19 July 2019
015 306 0198 • 072 930 1462 • 071 268 2543
Rural areas:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS
Requiem - The Battle at Devil’s Wood is remembered by military veterans each year. Rona McGaffin lays a wreath in honour of the fallen soldiers who gave their lives so you did not have to.
Farewell Sue darling
Photo: Joe Dreyer
D Day August 2021
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19 July 2019 FAR NORTH
Bulletin F A R
Personeel | Personnel Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@bulletin.us.com Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset
Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Admin / Finance Jacqueline Fourie 083 294 7747 admin@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com Design Intern: Alicia du Toit Office: 015 306 0198
Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani • Phalaborwa
Kontak besonderhede Contact Details
Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 071 268 2543 (Jacques) 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen
Kloof claims life of veteran journalist ■
Joe Dreyer
Another fatal accident on the deadly Magoebaskloof pass (R71) claimed the life of one of the regions veteran journalists on Friday afternoon. Sue Ettmayr (68) was on her way home when a heavily overloaded double-cab bakkie hit her Fiat 500 head-on just after the bridge in front of Stanford Lake College. It is unclear exactly what happened but the two vehicles collided with such force that the bakkie overturned and landed on its roof roughly 50 meters from the point of impact. It would appear as though Sue, who lived on the Stanford Lake grounds, was turning into the entrance and the bakkie coming from atop the hill from Haenertsburg’s side either did not see her turning, or could not avoid the collision in time. Sue was the only casualty. The 12 occupants of the bakkie suffered moderate to mild injuries and were rushed to nearby hospitals. At the time of going to print it had not been made clear whether alcohol could be ruled as a cause for the accident. This accident marked the 12th of its kind on this road since the start of this year with Sue being the eighth death. This translates into at least two people losing their lives on this notorious pass every month. There is no traffic enforcement along the route either and despite clear road markings, drivers often speed up and down the pass, overtaking on solid lines and around blind corners. The lack of law enforcement on the pass is attributed to the fact that traffic officers have no safe space to pull vehicles over, for the entire stretch from Haenertsburg to Tzaneen. Therefore, the only
chance authorities have to stop unsafe vehicles (whether this be unroadworthy or overloaded vehicles) or drunk drivers, is before they enter the pass. Sue Ettmayr would have turned 69-years old this September. She was well-known and equally loved in the area as she was a village resident for many years. In her capacity as journalist, she led a colourful life having started her career in the city and being fortunate enough to have worked alongside the infamous “Bang Bang Club” at the Star in Pretoria for a time. Francois Aucamp, the first editor for Laeveld Bulletin employed Sue as his senior journalist approximately a decade and a half ago. After his passing in 2016, she stayed on as a freelancer for this publication after its name changed to Far North Bulletin. She will be remembered for her fierce defence of the local wildlife and her promotion of healthy eating and veganism. Her knowledge of historical events and local fauna and flora will be sorely missed – so too will her command of the English language. She was pedantic in her quest for answers and drove a number of controversial investigations which most other journalists would have turned their back on. She did this because she believed that the weak deserved a voice. She was cremated on Wednesday afternoon and her memorial service will be held in the village hall on Friday (tomorrow) at 10:00. Tributes from all across
the country have been pouring in to the Bulletin offices from colleagues in the industry who were privileged to have worked with, and learnt from this incredible woman.
STOP beskadiging van padtekens
E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: jacques@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.
Website Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies.
Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
Teenwoordig by die oorhandiginging van nuwe stoptekens deur AfriForum Tzaneen-tak aan die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit (GTM) is John Hutamo (GTM), Anton Viviers (AfriForum), Derrick Henning (GTM), Michael Shikhibane (GTM) en David Rule (AfriForum).
Roelof de Jonge
AfriForum se Tzaneen-tak het Vrydag die 12de Julie vier splinter nuwe padtekens oftewel stoptekens aan die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit (GTM) se verkeersdepartment oorhandig. Hierdie skenking van vier stoptekens met pale gaan deur die verkeersdepartement se tegniese-afdeling in verskeie gedeeltes van Tzaneen se sentrale besigheidsdistrik en woonbuurte opgerig word. Volgens Derrick Henning, superintendent van die verkeersdepartement se tegniese-afdeling, is diefstal van verkeerstekens soos dié stoptekens ‘n gereelde probleem. “Ons moet gereeld padtekens vervang wat ges-
teel word. Die padtekens se pale word behoorlik staanvas gemaak met sement, maar dit skrik nie die mense af nie. Die pale word met sement en al uit die grond verwyder en heel waarskynlik aan skrootwerwe vir afval-metaal verkoop”, het Henning gesê. Volgens Henning het iemand intussen die twee stoptekens wat AfriForum onlangs geskenk het ook reeds gesteel. Hy sê dis net ‘n kwessie van tyd voor die skuldiges gevang gaan word. Hy maan mense om hul eerder van dié misdrywe te weerhou aangesien die langarm van die gereg wel met hulle gaan opvang. “Ons het reeds kamera beeldmateriaal van die verdagtes en maan hulle aan om eerder die gesteelde padtekens terug te besorg. In samewerking met
Stand van Damme Dam Levels
verskeie sekuriteit maatskappye, buurtwagte en met die hulp die publiek sal geregtigheid geskied”, het Henning gesê. David Rule en Anton Viviers van die AfriForum Tzaneen-tak is dit eens dat die vier stoptekens verseker sal help om die strate van Tzaneen te verbeter en veiliger te maak. Afriforum gaan volgens Rule verf organiseer wat dan aangewend gaan word in samewerking met Tzaneen GTM se verkeersdepartment om straatname op randstene aan te bring. Volgens Rule en Henning sal dit ‘n einde bring aan die steel en beskadiging van straatnaamborde en pale, asook die beslommernis en geld wat dit kos om te vervang. Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 08/07/2019
Tzaneen 14.2%
Ebenezer 60.4%
Merensky 100%
Dap Naude 93.1%
Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 • lynette@fsabrokers.co.za
Middel Letaba 5.4%
Blyde Rivier Poort 94.2%
Klaserie 99.6%
Die senior burgers van Macadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin. Baie dankie!
Tours 40.2%
Vergelegen 90.8%
Ohrigstad 20.4%
19 July 2019
Tzaneen Dam: The very long (and short) of it ■
Joe Dreyer
The country is in the grips of a serious water shortage catastrophe. In Limpopo the situation is already at dire levels and with the project to raise the Tzaneen Dam wall seemingly at a standstill, it doesn’t bode well for the next rainy season. The dam is at less than 12% as you read this article. The Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) is still reeling from the large scale corruption which has left it crippled. This corruption was ushered in by the former minister Nomvula Mokonyane who caused the irregular expenditure to shoot up from R13 million when she took office in 2009, to R4 billion by the end of her tenure in 2017. Thankfully she stepped out of politics shortly after the May elections this year. The DWS has also since merged with the Department of Human Settlements. Added to this are allegations that the DWS still owe contractors in the region of R1.5 billion. The funds for this and other payments will have to be garnered by innovative ulterior means as even their overdraft facility at the Reserve Bank (R2.5 billion) has been maxed. The new minister, Lindiwe Sisulu now has to somehow recover this money while also trying to find a way to complete all the unfinished projects which have been left standing as a result of the corruption. Enter Tzaneen’s dam wall. This project was viewed as the first phase of the R2 billion Great Letaba River Water Development Project, aimed at addressing the long-term water and sanitation needs of the area. It is expected to raise the Tzaneen Dam wall spillway by three metres, increasing its storage capacity by nearly 25% (203 million cubic litres). The second phase of this project was to have been the construction of Nwamitwa dam in October 2017. Lepelle Northern Water handled the first phase which was the demolition work to lower the wall before the second phase which is the construction segment to raise it by four metres. Blackhead Construction was appointed to handle the project. Early in 2018 this phase of the project was completed and Blackhead stepped away. Nothing further happened at the site and the wall, to this day, stands incomplete.
What was said in 2018
In December 2018 a meeting was called at the showgrounds in Tzaneen. At this meeting it was said that R20.6 million (according to Chief Engineer at the DID and project manager for the raising of the wall, Thabo Hloele) had already been paid to the contractor who did demolitions on the wall and that R209 million had been budgeted for the 2019/2020 fiscal year to complete the project. He also said that a further R800 million was expected to be spent to complete this project which will now no longer be worked on by private contractors, but will be completed by the DWS Construction North Team. He stated firmly that the project would have commenced in March or April this year. It is now three months past this new deadline and there is no
Steven Arumugam
What else will happen now?
Well, the engineers and the councillors present claimed that they will establish a project management office which will house a scale model of the construction site and will be open to the public to visit and gain insights on the progress of the project. Apparently this will be an amazing place situated somewhere in the vicinity of the CBD. No date was provided for when this would happen. It was also proclaimed that representatives of the DWS would conduct visits to the various areas of Tzaneen to explain the progress of the project to the residents. Furthermore, a steering committee will be elected from representatives from all the areas in and around Tzaneen who will act as representatives for their specific ward. This Project Steering Committee (PSC) will have regular meetings and provide feedback to their respective communities. Jacques Kruger of the Letaba Water Users Association was elected into the PSC during the meeting on Tuesday. The next meeting is scheduled for the 24th of July (next week Wednesday) at the GTM Council Chambers for residents of Aqua Park, Tzangeni, Riverside and Golden Acres to elect their representative.
