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“Jou Sukses Ons Spesialiteit” 015 004 0370 • tzaneen@lvt.co.za • www.lvt.co.za Industri Park, Trichardsdal Avenue, Letsitele

30 August 2019



015 306 0198 • 072 930 1462 • 071 268 2543


Rural areas:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS



Mediese fondse Korttermynversekering Lewensversekering Aftreebeplanning Beleggings Testamente Boedelbeplanning Pensioen- en voorsorgfonds Dood- en ongeskiktheidsversekering Aandele

Medical aid Short term insurance Life insurance Retirement planning investments Investments Testaments Estate planning Pension funds Disability insurance Stocks


10 Windsor Street, Tzaneen | Tel: 015 307 5587


Special Edition




7’s Rugby program O/15 Pool A Ben Vorster Ellisras PHS

Pool B Merensky Hans Strydom Ben Viljoen


Time Pitch 1 13h00 Piet Potgieter D2 v D3 DZJ 13h40 Hans Strydom B2 v B3 Ben Viljoen 13h20 Tom Naude C1 v C3 Louis Trichardt 14h20 Ben Vorster A1 v A3 PHS

O/17 Pool C Tom Naude Curro Heuwelkruin Louis Trichardt

Pool D Frans Du Toit Piet Potgieter DZJ

Pool A Ellisras PHS Piet Potgieter

Pool B Merensky Hans Strydom Ben Viljoen


Pool C Frans Du Toit Curro Heuwelkruin TBC

Pool D Tom Naude Ben Vorster Louis Trichardt

Time Pitch 1 13h20 Curro Heuwelkruin C2 v C3 Louis Trichardt 14h00 Ellisras A2 v A3 PHS 13h40 Frans Du Toit D1 v D3 DZJ 14h40 Merensky B1 v B3 Ben Viljoen

Time Pitch 1 13h00 Ben Vorster D2 v D3 Louis Trichardt 13h40 Hans Strydom B2 v B3 Ben Viljoen 14h20 Frans Du Toit C1 v C3 TBC 15h00 Ellisras A1 v A3 Piet Potgieter

Time Pitch 1 08h00 Merensky B1 v B2 Hans Strydom 08h40 Frans Du Toit D1 v D2 Piet Potgieter

Time Pitch 1 08h20 Ben Vorster A1 v A2 Ellisras 09h00 Tom Naude C1 v C2 Curro Heuwelkruin

Time Pitch 1 08h00 Merensky B1 v B2 Hans Strydom 08h40 Tom Naude D1 v D2 Ben Vorster

Time Pitch 1 08h20 Ellisras A1 v A2 PHS 09h00 Frans Du Toit C1 v C2 Curro Heuwelkruin

Cup Quarter Final 1 09h30 1st In Pool A 1stA v 2ndB - 2nd in Pool B

Cup Quarter Final 2 09h50 1st in Pool B 1stB v 2ndA - 2nd in Pool A

Cup Quarter Final 1 09h30 1st in Pool A 1stA v 2ndB - 2nd in Pool B

Cup Quarter Final 2 09h50 1st in Pool B 1stB v 2ndA - 2nd in Pool A

Cup Quarter Final 3 10h10 1st in Pool C 1stC v 2ndD - 2nd In Pool D

Cup Quarter Final 4 10h30 1st in Pool D 1stD v 2ndC - 2nd in Pool C

Cup Quarter Final 3 10h10 1st in Pool C 1stC v 2ndD - 2nd in Pool D

Cup Quarter Final 4 10h30 1st in Pool D 1stD v 2ndC - 2nd in Pool C

Bowl Semi Final 1 10h50 3rd in Pool A 3rdA v 3rdB 3rd - in Pool B

Bowl Semi Final 2 11h10 3rd in Pool C 3rdC v 3rdD - 3rd in Pool D

Bowl Semi Final 1 10h50 3rd in Pool A 3rdA v 3rdB - 3rd in Pool B

Bowl Semi Final 2 11h10 3rd in Pool C 3rdC v 3rdD - 3rd in Pool D

Plate Semi Final 1 11h30 Loser Cup Quarter 1 LCQ1 v LCQ2 Loser Cup Quarter 2

Plate Semi Final 2 11h50 Loser Cup Quarter 3 LCQ3 v LCQ4 Loser Cup Quarter 4

Plate Semi Final 1 11h30 Loser Cup Quarter 1 LCQ1 v LCQ2. Loser Cup Quarter 2

Plate Semi Final 2 11h50 Loser Cup Quarter 3 LCQ3 v LCQ4 Loser Cup Quarter 4





Cup Semi Final 1 12h10 Winner Cup Quarter 1 WCQ1 v WCQ2 Winner Cup Quarter 2

Cup Semi Final 1 12h10 Winner Cup Quarter 1 WCQ1 v WCQ2 Winner Cup Quarter 2

Cup Semi Final 1 12h30 Winner Cup Quarter 3 WCQ3 v WCQ4 Winner Cup Quarter 4 12h50 Loser Bowl Semi 1 LBS1 v LBS2 Loser Bowl Semi 2 13h10 Winner Bowl Semi 1 WBS1 v WBS2 Winner Bowl Semi 2

Cup Semi Final 2 12h30 Winner Cup Quarter 3 WCQ3 v WCQ4 Winner Cup Quarter 4 SHIELD FINAL

13h30 Loser Plate Semi 1 LPS1 v LPS2 Loser Plate Semi 2

7th & 8th PLAYOFF

13h50 Winner Plate Semi 1 WPS1 v WPS2 Winner Plate Semi 2


14h10 Loser Cup Semi 1 LCS1 v LCS2 Loser Cup Semi 2

3rd & 4th PLAYOFF

14h30 Winner Cup Semi 1 WCS1 v WCS2 Winner Cup Semi 2


015 307 4490/1/2


12h50 Loser Bowl Semi 1 LBS1 v LBS2 Loser Bowl Semi 2


13h10 Winner Bowl Semi 1 WBS1 v WBS2 Winner Bowl Semi 2


13h30 Loser Plate Semi 1 LPS1 v LPS2 Loser Plate Semi 2 13h50 Winner Plate Semi 1 WPS1 v WPS2 Winner Plate Semi 2

U15 CUP FINAL - To be played on Pitch 1

Time Pitch 1 13h20 Curro Heuwelkruin C2 v C3 TBC 14h00 PHS A2 v A3 Piet Potgieter 14h40 Tom Naude D1 v D3 Louis Trichardt 15h20 Merensky B1 v B3 Ben Viljoen


14h10 Loser Cup Semi 1 LCS1 v LCS2 Loser Cup Semi 2

3rd & 4th PLAYOFF

14h30 Winner Cup Semi 1 WCS1 v WCS2 Winner Cup Semi 2


14h50 Winner Cup Semi 1 WCS1 v WCS2 Winner Cup Semi 2



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“Jou Sukses Ons Spesialiteit” 015 004 0370 • tzaneen@lvt.co.za • www.lvt.co.za Industri Park, Trichardsdal Avenue, Letsitele

30 August 2019


015 306 0198 • 072 930 1462 • 071 268 2543


Rural areas:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS

Scorched earth This past week has left the landscape around Tzaneen and Letsitele painted black in the aftermath of devastating wildfires. Follow Far North Bulletin over social media to stay updated and informed as we enter fire season.

