died in hospital shortly afterwards. These attacks prompted SAPS Provincial Commissioner Lt Gnl Nneke Ledwaba to establish a high level Task Team led by Deputy Provincial Commissioner responsible for Crime Detection, Major General Samuel Manala, to investigate these cases. Rewards of R250 000 have been offered for information on each of the individuals which would lead to their successful arrests. Anyone with information that can lead to the arrest of the suspect(s) is requested to contact Brig James Espach on 082 576 0743, Lt Col Paradise Nkuna on 072 299 2888 or the crime stop number 0860010111. Any information received will be treated with strict confidentiality.

Hijackers caught ■

Jeff Jackson

Twelve suspects aged between 22 and 55 were arrested by the SAPS during joint operations in the province. The arrests were effected in the Tzaneen, Thohoyandou, Mahwelereng and Groblersdal clusters. In the Tzaneen Cluster, four suspects aged between 22 and 37 were arrested for possession of unlicensed firearms and ammunition and car hijacking which occurred in the Thohoyandou policing area on the 7th of April at around 21:00. A 34-year-old man was opening a gate at his home in Thohoyandou when a group of men appeared from nowhere and forced him and his daughter (3) into their car at gunpoint and drove away with them. The Police were notified and swiftly responded which resulted in the arrest of the suspects in the Maake Policing area outside Tzaneen. During the arrest, police rescued the threeyear-old child and the owner of the hijacked motor vehicle. They also confiscated two motor vehicles, a firearm and bank cards. Preliminary police investigations revealed that the suspects intended on committing business robberies in the Tzaneen Cluster and the surrounding areas.

Scores of parents in the Maake Plaza precinct area are disgruntled following inaction from the police after school children took the law into their own hands and took to the streets armed with various melee weapons. The youth had formed themselves into gangs depending on the school they are attending or the part of the community they reside in. Communities hardest hit by the problem are Thlalamotho, Cukumetani, Lenyenye, Moime, Erifaro, Tickeyline, Mhanghweni, Khujwana and Gabaza. These school gangs not only engage in fierce encounters with each other, but also profit from mugging revellers returning from nightclubs in the evenings. Matters came to a head at Mhanghweni Village near the Maake Plaza on Saturday when a youth who was returning from a soccer match was attacked by members of the gang called Ma100. He was attacked with a panga and left for dead. Allegedly, the victim was a member of a rival gang, Ma16, who was involved in a schoolyard brawl with a member of the Ma100’s. “I was at home on Saturday when I was called outside by a group of young boys standing at my gate asking that l call the police for them because they were afraid of the rival gang,” said one resident who saw the incident. “Yes, I called the police who came and when they were told that the case was in connection with the gangs, said the matter needed to be tackled by the parents themselves.” Despite workshops presented in the villages on gangsterism, incidents of gang violence are continuing. On Monday residents of Gavaza village cornered one of the gang members and found stolen goods in his possession. He was then taken to the police station after he was assaulted.

Hawks Gold Bust!

■ Jeff Jackson A two day disruptive operation between the Hawks’ Serious Organised Crime Investigation unit and the Department for Mineral Resource resulted in the arrest of four suspects in Letsitele and Giyani for running backyard gold laboratories. On 28 March two suspects were arrested in Letsitele in possession of gold bearing material, explosives, twenty bags of gold ore, gas bottles, pendukas and mercury all worth an estimated R1 million. Steven Mashele and Thabiso Maahlela have since appeared in the Napuno Magistrate Court for Contravention of Precious Metal Act and they were remanded in custody until 4 April 2019 for formal a bail application. In 2017 and 2018 similar operations were conducted at Mapuve Village and at the rehabilitated Ellerton mine situated in Nhlaniki Village and more 70 suspects were arrested for contravening Precious Metal Act and their cases are still ongoing court.

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12 April 2019



Jubilation after Vodacom donation ■ Jan Mafetsa Hundreds of pupils, parents and teachers at Ngwanamakhutje High School in Sofaya in the Sekororo area of the Maruleng Local Municipality (MLM) celebrated on Wednesday after the cellphone network giant Vodacom, made a significant donation towards their education. Vodacom donated a Personal Computer and printer during an event held at the school premises. The equipment will assist the pupils in their learning areas. The event which took place at the school assembly was attended by teachers from the school led by the headmaster, Jacob Moagi, parents representing the School Governing Body (SGB), Vodacom representatives and the media. The donation came as a blessing to a school that

was hard hit by a storm recently that removed much of the buildings’ roofs. In an interview with Bulletin, school headmaster, Jacob Moagi said that “Vodacom people were here today to provide the school with a computer and a printer. This is going to assist in learning and teaching. As the school, we are elated because our school is one of the poorest in the area,” he said. “As our school did not do well with matric results last year, we are going to work together with the parents and teachers to improve these results this time round. We therefore appeal to community members to take care of the little this school has. They should avoid situations where the property of the school could

be stolen by members of the community.”

