15 May 2020
015 306 0198 • 072 930 1462 • 064 650 7123
Rural areas:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS
Shopping next to Alice South Africans are allowed to purchase t-shirts if they can prove that the t-shirts will be worn as undergarments to keep warm, but the same need not be done for golf shirts. The ladies are not allowed to buy short dresses, but bodysuits are no problem and boots can be bought if you promise to wear them with leggings and a jacket. To see the entire list, read page 7 in this week’s edition of your Bulletin.
15 May 2020
SAGDA conduct screenings at roadblocks ■ Joe Dreyer Personeel | Personnel Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 Deborah Varrie
Bemarking / Marketing Chrizelle Dreyer 082 628 4181 Walter Hohensee 078 893 2721 Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan Drukker/Printer: Novus Print Office: 064 650 7123 Kantoor: 015 306 0198
Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Phalaborwa FAR NORTH MEDIA
Kontak besonderhede Contact Details
One of the famously deserted and optimally ineffective roadblocks erected at the three entrances to Tzaneen town was finally a bustling hub of activity on Tuesday morning. It is reported that seven weeks after the start of the lock down, the local police and traffic officers, decided that it would be the right time to conduct Covid-19 screenings at the R71 roadblock heading toward Letsitele. This meant that they would need to exert the required effort to launch off their camping chairs and apply energy into the direction of the tarmac where they would need to stop and search taxi’s, which up until that morning, had been allowed to pass through the roadblock mostly unperturbed. It is not certain how many vehicles were not stopped, or what criteria was used to decide which vehicles to indeed pull over to the side of the big white marquise, but we are certain that at least some fell prey to the discretion of the officers present. Even more confusing is the fact that neither the police officers nor the traffic officers or even the army soldiers deployed at the roadblock, were conducting the thermo-scans of the vehicle occupants (measuring the temperatures with handheld digital thermometers pointed at the foreheads of the individuals). Instead, members of the South African Graduate
Development Association (SAGDA) were conducting In total, SAGDA claim to have screened 1 400 the screenings. But, who is SAGDA and why were motorists and passengers. We do not know the they doing the screenings and not the officers outcome of these screenings, nor did we manage to gain any clarity as to why these screenings were stationed at the roadblock? According to their website (, conducted by SAGDA and not representatives of SAGDA is a Section 21 Company established by a Choice or the Limpopo Department of Health. We have sent these and other related questions group of unemployed graduates in 1997. Their ‘About’ intro reads “the graduates were faced to the spokesperson of the Limpopo Health with challenges emanating from the South African Department, Niel Shikwambana, for clarity. economy’s inability to create adequate job opportunities thereby rendering hordes of graduates unemployed. These young men and women decided to establish SAGDA with an emphasis on assisting graduates find employment and participate in the South African economy.” They also make the bold claim on their website that “SAGDA has influenced public policy and has well sought after advice to institutions such as the Presidency, National Youth Development Agency, Department of Public Service and Administration and the Department of Trade and Industry.” We know that the police contingent at the roadblock during this stop-andscreen initiative was led by Col Randela Traffic officers directing motorists to the side of the road. and that there were SANDF members and some traffic officers present too.
Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: Briewe/Letters: Events: Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.
Police col Randela oversees the screenings of passengers at the R71 roadblock in Tzaneen.
A SAGDA official takes a temperature reading.
Customs seize counterfeit black shoe polish ■ Joe Dreyer
they signed voluntary surrender documents issued by SARS with warnings to refrain from selling these counterfeit goods. The police accompaniment was headed by local commander, Col Baloyi with the Customs officials led by Capt. Bekker. According to the local police spokesperson Sgt Maurice Mkhwashu, some of the shop owners had caught wind of the inspections and by the time police reached their doorsteps, they had closed shop and were nowhere to be found. Bulletin attempted to contact the local SARS spokesperson, but due to the corona-demic, we were unable to reach him for any commentary. We were told that similar raids were conducted in Pretoria’s CBD on Wednesday.
It was around lunchtime on Tuesday afternoon that the local police accompanied SARS customs officials on a raid through Tzaneen’s CBD. The group conducted inspections at various wholesalers, retailers and spaza shop in the precinct. The team was looking for contraventions of the trade in counterfeit goods act and they managed to confiscate hundreds of counterfeit Kiwi shoe polish, counterfeit cigarettes, feminine hygiene products specifically of the Always brand and green tea face creams. During the raids, seven shop owners received a bit of a slap on the wrist for dealing in counterfeit goods. The police issued them with warnings and
Website Visit our website at and read the latest news, as well as back copies.
Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
Confiscated face creams.
Jaques van Niekerk For your wireless Communication needs, contact us! Call Centre: 086 101 7488 Fax: 086 606 4606 Email:
Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril
Customs officers and policesrch through one of the shopowners’ product range.
Stand van Damme Dam Levels
Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: Information updated: 11/05/2020
Tzaneen 20.6%
Ebenezer 18.3%
Merensky 100.8%
Dap Naude 101.2%
Middel Letaba 3.7%
Blyde Rivier Poort 100.1%
Klaserie 103.2%
Tours 28.3%
Vergelegen 101.3%
Ohrigstad 12.8%
*Termes & voorwaardes geld.
Tel: 015 307 3703 11 Rencole Building, Loop Street, Tzaneen
15 May 2020
Third stolen avo shipment bust in one week
Joe Dreyer
On Saturday afternoon Marius Jacobs from Canine Security received a phone call from an off-duty police sergeant. It was a tip-off about a large load of stolen avocadoes being transported to a house along the R71 highway just outside Tzaneen. Apparently, the vehicle transporting the avocadoes was well-known among local security companies for being involved in the trade of stolen fruit from the farms situated in the Magoebaskloof area. The Canine response team suited up. They arrived at the location the police sergeant had pointed out and noticed a large number of crates being offloaded by an unknown man. The white bakkie fled the scene when he noticed the Canine patrol vehicle approaching. A man was seen entering the house carrying a crate full of avoes. One of the Canine officers, Manuel Malatji, approached the man and asked about the fruit and where he had received them from as one of their clients in Magoebaskloof reported theft earlier that day. The man asked which type of avocadoes were stolen and when Manuel could not answer him, the suspect bolted for the bush. Manuel set off after him, but the suspect evaded capture by entering a section of extremely dense bush and undergrowth. Returning to the
house, he asked one of the other inhabitants to point out the suspect’s room. Inside Manuel discovered ten crates of freshly picked green avocadoes. They were not ripe and would likely never ripen as they had been picked off the trees too soon. Next to the crates he found a heap of old sackcloth bags and some twine. “These bags are filled with the stolen avos and then neatly sewn up and sold up at the roadside stalls,” he said as he pointed up towards the R71 about 100m from the small room. “The motorists don’t know that they are buying stolen fruit and that the fruit will never be edible as they will never ripen. In effect, they are being robbed twice whilst unknowingly supporting the criminal element in our area.” Jacobs and the rest of his team arrived on scene and informed the police of their find. As per protocol, they cordoned off the scene and awaited the police’s arrival. More than an hour went by until the police eventually arrived and confiscated all the stolen goods. A search for the suspect yielded no results and the stolen goods were taken to the police station. At the time of going to print there have been no arrests. This is the third shipment of stolen avocadoes out of the Magoebaskloof area that was stopped by the Canine Security team in the last week alone.
