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July and Augu~1. Beilski, and Elizabe!h Lee,
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Forum .:.........------. Newsletter
t OFFICERS: Christian Hubert, Plesidfll/ Aaron Belsky,
Vic. Plesid/tm
Ann Zollinger, S(J(,lelllyITreasu",
NEWSlmER EDITOR: , Natalie Shivers
Shelly A Berger Aaron Belsky
Benjamin Caffey
Christian Hubert
John Kaliski
Just a few signs of Spring in an air
An amusing sport in West Hollywood is
perpetually smelling of blueprints: after the
retreat of Zev, we can now look to another
up-the-ante on the cloying s'hadows there by..
boy wonder/Rabbi manque to stir things
asking them if they know Joseph. Either they
at Maxfield's. Simply
up. Daniel Liebeskind, sage of surefooted-
do - in which case they transmogrify into
multitextual-quotational- and mechanized
one's best friend this side of Sloane St. - or
metaphysics of phoeniK-like architecture
else they'll be far too embarrassed to admit
will be accepting a chair aN.JClA The real
the galle. In any event, you will have made a
machines, though, win be construbted by
deep impression, since this Melrose boutique
techno-dudes Holt.Hi[lshaw Piau Jones,
to conspicuous minimalism is a kind of
who will be designing that august university's..
overcooked appropriation of the Basque-
co-generation plant. The Duke of Westwood
Moroccan's 'sly menagerie in London.
and the Dean of lies are succeeding in their campaigns. While the fortresses of
Michael Piltas Natalie .,Shivers
Joseph (n.e Eltedgui) has not only promoted
downtown rise ever higher every day,
Hammnett, Miyake, Naia et at, but has also
Frank Gehry is planting a copper snake in
furthered the image of Eileen Grey, Ron Arad
the Postmodern grass of the Neo-Spanish
and Gae Aulenti by jux!aposing their pieces
Doug Sui~man
Neo-steps Lawrence Halprin is suggesting
Ann Zollinger
for Library Square. Look lor new restaurants
Foster, Chipperfield and most auspiciou~ly
by Michele Saee in Marina del Rey and
Eva Jiricna to
with his expensive rags aQd commissioning desig~
his stores.
Josh Schweitzer on La Brea, and for Frank
Tony 8ill
3454 West First Street lO"$ Angeles. Calilornia
Julia Bloomfield Pamela Burton Peter de Brelleville
Israel's Walker Art Center carts to be pulled
Now Joseph apparently needs "an
up at the Pacific Design Center to display
exceptional piece of furniture upholstered in .
their gridded wonder boXes 01 projects.
exquisite... hide." The winner is to be manufactured and the two runners-up
In thJ meantime, the fab led riches of
Fred Fisher
Postmcdernism will be denied to the citizens
exhibited in Joseph's latest emporium. Either
Kurt Forster
of West Hollywood who, accustomed to
a drawing or model will sullies . â&#x20AC;˘ The jury
(213) 389 â&#x20AC;˘ 6730
dearth and death , have decided to take civic
indudes Joseph, Jiricna, Min Hogg of "World
architecture back into th, closet.
of Interiors" and Deyan Sudjic of "Blueprint".
Frank Gehry
Elyse Grinstein '
Applications are available from Ant~ny
Robert Harris
Thomas Hines Craig HodgeUs
Frank Israel
Richard Keating Barlon Myers Michael Rotondi Abby Sher Richard Weinstein
Aaron Betsky
' Hussey or Simon Adley. The Connolly Prize, Wandie Bank, London SW19 1OW Telephone (011-44-1 )543-466 1.
