Productivity Software Redefined
18 December 2020
015 306 0198 • 072 930 1462 • 064 650 7123
Rural areas:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS
Nadine: 072 458 5464
Juan: 079 197 8070
ROCKY ROAD TO 2021 The much talked about “Eilandpad” which connects Letsitele and surroundings to the popular ATKV Eiland Resort and Spa, is finally receiving some attention from the notoriously silent Roads Agency Limpopo (RAL). We visited the site and spoke to the contractor. “We have been busy here for about a month and we have already patched 10 kilometres. We only have a short stretch to go.” Aesthetically, the road looks terrible and needs a complete resurfacing, but at least it’s driveable - for now.
Met sy aankondiging Maandagaand dat sekere strande op spesifieke dae tydens die vakansie gesluit sal wees, en dat die nasionale aanklokreël voortaan vanaf 23:00 die aand in werking sal tree, het die staatspresident asteware die tradisionele Oujaarsaandvieringe stop gesit. Daar sal geen partytjies in die strate, nagklubs of strande hierdie jaar wees nie. Lees die volle berig op bladsy 2.
Photo: Joe Dreyer
18 December 2020
Daar sal geen nuwejaars vieringe wees nie Personeel | Personnel Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 Drukker/Printer: Novus Print
Office: 064 650 7123 Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 Ontwerp / Design Deborah Varrie Bemarking / Marketing Chrizelle Dreyer 082 628 4181 Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan
Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Phalaborwa
■ Joe Dreyer Suid-Afrika se mees populêre strande sal oor die besigste tyd van die jaar gesluit bly. Dit na ‘n besluit deur die regering se Nasionale Koronavirusbevelsraad, om massa-infeksies te verhoed. In sy toespraak aan die land op die 14de Desember, het president Cyril Ramaphosa gewaarsku dat Suid-Afrika vinnig die een miljoen merk in Kovid-19-infeksies nader. Hy het gesê dat die daaglikse gemiddelde Kovid-19 sterftes tot net meer as 150 per dag toegeneem het. Dit is volgens die regering se ontwisbare bewyse dat Suid-Afrika die gevreesde “tweede vlaag” betreë het. Die vier provinsies met die hoogste toename in nuwe infeksies is, volgens Ramaphosa, die OosKaap, Wes-Kaap, KwaZulu-Natal en Gauteng. Hy het ook gesê dat jongmense tussen die ouderdom van 15 en 19 jaar oud nou ook onder infeksies gebuk gaan, en het die blaam dwars op die skouers van massa-sosiale byeenkomste en partytjies geplaas. Ramaphosa se kabinet het die Sarah Baartman en die Kaapse Tuinroete Distrikte as brandpunte
verklaar, en dieselfde beperkings wat op die Nelson Mandelabaai-distrik toegepas word, sal onmiddellik van toepassing wees. Die kabinet het verder besluit dat strenger maatreëls in alle dele van die land toegepas moet word. Hierdie maatreëls sluit die volgende in; drywers of operateurs van enige vorm van openbare vervoer moet toesien dat alle passasiers maskers dra wanneer hulle in hul voertuie klim. Bestuurders of eienaars van persele, insluitend winkelsentrums, is volgens wet verplig om te verseker dat alle klante wat hul fasiliteite betree, ‘n masker moet dra en werkgewers moet toesien dat alle werknemers maskers in die uitvoer van hul pligte dra. Binnenshuise byeenkomste word beperk tot 100 mense per geleentheid, terwyl buite-byeenkomste op plekke beperk word tot 250 mense. Alle byeenkomste moet oor voldoende ventilasie beskik en maskers moet deur alle teenwoordiges gedra word en handreinigers moet beskikbaar wees. “Na-begrafnispartytjies” word streng verbied. Sekere strande en openbare parke sal vanaf 16
Desember gedurende die feestyd gesluit wees. In KZN sal die strande op 16, 25, 26 en 31 Desember sowel as 1, 2 en 3 Januarie 2021 gesluit wees. In die Noord- en Wes-Kaap, met die uitsondering van die Tuinroete, sal strande en parke gedurende die feestyd vir die publiek oop bly. Feeste en optredes op strande is verbode. Openbare parke mag slegs tussen 09:00 en 18:00 daagliks oop wees. Nasionale en provinsiale parke waar voldoende beheermaatreëls bestaan, kan oop bly vir die publiek. Die nasionale aandklokreël word dan ook aangepas om vanaf 23:00 tot 04:00 inwerking te wees. Restaurante en kroeë moet om 22:00 sluit om te verseker dat personeel en klante voor die aandklok by die huis aankom. Die verkoop van alkohol by kleinhandelaars word slegs van Maandag tot Donderdag tussen 10:00 en 18:00 toegelaat. Geregistreerde wynkelders en wynplase kan voortgaan om wynproe geleenthede aan die publiek te bied, vir verbruik buite die perseel. Alkoholverbruik in alle openbare plekke soos strande en parke is streng verbode. Hierdie beperkings sal vroeg in Januarie 2021 hersien word.
