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1 June 2012
Try! This amazing photo of a try scored during a local schools rugby match (taken by Mr Wikus Swart of Letsitele and kindly made available to Schools Bulletin) tells more than a thousand words ever could. The sheer joy of the moment which is so viscerally captured in this picture expresses the exuberance of youth. It also points to the possibilities and potential of sport as an integral part of the development of our young people at school.
Khutso Matlou and Makoma Maponya
How to plan for
University students from USA perform at Ben Vorster 2
1 June 2012
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Let go of Facebook and face your books Nineteen Likes... an hour later ... so and so is at KFC having a crusher and has tagged twenty people in the picture... honestly very few people care about one person’s constant Facebook updates, yet we still check them out . Looking into our friends’ or even enemies’ lives makes us compare ourselves to them and most of the time we don’t like the result. Looking at updates about 1st year parties and that sense of freedom you get in varsity should push us to work harder. Instead they make us feel depressed because we are still in high school . We tend to Jislaaik! Ons is opwindend. Die jeug bedoel ek. ʼn Honderd jaar gelede wou hulle ons sien en nie hoor nie, maar vandag is anders. Ons is ingelig. Ons is
Nuwe tennis-juf vir Vossies Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster in Tzaneen het ‘n nuwe tennisafrigter om spelers goed touwys te maak. Me Chantal Saayman bied individuele afrigting, semi-individuele afrigting (twee leerlinge) en groepsafrigting (ses leerlinge), asook mini-tennis, wat tennis op ‘n speletjiegebaseerde manier aan leerlinge bied. Verder bied sy ook squadlesse aan. Dit behels wedstrydoefeninge en tegnieke, sowel as “kopwerk” en fiksheid.
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Khutso Matlou Hoërskool Merensky uitgesproke. Ons is betrokke in die gemeenskap en... ons kies ons eie klere! Gelukkig vir die gemeenskap wéét ons hoe om aan te trek, want ons besef dat daar ʼn verskil tussen styl
forget that the people at varsity also went through it. They had millions of tests and deadlines in one week, just like we do. I bet they also had moments where they just wanted to drop out and become a petrol attendant . My older sister was in Matric in 2004 and there was no Facebook or BBM to keep her busy. She wasn’t forced to study, she did it to pass time. A lot of things have changed since then and social networks are just one of the many distractions that we face each day. I wonder if that is still possible in our time... How long can we stay away from en mode is. Wel, sommige van ons. Mode is tydelik, styl is vir ewig. Al hierdie goed kan van Justin Bieber gesê word. Hy’s ʼn rolmodel én hy’s ʼn tiener. Tiener rolmodelle is fassinerend en Tzaneen het geen tekort aan hulle nie. My vriendin, Alicia du Toit, klop my al van laerskool af met akademie en sy bly onaangeraak in haar nommer een-plek op die gr 11 toptien. Vanjaar het ek die voorreg gehad om saam met haar te debatteer en tydens ons samewerking was ek hiper-bewus van haar status as ʼn People to People ambassadeur vir Suid-Afrika. Nuuskierig soos ek is, het ek ʼn paar vragies gevra in die hoop dat ek dié blonde ambisie beter sou verstaan... K: Alicia, vriendin, ons ken mekaar al van gr 3 af. Wat sal jy sê is die verskille tussen jou hoërskoolself en jou laerskoolself? A: Ek is baie meer selfversekerd in die hoërskool en ek leef myself nou meer uit sonder om heeltyd te probeer om myself te bewys. K: Hoe het jou siening van die lewe deur die afgelope vier jaar van hoërskool verander? A: Ek fokus nou meer op die
our Blackberriers before we start shaking from withdrawal symptoms? Think about how shocked your parents would be if you were studying so much that you even took your book to the bathroom, like you do with your phone. I know for a fact my parents would think my cell phone got stolen or it’s broken. Social networking and hours in front of the TV benefit us in very few ways. It’s time to log off Facebook and deactivate BBM and face our books. We’ll thank ourselves when the results are issued next year .
