
Page 1

31 May 2019


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The solar solution Page 3

Gun battle

Gunman who opened fire at sheriff and security officers in full view of SAPS not arrested.

— Page 2

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and more streamlined


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31 May 2019 FAR NORTH

Bulletin F A R



Personeel | Personnel Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man)

071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Admin / Finance Jacqueline Fourie 083 294 7747 admin@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com Tamryn Lancefield 083 637 9551 tamryn@bulletin.us.com

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani • Phalaborwa


Kontak besonderhede Contact Details

Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 071 268 2543 (Jacques) 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: jacques@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Website Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555





Gun battle in Aquapark – no arrests ■ Joe Dreyer

A midday shootout in the middle of an affluent Tzaneen neighbourhood has placed the local police force in a bad light. This after a man pulled out a firearm and fired four shots at the Letaba Sheriff of the court, Tertius Robertson, his deputies and members of Canine Security in front of his house in Aquapark. The entire incident was recorded on the sheriff ’s bodycam and the security company vehicle’s dash cam. The video footage can however not be published at this time. On Tuesday morning Robertson and his deputy Victor Dilibo arrived at a home in Aquapark to execute a removal order. They were to remove a vehicle in the possession of the owner of the house. A tow truck driver and crew had accompanied them to the property. Marius Jacobs of Canine Security and one of his senior personnel, accompanied the group. Upon their arrival, the owner of the house was not present and so Robertson and Dilibo approached the man’s wife and issued her with the documentation and instructed the tow truck crew to start loading the vehicle. During this process, the owner of the home arrived on scene and his wife explained the situation. The man refused to have the vehicle towed and allegedly assaulted the tow truck driver by striking him with a flat hand against the side of his face. The man then turned his attention to Robertson and hurled verbal insults and threats at him. Robertson explained that he was legally authorised to be on the property and to remove the vehicle. This led to the man producing a firearm and firing a shot off at Robertson. At one point he allegedly shouted “this is our country now and I will kill you right here.” Chaos erupted as the sheriff, his deputy and the tow truck crew ran for cover. The man fired

more shots in the direction of the security officers and the rest of the crew until they fled out of the yard and into the street. Tzaneen SAPS were called in and a police van soon arrived on scene. A few moments later the man walked out of his yard, into the middle of the street and once again produced his firearm. The police van drove up next to him and an officer exited the vehicle. Then, in full view of these police officers, the man pointed his firearm at Robertson and shouted that he would kill him right there. “I will kill you right here white boy!” Shockingly the police officers who had stopped next to the gunman, stood and watched the drama unfold as a bystander rather than a law enforcement officer (this too was caught on the dash cam footage). Eventually the man lowered his weapon and the police officers accompanied him back inside his property. Robertson and the tow truck driver and crew waited outside on the pavement while Dilibo also went inside the house. More police vehicles arrived. About an hour passed during which time Bulletin was on the scene and heard one of the police officers say that the man “agreed to allow the sheriff and his crew to remove the vehicle from his property”. Regarding the confiscation of his weapon and his arrest for firing at Robertson and the crew, the police officer simply stated that “they are busy negotiating with him inside his house.” Astoundingly, the police officers on scene did not immediately arrest the man nor did they confiscate his weapon. According to them, he claimed that he thought he was being robbed and therefor fired at what he believed to be intruders. The law clearly states that a licenced firearm can only be used where it is safe to do so and for

a lawful purpose. If you own a firearm for self-defence, you can only use the weapon to defend your life against an unlawful attack. Pointing a gun at someone or discharging in public will lead to criminal charges and a person can lose their licence. Despite Robertson and the security officers relaying the fact that the man fired live rounds at them and threatened to kill them which constituted immediate arrest, the officers simply continued their negotiations inside the house. At one point the man came walking out of his yard to retrieve something from his vehicle (unattended by the police officers who were still inside his house) and his firearm was clearly visible, tucked into the back of his belt. In the meantime the police officers, bar the two negotiating with the man inside his house, had all left the scene. The man was present during the removal of the vehicle from his property and even spoke to the crew while they were busy loading the vehicle. Eventually phone calls were made by Jacobs and Robertson to high ranking police officials which eventually led to the sheriff and the security officers heading to the Tzaneen police station to lay charges against the gunman. The man drove himself to the police station in his own vehicle and allegedly arrived at the station still carrying his firearm. Robertson, Jacobs and the tow truck driver, after hours at the charge office, laid charges with police and only later that evening the cases were registered. The charges included contempt of court, assault common, pointing of a firearm, discharging a firearm in a residential area and attempted murder. We have received confirmation that he handed in his firearm to the police, but at the time of going to print yesterday afternoon, he had still not been arrested. We had also not been able to receive official comment from the police, but we have issued an inquiry.

Verslag: Só lyk Limpopo se vullisterreine ■ Bulletin korrespondent

Die oudit bestaan uit ’n lys van 33 vrae wat die minimum vereistes vir vullisterreine in Suid-AfAfriForum het vanjaar 127 vullisterreine in al nege rika meet en sluit faktore soos toegangsbeheer, provinsies geoudit assedeel van hul nasionale pro- brande, mediese afval, omheining en rehabilitasie Só lyk Limpopo vullisterreine jek om die gehalte van vullisterreine in Suid-Afrika in. ’n Vullisterrein moet minstens 80% behaal om teAfriForum meet. wetgewing te voldoen. het vanjaar 127 vullisterreine in alaan nege provinsies geoudit as deel van hul Slegs 4 uitprojek 12 vullisterreine wat van in Limpopo David te Rule, AfriForum se assistentnasionale om die gehalte vullisterreineVolgens in Suid-Afrika meet. geoudit is, het aan nasionale standaarde voldoen. koördineerder vir die Soutpansberg, is die meeste Kragtens wetgewing wat en regulasies, Limpopo in ’n haglike toestand. Slegs 4 toepaslike uit 12 vullisterreine in Limpopovullisterreine geoudit is, inhet aan nasionale standaarde waaronder die Wet op Nasionale Omgewings“Die meestewaaronder vullisterreine in ’n slegte toestand voldoen. Kragtens toepaslike wetgewing en regulasies, dieis Wet op Nasionale bestuur: Vullis, 2008 (wetno. 59 van 2008), moet59 ’n van en 2008), dit kan moet hoofsaaklik toegeskryfaan word aan die Omgewingsbestuur: Vullis, 2008 (wetno. ’n vullisterrein bepaalde vullisterrein aan bepaalde vereistes voldoen. totale verval van munisipaliteite in dié provinvereistes voldoen. Só vergelyk die beste vullisterreine met die sleg- sie. Wanbesteding en wanadministrasie is groot ste: kwelpunte in die provinsie. Finansies word onSó vergelyk die beste vullisterreine met die slegste:

Beste Groblersdal Marble Hall Louis Trichard

Persentasie 98% 84% 84%



Slegste Ellisras Hoedspruit Naboomspruit (Mookgophong PM) Naboomspruit (Western Breeze) Nylstroom Phalaborwa Leeupoort Warmbad

doeltreffend aangewend en die nodige masjinerie is weens onvoldoende instandhouding in verval.” Rule sê voorts dat die afwesigheid van afvalbestuurslisensies en mediese afval wat onwettig op die terrein gestort word van die grootste probleme was wat AfriForum tydens dié oudit opgemerk het. AfriForum-takke sal ook druk op owerhede in hul gebiede plaas om afvalmoniteringskomitees te stig om die afvalbestuursproses te verbeter. Dié komitees sal bestaan uit munisipaliteite en belanghebbende partye wat vullisbestuur in die betrokke dorp wil verbeter. Die ouditverslag sal ook aan die Groen Skerpioene oorhandig word vir verdere ondersoek en optrede teen skuldige munisipaliteite. AfriForum sal die proses deurlopend moniteer om te verseker dat vullisterreine op peil gebring word.

Persentasie 16% 20% 34% 20% 0% 36% 4% 40%

Die oudit bestaan uit ’n lys van 33 vrae wat die minimum vereistes vir vullisterreine in SuidAfrika meet en sluit faktore soos toegangsbeheer, brande, mediese afval, omheining en rehabilitasie in. ’n Vullisterrein moet minstens 80% behaal om aan wetgewing te voldoen. Volgens David Rule, AfriForum se assistentkoördineerder vir die Soutpansberg, is die meeste vullisterreine in Limpopo in ’n haglike toestand. “Die meeste vullisterreine is in ’n slegte toestand en dit kan hoofsaaklik toegeskryf word aan die totale verval van munisipaliteite in dié provinsie. Wanbesteding en wanadministrasie is groot kwelpunte in die provinsie. Finansies word ondoeltreffend aangewend en die nodige masjinerie is weens onvoldoende instandhouding in verval.” Rule sê voorts dat die afwesigheid van afvalbestuurslisensies en mediese afval wat onwettig op die terrein gestort word van die grootste probleme was wat AfriForum tydens dié oudit opgemerk het. AfriForum-takke sal ook druk op owerhede in hul gebiede plaas om afvalmoniteringskomitees te stig om die afvalbestuursproses te verbeter. Dié komitees sal bestaan uit munisipaliteite en belanghebbende partye wat vullisbestuur in die betrokke dorp wil verbeter.

Foto: Naboomspruit

Stand van Damme Jaques van Niekerk Levels Die ouditverslag sal ook aan die Groen Skerpioene oorhandig wordDam vir verdere ondersoek


en optrede teen skuldige munisipaliteite. AfriForum sal die proses deurlopend moniteer om te verseker dat vullisterreine op peil gebring word. Ebenezer 69.2%

Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril

Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 27/05/2019

Tzaneen 16.7%

Merensky 100.4%

Dap Naude 99%

Middel Letaba 6.5%

Blyde Rivier Poort 99.3%

Klaserie 100.4%

Tours 44.8%

Vergelegen 100.7%

Ohrigstad 21.1%

*Termes & voorwaardes geld.

