Bulletin Newspaper 7 August 2020

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7 August 2020


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Photo: Joe Dreyer


The outrageous “multi-million housing project” which turned out to be overpriced shacks, has caused upset among the ANC supporters in the province who feel insulted by Premier Stan Mathabatha and his MEC Bioskopo Makuma. Bulletin dug a little deeper into the project which was marketed as a helping hand gesture to the poor, but was clearly nothing more than a failed attempt by the wounded ruling party to garner votes. Read the full story on page 3.


7 August 2020





Death threats against local journalist ■ Jeff Jackson

Personeel | Personnel Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@bulletin.us.com Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 billy@reallysa.co.za Drukker/Printer: Novus Print

Office: 064 650 7123 Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Deborah Varrie debz@bulletin.us.com Bemarking / Marketing Chrizelle Dreyer 082 628 4181 chrizelle@bulletin.us.com Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan admin@bulletin.us.com

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Phalaborwa


The controversial former Limpopo ANC Youth League leader and now shockingly a Member of Parliament (MP), Boy Mamabolo is in the sticky stuff again. But this time his political career hangs in the balance. This after an interview with a Sunday World journalist, Ngwako Malatji, during which he lost his cool and threatened to shoot the journalist. The journalist recorded the conversation. Ngwako Malatji who originally resided at Moime village outside Lenyenye was a seasoned journalist in the area for more than a decade before he joined the Capricorn Voice in 2001 and subsequently left the Caxton stable to join City Press in 2003. He later joined the Times Media Group. Mamabolo lost it when he was asked about his tweets critiquing President Cyril Ramaphosa on the alcohol ban. In his tweets he described the decision by the President to ban alcohol sales as a victory for the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF). The journalist, Malatji who had since reported the matter with the police, said that he was asking Mamabolo for comment on this tweet when he

was told that he would be shot. The incident has raised the ire of civil society, the ruling ANC, parliament and the media fraternity. The ANC condemned the incident and promised to take action, also reiterating its stance in support of media freedom and said it found this conduct unacceptable and inconsistent with the values of the organisation. In a statement, the party said the incident is not in keeping with what is expected of a public representative and in a democracy such as South Africa, there is no place for intimidation of journalists as they cannot be insulted or threatened for merely doing their job. It said it held the view that a free and robust media is the lifeblood of a constitutional democracy. “For the ANC the media is sacrosanct and we will always defend the media`s right to report without fear or favour. The ANC has noted that Mr Malatji has opened a case of intimidation against Mamabolo. We will henceforth allow the law to take its course. In addition, the appropriate structures of the ANC will investigate Mamabolo and take appropriate action.”

The South African Editors Forum (SANEF) said that they found threats made by Mamabolo disturbing. “Such threats have no place in a democratic society and underline the risks journalist face when covering activities of politicians at levels including branches, regions, and provinces. We hope the SAPS will take the threats against the journalist seriously and carry out the necessary investigations.” Earlier this year Mamabolo was made to apologise to leader of the EFF, Julius Malema, after alleging that he abused his wife. ***Editor’s Comment: Is it not becoming more and more apparent that politicians are becoming more and more adolescent in their dealings? More apparent is that their behaviour is at the cost of our livelihoods, and we are allowing it to continue. I must apologize to my readers for breaking my own rule which states that I will not afford the EFF, particularly their clown prince, any publicity as this publication does not wish to promote the hate speech and blatant call for violence against the white minority in this country, which this particular Marxist movement continuously propagate.

Brand vreet deur sentrum The ShotSpotters

Kontak besonderhede Contact Details

Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 24 Rooibos Str, Arbor Park, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: chrizelle@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2020 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Website Visit our website at www.reallysa.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

■ Joe Dreyer

■ Jeff Jackson

Dit was so net na 21:00 Woensdagaand wat die stem aan die anderkant van die foon gesê het dat daar nog ‘n gebou in die middedorp aan die brand is. Dit was John Theron se gebou, die ou losieshuis (single quarters) agter Build It. Met tyd het die eenhede winkeltjies geword en het dit bekend gestaan as die Morgan Sentrum. Teen die tyd wat ons op die toneel aangekom het was die brandweer en lede van die Buurtwag reeds hard aan die werk om die vuur onder beheer te kry. Meeste van die vlamme was reeds geblus, maar daar het plekplek kleiner vlammetjies opnuut gedreig om die hele struktuur te verslint. Tussendeur al die chaos het ‘n sekuriteitswag, David, aan ons verduidelik dat hy omstreeks 19:30 rook bo een van die winkeltjies sien uitstyg het. Hy het die eienaar, Theron, geskakel wat toe op sy beurt die brandweer in kennis gestel het. “Daar is baie skade hier aangerig. Ek is doodseker as die ondersoek afgehandel is sal ons sien dat die brand deur ‘n tweeplaatstoof wat aan vergeet is, veroorsaak was. Ons sal maar sien.” Die brand het in een van die materiaalwinkels in die sentrum ontstaan en van daar af deur agt eenhede versprei. Teen druktyd het ons geen verdere inligting oor die brand ontvang nie. Die video van die brand kan op ons Facebook-blad besigtig word.

