Merenskybulletin 2016

Page 1

March 2016

Layout: Tessa Thompson & Tamryn Branch Marketing: Jacques Smuts & Ansie Smuts Editorial: Joe Dreyer

Another publication by • Nog ‘n publikassie van

Fear lessl y the tr uth


March 2016

80 Years old 80 Jaar oud Wildly the time flies and moments pass in a flash. People never stay in one place, even when you wish they would. Some people live in the past, others live in the future and few live in the day. Merensky however grows from the past, give in the present and create the future. This year we celebrate our 80th birthday on the weekend of 22 April. With our celebration you have the opportunity to relive your past and make memory lane a destination on your journey through live. Use the present to live again and the future will await you with open arms. Don’t stay at home and be the old version of yourself, join us and be the best version of yourself on the weekend of the 22nd. Everybody is welcome; it doesn’t matter if you are an old ‘Plasie’ or not, just be a friend and come and visit us. Merensky is ʼn tradisieryke skool in ʼn skilderagtige omgewing met gelukkige kinders, toegewyde personeel, betrokke ouers, trotse oud-Plasies en ʼn gemeenskap wat omgee. Die wese van Merensky kon nie bestaan sonder

die mense se ywer en geesdrif nie. Die gesamentlike spanpoging het gelei tot die Merensky wat ons vandag ken, en ʼn mens kan met vreugde deur al die jare se jaarblaaie blaai of die geskiedenis in die skool se museum gaan herleef. Wanneer ons terugkyk op Merensky se geskiedenis, het die skool die hele spektrum van ervarings beleef. Van die grootste suksesse tot die seerste hartseer het alles bygedra om Plasieland te vorm in wat hy vandag is. Die unieke ervarings, mense en gebeure sorg vir interessante stories en tradisies wat tydens

kuiergeleenthede met deernis onthou word. As a school we believe that God gave every child a talent, big or small. Each child has his/her own unique talent in his/her own special way. Merensky wants to contribute to every child’s development, growth and life skills. We strive to let children know what we want from them. We want to give them the opportunity to taste achievement. We want them to know how to improve. We want to lead them and reward them for their successes and contributions. Why? Children who feel good about themselves deliver good results. In the end we want the children and parents of Merensky to be blessed with great memories of their school long after the child has finished school. Die gevoel van behoort, van sterk skoolbande, ryk kultuur en trotse herkoms wat Merensky uitstraal moet nooit onderskat word nie.

Baie dankie aan elkeen se bydrae om Merensky te help ontwikkel tot wat dit vandag is. Om Merensky in een woord op te som is eintlik onmoontlik, want die volgende is onlosmaaklik deel van ons skool: wonderlik, warm, ruim, groen, vernuwend, lojaal, geskiedkundig, hartlik en vriendelik. I want to quote Metropolitan: “Only we have the power to truly shape our tomorrow. Only we have the ability to achieve our vision, realise our full potential and grow seeds of hope into a reality of success and prosperity. For all of us in South Africa, the future lies within.” For all the children and parents of Merensky, the school is a place of opportunity, a place of possibilities and a place of dreams. More importantly, the future at Merensky is yours to create. Get involved and participate. Ja, die tyd het aangebreek vir trotse Plasies en vriende om saam te kuier. Antwoord op jou alma mater se oproep. Kom woon die geskiedkundige geleentheid by. Merensky, Merensky, jou sal ons altyd eer. Dankie vir wat ons hier kan leer, vir wat ons hier kan leer. Skoolhoof Magnus Steyn

Baie geluk met die 80ste bestaansjaar! Ons wens julle voorspoed toe vir die toekoms. Tel: (015) 307 3660 | Fax: (015) 307 1787


