Bulletin Newspaper 2 April 2021

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• Telescopic Boom Handler • Mobile Elevated (MEWP) Work Platform Lift Truck • Mobile Crane


2 April 2021


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President reken dis beter om by kroeg te drink In sy nuutste uitspraak oor die regering se wysigings van die inperkingsregulasies het President Ramaphosa drankwinkels verbied om oor die naweek handel te dryf maar ironies genoeg aangekondig dat kroeë, shebeens en restaurante drank sou mag verkoop tot net voor die middernag aandklokreël. Hy het in die selfde asem gesê dat daar nou dubbel soveel mense in ‘n kerk mag sit vir die naweek se Paasdienste. Lees binne.


Photo: Joe Dreyer


2 April 2021





“I will complete my brother’s bucket list” ■ Billy Sibuyi Personeel | Personnel Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Office: 064 650 7123 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 billy@farnorthbulletin.co.za

Drukker/Printer: Novus Print Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@farnorthbulletin.co.za Bemarking / Marketing Chrizelle Dreyer 082 628 4181 chrizelle@farnorthbulletin.co.za Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan admin@bulletin.us.com

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Phalaborwa • Hoedspruit


Kontak besonderhede Contact Details

Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: chrizelle@farnorthbulletin.co.za Briewe/Letters: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Sport: roelof@farnorthbulletin.co.za Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@farnorthbulletin.co.za Copyright © 2021 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Website Visit our website at www.farnorthbulletin.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 082 679 0720 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

In 2019 when the members of the Memorable Order of the Tin Hats (MOTH) and MOTH Motorcycle Association (MMA) held their annual Phalaborwa Cancer Fundraiser, little did they know that a week later one of their own would be diagnosed with the dreaded disease. Hermann Wilhelm Sullwald was not only a MOTH and MMA member, but the Old Bill of Minefield Shell Hole in Phalaborwa and the Chairman of the MMA Phalaborwa Chapter. Sullwald, an avid motorcyclist, had a bucket list before being diagnosed with the disease, and in that bucket list, wanted to travel across the outside of South Africa on a motorcycle and attend the biggest motorbike rally, Sturgis, last year. But due to the coronavirus and his treatment, he is no longer able to do it and Jacques Janse van Rensburg, a dear friend of his, has taken it upon himself to checkout the bucket list. “This is where I come in, because just Like Hermann, I had also planned the trip to Sturgis 2020 and was cancelled, but with the lifting of the Covid-19 restrictions, I see no reason why I cannot assist a fellow MOTH and MMA brother in fulfilling his bucket list in driving the outside of South Africa on a motorcycle,” stated van Rensburg who began his tour around South Africa on a bike last week Thursday and is expected to be back in Phalaborwa on Saturday the 3rd of April. Van Rensburg said that they would like to coin-

cide this ride with raising money for the MMA charity of choice, the Sunflower Fund, a registered non-profit organisation that raises money to assist bone marrow doners to build up a data base for leukemia sufferers. “Due to Covid-19 all fundraising events have been put on hold by the Sunflower Fund. There is no reason for us not to raise awareness for them and in assisting them while doing the Hermann Wilhelm Sullwald BuckJacques Janse van Rensburg et List Run,” stated van Rensburg. Van Rensburg has challenged corporate entities and other companies to donate R1 for every kilometre he will travel to the Sunflower Fund. “I will be carrying my own costs for this trip and will be assisted by the MMA and MOTH Shellholes. Van Rensburg in completing his friends bucket list will have to travel an estimated 6500 kilometres in a span of 10 days on a motorcycle. Although the route would not be on the outer borders of South Africa, due to time and logistical constraints, however van Rensburg will visit at least four regions,

Man assaulted inside Police Station ■ Billy Sibuyi

A driver accused of causing a collision with another vehicle and allegedly uttering racial slurs after that, was the center of social media attention on Monday afternoon, 29th of March. He was seen in a video being assaulted at the White River Police Station by members of a private security company known to the publication. According to a statement and video footage, Delia Jordaan and her fiancé, Barend Byliefedlt, were surrounded by several vehicles whilst driving along the R40 near White river and threatened with a firearm after they had recorded a motorcade allegedly driving recklessly. Jordaan and her fiancé were followed to the police station by the men in the motorcade. Instead of being met with protection from the SAPS officers, they were told to handover their phones while the men from the motorcade proceeded to attack Jordaan’s fiancé, Barend, in full view of the police officers on duty in the charge office. The policemen did absolutely nothing to stop the attack, and in the video footage it can be seen and heard how both Jordaan and Byliefeldt scream ferociously for help. One police woman is seen casually walking past the assault in progress and closing the door to