A gunshot detection system currently employed within the Kruger National Park (KNP) to discourage poaching, has allegedly helped reduce unsanctioned killings by 60% inside the park’s Intensified Protection Zone (IPZ). The technology company, ShotSpotter, entered the Park in November 2018, and there technology has been incrementally deployed across several areas of the park’s IPZ ever since. Twelve months prior to ShotSpotter’s arrival, the KNP reported that 12 rhinos were poached. However, since the deployment of this technology 18 months ago, only five rhinos suffered at the hands of poachers. The technology provides acoustic gunshot detection and precision-policing solutions to help law enforcement officials and security personnel prevent and reduce gun violence. The system has enabled rangers to detect the location of gunshots in less than a minute. “The resultant speed and accuracy of the response provides the rangers with greater opportunity to catch poachers literally red-handed and recover rifles, ammunition, and other poaching equipment,” said Liz Einbinder, media liaison for ShoSpotter. “ShotSpotter has allowed us to take back the night. We now have an interception rate well above 50% within the coverage area, which means the poachers are literally flipping a coin when they come in,” said Ken Maggs, Head Ranger of the KNP. “ShotSpotter is a powerful real-time intelligence tool which, when combined with the skills and dedication of our rangers, the K9 unit and the Air-wing, is achieving success in the prevention and reduction of rhino poaching.”

Relief, but only if you score BEE points Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

■ Jeff Jackson About 294 accommodation, hospitality and travel service providers in Limpopo allegedly benefited from the R200 million Tourism Relief Funds announced by the Ministry of Tourism as part of alleviating the financial losses experienced by this industry since the end of March. The announcement came on the heels of another cash injection of R30 million in Coronavirus relief offered to tour guides. Minister of Tourism, Mamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane said the R30 million was aimed at filling the gap between the R200 million tourism relief fund and the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) through covering those who in the past did not qualify for assistance.

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The announcement was challenged by Solidarity and AfriForum who did not agree with the government `s decision to use Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) scores to come to a decision as to who would qualify for the grants. Their challenge was unsuccessful (as expected) and Kubayi Ngubane reiterated that transformational scores for the sector will serve as funding criteria. Though so far it could not be ascertained who the actual beneficiaries were, about 294 service providers had been determined by the department to receive a piece of the pie, with Gauteng and Western Cape receiving the majority allocation. The minister went as far as saying the benefits are spread geographically across the country to cover even small villages and townships.

Stand van Damme Dam Levels

“As government we remain committed to working with all the stakeholders in whatever way we can, as we understand that this is the extremely difficult time for the sector and this situation demands that we work together to weather the storm going forward. The allocation of funds was done in line with government policies and ensured that the benefit is spread across the country to cover businesses even in small villages and townships” Needless to say, since the introduction of the national state of disaster as in line with the Disaster Act, businesses not marked as essential services were severely affected and are still affected. Across the board, about 4 000 establishments share a piece of the pie with grants from the funds capped at R50 000.

Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 3/08/2020

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Tel: 015 307 3703 11 Rencole Building, Loop Street, Tzaneen





7 August 2020


A nice shack because the ANC cares ■ Joe Dreyer

When the Premier of Limpopo announced last week that the needs of the people of Limpopo would be met with the launch of a multi-million housing project, residents across Tzaneen were sceptical. When the houses were revealed to be corrugated shacks at the Talana hostel, scepticism turned to outrage. In a statement on Wednesday, 29th of July, (sent to media houses only two days before the event because the Limpopo government prides itself on proper planning) Kenny Mathivha, spokesperson for the office of the premier, stated that the lack of proper shelter poses a serious health risk to the destitute households across the Province during this time of the global coronavirus pandemic. “The Premier of the Limpopo Province, Mr Chupu Stanley Mathabatha accompanied by the MEC for CoGHSTA, Mr Basikopo Makamu will on Friday, 31st of July launch 40 brand new low-cost housing units at Talana Community Residence (A multi-million Human Settlements Project), Greater Tzaneen Local Municipality in the Mopani District,” the statement read. “In an effort to purge the speedy spread of the virus in the area, government prompted with speed by providing shelter to the needy and destitute families.” As it turned out on Friday at the ribbon cutting ceremony, the housing scheme promised to “alleviate” the plight of the poor communities during the Covid-19 pandemic that broke out 120 days prior to this launch, were nothing more than corrugated iron shacks. Photographs of the launch exploded over social media. Residents were outraged and called for the President to remove Mathabatha and Makamu with immediate effect. In an effort to defuse the situation, the Premier assured residents that the 40 structures (which cost the Limpopo taxpayers R2.5 million – R64 000 each) were only temporary and that government would still build proper housing. He said that his government decided to erect the temporary structures to ease congestion within the Talana hostel and make it possible for its residents to comply with Covid-19 regulations. “We are doing this to help residents of Talana after Limpopo Provincial Covid-19 Command visited the area and found that the people there could not comply with the regulations because of congestion,” Mathabatha said. Countering this statement, Jossey Bhutane of the EFF said that they would be laying charges against Mathabatha as he felt that the act was one of absolute humiliation and exploitation of the poor and vulnerable. The DA’s Jacques Smalle said that they were looking into the matter following the various allegations of irregular and wasteful expenditure. He did however state that despite the houses being shacks, the structures have improved the living standards of some of the families in that specific area. “There were families literally living with in a shanty structure built from plastic bags and sticks. These might not be RDP houses, but they are much better than what most of these families are used to. It is not the ideal obviously, but it is a start. When you look at the promise that these structures would come with JoJo tanks and perimeter fencing, the costs seem reasonable.” Desiree van der Walt, DA Constituency Head and Member of Parliament paid a visit to the Talana site yesterday morning (Thursday, 6th of August). She was accompanied by the DA Ward Councillor, Tienie Prinsloo. They were responding to reports that undocumented individuals from the Talana hostel were moving into the new structures. “The community pointed out four houses that were illegally occupied. In one instance a legal beneficiary was denied her house by an illegal Mozambican man who used her ID to gain access to the structure,” explained Van der Walt. “The other three units were illegally occupied by individuals who grabbed the keys to the units the moment the structures were erected. We also spotted illegal electricity connections already in place as they await the municipality to connect the new units to the grid.” According to Van der Walt, there were no JoJo tanks as promised or perimeter fencing. There was also no new ablution facilities to accommodate the new housing units. The only facilities still at Talana are the ten toilets erected in the veld opposite the hostel by the Greater Tzaneen Municipality last year. The only water supply was erected by Ward Councillor Prinsloo a year ago as well.