Desiree skryf Parlement se oorsigfunksie Die ware toets van ‘n demokrasie is die mate waartoe die Parlement kan bewys dat die regering verantwoordbaar bly aan die mense. Dit word gedoen deur volhoudbare oorsig/monitering van die regering se aksies. Die Parlement en sy portefeuljekomitees besit ook die mag om enige persoon of instansie te vra of te dagvaar om getuie te lewer of om verslag te kom doen.

Grondwetlike mandaat

Die Grondwet van ons land gee aan die Parlement die mag om oorsig oor alle staatsorgane, insluitend dié op provinsiale en plaaslike regering uit te voer.

Wat is oorsig?

Oorsig is ‘n funksie wat die Grondwet aan die Parlement gee om die werk van die die regering se aksies te monitor.

R25 million May-Day due in Lenyenye ■ to boost 21 farmers Jan Mafetsa

■ Jan Mafetsa Twenty one emerging farmers from all the five regions of the province received a lease on life after the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRLR) provided them with farming equipment totalling R25,1 million on Wednesday. The farming implements included tractors, boom sprayers, maize planters, disc harrows and mould board ploughs. The equipment was by the time of going to print due to be handed over to the emerging farmers by the Deputy Minister Kate Mashego-Dlamini, who was accompanied by the Limpopo MEC for the department, Basikopo Makamu. Spokesperson for the Provincial Department, Molebatsi Masedi said that the event took place at the department offices in Polokwane. Masedi added that the Department had realised that small scale farmers had the potential to grow if they are supported. Masedi further said that the emerging small scale farmers and the co-operatives totalling 21, were identified from the five districts in the province. He added that some of the recipients included the beneficiaries of the land reform processes.

Thousands of red-robed members of the Congress of The South African Trade Union (COSATU) from all regions of Limpopo will descend on Lenyenye township outside Tzaneen for a Workers Day march on the 1st of May 1. The group wil first converge at the Civic Centre after which they will move the congregation to the stadium. There, they are to be addressed by Cosatu national delegate, Magope Maphiti. The South African Democratic Teachers Association (SADTA), Naphuno branch broke the news of the May Day march last week at the Lenyenye community hall during a memorial service for one of their members. According to sources, the procession for the day will start with an assembly at the corner of police station and Magistrate Streets at the Civic Centre. After a short stint at the junction the masses will march through the main street to the stadium. According to an invitation from Cosatu to its membership, the key note speaker will be ushered in by an address from the provincial leadership of the federation, which will be preceded by messages of support from the South African Communist Party (SACP), the African National Congress (ANC) and the other affiliates of the

Mass Democratic Movement (MDM). Cosatu and SACP are in alliance with the ANC. This event is earmarked as a catalyst to reunite the three legs of the Tripartheid Alliance and to entice supporters of the ANC to make their mark next to the ruling party icon on the ballot paper in the coming elections. The ANC has been though a rough patch with the allegations of state capture and other skeletons which have fallen out of the closet in the local and national papers recently. The visit by Cosatu leadership follows the recent visit by ANC Treasurer, Paul Mashatile, who though was well received, left the community dissatisfied with his departure as it was said he left early before he could attend to some service delivery matters. Mashatile’s visit was preceded by a visit by Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), Julius Malema to Lenyenye to addresses his party members. Politics in the area is highly contested with almost all the big political players already having visited the area while others are making themselves visible through posters. The parties so far that are active in Maake area are the ANC, EFF, the DA, AZAPO, COPE, and recently the IFP. The political trends have extended to houses where several fencing walls have been painted with the colours of political parties.

SAVE WATER in Tzaneen and the surrounding areas

Tydens die uitvoer van oorsig, fokus die parlement op: • toepassing van wette; • spandering van begrotings; • streng handhawing van wette van die Parlement en die Grondwet; • effektiewe bestuur van regerings-departemente.

Hoekom is die oorsigfunksie van die Parlement noodsaaklik? Deur die aksies van die regering te monitor en te evalueer maak dit vir die Parlement moontlik om te verseker dat dienslewering aan alle burgers gelewer word en elkeen sodoende ‘n beter kwaliteit lewe te kan handhaaf.

Redes vir oorsig deur die Parlement • • • • • •

om misbruik op te spoor en te voorkom; om onwettige en ongrondwetlike gedrag deur die regering te voorkom; om die regte van landsburgers te beskerm; om die regering verantwoordbaar te hou vir die spandering van die belastingbetalers se finansies; om die werkinge van die regering deursigtig te maak en die vertroue van die publiek in die regering te bevorder.

