Khutso & Makoma
SLC Awards
5 & 6.
24 August 2012
Die skoonhede op diĂŠ foto is mededingers om vanjaar se Mej Vossie-titel, terwyl die dorings tussen die rose hul oog op die Mnr Vossie-titel gevestig het.
Cucina Montina
24 August 2012
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Bulletin News coordinator: Retha Nel Layout: Tamryn Branch Marketers: Nicky Altenroxel 083 746 6592 Jacques Smuts 071 268 2543 Thinus van Deventer 083 611 6292 Crownstraat 8, Tzaneen 015 307 7248 015 307 7684
There are very few things that separate the “ins” from the “outs”. The “ins” are those who inherit popularity and those that are just social butterflies. The “outs” are those who walk in the shadows and imagine what it’s like to be on the inside, even just for a day. It’s not that difficult to be one of the “populars” but it comes at a cost. Almost anyone can do it if they are willing to be a clone of someone on the inside. Most of the time it’s as easy as rocking up at the hottest party, with free drinks for everyone, and you’re in. A couple of months later you’re no longer the sweet, pretty girl at a couple of parties, you’re the hearted girl — she even did Moo Poo with us! As we sat over a packet of marshmallows, I became nosy, but she answered gracefully — like a true European...
Khutso Matlou Hoërskool Merensky
Made in Merensky “I didn’t start it, it wasn’t my fault and if this were America, I would sue.” This is how the Californian rebel, Poppy, defends herself when she is accused of setting her British boarding school on fire in the hilarious comedy Wild Child. After watching Wild Child, I developed an intense desire to become an exchange student — yearned for the adventure of being the new guy in a new country with a new language. I started working towards my goal and in that time, unbeknown to me, Tuuli Valkama was chosen to visit South Africa for six weeks. She spent three of them at Merensky and we got to know her as a free-spirited and open-
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From the outside looking ‘in’
K: How did you react when you heard that Rotary was sending you to SA? T: The first reaction was: “There’s snakes! I Googled South African snakes that night and was horrified, but now I know that they hibernate in winter, so I’m okay. K: The mosquitos in summer are worse. What was your first impression of South Africans? How has that perception changed? T: When my host family came to fetch me at the airport, I noticed that they were friendly and polite. That first impression hasn’t changed. K: How much did you know about our country before you came? Pray tell. T: I knew about apartheid and crime, but I also knew about the cultural and wildlife diversity. K: What would you say is the biggest difference between South African teens and Finnish teens? T: Hmmm...Well, teenagers in Finland don’t really go to church — it’s an old people thing. Here youngsters are more religious and aren’t afraid to show it. I like that! K: Hallelujah! The five Afrikaans words that you hear the most?
life of the party at every single get together. This is what we see in almost every single movie. The ugly duckling turns into the socialite and gets the guy. THE END. They don’t often show us what happens after the champagne showers and hangovers. We don’t see the part where the pretty girl’s life starts to revolve around the parties. They never tell us about when she becomes addicted to the feeling of being loved by everyone and would do everything to keep it. Before she knows it, she’s the poster girl for drugs and arrives drunk and passes out before the party has even started. Suddenly she’s a nobody. The friends are gone and no one sees her prettiness anymore... It’s not the perfect movie ending. It’s real life. You T: Mooi — it means Hi in Finnish. Lekker? Baie. Ek! Dankie — you say that a lot; Finnish people should give thanks more often. K: What did you enjoy the most during your visit. And why? T: On my first day we did the canopy tours here in Tzaneen. I’m afraid of heights, but somehow, I had the courage to do it and I’m very happy about that! On holiday (near Mosselbaai) with my host family, we walked on the beach and saw two seals. That was supercool. The sunset. We went to the Kruger once and I loved it! It was a dream come true. We came close to two leopards and saw two impalas that the leopards had dragged into the trees. K: Who is the most interesting person you’ve met in SA? T: A security guard from a local grocery store. He guaranteed me that SA has good security guards and that he’d take care of me. I smiled for the rest of the day... K: Which South African delicacy could you eat once a day for the rest of your life? T: Biltong and koeksisters. And fresh fruit — they aren’t always available in Finland. K: Name one Finnish activity that every African múst experience. T: Ice hole swimming! You make a hole in the ice and go in. Rolling in the snow with a friend — someone who’ll scream with you and complain about the cold, but still make you do it again. K: Brrrr! What have you discovered
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Spring is in the
Makoma Maponya Ben Voster High School can’t live a fast and crazy life and expect to have a bright future, because you’ll change before you get there. Don’t let society fool you; know who you are right now and what you stand for. There is a time and place for everything and the aim is not to lose yourself along the way. Why would you want to fit in when you were born to stand out? about yourself during your visit? T: I’ve learnt to be more open to new things: I overcame my fear of height, tasted biltong — it sounded gross — and did Moo Poo! K: The most important colour in the world... T: Red for love. K:Write I love Merensky in Finnish, please. T: Minä rakastan Merenskyä! K: The best thing about Tzaneen? T: The security guards — I’m feeling very safe. The Finnish beauty flew back home recently. During her stay, she was hosted by Tzaneen’s renowned chief librarian Christine Nel. Nel’s daughter, Katrien, will be hosted by Tuuli’s family (in Finland) during the December holidays. Merry Christmas, Katrien!
