27 September 2019
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Ama lekker! Bulletin’s Motoring journalist, Roelof de Jonge spent an entire Saturday in the company of Volkswagen’s most impressive beast. Read his exclusive experience inside.
Page 9
Matlala talks about attack Page 3
Bulletin’s monthly Motoring
Photo: Roelof de Jonge
Matriekafskeid Bladsy 14 & 15
ABO in th
2 27 September 2019 FAR NORTH
Bulletin F A R
Personeel | Personnel Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@bulletin.us.com Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset
Bemarking / Marketing Erwin Venter 060 691 2395 @bulletin.us.com Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan 083 294 7747 admin@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com Office: 064 650 7123 015 306 0198
Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani • Phalaborwa
Kontak besonderhede Contact Details
Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen
GLM management charged at SAHRC
■ Joe Dreyer
Desiree van der Walt has filed charges with the South African Human Rights Commission against the municipal manager of the Greater Letaba Municipality (GLM) Dr I Sirovha and his technical director, M Malungana on Monday. The complaints were filed on the back of the gross mismanagement by the Greater Letaba Municipality (GLM) which has resulted in raw sewerage running through the streets of Modjadjiskloof for more than two weeks. This is however not a new problem either as this situation has been reported on for the several years and in fact, Bulletin has documented these gross human rights violations on numerous occasions in the past. Despite attempts to have the municipality sit up and take note, nothing has changed in Modjadjiskloof. Residents are forced to live in backward conditions as they struggle with access to drinking water and have to, in many instances, literally beg the municipality to send their honey sucker truck around to their property to empty the septic tanks. This too, is a point of contention which this publication has reported on extensively to no avail. In early 2017 Bulletin accompanied ward councillor Frederick Pohl on a trip through the GLM jurisdiction. What we noted during this trip was blatant
environmental infringements with human waste being dumped in the river system noted among the worst on the very long list. In this past month, Van der Walt has charged the municipal manager of the Mopani District Municipality, Republic Monakedi and the municipal manager of the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality, Irene Moakamela criminally for similar infringements. The decision to charge Irene Moakamela (BPM) and Republic Monakedi (MDM) criminally came after these two municipal managers neglected their legal obligations to the community to ensure their constitutional right to clean running water and a healthy environment are not violated in any way. These two municipal managers have allowed gross contraventions of the National Water Act and the National Environmental Act to continue unabated,” said Van der Walt. She has now made her intentions known to follow suit and charge the GLM criminally for this gross violation of human rights which their residents have to suffer through apathetically. She has also told this publication that she has taken the matter to parliament and that the ministers will be paying the matter the necessary attention. At the time of going to print the spokesperson for the GLM, Lovers Maenetje said “My institution has not been informed about this matter by the
GLM reckons dam No Tourist, no job is empty ■ Joe Dreyer
E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: joe@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.
Website Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies.
Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
■ Joe Dreyer The residents of Modjadjiskloof have little to no water again this week. Some of the residents in the high-lying areas of that town have not had water for five days. There are no water trucks dispatched either and residents are fed up. According to their municipality (GLM) this is because of the low levels of the Vergelegen dam which they said was at its lowest levels in years – apparently less than one percent. Bulletin however, publishes a weekly dam levels statistic which we obtain every Tuesday from the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) and according to these stats, the Vergelegen dam is currently on more than 70% capacity. One concerned citizen, Dave Protter, took the trouble to travel to the Lepelle Northern Water pump station at the Vergelegen dam just outside Modjadjiskloof where he met with one of the supervisors at the plant. He also took pictures which clearly show the water level of the dam. It is visibly far above the one percent mark as claimed by the GLM. The pump station itself is in pristine condition and impeccably run and managed with all systems functioning and all staff in attendance. Protter was escourted around the plant and given a detailed tour of its systems and operations. The fault, it would appear, rests not on the shoulders of Lepelle Northern Water or the levels of the Vergelegen dam, but on the shoulders of the very obviously incompetent management team of the GLM. Not only is the water a continuous frustration causing many of the residents to sell up and relocate elsewhere, but the town smells like a sewerage plant and experiences regular and prolonged power outages as a direct result of the inability by the municipal manager and his executive committee to adequately address the service delivery crisis. In light of this, the Democratic Alliance Constituency head, Desiree van der Walt is considering filing criminal charges against the municipal manger, Dr I Sirovha, and the technical services director ME Malungana. Van der Walt has also filed charges with the human rights commission. At the time of going to print, the spokesperson for the GLM, Lovers Maenetja could not be reached for comment.
Jaques van Niekerk For your wireless Communication needs, contact us! Call Centre: 086 101 7488 Fax: 086 606 4606 Email: info@letaba.net
SAHRC. It would be really premature for us to comment on something we know nothing about. Let us wait for the commission to bring the matter to our attention and we will be able to respond comprehensively on it.”
Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril
The former mayor of Tzaneen, and current speaker of the house, Dikeledi Mmetle, arrived later than expected for her appointment with the Tzaneen Chamber of Business representatives at the monthly luncheon on Friday afternoon. This month’s event was held at the Tzaneen Country Lodge with the theme “What is tourism’s contribution to the South African Economy?” Mmetle arrived with her entourage of taxpayer-funded security and proceeded to take up her seat at the table next to the special guest speaker from SA Tourism, Hanneli Slabber. Her presence at the luncheon appears to have been aimed at promoting confidence among local business owners of government’s intention to take tourism more seriously in the future. Slabber addressed the attendees with a remarkably insightful and well researched oration of the current state of the local tourism industry and what the sector means for the economy. She briefly touched on some of the hot potato points such as her own government’s less than favoured approach to matters concerning tourist safety and the maintenance of infrastructure specifically at most of the top tourist attractions in the province. Her address was summarized with an inspirational quote from the children’s animated flick “Bee Movie” in an effort to evoke a feeling of togetherness among those present. A Q&A session followed during which two local business owners took the opportunity to address questions related to tourism at the panel which included the esteemed Speaker. Following a brief debate, Mmetle took to the podium. After a brief update on her tertiary studies which included a mention of her master’s degree, she declared her intention to raise all mentioned issues regarding tourism, with her office immediately upon her safe return to Tzaneen. She closed by thanking all those present and reaffirmed the need for local business to assist government in their efforts to promote tourism – this again, despite the efforts of one particular businessman to rejuvenate and maintain the Modjadji Cycads Forest without government’s assistance. Incidentally this particular business owner has offered to maintain this major tourist attraction at his own cost, but was denied permission by the very local authority claiming to need the assistance.