Tel: 015 307 3703 11 Rencole Building, Loop Street, Tzaneen





31 May 2019


Letsitele’s first large-scale solar installation launched ■ Joe Dreyer With the amount of power outages plaguing the Tzaneen and surrounding areas, large corporations, farmers and industrial business particularly in the Letsitele area have started looking for alternative solutions to ease the incredible burden they face daily. With power supply to some areas interrupted for periods extending up to three days at a time, and with the municipality unable to cope, it has become paramount for the end user to seek solutions that would not only relinquish some of the strain on the aged infrastructure, but also ensure that production can continue uninterrupted. It is in light of this that one pioneer in Letsitele has decided to take a leap into the solar power arena. Houers Koöperatief Beperk the largest and most trusted packaging provider in the area this week completed a three month-long solar panel installation which should see them running their operations largely off solar power. Bulletin spoke to Tertius Erasmus, Plant Engineer at Houers Koöperatief Beperk on Wednesday morning and he explained that the system is fully integrated with the municipal power

grid and backup generators which will ensure that their facility stays up and running even during power outages. A total of 3 820 solar panels each measuring 2m2 have been installed atop the main production facility’s roof. Special frames were installed to ensure that no shade covers any of the panels despite the roof being a tiered construction. The system generates close on a Megawatt power. This is the maximum amount of power permitted to be generated without a special license which one would need to obtain from the National Energy Regulator, NERSA. In total, around 70 kilometres of cabling was used in the installation. These panels harvest energy from the sun as direct current (DC) which is then transmitted to a series of inverters that convert the DC current into alternating current (AC) and feed it into the municipal substation that powers the facility. Three large generators are installed as backup and support for the solar system in case of prolonged outages. “This is indeed a very exciting project for us and we are confident that we have made the right move here which will spark our neigh-

bouring producers in this area to follow suit. The best analogy here is to liken the power grid to a long length of irrigation pipe. Every user plugs a sprinkler into the system and eventually the users at the end of the line will receive less water than those at the start of the line. By implementing our solar system, we have by no means cancelled out the municipality, but we have removed a few of our own sprinklers off the pipeline to lessen the load on the system,” explained Erasmus. The solar panels are able to withstand the elements and even mild hailstorms should

do very little damage. They have a lifespan of around 20 years after which they will be replaced and maintenance on the system is not very labour intensive as it needs to be cleaned once a month to remove dust and other particles from the panels and ensure that they function unencumbered. At the time of going to print the technicians from Solareff, the Gauteng-based company responsible for the installation of the system, were conducting the final tests before the system goes fully live on Friday.

Below and left: 3 820 solar panels were installed on the rooftop of Houers Koöperatief Beperk in Letsitele. Tertius Erasmus, Plant Engineer at HK explained the benefits.


31 May 2019





Retired nursing sister speaks out

Landbou word ‘n vak by Ben Vorster

■ Bulletin

Sandra Davel (59), a retired nursing sister, moved to the Haenertsburg area some two years ago. Born in Pretoria, she did her training at the then HF Verwoerd Hospital (now Steve Biko Hospital) and went on to further training at 1 Military Hospital also in Pretoria. She obtained her qualifications as a general registered nurse, a diploma in midwifery, diploma in orthopaedics, diploma in theatre and diploma in nursing administration. Sandra had rheumatic fever as a child and subsequently developed heart issues. She underwent a heart operation at the tender age of 14 and an aortic valve was replaced. Later, at the age of 44, she had her mitral valve replaced. She worked at 1 Military Hospital during the Border war, a conflict that raged for many years on the Namibian and Angolan borders. Many soldiers were shot during that war and Sandra recounted her experiences and thoughts about that war. “An 18-year-old medic was working with a patient when a rocket hit him on his back. His back was a mass of rawness, the nerves to his genitals were gone and his rectum was gone so he had to live with a bag. He couldn’t deal with his situation and committed suicide. Many committed suicide and most hanged themselves in the showers. Many had neurological head trauma. A pilot, who I treated, was shot down in his plane and he

was paralysed. 1 Military Hospital had the facilities to debrief the soldiers but they didn’t. I feel strongly about this terrible wrongdoing. The national servicemen all lost their lives there even though some of them are alive. Those alive today are still suffering terrible mental trauma. They were not properly informed. They were children. The general public has no idea what the soldiers went through on that border or what we had to deal with at the hospital.” “Many lost their hands. Many lost their eyesight. That’s why there’s now Braille in all the lifts at 1 Military Hospital. We lost an entire generation – my generation. War is no benefit to anyone. War is ‘die saad van die muishond’. What’s good about war when you’re killing people? Sandra’s least favourite side of nursing was midwifery as she couldn’t stand the smell of the amniotic fluid. She enjoyed orthopaedics and vascular surgery that involved repairing broken arteries. She’s not pro abortion but admits that certain criteria is acceptable. If a woman is raped and requests an abortion it should be performed before 24 weeks. Longer than that Sandra has a problem and regards it as murder. Sandra is vehemently against smoking as she has seen what happens to smokers in theatre. Smokers have so much phlegm at end of operation that patients struggle to saturate their blood with oxygen. The

prognosis of smoker is worse than non-smokers. Doctors also don’t like operating on smokers because smoking affects the blood supply. She also feels strongly about no radiation and chemotherapy for cancer patients and regards chemotherapy as pure poison. She believes in exercise, even if it’s just walking two blocks. A healthy diet is also necessary for quality of life. Alcohol thins the blood and sugar feeds cancer. Fresh fruit and vegetables are good for one’s health but not too much fruit as it contains sugar. White meat is healthy and Sandra doesn’t eat pork as she says the Bible states that it’s dirty meat. She advocates red meat only once a week and little to no fat. Sandra says there’s a psychological root for every disease. For example, breast cancer is a bad relationship with a female in the patient’s family. As she was involved in treating many wounds, she has a simple and cost effective treatment. Boil water with a teaspoon of salt for cleaning the wound. Once clean follow up with a honey-based ointment to promote healing.

Skoolleerders in Tzaneen sal vanaf volgende jaar die geleentheid gebied word om landbou by die Hoërskool Ben Vorster as ‘n vakkeuse te neem. Hierdie aankondiging deur die plaaslike Hoërskool wat verlede week aan die media bekend gemaak is, het die gemeenskap behoorlik aan die gons. Bulletin het met die voorsitter van die skool se beheerliggaam, Eddie Vorster, en die waarnemende hoof, Isolde Fasondini, gaan gesels om meer hieroor uit te vind. Volgens die skool is daar ‘n geleentheid in die plaaslike mark gesien wat dit daartoe leen om aan die Tzaneen leerders ‘n loopbaan in landbou te bied. “Daar is soveel fasette in die landbouveld en ons het gevoel dit sal ons kinders baat om die keuse te hê om aan hierdie wye spektrum blootgestel te kan word. Landbou gaan nie net oor fisies te boer in die landerye nie, daar is ander aspekte aan landbou verbonde wat tegniese velde soos metaalwerk en wetenskap insluit,” het Vorster verduidelik. Die knellendste vraag wat dadelik opduik is natuurlik “waar gaan Ben Vorster hierdie landbouvakke aanbied as hulle nie ‘n plaas besit nie?” Peter Schutte, hoof van Bemarking by Ben Vorster verduidelik dat daar reeds opsies op die tafel gesit is om seker te maak dat die vakke wat daar aangebied gaan word suksesvol geimplemteneer gaan word. “As ons praat van geleenthede praat ons van mega boere tot kwekerye. Ons belanghebbendes Komati-Groep, Ma-

hela Boerdery, R10 Bhraman, WD Saailinge en Du Roi is die besighede wat hulle weg uit gesien het om dit moontlik te maak vir die Vossies om hierdie vakke aan te bied. Die Vossies sal soos deur die kurrikulum voorgeskryf word die onderskeie plase en kwekerye besoek en gebruik maak van hulle ervare Mentors,” het Schutte gesê. Die vakke sal van 2020 by Hoërskool Ben Vorster as ‘Inleiding tot Landbou’ vanaf Graad 8 to Graad 9 en ‘Lanbouwetenskap’ en ‘Landboubestuurspraktyk’ vanaf Graad 10 tot Graad 12 aangebied word. Alhoewel daar huidiglik nog nie enige personeel permanent aangestel is om die vakposte te beklee nie, is daar ‘n lys van kandidate wat reeds na gekyk word. “Die Vossies is hard aan die soek vir die perfekte kandidate om hierdie poste te beklee siende dat dit ‘n gespesialiseerde gebied is vir beide van hierdie vakke,” het Schutte bygevoeg. Ben Vorster se beheerliggaam en personeelkorps staan bankvas agter hierdie besluit en glo dat die skool daardeur die toekoms van plaaslike landbou asook werksgeleenthede vir die leerders sal verseker. “Die werksgeleenthede wat voortspruit uit hierdie ekstra kurrikulum is van onskatbare waarde. Die leerders kan reeds deur boere of kwekerye geidentifiseer word gedurende hulle skool loopbaan en dit is presies ons missie met hierdie vakke wat ons addisioneel will aanbied. Want hier by die Vossies gaan dit oor die kinders en die geleenthede wat ons as skool vir hulle kan skep.”

Tot weersiens Patricia


■ Bulletin Dit is met groot hartseer dat die Tzaneen-gemeenskap van Patricia Nolte Koen (Trysie) afskeid neem hierdie week. Sy was 42-jaar oud. Die heengaan van Trysie op die 27ste van hierdie maand word diep betreur deur haar gesin en familie en diegene wat haar persoonlik geken het. Haar ter aards bestelling sal op die 31ste Mei om 13:00 uit die E.G Kerk op die hoek van Douglas en Adshade plaasvind. Ds Hendrik Janse van Rensburg sal die diens behartig. Sy laat haar man Kobus en twee seuns, Louis en Mias Koen, asook haar ouers Naas en Jeanette Nolte agter. Haar broer Mias en sy vrou Natasha Nolte, Haar suster Corne en man Alfred asook hul kinders Dian en Danré en ouma Yvonne word ook agter gelaat.

