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9 August 2019
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Chaos in CBD
Page 3
A man was wounded during a scuffle between street hawkers and the GTM Law enforcement officers. Photo: Joe Dreyer
Bladsy 6 & 7
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Saterdag is daar groot rugby op Buffelpark wanneer Ben Vorster vir Rustenburg en Marais Viljoen aanpak. Kry jou program binne.
9 August 2019
Proposed steel tree causes uproar
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Bulletin F A R
Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 Joernaliste / Journalists Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset
Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan 083 294 7747 Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 Design Intern: Alicia du Toit Office: 064 650 7123
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Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 071 268 2543 (Jacques) 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: Briewe/Letters: Events: Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.
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Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
Joe Dreyer
Residents of Aqua Park are up in arms over the possible erection of a telecommunications mast in Perry Joynt Street. The American Towers Corporation (ATC) has requested permission from the Greater Tzaneen Municipality in terms of section 68 of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management by-law to construct a base station and erect a large telecommunications mast on a property in this area. The proposed mast will be 35 metres in height and resemble a Yellowwood tree. In industry lingo this is known as a “Typical Yellowwood Monopole Tree Mast” and is an attempt to make the giant telecoms mast blend in with the surroundings. The base station, according to the site plans will be 12 metres by 12 metres in size. The reason for the uproar from the residents is due to the potential health risks that these towers reportedly hold for the residents, fauna and flora of the immediate surroundings. Studies conducted in the past have shown either no side effects or negative health implications as well as definitive evidence of some health impacts and therefor the topic remains open to debate and highly contentious. The fact does however remain that cell phone towers emit microwave radiation. According to the website, these Electromagnetic frequencies (EMF’s) notably modify blood and brain physiology in electrosensitive (ES) people, and the impact on biological markers rises and falls with intensity of the exposure. The majority of published studies in different countries have shown a relationship between distance from base stations and a variety of health complaints. They have found that the closer to the towers people live there is an increase incidence of reported symptoms including headache, lack of concentration, memory loss, irritability, depression, insomnia, fatigue, loss of libido, nausea, lack of appetite. These are the same symptoms people who have electrosensitivity report. To the residents in Aquapark, this information is enough for them to resist and oppose the proposal to have the tower erected in their neighbourhood. Currently, a permit application process has been started which is being facilitated by a South African company, Torbiouse Solutions on behalf of ATC. The permitting process will continue according to legislation, schemes and procedures of which public participation forms a real and relevant part. The permitting process will not be stopped due to objections received. Bulletin sent an inquiry to Anne Anholts who is the liaison for Torbiouse Solutions. According to her the application is for special Consent (first stage of permitting), and it was submitted on the 11th of June this year. The application was done in terms of the Greater Tzaneen ByLaw i.e. an application for special consent in terms of Section 68 of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management by-law of Greater Tzaneen Municipality. “We received the acknowledgement letter dated 13 June 2019 from council as prescribed in terms of section 81(3) of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-Law of Greater Tzaneen Municipality,” she explained. “Public participation for this application commenced on the 4th of July 2019 in accordance with council regulations as stipulated in the above-mentioned legislation. The application was open to the public for comments for a period of 30 days and ended on the 2nd of August 2019.” From this date (2nd of August) Torbiouse Solutions are given 30 days to attend and respond to all the objections received. After this period of 30 days, Council will look at the application together with the objections and mitigations received and then make a decision. Should the application be approved, the submission for the approval of the building plans will be made. At this stage all signs point to the fact that the
tower will be erected regardless of the public concerns. Plans have already been laid bare and it is highly unlikely that council will, at this advanced stage of the process, pull the plug on the project. But, this is not a given as the process will need to run its course. Three other Yellowwood Monopole tree masts
Stand van Damme Dam Levels For your wireless Communication needs, contact us! Call Centre: 086 101 7488 Fax: 086 606 4606 Email:
are also planned to be erected at other sites within the GTM’s area of jurisdiction. Two of these other proposals are advertised in this newspaper today. For more information on the possible dangers of these telecommunications poles please visit www. in order to construct an informed decision. Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: Information updated: 05/08/2019
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Tours 36.7%
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9 August 2019
Shot fired during Tzaneen hawker scuffle ■
Joe Dreyer
On Tuesday morning the Greater Tzaneen Municipality embarked on a cleanup operation in the town’s CBD. They were accompanied by members of the GTM’s Traffic Department and their sole purpose was to ensure the removal of the illegal street vendors who plague the pavements along Danie Joubert Street. These hawkers have been a serious issue in Tzaneen for many years and this publication has reported on a number of attempts to have them permanently removed in the past. Each time they are removed and their rickety, unsightly wooden tables and stalls broken down and removed, they would return the very next day and it would be business again as usual. In 2006 the hawkers who did not have permits to trade in this area were removed by the municipality and clearly demarcated zones were painted onto the pavement in bright red paint. During Tuesday’s operation however, some of the hawkers became aggressive as the municipal truck approached their stalls. They started screaming obscenities at the law enforcement officers and soon their intimidating advances and screams spilled over into action. A physical confrontation ensued between a group of hawkers and three of the traffic officers. One of the officers produced his pistol and warned the hawkers to stand down. When they refused, he fired off a warning shot into the ground. Rather than the group dispersing, the scene turned into one of absolute chaos as hundreds of people from all across the CBD came running into the middle of the street. The GTM officials were forced to flee to the safety of the police station situated opposite the Tzaneng Mall. The unruly crowd followed like a wave up the steps of the station. Inside the building police officers were sceen locking the doors. Once at the police station it became apparent that one man was wounded by what appeared to have been a gunshot to the chest area. It is unclear whether the bullet fired from the weapon of the traffic officer could have ricocheted and hit him, or whether he was intentionally shot. The crowd however did not care and continued to scream profanities at the now locked doors to the police station and the officers standing guard on its steps.
A short while after later an ambulance arrived and the wounded man was transported to Van Velden hospital. The crowd then started to disperse. One of the hawkers made the allegation to a passerby that the hawkers had retaliated out of anger as he alleged that some of the traffic officers who were removing them from their pavement stands, were in fact the same ones who were receiving money from them every month in order to trade there. These serious allegations have not been confirmed at the time of gong to print. We have requested information on the matter. Following the incident, we asked provincial SAPS spokesperson, Col Moatshe Ngoepe whether the traffic officer who fired his weapon in the middle of the street would be arrested for attempted murder considering that one individual was wounded. At the time of going to print we had not received any feedback from him. The next day it was business as usual at Danie Joubert Street again. There have been no plans laid bare in regards to where the hawkers would be Traffic officers try and control the angry mob moments after the traffic officer (pictured to the left of the image) fired off a shot to disperse them. Photos: Joe Dreyer moved to should they be forced off the pavements. It is illegal for them to trade there, nonetheless, but the onus does rest with the municipality to ensure that they are provided with safe trading space where they can make a living without posing a health and safety risk to the rest of the community.
Visit us at 26 Agatha Street, Pro Park ROD & REEL COMBOS from R350
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26 Agatha St, Arbor Park, Pro Park Suite B1, Tzaneen 071 448 7136 · · The Tzaneen SAPS members stand guard on the steps of the police station as hundreds of angry hawkers and onlookers swarm into Danie Joubert Street.
9 August 2019
Pep stores robbed
Mob kills three Killed at court
■ Jeff Jackson
Three suspects were arrested soon after committing a business robbery in Northam on Saturday. It is reported by the police that a G4S Security guard had entered a Pep stores shop to collect cash at around 09:00 that morning. Upon entering the shop he was accosted by two men wielding firearms. The gunmen disarmed the guard and demanded that the store’s staff open the safe. After emptying out the safe the gunmen locked the security guard and the staff members inside the safe and fled from the scene. The police were alerted and the available information, including the suspected vehicle, was immediately operationalized in the area. During the operation, which was reportedly well coordinated and supported by the community, including air support from a local businessman, the suspects’ vehicle, a Toyota RunX, was spotted in the local RDP settlement area. During an ensuing car chase, two of the suspects were shot and injured, the third was arrested. The injured were taken to hospital under police guard. During the arrest the SAPS confiscated three 9mm pistols, three magazines, ten live rounds and 24 cartridges along with the stolen cash. The suspects, aged 21, 27 and 37, will face charges of attempted murder, possession of unlicensed firearms and ammunition and resisting arrest. They will appear in Northam Magistrate’s court soon. The firearms that were recovered will be subjected to ballistic investigations to determine if they were in the past, used for the commission of other crimes.