Kontak besonderhede Contact Details
Blackhawk rises over Kruger Park
Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: Briewe/Letters: Events: Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: Copyright © 2020 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.
Website Visit our website at and read the latest news, as well as back copies.
Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
ARITZ Street Aqua Park Tzaneen
STNET # 911 TE BAG X 4019 ANEEN, 0850
Capt David Simelane, Dr Louis van Schalkwyk (State Vet) and Air Instructor Capt Boeta Dippenaar.
Nicknamed the ‘Blackhawk’, Captain David Simelane, has become the first black South African game capture pilot when he completed his game capture rating last week. Simelane professedly could not hide his love for nature as he said that he enjoys mountain biking when he is not in the air. Besides flying and mountain biking, the pilot also enjoys cooking, reading, and entertaining people. The South African National Parks (SANParks) celebrated the captain’s achievements last week as he endorsed his pilot license with flying colors on the 2nd of December when he completed his rating. SANParks CEO, Fundisile Mketeni, mentioned that the park was extremely proud of Simelane and his achievement and “He is an inspiration to many young black aspiring pilots and we hope that his passion will inspire more people to choose this industry as their careers”. Game capture rating is an overly complex pilot endorsement rating where a
helicopter pilot needs to take into consideration the environment, animals, and the crew all while managing the actual helicopter itself. Simelane has been a helicopter pilot for 16 years and has flown all over the world including Madagascar and South Sudan. “I have a passion for flying and now I get to combine that with my love for wildlife and nature. I wake up in the morning knowing that every flight I do is to make a difference in nature, conservation and in people’s lives,” stated the Blackhawk. Simelane, who only started working for SANParks earlier this year, is Kruger National Park’s (KNP) first black helicopter pilot working under SANParks Air Services which provide aerial support to many of the departments within SANParks. “Working as a pilot for SANParks is a calling, it is tough, but I am in a blessed position to say that this is not just a job for me, it’s a passion. Couple that with the fact that I am doing it in the same park I first fell in love with wildlife 25 years ago, is just a dream come true for me.”