Manuel Malatji of Canine Security sits next to the ten crates of stolen avocadoes in the suspect’s room next to the R71.
The homestead next to the R71 highway where the stolen fruit was stashed. The fruit is then bagged and sold at the stalls next to the road. Marius Jacobs and his Canine Security officers assist the Tzaneen police to load the ten crates of stolen produce and other items into the police van.
VF-Plus wil nou hof toe
Joe Dreyer
Die nasionale rampbestuurswet is volgens verskeie partye ongeldig en is besig om die land se ekonomie onherstelbare skade aan te rig. Vroeër die week het die leier van die Vryheids Front Plus, Dr Pieter Groenewald, sy planne om die geldigheid van hierdie wet in die hof te betwis, aan die media bekend gemaak. “Ons as VF Plus gaan ʼn dringende aansoek na die hooggeregshof bring om die geldigheid van die Nasionale Rampbestuurswet te betwis en om die hof te vra om te bevind dat die regering dié wet misbruik wat daarop neerkom dat die ramptoestand en die gepaardgaande regulasies ongrondwetlik is”, het Groenewald in ‘n persverklaring gesê. “Die gewig van algemene belange deur die ontsluiting van die ekonomie moet nou in ag geneem word. Dit word tans nie met die drakoniese inperkingsregulasies gedoen nie.” Soos ander nasionale partye en ontleders, verduidelik Groenewald dat die inperking en die gepaardgaande regulasies reeds hul doel bereik het om die infeksiekurwe genoegsaam af te plat en om gesondheidsdienste die tyd te gun om gereed te maak vir ʼn moontlike groot uitbreking van Covid-19. Groenewald is ook van mening dat president Cyril Ramaphosa, asook die regering se hoof-gesondheidsraadgewer, prof. Salim Abdool Karim sowel as die minister van gesondheid, Zweli Mkhize, by herhaling die voordele wat die inperking ingehou het, reeds benut het. Verder is Groenewald dit eens dat die inperking ook nie uitgerek kan word in ʼn poging om ʼn moontlike piek van die virus se verspreiding op bepaalde plekke te voorkom nie. Hy sê dit sal wel plaasvind en met die wintermaande wat voorlê, kan ontsluiting nie langer uitgestel word nie. Die VF Plus reken hulle besef dat die virus ʼn wesenlike lewensgevaar is, maar dat ʼn land se ekonomie wat tot stilstand kom, sonder enige twyfel ook tot
groot lewensverlies, armoede en ellende sal ly. “Dit was altyd belangrik om ʼn sinvolle balans te vind tussen die verspreiding van die virus en die ontsluiting van die land se ekonomie. Om nog twee weke te wag om na Vlak Drie af te beweeg sal hierdie balans nou ernstig versteur. Verdere inperkings sal meer skade aan die ekonomie en lewenssekerheid van gewone burgers aanrig as wat dit die verdere verspreiding van die virus sal beperk.” Hy gaan aan deur te sê dat dit duidelik geraak het dat die regering sy magte misbruik deur die Rampbestuurswet te gebruik, eerder as die Noodtoestandwet. Dit aangesien die Noodtoestandwet slegs vir drie weke mag geld en alle regulasies ingevolge dié wet deur die parlement goedgekeur moet word wat oorsig en wesenlike samewerking met ander politieke partye behels. Selfs die Verenigde Nasies (VN) se sekretaris-generaal, Antonio Guterres, het reeds aangedui dat Suid-Afrika een van die lande is wat die inperking misbruik om sy burgers se regte te vertrap. Die VF Plus sal die hof vra om te beslis dat alle sake-ondernemings toegelaat moet word om ten volle te open en handel te dryf met die nodige maatreëls in plek om die verspreiding van die virus te voorkom. Die hof sal ook gevra word om die regering te versoek om redes te verskaf vir die streng regulasies en die redes om daarmee te volhard selfs nadat die regulasies reeds hul primêre doelwit bereik het. “Die regering moet ook die data bekend maak waarop die ramptoestand gegrond word en hoe beweegredes en tydlyne vir die vlakke van inperking daarvolgens bepaal word. Daar moet redes verskaf word waarom daar so lank gesloer word met die afkondiging van regulasies wat in talle gevalle gebrekkig en sonder enige tydskedule is. Die VF Plus sal daarom op ‘n dringende basis die hof nader. Die magsmisbruik van die regering kan nie geduld word nie.”
Read The Bulletin online: • Far North Bulletin
15 May 2020
Pangolineer caught
No funeral for local Chief
■ Jeff Jackson
■ Jeff Jackson Despite the so-called “strict” regulations of the national lockdown, the criminals dealing in the illegal trade of endangered species, have continued their barbaric trade unabated. This is evident in not only the continued trade in rhino horn and lion body parts, but this week a 38-year old suspect was arrested in Musina for being in possession of the carcass of a Pangolin. This suspect is another member of the backward thinking class who believe that the scales of the Pangolin somehow
harbour magical powers. It is because of this type of backwards thinking that the humble Pangolin has reached the border of extinction. The police followed up on information received regarding a man selling Pangolin in Musina and soon the members of Endangered Species Unit, Crime Intelligence Unit and LEDET in Musina set their trap and captured the suspect on the 13th of May. The suspect will appear in the Musina Magistrate’s Court today, Friday, 15th of May for possession of protected species. At the time of going to print we had not received the outcome of this hearing.
Love killer arrested ■ Jeff Jackson
A 42-year old man appeared in the Nkowankowa magistrate’s court on Thursday, 14th of May in connection with the murder of his girlfriend a month and a half earlier. Dennis Fernando Maswanganyi was arrested in Petanenge Village in Gravelotte and was denied bail at his court appearance. His case was postponed until the 21st of May for further police investigations. Police were allegedly notified on the 3rd of March about the disappearance of Pracitia Khoza from her home by community members. This after they suspected something bad might have happened to her. A search operation was then conducted jointly with community members and her body was discovered in the nearby mountains. During investigations, police found that some of her body parts were missing. These body parts were later discovered buried in a shallow grave at a location in the village. He was arrested and appeared in court. He will remain in custody.
The community of Bankuna (or Muhlava as they are traditionally known) are in mourning after the death of their chief, Mpumulani Samuel Muhlava 11 Shiluvana, two weeks ago. Though he was buried without a public funeral at the royal cemetery in the village, the family is planning after the end of the lockdown, to convene a community imbizo to announce the official mourning of the chief. According to a family statement the passing of the chief came at a time when the country was under lockdown in which it was not possible for the whole community to mourn the death of their chief. They further said that only immediate family members will be allowed to attend and they will thereafter call a memorial service where all community members would be allowed to attend. The chief had been in ill-health for a long time and during one of the annual Muhlava Day celebrations in honour of his father, William Muhlava, the founding father of the Nkuna tribe, shocked the country when he announced that he was going to die. He passed his crown to his son Ribye Muhlava III Shiluvana,
who has been at the helm ever since. Among the villages that the chief ruled were Mariveni, Dan, Sasekane, Zanghoma, Sedan, Ntsako, Mulati, Lefario, Pulaneng, Mhanghweni, Julesburg, Burghersdorp, Muhlava Cross, Shikwambana, Shiluvana and Khujwana villages. Nkowankowa township was established by the Apartheid government for the community of Nkuna, and most of the names are in honour of this chiefdom. Among the developments in the area under his name are the schools which were built by the Swiss mission, the naming of a hall at Nkowankowa and various streets in that area. The creation of farms in Khujwana named Handzahandzani and two dams to boost the local farmers were also included. The origin of the Vatsonga-Machangana tribe dates back to the 1820`s when two commanders of the regiments of king Shaka, Mzilikazi and Soshangane, after being defeated in war fled with their regiments to Zimbabwe and Mozambique respectively. Mzilikazi followers who called themselves the Khalangas, returned after the death of Lobengula who succeeded Mzilikazi while Soshangane followers returned during the Mozambican civil war in the 1980`s.