Sicko caught ■ Jeff Jackson The 18-year old man accused of raping two minor girls aged 12 and 13, during May this year at Thambo RDP New stands in the Dennilton area outside Groblersdal, has appeared in court again. The suspect was denied bail and his cases were postponed to the 5th of August, while police investigations continued. The arrest of this suspect follows an incident that occurred on the 16th of May this year where the suspect allegedly met the two victims at around 19:00 that evening and lured them to an RDP house and locked them inside. Afterwards, he purchased food for the girls and then raped them. One of the victims managed to escape and ran home to inform her parents about the incident. The other victim was left behind with the suspect. The following day, the victim’s parents accompanied by a group of community members, went with the girl who escaped, to the said RDP house and upon arrival, they found the suspect with the other victim. The suspect ran away but the community gave chase and caught him. He was handed to the Dennilton Police.
Stock thieves caught ■ Jeff Jackson The collaborative efforts by various Police Units in Limpopo to put a halt on incidents related to stock theft across Limpopo, paid off recently with the arrest of four suspects and the recovery of 17 cattle. These suspects aged between 41 and 55, were arrested during the ongoing operations as of last week by the Crime Intelligence, Stock Theft Unit, Task Team members and the K9 Unit along with Visible Policing Members. In the Mahwelereng Cluster, members of Modimolle Stock Theft Unit, Mahwelereng Crime Intelligence and Mokopane Vispol members, conducted an operation between the R101 and N1 roads and the surrounding areas of Mokopane. During the operation, members spotted a Nissan Navara double cab with a trailer along the R101 road. The vehicle was stopped and one suspect aged 55, was apprehended and another managed to evade arrest. The police managed to recover and confiscate seven cattle worth R52 000. The preliminary Police investigations revealed that the cattle were stolen at Makgodu in the Moletjie area, Seshego Cluster. Meanwhile, three suspects aged between 41 and 42, were nabbed along the N1 road next to Elim, in the Makhado Cluster during an intelligence joint operation. Members of the Stock theft Unit, the Crime Intelligence, and the K9 Unit followed up information about suspects selling cattle in the area. The suspects were driving a truck when stopped outside Makhado. During the search, police discovered 10 cattle with an estimated value of R100 000 loaded at the back of the truck. The suspects were arrested after failing to give satisfactory explanations about the ownership of these cattle. Abel Mokakatledi Maboa (54), was arrested in Mahwelereng and has briefly appeared in the Mokerong Magistrate’s court where he was denied bail. Meanwhile, the three suspects arrested in Makhado, Selelo Stanford Maoto (40), Adzwinndini Nethonondoa (42) and Theunis Johannes Venter (37), have also made a brief appearance in the Makhado Magistrate’s Court. They were all denied bail and their case was postponed for bail application and for further police investigations. All these suspects are facing charges of possession of suspected stolen live stock. The yet to be identified cattle have been impounded at the Mokopane SPCA. Members of the community who might have lost their cattle, are advised to visit the SPCA, and should be in possession of the right documents that comprised of the brand marking of these cattle.
ZZ2 het ‘n vakature beskikbaar vir projek projekbestuurders pro bestuurder in die Limpopo en Mpumulanga Provinsie. Ons benodig ‘n dinamiese en kundige persoon wat passie het vir landbou, wie kode en gevestigde waardestelsel. Primêre verantwoordelikhede en pligte sluit in: Optimale en effektiewe bestuur, benutting en aanwending van alle hulpbronne in die boerdery. •
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ZZ2 bied ‘n onderhandelbare markverwante vergoedingspakket aan. Stuur asb u CV per e e-pos pos aan: Dui asb in die onderwerplyn, die pos waarvoor u aansoek doen aan aan. Enige navrae kan gerig word aan Johané van der Merwe: 066 023 1612 (tydens kantoorure).
■ Jeff Jackson
■ Jeff Jackson
In a case of brutal mob justice, three people were murdered by villagers of Dithabaneng ga-Mphahlele after they were accused of being cattle thieves. The five suspects were arrested in the early hours of Monday morning during an operation led by members of Crime Intelligence accompanied by the Stock Theft Unit and Lebowakgomo Detectives. The three unidentified victims were stoned and set alight by the angry mob on Friday afternoon. This after nine cattle were brought to the area that previous Wednesday. Two of the victims died and the third died on the way to hospital. The vehicle that was used to transport these animals from the area, was also torched. The nine cattle were reported stolen from Bolopa village along the R37 road in Lebowakgomo policing precinct. The woman on whose premises these cattle were kept, has also been taken in for questioning and more arrests are expected. The suspects, aged between 44 and 66, appeared in the Lebowakgomo Magistrate’s court on Tuesday this week on charges of three counts of murder and malicious damage to property. Two of the five suspects, Nicolas Thamaga (45) and Happy Sebake (43) had their next court date set for the 15th of August while the other three suspects and the woman on whose premises the alleged stolen cattle were placed for safe keeping, were released after they could not be linked to the cases. Meanwhile, two of the three victims who were brutally killed have been identified. They are Mogau Malahlela (43) from Moletji Masedibu and Dumisane Malungani (34) from Giyani. The remaining deceased has not been identified yet.
Two extremely dangerous prisoners were shot and killed at the Thohoyandou High Court on Tuesday, this week after they attempted to escape from custody. These two criminals were on trial for more than 90 cases of serious crime which included cash in transit heists, armed robberies, murder and business robberies. It is not certain what they were being tried for at the time of the incident, but they were being transported by prison warders into the court room when they tried to escape. One of the suspects allegedly tackled an armed warder and attempted to relieve him of his R5 assault rifle. A scuffle ensued during which several shots were fired. Both suspects were allegedly shot dead on the spot. The police said in an official statement that “random shots were fired during the scuffle” which is strange considering that the police officials or prison warders were not wounded and only the two inmates were killed. Investigations into the circumstances of the shooting have already begun and have been taken over by the Independent Police Investigative Directorate, IPID. At the time of going to print, the identities of the two dead criminals were not yet made public as their next of kin had not been informed.
Battery thieves caught ■ Jeff Jackson Cell phone towers have been the targets of robberies and vandalism since time immemorial. They are soft targets because of the areas in which they are usually situated and the sites upon which they stand are filled with expensive equipment - most sought after of these being the cell tower batteries. Bulletin has reported on this matter a number of times in the past, but this week two suspects were arrested in Musina during regular stop and search operations at the Beitbridge border post. In their possession the police found hidden in the trailer of the vehicle they were travelling in, eight Vodacom cell tower batteries. The origin and destination of the recovered items is still being determined through the ongoing Police investigations. The two suspects, Muziri Hamandishe (40) and Ndanga Artmus (30), have appeared in Musina Magistrate’s court on the 6th of August. Their cases were postponed to the 13th of August without bail, while police investigations are ongoing.
