Bulletin Newspaper 10 July 2020

Page 1


10 July 2020


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What about us?

IS THE ANC PLANNING A POWER GRAB? On Monday the Democratic Alliance announced over social media that they were in possession of a 45-page document allegedly drafted out of the office of minister of cooperative governance and traditional affairs, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma. The document was allegedly marked “top secret” and contained plans to establish district command councils. Read more inside.


10 July 2020





Man shoots wife, her niece, daughter Personeel | Personnel Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com Kantoor: 015 306 0198

Ontwerp / Design Deborah Varrie debz@bulletin.us.com Bemarking / Marketing Chrizelle Dreyer 082 628 4181 chrizelle@bulletin.us.com Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan admin@bulletin.us.com Drukker/Printer: Novus Print Office: 064 650 7123

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Phalaborwa


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Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 24 Rooibos Str, Arbor Park, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: chrizelle@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2020 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Website Visit our website at www.reallysa.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

Billy Sibuyi

A wanted man, sought by the police for the alleged rape of his 16-year-old daughter avowedly shot and killed his wife, her visiting niece, and injured his teenage daughter before he turned the gun on himself. The Provincial Commissioner of the South African Police Service in Limpopo, Lieutenant General Nneke Ledwaba, condemned the incident in which the 43 year-old man on Monday evening, July 6, reportedly shot two people and attempted to murder a third, his 16-year-old daughter. The incident occurred at Malungane Village next to Namakgale, Phalaborwa at around 21:00 and according to our sources 11 shots were fired before the man left the scene and later killed himself. According to the police the suspect who was employed at Palabora Mining Company, was sought by members of the Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offenses Unit (FCS) after his daughter, whom he shot and injured, had earlier opened a rape case against him. In a convoluted narrative, the daughter visited her father in mid-June at Palesa Section, where he was now residing with his brother, for her to learn how to drive using her father’s car. According to

the police after the father-daughter driving lessons, they reportedly went to Namakgale complex before heading back to the father’s residential area where the rape is alleged to have taken place. The police also highlighted the fact that the rape case was only reported on the 6th of July, 24 days after the incident apparently took place. At the crime scene of last night’s shooting, the deceased’s licensed 9mm pistol was found and confiscated by the police. “As the province is currently fighting the scourge of gender-based violence, incidents of this nature, where a man rapes his daughter and then goes on to commit horrendous crimes against the vulnerable members of the society, must be condemned in the strongest possible terms,” concluded General Ledwaba. The Limpopo MEC for Social Development, Nkakareng Rakgoale, said that she was upset about what had occurred. She has called on men to stand up and end the killing and abusing of vulnerable people of the society. “It is time for all of us to stand up and say enough is enough. We cannot continue to always talk about women and children attacked by men who are supposed to love and protect them. These senseless killings are not just statistics but human

Finally pensioners get eventual relief ■

Michael Sakuneka

The eventual intervention by the MEC for Social Development in Limpopo, Nkakareng Rakgoale, brought long awaited relief to hundreds of pensioners at Ga-Kgapane township outside Modjadjiskloof recently. The long queues at Ga-Kgapane Post office prompted the MEC and Greater Letaba Mayor, Peter Matlou, to organise two busses to ferry some pensioners from Kgapane to Modjadjiskloof and Mooketsi Post offices where they were assisted. The MEC started at Mokwakwaila and stopped by at GaKgapane post office and Modjadjiskloof, monitoring the payments of grants and ensuring that recipients always adhere to social distancing regulations . According to Rakgoale, she was also in Mokwakwaila to check on how grant recipients received their grants at the new pay point at Mokwakwaila Multi-Purpose Community Center. “This after payments of the grants in the area was shifted from Mokwakwaila Post Office to the new pay point following a complaint from communities in the area,” Rakgale said. Payments of grants to elderly people from Kgapane was therefore handled as speedily as possible after they were transported to Modjadjiskloof and Mooketsi Post offices where officials were doing their work with dedication. At Kgapane there was only one system working. She said she was happy that people adhered to social distancing and that the pensioners do wear masks. Greater Letaba Mayor, Peter Matlou said he appreciate the support and intervention of the MEC to ease overcrowding at pay points in terms of making sure the people receive speedy service delivery. Rakgoale appreciated the tireless effort demonstrated by both SASSA and the South African Post Office officials as they were paying out the grants.

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

This is Mokwakwaila Multi-Purpose Center which will be used as a new SASSA Pay point for people from various parts of Bolobedu area.

Jaques van Niekerk Optometrist

For your wireless Communication needs, contact us! Call Centre: 086 101 7488 Fax: 086 606 4606 Email: info@letaba.net

Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril

Namakgale Police and Forensics at the scene of the crime on Monday evening. beings who also have a right to life.” “We simply cannot take it anymore. The behavior displayed by perpetrators of GBV is barbaric, for the lack of a better word. I would like to send my heartfelt condolences to the families of the murdered women, and I wish a speedy recovery to the injured girl,” stated the MEC. She also stated that social workers had been dispatched to the area to start providing psychosocial support to the families, the survivor and other affected people. The MEC visited Phalaborwa to meet with the survivor and address the community on the importance of preventing gender-based violence.

