12 July 2019
015 306 0198 • 072 930 1462 • 071 268 2543
Rural areas:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS
Heads in the clouds
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Photo by Marilet Louw
Easy targets. On the back of two arrests of local cannabis farmers, we delve into the grey area.
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Bladsy 11
12 July 2019 FAR NORTH
Bulletin F A R
Personeel | Personnel Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@bulletin.us.com Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset
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Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 071 268 2543 (Jacques) 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: jacques@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.
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Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
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FIRST Tech Challenge hits Tzaneen ■
Joe Dreyer
If you have not heard about the FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) programmes, you need to pay attention. FIRST is an international youth organization that operates the FIRST Robotics Competition, FIRST LEGO League, FIRST Lego League Junior, FIRST LEGO League Junior Discovery Edition, and FIRST Tech Challenge competitions. The organization was founded in 1989 by Dean Kamen – the inventor of the Segway and the iBot Wheelchair (similar to the one used by Dr Stephen Hawkins) and his partner, Woodie Flowers a former professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Its philosophy is expressed by the organization as coopetition and gracious professionalism. FIRST also operates FIRST Place, a research facility at FIRST headquarters in Manchester, New Hampshire, where it holds educational programs and day camps for students and teachers. It is a non-profit public charity cooperation which licenses qualified teams usually affiliated with schools to participate in its annual competitions. The FIRST programmes are designed to inspire students to become engineers or pursue careers in the field of technology and science. Currently there are more than 3 700 high school teams totalling 46 000 students from across the world, participating the highest scale competition which is the FRC (First Robotics Challenge). In the years since the inception of FIRST, many schools around the globe have become involved in these robotics programmes. In South Africa, specifically in Nelspruit, the FIRST LEGO League which focusses more on primary school students particularly has been a very popular annual event with teams reaching the semi-finals and even finals of the World Championship. The teams are scored not only on the abilities of their robots in completing the various challenges, but also on other factors such as marketing, design, engineering and outreach programmes which the children in the teams are to plan, present and successfully complete as a team without the assistance of adults. Each team has a marketing lead, software lead, hardware lead and programme manager. The teams each have captains as well. During the school break this past month, a team from Austin, Texas in the United States visited Tzaneen as part of their outreach programme. The team, QuadX, from the Vandergrift High School were runners up at the FTC World Championships last year and they came to Tzaneen to facilitate a camp with local school teams in order to promote the FTC programme. QuadX is a robotics team affiliated to the Viperbots league which is a programme run by their high school where students are selected to join one of the robotics teams each year. Currently there are around 10 teams in each of the FIRST leagues competing in this schools Viperbots programme. The entire trip, including an itinerary, the hardware and building materials was arranged by the children in the team who drew up business plans which they presented to companies such as HP which resulted in all the materials including laptops and two 3D printers being sponsored to the local programme. The local link came in the form of science educator and Rotarian, Peter Maleta, who is also the executive director of the Greater Tzaneen Community Foundation based outside Letsitele. Maleta has
Dineo Malatji and Thabang Modiba from Phusela
been involved in the FIRST programme for quite some time and arranged that six teams who have all competed in the First LEGO League in the past, participate in the camp. These teams comprised of Grade 8 to Grade 10 learners from Ramoba, Matseutseu, Phusela, Napscom, Mabusha and Mafutjane High Schools in Tickyline, Lenyenye and Thabina. During the course Elmon Lemao and his team from Ramoba School in Thabina. of the week-long camp, the local teams were introduced to the finer mechanics of software development, basic Java programming, hardware engineering and assembly, 3D printing capabilities and media and marketing campaigns to finance their projects. “The children have performed exceptionally well and many instances have far surpassed even my own expectations,” said a very satisfied Maleta. “It was great for them QuadX Project Manager, Rebecca Bates, assists the boys’ team with drivechain assembly. to be able to meet with like-minded children For more information on the FIRST programmes from the United States and learn from them. These and challenges visit www.firstinspires.org and children have now been exposed to technology watch the Bulletin Facebook page for all the video they have never seen before such as 3D printers. I interviews conducted with the QuadX team membelieve that this camp in particular has set into mobers. tion a way of thinking for these youngsters that will be of benefit to our society in the future.” **Editor’s Note** The six teams who were at the camp last week will Bulletin supports the FIRST programmes and it is be participating in the FCT Robotics Challenge this this publication’s view that every child will benefit year in October. Their base of operations will be at from their school registering and becoming involved the Greater Tzaneen Science centre in Lenyenye. in the robotics challenges. The programmes have “It was a great trip for us and an absolute treat proven results in improving the child’s overall logical to meet up with these youngsters all the way here thought ability and inter-social skills. We therefor in South Africa. What will sit with me for always challenge the primary and high schools of our area is the enthusiasm and hunger for knowledge we to get involved in the programme and let’s see if we perceived from these childrem,” said QuadX coach, can boast a world champion from the Mopani DisMike Ferwada. “These children are bright and eatrict in the foreseeable future. If the Nelspruit schools ger and this will go a long way to furthering the could do it then surely our schools can too. advancement of this programme.”
Stand van Damme Dam Levels
Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 08/07/2019
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12 July 2019
Marmari on top of the great Kilimanjaro ■
Roelof de Jonge
Marmari Pieterse, the Director of Sports at Unicorn Preparatory School, took on an adventure of a lifetime when she climbed Kilimanjaro. This gutsy Tzaneen resident successfully reached the highest peak in Africa. Bulletin communicated with Pieterse after her summit where she shared this amazing feat with our readers whilst still in Tanzania before returning to South Africa. “Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro was one of the most difficult challenges of my
Best friends Marmari Pieterse and Sarrah Cisneros after reaching the summit of Kilimanjaro.
life. But I have made it, all the way to the top of The Roof of Africa of Mount Kilimanjaro”, said Pieterse. She said it is an amazing and humbling experience that she will never forget. “Emotionally it broke me, physically it challenged me, and spiritually it strengthened me”, was how she described this gruelling challenge. “On the last day, with great enthusiasm and excitement, we were woken up with ginger tea. When then started to a ascent of 1200m and a six kilometre walk at midnight. We ascend a mountain face that I’m not sure you can ever
prepare for”, said Pieterse. She said little do you realise that those seven hours of straight up climbing will break any person in ways one didn’t know was possible. “I prayed, cried and at times I just wanted to give up. But reaching the top and seeing the most beautiful sunrise made for an unforgettable experience”, she said proudly on her achievement. Pieterse said she was part of an close group of companions who supported each other to ensure that they all made it to the summit as a unit. “I reached the summit because of them. Without their support this climb would have been near impossible. Reaching the summit was a dream come true for me and to get back to the bottom safely was just as a large reward”, said Pieterse. Marmari Pieterse on the summit of Kilimanjaro in Tanzania after what she described as a hectic climb. Photos: Marmari Pieterse
Marmari Pieterse, Lilly Otto and Troy Otto together with their expedition group.