Volgende week: die werkinge van die Portefeuljekomitees Desiree van der Walt DA Lid van die Parlement


12 April 2019





The Message

Granny’s Grumbles - RELATIVITY

“When you are courting a nice girl an hour feels like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour”. So said the great Albert Einstein and I am so glad he did – it made it so much easier to understand. The mathematicians I regret to say made it impossible to understand the theory of relativity. Anyway, for those of you who might (like me) have battled to understand the theory of relativity I am about to make it easier for you. About forty years ago (in Rhodesia) I was looking for a half-day job which – relatively speaking – are quite difficult to find. My youngest child needed me home in the afternoons so I went off to the employment agency expecting the worst. It was a Thursday – as soon as I said I wanted a half-day job the interviewer actually brightened up and said “How soon would you be able to start?” I told her I could start immediately. I was sent off for a quick interview and told that I could start on Monday. There was one catch – the job was temporary – only four months. On the Monday I found myself sharing an office with an older lady who was delightful. At ten we had break for tea so I was taken off to the conference room to meet all the other ladies. There were 12 ladies altogether and I assumed it was somebody’s birthday judging by the amount of food on the table. This was an unusual company – of the twelve ladies employed – eight were half-day employees. I was amazed. According to the General Manager’s secretary her boss had been involved in a study which had indicated that half-day jobs were so eagerly sought after that you got

a full day’s work from a half-day worker who also only got paid accordingly (which was 40% lower than a full-time employee). And all the food on the table? Well – half-day ladies are usually older and more mature – they also have time to bake. It appeared that it was also a competition to see who could bring the most amazing eats each day. After two months I had gained 10lbs and was beginning to feel decidedly chubby. I tried to cut down but by the time I left at the end of the four months I had gained a whopping 18lbs. Fate decided to step in – my first outof-work day I saw an advert in the local newspaper advertising a salon that promised to slim you off via their magic vegetable diet plus their amazing machines. I had been fortunate enough to be given a rather large lump sum which was evidently holiday pay. I had never known a temporary job which gave holiday pay but I thought it could pay for my anticipated weight loss at the salon. When I phoned the lady at the salon and told her of my rapid weight gain she commiserated and said a six week course with her would have me slim and trim. I was booked in for an hour each Thursday afternoon for the next six weeks. The salon was in a rather old part of Salisbury’s residential area – old colonial houses which had cost a fortune. When I saw what was parked in the area outside the salon I went around the block and parked well out of the way – I had a very old bright red Ford Anglia. Although new cars were virtually unavailable due to sanctions – an elderly Jaguar and somewhat old Daimler was enough to tell me that moneyed people were inside. The owner greeted me effetely and took me through to the room where all the action was about to take place. There were six beds laid around and about – the empty bed was for me. I assumed that I was late due to the fact that everybody else was hooked up to machinery but evidently these ladies were in for the two-hour sessions. Up on the wall were blackboards which gave each lady’s name and weight and centimetre loss for the week. All of the ladies were obviously good friends because all sorts of interesting snippets were being thrown around and I was ignored. I took time to check out what was going on with the weights and measures of each lady and was surprised to see that only one lady had lost anything at all in the past week and it was less than one pound. To be honest my heart sank – if only one woman out of five had

lost anything at all indicated to me that I had signed up for a lost cause. However, since I was paying out what I thought was a vast sum of money I stuck to my vegetable diet and did what I had been told to do. The following week I was held up as a shining example of what could happen if one followed the diet and did what they were supposed to do. I had lost 3lbs and also a centimetre or two. If I had expected a round of applause I was sadly mistaken. Each lady had a perfectly good excuse for not having been able to follow the diet. The dog was ill – the eldest daughter had not passed maths – hubby was suspected of having a mistress, etc, etc. The second week I lost another 3lbs - owner was over the moon – large stars appeared on my blackboard and the silence was deafening. The third week I lost another 2lbs – the owner walked me to my car and told me how proud she was of me. She was obviously the only person who was because the rest of them barely spoke to me. I mentioned this to her – according to her they were all rich and didn’t really take it seriously – it was more like a social gathering – the one lady had been coming for almost two years and in that time had actually put on weight. By the fourth week I almost didn’t want to be weighed but there was a breakthrough in that one of the ladies actually spoke to me. Wanted to know what line of business my husband was in – I said he was in the army. “You are so lucky – you people hardly pay a cent in tax”. I had never thought of it that way but I suddenly realised that these really rich people truly believed that we were lucky because we didn’t have the hassle of trying to get one hundred thousand dollars out of the country. Why? Only because we didn’t have it... By the end of the sixth week I had lost all the weight gained during my four month eating frenzy and my name had a special place on the wall. The owner loved me and I loved my original body. Why am I telling you all this – the theory of relativity explained easily. If you eat too much cake relative to the size of your body – you will get fat. If you go on the “magic vegetable diet” after the above you will get your shape back. Rich vs. poor ……….everybody tends to feel they are hard done by compared to somebody else. A short while ago a very rich friend told me we should be happy – we weren’t paying tax and he and his wife were basically in the super tax bracket. He meant it – so obviously everything is relative!!

“Since the mathematicians have invaded the realm of relativity I do not understand it myself anymore” Albert Einstein


Tzaneen Social Vibez 21 April

The Social Vibez Market will be held on 21 April 2019 at Steffi’s Sun Lodge from 11h00 at R200.00 per person. For more information contact 072 783 8755 or 079 725 0476.

