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28 Maart 2014


The Township of Tzaneen

The area where Tzaneen started developing to grow into a town (these days the second biggest in Limpopo, after the capital Polokwane) was surveyed and planned by land surveyor H Manaschewitz in 1919. It was in that year that a Certificate of Township Title was issued by the Government of the Union of South Africa, providing for a township called the Township of Tzaneen. Tzaneen thus celebrates its 95th birthday this year. The origin of the name Tzaneen is unclear. There are three theories; all assuming that it is derived from the Sesotho language. One theory states that it derives from Batsaneng (meaning “People of the Small Village”), the name of a group who split away from the Bokgaga tribe. Other theories state that the name derives either from the word tsaneng, which means come together, or tsana, which means basket of hills or the basket used to seperate the wheat from the chaff. However, there is another theory which says that the name Tzaneen came from the name Dzanani. This was the place where the vha-Venda lived many years ago; it is said that the whole area from Limpopo (Vhembe) river to the now called Olifants river was occupied by vha-Venda, and in the East to the area known as Madzivhanombe (around Giyani). Not far from Tzaneen is Bolobedu (where some Venda-origin people are still living). It comprises an area of approximately 3 240 km², and extends from Haenertsburg in the west to Rubbervale in the east (85 km), and just south of Modjadjiskloof in the north, to Trichardtsdal in the south (47 km).

The municipal boundaries form an irregular, inverted T-Shape, which results in certain developmental implications for the municipality, and more specifically the distance to markets, difficulties in respect of service provision, and constraints to implementing development vision/strategy. The area encompasses the proclaimed towns of Tzaneen, Nkowankowa, Lenyenye, Letsitele

uneven topography (gentle slopes) to the north and east — areas with exceptional natural beauty, with considerable untapped tourism potential. According to the Census Statistics SA of 2001, the GTM had a total population of 375 588 comprising of 171 119 males and 204 469 females. Females outnumber males. This is attributed to the migrant labour system and

and Haenertsburg. At least 125 rural villages are to be found in the jurisdiction of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM). Almost 80% of households reside in these rural villages. The municipal area is further characterized by extensive and intensive farming activities (commercial timber, cash crops, tropical and citrus fruit production); mountainous, inaccessible terrain in the west and south, and

the fact that females normally outlive their male counterparts. Young people between the ages of 0 and 35 constitute 74% (277 935) of the total population of the municipality. The are mainly in their late thirties and pensioners. This demonstrates and confirms that young people and women constitute the majority of the population within the municipality. The economic potential therefore

lies within the available younger generation of the municipality that is still strong and could be retained for local job opportunities. However, the Statistics South Africa 2007 Community Survey put the population of the municipality at 349 086, which might be misleading. The GTM therefore relies on the 2001 census population results for their planning processes. According to the Community Survey 2007, the Blacks constitute the majority of the population with 344 112 people, followed by Whites with 3 564, Indian/Asian with 1 176 and Coloured with 232. In terms of languages, Sepedi was dominating in the GTM’s area with 199 473 and Isi-Ndebele is the lowest with 108 according to the 2001 census. According to the 2007 survey, the municipality comprises of 89 831 households. Males constitute 47 961 of heads of households whereas females constitute 41 870. This demonstrates that the area has many females who are left to take care of families. This may require the planning and budgeting processes of the municipality to be gender biased, in order to respond to the current realities. The unemployment figure within the Greater Tzaneen Municipality was 20% , lower than both the national and provincial averages at 23,2 % and 27,7% respectively. The municipality’s LED strategy and other related programmes should begin to be geared towards decreasing these figures , through the creation of decent work for the local population.



Opel Astra OPC


28 Maart 2014


The business hub in the early 1920’s Commerce is the pulse of any town and to feel the pulse you have to know the heart beat. In this issue of Van toeka tot Nou, we will take you on a short tour through Tzaneen and how the town was formed, as well as who were the prominent pioneers and businessmen of the times. Tzaneen has an interesting history and thanks to Prof Louis Changuion and his research, the Bulletin is able to bring you the facts as it is written in his book Tzaneen 75 (19191994).

An early aerial photo of Tzaneen looking down Yamorna (Danie Joubert) Street. In the foreground is the Agatha Street crossing. (circa 1950)

It is believed that in the early 1900’s a small canteen of sorts (or pub) was run by a Mr Hirchfield and a little trading post run by a Mr Lloyd at what was known as the Letaba Drift. Mr Abraham Perlmann, better known as Perlie, is believed to have been the first trader to settle in Tzaneen. He bought stand No 54 at an auction in 1920 where he built a shop along the Yamorna Street frontage (later to be named Danie Joubert Street), with an adjoining flat at the back on Agatha Street. He also built two rondavels on the station side of the stand, from where he conducted a monkey

nut shelling and processing business. The huge heap of shells on the shelves, not forgetting the overcoats hanging from in the yard had the health committee up in arms about the the ceiling. In the far corner of the gent’s department was a plague of rats. He later concentra-ted more on real estate and connecting door that led to the hardware section. Many people were sure bought numerous farms in the district. He moved onto the that Gold never knew what was stack-ed away in that farm Oceana beyond Lushof, section, as it was probably where he lived for many never cleaned or dusted. years. Anything you needed Gold Perlie leased the shop on was sure to find somewhere the corner of Yamorna Street under bags of nails or behind to Mr Hymie Gold who ran a plough or the saddles. In the popular Tzaneen stores fact, he stocked everything for many years. Shops in Yamorna Street in 1924. It later changed to Danie Joubert Street. from the proverbial needle those days looked nothing to an anchor. like the supermarkets we He had a keen sense of know today. Firstly, there humour and everyone were no large display was caught by the coin windows and no chrome glued to the counter in the door frames installed by hardware department and shopfitters. The verandah wired to a car battery under roof was supported by the counter, which gave a sturdy pillars, the windows shock to anyone trying to were small and the double pick it up. He had a passion door was made of planks. Tzaneen Stores consisted of Yamorna Street a few years later. The photograph was taken for challenging you to a a groceries section on the left from the old Post Office with Lannie Lane of the left. The big game of matches, There tree on the left is in front of the hotel with Troyes Garage across was not a thing he bought hand side with a wooden the road. and sometimes sold that he counter stretching along its width. Behind the counter were the shelves containing didn’t offer you double or quits, be it a cabbage or a pound the stock. You were served by assistants who weighed of nails or even his daily purchase of meat from the butcher. In those days there was no ice-cream to be bought in Tzaneen, and measured out your sugar, rice and mielie meal, and had your empty bottle filled with paraffin for your lamps so Gold arranged for large green canvas containers filled with and refrigerators. In the centre of the shop was the ladies dry ice and ice cream, to be trailed from Pietersburg. It was a department and household goods, towels and blankets. red letter day when the train arrived with the ice-cream. The The women’s clothing was packed into boxes with a clear customers crowded at the varandah to buy straight from the celluloid end panel on one side. They looked something containers, and in no time it was sold out. — Excerpts from the book Tzaneen 75 (1919 to 1994) by like school suitcases On the right hand side was the gent’s Louis Changuion department, also with its clothing boxes and shoe boxes