Peacemed Apteek op Tzaneen het vandeesweek na 16 jaar met groot opgewondenheid sy nuwe Tuk Tuk Nou kan die wiele met medisyne vir kliente behoorlik aan die rol gaan. Terwyl kliente asook Jan Alleman moet tuis bly weens die Covid-19 inperkings ondermeer, het Peacemed Apteek met ‘n blink plan vorendag orde van die dag wees om mense se lewens te vergemaklik. Die frustasie vir mense om te wag vir ‘n beskikbare parkering voor Peacemed Apteek is nou iets van apteek sy gewildheid verwerf het sedert sy ontstaan, is

This are some of the shacks which Limpopo Premier Stanley Mathabatha officially opened and handed over to 40 households at Talana Hostel in Tzaneen last Friday.

fitted with prepaid power meters. According to the cost breakdown, the units were supposed to be fenced in and 5000lt JoJo tanks were meant to be supplied to the site. The bill of quantities also lists an item for “social and community facilitation” through a social facilitator at a cost of R300 000. We do not know what a “social facilitator” is, nor do we know why this person would need to be paid R300 000 to facilitate socially. We have sent our inquiries to the office of the premier as we want to understand why it was necessary to spend millions on temporary houses, which are to be connected to the power grid and provided with sanitation and water and security and fencing, in the interim while actual houses are set to be constructed at a date still not announced? We also wanted to know why it took the ANC government 120 days after the outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic, to respond to the plight of the poor. Lastly, we will be sending an email inquiry to the EFF to understand exactly what “charge” they will be laying against the Premier. The Aventino Group was awarded the tender for this project. We were provided no information on the directors of the group or their affiliates. Their website is very secretive and lists only the following information regarding their owners and direction: “The business is a family owned business. The Chairman and founder is a person of reputable and proven Managerial experience in construction enCutting the Ribbon: Limpopo Premier Stanley Mathabatha cutting the ribbon to mark an official opening of the 40 shacks at Talana Hostel in Tzaneen last Friday. gineering and infrastructure industry armed with Bsc Eng from the University The GTM municipal manager, Thapelo Matlala, issued eviction noof Cape Town, MBL and a Phd from UNtices to the illegal occupants of the new structures and gave them ISA. The Company is steered by a woman CEO or Managing Director seven days to evacuate from the site. armed with MBL and impressive experience record in the listed indusIn the meantime, Bulletin came into possession of the cost break tries.” down for the so-called “multi-million housing scheme” that includes Bulletin did some digging and we discovered that the Aventino the Talana and Burgersfort projects, and it does raise questions. Group is in fact a closed corporation headed by a Constance MohlaAccording to the official budget document, the temporary units la. The company was previously named Ntje Business Enterprise and cost R64 441 each. They are 30m2 in size and are supposedly to be Construction.

nou net na ‘n hoër vlak geneem met die instelling van In die tye van die Covid-19 pandemie, kan mense nou die risiko van die apteek kliente verminder om aan die Covid-19 virus blootgestel te word. Die dae om in ‘n lang ry te wag om medikasie te af te haal is dus nou iets van die verlede. Instede van onnodige lang rye, kan Peacemed Apteek se Tuk Tuk Dus word mense aangemoedig om Jan Tuisbly se karretjie te ry en eerder die Peacemed Apteek Tuk Tuk se wiele te laat rol.

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7 August 2020





Speelgoedmaker klits die Kroonvirus ■ Roelof de Jonge So bel ‘n ene George de Roubaix van die klein Laeveldse dorpie Mica, ‘n klein spikkeltjie op die landskaart van Suid-Afrika, om te hoor hoe dit met sy vriend Louis Roux gaan, wie opsigself ‘n briljante joernalis was. Sy afsterwe sowat ‘n maand gelede was ‘n groot hartseer vir die Bulletinspan. Bulletin het as ‘n huldeblyk in die afgelope paar weke na sy afsterwe rubrieke gepubliseer wat uit die wonderpen van Roux gevloei het. Soos ‘n skildery wat deur ‘n skildernaar geskep is. So was Roux se skrywery, kunswerke. De Roubaix het in ‘n onlangse uitgawe, een van Roux se rubrieke opgemerk en gelees, en begin wonder waarom daar skielik van sy ou vriend se werk weer gepubliseer word. Tydens die oproep aan Bulletin het de Roubaix meegedeel hoe hy en Roux as te ware vriende geword het. Dis toe dat de Roubaix vertel van sy stokperdjie met houtwerk en die unieke speelgoed wat hy maak, sowel as houtmeubels. Bulletin het Saterdagoggend na Mica gery waar De Roubaix trots met sy handewerk op die joernalis gewag het. Na ‘n paar uur se kuier by ‘Oom George’ en sy gasvrye familie, was dit duidelik waarom Roux so ‘n hegte vriendskap met dié indrukwekkende speelgoedmaker gehad het. Vriende sonder fieterjasies. De Roubaix is een van daai soort mense, sout van die aarde mense. ‘n Persoon wie omgee vir sy medemens. Dis een van die redes waarom hy Bulletin geskakel het. Oom Georgewas gretig om Bulletin se lesers te vertel van sy nuutste speelgoed-item wat

