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Photo: Joe Dreyer
29 November 2019 FAR NORTH
Bulletin F A R
Personeel | Personnel Office: 064 650 7123 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317
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Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
Local sergeant shot dead by husband ■ Joe Dreyer Tzaneen’s safety and security community is reeling with shock this week after one its most prolific players was brutally shot dead by her husband over the weekend. Police sergeant Yvonne Moyana (43) served in the Tzaneen Cluster’s communications department and was affiliated to the local CPF as a coordinator in the area over the past 15 years. It is believed that Moyana and her husband, Abel (44) had a heated argument on Saturday morning in their home behind the Tzangeni security estates in Aqua Park near the Tzaneen dam wall. The argument soon escalated to an aggressive encounter that resulted in her husband shooting her several times before turning his service pistol on himself. Both were declared dead on the scene. Neighbours spoke to Bulletin and explained that they heard screams coming from the Moyana’s
Call Centre: 086 101 7488 Fax: 086 606 4606 Email:
home followed by a woman’s voice (presumably Moyana) begging for her life before the gunshots rang out. One resident of the Tzangeni estate said that he was returning home from the shops at around 11:00 on Saturday morning when he noticed “the whole neighbourhood” running up towards the dam. “I followed the crowds to the police residence just behind Tzangeni and there I saw the gruesome sight of the murder and suicide. It is terribly sad as the couple had three daughters, and I believe that they must have witnessed everything.” Bulletin spoke to Limpopo Provincial SAPS spokesperson, Brig Motlafela Mojopelo who confirmed the incident and expressed great sadness. He said that the funeral for the fallen sergeant will be held at her home town of Mkhuhlu in Mpumalanga on Friday and will be attended by the Deputy National Police Minister, Cassel Mathale and the Deputy Provincial
Commissioner for Limpopo. “The service of her husband will be held at his home town in Mussina and the family have made the arrangements for that, we don’t have that information at this stage,” added Mojapelo. At this stage the motive for the murder and suicide are not known and the children who are believed to have experienced the incident, are receiving counselling. In the meantime tributes have been pouring in over social media for the beloved sergeant whom many in the security sector knew very well and worked very closely with. “It is terribly sad news for us,” said Uwe Kroh, chairperson of the Tzaneen CPF. “I knew Yvvone for fifteen years as she was my CPF coordinator and our link with the local SAPS Cluster commanders. Our community has lost a very valuable police officer in this senseless act.”
New strikers replace Vatsonga host old ones in Nkowa Muhlava day
■ Joe Dreyer
Labourers employed by Tshiamiso to complete the Codesa Road project embarked on a peaceful strike after their employer’s contract was terminated by the GTM due his misrepresentation on his bill of quantities to ensure that he was awarded the tender. Their strike ended last week Wednesday and the site now lies abandoned and incomplete. Their strike had hardly ended before a new group of strikers took to the streets. This time it was the residents of the area who are unhappy about the cancellation of the contract as the unfinished road and heaps of sand stacked everywhere, is allegedly preventing them from accessing their homes. A source told Bulletin that the actions of the Tshiamiso protesters were well received during their strike actions as they did not interfere with the smooth running of traffic on the roads and were not at all violent. It is also reported that in the
mornings when these contract workers entered the workshops of the municipality, they would tell municipal staff that they were not there to fight, but rather to collect their belongings, nothing more. The protesters were left stranded after a contract to pave a street in Mulati village outside Nkowankowa was terminated after the contractor was accused of misrepresenting his Bill of Quantities during the tender process which enabled him to submit the winning bid. After this, dozens of workers were left without jobs for some time until they resorted to strike action to show their dissatisfaction with the loss of jobs. Even the sub-contractors working on the project were left stranded. The situation in the area is tense as residents now live in fear of what might happen during the night as they sleep. Threats were flung around of roads being barracaded and homes damaged, but at the time of going to print, these threats have not been brought to fruition.
31 vas na ‘n klopjag ■ Joe Dreyer Na ‘n string inbrake en diefstalle in die Deerpark en Mieliekloof omgewings het plaaslike sekuriteitsfirmas en organisasies hande gevat en oor die naweek ‘n klopjag in die area in samewerking met die plaaslike SAPD gedryf. Volgens Uwe Kroh, voorsitter van die plaaslike GPF is daar meer as 60 mense betrokke gewees in die operasie wat Sondagoggend tussen 03:30 en 07:00 uitgevoer is. Lede van Immigrasie het die groepe vergesel en daar is altesaam 31 ongeregistreerde buitelanders inhegtenis geneem. Onder dié was 26 volwassenes en vyf kinders. “Die probleem is dat hierdie buitelanders wat onwettig in die land is, in ons area woon maar nie werk het nie, en dan draai na misdaad vir ‘n heenkome. Ons kan dit nie toelaat nie.”
Jaques van Niekerk For your wireless Communication needs, contact us!
Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril
■ Jeff Jackson
The annual “Muhlava Day” celebrations will be held on Saturday this week at the Royal Palace. The work for this year started with a marathon from the Head Kraal to the Nkowankowa stadium. The marathon was heralding the annual Hosi Muhlava I commemorations which take place every year at the mountainous palace south of the Nkowankowa township. Muhlava Shiluvana I is the founding father of the Nkuna-Vatsonga tribe and is said to had brought the tribe from Bulawayo in Zimbabwe to Tzaneen where they established a kingdom at Shiluvana mission station called Ezekhaya. Though they have offices at the Muhlava Royal Palace they re-established a village near the Shiluvana hospital with an estate formed called Mughevisa. Mughevisa was one of the founding headmen of the tribe. The main event will climax with a gala dinner to be held at the community hall on Friday prior to the event taking place on Saturday at the sports grounds near the palace. In the run up to the big day, residents are obligated to raise funds by their headmen and required to attend the event to ensure its success. The event is mostly attended by delegates from Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA) and other traditional leaders. Former president Jacob Zuma even attended one year. According to the history of the Vatsonga tribe, they originated at the present day Kwazulu-Natal but had to disperse during the Difaqane (Mfecane in traditional isiZulu) era which was a period of widespread chaos and warfare among indigenous ethnic communities in Southern Africa during the period between 1815 and about 1840. The fights were mainly over land. The tribe originating from the Zulu kingdom came into being after Soshangani and Mzilikazi split from the Shaka regiments prior to 1829 before Shaka died. While some went to Mozambique others went to Zimbabwe with Mzilikazi. When Mzilikazi died in Zimbabwe some of his followers flocked back to South Africa through the Zoutpansberg mountains passing through the Duiwelskloof area to the present day Ezekhaya. Chief Muhlava then purchased the land from Khujwana to Ezekhaya near Ofcolaco. During the tribal wars of the 80`s the tribe again moved to the present day Muhlava Royal palace. The tribe increased during the 90’s with the addition of immigrants from Mozambique. En route to the Lowveld they established many villages along the way, one of them being Hlanganani in the Greater Letaba Municipal (GLM) area. Among the battles the community fought included skirmishes with the Balobedu and the Bathlabine tribes which led to their permanent ban from entering the Balobedu Royal palace. One of their regiments disappeared at a dam near the Westfalia golf estate enroute to Ezekhaya.
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Stand van Damme Dam Levels
Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: Information updated: 25/11/2019
Tzaneen 5.4%
Ebenezer 30.9%
Merensky 24.2%
Dap Naude 76.3%
Middel Letaba 2.9%
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Tours 21.8%
Vergelegen 83.2%
Ohrigstad 5.3%
*Termes & voorwaardes geld.
Tel: 015 307 3703 11 Rencole Building, Loop Street, Tzaneen
29 November 2019
“Grootreën” mag dalk werklik gebeur
Joe Dreyer
Die hele Mopani-streek het die afgelope week goed onder die reën deur geloop. Die plaaslike reënmeester, Fanie Oberholzer het sy weeklikse nie-amptelike, amptelike reënvalsyfer vir Aquapark oor sosiale media deurgegee wat toon dat November vanjaar die hoogste reënvalsyfer sedert 2011 aangeteken het. Met ‘n huidige maandtotaal van net duskant die 130mm vlak, wild it blyk asof die voorspelde “grootreën” dalk net ons area in Februarie mag tref. November se 71-jaar gemiddeld staan op 119mm met die laaste “grootreën” wat in 2000 aangeteken is. Op sy beurt het Phalaborwa 170mm reën vir die maand gemeet met eiendom in Essenhoutstraat wat byna heeltemal verspoel het. Die Olifants- en die Selatiriviere loop altwee weer sterk met een van die mees populêrste oorde in dié omgewing, Olifants River Lodge, wat ook verspoelings rappor-
teer het. Daar is verskeie kenners wat reken dat die weer duidelike siklusse van 12- en 20 jaar volg en dat Limpopo die laaste 12-jaar siklus gemis het wat beteken dat die area moet reg maak vir ‘n herhaling van die 2000 vloede komende Februarie 2020. Ons het met Jacques Kruger van die Letaba Waterverbruikers Vereniging gesels oor die implikasies wat die onvoltooide Tzaneen damwal moontlik mag in hou vir Tzaneen omgewing sou ‘n herhaling van 2000 die area tref. “Die damwal soos hy op hierdie stadium daar staan is eintlik sterker as wat hy nog was met die spoelvlak wat nou breër as normaal is en daarvolgens meer water sal kan laat oorvloei. Hy sal nie bars of breek nie, die stories dat daar krake in die wal is, is glad nie waar nie. Die enigste probleem wat daar gaan wees is dat die dam nie sy volle kapasiteit sal kan opgaar nie en ons boere en omgewing eintlik meer as 40% water gaan verloor
015 307 2860 1 Rietbok Street, Tzaneen
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asgevolg daarvan,” het hy verduidelik. Volgens hom lê die eintlike gevaar by die Tzaneense middedorp omdat daar geen onderhoud aan die stromwaterstelse gedoen word nie en die sisteem bloot net nie ‘n massiewe volume water sal kan hanteer soos dit moet nie. “Die strate in die
onderdorp sal soos riviere lyk as ons regte groot reën kry. Maar die kanse dat daar enige erge oorstromings gaan wees is skraal aangesien alles so droog in hierdie stadium is dat die eerste reën eers die reservoirs sal vol maak en dan die droë rivierbeddens voordat die dam sal begin opvul.”
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29 November 2019
Ambur help Phala-DBV
Angelique van der Westhuizen, Annelize Theunissen, Glynis Marais en Andie Condogiannis.