28 Maart 2014

Tweede fase begin eersdaags

Fase Twee van Tzaneen se Lifestyle Sentrum gaan ‘n opwindende nuwe inkopie-era vir die hele Laeveld inlui en in ‘n ekonomiese kragpunt ontwikkel, sê die ontwikkelaar Resilient se me Susan Tempel. Dit sal saamsmelt met die bestaande struktuur en boustyl, sodat die gebouekompleks ‘n hegte, dog uitgebreide eenheid vorm. Bouwerk sal binne die volgende paar maande begin, sodra Resilient sy kontrakte met verskeie ankerhuurders gefinaliseer het. Die tweede fase sal na verwagting in 2016 voltooi wees, met die vooruitsig dat die winkelruimtes groter as normaal en ‘n onbeperkte verskeidenheid items beskik-

baar sal wees. Dit sal as ‘n volwaardige winkelkompleks die streeksentrum vir Tzaneen en omliggende dorpe word, met die beskikbaarheid van goedere wat kieskeurige kopers hier sal hou pleks van ‘n rit na Polokwane of Pretoria. Tempel sê sodra samesprekings en ooreenkomste met die nuwe huurders afgehandel is, sal besonderhede en grafiese voorstellings van die nuwe projek bekend gemaak kan word. Sy sê dit gaan ‘n groot fokuspunt in die Laeveld wees, met die vooruitsigte van sterk ekonomiese groeikrag vir die streek.

George Augustus Morgan (Hotelier) 1876-1936 After resigning from the South African Constabulary he eventually arrived at the spot at the drift through the Letaba River which was to become Tzaneen. In 1907 he opened the first Hotel there and later built a more imposing structure where the Tzaneen Karos Hotel was. He was also the mayor from 1933-1935.

Grand Old Lady’s last dance

The earliest reference to a Town Hall in the history of Tzaneen was on 5 December 1928. It was minuted that “the committee “ approached the Publicity Association and the Farmers Association and asked that they should join forces to build a Town Hall. It seems nothing came of that venture, because on 29 January 1935 a motion was passed by the committee to apply for the approval for municipal offices to be built at a cost of £120. On 9 April 1935 the health committee resolved to apply for a loan of £4000 to build a Town Hall. The final ground floor plan caused a lot of dissension amongst the community, and must have caused quite a headache for the “architect”. In the building was to be a library, a meeting place for the TAU (insisted on by Ida Dilly) a supper room for dances to be held, a stage and dressing rooms for men and women (insisted on by Mr Kriek for his amateur dramatic productions) a room for the forestry department and of course offices for the health committee. Messrs Coetzer and Hattingh were appointed as the members of the building committee. The bricks were made and burnt in Billy Maritz’s front garden on his farm. The excavation was planned for the area to be used for a swimming pool, but was turned into a large sunken garden instead. At long last the building was completed, much to the delight of the community. Many wonderful dances were held in the hall and many travelling theatrical companies performed on the stage, amongst others the famous André Hugeunet and his company. Not to be forgotton was Ms Watney’s annual dancing classes concert. On 25 August 1937, the use of the supper room as a temporary classroom was authorised because the school building was too small. It was found that the floor of the hall was not suitable or had been eaten by ants and was therefore replaced with a floor of sneezewood - which caused a disaster the first time a dance was held on the newly sanded floor. The next week maids were brought in from all quarters to scrub the floor and polish it to remove the sawdust powder. To make the floor more suitable for dancing, handsfull of mielie meal were scattered over the floor. On 30 October 1939 the school principal again applied to the committee for the use of the side stoep for extra classes. The town hall served in many other ways. When Tzaneen Pharmacy rebuilt their premises, the pharmacy moved into the side rooms of the town hall, as did Barclays Bank. Many functions were held in the hall. At that stage the sneezewood floor had been replaced by parquet flooring. When the building was found to be no longer suitable, the council moved into the old premises of the roads department opposite the police station. The “Grand old Lady” was demolished — another landmark lost to Tzaneen. The site was sold to Rentmeester.

One of the new landmarks in Tzaneen is the stylish and very conveniently situated Hotel@ Tzaneen, offering accommodation in a number of permutations, ranging from self-catering single units to large family units.

28 Maart 2014




Preferred stockists of Dulux™

20 Danie Joubert Street, Tzaneen


015 307 7756



28 Maart 2014

Otto Klostershulte (Businessman, garage owner and farmer) 1885-1943

Farmer, saw mill owner, roller mill owner and finally garage owner... The OK Garage was for many years one of the larger garages in Tzaneen. The OK Charity Fund was formed from money bequeathed in his estate.

Heartbreak hotel of Tzaneen Many a time when the lights went out Granville, dressed in his costume, had to coax the small engines back to live. Ms Maude Meese managed the hotel. All the baking and most of the cooking was done by Mrs Smalberger at her boarding house. She also did all the The original Tzaneen Hotel in 1920. laundry for the hotel. Morgan died in The Tzaneen Hotel was the heart of the 1936. After considerable negotiations and town. Everything grew and radiated from a with the approval of the Supreme Court, little shop owned by a Mr Lloyd and a small Celia (his first wife) bought the hotel from shack or house of sorts that was referred the estate. She borrowed money to renovate to as a hotel and pub that was built by Mr it and a double story and a large new dining Hirchfield. room to the north side were added. Through Ex sgt George Morgan resigned from the hard work, the help of her second husband, SA Constabulary in 1907 and became the Mr Peter Gregg, and financial backing of her proud owner of the hotel, not far from the friend. Gregg made an immense success of Letaba river drift. With the establishment the hotel. Its reputation spread far and wide. of the Tzaneen station, improvements were The hotel became the social centre of the dismade to the buildings. A single storey buildtrict. ing was built with a veranda around it and Gregg took charge of running the bar and the words hotel painted on the roof. Rows bottle store and sgt Snyman assisted him. of rooms and a few rondavels were built During the war, Peter was called up to serve behind the main building. At the side of the in the forces leaving a heavy burden on Cemain hotel building, he later built a hall in lia, who suffered a slight stroke which left which dances and other functions were held, the side of her face slightly effected. This until he later installed a projector and permade her decide to sell the hotel in 1944 for manent seating for Tzaneen’s first bioscope. £45 000. She died in 1974. The hall also had a stage where, in later days, The hotel was bought by Mr Charlie Maamateur productions were staged by Mr lan and his wife Patsy, who ran it for a few Kriek, Ms Dilly and Mr Bevil Granville, who years. The rooms on the second floor were was considered to be an electrician of sorts. divided by double hard-board, filled with

wood shavings. Charlie sold the hotel to Mr Pat Venables in 1955. He had the hotel demolished and a modern three storey building built in its place. When it was completed, Venables gave a lavish ball to celebrate its opening. Proceeds were donated to Ms Ida Dilly in aid of the new hospital.