Is the dam safe at the moment?
“The spillway has been increased so actually, at the moment, the dam is safer than it has ever been in the past,” said Thabo Hloele, the chief engineer responsible for this project. “Should an unforeseen flood hit us, it will not
Thabo Hloele
new progress. Nobody was surprised by this and so when another meeting was scheduled for this week, only a handful of people attended.
What was said this week
The meeting at the showgrounds on Tuesday (the 16th of July) this week started off with the chief director of infrastructure development at the DWS, Steven Arumugam requesting all in attendance to “forget about the past meetings as this is a new start with a new team that will focus on the status of the Tzaneen Dam Wall project only.” According to him the DWS Construction North team was appointed as the contractor for the project on the 20th of June. Tender processes will now be followed to appoint the sub-contractors and procurement procedures will have to be implemented as per National Treasury protocol. It is expected that the procurement processes will be finalised by December this year and that construction will officially start in January 2020. The supply chain procedure dictates that any equipment or material needed that exceeds the cost of R500 000, has to be procured through a tender process. This, ironically, is to avoid tender irregularities. The DWS claimed at the meeting that they have tried in vain to acquire an acceleration request from Treasury (which is special permission obtainable from Treasury to change the procurement limit from R500 000 to eg R3 million in order to avoid the tender process and speed up delivery). “If all goes according to plan and there are no hiccups, we will kickoff in January next year. I have told my guys that this Tzaneen Dam Wall project is not a major complicated project and we can do this easily. I have worked on bigger dam construction projects and we will be able to be done in 18 months,” Arumugam claimed.
“Structurally this dam is extremely strong,” explained Arumugam. “In fact initially we were not going to use explosives for the demolition but it took us by surprise how well this dam was constructed and we could not use the jackhammers so we employed explosives. There is no danger of this wall collapsing.”
Let’s talk money
So far a total of R109 million has been spent on the project and it is estimated that the total cost will be R600 million. “Enough funds have been made available for the project and the securities and insurances are in place.” This week the new budget for the DWS was delivered in parliament and it seems as though the next five years are going to be tight. In an effort to save the sinking DWS ship the overdraft on the main account has been increased from R199 million to R896 million while the overdraft on the trading account stands R1.2 billion. The DWS still needs to settle more than R4 billion on accruals, overdrafts and unbudgeted commitments out of the current financial year which makes the decision to only start work on phase 2 of the Tzaneen project in January 2020, make sense.
About that license to build
But the engineers at the meeting insisted that there is enough money available for them to start the construction, they only need to obtain their license to construct. Yes, you heard that right. The DWS has applied for a license to expand and raise the spillway and wall. Confusingly, the DWS owns the asset (the Tzaneen dam). The panel explained that the first phase of the project, the lowering of the wall through demolition, was a project on its own under the Lepelle Northern water board. All the necessary impact studies and research on rainfall patterns etcetera had been conducted over a ten year horizon. This information was then used as motivation during their application process for a license to demolish the wall. “That phase is now done and the water board has stepped away. We have now handed in our own impact studies and observations as motivation and we now await the approval of our license to construct.” Not surprisingly the meeting ended with the attendees feeling dumbstruck and hopeless. As Barry Williams, a local farmer expressed in his address to the panel, “you all sit here and tell me the same stories I have been hearing every year since the start of this project. Each year I come back here and the same stories are told but nothing happens. What you do not understand is that, as a farmer, that dam is my bank and it is running empty. The orchards are shrinking and I have to leave this meeting and go and tell my workers that they need to be prepared for the possibility that they may have no jobs soon. I have to do that, not you. You will earn your salaries every month. I will be the farmer who takes bread of the plates of my people.”
Jethro Monareng
Jacques Kruger
affect the properties bordering the dam.” Jacques Kruger of the Letaba Water Users Association also dismissed rumours of a broken sluice at the dam wall. According to him the water that is being released daily is a legal obligation as set aside by the National Water Act.
AfriForum se
#AnkerdorpPadskou kuier in Tzaneen! Vind uit waar ons woeker by ankerdorp.co.za
19 July 2019
Wanneer jy lemoene kry ‘n Vragmotor vol lemoene het Woensdagmiddag in Georges Valley omgeval nadat die drywer vermoedelik beheer oor die voertuig verloor het. Daar is geen ernstige beserings aangemeld nie behalwe vir die drywer wat ‘n sleutelbeen gebreek het. Dit was teen druktyd nie bekend aan wie die vragmotor behoort het nie, maar die lemoene was oppad Tzaneen toe vanaf Polokwane.
No taxi rank yet ■ Jeff Jackson
There is still no answer from the GTM around their promise to move the taxi rank behind Tzaneng Mall to a more suitable area. This promise was made to the media in 2018 by the spokesperson of the GTM, Neville Ndlala, who stated that the municipality has acknowledged the problem at Claude Wheatley Street and would be considering Talana hostel as a suitable area for the taxi rank to be moved to. In the meantime the situation in Claude Wheatley Street has continued to spiral out of control
with taxi drivers occupying two of the three lanes which are used as parking bays. This not only causes major traffic jams, but is also illegal and very dangerous. Some of the taxis have started using the centre of the traffic circle as a parking bay and last week two men were spotted washing their taxi at this very spot in the middle of the road. Tzaneen’s traffic police are too scared to intervene as they have admitted that they do not wish to interfere in the matter. The municipal manager, Thapelo Matlala, has been informed of this and yet still nothing has been done to put an end to the situation. The GTM has admitted that there exists an
Murderers loose ■ Jeff Jackson
The Provincial Commissioner of the South African Police Service in Limpopo, Lt Gen Nneke Ledwaba, has instructed the SAPS Groblersdal Cluster Commander to activate a multi-disciplinary Task Team in compliance with the 72 hours activation plan to trace the suspects involved in the murder and robbery incident that occurred over the weekend in that Cluster. Consequently, a massive manhunt was immediately launched by the Police in Hlogotlou in the outskirts of Groblersdal for three armed suspects who robbed and killed a businessman on Friday the 12th of July at about 22:00. It is alleged that three sus-
agreement between the municipality and the taxi organizations which gives the taxi drivers permission to park their vehicles across one lane of Claude Wheatley Street. “Through the transport forum we have agreed that the associations can park their taxis in one lane until we find alternative parking for them,” explained Neville Ndlala, spokesperson for the GTM. In the article preceding this one, we mentioned that the municipality had identified two possible alternative sites for the taxi rank to be moved to. The two sites identified were the old train station in Flora Park – which subsequently did not find good favour among the taxi owners – and the
pects stormed into the local spaza shop at Legolaneng village. They attacked a 29-year old businessman and shot him. They then doused him with a flammable substance and set him alight. The suspects allegedly ransacked his shop before they fled the scene. The deceased’s identity will be released as soon as the family are informed. The suspects involved in this matter are still unknown. Anyone with information that can lead to their arrest, can contact Detective Constable Mapaleng Thekupi at 0636842981 or Captain Richard Boshomane at 079 894 5501 or the crime stop number 0860010111 or the nearest Police Station.
second was a site near Talana Hostel. This area is known as a breeding ground for all sorts of criminal activities which have gone equally unmanaged by the DA ward councillors assigned to this ward. Nevertheless, it is a far more sensible site given its location and the dramatic traffic pileups Flora Park would have been exposed to had they opted for the train station. It is almost a year later since these utterances were made and still there is no movement on the matter. The taxi drivers have become increasingly more arrogant and pretty soon Claude Wheatley Street will become too dangerous to drive through.
ANY WAY YOU WANT IT. THAT’S THE WAY YOU’VE GOT IT. www.bulletin.us.com | issuu | Facebook
19 July 2019
Trophy Tyres opens doors at Tzaneen Crossing Trophy Tyres recently opened its new facility in Tzaneen at Tzaneen Crossing. Trophy Tyres invited guests and customers to its official launch on Wednesday evening the 10th of July.
Left: Ryan Hyde (managing director Trophy Tyres) and Kobie van Deventer (Massey Ferguson Case Letsitele) during the opening of Trophy Tyres last week. Right: Here are some of the guests who attended the opening of the new tyre fitment centre of Trophy Tyres at Tzaneen Crossing last week. They are Desiré-Lee Ernst (Joubert and May Attorneys), Zander Ernst (Allesbeste), Louis Naudé (Northern Security) and Deon van der Linde (FNB Tzaneen).
LETABA WATER USER ASSOCIATION THE LETABA WATER USER ASSOCIATION HAS THE FOLLOWING VACANCY IN THE TZANEEN/LETSITELE AREA: WATER BAILIFF The successful candidate will be a well-experienced, hands-on, motivated individual and will be in possession of the following qualifications:
Requirements: • Std. 10/Grade 12 plus relevant experience. • A mechanical background will be advantageous. • Knowledge of relevant legislation: National Water Act, 36 of 1998, Environmental Acts and related policies, strategies and guidelines. Understanding the principles of “Integrated Water Resource Management” will be an advantage. • Minimum 5 years’ similar extensive experience. • Computer related skills- MS Office, Outlook, etc. • Must be literate and conversant in Afrikaans and English. • Prepared to work long hours. • Valid Driver Licence minimum Code B is compulsory. Duties include but are not limited to: • Routine maintenance on steel structures. • Installation and maintenance of flow meters. • Monitoring of meters for accuracy and replacement of defective meters. • Maintenance and storage of stock items and buildings belonging to the employer. • Cleaning of areas / access to measuring installations to allow proper access in conjunction with landowners. • Any other duties as instructed from time to time by the employer.