open a case as well as the poor security at the police station”. The police in Mpumalanga said that they were aware of the video. Brigadier Leonard Hlathi, spokesperson for the Mpumalanga SAPS, stated that the incident was unfortunate and showed lawlessness on the part of the individuals involved. He also mentioned that the police station was not a battle ground. “The conduct of the people involved in the physical fight is unacceptable and the man who appears on the video being pressed down, should register a criminal case for investigation purposes,” stated Hlathi. He also said that the Ehlanzeni district commissioner, Maj Gen Dianah Mashele, has established a team led by two senior police officers to probe this matter departmentally and scrutinize the conduct of the police officers who were on duty on the day. Hlathi revealed that a criminal case of malicious damage to property and crimen injuria has been opened against the man who was pressed down, Barend Byliefeldt, as he is accused of colliding with another vehicle and allegedly uttering racial slurs. This is a nationally developing story and Bulletin will keep you informed as more information becomes available. The videos of the incident are viewable on Delia Jordaan’s Facebook page.

the room where Jordaan was filming from. The Democratic Alliance (DA) has since written to the Executive Director of IPID to request an urgent investigation into the videos which have emerged of the group of men assaulting Byliefedlt at the White River Police Station in Mpumalanga. According to a statement from the DA, it is alleged that one of the men from the motorcade had detailed information about Barend and Jordaan, including where they lived and claimed to have connections to members within the SAPS as well as to certain judges. “This raises serious questions about who these men are and what, if any, security clearance they may have. The fact that the perpetrators of the assault felt safe enough to commit these crimes inside a police station while the victims of the assault feared for their lives highlights the crisis within the SAPS,” stated the DA Member of Parliament, Andrew Whitfield. Whitefield also said that the DA had also written to the National Police Commissioner, General Kehla Sitole, requesting an urgent investigation to identify and “arrest this violent gang and to determine whether they have any connections to the SAPS. The National Police Commissioner must also launch an internal investigation into the lack of action by the SAPS members and the refusal to

Phalaborwa watch as water is wasted ■ Billy Sibuyi

The park in Tambotie Road, right across from the Green School in Phalaborwa, has clean water leaking from one of the pipes in the park which is flooding a great portion of the area. While most residents are forced to make do with sporadic supply, or no water at all, for days on end, potable water leaks like this continue to waste the precious resource right under the nose of the municipality. Residents who often walk through the park have told Bulletin that the pipe has been leaking for over three weeks and the municipality was aware of it. The spokesperson, Jonas Mahesu, when contacted for a comment by Bulletin, requested that we sent him an email so that the Municipal Manager could comment on our enquiry. Bulletin has since sent an email and at the time of going to print, had not

received a comment from the municipality. While some residents have enjoyed an abundance of water, others have not, and now the latter are distressed by water wastage due to dilapidated water pipes, as well as leaking pipes across the town as they sit for days without a single drop. According to some residents, they have seen an increase in water wastage since the beginning of the month and municipal employees tasked to deal with the water issues were well aware of it. “I have a leak outside my house for the last three months and the municipality drive past here daily. At least I have water, and the leak is not being charged to my meter, so I will not complain much,” stated Maritz Bouer. Bouer said the water wastage is caused by the municipality’s lack of care and neglect. “All they care about is looting our money and sleeping un-

der the trees instead of fixing the problem.” For the past few months, water from several streets has been overflowing and getting wasted daily across Phalaborwa and some other residents say they do not understand why the municipality is allowing water to be wasted while to this very day, residents in some parts of town are without running water for more than two days at a time. The water problem in Phalaborwa is bigger than the municipality, as it evidently shows they do not have the capacity to deal with it nor to admit that they need help from other entities. This is the same municipality that is currently under investigation by the Hawks for tender irregularities, and the same Mayor who last month blame shifted her controversial bursary decision onto her spokesperson whom she claimed had misrepresented her in a media statement.

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mainly, the Eastern Cape, Western Cape, Mpumalanga, and the Northern Cape. Van Rensburg started his trip at Minefield Shell Hole in Phalaborwa and has been on the road ever since with a stock of Sunflower Fund buffs which he is selling at R30 per buff to the public to raise money. “If you wish to make a company/business donation to the Sunflower Fund, take note that they can issue a 18A Receipt for your TAX purposes, and motorcyclists are more than welcome to join me in their cities should they see me,” concluded van Rensburg.

Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 29/03/2021

Tzaneen 100.7%

Ebenezer 95.7%

Merensky 102.5%

Dap Naude 101.6%

Middel Letaba 12.2%

Blyde Rivier Poort 100.9%

Klaserie 103.8%

Tours 100%

Vergelegen 101.6%

Magoebaskloof 100.9%





2 April 2021


“Gaan kerk toe, los die dop” – Nuwe inperkings ■ Joe Dreyer Die staatspresident het Dinsdagnag aan die volk gesê dat drankwinkels oor die komende Paasnaweek gesluit sal bly maar dat meer mense sal kerk toe mag gaan. President Cyril Ramaphosa het tydens sy jongste toespraak oor die regering se Covid-afsonderingsregulasies gesê dat alle drankwinkels verbied sal word om enige alkohol van Vrydag tot Maandag aan die publiek te verkoop. Hy het oomblikke later egter aangekondig dat restuarante, kroeë en shebeens wel oop sal mag bly tot net voor die middernag aandklokreël in werking tree. Suid-Afrika bly steeds op vlak 1 van die afsonderingsregulasies met slegs ‘n paar veranderinge wat gemaak is na konsultasies met verskeie belangegroepe in die aanloop tot die langnaweek. Klaarblyklik het verskeie geloofsgroepe versoeke aan die regering gerig dat byeenkomste oor hierdie naweek toegelaat moet word. Die regering het ook besluit om die getal mense wat by hierdie samekomste toegelaat sal word, van 250 tot 500 te vermeerder. Ander veranderings sluit in dat die huidige aanklokreël van 00:00 tot 04:00 steeds van krag is en dat alle publieke parke, strande en damme oop sal bly. Dit is nie op hierdie tydstip bekend of die Tzaneen Munisipaliteit al besluit het hoe hulle Jetty 3 gaan hanteer, aangesien hulle van mening is dat daar nie genoeg mannekrag beskikbaar is om dié gewilde terrein weer vir

die belastingbetalers beskikbaar te stel nie. Die parkie wat onwettig ingekamp is sal wel oop wees. Sonder die nodige sekuriteit by die hek wat blykbaar net deur die munisipaliteit oop gesluit kan word. Intussen sal daar niks aan die hordes minderjarige suipers wat elke naweek deur taxis by die damwal afgelaai word, gedoen word nie. Die plaaslike hengelaars en skibootklublede sal ook steeds hul bote vanaf die damwal moet loods. Die President het duidelik probeer om die publiek gerus te stel dat daar genoeg entstof besikbaar sal wees om 41 miljoen landsburgers teen die gevreesde Koronavirus in te ent en het gedurende sy toespraak herhaaldelik die Afrika Unie en die Suid-Afrikaanse regering vir hul ywer geprys. Volgens hom sal daar teen die middel van April ‘n sisteem in plek gesit word wat dit sal moontlik maak om vir die inenting te registreer. Daar is ook meer as 2 000 inentingstasies regoor die land opgerig en elke persoon wie die entstof ontvang het, sal ‘n sertifikaat as bewyse ontvang. In sy toespraak het Ramaphosa niks van die R500 miljard wat verlede jaar spoorloos verdwyn het, genoem nie. Hy het egter elke privaat instansie gemaan om deel te word van die regering se inentingsplan en het Vodacom geprys vir die hoeveelheid finansiële ondersteuning wat hulle reeds in die verspreiding van entstowwe deur Afrika besteë het. Hy het afgesluit deur te sê dat die regering die Paasnaweek sal dophou en na afloop daarvan, die regulasies sal hersien.

