A Long Journey Close to Home
Lisa Henderson | Cancer Survivor
Specialized Cancer Care for Women Free Mammograms for Eligible Patients The Latest Surgical Robot
FALL | 2015
F E AT U R E D C O N T E N T FA L L | 2 0 1 5
Cancer Specialist | Ricky L. Owers
Partner Spotlight
3D Mammography Technology
LGMC Buys Largest Monoplace Hyperbaric Chamber Available Lafayette General Medical Center has purchased a new hyperbaric chamber
Dr. Hamilton | Health Benefits of Music
Latest Surgical Robot | da Vinci Xi
Cover Story | Lisa Henderson
Genetic Testing
Welcome New Physicians
Acadiana Helmets 4Life
Sudden Impact Program
Free Breast Screenings
LGH Events
for its Wound Care and Hyperbarics Department. Hyperbaric chambers deliver oxygen-rich atmospheric therapy to patients to speed-up wound healing. This new chamber, a Sechrist model 4100H/HR, is the largest single-person model available. It can accommodate patients who can’t lie flat because of heart failure, or those who are claustrophobic or can’t comfortably fit. Increased oxygen delivery helps wounds heal by speeding up growth of new blood vessels.
LGMC/UHC Physician Named “Master Pediatrician” The Louisiana Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics has recognized Richard Howes, M.D., FAAP, as a “Master Pediatrician.” This title honors outstanding educators and role models. Dr. Howes has served some 39 years
Health In General
is produced by the Lafayette General Health Community Relations Department LGH SVP BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT & STRATEGIC PLANNING
Allen Meadows
Daryl Cetnar
with LSU’s School of Medicine at University Hospital & Clinics, 201 Audubon Blvd. Ste.102 Lafayette, LA 70503 (337)289-8600 CONTRIBUTING EDITORS
Brian Bille Patrice Doucet Gus Fontenot Brent Pelloquin Leslie Primeaux
where he is President of the Medical Staff. For 30 years, he was Chairman of the Pediatric Department. His UHC ties go back to his college days in 1968 as a blood bank technician at Lafayette Charity Hospital.
#LafayetteStrong Lafayette General Medical Center was in the national media spotlight in the wake of the July 23 shooting at The Grand Theatre on Johnston Street. LGMC treated five of the shooting victims, all of which were released within three days of the tragedy. In response to the shooting, employees of Lafayette General Health raised funds through a T-shirt sale dedicated to a cause very meaningful to one of the fatal victim’s families. The T-shirt sale raised nearly $60,000 towards Lafayette Central Park at the Horse Farm. For the second fatality of the shooting, funds from LGH’s United Way campaign will be dedicated towards a Radiologic Technology scholarship at LSU-Eunice.
FALL 2015
Highly Specialized Cancer Care in Lafayette Ricky L. Owers, M.D. | Gynecologic Surgical Oncology Gynecologic Surgical Oncologist Ricky L. Owers, M.D., has joined Cancer Center of Acadiana (CCA) at Lafayette General offering an array of highly specialized services for women. He has tremendous knowledge and understanding about cancer in female patients. Dr. Owers brings some of the most advanced surgical techniques in use today, not available anywhere else in Southwest Louisiana. Among his many specialized services is a special interest in minimally invasive robotic surgery for benign complex gynecologic cases and cancers. He offers treatment of most endometrial, cervical, uterine and ovarian cancers. In cases of precancerous lesions of the vulva, vagina and cervix, Dr. Owers also has extensive experience with CO2 laser surgery.
A native of Lafayette, Dr. Owers comes
years at Christus Schumpert Health
Dr. Owers offers cancer treatment services not available anywhere else in Southwest Louisiana.
System’s Cancer Treatment Center in Shreveport. There, he served as Director of Gynecologic Oncology and the Primary Investigator of Gynecologic Research Studies. “I’m excited to be returning to my hometown of Lafayette with my family,” says Dr. Owers. “My working in Lafayette means women no longer have to leave this area to be treated for their cancers.”
The Foundation for Women’s Cancer
predicts that over 98,000 women will be diagnosed with a gynecologic cancer this year. Like all cancers, gynecologic cancer can be treated. “Getting these cancers diagnosed early and treated aggressively is critical to their chances for long-term survival,” says Dr. Owers.
Oncology at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. He gained further experience during a fellowship at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Montefiore Medical Center in Bronx, NY.