MASIPALA WA TZANEEN MASEPALA WA TZANEEN P.O. Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850 • Tel: 015 307 8000 • Fax: 015 307 8049 • www.greatertzaneen.gov.za

PUBLIC NOTICE FINAL 2019/2020 INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN (IDP) AND BUDGET Notice is hereby given, in terms of Municipal Systems Act (32 of 2000), Municipal Finance Management Act (56 of 2003). The Greater Tzaneen Municipality council has adopted the 2019/2020 Final IDP and Budget on the 30th May 2019 at Letaba Show Ground Hall. In terms of section 22 of Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA), The above mentioned Final documents are available for public viewing as following: 1. Civic Centre 38 Agatha Street, TZANEEN (IDP Office 1st Floor Office No 109) 2. Municipal Libraries ( Tzaneen, Letsitele, Haenertsburg, Shiluvane and Mulati) 3. All the Thusong Centres (Lesedi, Bulamahlo, Runnemede and Relela) 4. Website: www.greatertzaneen.gov.za 5. All Ward Councilors For more information please contact the following officials:


1. Johan Biewenga (Manager Budget & Financial Reporting) - 015 307 8061 2. Headman Mkhari (IDP Officer) – 015 307 8090 Mr. BS Matlala Municipal Manager

Joe Dreyer





31 May 2019



May 2019

Pure bred beef


National accolade for Pest Control P9

Legal water use P14


31 May 2019





May 2019

Effektiewe Selektiewe Bosbeheer Tordon 22 K Publication of: FAR NORTH

Bulletin F A R



Personnel Editor / Journalist Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Accounts / Admin Jacqueline Fourie 083 294 7747 admin@bulletin.us.com Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Tamryn Lancefield 083 637 9551 tamryn@bulletin.us.com Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com

Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi Letsitele • Gravelotte • Mica Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco Lenyenye • Nkowankowa Giyani • Phalaborwa

Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.


Indien ‘n area uitgedun moet word waar verdigting van natuurlike plantegroei voorkom, is dit belangrik om van selektiewe metodes en plant doders gebruik te maak. Dit behels hoofsaaklik die afsaag van teiken plante (Groter as 1.5 meter in hoogte), gevolg deur selektiewe bespuiting van die stompies. Hierdie metode kan in die winter of somertye aangewend word. Die ander metode van beheer is om die teikenplante tydens die aktiewe groeiseisoen (September tot April) te bespuit op die blare en stam. Plante van tot 1.5 meter hoog kan met hierdie metode suksesvol beheer word. Die aangewese selektiewe middel, Tordon 22 K*, is bekostigbaar, water oplosbaar, selektief en kan as stomp of blaar behandeling aangewend word. Tordon 22 K *is bio-afbreekbaar (natuurlike verrotting) met ‘n sagte omgewings profiel, met geen tot geringe negatiewe effek op diere, voëls, insekte, fungi of mikro-organismes nie. Tordon 22 K *benadeel verder ook nie gras nie of ander onbehandelde gewenste bome nie, en is dus ideaal vir selektiewe bosbeheer. Hier volg algemene

riglyne en wenke vir die gebruik en aanwending van Tordon 22 K *: Tipe Behandeling: • Stompbehandeling: Bome sowel as volwasse hergroei, moet meganies met behulp van ʼn ketting saag of bos snyer horisontaal afgesaag word op ‘n hoogte van ± 10 cm bokant grond oppervlak sover prakties moontlik. Die stompe moet direk na die saag-aksie behandel word vir optimale beheer. Slegs die snyvlak word deeglik benat met Tordon 22 K * mengsel. • Blaarbehandeling: Hergroei asook struike (0-1.5 meter hoog) kan deur middel van rugsakbespuiting, hoëdrukbespuiting (bakkie vuur vegter) of • lugbespuiting (slegs sekelbos) behandel word gedurende die aktiewe groeiseisoen (September tot April). Saailinge en hergroei moet toegelaat word om eers uit te groei tot ongeveer kniehoogte. *Raadpleeg asseblief U verspreider of vir my direk voor enige lugbespuiting oorweeg word. Toerusting: • Ketting sae en Bosvreters vir dik bome, en bossie snyers vir dun boompies. • Rugsaksspuite, toegerus met ‘n

soliede keugelspuitstuk bv. Spraying Systems TG1 (of soortgelyke tipe) wat egalige benatting van die teiken plant sal verseker. Hoëdrukspuit wat ‘n toedieningsdruk van 1000-1200 Kpa kan handhaaf, en toegerus is met ‘n Eco-Foamjet aspirerende spuitstuk.

Aanwysings: Stompbehandeling Tordon 22 K * @2L + Actipron Super** @ 2 L + Eco Blue *** @ 200 ml + Water @ 96 L = 100 L spuit mengsel (Volg instruksies op die etiket noukeurig ten opsigte van vermenging op verskillende plantsoorte) Blaar bespuiting Tordon 22 K * @ 0,5 L + Actipron Super** @ 0,5 L + Eco Blue *** @ 200 ml + Water @ 99 L = 100 L spuit mengsel (Volg instruksies op die etiket noukeurig ten opsigte van vermenging op verskillende plantsoorte)

• Actipron Super** (benatter, bevorderings middel en kleefmiddel) Gebruiksaanwendings: • Stompbehandeling 1. Kan enige tyd van die jaar aangewend word. 2. Sny so laag moontlik horisontaal naby die grond af. 3. Behandel die snyvlak so spoedig moontlik na afgesaag. 4. Gebruik altyd kleurstof in mengsel vir toedienings kontrole. 5. Optimale verhouding kragsae tot rugsakspuite = 2:1. • Blaarbehandeling (1) wend aan gedurende aktiewe groeiseisoen ( September tot April) (2) egalige benatting oor plant se totale blaar oppervlakte en stam oppervlakte (3) benat blare tot net voor afloop (4) reënvas binne 3 ure na toediening NUUT OP DIE HORISON! Ons sien uit na 3 nuwwe, baie meer selektiewwe produkte wat spesifiek vir lug toediening gebruik gaan word wat bos verdigtings beheer vir altyd gaan verander! Vir meer inligting kontak Stephan Jooste op 072 275 7160.

Dankie vir die ondersteuning, voorspoed vir die nuwe seisoen Vir enige navrae of besprekings, skakel ons gerus. Ockie Erasmus 083 456 3265 • Billy Erasmus 082 444 7998 Leon De Lange 072 323 0168 email: info@sandrivercrop.co.za • leon@sandrivercrop.co.za

Vir al jou lugbespuitings-behoeftes



May 2019


31 May 2019




Pure bred Limpopo beef ■ Joe Dreyer You’re South African. You are known among your friends and family as the king of the braai because you have that special something your brother-inlaw just doesn’t seem to have mastered. Is it the spice, or the timing, or perhaps your very special marinade – the secret of which you keep locked up in the safe inside your gun safe? When they ask you, you smile and eloquently whisper “Beefmar”. Say it. It rolls off your lips and makes sense. Now read the through the advert below this write-up and welcome your monthly meat requirements into the realm of pure bred Limpopo beef. With close on two decades experience in the industry, and a reputation for exceptional quality and reliable delivery, Beefmar truly is the butcher of choice for every true connoisseur. All beef is bred by the owners of the abattoir, Jean and Danel Marais, and prepared in accordance to the strict policies as set out and enforced by the Department of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries in an environment compliant to legislation. The new abattoir situated conveniently in the new industrial area in Tzaneen makes ordering your meat parcels super convenient as Beefmar accepts EFT payments for prepared packs and offers a delivery service right to your door. Not only is this an abattoir, but the Tzaneen branch has added a fully operational walk-in butcher right next door to the abattoir. That’s fresh. And what makes the Tzaneen branch at Kobalt Street 6 even more convenient is the addition of locally renowned butcher and biltong master, Wally van Dyk, who heads up the operations at the butchery to ensure that the quality Beefmar is renowned for, remains intact across the board. So before you invite your pals over for the next “best steak you’ve ever had in your life bru” evening, give Beefmar a call to place your order and have them de-

liver your custom pack right to your door. You know, it adds to the experience with the benefit of staying true to your statement. Call 015 065 0908 or 083 452 2414 to place your order and payment or alternative-

ly take a short drive to the butchery and pick your meat personally. Just a side note to remember when visiting the butchery in person, no cash payments are accepted so have your debit or credit card handy. Remember – pick, swipe yum.

MAANDPAKKE Maandae tot Vrydae: 07:00 - 17:00 2 Persone R875 4 x 400g 4 x 400g 4 x 300g 4 x 500g 2 x 400g 2 x 400g 2 x 500g 4 x 400g 4 x 500g

Maalvleis Boerewors Hamburger Patties Beeskook Bees Blokkies Rumpsteak Club steaks Varktjops Hoender Dye

Mini Agterkwart R990 3kg Maalvleis 3kg Boerewors 2kg Clubsteaks 1kg Beef Raschers 1kg Rumpsteaks 1kg Bees Blokkies 1kg Bees Stir Fry 1kg Hamburger Patties

3 Persone R1 290 4 x 600g 4 x600g 4 x450g 4 x 700g 2 x 600g 2 x 600g 2 x 750g 4 x600g 4 x700g

Maalvleis Boerewors Hamburger Patties Beeskook Bees Blokkies Rumpsteak Club steaks Varktjops Hoender Dye

Braai Hamper R720 3kg Boerewors 1kg Clubsteaks 1kg Rump steak 1kg Bees Raschers 1kg Sosaties 1kg Vark Raschers 1kg Vark Tjops 1kg Hoender Dye

4 Persone R1 745 4 x 800g 4 x 800g 4 x 600g 4 x 1kg 2 x 800g 2 x 800g 2 x 1kg 4 x 800g 4 x 1kg

Maalvleis Boerewors Hamburger Patties Beeskook Bees Blokkies Rumpsteak Club steaks Varktjops Hoender Dye

Weekpak 1 R460 1kg Boerewors 1kg Maalvleis 1kg Beeskook 1kg Clubsteaks 1kg Varktjops 900g Hamburger Patties 1kg Hoender Dye

6 Persone R2 620 4 x 1.2kg Maalvleis 4 x 1.2kg Boerewors 4 x .900g Hamburger Patties 4 x 1.5kg Beeskook 2 x 1.2kg Bees Blokkies 2 x 1.2kg Rumpsteak 2 x 1.5kg Club steaks 4 x 1.2kg Varktjops 4 x 1.5kg Hoender Dye

Weekpak 2 R480 1kg Boerewors 1kg Maalvleis 1kg Chuck 1kg Clubsteak 1kg Varktjops 1kg Sosaties 1kg Hoender Dye

Bees fillet R109.50 p/Kg

Rump R99.50 p/Kg

Bulk kookvleis 10Kg+ R59.90 p/Kg

Aflewering met bestellings groter as 7Kg kan gereël word. (Slegs EFT en kaart betalings). 015 065 0908 / 083 452 2414 6 Kobalt Street, Industrial, Agatha, Tzaneen

Kontak Wallie van Dyk vir die bewerking van wildsvleis.