Two people die in head-on ■

Billy Sibuyi

Two occupants of a motor vehicle, both partners to separate people, died in a head on collision on the R71 main road on Friday night, the 3rd of July. According to information received from the police, upon their arrival at the accident scene, they discovered a VW Golf TSI with no occupants and a white Renault Sandero with two people, a male and a female, who were certified dead on the scene by the emergency personnel. It appears as though the two died on impact. Voluntary Medical and Rescue Technologies and Mopani District Fire and Rescue had to use vehicle extrication equipment ‘jaws of life’, to remove one of the bodies that was still trapped inside the Sandero. The police in Namakgale, Phalaborwa, have now started investigating a case of

culpable homicide. The preliminary police investigations revealed that the two vehicles collided head-on. The male driver of the Volkswagen, a 35-year-old who is known to this newspaper, was initially reported by passerby’s to have apparently fled the scene on foot, however the police revealed that he had not fled the scene, but had instead run to report the matter at the police station and find help. He escaped the accident with only minor injuries. The deceased were identified by the police as 27-year-old Kgaugelo Motshabi, who was from Namakgale and 52-yearold Joseph Makhoba from Phalaborwa. At the time of going to print there were no funeral arrangements in place and the family could not be contacted for comment.

Six newbies for Mopani ■

Michael Sakuneka

The Mopani district Municipality has welcomed six new appointments this week. The six new staffers include Refilwe Makhananisa, who will head up Public Participation as of the 1st of July. Other appointments include that of Odas Ngobeni as head of communications, Themba Masingi as head of Public Health, Mashape Condry Kgatle as coordinator in Disaster Management, Paulina Lion as head of the Employee Assistance Program, Johannes Ramatsi as Practitioner SMMEs in the LED unit and Bernadine Alternroxel as Coordinator in Information Management. The officials were welcomed by the municipal manager, Quiet Kgatla on Tuesday. Speaking after welcoming them, Kgatla called on the personnel to work hard to ensure that the institution delivers the best service to its communities. “We want to welcome you to the Mopani District Municipal-

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ity and we trust that you will perform your duties to the best of your ability in serving the people of Mopani,” Kgatla said. Meanwhile the offices of the Mopani District Municipality which were closed on the 26th of June after an employee tested positive for Covid-19, re-opened to the public on Monday. This after the health and safety committee ensured that all municipal facilities, including the satellite offices were once again disinfected. According to municipal spokesperson, Odas Ngobeni, the municipality will continue to enforce compliance with the Covid-19 preventative measures which include regular sanitizing, wearing of face masks and maintaining social distance. “We wish to once again appeal to our people to remain vigilant and continue to practice good hygiene as we forge ahead with the push back strategy against Covid-19,” Ngobeni said.

Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 03/07/2020

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Tel: 015 307 3703 11 Rencole Building, Loop Street, Tzaneen





10 July 2020


Polisie weier om verdagte te arresteer ■

Joe Dreyer

‘n Plaaslike sekuriteitsfirma het die naweek wéér vermeende vrugtediewe buite die boorde van die plaas Allesbeste betrap. Volgens Corrie Large van die maatskappy Large Security, het sy wagte vroeg Sondagoggend verdagtes met ongeveer 25 kratte avokadoes naby die bekende Allesbeste padstal opgemerk. Die vars-geplukte vrugte is tussen sakke vol ander vrugte, insluitend lemoene, by a straatsmousstalletjie naby die padstal ontdek. Volgens hom, het sy wagte vroeg die oggend vir hul skof aangemeld en toe die vrugte op ‘n bakkie op die sypaadjie naby die grensdraad gemerk. “My wagte het toe vir my drywer gesê daai avokadoes lyk vir hulle baie soos die Maluma’s wat hulle oppas. Hulle het toe die straatsmouse daaroor gaan uitgevra en dit is toe dat die smouse hulle begin aanrand en skel. Die wagte het ons beheerkamer om hulp gevra en ons reaksie eenheid het uitgegaan toneel toe.” Die drywer van die voertuig waarin die kratte avokadoes vervoer is, het na bewering uit sy voertuig gespring en die bosse in gevlug toe hy die Large Sekuriteit voertuie merk. Tydens sy ontsnappingspoging het die verdagte deur ‘n geëlektrifiseerde heining aan die oorkant van die pad gespring. Volgens Large het die straatsmouse (meerderheid vrouens) baie meer aggressief geraak met die aankoms van die gewapende reaksie eenheid, en het hulle om die wagte begin saamdrom. Een van die wagte is deur een van die vrouens met ‘n knopkierie aangerand. “My broer, Cliff, is een van die gewapende reaksie lede wat hom na die toneel gehaas het. Toe die smouse nie wou luister en ophou om die wagte aan te rand en te dreig nie, het hy sy pistool uit gehaal en die groep gewaarsku dat hy homself en die wagte sou beskerm indien die situasie nie ontlont kon word nie. Dit is toe dat hulle begin bedaar.”

Die polisie is in kennis gestel, en het na hul aankoms op die toneel, verklarings by die sekuriteitspersoneel asook die plaasbestuurder geneem. Die verdagte wat deur die heining gespring het, het intussen weer by die toneel aangekom nadat die polisie opgedaag het. Hulle het sy verklaring ook geneem. “Die polisie wou glad nie enige van die smouse of die verdagte drywer arresteer nie, en het ook nie die plaasvoorman se verklaring dat dit wel hulle avos is wat gesteel is, aanvaar nie. Volgens hulle was dit blykbaar nie genoeg bewyse om die verdagte (die drywer) te arresteer nie,” het Large verduidelik. “Volgens die polisemanne doen hulle nie arrestasies nie want dit is die speurders se werk.” Large het die speurtak geskakel en die situasie verduidelik. Volgens hom het die speurder gesê die polisielede is te lui om hulle werk te doen. “Die smouse het ook die hele storie verdraai en aan die poliselede gesê dat my ouens hulle aangerand het. Eers na ‘n lang gestryery kon my wag wie deur Hierdie is van die avokadoes die smous met die knopwat in besit van die verdagtes kierie geslaan is, ‘n klag van algekry is. gemene aanranding teen haar lê.