Administrative duties: • Preparing of monthly reports and presenting the reports at Committee Meetings. • Monitoring and taking of water meter readings on intervals as required. Compiling and submission of reports of meter readings. • Keeping records of water usage. • Monitoring and controlling water usage of users to ensure that allocated quotas are not exceeded. • Liaison with property owners on related matters. • Constant awareness of fraudulent activities and unlawful abstraction and taking prompt and firm action against transgressors/reporting them. • Reporting any irregularities and taking action where required in conjunction with the Committee. • Appointment of temporary assistants when required. • Any other task as may be required by the employer. We offer an attractive package commensurate with the level of the post. L.W.U.A. is an equal opportunity employer. Please e-mail your application to admin@lwgv.co.za Please mark your application clearly as “Water Bailiff” Should you not hear from us within 14 days of the closing date of this advertisement, please consider your application as unsuccessful. Closing date: 1 August 2019
19 July 2019
Granny’s Grumbles - DOGS
Everybody loves dogs (or cats). Folks who are confined to small apartments will make do with a canary or budgie but most normal people have an affinity to some type of animal. Those who actively dislike dogs and/or cats are generally looked at with a somewhat jaundiced eye due to the fact that most serial killers start by practising on animals. Having got that off my chest I must confess that anybody who has reached my age has had a lot of dogs in their lives due to the fact that a dog’s lifespan is a lot shorter than our own. At the beginning of the seventies my husband was yearning for a bull-terrier – with a wife and four children to support he discovered that any bull terrier with a bloodline would cost approximately three months’ salary so it was out of the question. On day whilst discussing this with one of his army buddies who had a pedigree bull terrier he learnt that there was serious conflict in his mate’s home due to the fact that the wife had
a pedigreed French Poodle who was due to be mated with a male French poodle which also came from good blood stock. Unfortunately his wife’s poodle had come on heat whilst he and his wife were on a weekend vacation and the bull terrier had taken advantage of the situation. There was now a very smart poodle who was expecting a litter of mixed-breed pups. My husband – who had no desire to have a poodle was conned into believing that these pups would in all probability look like bull terriers and have the intelligence of French poodles. “Poodles are one of the most intelligent dogs in the world” said his mate and arrived the next day with books to prove their amazing attributes. I had a feeling that the pups would in all probability look like poodles and have the stubbornness of bull terriers. However my husband was not to be swayed – six weeks later he arrived home with Pepsi (for that was the name that was chosen) and I stared in amazement at the first puppy that I had ever seen that actually looked ugly. Time did nothing to improve her looks – by six months she looked like an emaciated Biafran goat suffering from mange. Her parentage was always open to debate – nobody ever guessed the breed of either of the parents and when we came to South Africa the first vet she saw assumed that she was part Schnauzer. Pepsi’s claim to fame was the fact that she won first prize in the Ugliest Dog section at a local dog show. Apart from her looks she was unbelievably loyal and loved children to the extent that if any baby was left in a pram under a tree she would lie next to the pram and allow nobody – even the mother – to come near. When we lived in the mobile homes everybody knew Pepsi (especially the children) and she was a great friend to everybody. She lived to a ripe old age and is remembered fondly by the whole family.
Many years have passed and dogs have come and gone but another one that was a real hit was Madam. She came from the SPCA and nobody was sure of her parentage but it was assumed that she was a Labrador/Boerbul mix. She had short stumpy legs and a body like a hippo and just loved the world generally. Due to her immense size nobody would come into the property without an invite!! She had been with us for about six months when a customer arrived at our nursery, took one look at her and said “A short-legged boerbul – where on earth did you get her?” He assured me that this was a registered breed and when I checked with Mr Google it appeared that indeed Madam came from good stock. One day I phoned our local computer boffin to ask if he could come to inspect my troublesome machine. Now Craig had been to our house twice previously. On both occasions it had been in connection with our computer having been struck by lightning which made mockery of the phrase “Lightning never strikes in the same place twice”. Anyway, I gave him the customary greeting, gave him my name and asked if he could come as soon as possible. There was a pregnant pause and he said he had forgotten where I lived. I gave him the address and there was another pause so it was fairly obvious that he didn’t have a clue who was talking. I reminded him that he had been twice before for lightning strikes and I added for good measure that he had been captivated by my short-legged boerbul. “Of course I remember now – how is Madam?” I felt decidedly miffed. Of course I am no longer enjoying the first flush of youth but I have always offered him tea, coffee or something stronger and he didn’t even remember my name, but hadn’t forgotten the dog – even remembered her name. It is sometimes difficult to compete with an animal. Walt Disney realised that years ago – The Lion King and 101 Dalmatians are still favourites with people of all ages. As for Mickey Mouse and Goofy – who will ever forget them?
“Handle every situation like a dog. If you can’t eat it or play with it, Just pee on it and walk away”
Social Tzaneen Tzaneen Catholic Church Fete 27 July
The Tzaneen Catholic Church Fete will be held on 27 July 2019 from 09:00. For more information contact Sasha Drewett on 083 469 7708.
Tzaneen Freedom family fun day 27 July
The Freedom Family Fun Day will be held on 20 July 2019 at Mashutti Country Lodge from 06h00 at R30.00 per person. For more information contact Gloria on 073 336 6489 or Tsakani on 064 045 6698 or email info@mashutti.co.za.
Tzaneen Patio Bench Workshop 27 July
The Patio Bench Workshop will be held on 27 July 2019 at Past 2 Present Creations from 09:00 - 15:00 at R3500.00 per person. For more information contact 063 221 8591 or email past2presentcreations@gmail.com. AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Tzaneen Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859.
Tzaneen St. Peter’s Night Fun Run 2 August
The St Peter’s Night Fun Run will be held on 2 August 2019 at the Cnr of Agatha & Hermanus Streets from 17:00. For more information contact Wendy Graham on 105 307 3534 or email stpeters@tzaneen.co.za.
Tzaneen Vossiefest 30-31 August
Hoërskool Ben Vorster bied die VossieFest aan op 30-31 Augustus 2019 vanaf 09h00 teen R60.00 per persoon. Vir meer inligting skakel 015 307 4490 of epos info@benvorster.co.za.
Tzaneen Letaba Show 7-9 August
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The Letaba Show will be held from 7 - 9 August 2019. For more information contact 015 307 2725 or email info@letabashow.co.za.
The Magoeba Trek will take place over 3 days, 2325 August 2019 from 06:00 at different venues in Haenertsburg. Tickets available at www. entryninia.com. Visit www.magoebatrek.co.za. For more information contact 066 231 6094 or email Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastraat, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Drive: 015 307 4807.
Mind-blowing Fact #122 Making fun of blondes hasn’t been just a recent thing. It started well over 250 years ago with Catherine-Rosalie Gerard Duthe. She was a mistress that was often referred to as a dumb blonde because she took frequent pauses while speaking.
Haenertsburg Magoeba Trek 23-25 August
Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Evangelies Geref Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatleystr,Tzaneen: 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof: 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534. Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastraat, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920.
Deur die genade van ons Hemelse Vader herdenk ons vanjaar die 75ste bestaansjaar van die Evangelies-Gereformeerde Kerk van Suid-Afrika. Die Woord van God is die hoogste gesag en staan sentraal in die kerk se leer en vorm van aanbidding. Die Kanselbybel wat tydens eredienste gebruik word is die 1933/1953 standaard vertaling. Die kerk word gekenmerk deur die eenvoudige en verstaanbare boodskap wat onder leiding van die Heilige Gees na die mens gebring word onder die leuse “So sê die Here”. Die doelstellings van die kerk is onder andere om die Drie-Enige God te verheerlik en Sy koninkryk uit te brei, om ‘n geestelike tuiste te wees vir gelowiges, om Protestantse beginsels met nuwe ywer te verkondig en uit te leef, om die Evangelie van Jesus Christus ywerig te verkondig en om die sakramente van die doop en nagmaal aan sy lidmate en besoekers te bedien. Die kerk verkondig Christus met oorgawe en die boodskap wat die kerk uitdra staan op vier Pilare naamlik die verlossing en redding van verlore sondaars (Ef. 1:7) en dat ‘n mens in hierdie lewe sekerheid van saligheid kan bekom (1 Joh 5 : 13). Die vervulling met die Heilige Gees (Ef. 5:18) en die noodsaaklikheid van heiligmaking wat die wil van God is vir sy kinders (1 Thes 4 : 7,8). Die genesing van die kranke liggaam, wat impliseer dat God vandag nog siekes genees op grond van die versoening van Christus Jesus (Matt. 8 : 17,18) en die persoonlike wederkoms van Jesus Christus voor die duisendjarige vrederyk (1 Thes. 4:16,17 en Openbaring 19 en 20). Die Tzaneen-gemeente bied dan weer vanjaar ‘n wederkomsreeks deur Ds Hennie Prinsloo aan vanaf 4 tot 7 Augustus by die kerkgebou in Adshadestraat . (Sondagoggend 4 Augustus om 09h00 asook die aand om 18h00. Vanaf Maandag- tot Woensdagaande vanaf 19h00). Die wederkoms is ‘n uiters aktuele onderwerp soos wat die eindtydprofessieë voor ons oë in vervulling gaan. Mattheus 24:4 “En hierdie Evangelie van die Koninkryk sal verkondig word in die hele wêreld tot ‘n getuienis vir al die nasies en dan sal die einde kom”. Die hele Bybel is alreeds vertaal in 683 tale en die Nuwe Testament in ‘n addisionele 1 534 tale en gedeeltes van die Bybel in ‘n verdere 1 133 tale. Moderne tegnologie soos die internet, rekenaars en selfone maak die Woord meer en meer toeganklik oor die hele planeet. Kom woon ons Wederkomsreeks gerus by. Die boodskap kan tot jou redding wees. Hierdie Gemeente is groot genoeg om jou te akkommodeer en klein genoeg om jou te waardeer. Kom luister gerus. Almal welkom. Leraar - Ds Hendrik Janse van Rensburg. Tel 015 307 3371 of 082 322 5430.