Submit your leather chair by June 1, join the famed and the lab in the mags. Good luckl
RaYmund Ryan
, The competition to design a staircase and
and children. The park. situated directly
north/south axiS." Each axiS is treated,as
entnes go one step further and employ the
work(s) of art altha end of Pica Blvd. in
in front of the new hotel and called
an Independent work of art, bUllhe inter·
site as a vital part of their designs. one
Santa MQnica has been narrowed down to
"Musclerama Park~. is meant as a celebra·
section is intended to conceptually knit the
metaphorically and the other phySICally.
lour finalists: Red Grooms, George Herms,
tion 01 the famed Muscle Beach.
site into ,the larger community. According to
Each scheme cannot be imagined anywhere
James Turrell, and the team of Newton and
The anist claims to be using his allu,.s ions
the artists' narrative, one element, the
else. They succeed in both their placement
Helen Harrison . The competition is being
to inspire both nostalgia and physical
"walkway", is a "rellection on a variety of
and the sile·specific references that
experiences generated by walking". Markers
generated the projecls although they could '
along the path desa-ibe brief narratives 01
not be more different.
conducted by the
Santa Monica Arts ..
Foundation (S.MARTS.) and ,is underwritten by the developer
the nflw
George Herms proposes a series of five
walking, including historical and political
Park Hyan Santa Monica Beach Hotel ,
discrete sculptures intended to provoke
themes. The s&a:lnd element is a stair a-nd
Soli! Interests Corp" as part of the
concern aboUithe environment. The
development agreement with the city.
sculptures, with provocative titles such as
, a ramp that wind through four representatiQns
The whole competition process begs the question of the common developerlCity
of Southern California's ecologies - desert,
liason in commissioning public art. It seems
forest, marine and lake.
jronic that the competition1lriel voices a
The four finalists' proposals were
"Hero's Fountain", "Pur~icalion Station",
unveiled March 30 and were on view at
and "Tower of Hope", ~ake use of found'
Santa Monica City Hall in April.
marine objects (bugys. gears, etc.).
Each of the entries is sophisticated and
Attention is also given to the existing storm
provocative in its own way, as is to be expect-
pends upon the erection of a large' building
ed from the cast of players. h is distUrbing,
of questIOnable aesthetic benefit to the city.
The lour designs were in answer to
drain as an environmental issue by lining It
concern about environmental protection, and yet the existence of the artwork de-
with buoys and monitoring its pollution
however, that the Jury lelt obliged to narrow
As often happens, a,compromise results
mental artworil. and artist designed beach
output. Each sculpture suggests ritualistic
the field down to the greatest hits of the art
from Ihese deals, and the public has to live
improvement.· The intent of the compali
and transcendent settings, while also
lion is to create a new means 01 public ac-
recalling ancient religious sites.
S.M.A.R.T.S: call for
specific envIron-
world today. In striving for extreme variation ' lor its own sake, it is possible Ihat some
with the result . Santa Monica will have its public art, and the winning scheme will be
cess to the beach and to visuall~ and -.
equa!1y valid projects were overlooked, or
overwhelm9d by the shadow of the building
conceptually terminate Pica Blvd. Aolsts
James Turrell's scheme is more abstract.
that the finalists were chosen for their aJli·
that made it possible.
were also asked to des·ign inexpensive,
Platonic forms dominate the site and are
ance to ~ current trend or mode of thought.
durable, and functional works of art, and
linked by a series of "succulent gardens".
Turrell's scheme, for example, is an advance
to address environmental issues dealing
These architel::tonic forms, termed
on his well-known work in Arizona, but his
with Santa Monica Bay. A budget of
"transformation spaces" by the
$650.000 will cover artist fees, design.
designed as spaces froni which 10
difference between the Santa Monica site
construction qnd installation. The winning
experience frames:! views of land. horizon,
and the desert. Herms' scheme also presents
• project is expected to be completed in lime for the hotel opening in May 1990.
