7 May 2021
015 306 0198 • 072 930 1462 • 064 650 7123 R5
Rural areas:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS
POLITICS WON’T FIX THIS WE DON’T USE WORDS The GTM’s Traffic Department last week Thursday removed the two beggars at the intersection at Lifestyle Centre. The following day they were back. A week later and Lucky can still be seen pretending to pass out from hunger on his knees in an effort to get motorists to give him money. It has been 26 years and the politicians in this country have done nothing to prevent scenes like these. Politics and those who practice it, suffers from selective amnesia. Photo: Roelof de Jonge
Pule Mabe’s tuk-tuks under investigation
President Cyril Ramaphosa this week finally gave the order for the Special Investigations Unit to look into the controversial former parliamentarian from Namakgale and the plan to introduce three-wheelers into the garbage removal systems of municipalities cross-country. Bulletin first reported on this matter back in 2019. Read the follow up inside on page 3.
7 May 2021
Kgoshi Makatikele Malatji laid to rest Personeel | Personnel Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Office: 064 650 7123 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040
Drukker/Printer: Novus Print Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 Bemarking / Marketing Chrizelle Dreyer 082 628 4181 Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan
Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi Letsitele • Gravelotte • Lenyenye • Nkowankowa Phalaborwa • Hoedspruit
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Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: Briewe/Letters: Sport: Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: Copyright © 2021 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.
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Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 082 679 0720 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
■ Billy Sibuyi Kgoshi Makatikele Andries Malatji of the Makushane Kingdom in Phalaborwa died this week after he was rushed from his home in Hoedspruit to Tintswalo Hospital in Acornhoek on Saturday, the 1st of May. Kgoshi Makhushane (59) of the Ba-Phalaborwa Traditional Authority, was the leader of the tribal communities of Mashishimale, Maseke, Selwane, and a part of Majeje. He was a direct descendent of Kgoshi Brown and was throned in 1998 as the 28th Kgoshi of Ba-Phalaborwa ba Makushane following the death of his father, Kgosi Brown. Throughout his 23 year-reign he was a strong advocate for preserv-
ing the future of the youth as he took it upon himself to pay the tuition fees of top achieving learners within his kingdom and also served in various structures, including the structure of Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa, and was a board member of Maphutha Malatji Hospital. It is not clear who among his children will succeed him, as this is something the Malatji royal family will be expected to advise on. The MEC for Cooperative governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs, Basikopo Makamu, sent his condolences to the family of Kgoshi Makushane. He, along with the Ba-Phalaborwa Mayor, Merriam Malatjie, and Mopani District Mu-
nicipality Mayor, Pule Shayi, said that they were saddened by the passing of the senior traditional leader as the community at large were still expecting a lot from him since his inauguration. According to a member of the Royal Family, Dimitrus Mogoboya Malatji, the mourning period for the late Kgosi will be six months and during that time no loud music or drums may be played, no initiation schools will operate, and according to their culture, married couples are not permitted to fight during the mourning period. There will be a memorial service on the 12th of May from 11:00 to 14:00, and his burial will be on Saturday, the 15th of May.
Kgoshi Makatikele Malatji
SANPARKS signs deal with royals
The ‘Rhino court’ sentences two
■ Billy Sibuyi
■ Billy Sibuyi
The South African National Parks (SANParks) signed a momentous Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Makahane-Marithenga family, who are believed to be the direct descendants of the royal inhabitants of Thulamela. The memorandom was signed on Monday, the 3rd of May. The royal inhabitants of Thulamela are one of the oldest kingdoms of Southern Africa and was situated in the north-eastern part of South Africa near the South African border with Zimbabwe and Mozambique in the Limpopo Province. This area is also known as the Pafuri area of the Kruger National Park and sits next to the Levuvhu River, which flows into the Limpopo River. Speaking at the sidelines of the signing ceremony, SANParks CEO, Fundisile Mketeni, said that the family has over the years treated the Thulamela site as an especially important and sacred place where they would occasionally visit to perform rituals “and to appease the spirit of the ancestors. “It is for this reason that we view this signing as a right move in recognizing the rights of indigenous and traditional people whose ancestors inhabited today’s protected areas and must be respected by promoting and allowing full participation
and cooperation in management of cultural heritage resources,” stated Mketeni. “This collaboration will not only boost the conservation objectives and management of the cultural heritage of the Thulamela Iron Age site in the Kruger National Park but is also a necessary part of preserving the tangible and intangible spiritual attributes that brings out the site’s sense of place and a sense of belonging for the family, communities and visitors alike”. The archaeological evidence from the Thulamela Iron Age site shows links between the site and the Great Zimbabwe Ruins site suggesting that the site was built and occupied by a community that came from Great Zimbabwe. “There is also proof that the occupants of ancient Thulamela may have traded with the East or at least traded with other communities that traded with the East as Chinese porcelain was also discovered,” stated Mketeni, “This MoU formalizes the cooperation between SANParks and the Makahane- Marithenga community. Among the issues provided for in the agreement is sharing of information that would assist in improving site interpretation and involvement of nominated community members in site conservation activities when such opportunities arise,” stated SANParks in a statement shared with Bulletin.
Makahane Mou Signing
The newly reopened Skukuza Regional court has again proved to be a game-changer in ensuring wildlife criminals are put behind bars. The court which boasts a 100% rhino poaching conviction rate, had not been operational for over a year, until just last month, due to a legal battle waged by the Mpumalanga Regional Court’s president, Naomi Engelbrecht, who sought to have it closed and its cases transferred to the Mhala Court in Thulamahashe, Bushbuckridge. Since this inexplicable decision caused its doors to remain closed for more than a year, the park saw an increase in rhino poaching. After its reopening, the court has had its hands full with arrests of suspected poachers occurring almost every week. On Wednesday this week, the court sentenced two men from Belfast near Mkhuhlu, Hazyview, for suspected poaching related offences in the Kruger National Park. According to Monica Nyuswa, the Regional Spokesperson for DPP Mpumalanga, the offences occurred
in two separate incidents but were finalized by the same court. Emmanuel Mdluli (33) was sentenced to 16 years imprisonment for trespassing, possession of obliterated firearm, possession of ammunition, and conspiracy to commit crimes in Skukuza. Meanwhile Anthony Mokoena (34) was sentenced to four years imprisonment for trespassing. According to Nyuswa, on the 30th of January 2016, Mdluli and his two accomplices were apprehended by the rangers whilst they were walking inside the Kruger National Park in the Stolznek Section. “They pointed their firearms at the rangers, who retaliated and killed one,” stated Nyuswa. Mdhuli and his other accomplice were then arrested as they were found in possession of a prohibited obliterated firearm. Nyuswa said that the two were granted bail, but the one suspect has since disappeared, leaving Mdhuli to face the music alone. In the second case, Mokoena was arrested in June 2015 after he was found in the Pretoriuskop section without a permit by the rangers.