Kandidate moet oor die volgende kwalifiserende vereistes beskik:
doelgerig, sistematies take kan uitvoer, asook suksesvol kan afhandel binne die ZZ2 etiese •
• •
Bewese kennis en ondervinding (minimum 5 jaar) van verbouingspraktyke in landbou. Bewese kennis met die vestiging van boorde, snoeipraktyke en arbeidswetgewing word verlang. Kandidate met ‘n toepaslike kwalifikasie in landbou of beroepsgerigte opleiding sal voorkeur geniet. Kandidate moet oor uitstekende kommunikasie-, probleemoplossingen besluitnemingsvaardighede beskik. Rekenaarvaardigheid asook ondervinding in die gebruik van Microsoft Office pakket dien as voorvereiste. ‘n Geldige rybewys is ‘n vereiste. Sluitingsdatum: 24 August 2019
Not so fast ■ Jeff Jackson Five robbers thought they had made a clean getaway on Friday after they robbed a convenience store in Malamulele outside Giyani at the Madonsi Menele village. Unbeknown to them however, the SAPS in the area had received reports of a robbery in progress and were on their way to the scene. Upon arrival, the owner of the shop was found injured, but the suspects had already fled the scene. The owner of the shop explained that the five suspects were driving a white Ford Focus and when they arrived at his shop, pointed him with a firearm while assaulting him. The suspects managed to rob him of an undisclosed amount of money, cell phones, airtime vouchers and cigarettes. The Police followed the suspect motor vehicle, until the five suspects were arrested near the local grave yard. During the arrest, the SAPS members recovered one firearm and a variety of items believed to have been robbed from the convenience store. The origin of the motor vehicle used and the firearm will be determined by further Police investigations. The suspects will appear in the Malamulele Magistrate’s court soon on charges of business robbery and possession of an unlicensed firearm. The Provincial Commissioner of the SAPS in Limpopo, Lt Gen Nneke Ledwaba, has commended these members for a quick response which led to the apprehension of all the involved suspects.
9 August 2019
9 August 2019
Eerste Spanne Ben Vorster VS
Kaptein: Doran Kleynhans
Ben Vorster 15 Meyer Vorster 14 Zian van den Heever 13 Nathan van den Heever 12 Christiaan Smit 11 Sean Roulsten 10 Lehann Marais 9 Tiaan Meintjes
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Doran Kleynhans Louis Koen Dean Ballenyne Lennard Joubert Rickus Nel Gavin Rautenbach Tumisho Montyane Matome Manyama
Kaptein: Louis Viviers
Rustenburg 15 Refentse Moabi 14 Tristin du Preez 13 Diaan Venter 12 Estiaan Schonfeldt 11 Bryan du Plessis 10 Wiehan Kruger 9 Moritz van Seventer
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
JP Botha Estiaan van Tonder Louis Vivier Owen Bestbier Andre Rossouw Marnus Calitz Cornel Smith Stephan van Graan
O/15 A Ben Vorster VS
Marais Viljoen
Kaptein:Tshegofatso “Speedy” Ramaloko
Ben Vorster 15 Paballo Legodi 14 Kagiso Ramoloto 13 Tshegofatso Ramaloko 12 Maynard Kleynhans 11 Amu Siwele 10 Wikus Joubert 9 Tristan Buglass
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Tebogo Mkhomazi Jan Dippenaar Liam O’Reilly Letago Sekotla Kea Maake Dillon Gouws-Naude Juan Jacques Joubert Tee-Jay Mathomu
Marais Viljoen 15 Kyle Groenewald 14 Rorisang Thabaneng 13 Dylan Botha 12 Heinrich Alberts 11 Keagan McLean 10 Drikus Bisschoff 9 Johan van Staden
Kaptein: Chrinovic Bokoli
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Ryan Langford Zander van Aswegen Marcelle Morris Chrinovic Bokoli CJ Vermaak Matthew Niemand Mark Harrison Jakkie Mostert
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Virsekerer Bek
9 August 2019
Plaat Halfeindrondte Sat 10 Aug 2019
RUGBY PROGRAM O/14A O/15A O/16A 1ste span
09:00 - 10:00 10:10 - 11:20 11:20 - 12:30 12:40 - 13:50 015 307 4490/1/2 Virsekerbeker Plate 2019 School
Montana vs Rustenburg (Unie) Ben Vorster vs Marais Viljoen (Unie) Marais Viljoen vs Zwartkop (Unie) Ben Vorster vs Rustenburg (Unie)
Pts Difference
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
5 5 5 3 3 3 3 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2 2 4 4 4 4 6
79 81 52 36 -4 -10 -33 -201
Montana Ben Vorster Rustenburg Eldoraigne Kempton Park Marais Viljoen Nelspruit Zwartkop
1st XV Plate Playoffs
Kom ond er ons seu steun ns!
Match Pts Bonus Pts 20 20 20 12 12 12 12 4
Total Pts
8 7 5 8 8 7 3 3
28 27 25 20 20 19 15 7
1 Montana 4 Eldoraigne 2 Ben Vorster 3 Rustenburg
Hierdie bladsy word met trots geborg deur:
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9 August 2019
A decade of vintage thunder ■ Roelof de Jonge The sound of thunderous V8 engines, which is music to the ears of petrol heads, roared into Tzaneen on Tuesday afternoon the 6th of August when the popular Thunder Tour arrived in town. Car fanatics from Tzaneen took the opportunity to view and experience these vehicles from up close. The participants of the Thunder Tour also visited private vehicle collectors along the route. The Thunder Tour’s first day revved on from its traditional starting point, the famous Cars in the Park show in Pretoria, where the cars headed to Rustenburg. On the second day the tour made a pit stop in Lephalale (Ellisras). From there the Thunder Tour participants visited Tzaneen and exhibited the various V8 cars in the parking area of Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre. The following Wednesday the 7th of August after the Thunder Tour group’s overnight stay in Tzaneen, the owners and their beautiful motorcars again gathered at Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre for breakfast at Panarotti’s. Local car enthusiasts took
this opportunity to get a one last glimpse of the collection of V8 cars before the Thunder Tour departed to Mbombela (Nelspruit). After Mbombela, the touring V8’s rumbled on to Frankfort and then to Bloemfontein. The final day of the Thunder Tour traditionally include a prize giving and dinner event. This year’s Thunder Tour celebrates its 10th anniversary. From its humble beginning in 2010 with a mere 17 V8 powered muscle cars, street and rat rods and supercars , the Thunder Tour has grown to more than 70 participating cars. The annual Thunder Tour is a seven day tour through South Africa. This event is the South African equivalent of the Power Tour in the USA. Every year the organisers of the Thunder Tour make use of a new route to showcase these spectacular cars at each of the daily stops in the various towns being visited.
This classic Chevy V8 attracted quite some attention. Oil, water, checked. Thunder Tour participants making ready to depart from Tzaneen to Mbombela.
The new Ford Mustang Bullitt special edition.
The beautiful classic V8 cars
Pfunanane Academy is a registered English medium, Christian Independent School situated just outside Modjadjiskloof. We are looking for committed English speaking Christians for the following 2 positions:
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From hotrod cars to the latest of modern age V8 cars were exhibited by the Thunder Tour.
9 August 2019
Vossies O/14A-meisies span die Noordvaal-hokkiekroon
Die Vossies se O/14-meisieshokkie Noordvaal Kampioen-span. Die spelers is Zanele Nukeri, Kirsty Shayawabaya, Mahlatsi Lethole, Azel Vorster (kaptein), Tessa van Heyningen, Brooke de Beer, Tashné Opperman, Yvett Mokwena (onderkaptein), Iloné Venter, Dineo Letsoalo, Mckayla Lauterbach, Khanyi Nkhwashu en Shanique Matthysen. Foto: Verskaf
Roelof de Jonge
Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se hokkiespanne het aan die medium skole se jaarlikse Noordvaal Toernooi deelgeneem. Dit was veral die Vossies se O/14A-meisies wat beindruk het deur die O/14A Noordvaal kampioenskap algeheel te wen. Hierdie hokkietoernooi was van die 31ste Julie tot die 3de Augustus gehou. Die Vossies het vanjaar geskiedenis gemaak deur al hul spanne in die Noordvaal Toernooi verteenwoordig te hê. Die O/14A-span het by Cornwall Hill College in Pretoria deelgeneem. Hulle het in die C-poel teen Hoërskole Rustenburg, Secunda en Hatfield Christian School meegeding. Die Vossies wen al drie
hierdie kragmetings onderskeidelik met tellings van 4-0. In die kwarteindrondte het Ben Vorster met ‘n telling van 4-1 met die Hoërskool Ben Viljoen se span afgereken om later in die halfeindstryd die span van die Hoërskool Driehoek met 5-0 kaf te draf. Hierdie toernooi se eindstryd het van die begin af beloof om meer as net die verwagte spanning uittelok met die nuus dat dit ‘n stryd tussen die twee buurskole, Merensky en Ben Vorster sou wees. Dit nadat die Plasies ook hul pad deur die uitkloprondtes geveg het om uiteindelik teen die Rooies te staan te kom. Beide spanne se spelers is mekaar goedgesind en het inteendeel net ‘n jaar gelede saam in dieselfde
spanne vir die laerskoolspan uitgedraf. Hierdie het gemaak vir een baie harde wedstryd wat tot op die nippertjie ‘n wipplank geryery was totday Ben Vorster uiteindelik een meer doel teen die bord laat klink het om met ‘n telling van 2-1 as kampioene uit die stryd te tree. Die eerste meisiespan se Noordvaal Toernooi aanslag het op Ermelo by die Hoërskool Ligbron plaasgevind. Altesaam 16 spanne het hier deelgeneem en die Vossies het ‘n derde plek algeheel behaal. In die uitspeelwedstryde klop die Vossies vir Hoërskool Alberton met 3-1 en in die tweede wedstryd teen die Hoërskool Dr Malan het hulle met een doel, 3-2, verloor. Die Vossies het egter
die volgende groepwedstryd teen Standford Lake College met 2-0 gewen om sodoende na die kwarteindstryd deur te dring. Hier het die Vossies teen Curro Bakenveld te staan gekom en het hierdie wedstryd met 2-1 gewen. In die halfeindstryd verloor die Vossies egter met 0-1 teen die span van die Hoërskool Hoogenhout. In die uitspeel-wedstryd om die derde en vierde plekke het die Vossies weer teen Hoërskool Dr Malan se span gespeel. Die Vossies wie vroeër teen hierdie span in hul ontmoeting verloor het, klop Dr Malan se meisies die keer met 3-2. Met hierdie oorwinning het Ben Vorster se eerste meisiesspan vir hul derde plek algeheel die brons medalje ingepalm.