The same hotel in 1935.

The same hotel in the 1950’s.


28 Maart 2014



28 Maart 2014


Nuus uit vervloeë dae

Die koerantwese in Tzaneen het net so ‘n interes- het hy besluit om die besigheid te verkoop en die sante geskiedenis soos die dorp en die omgewing. voortbestaan van die “Zeederberg” is kort geknip. Reeds sedert 15 Januarie 1959 kon Tzaneen met In die 6 November 1959-uitgawe van die Impala sy eie gratis was ‘n getikte berig van Makoma, dogter koerant spog, van die ontslape Koniging Modjadji 111 die “Impala”. wat amptelik as Opperhoof Modjadji 1V op Dit is destyds 22 Oktober 1959 ingehuldig is. deur mnr RonIn ‘n ander inskrywing word ‘n 1958 nie van der Chevrolet LAW, met 18 000 myl vir £750 Berg begin verkoop, wat as ‘n winskoop beskou is. Peren in daardie desport, hengelnuus en forel vang was deel stadium was van die nuus. Die koerantjie is propvol inTzaneen waarteressante nuus van skynlik een babas se geboortes, van die kleininbrake, reënval en ste dorpe in eksamenkoors. Dit die land wat was ook die jaar met sy eie koewat produksiue van rant kon spog. Fanta-koeldrank Die Impala is begin het. in 1968 aan ‘n Die koerant is in ander bekende Julie 1979 deur mnr inwoner van Piet Snyman gedie dorp, mnr koop en die naam Theo Senekal, Die 6 Mei 1966 uitgawe is verander na Letverkoop. Onder aba Herald. In 1983 van die Impala. sy bestuur het het Snyman weens die koerant van krag tot krag gegroei gesondheidsredes totdat hy in 1974 besluit het om nie meer besluit om dit weer ‘n koerant uit te gee nie. aan die LaevelderDieselfde jaar het die Laevelder-groep groep terug te van Nelspruit, onder die bestuur van verkoop, maar in mnr Jan Cilliers, besluit om ‘n nuwe koe1985 het hy weer rant in Tzaneen te begin. In September die koerant van die dieselfde jaar het die eerste uitgawe van Die 6 November 1959 uitgawe van die Laevelder-groep die Letaba Laevelder op straat verskyn. gekoop. Impala. In 1976 het Senekal se hande egter — Uitreksel uit begin jeuk en hy het ‘n sukkelende “Zeederberg” die boek Tzaneen-75 (1919-1994) deur Louis oorgeneem en op meer vaste voete geplaas. In 1978 Changuion.

Die eerste biblioteek Boere van die omgewing en ander lede van die publiek het geld geskenk vir die huur van ‘n kamer vir ‘n biblioteek in die eerste dorpsraad se kantore. Die eerste biblioteek is in 1946 geopen en is georganiseer en beheer deur ‘n komitee bestaande uit Spike Barry, Gilliland, Trosky, Len Dekenah en Awie Wessels. Die persone het beurte gemaak om boeke uit te reik. Heelwat later was me Marie van der Steen en mnr Tony Laws ook betrokke by die biblioteek. Heelwat boeke is aan die biblioteek geskenk. Die biblioteek was in ‘n aantrekkamer op die verhoog van die dorpsaal (ou Checkers — regoor Northern Ford). Die bibliotekaresse moes op die verhoog staan en boeke uitreik. Die biblioteekure was op ‘n Dinsdag van 10:00 tot 12:00, Donderdag van 15:00 tot 17:00 en Saterdag van 09:00 tot 12:00. Die bibliotekaresse se salaris was £3 per maand. Wessels is genader vir ‘n verhoging na £5. Die stadsklerk, mnr Ted King, is genader om ‘n groter lokaal beskikbaar te stel. Die spens is toe gebruik as die biblioteek en die stoep as die plek waar boeke uitgereik is. Wanneer daar ‘n dans of konsert in die saal was, moes die biblioteek Saterdae sluit, aangesien die stoep as ‘n kroeg gebruik is. ‘n Paar

jaar later is daar ‘n groter kamer met meer rakke beskikbaar gestel. Toe die beampte van binnelandse sake se kantoor geskuif het na die nuwe landdroskantoor, het die biblioteek na twee kamers aan die regterkant van die dorpsaal geskuif. Die munisipale kantore is later verskuif na die TPA -gebou regoor die huidige polisiestasie in Danie Joubertstraat. Die biblioteek was hier totdat die huidige munisipale kantore gebou is. Volgens die koerant “Impala” is die eerste boeke in 1962 van die TPA se biblioteekdiens ontvang, danksy die mobiele boekwa. In dié tyd was mnr B Fouche die streekbibliotekaris van Noord-Transvaal. Weens swak grondpaaie en meganiese probleme het die boekwa ook nie altyd betyds aangekom nie. Boeke is ook ontvang van die vorige Van Velden Landgoed en ene mnr Berman se plaas. Die nuwe standaardbiblioteek met ‘n vloeroppervlakte van 1 019 vierkante meter is teen ‘n koste van R1,7 miljoen gebou en is in Augustus 1990 in gebruik geneem. Die gebou is amptelik deur die direkteur: biblioteek- en museumdiens, me BS Hansen, op 19 Oktober 1990 geopen.


