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3 September 2021
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This week Bulletin took a tour through the belly of the Tzaneen Dam wall in what is known as the dam’s gallery. Essentially a tunnel 200m long and 2m wide used for maintenance. Whilst down inside this tunnel, we made a shocking discovery (pun intended). Read the full story on Page 3.
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3 September 2021
The Lakeside Lady’s swan song ■ Roelof de Jonge
Personeel | Personnel Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Office: 064 650 7123 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040
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Kontak besonderhede Contact Details
Tel: 015 306 0198 015 004 1130 072 930 1462 (Joe)
The last remains of the Barnyard Lakeside Theatre which used to stand proudly at Stanford Lake College (SLC) will likely be removed by the time you’ve finished reading this piece. Last week Bulletin reported that the iconic structure was to be removed after many failed attempts to obtain the necessary fire safety certificate for it from the local authorities. “Despite every best effort, having exhausted all available avenues, the school has been unable to obtain a fire safety certificate for the building, leaving the only option being for it to be taken down”, said Beth Coetzee, head of SLC’s marketing department. Ruan Viljoen, one of the managers at the Warriors Academy, and a career specialist in personal and outdoor pursuit development, was part of the specialist team that worked on the deconstruction of the Barnyard Theatre. Bulletin caught up to Viljoen for an update on the progress and what was to happen to all the timber removed from the structure. “As we speak, we are basically 90% complete with the demolition of
Another crash in KNP ■ Billy Sibuyi
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Website Visit our website at and read the latest news, as well as back copies.
A SANParks employee, Benedict Naphanga (34), died in a motor vehicle accident in the Kruger National Park last week Wednesday, the 25th of August. The accident occurred between Mopani and Shingwedzi Camp, however details to the accident are still not available as police have not issued an official statement. SANParks Spokesperson, Isaac Phaahla, confirmed the accident. “We can confirm the accident and that it involved a staff member. Details are still sketchy, and the SAPS have taken over the investigation into the circumstances that led to the accident,” stated Phaahla.
With job and tender fraud running rampant within the Ba-Phalaborwa area, the municipality has released a statement to warn residents to be extra vigilant against criminals who are promising people bogus municipal tenders in exchange for bribes. The municipality has advertised multiple tenders on their website, however, according to them there are criminals who are taking advantage of the advertised tenders and calling potential bidders promising them municipal tenders in exchange of money. “These criminals are purporting
Noodnommers Emergency numbers Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 082 679 0720 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
4 MARITZ Street Aqua Park Tzaneen POSTNET # 911 PRIVATE BAG X 4019 TZANEEN, 0850
Most of the wood will be used again for other construction purposes. Photos: Roelof de Jonge
This is not the first time a person died on the same stretch of road. In 2019, a Swiss tourist died after speeding taxi hit a giraffe and it landed on another vehicle, killing the driver. Also, earlier this year another vehicle, a Toyota Fortuner, was involved in accident on the same road. The Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment, Barbara Creecy, extended her heartfelt condolences to the family and colleagues upon being informed of the tragic accident. The acting CEO of SANParks, Luthando Dziba, added his deepest sympathy to the family and the SANParks colleagues who sadly lost one of their own.
to be the Municipal Manager, Maite Moakamela, Acting Chief Financial Officer, Amos Nzimande, and Senior Manager for Technical Services, Wisani Baloyi,” said a statement published by the municipality on Tuesday, 31st of August. The Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality’s Mayor, Merriam Malatji, said that the municipal tenders are not for sale and municipal officials are not permitted to solicit any payment from potential tenderers. The municipality also advised bidders who are being promised tenders in exchange for money to report these people to the relevant law enforcement authorities. ***Editor’s Comments *** Ironic.
Source: Information updated: 30/08/2021
084 4000 911 072 98 98 911 084 22 00 911
Multi-activity adventure instructors from the Warriors helped with the dangerous work on the roof.
BPM warns of scam ■ Billy Sibuyi
the building. This was about 10 days of work so far. The timber will be repurposed by Rudi Viljoen, one of the Warriors Academy founding fathers, and Howard Blight. There are many plans, but among those would be the construction of a smaller barnyard-type venue at the Old Packhouse, and the expansion of the Warriors Academy facilities. The furniture, memorabilia and other valuable items that were in the theatre were removed by the college.” Regarding the labour employed thus far, Viljoen said at times up to 40 people helped with the dismantling of the Barnyard. Given about eight working hours per day multiplied by ten days, roughly 3 200 hours were spent to safely take down the theatre. “The bees. We relocated the bees successfully. We had to call upon a beekeeper from Tzaneen. They managed to capture the queen and move all the hives successfully.”