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Bladsy 8

Geen soeter rissie Bladsy 10


Gholfdag ‘n sukses


Joe Public versus BPM



Photo: Joe Dreyer

All the weekend’s sport Inside


30 August 2019 FAR NORTH

Bulletin F A R



Personeel | Personnel Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@bulletin.us.com

Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan 083 294 7747 admin@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com Office: 064 650 7123 015 306 0198

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani • Phalaborwa


Kontak besonderhede Contact Details

Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 071 268 2543 (Jacques) 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: jacques@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Website Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies.



Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

Joe Dreyer

Criminal charges were filed against the municipal manager of the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality (BPM) and the municipal manager of the Mopani District Municipality (MDM) this week. These charges relate to the continuous flow of raw sewerage into the Olifantsriver which leads into the Kruger National Park and eventually into Mozambique – reportedly over the course of the last two years. The charges were filed on Saturday morning by DA Member of Parliament, Desiree van der Walt, who was accompanied by her Ward Councillor in Phalaborwa, Sybrandt de Beer, at the Phalaborwa police station. According to Van der Walt this followed numerous complaints by residents not only in Phalaborwa town, but also the surrounding Namakgale and Lulekani areas. “The decision to charge Irene Moakamela (BPM) and Republic Monakedi (MDM) criminally came after these two municipal managers neglected their legal obligations to the community to ensure their constitutional right to clean running water and a healthy environment are not violated in any way. These two municipal managers have allowed gross contraventions of the National Water Act and the National Environmental Act to continue unabated,” said Van der Walt. Initially the police officer at the Phalaborwa charge office was unwilling to assist the DA members in the filing of the criminal charges. Van der Walt was instructed to speak to the Mayor of Phalaborwa first, but she refused and eventually the cases were opened. According to one resident of the town of Phalaborwa, the raw sewerage has been running out of the broken sewerage pipes for years now. The raw human waste spills out of these pipes into the Tsetsi river before spilling into the Selati and then the Olifantsriver. According to a source, the spokesperson for SANParks, Ike Phaahla, said that they are very aware of the dire situation and have engaged in talks with the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality to find a solution. At the time of going to print we had not been able to reach either of the municipal managers for comment. The spokesperson for the BPM, Jonas Mahesu, has long since exerted himself into the act of responding to media inquiries, but we have sent him one nonetheless. Spokesperson for the Mopani District Municipality, Witness Tiva, will revert back to this publication with comment in time for our next edition on the 6th of September. “I have already raised this matter with the Min-

Call Centre: 086 101 7488 Fax: 086 606 4606 Email: info@letaba.net

ister in Parliament and we will soon receive feedback on this desperate issue. Local municipalities cannot be allowed to continue this type of gross negligence in service delivery to their communities. We will no longer stand for this.”

Desiree van der Walt and Sybrandt de Beer

Raw sewerage from a manhole in Namakgale.

Raw sewerage from a manhole just two kilometres from the Kruger Park gate

If you can’t beat them, join them Joe Dreyer

It would appear as though the Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM) has lost the fight against the pestilence which is the illegal street hawker. This week Neville Ndlala, spokesperson for the GTM, told Bulletin that the sidewalk area in the Tzaneen CBD, running all the way from Super Spar down to the bus rank at Tzaneng Mall is a “free trade zone”. This means that you do not need a permit in order to trade on the pavements in this area. Ndlala said that spaces have been allocated to 78 hawkers who have been granted permits to trade in these designated areas. “All hawkers that are not allocated trading space must go to the free trading zones. Others will be kept on the waiting list and when there is a vacancy they will be allocated,” he explained. Who will enforce this? The GTM will apparently continue with their raids and confiscate the goods of all illegal traders. We strongly suggest that nobody hold their breath.

Jaques van Niekerk For your wireless Communication needs, contact us!



Municipal Managers face criminal charges

■ Noodnommers Emergency numbers



Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril

“We are in a process of promulgating a number of bylaws that will assist in the prosecution of offenders. In future these issues will be dealt with by the prosecutors and magistrate,” said Ndlala. During the last raid by the GTM in Danie Joubert Street, a GTM Traffic officer had to pull his gun on a crowd of aggressive hawkers. A shot was fired and a man was wounded. Chaos ensued and the police intervened. Nothing further has come of this incident. One of the hawkers at the scene told Bulletin that the reason why the group of traders in this instance became aggressive towards the specific traffic officer, is because he allegedly receives cash payments from them in order for them to be allowed to trade on the pavement in that area. They became angry when he showed up with the media and other municipal workers and started demanding that they pack up shop. “We are not aware of that rumour or that information has not been brought to our attention. We

Stand van Damme Dam Levels

urge whoever has concrete information to bring it to us,” said Ndlala in response to our inquiry on the allegations. Not a word has been said in regards to the unsafe practice of the illegal hawkers next to the highway at the entrance to town. Legislation seems to have offered both the GTM and SANRAL an easy way out. SANRAL owns the road, but it runs through the GTM’s area of jurisdiction. SANRAL claims that because they have no law enforcement arm of their own, they make use of the local municipality’s law enforcement teams. The GTM says that they cannot remove the hawkers from the R71 because the road is not their jurisdiction (yet they are quick to setup their cameras for speed enforcement). We have heard another rumour from various sources that the reason the GTM is unwilling to remove the hawkers from the R71 is because the stalls they man, belong to certain GTM Traffic officials. This rumour has however neither been confirmed nor denied. Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 26/08/2019

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Ebenezer 52%

Merensky 72.6%

Dap Naude 91.4%

Middel Letaba 4.6%

Blyde Rivier Poort 80.2%

Klaserie 84.6%

Tours 34.1%

Vergelegen 71.5%

Ohrigstad 17.9%

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Tel: 015 307 3703 11 Rencole Building, Loop Street, Tzaneen





30 August 2019


Follow up: New ‘new’ plans for Boulevard ■

Joe Dreyer


Our investigations into the Letaba Boulevard building has yielded some new information which could help shed some light on the future of this dilapidated husk of a once beautiful shopping complex. Following our live coverage of a fire inside the building last week and our subsequent exposé in last week’s paper, we were contacted by the notoriously publicity-shy owner of the Boulevard, Shamira Rinderknecht. She was on her way back to Phalaborwa from a meeting with the

