AgriBulletin September 2020

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September 2020

Llewellyn van Zyl. Foto: Roelof de Jonge

Allesbeste verwelkom Llewellyn Bl9

Covid-19 relief vouchers extended Bl10

Update on FMD outbreak P12


September 2020


Publication of: F A R



Personnel Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 Drukker/Printer: Novus Print Office: 064 650 7123 Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 Ontwerp / Design Deborah Varrie Bemarking / Marketing Chrizelle Dreyer 082 628 4181 Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan

Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi Letsitele • Gravelotte • Mica Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco Lenyenye • Nkowankowa Giyani • Phalaborwa

Contact Details Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 24 Rooibos Street, Tzaneen Copyright © 2020 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

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Agri SA: Farm attacks must end ■

Jeff Jackson

Agri SA remains outspoken regarding the ongoing attacks on the farming community, as well as the rising incidence of crime terrorising South Africans daily. The agricultural communities and South African in general are now taking a stand and making their voices heard. “The agricultural community will start to make their voices heard in various ways, protesting within provincial context against violence on farms, opposing bail for suspected perpetrators of farm attacks and expressing support for the police in their efforts to curb such attacks”, said Tommie Esterhuyse, chair of Agri SA’s Centre of Excellence for Rural Safety. “These efforts are welcomed as they create further awareness of and draw attention to the devastating impact that crime has on the farming communities who produce food for the country and contribute to-

wards the economy.” “The actions against rural crime are planned by Agri SA’s affiliates, Agri Northern Cape, Free State Agriculture and Kwanalu. This forms part of well-considered and well-planned actions that will be conducted in a responsible manner and in compliance with the law.” “Agri SA fully supports the actions by its member organisations. These are spontaneous actions by members to once again draw attention to the seriousness of farm attacks and violent crime in their respective communities and to express their condemnation in this regard”. In support of these initiatives, Agri SA will continue to engage with the police to introduce appropriate measures to improve rural safety, such as the more effective implementation of the Revised Rural Safety Strategy. The recent announcement by the National Commis-

sioner of Police that task teams would be deployed at certain hotspots to combat crime, is a step in the right direction. Agri SA also welcomed the announcement by the police that joint working groups would be appointed to look at the resources needed to implement the strategy, finalise a reservist system, which will make it easier for the farming community to participate and to seek workable solutions to the problem such as the illegal hunting with dogs. “We are prepared to work with the police to find solutions as soon as possible. The farming community should not give up despite the many challenges they contend with every day. We have an important task and a positive role to play in the country’s interest. Agri SA appreciates the contribution that every member makes towards rural safety within their own structures” said Esterhuyse.

Nampo Harvest Day virtual edition fully booked ■

Jeff Jackson

The South African agricultural industry has once again demonstrated its resilience with the staging of the inaugural NAMPO Virtual. Drawing on the heritage of NAMPO Harvest Day, the NAMPO brand, takes another step forward with this initiative to still offer their partners and clients the opportunity to introduce product updates, launches, trade and network. The NAMPO Virtual trade fair is excited to announce that it could put up the “Sold Out” sign with all three of the virtual halls fully supported by the agricultural industry. NAMPO as a brand has always been more than a trade fair and every effort is made to ensure that the Virtual edition will also be “more than a booth”. Trade visitors will be pleased to learn that the entrance fee was waived by Grain SA. Visitors can now register online at at no charge. What can visitors expect? South Africa’s leading agricultural suppliers are ex-

hibiting in three virtual halls and each virtual stand has a webinar programme for visitors, a chatroom and a number of downloads of brochures and information. Visitors can also participate by personalising their virtual experience and sharing content on the platform under My NAMPO at Several interactive opportunities include a photo gallery where loyal and regular NAMPO supporters can post photos of their memories of NAMPO. There will also be a few competitions, lucky draws and information on show specials. The establishment of a digital TV channel alongside the virtual trade show is undoubtedly a first for NAMPO and will enable visitors to tap into a four-day TV channel with content ranging

from panel discussions through to lunchtime cooking shows and entertainment. This complimentary channel is accessible to all pre-registered trade visitors. NAMPO Virtual opens on Wednesday 9 September and runs until Saturday 12 September 2020. Show hours are 09:00 – 19:00 daily except Saturday when the show closes at 14:00. For more information and to register as a trade visitor please visit

NAMPO virtual lobby.