TEN Small things you can do to help the environment: • Turn off all the lights when you leave a room. • Pick up litter that you see in your neighborhood. • Ride your bike or walk, whenever you can, rather than go in a car. • Turn off the water while you brush your teeth. • Use both sides of a piece of paper when drawing or writing (you could also use scrap paper). • Recycle: Paper, plastic, glass, cans and other metals. You could also create a compost heap in your garden. • Repair, re-use or repurpose things that you have already, rather than just replacing them and creating more waste. • Create a wildlife habitat by building a birdhouse for your garden. • Unplug! Any electronic gadget you can turn on with a remote (TV, DVD player, Nintendo, Xbox) uses power even when it is “off.” Appliances with a digital clock (like a coffee maker) or a power adapter (like a laptop computer) also suck power like a sneaky vampire. • Plant a tree!
Environmental Calendar for Sept. 1 Spring Day 1-7 National Arbour week 10-15 National Cleanup Week 14 National Recycling Day 15-16 Clean up the World Weekend 16 International Day for the preservation of the Ozone layer 18 World Water Monitoring Day 21 World Gratitude Day 21 International Day of Peace 24 National Braai Day
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24 August 2012
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Laerskool Tzaneen: Toptien
Die toptien presteerders in gr 4 van die Laerskool Tzaneen vir die tweede termyn is onlangs aangewys. Voor sit Endriku Gerber, Doné Aucamp, Christene Kruger, Zonica van Niekerk en Rinus Jacobs. Agter is Lia Revelas, Chrystal Kirstein, Lané Prinsloo, en Jana Oberholzer.
Die Laerskool Tzaneen se toptien gr 5-leerlinge vir die tweede termyn is (voor) Thylene Rossouw, Juan-Jacques Moller, Elmé Génis, Juwairiyyah Khan en Christiaan Smit. Agter is Jenelle de Jonge, Zanel Steenkamp, LT de Jager, WC Kriel en Anke Minnaar. James Vorster was afwesig.
Die toptien slimkoppe in gr 7 van die Laerskool Tzaneen vir die tweede termyn is onlangs aangewys. Voor sit Are the Grade 12’s ready? Lize Crafford, Marlu McLean, Ndavi Nokeri, Verena van Language — science Heerden en Gerhard Bezuidenhout. Agter is Sumari du Pupils from all over LimPlessis, Emje De-Nysscen, Elzette van Dyk, Gideon Ser- popo attended the Na- language — is as importional Science Week at the tant as the facts. It will fontein en Adriaan Roets. University of Limpopo. not matter if your head is The Grade 12’s start writ- full of knowledge but you Laerskool Tzaneen: Bybelvasvraspan ing their preliminary cannot understand the exams this month and question or what the terShelley Milstein of Eco- minology or words mean. Schools WESSA noted On a brighter note, over some serious concerns af- 300 pupils used the miter running biology work- croscopes donated by shops with them. Most the Microscope Society of pupils are lacking foun- South Africa Trust. dational knowledge. She This was the first time suggested the following: that any of the pupils Summarise your notes looked at their own body and work in groups to cells under a microscope. teach each other. Don’t sit Firstly they scraped the and just memorise your inside of their mouths notes. and put cells on a microTry to fi nd as many old scope slide. They stained Die Bybelvasvraspan van die Laerskool Tzaneen het exam papers as possithe cells and made a prehul Bybelkennis tydens die Super 12-kompetisie geble. Find old textbooks pared slide. The prepared toets en as wenners uitgetree. Hier is me Erika Fouché, Cilmie Geyer, Lize Crafford, Marlu McClean en and compare what each slide was put under the book is saying and stress- microscope. The Trust has Ndavi Nokeri. ing. Despite curriculum provided a camera which changes, science know- allows the image to be ledge and skills stay sci- projected onto a screen. ence knowledge and Pupils then drew and laskills. belled their own cells.
