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Ridiculousness continues in Limpopo legislature
February 2020
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27 February 2020 FAR NORTH
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“Ek soek my geld, ek was al in die tronk” ■ Joe Dreyer
‘n Tzaneense vrou en haar gesin word deur ‘n genadelose “leenhaai” gedreig nadat hulle geld by dié geleen het, en nou sukkel om die bedrag wat gepaard gaan met onredelike rente op dié kitslenings terug te betaal. Volgens *Marie en haar man, erken hulle die skuld, maar weens ‘n sameloop van omstandighede is dit nie moontlik vir die paartjie om die volle bedrag eenklaps terug te betaal nie. “Ons is bereid om met die vrou te onderhandel om die geld maandeliks terug te betaal, maar sy wil eenvoudig net nie onderhandel nie.” Marie het sowat ‘n jaar gelede deur ‘n werkskennis van haar, die nommer van dié leenhaai verkry nadat sy haar kollega van hul huishouding se finansiële probleme vertel het. Die kollega het haar gerus gestel deur te sê dat sy en haar man self al ‘n geruime tydjie van dié vrou se dienste gebruik maak. Vir Marie was die voorstel ‘n lig aan die einde van die donker finansiële skuldtonnel, ‘n moontlike oplossing. Sy vertel dat sy aanvanklik ‘n klein bedrag by die vrou geleen het, maar dat dit gelydelik groter geword het. “Daar is geen papierwerk nie. Sy vat jou bankkaart en veeg dit deur ‘n draagbare bankmasjien vir die bedrag wat jy leen plus 35% rente. Einde van die maand sodra jou salaris in jou rekening in betaal word, gaan die geld outomaties af,” vertel Marie. “Die probleem is – dan is jy nou wéér kort en maak weer ‘n lening.” So word die lenings elke maand groter en groter en sukkel “kliente” om uit die leenhaai se kake los te breek. In Marie en haar man se geval, staan die lening verskuldig nou op meer as R30 000 met rente. En dit is waar hul nagmerrie begin. Die vrou, het dreigboodskappe aan Marie begin stuur: “Ek was al in die tronk, en ek sal weer gaan… vra my prokureur waarom ek in die tronk was, hy
Call Centre: 086 101 7488 Fax: 086 606 4606 Email:
sal vir jou sê…” Met tyd het die boodskappe begin eskuleer en twee weke terug het die vrou by Marie se werksplek opgedaag. Sy het in haar motor in die parkeer-area gesit en haar dopgehou. Vanuit die parkeerarea het sy boodskappe gestuur wat Marie laat verstaan het sy vrou nie sou ry sonder om haar geld te kry nie. Hierdie aksie het die vrou elke dag daarna herhaal totdat ‘n privaat sekuriteitsfirma ingeroep is om die vrou vanaf die perseel te verwyder. Daarna het sy bloot haar motor elke oggend buite die perseel parkeer en aangehou met die dreigboodskappe. “Sy het my begin agtervolg in die middae wanneer ek van die werk af ry en selfs by die skool ingedraai waar ons jongste kind skoolgaan. Daar het sy in die verkeer een middag gestop, uit haar motor geklim en aan my motor se venster kom slaan en geskree dat sy haar geld soek en sy wag vir my.” Alhoewel Marie die dreigemente baie ernstig opgeneem het, was dit eers na ‘n boodskap oor haar kind, wat sy besluit het om die polisie in die saak te ken.“Niemand het nog ooit dit aan my gedoen en daarmee weggekom nie… hoe oud is jou jongste kind?” Daardie selfde dag is Marie na die Tzaneense polisiestasie om die dreigemente aanhangig te maak en te poog om ‘n interdik teen die vrou te verkry. Tot haar verbassing wou die speurder aan diens na bewering nie die saak registreer nie en het hy vir die leenhaai se nommer gevra. “Hy het die vrou gebel en vir my begin uitvrae oor hoeveel ek per maand verdien en waarom ek nie die skuld aan die leenhaai wou terugbetaal nie. Hy was redelik onbeskof oor die hele saak en dit was duidelik dat hy my nie wou help nie. Hy het vir haar oor die foon gesê sy moet dadelik polisiestasie toe kom sodat die storie uitgesorteer kan word,” het Marie vertel. “Ek het toe dadelik besluit om eerder te ry want dit was nie vir my ‘n baie veilige situasie nie.”
Teen druktyd het Marie en haar man steeds geen hulp ontvang nie en lewe hulle tans in vrees vir hul veiligheid. Ons kon ook geen kommentaar vanaf die polisie verkry nie. “Mashonisas” is die hartklop van Suid-Afrika se ongeregistreerde kredietmark. Uit nuwe navorsing blyk dit dat tot 40 000 van hierdie “leningshaaie” moontlik in Suid-Afrika bedrywig is. “Mashonisa” is ‘n Isizulu-term wat gewortel is in die woord Shonisa; te verarm. Aangesien Suid-Afrika se kredietregulasies al hoe strenger word en lewenskoste steeds hoog bly, blyk die aanvraag na sulke informele (om nie eens te praat van onwettige) dienste aan die toeneem is. As ‘n individu voor 2016 geld aan iemand wou leen en rente wou hef, was registrasie by die Nasionale Kredietreguleerder noodsaaklik indien die leningsdrempelwaarde bo R500 000 gestel was. Nadat die wysiging van die Nasionale Kredietwet in November 2016 in werking getree het, het Handel en Nywerheid Minister, Rob Davies, dié drempel tot nul verlaag. Met ander woorde as enige iemand geld wil leen en rente hef, moet daai persoon ‘n geregistreerde kredietverskaffer wees. Rentekoerse mag nie meer wees as dié wat wettiglik uiteengesit word nie en invorderingsmetodes soos die behoud van IDboeke, PIN-kodes en bankkaarte is onwettig. Die Nasionale Kredietreguleerder laat toe dat ‘n maksimum van 31% rente per jaar gehef word. Vir ‘n korttermynlening wat nie ses maande oorskry nie, kan die rentekoers nie meer as 3% per maand wees nie. As die individu nie as kredietverskaffer registreer nie, sal die ooreenkoms deur die howe onwettig verklaar word, en die ongeregistreerde kredietverskaffer sal ‘n beperkte regsmetode teen die kredietverbruiker hê. *Naam is verander om die identiteit van die betrokke persoon te beskerm.