Ranger still missing Mum on Frangipani
■ Billy Sibuyi
■ Billy Sibuyi
It’s been a month since SANParks’ ranger, Checkers Mashego, was last seen by his colleague during a routine patrol together. The police and the Kruger National Park investigation team is still searching for their ranger who went missing four weeks ago on the 17th of November in the Stolsnek section of the KNP while on a scheduled patrol with his patrol partner. According to reports, the community of Mdlankomo, Kabokweni, near the KNP in Mpumalanga has since launched a search of their own, to try and find Mashego who never came home after disappearing along the Nsikazi River. The SABC reported that the community has many unanswered questions regarding Mashego and some even suspect foul play. Happy Ngwenyama, a community member and leader of the search, said that they have been following a number of leads without success. “We searched all over all these bushes but we have not found anything yet,” reported the SABC. The investigating officer in the case, who is known to Bulletin, was recently booked off on sick leave following complications to his health. A source within the investigating team revealed to Bulletin that the police were following up leads which they are investigating. SANParks head of communication, Isaac Phaahla, said it was rare for field game rangers to go missing and that this was the very first time that one from the Kruger National Park had disappeared. “Checkers Mashego is still missing and the search for his whereabouts is being conducted by the SAPS with support from SANParks,” he stated. Phaahla said that both the radio and cellphone signal tracking was a part of the investigation. The managing Executive at the KNP, Gareth Coleman, as reported by SABC said that they were working together with the police 084 4000 911 in the search. and family
Pedestrians passing by, and customers of Laeveld Butchery, will no longer have to avoid the pavement passing the shop’s entrance as the municipality has found it within themselves to fix, after several months, the storefront pavement. The shopfront entrance looked the worse for wear after an old asbestos pipe burst at the shop, and since being repaired in September the municipality had not felt the need to repair the walkway as they just left the rubble by the storefront. As the municipality is being applauded for the ‘great work’ done, the majority Phalaborwa residents are still perplexed as to why the municipality will continue to ignore the gallons of raw sewerage that continues to fill the streets, especially at the Frangipani Day Care Centre for Children with Disabilities. Last week Bulletin reported about how the Centre, situated on the corner of Essenhout Street and Acacia Lane, was forced to close their doors, and take care of the children from the home of the principal because of the river of human waste flowing into the classrooms. One of our readers told Bulletin that after reading our article, they were disgusted to a point of wanting to fill up a drum with that very same sewage and dropping it off at the municipality. Sybrandt de Beer, the councilor of ward 11, attributed the sewerage problem to the illegal flats which homeowners add to their stands to accommodate the increasing number of students. Bulletin has sent another enquiry to the spokesperson of the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality, Jonas Mahesu, and in our enquiry, we wanted to know why the municipality has not addressed the illegal flats that have been built there. Not surprisingly, at the time of going to print, Mahesu, had not responded to our enquiry.
072 98 98 911 084 22 00 911
■ Billy Sibuyi
4 Maritz Street, Aqua Park, Tzaneen urists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911 or 072 98 98 911 d help will be on the way.
e TZANEEN Crisis Centre is offering all tourists to our area absolute peace of mind when visiting this beautiful part the Limpopo, absolutely free of charge
084 400 0911
e Crisis Centre offers access to a 24 hour emergency control room, Ambulance, Fire and Rescue services, SA Police, med response, trauma counseling, roadside assistance etc.
e also support victims of crime, violence, accidents, fires, floods, rape, child abuse or just a lost tourist.
ed a mechanic, a dentist, lodging after hours? Personnel of the Crisis Centre will help with any problem, and even ke most of the arrangements on behalf of the tourist.
Stand van Damme Dam Levels
Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: Information updated: 14/12/2020
Tzaneen 10.2%
Ebenezer 16.5%
Merensky 101.2%
Dap Naude 102.3%
Middel Letaba 0.7%
Blyde Rivier Poort 83.4%
Klaserie 97.1%
Tours 28.2%
Vergelegen 102%
Ohrigstad 6.6%
18 December 2020
Lede van die Tzaneen Veiligheidsforum, in samewerking met die polisie, Canine Security en Tzaneen Buurtwag het hierdie week wéér hul veiligheidsveldtog geloods. Die inisiatief was deur die forum se voorsitter, Uwe Kröh, by die vierrigting-aansluiting langs Minitzanipark in Grensstraat op Dinsdagmiddag begin. Daar was ondermeer lekkergoed vir die kinders en brosjures vir hul ouers uitgedeel, vir sowat 500 voertuie. “Namens elke lid van die plaaslike veiligheidsforum wens ons elke een van ons inwoners ‘n Geseënde Feestyd en voorspoedige Nuwejaar toe. Ons sal steeds hier wees tydens hierdie vakansietyd om seker te maak ons mense kry die nodige bystand in tyd van nood.” Foto: Chris van Vuuren, Tzaneen Buurtwag.