1368 09 2 57
The Numbers
441,478 Deaths this year caused by water related Ned Herv Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9580. Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. Ned Herv Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate, Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240. Tzaneen Family Church Avispark Lodge Conference Hall Tzaneen: 083 598 0004 / 073387 2469.
diseases. This number increases by the minute.
19 July 2019
19 July 2019
MOTH’s honour WW1 heroes ■ Roelof de Jonge
Piper Ian Housten Lillian van Reenen
The Memorable Order of Tin Hats (MOTH) from the Long Tom Shellhole in Tzaneen hosted the Delville Wood Day Parade on Sunday morning the 14th of July in honour of those that have fought in this epic World War 1 battle which was a significant part of South African history. The Parade entailed a wreath laying ceremony at the Round Table’s club in Circle Drive in Tzaneen. Attendance from the public and especially descendants of family members that were part of this tragic battle attended this parade. The Memorable Order of Tin Hats or the MOTH as it is more popularly known is an ex-serviceman’s organisation. It was founded in Durban in May 1927 by Charles Alfred Evenden who was born in London. As a young man he immigrated to Australia and served with the Australian forces in Gallipoli during World War I where he was wounded and evacuated to England. After returning to Australia, he was discharged from the army. In 1927 he saw a war film
that included an impressive scene of marching troops wearing tin hats, and muddy uniforms all carrying trench equipment. Looking at the scene, it made him wonder what had become of his comrades in the army, where they were and what they were doing. This line of thought inspired a cartoon on forgetfulness of a comradeship that had apparently ceased to exist. From this one idea other ideas came to the fore, then discussions with colleagues and friends and, eventually, on the 7th of May 1927 the founding of an ex-serviceman’s organisation known as the Memorable Order of Tin Hats or simply MOTH originated. The Order is added on concord and harmony and operates independently of race, religion or politics in the same way as this front line service, but with full democracy at heart. For any enquiries about the MOTH’s in Tzaneen persons can contact Alan Odendaal (083 660 2472) or John Anderton (072 797 8195)
Moth Rodney Sabatier
Alan Odendaal Photo by Ian van Helsdingen
Photo by Ian van Helsdingen
MOTHS of the Longtom Shellhole in Tzaneen salute the fallen. Photo Joe Dreyer
19 July 2019
Tzaneen Avofees groei in gewildheid ■
Roelof de Jonge
Die jaarlikse en gewilde Tzaneen Avofees het Vrydag die 5de Julie tot Sondag die 7de Julie op die terrein van die Laerskool Tzaneen plaasgevind. Dit is die tweede jaar agtereenvolgens wat die Tzaneen Avofees aangebied was. Vanjaar se program het ‘n verskeidenheid van items vir feesgangers gebied. Afgesien van die hoevelheid items was daar ook talle stalletjies waar besoekers vars groente en vrugte, en in besonders advokadopere oftewel avo’s kon aankoop. Daar was ook heelwat pret wat die jongspan kon besig hou soos ondermeer ‘n reuse opgeblaasde glybaan. Die Vrydag is ‘n aantal inligtingsessies vir die landboubedryf gehou. Daar was ook ‘n gratis toer vanaf die skool na die Afrupro Pakhuis vir besoekers aangebied om te sien hoe avo’s verwerk en verpak word. Saterdag kon mense ondermeer aan die Momentum Multiply se 3km en 8km wedloop deelneem. Die gewilde musikant, Gert Bos, het mense met sy sang vermaak. Die Saterdagaand is ‘n dans geleentheid aangebied met die tema Mesikaanse Avo Fiesta. Na al die pret en jolyt is die Sondag gepas met ‘n Avofees kerkdiens afgesluit. Die Avofees uitstallers het daarna nog hulle stalletjies beman om vir oulaas tot volgende jaar van hul produkte te verkoop. Gert Bos het weer mense met sy musiektalent vermaak.
Ilse de Villiers
Trix Hageman Rachel Steenkamp
Nicky Altenroxel
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19 July 2019
How Warriors began in the Kloof ■ Sue Ettmayr When Rudi Viljoen’s father died, he inherited the very successful Spoedvervoer business based in the Tzaneen industrial site. Some two years later, Rudi realised that this is not what he wants to do for the rest of his life. He sold Spoedvervoer and bought his farm in the Magoebaskloof 16 years ago. Rudi moved with his wife René and children, Rowena and Ruan, from a six-bed roomed house to a onebed roomed farm home. Rudi started going to schools telling them what they would like to bring to fruition. He named the business Warriors implying that Warriors are emotionally balanced. Rudi says, “Human beings generally don’t have the skills to sort out the issues within.” Rudi says, “We see it with the children and with the parents. It’s not just about adventure. It’s much deeper than that. It’s about developing the warrior within so that children can move into the corporate world. Often parents come to our workshops after seeing how effective they’ve been for their children on the seven month Warrior course.” The Warriors course has a positive effect on teenagers fresh out of school. When Rudi began he got an email from one of the parents who said, “This is rubbish. You can’t do all of this in 7 months.” However the success of these courses is testimony to the fact that the Warriors course does indeed pave the way to a bright future. The first Warriors intake was in 2004 with 16 teenagers just out of matric. The course was run by Rudi, his wife René and a local by the name of Dave Moldenhauer who now resides in KwaZulu-Natal. In that first year a shining star was Sharita van der Merwe from Ben Vorster High School in Tzaneen. She is a character of note and a power house. Sharita became a facilitator the following year. When she left Warriors she took her bicycle, flew to Egypt and rode from there back to Cape Town solo. Sharita now lives in Cape Town and conducts bicycle tours under the name of Tour de Afrique. Another success story was the granddaughter of Gary Player, Antonia de Luca. Her father would check up on her daily. It took the parents three hours to convince Antonia to leave the day she left War-
Winds of change blow ■ Sue Ettmayr
The Red Post Box, at the Magoebaskloof Hotel, reopened its doors late last week. This and the happy staff are the first winds of change as new man-at-the-helm Deon Steyn (43) takes over the reigns of this once iconic hotel. The Orion group, owners of the Hotel for the past few years, had paid the business and the 44 long-time loyal staffers scant attention. Deon had been assistant operations manager for the Orion group but had always wanted his own hotel. After a brief academic career in the Town and Regional Planning faculty at Potchefstroom University, Deon moved into the hotel industry and has worked in every department in the business. He started as a night reception for the Don Suite Hotels in Pretoria in 1996. He also worked for Farm Inn, KFC and SA Leisure and opened a few hotels in SA and in Lesotho. The Orion group gave Deon the option of one of three of their hotels.Deon chose the Magoebaskloof Hotel and left the Orion group last month. Deon and his second wife Jackie had stayed at the Magoebaskloof Hotel for their honeymoon in January 2015. They loved it and therefore are now leasing the hotel from Orion with the option to purchase. Deon has three children from his former marriage and his son Jadon (20) is the new Food & Beverage manager of the Hotel. His other children are Shylo (18) who is in matric in Hartebeespoort Dam and Cailyn (13) who lives in Canada. Jackie comes through from Johannesburg on weekends to handle the financial and accounting
Bulletin FAR NORTH
side of the hotel. During the week, Jackie is Operations Manager for Itec in Sandton. The bar lady at The Red Post Box is Prayer (Thabelo) Ramathavhana (22) from Venda. The Food & Beverage Department will be split with the Red Post Box having its own easy meals menu and pricing. The Phoenix and Fireman will have an English style menu and the Coffee Shop will have muffins, croissants and specialised coffees. The current windows facing the verandah and the view, will give way to French doors to lighten the coffee shop area and to capture the view across the mountains. Deon will increase the hotel accommodation. At the moment there are 70 units and this includes the homes at the bottom where the owners are now happy with separate agreements. The existing upstairs of the self-catering units will have a passage split down the middle so as to double the self-catering accommodation.
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Antonia de Luca at her Johannesburg vegan restaurant.
riors. The value of the Warriors course was so successful that Antonia’s brother attended the course two years later. The tight bond Rudi forms with these children is apparent when one realises that Rudi was asked to be present at Antonia’s wedding in the KNP a few years later. Three years later, Antonia had a baby and Rudi was also involved in the baby’s christening. Rudi says, “The relationship we build with these young people stays with us long after the programme ends.” Commenting on parents Rudi says, “Parents are limited in their understanding of their own children and so stuck in their beliefs that their children are scared to talk to them. “ The gap year programme developed into a programme that offers a range of different services. This led to a career development programme specifically designed for the adventure tourism industry - the MAI (Multi Activity Instructor) programme. A few years ago Rudi met a young man from the Netherlands whose father was from a company called AMICORP with 54 branches throughout the world. This led to Rudi running self mastery workshops for AMICORP. For the last nine years Warriors has run these workshops once or twice a year for the AMICORP top staff who hail from the USA, Australia and India. Warriors now runs a range of programmes including a programme for a school in the UK which consists of a one week leadership camp programme. Warriors is an Academy catering to the school youth corporate environment and the tourist industry.