GTM’s municipal manager, Thapelo Matlala, and felt the need to contact this newspaper to arrange a meeting for the Friday “so that you can hear from the horse’s mouth what is going on at this building.” We agreed and the meeting was scheduled for 16:00 on Friday 23rd of August. The meeting did however not take place. During her very brief phone call, Rinderknecht asserted that a team of engineers would be conducting a site visit at Boulevard on that very same Friday. She also confirmed that she had an urgent meeting with Matlala and that two cleaning teams had been appointed to clean up the building. She also claimed that she had appointed a new security company, Urban Africa Security, to guard over the building and prevent trespassers from accessing the property at night. This statement has since been confirmed. Urban Africa Security is the same company employed by the Resilient Group to keep watch over the Tzaneng Mall and Lifestyle Centre in Tzaneen. They also watch over Tzaneen Crossings centre. We spoke to one of the representatives of Urban Africa and have confirmed that they are now on site at Letaba Boulevard. We were not able to confirm any details of the engineering team Rinderknecht was referring to before the phone cut out. She called us back again, but due to poor cellular reception the conversation would not be continued. In the days that followed we have attempted to make contact with her again but to no avail. She has however returned our calls and we will now be looking

at setting another date for a meeting. In the meantime, we have also managed to obtain the contact number for the caretaker of the building to whom some of the shopkeepers said they pay rent to. That man’s name is Sam Matlala who we understand is employed by Shamira. We phoned Sam this week and we wanted to find out how many shops are currently in the building and how much rent these shopkeepers pay. Sam was unwilling to share these details with us and requested that we speak to Shamira on the matter. Communicating over text, we received confirmation from Rinderknecht yesterday (Wednesday 28th of August) that there are indeed new plans to renovate the Boulevard. In a text message she said that she and her team will be in Tzaneen today (Thursday 29th of August) to meet with the municipal manager and she requested that we meet at the Letaba Boulevard site for a discussion. Residents are sceptical over any promises regarding Letaba Boulevard. The last time a promise of a grand makeover was made was in December 2016 when Rinderknecht announced plans for a R50 million facelift which was supposed to have started in 2017.


MILLIONAIRES The PowerBall jackpot from the Friday 23 August 2019 draw was won. ITHUBA confirmed that the winning ticket was purchased at a Spar in Groot Brakrivier, Cape Town. Using a ticket wager of just R105 and a Quick Pick selection, the winner of a whopping R141 MILLION becomes the third richest jackpot PowerBall winner in South Africa, joining the R232 Million winner from February 2019, and the R145 Million winner from August 2018.

Solank julle net nie rook nie ■

Joe Dreyer

Die verkeersligte by die kruising van Derde Laan en Sirkel Weg (oorkant Sugarloaf en Sasol) is steeds buite werking. Dit gaan nou al vir twee maande so aan en daar word niks gedoen om die situasie reg te stel nie. ‘n Maand gelede, op die 22ste Julie, het die munisipale segsman, Neville Ndlala, aan Bulletin verduidelik dat ‘n beskadigde moederbord agter dié probleem lê en dat die munisipaliteit reeds ‘n nuwe een bestel het. Ons vermoed egter dat hierdie nie heeltemal die waarheid is nie en dat dit waarskynlik ‘n probleem by die verkrygingsdepartment is. Ons sal heel waarskynlik ook nooit weet nie. Intussen word hierdie kruising nou as ‘n vierrigting stopstraat beskou wat beteken dat dit geignoreer word deur al wat ‘n taxidrywer of oorbelaaide bakkiedrywer is. Stopstrate in Tzaneen beteken in elk geval soveel soos ‘n pen sonder ink of ‘n bril vir ‘n blinde. Ons het wéér hierdie week vir Ndlala vir uitklaring gevra en hy het bloot net geantwoord met “ek sal binnekort terugvoering gee.” Ons wil graag

weet hoekom die munisipale verkeersafdeling nie hierdie kruising beman om ongelukke te voorkom, in plaas van om onder die bome buite die dorp agter ‘n kamera te sit en hoenderboudjies eet nie. Ten minste is meeste van die slaggate nou weer met blink nuwe teerpleisters toegetrek tot die eerste reën Tzaneen se paaie in bandvreters in omskep. Die taxi-staanplek wat voorheen bekend gestaan het as Claude Wheatley Straat groei steeds daagliks en word nou ‘n nes van slaggate, onwettig geparkeerde voertuie, onwettige oop vure, onwettige haarkappers en onwettige straatsmouse. Ten minste rook niemand meer in die mall nie. Die miljoen-Rand se mors van belastingbetalers se geld wat amper soos ‘n betonheining lyk is ook besig om weekliks te krimp. Die heining is bleikbaar opgerig om besoedeling van die rivier te voorkom en om te keer dat die straatslapers en die dwelmhandellaars nie hul onderduimse handellinge daar in die bosse kan dryf nie. Daardie sentiment het egter nie lank gehou nie. Daar is nou selfs ‘n opelig restaurantjie aan die anderkant van hierdie heining opgerig. Blykbaar met toestemming van die munisipaliteit ook.

On Monday 26 August, ITHUBA reported that the winner had not yet made contact with the National Lottery Operator to claim their winnings. Meanwhile, on 21 August 2019, a lucky player scooped the R9 Million LOTTO PLUS 1 jackpot. The winner, who bought their ticket at a Pick n Pay in Moletsane, Soweto spent R10 on their ticket, using a manual selection. ITHUBA says that they are ready to receive both winners. “We trust that the winners are aware that they hold winning tickets and that they will get in touch with our office as soon as possible. Our Winner Services department is ready to welcome and assist them through a smooth claiming process”, said Khensani Mabuza, Corporate Relations Executive.


30 August 2019






I have always been fascinated by remittance men. Karoi and Sinoia had more than their fair share of them – all wore frayed safari suits, had double-barrelled surnames and spoke with a posh accent. When their respective families sent them off to the colonies to seek their fortunes I don’t think many of them did (make a fortune). Most of them managed to exist on their monthly remittance cheque – the only one I knew who actually farmed (albeit with trek oxen) was Jock. All of them that I met were between fifty and seventy years of age and it is only recently that I realised that I did indeed meet a much younger man who was surely offered a fair sum of money to leave the United Kingdom, whether it was because he was an embarrassment to the family or something worse I am not sure. The first we heard of Peter (for that was his name) was obviously from the hotel manager. He knew everything that went on in the village and shared it with the farmers on Friday nights when the pub was crammed. Evidently during the previous week an obviously wealthy man had arrived with his son and told the manager that he would be staying for

a few days as he and his son would be looking at farms in the area that were for sale as he intended setting his son up as a farmer. Of course the hotel manager knew everybody in the area, plus he knew which farms were on the market so he chauffeured his guest and son around to various farms in the area and by the end of four days evidently the father and son had made a choice. Papers were signed - cash was transferred and father and son returned to Britain to collect Peter’s wife and child who would all be returning within a couple of weeks. The son had very little to do with anything – the father asked the manager to book son and family into the hotel for a fortnight when they arrived to give them a chance to meet some of the locals and find their feet. The father also confided that his son was going to need some guidance as he had never been involved in farming and it was patently obvious that the manager was going to get some cash reimbursement in return for anything he did to make life easier for the young couple. The farm had been purchased lock, stock and barrel except for the livestock that had been sold sometime previously so the hotel manager suggested to one of the regulars that he accompany Peter to a cattle auction that was being held in Karoi a few days after the young couple arrived. Peter had obviously been given a certain amount of money to buy cattle and bought 20 heifers but was disappointed that there was only one bull on sale. He appeared to think that each cow needed a male and was amazed to discover that most of the farmers did not even own a bull – they rented a bull from one of the neighbours a couple of times a year. Why keep a bull which could cause turmoil when you could rent one once a year? The wife was evidently having difficulty adjusting to this different way of life and I was asked if