12 July 2019
“Jammer maar daar is nog een van jou” ■ Joe Dreyer ‘n Aspirante sangeres vanuit ‘n plaaslike hoërskool is haar geleentheid om internasionale faam kwyt nadat ‘n fout by binnelandse sake haar van haar eerste paspoort ontneem het. Zoe Jacobs (17), ‘n leerder van Ben Vorster, is vroeër vanjaar gekies om Suid-Afrika by die Wêreldkampioenskappe vir die Uitvoerende Kunste in Los Angeles in Junie as lid van die SAATMEspan te verteenwoordig. “Op die 12de April gaan ons Binnelandse sake toe om Zoe se eerste ID en paspoort aansoek in te dien. Dit is presies waar die nagmerrie vir ons begin het,” verduidelik ma, Louisa Jacobs aan Bulletin. “By die department van binnelandse sake in Tzaneen aangekom het ons al die vorms ingevul en die foto’s geneem en die hele proses om aansoek te doen vir ‘n ID-dokument voltooi. Toe ons uiteindelik by die toonbank aankom is daar vir ons vertel dat Zoe se ID-boekie reeds by Standard bank by Canalwalk in Kaapstad afgehaal is en hulle kon dus nie ons aansoek om ‘n ID registreer nie. Ek het hulle gerus gestel dat dit nie my Zoe is nie aangesien hierdie haar eerste aansoek om ‘n ID is.” Daar is ontdek dat daar ‘n ander Zoe Jacobs op dieselfde dag as Tzaneen se Zoe Jacobs gebore is in Kaapstad en dat beide meisies met dieselfde ID nommer uitgereik is. Louisa is vertel dat die fout by die Binnelandse sake se stelsel lê en hulle nou al moet aansoek doen om die ou id-nommer te skrap en ‘n
nuwe een te laat allokeer. Al die inligting sou dan per e-pos deurgestuur word en dan sou die fout moontlik herstel word. Vorms is ingevul en aangeheg en daar is aan die Jacobs-gesin ‘n verwysingsnommer gegee. “Ek het drie dae later terug gegaan om te hoor of die e-pos wat daar gestuur sou word al gestuur is en hoe vêr die proses nou trek. Daar is toe vir my gesê dat ek geduldig moet wees aangesien die stelsel stadig is en daar baie mense is wat gehelp moet word. Ek is ook aangeraai om die tolvrye-nommer te skakel en my verwyssingnommer op te volg.” Na vele oproepe en besoeke aan die Tzaneen-tak het Louisa steeds nie uitklaring nie en al wat daar van haar en haar gesin verwag word is om geduldig te bly. Intussen het Zoe haar Wêreldkampioenskappe misgeloop en sal nou heel moontlik ook nie die toer na Europa toe kan bywoon nie. “Hierdie is ‘n kwessie van uiterse noodsaaklik hierdie want afgesien van die twee toere wat sy nou misloop is daar ook matriek registrasie wat voltooi moet word voor volgende jaar. Daar is ander belangrike dinge soos om aansoek te doen vir haar rybewys wat nie kan gebeur sonder ‘n id-nommer nie. En al wat ek moet doen is geduldig wees?” Teen druktyd gister is daar steeds nie enige verdere vordering gemaak of terugvoering oor die saak gegee nie. Intussen moet Zoe met die kennis saam leef dat haar kanse van wêreldberoemdheid deur ‘n onwetende doppelganger verbeur is – ten minste vir nou. Bulletin volg op in volgende week se uitgawe.
Life for rape Sergeant Mathebula
■ Jeff Jackson A convicted rapist was sentenced to life imprisonment and six years for assault in the Tzaneen Regional Court this week. Godfrey Ngoako Tshwale (32), was found guilty of rape and on two counts of assault with the purpose to inflict grievously bodily harm. All these incidents occurred around Ga-Moshaka Village, in the Bolubedu Policing area, outside Tzaneen during 2016. Tshwale received a life sentence for raping a 28-year-old woman and was also found guilty on another two counts of assault with intent to cause grievously bodily harm that involved 30-year-old woman. On the 24th of September 2016 at about 23:00 in the evening, the accused allegedly met a 30-yearold woman in the streets, who had accompanied her friends home. He then dragged the victim to his homestead and along the way, severely assaulted her with a panga. On arrival at his homestead, he further assaulted the victim with the same weapon. The victim’s desperate plea for help, attracted the attention of community members who rushed to the house. They found the shaken woman bleeding profusely but the accused had already fled the scene. On the 25th of September 2016 at about 12:00 midday, the accused found a 28-year old woman fetching water at a stream and threatened her with a knife. He then dragged the victim to the nearby bushes and repeatedly raped her. Subsequent to these attacks, cases of assault and rape were opened. They were then assigned to Detective Sergeant Glenda Mathebula from the Tzaneen Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offence Unit(FCS) for further investigations. The accused was tracked down and arrested shortly after these incidents. Through the outstanding detective skills of Sergeant Mathebula, (pictured above) the accused was kept in custody until his ultimate sentencing this week. The SAPS Provincial Commissioner in Limpopo, Lt Genl Nneke Ledwaba, has commended the investigating team, especially the member handling this case for working tirelessly to ensure this hardened criminal is removed from the society.
Zoe Jacobs
Attackers arrested ■ Jeff Jackson
The intelligence led joint operation which has since been working around the clock, following up on leads relating to farm attack incidents in the Bela Bela Cluster, resulted in the arrest of two suspects on Friday, the 5th of July. The two suspects, Justice Mudau (34) and William Bapela (69), appeared briefly in the Bela Bela Magistrate’s court yesterday on Monday where they faced two counts of house robbery. They were both denied bail and will appear again in the same court on the 17th of July for formal bail applications. Members of the Detectives from the Bela Bela Cluster and Mokopane Crime Intelligence Unit, tracked these criminals down at their respective homes around the Bela Bela policing area. This after they were positively linked to two house robbery incidents committed this year, at farms around the Radium area. During the arrests, police recovered some of the items including cellphones, clothes and perfume believed to have been stolen during the robberies. On Wednesday, the 6th of June at about 21:30, four suspects armed with firearms, allegedly attacked the residents of a house on a farm, tied them up and robbed them of several items including jewellery, cellphones, car keys, perfumes and a laptop. The suspects may be linked to other incidents of farm attacks in this area and the surroundings. Police investigations are still continuing and more arrests are eminent. Anyone with information that can lead to the apprehension of the other suspects, should contact Lt. Col Phetlha on 082 414 2404, the crime stop number 0860010111 or the nearest police station.
Upstarts cuffed ■ Jeff Jackson Five persons have been arrested on charges of public violence following yet another violent protest action on the R81 road between Mooketsi and Giyani last week. The Provincial Commissioner of the South African Police Service in Limpopo, Lieutenant General Nneke Ledwaba, has reiterated his condemnation in the strongest terms, of the violent nature of public protests that are still prevalent in some parts of the province. This condemnation follows the recent incidents of public violence which have erupted along the R81 road near Makgakgapatse village. On Sunday the 30th of June in the afternoon, the community went on a rampage and barricaded this road with debris. The Police were summoned, reacted accordingly through members of the Tzaneen Cluster and the Public Order Police Unit and started to deal with the situation until the road was cleared. But the community mobilized again shortly thereafter and barricaded it once more. The situation was on and off until the following morning when five suspects (linked as instigators) aged between 25 and 34, were arrested. The Public Order Police remained in the area until the situation was stabilized.