With 15 years of experience in
gynecologic oncology, Dr. Owers broadens the scope of services at Cancer Center of Acadiana as a comprehensive regional center.
Dr. Owers earned his Doctor of
Medicine degree from Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center in
For more information, or for an appointment, call (337) 289-8400.
Shreveport. He then completed residencies in Obstetrics & Gynecology at University of Tennessee Medical Center in Knoxville, TN, and Gynecologic
to CCA having worked for the past several
FALL 2015
The hospital is licensed for 99 acute care beds accommodating medical, surgical, obstetric, pediatric and critical care patients.
Sharing best practices has incentivized Lafayette General Health (LGH) to continue establishing relationships with surrounding hospitals. The latest hospital to sign a clinical affiliation with Lafayette General Health is Iberia Medical Center (IMC). This clinical affiliation is neither a purchase nor an acquisition. While each organization’s ownership and governance structure will remain the same, the affiliation will enhance the economies of scale for both organizations and allow for sharing of best practices. It provides a way of delivering care more efficiently and cost-effectively in Iberia Parish. This will lead to better patient outcomes and increased financial stability.
“Our goal is to focus on producing high-quality, coordinated
treatment for the residents of Iberia Parish,” says LGH President David L. Callecod, FACHE. “In doing this, we’ll keep as much care as possible at IMC, only transferring patients to an LGH facility if the scope of care requires.”
“We are excited about this clinical affiliation with Lafayette
General Health,” says IMC Chief Executive Officer Parker
FALL 2015
Templeton, FACHE. “This will strengthen Iberia Medical Center in continuing to care for the people in Iberia Parish and offering the services our residents need right here.”
IMC’s affiliation with LGH also enhances their relationship
with the Ochsner Health Network, a partnership of the region’s leading health systems and hospitals.
Lafayette General Health currently owns or manages
Lafayette General Medical Center, Lafayette General Surgical Hospital, University Hospital & Clinics, St. Martin Hospital, Acadia General Hospital and Abrom Kaplan Memorial Hospital, and has a collaboration agreement with Opelousas General Health System. LGH also has clinical affiliations with Franklin Foundation, Abbeville General, Savoy Medical Center and Bunkie General.
Like many of LGH’s facilities, IMC is a not-for-profit community
hospital. These partners share a similar mindset of reinvesting excess margins back into their hospitals through expanded technology, upgraded facilities and improved operations.
With the addition of Iberia Medical Center, LGH now has a
partner in all five parishes surrounding Lafayette. The goal is to continue to help these parishes retain their patients and further solidify their place within each respective community.
Taking Breast Cancer Out of Hiding Tomo Mammography | 3D Mammography Technology It had been almost 20 years since Vanessa Villien had any trace of breast cancer, being first diagnosed in 1995.
Then last April, the experience was
replayed in her mind when an annual mammogram at Lafayette General’s Breast Center picked up a very small suspicious spot.
What Vanessa did have on her side
this time was improved radiologic technology. The same 3D mammography mentioned among The Top 20 Cancer Hospitals by U.S. News and World Report is now available at Lafayette General’s Breast Center. The Selenia Dimensions mammography machine, by Holigic Corp., provides a 3D image, improving the odds of detecting cancer in its earliest stages. In Vanessa’s case, the
mammogram confirmed a 0.3mm tumor.
at Lafayette General. The registered
That tiny abnormality turned out to be
radiologic and ultrasound technologists
ductal carcinoma in situ – fortunately, not
at the Breast Center have over 35 years
yet stage 1.
of combined experience. In addition
to the skill and compassion of care,
That’s the advantage of 3D
mammography; it is able to detect small
patients enjoy the convenience of
breast cancers that may be hidden. Unlike
covered parking.
conventional digital mammography, the Selenia Dimensions 3D takes multiple
images of the entire breast, like the pages of a book. It allows our specialized breast
Greater detection of invasive breast cancers – 41% more than 2D alone
Greater accuracy in pinpointing size, shape and location of abnormalities
radiologists to see through these layers of tissue and examine areas of concern from all angles.
Clearer images of dense breast tissue
Drs. Alecia Rideau and Megan Daigle
have years of experience in interventional
Fewer unnecessary biopsies or additional tests
and diagnostic breast radiology and are able to provide skilled and timely interpretations of mammograms. They are part of the full service women’s health care offered by the Breast Center
For more information, or for an appointment, call (337) 289-8222. A physician’s order is required.