March 2016

‘We prefer the term well matured’ We have come a long way in the last 80 years. From humble beginnings in early 1920 when the school was first known as “Krabbefontein Skool” to the proud bastion of education we have now become. We have a rich history, rife with many myths and legends, from the mischievous eternal learner known as Frikkie Deysel So, how did it all come about? Well, back in the thirties, centralization became the official stance of the then “Transvaalse Onderwysdepartment” and dozens of smaller farm schools came to a gradual end. It was during this time that bus services were introduced to transport the students to and from the bigger schools in towns. In cases where the long haul and busfares were not a viable solution, scholars were placed in boarding schools. The migration from rural to more urban areas picked up momentum and soon a number of farms were left deserted. This was seen as a potential danger to farming communities in Transvaal and Simon Bekker, the Transvaal Administrator at the time, wanted to bring an end to the migration. He promoted the establishment of farm schools and subsequently approved five of these institutions as viable schools. Merensky was one of them.

Did the school have a headmaster back then? It most certainly did! He was a man by the name of Mr Dekenah, although he was affectionately known as “Oom Len.” And things were done a little differently 80 years ago. We found a number of quirky extracts from his personal journal which should make some of our current pupils breathe a thankful sigh of relief. 20 January 1920 “I assumed duties as principal of this school today” In those years the headmaster had to assume a number of administrative roles and often challenges arose. One such reported instance was when he fell ill and his wife, Ms Dekenah, had to stand in for him. Malaria was a huge problem in those days as noted in other instances in the diary when both teachers were not able to attend class. Here are some more of the quirky entries relating to disciplining with a cane, school opening

(whom not one person has ever seen) to the fascinating tale of the school’s antique grand piano. We have matured in many ways, and we continue to grow, adapt and change with the times, but throughout this process we have remained firmly rooted in the traditions of our rich heritage. late because of problems with a wrist watch and a visit by the Prince of Wales. 5 April 1921 “Saw the opening of the school. The principal was absent owing to an attack of Malaria. As no assistant arrived, Ms Dekenah undertook to teach a few weeks longer.” 14 April 1925 “School opened this morning. Ms Allison did not arrive. Am feeling very unwell owing to Malaria so I am dismissing children early.” 23 March 1925 “School opened 9:10 am, owing to principal’s watch having stopped.” 12 May 1921 “.......... caught correcting his dictation words. Sent out of classroom. Left standing on stoep during interval. When school restarted he had left. Sent for him, but he refused to come.” 13 May 1921 “........... turned up. Gave him

three lashes with a cane.” 24 September 1920 “School closed early today. I did so in order to entertain the children at a party” 17 June 1925 “A holiday granted by the School Board to permit the children to welcome His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales (Edward VIII) at Tzaneen.” 31 July 1928 “School reopened today. Many children absent. I cannot find out where all the absentees are. Some are ill, others are in the lowveld on shooting trips.” Footnote: The headmaster expressed great displeasure and disappointment pertaining to the news that two of the most promising Grade 8 learners had got married during the annual school break. He was disappointed because he believed that these two pupils would have performed exceptionally well in the coming exams.


March 2016

Where the legends live

Many of the legends that surround our school contain bits of add-ons that have over the years become part of the narrative that is Merensky High. One of the most debated bits of history concerns the founding father of the school, Dr Merensky. Dr Hans Merensky who lived between 1871 and 1952, was a remarkable man. He was a world-renown geologist, prospector, economic trendsetter, agriculturist, conservationist and philanthropist. He discovered the largest platinum deposit in the world, and the Merensky Reef is named in his honour. So too the richest deposit of alluvial diamonds at Alexander Bay, gold in the Free State and phosphate at Phalaborwa, among others. In his honour there is also the Hans Merensky Dam, Nature Reserve, Hotel and Golf Estate, Library, High School and Foundation. If you are interested

in his life and legacy, two biographies have been written: “Look beyond the wind” by Olga Lehman (1959) and “Platinum, Gold and Diamonds - The story of Hans Merensky’s discoveries” by Eberhard W. Machens (2009). Perhaps the most interesting and often misquoted fact about Dr Merensky is his involvement in the origins of the school. Contrary to popular belief, he did not actually donate the land upon which the school was built, but he did give permission for the school to be named after him. Following that, he donated £200 per year over a period of ten years to the school. His only condition was that the money be used to purchase accessories that would improve the learning experience for the scholars. It is with this money that the school purchased a Steinway and Sons grand piano which is still in use in the assembly hall