12 July 2019
SAPS spend resources on dagga Alcohol is killing us ■
Joe Dreyer
The South African Police Service (SAPS) in Limpopo have, through their provincial spokesperson, made it clear that they will be “relentless in their efforts to uproot the mushrooming of drugs in the province”. They have hailed the arrest of two men in Tzaneen this year, as great victories in this fight against drugs and were lauded by the acting police commissioner for Limpopo for their outstanding work. But are they fishing in the right pond? In February this year a 62-year old man was arrested at his home in Tzaneen on charges of “manufacturing and concocting drugs” as part of the SAPS Operation Zonke which was led by the Provincial Drug Team in cooperation with the Tzaneen Cluster Crime Intelligence Unit. The man spent ten days in a prison cell and was finally released on bail of R15 000. In official communications from the SAPS media liaison over a WhatsApp group that speaks to 254 journalists from community and national media houses, this man was labelled a drug lord, his garage a drug lab and the estimated value of the “drugs” set at half a million. His picture was circulated by unscrupulous sensation hunters along with images of his house and the inside of his garage. Provincial spokesperson for the SAPS, Col Moatshe Ngoepe, stated “during the operation, a drug-lab was uncovered in a house within the Tzaneen CBD and the suspect believed to be the drug lord was nabbed. During the search of the lab, a high quantity of dagga and mushrooms, which were in the processed stage, were discovered. The estimated value of the recovered drugs is over R500 000.” Last month, on the 26th of June, a 33-
year old man was arrested at his home in Tzaneen on the same charge and in the same fashion. A police squad comprising of members of the Tzaneen Cluster Crime Intelligence, SAPS Crime Prevention units and the K9-unit raided his home and found a cannabis nursery and a few grams of processed mushrooms. Again the spokesperson for the police announced that a “drug lab” had been uncovered and that a “drug lord” had been arrested. This time the value of the bust was estimated at R200 000. Ngoepe’s official statement over the WhatsApp group read virtually verbatim as the previous case. This second bust was lauded as a “milestone achievement”. When we inquired whether any evidence had been uncovered to substantiate the claims that these men were indeed selling narcotics, Ngoepe declined to comment saying that the matter is under investigation and the facts will emerge in court.
The oil is different to the joint In both of these instances the men have allegedly claimed that the cannabis trees on their property were being grown for the manufacturing of cannabis oil and for personal consumption. Both of these cases are now under investigation and before the courts to determine the facts. We spoke to Johan Sutherland of the Cannabis Development Council of South Africa (CDCSA) who explained that in order to manufacture cannabis oil, one needs a very large number of plants from which to extract the THCA cannabinoid to produce a small amount of oil. A cannabinoid is one of a class of diverse chemical compounds that acts on
receptors, in our cells that alter neurotransmitter release in the brain. The THCA (tetrahydrocannabinol acid) is an inactive compound found within the trichrome of living cannabis plants and is believed to offer an assortment of medicinal benefits, and is commonly used as a nutritional supplement and dietary enhancement. THCA is not to be confused with THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) which is the most famous cannabinoid of the cannabis plant responsible for the intoxicating effects marijuana is most commonly known for. The two terms should not be confused as they are vastly different in both chemical structure and how they interact with the human body. THCA doesn’t get one high and THC does. The misconception is that THC is produced by the plant all through its growth period until ripe. This is not true as the primary cannabinoid being produced by the plant is actually the beneficial THCA. The human body is not capable of converting THCA to THC. This can only happen through a process of decarboxylation (heat and light – i.e. through smoking or vaporising it). This is why raw cannabis is considered a superfood and the oil is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties, neuroprotective properties, antiemetic properties and its use in the prevention of the spread of prostate cancer cells. The human body is not capable of converting THCA to THC. Like other superfoods, including avocados, kale, Greek yogurt, green tea, and garlic, raw cannabis has the potential to ease arthritis, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, and other ailments.
Joe Dreyer
According to the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) South Africans consume roughly 9.5 litres of pure alcohol per person per year. This is the 6th highest in the world. Of this consumption, 26.3% was homemade and illegally produced alcohol. In South Africa, there are around 50,000-60,000 licenced/legal outlets for alcohol sales and distribution; in contrast, there are an estimated 120,000 unlicensed outlets. The government loses around R16 billion in taxes through the unlicensed liquor consumption and roughly R12 billion through illegal cigarettes. The latest global status report shows that 7% of South African adults suffer from disorders related to alcohol use. The same report found that 2% of adults in SA are physically or psychologically dependent on alcohol. And 6% of all deaths in the country — 10% of men
and 2% of women — are attributable to alcohol use. It is estimated that one out of every six women in South Africa is regularly assaulted by her partner. Alcohol plays a role in almost half of these domestic violence cases, and in some of the cases, the men involved also abuse the children living with the woman. According to Childsafe South Africa, alcohol is closely related to violent crimes in the South African context. In their research they found about 70% of people assaulting intimate partners or spouses were intoxicated. Conversely – there have been no statistical evidence linking cannabis to road accident deaths, domestic violence cases, gender or child abuse cases and there exists statistics on overall deaths caused by cannabis consumption. Why then, are we still so hell bent on arresting someone for growing plants in their yards instead of closing down illegal liquor outlets and cigarette dealers?