28 Maart 2014


Let’s go to the movies in 1952 and Maurice and Lizzie decided Then the drive-in came and the support to build their own cinema in Morgan and interest dwindled. Gordon decided to Street. They opened the new bioscope on 2 move out of the large bioscope building, September 1952. It boasted two projectors, a which was demolished, to a smaller venue sloping floor and curtains that mechanically in Boulevard Building with forty seats. opened and closed in front of the screen, With the advent of TV there was no longer a and a balcony. A slide projector was used market for a bioscope in Tzaneen, so Gordon to project the “finger marked” advertising closed it down in 1979. slides. In 1973 the Gerber’s refurbished the little bioscope, adding new plush comfortable seats, velvet curtains to improve the sound Journalists: Roelien Vorster & Louis Roux and large cut-outs of the continents of Advertising: Jacques Smuts (Concept) & Thinus the world were attached to the side walls. van Deventer Concealed lights shone through the little Design: Tamryn Branch, Yvonne Ndlovu, holes that marked the capitals and the Winfred Baloyi & David Morrison borders. The Gerber’s also brought some Prof Louis Changuion cats to the bioscope to deal with the rat Author of Tzaneen 75 (1919-1994) problem. Lizzie and Maurice Gerber, owners of the cinema in Morgan Street for many years. Ms Shirley Potgieter Maurice Gerber died in 1976. Lizzie felt Some of the old photographs The first black and white silent movies in angle so that the black staff could sit and she could no longer continue so she sold Ms Beth Keller the bioscope to Mr Gordon and Ms Jean Tzaneen were shown by Mr Jan Haar. His watch the show. Copies of the Impala newspaper equipment was loaded on the back of his The old Tzaneen Hotel was demolished Torrance, who owned the local bottle store. Model T truck. It consisted of a portable projector with a Homelite petrol engine. He gave shows at the side of Tzaneen Hotel. A canvas was used for a screen. The first show was “Die Voortrekker”, that brought sobs from the audiences. He also screened other well-known films i.e. “Tom Mix Story” and “Dicken’s Tale of two Cities”. In 1935, Mr George Morgan decided to install a singe 35 mm sound projector in the hall next to the hotel. Messrs Maurice In the heart of the North Eastern Lowveld you will find the and Les Gerber, with Mr Ted King, ran the Earth Spa at Tzaneen Country Lodge. shows while Ms Lizzie, Maurice’s wife, The picturous setting amidst mango orchards and manned the ticket booth. Landscaped gardens satisfies all the senses, allowing The rat infested hall was not very water guests to soak up beautiful scenes of nature whilst tight and when it rained, and it rained a lot pampering body and soul. in those days, patrons used their umbrellas. As it was only a single projector and each reel had to be rewound, the patrons would traipse out of the hall and congregate on the Hotel verandah next to the bar. When the bell rang, they would all file back for the next reel. When the film broke or the wrong reel was put on, the lights were switched on and you just had to wait. Once when the film Jean d’Arc (Joan of Arc) starring Ingrid Bergmann was shown, Mangela Animal Farm provides a superb entertaining only two of the tree reels arrived — so the environment for children to touch, feed and interact with guests had to go back the next week to see animals. The playground covers an all weather play area the end of the film. One farmer hurled his with a jungle gym, swings and tree houses. boot at the screen in disgust. Seating was very primitive at first; you had to bring you Animal farm • Playground • Jumping castle • Pony rides own chair or sit on planks strung between Little cars • Birthday parties • Tea garden, curio shop & boxes. Second-hand bioscope seats were fresh produce acquired at a later stage. They were not very comfortable but it was an improvement. The west side door was kept open and an old garden bench was placed at the right



The advert Gerber’s Cinema placed in the Impala Newspaper.

Listed amongst the best hotels in South Africa, the privately owned Tzaneen Country Lodge extends a warm welcome to local and international guests and invites them to experience real African warmth, personal service and sophistication at Tzaneen Country Lodge.

Convention Centre with Various Venues Accommodating 20 - 500 people • Modern Equipment • Full Catering Services • Restaurant, Lounge and Ladies Bar • Amphitheatre with Stage overlooking a Dam • Romantic Chapel • Gazebo Friendly & Efficient banqueting team

hotel | conference | spa Tel: +27 (0) 15 304 3290 • Fax: +27 (0) 865 454 498 • Cell: +27 (0) 72 238 8518 • •


28 Maart 2014



Ben Vorster Boundarystraat 1 Tzaneen 0850 Tel 015 3074490

PRESTASIES AKADEMIE: Beste akademiese skool gr 12 uitslae kring 266 vakonderskeidings 70,3% universiteitsvrystelling 9e in die provinsie SPORT: Atletiek: Dogters algehele wenners uit 16 skole 21 atlete kwalifiseer vir Limpopo kampioenskappe 6 atlete kwalifiseer vir Rugby: Beeld-trofee kampioene van 3 spanne 9/9 spanne provinsiale wenners 35 provinsiale spelers Springbok: Trevor Nyakane Netbal: Beste netbalskool in die provinsie vir die afgelope 5 jaar Tans 12e in S.A. 20 provinsiale spelers 2 dogters S.A- skolespan Hokkie: 3 spanne dring deur na Noordvaal kampioenskappe 15 provinsiale hokkiespelers Krieket: 0/15 Provinsiale wenners 1 van Top T20-skole in reeks 10 provinsiale spelers Swem: wenners Algeheel 2e in Top 10 Skyfskiet: 1 Skut in S.A. span na Engeland 6 skuts genooi na proewe vir S.A.-span Wenners Limpopo Gholf: Dogter in top 10 in S.A. Tennis: 2e in provinsie KULTUUR Jaarlikse revue & koor Kultuuraande ATKV redenaars Rojak wenner internasionale deelname