■ Sarel Barwise
Adventure bikers conquer the Ben 10 ■ Roelof de Jonge Guy van Heerden, an avid, experienced motorcyclist and adventurer from Tzaneen, came up with the idea to complete the magnificent Ben 10 Eco Challenge on an adventure bike. Van Heerden’s idea quickly spread amongst friends and fellow adventure bikers. Along with van Heerden several riders from Tzaneen area and two bikers from Polokwane, joined the fray to take on the mighty Ben 10 Eco Challenge. Van Heerden was responsible for the planning and organising of this adventure and was trusted by his fellow bikers to lead the group on the Ben 10 Eco Challenge. For persons who have never heard of the Ben 10 Eco Challenge, the aim of this adventure is to drive 10 specific high altitude gravel passes within a specific time frame of seven days, whilst enjoying the beautiful highlands scenery of the Eastern Cape. Any person who takes on this adventure ride supports eco-tourism in this remote part of the Eastern Cape, thereby uplifting the local population. Van Heerden and his fellow riders started this drive on the 14th of November and completed the Eco Challenge on the 16th of November, and so ensured their names of the Ben 10 Eco Challenge Hall of Fame for riders who have complet-
ed this challenge. Van Heerden and his fellow riders did not have perfect weather conditions though and had to contend with rainy conditions most of the time, but this did not deter the Limpopo group to reach the goal in finishing the Ben 10 Eco Challenge. With about one day to go, the youngest rider at the age of 17 years in the group and also the youngest ever to finish the Ben Ten Eco Challenge, Gerrit du Toit (Junior), fell and broke a bone in his wrist along the route. Despite this incident the gutsy du Toit grind on along with his father, Gerrit, to complete the challenge. Here are the 10 passes along with its altitudes these adventure riders took on and completed: Ben MacDhui Pass (3 001m) Carlisleshoekspruit (2 563m) Volunteershoek Pass (2 581m) Naudé’s Nek Pass (2 590m) Lundin’s Nek Pass (2 170m) Joubert’s Pass (2 234m) Bastervoetpad Pass (2 240m) TTT (Tiffindell-Tenahead Traverse (2 720m) Otto du Plessis Pass (2 115m) Barkly Pass (2 018m).
Danksy Ambur Simpson se liefde vir diere het die Dierebeskermings Vereniging (DBV) in Phalaborwa ongelooflik baat gevind. Met die ondersteuning van Simpson se ouers en eienaars van die Phalaborwa Ford handelaarskap, Alicia Laubscher en Morné Simpson, was die bal aan die rol gesit met twee geldinsameling geleenthede vir Oktober. Op die 18de Oktober het die gewilde kunstenaars Jay en Brendan Peyper Phalaborwa toe gekom vir ‘n vertoning. Die volgende dag, Saterdag die 19de Oktober was daar ‘n gholfdag by die Hans Merensky Buiteklub aangebied. Altesaam R126 000 was ingesamel met hierdie twee geldinsamelings-geleenthede wat intussen reeds aan die DBV Phalaborwa geskenk is.
Carina Engelbrecht, Amber Simpson en Morné Simpson van Ford Phalaborwa.
29 November 2019
Bikers provides joy with toys ■
The entrance fee to join in the fun is to donate a soft toy. The trademark Toy Run™ may not be used by anyone else whatsoever without the written permission of the Toy Run™ trademark holders. Please be aware that no private person has been given permission by the Toy Run™ to collect toys or funds in the name of the Toy Run™ or on its behalf. The Road Hogs Tzaneen Motorcycle Club have the authorisation from the Toy Run™ to host this annual event.
Roelof de Jonge
The annual Limpopo North Toy Run, hosted by the Road Hogs Tzaneen Motorcycle Club, took place on Sunday the 24th of November and forms part of the largest motorcycle ride and charity event in South Africa. Bikers from various clubs in and around Tzaneen gathered at High School Merensky on the Sunday morning, from where the mass ride proceeded to the Manor Lodge. According to Linda Streaton, secretary of the Road Hogs Tzaneen Motorcyle Club, they have managed to collect a total of 28 boxes filled with toys that will go to needy children. Streaton said the community of Tzaneen and business entities also contributed by donating gifts for the prize giving. “We would like to thank each and every motorcyclist who came to support this charity initiative”, said Streaton. Aside from supporting this charity project, the bikers and their families also had the opportunity to have some fun with a host of games like tug of war and a buck droppings spitting contest which provided for quite hilarious moments. The annual Toy Run is South Africa’s largest motorcycle ride for charity. Every year at the end of November, thousands of bikes come together to bring happiness into the lives of needy children in this country. Thousands of toys are attached to bikes from all shapes and sizes where the bikers ride in a parade through their towns and cities. These toys are then all donated to less privileged children. Any person from the community is invited to attend this event and is not exclusively just for motorcyclists. This event is Hendrie Liebenberg from the Chrome Soldiers Motorcycle Club was once again awarded with the price for being the biker with the best decorated motorcycle at this year’s annual Toy Run. also regarded as a family outing.
Another Grant for Thusanang ■
Joe Dreyer
The Thusanang Trust has its operating centre near Haenertsburg and is a leader in Early Childhood Development (ESD) in the area. It has been operating for over 25 years and has under its care 205 operating centres, each with approximately 25 children. In total, 5 125 children benefit from the work of the 253 Practitioners employed through the Trust which also operates a mobile unit which serves areas without a crèche. The initiative is a co-operation between the Rotary Clubs of Haenertsburg, Marburg and Marburg-Schloss in Germany which has just recently
been awarded a Global Grant of R960 000. This grant has ensured the training and certification of an additional 28 practitioners who graduated on the 8th of November this year. The Rotary Club of Haenertsburg appreciates the hard work put in by Rotarian Peter Stewart–Thompson of the Rotary Club Haenertsburg and Past District Governor Prof. Dr. Bernhard Maisch of the Rotary Club Marburg. A short while ago a team from Marburg visited South Africa to monitor progress of the project and expressed their thanks for a job well done. Both Rotary Clubs hope to continue this co-operation to the benefit of the young children in the area.