Large Sekuriteit het die verdagtes met 25 kratte avokadoes naby Allesbeste padstal betrap

Ons het ten minste ‘n saaknommer daarvoor, maar ons weet nie wat gaan kom daarvan nie.” Volgens inligting wat ontvang is rakende die drywer van die Nissan NP200 waarop die vrugte gekry is, is dit die seun van een van die smouse. Die voertuig is ook in haar naam geregistreer. “Ons het inligting ontvang dat die drywer, ‘n 25-jarige man, reeds ‘n ruklank al op die plaaslike sekuriteitsfirmas se radar is. Daar word beweer dat hy in ‘n paar van hierdie vrugtediefstal sake betrokke is. Daardie wit bakkie is ook in ‘n paar van die gevalle opgemerk.” Teen druktyd gister, het ons nog geen verdere terugvoering ontvang nie en dit is op hierdie stadium nie bekend wat met die vermeende gesteelde vrugte, of die verdagte gebeur het nie. Ons kon ook nie met Allesbeste in gesprek treë nie.

Legitimate power grab or elaborate hoax? ■

Joe Dreyer

Earlier this week the Democratic Alliance announced that they were in possession of what they called a “Top Secret Document” which may point to a shocking and well-laid plan by the ANC government to roll out a countrywide command council system. This would effectively bring about a mechanism which will grant the ANC government power to centralized policy and decision making and planning without the need for district or provincial inputs. In other words, you as a resident of Limpopo will no longer have a say in what the government decides is best for your province and your district or even your municipality – because there would be no more local elections. Bulletin spoke to Phalaborwa-native Cilliers Brink of the DA, who first raised the alarm about what appears to be the government’s proposal to repurpose the District Development Model announced by President Ramaphosa last year. The District Development Model was an idea by the president which appeared to be aimed at improving the inter-governmental relations between the various districts in provinces and speed up service delivery. Though not much clarity has been offered on the motive behind the proposed model or the estiCilliers Brink MP for the DA

mated date of implementation. “If the idea behind the District Development Model is indeed to speed up service delivery and iron out some of the issues faced by municipalities which hampers service delivery, why doesn’t the government use the tools and structures currently available to them?” asked Brink. “It all still seems a little too clandestine. Much like this 45-page document we have in our possession. We need to get the President to look at the document and tell us whether this is legitimate, and if it is, what the purpose behind the plan could be. And if not, who could have been responsible for its drafting and why. Could it be that the president is not aware of the existence of this document? There are just too many questions that need to be addressed urgently and that is why we have raised the alarm.”

It is rather difficult to believe that a 45-page document allegedly (Bulletin has not been privy to the contents of the entire document at this stage) containing detailed information about a complete power grab and reportedly drafted out of the office of minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, could be little more than an elaborate hoax or even fear mongering by the opposition to score cheap political points. More difficult to fathom would be, to what end. “This is why we have not declared the document to be legitimate or some kind of Holy Grail. We are not conspiracy theorists, but the existence of such a document is cause for concern which is why we want to give the president the opportunity to respond to this, but we cannot simply keep quiet about something that has the potential to completely change our way of life.” According to Brink the document refers to “macro re-organisation of the state” and even uses the phrase “never let a good crisis go to waste”. He further said that the document argues for the formal centralisation of government power as a way of saving bankrupt and dysfunctional municipalities. Brink added in a post over social media that at no point the President or any member of his cabinet had openly suggested that the District Development Model should be anything more than a way of facilitating better intergovernmental relations. Neither has anyone proposed on record that the so-called District Hubs be given decision making power. Yet according to him, this is precisely what is being touted in the “top secret” document. In our conversation on Wednesday, Brink explained that the government further planned to dispatch ministers to these pro-

posed district command councils under the new name of “District Political Champions”. Letters to this effect have already been dispatched to various municipalities (Bulletin has seen one of these letters). “What we fear is that District Hubs repurposed as Command Councils, with ministers and deputy ministers deployed as “district political champions”, is a way of preparing the country for a new centralised constitutional model. If the pilot project works, or even if it doesn’t, the ANC can then point to the inevitability of a formal constitutional amendment,” Brink stated. In his online statement Brink raised another valid point. “But we also know that the ANC has no shame about using its own failures in government as a pretext for attacking the Constitution. This is after all a Constitution that many of the party’s leaders regard as a historical and ideological betrayal. Just like the failure of the government’s land reform programme has been blamed on the property clause in the Constitution, expect the ANC to blame the breakdown of services on the existence of provinces and municipalities. Doing away with the provinces, and turning municipalities into glorified extension of national government, will give corrupt and incompetent ANC cadres the ultimate political reprieve. The party will also no longer have to contest elections that have become more and more unwinnable, especially in the metros and Gauteng.” In a nutshell, if this proves to be a legitimate document and if the plans are rolled out as stated, the ANC will effectively become “election-proof”. This is concerning and should be cause for alarm. We will keep in touch with Brink on the matter and publish all the latest updates in this paper.