28 Maart 2014

Hoërskool 1936

High School 2014

Geskiedenis Merensky is die oudste hoërskool in die Noordelike Laeveld en met sy leuse, Labor et Conserva, oftewel ‘Werk en Spaar’ het die skool ‘n tradisie van harde werk en volharding. Die Hoërskool Merensky is vernoem na Dr Hans Merensky wat £2 000 geskenk het om middele te koop wat nie deur die Departement van Onderwys en Opvoeding voorsien is nie. Daar is, onder meer, ‘n klavier gekoop wat steeds gebruik word.The farm originally belonged to a Mr Altenroxel who sold it to the Milner Government. Merensky High School was originally started as training grounds for British Settlers. On the premises were a hospital, mortuary and rondavels for the first English students.Die plaas waarop die plaasskool opgerig is, was vroeër bekend as Tzaneen Nr 5, ‘n gedeelte van die oorspronklike plaas Tzaneen 538, wat omtrent 6 000 akker beslaan het. Die proefplaas is veral gebruik vir die verbouing van tabak. Van die ou inwoners van die distrik het op die plaas gewerk. Die Cederellabome wat agter die adjunk-hoof se huis gestaan het, is spesiaal aangeplant om as hout vir sigaretdosies te dien. Die boere van Brits het egter vertoë gerig dat die staat met die boere op landbougebied meeding en die plaas is na die Eerste Wêreldoorlog deur die staat in hoewes verdeel en aan oudgediendes beskikbaar gestel. Twee van die hoewes is later deur twee finansiers van Johannesburg, mnre Carliss en Donaldson, vir ‘n bedrag van £5 000 gekoop. Die destydse administrateur van Transvaal, mnr Simon Bekker, was baie bekommerd oor die plattelandse kinders en na oorweging het sewe skoolplase, waaronder Merensky, tot stand gekom. Die Transvaalse Provinsiale Administrasie het dié twee hoewes, saam 318 morg groot, gedurende 1934/35 gekoop. Dit is waar die Hoërskool Merensky tans is. The TPA bought the ground during the depression years of the 1930’s, when the inhabitants of the country districts were reduced to an existence upon the barest necessities. In those days the school catered for people who could not afford to send their children long distances to school, nor keep them at boarding school. The agricultural land as well as pastures, which today form such an attractive setting for the school, were once a main source of food supplies. Op die plaas is geboue vir verskillende doeleindes opgerig. Daar was die ou Fabrieksgebou waarin hoofsaaklik tabak verwerk is. Die plaas het ook met sy eie skool, die Estate Skool, met mnr Len Dekenah as hoof, gespog. In daardie stadium het die meeste van die leerlinge egter oorkant die spruit gewoon. Op versoek van die ouers is ‘n skool en woning daar opgerig. Daar is ook gevrees vir die leerlinge se gesondheid as gevolg van malaria. Om die siekte te bekamp is Suster Naudé, ‘n verpleegster, in 1936 aangestel. Daar het ontsettende harde werk op haar gewag — malaria het elke jaar talle slagoffers geëis. Gedurende die eerste jare na haar aankoms was die hospitaal gedurende die somermaande na ‘n vakansie en naweke gedurig vol. Soms moes selfs van die bovertrekke in die kombuis gebruik word, om al die pasiënte te huisves. Te midde van al die harde werk, is die hospitaal in ‘n brand verwoes en het Suster Naudé baie van haar persoonlike besittings verloor. Dr Siegfried Annecke, na wie die Laerskool Dr Annecke in Letsitele vernoem is, het dikwels dokters en studente na die hospitaal op Merensky gebring, om aan hulle te toon hoe die hospitaal ingerig was en watter uitstekende behandeling malaria-pasiënte daar ontvang het. More than 45 years ago Merensky High School became an Agricultural School. At that stage more than 500 pupils had enrolled at the school. 45 years ago, the present buildings were officially opened and the ceremony was conducted by the Director of Education, Mr A.J. Koen. In 1972, shortly after Mr Roets became principal, there was a celebration and each class planted a Red Essenhout tree. In 1975 the school was officially christened Merensky High School.

Vandag is Hoërskool Merensky een van die toonaangewende akademiese skole in Limpopo. Uit ‘n nederige begin ontwikkel ‘n skool met die wydste moontlike vakkeuse, moderne goedversorgde fasiliteite en internasionale erkenning op vele terreine.  074 888 5975/6165/6042 | | 



28 Maart 2014


Kundigheid wat vertrou kan word aansoek in 1997 by die departement van gesondheid ingedien. Dit het die departement vyf jaar gevat om die aansoek sonder meer af te keur, maar dit het nie die aansoekers ontmoedig nie. In dieselfde jaar is ‘n hersieningaansoek aan die hooggeregshof gerig. In Maart 2002 is getuienis gelewer en die uitspraak is legs ‘n week later gelewer — ‘n lisensie is deur die hof gelas en beplanning kon in alle erns begin. Tzaneen MediClinic. Dinge het flink gevorder en ‘n jaar nadat die aansoek aanvaar en die lisensie toegestaan is, het MediClinic Tzaneen In September 1996 het die langsame proses begin om ‘n li- geopen. Die hospitaal het met 64 beddens, twee teaters en sensie te bekom vir ‘n privaat hospitaal in Tzaneen. slegs ‘n paar algemene praktisyns begin. Daar was in die Onder leiding van dr Ig van Rensburg, is die sakesektor begin slegs besoekende spesialiste wat een of twee dae per en die publiek betrek. Na baie navorsing is ‘n amptelike week of een keer in twee weke Tzaneen besoek het.

Deesdae het Tzaneen ‘n dosyn of meer spesialiste. Van Rensburg, wat van die begin af voorsitter van die direksie is, het noue skakeling op alle vlakke verseker. Die MediClinic was nog altyd onder die toptien van 52 MediClinic-hospitale in Suider-Afrika.’n Ses-maandelikse gradering sluit onder meer in die gehalte van behandeling, doeltreffende infeksiebeheer, suksesvolle invordering van geld, pynbeheer en pasiënttevredenheid.

In 1920 there was an existing hospital on Tzaneen Estate (Krabbefontein) nine kilometers away from the new Tzaneen Township. Although at the time it was not contemplated that this hospital should be moved to the new township, the then district surgeon, dr Hoare, suggested that some erven should be reserved for a future hospital, when an extention to the new township would be planned. When in 1921 land for the first extension of Tzaneen was being surveyed, the surveyor, Mr Gracy, reserved six erven for a future hospital and the residence of the district surgeon. When the first extension was proclaimed in 1924 these seven erven were registered in the name of the Tzaneen Health Committee, which was the forerunner to the Tzaneen Village Council. Researching the records of these erven, it seems the idea of establishing a hospital in Tzaneen fell by the wayside as the seven erven were sold by the health committee in the early 1930’s. Two were sold to the Pretoria Dioscesson Trustees (new Anglican church), one transferred to the government for a residence for the postmaster and four to other Tzaneen residents. That Duiwelskloof in 1922 had opened an eight-bed hospital could have been the reason not to proceed with one in

hospital in Tzaneen. After Ms Van Velden’s death a large auction was held on the farm which became the sale of the year. First the farm was sold, which was considered valuable due to its proximity to Tzaneen. It could also be subdivided and sold as plots, as it eventually turned out. After that the furniture was sold, including valuable antiques. The sale went on all day and it is still talked about to this day. At that time hospitals were controlled and administered by the Transvaal Provincial Administration. Mr Rob Ferreira in Nelspruit was the MPC of hospitals. Mr Claude Wheatley, was then Tzaneen’s mayor and he was also a member of the board of Shiluvane Hospital. He thus knew the workings of the administration and he went to see Ferreira to try to get the hospital built. Wheatley left that meeting with the notion that the building of a hospital in Tzaneen was not going to be such an easy matter as he thought and events proved him right. Province kept stalling and excuses kept coming, the last one was that they had no staff for a new hospital. But at last the hospital was built and on 14 February 1964 the Van Velden Hospital was officially opened by the administrator of the Transvaal, Mr FH Odendaal.