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Motorcyclists from various clubs from Tzaneen and surrounding areas who came to support the annual Toy Run took part in the fun and games like tuck of war.
Nastassia Kunneke en Sherri Mitrovich
Thea Coad
29 November 2019
Kyk net Noordchem en dryf voort ■ Joe Dreyer Noordchem het die afgelope naweek hul derde jaarlikse Aandeelhouer Gholfdag op die grasgroen setperke van die Tzaneen Buiteklub gehou. Daar was vanjaar tien spanne wat aan hierdie dag, gemik daarop om aan elke aandeelhouer dankie te sê vir hul ondersteuning deur die loop van die jaar, deelgeneem het. Die spanne het in ‘n vierbal formaat gespeel met die twee beste tellings wat getel het vir die span se totale eindtelling. Vir elk van die wenners is daar fantastiese pryse deur Noordchem, Villa, Unigro en BASF geborg wat tydens die geselligheid na die dag se spel in die klubhuis uitgedeel is. Na ‘n lang dag van goeie gholf, en so paar baie noue kolskote, het die manne by die negentiende putjie vasgeval. Daar is dit toe beslis dat die twee manne wat die verste dryf vir die dag aangeteken het JP Prinsloo en Daryl Blanchard was. Hulle is daarvolgens vir hul dryfkrag beloon.
Die Noordchem span wat uit Sampie Smit, Diek Coetzee, Leon Dreyer en Armand Starbuck bestaan het, is as die span met die beste gees aangewys en het elkeen met ‘n biertjie weggestap as belonging. Nico Smit is as die beste speler van die dag aangewys voor hy later saam met die res van sy Mahela spanmaats as die algehele wenspan vir die dag aangewys is. Noordchem gebruik dan ook die geleentheid om elkeen van hul aandeelhouers hartlik te bedank vir nie net hul ondersteuning deur die jaar nie, maar ook vir nog ‘n suksesvolle en hoogs genotvolle gholfdag.
Tiaan Vorster, James Vorster, Dewald Kamffer en Nico Smit (Eerste Plek)
Gerhardt Vorster, Festus Coetzer, Louis Jordaan. (4de plek) Afwesig Rikus Smith
Jan Viljoen, Piet Smit, Oom Milaan Thalwitzer en Rudi Mulder (Tweede Plek)
JP Prinsloo, Lizette Wagenaar, Wiehann Wagenaar, Karel van Heerden. (5de plek)
Sampie Smit, Diek Coetzee, Leon Dreyer en Armand Starbuck. (Beste gees)
Daryl Blanchard,Phil Manders,Jan Richter,Marinus Neethling. (3de plek)
29 November 2019
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29 November 2019
Bosveld Smeermiddels wens Ndzhovela Primary se graad sewes sterkte toe met hulle eksamen en skoolloopbane vorentoe. Jacques en Eugenie du Toit van Bosveld Smeermiddels loop van 2011 af ‘n pad saam met Ndzhovela Primary in die Dzumeri village. Hulle skenk in November vir elke graad sewe ‘n bybel om hull sterkte toe te wens met die komende eksamen en deel met hulle ‘n boodskap om met hulle saam te neem deur hul hoërskoolloopbane. In die foto is Jacques en Eugenie du Toit saam met die graad sewe groep en die skoolhoof mnr. Sam Baloyi.
Pfunanane Academy is a registered English medium, Christian Independent School situated just outside Modjadjiskloof. We are looking for committed English speaking Christians for the following 2 positions:
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29 November 2019
Photo: Joe Dreyer Model: Brendon Theron, Tzaneen Health & Fitness Gym For personal training and ямБtness guidance contact Brendon: 084 209 3634
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10 29 November 2019
Northern Security - the legacy remains ■ Joe Dreyer Known as one of the bigger privately owned security companies in the province, Northern Security has once again upped their game by adding the coveted SAIDSA accreditation to their already impressive repertoire. The South African Intruder Detection Services Association is one of extremely high standards and those wanting to join their membership ranks have to undertake a process of extremely rigorous evaluation and micro-scrutiny. “SAIDSA basically sets very high standards for the manner in which control rooms and armed response and technical teams need to function in order to be approved. To be a member of this prestigious organization means that Northern Security is one of only two security companies in the entire province which complies to these very high standards,” explained Louis Naudé, owner of Northern Security. “We are very proud to have earned this honour right here in Tzaneen in our brand new offices.” Naudé and his team moved into their new premises earlier this year in April on the corner of Agatha and Hermanus Street from their long-time home opposite the infamous Boulevard building. Though Tzaneen shared the tragic passing of Kobus Naudé (Louis’ father and co-founder of the company) in August this year, Northern Security remains the number one security provider in the region with a list of satisfied clients to attest their success. “My father built the trust-relationship with our community over the past decade through consistently staying true to the
promise of placing the safety and security concerns of our clients before anything else. He may be gone, but his legacy will live on. Our growth and our successes will be his greatest memorial.” The new premises boasts ample secure parking with a state of the art control room and a step-up in the level of professionalism that the local community has come to expect from this longstanding bastion of safety and security. The last twelve years have taught Northern Security a lot of things. Most importantly, they have learnt to function as a complete unit right through the organization. From the operator in the control room right through to the technicians and response officers, every individual functions as part of a bigger movement towards a safer society. All personnel are qualified, registered PSIRA members completely certified for the position they occupy. Northern Security offers armed response to the Tzaneen and surrounding areas with alarm installation and monitoring services stretching all the way from Kgapane to Lenyenye and everything in between. They have two vehicles dedicated to patrolling and responding to emergencies in the Letsitele and Constantia area and offer off-site CCTV monitoring to all their clients. Dealing with the best in the business has its advantages. Give Northern Security a call to discuss the best, tailor-made packages available to your specific needs and get the assurance you deserve. Give them a call on 015-307-6911 and have one of their security consultants assist you with your security requirements.