Still no justice ■ Billy Sibuyi
Still no justice was meted against the 14 arrested members of the Ba-Phalaborwa Community Forum (BCF) who were arrested during the first of two terror-like riots which brought the Phalaborwa community to a stand still and caused millions in damages and loss of income to Palabora Copper Mine (PMC). The suspects, which included their leader, were arrested for destroying portions of the infrastructure on the mine and even stealing computer equipment during their protest against a new contractor appointed on the mine. The group believed that the new contractor was not favouring locals for employment. As per usual, a large group of BCF supporters flocked to the Phalaborwa Magistrate’s court to support
Stand van Damme Dam Levels
their arrested members who at the time were out on bail of R500 each. The conditions of their bail included that they report to their nearest police station every week, do not intimidate witness, and that they should not engage in other public violence. The 14 arrested suspects in this matter all faced charges of trespassing, arson, malicious damage to property, and public violence. Their cases were again postponed to the 18th of June 2021 for further police investigations. Shortly after this group was arrested by Phalaborwa police, a second round of riots flared up which completely halted business in Phalaborwa for a week. The BCF closed off all entry and exit routes to and from Phalaborwa town in a siege that only ended when PMC management agreed to meet with the group again.
Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: Information updated: 03/05/2021
Tzaneen 100.8%
Ebenezer 100.4%
Merensky 102.3%
Dap Naude 104.3%
Middel Letaba 11%
Blyde Rivier Poort 100.4%
Klaserie 102.3%
Tours 99.7%
Vergelegen 101.6%
Magoebaskloof 100.6%
7 May 2021
“Hierdie was nie ‘n kansvatter nie, hy kon skiet”
Die bakkie waarin die twee mans gery het ten tye van die aanval is deurboor met automatiese masjiengeweer patrone. Twee van die nege patrone het die drywer skrams getref. Foto’s: Joe Dreyer
■ Joe Dreyer ‘n Avokadoeboer en sy 23-jarige seun het Maandagmiddag skuins na vyf ‘n ontmoeting met die doodsengel oorleef toe ‘n enkele gewapende man op hul voertuig losgebrand het. Volgens die man wie anoniem wil bly, was hy die middag in die dorp doenig. Sy seun en dogter was op hul plaas in die Deerpark-area bedrywig.
“My seun het my gebel en gesê hy kort mediese hulp. Hy was doenig in die skuur met ‘n elektriese slypmasjien toe die lem sy hand raak gesny het,” vertel die man. “Ek het hom gesê hy moet homself solank gaan netjies maak sodat ek hom kan gaan haal en hospitaal toe vat vir so paar steke.” Die man het by die plaashuis gestop, sy seun gelaai en dadelik weer gery. Die plaaspad vanaf die huis tot onder by die teerpad is om-en-by ‘n kilom-
Tuk-Tuks investigated ■ Joe Dreyer Pule Mabe, the spokesperson for the ANC and former member of parliament will once again be in the spotlight with his three-wheeler motorbikes. In January 2019 Bulletin ran an investigative piece on Mabe and his planned roll out of the three wheelers in various municipality’s. The plan was to use these “tuk-tuks” or “karikis” to collect recyclable garbage and transport them to a recycling plant. The motorcycles are the property of Enviro Mobi, a company linked to Mabe. On his Member of Parliament declaration of interests signed in 2016, Mabe declared himself as a director of this company. His cousin, Eulender Rakoma, and a business associate, Tinyiko Mahuntsi, now allegedly run the company after Mabe said he resigned as director. In March 2017, Enviro Mobi, entered into a multi-million contract with the Gauteng department of agriculture, environment and rural development to provide informal waste pickers and recyclers with these tuk-tuks as part of an initiative to assist the government’s waste management programme. It was reported in 2018 that the Gauteng government made a R26 million prepayment for the motorcycles which were allegedly never delivered. The provincial treasury found the contract to be unlawful and the department threatened to cancel the contract. Enviro Mobi in turn demanded R9 million from the department for storage fees for the motorcycles. Further investigations by M&G revealed that Enviro Mobi was paid R16 million just 10 days after it signed the contract with the Gauteng environmental department despite a clear directive in the service contract that there would be no prepayments. Two more payments of R9.4 million and R1.6 million were made in October 2017 and March 2018 but the tuk-tuks were not delivered. Following a tip-off, the DA Constituency Head for Limpopo at the time, Desireé van der Walt, travelled to Phalaborwa where she photographed about 30 tuk-tuks being stored in a warehouse in Von Wiellich Street. Bulletin followed the trail and discovered that the building was owned by a local businessman and was previously leased by a local funeral parlour. We also found several Bramidan B4 vertical waste balers still wrapped in plastic stored in the same warehouse along with a few generators. Bramidan is a Danish company with distributors across the world. The cost of one
of these balers is in the region of R50 000 but prices vary depending on which supplier one utilizes. In 2019 a report was compiled by Van der Walt on the matter, and issued to parliament. Bulletin sent inquiries to Jonas Mahesu, the notoriously media-shy spokesperson for the Phalaborwa municipality which to this day (two years later) have remained unanswered. This week we discovered that the motorbikes and recycling balers had been moved and were allegedly being stored in a secluded area near Makushane outside Phalaborwa. It could not be established whether these tuktuks were to be employed in the waste management system of the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality, but a reliable source has said that Mabe plans on using the three-wheelers to transport waste between Phalaborwa town and Namakgale (his birth place). Skip to 2021 and President Cyril Ramaphosa has finally given a green light to the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) to launch a probe into the three-wheeler motorbikes. The spokesperson for the SIU, Kaizer Kganyago, said that Ekurhuleni appointed Enviro Mobi on 31 October 2018 to supply a further 70 three wheeler vehicles at a contract price of R7,8 million. The aim of the probe was to determine whether the payments were made in relation to the three-wheeler collection vehicles tender, which were done in a manner that was not fair, competitive, transparent, equitable and cost effective and contrary to applicable legislation. Kganyago further said that the unit would look into whether there were any related unauthorised, irregular and fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred by the institutions or financial losses suffered by the government. “Furthermore, the SIU would investigate any irregular, improper, or unlawful conduct by contractors, employees, or officials, the suppliers, service providers or any other person or entity relations to the allegations of corruption.” The amount the SIU will probe against the contractor is R27 million which allegedly was illegally awarded to the company. Mabe known for defending the ruling party even where wrong is easily detected, if charged, will join the list of affected ANC cadres expected to step down within 30 days. Several leaders of the ANC, along with the Secretary General, Ace Magashule, are expected to vacate their positions after they were charged for corruption, or be suspended and face disciplinary measures. It has since emerged that Enviro Mobi failed a year after it was awarded the tender.