Van Velden Hospital: the birth Tzaneen. It was nearly forty years later that Tzaneen possessed its own hospital — the Van Velden Memorial Hospital. At present there is little known about Van Velden and his wife. Both were born in Holland, his full name and title was colonel Dirk Overgauw van Velden. He was employed in the legal department of the Netherlands government in Batavia in the then Dutch East Indies. After his resignation, he and his wife immigrated to South Africa where he worked for a while in the legal department in the Smuts government. He also became the chairman of the central land board. After his retirement he bought a piece of the farm Broederstroom Drift near Tzaneen (what is Lushof today) where he started farming. Both he and his wife loved Tzaneen and wanted to do something for the district. The couple, being childless, drew up a will to the effect that on the last spouse’s death everything must be sold and the proceeds (or part of it) must go to the establishment of a


28 Maart 2014

Front View 2003

Main Entrance

Front View 2014

Emergency Entrance



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28 Maart 2014


Let your wheels take you places According to Mrs Beth Keller, the first garage in Tzaneen was in Yamorna Street in the 1920’s. It was a rather shabby building, with a big corrugated iron door in front. It was owned by Mr Maurice Gerber. During the 1930’s, the era of the “Tin Lizzies” and the “Chevy”, two garages opened in Yamorna Street. In 1939 Max Cowan of Pietersburg obtained the General Motors franchise and opened a filling station and workshop in Tzaneen on the site where Northern Ford was. One year later, Mr Otto

Troye, Mr GW Kemsley and Mr MC Kemsley. Four years later it became the authorised Ford dealer for the Letaba district. In 1937 Mr Troye sold his interest to Mr TA Lawrie of Johannesburg. Captain Edwards was the manager from 1934 to 1947, when the business was sold to Mr Albert Keller. In 1953 the company bought land from the Tzaneen Village Council for the building of new premises on the outskirts of the town. By 1954 electric fuel pumps were installed and BP petrol was sold. The company was

The garage closed in 1974 when the Danie Joubert Street exit to Pietersburg was changed. In 1975 Tzaneen Toyota opened in Agatha Street. Taylor later took over a second outlet, being Du Toit’s Shell filling station in Morgan Street. The latter was closed in 1993 and replaced by a bigger and better premises in Agatha Street, opposite Lannie Motors. Lannie Motors, with the Volswagen and Audi franchise, is owned by Mr Phil Two photographs of the OK Garage in Yamorna Street. du Toit’s son Paul. Lannie opened in 1964 and was named after Lannie Lane (which was named after a Mr Lancefield, an early pioneer). Garages in Tzaneen have come and gone and changed hands over the years, but the trade will always be an integral part of the economy. - Excerpts from the book Tzaneen-75 (1919-1994) by Louis Changuion.

Troye’s Garage in Yamorna Street opposite the hotel.

ab M ag ric a F a a b i g b c ab a r i r a M i g agi c c M ic ic b ric F r M i agi ab M c F Fa c M a F c a gic bri ab ric g agi i a a c c ri M gi b c F ric M Ma c F Fab c M agi agi c F abr ab ric agi gic ab i r M c F ic M a c F c r M i c a F F abr agi gic F bric ab i F abr Ma agic c ric M cF a M gic ab ic F b r M M a agi F ic M a gic abr ric F abr c a ab M g i gic ab i F c c ric ag ic F ric M Ma Fa abric Ma agic M ic gic gic bri agi F abr M a c g a i F c c i F bric M Ma c F abr Ma agic g a i ab ric ag gic F bric c M ic F M ag M ic F a b agi ic F abric agi ab ric c F ric M c F abr M M i a ab ab ric c M agic ric ag gic M agi M ic F Fa c b a agi c F abri ric M gic F ab ab c M agi ric ric a c

sold to Eastvaal Ford in 1969 who subsequently sold the shares to Northern Ford. In 1972 Mr Keller and his son Douglas established Merkel Motors in Peace Street, which became a Trek filling station. Messrs George Taylor and Phil du Toit stepped into the motor industry when they started with the Datsun agency in 1963. The first Datsun bakkie sold for R1 230.











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Klostershulte of Werne Estate, bought the garage, and thereafter it was referred to as OK Garage. Mr Klostershulte died in 1943 and the business became a trust. Mr Allan Duffus was the managing director from 1939 to 1972. Another prominent garage was Troye’s Garage. The company was registered in 1930, the shareholders being Mr Arthur

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28 Maart 2014

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Claude Wheatley

(Pharmacist, Farmer) 1914-1979

Seen here are the men who went on the fatal fishing expedition to Mazambique. They were Messrs Manie Schoeman, Danie Joubert, Harry crown, Len Drake en Fred Drake.

Harry Crown (Businessman) 1893-1964 Mr Harry Crown was one of several Jewish traders and he owned 22 trading shops throughout the district. He eventually became a prominent shopkeeper in Tzaneen as well. He was widely known as Masokis. Other traders were Messrs Hymie Gold, Rakusen, Jerry Jacobson, Fred Ingram and later Len Dekenah and Thys Marais.

The man who brought electricity to Tzaneen and the Letaba district. He also initiated the drive to have the main streets in Tzaneen tarred. Mr Claude Wheatley was a councillor for 25 years and was mayor for a record nine terms of office. His terms of office were 1943-44, 19501955, 1959-1961 and 1965-1966.

Mr Gerhard Jacobus Maritz, better known as Oom Billy Maritz, was the first attorney in the Letaba district. He was not only a brilliant attorney but also a compassionate and caring young man who was respected and loved by all. He was born in Pretoria on 25 December 1899, a direct descendent of the Voorstrekker leader Gerrit Maritz. His mother Sophie was an elder sister of General Christiaan Beyers. After he completed school at Pretoria Boys High, he enrolled in the Medical School of the University of Pretoria, but was stricken down with rheumatic fever which left him with a weak heart. He was therefore compelled to change his course, after trying veterinary science he decided to study law instead. He graduated as an attorney on 12 November 1924. On the advice of friends in legal circles, who knew that the village of Tzaneen in the Lowveld was being proclaimed as a town on 16 April 1924, he packed his bags and moved here in February 1925. He found accommodation in the home of Tannie Smalberger in Agatha Street. He started his practice in the one corner of Mr Heimie Gold’s Tzaneen Stores. He hired

Billy Maritz in front of his office in the little building he shared with the first Bank agency.

premises from the National Bank whose building was being used only as an agency. When the bank reopened its branch in Tzaneen, he moved into a little office that later became the doctor’s consulting rooms and the then Gerhardus Jacobus Tzaneen Pharmacy. (Billy) Maritz. In 1937 he moved to the opposite side of the street, the former site of Gerber’s Garage, next to John Smith’s Lowveld Butchery where he practiced for many years. He married Ms Mavis Cowie of Pretoria and set up home in a house opposite the Tzaneen Hotel, where the Tzaneng Mall now is. They then moved out of town to a little house near the tobacco factory on a site which is now part of Merensky High School’s premises. On 17 July 1929 Billy Maritz was appointed as deputy sheriff of the Letaba District, a post he held till his death in 1949. He had a heart attack at the age of 49 and died in his sleep.