Former LNW boss in hot water ■ Jeff Jackson The Hawks arrested the former Lepelle Northern Water (LNW) boss, Phineas Legodi, chairperson of the Bid Evaluation Committee (BEC), Ngwako Moseamedi, and businessman Matome Sefalafala during the weekend. They face charges of fraud, and alternatively theft and forgery while Legodi had an additional charge of flouting the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA). LNW is a water services agency founded in line with the Water Services Act, act 108 of 2003. As part of its responsibilities, it manages water resources on behalf of the Department of human settlements, formerly called the Department of Water Affairs. LNW is responsible for water reticulation in Limpopo which includes water from the Ebenezer dam in Tzaneen supplying water to Polokwane. The three appeared in court on Monday and their bail application was suspended until Thursday. They are charged in connection with a tender worth R45 million after a company owned by Matome Sefalafala, Falaza General Trading and Construction, was offered a tender to dispose and collect hazardous waste in 2018 without appropriate procedures followed. Spokesperson for the Hawks, Sipho Ngwema confirmed the charges. It is alleged that in 2018 the LNW advertised a tender for the collection and disposal of hazardous waste. Legodi was the CEO at the LNW, the accounting officer at the time. “Based on the recommendations of the Bid Evaluation Committee, Legodi appointed Sefalafala General Trading and Construction to render the services. They will remain in custody until Thursday when their bail will be heard.” LNW was in the news recently after it
emerged that the entity had run into financial trouble and was requesting more funding. The LNW blamed their financial woes on monies owed to them by various municipalities that included Mopani, Giyani and recently Ba-Phalaborwa. Things seemed to be running smoothly until 2008 when it emerged that the budget for the Mopani District Municipality’s water project to supply various villages in Giyani had skyrocketed to R4 billion from the initial R500 000 as projected. When Tito Mboweni was appointed as the Finance minister and Gugile Nkwinti replaced Nomvula Mokonyane as the water department minister, questions emerged. Nkwinti, shortly after his appointment, visited Mopani and sought answers from Legodi as to why they demanded more money while the residents of Giyani were still without water. Failure to get answers, finance minister Mboweni declared the Giyani-Nandoni water reticulation project a waste of money and demanded that the wasted money be paid back. President Cyril Ramaphosa called for action on the matter. In 2019 the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) was ordered to intervene in the matter and subsequently filed papers in the Gauteng hight court seeking to recoup the monies used thus far for the project. A preservation order was obtained by SIU to prohibit Legodi from accessing his pension fund. That order has since lapsed. In August, the current minister of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation, Lindiwe Sisulu, suspended both the CEO`s of LNW and Amathole Water Board after they were accused of embezzling funds. The arrest of Legodi comes at the time his suspension was to be handled by the relevant authorities and just a month after an interim board was appointed by minister Sisulu.
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18 December 2020
How the mighty have fallen ■ Joe Dreyer Several ministers will this Christmas eat humble pie after the courts found them in the wrong and ordered them to reverse their decisions. The latest court decision was that of minister for the Department of Basic Education (DBE), Angie Motshekga, whose order to have the two leaked matric exam papers rewritten, was declared unlawful. The court ordered that the papers should be marked. The department will appeal some parts of the judgement. The Gauteng High Court further added that Motshekga was not authorised to make that call. “Therein the DG does not feature as the decision maker, but the Council of Education Ministers (CEM) does. The CEM however is not a formal body nor an administrator which features in regulations nor neither empowered thereby to make an impugned decision.” Motshekga is the wife of Mathole Motshekga, who is the head of Kara Heritage and the chairperson of the Adhoc Committee on the expropriation of land without compensation. They both hail from Bolobedu in Modjadjiskloof. Cogta Minister, Nkosazana Zuma, who waged a relentless anti-tobacco campaign was finally halted last week when the court ruled that her decision to ban the sale and distribution of cigarettes on the basis that it might help spread Covid-19, was unconstitutional. The court ruled that her decision was not consistent with the constitution and was made without scientific proof that smoking could increase the spread of the virus. Because of her decision, the floodgates for the sales of illegal cigarettes were opened thus prompting tobacco manufacturer, British American Tobacco (BAT), to launch a legal challenge in which judgement was reserved in July until this
week. BAT argued that the decision of the minister had no scientific or legal backing. The court spared the minister legal costs. Public Enterprises Minister, Pravin Gordhan, during cross examination by former SARS boss, Tom Moyane, at the Zondo Commission on State Capture, told the commission that he in fact has no proof that Moyane was involved in state capture. This after he previously testified at the commission that Moyane was involved in state capture with the Guptas. Finance Minister Tito Mboweni who announced a salary freeze for public servants due to over 51 percent of the fiscus spent on salaries, backtracked at the last minute and asked unions not to take government to court for reneging on their initial promise of salary hikes for the coming three years. He however called on unions to suspend the court action and consult their members about the new offer. Some unions refused. In Limpopo province not everything is rosy. Following the proclamation by President Cyril Ramaphosa that the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) start probing allegations of impropriety regarding PPE tenders, the office of Health MEC Dr Phophi Ramathuba was visited. This after it was alleged that tenders were given to children of politicians and companies from as far as Kwazulu-Natal that received priority over locally based suppliers. The action by the SIU is likely to ease tensions between Cosatu and Premier Stan Mathabatha. The union previously accused Mathabatha of being too soft on corruption and urged him to resign. It was after there was an outcry in the province that the department had given tenders for the supply of the PPE`s to children of the former MEC for Arts and Culture, Annah Moloi, and some companies in Kwazulu-Natal.