The four entries differ greatly in attitude
~rtist, are
strategy does not seem to recognize the vast
and sky - what Turrell calls a "magical
mature examples of themes previously found
and perceptual experience." A reflective
in his work, but which again dismiss the
tide pool terminates the Pica Boulevard
potential of the site. His five sculptures,
wonderful in themselVes, negate the site by introspection and appear to be arranged as
and execution: Red Grooms' scheme is probably the most lighthearted of the
Artists Newton Harrison and Helen Mater
projects. featuring a "lheme~ park of
Harrison propose a "place of power"
monumentally·scaled muscle men. women,
formed by "the unique intersection of the
an afterthought. Conversely, both the Grooms' and Harrison
a proposal for an exhibition organized by Frauk9 Neumsyer and sponsored by the R.I.B.A. The exhibit is to open at USC and trav91 to the R.I. B.A. milXt spring. ' Californian styJe was a native Calilornlan. The range and vaflety of their backgrounds e'~e
Spanis.h heritage, Its taste for exotIC
as well as their interest in what happens
cOnclusion that everything is perpetually in
styles, the craftsman tradition with Japanese
right here right now, rather than what
flux more convinCing than In Los Angeles.
inlluence. and the local varieties of
happens elsewhere, helped to produce a
modernism. futurism and post-modernism)
diversity of forms, materials. and spatial
are not sequential, but co·existent, not ba~ed
relationships unique in all t he world.
on each other. but mixed up together and
continuously created.
Like Greene & Gre~ne, they tried to combine
Never or nowhere
Having grown up In Europe and been ed· ucated in the tradition
of European
architecture with all its burdens and obligations and its goal of Vitluvian perfection found in "'irmitas. ulilitas and venustas",
r ,
their skills in handicrafts and knowledge about Japanese architecture in distributing
Beyond Ihat. however, we must Iry 10 /
I knew that I could only ovarcome my
cuhure shock upon arriving in LA by
living spaces and combining inside and out.
llnderstand the condhions thaI have
Or, later, like Schindler and .Neutra, they
,generated this apparent but not actual
accepting the delu,itely dil1erenlthough
disorder: the varied landscape. with its
informed the creed of E!JTopean modernism
equal world of CalilornliJ architecture.
smooth, soft colors. the benign climate,
With their dWn comprehension of existing
the sun, Ihe dry desens, and the eanh·
conditions to generats' a variE!,ty of forms with
Driving around Los Angeles gives the
quakes. Disneyland. Hollywood, the
a wide range of materials.
impression of endless possibilities with n~
freeways and the melting !XIt of 180,ethnic
legible tradition. This, 01 cours~, is LA's
gorups in' LA County are other factors
panicular trad~ion: the lack 01 a perceptible
, The houses in this exhibition are examples of the extent and breadth of the transformations
\ affecting architecture produced in Southern
or evident order ~ the order 01 the city.
California. These local conditions
of California oonditions into arch~eclu r e.
The roots 01 the tradition don' run into the}
have inlluenced the. Southern California
Some 01 the q)Jalilles they represent include
depths of history. Instead, they are to be
style as much as any architects' perso(lal
a spatial inventiveness." an emphasis on or
lound on the horizontal surface of the pre·
juxtaposition of contradictions, idiosyncratic
sent, creating and recreating themselves
choices of materials and colors. play with
daily. The main aspects of Southern
None of the generation of architects woOl.·
icons, and contextual responses to the tocal
California's architecture (e.g. the region's
ing in this century to create a Southern
built and nalUrallandscape.
(Ms Neumeyer is an an:hiled in Berlin who spent several years in LA)
I .
' -UCLA has announced the gift of a $5 million
A symposium sponsored jointly by
York or Chicago. Over the past decade new
endowment from alumni Ralph and Goldy
scholarship, ranging in subject from World
Angeles. San Diego and San Francisco last
Lewis 10 create a new Center for Regional
City formation to the politics of growth control
Policy Studies. The Cenler, organized as a
and problems of homelessness. has focused
associations of
in architecture in Los
sat a precedent for the proposed
annual event which seeks to provide a
university-wide. multidisciplinary jesearch I
attention on Los Angeles. Scholars now
statewide lo~um for issues affecting women
community, will be based at the Graduate
reaJize that the city is a center of tremendous
in archifacture.
School of Archit e'cture and Planning, where
cultural transformations and thus a new kind
existing interdisciplinary and policy-related
of city necessitating-serious research. The
\ Discussion focused on the potential of, a
research activities Will provide a foundation
future statewide organization for these
for the new Center's projects.
