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21 August 2020
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The announcement by the president relaxing the lockdown regulations and reopening the health and fitness centres across the country came as music to the ears of the fitness community. There is one catch though - and for many it is quite a confusing one; you will have to wear a mask while you jog on that treadmill or spin on that cycle. Read more about the other rules on Page 8.
21 August 2020
The biggest open pit Personeel | Personnel Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 Drukker/Printer: Novus Print
Office: 064 650 7123 Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 Ontwerp / Design Deborah Varrie Bemarking / Marketing Chrizelle Dreyer 082 628 4181 Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan
Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Phalaborwa
Kontak besonderhede Contact Details
Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 24 Rooibos Str, Arbor Park, Tzaneen
■ Joe Dreyer & Billy Sibuyi Phalaborwa is in crisis and the powers that be seem either inadequate to deal with it, or not bothered to try. The problems this town is facing appears to be related to infrastructure which has become about as aged and outdated as the councilors meant to ensure its maintenance. A shopfront entrance looks worse for wear after an aged asbestos pipe burst at Laeveld Butchery, leaving the entire block without water for two days. Last week Bulletin reported that frustrated Phalaborwa residents were hit with two municipality-induced droughts and sewerage stench resulting from raw sewerage running down the pothole-filled streets. The municipality remained steeled in their reserve to ignore complaints from home owners, business people and even ward councilors as area after area fell like dominoes to their service delivery failures. When taken to task for answers, the spokesperson for the municipality draws upon the tried and tested library of generic responses which includes the Covid-19 cliché “we are working with skeleton staff”. Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality, by all accounts, appear to just not care. Their accounts depart-
ment seems to be working fine however as citizens are expected to pay seemingly unjustified amounts for services never rendered. Many residents in neighbourhoods across town, but mainly in Hardekool, Boekenhout, Kruger, and Meyer Streets reported open sewerage manholes that have been overflowing with raw feces for weeks. Nothing is done. Apart from this being a serious health hazard, and in contravention of numerous environmental laws, there now hangs an awful stench over the town which does not help the local tourism industry already on its knees. Bulletin has sent an enquiry to the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality Spokesperson, Jonas Mahesu, and as per the usual modis operandi, our enquiry was forwarded (allegedly) to the Municipal Manager, where it likely has found a spot in the nesting ground of important community issues never to be addressed. ***Editor’s Comment: As usual the bias of the Phalaborwa municipality is noted in their absolute refusal to publish any important municipal notices such as vacancies, water and electricity maintenance schedules, tenders or any similar public notices in this newspaper which serves the broader community of Ba-Phalaborwa.
Kom vul ‘n sakkie vir ‘n pakkie
DEFF disbands EM Programme ■ Billy Sibuyi
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Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
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■ Roelof de Jonge Die Suid-Afrikaanse Vroue Federasie (SAVF) van Tzaneen benodig die hulp van die publiek en ondernemings om sy maandelikse kossakkies op te vul. Die skenkings van die Sakkie vir ‘n Pakkie projek sal help om verligting vir meer as ‘n 100 behoeftige gesinne te bring. Volgens die SAVF, bevat hierdie sakkies net die broodnodige produkte wat ‘n huishouding benodig. Die produkte sluit ondermeer blikkieskos, tee, pasta, rys en seep in en die koste daarvan beloop sowat R400 per kossakkie. Dié bedrag van R400 kan natuurlik ook in die rekening van die SAVF betaal word vir mense wat dit moeilik vind om self inkopies te doen. Die geld kan SAVF se ABSA rekening betaal word. Die rekening nommer is 126 080 0104 en die verwysing vir die inbetaling is Sakkie met die naam van die skenker aangeheg. Die SAVF is afhanklik van weldoeners om gesinne in nood by te staan wat veral deur die afgelope Covid-19 regulasie gekortwiek was. Skenkings in die vorm van kos, klere en kontant is altyd welkom. “Ons maak staat op Tzaneen se vrygewige inwoners en wil hulle ook bedank
Jaques van Niekerk Optometrist
Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril
dat ons altyd op hulle kan reken. Ons wil mense graag aangemoedig om die welwillendheidsprojek te ondersteun”, sê Margie van Tonder, voorsitter van die SAVF. Vir meer inligting kan mense die SAVF se kantoor by 015 307 2645 of 082 773 0471 skakel. Die benodigde produkte in aanvraag vir die skenkings is: Konfyt 900g Grondboontjiebotter 400g Margarien 500g Ingelegde blikkies vleis (boeliebief ) 300g Sardyne in tamatiesous 425g Geblikte gemengde groente 410g Sousboontjies (baked beans) 410g Suikermielies 415g Sonneblom-olie 750ml Eiers 1 dosyn Soppoeier 2 pakkies Macaroni of pasta 500g Rys 2kg Soja maalvleispakkies 500g Bruinsuiker 2kg Teesakkies x40 Waspoeier 1kg Badseep 200g Toiletpapier 2 rolle Skottelgoedseep 750ml.
The Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries (DEFF) has suspended all the operations of Environmental Monitors (EM’s) who were deployed across the inland and coastal clusters of South Africa, respectively. This comes after, the National Treasury declined a request for deviation which was sought after by DEFF in the 2018/19 financial year for organizations to continue with the implementation of the programme. In a memorandum addressed to SANParks CEO, Fundisile Mketeni, and Isimangaliso Wetland Park Authority, Sibusiso Bukhosini, respectively from the acting deputy director general for Environmental Programmes, Matilda Skosana, it is stated that DEFF will have to devise other means of implementing the programme. The EM programme was started in 2012 through funding received by the DEA with the aim of increasing conservation capacity within under-resourced SANParks, provincial and private nature reserves, as well as areas bordering these parks. The programme, before its suspension took effect on the 14th of August, employed more than 1 000 people who were performing environmental monitoring activities, day to day patrols, and community awareness functions. In Limpopo and Mpumalanga, EM’s worked between the Kruger National Park on the Eastern side and the Blyde Canyon in the Western side, an area referred to as the K2C Biosphere Region, which is a UNESCO ratified site. In 2018 the EMs were applauded by the late Minister of DEA, Dr Edna Molewa, for assisting with arrests, investigations, and sentencing of poachers, as well as contributing to reducing wildlife poaching by 50% and snaring of animals by 75% in both public and private reserves. “The Department acknowledges that the EM’s have worked without contracts, let alone the remuneration, and this cannot be allowed to continue as it does not only lead to non-compliance with labour practices in general but is grossly unfair to the EM’s,” read the memorandum which was signed by the Acting Director General for Environmental Programmes, Ishaam Abader. “Given the current status and with an understanding that some employment contracts came to an end on the 30th of June 2020, the Department hereby request the Entity to suspend all operations of Environmental Monitors (EM’s) deployed on host institutions other than your areas of jurisdiction up until the Department has resolved on the approach.” The memorandum also stated that department was currently participating in discussions that would determine the outcomes about the future of the Programme. Bulletin has sent an enquiry to the Department of Environmental Affairs Spokesperson, Albi Modise, however at the time of going to print, Modise had not yet responded, but assured us that he would do so in due course.