12 July 2019
Editor’s note
Granny’s Grumbles - THE NANNY
When I was seventeen I went overseas on a working holiday. After spending a few weeks with my grandparents in Devon I went to Holland to visit my pen-friend. This was meant to be a four day visit which turned into six weeks. She and her parents appeared enamoured with the idea of having somebody from Africa staying with them and I was treated like a queen. I was fed like one too. At the end of six weeks I had gained nearly 15 kgs due probably to the fact that Hollanders appear to cook everything in butter. It was also there that I suddenly discovered the joy of real coffee – fresh coffee beans ground each morning and served with coffee cream. Anyway upon my return to England I was extremely short of money so I stayed with a Rhodesian friend who was studying dancing in London. She suggested that I go to the Overseas Visitors Club which had an enormous noticeboard giving details of jobs aimed at young people from the colonies. The one job was for a nanny to take care of two childen whilst on holiday in Bournemouth. Sounded good and I phoned the number and was asked to come for my interview the following day. Mr and Mrs Sharland were Jewish and had two daughters aged 14 months and three years – I was basically asked how soon I could start and when I said immediately they were delighted. Upon arrival the next day I was introduced to the two little girls who were poles apart . It soon appeared to me
that the younger had never made an attempt to crawl and spent most of her life in a high chair eating anything and everything that came her way. The parents did not appear to think there was anything wrong with this and I must say it made life very easy for me – the main problem being that she was so heavy it was difficult to carry her. The three year old was an extremely intelligent rather precocious little girl who refused to eat anything other than raw carrots and picked gherkins. The parents also did not appear to have a problem with this, so all I had to do was to make sure there were cleaned carrots and jars of pickled gherkins available at all times. I had never actually been employed as a nanny but figured that I had more than enough practice with my twin brothers who were nine years younger than me. We (the family) were leaving for Bournemouth three days hence so I was set to work getting clothes organised and getting to know the family. Much to my horror I was told to do all the washing and shown the washing machine. I tried to explain to Mrs Sharland that I had not the faintest idea how to use a machine but she said it was unbelievably easy. Just throw in a lot of washing powder, turn on and off you go. I did that – went off to clean the rooms and returned to find the bathroom under water – soap suds everywhere. What had gone wrong I don’t know but I spent the best part of an hour cleaning up and trying to make everything appear normal. Just before we left for Bournemouth the au pair next door told me surreptitiously that she had overheard her employers saying that the Sharland marriage had been “arranged”. I had by the time we left realised that Mrs Sharland was actually scared of her husband and I felt quite sorry for her. Anyway, off we went to Bournemouth and moved into a very nice bungalow very close to the sea. Mr Sharland was obviously of the opinion that weight equals strength because I ended up carrying a lot of weight to the beach each morning. The hefty 14 month old under my one arm and two folding deck chairs in the other. I asked why we didn’t use the pushchair, but according to hubby it would get stuck in the sand, so as a firsttime nanny I did as I was told. Mr Sharland spent the mornings sitting in a deck chair in his grey flannel longs and a long sleeved white shirt which
I found rather amusing especially since England was enjoying the best summer in 52 years. I was making buttered toast and tea each morning for my employers and they had it in bed – part of the holiday feeling I guess. The nanny next door was aghast – didn’t I knew that was not part of my job!! Since I did not know really what my conditions of employment were as this was a temporary job I was not about to rock the boat. Part of my chores was to wash dirty clothes – no machine so everything was hand washed in the kitchen sink. Mr Sharland wore only white long sleeved shirts and grey flannel longs. Almost like a uniform. Anyway I was battling away in trying to scrub dirty marks from the collar and cuffs when Mrs Sharland wandered in the kitchen and threw a yellow dusting cloth into the sink. Presumably she was not aware that yellow dusting cloths are notorious for losing their colour in water. By the time I rescued the yellow cloth the colour had already run into the shirt and when I pointed this out to Mrs Sharland she nearly burst into tears. “You must get it out”. Much easier said than done – has anybody ever had experience with the dye from dusters Half an hour later I had raw knuckles and the offending colour was still there. I hung the shirt on the line, ironed it and hung it in the wardrobe. The way Mrs Sharland was acting one would have thought that a tsunami was about to hit the bungalow. She looked so stressed that I realised that her hubby was not going to take kindly to a stain on his shirt. Fortunately the next morning the entire family went off to the Botanical Gardens for the day. Hubby was wearing the stained shirt which he obviously hadn’t noticed since it was on the back. On their return he asked me to organise tea and as he walked out I casually mentioned that he must have leaned against something as there appeared to be some sort of stain on the back of his shirt. Since he was not the kind of man to remove his shirt in front of the hired help he disappeared to the bedroom, reappeared with the offending shirt and told me to soak it overnight and then do what was necessary. The stain never did come out but Mrs Sharland managed to get a bit of mileage out of the incident by reminding him that he had just managed to ruin a perfectly good shirt. Two days later I found a beautiful cardigan and an enormous box of chocolates on my bed with a card which merely said “Thank You”. First time I had ever been rewarded for telling a downright lie. Whew! Glad I never had an arranged marriage.
“Never let someone who contributes so little to a relationship Control so much of it”
Social Tzaneen Iron Crown trail run 13 July
The Iron Crown Trail Run will be held on 13 July 2019. For more information visit our website on www.rotaryhaenertsburg.co.za or email paulharrishaenertsburg@gmail.com.
Tzaneen Tzaneen Catholic Church Fete 27 July
The Tzaneen Catholic Church Fete will be held on 27 July 2019 from 09:00. For more information contact Sasha Drewett on 083 469 7708.
Tzaneen Freedom family fun day 27 July
The Freedom Family Fun Day will be held on 20 July 2019 at Mashutti Country Lodge from 06h00 at R30.00 per person. For more information contact Gloria on 073 336 6489 or Tsakani on 064 045 6698 or email info@mashutti.co.za.
Tzaneen Patio Bench Workshop 27 July
The Patio Bench Workshop will be held on 27 July 2019 at Past 2 Present Creations from 09:00 - 15:00 at R3500.00 per person. For more information contact 063 221 8591 or email past2presentcreations@gmail.com.
Tzaneen St. Peter’s Night Fun Run 2 August
Tzaneen Mooketsi MTB Challenge 14 September
Tzaneen Letaba Show 7-9 August
Tzaneen Ladies Conference 14 September
The St Peter’s Night Fun Run will be held on 2 August 2019 at the Cnr of Agatha & Hermanus Streets from 17:00. For more information contact Wendy Graham on 105 307 3534 or email stpeters@tzaneen.co.za.
The Letaba Show will be held from 7 - 9 August 2019. For more information contact 015 307 2725 or email info@letabashow.co.za.
Haenertsburg Magoeba Trek 23-25 August
The Magoeba Trek will take place over 3 days, 2325 August 2019 from 06:00 at different venues in Haenertsburg. Tickets available at www. entryninia.com. Visit www.magoebatrek.co.za. For more information contact 066 231 6094 or email info@magoebaskloofmtb.co.za.
Tzaneen Vossiefest 30-31 August
Hoërskool Ben Vorster bied die VossieFest aan op 30-31 Augustus 2019 vanaf 09h00 teen R60.00 per persoon. Vir meer inligting skakel 015 307 4490 of epos info@benvorster.co.za.
The Mooketsi MTB Challenge will be held on 14 September 2019 at the APC Camp Mooketsi from 07h00. Visit www.mooketsimtb.co.za. For more information contact Joanell on 015 395 8548 or email info@mooketsimtb.co.za.
Two members of our community have lost their businesses because of allegations of being “drug lords” and “kingpins” after our SAPS “bust” their “drug labs” which contained nothing more than cannabis trees which were used to produce oil. No, their businesses were not selling oil and dagga, they had day jobs. Day jobs they no longer have because after certain media houses published the details of these “busts” in search of sensation, they lost their clients and the respect in the community. The arrests were founded in each instance on a few grams of dried mushrooms found on the premises - hardly enough to warrant a “kingpin” label. Incidentally, a “kingpin” would not have to ask friends and family to club together in order to raise money for bail. In this very same town, there are dealers on street corners selling heroin, nyaope, cat and crystal meth to our school children. These dealers are known too. They even have WhatsApp groups. In this very same town there are larney folk hooked on prescription medication like sleeping tablets and appetite suppressants. Pharmacists keep registers of these. Some doctors are prescribing these medications to people who don’t need them, without taking into account the long term effects on these people’s mental and physical health. Alcohol in our community is sold in every shopping center and is directly responsible for road accident deaths, the splitting up of families, family violence, public violence, vandalism and even suicides. But as long as dagga is not being grown in that guy’s backyard our community is safe. As long as the SAPS fill their monthly “drug bust” quota, the law is being upheld and our community is safe. Where is the social responsibility here SAPS? Why is my town filled with actual drug dealers selling actual narcotics produced in actual “drug labs” to school children? Why are the doctors who issue prescriptions to people for scheduled medication without a decent checkup not being investigated? Why are gunmen who open fire in urban areas not arrested? Why are taxi drivers who stop private vehicles and demand payment for every passenger inside the vehicle not arrested for public violence? Why are murderers and rapists escaping from our prisons? Will locking up a cannabis grower bring an end to the farm attacks or the house robberies or the hijackings and the Cash in Transit heists? Will the removal of a cannabis grower bring an end to the heroin and nyaope dealers? Will these “busts” stop the alcoholic from beating his wife in front of his children this weekend? Is a misinformed quota more important than your responsibility to the oath you swore to protect my community or the badge you wear which is meant to stand as a symbol for justice? Who will support these families who have lost their income after the court hearings and the trails and the investigations have been completed? The community from which you have managed to ostracize them?