Makoma Maponya Ben Vorster High School
Khutso Klets
breër prentjie — alles wat ek doen, is op my toekoms gemik. K: Wie is die mense wat jou die meeste beïnvloed het om die persoon te word wat jy vandag is? Wat het jy by hulle geleer? A: Vir seker my ouers, want hulle moedig my altyd aan om myself te wees, nederig te bly en my eie drome uit te leef. K: Wie is jou rolmodelle en hoekom? A: My ma, want sy is die mooiste, goedhartigste persoon wat ek ken. Ek strewe daarna om eendag so ʼn dinamiese, omgeemens soos sy te wees. K: Wat sal jy sê is die geheim van jou sukses? A: Ideale en harde werk. K: Deel asseblief jou gunsteling herinnering met ons. A: Sokkies saam met my pelle by Merensky, want as jy nog nie ʼn sokkie by Plasieland beleef het nie, was jy nog nie by ʼn sokkie nie. K: Beslis! So, wat is die één ding wat jou in die oggend laat opstaan? A: My wekker! Want dit is onmoontlik om hom te ignoreer. K: Wat is jou grootste droom
of...ambisie? A: Om eendag myself in my beroep uit te leef, want dit is belangrik om elke dag gelukkig te wees met wat jy doen. En om hopelik met ʼn boer te trou. K: Jy het die afgelope elf jaar agter skoolbanke gesit(lmga). Waar sien jy jouself oor nóg elf jaar? A: Hopelik as ʼn professor in Genetika of Wiskunde by Kovsies. K: Wat dink jy beteken dit om ʼn rolmodel te wees? A: Om altyd te probeer om te lewe soos God van ons verwag en te erken dat ons foute maak. K: wat is jou boodskap aan almal wat óók sukses in hulle velde wil bereik? A: Harde werk en dissipline. Maak alles klaar waarmee jy begin. “Good things come to those who wait, but the best things come to those who work for them.” Insiggewend! Hou die lug dop, want ek het ʼn voëltjie hoor Tweet dat Alicia binnekort haar vlieglisensie gaan kry en uit die nes uit gaan vlieg. Letterlik!
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1 June 2012
Die Young Ambassadors van Brigham Young Universiteit in Utah, USA, het Tzaneen op 5 Mei besoek. Hulle toer oor die wêreld en voer dan ‘n dans- en sangproduksie op. Alle musiek op die verhoog is deur die groep se eie orkes uitgevoer. Die konsert is in die Hoërskool Ben
Vorster se saal gehou en die Young Ambassadors se lewenslustigheid was aansteeklik. Die skool wil graag me Elma Swanepoel, van die Vossie Kultuurakademie, wat die besoek moontlik gemaak het, bedank. Op die foto is die Young Ambassadors tydens hul optrede.
Eleven students from the Stanford Lake College, along with the headmaster and a Round Square representative, attended the African Round Square Conference in Cape Town. As part of a group of students from as far as Ghana and Kenya, they visited Robben Island, Table Mountain and the Two Oceans Aquarium. During the Conference, the 200 student delegation met and worked together in demonstrating Round Square Ideals.
Seen in the photo taken on the top of Table Mountain are, in front: Aishwarya Mahajan (Indian Exchange student), Tshepo Tselaesele and Arshia Chadha (Indian exchange student). At the back are Khuki Masipa, Nick Jackson (New Zealand exchange student) Helen Thompson (American exchange student), Chicko Majuba, Lalla Shipalana, Khensani de Klerk, Georgie Roborgh (New Zealand exchange Student) and Lindy Joubert.
Alicia en Khutso deur na tweede ronde Alicia du Toit en Khutso Matlou, gr 11-leerlinge van die Hoërskool Merensky, het die skool tydens die ATKV se debatskompetisie verteenwoordig. Die eerste ronde van die kompetisie is by Hoërskool Hans Strijdom in Naboomspruit gehou. Hoërskool Louis Trichard, Hoërskool Nylstroom, Hoërskool Ellisras, Hoërskool Hans Strijdom en Hoërskool Merensky het deelgeneem. Die onderwerp van die debat was ‘“Die voorgestelde nasionale gesondheidsorgversekering is/is nie in die beste belang van elke SuidAfrikaner (nie)”. Khutso en Alicia het teenoorgestelde standpunte gestel en hul teenstanders van die Hoërskool Nylstroom stof in die oë geskop.