Tzaneen 90.3%
Ebenezer 98.3%
Merensky 100.4%
Dap Naude 94.7%
Middel Letaba 7.8%
Blyderivierpoort 93.1%
Klaserie 89.4%
Tours 90.3%
Vergelegen 91.7%
Magoebaskloof 100.2%
COMMUNITY CRISIS SERVICES for Tourists 084 Help 400 0911 The TZANEEN Crisis Centre is offering all tourists to our area absolute peace of mind when visiting this beautiful part of the Limpopo, absolutely free of charge Tourists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911 and help will be on the way.
or 072 98 98 911
3 September 2021
No emergency alarm system at dam wall ■ Joe Dreyer On Tuesday this week Bulletin took a tour through the belly of the Tzaneen Dam Wall. The gallery as it is called, is a very narrow tunnel that cuts through the inside base of the wall and contains within it several instruments used to monitor water levels, water pressure, movement, and potential threats. The gallery stretches 200m through the Tzaneen dam wall at a depth of approximately 27 metres. Every dam in the world has a gallery and it forms a vital part of the operations and more importantly, safety, of the dam. Tzaneen’s gallery is different. It has no power throughout the entire stretch of the tunnel and so maintenance workers use powerful torches to see where they are heading. This is not only dangerous for the workers because of the slippery surfaces down in the pitchblack darkness, but also means that the emergency system which includes an alarm, is not operational. The alarm is supposed to sound the moment that the water level inside the gallery rises to a certain level. At Tzaneen dam, this cannot currently happen which means that the entire tunnel can flood without warning. Currently the workers employ a generator in the event of the tunnel flooding.
Whilst walking through the tunnel it was noticeable that all the light fittings against the walls had been, at some point, covered under water, which is why they are all blown out. Turns out that this tunnel did in fact flood completely sometime last year, presumably because of the heavy rainfall experienced in the region. Thankfully nobody was in that tunnel when this happened. We contacted the provincial spokesperson for the Department of Water and Sanitation, Ngwako Mphago who referred us to Felix Motiba who is based at the Construction North offices at the DWS in Tzaneen. He in turn referred us to Solomon Thanstha who works in the DWS Operations and Maintenance division and who was supposedly the right person to answer our questions. We have tried several times to reach Thanstha on both the numbers provided, but at the time of going to print we were unsuccessful. Neither the regional nor provincial spokespeople were able to assist either. What we desperately need answered is how long there has not been power down in the gallery, how safe is that area without the emergency alarm system in working order and why this has not been placed on the list of priorities at the dam wall. This is a developing story and we will follow up on the matter.
The Tzaneen dam wall with one of the sluice gates open. Photo: Joe Dreyer
End of Home Affairs line ■ Billy Sibuyi The Department of Home Affairs announced a new appointment system in a bid to reduce the excessive queueing and corruption within their department, on Tuesday morning, 31st of August. In a presentation in parliament, the department said the system was finalised and will be deployed in selected offices in the current financial year. This was something that the DA welcomed as they have been calling on the department to introduce such a system as they believed that it would address the long queues and protect people from losing a whole day of work to attend to this admin. The system is integrated with the national population register to allow clients to use their ID number to book an appointment. This according to the department will prevent agents illegally operating in
home affairs offices from blocking slots to sell them on. The system will be on mobiles as an application that will allow Limpopians to enter their user details and schedule appointments with home affairs. “It will also protect communities from potential corruption. The DA has received complaints that at some Home Affairs offices people are forced to pay R100 per time slot or to skip the queue,” stated the DA. The DA also said that it had been advised that the new appointment system will be available in all South African languages and could be accessed virtually. “Walk-ins will still be accommodated”. “This is certainly a step in the right direction of addressing the frustration people have with the Department of Home Affairs and the DA will monitor the implementation of the appointment system closely,” said the member of parliament, Angel Khanyile.
Words will surely harm ■ Billy Sibuyi
Another person was sentenced by the Phalaborwa Magistrate Court last week Thursday, 26th of August, for their verbal abuse against union representatives in May last year. The magistrate court imposed a fine of R20 000 or one year imprisonment upon Nico Adolph Kellermann (57) for calling his colleagues and other patrons ‘uneducable baboons’ when they had attempted to raise wage demands with him. According to the police, the sentence comes after an incident that occurred on 7th of May in 2020, where Kellermann was on duty at Foskor Mine when he had an argument with some Labour Union Representatives and the argument escalated to the point where Kellermann belittled the representees
and said they were uneducated animals. “Police were notified and a case of crimen injuria was ultimately opened and assigned to the dedicated Det WO Nakampe Snyman Malatji,” stated the Phalaborwa Police Spokesperson, Sgt Elvis Mongwe. However, half of the sentence was suspended for five years on condition that the convicted does not commit a similar offence. Thus, Kellermann was ordered to pay R10 000, or six months imprisonment on Thursday for his verbal abuse against the union representatives and his colleagues. This is not the first time this court has handed down a sentence for crimen injuria as it had done so a couple of years ago, when it sentenced a former Foskor employee, Sandy Shipman, then 58, to a similar sentence of R10 000 or the option of six months’ imprisonment.