These were the tuk-tuk “karikis” photographed at a storage facility in Phalaborwa in January 2019. The vehicles have since been moved to an undisclosed location in the township of Makushane on the outskirts of Phalaborwa, a source has alleged.
eter in lengte. Daar is twee hekke, een bo, en een verder af in die pad. “Toe ons deur die eerste hek is merk altwee van ons ‘n man wat stadig langs die grensdraad op gestap kom. Ek kon sien dat die man ‘n blou “hoodie” aangehad het, maar ek het niks in sy hande gesien nie. Hy was so 600 meter van ons voertuig af. Ek het stadig gery om te sien wat aangaan en toe die man opkyk en my sien, het hy omgedraai en stadig weer af ondertoe na die hoofpad se kant begin stap. Ek het gedink dit lyk baie verdag. Hy het iets onder sy baadjie weggesteek en dit het my laat dink dat hy avo’s op my plaas kom steel het.” Die twee mans het stadig agter die man aangery tot dat hy skielik begin hardloop het. “My seun sê toe vir my die man het ‘n kierie of ‘n stok by hom en soos wat ons nader kom begin hy vinniger hardloop totdat hy oor die pad gehardloop het en in die Bloekomplantasie gaan skuiling soek het. Ons was nou so 800 meter van die huis af en steeds op my grondpad. Ek het verby gery, gestop en stadig in trurat agtertoe beweeg om te kyk of ek hom kon raaksien. My seun merk hom toe op waar hy agter ‘n boom skuiling gevat het en ek begin my venster afrol om vir die man te skree sodat hy moet hardloop. My venster was nog nie halfpad oop nie, toe die skote begin klap het.” Die gewapende man het in ‘n loopgraaf agter die eerste ry Bloekombome sy posisie ingeneem en gewag vir die voertuig om naby hom tot stillstand te kom. Toe die boer sy venster afdraai en sy kop duidelik sigbaar is, het hy op die voertuig begin vuur. Die eerste skoot het reg langs die bestuurderskant se spieëltjie kontak gemaak en is deur die voertuig se deur waar dit in die stuurkolom ingeboor en vasgesteek het. Die tweede skoot is skoot-hoogte deur die bestuurskant se deur waar dit die boer skrams geraak en sy seun in sy reeds gewonde hand getref het. “Op daardie oomblik het my opleiding ingetreë en ek het my seun platgedruk, die voertuig in tru-
rat gesit en agteruit teen die bult op terug na my huis toe gejaag. Die skote het bly klap. Ek het my oë op die gewapende man ten all tye gehou en in ‘n s-patroon agteruit gejaag sodat die voertuig soveel as moontlik stof kon opskop en om die voertuig se enjin tussen ons en die aanvaller te hou.” Die gewapende man het aanhou skiet terwyl hy agter die voertuig aangehardloop het. Van die skote het voor die voertuig in die grond ingeboor en het eers gestop toe die man se vuurwapen gestoor het. “Ek het gesien sy wapen stoor en het probeer om soveel detail oor sy gelaatstrekke te onthou terwyl ek aanhou ry het. Hy het nie omgedraai en weggehardloop nie, maar het baie kalm gelyk terwyl hy die situasie met sy wapen probeer regmaak het. Hierdie ou was nie net sommer ‘n kansvatter nie. Dit is my opinie dat hy opleiding iewers ontvang het. Hy KON skiet.” By die huis aangekom het sy dogter vir hom sy vuurwapen aangegee, nog een vir haar broer gegee en self een gevat en hulle drie het dekking binne in die huis geneem. Vandaar het hulle hul omgewing gefynkam vir enige beweging totdat die plaaswag en polisie op die toneel opgedaag het. “Toe die man se geweer stoor en hy sukkel om die probleem op te los, het ek duidelik die opslaan kolf van ‘n R5 outomatiese masjiengeweer gesien. Die doppies wat by die toneel opgetel is het my observasie bevestig.” Die gewapende man het op die vlug geslaan en polisie en sekuriteitsbeamptes het tervergeefs tot laat daardie nag vir hom in die omgewing gesoek. Hy is teen druktyd steeds op vrye voet. Die boer het ligte beserings aan sy dy en voorkop opgedoen van die skrapnel van sy voertuig se deur wat deur die patrone veroorsaak is, en sy seun het steke aan die wond op sy hand gekry. Beide is terug by die huis. Met die ondersoek is daar duidelik gemerk dat die nege rondtes wat die voertuig getref het, se trajek almal die bestuurder van die voertuig se sitplek kruis.
7 May 2021
Lifestyle therapy for your bushveld soul ■ Joe Dreyer If you live in Tzaneen, you shop in Tzaneen. And if you love shopping in Tzaneen, you likely love shopping at Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre. Officially opened in 2011, the centre is a modern architectural arcade-style centre perched atop a natural nest overlooking the beautiful farming community below. Aptly named, the centre is the smaller of the three major retail hubs in the town but boats the flagship store in Shoprite Checkers stable as their anchor on the one end and the nationally acclaimed Food Lovers Market on the other. These two giants are framed by smaller local franchises including a pharmacy, two cellular stores, major clothing brand outlets and three national restaurant chains. Blanketed by ample parking, the Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre is a popular hive for the avid shopper keen on variety without the claustrophobia associated with conventional shopping malls which are mostly designed indoors. On the 14th of November this year, Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre will enter it teenage years as they celebrate a decade as part of the community. Majority shareholders Resilient Properties, share the load with their partners Lylagenix and Fortress to ensure that the centre maintains its seamless operations, and by default the satisfaction of their
Alida Smit
General Manager Tzaneng Mall, Tzaneen Crossing and Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre
loyal clientele. A noteworthy observation is that though it currently only boasts a total of 9 263m2 of lettable retail space, which is a little over half the size of its older siblings Tzaneen Crossing and Tzaneng Mall, the Lifestyle Centre has 524 parking bays. As Operations Manager for both Tzaneng Mall, and Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre, Gustav Kriek surely has his work cut out for him, although one would be hard tasked to find fault with a man who shares his love for his calling with an energetic drive to get things done. Backed by the familiar faces of Alida Smit, the General Manager for all three the retail shopping malls in the Tzaneen stable, and Suzette Dippenaar, the centre manager and leasing administrator, local shoppers can rest assured that the future of this centre holds an ever broadening horizon of
Gert Mamtja Maintenance Worker Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre
Gustav Kriek Operations Manager Tzaneng mall and Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre
exciting possibilities. As is the case with any of the three malls, should the public have any suggestions or find themselves in a pickle related to their experience at these centres, they are welcome to contact the centre management directly on 015 307 1883.