Tzaneen Monthly Luncheon Meeting 12 April

Haenertsburg Food, Wine and Beer Festival 27 April

The Tzaneen Chamber Of Commerce Monthly Luncheon Meeting will be held on 12 April 2019 at Hotel @ Tzaneen from 12h00 at R120.00 per person. For more information contact Naomi Le Grange on 083 280 9723 or email admin@ tzaneenchamber.org.za

The Haenertsburg Food, Wine And Beer Festival will be Held on 27/28 April 2019 from 09:00. Adults entrance R30.00 per person and R10.00 for children over 12 years. Tickets available at www. quicket.co.za. Visit www.foodandwinefestival. co.za. For more information contact Mara on 082 370 8567.

Tzaneen Dirt Dash 13 April

Tzaneen Monster Reunion Music Festival 27 April

Tzaneen Care Group is presenting the Dirt Dash on 13 April 2019 at Magoebaskloof Adventures

The Monster Reunion Music Festival will be held on 27 April 2019 at The Manor from R100.00 per

Wees gegroet in naam van Jesus.


Die lewe is maar net ‘n tydelike verblyf op aarde, en vir sommige mense is dit volgens aardse tyd van korte duur. In die tyd aan ons deur die Here geleen, wil ons sekere doelwitte bereik, maar soms stel ons hierdie doelwitte te hoog. Ons moet ook versigtig wees om nie in die proses om ons doelwitte te bereik op ander mense te trap nie. In die sekulere wêreld kan ons moontlik ons doelwitte veel makliker bereik, maar ‘n mens moet skouer aan die wiel sit en hard werk om dit reg te kry. Dit is nie so maklik om doelwitte te bereik in die spirituele wêreld nie, omdat ons geloof gevestig is op dit wat ons nie kan sien nie. Soms is dit baie moeilik om te verstaan wat geloof alles behels. Om die hoogste doelwit in ons spirituele lewe te bereik, moet ons alle aardse goed agterlaat, net soos die dissipels gedoen het toe hulle die besluit geneem het om Jesus te volg. Dis is miskien makliker om die besluit te neem vir die wat nie baie het nie, maar sal hulle bereid wees om ook hulle families en geliefdes agter te laat? Ons moet glo dat die skatte wat ons in die hiernamaals sal ontvang veel meer sal wees as die ‘verliese’ wat ons op aarde sal lei om als op te offer en Jesus te volg. In Markus 10:29-31 se Jesus “Dit verseker Ek julle: Daar is niemand wat ter wille van My en ter wille van die evangelie afgesien het van sy huis of broers of susters of moeder of vader of kinders of eiendom nie, of hy kry nou in hierdie tyd honderd keer soveel: huise en broers en susters en moeders en kinders en eiendom, saam met baie vervolging, en in die bedeling wat kom, die ewige lewe. Maar baie wat eerste is, sal laaste wees, en wat laaste is, eerste.” Dit is die gevolg van die keuse wat ons maak om Hom te volg, maar die ewige lewe is waarna ons almal smag. Om weer by ons Vader te wees en in die saligheid van Sy arms te leef, met geen lyding nie, net in ewige volmaaktheid. Ek wil graag so lewe maar dit eis sterk geloof om dit reg te kry. As Jesus jou vandag vir jou sê “volg My”, sal jy dit sonder teenstand doen? Of sal jy soos meeste van ons, huiwer en eers daaroor moet dink? Laat ons vir ons ‘n weg baan deur daardie besluit sonder huiwering te neem. Amen.

Mind-blowing Fact #111 person. For more information contact Danny on 061 490 3393 or Reinhardt on 071 638 9345.

Tzaneen Bottomless Coffee 18 Mei

Venue D’Light bied aan Bottomless Coffee op 18 Mei 2019 vanaf 18h00 teen R150.00 per persoon. Vir meer inligting skakel Elize by 076 276 8626.

Like us on facebook! FAR NORTH MEDIA

Humans can’t digest grass. Despite health fanatics claiming wheatgrass aids digestion, humans would actually need several more stomachs to digest it, like cows have.

1368 09 2 57


The Numbers

50,000 cells in your body died and were replaced by new ones while you were reading this sentence.

Bulletin FAR NORTH

from 09:00. For more information contact Melissa Strydom on 083 635 4132 or email admin@ tzaneencaregroup.co.za.

Rev Ron Reiners Anglican Church

Your agri advertising solution provider To advertise call: Jacques 071 268 2543 or Lizan 076 795 5000 All your Agri news online








12 April 2019




to us!









12 April 2019





A Mountain Prayer to heal South Africa

■ Bulletin

High security was organised for this event on Saturday when 750 people were expected to attend two hours of praise and song in Haenertsburg. The weather forecast was not good, rains were predicted and it did rain. The alternative plan to use the Village Hall was then put in place. The headache initially was how to get 750 people inside the Hall that can only accommodate some 200 people at a squeeze. However, this all dissipated as the rain kept many people away and some 150 came to celebrate in an inter-denominational environment with uplifting singing and music. The 30-strong Martin Luther Kantorei, conducted by Ephraim Bashele from the Groblersdal area, was beautiful. Similar accolade goes to the Framus band consisted of singer Debbie Morris, Werner Bredenhann on drums, Jansen van der Walt on guitar and

Last day of freedom This apparition came walking down Rissik Street in Haenertsburg in the rain on Saturday. Identifying himself only as John Snow he said he was getting married in Polokwane the next day.