Smouse vee gatte aan bywette af ■ Joe Dreyer Die Tzaneen munisipaliteit (GTM) se Verkeersdepartement het verlede week tydens ‘n skoonmaakoperasie deur die middedorp, drie vragmotor hout en plastiekseiltjies van die sypadjies af verwyder en in ‘n oop stuk veld op ‘n stapel aan die brand gesteek. Dit nadat die onwettige straatsmouse langs Danie Joubertstraat wééreens hul stalletjies onwettig op die sypadjies en voor die ingange van winkelsentrums opgerig het. Tenspyte van die munisipaliteit se belofte om streng teen hierdie onwettigheid op te tree, is die situasie bloot gelos om te eskaleer tot die punt waar sommige kettingwinkels oorweeg het om hul deure te sluit mits die smouse verwyder word. Danie Joubertstraat is egter nie die hoofknelpunt vir inwoners van Tzaneen nie. Die 29 onwettige houtstalasies wat soos sampioene langs die R71 hoofweg verby die Tzaneen Lifestyle Sentrum opgespring het, is jare lank reeds ‘n doring in die inwoners se vlees. En dit is ‘n doring wat die munisipaliteit duidelik nie kan verwyder nie. Na afloop van die middedorp skoonmaak sessie, het die GTM-skoonmaakgroep opgeruk R71 toe en begin om die stalletjies een vir een met ‘n trekker laaigraaf (TLB) af te breek. Tydens hierdie aksie is daar op twee plakkershutte afgekom waarin groepe mans geslaap en selfs op ‘n oopvuur kos gemaak het. Hierdie plakkershutte is agter die vrugte stalletjies verskuil en is nie van die pad af sigbaar nie. Van die bewoners van hierdie plakkershutte het aggressief geraak en op die TLB gespring om die werkers te verjaag. Plaaslike sekuriteitsmaatskappye, die polisie en die Tzaneen Buurtwag is deur hierdie joernalis ontbied en oomblikke later is die situasie ontlont en die verwyderings kon voort gaan. Al die stalletjies is vernietig en een man is inhegtenis geneem. Om middernag daardie selfde aand, kort nadat die GTM se span onttrek en die sekerheidsgroepe afgestaan het, is daar deur inwoners langs die R71 gemerk hoe die smouse weer begin om stalletjies aanmekaar te slaan en op te rig. Met sonsopkoms die volgende dag is meer as 15 stalletjies weer langs die R71 gemerk. Motoriste het wéér gestop om die vrugte te koop en dit was asof daar geensins enige verwyderings etlike ure voor dit plaas gevind het nie. Ons het vrae aan die munisipale segsman, Neville Ndlala, gerig en wou vasstel wat die pad vorentoe teen opsigte van hierdie onwettige, en dus kriminele, aktiwiteite is. Ons het hom gevra waar die meer as 50 mense wat hierdie stalletjies beman, toilet toe gaan aangesien daar geensins ablusieblokke enige plek langs die hoofroete opgerig is nie. Ons wou ook weet waarom hierdie mense nie beboet word nie, en hoekom die munisipaliteit nie hul eie bywette met toewyding en volharding afdwing nie. Teen druktyd het ons egter, na verwagting, geen terugvoering hieroor ontvang nie.

Taxi drivers save GTM truck ■ Roelof de Jonge

There is the unfortunate generalisation of taxi drivers being inconsiderate. This generalization has merit in most instances, but on Tuesday this week three taxi drivers changed this perspective when they came to save the day. A waste removal truck of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM) was on site at the Westfalia pack house at Politsi when flames were noticed bellowing out from under the right side of the truck. According to Eugene Schutte of GTM’s waste removal department, the truck was inside the premises of Westfalia to collect waste. The driver of the truck immediately drove the truck out of the premises to prevent possible damage to the site in the event that the situation escalated. Once the truck was outside the premises, three taxi drivers stopped without hesitation to assist the GTM workers to

douse the flames with their own extinguishers which they cary in their taxis in accordance to the law. The three taxi drivers visited the office of GTM’s waste department the following day where their details were taken, so that the municipality can replace their fire extinguishers. “This is really a positive story to tell. These three drivers certainly changed the perspective that all taxi drivers are selfish and irresponsible road users. These guys stopped to genuinely help, and I would like to help change the perception that all taxi drivers are bad road users”, said Schutte. “Once the fire was noticed at the site, it was best thought to get the truck out as quickly as possible to prevent any possible damages to Westfalia’s property. We have since established the cause of the fire which turned out to be an electrical fault.” The names of the three drivers were not made public as they preferred anonymity.

Members of the Tzaneen Fire Department are busy doing a final inspection to make sure that the fire is properly extinguished.


2 April 2021





Minister remains mum on alleged TERS fraud ■ Billy Sibuyi

The Minister of Employment and Labour, Thulas Nxesi, is accused of refusing to report on the outcome of the disciplinary hearings for seven Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) officials who were implicated in Temporary Employee/Employer Relief Scheme (TERS) fraud. More than a month has lapsed since the seven had a disciplinary hearing and according to Dr Michael Cardo, the DA spokesperson for employment and labour, Nxesi should demonstrate that there are going to be serious consequences for UIF officials guilty of misconduct. The disciplinary hearings followed a recommendation by the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) that charges be brought against three senior- and four middle managers for contravening supply chain management regulations relating to the payout of the TERS benefit. According to Cardo the SIU investigation itself followed findings by