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29 November 2019 11
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12 29 November 2019
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While stocks last. Mandatory insurances are excluded. Pictures shown are for illustrative purposes only. Retail offer valid until 31 December 2019. Promotional 5-year/200 000km warranty valid until 31 December 2019. *Specific features pertain to the GL+ and GLX model only.
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29 November 2019 13
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14 29 November 2019
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29 November 2019 15
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16 29 November 2019
‘Totsiens, maar nie vaarwel’ – Larries Hoof ■ Roelof de Jonge Die personeel en leerders van die Laerskool Tzaneen het Donderdag die 21ste November afskeid geneem van sy hoof vir die afgelope 21 jaar, Vic van Rijnen. Die skool se leerders het van die skool se ingang af ‘n erewag gevorm vir die hoof en sy vrou, Marguerite, as huldeblyk vir die toegewyde en uitstaande diens wat van Rijnen aan dié skool gelewer het. Van Rijnen was aanvanklik eers die adjunk-hoof van die Laerskool Messina, toe hy die pos as hoof van Laerskool Tzaneen aansoek gedoen het. Van Rijnen was amptelik op die 1ste Junie 1998 aangestel as die Larries se nuwe hoof. Vandag, 21 jaar later, vertel van Rijnen van die besonderse pad wat hy saam met die Larries en personeel gestap het tot en met sy aftrede. “Alhoewel ek aftree, gaan ek nog steeds in Tzaneen woonagtig wees. Dus sal ek die leerders, personeel en vriende nog steeds baie sien. Ek was 40 jaar in die onderwys, en 21 jaar daarvan het ek tot my aftrede by die Laerskool Tzaneen gespandeer”, het van Rijnen gesê. Van Rijnen het vertel dat hy en sy gesin is lief vir die buitelewe, om te kamp, hetsy in ‘n wildtuin of langs die oewer van die viswaters. Een van sy stokperdjies is restorasie en hy is tans besig om ‘n ou karavaan sowel as ‘n ou Land Rover Defender te restoreer wat hy oogmerk om eendag mee te gaan gaan kamp. Van Rijnen vertel ook hoe die Larries van krag tot krag gegroei het, selfs in die tyd van transformasie toe die skool van ‘n Afrikaans medium skool na ‘n tweetalige skool oorgeskakel het, met Engels wat as ‘n taal vir die skool aanvaar is, het die Larries steeds positiewe groei getoon. “Ek onthou dit nog soos gister toe ek van Musina hier aangekom het, dit was op ‘n Sondag. Ek het met my aankoms in die skool se koshuis gewoon. Van die die personeel het my reeds die Sondag kom verwelkom”, het van Rijnen vertel. “Die eerste dag as hoof het sowat 700 leerders in die saal gesit en my stip aangekyk. Dit is ‘n gesig wat ek nooit sal vergeet nie. Die leerders het ondermeer verwelkomingkaartjies gemaak vir my aankoms hier.” “Ek onthou nog baie goed een van
die kaartjies wat een van die leerders gemaak het waar hulle die nuwe hoof moes beskryf het. Dit het gelees ‘Die hoof het sy kerkklere skool toe gedra’. Omrede ek met ‘n deftige pakklere vir my eerste dag van skool opgedaag het. Dit was een van die komiese oomblikke wat ek sal onthou”, het van Rijnen gesê. Voor ‘n stampvol skoolsaal met ieder en elk van die skool se leerders en personeel teenwoordig, het van Rijnen sy boodskap, nie van ‘n stuk papier of van ‘n slimfoon nie, maar uit
sy hart uit oorgedra. “Vandag voel ek klein voor julle. Dankie aan elke leerder en personeel wat met my hierdie pad gestap het. Dit was my roeping om hoof van Laerskool Tzaneen te wees. Ek het gemiddelde afstand van 20 000km per jaar afgelê waar ek jul leerders ondermeer op sportvelde kom ondersteun het.” Van Rijnen vertel hoe hy aanvanklik na skool gaan studeer het om homself as ‘n argitek te bekwaam. “Ek het by Tukkies (Universiteit van Pretoria) gaan studeer, en nodeloos om te sê, het ek my eerste jaar nie gemaak nie. Ek het toe op onderwys besluit, want my ander keuse om ‘n leraar te word sou net nie deug nie. Dit was uiteindelik die regte besluit om onderwys te studeer, iets waaroor ek nooit oor spyt is nie”, het van Rijnen gesê.
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Van Rijnen se boodskap aan die leerders ondermeer was: “Die land se toekoms is in julle hande. Hier het julle goeie waardes soos respek en toegeweidenheid aangeleer sowel as respek vir mekaar en jul medemens. Lewe na aan jou Skepper, en besef Sy plan met julle, dat julle gegewe talente jul roeping is tot sukses. Dit was ‘n groot voorreg om my lewe en loopbaan tot en met my aftrede met julle te kon deel. Ek sê vandag totsiens, maar nie vaarwel nie. Van Rijnen se vrou, Marguerite, het hierdie boodskap na hul afskeid met die Larries gedeel: “Baie dankie Larries vir ‘n baie spesiale totsiens, en vir die erewag wat deur die hele skool gevorm was. Vic was baie bewoë op daardie tydstip en dit sal vir hom ‘n hoogtepunt bly. Dankie vir al die moeite, geleenthede wat jul reël om sy aftrede te vier. Vandag het jul direk tot sy hart gespreek deur die kinders. Daar is net een personeelkorps soos die Larries”.