Top 4 spanne:
Voor: Khani Mnisi en Lourencia van Dyk. In die middle is Lorinda Esterhuizen, Milané Smit (kaptein), Chantel van Schalkwyk en Lané Prinsloo. Agter: Elrisa Oosthuizen (afrigter), Marli Lombard, Cindy Greyvenstein, Lianca Pieterse (onderkaptein), Amberley Bergmann, Lihani Vorster, Christine Krüger, René Thete, Helashia Biewenga (afrigter) en Jana Oberholzer. Foto: Verskaf
1. Hoërskool Hoogenhout 2. Hoërskool Ben Viljoen 3. Hoërskool Ben Vorster 4. Hoërskool Dr Malan
9 August 2019
New Mahindra XUV300 now at BB Mahindra Tzaneen ■ Roelof de Jonge Mahindra has entered the next phase of its evolution when it recently launched the new bold and dynamic Mahindra XUV300 to the world. Built on the group’s global X100 platform, the XUV300 carries its larger sibling’s cheetah-inspired design language into a new generation of vehicles. At the same time, it introduces a new range of engines and a nearly unmatched level of specification to the local compact SUV segment. “The XUV300 is the latest product of that philosophy and combines fresh thinking and our best engineering and design talent. We are very excited to see how our new compact SUV will not only wow customers in our second home, South Africa, but will allow them to Rise,” said Arvind Mathew, Chief of International Operations at Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd. South Africa is the first international market outside of India to launch the XUV300, which are on offer here with both petrol and diesel drive trains and the choice of a W6 or W8 trim level. Head-turning design With its dual LED-strip daytime running lights (DRLs), aggressive grille, wide LED taillights and diamond cut alloy wheels, the new XUV300 stands apart from other compact SUVs in the market. Like the XUV500, the new XUV300 is inspired by the aggressive dynamism of a cheetah. This is perhaps most visible in the tear-duct style DRLs on certain models, which flank the bold grille and trapezoidal lower air intake. The cheetah styling cues are further visible in the XUV300’s squat stance, which accentuates its 2.6-metre wheelbase in a body that is just short of four metres. This stance is further enhanced by wide and bold wheel arches and large wheels on the furthest corners of the vehicle. Mahindra’s design team also added a floating roof (colour coded roof on darkened side pillars), as well as side cladding and a wide rear-quarter hip line that flows into the unique designed LED taillights, a roof-mounted spoiler and high-mounted stop lamp. Like all Mahindra SUV’s, the new XUV300 has elements of the group’s signature design language that includes full volumes, sculpted sections and muscled surfaces. It also has the distinctive Mahindra billet grille with chrome highlights to its highest specification level. On the W8 model, the design is accentuated by LED indicators in the heated and folding side mirrors, dual tone roof rails, 17-inch wheels and silver front- and rear skid plates. New generation engines Mahindra has launched two new engines with the XUV300, offering buyers the choice of either a turbo-petrol or turbo-diesel engine. The first is a three-cylinder 1.2 litre turbo-petrol engine, which delivers 81kW at 5 000 rpm and a healthy 200Nm of torque between 2 000rpm and 3 500rpm. The second engine option is a four-cylinder 1.5 litre turbo-diesel engine that delivers 85.8kW at 3 750rpm and 300Nm in a flat band between 1 500rpm and 2 500rpm.
All versions of the XUV300 are equipped with a sixspeed manual gearbox, which transfers power from the engine to the front wheels. With the interior of the new XUV300, Mahindra’s designers have crafted the vehicle controls around the driver and have added a thick-rimmed steering wheel with steering controls, a large tachometer and speedometer and a 17.78cm full colour connected infotainment system on all models. The infotainment system offers Apple CarPlay and Android Auto integration on the W8h and it has in-built turnby-turn navigation with regional maps as standard across the range. The system also allows the driver to pre-set many of the vehicle functions, including the background display and, on the W8, the colour of the LED backlit instrument panel. The XUV300’s infotainment system also features Mahindra’s Bluesense app. This app tracks the driver’s driving patterns and scores them on a set of environmentally friendly metrics. The driver can access this information and information on past trips from their phone’s connected Bluesense app or smart watch.
Abundant Luxury The W6 trim level offers the most affordable entry into the XUV300 range and features air conditioning, electric windows, power steering with Smart Steering, premium black fabric trim, electrically adjustable side mirrors and central locking. In the W8 specification level, Mahindra has created one of the most luxurious interior packages available in the compact SUV segment. The XUV300 W8’s list of luxuries includes a second USB charging point, an additional information screen between the colour-customisable LED-lit instrument cluster and electric windows with express up- and down function with anti-pinch technology. There is a glass tilt-and-slide sunroof, also with anti-pinch technology, cruise control and an integrated voice command system with steering-mounted controls. Pricing, Warranty and Service Plan While the XUV300 has redefined Mahindra’s SUV range, its pricing reflects its proven practice of offering great value for money. All versions of the XUV300 will be offered with a five-year or 150 000km warranty and a standard 5 Years / 90 000km service plan along with a 24/7 standard Roadside Assistance 086 162 4463. To enhance the value offering and to ensure complete peace of mind to our customers, the XUV300 will come with an optional Maintenance Plan for 5 Years / 90 000km. For more information about the new Mahindra XUV300, contact Nick Dorfling: 082 806 1268 or Louis Greeff : 076 301 2370 from BB Mahindra Tzaneen or visit the BB Mahindra Tzaneen Dealership at 41 Danie Joubert Street. To service your Mahindra please visit our Service/Parts Department at 8 Danie Joubert Street.