Directions will be Directions shared on will our be shared on&our Website Website & Facebook page Facebook page
3 September 2021
Plasie ruiters rig oë op die nasionale kampioenskap ■ Roelof de Jonge
Daniele Bornman
‘n Aantal perderuiters van die Hoërskool Merensky het onlangs Limpopo kleure verwerf. Hierdie ruiters gaan vanaf die 3de tot die 5de Oktober hul provinsie by die Suid-Afrikaanse Western Mounted Games Association (SAWMGA) se nasionale byeenkoms verteenwoordig. Hierdie kampioenskap gaan by die Afridome-skouterrein in Parys, Vrystaat, aangebied word. Vir die vlak 4 afdeling gaan AJ van der Westhuizen op Miss Daisy meeding. Van der Westhuizen is ook uitgenooi om as ‘n Elite ruiter deel te neem. Dit is die eerste keer in die geskiedenis van Merensky dat ‘n vlak 4 ruiter vanuit dié skool Limpopo kleure verdien. Daniele Bornman met haar perd Marmari Louisa gaan in die Junior Ruiter vlak 0 ry. Anya Beukes op Poco Candy Bar ry in die Junior Ruiter vlak 1 klas, terwyl Annalene Rood op Rain en Minette Wolmarans op Marmari Gold’s Legend beide in die vlak 2 afdeling deelneem. In die klas vir Junior Ruiters vlak 3, is dit Anya Beukes met haar perd Billy the Kid, wat hul slag gaan wys.
AJ van der Westhuizen
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3 September 2021
Creatives’ stars shine at LADF competition ■ Roelof de Jonge
Diné Booyse
During this past weekend, on Friday the 27th and Saturday the 28th of August, dancers from The Dance Place at Ben Vorster and Dance Creations dancing schools delivered some sterling performances at the Limpopo Amateur Dance Festival. This prestigious event took place in Modimolle and was held for the 5th year in succession with 530 entries coming from all over Limpopo. Owner and dance instructor at The Dance Place at Ben Vorster , Annemieke Osmers, said that they were extremely proud of their dancers who worked hard to prepare for their choreography pieces. “Some categories were quite large, and the competition was very tough. Nonetheless, we are very impressed with our dancers who competed.” In the Acrobatic Beginner Solo item, Deané Eloff
Kaitlyn Schoeman
Mieke Honeyball
Zoë-Leigh Thompson
(75%, 5th place, B), Elrene Knoetze (79%, 3rd place, B+) and Karli Human (84%, 1st place, A) shone on stage. Jani Minnaar competed in the Acrobatic Novice Solo item and achieved 86% and an A+ for her dance moves whilst Ansuretha Perold took to the stage for her Acrobatic Amateur Solo item and scored 95% and an A+ final score. In the Contemporary Beginner Solo items Ané Thiart (83%, 2nd place, A), Lara van Veelen (88%, 1st place, A+) and Zoë-Leigh Thompson (87%, 1st place and an A+) all performed exceptional routines. Tyra du Plessis (86%, 2nd place, A+) and Zila Kruger (89%, 1st place, A+) took top honours in the Contemporary Amateur Solo item. Jessica Herholdt (88%, 1st place, A+) also rose to the occasion with her performance in the Contemporary Beginner solo item. Juané Prerorius achieved 86%, 1st place and an A+ in the Contemporary Novice Solo item. One of the shining stars of The Dance Place at Ben Vorster and an avid instructor himself, Liam O’Brien once again delivered a fine performance scoring 98%, 1st place, and an A++ for his Contemporary Advanced Solo item. Liam also took part in the Contemporary Amateur Duets items with two different dance partners. Along with Jessica they received a score of 91% that earned them 2nd place and an A+ while his routine with Juané, was rewarded with 93%, another 1st place and an A+. Ansuretha and Karli teamed up for the Acrobatics Amateur Duet item (87%, A+) while the Junior Contemporary Trio performance of Ané, Imke and Lara earned them 94%, the 1st place and an A+. Zila and Karja (92%, A+) also did very well for their Open Duet Amateur item. The Contemporary Senior Group Amateur
Deané Eloff
dancers featuring Ansuretha, Jessica, Juané, Karja, Liam, Tyra and Zila received 93% and an A+ score. Kaitlyn Schoeman (87%, 1st place, A+) and Imke Lewis (90%, 1st place, A+) also showcased great dance skills in the Open Solo Novice item. Christine Venter (81%, A) took part in the Modern Jazz Solo Novice item. For the Modern Jazz Solo Amateur item, the Dance Place were well represented by dancers Karja Kruger (87%, 1st place, A+) and Diné Booyse (85%, 2nd place, A). Ané and Imke joined forces for the Modern Jazz Duet Novice item and received 91% and an A+. In the Modern Jazz Duet or Trio Amateur Item, dancers Liam and Zila (96%, A++) along with Diné and Karja (80%, 2nd place, A) saw some more great results headed towards The Dance Place at Ben Vorster. Ansuretha, Dine and Karja scored 96%, 1st place, and an A++ for their trio performance. The Hip-Hop Solo Beginner items saw some great results with Elrene Knoetze (92%, 1st place, A+), MJ Perold (94%, 1st place, A+) and Pieter Minaaar (89%, 2nd place, A+) all doing very well. Deane Eloff earned a 91%, 5th place and an A+. In the Hip-Hop Duet Beginner item, Tegan Baker and Lincke de Nysschen scored 85% and an A. Aldré van Tonder and Karien Smith attained a 96% and an A++ in the Hip Hop Duet Novice item whilst Pedrie Minnaar earned 87%, 2nd place, and an A in the Hip-Hop Solo Novice item. Kaitlyn Schoeman, Zoë-Leigh Thompson and Mieke Honeyball performed some of their routines under the Dance Creations banner. At this competition there was another creative challenge for some of the dancers who were tasked with routines dressed as their favourite gaming characters. This was called the Demi-Character ballet and Mieke Honeyball of the Dance Creations stable performed exceptionally well earning a 77% B+ for her routine. She also raked in 87% A+ for her Contemporary solo, 86% A+ for Jazz and 82% A for the Cha-Cha item. Schoeman managed an 87% A+ for her Jazz solo and a 75% B in the Spanish solo. Thompson rounded off her competition with an 89% A+ in the Hip-Hop solo.