the Auditor-General that, among other things, the UIF had paid R30 million to people with invalid ID numbers, over R40 million to state employees who were ineligible for the TERS benefit, as well as large sums to prisoners and the deceased. “Members of the UIF’s suspended top brass, including the Commissioner and the chief financial officer, have been sitting at home on full pay since last year September at a combined monthly cost of R450 551,39,” stated Cardo on statement. “Meanwhile, thousands of workers are still struggling to get their TERS benefits as the UIF’s systems are closed until 1 April due to financial year-end.” “Last month, at a meeting of the Portfolio Committee on Employment and Labour, MPs were told that charge sheets had been compiled and handed to the implicated officials. Furthermore, presiding officers and prosecutors had been appointed for disciplinary hearings which were scheduled to take place from 19 February 2021 to 26 February 2021,” stated Cardo.

Cardo said that when he submitted a parliamentary question to Minister Nxesi asking for information on the officials appearing at the disciplinary hearings, their designations, the charges against them, and the names of the presiding officers and prosecutors, Nxesi refused to answer, claiming that the information requested was “highly sensitive in nature and possibly prejudicial to the officials”. Cardo said that the refusal by Nxesi to answer him, constituted a dereliction of duty on the Minister’s part and that “There is no reason for him to shy away from accountability and transparency on the matter”. “He owes it to the workers, many of whom have borne the brunt of the UIF’s ineptitude, to play open cards and demonstrate that there are going to be serious consequences for UIF officials guilty of malfeasance”, stated Cardo. “The DA therefore challenges the Minister to make this information publicly available as a matter of urgency,” concluded Cardo.

Limpopo: the failed state Waar presies word ■ Joe Dreyer

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in Limpopo is deeply concerned by the sustainability and consistent underperformance of the Province’s State Owned Entities (SOE). This bleak synopsis of SOE’s is contained in a Limpopo Legislature report on the financial status and sustainability of State Owned Entities in Limpopo. The report aimed to determine whether the Limpopo provincial entities were delivering on their mandate of economic growth and enterprise development, whether revenue collection was commensurate to human resource salaries and if the entities were managing their own finances adequately. In Limpopo the five SOE’s, Limpopo Economic Development Agency (LEDA), Limpopo Gambling Board (LGB), Limpopo Tourism Agency (LTA), Gateway Airport Authority Limited (GAAL), and Road Agency Limpopo (RAL) were primarily established for the purpose of driving the provincial economy and development. The report outlines that most of these SOE’s have been running at a loss and rely on government grants for survival and this has had a negative impact of the economic growth and development of Limpopo. LEDA is a schedule 3D entity that should be self-sufficient but is at the centre of the failure of SOE’s to be sustainable. It has numerous subsidiaries and joint ventures such as Great North Transport (GNT), Corridor Mining Resources (CMR), Limpopo Connexion, Risima Housing Corporation, and most of these are serial underperformers or on the brink of collapse. Currently (March 2021) LEDA only has a debt collection rate of 12%, while CMR, New Era and

GNT have achieved a 0%, -4.6% and –26% Return on Investment respectively. CMR has a -1011% Net Profit percentage, New Era has a -51.5% Net Profit percentage while GNT has -R106.6 million net profit. GAAL is also expected to generate its own revenue as a schedule 3D entity but has failed to do so and has become dependent on government to keep afloat. The report outlines that the entity had cash flow challenges due to high debtor impairments and highlighted the reliance on equitable share when GAAL should be self-sustainable. RAL which is mandated to oversee the delivery of roads in the province has been a colossal failure in fulfilling its mandate. In 2018/19 financial year its expenditure (R2.25 billion) exceeded revenue (R1.417 billion) resulting in a deficit of R832.7 million and irregular expenditure of R944.7 million. The reports highlights RAL as a financial liability and risk to the provincial fiscus. It is clear that the Limpopo SOE’s are not sustainable in their current configuration, many are largely failing to meet their mandates as well as manage their own finances adequately and have ineffective boards. The consistent bailing out of entities like RAL, GAAL, CMR and GNT that continue to underperform is detrimental and simply an unacceptable use of funds meant to develop the province and provide services. The DA believes it is time Premier Chupu Mathabatha and the Limpopo Provincial Government takes a decision to stop bankrolling failed SOE’s, and consider restructuring or other alternatives such as public private partnerships, closure of failing entities/subsidiaries and the dissolution of ineffective boards.

daar gate gevul, GTM?

