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27 July


Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to


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27 July 2012


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Bulletin News coordinator: Retha Nel Layout: Tamryn Branch Marketer: Nicky Altenroxel Crownstraat 8, Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 7248 Fax: 015 307 7684

Makoma Maponya Ben Voster High School

Sorry for party rocking There are very few things that separate the ins from the outs. The ins are those who inherit popularity and those that are just social butterflies. The outs are those who walk in the shadows and imagine

what it’s like to be on the inside, even just for a day. It’s not that difficult to be one of the “populars” but it comes at a cost. Almost anyone can do it if they are willing to be a clone of someone on the inside. Most of the time it’s as easy as rocking up at the hottest party, with free drinks for everyone and you’re in. A couple of months later you’re no longer the sweet, pretty girl at a couple of parties, you’re the life of the party at every single get together. This is what we see in almost every single movie. The ugly duckling turns into the socialite and gets the guy. THE END. They don’t often show us what happens after the champagne showers and hangovers. We don’t see the part where the pretty girl’s life starts to revolve around the

parties. They never tell us about when she becomes addicted to the feeling of being loved by everyone and would do everything to keep it. Before she knows it, she’s the poster girl for drugs and arrives drunk and passes out before the party has even started. Suddenly she’s nobody. The friends are gone and no one sees her prettiness anymore... It’s not the perfect movie ending. It’s real life. You can’t live a fast and crazy life and expect to have a bright future, because you’ll change before you get there. Don’t let society fool you, know who you are right now and what you stand for. There is a time and place for everything and the aim is not to lose yourself along the way. Why would you want to fit in when you were born to stand out?

Top 10 songs NOW Top 10 songs of all time 1.) Bob Dylan “Like a Rolling Stone” 2.) The Rolling Stones “I can’t get no Satisfaction” 3.) John Lennon “Imagine” 4.) Marvin Gaye “What’s going on” 5.) Aretha Franklin “Respect” 6.) The Beach Boys “Good Vibrations” 7.) Chuck Berry “Johnny B. Goode” 8.) The Beatles “Hey Jude” 9.) Nirvana “Smells like teen spirit” 10.) Ray Charles “What’d I say” (

1.) Carly Rea Jepsen “Call me maybe” 2.) Maroon 5 featuring Wiz Khalifa “Payphone” 3.) Katy Perry “Wide awake” 4.) Gotye featuring Kimbra “Somebody that I used to know” 5.)Ellie Goulding “Lights” 6.)Rihanna “Where have you been” 7.) Flo Rida “Whistle” 8.) David Guetta featuring Sia “Titanium” 9.) Pink “Blow me (one last kiss)” 10.) Usher “Scream” (

Aaahhh! Okay,I’m not sure how that first word is supposed to be spelt. I couldn’t find it in my English dictionary. Browsing my online dictionary was futile and my English-Afrikaans translator was just Khutso Matlou as useless as my English-Sepedi inHoërskool Merensky terpreter. I didn’t Google it, because I wanted to avoid references to thrillers rated 18 (with the whole alphabet next to the 18). Aaahh! is a word everyone understands; in all languages. We can identify ourselves with the aahh! feeling; the terrible, terrifying, tormenting moment right before we ahhh! What is the thing that triggers ahh! the easiest for you? Maybe it’s when the opposing school scores a goal and you knów you could’ve prevented it. Or when your parents give you beef for mistreating your younger siblings when it is those siblings that won’t leave yóú alone. Exam results? Probably. For me, a mirror prompts an aaaahhh! moment easily. No, not a normal mirror. The other mirror at the backside of the normal mirror. The one that magnifies your face into ten times its natural size. Whoever came up with that atrocity should be locked in a room made from magnifying mirrors; where they can regret all the bad days that they’ve created for mankind. Firstly, those mirrors are highly inaccurate. They make you feel bad about yourself by showing you things that no one can see. I looked into one recently and I saw a few ants in my eyebrows. Seriously. Magnifying mirrors deceive you into believing that the few zits that you have are going to repulse everyone around you. Like you have deeper, more prominent wrinkles than your peers; as if your entire face is out of porportion. They make you feel old. Ugly. Like a freak. KWA! Ting-ling-ling. That was the sound of my magnifying glass hitting the wall. That bully is out of my life. Why? Because you shouldn’t let anything (or anyone)tell you that you’re not worthy. You are beautiful in every single way. No matter what they say, their words shouldn’t bring you down because you were made wonderfully. Fearfully and purposefully. The goodness in the moon, stars and sun resides within you and that makes you enough. Realising this comes with taking that magnifying glass and smashing it against the hardest rock you can find. Or just cover it with duck tape to avoid injuries. Essentially, you need to get rid of everything in your life that brakes you down. Positivity is golden.How you see and think about yourself is what matters, because the greatest love of all is learning to love yourself. Hey, why has the spelling of ahhhh! changed so many times? I should decide on an official spelling: A!aaahhh!A (noun) the feeling of wanting the earth to open up and swallow you as soon as possible...