Redenaars neem deel by Louis Trichardt Twee groepe redenaars van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het onlangs aan die ATKV-redenaars se streekkompetisie in Louis Trichardt deelgeneem. Die juniors was Mariska de la Rey, Henk Blignaut, Jacques Kriel, Gretchen Bekker en die senior groep was Clara Olivier, Talitta Smit, Rachelle Strydom en Edmund de Beer. Hulle het die Vossies baie trots gemaak, veral in die moeilike onvoorbereide afdeling waar elke redenaar die onderwerp ontvang, ’n halfuur voorbereidingstyd het met een bron en dan ’n volledige beredeneerde toespraak moet lewer. Die redenaars wag nog op hul uitslae. Op die foto is van die deelnemers, Voor: Henk Blignaut en agter: Mariska de la Rey, Talita Smit en Clara Olivier.
Stanford celebrates International Dance Day
The Stanford Lake College, which is one of the Round Square Schools, celebrated the International Dance Day. Seen in the photo are some of the students celebrating the day with their dances.
1 June 2012
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Drie leerlinge van die Laerskool Duiwelskloof gaan deur na die volgende ronde van die ATKV-redenaarskompetisie: Lané Badenhorst, Heinrich van Zyl en Cara Baker.
Die Laerskol Duiwelskloof het onlangs hul top- akademiese presteerders aangewys. Die gr 5’s is, voor Hanso Swanepoel, in die tweede ry Anize Basson en Didi Boke en agter is Ruette Schoeman en Lané Badenhorst.
Die Klofies se topvyf gr 6’e is, voor Heincke Lubbe en Glory Mabidilala, agter hulle staan Heinrich van Zyl, Tshidi Malematsa en Anasthi Evangelou.
Hier is die Kofies se topvyf (akademiese) gr 7’s. Voor is Eljana Fleischmann en Anri Janse van Rensburg, en agter staan Lizaan Geldenhuys en Heini Ferreira.
Volgens tradisie word personeellede van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster in Tzaneen se babas ook as Vossies ingehuldig. ‘n Hele groep baba-Vossies is deur die hoofleiers, Luaan Louw en Clara Olivier, op Lion Kingwyse, aan die skool voorgestel tydens ‘n onlangse saalopening. Op die foto is die nuwelinge saam met hul ouers. Voor is me Jorina Vorster met Danie (3½ maande) en Altus (2 jaar), me Susan Els en haar man, Gerrit, (agter haar) saam met Elsuné (9 maande), me Nadia Norval en haar man, Archie, (agter haar) saam met Jané (5 maande), me Marna Jacobz met Anja (9½ maande). Agter staan mnr Marius en me Dané Atkins saam met hul tweeling, Ivhan en Altus (8 weke).
Drama-Plasies beïndruk veteraan Vyf drama leerlinge van die Hoërskool Merensky in Tzaneen het onlangs ‘n intensiewe drama-en televisiekursus in Johannesburg bygewoon. Die kursus het onder leiding van die veteraanakrise Brumilda van Rensburg gestaan. Tydens die kursus wat oor sewe uur gestrek het, het sy die kursusgangers noukeurig dopgehou en vyf persone gekies wat volgens haar, ‘die vermoë het om ‘n loopbaan in die TV- en rolprent-
bedryf los te slaan’. Fiela Nel en Mieke Coetzee is twee van die gekoses wat Van Rensburg onder haar vlerk gaan neem. Die twee leerlinge het elkeen ‘n A-plus ontvang en gaan ook verdere opleiding by haar ontvang. Die kursusinhoud het bestaan uit mimiek, onderhoudvoering, kamerawerk, foto’s en dramavaardighede. Die hele groep van Merensky het bestaan uit Mieke Coetzee, Fiela Nel, Ryno Jooste en Christalize Elbrecht, en agter staan Clarissa Esterhuizen, Van Rensburg en Melaney Young. Daar is geen keer aan die uitgesproke redenaars van die Laerskool Tzaneen nie. Agt leerlinge sal volgende maand aan die halfeindronde in Louis Trichardt deelneem. Hulle is (voor) Cilmie Geyer, Rachel de Jager, Helandré Venter en Wian Jacobs. Agter staan Rinus Jacobs, LT de Jager, James Vorster en WC Kriel.