September 2020


Allesbeste se geheim lê in die trellis-ontwikkeling ■

Roelof de Jonge

Die welombekende Allesbeste Boerdery, net buite Tzaneen, se se teling en seleksie program met verskillende kultivars en onderstamme, waarvan die wêreldberoemde Maluma een is, is aan die voorpunt van navorsing en advokado-ontwikkeling in Suid-Afrika. Hiérdié kultivar, waarvan die planttelersregte reeds in 2004 gerigistreer is die eerste eg-Suid-Afrikaanse advokadokultivar wat bonop met sy eie handelsmerk spog. Dr André Ernst se seuns, Zander en Edrean, is die vierde geslag in die boerdery. Zander is die direkteur van bemarking en produksie van die Allesbeste Boerdery terwyl Edrean hom op die tegnologiese ontwikkeling en stelsels toespits. Allesbeste Boerdery het op die jongste episode van die gewilde Kyknet-reeks, Landbouweekliks, ‘n verskyning gemaak. Die Kyknet besoek het spesifiek gegaan oor die baanbrekerswerk in die avokadobedryf, die kwekery en kommersiële sukses van die trellis-ontwikkeling op avokados met die Maluma kultivar. “Dit is vir ons by Allesbeste Boerdery ‘n hengse eer om op ‘n episode van Landbou Weekliks te kon verskyn en dit was besonders aangenaam om die avokado-bedryf in die kollig te kon plaas”, het Zander gesê. “Wat vir my bydra tot die opwinding van ons navorsing en ontwikkeling asook produksie met die trellis-proses is dat elke dag soos ‘n ontdekkingsreis is. Jy gaan nie weet wat jy mis solank as wat jy die Donovan Lewis (handelsmerkbestuurder) spreekwoordelike ‘tried

and tested’ pad stap nie.” koffie te produseer en dat die gehalte van so ‘n aard moet wees Volgens Zander is ‘n hoër digtheid die sleutel tot die Allesbeste dat dit met die beste van die wêreld se koffieverbouing kan Boerdery se sukses met trellis-produksie wat die eerste meeding. belangrike stap is in die proses om mikrobeheer uit te oefen. Van Die populêre kwekery is ook in 1980 tot die ondermening die voordele van trellis-produksie is ondermeer die doeltreffende bygevoeg. Aan die begin van 2020, net so voor die grendelperk, vermeerdering in produksie, ‘n groei op winste vanuit die het Allesbeste vir Llewellyn van Zyl voorlopig as intern en later beleggings wat aangegaan is, ‘n aansienlike verbetering van as die kwekery se bestuurder aangestel. Van Zyl het al in die bome se produksievermoë en die tydperk vir bome om hul volle sewe maande vanaf hy by die kwekery aagesluit het, bewys dat oesvermoë te bereik. hy beslis ‘n aanwins vir die onderneming gaan wees. Hy gee die Wat Allesbeste Boerdery se trellis-proses ondermeer so produksie effektiwiteit reeds ‘n hupstoot met ontwikkeling in die verskillend maak, is dat die boorde immergroen bly. veld. Avokadobome wat met vroegrypheid verbind word Die Allesbeste Padstal is nog ‘n juweel in die Allesbeste-kroon benodig gewoonlik ondersteuningstrukture en sedert die laat 80’s is dit ‘n gewilde plek vir plaaslike omrede die bome te vroeg vrugte inwoners en besoekers om gehalte varsprodukte aan te dra. Dit kan veroorsaak dat die koop. takke meer as 90 grade afgetrek Sedert die ontstaan van die padstal was Allesbeste word wat die produksie kan Boerdery genoodsaak om oor die jare verbeterings beëinvloed. In kort, help die en vernuwings aan die gebou te bring om die trellis-proses dat bome binne een toenemendheid van kliënte te kan huisves. Die tot twee jaar hul volle oesvermoë gewildheid van die allerlei wêreldklas kwaliteit kan bereik in plaas van die gewone items en varsprodukte het die Allesbeste Padstal ‘n ses tot sewe jaar se wag voor bome aanloklike stopplek vir reisigers gemaak. ten volle benut kan word. Die Allesbeste Boerdery pluk vandag Volgens Zander is hulle tans ook nietemin die vrugte van hul toewyding aan besig met die ontwikkeling van navorsing en ontwikkeling deur allerlei nuwe kultivars wat in die unieke kultivars te kweek en so nabye toekoms die lig gaan ook aan die voorpunt van die sien. Allesbeste Boerdery ontwikkeling van kultivars beoog ook om hul te bly. “Die 2020 jaar met vernuftigheid en sy Covid-19 het menige landboukennis bedryf op sy kop gedraai. in die koffieOns hier by Allesbeste sektor toe te Boerdery wil graag vir pas. Die visie die gemeenskap van van hierdie Tzaneen en omgewing oogmerk is baie dankie sê vir hul lojale om van die ondersteuning, veral deur Zander Ernst (direkteur van bemarking en produksie) beste kwaliteit die grendeltydperk.”