Stanley Rammabi Maintenance worker Tzaneen lifestyle Centre
Suzette Dippenaar Centre Manager Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre and Leasing Administrator
SAMWU wants R15 000 basic ■ Joe Dreyer
While the other public sector unions were preparing to hit the streets after the government had announced that public servants will this year receive no increase, their counterparts in local government was demanding a R4 000 increase for each municipal worker, and R15 000 minimum wage for the sector. The unions warned that should their demands not be met, the local government elections will be jeopardized. The Independent Municipal and Allied Trade Union (IMATU) was not exempted. The Cosatu affiliated South African Municipal Workers Union (SAMWU) had, during a collective bargaining conference which was followed by the central executive committee meeting on the 15th and 17th of this month, resolved to finalise decisions on the bargaining work of the union and to develop a working program for salary wage negotiations. Municipal employees receive an increase at end of each July. According to a circular sent to all regional secretaries, the congress took note of the fact that collective agreements expired during the period of lockdown and this necessitated that some issues needed to be renegotiated. Therefore, all local branches should convene general meetings and report to their members and constituencies before the end of April. Thereafter leaders are expected to obtain inputs from ordinary members and give consolidated re-
ports to the regions and provinces regarding the salary negotiations and the other bargaining conference resolutions. The circular also called on local branches to convene local labour forums on the issue of danger pay and the quantum to be paid could be discussed. SAMWU demands that there be a single year wage agreement, a R4 000 salary increase for the year 2021-2022, a R15 000 minimum wage for the sector, R3 500 housing allowance across the board, an employer contribution of 80% for employee contribution towards medical aid, six months maternity leave and one month fully paid paternity leave and finally, a 25% percent contribution towards pension funds. This follows a proposal by the South African Local Government Association (SALGA) of a 2.8% increase as opposed to 6.5% that was offered last year. SALGA also proposed that the benefits that are associated with the salary increases be frozen. SALGA in a communique also proposed that there be a three-year salary increase agreement in order to maintain stability in the sector. According to SALGA, the salary and wage collective agreement expires on the 30th of June 2021 and a timetable for salary and wage negotiations has been approved thus paving the way for parties to undertake a negotiations programme to conclude a new collective agreement that will be effective as from the 1st of July 2021.
7 May 2021
No more encashment of leave days ■ Joe Dreyer The South African Municipal Workers Union (SAMWU) had to inform their members this worker’s day, that they would no longer be able to encash their eight leave days per annum. The union is upset because they believed that following the strike at the GTM’s buildings, they would be allowed to once again swap eight of their leave days, for money. A practice which, according to many of the workers was only stopped in 2018 with the appointment of the current municipal manager, Thapelo Matlala after it had been an institution for many years. A letter from SAMWU to the GTM stated, “firstly we are of the opinion that all the circulars had been withdrawn which led to the end of our strike and any differences regarding the matter were referred to the labour court for further processing. The date of the Local labour Forum was set for the 7th of April 2021 and this matter was on the agenda. Management has already
taken a decision to do away with the encashment of leave days as previously agreed, to end the strike.” The union claimed that they were still awaiting the court to rule and that nobody could predict the outcome of the court and implement anything before the decision is made. The unionists also claimed that management was wrong to implement their own decisions that would affect workers without consulting them. “Management alone cannot decide on labour matters and not involve the unions. We have agreed that every difference should be discussed at the Labour forum. We would like to caution management against not budgeting for leave days as that will have a negative outcome and the trust between the unions and management might suffer. We therefore call on the management to reconsider their decision and budget for the selling of leave days.” This came on the backdrop of the municipality announcing its Integrated Development Plan (IDP) for the year 2021/2022 where there was no mention of the encashment of leave days.
Tzaneen’s crime is on the increase ■ Joe Dreyer The police in the Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s jurisdiction have, judging by a mountain of evidence, completely lost any hold they attempted to maintain over crime – and specifically violent crime - in the area. This is evident by the rise in brazen daylight attacks on businesses and private individuals which have become the norm and largely remain as open dockets gathering dust on the desk of investigating officers. The community has for the most part lost any faith in their police. This could be attributed to several reasons; however, it is reported that manpower and the perceived lack of empathy are likely the two largest attributing factors. This past week alone there were several incidents of crime perpetrated in broad daylight. Two of the instances had favourable outcomes for the victims but were not because of police due diligence. The more serious criminal activities, however,
remain unsolved. On Sunday morning at around 08:00 the residents along Aqua Lane in Aquapark near the Macadamia retirement village awoke to the sounds of screeching tyres and small calibre gun fire. When they peered through their windows they noticed a black Ford Ranger being chased by a Mercedes. According to these witnesses the Mercedes was pursuing the Ranger. They heard five gunshots ring out followed by a slight pause and then another series of five gunshots before both vehicles sped away. The occupants of the Ranger fled towards the Tzaneen Police station while the Mercedes was spotted traveling at high speed through Georges Valley in the direction of Polokwane. Nobody was arrested and the suspects are still at large. On Monday evening a man and his son narrowly escaped death when the vehicle they were traveling in on their farm road in the Deerpark area was shot at by a single unknown shooter brandishing an auto-
matic assault rifle believed to have been an R5. No arrests have yet been made and the man is still roaming free. On Wednesday evening there was an armed robbery at a guesthouse in the Haenertsburg area. Residents reported that when the police arrived, the robbers opened fire at them which caused the police to flee the scene. The robbers nonchalantly fled with their loot. No arrests were made by the time of going to print. Bulletin has on many occasions requested a detailed ledger of all open dockets from the Tzaneen police station. We asked the same of the Limpopo Police communications department and personally requested same from the Cluster Commander, Brig-Genl Maggie Mathebula who said that we should get the information from the police commissioner as he is the only one with access. We have asked our readers to send in their open case numbers and are currently compiling a report on that, which we will again send to the police.
7 May 2021
Legals & Notices In the estate of the late MARTHA CATHARINA JACOBA LAMPRECHT Identity number 4806030105080 Master’s reference number 3063/2021, widow and who was ordinarily resident at Tzangeni Estate, Tzaneen and, who died on the 19th of January 2021. All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the undersigned within 30 days from the date of the publication hereof. Joubert & May Attorneys P O Box 35 Tzaneen Ref.: A E Rech/R15622 _________________________________
In the estate of the late MOSHAKGE NERWICK MOLOKWANE Identity number 4906215624085 Master’s reference number 2208/2021, married in community of property to SALAELO THERECIA MOLOKWANE, identity number 5812050282089 and who was ordinarily resident at Sehlakone Village, Modjadji and, who died on the 10th of January 2021. All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the undersigned within 30 days from the date of the publication hereof. Joubert & May Attorneys P O Box 35, Tzaneen Ref.: A E Rech/R15623
HobbyPrint Full Colour Work, Self-Carbonized books, Business Cards, Flyers, Calendars and more. 015 309 9382 __________________________________
Community Crisis Services 084 400 0911
Saniplas Great packaging sells your products. 060 792 7034
Roma Fuels/Roma Gass 6 Industria Street, New Industrial Area, Tzaneen 076 795 5000 __________________________________
Bearing Man Group 8C Kew Street, Tzaneen 015 307 7334/5 __________________________________
Uniwisp Fibre to the home and business. 060 739 2048/ 015 590 1200 marinda.durand@uniwisp.