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21 August 2020
Dendron suspects make third appearance ■ Joe Dreyer As you read this article, farmers from across the region have again converged in front of the Soekmekaar Magistrate’s court where three suspected farm attackers will apply for bail. Today, Friday, 21st of August, marks the third appearance of these suspects in as many weeks after their hearing was postponed last week due to load shedding which prohibited court proceedings in the matter. Their first court appearance also ended in postponement. On the 5th of August six armed men entered a farmhouse in Dendron near Bandelierskop. The farmer, Chris Joubert (62) was severely beaten and tied to a chair while his wife Leonise (61) was shot in her leg and brutally raped. His elderly mother, Betsie (98) had a gun shoved into her mouth. She defiantly dared the attackers to shoot her. Following the brutal attack, the gang fled the farm in the couple’s vehicle. They made off with a flatscreen television set and two hunting rifles. The police arrested three of the gang members a short while later near Polokwane after a high-speed chase and a shoot-out. One of the three suspects was wounded in the exchange of fire and later succumbed to his injuries. The police later
KNP can cancel bookings ■ Billy Sibuyi The South African National Parks (SANParks) are set to cancel or amend bookings to meet the maximum quota of 50 percent of the facility following the gazzetting of the amended regulations on Monday, August 17th. The gazette issued on Monday, stipulated that all accommodation establishments, are to restrict the number of persons allowed in such establishments to not more than 50 percent of the facility. “In dealing with the expected accommodation bookings influx, SANParks has aligned itself with a strategy for overnight bookings particularly for inter-provincial travelers to national parks,” said SANParks CEO, Fundisile Mketeni. “This would mean that SANParks will be obligated to amend or cancel bookings in parks and camps that are currently booked beyond the new maximum capacity. In addition, we might also need to reject new bookings that may lead to operating above the regulated 50 percent threshold.” He said that while SANParks understands the inconvenience and the frustration this will create, their reservations team is on-hand to assist with reallocating bookings from one camp to another within the same park to ensure adherence. According to him, in instances where a paid forward booking has to be cancelled, SANParks will apply a transparent and fair process of LIFO (last-in-first-out) principle, implying that the person that booked earlier would re-
ceive preference over someone that booked later. He said affected guests would be contacted and offered alternative facilities or alternative dates. “No guests will be charged any cancellation fees if an eventual cancellation occurs and is due to Covid-19 related circumstances,” mentioned Mketeni who also called on every person to make individual and collective sacrifices in minimising the risk of the spread of Covid-19. He also urged guests to the national parks to appreciate that the regulations and SANParks’ own protocols, as inconvenient as they may seem, are towards a greater and common good. In the meantime, we have still had no further clarity on whether all the KNP staff members who were residing in tourist accommodations during the lockdown, have been moved back to their staff quarters. The last reports we received were that this was not the case as some of the staff were reluctant to move back to sharing quarters after having enjoyed the luxuries of the tourist accommodation facilities. In response to our questions on the matter, the SANParks spokesperson Ike Phaahla said that they were adopting a “phased return” approach. “Previously we stated that we have staff who are still in camps but that the number of staffers is negligible compared to tourism facilities that are open for overnight visitors. The opening is going to be phased in stages to observe the Covid19 protocols as we are still under lockdown as a country.”
Peacemed Apteek op Tzaneen het vandeesweek na 16 jaar met groot opgewondenheid sy nuwe Tuk Tuk Nou kan die wiele met medisyne vir kliente behoorlik aan die rol gaan. Terwyl kliente asook Jan Alleman moet tuis bly weens die Covid-19 inperkings ondermeer, het Peacemed Apteek met ‘n blink plan vorendag orde van die dag wees om mense se lewens te vergemaklik. Die frustasie vir mense om te wag vir ‘n beskikbare parkering voor Peacemed Apteek is nou iets van apteek sy gewildheid verwerf het sedert sy ontstaan, is
arrested another suspect. The police recovered five stolen firearms, ammunition, and other stolen items. The two suspects appeared in the Morebeng (Soekmekaar) Magistrate’s court on the 7th of August (two weeks ago) and again on the 14th of August (last week). Bulletin sat in the courtroom last week and watched as the son of the survivors fixed his gaze upon the three suspects standing in the accused box before the magistrate. The tension in the courtroom was palpable. The media was not permitted to film the proceedings in the courtroom nor was it permitted to make public the identities of the three suspects until an identification parade was conducted. This is to prevent the leaking to the public of any information that could negatively impact the victim’s case in the matter. During the first and second court appearances of the suspects, the parking area outside the tiny courtroom was filled with hundreds of farmers who travelled long distances in solidarity with the Joubert’s. When the police van transporting the suspects from the holding cells to the courthouse, entered the area, it was met with cries of “no bail” and “stop the killings”. To stay updated on the proceedings at the court in Soekmekaar (Morebeng) follow our live broadcast on our Facebook page by searching for Far North Bulletin and clicking on the “like” button. You will then automatically follow our channel.