Khutso wins Rojac 2012
Khutso Matlou and Lethabo Matlepa, two pupils from Merensky High School, participated in the Rotary Junior Ambassadors Competition (Rojac). The topic this year was “Power Corrupts: True or False”. Candidates did a prepared
speech of four to five minutes, an unprepared speech of about three minutes, took a general knowledge test and were interviewed by a panel of seven adjudicators. Matlou, along with two candidates from other schools, was chosen to participate in the second round of the competition, held at Merensky. He competed against pupils from schools in Louis Trichardt, Mussina and Phalaborwa and came out on top to win Rojac 2012 and a six-month exchange program in Germany. He will be representing Rotary and SA in 2013 in Germany.
Leerlinge van die Laerskool Dr Annecke het onlangs sertifikate in hul onderskeie gebiede by die funkie vir Uitstaande Prestasies 2011 ontvang. Voor staan Pelly Shingange (o.12 hokkie), De Wet Vorster (beste gr 6 in 2011), Meyer Vors-
ter (o.10 hoogspring) en Musa Shibodze (o.12 hokkie). Agter staan J.J. Davis (o.12 hokkie) saam met mnr Gerhard Venter, hul skoolhoof. Eduan Smit (o.13 hokkie) en Elzaan Espach (o.8 landloop) was afwesig toe die foto geneem is.
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1 June 2012
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Plasie-Muso tells all
Mr Chris Mocke, a music teacher at Merensky High School, has accomplished quite a lot. He started his music career when he was still a youngster himself and is a qualified Gr 8 classical pianist and teacher (Unisa). He created the first trumpeter cadet band at PHS in 1990 – 1994 and has played and taught drums and guitar spontaneously since 1991. Q: Did you ever play in a band yourself?
Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het hul gr 8- en -9-leerplan vanjaar uitgebrei met onder meer spraak- en dramaklasse. Twee groepe leerlinge wat hierdie klasse neem, het tydens die skool se toneelaand opgetree. Die gr 9-spreekkoor is, voor: Felicia Masedi, Phamela Mabunda, Blessing Mafogo, Mankoana Masetla, Lesedi Monakhisi, Dora Baloyi. In die middelste ry is Dineo Motshoane, Glen Bathebula, Monica Khosa, Tshegofatso Ramotsoma, Kgopotso Sebola, Melvey Ramoshaba en Laura Mokwena. Agterste staan Teddy Raphesu, Ireen Mokoena, Pheladi Ntwampe en Makala Machaba. Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het vir lekker vermaak gesorg, tydens hul toneelaand. Die program is aangebied deur Vossie Dramatix, onder leiding van me Mari Weber. Vier toneelstukke is opgevoer en twee spreekkore onder leiding van me Louise van der Zee het opgetree. Die gr 8-spreekkoor is, voor: Bella Ngobeni, Kgodiso Maunatlala, Tebatso Mahasha, Melville Heidger, Phina Malatji, Maripa Shokane, Mitchel Moagi en Nhlalala Mongwe. In die middel staan Samantha Matjie, Abigail Chauke, Zanele Phakula, Mpho Sekhula, Molebogeng Rahlano, Nsovo Nkuna en Prudence Mhlongo. Agter is Prince Machete, Koketso Semosa, Keorapetsi Moruti, Makungu Mushwana, Amukelane Machimane, Makoma Mothapo en Masana Shikwambana.
Die toptien gr 8-akademiese leerlinge van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster is Lané Roos (88,0%), Leandri Luus (87,3%), Marli Burger (87,3%), Duan Schoeman (87,1%), Nadia Paulse (86,3%), Jacques van Dyk (85,5%), Carmen Botha (85,4%), Gretchen Bekker (84,7%), Nsovo Nkuna (84,7%), Camilla Phakula (83,1%).