Pigs join cattle in lock down
■ Jeff Jackson
As the nationwide lockdown severely inhibits the movement of human beings, the animal husbandry community is slapped with even further prohibitions on the movement of their livestock. This after an announcement by the Minister of Agriculture, Thoko Didiza last week which effectively restricts the movement of pigs following the outbreak of swine flu in the country. The Department has indicated that the disease is moving through the industry rapidly and that measures must now be enforced in the same manner as the measures to curb the spread of Foot and Mouth Disease currently in place. Late last year Didiza announced the restricted movement of cattle throughout the country after the emergence of the Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD). The move led to the auctioning, mixing and the transportation of the animals being restricted and farmers moving these animals were to provide proof that they were not infected with the disease. The minister said that it is a shock that the outbreak comes at a time the FMD has rocked the farming industry. She did however announce measures to deal with the outbreak which is not the first of its kind dealt with by her department. She said the
movement of pigs from one place to the other is now banned in order to contain the disease and urged farmers to be careful not to mix the infected pigs with the healthy animals unknowingly. She added that the department had roped in the services of the police and traffic officers to monitor the movement of pigs on the roads, and those found to be operating in non-compliance to these regulations would face the might of the law. As precautionary measures to fight FMD, farmers were urged to auction their animals over social media and virtual conferences, as that would alleviate the risk of contact between the animals. The animals that are to be transported between the provinces should be provided with permits. In the meantime, the department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development offered an update on the 12th of May concerning progress in the fight against FMD. In a statement on their website the department said that they had made good progress in the investigations into the outbreak in the Molemole municipality. Following initial trace-back exercises, the outbreak was linked to four auctions, held at two auction premises in September and October 2019. Testing of the primary linked locations is almost completed and a number of secondary locations have been identified for follow-up testing.
No metre, no stall ■
Jeff Jackson
Bulletin has reported on more than one occasion that kilometres-long lines were formed by thousands of people in the Maake Plaza area during the lockdown which placed many at risk of contracting the coronavirus. Footage we published showed how families living in that area were lining up in queues that stretched for two kilometres in one instance without any social distancing protocols being enforced. Similarly, we have also reported extensively on the hawkers who crowd the walkways and pavements of the business districts with their stalls, making it impossible for pedestrians to safely move between shopping centres and taxi ranks. This week we received the news that the Greater Tzaneen Municipality have moved into the Maake Plaza area East of Lenyenye township, and have bulldozed the stands of the hawkers who trade there. This, according to a source in the municipality, was sparked by a pedestrian being hit by a vehicle while standing in the road waiting for access to the shops. The source alleged that the pedestrian could not stand on the pavement because of the hawker stands. On Tuesday, dozens of informal traders at the Maake plaza were left stranded after the municipality demolished some of the stalls, promising to rebuild them after the lockdown, and claiming that the move was in compliance with the Covid-19 regulations. After the bulldozers moved out, the area was cleared of rubble and clearly marked to force shoppers to comply with the one-meter social distancing protocol. This seems a little late as the country enters its eighth week of lockdown. In the process of having the problem resolved,
it sparked division within the hawkers as it was alleged that those who were not affected by the demolitions did not want to assist those that were. This despite them being on a committee, elected to stand for the challenges faced by the hawkers. They claimed that on Wednesday, when called to attend to their problems, some of these unaffected traders failed to show up, citing other commitments. One of the affected hawkers, Selina Shotolo, told Bulletin that the standoff has left her in trouble as she does not know where her money for her car instalment will come from. According to her, the move makes no sense as they have been trading for years at the spot without any trouble from the municipality and it doesn’t matter that they are allowed to rebuild after lockdown as the damage is being done now. Shotolo said that she was not at her stand during the demolitions as she was stocking up after the relaxed Alert Level 4 was announced. When she returned with her stock, she was shocked to find that her trader’s stall was flattened. She said that since the demolishing of the stands, things have taken a turn for the worse as she had to make money to feed the family and pay her financial commitments, but now cannot do so. “Not only will this affect our business but even the people we had hired to work for us since it would not be admissible to tell them there is no money to pay them because there was no business for the month.” She added that they want the municipality to return them to where they were working in the past before the pandemic broke out. After contacting officials from the GTM’s Economic Development department, it was assured that the stalls will be rebuilt after lockdown.
15 May 2020
15 May 2020
Granny’s Grumbles - THE ELF
Thanks to the most generous son-in-law in the world, an unused church on our property was converted into a cottage. Not only did he draw up the plans but paid for all the alterations. This was intended to be let on a monthly basis so as to bring in some much-needed revenue to assist his in-laws. Unfortunately we are not situated in the most appealing area so were informed by an estate agent that we would not be able to collect much in the way of a monthly rental.