Mario Santa Rita on bass. Ministers Jonathan Meintjies and Dirk Engelbrecht, amongst others, were present. It was a bringing together of communities, churches and organisations. Under Hans van Schalkwyk from HNW, locals John Wright and Emmual Human, logistics and security ran like clockwork. There were three drones in the sky, a helicopter on standby, canine security, two way radios for communication, Deon van Tonder from ER24 was on standby, the Haenertsburg Care Association was ready with wheelchairs and other apparatus in case of a situation, marshals were placed in strategic positions and the local SAPS was represented. Everyone involved, except the car guards, were volunteers. This event paves the way for all other festivals in the area and forms the blueprint for the safety of future events. The joyful occasion ended with the South African National Anthem.


EXECUTION – AUCTION PURSUANT to a judgment by the Malamulele Magistrate’s Court, granted on 23 November 2016 the under-mentioned goods will be sold at 13h00 on 02 MAY 2019 by public auction to be held IN FRONT OF THE SHERIFF STORE – LEMDEV BUILDING MAIN ROAD GIYANI by the sheriff for the Magistrate’s Court to the highest bidder for cash, namely:

1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgement obtained in the above honourable Court. 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific condition, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov.


za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation in respect of proof of identify and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protec-


Tel: (015) 307 4458 Email: litigasie@vanrensburgprok. co.za Ref: RR0041/yb/SJVR Apr201__________________________

In the estate of the late WILLEM JACOBUS BOTHA, identity number 3402215003083, Master’s reference number 0005225/2017, pensioner, married out of community of property, and who was ordinarily resident at Goue

Jare Old Age Home, Modjadjiskloof, Limpopo Province and, who died on the 5th of June 2017. All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the undersigned within 30 days from the date of the publication hereof. Joubert & May Attorneys P O Box 35, Tzaneen Ref.: A E Rech/avs/R15059 Apr202__________________________

Smouskous l Classifieds

Woodwork For all your woodwork needs. Repairs to wooden furniture. Making of furniture. Contact Rob on 071 727 2377 __________________________________


Caretaker available for farm or flat maintenance. Fully qualified plumber, electrical, building, tiling ect. Can farm and do all mechanical work. Contact 079 882 7518.



General Steelwork, Plumbing & Waterproofing. Tzaneen & Letsitele Area Contact Marius 064 918 4161


Dulux Paint Centre Need paint or other supplies? Get in touch right away 40 Danie Joubert Street 015 307 7756 __________________________________

Hobby Print

For all your printing! Full colour work, from


invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382. __________________________________

Le Vant Home & Décor Curtains, towels, Haberdashery, ovelockers, fabrics, furniture 8 Jorrison Street, Polokwane


Nasionale Bestuur Skool Aan al die ouers van Tzaneen en in die omgewing, moet nie op die tippie vir julle kinders se opleiding vir bestuurs lisensie wag nie. Vat die stres van julle as ouers se skouers af en plaas dit op ons sin. Ons doen volledige opleiding, en is behulpsaam deur die hele proses. Sien ons op facebook onder National Driving School vir verwysings. Kontak / Whatsapp Giane 083 279 2343


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Paint Pot Paint, arts and crafts and more. Visit us in store for specials. 56 Boundry Road, Tzaneen 015 307 3517 ________________________ Sleebok Supplier of quality granite, engineered quartz and Caesar Stone. Private home owners and building contractors are welcome. www.sleebok.co.za 015 307 1205/6005 __________________________________

JTzaneen Trailer Hire

& Ice

Service & repair on trailers and caravans. Suppliers of ice. Trailers for hire: Double & Single axcle Car, Piggyback Cattle Luggage trailers

Hennie: 083 651 0936


Jaques van Niekerk Optometrist Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril. Terms &

Bulletin FAR NORTH

Services Dienste

Your agri advertising solution provider. To advertise contact Lizan 076 795 5000 or Jacques 071 268 2543

voorwaardes geld. 015 307 3703 ________________________ Crusader Technologies Insure the safety of your family! CCTV, Alarm systems, Clocking systems, Access control systems. 072 731 4084 or 015 065 0302 ________________________

Bargain Shop We buy and sell quality new and used goods. 015 306 0036

VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/ 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139

2nd HAND SHOP Bargains Galore We buy, sell and pawn. Furniture, appliances, kitchen ware, jewelry ect. Best value for your money. Visit us at 11 Plantation Rd or call 015 307 1171 082 472 8483

Epos:troktrek@mweb.co.za www. steynbergmeubelvervoer. com


BDM Diesel Centre We specialise in: Repair of diesel pumps and injectors, Service of diesel pumps and injectors, Calibrating of pumps and injectors and Repairs of all turbo-chargers. 20 Plantation rd, Old industrial are

015 307 3774/5


Limpopo Party Hire Jumping castles, Water slides, Balloon water dunk, Popcorn machine, Candy floss machine.