A: Oh yes! Here is a quick trip down my memory lane. I was in Blue Bread from 1992 – 1993 (metal band and I was the drummer), John’a Renault from Chris Mocke 1997 – 1999 (grunge band, I was the vocalist and lead guitarist), Sliced Plug from 2001 – 2003 (this band had a rock edge and I again took my vocal ability and guitar), Out of the Gutter Brothers from 2005 – 2009 (This was a Jazz band and I loved playing bass for them. In 2007 – 2009 I started playing piano, percussion, accordion and guitar for this band as well), Christian Von from 2003 and ongoing (we produced about fourteen albums of alternative rock music and I’ve played all instruments within this band) and lastly Lesaja (Sotho House band) where two CD’s have seen the light and we’re still ongoing. I am also a church musician since 1991 and again with humble humility I can say that I will remain one as long as I can play music. Q: What (or who) is your inspiration? The Majestic Jesus has always been my inspiration through out all these years. Q: Can anybody play music? I reckon everybody has a musical ability, either tonal or percussive… if the passion is there, the self-control to rehearse & practice, then the ‘musician’, which is anybody, will slowly emerge. Q: What is your musical vision for your students for 2012? My vision and mission in 2012 is to inspire all the students to work genuinely very hard and try and partake in the various events and opportunities that arise throughout the year.
Die Vossies se toptien gr 9’s (akademies) is Christiaan Vorster (91,5%), Zonica Lombard (91,3%), Mmadikhole Lesailane (90,8%), Annie Adendorff (89,8%), Damon Mills (89,0%), Barend Booysen (89,0%), Laborious Bopapa (88,9%), Frans Blignaut (88,3%), Coenraad Preis (88,1%) en Jara Kruger (87,2%).
Die toptien gr 10’s (akademies) van Ben Vorster is Lebo Malatji (92,2%), Nsovo Shandale (91,2%), Barend Vorster (87,8%), Talitta Smit (87,2%), Niki Cilliers (86,4%), Zinette Kruger (85,4%), El-louise van der Merwe (85,2%), Shonny Thuketana (85,1%), Bianca Kruger (84,6%), Elma Pohl (84,0%).
1 June 2012
TIME has come2
explore & apply for
in 2013.
The April holidays are behind us, and this year’s Grade 12s are only just settling into their last year at school. But an education expert warns that those who want to pursue studies next year must, without delay, investigate their options and submit applications to the tertiary institutions of their choice. “It is imperative that the lessons of the last three or four years are used to make this group’s experience less stressful than those of the thousands upon thousands of prospective students who had their dreams dashed in recent years,” says Dr Felicity Coughlan, Director of the Independent Institute of Education. In past years, many prospective students left their registrations and applications until the last minute (or even later). Great distress resulted when masses of applications could not be considered because they were late, a candidate’s chosen course was already fully subscribed, or a school-leaver’s academic record disqualified him or her for a chosen path. “This year’s matrics must act immediately to ensure they have sufficient time to investigate their options and apply timeously. Taking action now can save a lot of heartache and complications – including unexpected financial blows – later,” says Coughlan. She says the following tips will empower students to make the best choices for their unique circumstances, without the
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This page is kindly sponsored by KEY SHOP pressure of looming deadlines forcing them in a direction they would not otherwise have chosen: Broaden your scope and check out campuses for yourself “Guidance teachers at school can only offer advice on that with which they are familiar, which often limits their guidance to a small number of public universities. A smart student will explore options in the public and private sector, and will go to the campuses themselves rather than blindly trust advertisements,” says Coughlan. Check the facts “This is your future so fully explore registration and accreditation, entrance requirements, duration of qualification, price, campus size, equipment, staffing and success rates. Don’t be fooled by hollow promises – check the facts on which all promises are based and if there are no facts to back them up, walk away. Read the small print.” Keep your options open by having options “You must apply to more than one institution and even across institution types (for instance public and private institutions, universities and colleges). It is also better to apply for more than one qualification. Once your results have been released, your foresight will mean that you will be in a position to make the best available choice.” Meet the deadlines “Several institutions have surprisingly early closing dates and it is important to get your application in on time. While many private institutions offer the advantage of having closing dates that don’t fall within your Grade 12 year, you should not leave applications to them too late either, as the demand on many high quality programmes is high.”