R7.50 p/Kg

Maalvleis R69.50 p/Kg


31 May 2019





May 2019


Can technology solve the biggest challenges? ■


South African farmers are facing a challenging economic climate which seems to be forcing many mediumsized farms to merge to form more viable commercial units. However, farms of a smaller-scale operation and farmers who are prepared to review its farming methods have a better chance of succeeding in these more demanding market conditions. Drought remains a persistent problem for all farmers in many areas. In fact, the 2018/2019 Agriculture Drought Report from Agri SA confirms that, solely due to drought, the agricultural sector has suffered a loss of R7 billion in turnover since January 2018. Furthermore, the report suggests there is now considerable more pasture deterioration, an increased risk of veld fires, and the likelihood of serious water shortages in some communities. Despite these difficulties, the sector will still be asked to respond to the need to feed a rapidly increasing population. So, smaller farmers who are prepared to take on these problems can be sure there will be a market ready and willing to purchase their products. Technology can unlock further potential: The use of drones and other UAV’s (unmanned aerial vehicles) is one example of how technology can be used in a farming business. Drones can come to the assistance of modern farmers dealing with challenging

environments. These and other tools and software apps use techniques such as GPS positioning data, remote sensing and proximal data gathering. You can then employ this data to comprehensively map the location, size and productivity of your farm. This kind of aerial surveillance can return valuable information to the farmer. Costly resources such as fertilisers and pesticides can be targeted, so that the right amounts are delivered at the right times to achieve maximum efficiency at minimum cost. Sophisticated software can now also offer remote guidance to farmers from experts in specialist fields. Information such as how to quickly and efficiently take measures to combat destructive pests like the African Fall Armyworm can then be sourced. Sending images to the relevant specialists can help speed up a diagnosis and often prevent the widespread crop damage which would otherwise occur. So, if farmers can take advantage of the education and training, mechanisation and technological support becoming available, there is a golden opportunity to move away from traditional practices which are especially vulnerable to fluctuating rainfall patterns. There is surely a win-win situation ready and waiting in South Africa’s agricultural sector for farmers opting to integrate modern technology to help advance traditional farming practices. Source: Agribook Digital

The Limpopo Animal Health Forum is concerned about the outbreak of Food and Mouth Decease outside the controlled zone of Limpopo. Photo: BKB


The Limpopo Animal Health Forum (LAHF) is concerned about the outbreak of Food and Mouth Decease (FMD) outside the controlled zone of Limpopo. The objective of LAHF’s is to preserve and improve the health of animals in Limpopo as well as the rest of South Africa. The management of FMD is a standing point on the agenda of the Forum for 2019. At a meeting earlier this year the LAHF continuously echoed effective FMD management because it is in the interest to the economy of the whole of South Africa. Effective vaccination and control over movement of animals in the control zone, are essential in minimizing the threat FMD poses. LAHF is constantly assured that all procedures are in place and effectively applied. The latest outbreak brings this assurance under doubt. LAHF repeatedly pointed out that the condition of the international border fence of Limpopo is a point of great concern. It makes proper border control impossible. Stray animals from neighbouring countries threatens the health of farming animals. It also threatens the export status of South Africa. Control over livestock movement from controlled zones to FMD free zones are lacking behind. Control over transport permits and proper identification of animals being transported are the respon-

FMD outbreak in the FMDfree zone of Limpopo

sibilities of veterinary services, SAPS and traffic control combined. Poor training and corruption makes this control measure ineffective. Fences between controlled areas and FMD free zones are not maintained as required, hence animals migrate between these zones, especially in drought conditions. Control posts where chemical treatment of the wheels and lower parts of vehicles leaving the FMD control zones should be done, are not effectively operational. The LAHF repeatedly warned that poor management of the FMD situation in Limpopo may result in trade restrictions on agricultural goods from South Africa, with devastating financial results for farmers and the country. It was pointed out that in such an event more than just animals and animal products can be effected. On 8 January this year exactly that happened when Botswana included the following in their banning of importation of live cloven animals: “The importation of veldt grasses, bedding and animal manure contaminated products and vehicles are also not allowed”, as quoted from a media statement Botswana released. Namibia announced comparable measures. The LAHF is concerned that export of fruit and vegetables from South Africa may also be negatively affected by this outbreak. This forum calls on the South

African government to show its commitment in resolving this situation by putting appropriate measures and plans into place to find practical solutions to prevent the same from happening again in future. The Corona project that was supposed to improve security on the northern border of Limpopo is lagging behind by almost three years. This project should be prioritised immediately and completed as soon as possible. This action will assist in reducing the threat of FMD from bordering countries entering South Africa. Proper planning to ensure adequate volumes of FMD vaccine are available in time and enough technicians are proper equipped to perform FMD preventative vaccinations should also be prioritised according to LAHF. Effective vaccination and movement control of animals is only possible with a reliable animal identification system. The National Animal Health Forum has long been asking for funding to put the Livestock Identification and Tracking System in place. LAHF says this is surely the quickest and least costly way for Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to get control over FMD animals in control areas, but also over brucella, amongst other diseases, that needs better management. Issued by: Limpopo Animal Health Forum Enquiries: Willem Van Jaarsveld – Chairperson LAHF, 082 451 7913

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TZANEEN FORD 26 SKIRVING STREET, TZANEEN • www.bbtzaneenford.co.za | fsp: 20848



May 2019


31 May 2019




Pest Control receives national accolade ■ Joe Dreyer For more than four decades The Specialists, which consists of two brands namely Pest Control Specialists and Cleaning Specialists, have been protecting South African consumers’ food, health and property safely and reliably. It is for this reason that their national network of 86 Pest Control Specialists and Cleaning Specialists branches across the country is consistently voted the preferred supplier of quality solutions to any pest control or cleaning problem in both the private and commercial markets. Each year the franchise honours its top performing branch at a prestigious national awards function. Tzaneen franchise owner, Darron van Vuuren was very pleasantly surprised when he received the call this year from group MD Francois Swart, informing him that his attendance at this year’s awards was required. “I was suddenly elated as I knew that without Mr Swart having said so, my small branch in Tzaneen was up for an award. It made me proud that a small enterprise such as ours, hidden away in the northern parts of the

bushveld was performing so well, ” Van Vuuren said proudly. To suggest that Pest Control Specialists Tzaneen was “performing well” would later prove an understatement as the 2019 award for the best performing branch in the franchise was presented to Van Vuuren and his team at La Wiida Lodge in Muldersdrift on the eve of the 11th of May. The criteria by which the branches are judged is a hefty list of prerequisites including full compliance to the national Health and Safety Act, Department of Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) compliance reports, staff training and coaching, corporate investment projects and turnover coupled with growth ratios. “For a small branch, one of the smallest in the group, it is a very prestigious honour to have outperformed the larger branches and the top guys in the city. This award, and those to come, is dedicated to our loyal public and our long-standing clients. Your support has carried us through the years to where we are now, and we will gladly repay you this favour through the best service and expertise in the business.”

The winning team. At the back from left is Leonie Roux, Saskia Taylor, Jolene Cloete, Darron van Vuuren, Elize van Vuuren, Magda Swart and Rinah Mahlako. Front from left is Prince Shai, Derrick Phakula, Albert Lebepe, Ludwick Mashao and John Mushwana.

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31 May 2019





May 2019


Plasies blink uit by Bekker Jeugskou Abby James, Henry Viljoen, Johann Coetzee en Dylan Hallat in die Senior Boerbokafdeling.