New sleeker, faster Mustang arrives in SA ■ Roelof de Jonge The sleeker, faster and more technologically advanced New Ford Mustang delivers more of athletic styling, sophisticated engine and suspension enhancements, as well as advanced driver assistance features for customers of this iconic American muscle car. It is available in Fastback and Convertible body styles with a choice of an updated 2.3 EcoBoost power unit or the more powerful five-litre V8 engine coupled to Ford’s advanced 10-speed automatic transmission. Adding further appeal to the new range is the special edition of the Ford Mustang Bullitt that will be available at launch, paying homage to the Mustang GT fastback that featured in the legendary 1968 Warner Bros film starring Steve McQueen. Offered in classic Bullitt-exclusive Dark Highland Green or Shadow Black, along with a range of unique styling and feature enhancements, only 50 units of the Mustang Bullitt will be available. The Mustang Bullitt is powered by a 338kW version of Ford’s fivelitre V8 that delivers enhanced performance and a more engaging driving experience thanks to the fitment of a six-speed manual gearbox. The exterior of the new Ford Mustang delivers a sleeker, more athletic appearance while retaining the instantly-recognisable body style from more than 50 years of production. The bonnet profile is now lower with integrated air vents, combined with a revised lower grille design to give the Mustang a sharper, more aggressive face with improved aerodynamics. The Mustang’s rear-end design is further en-
hanced with a new bumper and diffuser element, featuring standard quad-tailpipes for the five-litre GT model that testify to the power and performance available. The new Mustang’s headlights, daytime running lights, indicators and iconic three-dimensional tri-bar tail lights now all feature LED technology as standard, combined with LED fog lights. The front headlight bezels have also been restyled to reflect the trapezoidal shape of the upper grille. New 19-inch alloy wheels are offered in multiple finishes depending on the model, along with 19”x9” Luster Nickel-painted Forged Aluminium versions that are available as an option. The new Mustang interior delivers a more premium feel. Soft touch materials now feature on the door linings and the door handles are finished in aluminium. Leather-trimmed, heated and cooled seats are provided in conjunction with a six-way electric adjustment for added comfort. Ford’s five-litre V8 engine has been further developed to deliver more power and a higher rev-limit than before. The peak power climbs from 309kW on the previous model to 331kW, with a torque peak of 529Nm. Ford’s new high-pressure direct injection and low-pressure port fuel injection system helps to improve low-end torque. The 2.3-litre EcoBoost petrol engine is now even more fuel-efficient and delivers 213kW and 441Nm of torque. Ford’s 10-speed automatic transmission is standard across the range, except for the Mus-
tang Bullitt. The new Active Valve Performance Exhaust technology means drivers can for the first time adjust the intensity of the Mustang’s exhaust note to suit their mood and the driving scenario. The innovative Good Neighbour Mode can be programmed to automatically limit the exhaust’s noise output at pre-programmed times of the day to avoid disturbing neighbours, not least when firing up the five-litre V8 early in the morning. Recalibrated shock absorbers improve stability through corners, and the rear suspension is stiffened with a cross-axis joint that reduces unwanted movement at each corner, which can lead to body flex. Thicker anti-roll bars also provides for better control against body-roll and for sharper handling when around corners. The New Mustang is offered with a comprehensive range of driver assistance technologies including Pre-Collision Assist with Pedestrian Detection. For the first time Mustang is equipped with Adaptive Cruise Control and Distance Alert technologies that help drivers maintain an appropriate distance to the vehicle ahead, as well as Lane Departure Warning and Lane Keeping Aid. A customisable, all-digital, 12-inch LCD instrument cluster delivers information displays optimised to match the selected Drive Mode helping
drivers to get the most from every driving experience. The cluster configuration will automatically change depending on Drive Mode, and can be programmed by the driver to display a range of gauges in one of seven colours. The new Mustang also features Ford’s SYNC® 3 communications and entertainment system, which allows drivers to control their connected smartphones, audio, and climate functions with conversational voice commands, and by using pinch and swipe gestures on the central eight inch size touch screen. The system is compatible with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto™. Embedded navigation is also standard on the Mustang range. Ford Mustang – Recommended Retail Prices: Mustang 2.3 Fastback 10AT - R768 000 Mustang 2.3 Convertible 10AT - R831 000 Mustang 5.0 GT Fastback 10AT - R915 800 Mustang 5.0 GT Convertible 10AT - R978 400 Mustang Bullitt 5.0 V8 GT Fastback 6MT - R995 400 All models come standard with Ford Protect, comprising of a four-year or 120 000km comprehensive warranty, three-year or unlimited distance roadside assistance and five-year or unlimited km corrosion warranty. A six-year or 90 000km service plan is included, with 15 000km service intervals.
9 August 2019
Historic mountain football club in need of support ■
Roelof de Jonge
Efforts from the community, businesses and the Rotary Club of Haenertsburg to revive local football clubs and a league amongst rural communities in Magoebaskloof’s mountain region have thus far delivered mixed outcomes. The Rotarians of Haenertsburg used a District Grant to help with the promoting to revive local football in the Magoebaskloof area. But why is it of such significance for Magoebaskloof’s rural population to revive a soccer league in that area specifically? It is thought that it will be an asset for a social development initiative which will provide the local community with an opportunity to live healthier lifestyles through the physical activities of football. It will also be seen as a benefit for social interaction that will result in improved communication between communities in the area. This will help to enhance the security of the community of Magoebaskloof. “What I can say is that the Rotary Club of Haenertsburg has donated jerseys and soccer nets for us. We are very grateful for that. Every Sunday we are playing away or home, but transport remains one of our main problems”, said the Haenertsburg Football Club’s team captain Bongane Mangarela. According to this club’s management, considerable efforts have been made over the last 12 months to revive the sport in the area. The club’s promoter and mediator, Isaac Mamabolo, said there used to be over 20 teams established before 1994, but since then there has been a dramatic decline of football in this area. According to Mangarela, the Rotarian Club of Haenertsburg donated goal posts and nets as well as a full kit for the team’s players. The football club’s promoter, Mamabolo, said the grant from the Rotary Club also provided for a full day’s training for all players and coaches in the region of Magoebaskloof. “The training was done by the South African Football Association
(SAFA). There was also a special training for grass roots players for the children of Haenertsburg Primary School in attendance. A set of player bibs has also been provided to the Cheerio United Football Club. This club’s ambition is to develop into a regular playing team”, said Mamabolo. Mamabolo said the way forward is to encourage local landowners and farmers as well as businesses to facilitate the formation of new teams amongst their staff, especially those with sufficient players. He says support for assistance with accessories such as footballs, renovation of previous pitches still in existence and transport
for the players to attend matches would be welcomed. “A project is currently in its initiation phase to renovate the football pitch of Haenertsburg. This pitch is in dire need of repairs and once it is up and running can become vital to re-establish football in this area. We need sponsorships however for this cause”, said Mamabolo. Persons interested to support this venture can contact Isaac Mamabolo (076 790 7567) or Bongane Mangarela (076 249 7458).
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9 August 2019
Sumari redeneer in die Kaap
■ Roelof de Jonge Sumari Vorster van Laerskool Tzaneen het Donderdag die 1ste Augustus aan die Nasionale ATKV Redenaars kompetisie by die ATKV Goudini Spa vakansie-oord in die Kaap deelgeneem. Haar voorbereide toespraak se tema was Dans en sy het met die onderwerp, “Ongesonde kompetisie in die klaskamer laat die poppe dans”, die gehoor oortuig dat kompetisie vir die sportveld bedoel is en nie die klaskamer nie. In haar onvoorbereide toespraak, waarvoor sy 90 minute gekry het om voor te berei, was aan haar gevra of skoolklere afgeskaf moet word. Sy moes antwoord ja of nee en haar antwoord motiveer waarom sy dink ja of nee.
Vorster was van mening dat skoolklere afgeskaf moet word en het die beoordeelaars volgens drie argumente van haar standpunt oortuig. “Die skrif is aan die muur, skoolklere is vir ouers te duur. Tweedens, skoolklere vorm wel ‘n eenheid vir skole, maar bring nie noodwendig samehorigheid onder skoliere nie. Derdens, skole wat verskillende sportklere, leierklere, koordrag en wie weet wat nog alles het, lyk soos ‘n reënboognasie. Dit veroorsaak onenigheid omrede sommige leerders dan sal voel hulle is nie goed genoeg vir ‘n sportspan nie” was Vorster se redenasie. Vorster was een van 26 sprekers wat in hierdie mededingende ATKV eindstryd haar sê gesê het.