Imke Lewis, Ané Thiart and Lara van Veelen
Darts dusted, next up, shoot some social pool ■ Roelof de Jonge A total of 11 teams entered for the Paint Pot sponsored darts business league. This was the first ever for this sport in Tzaneen and took place on Saturday the 28th of August at Jack Rabbit’s Backstreet Sports Bar. With some attractive prizes on offer for the top three players from each team, the contestants gave it their best shots. A mere R50 as entrance fee saw competitive darts players as well as social players aiming for top honours. In the end it was Trevor Vorster who pipped Rohan Ras in the final elimination round to come out on top. The prize for third place went to Jaco van den Bergh, who also boasted with the prize for the player who scored the most bull’s eye hits during the tournament. The winner, Vorster, was more than satisfied to receive a R1 000 gift voucher along with a R500 cash voucher. The second placed player walked away with a R500 gift voucher as well a cash prize of R300. For the third-place prize, a gift voucher of R250 and a cash prize of R250 was awarded. Fritz van der Merwe, owner of Jack Rabbit’s Backstreet Sports Bar, thanked the entries and more importantly the sponsors. According to van der Merwe, they are planning to host a social pool tournament this coming Saturday (tomorrow), the 4th of September, at the same venue with some cash prizes on offer. This pool tournament will be contested in a sudden death format and will start at 14:00. The entry fee is R50 per person.
Here are the top players of the first ever darts business league. They are Trevor Vorster (winner), Rohan Ras (second place), Jaco van den Bergh (third place) and Johan von Nollendorf (non-achiever).
3 September 2021
Dental Cavity What is a Dental Cavity and how do I know if I have one? Dental cavities are permanently damaged areas on the surfaces of our teeth that develop into openings or holes. It is also called tooth decay or caries. Cavities are caused by several factors inside the mouth including bacteria, frequent snacking, eating or drinking sugary substances and poor oral hygiene. It is one of the world’s most common health problems especially in children, teenagers and older adults. It is important to note that cavities cannot heal by themselves and if left untreated spread into the deeper layers of the tooth, affecting the nerve and blood supply causing infection and abscess formation. The signs and symptoms of cavities vary largely depending on the depth of the decay and also the location. It is important to note that small cavities may have no symptoms at all and that it is only as the decay gets larger and deeper into the tooth structure that the following symptoms may appear: • Spontaneous toothache that occurs without any cause
• Tooth Hypersensitivity • Pain when eating or drinking something sweet, hot or cold • Visible holes or spots on your teeth • Brown, black or white staining on the surfaces of the teeth • Pain when you bite on a specific tooth The following are risk factors for developing cavities • Foods and drinks with high sugar content that stick to the teeth such as toffees and candy • Frequent snacking and sipping on substances with a high sugar content • Bedtime feeding of infants with bottles filled with milk, formula and sugar containing liquids • Poor oral hygiene • Not getting enough fluoride • Patients with dry mouth due to medications or dehydration • Worn fillings • Heartburn and eating disorders It is so important that patients understand that the fact that they don’t have pain, discomfort or sensitivity, does not mean that they do not have cavities. This is also the
reason why most dentists advise patients to have a full check-up at least every 12 months. If a cavity is still in the early stages of formation, it can be easily restored with a small white Resin Composite restoration (filling). If a cavity has reached the stage of sensitivity or pain, there is a high chance that the decay has spread into the nerve canal of the tooth. The only treatment option at this stage is either saving the tooth with a Root Canal Treatment or Extracting the offending tooth. It makes the treatment more complicated, more expensive and potentially more uncomfortable for the patient. I want to urge everyone to make an attempt to visit your dentist at least once a year for a complete examination. Remember, prevention is the best form of cure. In our next insert we will discuss the complications of cavities that are left untreated. Dr Ruan Rademeyer
Smouskous Classifieds Services Dienste HobbyPrint Full Colour Work, Self-Carbonized books, Business Cards, Flyers, Calendars and more. 015 309 9382 __________________________________
SEEFF Properties 61 Boundary Road, Tzaneen 015 307 7677 • 082 447 1512 __________________________________
Sikelela Skills Academy Safety assured, Training accredited. 22a Potgieter Street, Phalaborwa 015 781 6280 __________________________________
Trophy Toyota 22 Botha Street, Modjadjiskloof 015 309 9258 Uniwisp Fibre to the home and business. 060 739 2048/ 015 590 1200 marinda.durand@uniwisp. __________________________________
Duvenhage Furniture Removals 083 252 8928
Smit & Kie Verseker jou leefstyl. 10 Windsor Street, Tzaneen 015 307 5587 __________________________________
Limpopo Party Hire Jumping castles, Water slides, Balloon water dunk, Popcorn machine, Candy floss machine.