KZN contractors used in Limpopo’s PPE tenders ■ Joe Dreyer
“But in a ‘sudden turn of events’ in less than two months, the figure now stands at more than half a billion. The portfolio committee is deeply concerned with this state of ‘rushed spending,” said Limpopo Portfolio Committee on Health chairperson, Joshua Matlou. “Procurement was seemingly not done on the basis of the province’s needs analysis but was used as a free ticket by unscrupulous elements who saw this as an opportunity for wanton spending of the public purse”. This after it came to light that the Limpopo Department of Health under the leadership of Health MEC Dr Phophi Ramathuba and head of the department, Dr Thokozani Mhlongo, had spent close on half a billion Rand in the procurement of PPE in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Limpopo Portfolio Committee on Health want Ramathuba to submit a detailed report on more than R500 000 million worth of expenditure on what it termed “rushed spending” on Covid-19 essentials. Not surprisingly, the publicity loving Ramathuba, who has been extremely active in the media during the pandemic, was not in attendance at the media briefing in Polokwane on Monday. This briefing in of itself was another poorly planned event indicative of the issues the media are left to deal with when it comes to matters concerning government departments. On Sunday evening it was announced over WhatsApp that media were invited to attend a media briefing the following
morning in Polokwane. (As if journalists and editors do not have any other scheduled appointments and planning a trip out of town which could last the entire day requires no logistical planning). Nevertheless, during this briefing the head of the department, Mhlongo, was left to face the music on her own, which led to speculation that the MEC was placed on leave of absence. This could not be confirmed at the time of going to print though. One of the questions most often repeated by the journalists present, and which has still been adequately answered, was why PPE suppliers in Limpopo were overlooked when it came to tenders for the supply of sanitizers, masks etcetera. In Tzaneen alone, there are a number of companies who would have been capable of supplying the required PPE products and services. Mhlongo said that none of the suppliers in the province were able to cater to the needs of the department and they therefor sourced a company from Kwazulu-Natal. The department denied any wrongdoing in this regard and Mhlongo added that she was not worried about the allegations as she believed that her department followed all the prescripts and procedures. She further denied that R920 million was spent as reported in the media and instead claimed the amount to be just above half a billion. She also said that matters of procurement were driven by her as she had the last say as the leader. The investigations are continuing.
nou net na ‘n hoër vlak geneem met die instelling van In die tye van die Covid-19 pandemie, kan mense nou die risiko van die apteek kliente verminder om aan die Covid-19 virus blootgestel te word. Die dae om in ‘n lang ry te wag om medikasie te af te haal is dus nou iets van die verlede. Instede van onnodige lang rye, kan Peacemed Apteek se Tuk Tuk Dus word mense aangemoedig om Jan Tuisbly se karretjie te ry en eerder die Peacemed Apteek Tuk Tuk se wiele te laat rol.
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21 August 2020
DA Mayor visits Tzaneen's landfill site
■ Joe Dreyer
On Wednesday morning the DA Mayor of Mookgophong Local Municipality, Marlene van Staden accompanied by two of her senior councillors, travelled to Tzaneen to conduct an oversight visit at the award-winning landfill site of the Greater Tzaneen municipality. The group met with various contractors at the landfill site to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms and systems put in place by the Tzaneen municipality which has resulted in the best managed and most efficient landfill site in the country. Though the team were not able to meet with GTM Divisional Manager Henk Minnie or Eugene Schutte, GTM Regional Waste Manager, who head up the management of this landfill, they were taken on a guided tour by the site manager. The group which included DA Constituency Head and Member of Parliament, Desireè van der Walt, were given a behind the scenes look at how the waste is separated, recycled and distributed and how employing contractors can assist with the process. “We have definitely taken notes which will greatly assist us in implementing a similar system at our own landfill site in our own municipality. What we have seen today is truly inspiring and shows you just what can be done with proper planning and forward thinking. We are excited to start planning
“At the end of the working day, each worker’s haul is weighed and recorded before being sorted into demarcated cages for compacting and collection,” explained Zervogiannis. “Having these independent recyclers here has the added benefit of keeping the illegal pickers out of the area.” The visit was roughly an hour long after which the visiting delegation returned home in two vehicles. That’s right, the mayor and her senior officials travelled to Tzaneen on official business in two vehicles – no blue lights, no bodyguards, no drivers and no entourage.