to this very day. The voice of Merensky As with every school, one of the elements which helps create that feeling of camaraderie among pupils and staff alike, is the school anthem. It is meant to create unity in much the same manner as the uniform, and Merensky’s is no different. In 1954 Mr JA Janson identified the need for an anthem and promptly launched a competition for the composition of the lyrics. Many entries were received from all over the region, but it was from the pen of Ms Ena de Jager, the wife of Senator Daan de Jager, that the decision was made. Ms de Jager with the help of Ms Magriet de Jager, composed the melody. At a later stage Ms Beulah Pieterse, a teacher at the school, recomposed the melody to that which has been used all these years.

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March 2016

Wall of fame

1948 Bertie van Zyl SA boer van die jaar 1985








Mike Holt Wêreldkampioen Bokser

Peet Kruger Redakteur van Beeld

Tommie van Zyl Hoof- Uitvoerende Beampte van ZZ2

Philé van Zyl Direkteur van ZZ2

Johannes Joubert Grippon Vegvlieënier

Willie Joubert Gospel Sanger

Louis Fouchè Springbok Spiesgooier









Rosa Botha Springbok Skopbokser

Righard Linde Operasanger

Dale Steyn Protea Cricketer

Ruan Henning Springbok Skopbokser

Ernst Roets Adjunk- Uitvoerende Hoof: Jeugtak van Afriforum

Ashley Murray Springbok Biathlete

Martin Botha Springbok Skopbokser

Christopher Atherstone Cricketer of the year 2011





Candice D’almeida Modern Dancing SACPA, Los Angeles

Kimberley Dey Miss Teen World

Philip Jan van Zyl Performing arts in Los Angeles. Champion of the world award (Instrumental)

Thelmé van Zyl Performing arts in Los Angeles. Champion of the world award (Vocal)



Chantèl Schoeman Clarissa Combrink Protea HIP2B2: SA’s top Ringbalspeler Brand ambassador 2009

2013 Johan Wagner Wêreldkampioen Boogskut


March 2016

Baie Geluk!

Ons is trots om met so ‘n invloedryke skool geassosieer te wees!

Baie geluk met julle 80ste bestaansjaar Hoërskool Merensky!

Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster Baie geluk aan Merensky se herdenking van hul

80ste bestaansjaar!

LAERSKOOL DR. ANNECKE PRIMARY Hier word ons kinders gelukkig groot. We want to, yes we can!



TEL: 083 231 4778 SEL: 079 529 6071


March 2016

Koshuis se geskiedenis

Koshuis sirkel

Meisieskoshuis 1938

• Die eerste meisieskoshuise is in 1936 gebou en in 1938 betrek. • Hierdie geboue is steeds in gebruik, tans as personeel-verblyf, asook die dansskool en drama-ateljee, genaamd die “Blou Karos”. Die geboue het steeds die oorspronklike Oregon-dennehoutvloere.

TZANEEN 015 307 5934 Copy&print






• Die seuns moes vireers in die ou fabrieksgeboue gehuisves word en in die skooljoernaal verskyn die volgende inskrywing op 22 Februarie 1938: “Vandag het ons begin met die fondasies van die seunskoshuis.” Dit was tydelike asbesgeboue waar die konferensiesaal vandag staan. • Die koshuise soos ons hulle vandag ken, is op 10 November 1967 in gebruik geneem. Die seuntjie met die lyfgordel ‘n Mooi koshuisstaaltjie oor Oom Ossie lui soos volg: In daardie dae het dit maar swaar gegaan. Oom Ossie merk dat een van die laerskoolseuntjies sy broek met ‘n tou vasmaak, waarop hy dieselfde middag, vir hom ‘n gordel gaan koop het. Die aand terwyl Oom Ossie sy koshuisinspeksie doen, merk hy die seuntjie slaap poedelnakend, maar met sy gordel om die lyf.