Center will allow for such work to be done in , a thorough and public manner, and will)lelp
groups. Proposed roles lor such an
us to understand Los Angeles as a leading
association included: a professional support
The Center will promote and coordinate
network \0 increase access to existing
research and teaChing on regional Los
opportunities and create new ones; a ~mmunicalion network to disseminate
through seminars, research symposia, policy
informatIOn, thereby expanding awareness of
workshops. dem~>nstration projects and
relevant social and economic issues; a
organization to effect political
change related to women's, minority. and
metropolis of the 21st century.
Angeles issues. II will carry out its task
The exarfunation of public policy, planning
social issues; an institutional resource 10
and urban design at the regional level will
promote women's professional and public
target problems linked to this region's rapid
Christine Cinciripini
visibility, fostering better understanding. of
economic and population growth. Professors
their roles and contribuling to the building of
Paul Ong and Edward Soja of the Urban Planning Program. for instance. have
a fem inist practice.
proposed a symposium on urban poverty in a But the question remains â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘ can such an
Los Angeles where. more than in any ottler
organization strike a balance between its role
metropolitan/egion, poverty has escalated in
as a special interest group serving the needs
a climate 01 manufacturing expansion and
of its membership and the obligation to
employment growth.
become an effective participant in the public realm ~uniting
the efforts of professionals in
community service?
The Center will also support and provide a
forum for what has been termed the new
,. Christine Cinciripini
'school' of Los Angeles. Los Angeies has, until recently, been viewed as an exception to other American metropolises. This perception has r!Jsulted in its receiving far tess scholarly attention than more lypical' cities like New
Membership in the Forum is open to any interested' individual. The $35 annual fee entitles memberS'to free admission to Forum events, io receive the bi-monthly newsletter, and to purchase other F~rum publications at reduced rates, Members are encourag~d to partiCipate in planning Forum activities. Please check th'e appropriate category belgw if interested.
Lec t u r es '
E xhib-i t s
"The French Revolution:
Greene and Greene photographs
-. An American Perspective":
by Mar'vin Rand
a Videoconference co-sponsored by
Gallery of Architecture, 964 N. La Brea
F ISCrT. Telecom. and the Bibliotheque
Through April29
n a m e:
d'info rmation, Centre Geo rge Pompidou UCLA 'and Centre Georges Pompidou
address : "1789/ 1989 Paris/ Los Angeles· The City and Histo~cal Change~
May 10
"Recent Proje cts": Lecture by Charles Moore
UCLA, Gallery \ 220
Apri/26 - May 12
UCLA, Haines Hall 39
t e lephon e: Exhibit of Works by Wallqce Neff
May 11, 8pm
Huntington Ubrary
I am interested'in participating in the following activities:
"Curront Works of Andres Dua~y , and Elizabeth Plater·Zyberk":
May 6-
lecture by .Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk UCLA, Haines Hall 39
"The Architedure of Exile": StanleY,Tigermon _
May 18, 8pm
Gallery fo r ";rchitecture,
"Current Works": Henry N. Cobb
May 13 - June 24
UCLA, Perroff 1102
R9C9ption, May 12, 7-9pm
June " 8pm
"The Ends and the End of Revolution: France in 1789 olld 1968": Jean 8audrillord
964 N. La Brea
publications planning and developman r fundraising lec tures and discussions raading groups and r~earch social evants
For mOfe informoliOl1 contad: Ch r istian Hubert, (213) 389·6730 or Aa ron Belsky, (213) 938·6826
"Around the World with Cliff May: bporting the California Ranch House" _
UCLA, Gallery 122d GSAUP Libra~
May 17·June7
UCLA, Dickson Auditorium June1,8pm
"The Dada and
June 15 · August 27.
THE FORUM NEEDS TO KNOW Help us collect archibabble"construction news, designer events, and loose ends of architecture. _ Help write the Forum Newsletter. Call Aaron Betsky, N~wsletter Editor, at (213)S38·6826.