I had the idea of maybe a self-catering accommodation for tourists and thanks to some unbelievably generous friends managed to furnish the accommodation on a shoestring. Another problem was going to be how to attract overseas visitors. Fortunately my daughter is an expert in working her way around the internet. Obviously the fact that we live in the middle of the Heavy Industrial Sites (which has severely potholed roads, no waterborne sewerage, no street lights and no drains) would not sit well with tourists so my daughter cleverly advertised it as a “cottage 10 km outside out town with bush views”. She was a little loose with the truth regarding bush views but the garden is attractive with lots of indigenous plants which blocks out the road so nobody (so far) has complained and it was no time at all before I had my first guests – four German students. Since then I have had people from Spain, Holland, Canada, South America. Sudan and of course South Africa. However my most interesting guests were from China – I must confess that my daughter was doing all the legwork – I was given their names, telephone numbers and dates of arrival. I merely sent them a welcoming message and made sure I was at the gate of the cottage to greet them. Evidently these Chinese guests knew no English and comms had been via some sort of literal translation via Google. They wanted to know if they should go on a safari and if so, could I arrange it for them. I told them it was more interesting taking yourself into the park assuming that they were hiring a vehicle. Next question
– did they need security guards to accompany them into the park? I assured them that it was not necessary. Finally the day arrived – three young females and one male erupted from a tiny car – all smiling and bowing. Since all communication had been from someone named Chan I assumed it was the young man who made all the arrangements. However it turned out that Chan was one of the girls – the only one who knew a very small amount of English. Into the cottage we went. Fortunately I come from a family that enjoyed charades at Christmas, because sign language became the only way we could converse. I spent an hour with them. Trying to explain the intricacies of a mosquito coil via sign language is interesting to say the least– I was aware that they were going to stay in the Kruger for a couple of days but would be spending two nights in the cottage so I hauled out a map of the park and suggested via the map that they went up north the first day. It turned out that they only had one pair of binoculars between four of them so I loaned them three pairs of family binoculars, gave them the map and told them I would wake them up at 5 a.m. All sign language! The only reason I had suggested that they go up north the first day is because the camps they were booked into were both down south. Most people do not by choice go up north – only locals appear to prefer it. Anyway the following evening I went across to the cottage to make sure they were safe and took an old book of Animals of the Kruger Park to check what they had seen. They went through the book pointing out all sorts of animals that I wasn’t sure that they could have seen – a leopard kill? They produced the camera with the photo to
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prove it. A pride of seven lions lying in the middle of the road – another pic to confirm their sighting. When we got to the picture of a warthog the one shouted excitedly “Hakuna Matata” and they appeared delighted. I was stunned by what they’d seen – not only the variety of animals but also that they all knew the animals from The Lion King. The next morning they left – insisted that I must have my picture taken with each of them and sent me updates on their arrival at various camps and at Olive Tambo Airport. As a bonus I was given a R100 tip and ten yen. I felt guilty to think I had been apprehensive about their arrival – mainly because of the language problem. However – the best was to come. Guests get booked in by a travel agency and can send a review indicating what the accommodation is like and any complaints. Here is the review from Chan (direct translation from Chinese) “The location of the apartment is very good. It takes 10 minutes to drive to the gate. We did not book safari. Anthea told us he had a good route, gave us a map and a telescope and saw the leopard at the last moment in Kruger all day long! Really lucky! Big 5 is not seen by the rhinoceros. If I come back next time, I should still choose to live with him. Anthea is a very cute person. I think she looks like an elf” An elf? Pointed ears and a capricious nature. What I like about young tourists is that they find almost everything an adventure – the potholed roads – the load-shedding - the lack of street lights and an explosion that indicates another sub-station has blown up. Probably because It gives them something to talk about when they return to their well-oiled lives
15 May 2020
Patel does 180 regarding online shopping ■
Joe Dreyer
The Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition, Ebrahim Patel, has once again gazetted directions providing for a wide range of goods to be available to consumers through e-Commerce platforms as of yesterday (Thursday, 14th of May). This follows the announcement by President Ramaphosa on Wednesday evening that e-Commerce would be expanded beyond what has been announced previously. Patel has come under fire for his “Alice in Wonderland” clothing lists which he deemed it necessary to enforce onto the South African public without any rhyme or reason. He has also to this day not provided any evidence to substantiate his outlandish dress regulations, but has now again been entrusted with the authority to regulate South Africans’ online expenditure. In the new regulations, the good minister has deemed it fair that any goods can now be bought online except of course cigarettes and tobacco products (including zol) which have been prohibited by Dlamini-Zuma. In a very authoritarian sounding statement on the department’s website it is stated that “subject to all applicable laws, all goods will be available for transaction through e-Commerce platforms with the exception of liquor and tobacco, which have been expressively prohibited for sale to the public during Alert Level 4. These products would be reconsidered in future when the regulations permit their sale.” These gazetted directions enable the sale of products through e-Commerce platforms and delivery-systems that are currently not available at retail outlets, including household appliances, electronic goods, furniture, books, music, gym products, the full range of clothing and footwear products, household utensils and others. The Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (DTIC) has been working on a plan for e-Commerce to be safely rolled out since the Alert Level 4 regulations came into effect on the 1st of May. According to them, the key focus of the e-Commerce directions are on the health, safety and other protocols that need to be followed by retailers, delivery personnel and customers. The e-Commerce move does appear to be a move by Patel and his office to shift the focus from the absurd regulations issued earlier this week regarding which clothing items may be purchased at
retail stores. One of the most puzzling being the regulation on the purchase of t-shirts if evidence is given that the item will be worn underneath an outer garment in order to provide warmth. Clearly, given the fact that t-shirts can now be purchased online, but still not in store, proves that Patel’s rules have no grounds and have no basis. “We strongly believe in the value of e-Commerce as a critical enabler to opening the economy through contactless transactions. This can reduce the movement of consumers, and the density of shoppers in retail spaces. Further it can accelerate innovation, support local manufacturing and increase access by the informal market and poorer South Africans,” Patel said on Thursday. Does he mean that those who have access to the internet will have no restrictions on their freedom to purchase whatever they want, and that only the poor will be regulated? “We are in the middle of a global pandemic that has taken hundreds of thousands of lives across the world. Protecting the lives of workers and consumers is critical as we open up the economy. We have consulted with stakeholders to get the proper health and safety protocols in place which can allow the full e-Commerce supply chain to operate safely while mitigating the risk of it becoming a vector for transmission of the coronavirus,” said Patel. The directions outline the need for hygienic workplace conditions, social distancing, the wearing of masks, regular monitoring of workers’ health and the need for sanitisation, among other health protocols. To limit the social and economic hardship caused by the pandemic on local industries and enable consumer choice to support local producers, the directions encourage retailers to give prominence to goods manufactured in South Africa. The directions call on retailers to provide for as many payment options as possible for consumers, especially for low income earners, so that a greater number of South Africans can take advantage of online platforms. The directions also recognise the opportunity for spaza shops and informal traders to leverage e-Commerce as a means of selling
goods. “e-Commerce has great potential as a safe retail platform during the pandemic. We need to work together with the sector to make digital platforms an avenue which can be used by a greater number of local manufacturers, retailers and consumers to transact. We have consulted with companies in e-Commerce who have committed to give prominence to South African-made goods on their sites. This is an important step in order to limit the social and economic hardship caused by the pandemic on local industries. We encourage all consumers to buy local and support the recovery of South African manufacturing during this global pandemic,” Patel added. “Beyond the pandemic, we are likely to see a shift from traditional retailing to e-Commerce platforms. We look forward to future engagement with the sector to address how to create more jobs in the sector and retrain workers displaced by the shift to e-Commerce and to ensure that there is space for local small businesses and youth-owned enterprises as suppliers of goods and providers of digital platforms and delivery services,” he said.
The list of can’s The DA has called for the axing of minister Ebrahim Patel after he released a very disturbing list of clothing items which the South African population is “permitted” to buy. The minister’s absurd list and accompanying conditions have been termed the “Alice in Wonderland” fashion list. The Salazen Grum style list and the accompanying “guidelines” appear laughable and could be confused for a prank. It is however not. We have broken down this list for your convenience and hope that it helps clarify some of the “choices” available to you, the free citizen of this free democracy.