Congratulations on your 80th anniversary Merensky, we wish you continued success for the future!


Gedurende die laat negentigerjare word die koshuis na Oom Ossie Johannes en Tannie Santjie Swanepoel vernoem. Die twee mense het in 1937 hier aangekom as onderwysers en al die jare in die koshuis gewoon, tot hul aftrede uit die onderwys in 1977. Tog is hul storie ook ‘n mooi liefdesverhaal. Vir baie jare was die twee verlief, maar het eers amper op hul oudag op trou gestaan. Party mense reken die feit dat hulle van verskillende kerke was, het daartoe gelei dat hul ouers nooit toestemming vir ‘n huwelik wou gee nie. Dan is daar die storie dat Oom Ossie van Duitse afkoms was, en dit nie vir Tannie Santjie se ouers so knap na die Tweede Wêreldoorlog aanvaarbaar was nie. ‘n Derde mening lui dat daar in Oom Ossies se familie skynbaar ‘n generiese siektetoestand was, en dat sy ma al die jare bang was dit sou oorgedra word aan enige kinders uit hul huwelik. Wat ook al die ware rede was, hulle het op ‘n laat ouderdom in die eg getree en is deur Oom Bosssie (jarelange kollega en huisvriend) se seun getrou. Dit is tog kostelik om te noem dat hulle byname in die 1970 Wildevy (interne publikasie) gemeld word as: Oom Ossie — The lonely bull; en Tannie Santjie — Single girl. Het jy geweet? • Tannie Santjie Swanepoel gebruik haar langverlof in 1970 om die SAVF Kleuterskool in Tzaneen op die been te help kry.


March 2016


March 2016

For the love of all things active On the sports fields, Merensky has a cherished history of achievement. And it started a long, long time ago. The first inter-school athletics meeting was held on the grounds of Merensky during November 1938 and saw primary schools from Tzaneen, Duiwelskloof and Mooketsi participate. In 1988 Merensky’s first rugby team made history when they made it through to the finals of the Director’s Trophy, where they suffered a narrow defeat against Lichtenburg with a final score of 14-7. On the cricket pitch, there is one very recognizable Plasie currently making them proud on international level. The number one pace bowler in test cricket in the world, Dale Steyn, completed his high school years on the humble cricket grounds of Merensky.

At Merensky they understand that sport is not at the top of the priority skill for some. There are many aspiring artists in their midst “and so we have provided them with the ultimate creative platform to allow their colours to brighten and their canvasses to shine”. The MDDA school:

On the athletics track they are also a force to be reckoned with. But, other than the usual they offer a variety of “other” sports at Merensky and are proud to boast a number of champions in various fields. One sport in particular is matter of great pride at “Plasieland”. The age old skill of archery has long been a field in which their pupils have excelled and just last year, one of their archers, Ricus Warmenhoven, was selected to represent South Africa as part of the prestigious Team Magnum archers. Ricus was crowned the South African champion two years running and will now go on to represent his country and his school on international level. Merensky also offers equestrian, mountain biking, golf and chess as part of the extra mural sports bouquet.

This unique school within a school is managed by the Governing Body with highly qualified, profes-

ents and reach their full potential. At the MDDA pupils are offered tuition in various forms of dance, including ballet and modern

Let your creativity soar! sional coaches from outside, offering the pupils the opportunity to explore their tal-

dancing, drama lessons, art, modelling, guitar, piano, violin, saxophone, cello and even vocal! There are also regular events held to showcase their individual

talents, namely: Magic of the Masters where the tutors showcase their talents; Wowee Wednesdays which is once a term during break where pupils perform items in the hall; Thrilling Thursdays which is staged twice yearly and where learners showcase their talents; and then there is the annual Gala Evening — a prize giving ceremony where the pupils are awarded for excellence.

015 307 3265 Arts & Crafts


Baie geluk met julle 80ste verjaarsdag! Mag julle van krag tot krag groei!