Nasionale ATKV-redenaarskompetisie
Die gr 6-leerlinge van die Laerskool Tzaneen wat as die toptien vir die tweede termyn aangewys is, is (voor) Cilmie Geyer, Suné Minnaar, Anemé Jacobs, Lumé Jacobs en Anya Robinson. Agter is Barri Gerber, Christian Schmidt, Wilco Janse van Rensburg, Lerato Hutamo en Carmi Venter.
Kyle Shulman van die Laerskool Duiwelskloof is ‘n ywerige hoenderboer. Sy het by die onlangse expo in Tzaneen agt van haar hoenders ingeskryf en met vier eerste en twee tweede plekke ander hoenderboere die loef afgesteek.
Nicolene Ras, ‘n gr 5-leerling van die Laerskool Duiwelskloof, is aangewys as eerste prinses in die ouderdomsgroep 9-11 jaar, asook Mej Fotogenies by die onlangse expo in Tzaneen.
Talitta Smit, ‘n graad 10-leerling van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster, het aan die nasionale ATKVredenaarskompetisie by Buffelspoort naby Rustenburg deelgeneem. Slegs onvoorbereide toesprake is gelewer, na drie ure se voorbereidingstyd. Bronne is verskaf. • Toe die SkoleBulletin drukkers toe gestuur is, was die uitslag nog nie bekend nie.
24 August 2012
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Vossies: Graad 9 se toptien-presteerders Vossies: Graad 8 se toptien-presteerders
Mr Bosvark and Ms Loerie Die Vossies se toptien-presteerders in gr 9 is aangewys. Voor is Rendo Booyens (87,4%), Henk Blignaut (88,5%), Coenraad Preis (86,7%) en Mmadikhole Lesailane (90,3%). Agter is Laborious Bopape (88,7%), Anien Adendorff (89,9%), Tiaan Vorster (90,2%), Jara Kruger (87%) en Zonica Lombard (89,3%). Afwesig: Chandré Louw (87%).
Vossies open nuwe spogrestaurant Mnr Chris Denysschen, die waarnemende hoof van die Ben Vorster, en me Melony Grobler, die kringbestuurder van die departement van onderwys, het Cucina Montina met ’n lintknipseremonie amptelik geopen.
Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se toptien-presteerders (akademies) in gr 8 is aangewys. Voor is Leandri Botha (87%), Marli Burger(87,4%), Jacques van Dyk (89,2%), Johannes Jacobs (86,7%), Nadia-Ann Paulse (87,2%). Agter staan Carmen Botha (87,9%), Lane Roos (88,9%), Duan Schoeman (87,2%),Ruben Jordaan (86,3%) en Camilla Phakula (87,2%). Modjadji Maake (86,3%) was afesig toe die foto geneem is. Daleen Joubert en Janine Pienaar is twee van die leerlinge van die Ben Vorster wat tydens die opening van die restaurant hul eindeksamen in hotel en spyseniering afgelê het. Links onder is ‘n hoekie in die spogrestaurant.
As part of the Merensky Culture Week, a male and female teacher are chosen and awarded the title of Mr Bosvark and Ms Loerie. These teachers are voted for by pupils as a teacher who has made a positive impact on their lives. All pupils are given a chance to vote. In this way a proud Plasie tradition of giving credit to teachers and showing a little love to a teacher who always has
time and a kind word to encourage, is continued. This year the Ms Loerie award was shared by Mss Du Toit and Dreyer and Mr Bosvark is a proud Mr Oosthuizen. Seen here are (back) Stiaan Gubitz (headboy), Paula Troskie (Culture), Clarissa Esterhuizen (Culture) and Alicia du Toit (headgirl). In front are Ms Natanja du Toit, Mr Seph Oosthuizen and Ms Wendy Dreyer.
Die Vossies se span “kosdeskundiges” wat by die opening van hul nuwe restaurant die heerlike disse voorberei en aan die gaste bedien het.