Boere moet hulself nou beskerm teen aanvallers ■

Joe Dreyer

“Dit lyk asof pres. Cyril Ramaphosa en sy regerende party nie genoë is om die krisis rondom plaasmoorde en –aanvalle te erken of iets daaromtrent te doen nie. Dit is nou ’n kwessie van lewe en dood en boere moet hulself bewapen om hulself en hul gesinne te beskerm.” So het Dr Theo de Jager, voorsitter van Saai en president van die Wêreld Landbou Organisasie Woensdagmiddag tydens ‘n nuuskonferensie gesê. Sy opmerkings was deel van ‘n gesprek waar Afriforum ‘n verskerpte veldtog teen plaasmoorde aangekondig het. Dr de Jager was in gesprek met Ernst Roets, hoof van Beleid en Aksie by AfriForum en Ian Cameron, hoof van Gemeenskapsveiligheid ook by AfriForum in ‘n lewendige uitsending oor Facebook. Cameron is van mening dat die aanvalle waarskynlik nie gaan afneem nie, hoewel daar tydens die staat van inperking minder voorvalle was. “Maar soos wat die land af beweeg het na Vlak 3 van die grendelstaat, is dit asof die sluise oopgemaak en die aanvalle net een na die ander weer plaasgevind het. Die president en die staat moet erken dat plaasaanvalle uniek is en duidelik op sekere lede van ons gemeenskap gemik word. Ons is in die steek gelaat deur ons regering en

sal nou onsself moet organiseer en proaktief optree om aanvalle af weer.” Volgens hom hou die regering se verduideliking dat die moorde en misdade om ekonomiese redes gepleeg word nie water nie. Die regering het al in die verlede dit duidelik gemaak dat die plaasaanvalle deur armoede aangehits word en hierdie misdadigers die aanvalle uitvoer om kos op die tafel te sit. “Hoe help die moord op ’n swanger vrou wie se keel deur haar aanvallers afgesny word om kos op hulle tafel te sit? Die probleem waarmee ons te kampe het hou verband met die moraal van mense en die regering. Die aanvallers is lafaards wat ouer mense teiken, maar ons sien al hoe meer slagoffers wat terug baklei en hulle is eintlik die werklike helde.” Dr Theo de Jager, voorsitter van Saai

De Jager het ‘n baie treffende stelling gemaak. Hy het die regering se standpunt dat daar meer mense in bendegeweld vermoor word afgeskiet deur uit te wys dat daar nêrens op sosiale media ‘n oproep gemaak word vir die uitmoor van bendeleiers of lede nie. Daar is ook geen van die sogenaamde “struggle songs” waarin daar oproep gemaak word vir die moord op bendeleiers nie. “Daar is nêrens op sosiale media ’n oproep dat bendelede vermoor moet word wat moord pleeg nie. Wanneer daar egter ’n plaasmoord is, is daar ‘applous’ daaroor op sosiale media en word selfs vir meer gevra. Dit lyk of dié moorde goedgekeur word en daar geen optrede of gevolge is vir diegene wat sulke uitsprake maak nie. Die regering het ’n plig om hierna te kyk,” het hy gesê. Die uur-lange gesprek kan op Afriforum se Facebook-blad besigtig word en die ope brief aan President Ramaphosa kan op hul webstuiste gelees word.


10 July 2020





Mayor happy with only Eight die in R40 crash two working toilets ■

Michael Sakuneka

The Greater Letaba Municipality’s (GLM) mayor, Peter Matlou, on Tuesday visited two schools in the Mamaila circuit in the Bolobedu North area to check whether they adhered to social distancing and to learn of their challenges. This after the Grades 6 and 11 resumed classes on Monday. Matlou, accompanied by some senior officials from his municipality, the department of education, public works and businesses first visited Maufota Primary School before going to Mmaba Secondary School both at Maupa Village. He said he was impressed by the conditions at Maufota

Mayor Peter Matlou with Stephanie Claasen.

Primary School where school management have ensured that they apply all Covid-19 rules like social distancing and sanitizing. This is despite the fact that at this school, there are only four mobile toilets which they received from the department of education, and only two of them are flushing. “The cleanliness of the school will help in prevention of the spread of Corona Pandemic,” Matlou said. According to him, Greater Letaba is reported to have recorded 30 Covid-19 infections so far. The school principal, Constance Mulaudzi, said they are happy that the department provided them with most of the necessities like sanitizers, a water tank, mobile toilets and have also given them money to buy food for the school nutrition programme for six months. To the same school, Modjadji Plaza donated some disinfectants cleaning, sanitizers, sweets, caps for the children and some masks. According to Modjadji Plaza Centre Manager, Stephanie Claasen, this is her company’s way of ploughing back into community. Meanwhile, the principal at Mmaba Secondary School, Florence Lebopa, said Grade 11 learners who were supposed to start learning on Monday were told to stay home because the school does not have enough classrooms to apply social distancing. “We have one block of three classrooms and a total enrolment of 455 learners where 53 are Grade 12 learners,” she said. At this school, Matlou told the principal that he will take the matter up with the MEC for education in the Province, Polly Boshielo, for intervention.

The wreckage found on the R40.

Billy Sibuyi

A fatal car crash on the notorious R40 Road on Saturday, the 4th of July, claimed eight lives and left locals infuriated. Seven people were certified dead on the scene and the eighth person died whilst being transported to hospital. In a video shared with Bulletin, occupants in a passing vehicle filming the horrific scene can be heard saying that no one could have survived that accident. According to eyewitnesses they described the scene of the accident as horrific and one of the worst head-on collision wreckages they have ever seen. The jaws of life had to be used to remove the remains of the seven people who died when the two sedans collided head-on, on the R40 Road between Dwarsloop and Violentbank in Bushbuckridge on Saturday. Initially it was reported that seven people had perished on the scene and the eighth occupant

was critically injured when the accident occurred at around 21:00 that evening. The police later announced to the expectation of the scene eyewitnesses, that the eighth occupant had succumbed to his injuries before reaching the hospital. According to the Mpumalanga Department of Community Safety and Security Liaison Officer, Moeti Mmusi, the two vehicles that collided each had four occupants. The cause of the crash is yet to be established and an investigation is underway. However, residents feel that the cause of the accident could be related to the Shatale traffic lights that have not been working for an exceptionally long time. “These robots have not been working for a while now and some people do stop but others do not stop because at night they believe it is not safe,” said a commuter who is always travelling on that road. Bulletin has asked the liaison officer, Moeti Mmusi, for comment on the non-functioning traffic lights, but the time of going to print there was no response.