‘n Voetganger staan in die middel van een van die slaggate wat reg voor ‘n inwoner se ingang na sy huis in Minitzanistraat gevorm het.

■ Roelof de Jonge Die gewone verskonings wat deur plaaslike munisipaliteite gebruik word vir die talle slaggate in en om hul dorpies, begin bietjie dik vir ‘n daler te raak vir inwoners van Tzaneen, Phalaborwa en Letsitele wanneer die slaggate aangemeld word. Volgens een van die inwoners in Minitzanistraat, is van die slaggate al daar sedert Augustus 2020. Met vanjaar se groot reëns, het hierdie slaggate intussen ontaard in miniatuur kraters wat daagliks voor die oog groter word. ‘n Huiseienaar in dié straat het gesê dat selfs sy motorfiets se uitlaatstelsel deur een van die slaggate, wat reg voor sy hek gevorm het, beskadig was. Hy het wel die slaggate by ‘n sekere ‘William’ by die GTM aangemeld, en daar is vir hom gesê dat die GTM na die problem sal omsien. “Die William man het my ook ingelig dat hy op verlof was, maar hy sou die probleem met die waarnemende hoof van ingeneurswese opneem.” Daar het niks daarvan gekom nie. Een van die ander inwoners in Minitzanistraat het klaarblyk genoeg gehad vir die GTM se ewige leë beloftes en flou verskonings, en het een van die gate teenaan ‘n spoedhobbel met klippe

toegestop. Maar dit is nie werklik ‘n oplossing vir die probleem nie, want met die volgende swaar reënbui gaan dit ‘n gemors afgee. Afgesien van voertuig-eienaars wat skade lei, hou dit ook ‘n gevaar in vir voetgangers en veral skoolkinders wat Minitzanistraat as ‘n roete gebruik. Motorbestuurders gebruik die sypaadtjie om vir die gate uit te swaai, wat lewensgevaarlike omstandighede vir voetgangers skep. “Daar het al twee keer amper baie lelike ongelukke hier plaas gevind toe motors vir mekaar en die slaggate moes uitswaai en amper in ‘n groep kinders in gery het. Minitzanistraat is maar ‘n enkele geval van die strate van Tzaneen wat besig is om al hoe meer agteruit te gaan, en dit wil voorkom of die GTM se jarelange versuim om geld aan infrakstruktuur te spandeer besig is om dié munisipaliteit al hoe vinniger in te haal. Net verlede maand het die GTM ‘n persverklaring uitgestuur wat deur ander plaaslike media wyd verkondig is, waarin hulle belowe om na die paaie in die dorp om te sien. In daardie persverklaring het die GTM belowe dat hulle besig was om die magdom slaggate te vul. Klaarblyklik het hulle padspan op Orighstad met die padwerke begin en sal hulle heel waarskynlik in 2025 op Tzaneen se infrastruktuur kan begin fokus.

Ook in Minitzanistraat: ‘n Inwoner staan op die rand van nóg ‘n slaggat wat met sand en klip opgevul is.





2 April 2021



2 April 2021



Dié bergfietsryer gee nooit op nie



Vossies ingestel vir skietseisoen ■ Roelof de Jonge

Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het op Saterdag die 27ste Maart aan die tweede Limpopo virtuele skietbyeenkoms deelgeneem. Die eerste kompetisie was reeds vroeër vanjaar deur die Hoërskool Piet Potgieter aangebied. Skuts van ondermeer die Hoërskool

Ben Vorster, Pietersburg Piet Potgieter, Louis Trichardt en NEOS Christen Skool op Thabazimbi het almal afsondelik op hul eie skietbane aan die virtuele kompetisie deelgeneem. Die uitslae sal eersdaags amptelik bevestig word en beskikbaar gestel word op ‘n landswye platform. Elke skool was genoodsaak om ‘n onafhanklike

baanoffisier aan te stel sodat die kompetisie volgens die Suid-Afrikaanse Skole Skutters-Unie se reëls kon plaasvind. Die eerste ampetelike kompetisie sal op Saterdag die 10de April by die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se skietbaan aangebied word en al die Limpopo-skole se deelnemende skietspanne word hier op Tzaneen verwag.