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27 July 2012

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Biblioteek-kompetisie Die Letsitele Biblioteek het ‘n kompetisie aangebied, om mense aan te spoor om ‘n gedig of ‘n storie oor hul pa te skryf. Jessica Ngobeni het in die kategorie vir gr 5 & 6 gewen en Poland Mabunda was die wenner in die kategorie vir gr 9 & 10. In die kategorie vir volwassenes het me Elske Lots (hier onder saam met haar pa) met die beste poging vorendag gekom.

Woorde met woema Woorde met Woema, ‘n opvoering van die Plasie Dramatics, het vir groot vermaak gesorg. Die Plasie Dramatics, ‘n groep van 48 leerlinge van die Hoërskool Merensky, is onder leiding van me Marie Weber en ook deel van die skool se MDDK (Musiek, Drama, Dans, Kuns).

Dié groep, wat die Afrikanerpret en -plesierigheid opgevoer het is, voor: Kristie Badenhorst, Magdi Kasselman, Melany Young, Christelize Elbrecht, Loamé van Zyl en Mynhardt Bouwer. Agter is Marileen Basson, Monique de Lange en Nané van Wyngaardt.

Elske Lots

Marie Weber


Poland Mabunda

Die groep wat aan Romance at Romans deelgeneem het, is Hanrie Marais, Ryno Jooste, Marijke Bezuidenhout, Fiela Nel en Laura Corrilon (agter).

Fiela slaag sy musiekeksamen Fiela Nel, ‘n bekende “kultuurdier” van die Hoërskool Merensky het onlangs sy gr 6 Unisa Teorie-eksamen met eervolle vermelding geslaag.

Yusuf Cachalia was one of eighteen players selected to represent the SAFA Limpopo Province u.21 squad at the National u.21 SAB Championship in Mpumalanga. Upon the completion of the SAB Regional League in the five respective regions of Limpopo, trials for the u.21 regional squads took place in each region. Yusuf, a player in the SAFA Waterberg Regional League for Dynasty FC, at-

National u.21 SAB Championship 2012

tended the trials that took place at Ephraim Mogale Stadium in Modimolle. He was one of twenty players selected to represent the SAFA Waterberg squad at provincial trials in Jane Furse. There Yusuf was one of eighteen selected out of a pool of hundred players, of which he was the youngest at sixteen, to represent SAFA Limpopo at the National u.21 Championship in Mpumalanga.

Jessica Ngobeni


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Matrics have to make numerous stressful decisions during their last year at school, and they are often neither equipped nor able to access concise and accurate information which will have an extended impact on their lives. One of these decisions — whether to study at a college, university or private higher-education institution — can be particularly baffling. Especially when students continue to be confronted by myths such as that certain kinds of institutions are inherently “better” or guarantees employment upon completion of studies. Dr Felicity Coughlan, Director of the Independent Institute of Education, says choosing where to study is a personal decision that must be taken with care, as the various institutions are not interchangeable and one size does not fit all. “When you are making a decision about what to study and where, it is important to note that there is a wide range of different opportunities and that the decision is ultimately a personal one. “You need to consider what you need, what you can afford and what you would prefer to get from a learning space, and then choose your institution accordingly.” Higher Education and Training Minister Blade Nzimande recently encouraged matriculants to not only think of universities when looking at furthering their studies, but to consider all the different opportunities available to them, within the post-school education and training system. “Our youth must start realising that our postschool education and training system offers far more options than just what our universities have traditionally offered,” he told the class of 2011.