Stand van Damme Dam Levels
Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 16/09/2019
Tzaneen 9.3%
Ebenezer 47%
Merensky 59.5%
Dap Naude 88.9%
Middel Letaba 4.1%
Blyde Rivier Poort 72.8%
Klaserie 79.9%
Tours 31.4%
Vergelegen 73.1%
Ohrigstad 9.1%
*Termes & voorwaardes geld.
Tel: 015 307 3703 11 Rencole Building, Loop Street, Tzaneen
27 September 2019 3
GTM’s Matlala survives assassination attempt ■
Joe Dreyer
The Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s municipal manager, Thapelo Matlala, was forced to hire a specialist security detail to protect the interests of the municipality which he serves after a mob forced their way into a special council meeting two weeks ago and attempted to attack him. This despite what was thought to be impeccable security stationed at the doors to the municipal offices. Currently the GTM’s offices are protected by MBS security at a very hefty price. During the special council meeting on the 12th of September a group of hooligans forced entry into the chambers in full view of the building security. They demanded that Matlala address them and said that they would give him ten minutes to exit the chambers. Ten minutes later the group returned and barged into the council chambers once more. This time the police had been summoned by one of the GTM employees who noticed that the group was aggressive and appeared to be armed. Despite the presence of the SAPS combined with the existing security, the group still managed to force their way back into the chambers where they lodged their attack at Matlala who managed to escape through a hidden door behind the Speaker’s table. The police officers present then escourted Matlala safely out of the building to his home. Fearing for his safety, Matlala left to Gauteng that following day, Friday the 13th of September. On Monday he drove to Polokwane to meet with his legal team to arrange for spe-
cial leave so that he could ensure that his safety considerations were in place for his return to Tzaneen. “Fearing for not only my own safety, but also the safety of the councillors and indeed the public who visit the offices of the municipality, I declared the situation to be an emergency and therefor bypassed the supply chain processes to appoint Ulwazi Security as a high level security contractor,” explained Matlala. “I have asked for a detailed report from the MBS contractor as I need to know how it was possible for a group of aggressive ruffians to gain access to the building while we are supposed to have sufficient security in place. Through this attack it has become quite clear that the very seat of power of this municipality was very easily compromised.” Matlala acted within his powers as the accounting officer of the municipality to ensure the safety of the seat of power and every individual within the building whether it be an employee or the general public who visit the offic-
es to pay their accounts. “If an angry mob is able to force their way passed our security in broad daylight what prevents another attack – perhaps by an armed gang intent of robbing the cashiers - from happening? I did what my position legally obligates me to do.” The cost of the Ulwazi employment contract was R716 858.88 and ran for a period of one month. Thapelo Matlala has now come under fire by the South African Municipal Workers Union (SAMWU) who alleged in a statement that he had acted unlawfully. They also claimed in their statement that the security detail was for Matlala’s personal protection but failed to make mention of the assassination attempt which forced the move to beef up security in the first place. This is the same union who has been calling for Matlala’s head since he cut the municipality’s overtime budget last year from R3 million a month to R1.7million. The union has also labelled Matlala as “bossy”.
Matlala sheds light on R45 million tender dispute ■
Joe Dreyer
The Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM) is currently locked in a legal dispute with a contractor over the monetary amounts of two awarded tenders. The contractor in this matter is Tshiamiso Trading and the two tenders awarded were for the construction of two roads in two separate areas. The first one is for the upgrading of the Codesa Street to Chris Hani Street in Nkowankowa and the second is for an access road in a village called Mulate. “What has happened in this instance is what we call fraudulent misrepresentation on the bill of quantities (BOQ). The value of the tender for the upgrading of the road in Nkowankowa was R9 217 610.99 but the contractor’s BOQ is far more than this by approximately R8 million. The contractor signed the letter of acceptance for the tender amount which the municipality was willing to pay. In fact, he was awarded the tender because he was the lowest bidder,” explained Matlala. In the instance of the second tender the amount was R 26 824 512.88 which the contractor also signed a letter of acceptance for on the 21st of January 2019 despite his BOQ allegedly being an amount far exceeding the tender amount.
“We are now saying to the contractor that he has misrepresented and he has accepted the amount which the municipality was prepared to pay. Subsequently he then mobilized the community after I refused to pay him the extra amount which, when one adds the values together, amounts to roughly R45 million. I have made it very clear to the contractor and council that I am not prepared to pay the extra money and I have a legal opinion from some of the best lawyers in procurement law which I am now using to set this contract aside.” What the municipality is applying for, is a declaratory order from the court to set the contract aside after which an emergency tender will be issued to complete the projects which are currently at 95% completion. “If I were to pay this extra amount to the contractor, I will be robbing the municipality of funds which could be used in other areas such as the much needed upgrading of the electrical system and the reparation of the infrastructure in our municipality. Had I paid over the money, the Auditor General is going to ask me what I did to regularize payment on an illegal contract. Furthermore, if this amount was paid to this contractor, he would no longer be the lowest ten-
derer which means other tenderers would have ground to take legal action.” In a ground breaking move the municipality is taking their own decision to court to have it overturned. “Basically I am setting a wrong decision that we made before the court to have it set aside. There are documented case studies on matters such as these which is why the court allows it.” The municipality has agreed to pay the contractor for the work which he has completed to date. Bulletin is in possession of a detailed report on this matter which has not served in council despite it being continuously sent back and forth between council and the municipal manager. The matter, being a contract matter, falls squarely within the responsibilities of Matlala which is why he has taken action within his jurisdiction and within the law. The Democratic Alliance has also voiced their support for the municipal manager following the action he has taken and have applauded him for standing his ground. At the time of going to print, there were no new developments to report on, but Bulletin is in close communication with council and the municipal manager and will update as the matter unfolds.