High-resolution technology detects 41% more invasive breast cancers at earlier stages than 2D mammography alone.
FALL 2015
Researchers have found that hearing
music enhances a baby’s language acquisition. It seems that infants hear people speaking like they hear music –
The Real Health Benefits of Music
Medical school applications require
machines, the babble of doctors and
an essay, and most pre-meds write about
nurses and therapists, the beeping of
“why I want to be a doctor.” All those
alarms. These noises are stressful to
missives begin to sound the same and can
babies who should otherwise be hearing
really bore the med school admissions
a mother’s voice and lullabies. Indeed,
committee. When I applied back in 1984,
researchers have found that playing
I wanted my essay to be different, so I wrote
music to premature infants soothes their
how being a violinist would make me a
vital signs and improves their eating and
better doctor.
sleeping patterns. The music also soothes
the stressed parents huddling around the
The gist of my essay was that learning
and playing an instrument requires hard
work and concentration akin to learning
medicine. Playing music can help the
health benefits. Science has shown that
practitoner cope with a career that often
music can help treat depression, reduce
involves despair, tragedy and death.
patient anxiety before surgery or in the
emergency room and even improve the
Music has health benefits for the patient
Beyond infancy, music has many other
as well. Music and our lives are already
body’s immunity. Music sometimes works
intertwined. We listen to music at work, in
better than medication to relieve anxiety
our cars, while we exercise and when we
or chronic pain.
go out. Movies, TV shows, plays and video
games all have musical accompaniments.
Just look at the faces of kids learning a
It’s no surprise that there are myriad
new instrument and you’ll see. When I
interactions between music and health.
was first learning the violin, I used to play
with my mouth wide open, partly from
The health benefit of music starts with
Learning music improves concentration.
babies, even premature ones. Infants in the
concentration, partly so my jaw would hold
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit are born to a
the instrument under my chin. I looked like
noisy place – the hiss and whir of
I was being constantly surprised.
they listen to patterns and tone rather than for meaning. Only later does the meaning of words and inflection get attached to the sound. And the more sounds, music or talk a baby hears, the faster their brain gets at interpreting the sound.
When kids get to school, music remains
an important aid to learning. The National Association for Music Education lists 20 benefits of having music education in school. Here are the ones important to me as an Emergency Room doctor:
Stress relief: Whether the stress is in me, or in the many patients I see with anxiety and depression, music soothes, and playing music soothes even more.
Playing music improves coordination: Learning an instrument teaches a kid to concentrate on coordinating his body as much as learning a sport. Better coordination and fewer accidents mean fewer broken bones and lacerations in the ER.
Playing in a band or orchestra leads to success in society: playing together requires teamwork, and band members learn to get along and belong while making music.
So, let’s keep music education strong
in schools. Learning music helps kids be smarter, healthier, happier, less stressed and more capable. That’s certainly as important as math, U.S. history and football.
Scott Hamilton, M.D. , is a board-certified pediatrician by the American Board of Pediatricians and medical advisor in Lafayette General Medical Center’s dedicated pediatric treatment area within the Emergency Department. Dr. Hamilton is a Pediatric Advanced Life Support course instructor. His blog is available at ParentsDontFret.net and through a link at LafayetteGeneral.com, where it is accessible to parents anytime, anywhere there is an Internet connection. ParentsDontFret.net
FALL 2015
LGMC Acquires Latest Surgical Robot da Vinci Xi | Robotic Surgical System
Lafayette General Medical Center (LGMC) is now operating
a da Vinci® Xi™ Surgical System. Designed to further advance the technology used in minimally invasive surgery, LGMC is the only hospital between Baton Rouge and Houston to have this technology. The da Vinci Xi System is an advanced version of the da Vinci ©2015 Intuitive Surgical, Inc.
robotic system the hospital has had for several years. The Xi System is used across a spectrum of minimally invasive surgical procedures and has been optimized for multi-quadrant surgeries in the areas of gynecology, urology and general surgery, among others.
LGMC is the only hospital between Baton Rouge and Houston to have this technology.
Compared to open surgery, da Vinci surgery typically results
in a shorter hospital stay, less blood loss, fewer complications, less medication, a faster recovery and minimal scarring. This
“For patients, this means less scarring, less pain and a quicker
technology also provides the surgeon unparalleled precision,
recovery,” he says.
better dexterity and control, increased ergonomic comfort and
more efficiency.
surgery is right for them. Only a doctor can determine if a
da Vinci surgery is appropriate for a patient’s medical situation.