I would go and visit her. I duly arrived and was welcomed in – there was obviously a bit of tension between husband and wife as she had never considered leaving England and was finding it difficult to adapt. I assured her that once she got used to the African way of life all would be well especially since she was a qualified nurse. I hit a nerve there – did I know that the labourers were arriving at her back door expecting her to sort out their medical problems. Of course I did – I had been doctoring our labour force for years – Carters Little Liver Pills, castor oil, iodine, and aspirin. Dettol, whisky bottles full of a carbolineum based cough mixture which smelt vile but was a staple in every farmer’s medicine chest. A few bandages and some elastoplast were obviously also part of the medicine chest. I had never yet lost a patient! This was probably due to the fact they would be shunted off to the clinic if I was unsure what to do. It turned out that our qualified nurse had no intention of touching any labourer without a qualified doctor in control. While this conversation was going on, her domestic arrived to say that there was a sick woman at the back door. Since Cathy was refusing to move I went to the back door – the woman obviously had a bad cough. I explained to Cathy that all she needed was some cough mixture and a couple of aspirin. All wives in farming areas were expected to be part-time nurses. She was not moved! Maybe I should make her feel bad since she knew I had no nursing knowledge, so I told her how I had treated a guy whose skull had been split open with an axe - the man refused point blank to go to the clinic – he said that people who went there always died. The incident took place on a Friday night – he arrived at my back door at sunrise on Saturday morning. It was fairly obvious that the axe had been dirty, but I

cleaned his head as best I could, then poured iodine over everything and swathed his head in a bandage. He was at work on Monday morning and my medical prowess was lauded throughout the compound. The man was still alive. She made no comment, but made me a cup of coffee and asked if I would help her with a project that she was embarking upon – she had told Peter that if he humoured her and sorted out her dream she would stop complaining. She produced a child’s storybook with a picture of smiling lady holding her daughter’s hand while they stood on their doorstep looking at their little enclosed mini farmyard – a duck pond – obviously with mama duck and babies swimming, plus a couple of pigs, a sheep, a frolicking lamb, a calf and just for good measure a couple of dogs. The entire area was dotted with shrubs and colourful flowers. How was I supposed to help – well – she needed to find some small pigs, a sheep with a new lamb, a calf and a duck with ducklings. Where was this little dream to take place. I was taken to the front door where a very petty enclosed garden had been made by the previous owner’s wife. Peter had been briefed that he must build a duck pond as soon as possible. Now I didn’t want to spoil her dream but anybody who has stood next to a duck pond will tell you how it smells. Also the reason why the previous wife had enclosed her beautiful garden was to keep animals OUT. Cathy didn’t seem to realise that that she would end up with no front garden but a lot of animal poop. By the time I left I realised that I was not about to get another invite. Cathy returned to England just after a year – Peter’s father flew out to Rhodesia to find out what was going on and returned to his home country with his son in tow. What happened after that I do not know? Not a happy ending this time!

“A father is a man who expects his son to be as good a man as he meant to be”

“He sent His Word to heal them” Psalm 107:20

Come & Receive your healing by hearing what the Word of God says about divine healing

FRIDAY 13TH, SATURDAY 14TH & SUNDAY 15TH SEPTEMBER 2019 AT 5PM 27 Waitara Road, Pompagalana, Tzaneen Ps Thinus: 082 821 0998 | cfctzaneen@gmail.com

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30 August 2019



Gly so van die tong af


■ Dr Annecke

■ Dr Annecke

‘n Handjievol van Dr Annecke se leerlinge het vroeër hierdie maand aan die “Oppie-tong-af” redenaars kompetisie in Polokwane gaan deelneem en met goeie uitslae terug gekeer. Daniël Dyer, ‘n Graad 5 leerling het met ‘n spoggerige A+ van die verhoog gestap terwyl Elrene Knoetze in Graad 3 met ‘n A+, Wilke de Beer in Graad 1 met ‘n A en Hanro de Nysschen met ‘n allermintige A+ vir Motivering en ‘n A++ vir Vermaaklikheid beloon is. Ramona van Heerden in Graad 7 het ‘n B+ huistoe gebring terwyl Elréze Vorster in Graad 6 ‘n A los gepraat het. Christiaan Loots het ‘n A+ vir Oorredend en ‘n A++ vir Vermaaklikheid verdien met Armand Eloff in Graad 5 wat ook met ‘n A beloon is. Elrene Knoetze, Hanro de Nysschen en Christiaan Loots dring ook deur na die eindrondte wat in Oktober vanjaar by Midstreem College in Gauteng gehou sal word.

Nie net kan die Annies hul punt oordra nie, maar die klomp Letsitele bewoners kan boonop nog spel ook. Ramona van Heerden het ‘n eerste plek los gespel tydens die ATKV-Spelathon op die 7de Augustus in Polokwane. Saam met haar het Hanro de Nysschen en Christelle van Jaasrveld ‘n derde en vierde plek onderskeidelik los geslaan terwyl Karien Horak in die sesde plek geëindig het.

Radikale tongsleepers

■ Dr Annecke

Die volgende leerlinge van die Laerskool Dr Annecke het almal A+ punte op die Radikale Redenaars vroeer hierdie maand by Hoërskool Merensky behaal op 12 Augustus 2019. Elrene Knoetze (Gr. 3), Elréze Vorster (Gr.6) Armand Eloff (Gr.5), Hanro de Nysschen (Gr.6), Daniël Dyer (Gr.5), Ramona van Heerden (Gr.7) en Christiaan Loots (Gr.5). Elrene, Hanro, Christiaan en Ramona is almal ook deur na die eindrondte wat in Oktober in Pretoria uitgepraat sal word.

A number of athletes from Unicorn Preparatory School were selected for the Limpopo Cross Country team. The South African Cross Country National Championship will be held on the 7th of September in Pretoria at Uitsig High School. These athletes certainly maintained a tempo effort, strong and steady but controlled, throughout the season. The Unicorns who were chosen to represent Limpopo are Lana van der Merwe (Girls U/6 to U/8), Ashton October (Boys U/6 to U/8), Elia Jones (Girls U/11), Mika Jones (Girls U11), Ian Meyer (Boys U/12), PG Botes (Boys U/12), Keira Booth (Girls U/13), Tristan Brett (Boys U/13) and Rebecca Mclaren (Girls U/14).

Tennis loop soos stroop ■ Laerskool Tzaneen

Die tennisspanne van Laerskool Tzaneen het kragte teen Laerskool Drakensig van Hoedspruit gemeet. Die meisiesspelers het hul skool se naam hoog gehou deur hul teenstanders met 30 spelle (37/7) te troef. Die seunsspan het egter met sewe spelle (18/25) verloor.