18 December 2020
18 December 2020
KNP announces visitor quotas
■ Billy Sibuyi
Why should you follow up if your tenant is paying their municipal services Owning a property and earning a rental income is a lifetime investment and a great retirement income. Having the property work for you by the tenant servicing your bond is a great pleasure to most investors. But what loopholes and dark monsters can be lurking? Risking your income and keeping your investment safe? The big monster raising it's ugly head lately is unpaid and arrear municipal charges. The most important aspect of an investment property is having a tenant that keeps up with their monthly rental payment. Un-
fortunately most landlords when receiving regular payments neglect to insure that the tenant is keeping up with their municipal usage accounts. The owner in good faith, believe that his tenants municipal account is paid. Once a tenant gives notice to vacate, and a new tenant is placed in the property. A new tenant account is opened at the municipality, even if an old account is in arrears. So it goes on, year in and out and the owner still only receives his rates and taxes and basic availability charges, which he pays diligently. Not thinking that a disaster is brewing. Should a property owner decide to sell his investment property, one of the documents needed to lodge at the deeds office is a municipal clearance certificate indicating a zero balance on all usage and availability charges. The municipality issues the rates figures that is enormous and everyone is surprised once they realized its actually a ridiculously high amount. We had scenarios were sellers got municipal figures between R 114 000 and R 380 000 on arrear tenant accounts that accrued over years of having tenants. Now the sad news is that the municipality won't issue a certificate unless these amounts are paid up. Suddenly the seller is caught between a rock and a hard place, because these amounts where not budgeted for when placing the property up for sale. So where to start? The problem is that a prop-
erty might have changed tenants so often that tracing tenants to catch up on arrear payments becomes physically impossible. Should a tenant be traced, they most of the times have arrogant attitudes because the time that lapsed, since the depth accurred, is simply too long back. Sadly these amounts still remain the seller's responsibility. Remember, without a zero account and a municipal issued certificate, indicating that all outstanding amounts have been paid, a transfer cannot proceed. Sorting out these issues can cause months or even years of delays on transactions creating a lot of animosity between a buyer and a seller. So how can this be avoided? There are three options. Firstly, a landlord can apply at the municipality for a prepaid meter whereby his tenant can buy their monthly usage and an electricity bill cannot accumulate. Which makes it the safest and most affordable option. Secondly a landlord can request the tenant to provide him with with a monthly municipal statement that reflects a paid up amount. Thirdly a landlord can decide not to let the tenant open an account at the municipality, receiving the statements and then charge the usage together with the rental to the tenant. This option however creates a bit more administrative issues for the landlord. To protect your investment and be sure to avoid any unpleasant surprises we would suggest that landlords check up with their local municipalities on all accounts registered on their properties and make sure that their tenants are keeping up to their monthly charges. This will spare you, our seller a lot of frustration once selling your property.