Oasis Water Rentals, Refills & Deliveries 11 Plantation Road, Tzaneen 015 307 2504 079 523 5253
DASS Domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Bosch, Whirlpool, Defy etc. Repairs, spares and service. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, Tzaneen. 015 307 1798 082 898 0468
SEEFF Properties 61 Boundary Road, Tzaneen 015 307 7677 • 082 447 1512
Sikelela Skills Academy Safety assured, Training accredited. 22a Potgieter Street, Phalaborwa 015 781 6280
Wisani Burial Society 083 513 4988
Trophy Toyota 22 Botha Street, Modjadjiskloof 015 309 9258
083 628 9257 Vervoer/Transport
Steynberg Trok & Trekker. 8 Ton Trokke te huur R26.50/KM + BTW, 8 TON KOELER TROK R29/ KM + BTW, 12 TON TROK R28.50/KM + BTW, 35 TON TROK R43/KM + BTW & 20 TON @ R35.50/KM + BTW ,LOWBED TRAILER @ R35.50/KM +BTW, EENRIGTING, (TERME & VOORWAARDES GELD)
SKAKEL VIR KWOTASIE: 0764109503 082 851 7139 OF 015-345 1192 084 627 0956
Sleebok Supplier of quality granite, engineered quartz and Caesar Stone. Private home owners and building contractors are welcome. 015 307 1205/6005 __________________________________
VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/ 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139
Kloofsig Diesel 4 Botha Street, Modjadjiskloof. 064 524 4000 071 885 8840
SAS Workshop Open on Saturdays. 072 988 8522
Duvenhage Furniture Removals 083 252 8928
Deep cleaning of all types of FLOORS/TILES. Contact Lorraine: 073 722 7913 0726340032
Absolutely Water Verkoop en verhuur van watersuiweraars en dispensers. Heelhuis filtrasie, water bars, industriele suiweraars ens. Diens van alle suiweraars en waterversagters. Danna 083 560 8636 Elsie 083 458 4746
Pest Control Specialists Protect yourself, your staff and the health of your customers. 015 307 4065
Qualified Millwright. 7 years’ experience. Lucas Armand Voigt 066 329 9376.
IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE SUB-DISTRICT OF TZANEEN HELD AT TZANEEN Case Number: 1333/2019 In the case between: WD SAAILINGE / SEEDLINGS EXECUTION CREDITOR and LUXEMBURG BOERDERY EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION PURSUANT to a judgment of the Magistrate Court TZANEEN given on 03 DECEMBER 2019 the under mentioned goods will be sold at 10:00 on 27 MAY 2021 by public auction to be held at SHEFIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, MAIN STORE NO 2, INDUSTRIA ROAD 20, TZANEEN by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court TZANEEN, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 x PALLET JACK 1 x TCM FORKLIFT 1 x MONOSEM CARRETECH SPRAY MACHINE 1 x FORD RANGER SINGLE CAB WITH REG. NO: DTM
Authorised dealer & Service centre 015 307 1849
47 jaar ondervinding – Piet Geldenhuys 079 792 7765 / 079 808 5880 _________________________________
Qualified Electrician 6 years’ experience. Mosale Nyoffu 082 660 5051
Qualified Boilermaker. 10 years’ experience. CO2 & Stick welding. Lucious Green 078 370 4812
Qualified Boilermaker, CO2 welding, Drawings, Conveyor belts. 12 years’ experience. Petrus Olivier 066 409 3368
Gekwalifeerde Instrument Meganikus. 40 jaar ondervinding. Kobie Venter 076 227 4233
Letaba Crushers Crusher sand, Stone, Gabion, Crusher Dust, G1 up to G7, Filling, Builders Mix, Dump Rock. Contact us for more information: André Nel: 076 871 3243.
Supervisor (Foskor 2.9.2 Legal Exam Certificate). 10 years’ experience. Kevin Reynecke 063 491 7103. _________________________________
Smit & Kie Verseker jou leefstyl. 10 Windsor Street, Tzaneen 015 307 5587
cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. SIGNED at TZANEEN on the 3rd DAY OF MAY 2021 ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR STEPHAN VAN RENSBURG ATTORNEYS RENCOLE RIDGE OFFICE PARK 11 LOOP STREET, TZANEEN Tel: (015) 307 4458 Email: Ref: WN0324/jh/SJVR
885 L SIGNED at TZANEEN on the 03RD day of MAY 2021 (sgd) RUAN VORSTER ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR RUAN VORSTER ATTORNEYS 12 POINSETTIA STREET TZANEEN 0850 Tel: 015 307 6797 Fax: 015 307 6875 Email: Ref: W LATEGAN File No: BB3094 SALE NOTICE 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgement obtained in the above honourable court. 2. The rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 33A PIETER JOUBERT STREET, TZANEEN. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific conditions, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url <http// za/view/downloadfilefileaction?id-99961>) 5. FICA legislation i.r.o. proof of identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being MR TERTIUS ROBERTSON or any representative of his office. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. _________________________________
Qualified and Unemployed
Smouskous l Classifieds Services Dienste
Case Number: 2115/2019 NORTHERN SPARK 389 (PTY) LTD T/A NORTHERN SECURITY EXECUTION CREDITOR and JUSTICE KHUTJO MATHOLE T/A PLAN B DRILLING (Identity number: 940529 5658 08 4) EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION – AUCTION PURSUANT to a judgment by the Tzaneen Magistrate’s Court, granted on 18 March 2020 the under-mentioned goods will be sold at 13H00 on 01 JUNE 2021 by public auction at TRANSNET HOUSE NR 20, HAMAWASHA TZANEEN, by the sheriff for the Magistrate’s Court to the highest bidder for cash namely: 1 x 1 SAMSUNG FLAT SCREEN TV 1 x 1 LOUNGE SUITE (4 PIECE 9 SEATER) 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honourable Court. 2 The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific condition, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http// za/view/downloadfilefileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation in respect of proof of identity and address particulars, payment of registration deposit of R500 in cash 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers. 7. Goods will be sold for
Local/Export Logistics Coordinator, Palbroker, Palpack – 2 ½ years’ experience – Tiaan von Straate 083 279 9153
Gekwalifiseerde dieselwertuigkundige
Qualified Fitter, Plant Fitter, Manage work teams, Workshop manager. More than 20 yrs. JJ van der Merwe 082 683 4155
Semi-skilled welder, Co2 welding, Arc welding, Semi-Skilled Boiler maker. 4 years’ experience. Andrew Martin Van Niekerk
Te Koop For Sale MANGO BOME TE KOOP HOEDSPRUIT Tommy Atkins en Keitt Bome te koop vir R20. Kwekery geregistreer by Dept Landbou . Kontak Tony: 082 387 2880 of Willem: 083 263 3321 Chester Kwekery Hoedspruit
060 529 3843 / 078 570 6763 _________________________________
Fitter Machinist, Maintenance and Management. 35 years’ experience. Darryl Maritz 083 859 0949 _________________________________
Red Seal Boilermaker, Arc welding, CO2 welding 6 years’ experience. TM Mampane 079 231 5160 / 082 633 4024 _________________________________
Semi-skilled boilermaker 8 years’ experience. Jeffrey Pienaar 083 611 6195 _________________________________
Red Seal Boilermaker, Red Seal Qualified boilermaker, structural/ earth moving - over 10 years’ experience. Reino Roux 082 419 7304 _________________________________
Evac 911
083 708 8749
083 641 7406 Ambulance Dispatch Service Deon van Tonder Advance Life Support Paramedic