March 2016

Spore by die museum

1988 - Die 150 jaar-herdenking van die Groot Trek word gevier. ‘n Replika van ‘n Kakebeenwa, wat in die Groot trek gebruik is, word by Allesbeste deur die Afrikaner Volkswag gebou, onder die leiding en toesig van mnr

Dawid Grobelaar. Met dié wa word van die Kaap tot by Mesina getrek, nes die Voortrekkers dit sou gedoen het. Die Kakebeenwa het ook by Merensky gedraai. Die voetspore is dié van mnr O le Roux.

About the Mighty Ruston Hornsby • Manufactured in Lincoln, England, in 1936 • Imported for Zebediela Estates at a cost of £8 000 • Engine used as water pump and later as generator • Eskom electricity replaced the Ruston in 1952 • Sold to Laparissa Estates for £800 to be used as water pump • Engine pumped from Letaba River at a height of 53 meters — 2 22 500 litres per hour with 5L3 Workington Simpson pump at 1 450 revolutions per minute

Our Mascots Merensky’s had an official mascot (a cow) since 1993. In the early 2000’s the upgraded version was acquired - “die koeitjie” and adored ever since. Bulletjie joined the team in 2011.

• Mr K Lombard donates the Ruston to the school in 1980 • The purpose of the donation was to secure the preservation of this giant Mr CA Macauly, manager of Palabora Mining Company, agreed to sponsor the move and restoration. It took eight days to dismantle and move the Ruston. Palabora Mining Company also sponsored the engine room. Presently it is started on major occasions and traditionally on Merensky Day.

Interesting facts Different names for the school since 1936 1936: Merensky Skoolplaas 1948: Magoebaskloofse Junior Hoërskool, used in conjunction with the name Merensky Skoolplaas 1951: Merensky Sekondêre Skool 1961: Hoër Landbouskool Merensky 1976: Hoërskool Merensky High School

Congratu lations to Meren sky High School on 80 years of Excelle nce!

Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think — Albert Einstein

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March 2016

Gubitz Boerdery

Ons is trots om met julle geassosieer te wees. Geluk met 80 jaar! Gubitz familie 1972 - 2016



March 2016

Stories langs die kampvuur MooPoo Day. In all institutions there is some specific way in which newcomers are welcomed. For the Grade 8 pupils, MooPoo Day at Merensky marks that occasion. The leaders of the school accompany the new pupils (and new teachers!) through this “poo-tentially” offensive obstacle. Die nuwelinge word dan in die misput gedoop en so ingelyf as

The first matric farewell was held on 22 November 1952. Seventeen pupils were the first group of matriculants at Merensky High School. Since then this occasion has grown in stature and glamour to the

ware Plasies. After this ritual, the newcomers are ready to start their high school careers, with this experience to boost their growth. For historical value we have to mention the first brave group of ‘skiewies’ to go through this was the group of 1993. Since 2001 Skiewies, after going through this ceremony, ring the cowbell at the night of their “Groentjie” concert, and receive a MooPoo certificate as proof that they are true Plasies.

Matric Farewell sterling annual experience it is nowadays. The matric farewell was first held in the school

Die g wat s eheimsinn ky ig sal sla nbaar no e leerling oit gr ag nie aad sy sko , maa 12 ol al die is dat hy r so lief vir v Frikkie gange w ir baie jar e an o weet ok al lyk s del. Hoe a n l ie o , maa ns no baie o r poet se en dat hy al it het, is plesier g vir esorg virsek er.

hall, and after that for many years it was traditionally held in the hostel dining room. The last matric farewell held at the school was in 1998 — thereafter this occasion has been held at bigger venues in Tzaneen.

Landswye vervoer van verkoelde produkte

Welgedaan Merensky! Kobus Minnaar Vervoer • Industrial Straat 14, Loretto Park, Tzaneen • Tel: 015 307 1341


Geluk met 80 jaar!