Afriforum TZN buurtwag leer van brandbestryding ■

Jeff Jackson

AfriForum-buurtwaglede in Tzaneen het op 22 Augustus opleiding in brandbestryding ontvang wat deur die Letaba Fire Protection Association (LFPA) aangebied is. Altesaam 13 lede het die opleiding voltooi. AfriForum se Tzaneen-tak het ook ’n brandblusser-eenheid ter waarde van R17 000 vir die buurtwag aangekoop wat tydens noodgevalle op enige bakkie gelaai kan word om die brandweer, Brandbestrydingsvereniging en gemeenskap by te staan. Die opleidingskursus het oor die bestryding van veldbrande gehandel en watter foute vermy moet word. Lede het ook opleiding ontvang oor hoe om die brandblusser-eenheid te gebruik. Wegholbrande is ’n gereelde verskynsel in en om Tzaneen. Tydens die brandseisoen in 2019 was daar heelparty

brande in die Tzaneen-omgewing; verskeie strukture en huise het afgebrand en brandbestryding moes vir dae aaneen toegepas word. Uwe Kroh, veiligheidskoördineerder van AfriForum se Tzaneen-tak, het almal wat aan die opleiding deelgeneem het, asook die Brandbestrydingsvereniging bedank. “Die kursus was baie deeglik en leersaam. Ons besondere dank aan Ruan Snyman van die Letaba Fire Protection Association vir die aanbieding van hierdie kursus en vir ons lede wat hulle tyd afgestaan het om die kursus by te woon.” “Hierdie is ’n goeie voorbeeld van ’n buurtwag wat proaktief optree om hulself te bemagtig om weerbaar te wees vir die bedreigings in hul gemeenskap. Die vrywilligers het nie slegs hulle Saterdag prysgegee nie, maar wys ook hierdeur hulle toewyding om hul geliefdes en gemeenskap te dien en te beskerm in die toekoms,” sê Andries Opperman, AfriForum se veiligheidskoördineerder vir Limpopo.


September 2020




Spotted Hyena spotted in town ■


Billy Sibuyi

A Hyena was spotted roaming the streets of Phalaborwa on Monday evening, the 24th of August. To some who have not had the chance to visit the Kruger National Park since the lockdown, this was a great sighting, but not anything unusual for long time Phala-residents as these beasts are known to pay visits in the neighbourhoods from time to time. Hyenas and other animals are known to come to the Phalaborwa residential areas and for quite a few different reasons.

Bulletin spoke to a wildlife conservationist, Eugene Troskie, and he said that the hyena that was spotted at Kruger Park Spar on Monday evening looked like an adult spotted hyena which was likely scavenging for food. “Hyenas are scavengers, but also very capable hunters. They are intelligent animals and can quickly learn that where there are people there is food,” stated Troskie. “Humans are very wasteful and quite often dump food waste illegally on the outskirts of residential areas and this attracts animals like baboons and hyenas.” He also mentioned that usually stray

pets are dumped by their owners and roam around town and this attracts predators such as hyenas and leopards. “They are quite often heard calling close to town and seen every now and then, but there has not been any recent dangerous incidents involving hyena in Phalaborwa,” stated Troskie. He warned against people attempting to approach the animals to feed or even pet them. “Feeding them would literally be like signing their death warrant.” Another resident added that it was easy for the carnivores to enter the town, which appealed to them as they could sense that there were no similar species nearby, making it a safe ground to explore for them. Phalaborwa and the KNP are separated only by a fence, which makes it easier for animals to crawl underneath and rush to town in search of easy prey. Some residents have described it as a ‘push-and-pull situation’, whereby these animals could be pushed by the other carnivores and are being pulled by the unoccupied area. Not only does Phalaborwa enjoy visits from wild animals but also must take to heart the forced visits from domestic cattle in town. Cattle are regularly found near the road and in the past have been the cause of many accidents, some even fatal. On a few occasions, the owners of these stray cattle herds expressed their belief that it is cheaper for them to lose one animal from their heard due to a motor vehicle accident, than it is to keep them locked up in a kraal at home where cattle thieves would likely steal the entire herd.