Mind-blowing Fact #121
The Ladies Conference : A Woman Beyond Compare will be held on 14 September 2019 at Shekinah House from 08h00-15h00 at R100.00 per person. For more information contact 015 307 4729 or email info@shekinahhouse.co.za.
Toy Story animators strapped boards to their feet to figure out how to animate the toy soldiers.
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1368 09 2 57
The Numbers
100 Newborn babies have nearly 100 more bones than full-grown adults.
12 July 2019
Horings op die setperk ■
Roelof de Jonge
Die Internasionale Koalisie van Renoster Beskerming (International Coalition of Rhino Protection ofteweI ICORP) het Vrydag die 5de Julie ‘n vierbal-stableford gholfdag aangebied ten bate van hierdie renoster beskermings-organisasie. Hierdie gholfdag is by die Tzaneen Buiteklub gehou. Die eerste plek het aan Carl Buitendag met 39 punte gegaan. In die tweede plek, een punt agter die wenner, was Phillip Mostert met 38 punte. Die derde plek het aan André Coetzee behoort met sy syfer van 37 punte.
ICORP is oorspronklik deur ‘n Suid-Afrikaner, Marc McDonald, gestig. Vir die afgelope paar jaar sedert renoster stropery handuit begin ruk het, het ICORP in meestal die grootste natuur reservate vanaf die Sabie Rivier to naby Massingir (dis ‘n distrik van die Gaza Provinsie in die suid westelike deel van Mosambiek) gehelp om renosters te beskerm. Hierdie deel is juis ‘n gedeelte waar renoster stropers hooggety voer en verantwoordelik is vir die sinnelose dood van talle renosters, veral in die Kruger Nasionale Park en ander privaat wild reservate in Suider-Afrika.
BB Auto het ook van hul motors ten toon gestel.
Calla Kruger
Jan Viljoen
ICORP-span wie die gholfdag beman het.
12 July 2019
Van Heerdens Apteek rolbaldag ‘n groot sukses ■ Roelof de Jonge Rolbalspelers van die ATKV Rolbalklub en vakansiegangers het ‘n week van lekker rol beleef vanaf die 1ste tot 6de Julie met hul deelname aan die gemengde driespel-wedstryd. Marie Gouws, die ATKV Rolbalklub se sekretaris en tesourier, het die beker en pryse aan die wenners en ander deelnemers oorhandig. Die bestuur van die ATKV Rolbalklub is baie dankbaar vir die lojale ondersteuning. Die Van Heerdens Apteek rolbal uitslae was as volg: Back: Tsepong Matloa, Nathan van der Heever, Lennard Joubert, Martin van Niekerk, Juan Smith, Kwagga Mabeba & Koki Mankgabe. Middle: Kabelo Kgohloane, Tiaan Meintjies, Luan Brown, Juhnino Patricio, Tendal Kgopa, Mashito Malothane, Matlapu Modise, Kamogelo Kgohloane & Mbata Mashamaite. Front: Junior Mnisi, Andries Nel, Pierre Coetzee (Coach), Doran Kleynhans (Captain), Mashilo Moloto ( Team Manager), Zander de Didder (Vice-Captain), Peter Schutte (Coach), Manaka Mohlaloga, Louis Koen.
Limpopo Blou Bulle bly onoorwonne ■ Roelof de Jonge Die Limpopo Blou Bulle se O/18 Akademie rugbyspan het aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie week, van die 1ste tot die 6de Julie ook in Bloemfontein waar die O/18 Cravenweek gehou was, met welslae deelgeneem. Dié Limpopo Akademie-span het veel groter unies se rugbyspanne gewys waar Dawid die wortels gegrawe het. Die noordelike provinsie 15-tal het al drie wedstryde gewen om tweede algeheel op die punteleer met 15 punte te eindig. Die voorste span is die van die Westelike Provinsie wat ook op 15 geëindig het met die span van die Valke in die derde plek, ook op 15 punte. Limpopo se Akademie-span het 134 punte in sy drie wedstryde opgestapel en slegs 81 punte is teen hulle aangeteken. Die Westelike Provinsie wat ook onoorwonne was, het meer punte
aangeteken in hul drie wedstryde en minder punte afgestaan. Dit verduidelik hoekom hulle bo aan die punteleer geëindig het. Die Limpopo Blou Bulle klop die Griffins met 3726 en gee die Westelike Provinsie se distrikte-span ‘n loesing van 50-31. In die derde wedstryd klop Limpopo se 15-tal die span van die Oostelike Provinsie met 47-24. Limpopo se Zander de Ridder, is aangewys as die stelskopper wie die meeste strafskoppe, ses in totaal, oorgeklits het. De Ridder is derde algeheel wat doelskoppe oorgeskop het met 13 agter sy naam. Hy is ook die speler wie die meeste punte aangeteken het vir die O/18 Akademie Week toernooi met 59 punte. Sy naaste teenstander het slegs 38 punte behaal. De Ridder is die losskakel van die Hoërskool Pietersburg se eerstespan maar het binnesenter vir die Akademie-span gespeel.
Eerste plek- Colin Vaque, Jonel Hudson, Veronica Enright en Johan Scheepers. Tweede plek- Tulli de Beer, Hessie de Lang, Kleintjie Knoetze en Leon Van Dyk. Derde plek- Dawie Cronjé, Daan Opperman, Pat Strachan en Toekie Swanepoel. Die vakansiegangers se gemengde driespel uitslae was as volg: Eerste plek- Tulli en Nelia De Beer en Johan Von Backstrom. Tweede plek- Manie Engelbrecht en Awie en Lizette Viljoen. Derde plek- Dawie Cronjé, Alida Bohmer en Joey Oosthuizen.
Die eerste plek span bestaande uit Colin Vaque, Jonel Hudson, Veronica Enright en Johan Scheepers.
Die tweede plek span van Tulli de Beer, Hessie de Lang, Kleintjie Knoetze en Leon Van Dyk.
Die derde plek is deur die span van Dawie Cronjé, Daan Opperman, Pat Strachan en Toekie Swanepoel ingeneem.