Me Adele du Plessis, wat hotel en spyseniering as vak by die Hoërskool Ben Vorster aanbied, was die gasvrou toe die skool se opgeknapte restaurant, Cucina Montina, geopen is. Die matriekklas het hul eindeksamen in die vak hiermee ook afgelê en ’n groepie uitsoekgaste het die leerlinge se disse geniet. Foto’s: Anel Griesel
Dit was ’n skouspel vir die oog en oor Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se jaarlikse revue — vanjaar onder die titel Rockin’ all over for 50 years — is onlangs aangebied en was andermaal ‘n groot sukses. Aangesien die skool vanjaar ‘n halfeeu vier, is die teks en musiekvermenging daarop gerig om die geskiedenis van die skool en musieklegendes te vereer. Die hoofkarakters het die gehoor op ’n reis van die sestiger-
jare tot die hede geneem. Musiek van vyftig jaar gelede soos vertolk deur die Beatles, Elvis, Queen, Elton John, Tina Turner, Dolly Parton, U2, Mango Groove, Elvis Blue, Miranda Lambert en vele meer is gebruik. Die program het bestaan uit sangsolo’s, instrumente soos kitare en tromme is ingespan en groepdanse en duette is aangebied.
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Merensky se nuwe leiers
24 August 2012
SLC awards ceremony
Die Hoërskool Merensky se leiers vir die res van die jaar en volgende jaar is aangewys. Die seuns is hier saam met die voogonderwysers en die hoof. Voor is mnr Ockert le Roux, Khutso Matlou (onderhoofseun), mnr Magnus Steyn (hoof ), Stiaan Gubitz (hoofseun) en me Fransie le Roux (adjunk-hoof: akademie). In die middelry is Danie Leeuwner, Dian Botha, Armand Geldenhuys, JeCe Swart, Nikki Putter, Pierre Swanepoel en Rodney Stevens en agter staan SW Warmenhoven, Ruan van Wyk en Nick Jardin.
The first boys hockey team of Stanford Lake College were joint winners of the Limpopo league and all the members of the team received full colours for hockey during the school’s recent prize-giving. Seen here are Marinus Gubits, Shaun Lamminga, Kyle Dorman, Reinhard Schmidt, Darryn Petty, Dean Oosthuizen, Nico Dorfling, Tam Johnson, Ryan Botha, Torin Wolff, Brandon Wright and Gregory Young. Gavin Pirie and Farai Chigumadzi were absent when the photo was taken.
During Stanford Lake College’s recent prize giving three Grade 12 pupils, Anja Revelas (re-award), Hajira Hassim (re-award) and Muhammad Tayob (re-award) received honours for academic achievements. The Grade 11’s who also received honours for academics are Reinhard Schmidt, Brandon Wright and Luana Ungerer.
These hockey players who excelled for Stanford Lake College during 2012 During the recent prize-giving at Stanford Lake College Shaun Lamminga were awarded honours during the school’s award ceremony, and they may was awarded honours for cross country, Mikayla McDonald for equestrian henceforth wear their white honours jackets: Marinus Gubitz, Darryn Petty, Lori Hyde, Tam Johnson and Shaun Lamminga. and Roelien Prinsloo for culture.
Merensky se opleidingsentrum
Die meisies van Merensky wat vir die volgende jaar as leerlingraad sal lei, is voor: me M Winterbach, Katrien Nel (onderhoofmeisie), mnr Magnus Steyn, Alicia du Toit (hoofmeisie) en me Fransie le Roux. In die mddelry is Paula Troskie, Tino Gwanzura, Caro-Lee Kotze, Rolene Badenhorst, Dimari Fernandes, Charissa Bensch, Sally Oothuyze, Wency Ngobeni en Monique Prinsloo. Agter is Shirley Netshituni, Alexis du Toit, Clarissa Esterhuizen, Yaseera Gani, Caitlin McAdam, Rosadah Maart en Bernice Alali.