■ AgriBulletin Agri-Merensky, die landboudepartement van Hoërskool Merensky, het binne vier dae twee groot Jeugskoue kafgedraf. Op Woensdag, 8 Mei, is die baie gewilde jaarlikse Plasieskou op die Merensky-skougronde aangebied. Hier is die Agri-span se teoretiese en praktiese kennis in alle afdelings getoets en geëvalueer deur mnre. Willie Stevens, Francois Blandin de Chalain en Joubert Fourie. Die Plasies het die voorreg om met ‘n verskeidenheid dierklasse te skou, wat wolskape, vleisskape, boerbokke, melkbokke, vleisbeeste, konyne en pluimvee insluit. Hierdie jaar is die kulinêre kunste ook vir die eerste keer aangepak en het uitgesoekte junior en senior deelnemers van melkterte tot ‘n tipiese landboukongresete voorgesit. Hierdie skou was die voorloper vir 2019 se skouseisoen wat van plaaslik tot nasionaal strek. Skaars 3 dae later, op 11 Mei, het die goed-voorbereide Agri-Merensky skouspan die pad na Hoërskool Bekker in Magaliesburg gevat om saam met hoërskole Reddersburg en Erasmus aan ‘n interskole jeugskou deel te neem. Die Plasies het hul naam gestand gedoen deur 6 van die 9 afdelings te wen. By die Senior Vleisbeeste raap Agri-Merensky al drie die eersteplekke op. Gesoute skouman, Nicky Smith neem die eersteplek in, terwyl Luandi Visagie en Dominique Blandin de Chalain die tweedeplek, en Michaela

Elbrecht en Marise Keyser die derdeplek opgeraap het. In die Junior Vleisbeeste-afdeling wys die Plasies weer hul slag in die ring. Natacha Badenhorst stap weg met eersteplek, Armandt Venter neem tweedeplek in, en Annika du Toit eindig derde. Cameron Critchley verwerf ‘n derdeplek by die Senior Wolskaap-afdeling terwyl Adriaan Louwies tweede plek en Henro de Bruin derde eindig by die Senior Vleisskaap-afdeling. Skouman Jean de Villiers verdien sy eersteplek by die Junior Vleisskaap-afdeling. In die Senior Boerbokafdeling spog Johann Coetzee met ‘n eersteplek, Dylan Hallat met ‘n tweedeplek en Henry Viljoen eindig in die derdeplek. Lexi Erasmus se skoumanskap verdien ‘n eersteplek in die Junior Boerbokafdeling. Ruben Erasmus en Charize Taylor het ‘n tweede- en derdeplek ingepalm in die Senior Melkbokafdeling, terwyl Cha-mari Bekker ‘n tweede- en André van Deventer ‘n vierdeplek behaal het onder die juniors. Agri-Merensky maak skoonskip in die Konyn-afdeling, met Michaela Elbrecht eerste, Stephanie Potgieter tweede en gesamentlik, Luandi Visagie en Celize Steenekamp, derde. In die pluimvee-afdeling het

Ethan Valentine en Jabus Erasmus goud en silwer met hul hoenders ingepalm. In die kombuis het Yasmine Joubert ‘n vierdeplek in die senior afdeling en Ruben Niemand en Tamryn Bosch onderskeidelik ‘n tweede- en derdeplek verdien in die kulinêre kunste-afdeling. Die Plasie-skoumanne werk nou hard aan hul voorbereiding vir die Thabazimbi Jeugskou wat in Julie plaasvind.

Jean de Villiers wen die Junior Vleisskaapafdeling.

Ethan Valentine wen die Pluimvee-afdeling. Lexi Erasmus wen Junior Boerbokafdeling.



May 2019


31 May 2019




Blueberry Heights Farm a jewel in the blueberry crown ■ AgriBulletin Blueberry Heights is a farm in Limpopo growing delicious, healthy blueberries and kiwis in harmony with nature. The farm is an organically certified producer (Ecocert, “ZA-Bio-154”) of export quality fresh and frozen blueberries. The orchards are located on the Goedehoop Farm just outside Haenertsburg and about 30km from Tzaneen. Blueberries were first cultivated on the farm in 1995 and are grown to strict organic standards. This means that no industrial fertilisers are used and the farm makes use of natural composting and vermiculture (the cultivation of earthworms, especially in order to use them to convert organic waste into fertilizer) techniques to improve the vitality of the blueberry bushes. Blueberries are very high in antioxidants and proven to have numerous health benefits. They have been shown to have cancer fighting properties, strengthen blood vessels, enhance eyesight, improve memory and promote better brain and nerve functions. Not only are blueberries healthy but they are also an incredibly versatile ingredient that can add a touch of elegance to a variety of meals. They work very well for desserts, baking, salads, and sauces. Blueberries are also great when paired with meats such as steak, pork and venison. Recently Blueberry Heights Farm have launched a range of gourmet blueberry products made from its organic blueberries. These are only available at a few select stores in Limpopo and Johannesburg at this stage but are working on it to distribute it even further. For any queries about the products, persons can get in touch with the farm. Contact details are at the bottom of the article. This season the farm will be offering a Pick Your Own Blueberries event on week-

ends throughout the season. Blueberry Heights Farm is also now growing the finest organic gold kiwifruit in South Africa. After four years of development on the farm, it produced its first crop. Blueberry Heights Farm’s gold kiwifruit has been grown in accordance with the EU Organic Standards and is the first certified organic gold kiwifruit to be produced in South Africa. The project started in 2014 and have now harvested its first crop in 2018. Magoebaskloof Farm Run The next monthly Magoebaskloof Farm Run over 5km takes place at Blueberry Heights Farm on Saturday 1 June at 08:00. Come run or walk the beautiful 5km route with breathtaking views of Ebenezer Dam and Stanford Lake as well as some lovely stretches through the pine forests. There is no entry fee. On the weekend of 2 and 3 February Blueberry Heights Farm hosted yet another fantastic Magoebaskloof Berry Festival. Mountain Café Imagine a place where the best local ingredients are brought together to create seasonal dishes that speak of the best the mountain has to offer. This is the Mountain Café. Fresh produce, exquisite flavours, beautiful surroundings, whether you are looking for a sumptuous breakfast, lunch in front of a crackling log fire or a glass of wine overlooking the lake, Mountain Café is the place for you. Persons can either phone or email Blueberry Heights Farm for bookings as it can get especially busy over weekends. Farm Cottage A big stone fireplace forms the heart of this 50 year old cottage on Blueberry Heights Farm. This is the perfect place to escape the hustle and bustle of life for a couple of days of country living on an organic farm. A cosy self-catering cottage with a lovely fully kit-

ted kitchen and a large lounge with a wood-burning fireplace awaits visiting guests. Located in the heart of the majestic Magoebaskloof mountains, a unique land of mountains, lakes and forests, visitors are spoiled with some stunning views. Contact Blueberry Heights Farm to make a reservation or try the online booking system. The lounge has breathtaking views overlooking Ebenezer Dam. The master bedroom has a queen size bed and lots of cupboard space. There is also a bath and separate toilet. Experience the tranquility of living on a working blueberry farm with access to walks around the 37 hectare property. The farm consists of lovely pine forests, natural gullies and streams, swimming and picnic spots at Stanford Lake and Ebenzer Dam, a beautiful waterfall and many other places to explore. During blueberry season guests are able to book a tour of the blueberry orchards and pick their very own fresh, organic blueberries. The farm also has lots of wildlife and beautiful birds to encounter including duiker, side-striped jackal, genets, mongoose, turacos, fish eagles, barn owls, and many more. There are bunk beds in the lounge to accommodate children if required. The farm is conveniently located just off the R71 about 7km from Haenertsburg. Blueberry Heights Farm location is a ideally situated near Haenertsburg, making accommodation and exploring the area and other local attractions a joy to experience. The Mountain Cafe is a short walk from the cottage where guests can enjoy breakfast, lunch and dinner from their ever changing seasonal menu. Organically Grown Blueberry Heights Farm work in harmony with nature to produce the best quality organic fruit. Our farm has been growing organic blueberries since 1997 and planted the kiwifruit in 2014. We are audited every year by Ecocert to the EU Organic Standards to ensure it meets all the require-

ments of organic farming in Europe. Our perfect climate means its kiwis can grow happily without the need for chemical treatments. Perfect Climate The farm’s orchards are located in Magoebaskloof, a high mountainous area of Limpopo. The altitude creates the perfect climate for growing golden kiwis organically with the area’s cold winters. This allows the kiwis to go dormant naturally and produce good yields without chemical treatments. The high summer rainfall of this area also reduces the need to irrigate the orchards for much of the growing season. About Gold Kiwis The Golden Kiwi has an intense yellow flesh, smooth skin and a sweet tropical taste. It is preferred to the original green kiwi by many consumers around the world with its sweeter flavour and ease of eating. The fruit is very high in vitamin C, fibre, vital minerals and anti-oxidants making it a super healthy food. The variety the farm grow is called Soreli and was developed in Italy. We work closely with the variety owners to ensure Blueberry Heights Farm produce the best quality fruit. Blueberry Heights Farm’s kiwifruit is sold locally in selected stores in Cape Town and Johannesburg. We also export kiwi fruit to Europe. Healthy Blueberries Blueberries are known to have one of the highest antioxidant capacities among all fruits and vegetables. These high levels of anti-oxidants combined with high levels of vitamin K, vitamin C, manganese and fibre are the qualities that makes blueberries a superfood. Contact details: Blueberry Heights Farm, A24, R71 Road, Magoebaskloof. Mountain Cafe Bookings: 063 816 8206 Farm and Accommodation: 083 880 8787 jon@blueberryheights.co.za


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31 May 2019





May 2019

Veldspan — an all-in-one solution

■ AgriBulletin What is more important than adequate fencing to protect your livestock? Well besides quality and reliability, you have to factor in expertise and technical backup from a trusted supplier. Enter CWI – Consolidated Wire Industries – who have been manufacturing premium mild steel wire and related products since after the second World War in 1949.

Its manufacturing plant situated in Vanderbijlpark has been operational since the early 1950s and employs in excess of 400 permanent employees. There are five branches around the country including, Polokwane, Vanderbijlpark, Cape Town, Durban and East London. CWI Products conform to national and international specifications and are sold in various countries around the world. One of their most exciting offering is their trademarked product named Game King Veldspan. Game King Veldspan is an all-in-one fencing solution to keep your game IN and predators OUT. It is cost effective and easy to erect. Game King Veldspan is constructed from 16 high tensile straining wires, of which the top and bottom wires are 3.06 mm in diameter, and the other 14 wires 2.24 mm in diameter. The vertical stay wires are spaced as follows: Up to 990 mm – 75 mm apart from 990 mm to 2 410 mm – 150 mm or 300 mm apart and are only available in 50m Heavy Galvanized rolls. With Game King Veldspan your nights are sure to be more peaceful in the knowledge that your beloved game will rest as easy as you after a long hard day in field. Besides breakthrough fencing solutions, CWI also have a range of other

products on offer. These include a range of farm gates, auction gates, posts, stays, grapple and binding wire. They also supply barbed wire, steel wire, fencing equipment and tools, and for the complete fencing solution they even supply razor wire. So the next time you upgrade your perimeter, be sure to contact the Polokwane branch for quotations and information on the range of fencing products available on 015 297 3593 or visit them at 15 Sixth Street, Industria, Polokwane.