As with all da Vinci Surgical Systems, the surgeon is 100% in
Patients should talk to their doctor to decide if a da Vinci
control of the robotic-assisted system, which translates his/her hand movements into smaller, more precise movements of tiny
instruments inside the patient’s body. The Xi System’s immersive
A redesigned arm for access from virtually any position
3D-HD vision system provides surgeons a highly magnified view, virtually extending their eyes and hands into the patient.
A simpler and more compact design with improved vision and clarity
Different attachments to provide flexibility for visualizing the surgical site
Smaller, thinner arms with newly designed joints for greater range of motion
The da Vinci Xi System is an expandable technology platform designed to accommodate and seamlessly integrate a range of current technologies, as well as future innovations, in areas such as imaging, advanced instruments and anatomical access. Physicians at LGMC trained on the new system are thrilled to be
Longer instrument shafts to give surgeons greater reach
a leader in this field and look forward to continue bringing Acadiana minimally invasive surgical options.
“The significant improvements to this new da Vinci system
will allow us to apply the benefits of minimally invasive surgery
For more information on minimally invasive surgical options at LGMC, visit LafayetteGeneral.com/daVinci.
to a broader range of procedures, and with better precision,” says General Surgeon Jason Breaux, M.D.
FALL 2015
A Long Journey Close to Home
Lisa Henderson was sitting in her
kitchen one day praying that she’d find a
“You need to come in; we need to talk.”
a journey that I never thought I’d be on.”
“I thought to myself, ‘This is not good.’”
job. “I remember saying, ‘Whatever you
Lisa was diagnosed as having chronic
found herself standing outside the front
have for me Lord, I accept. Just guide my
lymphocytic leukemia.
entrance of Cancer Center of Acadiana,
footsteps.’” Less than a month later, Lisa’s
journey began.
is a type of cancer in which the bone
marrow makes too many lymphocytes
“I was feeling fine, really, but I’d
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
noticed some swollen lymph nodes in my
staring at the words etched in glass. “You see the word Cancer on there and it’s locked in your mind. I didn’t want to go in, but there was no time to waste,” says
neck,” she remembers as she strokes her
“They took such great care of me from day one – and not just me, but everybody. Never once did I have a bad moment, ever.”
neck. “I didn’t think it was a big deal. But, they didn’t go away and, in fact, more of them popped up.” During that time, Lisa happened to be taking her daughter to the doctor so, while there, she brought up her concern of the lymph nodes.
Lisa. To help new patients like Lisa, the CCA patient navigator meets with them when they first arrive. She provides crisis counseling for patients and their families and referrals to needed services, from emotional to financial support.
Lisa had chemotherapy twice a month
for five months. “Sometimes, I was so
The doctor thought that it might have been due to a recent cut on the scalp
(a type of white blood cell). The cancer
weak that I was in bed three or five days
and told Lisa to keep a watchful eye on
cells then go into the blood. CLL is one
in a row. You feel like ten 18-wheelers
it. Several days later, Lisa noticed that the
of the most common types of leukemia in
just ran you over! All the nurses and staff
nodules had multiplied, and the physician
adults 50 years and older. The leukemia
were so incredible – so compassionate
then recommended blood tests, which
cells often build up slowly over time, and
and loving.” She fondly recalls some of
revealed a high white blood cell count.
many people don’t have any symptoms
the staff who became her friends: Bertha,
for at least a few years.
Matilda, Jamie, Tanya, Kevin, Katie, Gabby,
Julie – and, of course, Dr. Panelli.
She was referred to Cancer Center
of Acadiana (CCA) at Lafayette General, where oncologist Dr. Victoria Panelli ordered more testing. A few days later, Lisa received a call from Dr. Panelli saying
Just four days after her diagnosis, Lisa
FALL 2015
“When Dr. Panelli told me I had cancer,
I was just blown away,” amazes Lisa. “Then, she said that we’d have to start treatment right away! It just threw me on
“I just never had that experience before; they took care of my every need.”
There were cherished friendships with
other Cancer Center patients, as well.
so patients can be treated closer to home.