Seloba back after NEHAWU intervention ■ Jeff Jackson
The office of the premier in Limpopo has finally bowed to pressure from workers union NEHAWU and allowed suspended spokesperson, Phuti Seloba to return to work after they had vowed not to allow him to enter the offices of the provincial government. According to the Limpopo government, Seloba was still suspended. This followed a statement from the acting spokesperson for the Limpopo government and spokesperson for the premier’s office, Kenny Mathivha that Seloba will not be allowed to enter the offices. True to his statement, when Seloba arrived on Monday accompanied by the regional and provincial leaders of the National Health and Allied Workers Union (Nehawu), he was met with a notice at the entrance which reportedly read “Phuti Seloba should not enter the offices as he is still on suspension”. This after his suspension was declared illegal by the General Public Service Sectoral Bargaining Council (GPSSC). Following the move, NEHAWU issued a media statement where they accused Premier Stan Mathabatha of not abiding by the laws that he participated in constructing, by not allowing Seloba back to work. The union further claimed that the action constitutes wasteful expenditure. Four days after receipt of the letter, the office of the premier allowed Seloba back to work on Friday. Seloba’s controversial suspension, described in certain quarters as too political, came Phuti Seloba about after Lim-
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popo EFF chairperson and Member of the Provincial Legislature, Jossey Buthane, posted on social media that Seloba had been leaking information about the premier to him, since 2017. Seloba was suspended in November 2019 until the suspension was turned down by the GPSSC several days ago. According to national media reports the rivalry between Seloba and Premier Stanley Mathabatha started during the run-up to the ANC national conference in Nasrec in 2017 where a Mathabatha ally, Ramaphosa emerged victorious. It was alleged that Seloba was on the side of Nkosazana Zuma and the rivalry was further fuelled by the June 2018 Limpopo conference where Mathabatha retained the chair of the province. ** Editor’s comment – why is this even making the news? Why would it be so important for
our readers to be bombarded by the obvious sanctimony of most politicians in this province? Since when does the suspension of a mere spokesperson (their positions dictate spin doctoring in order to keep the public (you) and the media (us) in the dark about the political heads they protect) make headline news? Let us also not forget that the main cause behind the decline in our work ethic, especially in the service delivery arena, is directly as a result of these unions who will unscrupulously place their own agendas ahead of that of the employer which in this case is the public. I want to apologize to my readers for once again mentioning a member of the fascists who tote around in designer red overalls. Where possible I try to avoid giving these heretics exposure in this publication as I believe my readers deserve more intellectual content.
Stan Mathabatha
Stand van Damme Dam Levels
Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: Information updated: 17/02/2020
Tzaneen 15.4%
Ebenezer 25.1%
Merensky 102.3%
Dap Naude 98.1%
Middel Letaba 5.4%
Blyde Rivier Poort 100.7%
Klaserie 101.1%
Tours 31%
Vergelegen 101%
Ohrigstad 9.3%
*Termes & voorwaardes geld.
Tel: 015 307 3703 11 Rencole Building, Loop Street, Tzaneen
27 February 2020
Horrific accident rips pedestrian in two ■
Joe Dreyer
A female pedestrian was accidentally killed by a vehicle travelling from Tzaneen in the direction of Magoebaskloof along the R36 highway on Thursday evening. The accident allegedly occurred at around 21:30 on the 20th of February near the bridge at the slipway off the R36 to join the R528 Georges Valley road between High Grove Lodge and Maxim’s. It is not certain at this stage where the driver was heading exactly. Though the circumstances that lead to the accident, or the incident itself, cannot with any certainty be published as an absolute true reflection of what happened until the outcome of the forensic investigation is laid bare, speculation is that the pedestrian had stumbled into the middle of the driver’s lane which made it virtually impossible for the vehicle not to hit her. This seemed to be supported by several witness accounts of the woman earlier that same day. The African woman, known among several long-time Tzaneen residents as a vagrant with suspected mental illness, was wearing a black outfit at the time of her demise. Earlier, that same afternoon, this woman was seen walking through the major intersection at Tzaneen Lifestyle centre where she was reportedly almost knocked over by a motorist. “I almost ran over this woman earlier that afternoon at that intersection because she just walked blindly across the road. I actually wanted to stop and ask her if she was okay as she seemed ‘out of it’ and was walking erratically through the traffic,” said the motorist in a message to Bulletin after we published the breaking news report on our Facebook page on Friday. “She was wearing a black off-the-shoulder jersey and I could tell from her mannerisms that she wasn’t ‘all there’. Now the person who hit her has to deal with it all. Just terrible.” A Tzaneen Neighbourhood Watch patrolman spotted the woman under a tree on the sidewalk at SAVF and Wolkberg church a few hours later. She appeared at first to be unconscious, but upon inspection it was found that she was just laying down. Approximately
an hour before the accident, she was again spotted walking along the R36 highway just past Tzaneen Garden Centre. Rather gruesomely, the pedestrian’s body was torn in two after the initial impact with the vehicle. From photographs of the scene, it would appear as though she struck the bonnet of the vehicle and smashed the windscreen before sliding onto the bonnet with her legs dangling in front of the vehicle. The lower half of her body separated from her torso some distance from the initial point of impact and was discovered in the road by security officials who cordoned off the scene later. One of the members who arrived on the scene, speculated that because of the area in which the accident occurred, the time of night it occurred and the fact that the driver was alone in the vehicle, she may have entered into a state of shock and continued driving in order to find a safe space to pull over. This too will be determined by the forensic investigator handling the case. “With the windscreen completely shattered, and the black clothing of the deceased, the driver of the vehicle would not have known that she had in fact struck a pedestrian and that the body was still stuck to the bonnet of her vehicle,” a source at the scene speculated. “The young lady was woman-alone in that vehicle and due to the times we live in, most likely carried on driving to the first available place of safety where she could call for help. With all the stories nowadays of car hijackers throwing things from bridges onto vehicles to get the drivers to pull over, one cannot blame this driver for not stopping.” By the time the driver reached the first safe spot and attempted to turn the vehicle around, she had already travelled to the intersection at Merensky High School. It is at this point that the torso allegedly slid off of the bonnet. Motorists passing by the scene called for assistance over the various Whatsapp traffic reporting groups and members of Tzaneen Neighbourhood Watch were the first to respond. “When we
reached the vehicle, the young lady was visibly in shock. She was sat in her car clutching her cell phone and did not know what happened or where she was.” Ambulance services were activated, and medics arrived on scene where they treated the driver in her car while the Neighbourhood Watch patrolmen cordoned off the scene. “After we checked her vitals, she climbed into the ambulance at first, but then exited when friends of hers arrived on the scene,” explained one of the medics who responded to the scene. “The young lady was taken to Mediclinic by her friends.” Police arrived on scene sometime later and initially reported to another media house that the driver of the vehicle was “nowhere to be seen and later traced to her boyfriend’s house” which drastically altered the facts of the incident and made it appear as though it was a typical hit-and-run incident. We contacted Tzaneen SAPS spokesperson Sgt Maurice Mkwashu to inform him that the information was not correct. “This is the information that I received from the investigating officer and the investigations into the matter will determine what is the truth.” This despite there having been plenty of witnesses, including the ambulancemen, whom the investigating officer could have interviewed on the scene. The spokesperson did confirm to us that by the time of going to print on Wednesday (yesterday) the statement of the investigating officer had been amended and that they are now investigating a case of culpable homicide. Legal advisor for the driver of the vehicle, Anita Campbell, told Bulletin that her client was not willing to speak to the media considering the forensic investigation which is currently underway. Campbell also explained that her client has not appeared in court nor has she been charged with any crime. Bulletin will not publish any photographs of this tragic accident whether of the scene or the vehicle as it is considered evidence in the investigations and could compromise the outcome.