“Die Hoërskool Merensky is deel van die gemeenskap en daarom is besluit om behalwe die opvoeding en onderrig van kinders uit die gemeenskap, ook betrokke te raak by die opleiding van persone wat nie by die skool betrokke is nie,” sê mnr Magnus Steyn (skoolhoof ). Sedert Januarie bied die skool verskeie kort kursusse aan. Die dienste van Megro Learning, ‘n privaat VOO-kollege word gebruik om die opleiding te fasiliteer en die assessering te doen. Op dié wyse word verseker dat die opleiding
van hoogstaande gehalte en geakkrediteer is. Persone wat die opleiding suksesvol voltooi, ontvang geakkrediteerde sertifikate. Dit word ook deur die verskillende Setas erken, en rus werknemers goed toe vir die take wat hulle moet uitvoer. Sedert Januarie is 405 persone reeds opgelei. Van die opleiding het mense toegerus as trekkerbestuurders, vurkhyseroperateurs, toesighouers en is kursusse in noodhulp, die hantering van chemiese
stowwe en besproeiing met groot sukses aangebied Hier is (voor) me Lezette De Wet (Megro), mnr Magnus Steyn (hoof ), mnr Dolf van Rooyen (Megro) en Dr Andre Ernst. Agter is mnre Ernie Pienaar (Megro) en Johan van den Heever.
Aanhangers van die gewilde sangeres Juanita du Plesis kan daarna uitsien om haar op 1 September vanjaar in Tzaneen te verwelkom. Die Hoërskool Merensky is gasheer vir ‘n opelug optrede deur die sangeres op die skool se rugbyveld. Gesellige kuiertafels, met plek vir twaalf mense aan ‘n tafel, is beskikbaar @ R2 500. Dit sluit voorkeursitplek met ‘n lekker piekniek-ete en wyn in. Besprekings vir tafels: Mee Madeleen Winterbach of Ada Venter by Merensky. Enkelkaartjies @ R100 is beskikbaar by die skoolkantoor, dr Christo Pretorius (tandarts), dr Dion Coertzen (tandarts), dr Erika Coertzen en van Heerden’s Apteek. Kinders onder 6 kan gratis bywoon. Geen verversings mag ingeneem word nie. Die musiekkonsert begin om 19:00 en die hekke open om 17:00.
Juanita du Plessis @ Merensky
24 August 2012
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SLC awards ceremony
“no place like home...”
Full colour hockey awards were given to Michaela McGaffin (re-award) , Nhlanhla Shipalana, Cassie McGaffin and Hajira Hassim during Stanford Lake College’s recent awards ceremony. Mikayla McDonald was absent when the photographer arrived.
Stanford Lake College honoured four rugby players for the achievements during 2012’s rugby season. Rugby full colours were awarded to Marinus Gubitz, Dylan Baptista and Terry Tomes. Hlulani Mayimele, was unfortunately absent when the photo was taken.
Yusuf Cachalia (soccer) and Anja Revelas (cross country) received full colours at Stanford Lake College’s prize-giving for 2012.
Michelle Chitate and Inge van Rensburg of Stanford Lake College recieved honours for culture, during the school’s recent awards ceremony.
Seen here in the photo are the SLC delegation
Thirty seven students and three teachers left for Europe and Italy during the winter school holidays. They landed in Holland the day after their departure from Oliver Thambo and they met their guide (Sue) in Amsterdam. The sightseeing started with a barge tour of the city, as well as a bicycle tour through the streets. Visiting Madame Tussard’s seemed tame after the cycling through the city! The next day they visited Bruges, a medieval city in Belgium and then continued on to Paris, where they stayed over in the Science Park, on the outskirts of Paris. The day in Parcovered the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame and Montmarte. The next day spent at Euro Disney was
a treat but the train journey that night to Venice was not. Venice was very humid and the delegates just couldn’t drink enough water and vastly enriched the ‘gelato’ industry too! They saw the Doge’s Palace and marvelled at the Venetian Republic’s sense of democracy as well as its rich history. Sunday dawned and the programme that day was a wonderful tour of the islands. Murrano with its glass, Burrano with its old world charm and street market and Torcelli with its magnificent Romanesque Basilica was unforgettable. Early the next day they left for Firenze (Florence.) The old city is unashamedly home to the De Medici and magnificent
Janco Coetzee van die Laerskool Duiwelskloof het plek gekry in die Lima-span (landloop) wat aan die SA kampioenskappe gaan deelneem.
Dr Annecke se landloopatlete Die Laerskool Dr Annecke se o.7-landloopatlete het Saterdag die spanbeker by die Innie Mandjiefees se byeenkoms gewen. Chris Snyman, Luan Verster en Gideon Goosen het onderskeidelik sesde, sewende en elfde geëindig.