hy ontwerp en self vervaardig het. Vanweë die inperkings wat met die Covid-19 pandemie gepaard gaan, moes talle huisgesinne allerhande soorte take aanpak om sodoende ‘n inkomste te help genereer om finansieël te kan oorleef. De Roubaix het ‘n unieke opvoedkundige speelding geskep, naamlik ‘n Covid-19 Virus Klitser, wat verseker by ‘n aantal skole se opvoedkundige opleiding vir gr.R en gr.1 leerlinge sal baatvind. “My belangstelling in houtwerk het gekom toe ek jare gelede ‘n liefde vir die voggies gehad het. My vrou, Sandy , is ‘n baie lieflike maar ook ‘n streng persoon. Sy het my altyd berispe oor my drinkery”, vertel de Roubaix. “Daar het toe ‘n dag gekom waar sy my weer vasgevat oor die voggies, en ek net daar en dan besuit om my hele maand se salaris aan haar te gee. Ek het vir haar gesê sy moet dit vat en gebruik vir die huis, dan het ek nie meer geld om te kan drink nie.” “Na ‘n paar dae het ek egter my flater agtergekom om vir vroulief al my geld te gee, want ek was so lus vir ‘n knertsie en kan nie terugdraai om my geld terug te vra nie. Dit was toe dat ek begin het met houtwerk om sodoende ‘n inkomste te genereer.” Vandag maak De Roubaix allerhande items met sy vernuftige houtwerk, van houtkaste waar enige iets onder die son geberg kan word tot speelgoed vir kinders. En spog trots vanweë sy vrou se berispering en die houtwerk wat sy liefde vir die voggies agterweë laat bly het. De Roubaix vertel dat die Virus Klitser prettige opvoeding aan leerlinge kan bied en dit in enige van Suid-Afrika se 11 tale of selfs internasionale tale vir skoliere gebruik kan word. Volgens de Roubaix is daar selfs belangstelling uit Frankryk vir die Virus Klitser.

Vodacom shows undevoted ■Chakane’s new studio support for the poor Billy Sibuyi

Poverty stricken residents in two separate areas of Nkowankowa benefitted from a community engagement project on Wednesday the 7th of August. This project was initiated by the Vodacom Regional Office in Polokwane. Wednesday’s project was according to Portia Mbokazi, a marketing specialist at Vodacom Regional Office in Polokwane, the first of six such projects. She said due to the impact the Covid-19 pandemic and related regulations has had on many poor families, Vodacom decided to reach out to such communities. In total Vodacom donated 50 buckets that contained masks and sanitisers. Aside from the Covid-19 prevention items, there was also an abundance of fresh vegetables that was delivered to 50 families in need of assistance.

Vodacom Regional Office in Polokwane donated fresh vegetables, sanitisers and face masks on Wednesday the 7th of August as part of its community engagement project. Portia Mbokazi from Vodacom’s Regional Office in Polokwane and fellow colleague, Paul Seabi, attends to the delivers.

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■ Roelof de Jonge

Tshwarelo Sebela, or “Chike le Chakane” just like many other individuals has been affected by the Lockdown. The man who became synonymous to music, shot to fame when he led Motlanalo to her 1st album release that went on to win a Limpopo Music Awards Best Sepedi Category in their first four months in the music scene. Due to lockdown regulations preventing social gatherings the duo has not been able to generate an income and have had their bookings cancelled. In an exclusive with Bulletin, Sebela revealed that it was during these difficult times that he decided to resurrect an abandoned dream he had for almost a decade ago. “With a couple of printing machines, a camera, unused photo studio equipment, a couple of friends, and R40 to my name, I embarked on a mission to revamp an old Namakgale cinema into a business centre,” stated Sebela. Chike le Chakane said that the pandemic was a cleansing period that brought with it new opportunities and challenges. “The world is on a reset. It is a test of character and courage. Those with longevity and good succession plans will remain steady while others will fall on their sword. New businesses will emerge. Perspectives on various elements will change. Therefore, I have accepted new ways of operations, and I am ready for the challenge ahead.” His media company, where he does business as a photographer and runs a printshop has received major support from the community and local businesses. The Walk-In Photo Studio is a first of its kind in Namakgale.





7 August 2020


English named Top Ranger again ■ Billy Sibuyi In celebration of World Ranger Day, a day which commemorates rangers killed or injured in the line of duty, the South African National Parks (SANParks) was excited to congratulate the winners and runner up winners of the 2020 Rhino Conservation Awards. The awards were held on Friday last week, 31st of July, and SANParks staff were awarded in the categories for Best Game Ranger, Best Conservation Practitioner, and the Best Conservation Supporter. The Rhino Conservation Awards, hosted by the Game Rangers’ Association of Africa, recognize the leading role players in endangered species conservation and raise awareness of their work. “We are extremely proud of these dedicated rangers. They are a shining example of the commitment and passion that our staff possess, and I am honoured to call them colleagues and friends. Congratulations to Don English, SANParks Kruger National Park (KNP) Airwing, Albert Smith, SANParks Marula South Rangers and SANParks Environmental Crime Investigators,” stated the SANParks CEO Fundisile Mketeni. SANParks Marula Regional Ranger, Don English won the Award for Best Game Ranger for his outstanding leadership in the KNP where against all odds, through sheer tenacity and persistence and with the support of his ranger teams, managed to lower rhino poaching activities year on year in the Intensive Protection Zone (IPZ). The second runner up for this award went to SAN-