Follow up: Child killer arrested ■
Jeff Jackson
The 50-year old father who allegedly brutally murdered his four children last week, was arrested on Tuesday evening, 18th of February, in ga-Phasha village near Burgersfort. He was travelling in a vehicle with another person when the police pounced on him. His arrest was as a result of a coordinated intelligence driven operation that was manned by members from Burgersfort Crime Intelligence, Mecklenburg Detectives, K9 units and Malipsdrift Visible Policing. The Cluster Commander of Burgersfort, Brig Mkhabela, and the Mecklenburg Station Commander, Col Shirinda, coordinated the operation from the scene. The suspect allegedly killed his four children at ga-Pasha village earlier that same day. The bodies of the children were found at two seperate locations in the area. The suspect allegedly informed a neighbour shortly after he committed the crime, about the murders and indicated to him the places where the bodies were to be found. The police were then informed and upon arrival, the lifeless bodies of three children aged 9, 7 and 5-years were found in nearby bushes. The body 3-year old was discovered near a mountain in the area, about three kilometres from the first scene. Preliminary police investigations indicated that the suspect stopped the vehicle transporting the children from school the previous afternoon, Monday 17 February at around 15:30. The driver, who apparently knew the father, stopped and let the children go with their father. It was allegedly the last time the children were seen alive. Three of the children were found with stab wounds. The youngest was found with open wounds across the body. The suspect has appeared in court, but at the time of going to print we had not yet received any update on the outcome of the first appearance.
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27 February 2020
Plaaslike landbou in gesprek met Agri SA ■
Joe Dreyer
Agri Letaba het verlede week hul kwartaalikse lede vergadering in die skousaal buite Tzaneen gehou. Hierdie vergardering is deur lede en ander belanghebbendes asook die Hoof Uitvoerende Beampte van Agri SA, Omri van Zyl bygewoon. Die Beleidshoof van Veiligheid by Agri SA , Kobus Visser tesame met die President van Agri Limpopo, Piet Engelbrecht, Vise-President, Lodewyk de Jager en die Agri Limpopo HUB, Deidre Carter het tydens hierdie vergardering aan die lede voorleggings rakende verskeie knelpunte in die landbou sektor gelewer. Tydens hierdie vergardering is daar deur die voorsitter van Agri Letaba, Pieter Vorster, na ‘n paar sake gekyk wat die onmiddelike omgewing raak. Van hierdie punte het die onwettige sandmyne in die buitewyke van die Mopani distrik ingelsuit. Daar is genoem dat daar reeds in die verlede ‘n paar van hierdie informele sandmyn operasies suksesvol deur die organisasie stop gesit is, maar dat daar wel steeds voorvalle van hierdie bedrywighede by die kantoor aangemeld word. Die groep het vlugtig die saak onder Agri SA se aandag gebring waarna daar na die dringende saak van die elektrisiteitskrisis gekyk is. Pieter Vorster, Kobus van Wyk en Carel Minnaar het terugvoering op die huidige elektrisiteit situasie gegee en dit was voor die handliggend dat die landbou gemeenskap se geduld reeds verlede jaar leeggeloop het. “Wat gaan gebeur sodra die pakhuise almal gelyk begin pak hierdie seisoen?” en “wanneer kom die Eiland transformator?” Vorster het sy eie frustrasie aan die vergardering meegedeel. “Daar is reeds baie werk vanaf die Agri Letaba kantoor ingesit op die elektrisiteit kwessie, maar ons kry net geen duidelikheid vanaf die munisipaliteit of selfs Nersa af oor wat werklik aangaan nie,” het hy gesê. “Ons skryf briewe, ons woon die forum vergarderings by en ons doen ons deel waar ons kan, maar die plaaslike regering dra bloot net nie by nie. Ons is reeds besig om na alternatiewe oplossings te kyk want al word hierdie situasie uiteindelik opgelos kan ons nie bekostig om weer deur dit te gaan nie. Enige persoon wat insette kan lewer op alternatiewe opsies moet asseblief dit aan die Agri Letaba kantoor rig sodat ons almal daaroor kan besluit.”
Ernest Mukhawane
Deidre Carter
Net twee weke terug het Vorster ‘n brief aan die Groter Tzaneen se Munisipaliteit gerig waarin hy sy landbou organisasie se bereidwilligheid om hulp en bystand aan die munisipaliteit te bied, wééreens beklemtoon het. Volgens hom, het hy steeds nie antwoord op die brief gekry nie. Ander kwessies waarop terugvoering gegee is, was die probleem met rekeninge in die Phalaborwa munisipaliteit. Die Agri Letaba kantoor tesame met die Agri Limpopo kantoor is besig om hand-aanhand met die Phalaborwa munisipaliteit te werk om verskeie rekeninge wat foutief is, uit te sorteer. Die Nasionale Minimum loon is bevestig teen R18.68 vanaf die eerste Maart vanjaar en boere gewaarsku teen die praktyk wat af en toe kop uitsteek waar sekere boere hul uurlone met ‘n paar Rand verhoog om sodoende beter gehalte plaaswerekers na hul plase te lok. “Al wat hierdie tipe bedrywigheid doen is dit veroorsaak dat die werker op jou buurplase daarvan te hore kom en dan gaan betoog vir ‘n hoër loon by hul eie werkgewer,” het Piet Engelbrecht, President van Agri Limpopo gewaarsku. ‘n Plaaslike boer by name Ernest Mukhawane is ook bekendgestel
as ‘n nuwe lid op die Agri Letaba bestuurskomittee. Die laaste van die inhuissake op die agenda was die jaarlikse Letaba skou waar die gemeenskap gerus gestel is dat die skou wéér vanjaar soos elke jaar sal voortgaan. Die datums vir vanjaar se skou is vasgemaak vanaf die 5de tot die 7de Augustus. Die skou sal nie op Saterdag gehou word nie. Nadat die inhuise sake afgehandel is, was Carter en Engelbrecht aan die woord en het hulle ‘n paar provinsiale kwessies onder andere veiligheid, bek-en klouseer, arbeid kwessies, ekonomie en handel, water en omgewingsake, en plaas protokol bespreek. Daar is ook genoem dat Agri Limpopo ‘n verteenwoordiger is op die Premier se advies komitee. Kobus Visser en Omri van Zyl het die vergadering afgesluit met spesifieke informasie op die veiligheid van Suid-Afrika asook insig oor waarmee Agri SA die boere huidiglik ondersteun en die organisasie se strategie vir die jaar vorentoe. Na afloop van die formele vergardering het die boere almal bymekaar gekom vir ‘n gesellige kuier langs die braavleisvuur. Boere in die omgewing wat graag meer wil uitvind oor Agri Letaba kan gerus Naomi Excell by die kantoor kontak op 015 307 2725.