Stroop-soet tennis wen
Alida van der Walt
Larries begin Hokkie Premier Liga op hoë noot ■ Roelof de Jonge Laerskool Tzaneen se hokkiespanne het die 2de en 3de Augustus gemengde welslae behaal. Die Larries se seuns en meisies oopspanne het egter met seges hulle rekening in die Laerskole Premier Liga geopen. Dié hokkiespanne het op Vrydag die 2de Augustus teen Laerskool Drakensig van Hoedspruit kragte gemeet. Uitslae: Meisies: Tzaneen O/11C vs Drakensig O/11B - gelykop 0-0 Tzaneen O/11A vs Drakensig O/11A - Tzaneen wen 1-0 Tzaneen O/11B vs Drakensig O/11B - Tzaneen wen 2-0 Tzaneen Oop C vs Drakensig Oop B - gelykop 3-3 Tzaneen Oop B vs Southern Cross Oop A - Tzaneen
wen 3-0 Tzaneen Oop C vs Southern Cross Oop C (vriendskaplik) - Tzaneen wen 4-0 Seuns: Tzaneen Oop B vs Drakensig OopB - Tzaneen verloor 2-0 Tzaneen O/11B vs Drakensig O/11B - gelykop 2-2 Tzaneen O/11C vs Drakensig O/11B - Tzaneen verloor 1-0. Die Laerskole Premier Hokkie Liga het Saterdag vir Oop A-spanne begin. Uitslae: Meisies: Tzaneen vs Phalaborwa - Tzaneen wen 1-0 Tzaneen vs Dr Annecke - Tzaneen wen 3-0 Seuns: Tzaneen vs Curro Heuwelkruin - Tzaneen wen 3-0 Tzaneen vs Dr Annecke - Tzaneen wen 1-0.
Hendro Roodt
■ Roelof de Jonge Die seuns en meisies tennisspanne van Laerskool Tzaneen het Dinsdag die 30ste Julie teen Unicorn Preparatory School gespeel. Die Larries se seuns het met 17 spelle gewen. Die meisies se span was egter in ‘n tweestryd gewikkel en het uiteindelik gelykop gespeel. Byatso Makhubele
Aluska Zaayman
Aluska Zaayman
9 August 2019
Sebela wen Limpopo O/14 landloop titel ■ Ben Vorster Altesaam ses van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se landloop-atlete het Saterdag die 3de Augustus aan die Lima Limpopo Kampioenskap op Groblersdal deelgeneem. Dion Sebela het ‘n goue medalje verwerf oor ‘n afstand van vier kilometer vir seuns O/14. Hy het die afstand in ‘n tyd van 13,04 min afgelê. Ankia Botha, die Vossies se landloop-organiseerder, het ‘n tweede plek behaal.
Vossies 3de in Limpopo ■ Ben Vorster
Die Vossies se O/15-netbalspan het op 3 Augustus aan die Kay Motsepe Limpopo Kampioenskappe deelgeneem by PHS. Die meisies se poelwedstryde was: Hoërskool Frikkie Meyer, Hoërskool Ben Viljoen en PHS. Die netbalmeisies het hul wedstryde oortuigend gewen, maar ongelukkig teen PHS vasgeval. Waar hul in die semifinaal teen Hoërskool Noordeland gespeel het, wat ‘n uitdagende en fisiese wedstryd was, het Hoërskool Noordeland met een punt teen die Vossies gewen. Ons span het gelukkig ‘n oortuigende wen teen Hoërskool Ellisras gehad en is bekroon met ‘n 3de posisie in Limpopo. Ons is trots op ons dogters wat, hul goeie karakter behou het.
Voor: Sarah Tamaka en Palesa Seroka. Agter: Ndzalama Nghale, Jolandi vd Merwe, Ankia Botha (landloop-organiseerder), Katinka Smit en Dion Sebela.
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9 August 2019
Legals AUCTION SALE OF: BRICK WALL HOUSE WITH TILED ROOF AND GARAGE, NKOWANKOWA, LIMPOPO Duly instructed and appointed as executor by JOUBERT & MAY ATTORNEYS, I TERTIUS ROBERTSON will sell the above property by public auction on: FRIDAY 16 AUGUST 2019 AT 10:00 AT 33A PIETER JOUBERT STREET, AQUAPARK, TZANEEN. THE PROPERTY: ERF 2262, NKOWANKOWA-B TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION: LT, OF LIMPOPO, MEASURING 480 SQUARE METERS HELD BY DEED OF TRANSFER NO TG40683/1997G7PTA. IMPROVEMENTS: Photo’s can be viewed at MR TERTIUS ROBERTSON’S office. OTHER: Face brick wall house with double garage. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: This is an ideal opportunity to acquire a residential property in a popular area of Nkowankowa. CONDITIONS OF SALE: Properties: 10 % (ten percent) deposit on day of the auction for the property and the balance to be paid in cash or acceptable guarantees to be delivered within 21 (twenty on days) after date of confirmation. Confirmation within 7 (seven) days after date of sale. - The rules of the action and
sale conditions will be read out prior to the sale. Terms and conditions available on request. - R15 000.00 (FIFTEEN THOUSAND RAND) refundable buyers deposit. - The auctioneers reserve the right to withdraw the properties and/or any movable assets before the auction without prior notice. - All potential buyers to register before the auction and proof of identity and residential address are required. - 6% (SIX PERCENT) buyer’s commission. TERTIUS ROBERTSON 33A PIETER JOUBERT STREET AQUA PARK TZANEEN 015 307 2906 084 579 4584 Aug0201_________________________
ment application in terms of Section 68 of Greater Tzaneen Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-Laws 2017, read together with the provisions of Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act 16 of 2013 for the construction of telecommunication mast and a base station on Portion 42 of the Farm Taganashoek 465 L.T, Limpopo Province. We therefore give notice to the public. Particulars of the application are available for inspection during office hours (07H3016H30) at the office of Town Planning Manager: 38 Agatha Street Civic Centre Building Tzaneen 0850 for the period of 30 days. Objections or representations in respect of the application must be lodged in writing to the: Municipal Manager, 38 Agatha Street, Civic Centre Building, Tzaneen 0850 within a period of 30 days from 09th August 2019 to 09th September 2019. Address of Applicant: Building No. 11 Huawei Office Park, 124 Western Service Rd, Woodmead, Johannesburg. Tel: 073 659 6972 Email: Our Ref: Limpopo_East Rural_Newsite_120 Aug0201_________________________
WA GREATER TZANEEN SPATIAL PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT BY-LAWS 2017 O BALWA MMOGO LE MOLAO WA SPATIAL PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT ACT 16 OF 2013 GO HWETŠA TUMELO YA GO AGA TORA YA MTN GA PORTION 42 OF THE FARM TAGANASHOEK 465 L.T, LIMPOPO PROVINCE. Rena ba Huawei Technologies SA (PTY) LTD, re le tsebiša ka kgopelo go Mmasepala wa selegae wa Greater Tzaneen go ya ka Seripa sa 68 sa Greater Tzaneen Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-Laws, 2017, o balwa mmogo le molao wa Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act 16 of 2013 go fiwa tumelelo ya go aga tora yadi dillathekeng ga Portion 42 of the Farm Taganashoek 465 L.T, Limpopo Province. Mapapetlwana a go kgopela a tla swanelwa kego hlahlobja ka nako ya mošomo mo go mokgopedi mo tšhupabodulong bjo bo filwego le mo ofising ya Municipal Manager, 38 Agatha Street Civic Centre Building, Tzaneen, 0850 nako ya matšatši a 30. Kganano ya seo se boletšwego mabapi le kgopelo e tla bolelwa/ tsibišwa ka mokgwa wa lengwalo ga mmogo le yoo a kgopelago, le molaodi mogolo wa mmasepela wa Greater Tzaneen mo ater-
eseng ya ka godimo goba ka: Town Planning Manager: 38 Agatha Street, Civic Centre Building, Tzaneen 0850, magareng ga matšatši a 30 go thoma ka di 09 Phato 2019 go fihlela ka di 09 Lewedi 2019. Aterese le dinomoro tša mogala tša mokgopedi goba motsamaiši: Huawei Technologies South Africa (Proprietary) Limited, Building No.11 Huawei Office Park, 124 Western Service Rd Woodmead, Johannesburg. Nomoro ya mogala: 073 659 6972. Emeile: rampfumedzi. Tšhupetšo ya rena: Limpopo_East Rural_Newsite_120 Aug0201_________________________