Acrylic or Aluminium R120 each 440mm/520mm R240 per set • Key coding • Safes • Key cutting • Master keying • Access control • Ignitions • Number plates

Tel: 015 307 5999 A/H: 015 307 4661 Cell: 083 628 9244 letabalocksmith@telkomsa.net 10 Skirving Street Tzaneen Behind Letaba Dry cleaners


30 August 2019





Business Directory | Sakegids GRANITE TOMBSTONES & MONUMENTS



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Supplier of quality granite, engineered quartz and Caesar Stone. Private home owners and building contractors are welcome. www.sleebok.co.za 015 307 1205/6005 __________________________________

Limpopo Paint Pot

Panarottis Tzaneen Tel: 015 306 0597 www.panarottis.co.za

Tel: 015 306 0036

Miranda: 083 5767618 | Hennie: 083 651 0936

Paint, arts and crafts and more. Visit us in store for specials. 56 Boundary Road, Tzaneen 015 307 3517 ________________________ Forum Makelaars Makelaars / Brokers Contact 015 307 4229 lynette@fsabrokers.co.za ________________________

Party Hire Jumping castles, Water slides, Balloon water dunk, Popcorn machine, Candy floss machine.

073 265 2650


Security/Steelworks/ Construction Contact Mike on 071 302 8909/ 082 298 5352 dedamsteelworks@gmail. com ________________________ Jaques van Niekerk Optometrist Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril. Terms & voorwaardes geld. 015 307 3703 ________________________ Tzaneen Container Warehouse Contact 015 307 1998 or 063 301 7208 Duvenhage Furniture Removals Ons verpak en verseker landwyd. Marlien 083 252 8928 ________________________

Vervoer/Transport Steynberg Trok & Trekker. 8 Ton Trokke te huur R25.50/KM + BTW, 8 TON KOELER TROK R28/ KM + BTW, 12 TON TROK R27.50/KM + BTW, 35 TON TROK R42/KM + BTW & 20 TON @ R34.50/KM + BTW ,LOWBED TRAILER @ R34.50/KM +BTW, 6 CUBE TIPPER @ R27/KM + BTW EENRIGTING, VRAGMOTOR MET KRAAN @ R2700/DAG (TERME & VOORWAARDES GELD)

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Self Storage space for rent Contact: 083 265 3129


Jobseeker My name is Chipo Masamba. I’m looking for Domestic work. Cooking, washing & ironing. I can start immediately. Can also look after children. Any area. Sleep in or out. I have a valid work permit. Contact me on 065 176 7003 ________________________ My name is Flora. I’m looking for Domestic or Office job, 3 days per week or full time. I can start immediately. Can speak English and Afrikaans. Sleep in or out. Can look after babies & children. Contact me on 076 651 7166 ________________________ My name is Lucy Ramawela. I’m looking for General Worker/ Domestic Worker work. Can do cooking, cleaning washing & ironing. Contact me on 072 420 3282 or 060 546 5500 ________________________ My name is Sharon Makgobe. I’m looking for General Worker/ Domestic Worker work. Can do cooking, cleaning washing & ironing. Contact me on 083 529 1801 ________________________ My name is Chrestina Maake. I’m looking for Domestic work. Cooking, washing & ironing. I can start immediately. Can also look after children. Tzaneen area. Sleep out, but will be able to sleep in. Contact me on 076 963 0746 ________________________

We can’t sell your children in the classiefied section, but we can sell anything else! 015 306 0198


R35 per week


Legals LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT IN DECEASED ESTATE LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of Section 35(5) of Act of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution account (first and final) in the estate specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with interest therein for a period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof, and at the offices of the Master in Polokwane and the Magistrate’s office in Tzaneen. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account. Registration Number of Estate: 582/2019 Surname: WITT Name: JURGEN REINHARD GERT Identity Number: 3008265032086 Last address: Kimley Park 3, Tzaneen Joubert & May Attorneys 50 Boundary Street P.O. Box 35, 0850 Tzaneen Tel (015) 307 3660 Ref.: Mr Rech/avs/R15026 Aug501__________________________

IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE SUB DISTRICT OF TZANEEN HELD AT TZANEEN CASE NUMBER: 688/2019 In the matter between: PAINT SHOP TZANEEN CC Execution Creditor And JOHAN NEIL ROOS T/A LETABA CONSTRUCTION Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION – AUCTION ON THE INSTRUCTIONS of the Execution Creditor, the under mentioned movable property of the Execution Debtor will be sold by public auction, on THURSDAY 12 SEPTEMBER 2019 at 10H00 by the Sheriff for the Magistrate’s Court of Tzaneen district Tzaneen to the highest cash bidder: Venue of the sale: SHERIFF LETABA STORE ROOM MAIN STORE NO 2 INDUSTRIA ROAD 20 TZANEEN 1 x SUMSUNG PRINTER 1 x MECCER COMPLETE COMPUTER 3 x OFFICE CHAIRS 1 x WARDROBE 1 x 2 PIECE LOUNGE SUITE 1 x COFFEE TABLE 1 x HISENSE LCD TV 1 x HP LAP TOP 1 x WOODEN TV CABINET 1 x 7 PIECE DINING ROOM SUITE 1 x DEFY MICROWAVE OVEN 1 x DEFY SIDE BY SIDE FRIDGE 1 x KELVINATOR DISHWASHER 1 x STAY COLD BAR FRIDGE 1 x TROJAN SPIN 300 4 x CAMPMASTER CHAIRS 1 x DEFY CHEST FREEZER 1 x SUMSUNG WASHING MACHINE 1 x PRO-FORM 500 TROJAN AUCTION: 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgement obtained in the above honourable court. 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the SHERIFF LETABA STORE ROOM, MAIN STORE NO 2, INDUSTRIA ROAD 20, TZANEEN 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer

Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation i.r.o. proof of identify and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Tertius Robertson or any representative of his office. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. Dated at TZANEEN on this 12th day of August 2019. (SGD) JH JACOBSZ JOUBERT & MAY 50 BOUNDARY STREET P.O. BOX 35, TZANEEN TEL: 015-308 3660 REF: JH JACOBSZ/km/J7516 Aug502__________________________

IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE SUB DISTRICT OF TZANEEN HELD AT TZANEEN CASE NUMBER: 404/2019 In the matter between: JOUBERT & MAY ATTORNEYS Execution Creditor And NKHENSANI GLADYS BALOYI Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN PURSUANCE of a Judgment of the Magistrate, TZANEEN dated 11 JULY 2019. The undermentioned goods will be sold by public auction, on 13 SEPTEMBER 2019 at 10H00. Venue of the sale: RITAVI SHERIFF’S OFFICE 2946 TAMBO STREET NKOWANKOWA By the Sheriff for the Magistrate’s Court of RITAVI to the highest cash bidder. 1 x Defy Stove 1 x Defy Double Door Fridge 1 x LG Plasma 1 x Room Divider 1 x Table and Chairs 1 x Defy Deep Fridge AUCTION: 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgement obtained in the above honourable court. 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 2946 Tambo Street, Nkowankowa. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation i.r.o. proof of identify and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being William Mkhonto or any representative of his office. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. Dated at TZANEEN on this 21st day of August 2019. (SGD) JH JACOBSZ ATTORNEY FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR JOUBERT & MAY 50 BOUNDARY STREET P.O. BOX 35, TZANEEN TEL: 015-308 3660 REF: JH JACOBSZ/JK/J6662


Far North Bulletin announces the resignation of Jacques Smuts as marketing manager and director of Far North Media (Pty) Ltd t/a Far North Bulletin effective as on 30th of August 2019. As sole director and managing editor of Far North Media (Pty) Ltd t/a Far North Bulletin, I would like to assure all our clients of our continued unwavering professionalism and efficient service delivery. Furthermore Far North Media (Pty) Ltd distances itself completely from Far North Marketing (Pty) Ltd to which we never were and are in no way still affiliated.