12 July 2019
1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honourable court. 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 33A Pieter Joubert Street, Tzaneen. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961). 5. Fica legislation i.r.o. proof of identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Tertius Robertson or any representative of his office. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instruction from the execution creditor. DATED at TZANEEN on 1 JULY 2019 JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS ELITA NO 1 AGATHASTREET TZANEEN Tel: 015-307-5792 Ref: JS/sdj/LW2732 Jul201___________________________
NOTICE OF SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34(1) of the Insolvency Act No 24 of 1936, as amended, to interested parties and creditors of Silicon Smelters Proprietary Limited (Registration Number 1998/019036/07) (the “Company”) with business address at Beyersnek
Road, Witkop Quarry, Polokwane, Limpopo Province, of the intention of the Company to, as soon as possible after the 31st day after the date of the publication of this notice but before the 60th day after the date of the publication of this notice, transfer all of the Company’s rights, title and interest in and to its business in respect of the planting and harvesting of timber on its timber farms situated in the Limpopo Province for sale to third parties and which is conducted by the Company under the name and style of SILICON SMELTERS and all its assets, including its immovable properties (comprising several timber farms situated in the Louis Trichardt / Makhado, Haenertsburg, and Morebeng areas, including the plantations of standing timber and improvements situated on such properties), movable assets, water use rights and water permits, to Mphome Agric Proprietary Limited (Registration Number 2019/094424/07). All enquiries, court processes, notices or other documents or communications of whatsoever nature must be addressed and delivered to: Werksmans Attorneys, Block D, De Wagenweg Office Park, Stellentia Road, Stellenbosch Tel: (021) 809 6000 ; E-mail: ejuul@werksmans.com ; Fax: (011) 535 8600 Reference: Mr Pierre le Roux Jul202___________________________
KENNISGEWING VAN VERKOOP VAN BESIGHEID Kennis geskied hiermee in terme van artikel 34(1) van die Insolvensiewet Nr 24 van 1936, soos gewysig,
aan geïnteresseerde partye en krediteure van Silicon Smelters Eiendoms Beperk (Registrasienommer 1998/019036/07) (die “Maatskappy”) met besigheids adres te Beyersnekweg, Witkop Quarry, Polokwane, Limpopo Provinsie, dat die Maatskappy van voorneme is om, so spoedig moontlik na die 31ste dag na die datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing, maar voor die 60ste dag na die datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing, oordrag van al die Maatskappy se reg, titel en belang in en tot die Maatskappy se besigheid ten opsigte van die aanplant, oes en verkoop van hout op sy houtplase geleë in die Limpopo Provinsie en wat deur die Maatskappy onder die naam en styl van SILICON MELTERS bedryf word en al sy bates, insluitend sy onroerende eiendom (bestaande uit verskeie houtplase geleë te Louis Trichardt / Makhado, Haenertsburg en Morebeng gebiede, insluitend die plantasies van bestaande hout en verbeterings op sodanige eiendomme), roerende bates, watergebruiksregte en waterpermitte, aan Mphome Agric Proprietary Limited (Registrasienommer 2019/094424/07) te verleen. Alle navrae, hofprosesse, kennisgewings of ander dokumente of kommunikasie van watter aard ookal, moet aangespreek en afgelewer word aan: Werksmans Prokureurs, Blok D, De Wagenweg Kantoorpark, Stellentia Straat, Stellenbosch Tel: (021) 809 6000 ; E-pos: ejuul@werksmans.com ; Faks: (011) 535 8600 Verw: Mr Pierre le Roux
IN THE MAINTENANCE COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF TEMBISA HELD AT TEMBISA CASE NUMBER: 403/2005 In the case between: MRS WENDY RHULANI MALUNGNA EXECUTION CREDITOR And DUNDLOP ZONE TZANEEN – LIMPOPO TYRES AUCTION IN PURSUANCE OF A JUDGMENT of the Maintenance Court of Tembisa granted on 24 May 2019 and a Warrant of Execution Against Property in pursuance thereof, the under mentioned property will be sold in execution on 1 August 2019 at 10h00, at the SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, MAIN STORE NO 2, INDUSTRIA ROAD 20, TZANEEN to the highest bidder, namely: 1 x QUANTITY STOCK IN TRADE (Including but not limited to various sizes, brands of TYRES, TYRE RIMS, INNER TUBES) 1 x QUANTITY TOOLS IN TRADE (Including but not limited to various sizes, brands of SPANNERS, TOOL BOXES) In terms of Regulations 32 of the consumer Protection Act of 2008 potential bidders must register in the bidder’s record with the sheriff, prior to the sale, which registration must meet the requirements of the regulations in terms of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act 38 of 2001. SIGNED AT TEMBISA ON 05 JULY 2019. Judgment Creditors: MS WENDY RHULANI MALUNGANA STAND 7108 TEMBISA
Smouskous l Classifieds Services Dienste Dulux Paint Centre Need paint or other supplies? Get in touch right away 40 Danie Joubert Street 015 307 7756 __________________________________
Paint Pot Paint, arts and crafts and more. Visit us in store for specials. 56 Boundary Road, Tzaneen 015 307 3517 ________________________ Forum Makelaars Makelaars / Brokers Contact 015 307 4229 lynette@fsabrokers.co.za ________________________
Hobby Print
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Limpopo Party Hire
Jumping castles, Water slides, Balloon water dunk, Popcorn machine, Candy floss machine.
073 265 2650
Security/Steelworks/ Construction Contact Mike on 071 302 8909/ 082 298 5352 dedamsteelworks@gmail. com ________________________ Duvenhage Furniture Removals Ons verpak en verseker landwyd. Marlien 083 252 8928 ________________________
Ultimate Security
Garage doors & motors, Roller shutters, Awnings and much more .Contact: 015 307 1768
Jaques van Niekerk Optometrist Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril. Terms & voorwaardes geld. 015 307 3703 ________________________
bulletintzn 2nd HAND SHOP Bargains Galore We buy, sell and pawn. Furniture, appliances, kitchen ware, jewelry ect. Best value for your money. Visit us at 11 Plantation Rd or call 015 307 1171 082 472 8483
To Let
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Flatlet to rent Water & Lights included. Covered Parking. R2800 p.m. No Pets. Cell: 083 345 9999
My name is W. Mbhombi. I’m looking for Driver Job. I have a Code EC1 Valid Licence. 15 Years experience on all truck and also Tipper Trucks. Contact me on 073 861 2994
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Die Wasbalie Laundry Service
082 672 8131
My name is Motsati Julia Maake. I’m looking for Domestic worker / Office Cleaner work, full or part time employment. Monday to Saturday. Washing, Ironing & Cleaning. Contact me on 079 287 2094 ______________________________
Vervoer/Transport Steynberg Trok & Trekker. 8 Ton Trokke te huur R25.50/km + btw, 8 Ton Koeler Trok R28/km + btw, 12 Ton Trok R27.50/km + btw & 20 Ton @ R34.50/km + btw, Lowbed trailer @ R34.50/ km + btw. 35 Ton Trok R42/km + btw. 6 cube tipper @ R27/km + btw eenrigting. Vragmotor met kraan R2700/dag. Terme & voorwaardes geld.