Deon Steyn intends bringing the Hotel back to its former glory.
19 July 2019
Nog doele vir die Wolkies Tour de Maroela Die plaaslike CVO skool, Wolkberg Akademie, se kranige netball spelers het die afgelope skoolvakansie aan die Bokkieweek op Lichtenburg gaan deelneem. Twee van hierdie meisies, Clarissa Combrink (O/12) en Lerise Meintjies (O/8), het vir die Limpopo-span op die baan gedraf en gewys dat Tzaneen se kinders nie vir die stadsjapies terugstaan nie.
Larrie hokkie in Louis Trichardt ■ Roelof de Jonge Laerskool Tzaneen se seuns en meisies O/11A en O/11B-hokkiespanne asook die Oop B en C spanne het by die Triegietoernooi by die Laerskool Louis Trichardt op Saterdag die 13de Julie gemengde welslae behaal. Die O/11A meisies het teen Louis Trichardt met 4-0 gewen, klop Ridgeway met 2-0 en het hul wedstryd teen PEPPS met 3-0 gewen. Die Larries se O/11B meisiesspan het Messina met 2-0 gewen en met 0-0 teen Louis Trichardt gelykop gespeel. Die O/11A seuns het hul kragmeting teen LS Louis Trichardt met 0-1 verloor.
Hulle het egter teen Messina met 1-0 gewen en ‘n 2-1 oorwinning teen PEMPS behaal. Die Larries se O/11B seuns het teen LS Ridgeway met 2-0 gewen. In die volgende wedstryd het hulle gelykop teen PEMPS met 0-0 geëindig en het gelykop met die telling 2-2 teen Louis Trichardt gespeel. Die Oop B meisiesspan het met 1-0 teen Louis Trichardt se Oop A span verloor. In hul volgende wedstryd het hulle gelykop met geen doele teen PEPPS se A-span gespeel. Hulle het egter Ridgeway se A-span met 1-0 asook PEMPS se A-span met 1-0 gewen. Die Oop B Seuns het gelykop met 0-0
teen PEMPS se A-span gespeel. Hulle het egter teen Louis Trichardt se A-span 0-2 verloor en het gelykop met 0-0 teen PEPPS se A-span gespeel. Die Oop C meisiesspan se wedstryd teen Louis Trichardt se B span het met 1-1 gelykop geëindig. Hulle het egter oorwinnings behaal teen Messina se B-span (1-0), PEPPS se B-span (1-0) en Ridgeway se B-span (1-0). Die Oop C Seuns het ‘n aantal gelykop uitslae behaal ondermeer teen Ridgeway se B-span (0-0), PEMPS se B-span (00) en Louis Trichardt se B-span (0-0). Die Larries het egter Messina se B span met 1-0 gewen.
■ Roelof de Jonge Die Spur skolebergfiets-liga het Saterdag op die 13de Julie op Lephalale met die Tour de Maroela begin. ‘n Aantal fietsryers van die Laerskool Tzaneen het deelgeneem. In die sub-nipper afdeling vir meisies het Ester Katzke ‘n derde plek behaal. In die Nipper afdeling (vir fietsryers O/10) het Anin Katzke die 11de plek ingeneem. In die Nipper afdeling vir seuns het Pelo Makoti (O/9) ook deelgeneem teen een ouderdomsgroep ouer as hy en behaal ‘n 23ste plek in die wedren. In die Sprog-afdeling behaal Kiara van Breda ‘n 16de plek en Joshua Welthagen behaal 46ste plek. In die Sub-Junior afdeling het Kamogelo Monyala ‘n 15de plek behaal.
Larries skitter op ringbalbaan ■ Roelof de Jonge
O/11 seunsspan: Voor is Thinus de Wet, Kian Lategan en Michiel Jacobsz. In die middle is Righardt Erasmus, Christiaan Janse van Vuuren, Jaimie de Carvalho, JP Botha, Nhluvuko Shiviri, Tristan Bredenkamp, Bryce de Beer, Mark van der Merwe, Cohen Dreyer, MJ Pohl, Duncan Smith en Ndzalama Mbhalati. Agter is Onthatile Ramoloto, Thabo Matlou, James Rabopape, Schalk Rossouw, Puki Mpiti, Morné Steyn, Rian Botha en Ndzalo Makhubela.
O/11 meisiesspan: Voor is Laveko Mashele, Zené de Jager, Jana Jacobsz, Lerato Malebe en Tyana Zaayman. In die middel is Juliana du Plessis, Lumé Lategan, Gené Coetzee, Liné Brits, Allison Glanvill, Carlize Benedetti, Tshego Matlobyane, Rethabile Tshehla en Esti Oberholzer. Agter is Amoré Duvenage, Mia Bruwer , Chelsea Snyman, Mia Venter, Leandré de Lange, Sekedi Raolane, Simoné Schonken en Karabo Kgatle.
Altesaam sewe van Laerskool Tzaneen se leerders het aan ‘n ringbaltoernooi vanaf die 23ste tot die 28ste Julie by Korfbalpark in Pretoria deelgeneem. Spanne ondermeer van Ekhuruleni Oos en Noord, Gauteng Noord en Limpopo het deelgeneem.
Die leerders wie Limpopo verteenwoordig het was Hanno Stassen, Jeffrey Mokgwadi, Carlo Moller, Gordon Brits, Anton Lerm, Anneline Lombard en Willem Lombard. Hanno, Jeffrey, Carlo en Gordon is ook gekies om Suid-Afrika se O/13span by die SA toernooi in Durban te verteenwoordig wat op die 9de en 10de Augustus gehou gaan word.
Carlo Moller
Gordon Brits
19 July 2019
Legals NOTICE OF SALE OF BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34(1) of the Insolvency Act No 24 of 1936, as amended, to interested parties and creditors of Silicon Smelters Proprietary Limited (Registration Number 1998/019036/07) (the “Company”) with busi-
ness address at Beyersnek Road, Witkop Quarry, Polokwane, Limpopo Province, of the intention of the Company to, as soon as possible after the 31st day after the date of the publication of this notice but before the 60th day after the date of the publication of this notice, transfer all of the Com-
pany’s rights, title and interest in and to its business in respect of the planting and harvesting of timber on its timber farms situated in the Limpopo Province for sale to third parties and which is conducted by the Company under the name and style of SILICON SMELTERS and all its assets, including its immov-
Kaart masjiene beskikbaar Bring jou eie kampstoel
able properties (comprising several timber farms situated in the Louis Trichardt / Makhado, Haenertsburg, and Morebeng areas, including the plantations of standing timber and improvements situated on such properties), movable assets, water use rights and water permits, to Mphome Agric Proprietary Limited (Registration Number 2019/094424/07). All enquiries, court processes, notices or other documents or communications of whatsoever nature must be addressed and delivered to: Werksmans Attorneys, Block D, De Wagenweg Office Park, Stellentia Road, Stellenbosch Tel: (021) 809 6000 ; E-mail: ejuul@werksmans.com ; Fax: (011) 535 8600 Reference: Mr Pierre le Roux Jul301___________________________
R100 L/skool
Kontantkroeg en kosstalletjies
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APC KAMP MOOKETSI 078 599 0226
KENNISGEWING VAN VERKOOP VAN BESIGHEID Kennis geskied hiermee in terme van artikel 34(1) van die Insolvensiewet Nr 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, aan geïnteresseerde partye en krediteure van Silicon Smelters Eiendoms Beperk (Registrasienommer 1998/019036/07) (die “Maatskappy”) met besigheidsadres te Beyersnekweg, Witkop Quarry, Polokwane, Limpopo Provinsie, dat die Maatskappy van voorneme is om, so spoedig moontlik na die 31ste dag na die datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing, maar voor die 60ste dag na die datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing, oordrag van al die Maatskappy se reg, titel en belang in en tot die Maatskappy se besigheid ten opsigte van die aanplant, oes en verkoop van hout op sy houtplase geleë in die
Limpopo Provinsie en wat deur die Maatskappy onder die naam en styl van SILICON MELTERS bedryf word en al sy bates, insluitend sy onroerende eiendom (bestaande uit verskeie houtplase geleë te Louis Trichardt / Makhado, Haenertsburg en Morebeng gebiede, insluitend die plantasies van bestaande hout en verbeterings op sodanige eiendomme), roerende bates, watergebruiksregte en waterpermitte, aan Mphome Agric Proprietary Limited (Registrasienommer 2019/094424/07) te verleen. Alle navrae, hofprosesse, kennisgewings of ander dokumente of kommunikasie van watter aard ookal, moet aangespreek en afgelewer word aan: Werksmans Prokureurs, Blok D, De Wagenweg Kantoorpark, Stellentia Straat, Stellenbosch Tel: (021) 809 6000 ; E-pos: ejuul@werksmans.com ; Faks: (011) 535 8600 Verw: Mr Pierre le Roux Jul302___________________________
In the estate of the late ORIEL SAMSON NYAMAZANE, Identity number 3902205239084, Master’s reference number 0003892/2019, pensioner, married in community of property to FIHLIWE MARTH NYAMAZANE, identity number 4304180390082 and who was ordinarily resident at ERF 757 NKOWANKOWA, Limpopo and, who died on the 10th of May 2019. All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the undersigned within 30 days from the date of the publication hereof. Joubert & May Attorneys
P.O. Box 35, Tzaneen Ref: A E Rech/avs/R15133 Jul301___________________________