Pfunanane Academy is a registered English medium, Christian Independent School situated just outside Modjadjiskloof. We are looking for committed English speaking Christians for the following 2 positions:

Principal The candidate must be proficient in the following: • Committed Christian • Ministry minded • Recognized Professional Qualification • SACE Registered • Computer Literate • School Management Experience • Police clearance Your CV with certified copies of ID, professional qualifications and references can be hand delivered to the school office or sent via e-mail to pfunanane3@gmail.com

(ONLY short listed applicants will be invited to an interview for a possible selection).

As a team, we wish Jacques all the best in his future ventures. – Joe Dreyer



ed section ifi ss a cl r u o in s id k r We can’t sell you ELSE!

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30 August 2019




ADMIN Must be computer literate, under 30 & unemployed. DRIVER Have driving experience. Be familiar with the Rural areas surrounding Tzaneen. Be under 30 and unemployed.


Size: 440mm & 520mm: STEEL PLATES: R100 each 4 Skirving Street, Tzaneen. Tel: 015 307 7775 | 083 450 2426 079 222 2900 keyshoptzn@gmail.com



30 August 2019





Vossie Gholfdag in beeld Volmaak voorgesit. Die maatstaf van die Komati Fruit Groep se sorgsaamheid.

CPJ Erasmus span

Green van Rensburg, Cornel van Niekerk, Olive Evans en Joan Bisset.

Ben Vorster span

Komati Groep span

Archie Norval, Uwe Sauer, Peter Schutte en Bessinger.

Wikus Steyn, Piet Smit, Renier Snyman en Daryl Blanchard. Tel +27 13 007 0306

Houers Koõperatief Beperk span

Christo Pretorius, Louis van Rooyen, Jacques van Schalkwyk en Johan van Schalkwyk.

Hygrotech Miller span

Fielies Nieuwoudt, Dirk le Roux, Naas Laubscher en Johan van der Vyver.

Letaba Charcoal span

Jaco van der Lith, Phillip Coetzer, Nadia Norval en Ion van der Westhuizen.



Noordchem 1 span

Noordchem 2 span

Wiehann Waggenaar, Louis Jordaan, Armand Starbuck en Nico Smit.

Johan Coetzee, JJ Coetzer en Sampie Smit.

Serala Water span

Eddie Vorster, Meyer Jacobs, Marius Broodryk en Alfie Viljoen.

Bulletin span

Reinier de Jager, Thinus van Deventer, Tiaan van der Walt en James Vorster.

Hoërskool Ben Vorster bedank graag alle borge en spelers om van hierdie dag ‘n sukses te maak.


September 2019


UD Croner H20 DROPSIDE NOW R546 250

UD Croner H21 DROPSIDE NOW R593 250 *Terms and Conditions apply


015 307 4950


Bulletin F A R

30 August 2019


agriBulletin FAR NORTH









Soetrissie variënte geskik vir elke produsent 26 Hospital Street • 015 306 0198 • 071 268 2543 • 072 930 1462

Rissie verbouing Die aanvraag na rissies in Suid-Afrika groei steeds jaar op jaar. Die verbruiker word meer blootgestel aan nuwe resepte deur die verskeidenheid van kookprogramme wat op televisie verskyn. Die groei kan verder toegeskryf word aan die verskillende tipes rissies wat beskikbaar is om te verbou, veral in die “snacking pepper” mark of die Italiaanse lang “Bull horn” tipes. Vir die produsent bied hierdie verskeidenheid nuwe geleenthede, vanaf die groen, blokkige rissies tot by die nuwe spesialiteitsmarkte. Bestuur die plant Rissies kan op verskeie produksiemetodes verbou word, van oopland, in nethuise en onder plastiek beskerming. Dit is baie belangrik vir die produsent om die rissieplante goed te bestuur om die winsgewendheid van die oes te verseker. Effektiewe bestuur van die plante begin deur om te sien na die verskillende dele van die plant self. Die belangrikste fokus op produksie moet wees om die plant te bestuur na gelang van klimaatsomstandighede, om sodoende die regte balans te verkry tussen wortels, blare, blomvorming, vrugset en bemarkbare vrugte. Groeiwyse Die planttipe, of groeiwyse van die plant, moet ook in ag geneem word en word toegeskryf aan die genetiese agtergrond van die plant. Sekere plante groei baie kompak, met ‘n gekonsentreerde vrugset. Plante wat meer regop, of hoër groei, het oor die algemeen nie ‘n gekonsentreerde drag nie en verspei die vrugset oor ‘n langer tydperk. Die produsent moet dus besluit watter tipe plant hy wil produseer - hy sal nie baat vind deur ‘n kort groeier op te lei nie, of indien hy besluit om langer groeiers te produseer moet die plante opgelei word om te verseker dat die plant nie oopval as gevolg van die hoë vrugset later in die seisoen nie. Die lengte van die groeiseisoen is dus ook ‘n belangrike punt wat oorweeg moet word. Langer en korter internodes kan ook ‘n rol speel by die nethuis- of tonnelvariëteite. Dit is baie arbeidsintensief om plante op te lei en hoe minder die plante hanteer word, hoe minder skade word aangerig. Dit dra ook by tot beter higiëne en die voorkoming van siektes, wat veral deur hantering oorgedra kan word. Die rol van die blare Blare is seker die belangrikste aanduiding of ‘n plant optimaal groei of nie. Groot blare is op soveel maniere voordelig vir die plant, vanaf die onderskepping van sonligenergie, tot die opname van water en voedingstowwe. Dit is ‘n aanduiding van grondvog, alhoewel dit noodsaaklik is vir die produsent om te alle tye te weet wat in die grondprofiel aangaan. Versuip toestande kan lei tot verwelking. Groot blare verleen die nodige beskutting aan die vrugte en verhoed dat die vrugte sonbrand skade opdoen. Té groot blare wat in gunstige omstandighede vorm, kan egter weer vinnig stres ontwikkel indien die klimaat ongunstig raak. Dit kan lei tot blare wat onnodig afval. Sagte, groot blare is oor die algemeen ook baie meer gevoelig vir siektes en peste. Die vrugte Die vrugte is natuurlik die produsent se bron van inkomste. Die kwaliteit van die vrugte gaan bepaal of die oes winsgewend sal wees. Die vrugte, of die opbrengs van die plant, is direk afhanklik van die stamme, blare en wortels. Indien die plant nie sterk genoeg is om die vrugte te ondersteun nie, breek takke af en lei tot verlies van die plant se fabriek. Die vrugvorming begin alreeds tydens blomvorming en bestuiwing, so indien daar nie genoeg blomme gestimuleer word nie, lei dit tot laer opbrengste. Die blomme moet bestuif word en daar moet gelet word op watter tipes insekdoders gebruik word. Te veel chemiese stowwe kan lei tot die abortering van blomme en