Mahala Glug-Glug ■
Roelof de Jonge
Local resident Aretha Modiba was one of 10 nationwide lucky winners who have won a year of free fuel to the value of R36 000. Sasol hosted the competition last year from the 7th of November until the 11th of December. Customers who spend R300 or more at any Sasol filling station stood a chance of winning free fuel for a year. Modiba have spent R300 for fuel at the popular Sasol Tzaneen filling station (R71 road) and entered the competition. Tzaneen’s lucky winner was also the only one emerging from Limpopo. The vouchers will be capped at an amount of R3 000 per month for a period of 12 months.
Aretha Modiba gets ready to fill up get going with some free Glug-Glug for a Year. With her is Refilwe Molewa who assisted her on the day of the purchase and Monamudi George Manyaka from Sasol Head Office.
Tzaneen property market offers many opportunities Tzaneen – with its abundance of subtropical and indigenous plants – is not only fondly referred to as a subtropical paradise and known for being the cleanest town in Limpopo, but the property market here is also very vibrant and offers many opportunities to prospective investors. Nicola Strydom, owner and principal of Seeff Tzaneen, says the property market here has seen a drastic expansion in recent years – especially on the residential side. “Vacant land in Tzaneen has become extremely scarce and because of this reason developments have been slower – in turn creating a gap in stock availability for buyers. Some developers have recognised and capitalised on this gap by buying up older properties on bigger stands and rezoning these stands for building sought after townhouses. Due to the low stock levels in Tzaneen, property prices here have increased, but this fact aside the market here still remains a buyer’s
market like in much of the rest of the country at the moment. Buyers in Tzaneen negotiate prices and properties that have been on the market for long periods of time are often eventually sold for less than market value. Sellers are therefore advised to always price their property correctly from the onset. Property types with the highest demand in Tzaneen include two bedroom townhouses and affordable three bedroom homes for families. Most of the recent buyers in Tzaneen are young professionals and younger couples who would rather invest in property than to rent. People in Tzaneen don’t only choose to buy property because of the long term benefits associated with property ownership but also because the Tzaneen rental market is extremely expensive due to stock shortages”. Strydom continues that Seeff Tzaneen operates in various areas with different price ranges starting from around R400 000 in the rural areas and more affordable areas like Florapark, R4 million in upmarket residential areas like Aquapark, Premierpark and Arbopark and around R35 million in the agricultural areas.
27 February 2020
Security estates are very popular due to the security features and the fact that they are lockup and go and low maintenance properties. Seeff operates in various estates such as Riverside, Heritage Village, Tzangeni and Letaba River Estate with the most popular estate being Golden Acres situated close to the Tzaneen dam where prices start at around R1.9 million. Another new townhouse development called Villa Royale is also in the process of completion. These townhouses consist of two bedroom units priced at R950 000 and three bedroom units at R1 850 000”. Strydom adds that investment in townhouses in Tzaneen could be a lucrative endeavour due to the shortage of rental stock. Two bedroom townhouses are rented out for between R5 000 and R9 000 depending on the area, while three bedroom homes can fetch rentals of between R10 000 and R 15 000 per month. There is however a severe shortage in this property type and they rarely become available”. Strydom concludes that the best time to buy property in Tzaneen is now as property values increase with between 11% and 20% per annum due to the extraordinary demand.
61 Boundary Road, Tzaneen 015 307 7677 082 447 1512
TicketLine 0861 668 437 Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply.
Legals NOTICE: LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Grant TG9170/2000 passed by Lesiba Willy Mafikeng, Identity number 630905 5946 08 0 and Maphuti Elizabeth Mafikeng, Identity number 720822 0370 08 6, married in community of property to each other in favour of Mohale Bernard Motsinoni, Identity Number 680915 5542 08 5 and Phuti Adolphina Motsinoni, Identity Number 710727 0407 08 9, Married in community of property to each other in respect of certain Erf 915 Ga-Kgapane-A Township, Registration Division L T Province Limpopo, In Extent: 521 (Five Hundred and Twenty
One) square metres, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Register of Deeds Limpopo at Polokwane within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen on this the 21st day of February 2020. Applicant: Joubert & May Attorneys Address: 50 Boundary Street, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel no: 015 307-3660 Email address: Feb401___________________________
NOTICE: LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of
Deed of Transfer T40663/1995 passed by Avoli Investments CC, Registration Number: CK1986/002238/23 in favour of Allesbeste Beleggings Eiendoms Beperk, Registration Number; 1993/005868/07 in respect of certain Portion 5 (HUMOR) of the farm CAMPSIESGLEN 474, Registration Division L T Province Limpopo, In Extent 51,6455 (Fifty One comma Six Four Five Five) hectares which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Register of Deeds, Limpopo at Polokwane within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen on this the 21st of February 2020. Applicant: Joubert & May Attorneys
Address: 50 Boundary Street, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel no: 015 307-3660 Email address: Feb402___________________________
LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT IN DECEASED ESTATE LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of Section 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution account (first and final) in the estate specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with interest therein for a period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof, and at the offices of the Master in Polokwane and the Magistrate’s office in Ga-Kgapane. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the spec-
ified period, the executors will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account. Registration Number of Estate: 5515/2017 Surname: BARRETT Name: CHARLES GEORGE GORDON BARRETT Identity Number: 6903275011087 Last address: FARM RAVENSHILL, TZANEEN Joubert & May Attorneys 50 Boundary Street P O Box 35, 0850 ,Tzaneen Tel (015) 307 3660 Ref.: Mr Rech/avs/R14546 Feb403___________________________
LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of Section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I, the Registrar of Deeds at LIMPOPO, Polokwane intend to issue a Certificate of Registered