Allowed: • All baby and toddler clothing and footwear • Children’s wear if it is outerwear, underwear, sleepwear, school wear, footwear and socks. • All maternity wear • All adult underwear (not sure about the edible ones yet) • All adult sleepwear and gowns • You can buy shoes, but only if they are boots, slippers, closed-toe heels, closed-toe flats, sneakers and trainers, close-toe smart shoes and closed-toe casual shoes (seems the virus has a toe fetish) • Active wear “including gym, running and other exercise apparel” • Knitwear • Jackets and coats • Dresses • Long sleeved tops • Long sleeved t-shirts • Denim jeans and denim jackets
• Pants (with no mention whether long or short) • Skirts (with no mention of length or thickness) • Short sleeved knit tops – “where promoted and displayed as worn under cardigans and knitwear” • Short sleeved t-shirts – “where promoted and displayed as under garments for warmth” • Leggings • “Crop bottoms worn with boots and leggings” • Shirts, both long sleeved and short sleeved – “where displayed and promoted to be worn under jackets coats and/or knitwear” • Golf shirts • “One-pieces such as bodysuits” • No specific limitations on adult headwear • You can also buy blankets, mattress protectors, sheets and pillow cases, throws and pillows • Duvets and duvet inners • All baby bedding and blankets
GBV Command Centre: 0800 428 428 / *120*7867# from any cell phone Persons with disabilities: SMS “help” to 31531 Woment Abuse Helpline: 0800 150 150 Child line: 0800 10111/ SMS Crime Line: 32211 GBVF-related service complaints (SAPS): 0800 333 177 / Coronavirus Hotline: 0800 029 999
? National AIDS Helpline: 0800 012 322 Suicide Helpline: 0800 567 567 National Human Trafficking Helpline: 0800 222 777 National Department of Health: National Institute of Communicable Diseases: World Health Organisation:
15 May 2020
You can now move house or office ■
Jeff Jackson
In yet another about-turn on their lock down regulations, government has removed another important deadline which severely impacted the plans of South Africans across all nine provinces. Initially it was stated that no individual or business was allowed to move from one premises into a new premises until the 7th of June. Nobody knows exactly why this specific date was tabled and there has still been no clear explanation offered, but this has now been removed. Citizens are now allowed to freely move to their new homes and all businesses have been given the opportunity to finally move their office space into new premises should they desire to do so. It is further noteworthy that “movement necessitated due to domestic violence,” has also been included. This means that government has realized (finally) that the lockdown has had the undesired effect of an increase in domestic violence cases and victims of this crime will now be allowed to move away from their antagonist to a safer haven. The new Gazetted regulations as signed into law on the 14th of May, by the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, means that the directives as issued
on the 7th of May 2020, are repealed. It is critical to note that this is still a once-off movement of persons and goods, “to facilitate the movement of persons and goods within and across provincial, metropolitan or district boundaries during the period of Alert level 4.” This refers “to the movement of persons and goods, where a person who needs to travel to his or her new place of residence or business and to transport goods which are limited to household or office furniture and effects and permits already granted, remain in force.” It is critical to note that the persons, including all those “who are part of the household, who will be required to move” and would be travelling, would require permits “from the head of court or a person designated by him or her, or the station commander of a police station or a person designated by him or her.” Furthermore, “the relevant lease agreements indicating the date of expiry of the old lease or the date of commencement of the new lease, or the proof of purchase of residence and occupation date, or the transfer documents attesting to the change of ownership of property, or a domestic violence order, or proof of change or new occupation of business premises,” should also be in their possession.
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15 May 2020
Vehicle dealers allowed to do business again ■
Roelof de Jonge
The Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition, Ebrahim Patel, announced this week that certain trading activities on vehicles will be permitted during Alert Level 4. The newly published directives comes at the back of the amended regulations issued on the 29th of April where the country started to gear for a gradual and phased recovery of economic activity under a “Risk-Adjusted Strategy”. Minister Patel affirmed that it was essential to have robust conversations and all-embracing consultations during the past seven days with all key industry stakeholders in order to deliberately take a cautious approach that will always balance the need to resume economic activity with the imperative to contain the virus and save people’s lives. “As we have said before, this virus does not move, people do. One of the key enablers of this mobility is through vehicles. We have carefully crafted new directives which would empower our dealership network across the country to cautiously resume with their operations”, said Patel. “Whilst reducing the risk of infection across the entire automotive value chain and save the lives of our employees and those they come into contact with through the dealer shop floor and their maintenance and repair centres”, said Patel. Tim Abbott, the President of the National Association of Automobile Manufacturers of South Africa (NAAMSA), spoke on behalf of the entire automotive industry. He said while everyone was anxious about when the industry would be allowed to trade, “we all understood that there are no tradeoffs”. “The risk of this virus to spread is real and this is something we have to embrace, and it is part of all our business planning”, said Abbott. “We are pleased that the Minister has heard our plea and we are also very grateful that our teams
across all different brands and channels have collaborated seamlessly through NAAMSA and we all support the directives as outlined and announced by Minister Patel”, said Abbott. The following trading activities on vehicles will be permitted during Alert Level 4: Trade in new and used cars Wholesale trade of new and used cars by Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM’s) and importers Export and import of all category of cars through national ports of entry under strict guidelines Trade-in purchases, car lease scheme returns and wholesale trading of used cars To allow for and facilitate the sales of cars, and the proper functioning of the supply chain, it is necessary that the various administrative and other functionaries, such as roadworthy assessment and testing centres, and other testing stations are operational. Fact and figures about the South African automotive industry: South Africa is the only country on the African continent that hosts seven major auto manufacturers; The automotive industry contributes 6.9% to GDP (4.4% manufacturing and 2.5% retail); The automotive industry is the largest manufacturing sector in the country’s economy; The total automotive revenue in South Africa amounted to R503 billion in 2018; In 2018, the export of vehicles and automotive
components reached a record amount of R201,7 billion, equating to 15,5% of South Africa’s total exports; The industry accounts for 30.1% of the country’s manufacturing output; South Africa is an export-oriented industry and has exported 64,1% of light vehicle production in 2019; A record 387 125 vehicles worth a record R148,0 billion, along with a record R53,7 billion in automotive components were exported in 2019; Exports to the European Union comprised 285 599 units or 73,8%; Vehicles and components are exported to a record 151 international markets;
This industry is the country’s fifth largest exporting sector out of all 104 sectors and accounts 13.9% of total exports; A substantial 27,6% of value addition within the domestic manufacturing output was derived from vehicle and automotive component manufacturing activity; The manufacturing segment of the industry presently employs more than 112,250 people across its various tiers of activity (from component manufacturing to vehicle assembly); The combined with the industry’s strong multiplier effect, the industry is responsible for approximately 457 000 jobs across the South African economy’s formal sector.
Citroën South Africa adjust to the ‘new normal’ ■
Roelof de Jonge
Citroën South Africa has unveiled a new online reservation customer journey, to deliver a ‘comfortable’ experience for customers adjusting to the ‘new normal’. The new reservation platform covers the most popular vehicles in the Citroën range. The platform allows customers to configure their ideal car in its final specification and to reserve it. Vehicles available through the platform are the C3, C3 Aircross SUV and C5 Aircross SUV. Available on stock vehicles only, Citroën South Africa aims to make customers’ lives easier with a ‘comfortable’ consumer offer including: Citroën Serenity five year or 100 000km service and warranty package Retail customers can therefore benefit from complete peace-of-mind knowing their routine servicing costs are already taken care of, and they can purchase a new Citroën. The Government’s guidance, in conjunc-
tion with strict social distancing and robust sanitisation measures, allow for the delivery of customer vehicles to their home. The safety of customers and employees is always the highest priority for Citroën, so these important measures will be strictly adhered to when customers receive their vehicle. Measures includes the disinfecting of the steering wheel, gear stick, controls and driver’s seat and floor mat prior to handover. The delivery driver must wear gloves and facemasks. Customers are informed to wait three hours before entering their new vehicle. “At PCSA we pride ourselves on delivering the highest standards of automotive comfort and of being a people minded brand”, said Leslie Ramsoomar, Managing Director of Citroën South Africa. “These exciting new developments are entirely consistent with our brand promise, a comfortable new way to interact with us alongside convenience, reassurance and fantastic value”, said Ramsoomar.