May 2019



31 May 2019





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31 May 2019





May 2019


What is a water use and how do BiomosomeTM Eko-Passende you make sure yours is legal? Weiding- en Veldsaad ■

Louise Agenbag, Polygon Environmental Planning When you hear the term “water use”, the first thing you probably think of is water abstraction – taking water from a water resource such as a river, dam or borehole. What most people don’t realise is that a variety of activities are classified as “water uses” in terms of Section 21 of the National Water Act of 1998, and undertaking these activities without water use authorisation from the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) can put you on the wrong side of the law. If you run a farm or related facility such as a packhouse, it’s a good idea to get to know the Section 21 water uses and the types of water use authorisations that might be required. The water uses most relevant to agriculture are the following: •

21(a): Taking water from a water resource, e.g. river / stream, spring, dam or borehole. • 21(b): Storing water, whether in instream or off-stream dams. • 21(c): Impeding or diverting the flow of water in a watercourse, e.g. through instream dams or weirs, or stream crossings by e.g. roads or pipelines. • 21(d): Engaging in a stream flow reduction activity – relevant to timber plantations. • 21(e): Engaging in a controlled activity identified as such in Section 37(1) or declared under section 38(1). Section 37(1) refers to irrigation of any land with waste or water containing waste generated through any industrial activity or by a waterwork. This is relevant to irrigation with treated effluent from a wastewater treatment system, such as one that serves a packhouse or staff village. • 21(f ): Discharging waste or water containing waste – such as treated effluent from a wastewater treatment system – into a water resource (such as a stream) through a pipe, canal, sewer, sea outfall or other conduit. • 21(g): Disposing of waste in a manner which may detrimentally impact on a water resource. This is relevant to certain types of wastewater treatment systems. • 21(i): Altering the bed, banks, course or characteristics of a watercourse, e.g. through instream dams or weirs, or stream crossings by e.g. roads or pipelines. This doesn’t mean that you necessarily need to undergo an onerous Water Use Licence Application (WULA) to undertake any of these activities. Certain small-scale or low-impact water uses are covered by other types of water use authorisations, so that you don’t need to apply for a WUL. There are four types of water use authorisations: • Schedule 1 water use: Certain specified smallscale uses that don’t require any application to be submitted, e.g. watering of livestock that are grazing on the land, within the property’s carrying capacity. This excludes feedlots.

General Authorisation (GA): If a water use is within certain limits specified in the gazetted GA, no WUL is needed, but the water use must be registered with DWS. Separate GAs have been published for different water uses. If an activity triggers more than one water use – e.g. an instream dam which triggers Sections 21(b), (c) and (i) – it is important to look at the GA for each of these water uses to confirm whether the activity is covered by the GA. • Existing Lawful Use (ELU): If your water use dates from before the commencement of the National Water Act in 1998, and was lawfully undertaken during the qualifying period of 1996 to 1998, it might be regarded as ELU. However, the water use must be registered with DWS, who must also verify that the water use was lawfully taking place during 1996 to 1998 as well as the scale thereof during the qualifying period, before issuing a Section 35(4) certificate confirming the use as ELU. If your water use is registered but has not been subjected to Validation and Verification (V&V) by DWS, you will see fine print on your registration record stating that it “is not an acknowledgement of an entitlement to the registered water use” and “may not be used to create the impression that it is proof of a water use entitlement.” If this is the case, V&V can still be requested from DWS. Also, if your water use dates from the qualifying period but is not registered with DWS, a late registration and V&V can be requested. • Water Use Licence (WUL): If a Section 21 water use is triggered and it does not fall in one of the above-mentioned categories, a WUL must be applied for through a Water Use Licence Application (WULA) process. If more than one water use is triggered, an integrated WULA should be undertaken. If you are uncertain about the legal status of the water uses on your farm, contact Polygon Environmental Planning in Tzaneen for an audit of Section 21 water uses on your property, existing water use authorisations if any, and authorisations that may be required. If you are planning a new project or expansion of existing activities, Polygon can also provide guidance as to the applications required and advise on planning aspects which can affect the environmental impact and the type of authorisation required, such as amendments to the layout so as to avoid sensitive features like wetlands, which may enable the project to be covered by the GA instead of requiring the longer WULA process. With demand for water increasing across all sectors, water is becoming an ever scarcer commodity, which DWS has the responsibility of managing for the benefit of all. Registering or licensing your water use not only minimises your risk of non-compliance and the consequences thereof, but also helps DWS to better manage the available resources in the long term – something we will all benefit from.


Plantegroei tipes in Suid-Afrika, wat as biome bekend staan, is as volg gekarteer: • soortgelyke plantgemeenskappe, ten opsigte van die voorkoms en mate van teenwoordigheid van spesies, • struktuur, nagelang van variasie in lengtegroei en • deelname in soortgelyke ekologiese prosesse soos jaarlikse reënval, reënseisoen, voorkoms van ryp, natuurlike blaarvreters en intensiteit

Biomosome™ reeks Daar is drie reekse vir elk van die bostaande areas: • Herwinningsreeks vir gronderosie, ou plaas paaie, uitgetrapte veld, mynrehabilitasie en

van weerlig. BiomosomeTM saadmengsels is op grond van BIOOM beginsels ontwerp. Die genetika van die saadspesies is aangepas by die omstandighede van die teiken omgewing. BiomosomeTM saadmengsels bied ‘n groot verbetering vanaf die alomvattende veldsaad en weidingsaad mengsels wat algemeen beskikbaar is. Sakata MayFord bied BiomosomeTM mengsels vir die volgende areas aan:

siviele ingenieurs grondwerke. • Inheemse weidingsreeks vir die omskepping van reeds bewerkte landbougrond en onder reeds versteurde grond. • Wildelewereeks vir opheffing van swak en verwaarloosde veld.

Oorwegings wat reeks keuse beïnvloed:

Should SA explore cannabis? The growing emphasis from the South African government is that agriculture should be amongst the key sectors driving the South African economy and to create employment. There has mainly leaned on the potential expansion in hectares of labour-intensive, and globally sought-after agriculture products, as well as traditional grains and oilseeds. The provinces that could assist in realising this goal are KwaZulu-Natal, the Eastern Cape and Limpopo. There are about 1.6 million to 1.8 million hectares of underutilized land in these provinces which could be put into full production. In addition to the above-mentioned crops, the changing perceptions about cannabis around the globe, and its growing value raises a question of whether South Africa should put concerted effort into research on this crop. Therefore policymakers can make better assesses if its production benefits could be balanced by measures to lessen unintended consequences. In a Constitutional Court ruling in 2018, the private use of cannabis has been decriminalised in South Africa. The conditions and boundaries however still need to be considered and legislated. Furthermore, the decriminalization for

private use might not be where the commercial value lies. The focus should rather be on exploring the possible benefits for the country through the controlled, international trade in cannabis and its products, and also its medicinal use purposes in the domestic market. For international trade, the export markets would include the US, Canada and China, as some regions within these countries have decriminalised cannabis. In the state of California within the US, the value of the cannabis industry was estimated at $3 billion in 2017. Colorado and Florida were also valued at more than a $1 billion. In the same year, Canada spent over $5 billion on cannabis for medical and non-medical purposes. In China which is a grower of nearly half of the world’s legal hemp, the sales of textile fibre made from the plant’s stalk, totaled US$1.2 billion. South Africa already trades agricultural commodities with these countries. Hence, their increasing desire for cannabis and its product is interesting as it would offer extra value if South Africa was to follow the route of producing the crop for international trade and medicinal use within a clearly regulated environment.

Voorbereiding Voorbereiding vereis los grond vir bemesting, om ‘n saadbed mee voor te berei en om waterindringing en belugting te bewerkstellig. Tydsberekening is belangrik aangesien doeltreffende grondvoorbereiding klam grond vereis en daar moet genoeg tyd voor die volgende droë seisoen wees vir die saad om te ontkiem en plante te vestig. Onmiddellik na die grond losgemaak is word die saad op die bewerkte gedeeltes gestrooi. Die bolaag met die oppervlakkig-toegediende saad word vasgerol om ‘n ferm saadbed te verkry. Deur takke te pak sal dit die plante beskerm teen onder andere beweiding, voordat hulle gevestig is. Dit sal ook die plante toelaat om die grond te stabiliseer, veral waar gronderosie voorgekom het. Biomosome™ herwinningsmengsels is ontwerp om by die plantsuksessie proses in te pas. Met verloop van tyd sal ander spesies hulle op die terrein vestig, of vanaf saad van die omliggende plante-groei, of vanaf elders toegedien. Bestuur van die plant-suksessie proses is baie

belangrik om die grootste voordeel uit die moeite en koste van herwinning te trek. Dit sal ook verhoed dat die terrein na die voormalige degradeerde toestand terugkeer. Nasorg Deur takke te pak sal dit die plante beskerm teen onder andere beweiding, voordat hulle gevestig is. Dit sal ook die plante toelaat om die grond te stabiliseer, veral waar gronderosie voorgekom het. Biomosome™ herwinningsmengsels is ontwerp om by die plantsuksessie proses in te pas. Met verloop van tyd sal ander spesies hulle op die terrein vestig, of vanaf saad van die omliggende plante-groei, of vanaf elders toegedien. Bestuur van die plant-suksessie proses is baie belangrik om die grootste voordeel uit die moeite en koste van herwinning te trek. Dit sal ook verhoed dat die terrein na die voormalige degradeerde toestand terugkeer. Vir meer inligting oor Sakata MayFord se BiomosomeTM saadmengsels skakel gerus vir Leon Labuschagne by 083 585 1181 of besoek die MayFord webwerf by www.mayford.co.za.