“Once I got in there and met everybody
In addition to Lafayette, Cancer Center of
and did the treatment for the first time, my
Acadiana provides treatments in Abbeville,
outlook changed. Other patients had the
Crowley, Mamou and, now, New Iberia.
same feelings inside as I did, and it would
come out in hugs, tears and talking. We
from her chronic leukemia. Still today,
It’s been two years that Lisa is free
talked a lot during treatments; a few of
when she talks about her experience,
us had lunch together and we stayed in
the impression that was left isn’t the
touch with one another,” she says with a
fright of cancer. It’s the people who
smile. “I didn’t think as much about the
took care of her. “I feel like the nurses
cancer as I did about who I was going to
and doctors really do care beyond the
see the next time I went there. Tuesdays
treatment. They put their lives, their
were blood-work day but, instead, I called
(337) 289-8400
Michael Cain, M.D.
Rebecca Davis, M.D.
Deborah M. Johnson, M.D.
Salman Malad, M.D.
Ricky Owers, M.D.
Victoria E. Panelli, M.D.
‘everything’ into this work.”
Times and technology have changed now. I was able to come home to my bed, be with my family – and my little dog. that day ‘Bertha Day’ because Bertha had
a knack for taking blood samples from my
CCA’s care. In June, Lafayette General
collapsing veins, making it less painful.”
Medical Center won a Women’s Choice
Award for being One of America’s Best
While there was no history of leukemia
in Lisa’s family, her father did have
Lisa is not alone in her assessment of
Hospitals for Cancer Care. Only 331
melanoma, a skin cancer, years ago. In
hospitals in the country earned the 2015
fact, with her reddish hair and fair skin,
Women’s Choice Award by meeting
she thought her odds were greater of
the highest cancer care accreditation
having that type of cancer. She compares
standards of the American College of
her dad’s treatment experience to hers. “Dad went to MD Anderson back in the seventies. Can you imagine having to go through treatments, feeling awful
John M. Rainey, M.D. Kristen Sager, M.D.
Surgeons Commission on Cancer.
“I never asked, ‘Why me?’” assures Lisa.
“It was a different journey than I expected, but I was confident in the Lord and where
and traveling out of state? Times and
he had put me. He surrounded me with
technology have changed now. I was
good people.”
Molly Thomas, M.D. Breast Center
able to come home to my bed, be with my family – and my little dog.”
That’s the premise behind CCA
networking with local hospitals. The objective is to bring the same cancer treatments used in world-renowned hospitals to other outlying communities,
To learn about clinical trials available through Lafayette General, call (337) 289-8658 or go to LafayetteGeneral.com/ClinicalTrials
Megan Daigle, M.D.
Alecia Rideau, M.D.
Interventional Radiologist
Diagnostic Radiologist
F A L L 2 0 1 5 | H E A LT H I N G E N E R A L
Testing for Hereditary Cancers with professional input,” explains Craig
Donohue will schedule the first of two
results from home genetic-testing kits.
Ortego, Vice President of Cancer Services
counseling sessions. Testing at CCA
You can learn about paternity, ancestry and
for Lafayette General Medical Center.
automatically includes both sessions.
Several online services tout novel
genetic diseases. But, when it comes to
“Counseling gives patients a scientific
During the first session, Donohue explains
cancer, a serious service at Cancer Center
answer to their potential risks, and what
the test, what it identifies, how it occurs and
of Acadiana (CCA) at Lafayette General can
they can do about it.”
what happens with results. The session
help ensure you get the proper test, and
typically lasts an hour.
understand its results.
for testing. First, does the candidate have
or had cancer? Second, is there a family
and some Medicaid plans, cover testing
counseling for cancer. Rebecca Donohue,
history of cancer? Other factors consider
because it saves money in the long run.
Ph.D., got started with genetic testing in
the type of cancer and the patient’s age
Donohue says her service is particularly
2002. Back then, as a Nurse Practitioner,
when it was diagnosed.
helpful to physicians unfamiliar with
genetic predisposition to cancer was a new
insurance requirements or at managing the
concept. So, Donohue re-enrolled in school
at CCA, through either a doctor’s referral
health of those with inherited cancer risks.
to become an Advanced Practice Nurse
or self-referral, the first step will be to
To test, a blood or saliva sample is taken.
in Genetics. Since 2010, CCA has utilized
assemble a family history. Donohue offers a
Results take anywhere from four weeks to
Donohue’s expertise to test and counsel
worksheet to build a family “health” tree. It
six months, depending on the type of test.
patients on cancer risks. Donohue’s
aims for at least three generations, but that
services now extend to University Hospital
is sometimes difficult. The questionnaire
counseling session discusses findings.