VACANCY MARKETING & SALES AGENT Are you into white water rafting, base jumping and other adrenalin-fuelled sports? Do you have one of those attitudes that frequently saw you in the principle’s office? Has your mother ever told you that it would be better to work for yourself? If you shouted “yes! That’s so me!” when you read that intro, then you need to give us a call. We have two positions open in our pit crew and we would like you to fill them. One of the positions will be in the Phalaborwa / Hoedspruit area and the other will be in the Tzaneen / Polokwane arena. Ideally you will need to have a valid driver’s license and a set of four wheels, be capable of some form of coherent speech and have an understanding that life as a sales and marketing person leaves
no room for jealous or overprotective partners or spouses. It will be expected of you to spend your time on the road four days a week, attend events and functions, and meet your target deadlines. Remuneration (the amount of dough we will pay you for your efforts) will depend on you, and your sparkling personality(ies) so be willing to work for a basic salary and commission. We will fill up you car for you too, and give you a really nice spot at the table for team meetings. If you can decipher the cryptogram below, then follow the instructions and mail your cv to and copy into that mail (cc) REPAPSWEN EHT NI REBMUN EHT DNIF. LLEC SIH NO EGASSEM A EOJ DNES
7 May 2021
7 May 2021
Audi launches new luxury sedan ■ Roelof de Jonge The new Audi S8 was designed to combine progressive luxury with dynamic athleticism and innovative suspension systems. Its 4.0 TFSI engine, a biturbo eight-cylinder unit, produces 420kW of power and a feisty 800Nm of torque. The active suspension, all-wheel steering and quattro drive with sport differential provide for outstanding vehicle dynamics straight from the factory. The new Audi S8 uses specific design elements to express the sporty elegance with pinpoint precision. As a V8 engine with hybrid technology, the high-performance power-plant in the Audi S8 offers not only maximum smoothness but sublime responsiveness, delivered with the aid of two turbochargers. The top speed is electronically limited to 250km/h and it takes just 3.8 seconds to accelerate from zero to 100km/h. Sports car-level performance are paired with comfort and efficiency. The mild hybrid system (MHEV) works continuously to reduce fuel consumption. Its 48-volt belt alternator starter and the additional lithium-ion battery enable coasting with the engine switched off, fast restart and an extended start-stop range. Fuel savings of up to 0.8 litres per 100 kilometres are possible in everyday driving. The cylinder on demand system, which deactivates individual cylinders in low-load operating situations, provides for additional efficiency. The vehicle’s sound system features active noise cancellation to eliminate intrusive cabin noise for the ultimate comfort ride. The unique combination of innovative suspension components enables the flagship to cover the entire range from the velvety cruising of a luxury sedan to the dynamically taut handing of a sports car. The new S8 comes standard with the predictive active suspension. The high-tech system, which works in combination with the air suspension, can lift or push down each wheel separately via electromechanical actuators. It is therefore possible for the first time to actively control the trim of the body in any driving situation and thus greatly reduce pitch or roll during acceleration or braking. The front camera, which detects larger road surface irregularities, enables this to be done predictively. The Audi drive select system offers five profiles from which to choose from. “Comfort +” mode is a new profile. It makes even cornering a comfortable experience. The body leans into curves by as much as three degrees to reduce the lateral accel-
eration acting on the occupants. In “dynamic” mode, the S8 turns in precisely. The maximum roll angle during fast cornering is roughly 2.5 degrees. With the standard suspension, it is around 5 degrees. The height position of the S8’s body can be altered even when it is stationary. It is quickly raised by as much as 50mm when the door handle is actuated, making getting into the car even easier and more comfortable. The sport differential actively transfers torque between the rear wheels during fast cornering. When turning into or accelerating in a curve, most is directed to the outside wheel. This literally pushes the car into the curve and nips any hint of understeer in the bud. In the case of oversteer, the sport differential on the rear axle transfers the drive torque to the inside wheel to stabilize the S8. Dynamic all-wheel steering, the sport differential and the predictive active suspension are all standard equipment. The interplay of these systems is unique in its class and ensures composed and sporty handling in all situations. The progressive, elegantly flowing exterior design gets some new accents with the new Audi S8. Bold interior and exterior design elements finely hone the sporty character. Wheels of 21 inches in diameter are available for the 5.18 metre long sports sedan. Details on the front bumper, side sills and the exterior mirror housings as well as the two S-typical twin oval exhaust tailpipes emphasize the car’s sporty and progressive character. The black styling package is also available as an option. With this, all chrome elements (matte aluminium styling package is standard on the sports model), right down to the tailpipe trims, come in high-gloss black. With the optional extended black styling package, the Audi rings and nameplate will appear in glossy black as well. Every detail of the new Audi S8 reflects its character as a sporty luxury model. One particular highlight is the standard individually contoured comfort sports seats. They feature wide-ranging power adjustment, pneumatically adjustable side bolsters and separate three-stage heating for each seat.
The height position of the S8’s body can be altered even when it is stationary.
What is more, they are available with ventilation in the front (standard) and massage function (optional). The rear seats also offer numerous features for outstanding passenger comfort and provide for a first-class atmosphere in the Audi S8. The new Audi S8 offers a progressive technology experience with new digital services and state-ofthe-art connectivity. The MMI touch response operating concept is fully digital. The driver controls nearly all functions via two large displays. The driver can also use natural speech control, which offers virtually unlimited freedom when formulating questions and commands. The standard head-up display can display important information on the windshield.
MMI navigation plus serves as the infotainment and media centre in the new S8. The extensive Audi connect functionality is integrated into the new sedan. It includes numerous car-to-X services that draw on the swarm intelligence of the Audi fleet. The standard Audi smartphone interface brings Android Auto and wireless Apple Car Play on board. High-end components such as the Bang & Olufsen premium sound system with 3D sound (optional upgraded to the Bang & Olufsen Advanced Sound System with 3D sound) and the standard Audi phone box and ambient lighting package plus, round up the infotainment and interior comfort features available in the new S8. The new Audi S8 is currently available for sale in South Africa and is priced at R2 484 000 (inclusive of all taxes) and comes standard with a five year Audi Freeway Plan.