Marlene van Staden Mayor Modimolle - Mookgophong Local Municipality, Magda Berrange, Senior Manager of Social and Community Services at the Mookgopong Municipality, Desiree van der Walt, DA Constituency Head and Member of Parliament and Cllr Bianca Mocke, Committee Chairperson Social and Community Services in the Mookgopong Municipality.
once we get back home,” said Van Staden. One of the programmes at the Tzaneen landfill site which impressed her the most, was the Protonka recycling operation which has secured employment for 40 people who would otherwise not have had any means of an income. Mike Zervogiannis, owner of Protonka Recycling explained that the 40 independent recyclers are not employed by his company, but they
are provided with PPE and bags and are paid according to the amount of waste they collect every day. These independent recyclers are registered and are motivated by the price of the items that they collect. They are also given targets and incentivised for reaching them. The recycler with the heaviest haul of the month can walk away with some incredible prizes. One month, the prize was a Smart TV and another, a brand new fridge.
An independent recycler faces a wall of moving household waste dumped from one of the GTM garbage trucks at the landfill site.
Four fires during prohibition Tzaneen ‘Spietkops’ ■ in trouble over bribes Joe Dreyer
Fires have flared up again as the area entered the official fire prohibition at the start of August which has caused the Letaba Fire Protection Association (LFPA) and the Mopani District Fire Department firefighting teams to have their hands full. There has already been a major fire in the Houtbosdorp area and a few smaller veld fires, but what has been especially troubling is the number of structural fires in Tzaneen specifically. In the last month alone there have been two fires at commercial properties (GEMS furniture store in July, and the old Eskom single quarters fire two weeks ago) in the CBD and just this week, a fire nearly devoured a residential property in Harry Dilly Street. In the case of the two commercial properties, one of the fires was reportedly caused by an electrical wiring fault while the other was allegedly because of an appliance having accidentally been left on by the shop owner after closing for the day. On Saturday afternoon, Jasper Diedericks was exiting Tzaneen Lifestyle centre and while in the parking lot, noticed a pillar of smoke bellowing out from the residential area near Boundary Street. He rushed towards the smoke, contacting the fire department as he did so. The fire was at the home of Darryl and Karen Swigelaar, the owners of DS Brake and Clutch. They were not home at the time of the incident. Diedericks climbed over the gate to see if anybody needed help or if anyone was trapped inside. A few moments later neighbours started arriving on scene offering to help and soon the yard was crawling with volunteers brandishing hoses. The family’s pets were saved. A Toyota Fortuner which was parked inside the garage suffered a less fortunate fate. The fire brigade arrived on scene in minutes and soon after, the fire had been extinguished and the building and attached structures were cleared. Daryll arrived on scene as the fire was being brought under control. Though the
exact cause of the blaze was not clear at the time of going to print, it is believed that a combination of extreme heat and a gas line, may have been to blame. “Thank you to each and every one of the people who saved our home. Were it not for you, Tzaneen, we would not have a roof over heads today,” said Darryl in a heartfelt message of thanks to the community, over Bulletin’s Facebook page. The live video of the incident can be seen on that same page by searching for Far North Bulletin in your Facebook browser.
Neigbours jumped in to help firefighters.
■ Jeff Jackson
The wheels of justice turn slowly, but they turn surely. This week two traffic officers stationed in Tzaneen were found guilty in the Tzaneen Magistrate’s court of crimes committed in 2017. Their case stemmed from a collaboration between the Hawks, the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) and the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) named “Operation Siyabangena” which targeted corrupt traffic officials. In total, 11 traffic officers were arrested. The two local traffic officers, Mabogo Tshifelimbilu (43) and Nhlamulo Shivambu (34), and the other officials stationed at Tzaneen and Bolobedu respectively were arrested for accepting bribes from motorists transgressing the rules of the road. The two officials were remanded in custody after their bail was withdrawn pending sentencing. According to the spokesperson for the Hawks in Limpopo, Capt. Matimba Maluleke, all the implicated officials were granted bail on different dates following their court appearances. He added that so far five of the implicated traffic officers have been sentenced, while the recently convicted officers will receive their sentences on Tuesday next
week. Another official is still awaiting judgement. “Tshifelimbilu and Shvambu and the other traffic officials stationed at Tzaneen and Bolobedu respectively were arrested for accepting gratification ranging from R100 to R2000 from motorists who contravened the Road Traffic Act, particularly those who were caught exceeding the speed limit. All implicated officials were granted bail on different dates following the court appearances.” Maluleke said in a statement to the media. “Five of the accused have already been convicted and sentenced. Tshefelimbilu and Shivambu were remanded in custody after their bail was withdrawn pending their sentencing on the 25th of August. Their co-accused Clifford Lubisi, is awaiting judgement on the 31st of August.” In the Greater Tzaneen municipal area, eight traffic officers at the Nkowankowa traffic testing station who were suspended following their arrest in connection with accepting bribes from learner drivers before they could receive their licences. Though the station was forced to close, it was later reopened when the municipality hired more traffic officers to replace them.