Parks Section Ranger, Albert Smith. Best Conservation Practitioner went to SANParks KNP Airwing for their tireless support of rangers, veterinarians and researchers in protecting, saving, conserving, and monitoring endangered species within the KNP and neighbouring protected areas. The first runner up for the Best Conservation Supporter went to the SANParks Environmental Crime Investigators. “Our rangers have remained at the forefront of the battle against poaching, despite the National Lockdown, contributing to the decrease in poaching. In this time, rangers have had to face not only the threats posed by poachers, but they, and their families, have also had to deal with the danger of contracting Covid-19,” said Barbara Creecy, the Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries. The Department is in the process of establishing the Environmental Enforcement Fusion Centre, which will be aimed at coordinating and improving the reactive and proactive response to rhino poaching and other wildlife crime. It has begun to consolidate rhino protection efforts across the country, standardizing and boosting tactical level anti-poaching and introducing integrated information-led enforcement. This work further strengthens the essential collaboration with the South African Police Service, the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (HAWKS), the Department of Justice, and other sectors of the security forces to gather, analyse and share intelligence on wildlife trafficking so that the international syndicate-related crimes can be effectively dealt with.

Hippo killed by LEDET ■ Billy Sibuyi

“I am going to make a sjambok”. These were the words of a man who carried a 30-kilogram chunk of hippo-meat to his dwelling in Namakgale, all the way from the Makushane village on Monday night, the 3rd of August. This after the Limpopo Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET) department shot and killed a hippo in that village on the night in question. According to the man who felt fortunate to have been around at the time of the incident, he felt excited as he grabbed a bucket and an axe and headed off into the direction of the village, following closely behind the LEDET trackers. “I knew that there had been sightings of the animal in that village since Saturday and so when I heard the department was coming to shoot it, I grabbed the opportunity. You get a lot of meat from such a big animal, enough to feed your family for a month.” According to a staff member of the Phalaborwa SPCA, they received a call from a worried community member of Makushane who said that they had spotted a hippo roaming around near the wetlands on Saturday morning. “So, we went out to the site and noticed the animal’s footprints going into the stream, but we couldn’t find it. The same residents called again on Monday and we handed the matter over to LEDET because the SPCA does not deal with wildlife.” Although hippos are primarily herbivores, they are some of the most aggressive animals if encountered in the wild. According to LEDET Spokesperson, Zaid Kalla, the hippo had been roaming around Makushane for some time. “It resided in a small stream running through the village in between the houses,” stated Kalla. “The villagers move through the stream on foot and often come into contact with the animal which resulted in various human wildlife engagements which causes widespread panic and fear.” Kalla said the department was requested to neutralize the situation and the best way they saw fit was to shoot and kill the animal, to the excitement of villagers who received meat from the hippo.

Don English

Prove where you live to visit the KNP ■ Billy Sibuyi South African National Parks (SANParks) announced that accommodation at most of its parks will reopen from the 14th of August. However, visitors will only be permitted to visit a park in their resident province. Therefore, a resident will be required to provide proof of residence at the time of booking accommodation and again when checking in. “Inter-provincial visitors will be prohibited entry into the parks. No more than two people will be allowed per accommodation unit except for parents and children,” stated SANParks in a statement. This came after an announcement by the Minister of Tourism, Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane that inter-provincial leisure accommodation will now be allowed. Tour operators will be allowed to conduct guided tours in open safari vehicles. SANParks said that these vehicles would be permitted as soon as the regulations pertaining to their operations are gazetted. Local tour operators around Hoedspruit and Phalaborwa were overjoyed at the fact that after four months of inactivity they would again be able to earn an income. Commenting after the tourism minister’s speech, CEO of SANParks,

Fundisile Mketeni, said that they understand the eagerness of the public, but caution still needs to be exercised. “We appreciate that after four months of confinement, the public is keen to engage with nature, however, we are obligated to ensure that the opening of our national parks for accommodation is done under the strictest health protocols to safeguard both our staff and guests. Therefore, accommodation will not run at full capacity as we will employ a phased-in approach to opening. Our loyal guests can expect limited availability of accommodation in some parks at these beginning stages of our reopening, with a gradual increase in availability in the next few weeks,” stated Mketeni. Mketeni said that SANParks is likely to implement some additional visitor management procedures to ease entry into the parks and further mitigate the risk of the spread of coronavirus. “Tour operators will be allowed to conduct guided tours in open safari vehicles subject to directives that are still to be communicated and gazetted. Self-drive guests are restricted to a 70% vehicle capacity as per the Department of Transport’s regulations published on April 2,” he concluded.