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4 27 September 2019
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Head of Information Technology & CAT - to commence 1 January 2020 Job specific requirements (please take note of other requirements at the bottom of this advert): - has experience in and shows an innovative and progressive approach to teaching Information Technology from Grades 10-12, preferably within the IEB syllabus; - is competent in presenting an IT skills course to Grade 8 and 9 pupils; - good all-round knowledge of Information Technology with a passion for the subject; - proficiency in Java programming; - network management experience would be advantageous; - embraces cognitive education and appropriate use of technology in the classroom.
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Head of Physical Sciences - to commence 1 April or sooner 2020 Job specific requirements (please take note of other requirements at the bottom of this advert): - has experience in and shows an innovative and progressive approach to teaching Physical Scienes from Grades 8-12, preferably within the IEB syllabus; - will take a leading role in inspiring and growing the department as well as strategically planning and executing aspects of the department such as activities and budgeting.
GTM tree vinnig op na ongeluk ■
Joe Dreyer
‘n Jongman het Dinsdagoggend deur die heining van twee bure in Salignastraat met sy dubbelkajuit bakkie geploeg. Niemand was in die voorval beseer nie, terwyl die eintlike storie die munisipaliteit se spoedige optrede in die herstel van die elektriese kabels wat in die voorval beskadig was. Volgens ooggetuies het die twintig-jarige seun teen ‘n hoë spoed om die draai in Salignastraat gejaag en gevolglik beheer oor die voertuig verloor voordat hy deur die betonmuur gebars het. Volgens een van die huiseienaars is twee kinders, vermoedelik passasiers in die voertuig, per ambulans hospitaal toe geneem waar hulle vir skok behandel was. “Die lamppaal se elektriese bedrading was blootgelê, maar die paal het bly staan. Ek het die Munisipaliteit se superintendent oor straatligte om 10:00 gekontak, want ek het gedink die draad was gevaarlik en binne n halfuur was hul daar om dit te herstel. Seker hoekom ons reën gekry het - dat die munisipaliteit so vinnig reageer het en dit nogal op ‘n vakansiedag.”
Applications will be received by e-mail ONLY at info@stanfordlakecollege.co.za CLOSING DATE: 7th October 2019
General requirements / considerations for BOTH positions Both positions are full-time at Stanford Lake College and the successful candidates will report to the Head of Academics. General requirements for both positions: - has an appropriate university degree and professional qualification; - has a minimum of 5 years teaching experience; - is able to understand and be committed to Stanford Lake College’s values and ethos; - is willing to be part of the extra-curricular programme; - proof of registration with SACE. Key Competencies for both positions: - the ability to be assertive but flexible and to pay attention to detail; - a self-starter who can manage themselves and work independently; - a strongly driven work ethic; - excellent interpersonal skills with colleagues, students and parents; - good organisational and administrative skills; - an open and creative outlook to education.
Applications for both posts must be accompanied by a full Curriculum Vitae (no longer than three pages) and the names of three contactable referees, marked for the attention of the Headmaster. Stanford Lake College is an equal opportunity employer. We reserve the right not to fill these posts. An application will not in itself entitle the applicant to an interview or appointment and failure to meet the minimum requirements of the advertised posts will result in applicants automatically disqualifying themselves from consideration. Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
Annette Eastes se laaste konsert Die uittredende hoof van die SAVF-Tzaneen Kleuterskool, Me Annette Eastes was die voorreg gegun om een laaste keer die glimlagte op die gesigte van ‘n saal vol ouers te beleef tydens verlede week se jaarlikse SAVF-konsert. Arwen Dreyer word hier op die verhoog gesien tydens die optrede.
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27 September 2019 5
Still serving the pride ■
Joe Dreyer
Letaba Tzaneen Lions Club held their very glamorous 50th anniversary dinner celebrations this past weekend at the equally glamorous Sanloo Manor. The event was a black tie and mask affair and saw dignitaries and other long serving members of the organization from as far a field as Nelspruit and Centurion travel to the bushveld to attend. The Lions Club has a long history in the Tzaneen community and through their efforts have assisted in the upliftment of the down trodden since their inception in 1972. Current president, Rodney Sabatier also took the opportunity to inaugurate three new members into the Letaba Tzaneen pride before the dinner and accompanying wine auction. With over 1.4 million members, Lions Club International is the largest service organization in the world. And by all accounts they are as dedicated to helping those in need today as they were over 100 years ago when they first began.
Christie Thomas
Werner Bekker
Rachel Mokhomola
Another Spring has festively sprung
Alistair Tuckett, District Governor with Rodney Sabatier, Letaba Tzaneen President and Jacqui Hocking, Lions Council Chairperson
Joe Dreyer
This year the annual Haenertsburg Magoebaskloof Spring Festival went off without a hitch as hundreds of visitors from all across the region flocked to the sleepy hollow for a bit of a squiz at the local produce. Despite the rugby world cup encounter between the Springboks and the feared All Blacks that afternoon, the festival still managed a significant amount of support. The Zwakala beer, range of Epa! Sauces and the upbeat post-modern hippy rock of Gauteng-based artist Werner Bekker provided more than enough comfort after the rugby. Just a few kilometres down the drag at spectacular Sequoia Garden Retreat and Cheerio Gardens there were other more intimate offerings which included the wedding expo and the tranquil outdoor walks in arguably the most beautiful gardens this area has to offer. Sequoia Garden Retreat has become somewhat synonymous for its regular soul-cleansing experiences which included a recent walk-and-talk with renowned Horticulturist Tamla McMahon.