A firefighter focussed on the objective. Photos: Joe Dreyer
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21 August 2020
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21 August 2020
Sweeper team removed Palabora feeds Phalaborwa more wildlife snares
■ Billy Sibuyi
A team effort between interested groups resulted in another snare sweep operation in the Phalaborwa area. Urban Wildlife Awareness Phalaborwa joined forces with Phalaborwa Natural Heritage Foundation (PNHF), Bush Babies Environmental Educators, Phalaborwa residents, and some residents from Hoedspruit. Eugene Troskie, co-founder of PNHF, said that the team divided up into three groups to cover more space and ended up walking a combined 12 kilometers covering most of the 201 hectares of the block they were sweeping. “We did not remove as many snares as expected, we managed eight in total and that is not a bad thing,” he stated proudly. “During the sweep we also managed to find fresh traps where
vegetation was manipulated to funnel animals through a specific gap where snares are set. We also encountered two suspicious individuals who fled the moment they saw us.” Not only did the team manage to remove snares but also recovered stolen goods that were dumped in the bush, and according to Troskie they also managed to return it to the owner. The snare sweep proved to be a successful endeavor after the team also found what is believed to be camping sites with abandoned clothing and signs of fires that were recently made. They also found a site where a large dog had died in a snare. “It was a fruitful day and we will be conducting these snare sweeps more regularly. Thank you to all involved in the effort, we look forward to your assistance in the future.”
Urban Wildlife Awareness Phalaborwa joined forces with PNHF, Bush Babies Environmental Educators, Phalaborwa residents, and some residents from Hoedspruit.
Miracle Matthew defies the odds ■ Roelof de Jonge Gina Harrison and her husband Justin decided after the birth of their son to trade the hustle and bustle of the Jo’burg city life for the Lowveld. Between Phalaborwa and Hoedspruit, live the proud parents and their five-month-old miracle baby, Matthew. He was born on the 19th of March in Steve Biko hospital in Pretoria, shortly before the nationwide lockdown took effect on the 26th of March. Because of the sudden lockdown regulations, the family were not allowed to visit Gina and her son in hospital. Mother and son spent 55 days without the support of her husband or her parents, with telephonic contact being the only link to the outside world. Matthew was born with gastroschisis, a pre-birth defect which occurs when an opening forms in the baby’s abdominal wall. The baby’s bowel pushes through this hole and then develops outside of the baby’s body in the amniotic fluid. It was initially detected in the 32nd week of Gina’s pregnancy and resulted in an emergency C-section being necessary to save the baby’s life as the condition started to worsen. “On the 6th day after his birth I was told he was safe from picking up any infections. From the time of his birth he suffered three major infections. On the 8th day his intestines were back inside his body and he was recovering well with no signs of damage to the scar tissue. I could hold him only on the 17th day after his birth,” Gina recalled. “After his birth, I just wanted to go home, it was quite an emotional moment for me, I was crying my eyes out for two days. The doctors told me with conditions like Matthew’s, babies have a 45 percent survival rate.” Matthew had to undergo two operations which saved his life and helped him develop normally. Justin, in the meantime, was sitting in the West Rand in Benoni with no choice but to bide his time away from his wife and son and try to remain calm and patient. Due to the Covid-19 lock down regulations, no visits to hospitals
■ Billy Sibuyi
Five hundred families benefitted from a food parcel distribution project spearheaded by Palabora Copper. The Joint Operations Committee with the assistance of the Department of Social Development Phalaborwa, PMC’s Department of Transformation, Stakeholder Engagements, and Internal Communications delivered food parcels to more than 500 households within the local communities on August the 5th and 6th. The PMC employees ensured that some of the vulnerable families in the Ba-Phalaborwa communities still hard hit by the pandemic, more especially those living with chronic diseases, received food parcels. “Just as water is a necessary commodity for survival in humans, plants, and animals, so is food and many other necessary needs. As part of profiling our beneficiary’s background with the help of the Department of Social Development, we learned that most households have an average of over six family members, and some are either waiting for approval of Social Grants or are unemployed. We have provided them with a predominantly dry goods food parcels with an estimated value of R800 each to enable the families to prepare a decent meal,” said Abby Ledwaba, Manager of Transformation, Stakeholder Engagement and Internal Communications at PMC. According to Ledwaba, the food distribution covered all areas of the Ba-Phalaborwa Local Municipality which consists of Mashishimale, Makhushane, Humulani, Boelang/ Maseke, Lulekani, Matiko-Xikaya, Namakgale, Selwane, Phalaborwa, Benfarm and Prieska village.