Can Max Ver(stop)pen the Hasty Hamster? ■ Roelof de Jonge The Formula One dust has not even settled after an exciting Portuguese Grand Prix, and the teams are already heading over to the Circuit de Barcelona Catalunya for the Spanish Grand Prix. The racing sparks are again expected to fly between the current championship leader Lewis Hamilton from the Petronas MercedesBenz F1 team and Red Bull Honda’s flying Dutchman, Max Verstappen. The Spanish circuit is particularly well-known to the drivers with teams doing most of their pre-season testing there which often consists of hundreds of laps per team. The layout of the circuit and usual warm weather of Spain makes this an ideal location to sort all the pre-season niggles out. After three rounds, Hamilton now leads the championship on 69
Max and Lewis
points with Verstappen hot on his heals on 61 points, following his win at the Imola Grand Prix and his second place at the Portuguese Grand Prix. In third place on 37 points is Lando Norris in the McLaren Mercedes-powered car with some consistent points finishes and an excellent third place podium for the young Brit who is now in his third season with the team. Valteri Bottas is fourth on 32 points and he must be wondering how he slipped from pole position for the Portuguese Grand Prix to third place in the race. Not only does he have to contend with his teammate, Hamilton, but now also has to watch his rearview mirrors for a fast-improving Verstappen and Red Bull Honda. Ferrari’s Charles Leclerc is fifth on 28 points and will have to drive out of his skin this weekend to keep Verstappen’s new Red Bull teammate, Sergio Perez who is on 22 points, at bay. Perez who is still finding his feet at his team, is surely expected to finish well in the points after Sunday’s
Spanish race. The Spanish circuit has quite a flat location for its layout in comparison with the rollercoaster ride the drivers experienced at the amazing Portuguese circuit. After the Spanish GP the F1-circus will head over to Monte-Carlo for the Monaco Grand Prix which is set to take place from the 20th until the 23rd of May. It is reported that Red Bull has since added a few upgrades on their cars that will hopefully put Verstappen and Perez in good stead to challenge Hamilton and the Mercedes-Benz team for the championship come this weekend. Formula One fans will be praying for another close race as seen so far from the first three races this season, and that the Spanish Grand Prix does not turn out to be a bore fest or a high-speed procession. If the weather permits, the Spanish GP is the one race where the pecking order of the actual title contenders will be determined. But F1 fans will certainly have their fingers crossed for another thrilling race this weekend.
Tzaneen rolbalmanne maak geskiedenis
Koos Luyt. Photos: Roelof de Jonge
■ Roelof de Jonge Tydens die eindstryd vir die enkelspel vir mans en vroue by Tzaneen Rolbalklub wat Saterdag die 1ste Mei beslis was, het drie mans van dié klub geskiedenis gemaak. Na ‘n verbete stryd in die mansafdeling, was daar uiteindelik bereken dat drie spelers met gelykoptellings die eersteplek ingeneem het. Die wenners het gelykop met 28 punte geëin-
Joan Bisset
dig. Stoffel Vermaak, Wally Herfurth en Koos Luyt was dus aangenaam verras toe die punte uiteindelik bekend gemaak was. Die klub se president, Carine Chadwick, het met die louere vir die eersteplek in die vroue-afdeling weggestap na sy, Adriaana Jacobs, in die eindrondte geklop het. In die beginnersafdeling (novice), het Sarie Vermaak die botoon gevoer deur in hierdie afdeling te seëvier na sy met Joan Bisset afgereken het.
7 May 2021
Pumbas head to Lydenburg ■ Billy Sibuyi Hoedspruit Rugby’s preparation seriously got underway on Saturday afternoon, the 1st of May, at Drakensig Rugby field with the Pumbas securing a win in one of their two matches against Lydenburg (Rooikatte) Rugby Club. In what was originally dubbed as a preparation for the Mpumalanga (Pumas) league, in the absence of its key players, the Pumbas’ two matches proved to be what was needed to prepare the players for what lies ahead. These friendly matches were effectively an opportunity for the Pumbas to build some momentum and have their right squad before the start of the Pumas league next month, a league described as the best yet the toughest. The introduction into the Pumas league will see the Pumbas take on Whiteriver Club, the league’s defending champions. While both the Pumbas and Rooikatte have not played rugby in over a year, this fixture did not have a ‘rusty’ feel to it, as both teams brought in their A-game. One of the major stories ahead of kickoff was how ready the players were after not playing contact rugby for over 12 months, however, this was not entirely evident as both teams showed their skills.
The first game saw both the second teams of the respective towns go head-to-head, and it was the Pumbas who struck first on the scoreboard with a try from their fullback, before the extras were added and it was the Pumbas who had 7-0 lead after 20 minutes. The Rooikatte managed to pull a try back just before halftime, this was after spending nearly 10 minutes on the oppositions try line, however their spot kick could not add the extra two-points thus the score went into halftime at 7-5 for the home team. As the match progressed in the second half, how close it remained provided a dose of excitement even if this was just a friendly. The Pumbas managed to hit back on the second half with two more tries, and with the pressing intensity displayed by the Rooikatte it was only a matter of time before they were rewarded with a try, although it was too late as the game ended 19-10. This was not going to be the same fate for the first team, as they struggled to find their rhythm infront. Most noticeably was the lack of free flow and disposition from among new members and regular players in the team. The first team suffered a 15-49 defeat to the Rooikatte, however, they held their heads high as they hope to cause an upset when they visit Lydenburg next week Saturday.