Hope for the best but prepare for the worst “If degree study is what you want, then familiarise yourself with the different levels of achievement needed for the same degree at different institutions. Understand now what the alternative access routes to degree study are should you not qualify this year.” Remember, life is not lived by degrees Coughlan points out that it is a myth that all the best opportunities come to those with degrees. “In fact, there is evidence to suggest that a person with a respected, vocationally focused diploma can be more employable than someone holding a generic undergraduate degree. A degree is no longer the door opener it used to be. Employers are looking for a match between what they need and what you have studied.” Local is “lekker” It is great if an institution can claim international recognition, says Coughlan. But she warns that there are many scams that could see you pay for a qualification that has no value in SA. “Look for evidence of a locally registered qualification that has international recognition from a reputable international partner or for relationships that enable you to achieve here and internationally. Just because it is international does not make it good – there are many tragic stories of students being taken in by unscrupulous international institutions.” The beauty of accreditation may only be skin deep, so you need to investigate “Some institutions advertise accreditation by a range of different organisations. But while the list of acronyms and logos can look impressive, they
Juanita du Plessis Die talentvolle Juanita du Plessis tree 1 September om 18h00 by Hoërskool Merensky se paviljoen op vir ‘n heerlike buitelug lentekonsert. Kaartjies beloop R100 per persoon en is nou reeds beskikbaar by Merensky se finansiële kantoor. Daar gaan verskeie kosstalletjies by geleentheid wees en gaste kan ook hul eie piekniekmandjies pak om by die geleentheid te geniet.
@ Merensky
may have absolutely no value,” warns Coughlan. “False beauty is only skin deep, so you need to click through several ‘layers’ into an institution’s claims. If a website does not provide you with detail or is only one or two clicks deep it is important to try to find out more. When you scratch below the appealing surface it may not be such a pretty face you find.” Talk to different people Coughlan says that the best source of information remains word of mouth. “But if you only talk to people about things you think you already know, all you will get is an echo. What you need to do is talk to students registered at institutions you have heard about but never been to. Ask about that student’s experience of service, class sizes, personal attention, campus safety and success rates.” “By giving yourself more time and arming yourself with as much information as possible, you will be laying a solid foundation for your studies and your future. The best way to ensure that you have options to choose from when you get your results, is to set up as many for yourself as you can right now,” says Coughlan. For further information: • The Independent Institute of Education (IIE) is the largest and most accredited registered private education institute in South Africa. It has a history in education and training since 1909, and its brands, such as College Campus, RosebankCollege, VarsityCollege, and Vega, are widely recognised and respected for producing workplace-ready graduates, many of whom become industry-leaders in their chosen fields. The IIE offers a wide range of qualifications, from post-graduate degrees to short courses, on 21 registered higher education campuses across South Africa. For further information:
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1 June 2012
Strategiese Plasies beïndruk teenstanders Die toptien akademiese leerlinge in elke graad is onlangs by die Hoërskool Merensky aangewys. Die gr 8’s is, voor: Michelle Stevens (92,4%), Xané du Toit (84,5%), Laryn Judy Prins (84,4%) en Alex Jardim (84,3%). Agter staan Nyiko Shikwambana (83,6%), Joshua Varrie (82,8%), Ivan Botha (82,5%), Klarissa Nel (82,4%) en Tezwin Smit (81,7%). Michaela Viljoen (81,2%) was afwesig.
Die Hoërskool Merensky se toptien akademiese leerlinge in gr 12 is, voor: Simon Marincowitz (89,3%), Vincent Kruger (89,1%), Moira Mhlarhi (87,7%) en Hanrie Marais (87,3%). Agter is Joané Jansen van Rensburg (85,4%), Jasmine Jacob (85,1%), Reeba Mathew (85,1%), Marilee Botha (85,0%), Elizma Smit (83,6%)en Ilhaam Khan (82,7%).
Floris hou Vossies se naam hoog
In gr 9 is die toptien, voor: Andrea Devenish (93,6%), Kristie Badenhorst (92,7%), Melany Young (90,4%) en Thokozile Khosa (89,0%). Agter: Liam Smith (86,9%), Loamé van Zyl (86,9%), Stuart Lunt (86,3%), Kayla Crous (86,2%) en Christelize Elbrecht (86,1%). Monique de Lange (86,9%) was afwesig.