Hansie Botha and Rodney Sabatier, Letaba Tzaneen President
Lloyd and Esmé Price Bessie Heine, Tanya Heine and Thomas Jones
Helena Taljaard and Dale Kenney of Twigs
Martin Froise
6 27 September 2019
Granny’s Grumbles - THE FAMILY LEGEND
Die Boodskap
The story I am about to tell is, in all probability, not believable. Ex Rhodesians will find it easier to believe as Rhodesian government officials did not even look like world leaders. Most of them were farmers or very average Joes. The reason I am telling you this is because we have become used to our local politicians not moving without a contingent of bodyguards. Even the Phalaborwa mayor felt constrained to have four armed policeman flanking him when he received a letter of complaint from some protest marchers who were mainly housewives and pensioners. Anyway, I digress. The year was 1962 and Winston Field was then the Prime Minister of Rhodesia. My (first) husband and I had just moved to Sinoia and were having a problem finding accommodation. Since I was eight months pregnant at the time it was decided that I should go and stay with my mother who lived in Salisbury
until after the birth – my husband would come from Sinoia at weekends to see me. As luck would have it I went into labour in the early hours of a Saturday morning while my husband was there and we left for the Lady Chancellor Nursing Home. Now my husband did not know Salisbury at all and this nursing home was actually quite difficult to find for anybody not familiar with the avenues so I had to explain exactly how to get there. The baby was born just before visiting hours in the afternoon and my mother and husband came to visit. Evening visits were for husbands only and my mother assured me that she would make sure that my better half did not celebrate too much when they returned home. This was due to the fact that numerous friends and relatives had already been “wetting the baby’s head” as it was known in those days. The evening visiting hour came and went – no sign of my husband. I was furious No cell phones then – no chance of me sending a scathing message and I stewed over what I was going to say to him when he eventually arrived the following afternoon with my mother. I did not get a chance to say a word – my mother said she had an amazing story to tell me. In a nutshell it was as follows:Upon arriving home after the afternoon visiting hour, the entire family had started a rather merry party, but remembering her promise my mother poured more than a few cups of black coffee down my husband’s throat before sending him on his way for the evening visit. My dear husband realised that he had been sent off well in advance of seven o’clock so when he got close to what he assumed was his destination and saw a beer garden which he knew was frequented by a lot of out-of-town famers he decided (in his own words) to just pop in and see if any of his
acquaintances were there so he could share his news with them. I never did find out whether any acquaintances were there but he realised (when he was already nine sheets to the wind) that he was supposed to be visiting me. He had forgotten how to get to the Lady Chancellor, but after travelling aimlessly through the avenues for some time suddenly saw an entrance pillar with Chancellor House emblazoned on it. There was a security guard standing next to the boom so hapless hubby asked him to lift the boom as his wife was inside. The guard obligingly lifted the boom and in goes hubby and bangs on the door, which is opened by Winston Field who realises that his visitor does not know where he is and is more than a little inebriated. After a lengthy discussion the Prime Minister tells hubby that visiting hours are long over and since he is slightly inebriated he himself will drive him home. However, he felt he should phone my mother to let her know where her errant son-iflaw was. In my mother’s words “The phone rings – I pick it up – and a voice says “This is Winston Field - your son-in-law got lost and arrived here. Since I don’t think he should be driving I am bringing home – should be there shortly’. My mother presumes this is some wag pretending to be the Prime minister and says ‘Well – I’m the Duchess of Hatfield and I’m so glad that somebody is looking after him”. With that she puts down the phone. Sometime later our dilapidated old Zephyr Mark1 arrives driven by Winston Field followed by his wife in the Daimler My mother was speechless (for the first time in her life) and apologised profusely. Fortunately for all concerned the man himself had a sense of humour and said that any man who had just become a father was entitled to celebrate. Postscript : During the Rhodesian war the then Prime Minister – Ian Smith – had only ONE bodyguard . Makes you think doesn’t it?
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Rev Ron Reiners Anglican Church Nou die dag loop ek in die Lifestyle Sentrum se parkeerterein en sien ‘n muntstuk op die grond lê. Dit was wel ‘n tien sent stuk, ek het dit opgetel, dit was geskaaf. Ek begin toe wonder hoeveel motors al daaroor gery het en hoeveel mense verby dit geloop het. Eintlik, kan ‘n mens niks met dit koop nie, so dit kan beskou word as nutteloos. Nou wonder ek ook wat maak almal met hierdie muntstukke as hulle hul kleingeld kry en wat van die ander brons muntstukke? Gee ons dit vir ons kinders om dit in die kolektesak by die kerk te sit of word dit net een kant gebêre? By ons kerk het ‘n dame dit goed gedink om klein kartonhouertjies te maak en dit “Pennies from Heaven” te noem. Dit word aan die gemeente beskikbaar gestel en sodra hulle dit vol gemaak het, word dit weer teruggebring en die dame sorteer dit uit in banksakkies. Dit word dan gebank en so het ons al oor die R5000 ingesamel oor ‘n tydperk van ‘n jaar of so. ‘n Ander gedagte het my ook bygeval. Is daai muntstuk miskien nie simbolies van armsalige mense nie? Loop ons ook nie net verby sonder om te blik of te bloos nie? Dit is algemene kennis dat ons almal sukkel op een of ander manier, maar is ons nie ook miskien net selfsugtig nie? Wat doen ons vir ons medemens, hoeveel aandag gee ons aan diegene wie ons ken? Die wat in ouetehuise is, die wees kinders, die enkele ouers ensovoorts. Raak ons betrokke by welsynsgroepe of sê ons “dit is nie my probleem nie”? Jesus het na almal uitgeryk, ongeag wie of wat hulle gedoen het, en as ons Sy volgelinge is verwag Hy dat ons ook moet uitreik na ander mense. Ons moet almal ons leefstyl herondersoek en sien waar ons verbetering kan inbring. Dit is makliker as wat jy dink. Om net jou tiende te gee sal ons sien dat dit baie beter met ons gaan. Ek praat nie net die tiende van ons geld nie, maar ook ‘n tiende van ons tyd, ons talente en vele meer. Deur gedurig ons Vader te vra om ons te help deur ons gebede, en met die hulp van die Heilige Gees, kan ons wonderwerke verrig. Kom laat ons almal ons Hemelse Vader bedank vir als wat Hy vir ons gee en doen.