Anke Rood

■ Roelof de Jonge Anke Rood, ‘n gr.9 leerling van die Hoërskool Merensky, het op Saterdag die 27ste Maart haar skool se leuse, “’n Plasie gaan lê nooit, weliswaar gestand gedoen. Rood het Saterdag die 27ste Maart aan die tweede rondte van die Suid-Afrikaanse Cup XCO bergfietswedren by Thaba Trails in Gauteng deelgeneem. Sy het in die afdeling vir jeug vroue meegeding. Tydens die oefensessie op die vorige dag het Rood egter behoorlik met die aarde kennis gemaak wat haar met ‘n aantal kneusplekke en seer spiere gelaat het. Rood was egter vasberade om die wedren aan te pak. Te midde van haar beserings en die strawwe teenstand, het Rood steeds daarin geslaag om die wedren in haar afdeling in die sesde plek te voltooi. Rood is tans besig om voor te berei vir die tweede rondte van die Limpopo XCO wat op 24ste April op Louis Trichard aangebied gaan word.

Hier is die skuts van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster wie Saterdag die 27ste Maart aan ‘n virtuele skietkompetisie deelgeneem het. Voor is Schalk van Niekerk, Mia du Plooy, Lineze Potgieter en Dreyer van Heerden. Agter is Tiard Thompson, Zander Engelbrecht, Zander Rossouw en Semilda van Hansen. Foto’s: Verskaf

Clean set for Hendricks at Lim trials ■ Roelof de Jonge

Anke Rood

Byron Hendricks

Byron Hendricks from Merensky High School received his provincial tennis colours for a fourth consecutive year. This aspirant tennisplayer is now setting his eyes for the national tournament. Hendricks who is in gr.9, competed at the Limpopo Schools Tennis trials on Saturday the 27th of March in Polokwane in order to qualify for the South African Schools Tennis Torunament. This tourney is set to take place in August in Pretoria.

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2 April 2021


TZN se Varswater lewer net die beste vangste ■ Roelof de Jonge

Callie Buitendag het tydens Letsitele Varswater Hengelklub se jaarlikse prysuitdeling informeel bietjie die vislyn nat gemaak en hierdie ‘grote’ uitgetrek. Die klub doen ‘n beroep op junior seuns om by die sportsoort betrokke te raak. Foto’s: Roelof de Jonge

Die Letsitele Varswater Hengelklub wat seersekerlik een van die mees gevestigste klubs in hierdie omgewing is, het Saterdag die 27ste Maart sy jaarlikse prysuitdeling gehou. En soos met talle ander sportsoorte het hengel ook swaar gebuk gegaan onder die Covid-19 grendeltyd. Dit het egter nie die gemoedere van hierdie klub se hengelaars of hul passie vir hengel geblus nie. Wat wel vir die klub se voorsitter, Chrizel du Plessis, kommerwekkend is, is die feit dat daar geen toekenning was vir die Junior Seuns Hengelaar nie. Dit is bloot oor die feit dat daar geen deelnames deur seuns hengelaars meer is nie. Die klub se voorsitter het die afname in belangstelling toegeskryf aan die hedendaagse tegnologie soos tablette en ander elektroniese speletjies wat aanduiof dit die jong manne se aandag aflok. Sy het egter ‘n beroep op seuns gedoen om hierdie sport te beoefen en sodoende dit vir toekomstige generasies te bewaar. Wallie van Dyk het die klub se toptoekenning, Hengelaar van die Jaar, ontvang. Dié gesoute hengelaar was ook die voorste visserWallie van Dyk van Letsitele Varswater Hengelklub is die Hengelaar van die man op die klub se Top Jaar sowel as die Senior Mans Hengelaar van die Jaar. 10 lys en het ook die Senior Mans Hengelaar toekenning agter sy naam geskryf.

Hierdie is Letsitele Varswater Hengelklub se Top 10 hengelaars vir 2020. Van links is Jodie, Jurgens en Jannie Spaumer, Susan Nel, Wouter van Dyk, Werner van Dyk, Ferdie Osmers, Hennie du Plessis, Carl Benedetti en Wallie van Dyk.