Budding scientists can start getting ready for National Science Week from Monday (30 July) until 5 August. This initiative by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) is a countrywide celebration of science, involving businesses, universities, science centres, schools and astronomy clubs, as well as other stakeholders. The South African Agency for

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How to choose the right place (for you) to study

National Science Week 2012

27 July 2012

Coughlan welcomed the increased focus on options outside the traditional offering. However she reiterated the minister’s words of caution that students must ensure they are signing up to a reputable institution – whether public or private - that meets their specific needs, to avoid losing precious time and money. “Always ensure that the institution is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training, but also speak to students and investigate the reputation of an institution before committing money and time,” she says. Faced with the baffling choice of post-matric institutions available, Coughlan says the following needs to be understood: 1) There are two key institutional types available to prospective students: a) Public institutions (subsidised by the state) b) Private institutions (no state subsidy) 2) Both the public and private sectors also host two different kinds of institutions: a) Further Education and Training (FET) Colleges • Qualifications are linked to a specific range of jobs or employment possibilities, for instance from beauty therapy through plumbing to IT and business studies • Currently qualifications normally go no higher than NQF level 4, and are not part of an academic route leading to higher education b) Higher education institutions • Qualifications such as degrees, certificates and diplomas from NQF 5 to 10 • Only public institutions are allowed call themselves universitiesin South Africa Private higher education institutions can of-

Science and Technology Advancement (SAASTA) has been assigned to coordinate this effort in promoting public awareness of science, engineering and technology (SET), as well as stimulating and increasing the interest of SET among learners, educators and the general public at various venues in all nine of the provinces. The theme of this year’s science week is “The Role of Science in Economic Development”, and with South Africa now a major role player in the building and operation of the Square Kilome-

fer the exact same range of qualifications up to doctoral degree level, but may not use the term “university” • Private and public higher education institutions are subject to the same regulation and quality assurance “Each institution – whether public or private, FET College or higher education institution – has a character and focus of its own,” says Coughlan. “Several are generalist and you can follow a range of study options, while others are very niche and focused and offer a limited range of specialist qualifications.” Prospective students, once they have decided what they want to study, must look at which institution best caters to their chosen field of interest, she says. “Facilities differ based on a range of factors – there are less likely to be science laboratories in a business school and many private institutions are not able to afford large sport fields so work with sports clubs to offer students a work–social balance,” she says. “Class sizes vary too from institution to institution and while classes in private institutions are normally smaller, this is not always the case. “It is thus imperative that when you are making a decision about what to study and where, that you recognise that there is a matrix of opportunity available to you. The decision is ultimately a personal one, based on what you need, what you can afford and what you would prefer to get from a learning space. ”These are the considerations that should guide your decision on where to study – not myths and preconceived positions from people who have not fully explored the range of options and are advocating only what is already known to them.”

tre Array (SKA) telescope, the world’s largest and most sensitive radio telescope, to be constructed in the Karoo region, presentations and hand-out material on the SKA will feature prominently. The Soutpansberg Astronomy Club (SAC) in Makhado is proud to be associated with this initiative by the Department of Science and Technology to include astronomy during the week’s celebrations and will conduct a road show of astronomy-related activities, which will include information and presentations on South Africa’s involvement in the SKA.