Covid-19 relief vouchers validity extended ■

Jeff Jackson

The Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, Thoko Didiza, further extended the validity period of Covid-19 Disaster Agricultural Support Fund Voucher as announced on the 13th of August to the 30th of September this year. The vouchers had initially a validity period of 30 June whereby the minister extended it to the 31st of July 2020. These extensions emanated from the supply chain disruptions on the availability of production inputs caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, which negatively affected the ability of farmers to redeem their vouchers, delays in the printing of vouchers and no availability of some production inputs in the market. The minister acknowledged that all provinces have almost distributed all approved vouchers to farmers and most of them have redeemed their vouchers. “I have noted that there are still challenges on the ground being

experienced by both farmers and suppliers when it comes to the availability of some production inputs such as day old chicks and seedlings as well as errors picked on some vouchers which relate to incorrect ID numbers, incorrect allocation of production inputs,” said Minister Didiza. The Minister had also instructed the department to identify applications that were erroneously disqualified and to make sure that they are provided with production inputs. “I have considered all these challenges and decided that it would be prudent to extend the validity period to the 30th of September 2020 to allow suppliers to build adequate stocks of production inputs and farmers to redeem their vouchers.” Further information on the extension of the validity period and names of more than 14 000 successful applicants will be available on the departmental website,, as soon as possible to encourage transparency.

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Regering geroskam ■ Roelof de Jonge

Dit is vir die Transvaalse Landbou Unie (TLU) van Suid-Afrika onaanvaarbaar dat ‘n nasionale beheerkamer wat deur die ANC oorheers word, inperkingsmaatreëls daarstel wat glad nie sin maak nie. Dit luidens ‘n onlangse verklaring wat die TLU se hoofkantoor uitgereik het oor die onsinnge inperkingsmaatreëls rakende die Covid-19 pandemie. Die TLU meen dat dié maatreëls op dubbele standaarde geskoei is en veroorsaak dat miljoene Suid-Afrikaners sonder ‘n inkomste of voedsel moet klaarkom. “Die land se ekonomie is tot op die grond vernietig as gevolg van die regering se inperkingmaatreëls,” sê Louis Meintjes, die president van TLU SA. “Dit, terwyl die persone wat hierdie besluite neem, steeds hul volle salarisse ontvang wat deur die belastingbetalers betaal word. Om dit te vererger het sommige van die persone wat kwansuis moet toesien dat hulp by persone in nood uitkom, hulself onregmatig verryk uit die noodfondse”. Die beleidsomgewing wat oor ‘n tydperk deur die regering geskep is, het die vertroue in die land ongelooflike skade berokken. Dit het veroorsaak dat daar al hoe minder beleggings en ekonomiese aktiwiteite deur die privaatsektor onderneem is. Dit het die ekonomie tot in rommelstatus gedruk nog voordat Covid-19 die land getref het. Die TLU bevraagteken hoe die ekonomie weer sy kop kan optel, veral as die regerende party se beleidsrigting steeds voortstu en onsekerheid veral vir internasionale beleggers skep.