Selfs die klub se vroue- en meisieshengelaars het ook gewys dat hul heel behendig met die visgerei is en het selfs van die mans deelnemers se oë laat rek met van die grotes wat aan hulle vishoeke gebyt het. Susan Nel het die toekenning vir die Senior Dames Hengelaar van die Jaar ontvang. Die Junior Meisies Hengelaar van die Jaar was aan Carlize Benedetti oorhandig. Hier is Letaba Varswater Hengelklub se Top 10 hengelaars vir 2020: 1. Wallie van Dyk 2. Carl Benedetti 3. Hennie du Plessis 4. Ferdie Osmers 5. Werner van Dyk 6. Wouter van Dyk 7. Susan Nel 8. Jannie Spaumer 9. Jurgens Spaumer 10. Jodie Spaumer. Die klub se Lojaalste Hengelaar was Ferdie Osmers en die prys vir die Grootste Kurper het aan Vanessa van Rooyen behoort. Werner van Dyk het met die prys vir die Grootste Karp weggestap. Die prys vir die Grootste Swart Bars was deur Jurgens Spaumer ingepalm met Willie du Plessis wie die prys vir die Grootste Barber opgeraap het. Vanjaar het Letsitele Varswater Hengelklub vir die eerste keer ‘n Presidentstoekenning bekend gestel. Dit gaan aan die klublid wie agter die skerms die reelings tref en daardie ekstra myl stap. Die klub se stigter en voormalige voorsitter, Hennie du Plessis, het met die gedagte vorendag gekom om ‘n lid met hierdie toekenning te beloon. Die eerste ontvanger van hierdie toekenning is die klub se voorsitter, Chrizel du Plessis, wie se ontbaatsugtige tyd en opofferings nie ongesiens gegaan het nie. Dié voorsitter het ‘n beroep op mense en veral junior seuns gedoen om by die klub aan te sluit. Daar is tans sowat 14 huisgesinne by hierdie klub aktief betrokke.

Wallie van Dyk (Hengelaar van die Jaar), Susan Nel (Senior Dames Hengelaar) en Carlize Benedetti (Junior Meisies Hengelaar).

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Sport 2 April 2021

Reds trumped Blues between wickets ■

Merensky captain, Louis Botha

Roelof de Jonge It was the Red and Blue derby this past Saturday with the Firsts and u/15 cricket teams from Tzaneen’s two local high schools, Ben Vorster and Merensky, taking each other on in friendly matches. This time however, the Reds took the win in both clashes leaving the Blues with a score to settle when they meet again on the 10th of April. Both school’s teams compete under club structures, because the Department of Education’s illogical regulations determined that schools sports were not allowed to be played, but club cricket was given the go-ahead. For this reason, schools including Ben Vorster, Merensky and Pietersburg High registered as clubs or academies. If the schools must wait for the day the Department of Education gives them the green light to resume play, the 2021 cricket season will be long gone, and with it, the dreams of any young cricket stars who may have been noticed by top selectors. The First teams faced off between the wickets at Buffalo Park while the young-up-andcomings matched up on the Plasiepark oval. The lack of play, or the absence from the pitch by the youngsters from both schools was clearly noticeable in the first few overs, but once they gained traction it was game on despite one or two needing treatment next to the field for cramps and heat exhaustion. In the First team clash Ben Vorster won the toss and elected to send Merensky in to bat first in this 50

Ruan Paulse with Merensky fielder Marais Botha

overs limited clash. The bowlers of the red buffaloes were on song and limited the visiting batsmen to 231 runs, all out, after 43.5 overs. Ben Vorster’s player Ruan Paulse had a field day in the bowling department and claimed five of the Merensky batting scalps for just 49 runs in his 8.5 overs. Fellow bowler Ruben Vosloo was also on form and claimed two wickets for 26 runs in 10 overs. Merensky struggled to form any marketable batting partnerships through the regular loss of wickets at the start of their innings. The mainstay batsman for the Blues was Hendrik Botes who was just three runs shy of a half century and departed the field on 47 runs. In reply, the Reds batsmen wasted no time as they launched their assault to chase down the Merensky target. They surpassed the target after 44.1 overs, posting 235 runs for the loss of just five wickets. Zack Duvenage and Ruan Paulse were especially troublesome for the visiting bowlers with some spectacular drives around the park. Duvenage was the main contributor for his side’s win with 87 runs not out. Fellow batsmen, Paulse kept the scoreboard ticking over consistently with his knock that contributed 50 runs from 52 balls. Ben Vorster won this match with five wickets intact. In the junior match up at Plasiepark the hosts batted first and were bundled out for 151 runs. Merensky’s batsman, Christo van Niekerk, proved to be the most stubborn wicket for the Vossies bowlers to claim with his contribution of 36 runs. Ben Vorster’s bowler, Nzalama Mushwana, caused all kinds of headaches for the Plasie-batsmen by taking five wickets for 22 runs in eight overs. The weekend after the Easter weekend will be one not to miss as both the Blues teams will be seeking retribution as their neighbours prepare to defend their streak . As always, Bulletin will be right next to the action to keep our readers updated.

Tristan Burglas

a Vossie bowler in disbelief after a stolen run.

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