May 2019





31 May 2019



31 May 2019





May 2019

BELANGRIKE KENNISGEWING AAN AVO PRODUSENTE Onder die huidige ekonomiese toestande wat boere negatief beinvloed ie. droogte, beperkte watervoorsiening asook baie ander toenemende koste faktore, is ons van mening dat die produsente nie bewus is dat hulle subtsansieël meer kan in deur hulle uitskot avos te laat afhaal by pakhuise deur:

DEL-AVO En wil ons die voordeel oordra aan die produsent teen

R2,75 per Kg R2 750,00 per Ton vir uitskot Hass avos en bereid om af te haal, ook op die plaas vir vragte van 8 ton en meer. vir meer besonderhede kontak

Koos de la Rey: 083 263 4899.

IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL AVO PRODUCERS Under the current circumstances that affects farmers negatively i.e. drought, limited water resources and many other increased cost factors, we are of the opinion that producers are not aware that they could benefit substantially by handling their own reject avocados by simply arranging to have it collected from pack houses by:

DEL-AVO Who would prefer to pass this benefit on to the avocado producers and are willing to pay

R2,75 per Kg R2 750,00 per Ton for rejected Hass avocados and are also willing to do collections, in addition, from the farm for loads in excess of 8 tons. For further information contact

Koos de la Rey: 083 263 4899.




31 May 2019



Legals IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE SUB-DISTRICT OF TZANEEN HELD AT TZANEEN CASE NUMBER: 1168/18 In the matter between SOUNDPROPS 200 (PTY) LTD t/a EDUCARE PRIMARY SCHOOL Judgment Creditor And TEARS MABUZA Judgment Debtor AUCTION IN PURSUANCE of a Judgment and Warrant of Execution issued in the above Court for district of TZANEEN the under mentioned good have been attached, and will be sold in execution for cash or Band Guaranteed cheque to the highest bidder at 10H00 ON THE 14th of JUNE 2018 AT RITAVI SHERIFF’S OFFICE, 1 BANKUNA ROAD, LIMDIV BUILDING, NKOWANKOWA. 1. The sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honourable court. 2. The rules of the auction is available 2 hours prior to the auction at the auction at the office of the Sheriff, at 1 Bankuna Road, Limdev Building, Nkowankowa. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific condition, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961); 5. FICA legislation i.r.o proof of identify and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being William Mkhonto. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation

as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. GOODS 1. 1 X SAMSUNG PLASMA; 2. 1 X SAMSUNG MICROWAVE; 3. 1 X TV STAND; 4. 3 X PIECE LOUNGE SUITE 5. 1 X 7 PIECE DINING ROOM SUITE; 6. 1 X LG FRIDGE; 7. 1 X DEFY DEEP FREEZER DATED at TZANEEN this 09 May 2019. (sgd) W F BASSON STEWART MARITZ BASSON INC. LEX NUMERI 32 Peace Street, Tzaneen Ref: WFB/EM/E200 May501__________________________

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF THE BA-PHALABORWA LAND USE SCHEME, 2008 IN TERMS OF SECTION 57 OF THE BA-PHALABORWA MUNICIPAL SPLUMA BYLAW, 2016 AMENDMENT SCHEME 64 I, Floris Jacques du Toit of Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, being the authorized agent of the registered owner of Erf 3249 Phalaborwa Extension 7, hereby give notice in terms of Section 57 of the Spluma Bylaws, 2016, that we have applied to the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality for the rezoning of Erf 3249 Phalaborwa Extension 7, situated at 1 Combretum Avenue, from “Business 1” to “Residential 1” Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Nelson Mandela Drive, Phalaborwa, for the period of 30 days from 31 May 2019 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged

with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or posted to Private Bag X01020, Phalaborwa, 1390 before 1 July 2019 quoting the above mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/ representation, the objector’s property description, phone numbers and address. A person who cannot write may during office hours and within the objection period, visit the abovementioned Municipality requesting assistance to transcribe his/her objections, comments or representations. Contact persons: Paul Maluleke (076 954 0448) or Johan Behrens (0795221281). Address of Agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015-307 3710 May502__________________________

KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM WYSIGING VAN DIE BA-PHALABORWA GRONDGEBRUIKSKEMA, 2008 INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 57 VAN DIE BA-PHALABORWA MUNISIPALE SPLUMA VERORDENING, 2016 WYSIGINGSKEMA 64 Ek, Floris Jacques du Toit van Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Stads- en Streeksbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van Erf 3249 Phalaborwa Uitbreiding 7, gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 57 van die Spluma Verordeninge, 2016, kennis dat ons by die Ba-Phalaborwa Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het vir die hersonering van Erf 3249 Phalaborwa Uitbreiding 7, gelee te Kombretum Laan 1, vanaf “Besigheid 1” na “Residensieel 1”. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale

Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Nelson Mandela Rylaan, Phalaborwa vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 31 Mei 2019 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet skriftelik voor of op 1 Julie 2019 gerig word aan die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of gepos word aan Privaatsak X01020, Phalaborwa 1390, met verwysing na bostaande opskrif, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die gronde/redes vir die beswaar, die beswaarmaker se eiendomsbeskrywing, telefoonnommer en adres. Enige persoon wat nie kan skryf nie mag gedurende kantoorure en binne die beswaretyd die bovermelde Munisipaliteit besoek en hulp versoek om sy/haar besware, kommentare of voorstelle op skrif te stel. Kontakpersone: Mnre Paul Maluleke (076 954 0448) of Johan Behrens (0795221281). Adres van agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015307 3710

pality for the amendment of the Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2000, by the rezoning of Erf 89 Clearwaters Cove Extension 1, from “Special” to Residential 1” and removal of Restrictive Title Condition. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen, for the period of 30 days from 31 May 2019 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or be delivered to Room 257, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen on or before 1 July 2019, quoting the above mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the ob-

jector’s property description, phone numbers and address. A person who cannot write may during office hours and within the objection period, visit the abovementioned Municipality requesting assistance to transcribe his/ her objections, comments or representations. Contact person: Mr M J Mathye (015-307 8031). Address of agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015-307 3710 May504__________________________


Ek, Floris Jacques du Toit van Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Stads- en Streeksbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van Erf 89 Clearwaters Cove Uitbreiding 1, gee hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van Spluma 2013 en die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit Spluma Verordening, 2016, dat ons by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het vir die wysiging van die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000, deur die hersonering van Erf 89 Clearwaters Cove Uitbreiding 1 vanaf “Spesiaal” na “Residensieël 1” en verwydering van beperkende Titelvoorwaarde. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 31 Mei 2019 (die datum van

eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet skriftelik voor of op 1 Julie 2019 gerig word aan die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of afgelewer word by Kamer 257, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, met verwysing na bostaande opskrif, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die gronde/ redes vir die beswaar, die beswaarmaker se eiendomsbeskrywing, telefoonnommer en adres. Enige persoon wat nie kan skryf nie mag gedurende kantoorure en binne die beswaretyd die bovermelde Munisipaliteit besoek en hulp versoek om sy/haar besware, kommentare of voorstelle op skrif te stel. Kontakpersoon: Mnr M J Mathye (015-3078031). Adres van agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015307 3710 May505__________________________


NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF THE TZANEEN TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 2000, SECTION 57 AND 58 OF THE SPLUMA BY-LAW, 2016 OF GREATER TZANEEN MUNICIPALITY TZANEEN AMENDMENT SCHEME 423 I, Floris Jacques du Toit of Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, being the authorized agent of the registered owner of Erf 89 Clearwaters Cove Extension 1, hereby give notice in terms of SPLUMA 2013 and the Greater Tzaneen SPLUMA Bylaws, 2016 that we have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Munici-


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31 May 2019





Vossies gooi appelkar omver ■


Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het die afgelope naweek teen Hoërskool Marais Viljoen te staan gekom in die Virseker Beker Afdeling 1 Plaat divisie. Die Vossies is die enigste skool in Limpopo wat in hierdie afdling meeding tussen die Top 16 spanne van die Noord-Vaal. Die Vossies se junior spanne het gesukkel tussen die koue van die Hoëveld en eksamenkoors. Die O/14A- en B-span het ongelukkig vasgeval teen hulle eweknie. Die kapein, DA Swart, was weer op sy plek en het gelei van voor en Marno Jacobs was vurig op die teen aanval vir die Vossie. Die Vossies se O/15A-span het ’n groot vertoning opgesit om terug te kom van 22-7 na ‘n 21-22 verloor. Die O/15B-span het die oggenddou skoon gevee vir die dag, maar ongelukkig 29-0 verloor. Die Vossie se O/16’s het tot dusver ‘n droomseisoen beleef, maar was Saterdag glad nie op hulle plek nie. Beide die O/16-spanne het

hulle teen ‘n begeesterde Marais Viljoen span vasgeloop. Die Vossies se 3de span moes sonder die meeste van hulle staatmakers klaar kom as gevolg eksamenverpligtinge en het met ‘n stoepspan van ouds nie teruggestaan vir die Marais Viljoen manne nie. Die Vossies se 2de span was so gevaarlik soos ‘n gewonde buffel bul - hulle het van enige plek op die veld ‘n teenaanval geloods en die Marais Viljoen manne moes bont staan en het nie meer geweet waar om te keer nie. Die telling was 50-12. Ben Vorster se Eerstespan het die appelkar behoorlik omvêr gegooi deur die Marais Viljoen manne op hul eie tuisveld te klop. Die Vossies se verdediging was so goed soos die bokke s’n in die 1995 se Wêreldbeker. Die Vossies het ‘n paar taktiese skuiwe gemaak wat duidelik vrugte afgewerp het. Die lostrio van Doran Kleynhans, Renzo du Plessis en Dean Ballentyne was uitmuntend gewees. Die Vossie het die stryd 30-26 gewen.