Atlete van die Laerskool Tzaneen het aan die Limpopolandloopkampioenskappe by die Hoërskool Merensky deelgeneem. Maynard Kleynhans, Christelle Coetzer en Lara Schutte het medaljes vir hul prestasies ontvang.
sculpture. One could only stare open-mouthed at the beautifully preserved statues of Lorenzo de Medici as Hercules lining the piazza. It was one of the tour’s highlights. The next day they saw the leaning tower of Pisa and Lucca, another unchanged medieval town, where the pace, for once, was slow. All too soon they had to leave for Rome, where the day was spent visiting the Vatican, the Forum and the Colosseum. On the final day they visited the Catacombs, and then, it was time to come back home. “It was a wonderful learning experience. One cannot but be impressed with Europe, but it was even better to realise that there is ‘no place like home’,” said the group leader.
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24 August 2012
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Merensky maak skoonskip in gholfinterhoër:
Laerskool Tzaneen: Hokkie ‘n Groep Limpopo-hokkiespelers van die Laerskool Tzaneen het aan ‘n streektoernooi in Witrivier deelgeneem. Die spelers het goed gevaar: die o.13B-seuns het ‘n vyfde plek behaal, die o.12A-seuns het eerste gekom en die o.12B-seuns vierde. Die meisies het skoonskip in die toernooi gemaak: die o.13B’s was eerste, die o.12A’s ook en die o.12’s het tweede geëindig.
Die Hoërskool Merensky se gholfspelers het die onlangse interhoër op TCC se baan gewen. Benewens Merensky se manne het gholfspelers van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster, PHS, Stanford Lake College, die Hoërskool Eric Louw, die Hoërskool Louis Trichardt en die Hoërskool Frans du Toit mekaar die stryd aangesê. Die interhoër was ‘n
vierbal-formaat waarvan die beste drie spelers se punte bymekaar getel is, om die wenner te bepaal. Merensky het skoonskip gemaak, met die naaste teenstander ‘n volle tien punte agter die Plasie-wenspan. Rynard de Lange het die prys gekry vir die beste netto houe op die dag, asook die beste IPSpunte.
Plasie-rugby Twee Plasie-rugbyspelers het Limpopo gedurende die afgelope wintervakansie in die o.16 groep verteenwoordig: Marno vd Meulen (A-span, Grant Khomo-week) en Marno v Wyk (B-span, Noordvaal-week).
Laerskool Tzaneen: Gholf Gholfspelers van die Laerskool Tzaneen het onlangs aan die Ernie Els-laerskole gholfkampioenskappe deelgeneem. James Vorster het agtste uit die 52 spelers geëindig. Hier is Franco Broodryk, Jaco De La Rey, Renaldo van Rensburg en James Vorster.
Die Plasie Wenspan Voor: Tian Roets, Rynard de Lange Agter: Bennie Osmers, Mnr Stefan Nawrattel, Blake Linder
Rynard de Lange
Drie Plasie-netbalspelers het Limpopo gedurende die wintervakansie by die SA netbalkampioenskappe (vir skole) verteenwoordig. In die groep vir o.17-spelers het Caro-Lee Kotze en Charissa Bensch (foto bo) gesorg dat Limpopo se vlag wapper, en Clarissa Combrink (foto regs) was een van die uitblinkers in die o.18-groep.
SA landloopkampioenskappe ‘n Groot groep landloopatlete van die Laerskool Tzaneen is in die Limpopo-landloopspan opgeneem. Hulle sal op 8 September aan die SA landloopkampioenskappe deelneem. Voor is Renschie Engelbrecht, Heidi Katzke, Maynard Kleynhans, Jurgens Spaumer, Jacques Minnaar, Benno Kotze en Gunther Katzke. In die volgende ry is: Lia Revelas, Jana Oberholzer, Zonica van Niekerk, Jodi Spaumer, Christine Kruger, Dylan Kotze en Arno Swart. Agter hulle staan Christelle Coetzer, Jenelle de Jonge, Meghan MacNicol, Anke Minnaar, Doran Kleynhans, Michael Coertzen en Sancha van Niekerk. Agter is Suné Minnaar, Anri McLean, Lara Schutte, Jonelle Oberholzer, Courtney Bridger en Joleen Spaumer.
Blou Bulle o.19
Carel O’Neill het die afgelope wintervakansie vir die Blou Bulle se o.19-span uitgedraf. Hy is ‘n leerling van die Hoërskool Merensky.