073 265 2650
General Dentistry: Cleaning • Extractions • Fillings • Root Canal Treatments Orthodontics • Cerec Crowns and Bridges • Full and Partial Dentures • Sedation Dentistry • Smile Design • Teeth Whitening
CHoiCE welcomes much needed donation ■ Roelof de Jonge With the ever increasing cost of living going hand-in-hand with the pandemic, some charities are being flooded with calls for help from needy households. The CHoiCE Trust (Comprehensive Health Care) is one such NGO that relies on the community and businesses to support their initiatives to help provide for families in need. Premjee’s, a local wholesaler, stepped forward to support this cause by donating various food items once a month over a period of seven months to CHoiCE. This week, on Wednesday the 25th of August, they donated the first load of food items. Overseeing the handing over of the donation was Premjee’s manager, Dilesh Mahwee, who said they regularly support such initiatives, but they don’t really seek publicity for their good deeds. “Look, we do this because we feel we need to do something to help vulnerable families. But in the same sentence we hope to encourage other businesses within our community to also come out and assist such organisations. This donation is not about the financial amount involved, but rather the gesture to reach out to vulnerable families and being able to help.”
Steynberg Trok & Trekker. 8 Ton Trokke te huur @ R27/KM + BTW, 12 TON TROK @ R30/KM + BTW, 35 TON TROK @ R44.50/KM + BTW & 20 TON @ R37/KM + BTW ,LOWBED TRAILER @ R37/KM +BTW. EENRIGTING (TERME & VOORWAARDES GELD)
SKAKEL VIR KWOTASIE: 0764109503 082 851 7139 OF 015-345 1192 084 627 0956
DASS Domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Bosch, Whirlpool, Defy etc. Repairs, spares and service. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, Tzaneen. 015 307 1798 082 898 0468
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The first load of food items will be soon handed out to needy families. Dilesh Mahwee (manager at Premjees) handed over the donation to CHoiCE volunteer, Dawn Korman. Photo: Roelof de Jonge
NEED CASH! We buy GOLD & SILVER Contact: Dirk: C: 076 011 0978 Charmain: C: 060 324 3512
Deep cleaning of all types of FLOORS/TILES. Contact Lorraine: 073 722 7913 0726340032 Limpopo Party Hire Jumping castles, Water slides, Balloon water dunk, Popcorn machine, Candy floss machine.
073 265 2650
Pest Control Specialists Workplace readiness solutions. Protect yourself, your staff and the health of your customers. 015 307 4065 ___________________________________
Sleebok Supplier of quality granite, engineered quartz and Caesar Stone. 015 307 1205/6005
The Vape Guy A variety of starter kits, mods, tanks, juice etc with friendly service and nationwide delivery. 2 Boundary Str, Tzaneen 060 385 3884
Evac 911 Ambulance Dispatch Service Advance Life Support Paramedic. Deon van Tonder 083 708 8749 083 641 7406 __________________________________
Letaba Crushers Crusher sand, Stone, Gabion, Crusher Dust, G1 up to G7, Filling, Builders Mix, Dump Rock. André Nel: 076 871 3243.
VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/ 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139
Authorised dealer & Service centre 015 307 1849
Health & Fitness Gym Cnr Windsor & Agatha St 073 265 2650 076 413 9257
Te Koop For Sale MANGO BOME TE KOOP HOEDSPRUIT Tommy Atkins en Keitt Bome te koop vir R20. Kwekery geregistreer by Dept Landbou . Kontak Tony: 082 387 2880 of Willem: 083 263 3321 Chester Kwekery Hoedspruit
Book studio time Contact Joe Dreyer
072 930 1462
3 September 2021
Legals & Notices LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, to the intention to apply for the issue of Certified Copy of Deed of Transfer T76859/2009, passed by the Executor in the estate of the late JACOBUS NICOLAAS REDELINGHUYS Nr. 10424/09, in favour of TEBOGO NANCY SEALE, Identity Number: 740630 0483 080 in respect of certain ERF 2261 TZANEEN EXTENSION 21 TOWNSHIP REGISTRATION DIVISION L.T, LIMPOPO PROVINCE, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds, Deeds Office, 101 Dorp Street, Polokwane, Limpopo within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen this 30 day of August 2021. Applicant: Tebogo Nancy Seale p/a Thomas & Swanepoel Attorneys Ref: S2724 / M v Rensburg Address: 19 Peace Street, Tzaneen E-mail address: Contact number: 015 307 1027 __________________________________
KENNISGEWING Ek, Theo Kotze, as die agent van die eienaar van ondergemelde eiendom, gee hiermee kennis dat ek aansoek gedoen het by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit, in terme van Klousules 57 & 58 van die Groter Tzaneen Munisipale By-wet op Ruimtelike Beplanning
en Grondgebruikbestuur (2017) vir die hersonering van Gedeelte 2 van Erf 1538 Nkowankowa-A (h/v Bankuna- en Musastraat) vanaf “Residensieel 1” na “Besigheid 3” en die opheffing van beperkende voorwaarde 1. uit Skenkingsakte TG5050/2021. Eienaar: Lottoprop (Edms) Bpk. Besonderhede van voormelde aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Bestuurder: Stadsbeplanning, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat 38, Tzaneen, 0850 vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 10 September 2021. Enige beswaar/vertoë moet hetsy skriftelik of mondelings (indien u nie kan skryf nie), by of tot die Bestuurder: Stadsbeplanning, voor die sluitingsdatum vir die indiening van sodanige besware/vertoë by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 24, Tzaneen, 0850 ingedien of gerig word, tesame met vermelding van bogenoemde beskrywing van die aansoeke, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die grond(e) van die beswaar/vertoë, die beswaarmaker se erfnommer en telefoonnommer(s) en adres. SLUITINGSDATUM VIR DIE INDIENING VAN BESWARE/VERTOË: 11 OKTOBER 2021. AGENT: DEVELOPLAN STADSBEPLANNERS, POSBUS 1883, POLOKWANE, 0700, TEL. 015-2914177, FAKS: 0862183267. tecoplan@ __________________________________
NOTICE I, Theo Kotze, as the agent of the owner of the property mentioned below, hereby give notice that I have applied to the Greater Tzaneen
Municipality, in terms of Clauses 57 & 58 of the Greater Tzaneen Municipal Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-law (2017) for the rezoning of Portion 2 of Erf 1538 Nkowankowa-A (c/o Bankuna Street & Musa Street) from “Residential 1” to “Business 3” and the removal of restrictive condition 1. from Deed of Grant TG5050/2021. Owner: Lottoporp (Pty) Ltd. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Manager: Town Planning, Civic Centre, 38 Agatha Street, Tzaneen, 0850 for a period of 30 days from 10 September 2021. Any objections/ representations must be lodged with or made in writing, or verbally if unable to write, to the Manager: Town Planning, at the above-mentioned address or posted to P.O. Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850 on or before the closing date for the submission of objections/representations, quoting the above mentioned application description, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the objector’s erf number and phone numbers and address. CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF OBJECTIONS/ REPRESENTATIONS: 11 OCTOBER 2021. AGENT: DEVELOPLAN, P.O. BOX 1883, POLOKWANE, 0700. TEL. 015-2914177, FAX: 086 218 3267. tecoplan@ __________________________________
USE MANAGEMENT SCHEME, 2020 FOR PURPOSES OF OBTAINING THE RELEVANT LAND USE RIGHTS IN TERMS OF SECTION 57 AND 58 OF BAPHALABORWA MUNICIPALITY SPATIAL PLANNING AND LAND USE BY-LAW, 2016. I Ntshani Solani Patrick of Akakaya Projects and Trading (Pty) Ltd, being the authorized agent of the registered owner of erf 1810 Lulekani B Extension 1, hereby give notice in terms of section 33(1) of SPLUMA, 2013 (Act 16 of 2013) read together with section 57 (1) of Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality Land Use By-Laws, 2016, that we have applied to the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality for the amendment of the Land Use Scheme known as Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality Land Use Management Scheme, 2020 for the undermentioned purposes: Amendment Scheme 1: Rezoning of erf 1810 Lulekani B Extension 1 from “Residential 1” to “Residential 3” in order to establish a guest houses/rooms. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Nelson Mandela Drive, Phalaborwa for a period of 30 days from 03 September 2021. Objection to and representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or posted