7 August 2020





Add a little SAS(sy) to your vehicle ■ Roelof de Jonge SAS Workshop in Tzaneen’s New Industrial area was officially opened in December last year. Owner, Johan Bester, brought a world of knowledge and experience with him from Pretoria as he settled in this sleepy hollow town. Bester acknowledges himself as a Jack-of-alltrades, but in the motor industry the proper introduction would be “master mechanic”. One of the unique services SAS Workshop renders is the conversions of Lexus engine’s, specifically the 1UZ which is a V8 engine with a capacity of 4,0-litre that produces 191kW of power. The other Lexus variant is the beefier 3UZ V8 engine with Variable Valve Timing-intelligence (VVT-i) technology. The latter with a capacity of 4,3-litre produces 224kW of power. The 1UZ engine due to its affordability and being such a capable and trusted engine seems to be the more

Jan Elrix

popular choice amongst SAS Workshop clients. His keen interest in mechanics came from childhood with his dad, Neels, who is a devoted mechanic. Bester said his first true mechanical achievement came as a 16-year old boy when he repaired the engine of a Deutsche truck all by himself under his dad’s supervision. Bester is supported by his wife, Jenny, who is responsible for the administrative side of the business. Together, this couple makes a formidable team that ensures their clients receive only the best service, craftsmanship and dedication. When he has time to spend away from business, Bester and his family enjoys camping and fishing trips. The Besters also enjoy cycling in the natural beauty Tzaneen has to offer. SAS Workshop is one of few mechanical repair establishments that is open on Saturdays. The operating hours of SAS Workshop is from Monday to Friday from 08:00 until 17:00. On Saturday SAS Workshop operates from 08:00 until 13:00. For more information, contact Johan Bester at 079 021 1714 or the office at 072 988 8522.

Johan Bester and Jenny Bester

First connection for Herotel ■ Jeff Jackson Tzaneen residents would have noticed the bright orange bakkies and teams of workers digging up the pavements and roadways all around town over the last few weeks. These were the working crews of a new internet service provider to the area, Herotel Radioactive and this week Rudie Cerva became their very first customer in Tzaneen. Herotel Radioactive has started connecting customers in Aqua Park to the world-class fibre internet network. Their very first fibre customer, chose a 100Mbps true uncapped package for the remarkably low price of R999. Not only can he now download as much data as he pleases at no extra cost, but his installation came free of charge and he was issued a free-to-use router to sweeten the deal. Herotel has also started construction in both Arbor and Premier Park areas where they hope to start connecting customers within the next six to eight weeks. Once complete, residents and businesses will enjoy internet that is faster, more reliable and offered at prices far lower than ADSL, wireless or LTE. By all accounts, fibre is a game-changing internet connectivity technology. The company is also proud to confirm that local labour will be used to construct its network. Gideon Stander, General Manager of Herotel Radioactive, said that he grew up in Tzaneen which is why the area and its people are very close to his heart. “I attended school here and it is very important to me that we make use of local labour, as opposed to importing contractors from outside the region. The same will be true when the network is complete. You will deal only with people from the area, real people who know where Tzaneen

is and what the community stands for. Not some call centre in Cape Town or Johannesburg.” Herotel has opted to construct a fibre network that is strung mostly along poles in the mid-block between homes, which is the preferred method of large telecommunications companies like Verizon in the United States and British Telecoms in the UK. Putting the fibre optic cables in the air has numerous benefits for Tzaneen, but for most residents only one reason will matter; better monthly prices. “By building this way we can offer residents packages that are up to 33% more affordable than if we had to trench the network. It is the same quality fibre network, we just put the cables in the air instead of under the ground,” said Stander. “Another benefit for homeowners is that there will be no need to dig up your pavements or gardens to install the network. There may be limited trenching required to cross some roads, but this will be minimum and will not directly affect any homeowners.” Herotel Radioactive is also offering an additional perk to homeowners. “Our team members, dressed in uniform, will be approaching residents to plant poles within the servitude on their property boundary line. In gratitude for allowing us to plant a pole on their property, we will be offering a limited special promotion to those residents who assist us first,” he said. ‘’The Tzaneen fibre network represents a technological investment into the local community, which will improve access to education, entertainment, and open new business opportunities. As a further bonus to homeowners, it has been proven that access to fibre increases the value of properties over time.’’

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By the Sheriff for the Magistrate’s Court of TZANEEN to the highest cash bidder. 1 x Ford Trekker 6610 1 x Qty Tools in Trade AUCTION: 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgement obtained in the above honourable court. 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation i.r.o. proof of identify and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Terti-

us Robertson or any representative of his office. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. Dated at TZANEEN on this 17th day of JULY 2020. (SGD) J H JACOBSZ ATTORNEY FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR JOUBERT & MAY 50 BOUNDARY STREET P.O. BOX 35 TZANEEN TEL: 015-307 3660 REF: MR JACOBSZ/JK/ AY0106

MABITSELA MALATJI, Identity Number: 850710 5969 089, in respect of certain ERF 1125 LENYEENYEE – A TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.T., LIMPOPO PROVINCE, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds, Deeds Office, 101 Dorp Street, Polokwane, Limpopo within two weeks from date of publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen this 14 day of July 2020. Applicant: Mabitsela Malatji p/a Thomas & Swanepoel Attorneys / Ref: M4401/M van Rensburg Address: 19 Peace Street, Tzaneen E-mail address: Marelize@tslegal.co.za Contact number: 015 307 1027


Legals IN THE LABOUR COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA HELD AT JOHANNESBURG CASE NUMBER: LP9123-19 In the case between: PHINEAS MMANAPE RAMPA & 19 OTHER EXECUTION CREDITORS and MASHUTI LODGE EXECUTION DEBTOR AUCTION IN PURSUANCEOF A JUDGMENT of the Labour Court of South Africa granted on 20 FEBRUARY 2020 and a Enforcement Award in pursuance thereof, the under mentioned property will be sold in execution of 28 AUGUST 2020 at 10h00, at the SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, MAIN STORE NO. 2, INDUSTRIA ROAD 20, TZANEEN to the highest bidder, namely; 1 x KYOCERA PRINTER 1 x JCV TELEVISION 1 x SONITEC TELEVISION 1 x LG COMPUTER 1 x SAMSUNG COMPUTER


to the sale, which registration mush meet the requirements of the regulations in terms of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act 38 of 2001. SIGNED AT TZANEEN ON 29 JULY 2020 (sgnd) L. MATSOBANE Judgment Creditors P.O. BOX 1798 TZANEEN, 0850 Aug101__________________________

LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer TG. 39825/1997 GZ passed by means of endorsement TG. 91229/2011 by SEJANAMANE TSAKANI and MUKANSI TSAKANI In favour of SAMUEL GEZANI NGOBENI IDENTITY NUMBER: 680408 5612 08 2

and SPHIWE HLENGELETI NGOBENI IDENTITY NUMBER: 720106 0498 08 3 In respect of certain: ERF 2864 NKOWANKOWA-B TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.T. LIMPOPO PROVINCE Which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at the Deeds Office, 101 Dorp Street, Polokwane, Limpopo within two weeks from the date of the publication of the notice. Dated at TZANEEN this 3 day of August 2020-08-04 Applicant STEWART MARITZ BASSON, LEX NUMERI BUILDING 32 PEACE STREET, TZANEEN Email: Elzette@smbattorneys.co.za Tel. no.: 015 307 3760


IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE SUB-DISTRICT OF TZANEEN HELD AT TZANEEN CASE NUMBER: 1627/2018 TZANEEN PRIMARY SCHOOL GOVERNING BODY Execution Creditor and VANESSA TOLMAY (ID: 821121 0026 08 9) 1ST Execution Debtor BERTUS TOLMAY (ID: 700919 5083 08 8) 2ND Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN PURSUANCE of a Judgment of the Magistrate, TZANEEN dated 1 OCTOBER 2019, the undermentioned goods will be sold by public auction, on 27 AUGUST 2020 at 10H00. Venue of the sale: SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM MAIN STORE NO: 2 20 INDUSTRIA ROAD TZANEEN


LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, to the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Grant TG2148/1996, in favour of






7 August 2020


Meet Mandla, the heritage Ranger ■ Roelof de Jonge The manufacturing team at Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa (FMCSA) has honoured Madiba with a very unique tribute by transforming a Ford Ranger into a one-of-a-kind piece of mobile art which was donated to the Nelson Mandela Foundation. “At Ford we are very proud of our South African heritage,” said Neale Hill, Managing Director of FMCSA. “The company has an exceptionally proud legacy in the country spanning more than 96 years, one built on continued investment and innovation to produce segment-defining products, empower communities through creating job opportunities, and striving to improve the world around us for a brighter future.” “No one did more in pursuit of the South African dream than Madiba himself, it is thus a privilege to be able to hand over this one-of-akind Ranger to the worthy Nelson Mandela Foundation.”

Mandla, as the Nelson Mandela tribute Ranger was dubbed, was donated over to the Nelson Mandela Foundation.

The unique creation is decorated with a South African flag on the roof and portrait of Mandela painted on the bonnet, while the side panels and rear tailgate of the vehicle pay further tribute to the Nelson Mandela Foundation. The unique designs were done completely by hand by four talented artists that work at the Silverton Assembly Plant’s paint shop in Pretoria where the Ford Ranger is produced. It took the team 48 hours, mainly outside of their regular shift work at the plant, to produce the finished artwork. “For all of us at the paint shop this was a very exciting and humbling opportunity, that gave our artists an opportunity to showcase their skills”, explained Manufacturing Engineering Manager Dorah Mmekwa, who led the project. This is not Ford’s first foray into creating art Rangers. Last year the employees at the Silverton Assembly Plant created Stimela in celebration of Heritage Month. The heritage day tribute car was adorned with a giant national flag stretching all the way from below the grille, up and across the bonnet, then over the roof of the double cab, the vehicle’s tailgate was decorated with Ndebele tribal art and a map of South Africa showing the location of Ford’s plants in Gauteng and the Eastern Cape. Ford’s tradition of naming its art cars gave the nearly 3 500 staff an opportunity to participate in naming the Ranger. Staff were asked to

submit their preferred title for the car and it was Mandla that was ultimately selected. Mandla is not destined to be an exhibition piece though, the Nelson Mandela Foundation will be putting the Ranger through its paces in their work with various projects particularly in the areas of education and community upliftment. The following Ford employees were responsible for the hand painted art work on the Nelson Mandela Foundation Ranger: • Koketso Sontashe (learner working in paint shop as operator on production line) • Sindiso Ndlovu (graduate trainee working in process department in paint shop) • Wiseman Mngadi (process technician working in process department in paint shop) • Tebogo Mohlala (operator working on production line in paint shop).