“For all these communities to stay free from Coronavirus, we added a bottle of 70% alcohol-based hand sanitizer as part of the package,” Ledwaba added. In an unrelated matter, the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality led by its Mayor, Merriam Malatji, received the second batch of food parcels from Transnet Phalaborwa branch on Tuesday, the 18th of August.
This was part of Transnet’s commitment to donate 300 food parcels for three consecutive months to assist the municipality in helping disadvantaged families affected during the global pandemic. Transnet donated 100 food parcels to the municipality last month and according to the municipal spokesperson, Jonas Mahesu, the food parcels have since been distributed to the destitute families across Ba-Phalaborwa.
Gina Harrison and her husband Justin with baby Matthew.
were allowed. “There were five other mothers with babies in the hospital with me at the time. It was amazing how we worked and prayed together. I realised I couldn’t do it all alone and I encouraged the mothers to join hands with me, because we were all in the same situation.” The couple survived the ordeal and took the gap provided by the minister to allow inter-provincial travel to settle in their new surroundings in the bushveld. Both mom and baby are doing well with Matthew showing no signs of any difficulties because of the affliction he suffered in the womb. “This has all taught me to never lose faith no matter what the situation is you find yourself in. If you keep your focus on your faith, you can accomplish things you would otherwise never have thought possible.”
083 708 8749 •Deon van Tonder • Ambulance Dispatch Service • Advance Life Support • Paramedic
Legals IN THE LABOUR COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA HELD AT JOHANNESBURG CASE NUMBER: LP2173-19 In the case between: DICKSON MUNYENGWA EXECUTION CREDITOR And LETABA CONSTRUCTION EXECUTION DEBTOR AUCTION IN PURSUANCE OF A JUDGMENT of the Labour Court of South Africa granted on 07 APRIL 2019 and a Enforcement Award in pursuance thereof, the under mentioned property will be sold in execution on 10 SEPTEMBER 2020 at 10h00, at the SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, MAIN STORE NO.2, INDUSTRIA ROAD 20,
TZANEEN to the highest bidder, namely; 2 X BYCICLES 8 X PLASTIC BIN CONATINERS 1 X XBOX 360 1 X Wii BOX 1 X LOGIC FAN 1 X KELVINATOR DISHWASHER 1 X SLEEPER COUCH 1 X STANDING MIRROR 1 X COFFEE TABLE 1 X MECER COMPLETE COMPUTER 1 X XPRESS M201 OF PRINTER 1 X OFFICE CHAIR 2 X SIDE TABLES 1 X LOGIC FAN In terms of Regulation 32 of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 potential bidders must register in the bidder’s
record with the sheriff, prior to the sale, which registration must meet the requirements of the regulations in terms of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act 38 of 2001. Aug301__________________________
In the estate of the late SUSANNA MARIA VAN DEN HEEVER, Identity number 3308080044088, Master’s reference number 4051/2020, widow, and who was ordinarily resident at 14 Ernst Street, Tzaneen, Limpopo Province and, who died on the 29th of February 2020. All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the undersigned within 30 days from the date
of the publication hereof. Joubert & May Attorneys P O Box 35, Tzaneen Ref.: A E Rech/Randy/ R15383 Aug302__________________________
SHABISANI JACKSON MALEPE Twelfth Respondent NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION - AUCTION ON THE INSTRUCTIONS of the Execution Creditor, the under mentioned movable property of the Execution Debtor will be sold by public auction, on Friday 4th September 2020 at 10H00 by the Sheriff for the High Court of Lenyenye district Naphuno to the highest cash bidder: Venue of the sale: SHERIFF OFFICE 13 ABOOMSTREET PHALABORWA 1 x TOYOTA HILUX DOUBLE CAB (REGISTRATION NUMBER: DKL 995 L) 95 x PLASTIC CHAIRS
7 x BROWN CHAIRS 1 x HP PRINTER 1 x BELL COMPUTER AND SCREEN 4 x BENCHES AUCTION : 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgement obtained in the above honourable court. 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the Sheriff’s Office 13 Naboom Street, Phalaborwa. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation i.r.o. proof