Billy Maritz se destydse huis

Unicorn began its life as Tzaneen English Primary, an English-medium government school which opened its doors in 1971. Mr GJ Malan was the first appointed acting Headmaster, with 9 staff members and a pupil enrolment of 209. The first school committee was elected in 1971 with Mr. Robert Mosse as Chairman. On 24 March 1972 the new name of the school was announced - Unicorn Primary School and the motto, “Integrity” was officially adopted. The school was named after a mythical beast known as the Unicorn, which appears in the folklore of countries across the world, including our own Khoi and Khoi-san peoples. Ancient legends depict the Unicorn as a mythical beast devoid of evil and always ready to protect the meek and innocent, a fitting name for a school dedicated to developing the lives of young children. In the early nineties, the parent body of Unicorn voted to become a Model C school. This was followed by becoming a totally independent school on 1 January 1994. Many of the current parents as well as several staff members were pupils at Unicorn in the early days, thus perpetuating a sense of identity and family. In 2014, Unicorn has 355 pupils shepherded by 32 teaching and office staff; as well as 12 ground staff keeping the school terrain looking beautiful. Unicorn celebrates 20 years as a private school this year, above and beyond the 43 years it has been educating and nurturing young minds from throughout the Letaba area. 2014 is all set to be yet another fantastic year for the school who’s motto is ‘Integrity’, under the theme: ‘Gratitude is the right attitude.’

28 Maart 2014


Joubert nog steeds ‘n staatmaker in Tzaneen

Die voorganger en stigter van die firma Joubert en May, wyle mnr DJM (Danie) Joubert, het in 1929 hier kom praktiseer, nadat hy sy leerklerktermyn by wyle senator Tom Naude se firma in Pieterburg voltooi het. Die firma Joubert en May het vervolgens in 1935 tot stand gekom, toe mnr Frank Barry May hom by Joubert aangesluit het — nadat

hy as prokureur op 5 Maart 1935 toegelaat is. May is in 1942 dood, toe hy in die Tweede Wêreldoorlog oor die woestyn afgeskiet is. Daarna het mnr Eric Oescher in 1952 ‘n vennoot geword en daarna het mnr Frik van der Vyver, wat sy leerklerkskap by Sellick en McIntyre in Uitenhage voltooi het, en wyle Mnr Amie Theron in 1954 vennote geword.


(laywer) 1959

jaar tot en met sy dood in 1959 was hy alombekend as ‘n briljante kriminele en watersake prokureur. Saam met mnr Jack Duffus het hy tydens ‘n visvangekspedisie in Mosambiek verdrink. Sy bydrae tot Tzaneen se vooruitgang is erken toe die dorp se hoofstraat na hom Joubert vernoem is. Hy was Wyle Mnr Danie Jou- burgemeester van bert het in 1929 ‘n Tzaneen van 1936 praktyk in Tzaneen tot 1940 en weer van geopen en vir dertig 1949 tot 1950.


Tel: 015 307 2429 | Rietbok Street, Tzaneen


‘n Lugfoto van Tzaneen met die kruising van Danie Joubertstraat en Morganstraat net regs van die middel van die foto en Peacestraat wat na regs afloop.

Dit het gebeur nadat mnr Eric Oescher na Barkley-Oos verhuis het. Joubert het in 1959 tydens ‘n visvangekspedisie aan die Mosambiekse kus gesterf. In dieselfde ongeval is mnr Jack Duffus, broer van mnr Allan Duffus, ook dood. Die ander insittendes van die boot, dr Pat Albertyn en mnr Hennie Schoeman, he daarin geslaag om veiligheid te bereik en die ongeluk te oorleef. Mnr Hein Kruger, die latere LPR, LUK, presidentraadslid en kommissaris-generaal van Lebowa-tuisland, het daarna ‘n vennoot geword. Theron het die firma in 1971 verlaat, om sy eie praktyk te bedryf. Mnr Ras Brits, wat leerklerk by Borman, Snyman en Barnard in Potgietersrus was, het toe by die firma as ‘n vennoot aangesluit. Nadat Kruger aktief die politiek betree en later LUK geword het, het mnr Aldo Rech — wat sy regsopleiding aan Wits voltooi en sy leerklerkskap by Dreyer en Nieuwoudt in Johannesburg deurloop het — in 1986 by die firma aangesluit en ook ‘n vennoot geword. Sedert 1935 het die firma se naam onveranderd gebly as Joubert en May, ongeag wie die vennote was. Die praktyk is eers bedryf in Danie Joubertstraat maar in 1972, na die voltooing van die Rentmeestergebou, het die kantore daarheen verskuif. Die vennote is deesdae mnre Rech, Johan Jacobsz en Renée van Aswegen.

Danie Joubert



We manufacture and supply lintels, kerbs and other concrete products.


28 Maart 2014



28 Maart 2014


Die oudste apteek in die dorp vroegste tye in Tzaneen geopen. Die eerste eienaar van die Tzaneen Apteek was mnr André Ingram. Hy het van Johannesburg gekom en het in 1926 as apteker geregistreer. Hy open die apteek op 1 Januarie 1936. Die apteek is vandag nog op dieselfde plek. In 1939 het mnr Claude Wheatley die apteek gekoop. Wheatley het aansienlike uitbreiding aangebring. Hy het die bestaande apteekgeboutjie tot op die grond laat afbreek en die eerste dubbelverdiepinggebou in the Laeveld opgerig. Tzaneen Apteek het beslis nie toevallig deur die jare bly voortbestaan nie. Die sukses van hierdie apteek en die oorlewing dikwels moeilike ekonomiese Tzaneen Apteek is nog steeds op dieselfde deur perseel in Danie Joubertstraat. toestande landwyd, is toe te skryf aan die Geen dorp kan sonder mediese praktyke en goeie sakesin en ondernemingsgees van die apteke wees nie, dus het apteke ook van die verskillende eienaars deur die jare. Gedurende 1952 het mnr Ronnie van den

Die eerste apteek van mnr Andre Ingram in Yamornastraat in 1936.

Berg die apteek by Wheatley gekoop. Van den Berg lei in die tyd wat hy die apteek besit het, twee kwekelinge op, naamlik mnre John Warmenhoven en Jannie Kapp. Warmenhoven begin sy vakleerlingskap op 2 Januarie 1952 en op 1 Julie 1960 tree hy in vennootskap met Van den Berg. Op 1 Maart

1966 het hy al die aandele van Van den Berg oorgeneem en die alleeneienaar van die Tzaneen Apteek geword. Tzaneen Apteek is die oudste besigheid in Tzaneen wat nog op sy oorspronklike standplaas sake doen. Inderdaad ‘n merkwaardigheid.