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27 September 2019 7
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8 27 September 2019
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Legals TZANEEN AMENDMENT SCHEME 435 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF THE TZANEEN TOWN-PLANNING SCHEME 2000 IN TERMS OF SECTION 57 OF THE SPLUMA BY-LAWS OF GREATER TZANEEN MUNICIPALITY 2016 I, Willem Johannes Jacobsz of Omniplan CC Town Planners, being the authorised agent of the registered owners of Portion 410 Pusela 555-LT hereby give notice in terms of Section 57 of the Greater Tzaneen SPLUMA By-Laws 2016, that I have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for the amendment of the town-planning scheme known as the Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2000 by the rezoning of a part of the property described above, situated south and adjacent to Tzaneen X78, from Agricultural to “Business 1” with Annexure 271 describing the rights. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen, for a period of 30 days from 27 September 2019 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or be delivered to room 257, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen before 27 October 2019, by quoting the above-mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the objector’s property description, phone numbers and address. A person who cannot write may during office hours visit the abovementioned Municipality requesting assistance to transcribe his/her objections, comments or representations. Contact person: Mr. M J Mathye (015-307-8031) Address of Agent: Omniplan
Town Planners, P.O. Box 2071, TZANEEN, 0850. Tel. 015 307 1041 Ref. J223 Sep401___________________________
TZANEEN WYSIGINGSKEMA 435 KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM WYSIGING VAN DIE TZANEEN DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 57 VAN DIE SPLUMA BYWETTE VAN DIE GROTER TZANEEN MUNISIPALITEIT 2016 Ek, Willem Johannes Jacobsz van Omniplan CC Stadsbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die geregistreerde eienaars van Gedeelte 410 Pusela 555LT gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 57 van die Groter Tzaneen SPLUMA By-Wette 2016 kennis dat ek by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het vir die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000 deur die hersonering van ‘n deel van die bogenoemde eiendom, geleë aangrensend en wes van Tzaneen Uitbreiding 78, vanaf “Landbou” na “Besigheid 1” met Bylae 271 wat die regte beskryf. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 27 September 2019 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoeke moet skriftelik voor 27 Oktober 2019 gerig word aan die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of afgelewer word by kamer 257, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, deur die verwysing na bostaande opskrif, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die gronde/redes vir die beswaar, die beswaarmaker se eiendomsbeskrywing, telefoonnommer en adres. Enige persoon wat nie kan
skryf nie mag gedurende kantoorure die bovermelde Munisipaliteit besoek en hulp versoek om sy/haar besware, kommentare of voorstelle op skrif te stel. Kontak persoon: Mnr. M J Mathye (015-307-8031) Adres van Agent: Omniplan CC, Posbus 2071, Tzaneen, 0850, Tel. 015 307 1041. Verw. J223 Sep402___________________________
In the estate of the late LODEWICUS JACOBUS COETZEE Identity number 4308155077087, Master’s reference number 0001478/2019, pensioner, married in 461220069080, and who was ordinarily resident at 7 Letaba View, 22 Essenhout Street, Arbor Park, Tzaneen, Limpop Province and who died on the 28th of October 2018. All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the undersigned within 30 days from the date of the publication hereof. JOUBERT & MAY ATTORNEYS P.O. Box 35 Tzaneen Ref.: A E Rech/avs/R15061 Sep403___________________________
IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE SUB DISTRICT OF TZANEEN HELD AT TZANEEN CASE NUMBER: 210/18 In the matter between: TZANEEN PRIMARY SCHOOL BODY CORPORATE Execution Creditor and ADELE HOYER Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN PURSUANCE of a Judgment of the Magistrate, TZANEEN dated 19 November 2018, The undermentioned goods will be sold by public auction, on 10 October 2019 at 10H00. Venue of the sale: SHERIFF’S STORE ROOM MAIN STORE NO. 2 20 INDUSTRIA ROAD TZANEEN
015 306 0198
Smouskous l Classifieds By the Sheriff for the Magistrate’s Court of TZANEEN to the highest cash bidder. 1 x 3 PCE Lounge Suite 1 x Piano & Chair 1 x Wall Unit 1 x Coffee Table 1 x Dell Complete Computer 1 x Canon Printer 1 x 2 PCE Lounge Suite 1 x TV Stand 1 x Samsung LCD TV 2 x Wing Back Chairs 1 x Phillips DVD 1 x Harwa Emp 1 x Coffee Table 1 x Wooden Table & 6 Chairs 1 x Piano & Chair 1 x LG Microwave 1 x Kelvenator D/D Fridge 1 x KIC Chest Freezer AUCTION: 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgement obtained in the above honourable court. 2. This rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation i.r.o. proof of identify and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Tertius Robertson or any representative of his office. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. Dated at TZANEEN on this 18TH day of SEPTEMBER 2019. (SGD) J H JACOBSZ ATTORNEY FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR JOUBERT & MAY 50 BOUNDARY STREET P.O. BOX 35, TZANEEN TEL: 015-307 3660 REF: MR JACOBSZ/jk/ AY0087 Sep404___________________________
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Paint, arts and crafts and more. Visit us in store for specials. 56 Boundary Road, Tzaneen 015 307 3517 ________________________
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Tzaneen Container Warehouse 015 307 1998 Ruan: 063 301 7208 ruan@bfgroup.co.za __________________________________
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Peacemed Medical centre, Dentistry and Pharmacy. 015 307 2854 34 Peace Street, Tzaneen __________________________________
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Jobseeker My name is Flora. I’m looking for Domestic or Office job, 3 days per week or full time. I can start immediately. Can speak English and Afrikaans. Sleep in or out. Can look after babies & children. Contact me on 076 651 7166 __________________________________
My name is Chipo Masamba. I’m looking for Domestic work. Cooking, washing & ironing. I can start immediately. Can also look after children. Any area. Sleep in or out. I have a valid work permit. Contact me on 065 176 7003 __________________________________
My name is Thelma Khanyisa. I’m looking for full time Domestic work. Any area, can start immediately. Contact me on 072 964 2046 __________________________________
MOTORING www.bulletin.us.com
The ultimate test drive Amarok owners take on Klein Letaba in a Bulletin exclusive. Photo: Roelof de Jonge Page 13
27 September 2019 9
10 27 September 2019
BB Group’s all new Mahindra showroom
The BB Mahindra Tzaneen workshop personnel ready to assist customers. They are: Bennie Fogwell (parts sales executive), Rodney Brass (workshop foreman), Coenie Keyser (parts manager), Tania von Straate (service advisor), Mias Smith (Mahindra motor mechanic) and Jacques Pienaar (service manager).