15 May 2020
All-electric Ford Mustang Cobra Jet 1400
Roelof de Jonge
It will not hurt your ears and doesn’t use a drop of fuel, but it’s projected to crush the quarter mile in the low eight second range at more than 275km/h. For the first time ever, Ford Performance introduces a oneoff Mustang Cobra Jet factory drag racer with all-electric propulsion. The battery-powered Mustang Cobra Jet 1400 prototype is purpose-built and projected to deliver over 1045kW and 1490Nm of instant torque to demonstrate the capabilities of an electric powertrain in one of the most demanding race environments. “Ford has always used motorsport to demonstrate innovation,” said Dave Pericak, Global Director, Ford Icons. “Electric powertrains give us a completely new kind of per-
formance and the all-electric Cobra Jet 1400 is one example of pushing new technology to the absolute limit. We’re excited to showcase what’s possible in an exciting year when we also have the all-electric Mustang Mach-E joining the Mustang family.” Following the debut of the all-electric Ford Mustang Mach-E SUV, the first-ever, all-electric Mustang, the Mustang Cobra Jet 1400 prototype represents another opportunity to advance Mustang heritage and performance while simultaneously incorporating some of the most advanced technology coming to Ford’s future powertrains. The Mustang Cobra Jet 1400 also honors the original Cobra Jet that first
dominated drag strips in the late 1960’s and still is a major force in sportsman drag racing today. “This project was a challenge for all of us
at Ford Performance, but a challenge we loved jumping into,” said Mark Rushbrook, Global Director, Ford Performance Motorsports. “We saw the Cobra Jet 1400 project as an opportunity to start developing electric powertrains in a race car package that we already had a lot
perience with, so we had performance benchmarks we wanted to match and beat right now. This has been a fantastic project to work on, and we hope the first of many coming from our team at Ford Performance Motorsports.” Ford Performance continues to test Cobra Jet 1400 ahead of its world debut later this year at a drag racing event where fans, media and competitors alike will get to meet the race car, as well as see exactly what it’s capable of up on the asphalt.
Lexus brei hibried-reeks uit
Roelof de Jonge
Die 2020- Lexus UX 250-hibried, ’n luukse kompakte nutsmotor wat nou in sy vierde jaar sedert sy bekendstelling in Suid-Afrika is, beïndruk bestuurders steeds met sy moderne ontwerp en soepel hibried-aandrywing. Die UX is ’n groot sprong vorentoe in die segment vir kompakte luukse nutsmotors. Dit is geen verrassing nie, aangesien Lexus se ontwerpers ’n algehele ontwerpstema geskep het, aangespoor deur ’n veilige, robuuste voorkoms wat met die houding van ’n sportmotor gekombineer is. Lexus het vandeesweek die nuwe toevoeging tot die UX-hibriedfamilie aangekondig. Die nuwe intreevlakmodel is die 250 Hybrid EX, wat ’n nuwe standaard vir waarde, tegnologie en styl bied. Dit bring die algehele aantal UX-hibried-modelgraderings nou op twee te staan. Kliënte word nou bederf met ’n keuse van al-
tesaam vier modelle onder die UX-vaandel. Die reeks begin met die petrolaangedrewe intreevlak- 200 EX, gevolg deur die nuwe ES 250h EX, die UX 250h SE (top-spesifikasie) en word afgerond met die topmodel, die UX 200 F Sport. Kliënte van die UX 250h het nou ’n groter keuse danksy die EX-gradering met ’n mededingende prys en wat dieselfde uitstekende verrigting en motorry as sy SE-stalmaat lewer. Al twee die hibriedweergawes is toegerus met die doeltreffende 2,0 liter-petrolenjin gekoppel aan ’n nuwe vierde geslag hibriedstelsel wat spesifiek vir hierdie platform ontwikkel is. Die nuwe UX 250h EX is, net soos met die SE-hibriedgradering, soortgelyk toegerus en het standaard-toerusting soos parkeerafstandbeheer met ’n trurat-kamera (sonder panoramiese aansig), ‘n drukknop-aansitter en die Drive Mode Select (wat die bestuurder in staat stel om die
ry-ervaring aan te pas deur drie verskillende ry-modusse naamlik Normal, ECO en Sport te kies. Verder is daar twee USB-laaisokke agter vir die passasiers, ’n ingeboude navigasiestelsel en ’n handvrye bagasiebakdeksel agter. Ander standaardfunksies sluit spoedbeheer, verhitte elektriese en terugtrekbare kantspieëls sowel as dag- en nagspieëls in. In die kajuit is die UX 250h EX-model beskikbaar met vyf standaard Nulux (nagebootste leer) binne-opsies, naamlik Black, White Ash, Rich Cream, B Ocher en Cobalt. Lexus se afstandbeheerde raakskerm (Remote Touch Interface) met aanraak-terugvoer dra verder tot die gerief in die kajuit by. Dit bevat ook Lexus se agt luidspreker-klankstelsel wat natuurlike klinkende stemme en beter middelklank lewer. Aan die buitekant is die UX 250h EX standaard toegerus met 18-duim allooisierwiele wat in ’n standaard silwer metaalkleur beskikbaar is. Die model het ook ligdiode-dagryligte voor wat in ’n pylkopmotief bo die kopligte gerangskik is, wat Lexus se L-vormige beligtingkenmerk weerspieël. Die nuwe Lexus UX 250h EX pronk met dieselfde doeltreffendheid en werkverr i g ting as
sy SE-stalmaat. Die UX 250h, wat altesaam 135kW in die hele stelsel het, is nie net die leier op die gebied van brandstofdoeltreffendheid in die UX-familie nie, maar ook die verrigtingsvoorloper volgens Lexus. Hierdie hibriedmotor bied opwindende motorry met goeie hoëspoedreaksie en bied ’n gevoel van gladde, natuurlike versnelling. Die UX 250h is beskikbaar met voorwielaandrywing. Die 2.0-literpetrolenjin lewer 107kW krag teen 6 000rpm en 180Nm se wringkrag teen 4 400rpm. Die UX 250h se versneltyd van 0-100km/h is 8,5 sekondes en spog met ’n topsnelheid van 177km/h. Die motor se verbruiksyfer kom op 4,5 liter per 100km te staan. “Die uitbreiding van die UX 250h-reeks was ’n natuurlike uitbreiding vir dié Lexus-nuweling, wat ’n sterk pasaangeër in plaaslike verkope vir die handelsmerk is. Lexus het ook die afgelope jaar ’n goeie markaandeel vir hibriedmotorverkope geniet. In 2019 het Lexus ’n markaandeel van 39 persent van alle hibried- en elektriese verkope in die weeldesegment gehad”, het Glenn Crompton, Lexus se vise-president van verkope en bemarking, gesê. “Die groter aantal Lexus-klante wat die UX koop, het nou die weelde van nog ’n keuse, aangevul deur ’n nuwe standaard van omvattende konnektiwiteit,” het Crompton bygevoeg. ’n Splinternuwe eienskap reg deur die hele UX2020-reeks is die hersiene inligtingvermaakstelsel wat nou Apple CarPlay®2 en Android™3 Auto-versoenbaarheid as standaard insluit. Dit behels gratis Wi-Fi-konnektiwiteit vir die bestuurder en passasiers onder die “Lexus Connect”-vaandel. Die EX Hybrid-model sluit hom by die res van die Lexus-modelreeks aan met ’n standaard waarborg en volle instandhoudingsplan vir sewe jaar of 105 000km. Die diensvoorwaardes is vir elke 15 000km of een keer per jaar vasgestel.
