become characterized
by of our senses with a nearly tinuDUS stream 01 mediated jmag~ - eaSily lated and lIuidly recombined by ever more and. at the same time. more readily available technology. I
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how the schools all! re路 thinking design eduJ cation in the face of accelerated cullural production. changes by new technologies,. and altered societal relations between the design producing/ronstructing sector and the lay public.
The study of architecture. with its methodical h,listic approach 10 problem solving and its global and lory-laden consideration of design issues.. can ~"~,atL times. iI charming relit - a staid but dignified elder
The place 01 arthilecturaleducation in a rapidly modernizing world has long been controversial subiect - certainly since 196a when during the uprising in Paris. Ecole des Beaux Artes became a specific focus of student anger and finally II under widespread internal dissention. The extent to which architectural practice tains its distinctiveness and autonomy with regard to other design practices - or extent to which it should attempt to emulate their success - is part of a larger sian of the value of architecturaltradltions in relation to the importance of ''''\it'd",'~ as a relevant and meaningful voice in contemporary culture,
u... We spoke with the heads of seven local architecture and design programs to
I"""".itat"d I",mmooit. the irh"
~"P"lS" demonstrate a wide variety of concerns and reflect the differences in the and focus at each of the schools. The breadth of this discussion can be seen. by
I';',,",,;,. to rellect the broadening of our definitions of the parameters of design. education,and architecture.