■ Roelof de Jonge The BB Motors Group recently established a new showroom for its BB Mahindra dealership in Tzaneen. Ready to receive new and current clients is BB Mahindra Tzaneen sales manager, Nick Dorfling, and his top notch sales team. BB Mahindra Tzaneen dealership is situated on the corner of Danie Joubert Street and the Old Gravelotte Road. The workshop for BB Mahindra however is situated at the main premises of BB Motors in 41 Danie Joubert Street. Mahindra has entered the next phase of its evolution with the launch of the bold and dynamic Mahindra XUV300. Built on the group’s global X100 platform, the XUV300 (pronounced XUV three double O) carries its larger sibling’s cheetah-inspired design language into a new generation of vehicles. At the same time, it introduces a new range of engines and a nearly unmatched level of specification to the local compact SUV segment. South Africa is the first international market outside of India to
launch the XUV300, which landed here in May with both petrol and diesel drivetrains and the choice of a W6 or W8 The BB Mahindra Tzaneen dealership is now situated on the corner of Danie Joubert Street and the Old Gravelotte Road, formerly belongtrim level. ing to Simpson Motors. Like all Mahindra SUV’s, the new XUV300 has the elements of the To enhance the value offering and to ensure complete peace of group’s signature design language that includes full volumes, sculp- mind to Mahindra customers, the XUV300 will come with an optional ted sections and muscled surfaces. Maintenance Plan for a period of five years or 90 000 km. Mahindra has launched the XUV300 with two new engines, offerMahindra’s most iconic off-roader, the Mahindra Thar, has received ing buyers the choice of either a turbo-petrol or turbo-diesel engine. a major off-road boost for 2019 with the launch of the Thar AdvenThe first is a new three-cylinder 1.2 litre turbo-petrol engine, which ture Series model. The Thar Adventure Series builds on its impressive delivers 81kW at 5 000 rpm and 200Nm of torque between 2 000 rpm pedigree of the standard Thar 2.5 CRDe 4x4 SE specification, but with and 3 500 rpm. added special off-road bumpers, a steel canopy, off-road ready alloy The second engine option is the four-cylinder 1.5 litre turbo-diesel wheels and a snorkel amongst others. engine that delivers 85.8kW at 3 750 rpm and 300Nm between 1 500 BB Mahindra Tzaneen is open from Monday to Friday from 07:00 and 2 500 rpm. All the versions of the XUV300 are equipped with a until 17:30 and on Saturdays from 09:00 until 13:00. The BB Mahindra six-speed manual gearbox, which transfers power from the engine to Tzaneen dealership can be contacted at 015 307 4950. the front driving wheels.
All-new T-Cross now at Lannie Motors ■ Roelof de Jonge
Sales in South Africa of the all-new T-Cross, Volkswagen’s compact SUV, started on Saturday the 21st of September. The personnel of Tzaneen’s Volkswagen dealership, Lannie Motors, welcomed customers to their show room on Saturday morning. At market launch, the T-Cross will for now only be available in the 1.0 TSI engine with 85kW power output. In the first quarter of 2020, the 1.5 TSI with 110kW of power will be introduced and in the second quarter the range will be completed with the introduction of the 70kW engine. The T-Cross, which joins the Tiguan, Tiguan Allspace and Touareg in the model range in South Africa, is a practical and versatile addition to Volkswagen’s fast-growing SUV range. It is sophisticated, diverse and, like all members of the brand’s SUV family, has an eye-catching appearance. It has a balanced combination of casual style, refined practicality and cost-effectiveness. The T-Cross, which is manufactured in Navarra, Spain, will captivate hearts of the customers with its combination of style, practicality, flexibility, connectivity and fuel economy. The T-Cross leaves a lasting impression at first sight. The striking front end highlights the vehicle’s family affiliation while the exterior emphasises the individuality of the new SUV model. Attractive highlights include the successful combination of a expressive front spoiler and a large, wide radiator grille of which the headlamps are integrated. The lower section of the front end is characterised by distinctive recessed fog lights and integrated daytime running lights. A bold reflective band spans the rear. Framed by a black trim panel, it is a notable recognition feature in the same way as the distinctive front end. The large wheel arches also emphasise the striking appearance. The dynamically designed wheels also contribute to the distinctive look of the new T-Cross. The 16-inch wheels are fitted as standard. In addition, 17-inch and 18-inch alloy wheels are available as options. The exterior of the T-Cross can also be customised in various ways. There is a choice of nine exterior colours or a selection of coloured wheel rims which enhance the combination options. The compact Volkswagen SUV offers easy access for passengers through four large doors. In addition to easier entry, vehicle occupants also benefit from a significant increase in interior space and
John Masethe was one of interested customers who attended the local launch.
Iwan van der Merwe (left), new vehicle sales manager at Lannie Motors, congratulated and handed the keys over to Johan Green, owner of the new Volkswagen T-Cross. Photos: Roelof de Jonge
legroom for both rows of seats. The T-Cross provides good visibility. Passengers enjoy a superior view and good all-round visibility thanks to the elevated seating position. The interior is very spacious, giving the occupants the impression that they are sitting in a larger vehicle. The luggage compartment holds between 377 and 455 litres. Thanks to a rear seat back that folds down fully or partially, you can create a flat loading space with up to 1 281 litres of storage volume. The large-format dash pads correspond in colour and structure to the seat materials, the steering wheel clasp, the painted central console, the platinum grey trim colour and the exterior finishes. This gives the interior of the vehicle a sporty appeal. The design package also offers 3D décor for the dash pad, two-tone seat surfaces, a steering wheel clasp, a central console in a matching colour tone and colour-coordinated wing mirrors and wheels. The indirect ambient lighting further accentuates the vehicle’s interior. Electric windows on all four doors and a height-adjustable driver and passenger seat also come as standard. The T-Cross provides discerning users with the highest level of networking and connection to the outside world. Up to four USB ports and the optional inductive wireless charging ensure optimum connectivity and sufficient power for smartphones.