& Clinics and CCA at Abbeville General.
seeks any history of cancer, what age
Results can be positive, negative or
Genetic science is still relatively young,
it occurred, etc. This helps Donohue
something called an “uncertain significance
and evolving quickly. “Today, the problem
determine what type of test, if any, is best.
result.” Any result can be difficult for some
is people get tested but don’t follow up
Upon evaluation, and if a test is decided,
patients, says Donohue.
CCA offers genetic testing and
Several criteria determine eligibility
In making an appointment for testing
Most insurances, including Medicare
Once results are in, the second
“That’s what counseling is for – to
evaluate a patient’s emotional needs and what they want to get out of this,” says Donohue. “Even with negative results, sometimes it’s about comforting them and explaining there is no increased risk.” If results are positive, Donohue formulates a plan to proceed. She shares her recommendations with the patient’s physician, or anyone the patient prefers. Recommendations might include more Rebecca Donohue, Ph.D., is an Advanced Practice Nurse who provides genetic testing and counseling for cancer at Cancer Center of Acadiana.
1 0 H E A LT H I N G E N E R A L
FALL 2015
frequent screening, preventive medication, lifestyle modifications or even a preventive
surgery. “The biggest benefit of testing is
doesn’t have the mutation, the children
Cancer Center,” says Ortego. “We are a
preventing cancer,” stresses Donohue.
won’t inherit it,” explains Donohue. “Telling
comprehensive shop for cancer services.”
Another result of testing might be to test
people that is the best part of my job,” she
additional family members. “If a parent has
says, smiling.
importance of testing and prevention.
a mutation, there’s a 50 percent chance a
Simply knowing your risks can offer peace
sibling or child will have it,” says Donohue.
offers the same treatments and services
of mind.
found at world-renowned cancer centers.
Sometimes, cancer survivors simply want to know their child’s risk. “If a parent
If cancer is ultimately detected, CCA
“That’s one of the brilliant things about our
The dread of cancer emphasizes the
For more information or to set up an appointment, call (337) 289-8400.
Robert Autin, M.D.
Tyler Perrin-Bellelo, M.D.
General/Bariatric/Minimally Invasive Surgery
Internal Medicine, LGMD Joined Lafayette General Internal Medicine Physicians (337) 289-8974
Lafayette General’s Medical Office Bldg. at 1000 W. Pinhook Rd. (337) 233-9900
Ryan Chastant, M.D.
Ryan Chauffe, DO
Megan Daigle, M.D.
Otolaryngology/Facial Plastic Surgery, LGMD
Interventional Cardiology
Interventional Breast Radiology, LGMD
Officed at Acadiana Ear, Nose/Throat & Facial Plastic Surgery Center (337) 233-9850
Joined Cardiovascular Institute of the South at Lafayette General (337) 289-8429
Breast Center, Cancer Center of Acadiana at Lafayette General (337) 289-8222
Bennett Boustany Fontenot, M.D.
James Hlavacek, M.D.
Michael Horaist, M.D.
Orthopedic Surgery, LGMD
General/Colorectal Surgery
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, LGMD
Joined Acadiana Orthopedic Center at Lafayette General (337) 233-5300
Lafayette General’s Medical Office Bldg. at 1000 W. Pinhook Rd. (337) 233-9900
Jacob Karr, M.D.
Joseph Lupo, M.D.
Ronald Menard, M.D.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, LGMD
Family Medicine
In practice with Dr. Joseph Lupo (337) 504-3640
Joined Lafayette General Endoscopy Center (337) 232-6697
Urgent Care Center, River Ranch (337) 769-0069
In practice with Dr. Bennett Boustany Fontenot (337) 504-3640
Nichole Miller, M.D.
Ricky Owers, M.D.
Marc Saad, M.D.
Family Medicine
Gynecologic Surgical Oncology, LGMD
Interventional Cardiology/ Electrophysiology
Cancer Center of Acadiana at Lafayette General (337) 289-8400
Joined Cardiovascular Institute of the South at Lafayette General (337) 289-8429
Kristen Sager, M.D.
Leslie Sizemore, M.D.
John Williams, M.D.