073 265 2650



Steynberg Trok & Trekker. 8 Ton Trokke te huur R25.50/km + btw, 8 Ton Koeler Trok R28/km + btw, 12 Ton Trok R27.50/km + btw & 20 Ton @ R34.50/km + btw, Lowbed trailer @ R34.50/ km + btw. 6 cube tipper @ R27/km + btw eenrigting. Vragmotor met kraan R2700/dag.

Die Wasbalie Laundry Service at 7 St. Julian Street

082 672 8131

We will beat any written quote!!

Terme & voorwaardes geld.

Skakel vir Kwotasie: 076 410 9503 / 082 851 7139 / 015 345 1192 084 627 0956

071 063 4983 24 Hour

Emergency Plumber

To Let Te Huur Huis te huur- Aquapark

(Langtermyn) 5 Slaapkamers, 3 badkamers. Groot leefarea, swembad, elektriese motorhek, toesluit motorhuis. Kantoorspasie, tuindienste. R9 000 pm (W & L uitgesluit) Volle deposito verlang. Beskikbaar 1 Mei Kontak Barry: 083 526 5138 ________________________ 2 Slaapkamer, I badkamer (net stort), aparte toilet. Oopplan sit, eetkamer en kombuis. Groot leefarea. Geen katte. Koopkrag, water ingesluit. Beskikbaar 1 Mei R4800 per maand. Kontak Tessa 079 653 6317 ________________________

Jobseeker My name is Salphina Mohale. I’m looking for full time employment a Domestic Worker. Any area, can start immediately. Contact me on 079 222 1064. ________________________ My name is Elsina Molele. Looking for domestic work or Security Guard. Clean & looking after kids. Sleep in/out (Monday to Friday). Contact me on 079 562 6680. ________________________ My name is Cecilia Shai. I’m looking for full time employment a Domestic / General Worker / Cashier. I can cook and clean. Sleep out only.Contact me on 076 119 5345. ________________________

DASS Domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Bosch, Whirlpool, Defy etc. Repairs, spares and service. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, Tzaneen. 015 307 1798 / 082 898 0468




12 April 2019



Golfers woeker vir Wolkies ■ Bulletin

Die Wolkberg Woekerwolkies Golfdag het verlede week Vrydag die setperke van die Tzaneen Buiteklub aan die brand gehad met plaaslike belanghebbendes wat almal saamgespan het om fondse vir dié skool in te samel. Die fondse wat op die dag ingesamel is, gaan aangewend word om die Woekerwolkies Kleuterskool fasiliteite op te gradeer. Wolkberg Akademie bedank graag al die borge wat hand by gesit het om hierdie opgraderingsprojek van stapel te stuur. Hulle sluit in: Allesbeste, B&R Metals, Tickyline Granite, Crawdaddy’s, Hotel@Tzaneen, FNB, Deli Spices, Kentmaster, Denzel Haynes, Cloud Mountain Spur, Gravelotte Charcoal, Santa’s Fabric Magic, Crown National, ZZ2, Annemarie

Lindeque, Ford Phalaborwa, Drakensig Water, Serala Water, André Grobbelaar, Tzaneen Garden Centre, Bulletin, Limco, Thomas en Swanepoel, Adzan Accounting, Keyshop@Tzaneen, BB Used, Mazda Ford, Smit & Kie, Tolmay Makeup and Lash Artistry, Limbou, Savuki Drilling, Westfalia, Trophy Trekkers, House of Granite, Tzaneen Brake & Clutch, Beefmar Abattoir, Afrupro, Naudé Brokers, Lannie Motors, Hannes van Deventer, Marius Swanepoel en Nel Snel Dienste.


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12 April 2019





Business Directory | Sakegids Besoek ons vertoonkamers: Tzaneen, Giyani, Phalaborwa, Mankweng, Polokwane & NOU ook in Acornhoek


Kombuis is die hart van die huis — wees lief vir joune! Vir 20 jaar is Sleebok verskaffers van kwaliteit graniet, “engineered quartz” en “Caesar Stone”. Privaat huiseienaars en konstruksie kontrakteurs is welkom om ons vir ‘n gratis kwotasie te kontak. Ons sal enige formele geskrewe kwotasie verbeter.