61 Boundary Road, Tzaneen 015 307 7677 • 082 447 1512 •
Smouskous l Classifieds Te Koop For Sale MANGO BOME TE KOOP HOEDSPRUIT Tommy Atkins en Keitt Bome te koop vir R20. Kwekery geregistreer by Dept Landbou . Kontak Tony: 082 387 2880 of Willem: 083 263 3321 Chester Kwekery Hoedspruit __________________________________
Services Dienste Vervoer/Transport
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Quality Waste Management Honey Sucker, Waste Bins, Compactable waste. 079 511 3536 __________________________________
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083 628 9257
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VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/ 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139
Community Crisis Services 084 400 0911 __________________________________
Go Trans Tippers, Flat Beds & Low Beds. 071 108 0308 __________________________________
Saniplas Great packaging sells your products. 060 792 7034
SAS Workshop in Tzaneen is looking for a qualified mechanic with at least 8years experience in the trade. Please contact Johan Bester on 079 021 1714 if you meet the requirements.
Authorised dealer & Service centre 015 307 1849
DASS Domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Bosch, Whirlpool, Defy etc. Repairs, spares and service. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, Tzaneen. 015 307 1798 082 898 0468
The quotas for the Kruger National Park’s (KNP) Phalaborwa and Orpen Gates respectively during the festive season is 512 and 448. If you are looking to enter the KNP during the festive season, be alert as you might not make it inside without prior arrangements. According to the KNP, visitor management is a vital part of ensuring the best possible experience for all visitors to the Kruger National Park over the coming festive season and as of Wednesday, the 16th of December, until Tuesday, the 26th of January 2021 there will be daily quotas. Visitors are urged to make pre-bookings for their visits prior to their arrival at the gates and there are three time slots which they can choose from. The first time slot which is the first two hours after the gate opens, a total number of 192 vehicles will be allowed to enter the park at both gates, 128 vehicles from 2-4 hours after the gate has opened, and 192 vehicles will be allowed for the last time slot, which will be four hours after the gate has opened. According to a media statement released by the park, the first time slot is between 05:30 to 07:30, the second, 07:30 to 09:30, and the last slot will be from 09:30 onwards. “For busy periods such as the school holidays and festive season, we aim to better manage the volumes that we expect, as well as our visitors' expectations. The three different time slots are aimed at improving the spread of vehicles and, as far as possible prevent unnecessary waiting periods at gates”, said the KNP communications manager, Ike Phaahla. The Day Visitor Quota for the Park is a management tool to prevent overcrowding on the roads and facilities, and according to Phaahla it is applied throughout the year. Visitors will be able to book up to 80% of Day Visitor Quota per gate via SANParks Reservations offices on 012 428 9111 and online at Phaahla reminded visitors to read the permit which they receive at the gates because all the rules and regulations of the park are clearly stipulated on said documents. Day Visitor pre-bookings are subject to a non-refundable booking fee of R48 per adult and R24 per child. Day Visitors who have pre-booked will still be required to pay Conservation Fees or use a valid Wild Card to enter the Park. The Conservation Fee for SA residents as well as Zimbabwe and Mozambique nationals (passport required) is R105 per adult and R52 per child (between ages 2 - 11). For nationals of Eswatini (previously Swaziland) and other SADC countries, the conservation fees are R210 per adult and R105 per child. For all other guests, the standard conservation fees of R424 for adults and R212 for children applies.
Jobseeker My naam is Maria Mlambo. Soek na huisbediende werk in Tzaneen. Afrikaans sprekend. Bel My op 063 575 7954
Please note: We will be closed for the festive season from 21 December 1 January
In the estate of the late MHLALA NOEL KAPA identity number 6301025837085 reference number 6228/2020, married in community of property to ROSE NKHENSANI KAPA, 6707270545084, and who was ordinarily resident at 2800B Mhala Street, Nkowankowa, Limpopo Province and, who died on the 19th of January 2020. All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the undersigned within 30 days from the date of the publication hereof. Joubert & May Attorneys P O Box 35 Tzaneen Ref.: A E Rech/R15535
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18 December 2020
Dancers rake in top honours Roelof de Jonge
Local dance instructress, Annemieke Osmers, has every reason to be proud. Her dancers outperformed everyone in their categories at the recently hosted Limpopo Amateur Dance Festival (LADF) in Modimolle, on Saturday the 28th of November. These local dancers showed they were more than just up to the task by raking in an abundance of awards and top percentage scores with their sterling performances. They were up against competitors from seven other dance schools. On the judging panel, amongst others, was Danelle Muller who is a well-known choreographer and a recognised dance professional in the industry. The Dance Place’s dance competitors were Kaitlyn Schoeman, Elrene Knoetze, Liam O’Brien, Christine Venter, Diné Booyse, Karja Kruger, Tyra du Plessis, Zila Kruger, Tamar de Meyer, Imke Lewis, Karien Smith and Deané Eloff. Schoeman and Knoetze competed in the Acrobatics beginner division with Knoetze obtaining 88.5% to secure second place. Schoeman took the first place with a 95% score. Venter competed in the Modern Jazz beginner division where she was placed first with a percentage of 88.5%. Booyse and Kruger (Karja) competed in the amateur Modern Jazz category. The first place with a score of 95% went to Booyse and Kruger was placed second with her score of 89.5%. Du Plessis, Kruger (Zila) and de Meyer competed in the Amateur Contemporary category. Kruger took the win with an outstanding score of 96%. De Meyer was second with 88.5% and Du Plessis with her third place for her 87% score made it a clean sweep for the first three places in this division.