MEC’s shocking Gender Based Violence stance ■

Billy Sibuyi

The Limpopo Department of Social Development MEC, Nkakareng Rakgoale, acknowledged that Gender Base Violence (GBV) also affected men during her visit to the family of the victims of a horrific shooting on Monday evening. The full account of the incident is on page 2 of this newspaper. “There is a reason why we call it gender based violence and not women-based violence, which means it involves both the genders. That is why both men and women can be affected but we will never know because men are the ones that do not talk,” she told Bulletin during a press briefing outside Namakgale. The MEC was responding to a question posed by Bulletin on whether her department was willing to acknowledge that GBV also affects men, who are often the victims of spousal abuse, but remain silent for fear of being ridiculed among their peers. “We as women are easy to be approached and we talk about our situations, but it seems it is difficult for men to speak out as to what is troubling them in order to come to a solution. It seems men see this kind of a thing [killing] as a solution instead of talking and agreeing

what needs to be done,” she stated. Rakgoale also said that in order to end the culture of violence among men, men should get together and talk to one another. She said men needed to discuss with women what it is that the women have done to deserve the brutality. “What is so difficult that we cannot sit around the table and find a solution? Perhaps [we should] agree to disagree rather than to reach this kind of a situation. This is a very painful situation, as families are left torn apart. We are saying that enough is enough, but it seems like our words are not enough and we do not know what needs to be done,” she continued. “All stakeholders, NPO’s and communities need to meet and discuss these matters so we may come up with solutions as things cannot continue the way they are continuing,” she stated also mentioning that the department had deployed a team of social workers that were counselling the families. Rakgoale also indicated that there were two young girls that had been taken into the care of the department after the incident. “They are being provided with social support, and we will provide the

Fire while in prayer

Jeff Jackson

A family of four from Ntwanano village west of Lenyenye, received food parcels and blankets from the social development department after their house caught fire while the mother was in church praying. According to a source, congregants raised eyebrows when a child came running into the church and said “Mother the house is burning!” and when they ran outside of the church, they were shocked to find the house in flames. The incident occurred on Sunday shortly before 11:00 after most of the churches once again reopened after almost three months in lockdown. According to a relative, the house which had only recently been renovated, was almost completely destroyed after a fire a broke out while the children were outside playing and their mother, who owns the house, was at church praying. “Following the accident, the police were called and were accompanied by the fire department

officials of Mopani who found that that fire was already extinguished. They took photos and the following day the family was provided with food parcels and blankets. Since the house was left with the two rooms which did not burn, they are using the remaining rooms to sleep in.” It is not the first time that a house was razed in the area. In January, another house was burnt to ashes at Muhlava village after a power problem. Apart from the councillors who came to their rescue with tents, the family is still to claim for damages from Eskom. However, it could not be established what might be the cause of the fire in this latest incident in Ntwanano village. A community leader who wanted anonymity said the reason most people are not compensated when their properties were damaged due to power issues, is because in the townships and villages most people are using illegal electrical connections. According to him, most of the people who move into newly established areas demand electricity to illegally connected in order to escape having to pay monthly bills.


family with food parcels to keep them going as they prepare for the funeral,” she stated before concluding with a call that the families should be given space to prepare for the funeral of their loved ones. The MEC was accompanied by the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality mayor, Mariam Malatjie, other Councilors and the SAPS Mopani District Commander, Brig Genl Maggie Mathebula.

MEC of Social Development, Nkakareng Rakgoale arrives at the family’s home along with the Mayor of Ba-Phalaborwa, Merriam Malatjie.

SANDF Soldier shoots protestor dead ■

Jeff Jackson

A member of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) who was part of the law enforcement officials attending a situation of mob violence at Dingledale Trust in Bushbuckridge, shot dead a 37-year old protester who was trying to run from the military officials. He was shot once in the back and twice in the chest while turning to face his shooters. However, the police described the incident as an act of self-defence as allegedly the deceased produced a gun. National police spokesperson, Brig Vish Naidoo, said the police and the SANDF were called to the scene after complaints that someone was being assaulted. He said that upon arrival, they were met by a violent mob which allegedly attacked them and stabbed a soldier with a screwdriver in the finger.

He said that it was at this point that a man allegedly exited his vehicle carrying a gun and was shot dead allegedly by a member of the SANDF. “The community started burning tyres and throwing stones at the police and the military. The members managed the situation and the pathologists and the Local Criminal Record Centre (LCRC) continued with their jobs.” The police added that all firearms in the incident were taken for forensic investigations and murder and assault cases had been opened. The brother of the deceased, Thabo Dilobe, counteracted the statement by saying his brother was dragged out of his car and beaten. “When he was trying to run away from the military men, one of them shot him in the back and when he tried to turn was shot twice in the chest”.