Interested parties, including schools, education facilities, science centres, shopping centres and clubs, can contact Mr Kos Coronaios on 079 148 4934 or by email at elephantcastle@lantic. net to discuss astronomy-related activities they may wish to host during the science week. These activities include solar viewing during the day, building of moon scopes and southern star wheels, information on the SKA, astronomy displays and related talks and stargazing. — LiN News / Zoutpansberger

Gr 9’s: Choose wisely now, avoid regret later

FET vs Higher Education Further Education and Training

Higher Education

NQF levels

Mostly 2 to 4

5 to 10


Vocational and occupational


Private and Public


NCV, National qualifications (N1, N2 etc), FETC etc

Vocational, professional and academic Private and Public Higher Certificates, Diplomas, Degrees (including postgraduate)

(© The Independent Institute of Education)

Private Higher Education vs Public Higher Education Private Higher Education


Higher Certificates, Diplomas, Degrees (including postgraduate)

Public Higher Education (Universities) Higher Certificates, Diplomas, Degrees (including postgraduate)




Qualifications registered by SAQA on NQF



Disciplines taught

Some are generalist but many specialise in particular disciplines

Normally generalist but with specialist schools and faculties


Governed by rules for admission to higher education but points requirement often more flexible than public higher education as capacity constraints are lower

Governed by rules for admission to higher education but points requirement varies by institution and faculty and capacity constraints limit flexibility in this regard

Mode of delivery Size

Class size


Contact and distance

Contact and distance

Variable but very few contact campuses with more than 3000 students

Variable with very few (if any) institutions below 5000 students

Variable but rarely exceed 100 students

Variable depending on institution and discipline



(© The Independent Institute of Education)

Top 10 inspirational songs of all time


1.) Eye of the Tiger 2.) Reach 3.) Gonna fly now 4.) I believe I can fly 5.) Hero 6.) Never surrender 7.) Dare you to move 8.) I will survive 9.) You gotta want it 10.) Win

One of the biggest life choices is currently staring Gr 9 learners in the face: selecting the subjects they will sit at the National Senior Certificate exams in 2015. While making this choice is exceptionally hard, it will have a far-reaching impact on the rest of learners’ lives and must be taken with care, an education expert warns. Dr Felicity Coughlan points out that at fifteen, most young people struggle to commit to weekend plans, never mind making decisions that could alter the course of their lives. But she says that the decision has to be made, and made properly. Below, she provides advice and guidelines on how to go about making one of the most important decisions most learners will face in their lives. For more information or comment, please contact Dr Coughlan at the Independent Institute of Education on 011 676 8021, or mail or ella@lange. . Consider the destination and work back from there: “Most young people will want to achieve a matric pass that will let them study towards a degree, and some will have aspirations for degrees that are very strict about the subjects you must take and how well you must do. If you are sure about what you want to do, you must study University and private college websites to determine their requirements, and let this guide your subject choices,” says Coughlan. For those who are not yet 100% sure about what they want to be when they grow up, Coughlan suggests making choices that will keep a wide range of options open.

“There is a list of designated subjects which are the ones that higher education institutions require for admission. Ensure that all your subjects are drawn from that list, unless you are absolutely sure you want to pursue a career that won’t require higher education,” she says. Gateway subjects leave more routes open: “Gateway subjects are ones such as Maths and Science, which keep your post-matric options open because so many areas of further study require them. If you struggle in these areas, consider keeping only one of them, preferably Maths. If you really have no aptitude, and your best efforts to master this field have not paid off, then opt for Maths Literacy. But remember that your choices will then be limited, as many degrees require that you have passed Maths.” What makes you happy? What do you dream of doing with your life? “Consider taking those subjects that match your career dreams and include them,” says Coughlan. “Also, choose at least two subjects that you really enjoy and in which you can do well – even if your friends think those are not ‘cool’ or ‘real’ subjects. Remember that admission to higher education is performancebased, so it makes sense to do very well in some subjects rather than badly in all of them because you chose only gateway subjects. “For example, if you know you will need Maths but are struggling with it, it may make sense not to do Science and instead to do a subject that requires less mathematics, such as History, so that you can raise your overall point score.

This will also help to reduce your stress and enable you to give more time to Maths so that you can do better.” Bring on the real world! “Not everyone will want to pursue a degree after matric, and making subject choices will be more flexible for these learners,” says Coughlan. “The South African National Senior Certificate has four levels of pass. One of them is the degree pass, but you could also qualify for diploma or higher certificate study. These two qualifications, which are normally vocationally or career-focused, could give you access straight to the world of work and even degree study if you wanted to do this later. “There are also options in public and private FET Colleges, or you may even want to start your own business. “In these cases a pass that enables access to higher education may not be as important, and it makes sense to include subjects with a business or computer basis.” Remember: “Keep your options as wide open as you can for as long as you can, so that if your needs and interests and aspirations change by the time you are 17, you are not boxed into a corner by the decisions you made today,” Coughlan says. • The Independent Institute of Education (IIE) is the largest and most accredited registered private education institute in South Africa. It has a history in education and training since 1909. The IIE offers a wide range of qualifications, from postgraduate degrees to short courses, on 21 registered higher education campuses across South Africa.