ARITZ Street Aqua Park Tzaneen

STNET # 911 ATE BAG X 4019 ANEEN, 0850

Menige kundige ekonome beklemtoon daagliks dat die ekonomie onmiddellik oopgestel moet word. Of dit reeds te laat is vir die moontlike herstel, sal net in die praktyk vasgestel kan word, meen TLU SA. Elke dag wat daar langer gesloer word om alle inperkings op te hef, vererger die ekonomiese mislukking en bring dit nader aan die punt van geen herstel. “Die regering se inperkingmaatreëls het Suid-Afrika reeds by die punt gebring waar die lewensverlies as gevolg van die inperkings uiteindelik veel erger gaan wees as dit wat deur Covid-19 veroorsaak word.” Die geweldige toename in werklose en desperate mense kan tot grootskaalse trauma lei, en die versteurde toekomsvisie hou ‘n onvoorsiene uitkomste in. “Maak die land se ekonomie volledig oop. Gee inwoners die verantwoordelikheid om self higiëniese maatreëls volgens hul omstandighede toe te pas. Taxi’s wat toegelaat word om vir sekere ritte 100 persent van die kapasiteit passasiers te vervoer, maak eintlik van al die ander regulasies ‘n klug. ‘n Verantwoordelike regering sal besef dat elke besluit wat onder die omstandighede geneem word, getoets moet word aan die invloed wat dit op ekonomiese groei kan hê. Die regering het geen plan of vermoë om honger mense kos te kan gee nie. Dit lei tot ‘n klimaat van anargie waarvan die eerste tekens reeds opmerk word. Dit is verstommend dat ‘n regering homself so vêr van die bevolking se werklikheid kan bevind. Nero speel inderdaad op die harp, terwyl Rome brand.”

084 4000 911

4 072 Maritz Street, Aqua Park, Tzaneen 98 98 911 084 22 00 911 email:

084 400 0911


e TZANEEN Crisis Centre is offering all tourists to our area absolute peace of mind when visiting this beautiful part the Limpopo, absolutely free of charge

urists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911

or 072 98 98 911

d help will be on the way.

e Crisis Centre offers access to a 24 hour emergency control room, Ambulance, Fire and Rescue services, SA Police, med response, trauma counseling, roadside assistance etc.

e also support victims of crime, violence, accidents, fires, floods, rape, child abuse or just a lost tourist.

ed a mechanic, a dentist, lodging after hours? Personnel of the Crisis Centre will help with any problem, and even ake most of the arrangements on behalf of the tourist.

eaking a tooth while on holiday can ruin the festive season, especially if it happens after hours. The Tourist Friend l make arrangements for after-hours assistance, and even lead the way to the dentist to avoid tourists getting lost.

s is one of many relatively trauma – free problems the centre assists with, but the centre hasn’t forgotten about the ore serious problems people are faced with every day.

r example, It is 03:00 in the morning and a tourist family is involved in an accident. One person is hospitalized and e rest of the family has trouble finding accommodation. What to do… Phone the Crisis Centre who will then put the mily up in their safe-house totally FREE of charge , until accommodation can be found the next day.

e safe house is fully equipped for self-catering and stocked with food. It also offers toiletry care packages for tims. Clean secondhand clothes can be arranged as well.

er 24 hours the Centre will assist with finding new accommodation.

urists should also take note of the innovative database maintained by the Crisis Centre.

fore or upon visiting the area, tourists can complete a free registration form, from

s form will allow tourists to record personal details that might be helpful to rescue or emergency personnel during risis. Details like next of kin, contact details and vehicle registration number can be very handy in case of an cident, a hijacking and the like.

ese free services are one way the Crisis Centre is ensuring that tourists feel safe when visiting this area, and we courage all residents and businesses to activate the Crisis Centre when seeing a tourist in need.

ase contact me anytime for assistance.

ay God bless you all,

ave Protter Crisis Centre




September 2020


TLU ondersteun protesaksies ■ Roelof de Jonge Die land sien die afgelope maand al hoe meer dat gemeenskappe vreedsaam en in massas protesteer by hofsake wat handel oor plaasaanvalle en -moorde. Die Transvaalse Landbou Unie van Suid-Afrika (TLU SA) en sy lede ondersteun hierdie aksies soos hofsake teen verdagtes opduik. “Die boere is keelvol vir die aanslag op hulle lewens en sal nou al hoe meer begin aksie neem teen misdadigers wat hulle aanval en intimideer,” sê Louis Meintjes, die president van TLU SA. Tydens TLU SA se virtuele protesoptog op die 14de Augustus het meer as 11 000 mense hulle steun getoon deur vir die optog te registreer en boodskappe van hoop en krag aan boere te stuur. Die boodskappe het meer as 355 000 mense op sosiale media platforms bereik. TLU SA was gedurende Augustus teenwoordig tydens optogte in Thabazimbi,

