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Many of us where eager to hit the gym as we entered into 2023, but new year’s resolutions fade and life gets busy.

It is important to create structure in your life and daily routine. Making time for yourself and healthy activities can bring you joy but can be a daunting task.


When it comes to diet, sleep and exercise, having good, strong routines is linked to improved mental and physical health. Bulletin chatted with Ettienne van Wyngaardt, owner of Health and Fitness Tzaneen, on creating healthy routines that will give you results.

Where to start?

Always remember that it is never too late to start exercising. It is always safe to make an appointment with your GP for a health check before you start exercising. Find an activity that you will enjoy and set your mind to it. Join a gym for a fitness evaluation/programme or find a “training buddy” should you need some extra encouragement. Make sure that you give yourself enough time to warm up and cool down with stretching. Take it easy and start with short sessions that are 30 min or less. As you get fitter and stronger you can gradually increase the amount of time you exercise. Drink plenty of water during and after exercising to avoid dehydration.

How do you decide which approach is right for you? Home or Gym?

It will depend on your goal, daily schedule and equipment needed. Joining a gym can help you to stay motivated and focused and a gym provides a dedicated space and offers a variety of equipment, from cardio machines, weights and personal trainers. Working out at home can be effective and you can save on membership fees. You can workout at any hour of the day in the comfort of your own home, but it is more difficult to stay focused and motivated as there are many other chores like washing and cleaning to distract you! Whichever you decide, to be successful you need so stay focused, determined and committed. If you do not want to go to a gym, what other options are there?

A few ideas/activities that you could try if you choose not to join a gym.

• Go for long walks

• Water Aerobics

• Join park runs

• Search YouTube for videos on Yoga, Dance or Aerobics workouts

• Choose sport inspired workouts like boxing, swimming and tennis.

How important is it to maintain structure and routine?

Routine creates structure and promote mental, physical and emotional health. The absence of a routine can often lead to stress and anxiety. Having routine will also help to produce results faster. What are some things that can be part of a healthy routine?

Choose workouts that you enjoy or are good at and will look forward to. Set up weekly “to do list” and put it on the calendar as you would with any other appointment. Workout in the morning to get it out of the way. Most importantly – you must stay dedicated!

How do you maintain a healthy balance between exercise and food?

A healthy diet and exercise are both essential for a healthy lifestyle. The most important ways to help keep the balance is by eating a variety of foods and exercising regularly. To maintain a healthy weight, you have to balance the calories you eat with the calories your body uses every day. You need to aim to live in a calory deficit – in other words, you need to take in less calories than what you burn.

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