29 November 2019 17
December 2019
Afrupro held their annual Grower’s Meeting at te fairview Hotel on Friday . During this meeting a number of awards were handed to various growers for their performance during the past season. Among them were Paul Wiltshire of Manordrift Farms for Farm of the Year and Johan van den Heever of Laeveld Boerdery for the most improved Farm of the Year.
18 29 November 2019
Growth in SA’s subtropical fruit sector ■ AgriBulletin Few commodities can boast about simultaneous increases in supply and price. But with an ever increasing demand for avocados, this industry has much to celebrate. The success story of avocados continued at this year’s Subtrop Marketing Symposium held on the 6th of November in White River, Mpumalanga. Furthermore, the litchi and mango industries have recently gained access to new markets, and entry of avocados to Japan and some other major markets is on the cards. During the Symposium it was made clear that there is a strong focus on expanding market access and increasing consumption. This is especially important for the avocado industry which is experiencing strong growth globally and necessitates strong advocacy to ensure the industry enjoys continuous prosperity. Dr Tracy Davids, manager of the commodity markets division at the Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy, provided an outlook for South African agriculture. She noted that, over the coming decade, growth in the value of field crop production is not expected to outpace inflation, whereas the value of horticultural production is expected to grow faster than inflation. This is due to longer term crops established in recent years reaching full production potential, as well as a recovery from the lasting effects of the recent drought conditions. Paired with the increase in production is an uptick in consumption, both in a growing export market and domestically as improved income levels in the longer term allow greater dietary diversification. This entails a shift from a staple based diet (predominantly maize) to include higher value goods like meat and fruit. This bodes well for the subtropical fruit industry in terms of domestic market growth, but prospects for exports are also strong and will remain the primary driver of growth. Commenting on global markets, Zac Bard, Executive Manager of Westfalia Fruit Africa, said that the success story of avocados meant that more plantings were taking place and supply was expected to rise further. “We need to prepare for larger volumes in the market going forward, especially since more origins will share the marketing window with South Africa.” Consumption in the USA and European Union (EU) increased substantially and Bard believed there was even further scope to grow consumption in the EU. Bard emphasised that the responsible use of scarce resources was receiving more attention. “Millennials in particular are taking note of the ethics and sustainability around water use in agriculture. Unscrupulous water consumption will create issues in the market. We have a fantastic product, loved by so many. As an industry we need to ensure that growth is sustainable, and be mindful of the potential impact on the environment and the community. Derek Donkin, CEO of Subtrop, noted the market access success of countries Peru and Columbia where the government has aligned itself with the interests of the industry. He said that since agricultural minister Thoko Didiza has been in office there has been an improvement in gaining traction for access to new markets for subtropical fruit, as both industry and government are actively pursuing export growth which will benefit the economy and people of South Africa. There are several active applications to access new markets. With regard to litchis, Donkin said that even if South Africa gained access into China, the right cultivars for that market are not being cultivated locally, but this is being addressed by testing of cultivars acceptable to the Chinese palate. New requirements for sending mangoes to the EU came into effect
this year and required additional measures to ensure non-European fruit fly would not be spread. Subtrop, together with the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, has put systems in place to ensure the continued shipping of fruit. The South African Avocado Growers’ Association’s (SAAGA) local marketing campaign continues to show good results in driving sales. Instore activations resulted in a 10% increase in sales and the ‘Add an Avo to your meal’ campaign saw avocado consumption rise by 9,4% in the Col’Cacchio restaurants where the campaign was run. Donkin explained that the objective of SAAGA through their marketing was to build consumer confidence in avocados and find out how the industry can improve in this regard. “Our strategic intent is to grow sales by growing the value proposition. We also want to shift consumers from wanting to buy an avo to needing to buy an avo as part of their daily staples.” Dr James Lappeman, head of projects at the UCT Liberty Institute of Strategic Marketing, gave a snapshot of the African market and encouraged marketers to come to grips with the complexities of the middle class population as they invest in marketing campaigns. “Middle class as a concept is complicated and there is no clear cut and dry definition, although it is usually perceived as the segment of people who have disposable income. Each country has a different reference point to define wealth, but there is not enough data to figure out how much money there really is to spend in Africa. “But there is still healthy growth taking place in a number of places and while Sub-Saharan Africa only has 10% of the world’s working aged population currently, by the end of the century it will grow to just under 40%. Populations in Africa are urbanising and this often brings more prosperity and household buying power. Some 13 African cities will have a combined income of $13 trillion by 2030. “ Regarding global marketing efforts, Trevor Dukes, World Avocado Organisation (WAO) board member, said that there needs to be a stronger focus on the core 11 countries in the EU consuming the majority of supply into Europe. “We will start measuring the direct impact of WAO activities over time and look at our return on investment to see which markets and consumers are giving us more bang for our buck. “WAO continues to exhaust all avenues to push avocados into the forefront and escalate sales. Thanks to these efforts over the last two