Hoërskool Merensky is trots op mee. Danielle Fourie, Iseldri Knoetze en Maryke Joubert wat onlangs hul Limpopo Netbal skeidsregtersgradering geslaag het.

Well done! Merensky cricket

Doran Kleynhans


During the annual Limpopo Impala Cricket gala event on Friday, 24 May, three Plasie cricket players caught the limelight. All cricket playing schools and clubs in Limpopo attended this prestigious function. Not only was Merensky High School’s Gerhardus Fourie named as the top u.17 bowler, but he also bears the title of overall best player of the year, which includes all age levels. He was also honoured with an invitation to join the African Cup practice squad. In addition to his cricket achievements, Fourie was recently elected to the School’s Executive Committee.

Khushi Mistry, in grade 11, who not only performs at school level but also plays for the Senior Limpopo Women’s Team, has been named the u.18 female player of the year. Although Elandri Janse van Rensburg, in grade 8, should play at u.14 level, her contribution to the Limpopo u.16 team was so valuable that she was awarded the title of u.16 female player of the year. As a versatile sportswoman and keen leader (2018 head girl of Tzaneen Primary School) her star is shining brightly. This strong representation of Plasie players at the 2019 prize giving indicates that Merensky High School lays a solid cricket foundation and is excited about the coming season.

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31 May 2019


Four Larrie champion teams Zani’s bult hul spiere ■ Bulletin

The Larries cannot be more proud. They boast four Mopani Champion netball teams. The u.12 A and B teams as well as the u.13 A and B teams participated in the Mopani Championships held at LS Dr Annecke on Thursday, 23 May. The u.12 A team faced LS Mariepskop in their first match and won 21/17, then they played in the final against LS Phalaborwa and won 25/11.

LS Phalaborwa was also the u.12 B team’s opponents in the final, and the Larries won 12/4. Larries’ u.13 A team played against LS Gravelotte in their semi-final match and won 25/5. In the final, they faced LS Phalaborwa and won 16/12. The u.13 B team also played against LS Phalaborwa in their final and won 24/6. All four teams will participate in the Limpopo Championships on Friday, 31 May.

Leanne Liebenberg, Me. Gerda Steenkamp, Jana Prinsloo, Mapula Manthlakga, Emma Masetla, Koena Malatji, Me. Anuska Large, Venaschke Visser, Naiwa Mamarara, Me. Biance Immelman en Karabo Ramodike.

Rendani Mamorobela, Dimpho Mametja, Latricia Muchabi, Megan-Lee Mans, Zilmari van Rooyen, Larike Joubert en afrigter, juf. Carina Boshoff.

Agter : Micaela Manakira, Elné Haynes, juf. Anuska Large, Sharice Smith, juf. Gerda Steenkamp, Kristi de Jager. Voor: Jané Auret, Rifumo Twala en Dimpho Ramothwala.

Adelia Schonken, Aluska Zaayman, Kyra van der Vyfer, Zanja Fox, juf. Debbie Lategan, Boitumelo Mahlo, Sumari Vorster en Louries Rossouw.

■ Bulletin

Sestien van die Zani’s Tzaneen Gimnastiekklub se gimnaste het die naweek in Thabazimbi aan die Limpopo Kampioenskappe gaan deelneem. Die kampioenskappe is vir die vlak 1 tot 3 gimnaste aangebied en die meerdeerheid van die gimnaste wat deelgeneem het, het gekwalifiseer om in Junie vanjaar in Centurion aan die Noord Sirkel kampioenskappe in Gauteng te gaan deelneem.

Baobab hokkie toernooi Voor – Jeanri van Eck, Ewan Snyman en Liam Dreyer. Agter – MJ Perold, Suné Geldenhuys, Simoné Schonken, Mia Venter, Kobus Auret en Zandré van der Zee. Afwesig – Elsje van Eck, Carmé Louw, Manré Coetzee, Francois Barnard, Willem Mostert, Eddie Mostert en Paul Kruger.

POS BESKIKBAAR – Aktetikster Voor: Tumelo Mmola, JP Botha en Musa Nkuna. Middel: Sharice Smith, Lourens Kriel, Gihon van Rensburg, Christo de Beer, Leon de Lange en Isabel Homan. Agter: Tessa van Heyningen, Sumari Vorster, Jané Toerien, Aluska Zaayman, Carlo Moller en Christiaan de Beer

■ Bulletin Vrydag en Saterdag die 24ste en 25ste Mei is die Baobab hokkietoernooi aangebied in Polokwane. Die verskillende Limpopo hokkiespanne het in ‘n rond-

omtalieformaat teen mekaar wedstryde gespeel. Goeie oefening is ingekry en daar is definitief nie ‘n gebrek aan spangees onder die spelers nie. Laerskool Tzaneen het ‘n hele kroos spelers gehad wat in verskeie provinsiale spanne hul skool verteenwoordig het.

Hot shots fired

Alle aansoeke moet asseblief gerig word aan: Desiré-Lee Ernst: desire@joubertmay.co.za

■ Bulletin

Tzaneen Primary School’s tennis players participated in a tie-break tennis tournament in preparation for the season on Saturday, 25 May, in Polokwane. Above we have: Front: Cianke Louw, Chané Gouws, Isabel Homan and Aluska Zaayman. Middle: Me. Helene van Niekerk. Back: JP Wheeler, Ryno Schultz, Hendro Roodt and Carel Jacobsz.

Tzaneen, Limpopo Provinsie Ons het ‘n pos beskikbaar vir ‘n aktetikster, met nie minder as 5 (Vyf) jaar ondervinding in Aktes, wat insluit registrasie van verbande vir banke. Kennis en ervaring met LexisConvey en Storedoc is ‘n vereiste. Salaris bo markverwant.

POSITION AVAILABLE – Conveyancing Typist


We are where you are, connect with us on social media. Facebook | Instagram | Youtube | Whatsapp

Tzaneen, Limpopo Province We have a position available for a conveyancing typist, with no less than 5 (Five) years experience in Conveyancing, which includes the registration of bonds on behalf of banks. Knowledge and experience with LexisConvey and Storedoc is a requirement. Salary above market related.

All applications to be sent to: Desiré-Lee Ernst: desire@joubertmay.co.za

Sport 31 May 2019

Beaulieu came marching in

Photos by GKT SportPics

Joe Dreyer

The mighty Beaulieu College descended upon the misty mountain tops of Stanford Lake College over the weekend for the 17th Annual Beaulieu Stanford Derby. Over the course of two days the two sporting powerhouses met on the squash courts, the golf greens, chess boards, rugby fields, netball courts and of course – the astro pitches. The first sporting code of the derby to be played was squash. Six players from each college took to the courts and the two schools left the courts with three wins apiece. Justin Schwaeble (Grade 12), Lia Revelas (Grade 11) and Iggy Lindeque (Grade 8) claimed victories for the Stanfordians. The golf battles were fought on the fairways of the Polokwane Golf Club over a full 18 holes. The competition was tough with two of the four visiting golfers boasting near scratch handicaps of +3 and 2 in comparison with Stanford’s handicap arsenal of 7 and 10. The games were played in the Stableford format and the best three scores of the four would constitute the team’s final tally. Stanford managed a remarkable runaway victory of 103 points in answer to Beaulieu’s 68. It was on the netball courts that the visitors showed their teeth for the first time however. Beaulieu made no bones about the fact that they were in the valley for serious business by winning each of the six netball games, albeit the First Team match by the skin of their teeth. Stanford’s U/14A-team suffered a 12-17 defeat ahead of the U/15A’s who conceded their match by 7 goals to 23. The U/16A and B-teams both bowed to 4-18 and 4-20 respectively followed by 4-31

defeat for the Second team. The senior girls, however took the fight to Beaulieu in what was described as the fixture of the day. The two teams were evenly matched and the girls played an adrenaline-filled, high-paced game. The fairer Stanfordians held back the onslaught valiantly and were all tied on 16-16 moments before the endgame siren when Beaulieu snuck in the winning goal to clinch a 16-17 victory. Where Stanford came into their own was in the chess and rugby fixtures. The checkerboard masters played with focus and secured seven wins to Beaulieu’s five. On the rugby pitch, it would be the hosts who laid down the law through a magnificent win by the U/15 A’s who secured a 33-14 win over Beaulieu with tries from Sifiso Magagula (2), Christian Krüger (1) and Devon Coad (2). Coed also managed to bump up the score by successfully converting four of the five tries. The U/16’s played a game of 7s, winning by 31-10. Tries came from Ethan Jones (1), Abe Athanassiades (2), Stefan Otto (1) and Dylan van den Berg (1), of which three of the five tries were converted by Athanassiades, Jones and Van den Berg. The First XV looked for some respite after their defeat against St Dunstin the weekend prior to this derby and through improved communication and well-rehearsed set pieces, the boys claimed a convincing 45-34 victory. Seven tries were scored by Thomas Mayes (2), David Pullinger (2), Musa Mathebula (1), Marthinus

Maritz (1) and Ethan Chidavaenzi (1). Chidavaenzi also displayed great kicking skills, converting five of the seven tries. Beaulieu’s true muscle was flexed over the astro though. Regarded as one of the top hockey schools (in fact they are currently ranked 25th on the list of the top 70 schools in the country) and with former Olympian, Alistair Fredericks at their helm, the visitors were always the firm favourites. Displaying national and in some instances international-level stick skills (four of the Beaulieu First team boys are national hockey players) the visitors proved an unstoppable behemoth. Though they played valiantly, Stanford had to settle for defeat in all but two of their eight games. The First Team Badgers bowing to a 2-12 defeat which was taken honourably by the hosts, some of whom were overheard remarking at the amazing skills witnessed on the day. Stanford would take some lessons from has been described as an exhibition match, and will look at improving their own techniques accordingly. All in all, it was a great derby and was thoroughly enjoyed by both schools. Stanford Lake College look forward to being hosted by Beaulieu next year and hope to even up some scores on the netball courts and hockey pitches.

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