10 July 2020


Buy a bargain for charity ■

Roelof de Jonge

At the end of July, it would be exactly seven years since the charity store of SAVF, Dit en Dat, was established. At the helm of the store is Ilza Roelofse, one of the voluntary workers for the SAVF Roelofse, who was involved since the inception of the charity store, explained that the initial store was at first situated at the offices of the SAVF. The store however soon started to burst out of its seams because of the immense support from Tzaneen’s community. The store was then moved where it is still situated today at 2B King Edward Drive. But even the larger store eventually ran out of space and in June 2019 the SAVF opened another larger store in the main street of Modjadjiskloof. Roelofse emphasized that they do have a need for clothing items, especially for men and children. There are ample clothes for babies and women to choose from. The items in the store are all donations and the clothes that need some sewing are done by voluntary workers. The items which include many books and various other odds and ends are affordable to almost any person. The money from the Dit en Dat Charity Store is plowed back into the various community projects of the SAVF. According to Roelofse, the need for support for poor families has significantly increased during the Covid-19 lockdown period. The SAVF has a shortage of voluntary workers especially now with the increasing number of people relying on this charity organization. “The stores are really well supported, whether from sales or donations, and this really is one of the most vital assets of the SAVF”. The SAVF Dit en Dat charity stores in Tzaneen and Modjadjiskloof can be contacted at 015 307 2645. The telephone operator at SAVF Tzaneen will transfer callers through to any of the charity stores. Alternatively, persons can send an email to ditendat.charityshop@savf.co.za The store is open from Monday to Friday from 07:30 until 16:00.

The Dit en Dat charity stores has a variety of clothing items on sale. Photos: Roelof de Jonge

Christine Venter is the manager at the SAVF

Alan’s final salute

Joe Dreyer

It is our privilege and pleasure as members of Long Tom Shellhole to pay tribute to MOTH Alan Christiaan Odendaal. Alan had a vision for the re-establishment of the Moth Movement in Tzaneen after the demise of the local “Mosquito Shellhole” some years ago. With the drive and commitment so typical of Alan, he tackled this task with gusto, inspiring those of us who had the privilege of working with him. His vast experience in MOTHdom, including having served as Old Bill of Turbi Hills, Louis Trichard, served him well in this regard. And with the new dispensation of the MOTH Order whereby not only people who had seen active service, but also those who had done military training may now apply to join the organization, his determination and hard work paid off and Long Tom Shellhole was born on the 8th of May 2019. Under his leadership we were one of the fastest growing shellholes in South Africa during the past year. We initially had no official home,

but through his able negotiations we were accomodated firstly by Rotary and then by Fairview Lodge. Alan was called to higher service on Thursday, the 2nd of July 2020. We will truly miss him, not only for his leadership, but also for his genuine care and concern for all, and his drive, commitment and absolute loyalty towards the Organisation in general and Long Tom Shellhole in particular. Alan was a real brother in arms. We owe it to his memory to make Long Tom Shellhole a shining beacon as it grows from strength to strength. Editor, Joe Dreyer remembers Alan fondly too. “I will miss his phonecalls and his endless banter about his time in the military. What I will remember most though, is how Alan helped his fellow MOTHS including a close friend of mine, Jacques Myburgh whom he greatly assisted during his illness last year and subsequent to his death also in July, supported his family after the fact. Go well Alan, send my regards to Gunner. I will remember you.”



10 July 2020





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Mooketsi (Limpopo-provinsie) Die persoon sal ʼn ondersteunende- en logistieke rol in die effektiewe bestuur van ons subtropiese kwekery eenheid speel.

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● Die voorbereiding van plantmedium en -materiaal ● Kontroleer en pas plantvoedingsprogramme toe; ● Bestuur van pesbeheer programme en besproeiingsiklusse; ● Opstel van onkruidbeheer programme ● Bepaal en kontroleer produkvloei van uitgaande en inkomende materiaal; ● Afhandeling van administratiewe take in die kweekhuis; ● Beplan afleweringskedules en verspreiding van produkte wat gereed is vir uitplant; ● Bestuur van arbeidspanne en monitering van produktiwiteitsindekse; ● Algemene verslaggewing oor vordering met take en uitvoering van projekte; ● Doen nasorg evaluasie en kwaliteit monitering van materiaal wat uitgeplant is.

Dis na vieruur op die oggend van Sondag 29 April. Een van die mooiste Strausswalse het pas in die agtergrond verdwyn. Nou blaas ‘n hobo die briljantheid van ‘n vergange musikus uit, gesteun deur pragtige viole en klarinette. Kort tevore was ‘n herhaling van ‘n reeks voorlesings uit die verhaal Bitter Heuning deur skrywer Hermione Suttner. Die suiwer menslikheid in die verhaal het Klaas Vakie finaal weggestuur. Dit het herinneringe van die verlede teruggeroep, soos die dag toe jy met vroetelende vingertjies voor my gestaan het oor die gebrek aan kos in ons woonplekkie in Jan Niemandpark. Dit was ‘n onbeskryflike toneel wat ek so hard probeer miskyk het. In my hart was ‘n stukkie hoop en ek het met ons laaste R5,50 kafee toe gestap vir ‘n brood en dalk ‘n pint melk. Toe draai ek by die perdeplek in en speel ‘n trifecta vir R3,50. En toe wen ek R933,00. Dis die dag toe ek met die gelaaide kostrollie deur die veld huis toe gekom het. God het toe al geweet hierdie mense het hulp nodig. Daar was etlike ander soortgelyke tonele, soos die oggend toe ons aardse besittings deur onbeskofte en genadelose werkers in gordyne toegedraai en op die binnehof van ‘n woonstelblok uitgesmyt is. Dit was in skrille kontras met die kortstondige pretrit agterin ‘n polisievangwa en ‘n klomp ander grappighede soos toe Paul-Charl by die Kings se oprit uit sy drasakkie geval het. En dan was daar ook Jeep wat die voorsitter van alle sittende honde was en sy tragiese einde, soos ook die voorruit en ligte van die Volla in Lynnwood Manor. Sonder vreugde het dit ook nie verloop nie. Soos die rekord van 34 liefdesoomblikke binne 36 ure en ‘n Krismis-ete met wyn in ‘n private kamer van die Wilgers-hospitaal. Om nie eens te praat van die balju wat buite in die reën gestaan het nie, net om te hoor ek het net ‘n kitaar waarop hy beslag kan kry. Hy het sy nat kop twee keer geskud en in die niet verdwyn. Seker een van die hartlikste oomblikke was toe ou Ettienne Kriel betyds by die landdroshof in Pretoria-Noord opgedaag het om te kom saamstem dat ek met die vrou in die paisley-rok in die huwelik tree. Dit was net ‘n grepie uit Pretoria. Duisende ander episodes sou daarna volg, soos die sogenaamde vuil huisie langs die Bergrivier in Velddrif en die Jesus-klip buite Vredenburg, asook die kat se moles in die bakkie. Een deel wat onvergeetlik sal bly, was die reis met die woonwa tussen Pretoria en die Weskus. Niemand sou dit ooit kon namaak nie. Die rit was soos ‘n droomvakansie, ondanks die taai skaapvleis van Aberdeen en die gesukkel met die tentpenne in Hermanus. Jarmut se verhaal staan heeltemal eenkant. Vervolg volgende week.