27 July 2012


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Plasies dra ook hoed vir liefdadigheid Tydens die onlangse Hoededag ten bate van die SA Vrouefederasie (vir liefdadigheid) het die Hoërskool Merensky se leerlinge hul deel deeglik bygedra. Die gr 11’s het met ‘n hele verskeidenheid hoede opgedaag, terwyl die gr 12’s weer die oog met hul interessante hoofbedekkings gevang het.

Merensky-grondparkering geteer Die parkeerterrein by die Hoërskool Merensky se Arugbyveld was al lank ‘n steen des aanstoots, veral omdat dit so baie rooi stof laat warrel het wanneer daar gery is. Die terrein is onlangs geteer en met randstene afgewerk. Intussen sal parkeerplekke ook netjies met wit verf afgemerk word, om te sorg dat die parkering ordelik geskied. Foto 1 wys die terrein soos dit gelyk het, foto 2 wys hoe werkers die teermengsel versprei en foto 3 wys hoe dit nou lyk (die parkeermerke moet nog geverf word).

Ringbal Rean Venter, ‘n leerling van die Hoërskool Merensky, het o.17 Limpopo-kleure in ringbal verwerf.

Grade 11’s Muurbal

Grade 12’s

Foto 1

Twee leerlinge van die Hoërskool Merensky het Limpopo-kleure vir muurbal verwerf. Johan Espach en Matthew Larsen is vir die o.19- en o.16-spanne onderskeidelik gekies.

Foto 2 Library rewards aspiring poets The Letsitele Library rewarded the good creative writing of two pupils who entered their Mother’s Day competition. The library runs various creative writing competitions during the course of the year and most recently held a Mother’s Day competition. Pupils could send in poems or stories about their mothers to win a prize. The two winners were Jessica and Timothy Duguid who impressed with their poems. Patrys du Toit won the new-member competition.

Op foto 2 staan dr Christo Prtetorius, met die blou kortbroek, die beheerraadslid wat die dryfkrag was om die terrein geteer te kry.

Foto 3

Johan Espach

Matthew Larsen

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Plasie-dancers get 80% + Nine dancers of Merensky High School displayed their talent during their preliminary bronze Ballroom and Brazilian Latin dance exams. The dancers took the exam at the Merensky dance studio and received 80% + (highly re-

Netbalspan kry borg Die o.13A-netbalspan van die Laerskool Tzaneen spog deesdae met splinternuwe sporthemde, danksy ‘n skenking deur mnr Desmond Walker van Boxer.

27 July 2012


commended) from their examiner, Mr C Bidgard. In front are Karabo Malatji, Mapula Malatji, Mariannè van der Walt and Marijke Bezuidenhout, and behind them are Machiel Botha, Katlego Malatji, SW Warmenhoven and Ms Estie Nawrattel (teacher). At the back are Vidette du Plessis and Fiela Nel.

Die hemde is spesiaal vir die Super 12kompetisie geborg. In die foto is (voor) Bianca Klopper, Melissa Naudé en Paula Ntuli. Agter staan Ndavi Nokeri, Meriam Modiba, Musa Hlungwani en Elzanne Engelbrecht.

Onder 18’s Netbal ‘n Groep meisies van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het die SA Skole-netbaltoernooi in Boksburg bygewoon. Agter staan Edwina Manyike, Thandeka Mathye en Nsuku Makelane. In die tweede ry van

Limpopo Hokkie Veertien meisies van die Hoërskool Merensky het Limpopo by die SA hokkie-kampioenskappe (inter-provinsiale toernooi) gedurende die skoolvakansie verteenwoordig. Die o.14’s is Xanè du Toit, Michelle Stevens en Tshepang Mhlbyago, wat afwesig was toe die foto geneem is.