and a half years avocados continue to be an iconic superfood.” Amid growing concerns over climate change, David Farrell, founder of Blue North, lamented that South Africa has a negative carbon story which could add to our uncompetitiveness globally. Furthermore, South Africa’s new carbon tax regime, which may be extended to agriculture from 2023, could see a 30-hectare fruit farmer paying as much as R240 000 at the top end of potential carbon tax price scenarios. To avoid this cost, farmers need to proactively change the way they are farming. He said that farmers should be planning to reduce emissions from electricity, fuels and fertilizer inputs and start implementing carbon sequestration plans on their farms like soil health and biodiversity restoration, even though for now trading carbon credits was complicated and not yet fully functional. An increase in production across the country’s fruit crops, is expected to place additional strain on already struggling infrastructure in South Africa’s ports. Mitchell Brooke, logistics development manager at the Citrus Growers’ Association, said that productivity levels across all terminals are less than 30%, resulting in significant delays. “Although an 18-month recovery plan was put in place in July, not much has been done yet. Reefers that should take a week to leave the ports are taking a month and producers should keep this in mind in terms of market timing.” Addressing land reform, Prof Ben Cousins, from the Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies, said that successful small-scale black farmers should be focussed on to meet land reform targets. “There are 250 000 market orientated smallholder farmers that are already showing potential. They should be the ones receiving redistributed land as they are the critical mass that would be needed to sway the landscape in terms of land ownership and commercial farming.” He noted many successful joint ventures between white and black farmers and said that support from existing large-scale producers is key. Providing a successful model for training a new generation of farmers, Louise de Klerk, CEO of Timbali Technology Incubator, related that competitiveness, productivity and inclusive growth were the key driving factors for success. “We designed an environment where there is order and control and farmers follow a system that can give them a predictable, quality product.” In dealing with slow rates of transformation, de Klerk said that research has shown that when a new project is started only 13, 5% are early ters. “The rest slowly follow. It takes time and effort Harry Wernich: 084 690 0033 to make a success of something.”
29 November 2019 19
Addressing seasonal staffing challenges ■
William Pienaar
-Agri-Business Development specialist at Workforce Staffing Harvest seasons in the South African agricultural industry are short, but intense, and need to be handled with optimal efficiency in order to maximise profits and returns. This makes staffing a challenge, as many additional resources are required for very limited periods. Temporary Employment Services (TES) from a specialist provider can help farmers to get the workers they need, when they need them and minimise the risks associated with a large temporary workforce. The seasonal staff challenge The political and economic landscape shaped the agricultural sector, resulting in consolidation, with large producers buying out smaller ones and diversifying their activities. Employment in the sector is heavily regulated by a number of bodies in an attempt to prevent exploitation of farm workers and improve working conditions which is a positive move. However, this, combined with the seasonal nature of the agricultural industry, leads to several employment challenges. The challenge is that farmers need to dramatically increase the number of employees in season, specifically for physical labour such as picking, pruning, packing and more. The contracts, Human Resources (HR) and Industrial Relations (IR) around this can be complex, particularly since many seasonal workers do not have bank accounts or other relevant documentation. Often, farmers will employ seasonal staff from outside of their province, yet this means they need to be housed for the duration of the season in accommodation that complies with regulations. It can also create tension within the local communities, as local workers may feel their employment opportunities are being usurped by outsiders. Cultural differences may also prove to be an issue with migrant seasonal workers. Moreover, during the season, there is a large amount of work to be
performed in a limited period of time. Absenteeism, industrial action and even weather can cripple operations. Seasonal employment is fraught with risk, particularly financial risk. A TES provider with the right resources and experience can assist to resolve these challenges with a win/win outcome. Holistic staffing solutions The right TES provider can deliver a holistic staffing solution that addresses all of these challenges and allows farmers to focus on their core business rather than spending time on seasonal workers. With a national footprint and database of available resources across the country, the right TES providers will be able to address non-core staffing on a national level, ensuring that seasonal workers are always available whenever and wherever they are needed. The TES provider will also ensure that staff have the relevant and applicable skills to perform the tasks required, upskilling and cross-skilling where necessary, helping to improve the employability of candidates. A national pool of skills also ensures that local candidates have access to local jobs, minimising resentment and culture clashes within farming communities. Absenteeism is no longer an issue, since additional workers can be deployed should one or several be unable to work for any reason. In addition, should weather be inclement, farmers need not pay for workers they will not be able to use, and these staff can be deployed elsewhere to ensure they do not lose out on income. A TES provider will ensure that staffing conditions and contracts are compliant with relevant local and international regulations, includ-
ing the agriculture sector. All payroll, administrative, HR and IR functions are managed, along with statutory benefits, to ensure that fair wages are paid, and contracts are structured correctly. One further challenge for seasonal workers is that they are often unemployed for the remainder of the year. A TES provider can help them to find work in other seasons, upskilling them in different industries and commodities to extend their income period beyond a single season. Employment options that grow and scale on demand The agricultural sector is growing thanks to a focus from the National Development Plan, which has earmarked it for the generation of a further one million jobs by 2030. Many of these opportunities are temporary or seasonal in nature and managing these large fluctuating workforces can be immensely challenging. A TES provider can help to create the jobs required in a sustainable manner, helping to optimise the labour costs and provide ongoing employment for workers beyond a single season and across the value chain. A TES provider is ultimately a business partner for all of the none-core staffing services in the agricultural sector.