Medical Oncology/ Hematology, LGMD
Family Medicine, LGMD
Pulmonology/Critical Care
At Urgent Care Centers until her Johnston St. office opens later this year (337) 769-0069
Joined the Intensivist group at Lafayette General (337) 234-3204
Urgent Care Center, River Ranch (337) 769-0069
Cancer Center of Acadiana at Savoy Medical Center in Mamou, LA (337) 468-3099
FALL 2015
H E A LT H I N G E N E R A L 1 1
Wearing a Helmet is Using Your Head
After her child suffered a severe traumatic brain injury (TBI)
“We want to make wearing a helmet the cool thing to do.” Mandy Turner
“We want to teach other families about what we went through,
in an accident, Mandy Turner decided to turn a negative
and how they can avoid TBI,” says Turner. In addition to raising
into a positive. She and her daughter co-founded Acadiana
awareness, Turner also became part of a support system for
Helmets 4Life to help raise awareness about brain injuries and
parents undergoing similar experiences to hers.
the wisdom of wearing a helmet during certain activities. “We
thought, ‘How can we turn this around? We can’t live our life
stickers. She also speaks to civic and church organizations. She
She takes her message to events, handing out flyers and
with regret,’” says Turner.
has even gotten permission from the Lafayette Parish School
System to begin talking to students.
Turner and her daughter gathered and compiled extensive
information about brain injuries – how often they occur, who is
“Helmet safety is not just with bikes,” Turner cautions. “ATV’s,
most at risk and long-term consequences. Now, they want to get
go carts, skateboards, scooters… children should learn at a
this information out to as many people as they can in the hopes
young age because they don’t know. We didn’t know,” she says.
of reducing the frequency of brain injuries, and to assist those
Eventually, Turner hopes her non-profit organization can raise
who are dealing with them.
enough funds through raffles and T-shirt sales to buy a billboard
advertisement for people to see and be reminded. “We want to
Based on statistics, there’s obviously a role that awareness
can play in saving lives and preventing serious injury. According
make wearing a helmet the cool thing to do,” says Turner.
to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the rate of Emergency Room visits for sports and recreation-related TBI rose 57% among children 19 or younger from 2001 to 2009. TBI is a diagnosis in some 2.2 million ER visits per year.
1 2 H E A LT H I N G E N E R A L
FALL 2015
To learn more about Acadiana Helmets 4Life, visit AcadianaHelmets4Life.com, or call Mandy at (337) 296-3436.
L A F AY E T T E G E N E R A L M E D I C A L C E N T E R U S E S :
Per Year
LGMC Educates Teens on Safe Driving
accident victims are often treated, such as the trauma area of the ER and the Intensive Care Unit.
“This is about teaching them
consequences,” says John Armand, RN, Injury Prevention Coordinator for Lafayette General. “We have to show them these real dangers, rather than just talk at them, for them to really get it,” he says.
Sudden Impact illustrates the
ramifications of impaired driving from
Several teenaged children of employees at Lafayette General Medical Center (LGMC) were treated to a lesson in safe driving July 21. Sudden Impact, a program launched by Louisiana State Police to educate beginning drivers, was hosted by LGMC as a gesture of community outreach.
The program aims to prevent injuries
a medical, law enforcement and victim
and fatalities from impaired and/or
perspective. The full program involves
unrestrained drivers.
three phases of education from 10th
to 12th grade. The first phase is about
The teens heard presentations from
law enforcement, car crash survivors and
teaching, the second a mock crash and
medical workers. State Police provided
the third a mock trial.
the teens with “drunk goggles” to
simulate the blurred vision of alcohol
at LGMC, Armand plans to involve area
intoxication. They were then given field
schools in the second and third phases.
Although the teaching phase occurs
sobriety tests to realize the hazards of impaired driving.
The students also visited different
areas of the hospital to see where
To learn more about traumatic injury prevention, call John Armand at (337) 289-7482.
EXPERT CARE ER designed to see you more QUICKLY
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FALL 2015
H E A LT H I N G E N E R A L 1 3
SMH Offering Free Screenings to Eligible Patients Photo Credit : Danny Izzo, Noveau Photo
Members of Lafayette General Health, St. Martin Hospital and Susan G. Komen are shown in this photo with a check representing the $74,988 grant to fund the free mammogram screening program offered at St. Martin Hospital.