Die o.16-meisies Carlize Katzke, Juanè Fernades (B-span), Elmien Marais, Marike Smith en Klara Mashele en Leandi Toerien van die B-span. Laasgenoemde twee was afwesig toe die foto geneem is. Die o.18’s is, agter Marijke Bezuidenhout en Gezila Blignaut en voor is Sally Oosthuyse, Amor Bronkhorst, Carmen van Aarde en Hanrie Marais.

Onder 14’s

Onder 16’s

bo is Clara Olivier, Adele Adriaanse, Celia Loubser en Kataza Mbombi. In die tweede ry van voor is Nadine Engelbrecht, Nicola Liversage, Carmen Botha en Vanessa Mkhabele en voor sit Katie Morgets, Precious Mhlari, Thabita Modiba en Tsholofelo Bulala.


27 July 2012


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Vossie-krieket se manne blink



Joshua Varrie en Augustine Chiloane, albei o.14’s van die Hoërskool Merensky, het Limpopo die afgelope vakansie by die inter-provinsiale hokkietoernooi vir seuns verteenwoordig.

Mahlatse Mahlaka, Samuel Varrie, Rean Venter en Johan Louw is die vier Plasies wat Limpopo by die interprovinsiale hokkietoernooi vir seuns die afgelope vakansie verteenwoordig het.

Grant Khomo o.16’s Die Vossies se o.16-rugbyspelers in die Grant Khomo Limpopo-span vir die Grant Khomo-week het hul kant gebring. Die span het hul eerste wedstryd met 54-10 gewen, die tweede met 24-19 verloor en die laaste wedstryd met 30-12 gewen. Die

span het sesde uit twintig spanne geëindig. Agter staan Theo Mahlo, Surprise Mathabela, Mitch Mametsa en Allen Mhlanga en voor is Vukosi Mabuza, Diederik Oberholzer en Tshepiso Mahasha. Eddie Engelbrecht was afwesig toe die foto geneem is.

Twee speel in Noordvaal BJ Vorster en Karabo Moremi van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het aan die o.16 Noordvaalweek (rugby) in Vereeniging deelgeneem.

Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster is baie trots op hul o.15- en o.18krieketspanne wat aan die Grootvlei Sportskool se kriekettoernooi in Pretoria deelgeneem het. In totaal het vyf honderd spelers deelgeneem. Elke span het 3 x 45 boulbeurtwedstryde gespeel en afrigting van die Titans-afrigters ontvang. Ben Vorster se o.18span het teen die Hoërskool Pretoria-Noord en die Hoërskool Suther-

Vossies deel van o.16 A-span vir nasionale hokkietoernooi Leerlinge van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster en die Hoërskool Merensky het Limpopo se naam tydens dié nasionale hokkietoernooi hoog gehou. Die toernooi is in Bloemfontein gehou. Limpopo het in

land gespeel en vir die eindronde teen die Hoërskool Generaal Hertzog gekwalikfiseer. Hulle het die wedstryd met drie paaltjies verloor. Die Vossies het tweede in die kompetisie gedurende die week geëindig. Die o.15’s het teen Glenwood High van Durban gespeel en met 56 lopies verloor. Hulle het hul tweede wedstryd teen die Hoërskool Centurion met vyf paaltjies gewen. Op dag drie het hulle teen die Hoërskool Oosmoot gespeel en eindig uiteindelik algeheel tweede op die toernooi.

die B-Liga vierde uit twaalf provinsies geëindig. Dit is die beste prestasie in jare Hulle het bewys dat Limpopo-hokkie nie onderskat moet word nie. Die meisies het Tzaneen se naam hoog gehou. Die spanlede is, voor: C Mashile, C Schutte, E Poh en N Mkosa. Agter is M Smith, E Marais, C Katzke en T Shikwambane.

Twee Vossies ding mee in Pretoria Monique Groenewald en Antje Weyers van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het gedurende die vakansie die o.18-Limpopohokkietoernooi bygewoon, wat deur die Universiteit van Pretoria aangebied is.

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