belemmer bestuiwing of bevrugting, deur die stuifmeel te beskadig. Suksesvolle vrugvorming is afhanklik van suksesvolle bevrugting. Die houvermoë van die vrugte word ook bepaal deur die voedingstowwe en die effektiewe vervoer daarvan na die vrugte. Die bekendste tekort simptoom is gewoonlik kalsium wat bloment verrotting veroorsaak. Dikwels kan daar ook ‘n probleem wees met die translokasie binne-in die plant, na die vrug toe. Vrugte met ‘n dik vrugwand en ‘n gladde voorkoms, kan gepluk word – die vrug is nou fisiologies ryp. Vrugte wat voor die tyd gepluk word sal oor ‘n korter raklewe beskik. Wortels Wortels is seker die belangrikste struktuur waarop gefokus moet word. Dit is nie net belangrik vir die gehalte van die res van die plant nie, maar word ook die meeste afgeskeep omdat dit nie sigbaar is nie. Rissieplante het oor die algemeen nie baie sterk wortelstelsels nie, so dit is hier waar die plant die meeste hulp nodig het. Sommige produsente oorkom hierdie probleem deur die plante te ent, sodat die plant meer groeikrag kry en ‘n langer groeiseisoen kan weerstaan. Dit kan ook die vruggrootte verhoog later in die seisoen. Siekteweerstand is ‘n verdere rede waarom dit raadsaam is om die plante te ent, veral vir die beheer van veral knopwortel aalwurm en phytophthora. Dit is ook belangrik om die saailinge te beklemtoon en die moontlike gevolge van swak of ouer saailinge uit te wys. Die rissieplant het ‘n natuurlike penwortelstelsel en daar moet gepoog word om nie die penwortel te belemmer of te beskadig nie. Wanneer die plante te lank in saailaaie gehou word of nie versigtig uitgeplant word nie, kan dit die penwortel beskadig. Die groeitempo van die wortelstelsel neem af sodra daar blomme begin vorm, hoe ouer die plantjies dus is tydens uitplant, hoe vinniger begin dit blom, wat wortelgroei strem. Nuwe metodes om saailinge te maak word deesdae gesien wat uitplant skok verminder. Gesels met die saailingkweker om die beste kwaliteit saailinge te verkry. Grondvoorbereiding Die grondvoorbereiding vir rissies is belangrik en moet oordeelkundig gedoen word. Daar moet verkieslik ‘n grondmonster geneem word en enige beperkende lae moet gebreek of opgehef word. ‘n Volgroeide rissieplant gebruik baie water as dit aktief groei, maar in die meeste gevalle word daar oorbesproei. Dit is ‘n bose kringloop - hoe slegter die wortelsone bestuur word, hoe kleiner is die wortelstelsel wat die bestuur direk bemoeilik. Daar kan vinnig vasgestel word of ‘n wortelstelsel gesond is deur daarna te kyk, selfs net ‘n klein profielgat langs die plant kan baie waardevol wees. Wortels moet gesond lyk in terme van kleur asook die hoeveelheid sywortels en haarwortels wat teenwoordig is. Die haarwortels is verantwoordelik vir die opname van water en voedingstowwe. Indien daar geen

haarwortels sigbaar is nie en die wortels ‘n geel-bruin kleur het, kan dit dui op ‘n moontlike probleem. Dien voldoende fosfaat toe voor plant om wortelontwikkeling te stimuleer. Die fosfaat kan in die bedding ingewerk word tydens grondvoorbereiding. Stikstof is belangrik vir vegetatiewe groei, veral vroeg in die seisoen. Dit verseker dat die plantstruktuur groot genoeg is om die vrugset te hanteer en dat daar voldoende blare gevorm word vir onderskepping van sonlig-energie. Beperk die hoeveelheid ammonium-stikstof deur die seisoen, tot nie meer as ‘n kwart van die totale stikstof toediening nie, aangesien hoë vlakke van ammonium-stikstof blom-ent verrotting kan vererger. Die kalium vlakke kan gelig word wanneer die plant oorgaan na die reproduktiewe stadium. Oor die algemeen is hierdie vlakke amper dubbel díe van stikstof. Dit is egter raadsaam om grondontledings te doen om akkurate grondaanbevelings te kan maak. Die suksesvolle produksie van rissies in Suid-Afrika bly ‘n groot uitdaging vir die produsent. Met kennis en ervaring kan die produsent egter die plante bestuur om ‘n suksesvolle oes te behaal. Rissies bly ‘n baie bevredigende gewas om mee te boer, veral met die verskillende geleenthede wat dit vir die produsent bied binne die verskeie segmente. Rissies is dus nie net vir ‘n winsgewende boerdery nie, maar ook vervullend. AFWYSENDE KLOUSULE: Hierdie inligting is op ons waarnemings en/of inligting vanaf ander bronne gebaseer. Aangesien gewasprestasie van die interaksie tussen die genetiese potensiaal van die saad, die fisiologiese eienskappe daarvan en die omgewing, bestuurspraktyke ingesluit, afhang, gee ons geen waarborg uitdruklik of deur implikasie, vir die prestasie van gewasse relatief tot die inligting gegee, nog aanvaar ons enige aanspreeklikheid vir enige verlies, direk of as gevolg daarvan, wat tewyte aan enige oorsaak ookal mag ontstaan. Lees eers asseblief Sakata Seed Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd se verkoopsvoorwaardes voordat saad bestel word.


Bulletin F A R





agriBulletin FAR NORTH




30 August 2019

www.bulletin.us.com 26 Hospital Street • 015 306 0198 • 071 268 2543 • 072 930 1462


Soetrissie variëteite geskik vir elke produsent




* Eksperimenteel: Hierdie variëteit is steeds eksperimenteel, maar registrasie is reeds ingedien vir Suid-Afrikaanse kultivar lysting.