Skakel vir Kwotasie: 076 410 9503 / 082 851 7139 / 015 345 1192 084 627 0956
DASS Domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Bosch, Whirlpool, Defy etc. Repairs, spares and service. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, Tzaneen. 015 307 1798 082 898 0468 Quality long & short feather dusters, mops, grass brooms, rakes, soft brooms, plastic feather dusters & sjamboks at affordable prices.
Contact Stanford 078 670 9040
My name is Grace Thokwe. I looking for General Worker position, full time employment. I can clean and cook. Contact me on 072 807 5315 ______________________________
My name is Rachel Malatji. I’m looking for General worker work, full or part time employment. Monday to Friday. Contact me on 072 294 7801 ______________________________
My name is Flora. I’m looking for Domestic or Office job, 3 days per week or full time. I can start immediately. Can speak English and Afrikaans. Sleep in or out. Can look after babies & children. Contact me on 076 651 7166. ________________________ To advertise in our
VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/ 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb.co.za www. steynbergmeubelvervoer. com
Classified section 064 6507123
015 004 0923
Opening hours: 9:00 - 16:00 weekdays 9:00 - 12:00 Saturdays Closed on public holidays Agatha Street next to Municipality.
Limpopo PARTY HIRE Jumping Castles Water Slides Balloon Water Dunk Popcorn Machine Candy Floss Machine
073 265 2650
Free delivery and pickup in Tzaneen
12 July 2019
Gemengde welslae op IPT
Hier is van die hokkiespelers van Laerskool Tzaneen wie na die hokkie streekstoernooi getoer het. Voor is Mohau Makgoba en Tumelo Mmola. Agter is Sumari Vorster, Aluska Zaayman, Megan-Lee Mans, Carlo Moller en Christiaan de Beer. Foto: Verskaf
■ Roelof de Jonge Die hokkie streekstoernooi vir O/13B-spanne het in Potchefstroom van die 16de tot die 20ste Junie plaasgevind. ‘n Aantal spelers van Laerskool Tzaneen het Limpopo in spanne verteenwoordig. Hierdie spelers wie vir Limpopo gespeel het is Sumari Vorster, Megan-Lee Mans, Mohau Makgoba, Aluska Zaayman, Christiaan de Beer, Carlo Moller en Tumelo Mmola.
Sumari Vorster, kaptein van die O/13 meisiesspan, sê hul was agtste uit die 14 spanne wat deelgeneem het. “Ons het goed gedoen alhoewel ons in die laaste wedstryd ongelukkig was om met ‘n agt sekondes “shoot out” te verloor. Ek het bonop harsingskudding in hierdie wedstryd opgedoen. Dit was baie koud in Potchefstroom, maar tyd vir pret was daar ook. Ons het die geleentheid gehad om te gaan fliek en uitstappies na die inkopie-malls gehad”, het Vorster gesê na afloop van hierdie toernooi.
Business Directory | Sakegids
Tel: 015 309 9382 • 078 1919 111 info@hobbyprint.co.za
Contact Mike at 071 302 8909 / 082 298 5352 dedamsteelworks@gmail.com
We specialise in: • Burglar proofing, security and access gates • Palisade fencing, electric gates and garage motors • Light to medium steel and general construction We also service and repair all makes of electric gates and garage motors.
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Medical Business Directory TZANEEN
Independent 24 hour emergency service, located at Mediclinic Tzaneen
Direct ER line: 015 306 8526
Summer bodies are made in WINTER Health & Fitness Gym Cnr Windsor & Agatha St, Tzaneen • 073 265 2650 • 076 413 9257
12 July 2019
Letaba verloor naelbytstryd ■ Roelof de Jonge Letaba Rugbyklub se derdespan het Saterdag gasheer gespeel toe hulle teen die span van Kruinies Rugbyklub van Polokwane te staan gekom het. Letaba se 15-tal het van die meet af die pap dik aangemaak in die eerste helfde om Kruinies, die huidige voorlopers in die derdeliga, onderdruk te plaas. Letaba het in die eerste helfde twee drieë gaan druk, maar kon nie daarin slaag om hierdie drieë te verdoel nie. Letaba het nietemin ‘n 10-0 voorsprong geniet teen die tyd wat rustyd aangebreek het. Letaba se verdedigers het aanvalspogings van die Kruinies na hul doellyn gestuit en ook heelwat omgekeerde besit bewerkstellig. Dit het ook gesorg
dat die Kruinies net nie op dreef kon kom nie en vele hanteringsfoute gemaak het. In die tweedehelfde het die Kruinies egter verbete begin terugveg en ook meer balbesit geniet. Die Letaba verdedigingsmuur het uiteindelik gebreek toe die Kruinies hul eerste drie druk en verdoel om die telling met 10-7 te laat krimp. Met sowat vyf minute oor, het die Kruinies weer ‘n gaping in Letaba se verdediging gevind en hul tweede drie te druk alhoewel die doelpoging onsuksesvol was. Die Kruinies het hierna vir die eerste keer in die wedstryd die voortou geneem met die telling op 12-10. Met die afskop het Letaba ‘n laaste terugvegpoging geloods en weliswaar balbesit gewen. Met hierdie druk in die doodsnikke van die wedstryd
staan die Kruinies reg voor hul pale ‘n strafskop af. Letaba se stelskopper skop egter die bal net links verby en Kruinies wen hierdie naelbytstryd met 12-10. Letaba se twee drieë is deur die nommer ses flank Surprise Monyela en die linkervleuel Peter Blessie gedruk. Letaba se ligaspanne gaan vir die volgende twee naweke rus waar hulle dan op Saterdag 27 Julie op hul tuisveld teen die spanne van Noordelikes Rugbyklub te staan gaan kom.
Letaba se derdespan in aksie teen Kruinies. Die Kruinies het net-net met 12-10 gewen. Foto’s: Roelof de Jonge
Limpopo Vikings conquers USA tourney ■ Roelof de Jonge The Limpopo Vikings Sevens team under the coaching hand of Thyron Pietersen, sport coach at Stanford Lake College, competed at the World Youth Rugby Festival U/16 competition in the city of Irvine, California at the Orange County Great Park Sports Park. This team got off to a great start and eventually went on to play against another South African team, the Mpumalanga Mustangs, in the Cup Final. The Limpopo Vikings outplayed their South African counterpart to won by 31-0. “Saying I am proud of this team is not even the word I want to use. Well done boys, you guys really
left the best game performance for the final match”, said an elated coach Pietersen. “In our first attempt in the World Youth Rugby Festival and getting a spot in the final was an achievement itself, but to have won it in this manner was unbelievable to experience”, said coach Pietersen. Pietersen said this is surely one of his proudest moments of his coaching career so far. “To the team, I thank you for all your hard work on the field. You have made
me proud to be a part of your journey. All glory to God for giving you the talents to play the game”, said Pietersen. On day one of the sevens tournament, the Limpopo Vikings won all three of their matches: Limpopo Vikings 31 - Kahu Rugby 0 Limpopo Vikings 43 - USA Schools 7 Limpopo Vikings 22 - Mpumalanga Mustangs 19. Day two saw the boys win two matches with comfortable margins, only to lose against the Crusaders side: Limpopo Vikings 21 – Crusaders 26 Limpopo Vikings 22 - USA Schools 0 Limpopo Vikings 45 - Rhino’s Rugby Academy 0. On the third day was the cup semi-final, where the Limpopo Vikings won against the Rhino’s Rugby Academy with a score of 49-12. In the final match the next day the Limpopo Vikings went head to head against the Mpumalanga Mustangs. The Limpopo side dominated play and scored a faultless win of 31-0.