The optional keyless locking and starting system Keyless Access makes access to the T-Cross more convenient. Another highlight is the optional sound system from renowned US brand Beats with a 300-watt, eight-channel amplifier and a separate subwoofer in the luggage compartment. The T-Cross boasts with five star rating in the Euro NCAP test and the exemplary occupant protection increases safety, reduces the risk of a collision and improves driving comfort. The Driver Alert System comes standard whilst optional equipment available on the T-Cross includes Front Assist area monitoring system, the lane keeping assistant Lane Assist, Hill Start Assist, the proactive occupant protection system, automatic adaptive cruise control, Park Assist and the Blind Spot Detection lane change assist system with the integrated Rear Traffic Alert. The T-Cross, already equipped with extensive standard equipment, can be customised and upgraded further with optional equipment and several equipment trims: Trendline trim (available only with the 70kW model) Comfortline trim Highline trim The T-Cross is powered by two different capacity three-cylinder petrol engines. The Volkswagen’s compact SUV will be available with the 1.0 TSI en-
The design package also offers 3D décor for the dash pad, two-tone seat surfaces, a steering wheel clasp, a central console in a matching colour tone and colour-coordinated wing mirrors and wheels as can been seen here.
gine delivering 70kW and 85kW power outputs as well as the more powerful 1.5 TSI engine delivering 110kW. The range-topping T-Cross 1.5 TSI 110kW R-Line DSG model comes standard with a host of features including sports seats, driving profile selection, climatronic aircon, LED headlights and taillights, composition media with App-Connect, R-Line interior and exterior with 18-inch ‘Nevada’ alloy wheels, digital Active Info Display and a choice of eight exterior colours. Up to four USB ports and the standard inductive wireless charging ensure optimum connectivity and sufficient power for smartphones. Recommended Retail Price (VAT and emissions tax included) as indicated by Volkswagen South Africa: 1.0 TSI 85kW Comfortline DSG - R334 600 1.0 TSI 85kW Highline DSG - R365 000 1.5 TSI 110kW R-Line DSG - R403 500. The T-Cross comes standard with a three year or 120 000km warranty, a three year or 45 000km Volkswagen Service Plan and a 12-year anti-corrosion warranty. The service interval is every 15 000km. For more information on the latest addition to the Volkswagen family, contact Lannie Motors at 015 307 5016 or visit their showroom 46 Agatha Street in Tzaneen.
27 September 2019 11
12 27 September 2019
Iconic Audi TT and TTS Coupé updated ■ Audi SA Familiarly known as Audi’s design icon, the Audi TT’s third generation takes the stage with a face lifted appearance. It entails a sporty and refined exterior design, higher-powered engines and an extended scope of standard equipment. Audi has accordingly refined the design of the new TT range, enhanced its performance and extended the range of standard equipment. Besides the driver-oriented Audi virtual cockpit with racing gauges, the basic version of the new model now features the Audi drive select dynamic handling system. Further onboard the TT is Audi’s Smartphone interface, parking aid plus, power-adjustable front seats and the multifunction steering wheel plus, with which the infotainment and voice control system can be controlled entirely using the steering wheel. Also standard are the illuminated USB ports as well as MMI navigation plus. The exterior design of the new TT range is now more masculine, more progressive and even sportier than before. The front features a three-dimensional single frame radiator grille and large side air inlets emphasize the vehicle’s width dimensions. At the rear, horizontal lines again underscore the breadth of the new Audi TT. There is no cap underneath the tank flap with its classic TT design. The driver can insert the fuel pump nozzle directly into the opening, thereby showcasing a typical sports car feature. The new designed optional S line exterior package underscores the athletic character of the Audi TT range even more.
The exterior design of the new TT range is now more masculine, more progressive and even sportier than before.
It includes a full-length front splitter, vertical air inlets, a radiator grille in titanium black and specific side sills with inserts as well as a sporty rear end. Added is a wider diffuser and vertical air inlets below the rear lights with three horizontal fins each. Audi South Africa will offer two petrol engine derivatives as part of the local Audi TT range. The Audi TT Coupé 45 TFSI S tronic includes 169kW of power and the Audi TTS Coupé quattro S tronic produces 228kW of power. The 45 TFSI is paired with a seven-speed dual-clutch transmission, while the TTS is mated to a six-speed S tronic transmission. The
close-ratio lower gears enable powerful acceleration, while the wide ratio of each transmission’s highest gear keeps the engine speed down. The sports car character is also underscored by the driver-oriented interior with its clear lines. The instrument panel resembles an aircraft wing with the round air vents and integrated controls alluding to jet engines. The line-up extends from the lane change assist, Audi side assist and park assist with a display of the surroundings and a rear view camera. The Audi TT Coupé 45 TFSI S tronic and the Audi TTS Coupé quattro S tronic come standard with a five year or 100 000km Audi Freeway plan. The facelifted Audi TT range is currently available for sale at Audi Dealerships around South Africa.