Sport Spor 30 August 2019

Plasies vat vyf rekords

■ Merensky

Swemmers van die Hoërskool Merensky het op Saterdag die 24ste Augustus aan ‘n interprovinsiale byeenkoms in Nelspruit deelgeneem. Swemmers van Limpopo en Mpumalanga het ondermeer by hierdie gala meegeding. Daniel Smit (gr.10) het ‘n bronsmedalje in die 100m rugslag item vir seuns 16 tot 19 jaar verwerf. Hy was ook deel van die 4x50m aflosspan wat nie net goud verower het nie, maar ook die rekord met 11 sekondes verpletter het. Ruan Hanaczeck-Kruger (graad 11) het as Limpopo se spankaptein opgetree en sy oorheersing in die water gewys om sy kapteinskap gestand te doen. Hierdie talentvolle swemmer het in

die afdeling vir seuns 16 tot 19 jaar deelneem. Hanaczeck-Kruger het goud in die 100m rugslag, 100m vryslag, 100m vlinderslag en in die 200m individuele wisselslag verower. Om die kroon te span, het dié Plasie in elk van hierdie items ‘n nuwe rekord opgestel. Dié prestasies maak Hanaczeck-Kruger ongetwyfeld ‘n gunsteling om vir die Suid-Afrikaanse junior span gekeur te word.

Ruan Hanaczeck-Kruger

Daniel Smit

Merensky se krieket-wipplank ■ Merensky Met die krieketseisoen nou in volle swang is dit geen wonder dat die afgelope naweek wéér top-gehalte skolekrieket in Polokwane opgedis het nie. Twee van die Hoërskool Merenksy se krieketspanne het teen Hoërskool Pietersburg te staan gekom vir die volgende rits ligawedstryde. Die Plasies se O/15span het op hul tuisveld die die soet smaak van oorwinning geproe toe hulle PHS oortuigend geklop het. Hoërskool Merensky het eerste gekolf en het 241 lopies vir die verlies van sewe paaltjies in 50 beurte aangeteken. PHS is in hul beurt almal vir 113 lopies in slegs 39 beurte uitgeboul. Hendrik Botes het veral uitstekend gekolf. Hy het met sy 104 lopies van 129 balle die span van PHS behoorlik laat kop krap. Sy boulwerk het ook nie ongesiens gegaan nie met die twee Hendrik Botes (104 lopies van 129 balle)

paaltjies wat hy laat kantel het. Dit was geen verrassing toe hy as Man van die Wedstryd beloon is nie. Sy spanmaat, Philip Ludick, het ook met sy 58 lopies van 82 balle uitgestaan. Ruben O’Connell het met sy boulwerk uitgeblink deur drie paaltjies vir 27 lopies in ses beurte te neem. Henro Delport en Ruan Huysamen het elk twee paaltjies geneem. Merensky se eerste span het op PHS se tuisveld nie die mas opgekom nie. Die Plasies moes uiteindelik met 144 lopies in 31 beurte die aftog blaas. PHS wat eerste gekolf het, het 268 lopies vir die verlies van nege paaltjies in hul 50 toegelate beurte aangeteken om die wedstryd met 124 lopies te wen. Noemenswaardig was Neil Delport wat in sy nege boulbeurte drie paaltjies vir 46 lopies laat kantel het. Die ander Plasie boulers, Nic Adendorf, Christian Barnard en Mubin Patel, het elkeen twee paaltjies geneem. Abri Whelan het met die kolf 22 lopies van 21 balle agter sy naam gemoker. Merensky se krieketspanne gaan Saterdag die 31ste Augustus teen die spanne van Nkowankowa te staan kom. Die Plasies se O/18 meisiesspan gaan op dieselfde dag teen Southern Cross se 11-tal kragte meet op die krieket-ovaal van Modjadjiskloof.

Hendrik Botes en Philip Ludick was die Plasies se top kolwers in hul sege oor PHS se span.

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Fast 5 Netball U/15

Merensky Skapies Merensky Piglets Capricorn Eagles Capricorn Falcons FDT S*M*A*S*H BV Poison Ivy



Merensky Flash Capricorn Flamingos Fransie Thunder BV Famossss

The oldies 40++ FDT Rush Hoops - I did it again BV Destroyers


Court 1

1 2 3

Skapies vs Eagles SMASH vs Poison Ivy Famossss vs Flash Thunder vs Flamingos Hoops vs FDT Rush 40++ vs Destroyers Coaches: MHS - BV FDT - Capr Umpires: Capr - BV MHS - FDT Poison Ivy vs Skapies Falcons vs SMASH Thunder vs Flash Famossss vs Flamingos Destroyers vs The Oldies FDT Rush vs 40++ Coaches: BV** - FDT Capr - MHS Umpires: Capr - FDT BV - MHS Skapies vs SMASH Eagles vs Falcons Thunder vs Famossss Flamingos vs Flash

4 5 6 7 8


Court 2


Court 5 Falcons vs Piglets

Eagles vs Piglets

Poison Ivy vs Piglets


5 Players selecting teams from senior teams and u/17 teams - 2 x mixed highly ran dom teams Coaches: BV + MHS FDT + Capr Here the schools selected join in coaching with a team. Umpires: FDT - Capr BV - MHS


SMASH vs Piglets


Destroyers vs Hoops The Oldies vs FDT Rush Coaches: BV - Capr MHS - FDT Umpires: FDT - MHS BV - Capr


Eagles vs SMASH

Poison Ivy vs Falcons


FDT Rush vs Destroyers Coaches: FDT - BV Umpires: Capr - MHS

Hoops vs The Oldies Capr - MHS BV - FDT


Crazy Round Q1: Destroyers: Flash The Oldies: Famosss Hoops: Thunder FDT Rush: Flamingos

Poison Ivy vs Eagles

Q2: Flamingos Flash Famosss Thunder



Falcons vs Skapies

TIME 13H30-14H00 14H00-14H30 15H00-15H30 16H00-16H30 16H30-17H00

Astro A BV/15S vs BV1/15D vs 2MHS/15s vs MHS/15D vs BV/17S vs

Astro B FDT/15S BV/17S BV2/15D FTD/15D 1MHS/15s BV1/17D BV1/15D FDT/17D MHS/17S FDT/15S

vs vs vs vs vs

FDT/17S BV1/15D BV2/17D MHS/17D 1MHS/15S

Astro A BV1/17D vs 2MHS vs MHS/17D vs FDT/17D vs BV/15S vs 2MHS/15S vs (P1)15S vs (P1)17S vs

Astro B MHS/17D FDT/17D BV/15S FDT/15D BV2/17D BV2/15D BV1/17D FDT/15D 1MHS/15S FDT/17S FDT/15S (P3)17s (P2)15S (P1)15D (P2)17S (P1)17D

vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs

BV2/17D MHS/15D MHS/15D BV2/15D MHS/17S (P4)17s (P2)15D (P2)17D

Saterdag TIME 8H00-8H30 8H30-9H00 9H00-9H30 9H30-10H00 10H00-10H30 10H30-11H00 11H00-11H30 11H30-12H00

Skapies vs Piglets

Q3: Thunder Flamingos Flash Famosss

Q4: Famossss Thunder Flamingos Flash

The senior teams stay on their courts; the U/17 teams move around each quarter. Please provide umpires who is not playing.

Ons vervoer die vrugte van jou arbeid

015 386 8400


30 & 31 Augustus 2019

Kaartjies is by hekke beskikbaar. Eie kampstoel is welkom

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