Minimum vereistes: ● Rekenaarvaardig in die Microsoft Office-pakket, veral Excel is ʼn voorvereiste ● Kultuursensitiwiteit in benadering word vereis ● Kandidate met ʼn tersiêre kwalifikasies en/of gerigte opleiding in hortologie of plantkundige sal voorkeur geniet ● Vorige ondervinding in ‘n soortgelyke omgewing sal voordelig wees ● Die persoon moet kalm onder druk kan funksioneer.

Financial Manager / Accountant The successful candidate must meet the following prerequisite requirements:

Vacancy Available Mooketsi (Limpopo Province) The successful candidate must be able to work under pressure within a team to provide accurate monthly and annual reports within the expected deadlines.

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The main focus of the position includes:

Closing date: 31 July 2020 ZZ2 offers a negotiable market related remuneration package Please send your resume via email to


Please indicate in the subject line, the position you are applying for.

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Any enquiries can be directed to Johan du Plessis at 083 676 0390 (during office hours)..


Briewe l Letters Die Pionierpark inwoners sê baie dankie aan die volgende: Halls vir die heerlike Avos, Thys Steynberg vir die vars groente, Theuns Botha vir die Gemaalde Wildsvleis wat altyd welkom is, Lions vir die heerlike Naartjies, Tzaneen Koelkamers vir die gereeld Hoendervleis, Kruispad vir die heerlike Pomelos en Naartjies, Pretorius Boerdery vir die mooi en heerlike piesangs en ZZ2 vir die Tamaties en uie. Ons waardeer dit opreg. Die Here seën julle. Die Pionierpark inwoners wil ook baie dankie aan die volgende: Michael vanaf Lowveld Labels vir die koolkoppe, Thys Steynberg en Boere vir die groente, Johny Theron vir Granadillas, Brood vanaf die Lions Klub, Komkommers vanaf Klippe Venter en NTK vir die Mieliemeel. Die Here seën julle daarvoor.

NOTICE: LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Title Deed T1121/2017 passed by PIKKO BELEGGINGS CLOSE CORPORATION, Registration Number: 2009/015564/23 in favour of MARNO PROPERTIES PROPRIETARY LIMI-

TED, Registration Number 2016/423176/07 in respect of certain ERF 480 Tzaneen Extension 5 Township, Registration Division L.T., Limpopo Province which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Register of Deeds Limpopo at Polokwane within two weeks from

the date of publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen on this the 7th day of July 2020 Applicant: Joubert & May Attorneys Address: 50 Boundary street, Tzaneen, 0850 Telno: 015 307-3660 Email address: fransie@joubertmay.co.za Our Ref: Fransie/FM884 Jul201___________________________

Smouskous l Classifieds Services Dienste Limpopo Paint Pot

Letaba DBV / SPCA Algemene Jaarvergadering Annual General Meeting Date/Datum: 11 July/Julie 2020 Time/Tyd: 14:00 Place/Plek: Oasis Mall All welcome / Almal welkom

Paint, arts and crafts and more. Visit us in store for specials. 56 Boundary Road, Tzaneen 015 307 3517 ________________________ Jaques van Niekerk Optometrist Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril. Terms & voorwaardes geld. 015 307 3703


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Quality Waste Management Honey Sucker, Waste Bins, Compactable waste. 079 511 3536

Quality Plant Hire Rental of Earth moving equipment, Roads/Buildings and dam construction, Earth works & bush clearing. 081 358 2277 __________________________________

Community Crisis Services 084 400 0911 __________________________________


DASS Domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Bosch, Whirlpool, Defy etc. Repairs, spares and service. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, Tzaneen. 015 307 1798 082 898 0468

Cleaning & Sanitizing Matresses, Lounge suites, Carpets (incl Persian, Kilim, Sisal) & Baby Items (Baby seats, Prams, Carry-cots) Contact Lorraine: 073 722 7913 082 233 1506

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Pest Control Specialists Workplace readiness solutions. Protect yourself, your staff and the health of your customers. 015 307 4065 __________________________________

Saniplas Great packaging sells your products. 060 792 7034 __________________________________


Authorised dealer & Service centre 015 307 1849 contact@starspares.com www.starsparestzaneen.com

Painter Joe Contact me for a quote on 079 330 4358. Any paint job, big or small.