15 May 2020
Scoring ‘cheap’ tries snubbed by new law ■
Roelof de Jonge
The time for an opposing rugby team to score a ‘cheap’ try is something of the past. This comes after World Rugby has announced that, with immediate effect, it will no longer be possible to score a try by grounding the ball against the post protector. The minor amendment to Law 8 was approved by the World Rugby Council during a special meeting held via teleconference on Tuesday the 12th of May. This decision followed a recommendation by the international federation’s Rugby Committee and specialist Laws Review Group. With defending players currently legally obliged to stay behind the goal-line and post-protector shape and size increasing for welfare reasons, it is increasingly difficult for teams to legally defend this area. In some extreme cases, post protectors have been lifted or moved by defending teams, leaving the posts exposed and therefore increasing the risk of injury. The amended law determines from now on that the post protector is no longer an extension of the goal-line and therefore according to Law 8.2 (a), a try is now scored when the attacking player is first to ground the ball in the opponents’ in-goal area. Wikus Swart, the head coach for the first team of Letaba Rugby Club, said it is good that this law has been amended. He said teams that have planned their attacks with the idea to draw advantage has now been snubbed since the change in this law.
Swart said the new law should have been introduced a long time ago as the old law did not make sense at all. “Let’s say the goal line has a width of 300mm, adding the post protectors which stands out against the goal line with at least another 150mm, of course will the attacking team have an advantage. I am comfortable with the amendment of this law”, said Swart. Another local rugby expert who was a former referee, player and coach for amongst other Hoërskool Ben Vorster and Letaba Rugby Club, Johan Steyn, also added his voice for the sport he grew so passionate about. “I agree 100 percent with the change of this law and how it will be implemented in future. It will make it surely more difficult for the opposing side to score a try. The protectors have also become a bit oversized since it was introduced way back then. The pole between the defender and attacker made it impossible to prevent someone from scoring a try, it was almost a certain given that the try would be awarded”, said Steyn. But here is a good question for the decision makers at World Rugby and Rugby South Africa. Why does the bottom posts need to be planted right in line with the goal line? The Americans have a good concept going in their National Football League regarding their goal posts. The top upright posts are still in line with the score line, but a single pole is rather mounted in the middle underneath the horizontal post that it points in the direction of the deadline. The pole is
then bended downward and planted on the deadline. In this way there are no poles in the way of the players and the chance of someone getting injured is basically eliminated. And the ball still gets to be kicked through the posts, whether for a drop goal, penalty or a try conversion. World Rugby’s Chairman, Sir Bill Beaumont, said
that it is World Rugby’s mission to make the game as simple, safe and enjoyable to play as possible. He said that this law amendment reflects that mission. “By stipulating that an attacking team can no longer score against the post protector and therefore must ground the ball in-goal, gives defending teams a fair chance of preventing a try from being scored”, Sir Beaumont said.
From now on is this the way forward of scoring a try. No try would be awarded by touching the goal post protectors, the attacking side needs to be in the goal area to score a try. Photo: Roelof de Jonge
No walking on the Celebrating 70 years greens - just yet of adrenaline junkies ■
Roelof de Jonge
Grant Hepburn, the CEO of GolfRSA, on behalf of the golf industry delegation engaging with government, which comprises of GolfRSA, the PGA of South Africa and the Club Management Association of South Africa, provided an update on Tuesday the 12th of May since the last communication of a week ago with the National Department of Sports, Arts and Culture. “Today we received a formal response from the Minister of Sports, Arts and Culture, Nathi Mthethwa, regarding the presentation made to government on behalf of golf. The Minister informed us that our proposal has been taken to the National Coronavirus Command Council (NCC) and we will immediately be informed of any outcome once a final decision has been made”, said Hepburn. “In written communication, the Minister acknowledged that golf “lends itself to social distancing” and that we presented a case worth taking to the National Command Council”, said Hepburn. According to Hepburn this is a positive step and urge clubs and golfers to remain patient as the decision on when to reopen golf facilities ultimately remains in the hands of the NCC. “We empathise with those who are frustrated and desperate to get back out on the fairways. We understand the urgency for our clubs to resume operations in order to save the jobs of their staff, as well as caddies and coaches attached to their facilities, said Hepburn. “We are receiving feedback daily on the dire situation that many of our clubs are in and would like to assure all clubs and golfers that your respective associations are working tirelessly for the safe return of golf.” This week, a collaborative Steering Committee, including several of the most rec-
ognised industry experts from across the country, helped enhance and refine the Risk Mitigation Strategy of GolfRSA. “This will ensure that when golf is given the go ahead, our clubs will be well prepared to open up and operate in a safe environment. This process has carefully considered all clubs from various risk profiles, including estates, large and small clubs”, said Hepburn. “We have prepared a Risk Mitigation Strategy that can be adapted for various scenarios, depending on the status level of the country.” “We have also prepared a “Good Golf Practice Guideline”, which is aligned with International Best Practice. These documents have been put together in preparation for a return to golf, but will only be sent to all clubs once we have received communication back from the NCC”, according to Hepburn. Hepburn added that the documents will be adapted to the guidelines and regulations that they receive from the NCC before they are forwarded to clubs. “Over the next few days we will send out communication to clubs relating to suggested preparation and measures that should be put in place in the meantime. This preparation will be based on practical steps that clubs will need to be prepared for, regardless of when and how the NCC allows golf to return.” “When we do get the goahead, it will be a carefully managed process with extreme effort being taken to contain the spread of the disease. We all love this game and appreciate the value it brings to our lives through exercise, mental wellness, recreation and, for so many, a livelihood. In the interim, please keep safe and we hope our patience and hard work will be rewarded soon, said Hepburn.
Roelof de Jonge
The Formula One championship, described as the pinnacle of motorsport, celebrates it’s 70th anniversary this year which started on the 13th of May. What should have been a year of celebrations to mark this significant milestone, has all been spoiled by the Covid-19 pandemic. Here is a bit of history from the humble beginnings of the sport The bond between Alfa Romeo and Formula 1 is inscribed in the history of GP racing. Alfa Romeo won the inaugural Grand Prix Championship in 1950, with Nino Farina on board an Alfa Romeo Tipo 158 “Alfetta”, a success repeated in 1951 by Juan Manuel Fangio in the Alfetta 159. On the 13th of May last year marked the anniversary of the very first Formula 1 Grand Prix race. That race in 1950, the British Grand Prix held at Silverstone, was celebrated by the FIA (the governing body of Formula One and motorsport) in Shangai on the 14th of July at the one thousandth race. Seventy years apart, two very different eras of Formula One racing display a stark contrast. In 1950, crash helmets were still optional, there was no television, and the spectators lined the track on foot. Today, the Formula 1 “circus” is an ultra-technological global industry, transmitted to 400 million TV and web viewers every season. The Alfetta 158 The 1938 Alfetta was a technological jewel with an in-line eight-cylinder engine that featured twin overhead cams and a single-stage supercharger fed by a triple-choke carburettor. The car was developed by Gioacchino Colombo, head of the design department. Colombo’s objectives were
Juan Manuel Fangio 1951
simple, make it powerful, responsive, and reliable. The motor used engineering principles far ahead of its time. The Second World War brought the fast-paced development of Alfa Romeo cars to a shuddering halt. But the technical solutions envisaged by the project were sophisticated enough to be valid after the war. In 1943, Milan is occupied by the Germans and confiscations and arrests increased daily. A small number of Alfetta 158’s remained in storage inside the Portello factory, but risk being carried away as spoils of war. A small group of Alfa Romeo technicians and labourers decided they must must be moved to safety and begin secret planning to remove them in trucks. Various passionate Alfa supporters volunteer to hide one, including the speedboat champion Achille Castoldi, who had set a world speed record in 1940 using an Alfa Romeo 158 engine. Just as the convoy of trucks and their precious cargo was about to depart, a Wehrmacht patrol appeared with their weapons at the ready. Fortunately, Alfa test driver Pietro Bonini was Swiss and had lived in Berlin for some years. Speaking confidently in perfect German and waving the necessary permits he appeased the troops and saved the day. The trucks departed and the 158’s were taken to garages and farm sheds, to be hidden behind false walls or heaps of logs to wait for better times. On the 3rd of September that year for the Monza Grand Prix, Alfa Romeo tested the Alfetta 159, which was actually developed for use in the following year’s championship. The new Alfetta made its debut with a victory. At the wheel was Nino Farina who consequently became the first-ever Formula 1 World Champion.