of identify and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being C VERMAAK any representative of his office. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. Dated at TZANEEN on this 18th day of August 2020. (SGD) JH JACOBSZ JOUBERT & MAY 50 BOUNDARY STREET PO BOX 35, TZANEEN TEL: 015 – 307 3660 REF: JH JACOBSZ/KM/J7010 Aug302__________________________
21 August 2020
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Time to get back into shape! We are CovidREADY @ Health & Fitness Gym Health & Fitness Gym Cnr Windsor & Agatha St, Tzaneen 073 265 2650 • 076 413 9257
Sport 21 August 2020
The mask maketh the muscles ■ Roelof de Jonge
It is back to the dumbbells and treadmills as the new Level 2 regulations allows for the reopening of gyms and fitness centres. Bulletin spoke with the manager of Tzaneen Health and Fitness gym, Ettienne van Wyngaardt, on how some of the ludicrous lock down regulations affected the fitness industry. And the preventative measures that are now expected to be in place to operate in a ‘safe and hygienic’ space. A lengthy list was released indicating what is to be expected from gyms to operate a Covid-19 free environment. It is going to take some serious getting used to when you return to the gym to rid yourself of the excess Covid-19 belly fat you acquired on that couch the last five months. Among the new rules which you will have to adhere to include always keeping to social distancing and that no socialising will be allowed on site. Shockingly, the government will also expect gymgoers to wear a mask during their workouts. Classes need to be booked in advance (a two week no booking penalty will be given to persons not pitching up for classes after bookings were made), no sport bags are allowed and members are required to bring their own water. Strictly no showering or changing clothes on site, members must come dressed for fitness sessions and there will be no hand shaking allowed. Members should not visit the gym if they do not feel well, have a sore throat or fever and no children are allowed. All persons will have to sanitise before entering the gym. At the registration desk the staff will do temperature screening whereby the names and contact details of persons are taken down in a log book to keep track of the health of regular visitors. Before entering the booth at the registration desk, members must sanitise their hands once again. All the equipment used is placed in clearly marked blocks on the floor to ensure social distancing and all equipment needs to be sanitised before and after use. Even the floor of the fitness classes with its limit of 14 persons per class, is clearly marked in squares to ensure social distancing. “The extra measures we now have in place to protect our gym members and workers, could have been put in place from the start. I feel there was no need really to close down the fitness industry for five months,” said Van Wyngaardt. “Gym and fitness training centres have
always been known for following hygienic protocols even before the outbreak of the Coronavirus. With the added Covid-19 preventative measures, we have all the needed requirements in place to operate. Our gym members and staff have no reason to fear infection, they will be safe.” Australian gyms were permitted to reopen two months ago and have not recorded a single infection since then. “In my opinion and having been in the fitness industry for many years, I can say that fitness and regular training is one of the best ways to boost a person’s immune system which in turn helps to fend off viruses.” “We can only allow a maximum of 50 persons per hour, so it is essential that persons book in advance. Our aerobics classes will only accommodate 14 persons per class from now on in order to follow the protocol as set by the Department of Sport.” Tzaneen Health and Fitness Gym is situated at the corner of Windsor and Agatha Street and can be contacted at 073 265 2650 or 076 413 9257. Van Wyngaard and his staff are eagerly awaiting to welcome members and new members.
Tracy Petersen, fitness trainer at Tzaneen Health and Fitness Gym.
Mziwethu Sithole. Photos: Roelof de Jonge
Johan von Molendorf
Ettienne van Wyngaardt, manager of Tzaneen Health and Fitness Gym.