Soekmekaar en Mokgopong, waar verdagtes in plaasaanvalle in die hof verskyn het. Verdere optogte word ook beplan vir hofsake wat nog moet voor kom. Die organisasie sal ook op die 18de en 19de September teenwoordig wees wanneer die jaarlikse herdenking van slagoffers van plaasgeweld by die Witkruis Monument by Ysterberg in Limpopo plaasvind. Dié monument word jaarliks opdateer deur wit kruise op te rig vir die mense wat in plaasaanvalle vermoor is. “Ons is baie ingenome dat hierdie optogte telkens vreedsaam is en dat daar geen geweld of beskadiging daarmee gepaard gaan nie. Ons wil mense regoor Suid-Afrika aanmoedig om die optogte en aksies soveel as moontlik te ondersteun en ‘n standpunt in te neem teen plaasaanvalle. Die doel is om te wys dat plaasgemeenskappe kan saam staan en bereid is om op te staan vir die veiligheid van boere, gesinne en hul werkers.”


September 2020





FMD outbreak: animal movement still restricted ■

Jeff Jackson

An outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) in the previous FMD free zone was detected on the 1st of November 2019. In total, 19 positive locations were identified, mainly through traceback and trace-forward exercises. The last positive location was reported to the OIE on the 26th of February 2020 and more than 6 months have passed since the clinical end point on most affected properties. The process of resolving the outbreak is ongoing and quarantine has been lifted on nine of the 19 positive locations. The 19 positive locations include commercial cattle breeding farms and cattle feedlots, as well as a community farm. The clinically affected animals are cattle in all cases. Ten of the affected premises were cattle feedlots or farms with cattle intended for slaughter. Depopulation of these farms is strongly supported, and early slaughter was allowed from 6 weeks after the clinical endpoint on each farm. The risk mitigation for early slaughter included disposal and / or processing of the heads, hooves, and offal and two abattoirs were specifically designated for this purpose. Animals on affected properties are allowed to be presented for normal slaughter once six months have passed after clinical endpoint on the premises. The first farms reached this point during May 2020. More than 11000 cattle from premises under quarantine have been slaughtered since 20 January 2020. Six of the infected premises were feedlots only and have been depopulated and disinfected, with quarantine subsequently lifted. Four feed lots still have animals in the feedlot or on the farm and these premises are still under quarantine.

Nine of the affected premises are not exclusively feedlots and contain breeding animals, which are kept in epidemiologically separate groups in some cases. For these farms, consideration was given to the separation of the epidemiological groups on the farm, the history of how the premises became infected and the intended future use of the animals. Quarantine has been lifted on four locations based on a combination of removing affected groups, depopulation if possible, or negative serological testing of remaining groups of animals. Five farms remain under quarantine pending serological tests. All premises confirmed positive for FMD were immediately placed under quarantine and no movement of cloven-hoofed livestock or their products are allowed off these premises. Biosecurity measures are also implemented on the affected premises to prevent the spread of the disease by means of fomites. Many locations were identified with possible links to the infected premises. All linked premises were placed under precautionary quarantine until they had been followed up and tested. These included premises which received animals from specific auctions, or from known positive locations and premises that supplied animals to specific auctions. Direct neighbours of known positive premises and home villages of the workers on positive premises were also identified as “linked premises”. During initial stages of the outbreak, all farmers were encou -raged to limit the movement of cloven-hoofed animals until the extent of the outbreak had been fully determined. As an ongoing precaution, farmers are still advised to obtain a veterinary health declaration to confirm the absence of clinical signs of FMD on the

Reduced raw water tariffs are welcomed ■

Janse Rabie, head of Agri SA’s Centre of Excellence: Natural Resources

Agri SA welcomes the reduced raw water price increases as proposed by the Department of Water and Sanitation for the irrigation sector for the 2021/2022 financial year. The Department presented its proposed raw water tariff increases to national stakeholders in a virtual meeting on the 20th of August (last week). The Department will propose to Minister Lindiwe Sisulu, the minister of human settlements, water and sanitation, that the water resource management chargeincreases for the irrigation sector for the coming financial year be set at 1.2% for all water management areas (apart from the Orange management area where an increase of 10% was proposed in terms of the existing National Pricing Strategy). With respect to water infrastructure charges, the proposed tariff increases for the irrigation sector will be capped at 10%. Increases of up to 50% had initially been proposed during earlier rounds of provincial and sector-specific consultations held by the Department. The Department, however, made it clear that the limited proposed increases were largely determined in light of the dire economic consequences of the prevailing Covid-19 pandemic. This will automatically lead to a contraction of the department’s operating budget and expenditure in the coming financial year. “With large parts of the domestic and global economy severely impacted by