Title in lieu of Deed of Grant TG37806/1997GZ passed by JONAS MACHIMANA, Identity Number 620519 5575 088 And EMMAH NWASILAS MACHIMANA, Identity Number 660909 0546 088 Married in Community of Property to each other in respect of ERF 1648 NKOWANKOWA-A TOWNSHIP, Registration Division L.T., Province Limpopo, Measuring 805 (Eight Hundred And Five) square metres, Held by Deed of Grant TG37806/1997GZ, which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such are hereby required to lodge same in writing with the same Registrar of Deeds, Limpopo at Polokwane in which the Certificate of Registered Title is to be issued, within a period of six weeks after the date of the first publication of this
Notice in the bulletin. NAME OF ADVERTISER: JOUBERT & MAY ATTORNEYS, REF: E GOOSEN/SM/M0082, 50 Boundary Street, TZANEEN, 0850, P O Box 35, TZANEEN, 0850 TEL NO: (015) 307 3660 FAX NO: (015)307 1787 Email Address: elana@ Feb404___________________________
LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of Section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I, the Registrar of Deeds at LIMPOPO, Polokwane intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Grant TG89263/2010 passed by GREATER TZANEEN LOCAL MUNICIPALITY in respect of ERF 241 NKOWANKOWA-IA TOWNSHIP, Registration Division L.T., Province Limpopo,
Measuring 11.6179 ( Eleven Comma Six One Seven Nine) hectres, Held by Deed of Grant TG89263/2010, which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such are hereby required to lodge same in writing with the same Registrar of Deeds, Limpopo at Polokwane in which the Certificate of Registered Title is to be issued, within a period of six weeks after the date of the first publication of this Notice in the bulletin. NAME OF ADVERTISER: JOUBERT & MAY ATTORNEYS, REF: E GOOSEN/SM/DG351, 50 Boundary Street, TZANEEN, 0850, P O Box 35, TZANEEN, 0850 TEL NO: (015) 307 3660 FAX NO: (015)307 1787 Email Address: elana@ Feb405___________________________
27 February 2020
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073 265 2650 __________________________________
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My name is Venecia Ramatseba. I am looking for a full time position. I am looking for general work in Admin or Domestic cleaning. I have references. Well presented and very neat. Contact me on 073 254 9124 ________________________ My name is Priscilla Ramkgoakgoa. I’m looking for Full time Domestic / Office Cleaning work. Washing, ironing and all cleaning. I can start immediately. Tzaneen area. Contact me on 071 732 6091 ________________________ My name is Maria Rammola. I’m looking for Full time Domestic work or Old Care. Washing, ironing, cleaning and cooking. I can start immediately. Tzaneen area. Sleep in or out. Speaks Afrikaans very good. Contact me on 060 735 5691 ________________________
My name is Abel Sekgobela. I’m looking for a Driver position. I have a Code 10 licence. Busy with a course on firefighting. I can start immediately. Contact me on 079 831 2991 ________________________ My name is Cornelia Sekgobela. I’m looking for Full time Domestic / General work. Washing, ironing and all cleaning. I can start immediately. Tzaneen area. Sleep in or out. Contact me on 076 097 2200 ________________________ My name is Prudence Bottoman.I am looking for Full or Part time Domestic work. Can look after children. Tzaneen area. Sleep out. Very neat and well presented. Worked for four years for previous employer, references available. Please contact me on 072 442 2805. ________________________
27 February February 2020 2020 20
February 2020
27 February 2020
Minimum wage increase Farmers find tariffs too much
Roelof de Jonge
Agri SA takes note of the increase of 3.8% to the national minimum wage which will come into effect on the 1st of March. This increase is exactly in line with the recommendation made to the Minister of Employment and Labour by the National Minimum Wage Commission. The commission had a very difficult task to act per its mandate which is found in the National Minimum Wage Act. This includes making recommendations to the minister that will consider both the country’s unemployment rate as well as maintaining a balance to ensure that
the value of the national minimum wage won’t be compromised. The average Consumer Price Index (CPI) for 2019 was 4.1%. It is a relief for the agricultural sector that the 90% special dispensation will be still in place. This dispensation will be under discussion in 2020 to establish what will happen to it in 2021. The agricultural sector is dependent on the special dispensation due to the sector’s vulnerability of which the continuing drought is one of the biggest contributors. However, rising unemployment is the biggest driver of poverty. The impact of the minimum wage in this regard must be continuously monitored and evaluated. South Africa cannot afford further job losses. Understanding the circumstances in which farmers find themselves is therefore crucial. Jobs can be protected by granting permission to farmers who cannot afford the minimum wage at this stage. Employers who are unable to afford the national minimum wage can apply for exemption at
Roelof de Jonge
Agri Limpopo is a federation of farmers’ associations located across Limpopo. Through its affiliated membership, Agri Limpopo represents a diverse grouping of individual farmers regardless of gender, colour or creed. The aim of Agri Limpopo is to protect and advance the interests of its members and of agriculture within the province. This submission is made on behalf of Agri Limpopo, its affiliated associations and their member farmers. Agriculture in Limpopo has over the past few years been confronted with numerous challenges, including devastating drought conditions, sustained above inflations increases in electricity tariffs and outbreaks of Foot and Mouth Disease, amongst other factors, all of which has forced some farmers out of business and left others facing enormous financial constraints. The farming sector continues to face rising input costs. Electricity is a key production input for the agricultural sector and increased tariffs will undoubtedly have a severe impact on the agriculture in Limpopo and its ability to contribute to economic growth and a reduction in unemployment, poverty and inequality. This is particularly so with respect to irrigation-reliant and energy-intensive sectors such as horticulture, dairy, poultry, grains and the agro-processing industry. The current trajectory of rising electricity tariffs over many years is unsustainable for the economy as a whole and particularly for the agriculture sector. Further increased electricity tariffs (on top of years of above-inflation and unsustainably high increase) will only add further unnecessary pressure to an already constrained operating environment for the agricultural sector. Agri Limpopo’s view of Eskom’s business model is no longer sustainable. The real solution lies in the radical reformation of the entire electricity sector. Considering the above, Agri Limpopo recommended that Eskom’s RCA application should not
Chainsaws Brush Cutters Lawn Mowers Ride-on Mowers & Tractors Water Pumps Generators
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be approved as: • The agricultural sector can no longer sustain the sustained above-inflation electricity tariff increases • The proposed increase will negatively affect the agricultural sector which is already under pressure • Eskom’s business model is broken and is no longer sustainable • The real solution lies in the radical reformation of the electricity sector.