Greater Tzaneen Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-Laws 2017, read together with the provisions of Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act 16 of 2013 for the construction of telecommunication mast and a base station on Portion 0 of the Farm Mamatzeeri No.15 KT, at Mosie village, Limpopo Province. We therefore give notice to the public. Particulars of the application are available for inspection during office hours (07H3016H30) at the office of Town Planning Manager: 38 Agatha Street Civic Centre Building Tzaneen 0850 for the period of 30 days. Objections or representations in respect of the application must be lodged in writing to the: Municipal Manager, 38 Agatha Street, Civic Centre Building, Tzaneen 0850 within a period of 30 days from 09th August 2019 to 09th September 2019. Address of Applicant: Building No. 11 Huawei Office Park, 124 Western Service Rd, Woodmead, Johannesburg. Tel: 073 659 6972 Email: Our Ref: Gyro_GF_NER_ SAQ_065 Aug0201_________________________
WA GREATER TZANEEN SPATIAL PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT BY-LAWS 2017 O BALWA MMOGO LE MOLAO WA SPATIAL PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT ACT 16 OF 2013 GO HWETŠA TUMELO YA GO AGA TORA YA TELKOM GA PORTION 0 OF THE FARM MAMATZEERI NO.15 KT, MOTSENG WA MOSIE, PROFENSENG YA LIMPOPO. Rena ba Huawei Technologies SA (PTY) LTD, re le tsebiša ka kgopelo go Mmasepala wa selegae wa Greater Tzaneen go ya ka Seripa sa 68 sa Greater Tzaneen Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-Laws, 2017, o balwa mmogo le molao wa Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act 16 of 2013 go fiwa tumelelo ya go aga tora yadi dillathekeng ga Portion 0 of the Farm Mamatzeeri No.15 KT, motseng wa Mosie, profenseng ya Limpopo. Mapapetlwana a go kgopela a tla swanelwa kego hlahlobja ka nako ya mošomo mo go mokgopedi mo tšhupabodulong bjo bo filwego le mo ofising ya Municipal Manager, 38 Agatha Street Civic Centre Building, Tzaneen, 0850 nako ya matšatši a 30. Kganano ya seo se boletšwego mabapi le kgopelo e tla bolelwa/ tsibišwa ka mokgwa wa lengwalo ga mmogo le yoo a kgopelago, le molaodi
mogolo wa mmasepela wa Greater Tzaneen mo atereseng ya ka godimo goba ka: Town Planning Manager: 38 Agatha Street, Civic Centre Building, Tzaneen 0850, magareng ga matšatši a 30 go thoma ka di 09 Phato 2019 go fihlela ka di 09 Lewedi 2019. Aterese le dinomoro tša mogala tša mokgopedi goba motsamaiši: Huawei Technologies South Africa (Proprietary) Limited, Building No.11 Huawei Office Park, 124 Western Service Rd Woodmead, Johannesburg. Nomoro ya mogala: 073 659 6972. Emeile: rampfumedzi. Tšhupetšo ya rena: Gyro_ GF_NER_SAQ_065 Aug0201_________________________
An auction that is to take place on the 23rd of August 2019 at The Sheriff ’s office at 2946 Tambo Street, Nkowankowa, 0870. The items that will be on sale are:1. Four piece lounge suit; 2. Three piece TV stand; 3. Coffee table; 4. Defy Stove; and 5. Sansui plasma TV. Our Ref: HM2264/ MOTAU KG R Mokgola & Associates Mokgola Building 15 Botha Street Modjadjiskloof Tel: 015-309 9799 Email: Aug0201_________________________
Smouskous l Classifieds
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Jobseeker My name is W. Mbhombi. I’m looking for Driver Position. I have a Code EC1 licence with PRDP. I can drive Tipper Truck and all other trucks. Contact me on 073 861 2994 ________________________ My name is Flora. I’m looking for Domestic or Office job, 3 days per week or full time. I can start immediately. Can speak English and Afrikaans. Sleep in or out. Can look after babies & children. Contact me on 076 651 7166 Quality long & short feather dusters, mops, grass brooms, rakes, soft brooms, plastic feather dusters & sjamboks at affordable prices.
Contact Stanford 078 670 9040
9 August 2019
Noordvaal silwer vir Merensky hokkie ■
Hoërskool Merensky se o.14-, o.15- en 1ste-dogtershokkiespanne het van 1 tot 3 Augustus op verskeie plekke aan die Noordvaal-toernooi deelgeneem. Op dag 1 eindig die o.14-bokkies eerste in hul poel by Cornwall Hill College in Pretoria met oorwinnings teen Dinamika (4-0) en Driehoek (2-1). Tydens dag 2 het hul gelykop gespeel teen Cornwall Hill College (2-2), waarna hul Maragon 6-0 kafgedraf het. In die semi-finaal op dag 3 klop dié belowende groep dogters Brits, 2-1, maar kon
nie die knoop in die finaal deurhaak teen Ben Vorster (1-2) nie. Plasieland is trots op dié juniors wat as naaswenners bekroon is. Die o.15’s kom op dag 1 by Hatfield Christian School in Pretoria te staan teen Edendale (1-3) en Driehoek (2-3). Op dag 2 reken hulle met Prestige College (4-0) af. Merensky se 1e-span is na die toernooi by Ligbron Akademie in Ermelo genooi nadat daar ‘n onttrekking was. Hulle speel op dag 1 teen Rustenburg (1-3) en Standerton (2-3). Die volgende dag speel hul gelykop, 0-0, teen die ligawenners van Ben Viljoen.
Berg tussen wen en verloor ■
Hoërskool Merensky se seunskrieketspanne het op Saterdag, 3 Augustus, behoorlik amok gemaak in 50-beurt ligawedstryde teen Stanford Lake College. Die o.15-seuns het berg-op gery om op Stanford se veld hul staal te toon. Stanford kolf eerste en teken slegs 96 lopies aan na al hul paaltjies geval het. Henro Delport het 8 uit 10 leë boulbeurte afgestuur en neem 3 paaltjies vir slegs 3 lopies. Op sy beurt het Hendrik Botes 6 uit 10 leë boulbeurte bemeester en 1 paaltjie laat kantel vir 8 lopies. Phillip Ludick moker 36 lopies van 33 balle, terwyl Ockert Schoeman 24 lopies van 15 balle baasraak.
Merensky wen die wedstryd gemaklik met 7 paaltjies, waarna Henro Delport as “Man van die wedstryd” aangekondig is. Op die Merensky Oval het sake vir die 1ste XItal eweneens voorspoedig verloop. Stanford kolf hier ook eerste en teken in 40 beurte 173 lopies aan, almal uit. Mohammed Bala stuur 3 leë boulbeurte af en neem 5 paaltjies vir 26 lopies in sy 10 boulbeurte en word aangewys as “Man van die wedstryd”. Gerhardus Fourie boul 7 beurte, waarvan 2 leeg is en neem 2 paaltjies vir 12 lopies. Merensky bereik hul wenteiken van 174 lopies in 30 boulbeurte met 6 paaltjies staande, danksy Nick Adendorff wat 39 lopies aanteken van 55 balle en Gerhardus Fourie se uitstekende 62 lopies van 52 balle. Thato Phalane bestuur met Stefan Joubert, Juan Bezuidenhout en Nic Adendorff
Merensky hou geesweek ■
Hoërskool Merensky Uitvoerende Komitee wil graag, soos hul voorgangers, ‘n verskil in die skool en gemeenskap maak. Vanjaar se UK-span het besluit hulle wil, onder andere, uitreik na kleuterskole en het storieboekies in klasverband ingesamel om aan skole te skenk. Die Plasies het gehoor gegee aan die oproep en stapels boeke geskenk. Die graad 8A-klas se stapel was die hoogste wat gesorg het vir ‘n pizza-bederf. Gedurende hierdie weeklange aksie is die gees aangeblaas met musiek en karaoke gedurende pouses en die hoogtepunt, ‘n kaskarkompetisie
waarin die wegspringposisies bepaal is deur die hoeveelheid boeke wat elke klas ingesamel het. ‘n Uitdagende plaasbaan is deur leerders en onderwysers aangedurf. Me. Monique Greyling is deur die UK gekies as die onderwyser met die meeste gees. Nadat die graad 12’s teen die onderwysers kragte gemeet het, het graad 12C die oorwinning geproe. Die algemene junior wenners, met 10 rondes, was graad 8C en 8G. Graad 10A en 10C het met hul 8 rondes as seniorwenners stof in die ander se oë geskop. Graad 11G en 11E se geesdrif was opmerklik en het dit hul die geesbeker in die sak gebring.