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT IN DECEASED ESTATE LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of Section 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution account (first and final) in the estate specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with interest therein for a period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof, and at the offices of the Master in Polokwane and the Magistrate’s office in Tzaneen. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account. Registration Number of Estate: 3272/2019 Surname: DU PLESSIS Name: ROBERT BENJAMIN Identity Number: 3804215022080 Last address: 15 HENDRIK VAN SCHALKWYK STREET, TZANEEN Joubert & May Attorneys 50 Boundary Street P.O. Box 35, 0850 Tzaneen Tel (015) 307 3660 Ref.: Mr Rech/avs/R15105 Jul303___________________________
NOTICE TZANEEN TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 2000 Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 15 of the Tzaneen Town-Planning Scheme, 2000, read in conjunction with Section 68 of the Greater Tzaneen Spluma Bylaws 2016 that we, Jacques du Toit & Associates, have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for
Special Consent to operate a church/place of worship on Erf 2816 Tzaneen Extension 52, situated at 19 Johan Coetzee Street, Aquapark, Tzaneen. The erf is zoned for “Residential 1” purposes in terms of the above-mentioned Town-Planning Scheme. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen, for the period of 30 days from 19 July 2019 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or be delivered to Room 257, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen on or before 19 August 2019, quoting the above-mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the objector’s property description, phone numbers and address. A person who cannot write may during office hours and within the objection period, visit the abovementioned Municipality requesting assistance to transcribe his/her objections, comments or representations. Contact person: Mr M J Mathye (015-307 8031). Address of Agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015307 3710. Jul304___________________________
KENNISGEWING TZANEEN DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA, 2000 Ooreenkomstig Klousule 15 van die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000,
saamgelees met Artikel 68 van die Tzaneen Spluma Verordeninge 2016, geskied kennis hiermee dat ons, Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, aansoek gedoen het by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit vir Spesiale Toestemming vir die bedryf van kerk op Erf 2816 Tzaneen Uitbreiding 52, geleë te Johan Coetzee Straat 19, Tzaneen. Die eiendom is tans vir “Residensieël 1” doeleindes gesoneer ingevolge die bovermelde Dorpsbeplanningskema. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 19 Julie 2019 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet skriftelik voor of op 19 Augustus 2019 gerig word aan die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of afgelewer word by Kamer 257, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, met verwysing na bostaande opskrif, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die gronde/redes vir die beswaar, die beswaarmaker se eiendomsbeskrywing, telefoonnommer en adres. Enige persoon wat nie kan skryf nie mag gedurende kantoorure en binne die beswaretyd die bovermelde Munisipaliteit besoek en hulp versoek om sy/haar besware, kommentare of voorstelle op skrif te stel. Kontakpersoon: Mnr M J Mathye (015-3078031). Adres van agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015307 3710. Jul305___________________________
Smouskous l Classifieds Services Dienste Dulux Paint Centre Need paint or other supplies? Get in touch right away 40 Danie Joubert Street 015 307 7756 __________________________________
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Security/Steelworks/ Construction Contact Mike on 071 302 8909/ 082 298 5352 dedamsteelworks@gmail. com ________________________ Duvenhage Furniture Removals Ons verpak en verseker landwyd. Marlien 083 252 8928 ________________________
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My name is Motsati Julia Maake. I’m looking for Domestic worker / Office Cleaner work, full or part time employment. Monday to Saturday. Washing, Ironing & Cleaning. Contact me on 079 287 2094 ______________________________
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My name is Grace Thokwe. I looking for General Worker position, full time employment. I can clean and cook. Contact me on 072 807 5315 ______________________________
My name is Rachel Malatji. I’m looking for General worker work, full or part time employment. Monday to Friday. Contact me on 072 294 7801 ______________________________
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19 July 2019
Plasies presteer in afgelope vakansie ■ Roelof de Jonge Leerders van die Hoërskool Merensky het nie op hul louere gedurende die afgelope wintervakansie gerus nie en verskeie prestasies op die sportveld behaal. Op Plasieland het die jaarlikse krieketweek wat hierdie jaar vir die 23ste keer aangebied was, ‘n aantal van 14 spanne gelok. Die deelnemende skole was Hoërskole Randburg, Dinamika, Middelburg, Waterkloof, Garsfontein, Eldoraign en Merensky. Die toernooi het verskeie eerste en O/15spanne sien deelneem. Die Plasie se eerstespan het drie uit hul vyf wedstryde gewen en algeheel tweede geëindig. Gerhardus Fourie en Mubin Patel is verkies tot die prestige Merensky Dream Team. Die O/15-span het in twee van hul vyf wedstryde geseëvier. Beide Marais Botha en Elandri Janse van Rensburg is vir die O/15 Merensky Dream Team gekies. Botha is ook as die Beste Bouler van die Week aangewys. Na die krieketweek is Gerhardus Fourie en Mubin Patel genooi na ‘n afrigtingsessie in Polokwane wat deur ‘n hoëprestasie-afrigter van die Titans aangebied was. Merensky-krieket het die vakansie afgesluit met ‘n suksesvolle toer na Mauritius. Gerhardus Fourie is aangewys as mees veelsydige speler, Mubin Patel as die Kolwer, Abri Whelan as Bouler en Phillip Ludik as die Veldwagter van die Week. Hendrik Botes is geprys vir sy beste vordering. Op die 15de Junie het een van Merensky se topatlete, Daniel Smit, in Durban aan die Suid-Afrikaanse biathlete kampioenskap in die O/17-ouderdomsgroep deelgeneem. Hierdie kompetisie vereis items van 1200m hardloop, 200m swem en weer 1200m hardloop. Smit, alhoewel ‘n O/16 atleet, het nietemin gekwalifiseer vir die wêreldkampioenskap wat in Oktober in Florida in die VSA gaan plaasvind. Die seunshokkie Bokkieweek was van 24 tot 28 Junie aangebied. Die O/19 Verre-Noordspan het gewemel van Plasies. Tydens die afsluitingsmedaljeseremonie is Ryan Jackson gekies om VerreNoord te verteenwoordig in die Suid-Afrikaanse Bokkieweekspan wat van 22 September tot 2 Oktober in Barcelona, Spanje gaan toer. Dillon de Lange is gekies vir die O/19 Gazelle-span. Na afloop van die meisieshokkie se Bokkieweek-toernooi is Amerie Kotze die enigste Verre-Noord speler wat in die AVS se O/16 Presidentspan opgeneem was. Hokkiemeisies Lané Kasselman en Ammerie Jansen van Vuuren het van 30ste Junie tot die 5de Julie vir die O/14A Limpopo-span in Durban aan die regering se Winterspele deelge-
neem. Die span het algeheel ‘n derde plek vermag. Boogskuts het van die 28ste Junie tot die 3de Julie in Zambië aan die Internasionale ARFAC 2019 kampioenskap deel geneem. Lin-Mari Theron (YAFBU) het algeheel eerste geëindig en drie Afrika- en een wêreldrekord in die proses verbeter. Canell Jackson (JFBU) het tweede geëindig en twee Afrika-rekords en een wêreldrekord verbeter. RRohan Wewege (YAMBU) het ook ‘n tweede plek in sy afdeling behaal om ‘n nuwe Suid-Afrikaanse sowel as ‘n nuwe en Afrika-rekord agter sy naam te skryf. Op die rugbyveld was dit eweneens besig met nasionale weke regoor die land. Victor Swan was tydens die O/19 Reitzweek vir die uitnodigingspan gekies wat na Italië gan reis. Hy is ook in die o.19-Gazellespan opgeneem. Tiaan Tönsing is vir die nasionale O/17 Bokkieweekspan gekies wat later vanjaar na Roemenië toer. Hy is ook vir die O/19-Gazellespan gekies. Gareth Spaumer trek ook die O/19 Gazellespantrui oor sy kop. Na afloop van die Limpopo MTB XCO bergfietswedren se vierde Ope Finale Kampioenskap op die 22ste Junie in Louis Trichardt, het Armand Cronjé in die Junior Seuns afdeling die eerste plek verower en vir Limpopo kleure gekwalifiseer. Jodi Spaumer het in die Junior Meisies-afdeling algeheel derde geëindig wat aan haar Limpopo kleure besorg het. Op die 29ste Junie het nege Plasie-bergfietsryers aan die plaaslike Miami Magoebaskloof Uitdaagren oor 35km deelgeneem. Armand Cronjé en Taylor Stanley wie in die Sub-Junior afdeling deelgeneem het behaal elk ‘n derde plek.
Die senior wenners is Suandrie Corbett, Stefan Corbett, Mari Weber (Merensky Kultuurbestuurder) en Jamie Robertson.