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27 September 2019 13
Bulletin Motoring exclusive: Tour de Amarok
Iwan van der Merwe (Lannie Motors Commercial new vehicle sales manager) taking part in one of the events with colleague Paul du Toit Jnr (service manager) keeping time during the Amarok owners 4x4-trip. Photos: Roelof de Jonge
■ Roelof de Jonge In the region of 72 Volkswagen Amarok owners along with personnel from Lannie Motors and its Volkswagen Commercial department gathered at the fuel station near Letsitele early the morning of Saturday the 14th of September. Lannie Motors new vehicles commercial sales manager Iwan van der Merwe and his fellow sales executives organised a day trip for their Amarok customers. Approximately 30 Amarok pick-ups lined up for this 4x4 day tour destined to take on the sand and rock beds of the Klein Letaba River in the area of Giyani. The purpose of this venture was to familiarise Amarok owners with the offroad capabilities and to show them that they can conquer about any obstacle on rugged terrains. Sand, gravel and rocks with the odd mud hole along the dry river bed provided the drivers with adequate obstacles to test their all-wheel drive skills. According to van der Merwe, many off-road vehicle owners hardly drive their vehicles on rugged terrains and are not aware of the actual capabilities of their vehicles. He says this Amarok customer off-road drive will provide them with the needed knowledge how to drive their vehicles in rugged conditions and also will teach them about all the settings for the different terrains. Bulletin drove with the parts manager of Lannie Motors, Sammy Odendaal, in the 3.0-litre V6 TDI Double Cab equipped with Volkswagen’s 4Motion automatic eight-speed gearbox. With 165kW of power and 550Nm of torque, the Amarok makes for a formidable off-road vehicle that will carry its passengers in a lap of luxury. The 3.0-litre V6 TDI engine is the only six-cylinder diesel engine in the segment. The V6 engine pushes the Amarok to a top speed of 193km/h and sprints from 0 to 100km/h in 8.0 seconds. With the Lowveld hot summer sun started to blaze as the day progressed, the air conditioning of the Amarok made light work to keep its occupants cool and refreshed. The infotainment and sound system of the Amarok provides ample information requirements and entertainment. All the buttons and touch screen are ergonomically designed without having the need to have a past graduate degree to operate them. The hospitality of the personnel from Lannie Motors also needs mentioning. The customers who took part with their families and friends lauded Lannie Motors for the professional customer care and hospitality. A comprehensive list of safety equipment comes as standard on every new Amarok, including four airbags, Electronic Stabilisation Programme and Volkswagen’s award-winning Automatic Post-Collision Braking System which can reduce the chance or severity of a secondary accident in the event of a collision. Inside the cab the dashboard design incorporates Volkswagen’s modular infotainment system with touchscreen radio, App-Connect, Bluetooth and USB interface (iPod/IPhone compatible). Numerous storage compartments in the interior enhance the Amarok’s suitability for everyday use. They satisfy practically every requirement thanks to their well thought-out positioning and shape. For example, 1.5-litre bottles can be stored in the front door compartments, while those in the back doors can hold 1-litre bottles. There are two cup holders on the centre console and, depending on the specification, a further two in the rear. The Amarok model range is offered standard with a three year or 100 000km manufacturer warranty, a five year or 90 000km Automotion Service Plan and a six year anti-corrosion warranty. The service interval is at 15 000 km. For more information on the whole Amarok range and other Volkswagen models at Lannie Motors Commercial, persons can contact Iwan van der Merwe (new vehicle commercial sales manager) at 015 307 5016 or 082 465 8382. Lannie Motors Commercial is situated at 46 Agatha Street, Tzaneen.
Amarok owners and clients of Lannie Motors Commercial in Tzaneen learned much about the off-road capabilities of their vehicles
Wikus Swart and co-driver Danie Viljoen taking part in the figure-eight item.
The Amaroks lined up to take on the Klein Letaba River’s dry bed.
Obstacles like sand proved to be no effort for the Volkswagen Amarok’s 4x4 abilities.
Paul du Toit Jnr (Lannie Motors service manager) is here with Amarok customers Johan Jacobs and Kobi Kemp.
14 27 September 2019
Plasies matric farewell a posh a affair The matric learners of Merensky High School arrived in glamorous outfits for one of the highlights of their schooling career. A Moroccan night was the theme of this year’s matric farewell on Tuesday the 17th of September at the Fairview Hotel. These gr.12 learners arrived in style with luxury vehicles courtesy of Mercurius Motors Tzaneen. The decorated Moroccan style venue certainly left the 2019 matriculants in awe as they were treated to a delicious meal. Stefan Corbett and Liza-Ri Snyman, Merensky’s
head boy and girl for 2018/2019, both delivered a fitting farewell speech. They also received accolades from their school in recognition of their sterling leadership roles throughout their high school career. Afterwards the matriculants took to the dance floor to party the night away, well aware that hard work and studies lies ahead for the final exam in October. The Gr.11 learners also entertained the matriculants with a farewell dance.
Dehan van Vuuren en Abigail Gravet
Franco Broodryk, Milané Smit
Tiyani Shikwambana en Matome Manyama
Bianca Mahlolobela en Malaika Coetzer
Betowerende mooi matrieks.
27 September 2019 15
James Vorster en Joane Mulder
Tanya Jacobs en Cobus Geldenhuys
Andzani (Sticks) Sitole
Millie Bester en JC Marais
Meyer Vorster en Zanél Steenkamp
Danielle du Plessis en Gavin Rautenbach
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Liane Pretorius en Christian Smit
Bianca Thete
WC Kriel en Michaela van Wyk
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Sport 27 September 2019
Aces trumps Nirvana in T20 clash â– Roelof de Jonge, Photos: GKT SportPics The Limpopo T20 League (for club or amateur cricket) is in full swing with various club teams vying for top honours. The unbeaten side of the Nashua Aces with one match left in the league took on the side of Nirvana Cricket Club in very hot and sunny conditions on Sunday the 22nd of September in Polokwane. Aces chose to bat first with the opening pair of Justin le Roux and Amie Smit setting a formidable foundation scoring 33 and 76 runs respectively. Aces smashed a total of 187 runs for the loss of six wickets in their allotted 20 overs. The standout bowler for Nirvana was Nazar Patel who claimed four wickets for 23 runs in his four overs. Nirvana then took to the pitch with purpose but the pressure to chase down the big score proved too much in the end. Abdul Saiyed got his side off to a good start with 24 of 32 balls before being trapped leg before wicket (lbw) by Lance Trueman, who returned from injury. Trueman went on to take four wickets for just 17 runs. He was well supported by team mate Tiaan Enslin who took two wickets for two runs in two overs. The Nashua Aces won this encounter comfortably by 103 runs to remain undefeated in the tournament with one match left in their pool stage. Justin le Roux Jaco Calitz
Amie Smit
Lance Trueman