Saai pak skuldeisers vir familieboere ■
William Pienaar
’n Dramatiese toename in selfdood onder boere – wie se lewens weens die ergste droogte in dekades deur ’n hoë skuldlas, ongenaakbare banke en ander finansiële diensverskaffers, en uitbuiterprokureurs ondraaglik gemaak word – het die landbougemeenskap diep bekommerd. Hoewel die ANC vir jare al met onteiening sonder vergoeding dreig, is dit banke en ander kredietverskaffers wat daagliks droogtegeteisterde boere
se skuld oproep en hulle van hul plase afsit. Die skerpste punt van die praktyk is wanneer honderde boere – wat geslagte lank al op hul plase boer met skuld van ’n fraksie van hul plaaswaarde, maar wat in een goeie seisoen dié skuld sou kon delg – sonder werk of heenkome op straat beland. In die rampspoedige droogte is daar min kopers op veilings, en ná ’n leeftyd se werk en opbou van ’n plaas word dié plase deur banke verkoop teen pryse wat minder as die boer se uitstaande skuld is. Boonop word die boer ná die verkoop van sy plaas
steeds vir die uitstaande bedrag aanspreeklik gehou. Baie van hierdie boere sou hulself in een of twee goeie seisoene uit hul skuld kon boer. Nie alles wat wettig is, is noodwendig moreel regverdigbaar nie. Die dryf na hoër winste vir aandeelhouers in banke en landbou-ondernemings is onversoenbaar met die swaarkry wat ’n land en sy boere ly in ’n verwoestende natuurramp soos ’n droogte. Saai gaan soveel as moontlik inligting oor die omvang en intensiteit van die probleem insamel om moontlike kollektiewe aksie en oplossings te
ondersoek saam met boere wat hierdeur geraak word. Daarna sal Saai met banke en ander skuldeisers skakel en, indien nodig, ook druk op die regering plaas om die regulerende omgewing só te wysig dat uitbuiting deur en gierige optredes van megakorporasies ingeperk word. Die finansiële posisie van boere wat deur die droogte uitgeknikker is, is benard en hul families is op breekpunt. Help ons om hulle te identifiseer, en ook waar die druk op hulle vandaan kom. Stuur ’n e-pos met hierdie inligting na
MAHINDRA TZANEEN 41 Danie Joubert Street, Tzaneen Terms and conditions apply.
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Sport 29 November 2019
Magoeba Plunge set for great heights
Hundreds of marathon athletes entered for the inaugural Magoeba Plunge 42.2km Marathon. Photos: Roelof de Jonge
■ Roelof de Jonge The inaugural Magoeba Plunge road race held on Saturday the 23rd of November attracted in the region of 800 athletes from as far as Gauteng and Mpumalanga. The main race over 42.2km saw about 600 entries and approximately 200 runners for the 15km event and the 5km fun race. Runners competing in the Magoeba Plunge 42.2km race gathered in Haenertsburg to take on the numerous twisting S-bends and hairpins of the Magoebaskloof Pass. The starting point of the 42.2km race was in Haenertsburg and offered runners some scenic views. The runners also experienced a drop of 558m over 6.5km running down the Magoebaskloof Pass whilst they encountered from over cast conditions at the start, to mist, and then a bit of rain as they approached the finish line situated at the Tzaneen Show Grounds. Timothy Timothy, a road runner from Thohoyandou from the Murray & Roberts Running Club became the first ever winner of the Magoeba Plunge 42.2km race when he beat his rivals to the line. Timothy finished the race in a time of 02:33:52. The second place went to Mzansi Athletic Club’s Koketjo Gumbo from Polokwane who finished in a time of 02:41:20. Pietersburg Road Runners athlete, Lucky Moahlo, was third overall in a time of 02:44:01. The first female athlete to finish the 42.2km race was Gift Ramabele from the Top Runners Club. Ramabele completed the race in a time of 03:23:45 and was followed by Melanie Melville from Polokwane Athletics Club with a time of 03:32:52. Pearl Hughes, also Polokwane Athletics Club, finished in third place in a time of 03:32:43. The 15km overall winner and also for the open men’s category was Matophi Malatjie from the Zero One Five Running Club from Polokwane. Tubatsi Marathon Club athlete, Kamo-
gelo Mnisi, followed Malatjie in second place. Third place went to Tiise Malematsa who was a private entrant. The first female athlete to complete the 15km race was Viraldi Engelbrecht from Polokwane Athletics Club. Taryn Snyman from the Murray & Roberts Running Club was second with private entrant Prudence Motla who finished in third place. This new road race also served as a qualifier for the Comrades Ultra Marathon and the Two Oceans Marathon and was organised by the Haenertsburg Rotary Club. The organisers would also like to thank the following organisations and sponsors who helped made the Magoeba Plunge such a successful race: Tzaneen Marathon Club, Polokwane Athletics Club, Apexes (an IT Company from Texas and very close to the Greater Tzaneen Science Centre community), Galaxy Bingo Tzaneen, PPS Transport, Oasis Water Tzaneen, Talisman, Panarottis, Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre, Cloud Mountain Spur, Tzamac, ZZ2, Two Mountains, Eco Choice and Venbeck. “The accolades we have received from the participating runners has given us enormous confidence and their input into where we need to tweak and adjust is invaluable. We are collating all the advice and praise as we wrap up and look forward to organise an even better race for 2020. Like our Facebook Page, Rotary Magoeba Plunge Marathon, and see all the positive feedback from our runners, without whom of course, we are nothing”, the race organisers said in a statement.
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Matophi Malatjie with Maripe Mangena
Timothy Timothy
Viraldi Engelbrecht
Tel: 015 307 5999 A/H: 015 307 4661 Cell: 083 628 9244 10 Skirving Street Tzaneen Behind Letaba Dry cleaners