to Private Bag X01020, Phalaborwa, 1390 on or before 13 November 2021. Address of the Agent: 603B Benfarm Ext, P.O.Box 1599 Benfarm, Phalaborwa 1220, Tel. 065 699 7579 or E-Mail to maswilavitpd@ __________________________________
XITIVISO XA KU HUNDZULUXA 1 XIKOMBELO XO HUNDZULUXA NAWU LOWU THYIWEKE “BA-PHALABORWA LAND USE SCHEME, 2020” HI XIKONGOMELO XO KOMBELA KU PFUMELERIWA KU CINCA MATIRHISELE YA NDZHAWU HI KU LANDZELELA XIYENGE 57 (1) XA “BA-PHALABORWA SPATIAL PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGE SCHEMEBY-LAW, 2016” Mina Ntshani Solani Patrick wa Akakaya Projects and Trading (Pty) Ltd hi ku yimela n’wini wa switandi leswi landzelaka: 1810 Lulekani B Extension 1 ndzi mi tivisa leswaku ndzi endle xikombelo xo hundzuluxa matirhisele ya xitandi lexi, ku ya hi swilaveko swa xiyenge 33 (1) xa nawu wa “SPLUMA, 2013”, hlayani xikun’we na xiyenge xa 57 (1) xa “Ba-Phalaborwa Land Use By-Laws, 2016” hi swikongomelo leswi landzelanka: Amendment Scheme 1: Ku cinca xitandi 1810 Lulekani B Extension 1 ku suka eka ku va xi tirhisiwa xa ku aka yindlu yin’we leyi xikongolo ku nga muti/ndyangu xi va ndzhawu ya tiyindlu to rhurhela vuyeni/vavhakachi. Vuxokoxoko bya
xikombelo byi ta kumeka ehofisini ya mufambisi wa masipala hi nkarhi wa ntirho eka kherefo leyi landzelaka: Civic Centre, Nelson Mandela Drive, Phalaborwa nkarhi wo ringana 30 wa masiku ku sukela 3 Ndzati 2021. Swibumabumelo swa ku kanetana hambi ku seketela xikombelo swi fanele ku tsariwa kunene kutani swi rhumerwa eka kherefo ley landzelaka: Municipal Manager, Private Bag X01020, Phalaborwa, 1390 ku nga se tlula siku ra 13 Nhlangula 2021. Kherefo ya muyimeri wa n’wini wa switandi hi leyi landzelaka: 603B Benfarm Ext, P.O.Box 1599 Benfarm, Phalaborwa 1220, Tel. 065 699 7579. E-Mail i maswilavitpd@ __________________________________
AMENDMENT SCHEME 2 APPLICATION FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE BA-PHALABORWA MUNICIPALITY LAND USE MANAGEMENT SCHEME, 2020 FOR PURPOSES OF OBTAINING THE RELEVANT LAND USE RIGHTS IN TERMS OF SECTION 57 AND 58 OF BA PHALABORWA MUNICIPALITY SPATIAL PLANNING AND LAND USE BY-LAW, 2016. I Ntshani Solani Patrick of Akakaya Projects and Trading (Pty) Ltd, being the authorized agent of the registered owner of erf 278 Lulekani B, hereby give notice in terms of section 33(1) of SPLUMA, 2013 (Act 16 of 2013) read together with section 57 (1) of Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality Land Use By-Laws, 2016,
that we have applied to the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality for the amendment of the Land Use Scheme known as Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality Land Use Management Scheme, 2020 for the undermentioned purposes: Amendment Scheme 2: Rezoning of erf 278 Lulekani B from “Residential 1” to “Residential 3” in order to establish a guest houses/rooms. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Nelson Mandela Drive, Phalaborwa for a period of 30 days from 03 September 2021. Objection to and representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or posted to Private Bag X01020, Phalaborwa, 1390 on or before 13 November 2021. Address of the Agent: 603B Benfarm Ext, P.O.Box 1599 Benfarm, Phalaborwa 1220, Tel. 065 699 7579 or E-Mail to maswilavitpd@ _________________________________
PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGE SCHEMEBY-LAW, 2016” Mina Ntshani Solani Patrick wa Akakaya Projects and Trading (Pty) Ltd hi ku yimela n’wini wa switandi leswi landzelaka: 278 Lulekani B ndzi mi tivisa leswaku ndzi endle xikombelo xo hundzuluxa matirhisele ya xitandi lexi, ku ya hi swilaveko swa xiyenge 33 (1) xa nawu wa “SPLUMA, 2013”, hlayani xikun’we na xiyenge xa 57 (1) xa “Ba-Phalaborwa Land Use By Laws, 2016” hi swikongomelo leswi landzelanka: Amendment Scheme 2: Ku cinca xitandi 278 Lulekani B ku suka eka ku va xi tirhisiwa xa ku aka yindlu yin’we leyi xikongolo ku nga muti/ndyangu xi va ndzhawu ya tiyindlu to rhurhela vuyeni/vavhakachi. Vuxokoxoko bya xikombelo byi ta kumeka ehofisini ya mufambisi wa masipala hi nkarhi wa ntirho eka kherefo leyi landzelaka: Civic Centre, Nelson Mandela Drive, Phalaborwa nkarhi wo ringana 30 wa masiku ku sukela 3 Ndzati 2021. Swibumabumelo swa ku kanetana hambi ku seketela xikombelo swi fanele ku tsariwa kunene kutani swi rhumerwa eka kherefo ley landzelaka: Municipal Manager, Private Bag X01020, Phalaborwa, 1390 ku nga se tlula siku ra 13 Nhlangula 2021. Kherefo ya muyimeri wa n’wini wa switandi hi leyi landzelaka: 603B Benfarm Ext, P.O.Box 1599 Benfarm, Phalaborwa 1220, Tel. 065 699 7579. E-Mail i _________________________________
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Mondays - Fridays: 5:00 - 12:00 & 13:00 - 20:00 Saturdays: 7:00 - 10:00 Sundays: 15:00 - 17:00 Health & Fitness Gym Cnr Windsor & Agatha St, Tzaneen 073 265 2650 / 076 413 9257
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Tel: 015 309 9382 • 078 1919 111
3 September 2021
Sport 3 September 2021
Can you lead the Wolfpack?