24 August 2012
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Noordvaal hockey The Noordvaal hockey tournament took place recently. The tournament consisted of four pools. Rustenburg High and Noordheuwel were in the same pool as Merensky and Rustenburg was the first opponent with a draw score of 0-0. The u.16 team played against Noordheuwel and lost 1-0 with the unlucky result of Merensky hitting two disallowed goals which placed them third in their pool. They then had to play both Sasolburg and Krugersdorp High School to fight for 9th and 12th position. The third game of the day was played against Sasolburg and Merensky won 4-0.
Rynard de Lange scored a hat trick and Johan Louw one goal. Merensky was victorious against Krugersdorp with 4-1. Marno van der Meulen scored two goals and Rynard de Lange and Xander Hageman scored a goal each. Merensky was placed ninth overall. In front are Ms Ashley Murray, Dylan Luis, Lee van Vrede , Rynard de Lange, Brandon Coetzer, Nicolo Rech, Xander Hageman and Tiaan Venter. At the back are Marno vd Meulen, Brodin Barnes, Samuel Varrie, Claudio Rech, Solly Modiba, Rean Venter, Johan Louw, Rico Pretorius and Jason Spengler.
Pfunanane at cross country championships Twelve athletes of Pfunanane School took part in Limpopo’s recent Cross Country Championships The school has only 163 scholars and cross country is their main sport. They are coached by Ms Sarah Haver Terwey, an American runner and daughter of a former American na-
tional champion, and Sarah Ogle, a former nationally ranked American runner whose coach is also coaching the American Olympic distance runners. Pfunanane is a private school for underprivileged children, mostly from the Kgapane area. They are planning a trip to take the athletes to Amanzimtoti for the SA championships.
Skuts presteer mooi Ses skuts van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het bewys hul korreloë is goed ingestel. Al ses is gekies vir die Limpopo-span wat in Oktober aan die SA kampioenskappe gaan deelneem. Lambré Griesel, Bernadine Voster, Jan-Daniël Griesel, Werner van Rensburg, Johnric Korff en TJ Vorster sal gaan probeer wys dat Limpopo se skuts nie ken van mis nie en kolskote kan inryg. Lambré het ook pas van Londen teruggekom, waar hy as lid van die SA span aan ‘n internasionale kompetisie deelgeneem het.
Landloop: Limpopo-kleure Vyf landloopatlete van die Hoërskool Ben Voster het Limpopo-kleure verwerf en gaan oor twee weke in Amanzimtoti aan die SA kampioenskappe deelneem. Hier is Laborious Bopape, Charlotte Teffo en Carmen Botha en agter staan Ntsako Nkwinyika en Floris Coetzer.
Vossie-krieketspelers blink Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster is baie trots op hul o.15en o.18-krieketspanne wat aan die Grootvlei Sportskool se kriekettoernooi in Pretoria deelgeneem het. In totaal het vyf honderd spelers deelgeneem. Elke span het 3 x 45 boulbeurtwedstryde gespeel en afrigting van die Titans-afrigters ontvang. Ben Vorster se o.18-span het teen die Hoërskool Pretoria-Noord en die Hoërskool Sutherland gespeel en vir die eindronde teen die Hoërskool Generaal
Hertzog gekwalikfiseer. Hulle het die wedstryd met drie lopies verloor. Die Vossies het tweede in die kompetisie geëindig. Die o.15’s het teen Glenwood High van Durban gespeel en met 56 lopies verloor. Hulle het hul tweede wedstryd teendie Hoërskool Centurion met vyf paaltjies gewen. Op dag drie het hulle teen die Hoërskool Oosmoot gespeel en eindig uiteindelik algeheel tweede op die toernooi.
Plasie-krieket Merensky se eerste krieketspan en die o.15Aspan het onlangs teen Seshego gespeel. Die Plasies se eerste span het met tien paaltjies gewen, nadat hulle Seshego se 29 lopies in slegs 4,6 beurte ingehaal het. Merensky se Stephen Herbst het vyf paaltjies laat kantel en Rynard de Lange drie. Die o.15A’s het Seshego se telling van 22 in die tiende kolfbeurt ingehaal en wen met tien
paaltjies. Nabeel Carrim het vyf paaltjies geneem in drie beurte en slegs elf lopies afgestaan. Die eerste span se spe-lers is (voor) Arnu Vorster, Nic Jardin en mnr Pieter vd Merwe (afrigter). In die middle is Johan Louw, Philip Nel, Stephen Herbst en George Joubert en agter staan Aubrey Louw, Thomas Ngwenya, Rainard Schoombee, Pierre Swanepoel en Rynard de Lange.