The Limpopo Vikings after winning the final at the World Youth Rugby Festival U/16 competition in the city of Irvine, California. Photo: Supplied
Sport 12 July 2019
Bulle se 103m-held ■ Roelof de Jonge Die plaaslike rugbyspeler Renzo Du Plessis van Ben Vorster-faam, het sy skrikbewind op die rugbyveld tydens die O/18 Cravenweek in Bloemfontein, in styl voortgesit. As die Limpopo Blou Bulle se woelige nommer sewe flank, het Du Plessis Dié kraglopie van Renzo du Plessis oppad die O/18 Cravenweek “Held van die na sy 103m drie teen die Griekwas wat Dag” toekenning vir sy uitsonhom soveel bekendheid verwerf het. Foto: netwerk24.com derlike spel in sy span se eerste wedstryd by Grey College teen die wat aan hom sy Renzo du Plessis se rugbyprestasies: 0/18 SA Skole sewesspan (Junior BlitzGriekwas ontvang. tweede geelkaart bokke) Hierdie wedstryd is besorg het. 0/12 Leeus-span (kaptein) 0/18 Limpopo Craven Week span op die 2de Julie in Dit het die Lim0/13 Limpopo Blou Bulle Craven Week‘n snerpende koue popo Blou Bulle 2019 Cravenweek prestasies: span Bloemfontein geop die agtervoet Eerste span Laerskool Tzaneen (kaptein) Dag 1 – Cravenweek Speler (Held) van speel. gesit en Griekwas 0/14 Ben Vorster (kaptein) die Dag (vir sy uitstaande 103m drie en Limpopo se Blou het hierdie te kortkomO/15 Ben Vorster (kaptein) uitstekende spel teen die Griekwas Bulle het wel teen die ing uitgebuit om uiteindelik 0/15 Ben Vorster Sewes-span (kaptein) Dag 2 – Speler van die Wedstryd teen Griekwas met 35-24 verloor, maar du Plessis met 35-24 te wen. Renzo du Plessis. 0/16 Limpopo Blou Bulle Grand Kho- die Goue Leeus 15-tal (Goue Leeus se se individuele spel en besonderse drie het Renzo du Plessis het die Foto: Verskaf mo-span (kaptein) B-span). Hy het in die wedstryd ook ‘n aan hom hierdie toekenning besorg en sy tweede meeste drieë in die 0/16 Ben Vorster (kaptein) drie gedruk naam vir ewig in dié toernooi se geskiedenis 2019 Cravenweek van al die 0/17 Limpopo Blou Bulle Sewes-span Dag 3 - Hy druk drie drieë teen die Luiboeke neer gepen. spelers in drie wedstryde (kaptein) perds en is Limpopo Blou Bulle se enigSy 103m kraglopie vanuit die Limpopo gedruk. Na sy skouspelagtige ste puntemaker in dié wedstryd. 0/16 SA Skole-span (Green Squad) Blou Bulle se doelgebied het die rugby103m drie, het hy die hele wêreld se gemeenskap aan die gons gehad. Suid-Afrikaanse rugbywêreld Rugbykenners van die O/18 Cravenweek is aan die praat gehad en het die van mening dat dié drie van du Plessis nog opname van hierdie allermintlank oor gepraat sal word. ige drie op Super Sport se soDie vyfpunter het onstaan nadat die Grieksiale media al meer as 137 000 was op die aanval en reg voor die doellyn kykers gelok. van die Limpopo Blou Bulle die bal aang“Eerstens het ek nie verwag eslaan het. Die Bulle was onder hewige om die bal te kry nie, maar toe druk op daardie tydstip nadat hulle ek die bal kry, wou ek net prober losskakel, Divan van Zyl, ‘n rooi kaart om oor die voordeellyn te kom. vir sy dubbel geel kaart sowat 13 minEk het met alles in my gehardloop ute voor die eindfluit sou blaas, onten die spasie het begin oopmaak,” vang het. vertel Du Plessis oor sy spoglopie. Met 14-man het die span se “Toe ek op die halflyn kom het instink oorgeneem en al heelagter, Brandon Cronjé, as losswat ek toe kon sien was die doellyn voor my en hoe ek die kakel ingestaan. Die Griekwas het drie gaan druk. Die res is geskiedenis.” begeesterd gedruk maar die Bulle se Du Plessis se belangstelling in rugby kom al van kindsskrumskakel, KT Sono, kon daarin been af. Hy vertel van die dag toe hy gebore was, hoe sy slaag om die bal te herwin. pa, ook Renzo, vir hom ‘n Springbok rugbybal in sy baSono het die bal uitgegee na babedjie gesit het. Cronjé en instede om te skop “Toe my pa my die eerste keer gesien het, het hy gesê ek het hy egter besluit om die bal gaan eendag ‘n Springbok word. Ek het begin om bulletjiRenzo du Plessis ontvang die toekenning as Cravenweek Held van die Dag na sy skittervertoning teen die Griekwas-span. op sy doelgebied uit te gee. erugby te speel toe ek drie jaar oud was in Pretoria, nogal Foto: Twitter-SA Rugby Du Plessis het die bal ontvang teen 0/6 seuns. Ek het van vroeg af geleer dat om die beste en van agter sy span se pale met te wees, moet jy harder as al die ander seuns werk”, het du sy 103m blitzkrieg begin. Plessis vertel. ‘n Aantal Griekwas verdedigers het na lug getas om “Ek oefen feitlik die hele jaar deur, en kondisioneer my hom te probeer keer. Du Plessis het die Griekwas se twee liggaam met ondermeer fiksheid, spoedwerk, sessies in dekverdedigers met minag afgestamp om seer-sekerlik die gimnasium, krag-oefeninge en baie visualiseringsoeeen van die Cravenweek se beste drieë ooit aan te teken. feninge”. Die Bulle het die eerste helfde met 14-0 agtergeloop naHy skryf meeste van sy sukses toe aan die afrigters in sy dat du Plessis en van Zyl beide geelkaarte ontvang het. Die lewe wat hom geslyp het tot die speler wie hy vandag is. Limpopo-span het egter na ‘n bitsige terugvegpoging met “Ek gee aan die Here al die eer toe vir my talente en vir die 24-21 voorgeloop. Van Zyl het op die aanval egter ‘n Griek- seëning om op die rugbyveld so goed te presteer. Sonder was verdediger met die elmboog in die gesig gestamp Hom is ek niks.” Renzo du Plessis in aksie teen die Goue Leeus 15-tal waar hy as Speler van die Wedstryd aangewys was. Foto: Pegasuspublishing