10 July 2020


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COMMUNITY CRISIS SERVICES 4 Maritz Street, Park, Tzaneen HelpAqua for Tourists email: dave@rescue911.co.za

084 400 0911

The TZANEEN Crisis Centre is offering all tourists to our area absolute peace of mind when visiting this b of the Limpopo, absolutely free of charge

Medical Business Directory

Tourists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911 and help will be on the way.

or 072 98 9

The Crisis Centre offers access to a 24 hour emergency control room, Ambulance, Fire and Rescue servic Armed response, trauma counseling, roadside assistance etc.

We also support victims of crime, violence, accidents, fires, floods, rape, child abuse or just a lost tourist

Need a mechanic, a dentist, lodging after hours? Personnel of the Crisis Centre will help with any proble make most of the arrangements on behalf of the tourist.

Breaking a tooth while on holiday can ruin the festive season, especially if it happens after hours. The To will make arrangements for after-hours assistance, and even lead the way to the dentist to avoid tourists

This is one of many relatively trauma – free problems the centre assists with, but the centre hasn’t forgo more serious problems people are faced with every day.

For example, It is 03:00 in the morning and a tourist family is involved in an accident. One person is hosp the rest of the family has trouble finding accommodation. What to do… Phone the Crisis Centre who wil family up in their safe-house totally FREE of charge , until accommodation can be found the next day. Health & Fitness Gym

Cnr Windsor & Agatha St, Tzaneen The safe house is fully equipped for self-catering and stocked with food. It also offers toiletry care packa 073 265 2650 • 076 413victims. 9257 Clean secondhand clothes can be arranged as well. After 24 hours the Centre will assist with finding new accommodation. Tourists should also take note of the innovative database maintained by the Crisis Centre.

Sport 10 July 2020

Ruan en Ryan in SA swemspanne ingesluit

Ruan Hanaczeck-Kruger. Foto: Roelof de Jonge

Roelof de Jonge

Swemmers afkomstig vanuit Limpopo oftewel wat gebore en getoë is in hierdie provinsie, maak steeds opgang op nasionale sowel as internasionale vlakke. Twee van dié swemmers wie die kollig gerig is, is Tzaneen se Ruan Hanaczeck-Kruger en Phalaborwa se Ryan Coetzee, wie onlangs deur die nasionale swembeheerliggaam, Swem Suid-Afrika (SSA), gekies is vir onderskeie nasionale spanne. Hanaczeck-Kruger is tans ‘n matrikulant by die Hoërskool Merensky en ‘n swemmer by die Shamu Swemklub waar hy deur die spesialis afrigter Johan Grobbelaar gebrei word. Grobbelaar mag dalk as ‘n onverbiddelike afrigter voorkom, maar sy resep om swemmers na hoër verrigtingsvlakke te neem en sukses daarmee te bereik spreek boekdele. Shamu se swemmers was vanaf Maandag weer fluks aan die oefen na Swem Suid-Afrika (SSA) aan klubs die groenlig gegeehet om weer te kan begin oefen. Hanaczeck-Kruger se ouers, Bossie en Heidi, was heel verras oor hul seun se insluiting in een van die SA-spanne. “As gesin was ons heel uit die veld geslaan oor die nuus en het dit

glad nie verwag nie. Ek het ‘n WhatsApp boodskap uit die bloute ontvang waarin ons geluk gewens word met Ruan se insluiting in die 2020 en 2021 Senior Jeugspan.” Dié span is vir swemmers wat in 2002 en 2003 gebore is. “Ons moes eers self die dokument onder oë kry om te sien waaroor dit gaan, veral in die lig dat die seisoen tot stilstand geruk is met die Covid-19 en inperkings wat dit mee gepaard gegaan het.” “Ruan het gekwalifiseer vir die Olimpiese uitdunne en die SA Senior Nasionale kampioenskap wat weens die Covid-19 nie in April kon plaasvind nie. Hy het baie hierna uitgesien en het gehoop dat hy die jaar moontlik ‘n plek op die podium sou haal. Hy was in top vorm voor die kampioenskap en het baie goed presteer op daardie tydstip.” “Sy insluiting in die span beteken dat hy onder die top drie swemmers gerang is van die Senior Jeuggroep wat gebore is tussen 2002 en 2003. Die Senior Jeugspan gaan ondermeer aan verskeie oefen kampe deelneem. Hierdie swemmers gaan verder voorberei word met die fokus om swemtalent vir die 2022 Statebond Spele en die 2024 Olimpiese spele te identifiseer”. Hanaczeck-Kruger is sedert die grendeltydperk

Ryan Coetzee

nog nie weer in die water gewees nie alhoewel hy elke dag aan die oefen was. Hy sê hy het gedurende die inperking geboks met ‘n slaansak wat gehelp het om veral sy skouerspiere te bou en in vorm te hou. Hy was verheug om weer tussen sy swemmaats te wees en weer in alle erns te kan begin swem. Hanaczeck-Kruger vertel hy was aangenaam verras en baie verheug om in die SA Senior Jeugspan ingesluit te wees. “Met die wat die swemmers weer kan begin om te oefen sien ons almal baie uit om te sien of die program waaraan hy die laaste paar maande hard gewerk het vrugte gaan afwerp. Ons is baie dankbaar vir Ruan se algehele toegewydheid en harde werk dit maak dit soveel soeter vir ons as ouers. Harde werk word beloon!”

Ruan Hanaczeck-Kruger is onlangs vir die SA Senior Jeugspan gekies.

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