Net een atleet van die Vossies het op Marble Hall deelgeneem aan die landloop-ligabyeenkoms. Floris Coetzer het egter nie dat die alleenheid hom pla nie en hy het negende geëindig algeheel geëindig.
‘n Groep “strategiese” Plasies het hulle goed van hul taak gekwyt, deur ‘n wengemiddeld te handhaaf tydens die skaaktoernooi in Polokwane. Stephan Leeuwner, Dieter Pretorius, Danie Leeuwner en Herman Broodryk het elkeen twee van hul vyf wedstryde gewen. Ralph Rundle, Koketso
Motaung en Benna Kasterop het drie uit vyf gewen. (Afwesig toe die foto geneem is: Koketso Motaung) “Ek dink ons skaakspan het hulself baie goed van hul taak gekwyt,” het ‘n trotse afrigter, me Martha Leeuwner, na afloop van die toernooi gesê.
Vossie-tennis kry momentum...
Onder die wakende oog van die organiseerder, me Ankia Botha, en afrigter Chantall Zaayman is Vossietennis besig om fluks op dreef te kom. Hier is van die tennisspelers in aksie by die Limpopouitspeelwedstryde in Polokwane.
Die Hoërskool Merensky se toptien gr 10’s is voor: Suné Raspel (90,7%), Guy Perri (90,4%), Marno van der Meulen (90,1%), Armand Vorster (88,7%). Agter is Rean Venter (88,6%), Nkateko Shikwambana (88,6%), Elmien Marais (88,3%) en Simoné Schoeman (87,6%). Chantey Kleinhans (84,4%) en Claire Hyland (83,7%) was afwesig.
Die toptien leerlinge in gr 11 van Merensky is, voor: Caro-Lee Kotzé (93%), Benissa Issa (90,6%), Alicia du Toit (90,0%) en Mokgadi Malatji (88,3%) en agter is Matshepo Malatji (877%), Yaseera Gani (871%), Paula Troskie (870%), Monique Prinsloo (867%), Lethabo Malepa (854%) en Danie Leeuwner (854%).
Cross Country
The Interact Letaba Club, based at Merensky and affiliated to Rotary Letaba, collected toys for the children at the Yingisani School. Merensky learners generously donated hundreds of quality toys, which were distributed to the Yingisani. The toys were all cleaned, mended if necessary, and smaller toys put in gift packs of two toys each. The Yingisani children (all 206 of them!) were thrilled with their toys — for some the first they ever received — but it was the friendly, loving way the Interactors interacted with the children that made the occasion memorable. They quickly learned how to say “I love you” in sign language and were rewarded with big smiles when they signed it to the Yingisani children.
Nine athletes of Ben Vorster participated at Settlers Agricultural High School in the second league race of the season. A total of 379 athletes participated and the Vossies ran excellently. The final results were: Carmen Schutte, G u.16 (1st); Noline Mkhosa G u.16 (2nd); Charlotte Teffo G u.16 (4th); Liza Botha G u.16 (5th); Floris Coetzer B u.19 (5th); Teddy Raphesu B u.17 (8th); Laborius Bopape B u.14 (14th); Ntsako Nkwinika B u.15 (13th); Johnric Korff B u.15 (19th). Congratulations to all these athletes.
1 June 2012
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Sokkerspelers spook hard
Vir Blou Bulle Limpopo-span gekies
Girls Hockey @ SLC... The girls’ hockey teams of
Stanford Lake College had a mixed bag of results over the weekend. They played three games, winning one, losing one and drawing one. The u.16 team played very good hockey to come out with a draw. They have displayed signs of great improvement through the season. The second team unfortunately went down 1-0 in a game which they actually dominated, but wasted numerous chances. The firts team game was always going to be a great display of hockey. Stanford scored early in the game to go 1-0 up, but then they lost some momentum. They had numerous chances to bury the game but unfortunately some poor efforts on goal as well as not converting short corners let them down. The game ended 1- 0, still a good win for the girls!
