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for Irchillclure and U,ban O!Sign 3454 West Firs! SCreet Los Angeles CA 90004 (21313896730
FORUM EVENTS The Suggestive Spaces series continues investigation of the cosmic underpinnings otlos Angeles in three events to be held !his spring. Events are free for members, $1.50 for non-memb&f"S. CaD 213-389-6730 lor information and reservations.
• L.A. Water and Power
Tour of Owens Valley AquedUd Fi~ration Plant and Castaic Hydroelectric Power Plant Saturday, March 26, 9 a.m. Car pools will leave from SCI·ARC and a location in Hoitywood !.b.a Lunch available for a nominal sum. Reserva-
tions required. • Discussion of the Los Angeles Landscape w~h Pamela Burton. landscape arch~ect with Burton and Sp~z April 23, , p.m., Cal Trans Maintenance Yard, Sepulveda Blvd. althe intersection of the Santa Monica and the San Diego Freeways. • Tour 01Union Oil Refinery, Wilmington
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