20 Koedoe Straat, Ou Industriële Gebied, Tzaneen • Tel: 015 307 1205/6005 • www.sleebok.co.za

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Jumping Castles • Water Slides Balloon Water Dunk Popcorn Machine Candy Floss Machine

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Business Line: 081 358 0190 Hennie: 083 535 0140 Fax: 086 666 8207 hennoxsec2011@yahoo.co.za

073 265 2650

Free delivery and pickup in Tzaneen

CK: K2011/116880/07/ PSIRA: 2140441

Medical Business Directory | Sakegids Specialist Urologist TZANEEN

Dr Nathan October


MB ChB (Stell), FC UROL (SA) • Pr no: 0478725


Independent 24 hour emergency service, located at Mediclinic Tzaneen

Direct ER line: 015 306 8526


Tel: 015 308 0041 Specialist Rooms B12 & B13 Ivory Tusk Lodge • Tzaneen

To advertise in the Bulletin Business Directory please call Lizan 076 795 5000

Inject your business into the Medical Directory! Contact Lizan: 076 795 5000




12 April 2019



Hello and Goodbye Stebian van der Walt

■ Merensky Jané Auret

Medals for Larrie-Seven

Adelia Schonken

■ Joe Dreyer

Seven of the fastest primary school swimmers in the province took part in the Level 2 Swimming Championships in Polokwane between the 3rd and the 5th of April this year. Each one of the swimmers performed very well and held their own against a very strong contingent of swimmers from other areas of the province. Jané Auret (11) swam in seven finals and received a bronze medal in the 50m and 200m Freestyle and silver medals in the 100m Butterfly and 100m Freestyle events. Christo Ferreira (13) swam in

Die Fransies word gemeet ■ Joe Dreyer

Verlede Saterdag het gesorg vir groot wintersport opwinding in die klein myndorpie van Phalaborwa. Die 6de April sal onthou word as die dag wat die Hoërskool Merensky gardes op Frans du Toit se velde gaan kamp opslaan het ter voorbereiding van die segetog wat later sou volg. Die rugbyveld het eerste geval. Die o/14A-span Plasie-seuns het gemaklik hul gashere met 24-0 geklop voor die o/15A-span daardie telling met tien punte verbeter het om met die Fransies met 34-0 aftereken. Met die seniorspanne was dit ‘n heeltemal ander geveg en moes die Plasies skouer aan die wiel sit om net-net

two event finals and managed an eighth place in the 50m Backstroke while Joszua Joubert (12) swam in seven finals ending his siege with a fantastic fourth place in the 50m Freestyle. Adelia Schonken (12) participated in six finals and earned a bronze medal in the 100m Breaststroke while her younger sibling and teammate, Simoné Schonken (10), swam in the final of the 50m Butterfly stroke and achieved a ninth place. The nine-year old Christiaan van Vuuren recorded an eighteenth place in his heat of the 100m Backstroke

Die Plasie o.15-span straal na hul oorwinning.

die Tweedespan stryd met 21-17 te wen en na die Eerstespan wedstryd met 17-17 tevrede te wees. Merensky se junior- en senior seunshokkiespanne het die Fransies ook goed vasgevat. Die o/14-seuns wen Frans du Toit 5-1, terwyl die Eerstespan amok maak met ‘n pragoorwinning van 9 doele teenoor nul. Die begeesterde hokkiedogters het toeskouers beïndruk met hul spelvernuf. Die o/14’s behaal ‘n ongelooflike 10-0 oorwinning, met die Eerste-span wat eweneens puik spel lewer en 8-0 seëvier. Op die sokkerveld het dinge egter nie so voorspoedig verloop nie en moes die Plasies die knieë buig met 0-2 en 2-4 tellings vir die juniors en seniors onderskeidelik.

13 Larries na Lim proewe

Onder 12 dogters – Michaela Manakira, Elné Haynes, Kristi de Jager, Dimpho Ramothwala en Rifumo Twala.

■ Joe Dreyer

Die Mopani netbalproewe is gehou op Woensdag, die 4de April, by Laerskool Tzaneen. Ten spyte van die reënerige weer het die dogters en onderwysers vasgebyt en die proewe is voltooi.

Onder 13 dogters – Larike Joubert, Zilmari van Rooyen, Megan-Lee Mans, Latricia Muchabi, Dimpho Mametja, Rendani Mamorobela en Makoma Malatji.

Die Laerskool Tzaneen Primary dogters het die keurders so beïndruk dat nie minder as ses o/12- en sewe o/13 spelers deurgedring het na die Limpopo kampioenskappe. Larike Joubert, Zilmari van Rooyen, Megan-Lee Mans,

Latricia Muchabi, Dimpho Mametja, Rendani Mamorobela, Makoma Malatji, Michaela Manakira, Elné Haynes, Kristi de Jager, Dimpho Ramothwala en Rifumo Twala sal almal aan die komende provinsiale toernooie gaan deelneem.

Merensky High School welcomes Mr. Stebian van der Walt to the Plasie team. He will henceforth carry the title of “Mr. Cricket”, as he has assumed responsibility for cricket training at Plasieland. Van der Walt is a qualified Cricket South Africa level 3 coach. Currently he is the head coach of the Limpopo Senior Rural team, as well as assistant coach for the Limpopo Senior Provincial team. In 2018 he coached the Titans Cubs (u/19 Titans), the Titans Colts (Academic Titans) and the Coca-Cola Limpopo u/19 team. He has also been managing his own cricket academy for the past 10 years. Plasie cricket is excited about the cricket season. At the same time, the Plasies had to say goodbye to Mr. Boela Venter, a keen rugby player who will now live his dream as a professional rugby player at the Falcons. Thank you, Mr. Venter, the Plasies will eagerly keep an eye on the TV Boela Venter screens!