March 2016

Merenskydag Die Dr Hans Merensky-borsbeeld, regoor die Museum, is in 1993 deur Dr V Hesse onthul. Merenskydag word jaarliks op die geboortedag (16 Maart) van wyle Dr Merensky gevier — ‘n tradisie wat reeds vanaf 1972 getrou nagekom word. Gedurende die viering bring Plasies eer aan die man na wie die skool vernoem is, en herdenk die geskiedenis van die skool. Die Ruston Hornsby word tradisioneel op die dag aan die loop gesit.

Die storie van bosvark en loerie... Op ‘n koue wintersoggend in 1994 het ‘n verdwaalde, verskrikte bosvarkbeer vanuit die piesangboorde naby die hoof se huis, beserk skool toe gestorm, nadat hy uit sy oggendslapie ontwaak het. Hy het oor die aantreeblad en met die stoep af reguit personeelkamer (nou die Restaurant) toe gestorm en pandemonium veroorsaak. Hierdie voorval het gelei tot die ‘kroning ‘ van mnr Johan van den Heever as die eerste Mnr Bosvark. ‘n Leerlingraadslid vir Tradisie, Stiaan Bronkhorst, het in 2005 besluit om ‘n vroulike eweknie in die lewe te roep — Mej Loerie. Sedertdien word daar jaarliks ‘n Mnr Bosvark en ‘n Mej Loerie deur die leerlinge aangewys.

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Congratulations! we are proud of you! Tel: 076 995 8920 • Email: PO Box 1195, Tzaneen, 0850 • Fax: 086 625 9526 Website: http:/




March 2016

What’s with all the symbolism? Parallel medium Since Merensky was declared an agricultural school (1961) it had the status of a parallel medium school. It just never made use of the option to take in English pupils. It is ironic that many English pupils did come to this school — at times as many as fifty were enrolled — but nobody thought of the

Die Suile

possibility to teach through the medium of English at the time, maybe due to he fact that majority of the school were still Afrikaans-speaking pupils. • In 1984 Merensky became the first school in the region to teach classes in both English and Afrikaans. The first dual medium class matriculated in 1987.

Dit is die houtgedeeltes van die indrukwekkende struktuur by die ingang van Merensky se skoolterein. Leerlinge en ouers aan die einde van die sewentigerjare het besluit dat Merensky ‘n unieke ingangstruktuur moet hê. Die ingang is ontwerp deur mnr Hans Beetge, ‘n argitekouer. Die lamelhoutsuile is gemaak en geskenk deur Westfalia. Oom Koos Jacobs, destydse faktotum, het die muur gebou. Die oprigting van die suile het met die gebruiklike kundigheid, meelewing en geesdrif gepaard gegaan. Dit is onthul saam met die inwyding van die Ruston in 1980. Die simboliek van die struktuur is fyn beplan en uitgevoer. Die hoë suile ontspring uit dieselfde bodem en buig oor ‘n skeidingsmuur na mekaar toe.

Hulle word deur skoolwapens saamgebind en reik dan met dieselfde hoek die lug in. The bottom part of the structure represents the diversity of people that come to Merensky, from different places and backgrounds, which are all bound by the school as common factor, symbolized by the middle part of structure. When each person’s journey at Merensky comes to an end, they all scatter into different directions, symbolized by the top part of structure — while they will always be bound by the foundation set for them at Merensky.

Skoolwapen se simboliek School badge symbolism Boustene / Building Bricks — Silwer en blou Die boustene versinnebeeld die bou en vorming van ons jeug deur die onderwys — boustene vir die toekoms van ons land. Bee — Gold on blue background The bee represents diligence and hard work — characteristics of Merensky pupils and staff. Oranges — Gold on blue background Oranges are part of the symbolism of the Lowveld. This also serves as symbol that the school is proudly part of our community. Fig tree — green and brown on golden background. In earlier years, assembly took place under the fig tree. This tree is linked to the parable of the tree in the Bible — the tree that is known by the fruit it bears. Motto – Labour et Conserva (Work and Save) This school was founded by hard work, and by working and saving, it will be maintained. For the sake of unity and in order not to favour any one language represented at the school, the motto was changed to the Latin version: Labour et Conserva in 1994.


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Congratulations on 80 years!


March 2016


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March 2016

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