State-of-the-art prison

The old prison cells

The new prison cells

The department of correctional services in Tzaneen started with a R280 million stateof-the-art new prison two years ago. The new facility will be able to accommodate 500 prisoners, compared to the 67 the old building can host. The new prison will have a laundry with automatic washing machines, and five classrooms where ambitious offenders can improve their know-

ledge and further their studies. There is also a workshop for those who will show an interest in woodwork, plumbing, brick-laying, welding, panel beating and upholstery. The skills training in the workshop wil empower inmates to be abel to find a job when theyr are released from prison. The security for the new facility is extremely tight with cameras almost everywhere.

The project created job opportunities to more than 400 local people, while a group of forty young people were placed with the contractor to gain practical construction skills as part of the National Youth Service. The new facility will also be based on smaller prisoner cells which can accommodate a maximum of eight inmates. It will also boast an electronic monitoring system. The regional coordinator of the department, Mr Moses Makhubela, said the old prison was meant as a temporary facility. It is a corrugated iron construction, which will be used for storage when the new facility is completed. The regional commissioner of the department of correctional services in Limpopo, Mpumalanga and North West, Mr Alfred Tsetsane, said the main aim of the new facility it to only accommodate offenders with a maximum sentence of up to ten years. He said the facility offers rehabilitation opportunities to offenders, by educating them through learning and developing their skills.

Dr Albert Patterson Adams (1881-1971)

For many years, Dr Albert Patterson Adams (1881-1971) was the only medical doctor in Tzaneen and the surrounding areas. He was a well-know and much loved district surgeon in the early thirties and forties.

‘n Hoogtepunt in die ontwikkeling van Tzaneen, wat die dorp ook nuwe status gegee het, was die bou van die Sybrand en Marietjie van Niekerk-brûe oor die Letaba-rivier/ Tzaneendam; in die volksmond bekend as die Tweelingbrug. Sybrand van Niekerk was toe die administrateur van die Transvaal. Die brug is in 1973 voltooi en ingewy. In die voorgrond is die spoorlyn en deel van die treinbrug.


28 Maart 2014


Diep spore deur die dorp getrap Een van Tzaneen se bekendste sakemanne en entrepreneurs, mnr Jan Ferreira, se nalatenskap leef vandag nog voort deur sy kinders, veral sy oudste dogter — me Liesl van Heyningen — wat tans in beheer is van die Ferreira Property Group. Hoewel die ander twee kinders, Carla en Ettiene, nog deel is van die trust, word die sakebelange deur Van Heyningen bestuur. Ferreira se geskiedenis in dié dorp begin toe hy en sy gesin in 1974 in Tzaneen gevestig het. Op 24 Mei 1976 het hy as verkoopsbestuurder by die destydse Northern Motors begin werk, teen ‘n basiese salaris van R500 per maand. Na agt maande het hy sy sakebelange sodanig opgebou dat hy Boulevard Drukkers op die been kon bring. Benewens sy lidmaatskap van die Afrikaanse Sakekamer se Tzaneen-tak is Ferreira ook in 1987 as die eerste Sakeman van die Jaar aangewys. Sy drukkery het gespesialiseer in die druk van troukaartjies, briefhoofde en ander algemene drukwerk. Nadat hy die drukkery in 1988 verkoop het, tree hy vir drie jaar uit die sakewêreld. Hy besluit egter om in 1990 die uitdaging te aanvaar en koop die Aïda-agentskap wat eiendomme in die

Letaba-distrik, Gravelotte, Magoebaskloof en Haenertsburg bemark het. In 1992 het Aïda na ‘n nuwe perseel — die Aïdahuis in Agathastraat, wat een van die oudste huise in Tzaneen was — getrek. Dit is later gerestoureer na ‘n meer moderne kantoor. In 2000 het Liezl by die besigheid aangesluit en sy het stadig maar seker die bestuur van die onderneming oorgeneem. Die besigheid was aanvanklik bekend as

die JB Ferreira Trust, maar Van Heyningen sê die naam is later na die Ferreira Property Group verander. Ferreira het in Augustus 2004 toestemming van die stadsraad verkry om die middedorp se aansig te verbeter. Die informele handelsgebied op die hoek van Sapekoe-rylaan en Peacestraat moes plek maak vir die uitbreiding van die Tzaneen Crossingwinkelsentrum. Verskeie ou geboue moes

plek maak vir die sowat R40m-projek. Daar is destyds berig dat die herontwikkeling goeie nuus is vir die inwoners van die dorp, want benewens die finansiële inspuiting, is die seeroog waar die taxi-staanplek was, ook uitgevee. Die hoekontwikkeling het aangesluit by die toe reeds bestaande Crossing-sentrum, om die dorp ‘n tweede maksi-winkelsentrum te gee. Een van die eerste ontwikkelings waarby wyle Jan Ferreira betrokke was, was die Gracia-gebou. Die ou stasie is destyds afgebreek en Ferreira het ‘n kommersiële gebou daar opgerig. Ferreira het op 29 November 2006 erge brandwonde opgedoen, nadat ‘n kragopwekker by sy huis se brandstoftenk ontplof het. Hy het op 31 Januarie 2007 aan sy wonde beswyk. Hy sal onthou word as ‘n onverskrokke man wat wyd gereis en veral ook in Afrika getoer het. Die Ferreira Property Group het onlangs die industriële eiendomsmark betree. Hulle is reeds geruimte tyd in die kommersiële en residensiële mark aktief bedrywig. Inligting: Liezl van Heyningen

Hier ontvang mnr Jan Ferreira Tzaneen se Sakeman van die Jaar-toekenning in 1987. Sy trotse vrou Elize staan hier by hom.

Die ou stasie is afgebreek en ‘n handelsentrum is daar opgerig.

Die eerste ontwikkeling waarby mnr Jan Ferreira betrokke was, was die Gracia-gebou.

Die destydse Boulevard Drukkery se kantore.

Hier is die personeel van FPG. Voor is mnr Louis Machimana, mee Salomé Mahayi, Maria Raburabu, mnr Jimmy Mkhari, mee Nkensani Malubane en Cathy Letsoalo. In die middel: mnr Class Mojela, mee Elize Theunissen, Liezl van Heyningen en Rosie de Souza. Agter is mnre Manie de Villiers en Cor van Heyningen. Afwesig: mnr Terrance Mokgamola, me Sinah Malatji en mnr Dawid Rapatsa.

Voor Die perseel op die hoek van Sapekoe-rylaan en Peacestraat was ‘n nes, voordat die Tzaneen Crossing-winkelsentrum daar gebou is. Daarna

Die Aïda-huis soos dit jare gelede gelyk het.

Die ou Aïda-huis is gestroop en die moderne gebou is in die plek opgerig.


28 Maart 2014


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