Smith placed first in the Hip Hop beginner division with a score of 95% while Eloff showed off her skills with a Hip Hop novice solo item to rake in another first place with a score of 91,5%. O’Brien showed his class against the other competing advanced dancers with winning performances in all of the various solo styles he competed in. In the Acrobatic Solo item, he won with a score of 96.5%. He went on to win the Contemporary Solo item (89.5%) and the Open Solo item (96.8%). Later, O’Brien and the young Imke Lewis partnered for an Open Duet item which secured the local troupe another win with their score of 96%. Lewis also danced in the Open Novice Solo category and took the win with 95%. The Kruger dancers (Zila and Karja) performed an item in the Open Amateur Duet division and were placed first after scoring 91.5%. Kruger (Karja), O’Brien, de Meyer, du Plessis and Kruger (Zila) joined their talents and entered for the Open Group item where they were placed first scoring a percentage of 96.5. “In total, the entries from The Dance Place brought home nine A++ (95 to 100%) awards, seven A+ (88 to 94%) and one A (80 to 87%).” Following this amazing achievement, The Dance Place took part at the annual Dance Fusion Limpopo Competition held at the Dutch Reformed Church in Tzaneen on Saturday the 12th of December. Here too, the local dancers outperformed their competition and raked in one Gold (80%-84%), two Pro Gold (85%-89%), seven Platinum (90%-94%) and three Diamond (95%-100%).
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Sport 18 December 2020
Round the barrels at Uitzoek
â– Roelof de Jonge
The searing heat on Saturday the 12th of December did not dither horse riders from the Tzaneen area from enjoying the Barrel Racing Fun Day at the Uitzoek Stables just outside of town. This Fun Day event was held under the auspices of the National Barrel Horse Racing Association (NBHA) of South Africa. A total of 31 riders and their horses entered for this event which even attracted the top South African Western Mounted Games rider, local equine Willisna Wiggil. She and her horse, Joker Shanoo, showed the establishment their worth by winning the Adult Division (for riders 18 to 50 years) and was announced as the Best Barrel Racer for the Day. The day’s event consisted out of speed barrel and single barrel racing, pole bending and barrel racing. Clayton Wiggil, on his horse, Wack, was second in the Adult Category with Jacolien Knox on Blue Sky Ramsey taking the third spot. The Youth Division was won by De La Rey Kotzee and he was riding on Gideon. The second place went to AJ van der Westhuizen on Sandkraal Willem. In third place was Dylan Bond on Ginger. Only two riders, Hannes Eloff and Hennie Knox, competed in the Senior Division for riders 50 years and older. Knox went on to win this class with his horse, Butro, with Eloff on Kolonel settling for second place. The Lead Division was for children who competed with an adult essentially leading the horse, like literally running with the horse and rider. Xanke Coetzer on Marmari Shamrock won ahead of Liam Ooshuizen on Shani, with Dirkie Botha and his horse Fiesta in third place. Willisna Wiggil
Melody Bond on King
AJ van der Westhuizen en Xanke Coetzer
Hennie Knox
Anke Rood