St. Martin Hospital (SMH) is offering
cancer cases earlier, with the hopes of
Women between 40 and 64 years old, or women between 21-39 with a first-degree family history of breast cancer
Income at or less than 200% of the 2015 national poverty level (see graph below)
Does NOT have Medicare Part B and/or Medicaid
the Louisiana Breast & Cervical Health
free breast screening mammograms for
improving survivability. “By increasing
Program (LBCHP) at University Hospital
women through a grant funded by Susan
the number of mammograms, we expect
& Clinics (UHC) in Lafayette.
G. Komen. The grant, presented in June,
to increase the number of breast cancer
worth $74,988, provides the means to
diagnoses at an earlier stage,” says Bryan
patients with making or rescheduling
conduct free screening mammograms for
Laperouse, FACHE, Interim CEO at SMH.
appointments and overcoming any
uninsured and underinsured women, as
obstacles that may prevent them
well as deliver education and navigation
factors, including age, financial status
from accessing treatment. The Patient
and insurance coverage. A doctor’s order
Navigator can also assist patients
St. Martin Hospital has made it a
Patient eligibility depends on various
UHC staffs a Patient Navigator to assist
is required. If a candidate does not have
applying for Medicaid “Fast Track to
priority to actively fight breast cancer by
a physician, help is available.
Coverage” enrollment.
trying to provide at least 300 free
mammograms. The goal is to diagnose
and treatment could be provided under
If an abnormality is found, diagnosis
According to the LBCHP, Louisiana’s
breast cancer death rate exceeds the national average. This is, in part, due to late or incurable stage diagnosis
Maximum Household Income
of the disease. The LBCHP reports that
much of Acadiana is included among the state’s highest incidences of breast cancer.
$1,961.67 $2,655.00 $23,450 $31,860
$3,348.33 $40,180
Monthly Income
1 4 H E A LT H I N G E N E R A L
$4,041.67 $48,500
Annual Income
FALL 2015
$4,735.00 $56,820
$5,428.33 $65,140
For more information, or to make an appointment for a free screening mammogram, call (337) 507-1209. Mention “Susan G. Komen grant.”
Leaders of LGH and LGMC were invited to the Governor’s Mansion in June to accept Louisiana Quality Foundation’s (LQF) highest award, the Louisiana Performance Excellence Award (LPEA). The LQF recognizes performance excellence leadership in both profit and non-profit Louisiana organizations. Winning the LPEA was a step in applying for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. The Baldrige Award helps organizations achieve best-in-class levels of performance by identifying role model organizations and sharing best practices.
Industry publication Computerworld named Lafayette General Health (LGH) to its 2015 list of “Best Places to Work in Information Technology.” LGH ranked No. 2 nationally amongst all mid-size organizations, No. 1 overall in the entire South Atlantic Region and No. 1 amongst all healthcare organizations nationwide. Pictured (l-r) are Edwina Mallery, LGH AVP of Information Systems; John Kleya, Director of Applications; and Mike Dozier, LGH VP Chief Information Officer.
Lafayette General Foundation’s first Golf Tournament, held June 8 at Oakbourne Country Club, was successful in raising $47,500 to fund various initiatives for the Foundation. Pictured (l-r) are golf team members: Ben Dupont, Chris St Germaine, Jason West and John Mendell.
Over 80 Registered Nurses attended LGH’s Red Carpet RN recruiting event July 23. The event presented opportunities for RN’s to network with nursing leaders from Lafayette General Medical Center, University Hospital & Clinics, St. Martin Hospital and Acadia General Hospital.
University Hospital & Clinics (UHC) welcomed new LSU residents to Lafayette General Health on July 1. Residents training in Family Medicine, Internal Medicine and Geriatrics were given their official white lab coats during the ceremony. Residents train at UHC and at Lafayette General Medical Center.
FALL 2015
H E A LT H I N G E N E R A L 1 5
Lafayette General Health and Cardiovascular Institute of the South are proud to sponsor the American Heart Association Heart Walk on November 7 to help raise awareness for heart disease and prevention.
Smoking Family History of
Heart Disease
Chest Pain or Uncomfortable Pressure
(lasting more than a few minutes and/or stopping and starting)
Pain in the Upper Back, Shoulders, Arms, Neck or Jaw
High Cholesterol
Throat Discomfort
Indigestion or Heartburn
High Blood Pressure
Cold Sweat/Dizziness
Nausea and Vomiting
Shortness of Breath
Extreme Fatigue
A lack of symptoms does not mean an absence of problems, which is why checking with a cardiologist is so important.
To make an appointment with a cardiologist
Call (337) 289-8429.