Sport 12 April 2019

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MINI VALETS starting from R350.00 Mini valet consist of: Exterior wash, upholstery clean, vacuum, engine wash, polish & tyre shine. 015 065 0102 • 063 989 5532 • 3 Billy Maritz St. Tzaneen

2019 Tour de Limpopo update ■ Joe Dreyer The very same cycling race that caused an upset last year when local motorists were unaware of the event, is this year coming to Tzaneen once again. The inaugural Tour De Limpopo saw a collaboration between the Limpopo Tourism Agency and Cycling South Africa, showcasing the diversity of the Limpopo Province as a premier cycling destination. The 2018 event attracted 18 international professional cycling teams. The 2019 instalment of the Tour de Limpopo will be a fourday stage race starting at Bela Bela and heading North to the capital city of Polokwane. Teams will stay overnight before heading east to Tzaneen, where riders will stay for two nights before heading back to Polokwane on the 18th of May, to finish the Tour at the Peter Mokaba Stadium. The Elite race will comprise teams of six riders and three support crew. Pro Continental Teams, National Teams and local regional/ professional teams will be invited to participate in the tour. The interest in the tour has grown with over 24 teams expressing interest to participate. These teams span four continents, representing 14 countries. Teams will race for General Classification, Sprinters jersey, King of the Mountain jersey, Best Young Rider and Most Aggressive Rider, as well as Overall Team Classification. To involve as many people as possible, the event will introduce some new concepts this year. From “best host municipality” to school competitions, and a cycle challenge up Mount Agatha, outside Tzaneen.

Race information 14 May 2019

Registration, team managers meeting, welcome dinner – BelaBela

15 May 2019

Bela-Bela to Polokwane - 172km 4 x sprint hotspots and finish sprint time bonus 1 x King of the Mountains Hotspot Evening function – Daily prizegiving

16 May 2019

Polokwane to Tzaneen - 96km 1 x sprint Hotspot 2 x King of the Mountains Hotspot Evening function – Daily prizegiving 17 May 2019 – Tzaneen – Modjadjiskloof – Tarentaal – Coachmans Climb (Mt Agatha) - 101km 2 x KOM (Hillclimb finish) – double points for King of the Mountain Evening function – Daily prizegiving 18 May 2019 – Tzaneen – Polokwane - 116km Gala dinner - Overall prizegiving

Vossie Flippers presteer tydens Level 3 swemkampioenskappe ■ Joe Dreyer

Die Suid-Afrikaanse Level 3-swemkampioenskappe het vanaf 28-31 Maart 2019 in Germiston (Johannesburg) plaasgevind. Soos elders in hierdie koerant berig, het swemmers vanuit al die skole in die dorp uitstekend goed presteer te midde van die strawwe kompetisie. Hoërskool Ben Vorster het vier swemmers by die hierdie kampioenskappe gehad en elkeen van hulle het net sulke goeie prestasies gelewer. Juan Meintjies, die belowende o/13 swemmer het in vier finale teen die land se beste swemmers in hul ouderdomsgroep te staan gekom. Wat sy prestasie indrukwekkend maak is dat elk van die finale in ‘n ander dissipline (swemstyl) was. In

die 50m Borsslag raak hy derde aan die wal – dit was ook sy enigste brons medalje van die byeenkoms. Daarna het hy drie goue medaljes in 50m Vlinder-, Vry- en Rugslag items verwerf. Erno Botha het in die Seuns o/15-o/18 ouderdomsgroep ‘n brons medalje in die 100m Rugslag verwerf en sewende plek in die 50m Rugslag finaal verwerf. Marnus Kruger (o/14) het tiende in die 50m Vlinderslag finaal en agtste in die 200m Borsslag finaal geëndig. Pieter du Toit het negende en agste in die 50m en 100m Vlinderslag finale onderskeidelik geëindig.

Protea vir Zack ■ Joe Dreyer Zack Verster, ‘n leerling van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster, is gekies om deel te neem aan die 2019-SABAA-Junior Nasionale Kampioenskappe. Die kampioenskappe het vanaf 28 – 31 Maart 2019 by Witbankdam plaasgevind. Die top 36 junior hengelaars (van vyf swartbaars divisies uit Suid-Afrika) het dit uitgespook om die eerste 13 posisies te behaal en sodoende gekies te word vir die Protea span . Die Protea span neem in Desember 2019 aan die SABAA-Junior Internasionale Kampioenskappe, wat hierdie jaar in KZN by Albert falls Dam plaasvind, deel. Na ‘n uitmergelende paar dae het Zack Verster ‘n 4de plek uit 36 hengelaars behaal en is hy opgeneem in die Protea span.

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