27 February 2020
Engineering compost machines is our business ■
Roelof de Jonge
FM Sheet Metalworks – Compost Matters under the management of local engineering expert, Francois van der Poll, is taking this business of quality workmanship to new heights. “I started in 2009 to work at FM Sheet Metalworks when it was still under the ownership of the late Lighty Bootha and his wife, Magda. When Bootha passed away in 2016, the business kept going under the ownership of Bootha’s wife. In 2017 however, I managed to purchase the business,” said van der Poll. With regards to the compost maker machines he inherited, Van der Poll explained that the concept remains the same, although there have been some modern improvements. Van der Poll said the smallest of the compost makers are driven by tractors (attached to the back of a tractor) while the bigger, hydraulic machines are self-driven. Compost Matters proudly wears their title of “benchmark for compost turner equipment value and performance” since 1998. Compost Matters takes pride in offering reliable solutions that are tailored to suite all environments and needs. Its compost makers are ideal for compost manufacturers producing high quality compost, which will increase the nutrient content of soil. “The type of compost maker needed will depend on the type of organic matter used, location and size of operation. We have a compost maker to suit your needs for small- or large-scale composting. Our compost makers can be used almost anywhere, all the time,” explained Van der Poll.
Francois van der Poll, engineer and businessowner of FM Sheet Metalworks - Compost Matters, with one of their latest creations in compost manufacture machines. Photos: Roelof de Jonge
FM Sheet Metal – Compost Matters provides compost makers that operate on a 24-hour duty cycle. This makes this manufacturer’s compost maker equipment the most cost-effective units a person can own. Compost Matters has had the opportunity and privilege to be part of a vast testing network of compost manufactures in South Africa and Africa. This company has been involved in manufacturing high quality compost using various types of waste materials including. For compost makers designed to suit a variety of sizes and styles of composting operations, contact FM Sheet Metalworks - Compost Matters which is situated at 24 Antimony Street in Tzaneen’s New Industrial Area. For more information, contact Francois van der Poll on 082 928 5809 or contact the office on 015 307 4420/4422.
T t n
One of the dedicated welders from FM Sheet Metalworks - Compost Matters busy assembling the frame for another compost manufacture machine.
Francois van der Poll inspecting a steel frame for a compost manufacture machine.
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27 February 2020
Land Bank downgrade a damper for farmers ■
Roelof de Jonge
Agri SA questions the state of corporate governance at the Land Bank. Moody’s downgrade of the Land Bank on the 21st of January is evident of the unhealthy state of affairs at governance and management level within the bank. And it comes as a setback for growth and transformation of the agricultural sector. Moody’s downgrade holds direct implications for the agricultural sector with broader spill-over economic impacts. The Land Bank’s long-term sustainability and ability to execute its core mandate are now viewed as “riskier”. It therefore makes access to finance more challenging and expensive for the bank. Agriculture is cyclical in nature, and as a result many farmers do not have a fixed or regular in-
come. They earn the bulk of their income in a short period of time (varies based on commodity) when their produce is sold. Access to credit, from amongst others the Land Bank, is essential to meet cashflow needs (for example, paying for inputs and labour) throughout the year. Farmers will typically settle their debt when their produce is harvested. However, climate change and corresponding drought conditions have placed many farmers under pressure. The Land Bank’s increased costs are passed on to farmers borrowing from the bank, increasing their cost of credit. Many agri-businesses have also sold their loan books to the Land Bank, increasing the Land Bank’s role in the agricultural credit system. This could mean higher input costs for farmers accessing production credit through these agri-
businesses. This places further pressure on farmers’ finances and sustainability, with associated risks to the rest of the value chain and the end consumer. Consumers could end up paying higher prices in a constrained environment. Along with the downgrade, Moody’s changed the bank’s outlook to Negative from Rating Under Review. The Land Bank was placed on review for a downgrade in November 2019, therefor, Moody’s highlighted three risks leading to the review: • An increase in non-performing loans (agriculture under pressure or challenging operating conditions) • Environmental risks • Expropriation without compensation (policy uncertainty). The broad concerns highlighted the bank’s high
exposure to environmental risks such as climate change, drought, changing and unusual patterns of hail and heightened biosecurity or disease risks. Following on this, Moody’s report exposes government’s continued fiscal challenges and its inability to support state-owned enterprises, specifically in case of need. This is also illustrated by the negative outlook assigned to South Africa’s sovereign rating. Other challenges include the inability by the Land Bank to appoint a permanent CEO and other operating factors which impact negatively on its financial performance and on investor confidence. Agri SA therefore calls on the board and management team at the Land Bank to act decisively and to implement a turn-around strategy to reverse the implosion of this institution.
Cannabis farming Vergoedingsplan flikker rooi ligte ■ needs regulation Roelof de Jonge
Roelof de Jonge
Agri SA noted the government’s plan to open up and regulate the commercial use of hemp products, providing opportunities for smallscale farmers and formulate policy on the use of cannabis products for medicinal purposes, to build this industry in line with global trends, as mentioned in the president’s state of the nation address. The government must consider the entire value chain when designing policy for the commercial farming of both cannabis and hemp, especially since the focus is on small-scale farmers. These farmers might not necessarily have access to all the inputs necessary to ensure a successful crop, including but not limited to fertilisers and water. Furthermore, it is vital that investment in any projects need to include an outcome of job creation, given the country’s untenable unemployment rate. It is unclear what the job creation potential is in terms of primary agriculture for the commercial farming of cannabis and hemp.
Job creation may be an outcome of secondary agriculture, where cannabis and hemp is processed, and products are produced and sold. However, this needs proper planning in terms of infrastructure development and market access to ensure the viability of the commercial farming of cannabis and hemp. Organised agriculture cannot be excluded from this planning process. It would also be imperative that the commercial farming of hemp and cannabis cannot interfere with food security. It is a risk that smallscale farmers may prefer to farm with cannabis or hemp because of the potential cash incentive, which could negatively impact the farming of commodities needed for food security. This is a potential unintended consequence that would need careful management. Lastly, given the crime rate in rural areas, it is important to factor in the cost of securing a crop of hemp or cannabis, when decisions are made in terms of policy. Measures to prevent cannabis production falling into illegal use is crucial.