Plasies gladde smoele sink teenstanders ■ Roelof de Jonge Die Hoërskool Merensky se junior- en seniordebatspanne het Vrydag die 12de Junie met hul koning gekraai in die AfriForum se Dink of Sink debatkompetisie vir skole. Vanweë die oorweldigende belangstelling het AfriForum se jaarlikse Dink of Sink debatskompetisie sy nuwe streeksuitdunrondte Saterdag by die Hoërskool Merensky op Tzaneen begin. Ongeveer 20 debatspanne het teen mekaar meegeding om te sien wie uiteindelik na die eindrondte gedurende Oktober sal deurdring. Volgens AfriForum is dit is die eerste keer dat die Dink of Sink skole debatkompetisie ’n uitdunrondte in Limpopo aanbied. Volgens AfriForum gaan die kompetisie vanjaar ook letterlik die grense van Suid-Afrika oorskry met ’n uitdunrondte wat in Namibië aanbied gaan word. Die ander streekskompetisies word later vanjaar by die Hoërskool D.F. Malan in die Kaap, die Hoër Meisieskool Oranje in Bloemfontein, die Hoërskool Montana in Pretoria en die Hoërskool Walvisbaai in Namibië gehou. Altesaam vyf skole se spanne van regoor Lim-
popo naamlik Hoërskole Merensky, Ben Vorster, Louis Trichardt, Pietersburg en Nylstroom het teen mekaar debate gevoer. Elke span wat uit drie lede bestaan, het deur die loop van die dag aan drie debatte deelgeneem, waarna die top vier junior- en seniorspanne aan ‘n semi-finale ronde deelgeneem het. Twee van Hoërskool Merensky se seniorspanne het sake teen mekaar uitgespook, terwyl een juniorspan ook by die semi’s verteenwoordig was. Terwyl die semi-finaliste gedink het, het gaskunstenaar Franja du Plessis die res van die deelnemers, personeel en ouers in die saal tydens ‘n gala-geleentheid vermaak. Die Hoërskool Merensky het beide die junior en senior afdelings gewen. Dié wenspanne sal in Oktober aan die groot eindrondte deelneem waar die beste junior en senior skoledebatspanne in die Suid-Afrika gekroon sal word. “AfriForum het ‘n hele paar jaar terug besef wat die waarde van gesonde debatvoering is en hoe belangrik die ontwikkeling van hierdie vaardigheid onder jongmense is. Dit is wonderlik om te sien hoe hierdie kompetisie elke jaar groei en uitbrei na nuwe streke,” sê Carien Bloem, projekkoördineerder vir Onderwys by AfriForum.
Ryan Jackson
Die junior meisies debatspanlede is Juané Pretorius, Sue-Anne du Preez en Megan Kirstein. Foto’s: Verskaf
Daniel Smit
Landlopers wys hakke ■ Roelof de Jonge
Canell Jackson en Lin-Mari Theron. Agter is Rohan Wewege, Dian Schnettler en Seph Oosthuizen (personneellid).
Landloop-atlete van die Hoërskool Merensky het Saterdag die 13de Julie aan die vierde rondte van die LIMA-liga by die Hoërskool Hans Strijdom in Mookgopong deelgeneem. Drie van die Plasie se atlete het uitstekende prestasies behaal. Mariesa Schutte het in die afdeling vir meisies O/16 die eersteplek met ‘n tyd van 16 minute en 13 sekondes oor ‘n afstand van 4 km geneem. Daniel Smit het in die afdeling vir seuns O/16 ‘n tweedeplek behaal. Smit het oor ‘n afstand van 6 km ‘n tyd van 22 minute en 21 sekondes behaal. Anika du Toit het vir meisies O/14 jaar ‘n derdeplek verdien nadat sy in 18 minute en 9 sekondes die 4 km roete voltooi het.
Daniel Smit, Mariesa Schutte en Anika du Toit. Foto: Verskaf.
19 July 2019
Tenth Crown runs down ■ Sue Ettmayr
This year marks the 10th birthday of the ever-popular Iron Crown Trail Run hosted by Haenertsburg Rotary. The first races were held in July 2010, the standard 21.1km and a 10km for the less energetic. A few years later a 5km run/walk was introduced as well. This proved very popular for many locals who now take their dogs along for this 5 km walk. This year DuPaint, Tzaneen has agreed to be the major sponsor. The run took place on Saturday 13th of July with a few changes. It is a trail run, not a road run and the longest race is 22km which took runners along a new route past Hunters’ Valley, while the 10km and 5km runs followed the same routes as they did last year. Walkers were welcome to do either the 10km or the 5km. There was food and drink stalls and the local marimba band kept the spirits up throughout the day, in similar fashion as the years before. This year the first runner across the line was the remarkable 26-year old Kumbalani Ngende in a fantastic time of just 1:58:13.11 with Gabriel Rowena Viljoen and Mokgadi Mabilo
Makwola hot on his heels in 1:59:49.75 for the second place. January Ndlovu took third in a time of 2:03:23.90 ahead of Steven Joh Wilson in fourth position with his time of 2:06:26.88. In the female race it was Tammy Du Plessis who took the top spot in a brilliant time of 2:56:33.79 ahead of nearest rival Cecelia Marx who clocked in at 3:18:58.99. Lisa-Mari Stoltz took third in 3:25:26.96 with Thandi Khumalo crossing the finish in fourth place in a time of 3:27:38.69. The Warriors conquered the Junior Men division with the top five positions all belonging to members of this club. Kieran Pieters took first place in 2:17:22.94 with team mate Brad Askew in second place with a time of 2:29:49.94. Third and fourth belonged to St John Meadows and Fabian Chiotti respectively while Jacob Justus came in to take fifth place overall. This year marks the first event not attended by Bulletin journalist and regular Iron Crowner, Sue Ettmayr, who tragically passed away the evening before the event in a terrible motor vehicle accident on the Magoebaskloof pass. Renske Hagg
Nipper Thompson Thati Mathatho
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19 July 2019
Nuwe posisie vir dié Vossie rugbyblaser ■ Roelof de Jonge Regardt Kleingeld, leerkrag en rugby-breier by die Hoërskool Ben Vorster, is ook ‘n kranige rugbyskeidsregter verbonde aan die Limpopo Skeidsregters Vereniging. Kleingeld was onlangs as die nuwe ondervoorsitter van dié skeidsregters vereniging aangewys. Daarbenewens sal hy ook die hoof bied oor die afrigting en verrigtings evalueering van Limpopo se bestaande- en nuwe aspirante skeidsregters. “In 2009 as agsteman vir Pukke (NoordWes Universiteit) het ek ‘n besering opgedoen wat my loopbaan as speler kortgeknip het. Ek wou egter by rugby betrokke bly en het my sig na skeidsregter gerig”, het Kleingeld gesê. In 2010 het hy, toe ‘n onderwyser by die Hoërskool Pietersburg, aangesluit by die Limpopo Skeidsregters Vereniging in Polokwane. Dit het hom nie lank geneem om sy voete as skeidsregter te vind nie, en ook te danke aan sy passie vir rugby, het hy hom as ‘n eerste liga skeidsregter beaam. Kleingeldt het hom stelsematig in Lim-
popo as een van die voorste, oftewel top vier, fluitjieblasers gevestig. “Ek is tans 30 jaar oud en sal nie verder as 33 jaar oud wil blaas nie. Ek glo ek sal egter nog betrokke bly om steeds deel van die skeidsregterswêreld te wees. So sal ek op hoogte bly van die jongste ontwikkelinge en dit toe te pas aan die nuwe generasie skeidsregters wat deurkom”, het Kleingeld gesê. Volgens Kleingeld is rugbyskeidsregters sekerlik een van die moeilikste om regverdig toe te pas en veral ondersteuners gelukkig te hou. “As skeidsregter was ek al op geskree, gevloek en gedreig. As blaser is dit die beste om jouself by die wedstryd en die reëls van die spel te bepaal. Sonder om mense se skellery kop toe te neem”, het Kleingeld gesê. Volgens hom is hy die soort blaser wat agterna sal erken indien hy ‘n oordeelsfout begaan het. Hy reken dit is net menslik om foute te maak, maar hy sal daaraan werk om sy foute uit te skakel. “Ek erken indien ek ‘n fout begaan het. Ek glo skeidsregters wat sy foute erken sal op die einde net ‘n beter en gesoute
blaser word. Alhoewel daar wel diegene is wat sal ontken hulle maak foute. Dis nie hoe ek is nie, dis belangrik om aan jou foute te werk om dit sodoende te kan uitskakel.” Volgens Kleingeld het heelwat van Limpopo se ouer en ervare skeidsregters hul fluite opgehang. Hy sê dit hang van die jonger generasie af om betrokke te raak as skeidsregters en dat leerders van so jonk as 16-jaar al betrokke kan raak. “Limpopo se huidige skeidsregters se kwaliteit is baie goed en hoef beslis nie vlak gekyk te word nie. Maar dis belangrik om jonger skeidsregters te betrek waar hulle die nodige ervaring kan leer. Ek was gelukkig om onder die wakened oog van die ervare Limpopo Blou Bulle skeidsregter Attie Buitendag my as skeidsregter te beaam.” Hy het gesê dat skeidsregters nie moet mik om die kollig in ‘n wedstryd te steel nie. Volgens hom gaan dit oor die spel wat gespeel word en niks anders nie. Persone en selfs leerders wie belangstel om ‘n rugbyskeidsregter te word kan vir Regardt Kleingeldt kontak by refapplim@ gmail.com
‘n Kushla-klap! Eilanders speel vir petrol ■ Joe Dreyer
■ Joe Dreyer Tzaneen se girls word nie bang gepraat nie. Veral nie as hulle die nuwe Suid-Afrikaanse Amateur Swaargewig bokskampioen is nie. Dit het Makushla Du Toit (30) minder as ‘n minuut gevat om haar eerste teenstaander in die eerste rondte van die SANABO Vroue Swaargewig Kampioenskap geveg uit te slaan – en net 30 sekondes vir haar tweede teenstaander om tou op te gee. SANABO is die South African National Amateur Boxing Organization wat die land se amateur gevegte reguleer. Makushla maak deel uit van die Gautengspan wat aan die Suid-Afrikaanse amateur kampioenskappe deelgeneem het. “Ek hou eintlik maar net daarvan om mense te slaan,” het Makushla geantwoord op die vraag oor waarom sy begin boks het. “Dit is goed om
te weet hoe om jouself te verdedig en bonoop nog goeie oefening ook.” Makushla boks nou maar ‘n jaarlank by die Transnet Engineering boksklub in Koedoespoort net buite Pretoria. Haar afrigter, Johan Prinsloo hou haar gemotiveerd om haar droom om eendag op die Statebondspele vir die Swaargewig kampioen titel te veg. “Op die oomblik is daar nie ‘n Vroue Swaargewig kategorie in die Olimpiesespele nie, so my vier-jaar plan is om ingesluit te word in die nasionale span wat daarna aan die Statebond Spele sal deelneem. Ek sal graag daardie titel teen my muur wil hang.” Hierdie was haar derde geveg in haar kort loopbaan en reeds word daar na Makushla met verwagting gekyk. Bulletin sal ons lesers op hoogte hou van hierdie plaaslike bokser se vordering in die toekoms.