Rugby @ SLC... The three Stanford rugby teams
had one of their most successful weekends at Beaulieu to date. All three teams dominated their opponents to win convincingly. The u.15’s got the ball rolling with a great 26-5 win. The second team showed some great structure and character to come out on top 33-10. The firts XV made history by winning at Beaulieu for the first time ever. The game was a typically close and physical derby match, with the two sides swapping the lead numerous times. Eventually, however, the superior structure, handling, and sheer determination of the Stanford boys was too much for their opponents to contain. Well done to the first team for a solid 37-20 win, and congratulations to all the rugby boys for a highly successful weekend. Twee van die Laerskool Tzaneen se top-landloopatlete het onlangs aan die LIMA landloopkompetisie deelgeneem. Lara Schutte (agter) het eerste in haar ouderdomsgroep vir o.13’s geeïndig, terwyl Zonica van Niekerk (voor) in haar ouderdomsgroep vir o.10’s ook ‘n eerste plek behaal het.
Tydens die finale Limpoporugbyproewe vir laerskole wat in Pietersburg uitgespook is, is vier o.12-seuns van die Laerskool Tzaneen vir die Blou Bulle Limpopo-span gekies. Die vierstuks is Nkhenso Hosana, John Naudé, Roehan Steenkamp en Nkateko Tiba.
Willy Modiba
Merensky Sokker het deelgeneem aan vriendskaplike wedstryde teen Frans du Toit op Merensky se terrein. Die wedstryde was hard en het baie geverg van die spelers. Dit is duidelik aan die puntetellings dat hard gespook is. Die junior span (o.16) van Merensky het gelykop met die Fransies gespeel, met ‘n telling van twee doele elk. Die senior spanne het mooi sokker gespeel, maar nie een van die twee spanne kon ‘n doel behaal nie.
Andrea Devenish and Rivoningo Sono
Drie o.13-rugbyspelers van die Laerskool Tzaneen is vir die Blou Bulle Limpopo-span gekies, tydens die proewe vir laerskole wat in Pietersburg gehou is. Die spelers is Barend Lombard, Franco Oberholzer en Comfort Shingange.
Mynhardt Bouwer
Merensky se seuns- en meisies-hokkiepanne het goed gevaar teen Frans du Toit op Merensky se tuisvelde. Die seuns het twee vriendskaplike wedstryde gespeel en baie goed gepresteer. Die junior seuns het die telling op 3-0 in Merensky se guns laat eindig, met Rynardt de Lange wat twee doele aanteken het en Louwtjie Venter die derde. Die eerste hokkiespan (seuns) het egter mooi gewys hoe dit gedoen moet word. Alrick van Gass, Tian Koekemoer en Rean Venter het elkeen ‘n doel aangeteken, en George Joubert het twee doele aangeteken — wat die eindtelling op 5-0 te staan gebring het. Die meisies het hul ligawedstryde teen die Fransies vlot laat loop. Die o.14-meisies het uitstekend gevaar en ‘n telling van 4-0 behaal. Xané du Toit het drie doele aangeteken en Tezwin Smit die ander een. Tezwin is ook aangewys as speler van die wedstryd. Die o.15’s het hul wedstryd met 1-0 gewen, na ‘n doel deur Izel Pieterse. Clara Mashile is aangewys as die beste speler. Die o.16 meisies het gelykop met een doel elk gespeel, nadat Demi-Lee Mostert die Fransies se doelwagter vir die Plasies se doel ore aangesit het.
Vossies seunshokkie goed op dreef...
Die eerste hokkiespan bestaan uit, v Voor: Richard Wernich. Middel: Christo van Zyl, JP de Lange, Shane, Karabo Ramushu. Agter: Marnus Steyn, Allan Conradie, Ernst Buys, Louis Campher, Gerrit van Staden en Isaac Tshabalala.
Netbalspelers vir Limpopo
Nie minder nie as twaalf netbalspelers van Merensky het Limpopo-kleure gekry. Voor is Evelyn Ramatsoma (o.17A), Charissa Bensch (o.17B), Akile Khoza (o.18A), Naomi Munduku (o.15A) en Mpho Mokoena (o.14B). Agter is Dzunani Mashele (o.18A), Clarissa Combrinck (o.18B), Caro-lee Kotze (o.17B), Olga Ngwako (o.18B), Amu Mbazima (o.18A), Wency Mthombeni (o.17A) en Vonani Ngobeni (o.18B)