“Dit is gevaarlik om die reg van individue om teen die mag van die staat beskerm te word, weg te neem, want daarsonder is daar geen waarborge dat die staat regmatig gaan optree nie.” So sê die hoof van grondsake by Agri SA, Annelize Crosby, wat meen die Grondwet bevat juis ‘n klousule wat mense ten alle tye vrye toegang tot die bied. Sy sê dit is ook in Artikel 25 van die Grondwet vervat dat indien daar ‘n dispuut oor vergoeding by onteiening is, sal die howe uiteindelik die vergoedingsbedrag bepaal. Crosby se reaksie kom nadat president Cyril Ramaphoasa na die ANC se lekgotla bekend gemaak het dié party wil hê die uitvoerende gesag en nié die howe nie moet ‘n vergoedingsbedrag bepaal, indien grond onteien sou word. Volgens Crosby is die ANC se voorstel is gevaarlik, want grondeienaars word aan die regering of die betrokke minister of instansie wat aangewys word uitgelewer om die vergoeding
vir onteiende grond te bepaal. Crosby sê dit is vir Agri SA ‘n groot bron van kommer dat dit nog nie presies duidelik is wat beoog word in dié verband nie. Dit sluit die onduidelikheid in oor die prosses waarvolgens dit gedoen wil word. “Ek glo daar word probleme ondervind met die prosesse en ek verwys na die bestaande proses wat nou ingestel is op die wysiging van Artikel 25 van die Grondwet om onteiening moontlik te maak sonder vergoeding.” “Dit wat implisiet in die Grondwet is, word in die mandaat hervat, wat onteiening met nul vergoeding in sekere omstandighede insluit. Daar is niks in dié mandaat met betrekking tot howe se gesag en individue se reg tot howe wat genoem word nie en dit word as ‘n bedreiging vir grondeienaar gesien”, volgens Crosby. Crosby meen dit skep ‘n probleem en indien dié mandaat en die onteieningswetsontwerp, wat reeds in Desember 2018 gepubliseer was, verander of aangepas word, sal dit eers gewysig moet word en weer vir kommentaar gepubliseer word.
Proposed land reform amendment ■
Roelof de Jonge
Whilst Agri SA opposes constitutional amendments to section 25 as a viable mechanism to speed up land reform, the agriculture organisation agreed that constructive and effective debate would be crucial to address the ineffectiveness of the current land reform system. Agri SA’s position on the proposed amendment of section 25 of the Constitution, is that the property clause is not an impediment to land reform and that no changes need to be made to section 25 of the Constitution to achieve just and equitable land reform. An amendment to section 25 will not fix systemic institutional incapacity. In its submission to the Ad-hoc committee, Agri SA addressed the following: What it considers to be the impedi-
ments to land reform and why land reform has thus far been ineffectual. It will substantiate these views by referring to various reports International best practice on compulsory acquisition and various international human rights instruments that protect property rights Some of the possible economic consequences of a watering down of property rights protection, or the perception thereof, the impact on food security Proposals and plans for speeding up land reform and ensuring its sustainability. Whilst Agri SA opposes these constitutional amendments to section 25 as a viable mechanism to speed up land reform, the organisation agreed that constructive and effective debate is crucial to address the ineffectiveness of the current
land reform system. An amendment to section 25 will not fix systemic institutional incapacity. In its submission to the Ad-hoc committee, Agri SA addressed the following: Agri SA points out in its submission that an unnecessary amendment to the Constitution undermines the foundational values of the Constitution. An unnecessary amendment to the Constitution is also not rational and has the effect that the Constitution would be treated by the State as it would any other legislation. Given that the Constitutional court has recognised that the real problem with land reform is not with the courts or the laws of the country, an unnecessary amendment also undermines the rule of law, since it ignores the findings of that court.
ZZ2 has vacancies available for project managers in the Limpopo and Mpumulanga provinces. We need dynamic and knowledgeable people who have a passion for agriculture, who can perform their duties purposefully and systematically, as well as successfully
Candidates must have the following qualifying requirements: •
complete them within the ZZ2 code of ethics and established value system. Primary responsibilities and duties include: •
Optimal and effective management, utilization of all resources in farming.
Cultivation of fruits, vegetables and other high value products.
Optimization of production processes aimed at increased yield and productivity.
Execution and support of projects.
Quality control of outputs and handling of all personnel aspects.
Maintenance of fixed assets.
Daily execution and management of tasks aligned with the values of ZZ2.
• • •
ZZ2 offers a negotiable market market-related related remuneration package. Please email your resume to: Please indicate in the subject line, the position you are applying for. Any inquiries can be directed to Johané van der er Merwe: 066 023 1612 (during office hours).
Proven knowledge and experience (minimum 5 years) in agricultural cultivation practices. Proven knowledge of the establishment of orchards, pruning practices and labor legislation is required. Candidates with an appropriate qualification in agriculture or vocational training will receive preference. Candidates must have excellent communication, problem-solving and decision-making skills. Computer literacy as well as experience in using Microsoft Office package is a prerequisite. A valid driver's license is required. Closing date: 13 March 2020
27 February 2020
Mans glinster vir Vossies ■
Roelof de Jonge
Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se atlete het puik presteer met hul deelname aan die NWU-Twizza Interskole Atletiekbyeenkoms vir Groep 4 skole. Hierdie byeenkoms was op Woensdag die 19de Februarie by die Ruimsig Atletiekstadion aangebied. Ben Vorster se atletiekspan het vierde algeheel geëindig uit die agt deelnemende skole. Die hoërskole teen wie die Vossies-atlete meegeding het was Eldoraigne, Jeugland, Driehoek, Hugenote, Akasia, Florida en die Hoërvolkskool Potch. Ben Vorster het altesaam 11 goue-, 20 silwer- en 24 bronsmedaljes verower. In die afdeling vir seuns het Ben Vorster die tweede plek ingeneem met 335 punte. Eldoraigne was eerste met 389 punte. Ben Vorster se meisies-atlete was vyfde algeheel met 306 punte met die meisies atlete van Eldoraigne wat weer- eens die botoon gevoer het deur eerste te eindig met 437 punte. In die algehele span-uitslae
het Ben Vorster vierde geëindig met 641 punte. In die eerste plek met 826 punte was die span van Eldoraigne. Die tweede plek was deur Jeugland beklee mt 670 punte gevolg deur die span van Driehoek met 642 punte. Die toekenning vir die Beste Junior Meisiesveldatleet was aan Megan-Lee Mans toegeken vir haar gooi in die diskus-item vir meisies O/14. Mans het ‘n afstand van 31,48m bereik. Sy het ook die Junior Victrix Ludorum vir haar prestasie ontvang. Shammar Ngobeni wie in die verspring-item vir meisies O/17 deelgeneem het, het ‘n sprong van 5,53m gespring. Hierdie wensprong het aan haar die toekenning vir die Beste Senior Meisiesveldatleet besorg. Nelvin Nhuvunga se uithalerlopie in die 100m-item vir seuns O/14 met ‘n tyd van 11,55 sekondes was genoeg om die toekenning vir die Beste Junior Seunsbaan-atleet in te palm.