Hierdie afgelope naweek het die ATKV-Eilanders weer hul weeklikse rolbaltoernooi gehou en hierdie week se reeks is deur Madzividzi (Caltex CLB) Garage geborg. Die vulstasie is sowat agt kilometer vanaf die oord geleë en behoort aan die Landman broers, Hertzog, EC en Barry. So om en by vyf jaar gelede het Christie Landman besluit dat ‘n leë stukkie grond op ‘n hoekerf, so 64 kilometer se ry vanaf Tzaneen, die aangewese plek sou wees om die omgewing te verryk met ‘n vulstasie wat die area van branstof kan voorsien. ‘n Freshstop is ook bygesit op die planne, asook ‘n drankwinkel. ‘Madzividzi’ wat ‘Grootmaak’ beteken is toe gekies as ‘n toepaslike naam vir die kompleks. Die Landman’s het hierdie naweek brandstof geskenkbewyse vir wenspanne geborg en die rolbalspelers het flink planne beraam om hulle spanne te laat wen. Aan die einde van die dag se spel was dit die span van Johan Von Backstrom, Daan Opperman en Linda Pieters wat die eerste plek behaal het. In die tweede plek was die span van Naas Gouws, Chris Boucher en Willem Visagie met Harry Malan, Hannelie Meyer en Kleintjie Knoetze se span in die derde plek. “Bestuur wil die Landman Broers bedank vir hulle groot borg en ook vir Harry Boonzaaier, Bestuurder by
Renzo in SA Skolespan
Johan Von Backstrom, Daan Opperman en Linda Pieters
Madzividzi, wat die pryse aan die wenners oorhandig het,” het Karen Kruger gesê. Vakansiegangers het ook hulle kans gehad om die beker en pryse te wen in die 2-3-4 wedstryd wat oor drie dae plaasgevind het laas week. Elke dag is elke span vergroot. Die eerste dag was daar net pare, die tweede dag driespel en die laaste dag vierspel. Vrydagmid-
■ Roelof de Jonge Die keurders van die Suid-Afrikaanse O/18 skole rugbyspanne wat tydens die afgelope O/18 Cravenweek spelers met valk oë dopgehou het, het dit moeilik gevind om Limpopo se uithaler flank, Renzo du Plessis, mis te kyk. Du Plessis het deurlopens indruk gemaak gedurende die Cravenweek toernooi. Dit was veral sy gewilde 103m individuele drie teen die span van die Griekwas wat die kollig van die keurders op hom laat skyn het. Dus is dit geen verrassing dat hy vir een van die twee SA O/18-skolespanne in aanmerking gereken is nie. Du Plessis is deel van die O/18 SA A-span. Die hoofspan is die SA-Skolespan en die SA span A is die tweede keuse span. Du Plessis is ook die enigste speler van die Limpopo Blou Bulle wat in aanmerking vir keuring gekom het. Beide hierdie spanne gaan aan ‘n internasionale O/18-reeks ondermeer teen spanne van Engeland, Wallis, Argentinië en Frankryk speel. Hierdie O/18 internasionale reeks sal op Vrydag die 9de Augustus by die Paul
dag is die finale gehou tussen die wenners van die verskillende seksies. Die uitslae van hierdie “Vakansiegangers 2-3-4 Spel” het bepaal dat die span van Elsa Van Tonder, Hennie Meyer, Vincent Van Tonder en Hannelie Meyer met die loure weggestap het. August Bohmer, Tinus Van Der Merwe, Alida Bohmer en Joey Oosthuizen hetdie tweede plek gevat het. Roos Gimnasium op Stellenbosch afskop. Die volgende wedstryde op Dinsdag die 13de Augustus sal by die Paarl Gimnasium in Paarl gespeel word. Die laaste wedstryde van hierdie reeks sal op die 17de Augustus by die Hoërskool Hugenote op Wellington te einde loop. Die onderskeie afrigters van die O/18 SA Skolespanne is Mzwakhe Nkosi (Goue Leeus, SA Skole) en Phiwe Nomlomo (Grens, SA Skole A). O/18 Internasionale reeks bepalings: Vrydag 9de Augustus (Paul Roos Gymnasium, Stellenbosch) 13:00 - SA Skole A vs Frankryk 14:00 - Engeland vs Argentinië 16:00 - SA Skole vs Wallis Dinsdag 13de Augustus (Paarl Gimnasium, Paarl) 13:00 - SA Skole A vs Wallis 14:30 SA Skole vs Argentinië 16:00 - Engeland vs Frankryk Saterdag 17de Augustus (Hoërskool Hugenote, Wellington) 12:00 - SA Skole A vs Argentinië 13:30 - Frankryk vs Wallis 15:00 - SA Skole vs Engeland.
Sportt Spor 19 July 2019
Club’s swing to help Reinhardt ■ Roelof de Jonge The King’s Court School held its annual fundraising golf day on Saturday the 13th of July at the course of Tzaneen Country Club. The money raised for this golf day is in the region of R100 000, according to Fred Hoffman, principal of The King’s Court School. “The money raised is intended to help Reinhardt Geldenhuys, the eight year old son of Gerhardus and Lizette Geldenhuys, who was diagnosed a few weeks ago with Leukaemia”, Hoffman said. According to Hoffman is his mom Lizette a teacher at The King’s Court. He said the teachers decided that the annual golf day of this school’s fundraising would be donated to the family. “We were able to link with Gerhard van den Ende, from Letsitele, who hosted a golf day on Friday followed by our Cross-Country and Golf Day on Saturday. With the combined golf days we were able to raise an awesome amount of money”, Hoffman said. The King’s Court also held the annual King’s Court Cross-Country race . Over 700 learners with schools as far as from Phalaborwa and Polokwane joined the event. The athletes ranged from U/7 to U/14 and ran over distances of 1km, 2km and 3km. The athletes ran their races on the first nine holes of the golf course while the golfers all hit off from the 10th hole from 09:30 to 12.45. The Cross-Country ended at 11:45 with the golfers ready to move over onto the first nine at 12:00. The NG Church in Modjadjiskloof were also welcomed into the event and handled the food stalls as a fundraiser for their church. This event which includes Golf, Cross-
Country and a Bazaar will hopefully also be the host of a full cycle race next year, according to Hoffman. All together a total of 25 four ball teams entered. From the 100 players, 96 eventually participated. The sponsors who offered support included Pansolutions (Polokwane), Letaba Wireless, Jacks Paint, Build It (Tzaneen), Ichtus Studio, Bosbok Gas, Spar (Modjadjsikloof ), SEEF Properties (Tzaneen), Trophy Toyota, Lannie Motors, Paint Pot, Khulani Timbers, Game (Tzaneen), Hi-Q and Everitt Properties (Pretoria). “A 32-inch HD Ready TV and a 9000BTU Air-conditioner donated by Pansolutions in Polokwane were raffled to raise further funds for Reinhardt. Cassie Carstens from Mooketsi won the Air-Conditioner and Hannes Visser from Tzaneen won the TV. Congratulations to both of these winners”, Hoffman said. “We want to thank the incredible support shown by the community to support Reinhardt’s treatment and recovery. We also want to thank Tzaneen Country Club for their excellent support in running the golf competition. HJ and Willie have been outstanding. Thank you so much”, Hoffman said. The winners of The King’s Court School golf day: First place - Christopher Atherstone (41 points) Second place - Reddy Sekgota (40 points) Third place - Erl Konig (38 points). Mac van den Berg, principle of Eagles Nest Christian School in Polokwane.
James Malatji and Isaac Rasebotsa
Photos: Roelof de Jonge
Jonathan Hoffman
Cor van Heyninging