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Sport 7 August 2020

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Lim Bulle gaffel moedig voort met BBRU bystand

■ Roelof de Jonge

Na die onthulling in verskeie media publikasies vandeesweek oor die onmiddelike ontbinding (likwidasie) van die Valke Rugby Company in Mpumalanga, het Bulletin met Attie Buitendag gesels om te hoor wat is die stand van sake by die Limpopo Blou Bulle Rugby Unie. Die Covid-19 pandemie en gevolglike inperkingsreëls het klaarblyklik die finale nekslag toegedien vir die Valke se ontbinding. Buitendag is die bestuurder van klub en amateur rugby by die Limpopo Blou Bulle Rugby Unie (LBBRU) in Polokwane. Die LBBRU val onder die Blou Bulle Rugby Unie en sy kommersiële been, die Blue Bulls Company. Dit meen dat die LBBRU afhanklik is vir sy geldelike ondersteuning vanuit die Bulle se kamp in Pretoria. Volgens Buitendag kry bitter min amateurklubs geldelike ondersteuning van die Suid-Afrikaanse Rugby Unie. Hy sê amateurspanne en rugbyklubs is grootendeels afhanglik van die borskappe wat hulle kry. Die Blou Bulle Rugby Unie (BBRU) in Pretoria het met die hulp van sy aandeelhouers geldelike verligtingsfondse beskikbaar gestel aan rugbyklubs wat onder hulle geaffilieer is om hulle deur hierdie grendeltydperk te help dra. Dit geld ook vir Limpopo se rugbyklubs. Die aandeelhouers is die mynmagnaat en eienaar van Mamelodi Sundowns Sokkerklub, Patrice Motsepe en Johann Rupert deur middel van Remgro (‘n aandele maatskappy wat op die Johannesburgse se effektebeurs gelys is waarvan Rupert ‘n aandeelhouer is) en dan die Blue Bulls Company. Volgens Buitendag is hierdie fondse aan die begin van die Covid-19 pandemie reeds aan rugbyklubs oorbetaal om hom hulle deur hierdie tydperk te

ondersteun. Hy meen egter dat die borge van rugbyklubs meer as ooit die ondersteuning nodig het en moet aanhou om geldelike bydraes te maak. “Suid-Afrika het ‘n baie sterk rugbykultuur wat goed deur plaaslike ondernemings ondersteun word. Vanuit ‘n Limpopo-oogpunt, is ons vol vertroue dat ons hierdie tydperk sal kan deursien en ek wil weereens ‘n beroep doen op plaaslikse sakelui om aan te hou om hul omgewing se rugbyklubs te ondersteun. Danksy die ondersteuning van die BBRU en sy aandeelhouers, is ons mense vol vertroue dat ons klubs die huidige omstandige sal kan oorleef.” Volgens Buitendag is dit nie eens vir die groter oftewel meer professionele unies se spanne moontlik om te kan speel nie. Hy het gesê dat dit op hierdie tydstip net nie gunstig is vir enige spel nie vanweë die inperkingsregulasies wat die Suid-Afrikaanse regering ingestel het. Daar is juis vandeesweek aangekondig dat SuidAfrika se sewesspan, die Blitsbokke, vanaf volgende week vir ‘n oefenkamp bymekaar kan kom om voor te berei vir opkomende sewes rugbytoernooie. “SA Rugby wag tans vir terugvoer vanaf die regering se kant om rugbylui die groenlig te gee om weer te kan speel. Dit lyk beslis nie of ons hierdie jaar enige plaaslike rugby gaan beleef nie, maar ons is hoopvol op die toekoms dat alles weer na normaal sal terugkeer.” Gawie du Plessis, president van Letaba Rugbyklub, het sy mening gelig oor die penarie waarin die sport hom huidiglik weens die Covid-19 pandemie bevind. “Ek was sedert die dae van die ou Verre-Noord by rugby in hierdie provinsie betrokke. Ek kan vir jou sê dat die hoeveelheid van rugby klubs in Limpopo die afgelope paar jare baie afgeneem het, bloot omdat hulle dit net nie meer kon bekostig om die deure oop te hou nie”. “Waar daar voorjare sowat 10 of meer klubs in Limpopo was, is daar vandag net sowat vyf klubs oor,

wat baie hartseer is om te sien. Die Covid-19 situasie en die inperkings wat die regering ingestel het, het ‘n groot inpak op die bedryf van ons klub gehad. Maar ons sal hierdie moeilike tydperk oorleef, ek is baie positief daaroor dat ons dit sal kan deursien”. “Vir rugbyklubs om ‘n bestaan te kan voer, is ons grootendeels van ons borge afhanklik. Onlangse borgskappe soos deur Lino de Carvalho, die eienaar van Sugar Loaf en Sugar Hill OK Minimarkte, wat ons inteendeel genader het, is vir ons baie besonders en ‘n riem onder die hart. Dit is die soort van besighede wat rugbyklubs nodig het om ‘n bestaan te kan voer.” “Letaba Rugbyklub het R10 000 van die Blou Bulle Rugby Unie ontvang om ons deur hierdie Covid-19 tydperk te dra. Dit klink nie na baie geld nie, maar ons is innig dankbaar vir elke bietjie finansiële hulp wat ons kan kry.” “Net om mense ‘n idee te gee wat dit ‘n rugbyklub kos om sy spelers per jaar na wedstryde te laat vervoer, het Letaba Rugbyklub in 2019 vir die jaar R60 000 spandeer. “Ons sit en wag in afwagting om weer te kan oopmaak en vir ons spanne om te kan speel. Onshet die afgelope paar jaar die klub so ingerig dat dit nie net vir die spelers aangenaam is nie, maar ook vir spelers se families om die dag saam te geniet. Ons is positief oor die toekoms en sal veg tot die einde toe om Letaba Rugbyklub behoue te laat bly vir toekomstige generasies.”

Die jaarlikse James Tolmay Rugbydag van Letaba Rugbyklub was vanjaar (die 8ste Februarie) weer ‘n groot sukses. Min wetende dat dit vir rugbyspelers en hul ondersteuners die laaste aksie van 2020 sou wees voor Covid-19 sake deurmekaar kom krap het.

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