Du Plessis oefen saam met SA se bestes ■ Nelvin Nhuvunga (Beste Junior Seunsbaan-atleet), Megan-Lee Mans (Beste Junior Meisiesveldatleet en Junior Victrix Ludorum) en Shammar Ngobeni (Beste Senior Meisiesveldatleet)
Roelof de Jonge
Renzo du Plessis, die uithaler rugbyspeler van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster wie tydens verlede jaar met sy kraglopie tydens die O/18 Cravenweek-toernooi die hoofopskrifte van die nasionale pers behaal het, gaan hierdie naweek ‘n belangrike
rugby-oefenkamp bywoon. Du Plessis wie selfs ‘n kranige atleet ook is, is uitgenooi om deel van die Stellenbosch Academy of Sport se rugby-oefenkamp te wees. Du Plessis is een van sowat 53 spelers van regoor Suid-Afrika wat van die 27ste Februarie tot die 1ste Maart op Stellenbosch hierdie oefenkamp gaan bywoon.
Ben Vorster huldig nuwe VSR in Trueman trumps Seshego ■
Roelof de Jonge
Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se Verteenwoordigende Studenteraad (VSR) het Maandagaand die 17de Februarie hulle inhuldigingsfunksie gehou. Hierdie passievolle jong leiers het die geleentheid gehad om hulle erekode as ‘n leier van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster in die teenwoordigheid van hulle ouers te onderteken. Elke VSR-lid se ouers het tydens die geleentheid vir hulle kinders hul baadjies aangetrek, wat as simbolies beskou word vir die verantwoordelikheid wat hulle as ouers saam met hulle kinders aanvaar. Tydens die leierskamp wat by die Eiland Spa op die 11de en 12de Februarie gehou was, het die VSR opleiding vir hierdie belangrike taak wat op hulle rus ontvang. Die personneel sowel as die mede-leerders van Ben Vorster weet die VSR sal gereed wees vir enige situasie wat hulle sou mag teëkom. Die groep het ook ‘n twee voorsitters onderskeidelik vir die seuns en meisies verkies om die VSR te verteenwoordig. Die voorsitters is Ryno Scheepers en Elsje Kriel. Die twee voorsitters het ook tydens die inhuldigingsfunksie die ouers en leiers toegespreek en bemoedig om te stry tot oorwinning, soos die skool se leuse betaam.
Roelof de Jonge
Rain over the weekend across Limpopo was welcomed although it did not bode well for the cricket matches of the Limpopo Impalas 50 limited overs Premier League which takes place every Sunday. As it turned out, most of the matches had to be abandoned due to wet and slippery conditions caused by the rain and it was only the match between Nashua Aces and Seshego Cricket Clubs in Polokwane that took place. The match between PanSolutions Eagles from Polokwane was the hosts of the match against Nkowankowa Cricket Club, but the visiting team apparently forfeited the contest. Tzaneen’s other local team and currently on top of the leader board, the side of Trophy Toyota Hornbills Cricket Club, enjoyed a bye. Regarding the match between Aces and Seshego at the cricket oval of Tom Naudé Technical High School, the team of Aces and especially their bowlers steamrollered the opposition to enjoy the rest of the Sunday afternoon. Aces won the match by a whopping five wickets. Seshego won the toss of the coin and elected to bat first. Aces bowlers Lance Trueman along with brother Justyn and fellow bowler Jeandré du Plessis ran through the Seshego batsmen to dismiss them for a meagre 63 runs. Trueman (Lance) was the most devastating of the Aces bowling onslaught with an impressive six wickets in his eight over spell for only 15 runs that included three maiden overs. Du Plessis claimed 2/14 in 1.2 overs with Trueman (Justyn) taking 1/11 in two overs. With Seshego having to defend such a low score, the Aces batsmen came out with blazing bats. Overcast conditions and a pitch which seemed to be more bowling friendly, the Aces batsmen quickly realised that the 64 runs required to win was not as easy to come by. Opening bat Erik Viljoen was dismissed for 13 runs from 11 deliveries his opening partner
walking back to the change rooms for just seven runs from 17 balls. Louis Botha grafted hard for his 20 runs from 35 balls, not out. Botha saw a couple of his fellow batsmen falling by the wayside of some formidable bowling from Seshego. Eventually Botha and Trueman (Lance) with vhis six runs from five balls not out, managed to scrape over the line on 64 runs to win by five wickets.
Sport 27 February 2020
Top Lim athletes shine ■
Roelof de Jonge
The annual Inter High Athletics meeting presented by Hoërskool Louis Trichardt was held on Friday the 21st of February. The spirited learners from Frans du Toit High School in Phalaborwa have managed to secure the Spirit Cup for the sixth consecutive year and won the Best Entrance trophy as well. Elandri Janse van Rensburg, junior athlete from Merensky High School,
Itumeleng Seduma
Andru Miller
performed well again in the javelin item to secure the win and with that the Junior Victrix award. Janse van Rensburg also received the trophy for the Top Girls Athlete as well as the Best Girls Field Athlete award. Fellow Merensky athlete, Miyelani Nkuna, won the trophy for the Best Junior Boys Field Athlete. Frans du Toit’s André Barry won the trophy for the Best Senior Track Athlete. This comes after he equaled the record of 11.1 seconds for the 100m sprint race. Barry was also awarded with the Top Boys Athlete. Itumeleng Seduma, also from Frans du Toit, broke the event’s long jump record with a distance of 6.58m. He was awarded with the trophy for the Senior Boys Best Field Athlete. Tshepo Legodi from Hoërskool Louis Trichardt was awarded with Best Junior Boys Track Athlete trophy for his winning performance in the 100m hurdles item. The hurdles athletes from
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Merensky won the Best Hurdles School trophy. There were seven participating schools namely Merensky, Pietersburg, Louis Trichardt, Tom Naudé, Frans du Toit, Eric Louw and Northern Academy. The winning team came from Hoërskool Pietersburg with a total of 1186,5 points. Merensky’s athletes accumulated 991 points to secure second place. In a distant third place was the team of hosts Louis Trichardt on 688 points. On 651 points in fourth spot was Tom Naudé with Frans du Toit in fifth place on 489,5 points. The sixth position went to Eric Louw’s team on 349 points with Northern Academy taking up the final place on 225 points. The girls team of Pietersburg accumulated 604,5 points ahead of Merensky on 529 points with Louis Trichardt on 392 points in third position. The boys athletes from Pietersburg gathered 582 points with Merensky in second place on 462 points. Tom Naudé’s boys team was third with 428,5 points.
Elandri Janse van Rensburg
Christian Wilkens
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