Plasie archers rule at Eiland LIMA-lopers draf seisoen kaf ■
Op Saterdag, 3 Augustus, het 7 vasberade Plasie-langasems aan die jaarlikse LIMA-kampioenskap te Hoërskool Ben Viljoen in Groblersdal deelgeneem. Mariesa Schutte (graad 10) het haar baie goed van haar taak gekwyt en, met ‘n tyd van 16:49, 2de geeïndig in die 4km-wedloop. Anika du Toit (graad
8) het ook nie op haar laat wag nie en het ‘n 3de-plek ingepalm met haar tyd van 17:01. Jone du Toit het ‘n 7de-, Amelia Booth ‘n 10de-, Louis Haynes ‘n 13de- en Drikus du Toit ‘n 21ste-plek behaal. Daniel Smit (graad 10) het 6km afgelê in 21:37 en 5de oor die wenstreep genael. Die span wat hierdie jaar Limpopo gaan verteenwoordig by die Suid-Afrikaanse kampioenskap in Pretoria, sal eersdaags aangekondig word.
Ryan Jackson, Ashley Hunt, Armand Venter, Devon Kok, Nic de Beer, Canell Jackson & Annabelle Schwab, Dian, Juan, Rohan, Sean and Morney.
Merensky High School’s archers competed in the Bushveld and Limpopo Indoors Championship at ATKV Eiland Spa on 3 and 4 August. A total of 37 archers from various provinces took part. Ryan Jackson, Canell Jackson, Morney Kleinhans, Nic de Beer, Annebelle Schwab, Jenique Oosthuizen and Rohan Wewege did not dissa-
point, claiming gold in both events. At the Bushveld event Armand Venter took gold, while Cheney Kleinhans, Juan van der Walt, Devon Kok, Dian Schnettler, Ashley Hunt, Sean Hunt came in second. During the Limpopo event Dian Schnettler was awarded gold, with Cheney Kleinhans, Juan van der Walt, Devon Kok, Armand Venter, Ashley and Sean Hunt taking silver home.
Amelia Booth, Jone du Toit, Drikus du Toit, Anika du Toit, Louis Haynes, Mariesa Schutte & Daniel Smit.
Sport 9 August 2019
Independent 24 hour emergency service, located at Mediclinic Tzaneen
Direct ER line: 015 306 8526
Die Vossie Virseker vloed
Doran Kleynhans (kaptein)
Foto’s deur Roelof de Jonge
■ Roelof de Jonge en Joe Dreyer Na ‘n harde rugbyseisoen in ‘n hoër liga van een van die land se taaiste skolerugby reekse, het Ben Vorster verlede naweek ‘n tuis-halfeinstryd in die Virsekerbeker Plaat Afdeling ingepalm. Die Rooimasjien het voorwaar uiteghaal en gewys toe hulle die spanne uit Centurion die stryd in die Buffelkraal aangesê het. Dit was geensins ‘n maklike dag op die veld nie. Die Zwartkop-manne was slaggereed met alles om te verloor en nog meer te bewys in wat vir meeste van hulle moontlik hul laaste wedstryd van die jaar sou wees. Ben Vorster se O/14’s het die dag geopen met ‘n 19-3 oorwinning oor die besoekers waarna die O/15’s met 0-17 teen Zwartkop vasgeval het. So ook het die plaaslike O/16-span met 14-26 die knieë gebuig. Die Nyathi’s (Ben Vorster se Tweedespan) het met 72-0 hul opponent oorrompel om die tafel mooi te dek vir die groot stryd van die dag wat later die middag afgeskop het. Alle oë was op die Eerstespan van die Vossies gerig wat die 15-tal van Zwartkops ‘n behoorlike rugbyles geleer het. Die Vossies het die toeskouers en sy ondersteuners met aanskoulike hardlooprugby trakteer en behoorlik sirkels om Zwartkops gehardloop. Teen die einde van spel het die Vossies ‘n allemintige 15 drieë gedruk om ‘n weghol sege van 95-24 te behaal. Hierdie reuse oorwinning het Ben Vorster van ‘n halfeindstryd tuis verseker. Hierdie halfeindstryd word Saterdag die 10de Au-
gustus (hierdie naweek) beslis waar die Vossies teen die span van Hoërskool Rustenburg te staan gaan kom. Die Vossies se rits drieë is gedruk deur Zian van den Heever (3), Renzo du Plessis (2), Nathan vd Heever (2), Matome Manyama, Gavin Rautenbach, Rikus Nel, Doran Kleynhans, Dean Ballentyne, Louis Koen, Sean Roulston en Meyer Vorster. Die doelskoppe was deur Zian van den Heever (5), Meyer Vorster (4) en WC Kriel (1) oorgeskop. Ben Vorster se O/15-span is een van die twee Vossie spanne wat deurgedring en gekwalifiseer het vir ‘n tuis halfeindstryd die komende naweek. Hulle sal teen die span van Marais Viljoen uit Alberton moet slag bied. Dit is die tweede jaar agtereenvolgens dat Ben Vorster die gasheer van ‘n Virseker Beker halfeindstryd sal wees. Verlede jaar was dit vir die Skild Afdeling en vanjaar vir die Plaat Afdeling. Hoe ook al die uitslae Saterdag gaan eindig, die eindstryde sal by Marais Viljoen in Alberton gespeel word aangesien dit meer geleë vir Kyknet se tv-span sal wees om hierdie wedstryde uit te kan saai. Met die Letaba Skou wat reeds Woensdag afgeskop het en die spanne van Rustenburg en Marais Viljoen wat reeds hier in Tzaneen aangekom het, beloof die naweek se rugby om groot skare te lok. Tzaneen word gemaan om hul plaaslike spanne te gaan ondersteun op Buffelpark sodat die manne in die finaal later hierdie maand in Gauteng vir die silwerware kan gaan stry. “Ons is slaggereed vir hierdie kragmeting
en ten spyte daarvan dat ons sonder Renzo Du Plessis gaan moet klaarkom, is die res van die manne meer as bevoeg om die stryd na Rustenburg toe te bring,” het eerstespan afrigter Peter Schutte gesê. “Dit gaan taai wees, maar ‘n Vossie staan nie terug vir taai nie.” Victor Schultze, adjunkhoof sport by Hoërskool Rustenburg het aan Bulletin gesê dat hulle baie uitsien om teen die Vossies op Tzaneen uittedraf. “Dit is hoekom ons hierdie game speel, om onself teen die bestes te meet. Ben Vorster is een van die bestes en jy gaan nie sommer Tzaneen toe om teen Ben Vorster te wen nie. Dit gaan ‘n moeilike stryd wees maar ons is reg daarvoor.” Volgens Reghardt Kleingeld, afrigter van die O/15-span is dit altyd moeilik om ‘n uitslag van enige wedstryd vooraf te bespiegel. “My span is reg en hulle koppe is reg. Marais Viljoen gaan verseker vergelding soek nadat ons hulle voorheen geklop het, maar ons is reg daarvoor. Kom ons kyk Saterdag.” Johan Matthyssen en Rikus Woest, afrigters van die Marais Viljoen O/15-span reken hulle span is reg om die Vossie moonthede die stryd aan te sê. “Tydens ons laaste wedstryd het Ben Vorster op ons velde verloor so ons is oortuig daarvan dat hulle alles hierdie naweek na ons kant toe gaan gooi so dit gaan ‘n klipharde wedstryd wees. Marais Viljoen weet wat op ons wag en ons is reg vir die naweek.”
Renzo du Plessis
Matome Manyama
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