■ Joe Dreyer
Runners from across the region are pumped for the inaugural Warriors Wolfpack Marathon set to take to the tar on the 18th of September. Though the initial entries were somewhat slow due to the online registration process hampering most of the rural running clubs from entering, the organizers have found a way around this by opening the field to manual entries as of this weekend. Runners who wish to enter for the Wolfpack, can do so by visiting the Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre on Sunday morning, the 5th of September from 10:00 in the parking lot. Entry forms will be available from the team under the gazebo who will gladly assist you. Please be sure to bring along all the necessary documents and your entry fee for the race distance you wish to enter. The entry fee for the 42.2km race is only R329.25, for the 32km it is R275.80, for the 21km the fee is R222.35 and for the 10 kilometre race it will be only R104.90. Entry fees include Registration and time keeping by Peak Timing. There will be waterpoints scattered across the beautiful, yet challenging course which will see runners circumvent the Tza-
neen dam. “To be able to run, actually get out there and feel the wind in your face and the tar under your feet is something our local runners have been deprived of for so many months, because of the lockdown regulations. It really is no wonder that the event has been received with so much excitement!” said Tracey van den Dool, Warriors Wolfpack Marathon race director. “Virtual racing just is not the same. Most of these athletes were forced to run the Comrades on their balcony for crying out loud. Now they can finally run to their hearts’ content. So we invite all of you to come and enter for the race this weekend.” According to van den Dool, the 42.2 kilometre event is recognized as a qualifier for the Two Oceans mar-
athon which should be a good incentive for the local runners. There are currently 10 waterpoints still available for companies wanting to participate. Businesses who wish to become involved in the sponsoring of waterpoints can stop by at the Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre and make the necessary arrangements, or they can contact van den Dool directly on 083 968 0902. All the water for the waterpoints will be supplied free of charge and businesses will only be required to provide add-ons such as energy jellies, or even baked potatoes depending on where the waterpoint is situated and for which race. For further information please visit the Bulletin Facebook page or like the Warriors Wolfpack Marathon 4-in1 Facebook page. Medals and prize monies are up for grabs along with some exciting giveaways for the top runners.
Pieties laat Plasies tussen paaltjies struikel ■ Roelof de Jonge
PG Botes Foto’s: Roelof de Jonge
wedstryd met vier paaltjies staande te wen. Met die kolf het die Plasies-kolwers Willem Schutte en Zayed Moosa elke 20 lopies aangeteken. Luka Heinlein en Cashan Jacobs het met hul boulwerk vir Merensky uitgeblink deur elk twee paaltjies te neem. Hierdag Saterdag, die 4de September, gaan Merensky se eerste- en o/15-spanne teen die 11-talle van Stanford Lake College (SLC) in aksie wees. Die eerstespanne speel wat na wat verneem word op die krieketovaal van SLC met die o/15-spanne wat mekaar op die kolfblad van Merensky gaan aanvat.
Die afgelope Saterdag, die 28ste Augustus, het die eerste en o/15-krieketspanne van die Hoërskool Merensky vir hul volgende rondte wedstryde van die Limpopo Skole Super Liga teen die spanne van die Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) slag gebied. Merensky se spanne het in die vorige naweek in hul eerste wedstryde van hierdie liga die twee 11-talle van die Hoërskool Frans du Toit (Fransies) ‘n krieketles geleer. Die senior en junior PHS krieketspelers is egter gedugter teenstanders en ondanks die veggees van Merensky se spanne, het PHS steeds die botoon gevoer. Die eerstespan van Merensky het getoer na Polokwane vir hul veldslag. Die o/15-span het PHS op Plasieland se krieket-ovaal aangevat. Die eerstespan van PHS het die teiken gestel vir die besoekers om na te jaag. Merensky knikker al die kolwers uit vir 149 lopies. In die Plasies se kolfbeurt verhoed die venynige boulwerk van PHS sowel as hul veldwerk om die teiken verby te steek. Die span van PHS boender die Merensky-kolwers uit met 94 op die telbord om die wedstryd met 55 lopies te beklink. Met die kolf vir Merensky was dit Henro Delport en Don Hunter wie elk 24 lopies aangeteken het. Maan Mistry en Nic Adendorff het in Merensky se boulbeurt elk drie paaltjies laat kantel. In die o/15 Super Liga wedstryd het die span van Merensky eerste gekolf waar hulle ‘n 100 lopies vir die verlies van 10 paaltjies aangeteken Timothy Baker kolf vir Merensky met PHS se Nicolas Oerlemans en paaltjiewagter Divan Brown wat druk toepas op die kolwer. het. PHS het in sy kolfbeurt 101/6 behaal om die