Carine Chadwick
Stoffel Vermaak
Sarie Vermaak
Photo: Billy Sibuyi
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7 May 2021
Dié atlete meet hul teen die beste in SA ■ Roelof de Jonge
Altesaam vier atlete van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster, asook ‘n oud-Vossie atleet, het Limpopo by Atletiek Suid-Afrika (ASA) se Twizza SA-kampioenskap vanaf die 5de tot die 9de April in die verteenwoordig. Ben Vorster se atlete het hul teen die room van Suid-Afrikaanse se skole-atlete gemeet. Megan-Lee Mans het in die afdeling vir meisies o/16 deelgeneem waar sy in die gewigstoot-item in die finaal ‘n afstand van 12,23 meter behaal het, wat aan haar ‘n 12de plek besorg het. Mans het ook na die finaal van die diskus-item deurgedring waar sy ‘n afstand van 34,24 meter aangeteken het. Hier moes Mans egter met ‘n 17de plek tevrede wees. Die voormalige Ben Vorster leerder, Jolandi van der Merwe, het in die afdeling vir vroue o/20 in die spiesgooi-item deelgeneem. Van der Merwe het goed gevaar om haar plek in die eindrondte te bespreek. Sy het uiteindelik ‘n beste afstand van 35,89 meter gegooi wat aan haar die 12de plek besorg het. Talle atlete wat deelgeneem het met hoë verwagtinge en om dalk ‘n plek in die eindrondte te
behaal of selfs te wen, moet nie teleurgesteld wees as hul dit nie gemaak het nie. Die feit dat ‘n atleet gekwalifiseer het vir hierdie nasionale kampioenskap is in opsig selfs reeds ‘n prestasie om oor trots te wees. Theto Maake het Limpopo in die 100m hekkiesitem vir seuns o/16 verteenwoordig. Ben Vorster se spoedvraat het egter hewige teenstand in die uitdunne beleef wat hom vir verdere deelname uitgeknikker het. Maake het in sy uitdun in die agtsteplek met ‘n tyd van 14,58 sekondes oor die wenstreep genael. Paballo Legodi het in die halfeindrondtes van die 100m en 200m vir seuns o/18 naellope sy verskyning gemaak. Hy kon egter in beide hierdie items net nie die mas opkom nie. Legodi het met sy tyd van 11,26 sekondes ‘n sewendeplek in die 100m item behaal en was agtste in die 200m met ‘n van 22,92 sekondes. Sean Roulston het in die uitdunne vir mans o/20 se 110m hekkies-item wel ‘n derdeplek behaal in ‘n tyd van 14,70 sekondes, maar dit was egter nie genoeg om na die volgende rondtes deur te dring nie.
Millions (billions)paid CIT suspect arrested for nothing ■ Billy Sibuyi
■ Jeff Jackson While residents of Giyani were eagerly awaiting the completion of the much-talked about Giyani-Nandoni bulk water reticulation project, the owner of the company LTE Consulting, Thulani Majola was allegedly bribing both the ANC and the controversial red berets. It is reported that Majola paid certain members millions to look the other way and whilst the ANC allegedly received R14 million, the EFF is said to have received R3 million from 2016 to 2019. The company had in the past made the headlines regularly for its part in water projects in Giyani that did not deliver the promised water, despite over R3 billion having been paid out. The work was subcontracted to Khato Civils which angered some of the shareholders in the project which later came to a halt. It also emerged that LTE had been awarded state contracts in the time Nomvula Mokonyane served as Gauteng premier. It is reported that the money was given to the two parties at the same time and was used for their operations. The Giyani-Nandoni bulk water reticulation project was initiated by former President Jacob Zuma in 2009 during his visit to the area. When then Limpopo premier, Cassel Mathale was removed as premier, Mokonyane was roped in to take control of the project. It is alleged that the EFF helped calm the waters. Majola`s company is said to have scored nearThulani Majola ly a billion Rand from the
Gauteng Department of Human Settlements of which LTE received R224 million for projects it claimed it never worked on. Questions also emerged as to why a company associated with not completing projects could continue being awarded the tenders. Majola is alleged to have been working with Nomvula Mokonyane from as far back as 2009 and 2014. In the Giyani debacle, sources have it that LTE was hand-picked from a panel of service providers used by the National Water and Sanitation department after Mokonyane`s department was called in by Jacob Zuma to work on the project. Year after year money was demanded from Treasury with people having no water until Minister Tito Mboweni complained. When Cyril Ramaphosa was elected President in 2018 he promised to deal with the matter and later said that those who stole money from the Giyani water project would face the music. Newly appointed Finance Minister, Tito Mboweni described the Giyani water project as a waste of money, and said the monies should be recovered. Ramaphosa has since directed the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) to investigate. This is not the first case in which the LTE was embroiled in controversy. When the company in 2014 landed a R200 million sewer reticulation project tender with the Gauteng Department of Human Settlements, a fallout was sparked between Majola and other directors of the company upon learning that the company was irregularly appointed for the work.
A 31-year-old, Gift Mdhuli, was arrested by members of the Hawks Serious Organised Crime Investigation unit last week Thursday, 29th of April, following links to a failed cash in transit heist around Acornhoek. Mdhuli was linked to a botched cash in transit heist that occurred last month, when a G4S armored vehicle which was being escorted by the police from Dwarsloop to Thulamahashe was attacked. According to the police reports, the police vehicle was allegedly rammed by a gold Mercedes which was accompanied by a silver Subaru before the suspects opened fire on the police and armored vehicle. Information supplied to Bulletin was that the police returned fire in the ensuing shootout and the suspects fled the scene on foot abandoning both their getaway vehicles. However, it is also reported that along the way they reportedly hijacked two other vehicles as they fled the scene. One police official was wounded in the crossfire and has since been taken for medical treatment, also the police reported that the armored G4S vehicle proceeded without further attack after the suspects had fled, and the two vehicles used in the commission of crime were taken for further investigation. A preliminary investigation by the Hawks Serious Organised Crime team revealed that the Subaru was stolen in Brooklyn in
December 2020 and the Mercedes Benz had been stolen in Bushbuckridge in February 2021. Further police probes linked the suspect to other cases including that of car hijacking committed in July 2017. The suspect had been released on bail and warrant of arrest was issued against him as he had absconded a High Court appearance on the hijacking cases. Mdhuli appeared before the Mhala Magistrate Court on Tuesday, 04th of May, after he was arrested by members of the Hawks Serious Organised Crime Investigation last week Thursday and he was remanded in custody until next week Tuesday, pending further police investigations. According to further police reports, the suspect is also linked to many other cases from Mpumalanga and Gauteng Provinces.
Sport 7 May 2021
Club fight at the O.K Koraal ■ Roelof de Jonge Tzaneen Country Club hosted the traditionally popular annual Koraalboom Golf Tournament from the 29th of April until the 2nd of May. The tournament hosted 90 players on the first day, 94 entries on the Friday, 120 golfers entering for Saturday’s round and 84 players contesting on the final day. The Koraalboom was cancelled last year during the hard lock down because of the Covid-19 pandemic and prohibition of any sports from taking place as mandated by the South African government. This tournament is regarded as one of, if not THE most significant, events of the year for Tzaneen Golf Club because of the historical significance and most importantly the income this event generates annually. The management of Tzaneen Country Club are grateful to all the players who participated and the sponsors of this event that came out in support of the beloved Koraalboom Tournament. The tournament is played in three different formats. In the singles division, which was contested over two days, Thabo Ramokgano walked away with the spoils with a tally of 73 points. The doubles or rather better ball stableford match which was held over one round (a day) saw the golfing pair, Allen Bisset and Yolandi Rautenbach, take the win. This pair accumulated 47 points to clinch victory. In the four-ball alliance division, the team of Jannie and Jurgens Spaumer, Gideon Botha and Wickus Venter took the victory with a total of 146 points. Yolandi Rauntenbach
Herman Potgieter en Jan van Jaarsveld
Gideon Venter, Pierre Joynt en Jan Viljoen
James Malatji. Photos: Roelof de Jonge