Sport 15 May 2020
‘n Gebore ruiter in murg en been is Tharishca ■
Roelof de Jonge
Tharishca van der Walt is ‘n perderuiter in murg en been. Haar se passie vir perde en veral kinders het uiteindelik daartoe gelei dat sy in 2019 ‘n perdryskool begin het. Hier by die All Start Equestrian Academy bied die 18-jarige van der Walt lesse vir kinders aan. Dit is al vele kere bewys dat perde uitstekende terapie veral vir kinders met gestremdhede is. Van der Walt bied ondermeer sessies vir outitieste en Downsindroom kinders aan. Sy het gesê ‘n mens kan duidelik die verskil in die kinders se gedrag sien wanneer hulle met die perde in aanraking kom. Van der Walt het vertel hoe sy gedurende vakansies poniekampe aangebied het, dit nogal in haar matriekjaar wat sy by die Hoërskool Merensky voltooi het. Hierdie poniekampe was die oorsprong van die vonk wat sy nodig gehad het om haar perdry akademie op die been te bring. Van der Walt het nie met woorde rondgespeel om ‘n naam vir haar perdryskool te kry nie. “Die naam is afkomstig van my gunsteling perd, All Star, met wie ek tot met verlede jaar nog aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Western Mounted Games op Parys deelgeneem het. Ek en All Star, wat glad nie die mees atletiese perd is nie, het die doelwit bereik om na Vlak 4 op te skuif. Ek het gevoel om hom voortaan eerder met my perdry-akademie in te span. Ek glo vas dat kinders en perde bymekaar hoort”, het van der Walt gesê. Van der Walt se pad met All Star strek oor ‘n tydperk van sowat sewe jaar. Na hul hoogtepunte in verlede jaar se SA kampioenskap op Parys, het van der Walt besluit om eerder vir All Star te span om met die kinders te werk. “Toe ek All Star omtrent so sewe jaar terug gekry het, was hy nogal wild gewees. All Star het nog soms streke en kies hy die kinders wie op hom kan ry. Maar andersins is hy ongelooflik geduldig met die jongspan”, het van der gesê. Volgens haar staan All Star veral uit met kinders met gestremdhede en selfs met kinders wat uit moeilike huislike omstandighede afkomstig is. “All Star is werklik prysloos as dit by sulke kinders kom. Dit is asof hy hulle emosies, gevoelens kan aanvoel. Asof hy versag wanneer dié kinders met hom in aanraking kom. En dis so terapeuties vir kinders. Een van die Downsindroom kinders was aanvanklik baie skugter om op die perde te klim, maar ‘n paar sessies met All Star kan ‘n mens werklik ‘n verskil sien”, het van der Walt gesê. Die ander perd wat saam met All Star gebruik word is Robyn. Van der Walt het gesê Robyn is self ‘n hardnekkige merrie wat tot onlangs ‘n Vlak 3 gekeurde Western Mounted Games perd was. “Sy is so goed met die kinders, enige kind kan met vetroue op haar ry en Robyn is ewe gemaklik met die kinders op haar rug. Ek het selfs ‘n twee-jarige meisie wie nie skroom om met Robyn te ry nie. Ek dink Robyn het haar ware roeping ontdek en dis om met kinders te werk. Sy is baie geduldig en dit help baie om die perdry-sessies suksesvol aan te bied”, het van der Walt gesê. Van der Walt het onlangs een van haar perde weens siekte verloor en dit was ‘n groot hartseersaak vir die passievolle perderuiter. Sy het vertel hoe sy en perdekenners als in die styd gewerp het om die perd te probeer red en om te probeer vasstel wat was skort. Van der Walt het met die trane wat nog
vlak in haar oë lê, gesê dat haar toestand tot in so mate versleg het dat daar geen keuse was as om die perd van kant te maak nie. “Ek rig drie kinders op ‘n slag af, daarom is dit noodsaaklik dat ek so gou moontlik weer ‘n perd kry”, het van der Walt gesê. So tussen die perdry-afrigting studeer sy deeltyds onderwys deur die Universiteit van Noord-Wes in Potchefstroom. Sy het gesê sy studeer vir hoërskoolfase onderrig waar sy beplan om Geografie en Biologie aan te bied. Sy het gesê sy wou eers aanvanklik ‘n veearts geword het, omrede sy daarvan hou om diere se wonde te genees. Maar die perdryskool en liefde vir kinders het egter die rigting van hierdie roeping verander. “In die oggende studeer ek en in die middae kom ek na die stalle toe om die kinders af te rig. Dit is vir my so verblydend om die kinders se gesigte van opgewondenheid te sien wanneer hulle opdaag vir hul perdrysessies. Dit maak my dag”, het van der Walt gesê. “Dit sal my droom wees om onderwys by Hoërskool Merensky te kan aanbied. Ek sal dan graag my perdrykennis en ervaring wil terugploeg in die skool deur betrokke by die perdestalle te raak”, het van der Walt gesê. Sy was verlede jaar die kaptein van die Plasies se skouspringspan. Met vier generasies van haar Ma Tharina se familie se perdrybloed wat deur haar are pols, was dit ‘n natuurlike besluit vir van der Walt gewees om ‘n perdry-akademie te stig. Volgens van der Walt se ma, Tharina, het Tharisca as ‘n klein meisie van laerskooldae af al perd begin ry. Van der Walt het die afgelope drie jaar aan die Western Mounted Games se nasionale kampioenskap deelgeneem met All Star. king van Vlak 5 was vir “Die Covid-19 inperking my erg, veral in die lig dat ek nie my perde of die kinders kan sien nie. Ten minste kan ek nou na die stalle toe kom sedert ons op Vlak 4 inperking is, maar kan nie lesse aanbied wat nie my ryskool finansieël kortwiek”, het van der Walt gesê. Mense wie belangstel om hul kinders vir perdrylesse te neem, kan van der Walt by 072 843 7460 skakel of haar e-pos na tharishcavdw@
Tharisca van der Walt met haar gunsteling, All Star.
Foto:Roelof de Jonge