Covid-19, as well as prevailing drought conditions in large parts of South Africa, Agri SA foresees that irrigation farmers will increasingly be coming under severe financial pressure. The proposed charges will greatly assist in easing some of the current and expected economic burdens” said Wayman Kritzinger, Chairperson of Agri SA’s Centre of Excellence: Natural Resources. “Although Agri SA welcomes the proposed tariffs, we remain concerned by the lack of transparency related to cost recovery, budgeting and expenditure relating to these charges” stated Janse Rabie, Head of Agri SA’s Natural Resources Centre of Excellence. “We are deeply concerned by the high historic outstanding debt levels with respect to raw water charges as presented to us by the Department. Law-abiding consumers should not have to be burdened for inefficiencies in collection by government. While we appreciate the Department’s steps towards correcting this situation as explained to us, drastic action is clearly still required.” While agriculture is the largest consumer of water in South Africa, historical outstan -ding debt to government ascribed to the sector amounts to less than 10% of the department’s R18 billion debtors account. Municipalities and water boards together owe government a staggering R13 billion (72%) with companies and other government departments responsible for the remainder. Agri SA will continue to engage government to ensure water remains affordable but also that its management and regulation improve to secure quality water supply.

premises of origin and in the animals to be moved. The movement of cloven-hoofed animals and their products out of the FMD controlled zones in Limpopo, Mpumalanga and KwaZulu Natal Provinces is still applied. After an FMD outbreak was detected in the FMD free zone in the Vhembe district of the Limpopo Province in January 2019, a Disease Management Area was declared and strict movement restrictions were implemented. On 22 June 2020, these measures were aligned with movement control in the protection zone. Most trade partners have retained the negotiated agreements for safe commodities, based on the guarantees provided for the processing to ensure inactivation of the virus. South Africa is also confident to certify for the safety of pork products from known FMD free pig compartments.

SAPS and farmers take hands ■

Roelof de Jonge

The SAPS led by Divisional Commissioner of Visible Policing, Lt Genl MD Sempe, met with the leadership of AgriSA on the 28th of July to strengthen the working relations between these two organisations. This meeting also aimed at addressing the challenges emanating from the ongoing implementation of the Revised National Rural Safety Strategy. The National Rural Safety Strategy was initially implemented in 2011 and then reviewed during 2018 and 2019 after an exhaustive consultation with stakeholders that included organised agriculture, farm workers unions and the relevant government departments. The Minister of Police, Gen Bheki Cele, officiated the launch of the reviewed National Rural Safety Strategy on the 11th of October 2019 in Limpopo, Makhado, where various stakeholders signed a pledge of commitment to rally behind the implementation of this strategy. Both parties agreed that the effective implementation of the strategy should however be supported by the necessary resources. For this reason, a task team was agreed upon to unpack the strategy and complete a strategic analysis of resources required. Both organisations expressed their concerns regarding the ongoing farm attacks and general criminality affecting the citizens of the country. Some of the proposed initiatives were to increase visibility to curb farm attacks by both the police

and farmers through the blue and white light patrols. A renewed focus on an aggressive recruitment process of reservists was also discussed along with plans to initiate some changes on the reservist learning programme which will encourage more farmers and farm workers to become part of the reservist system. This may include reducing the length of the learning programme. The need to ensure that all farm watches and neighbourhood structures operate within the framework of the law and policies at all times was again highlighted. It was agreed that a more concerted approach by all parties must be expended towards revitalizing the rural safety committees at the lower levels and to ensure participation at the level of provincial and national joints priority committees. One of the major concerns raised by those present was the need to seek a long-lasting solution to the problem of illegal hunting with dogs which is still plaguing the rural farming communities. To this extent a joint working group was set up to deal with these issues. The parties expressed their commitment to work together and to mobilize other agricultural unions such as the Transvaal Agricultural Union (TLU) and others to ensure an enhanced implementation of the National Rural Safety Strategy. This strategy can just be the answer to create a crime-free environment that will help curb the reduction of serious and violent crimes such as farm attacks and stock theft.


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